CCNet News | April 2022 - Conservation Standards

Page created by Sidney Mejia
CCNet News | April 2022 - Conservation Standards
CCNet News | April 2022


Submit Your News and Stories!                 New, Evidenced-Based Resources for
                                              Addressing Corruption in Conservation
You can submit news and stories anytime       .
throughout the year, and we will include in   The Targeting Natural Resource
the next issue.                               Corruption (TNRC) project is building a
                                              knowledge hub to support conservation
      Share a story about conservation        practitioners in addressing corruption and
      coaching or the Conservation            the conditions that make corruption
      Standards.                              possible. The hub will include resources
      Share news, such as an                  related to analysis, design, monitoring,
      announcement, resource, or              evaluation, and learning as well as two
      upcoming training/event.                training courses: an introduction to
                                              corruption and anti-corruption (available in
                                              Spanish and French) and an introduction
Seeking a Pro Bono Strategic Planning         to the financial sector for conservationists
Consultant with Miradi Experience             looking to address money laundering and
                                              other crimes associated with wildlife
Dr. Greg Rasmussen, the Founder and           trafficking. All resources and trainings are
Executive Director of Painted Dog             free. The TNRC project is led by WWF
Research Trust, immediately seeks a pro
                                              and funded by USAID.
bono strategic consultant to work on site
at the Trust's headquarters outside of
                                              Access the TNRC Knowledge Hub here.
beautiful Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The
consultant will develop a five-year           Contact Linda Keuntje to learn more.
strategic plan using the Miradi platform
and train local staff on the Miradi
                                              LandScale Global Launch
platform. Room and board will be
provided, but we ask the volunteer to
                                              On April 5, 2022, the Rainforest Alliance,
cover their own airfare. Interested parties
                                              Verra, and Conservation International
should submit their CV and direct
                                              officially launched LandScale! LandScale
experience with Miradi to
                                              is a tool to help organizations convening,              implementing, or financing landscape
                                              initiatives to assess, validate, and report
                                              sustainability trends at landscape level. It
Job Opportunity: Support Monitoring &         comprises an online platform, which
Evaluation for Puget Sound Recovery
                                              guides teams through the process of
                                              conducting a holistic assessment and
The Puget Sound Partnership (a state
                                              publishing a comprehensive report, as
agency in Washington, USA, and a
                                              well as a validation and claims
member of the Conservation Measures              mechanism.
Partnership) leads the collective effort to
restore and protect the Puget Sound. The         You can watch a recording of the launch
Partnership is currently taking applications     event to see a sneak peek of the
for a new Monitoring Data Coordinator            LandScale assessment and results
and Analyst position that will play a critical   platform and hear from organizations
role in building out the region’s monitoring     already using LandScale, including Olam,
and evaluation framework in support of           South Pole, RECOFT, the Dutch Fund for
adaptive management. This position is            Climate & Development, and the Jalisco
located in the Puget Sound area (exact           State Government of Mexico.
location is flexible). Recruitment closes on
May 10. More information here.                   Contact Sophie Persey (Senior Manager,
                                                 LandScale) to learn more.

Job Opportunity: Program Officer with
The David and Lucile Packard

The Packard Foundation is seeking a
Program Officer to lead the Organizational
Effectiveness department's partnership
with the Conservation & Science
program, which works on climate, ocean,
land, and science goals across the US,
Asia, and Latin America. This position
will support grantmaking around
organizational effectiveness in the
conservation sector. Employees must be
California residents. The position will be
open until filled. Details available here.


Generic Theories of Change for                   Marine Mammals Management Toolkit
Conservation Enterprises
                                                 The Marine Mammal Twinning (a part of
A series of articles published in                the EU-funded Ocean Government
Conservation Science and Practice                project) has created a toolkit for including
features generic theories of change for          marine mammals into Marine Protected
key conservation strategies.                     Areas. The toolkit will help build the
Recently, Judy Boshoven (Foundations of          technical capacities of Marine Protected
Success), Megan Hill (USAID), and                Area managers by sharing knowledge,
Ashleigh Baker (Foundations of Success)          expertise and good practices. All of the
published a generic theory of change for         resources are available online and to
community-led businesses that contribute         download and have been designed to
to conservation outcomes. We hope these          constantly evolve in line with the latest
theories of change can help practitioners        advancements in the conservation of
learn about each strategy and enable the         marine mammals. The toolkit contains:
collection of standardized data across
specific implementations of each strategy.             23 factsheets that span across five
In turn, these data will inform more                   critical themes: Management
systematic assessments of the strategy,             Frameworks; Addressing Activities
thus contributing to evidence of the                and Threats; Research and
strategy's effectiveness.                           Monitoring; Outreach and
                                                    Engagement; and Management
Contact Judy Boshoven to learn more.                Effectiveness.
                                                    "Good Practices" designed to
                                                    present key examples of real-time
Article About Great Lakes Restoration               solutions implemented throughout
Initiative                                          Marine Protected Areas and the
                                                    marine environment.
A new open access article written by TNC            A self-assessment tool that enables
Michigan chapter and the Cooperative                Marine Protected Area managers to
Institute for Great Lakes Research                  monitor the extent to which marine
synthesizes the Great Lakes Restoration             mammals are included in their
Initiative according to the Conservation            management plans. The self-
Standards.                                          assessment tool is available as an
                                                    .xls file in English, French, and
Contact Matthew Jurjonas to learn more.             Spanish.

                                              Throughout 2022, we will develop and
Principles for Anti-corruption                host webinars about the toolkit and key
Programming in Conservation                   efforts protecting marine mammals.

The Targeting Natural Resource                We welcome collaboration on the toolkit,
Corruption (TNRC) project has developed       submission of good practices and case
a set of eight principles to assist           studies, or development of additional
conservation practitioners who are            factsheets. We are also seeking
considering undertaking an anti-corruption    collaboration with Marine Protected Area
project or adding an anti-corruption          managers to apply the self-assessment
component to their work. One key              tool. If interested in collaborating, please
message the principles stress: anti-          contact Francis Staub (Marine Mammal
corruption projects tend to be most           Twinning Coordinator).
successful when they respond
systemically and appropriately to specific
problems and the context; a solution that     Stakeholder Engagement for Wildlife
worked in one setting—such as                 Conservation
introducing technology or passing new
legislation—rarely works in other contexts    WildTeam UK created guidance for
even when the problem appears to be the       developing a strategy and engaging
same.                                         stakeholders for any type of wildlife
                                              conservation project. CCNet coaches and
The principles are based on lessons           others helped review the guidance.
learned while supporting six pilot projects
with WWF practitioners worldwide and          Contact Adam Barlow to learn more.
input from TNRC's technical advisors and
Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, and
Learning Specialist.                          Conservation Measures Partnership
                                              Collaborative Learning Initiatives Mini-
Contact Linda Keuntje to learn more.          Webinars

                                              The Conservation Measures Partnership
Framework and Guidance for Marine             has a series of initiatives which you can
Protected Area Network Design and             explore here. One of these initiatives,
Management                                    sponsored by the Moore Foundation and
                                              the Walton Family Foundation, focuses on
The Swedish Agency for Marine and             Collaborative Learning and hosts mini-
Water Management and Foundations of           webinars to share results. The following
Success (FOS) Europe have developed a         webinars took place this year (click links
framework and a step-by-step method for       below to watch recordings):
the design and management of marine
protected area networks. Based on the               Update on the Diversity, Equity,
Conservation Standards and rooted in                Inclusion and Justice Survey
adaptive management, the framework and              Lighter Conservation
method help determine what to protect,              Standards Option 1 and Option 2
how much to protect, and how to protect it.         The Science-Based Targets for
Several coaches were at the heart of the            Nature Case Study
development team, proving that when you             Adopting the Conservation
team up with coaches in a strategic way,            Standards – A Change
you can achieve something truly                     Management Strategy
significant.                                        Conservation Standards
                                                    Effectiveness Initiative Outcomes &
Visit the FOS website to watch the                  Next Steps
webinar recording, read the summary                 Population, Health, and
PDF, or download the full report in English         Environment Initiative Outcomes &
or Swedish.                                         Case Studies

The work will also be showcased in the        You can find all of the recordings from this
next Conservation Measures Partnership        year, and last year, on our YouTube
member call in March.                         Channel.

Contact Ilke Tilders for more information.
                                              Reminder: Conservation Standards
                                              PowerPoint Decks and 2021 CCNet
Pathways to Success – Live Webinar            Rally Resources Available!
                                              Fifteen new Conservation Standards
Pathways to Success: Taking                   PowerPoint decks are now available to
                                              use with your team. These decks contain
Conservation to Scale in Complex
                                              updated content, clearer text, high-
Systems* is a guide to practical analytical
                                              resolution photos, extensive presenter’s
frameworks and tools used by
                                              notes, and a feedback form. Access the
conservation program managers and
funders who want to increase the scope        decks here.
and effectiveness of their
work. Foundations of Success is hosting a     The CCNet Rally was held online in 2021,
series of live webinars with authors Nick     with the theme "Adapting to a Changed
                                              World." Watch recorded sessions here.
Salafsky and Richard Margoluis and guest
speakers from the conservation
community. In these webinars, you can
                                              Guidance Review Committee
learn more about the content and ask
                                              Once per month, the Conservation
Register for upcoming webinars here.          Measures Partnership/CCNet Guidance
Recordings of past webinars are available     Review Committee reviews and rates
                                              guidance materials related to the
                                              Conservation Standards. You can learn
      Webinar 1: Shared System Models         more about the Committee and the
      Webinar 2: Scaling Strategy             ranking system here. If you have materials
      Pathways                                that you would like the Committee to
      Webinar 3: Synthesizing Evidence        review, or if you would like to join the
      Webinar 4: Monitoring & Adapting –      Committee, please contact Marcia Brown.
      May 19 at 3pm Eastern USA Time
Webinar 5: Collaborative Learning –
      June 2022
      Webinar 6: Pathways for Funders –
      July 2022

*If you’d like to purchase a copy from
Island Press, use the code PATHWAYS
for a 20% discount.

   Training Opportunities

Upcoming Conservation Coach                      Strategy Development for Wildlife
Training in Europe in May!                       Conservation

CCNet Europe has organized an in-                This online workshop will cover how to
person training that targets conservation        assess the situation you want to change;
practioners who are experienced with the         how to plan the impact you want to
Conservation Standards and would like to         achieve; and how to plan the work you will
become coaches.                                  carry out to achieve that impact.

      When: May 1-6, 2022                              When: May 4-June 8 (4
      Where: Tour du Valat, France                     hours/week)
      Cost: Training fees and hotel                    Where: Virtual
      are generously covered by MAVA                   Cost: £195
      Hosted by: Tour du Valat and the                 Hosted by: WildTeam UK
      MAVA Foundation
      Trainers: Xavi Escuté (FOS                 Visit our website or contact Beth Robinson
      Europe), Catherine Payne (Durrell          for more information.
      Wildlife Conservation Trust), Marko
      Pecarevic (Independent), Peter
      Cranswick (Wildfowl & Wetlands             Project Management for Wildlife
      Trust)                                     Conservation

Visit the CCNet Europe website or                This online workshop covers how to define
contact Xavier Escuté or Daniela                 roles to clarify team structure and
Aschenbrenner for more information.              decision-making; how to use phases to
                                                 manage a project from start to finish; how
                                                 to set up control processes to keep the
Upcoming Conservation Coach                      project on track and adapt to changing
Training in Colorado in July!                    conditions; and how to set up
                                                 administrative processes to help conduct
CCNet North America, in coordination with        effective meetings and develop high-
CCNet Global, will be hosting a training for     quality documents.
colleagues who aspire to become
conservation coaches. The training will                When: May 9-June
take place in Colorado, USA, from July                 13 (3.5 hours/week)
10-15, 2022. We will share a more formal               Where: Virtual
announcement soon through the CCNet                    Cost: £195
listserv and directly with interested parties.         Hosted by: WildTeam UK
If you have practical experience applying
                                                 Visit our website or contact Beth Robinson
the Conservation Standards or one of its
adaptations and wish to be added to the          for more information.
invitee list, contact Terri Schulz.
Grant Writing for Wildlife Conservation
CCNet Rally 2022 in Canada in
October!                                           This online workshop covers how to select
                                                   the right grant; how to prepare a well-
Our in-person Rally is planned for October         written, well-presented, high-impact, and
17-21, 2022, in Victoria, Canada. Mark             evidence-based grant application; how to
your calendars, include the Rally in your          create log frames that match donor
budget, and stay tuned. We are looking             criteria; and how to process your grant
forward to seeing you there!                       application effectively.

The Rally is a great opportunity to learn                 When: July 13-August
new skills and learn from other coaches'                  17 (4 hours/week)
experiences. The Rally offers valuable                    Where: Virtual
learning and sharing related to the                       Cost: £195
practice of conservation and a chance to                  Hosted by: WildTeam UK
enrich connections with a diversity of
                                                   Visit our website or contact Beth Robinson
peers and celebrate each other and our
community. The format will be scaled back          for more information.
this year since we are considering an
attendance of around 100 people
maximum and we will offer be offering              Looking for Conservation
                                                   Standards Trainings?
concurrent sessions to choose
from. Program information and a
registration link will be available soon on        We periodically update information on
                                                   trainings on the Conservation Standards
the CCNet website. Contact Cristina
Lasch to learn more about the Rally.               website.

                                                   If you want to share an upcoming training
                                                   opportunity, please fill out this form.

                                         Learn more:

                                    Contact CCNet Global:
                           John Morrison (CCNet Global Coordinator)
                          Cristina Lasch (CCNet Technical Coordinator)

                  Explore Regional Networks & Communities of Practice here

                                 Join the CCNet listserv here.

                    Want to receive the CCNet newsletters? Subscribe here.
Have a story or news for our next newsletter? Submit here.

                            The CCNet newsletters are edited by Sara Delheimer

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