Causes, Consequences and Cures - 4th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Summit - Regent's University London

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Causes, Consequences and Cures - 4th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Summit - Regent's University London
4th Annual Desmond Tutu
          International Peace Summit

     Causes, Consequences and Cures

Thursday 11 April 2019
Regent’s University London
Inner Circle, Regent’s Park
London NW1 4NS
Causes, Consequences and Cures - 4th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Summit - Regent's University London
International Peace Summit

      Welcome to the 4th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Summit.

      This is a poignant year in the UK for the consideration of peace as a vital economic
      and social commodity. The summit continues its tradition of attracting eminent
      speakers and panel members, and engaging audiences as participants in the struggle
      to consider how trouble spots can become safe spaces.
      Our speakers this year include Michael Palin, Rabbi Baroness Neuberger DBE, Andrew Mitchell MP, Director General Dr Ahmad
      Al Dubayan of the Islamic Cultural Centre and London Central Mosque and South African High Commissioner to the UK,
      Nomatemba Tambo.

      Participants are drawn from wide-ranging backgrounds: politics, the media, NGOs, the voluntary sector, academics, students and
      others who are simply intrigued by this innovative opportunity for listening and engaging. The whole day is free, including lunch,
      refreshments and a drinks reception. The emphasis is on bringing together different voices, encouraging discussion and sharing
      approaches to building peace.

      The collaboration between Regent’s and the Tutu Foundation UK began six years ago when the exceptional barrister-turned-
      mediator, Paul Randolph, started to train mediators for the Tutu Foundation in South Africa and the UK. Sadly, Paul died in
      January this year. His huge contribution to the summits, his integrity, enthusiasm and sense of humour are sorely missed. Paul
      played a leading role in the summits, which have been highly effective in promoting the legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
      The theme of this summit and its strands during the day were conceived by Paul.

      We wish you an inspiring and special experience.

      Professor Simon Jarvis                                            Dr Judith Ackroyd
      Acting Vice Chancellor and CEO, Regent’s University London        Professor Emeritus, Regent’s University London

      Carole Stone CBE                                                  Yossi Mekelberg
      Honorary Senior Fellow, Regent’s University London                Professor of International Relations, Regent’s University London
Causes, Consequences and Cures - 4th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Summit - Regent's University London
Hate: Causes, Consequences and Cures

                        Regent’s University London and the Tutu Foundation UK

4th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Summit

Hate: Causes, Consequences and Cures
8:45 – 9:30     Registration and coffee                         13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

9.30 – 9.45     Introductions                                   14:00 – 14:50 Session 3: Hate and Resolutions – Africa
                ■■   Welcome from Acting Vice Chancellor                      Chair: Georgina Godwin
                     Professor Simon Jarvis and Dr Diana                      Panellists:
                     Walford, Regent’s University London                      ■■ Andrew Mitchell MP QC
                ■■   Welcome from Archbishop Desmond Tutu                     ■■ John Battersby

                     (by video)                                               ■■ Nomatemba Tambo

                Master of Ceremonies: Dr Elif Toker-Turnalar                  Q&A session: 14:50 – 15:00

9.45 – 10.05    Keynote 1: In Conversation with Michael         15:00 – 15:50 Session 4: Youth and Gang Gun and Knife
                Palin on North Korea and other travels                        Violence – Hate Crimes
                Speaker: Michael Palin                                        Chair: Dr Mireille Hebing
                Chair: Carole Stone CBE                                       Panellists:
                Q&A session: 10.05 – 10.15                                    ■■ Joseph Duncan
                                                                              ■■ Dr Victor Olisa

10.15 – 11.05   Session 1: Perspectives of Hate and                           ■■ Noel Williams

                Resolutions                                                   ■■ Natalia Morgan

                Chair: Professor Mark Allinson                                Q&A session: 15:50 – 16:00
                ■■ Dr Ahmad Al Dubayan                          16:00 – 16:30 Tea and coffee break
                ■■ Rabbi Baroness Neuberger DBE

                ■■ Sir John Jenkins                             16:30 – 16:40 Keynote 2: To remove violence from our
                                                                              streets, we must remove hatred from our
                Q&A session: 11.05 – 11:15                                    hearts
11.15 – 11.45   Tea and coffee break                                          Speaker: Shaun Bailey
                                                                              Chair: Professor Simon Jarvis
11.45 – 12.30   Session 2: Resolved and Unresolved                            Q&A session: 16:40 – 16:50
                Chair: Professor Rosemary Hollis                16:50 – 17:00 Closing remarks
                Panellists:                                                   Carole Stone and Edith Slee
                ■■ Peter Taylor OBE                             17:00 – 18:00 Reception
                ■■ Professor Tom Villis

                ■■ Dr Pippa Malmgren

                Q&A session: 12:30 – 12:40

                                          Regent’s University London WiFi
                                                    Username: visitor052
                                                   Password: welcome345

International Peace Summit

                             Dr Ahmad Al Dubayan
                             Dr Ahmad Al Dubayan is Director General          Dr Ahmad was awarded a PhD from Ruhr
                             of the Islamic Cultural Centre and London        University in Germany from the Department
                             Central Mosque. He was born in Onayazah,         of Philology & Indology in Arabic Philology,
                             Saudi Arabia, and gained his BA degree from      Islamic Studies and Linguistic Studies. Dr
                             the Arabic Language & Linguistics Faculty in     Ahmad Al Dubayan has made it possible for
                             the Imam Mohammed Bin Saud University.           all sections of the community to attend the
                             He was appointed as junior lecturer at the       London Central Mosque’s various welfare and
                             same university immediately on completion        educational programmes, including training
                             of his first degree. He completed his MA         of volunteers for the Islamic Cultural Centre’s
                             degree in linguistics from the same university   multi-dimensional activities. He has also
                             with special emphasis on study of the            introduced a system to make it easy for poor,
                             Abbasid translator Hunain Ibn Ishaq and his      destitute, ill and needy persons to receive
                             works and translation from Ancient Greek         financial help from the funds.
                             into Arabic and his terminology. In 1999

                             Professor Mark Allinson
                             Professor Mark Allinson is Head of Academic      department at Royal Holloway, London, before
                             & Educational Developments at Regent’s           taking up a professorship at the University
                             University London. His role is to promote and    of Leicester. He has published three books
                             support the development of both institutional    and many chapters and articles. His practice
                             strategy in learning and teaching, and the       and research now is focused on teaching and
                             professional development of academic staff.      educational and leadership development.
                             Originally a linguist, Mark set up the Spanish

                             Shaun Bailey
                             Born in North Kensington, Shaun Bailey           engagement experiences, he ventured into the
                             took to politics after witnessing the route      political arena to continue making a positive
                             to crime taken by many of his peers. He          difference. Shaun was elected to the London
                             became a youth worker for the Blenheim           Assembly in 2016, and sits on a number of
                             Project in Ladbroke Grove, and later co-         committees including the Transport Committee
                             founded My Generation, a charity addressing      and the Environment Committee. Prior to this
                             the social problems that affect struggling       he has stood for parliament in London twice
                             young people and their families, such as         and was appointed to be a special adviser to
                             anti-social behaviour, drug abuse, crime,        then prime minister David Cameron. Shaun
                             pregnancy, educational underachievement          was selected last September to be the
                             and unemployment. Over the last 20 years         Conservative Party’s candidate in London’s
                             Shaun has worked across a number of different    2020 mayoral election, and is hoping to
                             organisations to help improve people’s           become the first-ever black mayor of any major
                             lives. Following his community and charity       European city.

                             John Battersby
                             John Battersby is an author, journalist and      Africa abroad. He is chair of the board of
                             communications consultant. He was editor-        trustees of the Canon Collins Educational
                             in-chief of the Sunday Independent in            and Legal Assistance Trust and a trustee of
                             Johannesburg (1996-2001), the New York           Life is Wonderful, a charity honouring the
                             Times southern Africa correspondent 1987-89      lives and values of the Rivonia generation.
                             and the Christian Science Monitor southern       He is co-author of Nelson Mandela: A Life
                             Africa correspondent from 1989 to 1994. From     in Photographs, published by Sterling in the
                             1994-96 he served as the Monitor’s Middle        United States in 2010. And he wrote the
                             East correspondent, based in Jerusalem.          Afterword for the revised edition of Mandela:
                             John is former country manager of Brand          The Authorised Biography by Anthony
                             South Africa in the UK (2004-2015). As such      Sampson (Harper Collins, 2011).
                             he was entrusted with creating, maintaining
                             and enhancing the brand that is South

Hate: Causes, Consequences and Cures

Joseph Duncan
Joseph Duncan works with young people               change. Joseph co‑founded the Youth Futures
as a coach and facilitator on a daily basis         programme, which works with over 300 local
and is deeply passionate about the potential        young people in the boroughs of Southwark
of personal development and youth. He               and Lambeth. He has been directly involved
believes that this is a missing element in          and led on mediating with troubled families
schools and that organisations and projects         in conflict and making other interventions
outside the normal school curriculum which          with parents and the youth offending team.
work on self-esteem and accelerated learning        With the Tutu Foundation Joseph co‑created
techniques have a vital role to play. Combining     Conversations for Change, a community
his qualifications and experience of personal       cohesion and capacity-building programme
development processes, Joseph is able               for communities working with and for young
to design, manage and deliver inclusive,            people across the UK using the philosophy of
learner‑centric programs that encourage active      Ubuntu.
citizenship, self‑advocacy and sustainable

Georgina Godwin
Georgina Godwin is an independent broadcast         member of SWRadio Africa, Zimbabwe’s first
journalist. A regular chair of literary events      independent radio station (for which she was
worldwide, she’s the voice of the Arts Podcast      deemed ‘an enemy of the state’ and banned
for The British Council. She is also books editor   from the country of her birth), and of the Harare
for Monocle 24 and presenter of the in-depth        International Festival of the Arts. She serves
author interview show ‘Meet the Writers’. She is    on the board of the charity, Developing Artists
a frequent host of award-winning current affairs    and is a fellow of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez
programme The Globalist and a commentator           Foundation. She tweets at @georginagodwin
on Southern African politics. She was a founder

Dr Mireille Hebing
Dr Mireille Hebing is an experienced lecturer       the BA (Hons) Liberal Studies. She teaches
with considerable knowledge and experience          across several social science areas, including
of designing, planning and delivering high-         sociology, politics, criminology, international
quality teaching in a range of subject areas,       relations, human rights, research theory and
including sociology, international relations,       methods and the liberal arts. Her modules
politics, human rights, research theory and         cover many areas of crime, including crime
methods, and across the liberal arts. She           and society, human trafficking, criminal justice
situates student experience at the centre           processes, and gender violence. Her research
of her teaching philosophy, has a strong            interests include gender violence, domestic
emphasis on interactive teaching methods,           abuse, asylum and the nation state and
experiential learning, and encouraging              refugee stories. She is a trustee for Rights of
students to fully participate in class. She         Women, an organisation which specialises
is currently Course Leader for the MA               in assisting women to access the law. As
International Relations at Regent’s University      such, she convenes the Rights of Women
London and teaches several modules on               seminars at Regent’s.

Professor Rosemary Hollis
Rosemary Hollis is a professor of international     Programme at RUSI (Royal United Services
politics. She was director of the Olive Tree        Institute for Defence Studies). Professor Hollis
Scholarship Programme, City University London       gained a PhD in political science (1988) from
(2008-2018), director of research (2005-08)         George Washington University in Washington,
and head of the Middle East Programme               DC, where she also taught for several years in
(1995-2005) at Chatham House (the Royal             the 1980s. She also holds an MA in War Studies
Institute of International Affairs). From 1990-95   (1975) and BA in History (1974) from King’s
Rosemary was head of the Middle East                College, University of London. .

International Peace Summit

                             Professor Simon Jarvis
                             As Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Simon          He has held a number of positions in the UK
                             Jarvis leads Regent’s University London’s           including Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of
                             academic, research and enterprise strategies        Westminster, Dean of Biosciences and Professor
                             aimed at providing excellence in learning and       of Biochemistry at the University of Westminster,
                             teaching and research and further enhancing the     and Reader in Biochemistry at the University of
                             student experience. Professor Jarvis joined the     Kent at Canterbury. He also worked for six years
                             University in January 2015 from the University      at the University of Alberta, Canada and was an
                             of Greenwich, where he was Deputy Vice-             Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
                             Chancellor (Academic Development). His research     Scholar. Born in London, Simon was educated at
                             has focused on improving the uptake of drugs        the University of Nottingham where he studied
                             into cells, with benefits for the treatment of      Applied Biochemistry (BSc, Hons First Class) and
                             cancers, viral infections and parasitic diseases.   obtained a PhD from the University of Cambridge.

                             Sir John Jenkins
                             Sir John Jenkins is a Senior Fellow at Policy       the 2011 revolution, ambassador to Iraq, Syria
                             Exchange in London and a Board Member of            and Burma and consul-general in Jerusalem.
                             the Middle East Centre at the London School         In a 35-year career in the British Diplomatic
                             of Economics and Political Science. He was          Service he also lived and worked in Kuwait,
                             executive and then corresponding director           Malaysia and the UAE and was director for the
                             (Middle East) at the International Institute for    Middle East and North Africa at the Foreign
                             Strategic Studies (IISS), based in Manama,          Office in London from 2007-2009. He was the
                             Bahrain from January 2015 to December 2017          lead author of the British government’s Muslim
                             and a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson    Brotherhood Review in 2014. He studied at
                             Institute for Global Affairs from January to        Cambridge University (BA, PhD), SOAS (Arabic
                             December 2017. Until January 2015 he was            and Burmese) and the London Business
                             the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He          School. Sir John has also written for the New
                             was also the Benghazi-based British special         Statesman, Guardian, Daily Telegraph and Arab
                             representative to the National Transitional         News and is a regular commentator on regional
                             Council and later ambassador to Libya during        affairs for the BBC and other broadcasters.

                             Dr Pippa Malmgren
                             Pippa Malmgren is a former Presidential advisor     World Economic Forum in 2000 and 2001.
                             and a prominent public speaker who co-founded       Dr Malmgren also founded the DRPM Group,
                             H Robotics. She has a BA from Mount Vernon          which advises institutional investors worldwide
                             College and an MSc and PhD from the London          on investment trends and is a platform for her
                             School of Economics. She completed the Harvard      public speaking. She is the author of three books
                             Program on National Security.                       (two bestsellers): Geopolitics for Investors (2015),
                             Pippa served President George W. Bush in the        Signals: How Everyday Signs Help Us Navigate
                             White House and on the National Economic            the World’s Turbulent Economy (2016) and The
                             Council, where she handled financial market         Leadership LAB: Understanding Leadership in
                             issues and terrorism risks to the economy after     the 21st Century (2018). She lectures at Sandhurst,
                             911. Prior to that, she was the chief currency      INSEAD and Duke Fuqua Global Executive MBA,
                             strategist for Bankers Trust and then deputy        and has lectured at the University of Texas at
                             head of global strategy at UBS. She ran Bankers     Austin and Tsinghua University. She gave the
                             Trust’s asset management business in Asia. She      graduation address at the London School of
                             was named a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the       Economics in 2013 and again in 2016.

                             Andrew Mitchell MP QC
                             Andrew Mitchell is the Member of Parliament         2013) and Ernst & Young (since 2016). In 2017
                             for Sutton Coldfield. He was educated at Rugby      he was appointed as a senior adviser to the
                             School and Cambridge University, where              African Development Bank (AfDB). Previously
                             he was elected President of the Cambridge           he served in the Army (Royal Tank Regiment)
                             Union. Andrew Mitchell was secretary of state       as a UN peacekeeper before joining the
                             for international development in the British        international investment bank Lazard, where
                             government from May 2010 until he became            he worked on and off for 30 years. He is a
                             government chief whip in September 2012.            fellow of Cambridge University; a visiting fellow
                             He was a member of the National Security            at Harvard University and at the School of
                             Council in Britain and a governor of the            International Studies of Peking University, and
                             World Bank between 2010 and 2012. Andrew            an honorary professor in the College of Social
                             Mitchell is a senior adviser to Investec (since     Sciences at the University of Birmingham.

Hate: Causes, Consequences and Cures

                         Natalia Morgan
                         Natalia Morgan is a 17-year-old student               and regularly makes her own videos based on
                         currently studying A-levels, she was raised in        current affairs. She is a part of the Advocacy
                         south-west London. Since a young age Natalia          Academy and co-founded the social justice
                         has been interested in social issues, from            movement NoLostCauses. Natalia will be
                         youth violence in the UK to the ‘Arab Spring’         studying international relations at university in
                         uprising of 2011. Natalia is an aspiring journalist   autumn 2019.
                         and filmmaker who has written a few articles

                         Rabbi Baroness Neuberger DBE
                         Julia Neuberger is Senior Rabbi of the West           and vice chair of the Van Leer Jerusalem
                         London Synagogue, a cross-bench peer in               Institute. Baroness Neuberger was vice chair
                         the House of Lords, former CEO of the King’s          of the Mental Health Act Independent Review
                         Fund, and a founding trustee of the Walter            2017-2018. She became chair of University
                         and Liesel Schwab Charitable Trust, set up in         College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in
                         memory of her parents. She is also a trustee of       February 2019.
                         Full Fact, a trustee of the Rayne Foundation

                         Dr Victor Olisa
                         Victor Olisa joined Surrey Police in 1982             became borough commander of Haringey,
                         straight from university, where he studied            where he worked for three years before
                         biochemistry. He worked both in uniform and           taking up the position of head of inclusion and
                         criminal investigation department up to the           diversity for the Met, between 2016 and 2017.
                         rank of sergeant. He transferred to the City of       In 2017, Dr Olisa was awarded the Queen’s
                         London Police in 1990, where he worked in             Police Medal for distinguished police service. In
                         various roles and departments that included           October 2017 he retired from the police service
                         operational uniform inspector and the Fraud           and is currently carrying out research into police
                         Squad. In 2003 he went on secondment to the           leadership as a Visiting Fellow at the London
                         Home Office to work on ‘stop and search’ as           School of Economics and Political Science and
                         part of a small team in the Office for Criminal       working as a governor at Treloar’s and Director
                         Justice Reform. In 2005 he was awarded a              of Safeguarding at Surrey County Football
                         PhD in Criminology by the London School of            Association.
                         Economics and Political Science. In 2013 he

                         Michael Palin
                         Michael Palin established his reputation with         Python Live (mostly) – One Down Five to Go.
                         Monty Python’s Flying Circus and Ripping Yarns.       He also starred in a three-part contemporary
                         His work includes several films with Monty            ghost story for the BBC called Remember Me.
                         Python, as well as A Private Function, Fierce         He’s narrated several new series of the classic
                         Creatures and a BAFTA winning performance             children’s TV programme The Clangers. In
                         as the hapless Ken in A Fish Called Wanda.            2017 he appeared as Molotov in Armando
                         Michael wrote and appeared in the films The           Iannucci’s film The Death of Stalin. During 2018
                         Missionary, American Friends and the television       he played Thackeray in an ITV adaptation of
Photo by John Swannell   plays East of Ipswich and Number 27. He               Vanity Fair, published Erebus: The Story of a
                         played Jim Nelson in Alan Bleasdale’s GBH,            Ship, and presented a two-part series, Michael
                         and has presented two Great Railway Journey           Palin in North Korea for CH5. Between 2009
                         programmes for the BBC. In 2014, Michael,             and 2012 Michael was President of the Royal
                         with his fellow Pythons, performed a 10-night         Geographical Society. In 2013 he was awarded
                         sell-out show at the O2 Arena in London, Monty        the BAFTA Fellowship.

International Peace Summit

                             Edith Slee
                             Edith Slee trained as a nurse, then a               her own grandchildren and in the community.
                             community nurse. A training which has proved        She continues her arts practice alongside her
                             invaluable in many places and many situations       interests in education – respect and courtesy
                             throughout her life. She worked in early years      towards each other and the environment being
                             education as her own children and foster            the common thread. She and her late husband,
                             children were growing up. Edith then did a          Colin, knew Desmond and Leah Tutu through
                             degree in Art and Design, followed by a PGCE        Kings College London, where Desmond and
                             specialising in the foundation stage, working       Colin were students, and Colin later became
                             in a wide variety of schools across London.         chaplain. They met many South African
                             Edith is a sculptural artist and an early years     students and were much involved with the
                             practitioner, working more nowadays with            Tutus’ role in the apartheid era.

                             Carole Stone CBE
                             Carole Stone was for many years producer            Birthday Honours she was awarded the CBE
                             of BBC Radio 4’s current affairs discussion         for her services to research and charities. In
                             programme Any Questions? She is counsellor          2008 Carole established The Carole Stone
                             for One Young World, a UK-based not-for-profit      Foundation – connecting people, exchanging
                             organisation that gathers together global young     ideas and building friendships around the world
                             leaders to develop solutions to the world’s         to help make a fairer society.
                             most pressing issues. In 2015 in the Queen’s

                             Nomatemba Tambo
                             Nomatemba Tambo is South African High               Company). She is also a director of Girls on
                             Commissioner to the UK. Born on 19 October          a Mission, a charity dealing with women, a
                             1957, she is the daughter of apartheid struggle     trustee of the Oliver and Adelaide Tambo
                             hero and former President of the African            Foundation, patron of SchoolAid, South Africa
                             National Congress (ANC) Oliver Reginald             and patron of People First, a charity focusing
                             Tambo and heroine Adelaide Tambo. Prior             on the education of disadvantaged children
                             to being appointed South African High               in Rwanda. Before London, her last diplomatic
                             Commissioner, Ms Tambo served in Hong Kong          post was serving as ambassador to Italy, Malta,
                             and Italy. She is co-founder of the South African   Albania and San Marino, and as Permanent
                             Women’s Chamber of Commerce in Hong                 Representative to UN-based agencies in Rome.
                             Kong and director/founding member of Women          She also served as Consul General to Hong
                             in Capital Growth (a Black Empowerment              Kong and Macau.

                             Peter Taylor OBE
                             Peter Taylor has reported on the conflict in        political decisions that led to 1981 hunger strike,
                             Northern Ireland for almost 50 years, has           resulting in the rise of Sinn Fein and the secret
                             made over 100 documentaries on the subject          back-channel talks that ultimately led to the
                             and written eight related books, most notably       Good Friday Agreement of 1998. Most recently
                             his seminal trilogy Provos, Loyalists and Brits,    he has reported on republican dissidents and
                             based on his 10-part BBC TV documentary             the likely impact of Brexit on the border. Peter
                             series. His introduction to the Irish conflict      has won many awards for his work, including
                             was ‘bloody Sunday’ in 1972 when British            an OBE for Services to Television Journalism,
                             paratroopers shot dead 13 innocent civil rights     Journalist of the Year, the James Cameron and
                             marchers in Londonderry/Derry. Since then           Christopher Ewart-Biggs Awards and Lifetime
                             he has covered all the landmark issues: the         Achievement Awards from BAFTA and the
                             IRA’s ‘long war’ and loyalist paramilitaries        Royal Television Society.
                             violent reaction; British security policy and the

Hate: Causes, Consequences and Cures

Dr Elif Toker-Turnalar
Elif Toker-Turnalar lectures in political           she has lectured at Birkbeck, Westminster and
communications and public relations in              London Metropolitan universities. Her research
the Faculty of Humanities, Arts & Social            interests include political behaviour on social
Sciences at Regent’s University London. One         media platforms, political communication
of her many claims to fame is that Barack           used by developing countries, political public
Obama follows her on Twitter! Join him @            relations and the way this has developed with
elftok. Elif is excited by the opportunities        technological change. She has also written
for societies brought through diversity and         on the formal role of the military in political
her experience of having lived, studied and         decision making in Egypt and Turkey. Elif is a
worked in London, Istanbul and Singapore,           Turkish politics analyst and commentator for
has enriched her understanding. In London           the BBC and for France 24.

Professor Tom Villis
Professor Tom Villis studied at the universities    Senate Research Committee. Tom’s research
of Edinburgh and Grenoble before completing         has focused on anti-parliamentary and elitist
his PhD at St John’s College Cambridge              ideas in British culture and the intellectual
in 2004. Since then he has lectured at the          origins of European fascism. At present he
University of Cambridge, the Open University        is working on the political ideas of British
and Webster University. He became a full-time       Catholics. He is the author of Reaction and
lecturer in modern history and politices at         the Avant-Garde: the revolt against liberal
Regent’s University London in 2008, a senior        democracy in early twentieth century Britain
lecturer in 2009 and a Reader in 2013. He is        (London: I.B. Tauris, 2005). His latest book,
chair of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts & Social   British Catholics and Fascism, is published by
Sciences research group and a member of the         Palgrave Macmillan.

Dr Diana Walford
Diana Walford has worked at the highest levels      consultant appointment at the Central
in the civil service, the NHS and in higher         Middlesex Hospital. Diana was appointed
education. Most recently, she was Principal of      CBE in 2002 for services to public health and
Mansfield College, Oxford University (2002-         holds a doctorate in medicine and fellowships
2011). Having qualified in medicine at Liverpool    of the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal
University, after achieving first-class honours     College of Pathologists, the Faculty of Public
BSc in physiology intercalated in the third year    Health and an honorary fellowship of Mansfield
of the course, Diana trained as a haematologist     College. She took up her appointment as Chair
and spent eight years working in hospital           of the Board of Trustees of Regent’s University
medicine, culminating in an honorary                London on 29 July 2015.

Noel Williams
Noel Williams is a criminal and social justice      justice system. Noel is a board member of
policy adviser and political commentator, who       Peer Power, a social justice charity that is
has featured on major news outlets, including       rooted in the promotion of empathy. Its work
the BBC, LBC, C5 and C4 discussing crime,           supports the most vulnerable children and
social justice, politics and current affairs. He    young people in society: those impacted by
sits on various boards, including the National      adverse childhood experiences, including
Advisory Board for Counter Terrorism Policing       abuse, trauma, rejection and loss, those most
and the Advisory Youth Panel at the Youth           excluded and not heard in society, and often
Justice Board for England and Wales, the            with experience of social care and youth
government body that oversees the youth             justice agencies.

International Peace Summit


Hate: Causes, Consequences and Cures
International Peace Summit

      Tutu Foundation UK

      The Tutu Foundation UK was founded in 2007 by the Very           Ultimately the Ubuntu Round Tables and the philosophy of
      Reverend Colin Slee, the late Dean of Southwark Cathedral,       Ubuntu are tools to re-invent community policing, so that we
      and Edith Slee, with the support of their close friends          can all live in more peaceful and collaborative communities.
      Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Mrs Leah Tutu.
                                                                       Building and maintaining peaceful communities involves a
      The organisation is founded on the principles of Ubuntu, an      good understanding of conflict, as well as the knowledge
      African philosophy that emphasises our common humanity           and skills for effective conflict management. The Tutu
      – our connectedness and interdependence as fellow human          Foundation UK has set up the Tutu Foundation UK Mediation
      beings. We work with everyone recognising the value in           Service (TFMS) as well as the Tutu Foundation UK Training
      each person.                                                     Academy (TFTA).

      As Desmond Tutu puts it: ‘My humanity is caught up and is        The TFMS panel consists of professionally accredited
      inextricably bound up in yours. We belong in a bundle of life.   mediators, comprising leading medical practitioners, senior
      We say a person is a person through other persons.’              barristers and practising psychotherapists. This blend
                                                                       of legal, medical and psychological backgrounds offers
      The Tutu Foundation UK and Youth Futures have created a          specialist expertise and the skill to intervene wherever
      partnership to enable young people, particularly disaffected     required, for peace-building and resolving conflicts.
      young people, and the police in boroughs across London to
      engage in constructive conversations. The conversations are      Similarly, the TFTA delivers educational seminars, lectures,
      led and facilitated by trained young people. Their purpose       talks, conferences and training, to equip professionals in all
      is to enable the police and young people recognise the           sectors – health, industry, education or commerce – with
      individual humanity in each other, build understanding and       insights into effective conflict-management skills.
      respect for each other and so improve community policing.
                                                                       The programmes are designed to provide an additional
                                                                       understanding of the psychology behind the skills, resulting
                                                                       in improved relationships, better communications and
                                                                       understanding of equality and diversity issues, greater
                                                                       efficiency and productivity – and, of course, fewer conflicts.


                                                                       ‘My humanity is caught up and
                                                                       is inextricably bound up in yours.
                                                                       We belong in a bundle of life.
                                                                       We say a person is a person
                                                                       through other persons.’
                                                                       Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
                                                                                                                                        Image: Hattie Miles

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