CATALOGUE 2021 Bulk / Vrac - Confiserie Vandenbulcke

Page created by Geraldine Silva
CATALOGUE 2021 Bulk / Vrac - Confiserie Vandenbulcke

   Bulk / Vrac
CATALOGUE 2021 Bulk / Vrac - Confiserie Vandenbulcke
By producing chocolates with traditional tastes, innovative shapes and stylish
    packings Vandenbulcke Chocolatier wants to build out a sweet future for its
    familial shareholders, co-workers, customers, suppliers as well as people and


    Where can you still find quality, specialisation and professionalism?

    Vandenbulcke Chocolatier is a third generation, family owned company which has been working in
    the great Belgian chocolate making tradition since 1949.

    Our Petit Melo, Sea Life and seasonal delicacies like dragee eggs are part of a range renowned for its
    unique flavour. Creative packaging and consistent attention to raw material and finished quality not
    only make Vandenbulcke Chocolatier a must in Belgium, but the connoisseur’s choice worldwide.

    Real chocolate lovers adore Vandenbulcke Chocolatier, because continuous investments in quality
    enable us to delight our customers on every occasion.

    Founded in 1949 by André Vandenbulcke | Direct presence in 55 countries | +/- 1.300.000 kg of
    chocolate production every year | 40 fix co-workers and 30 seasonal helpers | 1300 solarpannels
    cover 40% of our electricity needs | Quality : IFS – Higher level | Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade,
    RSPO and Bulckies World | Water and energy savings

    Social responsibility:
    a big part of our pralines are packed by people who have a (work) disability:

           4 Bulk Pralines
          20 Specials
          21 Shop
          22 General information

Content                            3

petit melo

                                                     BM22007C PETIT MELO

                                                     1 x 2 kg
                                                     Donkere chocolade, vanille-infusie
             BM22006C PETIT MELO                     Dark Chocolate, vanilla Infusion
                                                     Chocolat noir, infusion de vanille
             1 x 2 kg                                Zartbitterschokolade, Vanilleinfusion
                                                                                             BM22002C PETIT MELO
             Melkchocolade, vanille-infusie
             Milk Chocolate, vanilla Infusion                                                1 x 2 kg
             Chocolat au lait, infusion de vanille                                           Witte chocolade met caramel
             Milchschokolade, Vanilleinfusion                                                White chocolate with caramel
                                                                                             Chocolat blanc avec caramel
                                                                                             Weisse Schokolade mit Karamel

             BM22004C PETIT MELO                                  BM22001C PETIT MELO

             1 x 2 kg                                             1 x 2 kg
             Melkchocolade, praliné-infusie                       Donkere chocolade, framboos-infusie
             Milk Chocolate, praliné infusion                     Dark chocolate, raspberry infusion
             Chocolat au lait, infusion de praliné                Chocolat noir, infusion de framboise
             Milchschokolade, Haselnüssfüllunginfusion            Zartbitterschokolade, Himbeereinfusion
                                                                                                     = caramel chocolate
                                                                                                     = milk chocolate

                                                         Bulk                                        = dark chocolate

                                                        Pralines                                                             5
What is Bulckies World?
    At Vandenbulcke Chocolatier it’s important to
    let our customers enjoy tasty chocolates. But
    even more important, is to do this sustainably,
    with care for the world around our chocolate.
      With Bulckies World we want to set a good
    example with initiatives that benefit product,
          environment, people and society.

Tasty, sustainable and responsible chocolate. That’s what we do it for! The program
educates farmers, pays them a fair price and gives them a bonus per kilo of chocolate
sold. The knowledge they gain from the education, results in a larger cocoa harvest
with a higher quality. In addition, our fermentation specialists follow strict rules to
obtain high-quality chocolate, which again generates more income for the farmers.

There is no planet B, but there is Bulckies World that helps us keep our ecological
footprint as small as possible. On the one hand, by striving for 100% recyclable and
ecological packaging. For example, all our cardboard is FSC labeled. We also limit our
waste and production surpluses to an absolute minimum. On the other hand, we limit
the impact of our company on the climate, for example by using solar energy and
planting trees around the cocoa plantations.

Chocolate is close to our heart and so are all the people involved, from bean to
praline. That is why we are committed to a better life for the farmers in Africa, workable
work for people with a disability, an honest job for our own colleagues and of course,
satisfied customers and stakeholders. We do this by continuously investing, learning
and innovating, every day.

Our company is part of a society to which we want to actively contribute. Every year
we strive to donate 1% of our profit to various projects and charities that add to a
better world.

sugar reduced filling

                                              VD0368SRC ESCARGOT                  VD0733SRC BUCHE

                                              Hazelnootvulling                    Hazelnootvulling
                                              Hazelnutcream                       Hazelnutcream
                                              Fourrage de noisettes               Crème de noisettes
                                              Haselnüssfüllung                    Haselnüssfüllung

                                              VD0772SRC JULES                      VD0780SRC FRED                   VD0798C TRIANGOLO

                                              Karamel hazelnootvulling             Pindacrème, caramel              Marsepein duo color framboos
                                              Caramel hazelnutcream                Peanutcream, caramel             Marzipan duo color raspberry
                                              Crème de noisette caramel            Crème de cacahuètes et caramel   Massepain duo color framboise
                                              Haselnüssfülling Karamel             Erdnuss Sahne und Karamell       Marzipan duo color himbeer
       duo fillings

                                              VD0797C TRIANGOLO

                                              Mocca marsepein duo color deco caramel
                                              Mocca marzipan duo color deco caramel
                                              Mocca massepain duo color deco caramel

8                                                                                      Pralines

          VD0339C HEART                     VD0711C MADONNA                     VD0738C ESTELLE
          Praliné hazelnootvulling          Praliné hazelnootvulling            Praliné hazelnootvulling
          Praliné hazelnutcream             Praliné hazelnutcream               Praliné hazelnutcream
          Praliné fourrage de noisettes     Praliné fourrage de noisettes       Praliné fourrage de noisettes
          Nougat Haselnüssfüllung           Nougat Haselnüssfüllung             Nougat Haselnüssfüllung

          VD0328C CAPRI                     VD0341C ALMOND                      TLA303C AMANDINE
          Citroen praliné                   Praliné hazelnootvulling            Praliné hazelnootvulling
          Lemon praliné                     Praliné hazelnutcream               Praliné hazelnutcream
          Praliné citron                    Praliné fourrage de noisettes       Praliné fourrage de noisettes
          Nougat Haselnüssfüllung Zitrone   Nougat Haselnüssfüllung             Nougat Haselnüssfüllung

          VD0369C ANTALYA                   VD0332C HORSEHEAD
          Praliné hazelnootvulling          Praliné hazelnootvulling met nootjes
          Praliné hazelnutcream             Praliné hazelnutcream with nuts
          Praliné fourrage de noisettes     Praliné crème de noisettes avec des petits noix
          Nougat Haselnüssfüllung           Nougat Haselnüssfüllung mit nüss                = white chocolate
                                                                                            = milk chocolate

                                               Bulk                                         = dark chocolate

                                              Pralines                                                          9

               B99527 LOUIS             VD0747C HEART                    TLA308C NUTS

               Gianduja                 Praliné hazelnootvulling         Praliné hazelnootvulling
               Box 1000 g               Praliné hazelnutcream            Praliné hazelnutcream
                                        Praliné fourrage de noisettes    Praliné fourrage de noisettes
                                        Nougat Haselnüssfüllung          Nougat Haselnüssfüllung

               VD0351C CORTRYCK         VD0752C MAURICE                 VD0317C HORSEHEAD
               Praliné gepofte rijst    Double lait crunch              Praliné hazelnootvulling met nootjes
               Praliné puffed rice      Double lait crunch              Praliné hazelnutcream with nuts
               Praliné riz soufflé      Double lait crunch              Praliné crème de noisettes avec des petits noix
               Nougat Reisschipslette   Double lait crunch              Nougat Haselnüssfüllung mit nüss

10                                             Pralines

          TLA206C AMANDINE                VD0346C RUBENS                  VD0396C ROSE
          Praliné hazelnootvulling        Praliné hazelnootvulling        Krokante praliné
          Praliné hazelnutcream           Praliné hazelnutcream           Crunchy praliné
          Praliné fourrage de noisettes   Praliné fourrage de noisettes   Praliné Croquante
          Nougat Haselnüssfüllung         Nougat Haselnüssfüllung         Knusperige Pralinéfüllung

          VD0379C SAFARI                  VD0775C PIEMONTE                VD0394C HORSEHEAD

          Praliné orange                  Double lait                     Praliné hazelnootvulling met nootjes
          Praliné orange                                                  Praliné hazelnutcream with nuts
          Praliné noire orange                                            Praliné crème de noisettes avec des petits noix
          Orange Pralinéfüllüng                                           Nougat Haselnüssfüllung mit nüss

                                                                                               = white chocolate
                                                                                               = milk chocolate

                                                  Bulk                                         = dark chocolate

                                                 Pralines                                                                   11

                   VD0303C TOLEDO   VD0355C MANON        VD0398C MANON
                   Caramel crème    Mokka-rhum crème     Hazelnootvulling
                   Caramel cream    Mocha rum cream      Hazelnutcream
                   Crème caramel    Mocca rhum crème     Fourrage de noisettes
                   Karamelsahne     Mokka-rhum creme     Haselnüssfüllung
                                    Contains Alcohol

                   VD0310C TOLEDO   VD0770C AMÉLIE       VD0504C MANON
                   Caramel crème    Frambooscrème        Chocomousse
                   Caramel cream    Raspberry cream      Chocolate mousse
                   Crème caramel    Crème de framboise   Mousse au chocolat
                   Karamelsahne     Himbeercreme         Schokoladensahne

                                                                        = white chocolate
                                                                        = milk chocolate

                                       Bulk                             = dark chocolate

12                                    Pralines
marzipan, coconut

                                           NEW                     NEW
                    VD0314C COCONUTS       VD0796C STAR JULINE     VD0794C STAR ALICE
                    Pure cocos             Marsepein framboos      Dark, marsepein deco caramel
                    Cocos pure             Marzipan raspberry      Marzipan deco caramel
                    Cocosgeschmack         Massepain framboise     Massepain deco caramel
                                           Marzipan Himbeer        Marzipan deco caramel

                    VD0769C MAGALY          VD0730C TIGRELLE
                                                                   VD0791C CARRÉ GIRAFE
                    Marsepein framboos      Pistache Marsepein
                    Marzipan raspberry      Marzipan Pistache      Marsepein
                    Massepain framboise     Pistache Massepain     Marzipan
                    Marzipan Himbeer        Pistazie - Marzipan-   Massepain
                                            Geschmack              Marzipan

                    VD0790C CARRÉ ORANGE

                    Marsepein Orange
                    Marzipan Orange
                    Massepain Orange
                    Marzipan Orange

                                                  Pralines                                        13
liquid cream

                    TLA302C MAYA             VD0340C LEAF             VD0330C DAISY
                    Vanillecrème             Cointreau crème          Vloeibare crème banaan
                    Vanilla cream            Cointreau cream          Liquid cream banana
                    Crème vanille            Crème Cointreau          Crème Liquide banane
                    Flüssige Sahne vanille   Cointreau Sahne          Flüssige Bananesahne
                    Contains Alcohol         Contains Alcohol         Contains Alcohol

                    VD0353C FLOWER           TLA208C MAYA             VD0313C COINTREAU
                    Kersencrème              Vanillecrème             Cointreau Crème
                    Cherry cream             Vanilla cream            Cointreau Cream
                    Crème de cérises         Crème vanille            Crème Cointreau
                    Flüssige Sahne kirsche   Flüssige Sahne vanille   Cointreau Sahne
                    Contains Alcohol         Contains Alcohol         Contains Alcohol

                                                                                = white chocolate
                                                                                = milk chocolate

                                                Bulk                            = dark chocolate

14                                             Pralines

                                      VD0364C RONDO         VD0768C MORAIRA       VD0534C MEDAILLON
                                      Ganache               Ganache               Amaretto ganache crème
                                      Contains Alcohol      NO alcohol            Amaretto ganache cream
                                                                                  Amaretto ganache Sahne
                                                                                  Contains Alcohol
              sugar reduced filling

                                      VD0348SRC CLOVER      VD0623SRC CHARLOTTE
                                      Pindacrème            Pindacrème
                                      Peanutcream           Peanutcream
                                      Crème de cacahuètes   Crème de cacahuètes
                                      Erdnuss Sahne         Erdnuss Sahne

                                                               Pralines                                    15
creamy fillings

                       VD0713C FLOWER          VD0306C BRASIL      VD0528C LUCAS

                       Kersencrème             Mokka crème         Cocoscrème
                       Cherish cream           Mocha cream         Coconut Cream
                       Crème cerises           Crème de mocca      Crème coco
                       Kirsch-creme            Mokka Sahne         Kokossahne

                       VD0714C CUVETTE         VD0750C HEART RED
                       Crème brulée crème      Framboos creme
                       Crème brulée cream      Raspberry cream
                       Crème de crème brulée   Crème framboise
                       Crème brulée creme      Himbeer sahne

                                                                           = white chocolate
                                                                           = milk chocolate

                                                  Bulk                     = dark chocolate

16                                               Pralines
VD0742C LION                   VD0354C LEAF   VD0765C KRETA
              Passievruchtencrème            Crème orange   Pistache crème
              Passion fruit cream            Cream orange   Pistache cream
              Crème de fruit de la passion   Crème orange   Crème de pistache
              Passionsfruchtcreme            Orange Sahne   Pistaziencreme

              VD0712C CAPRI
              Lemon cream
              Zitronen Sahne
              Crème de citron
chocol ates

              VD0737C CHEVALIER
              Vol crisp
              Plain crispy
              Plein croustillant
              Knusperige voll Schokolade

                                               Pralines                         17

               VD0337C CONFISEUR   VD0323C CONFISEUR                   VD0533C CACAO
               Caramel             Caramel                             Caramel
               Karamel             Karamel                             Karamel
               Karamelsahne        Karamelsahne                        Karamelsahne


                                                   3 kg
                                                   L 37 x W 27 x H 12,5 cm

18                                   Pralines

           VD0218C                      VD0216C                            VD0217C
           Volle witte chocolade        Volle melk chocolade               Volle fondant chocolade
           Plain whitechocolate         Plain Milk chocolate               Plain dark chocolate
           Chocolat blanc entier        Chocolat au lait entier            Chocolat noire entier
           Volle Weiss Schokolade       Vollmilch Schokolade               Voller zartbitter Schokolade

           VDB107 MENDIANTS             VDB105 MENDIANTS                   VDB106 MENDIANTS
           Volle witte chocolade        Volle melk chocolade               Volle fondant chocolade
           Plain whitechocolate         Plain Milk chocolate               Plain dark chocolate
           Chocolat blanc entier        Chocolat au lait entier            Chocolat noire entier
           Voller weisser Schokolade    Vollmilch Schokolade               Voller zartbitter Schokolade

           004995 CHOCONUTS             004996 CHOCONUTS                   SEA SHELLS VD0050B
           Fondant gechocolateerde      Melk gechocolateerde hazelnootjes 1 x 5 kg
           hazelnootjes                 Noisettes entourré
           Noisettes entourré           avec chocolat Lait
           avec chocolat noire          Enrobed hazelnuts Milk
           Enrobed hazelnuts dark       Enrobierte haselnuss milch
           Enrobierte haselnuss zart-                                                 = white chocolate
           bitter                                                                     = milk chocolate
                                                                                      = dark chocolate

                                          Specials                                                        19

                VDB108 CERISETTE
                Kriek met steel
                Cherry with stem and stone dipped in alcohol
                Cerise avec queue et noyau macérée dans l’alcool
                Kirsche mit stiel und kerin in Alkohol eingelegt
                Contains Alcohol

                COF003                             AMU001                         KLI001 PRALINES
                PÂTE DE FRUITS                                                    SUGAR FREE M/F/W
                                                   Assortmiment likeur pralines
                                                   Assortment liquor pralines
                                                   Assortiment Pralines liqueur
                                                   Sortiment Likör Pralines
                                                   Contains Alcohol

                VDB104 ORANGETTE                   VDB103 ORANGETTE               KLI002
                                                                                  SEA SHELLS
                Sinaasschijfjes in chocolade       Sinaasschijfjes in chocolade   SUGAR FREE
                Enrobed candied orange peel        Enrobed candied orange peel
                Ecorce d’orange confi te           Ecorce d’orange confi te
                enrobéde chocolat                  enrobé de chocolat
                Kandierte Orangenschale in         Kandierte Orangenschale in            = white chocolate
                Schokolade                         Schokolade                            = milk chocolate
                                                                                         = dark chocolate


            VP1741                  VP1742             VP1743
            250 g                   350 g              500 g
            80 stuks                70 stuks           60 stuks

            VP1758                  VP1759
            750 g                   1kg
            35 stuks                30 stuks

VIA006 BR              VIA006C BR          VIA007 BR      VIA007C BR
250 g                  500 g               750 g          1kg

                                    Shop                               21
algemene informatie                            |    information général
     general information                             |   allgemeine informationen


     General catalogue | Catalogue général: gans het jaar - toute l’année - all year - das ganze Jahr
     Christmas catalogue | Catalogue noël*: september - december / septembre - décembre /
     				                                            september - december / September - Dezember
     Easter catalogue*: half januari - Pasen / mi-Janvier - Pâques / mid January - Easter / Mitte Januar - Ostern
     Pralines catalogue: gans het jaar - toute l’année - all year - das ganze Jahr
     *zolang de vooraad strekt - jusqu’à épuisement des stocks - solange der Vorrat reicht - while stocks last


     Standaardproducten | Produits standard | Standaardproducten: 3 weken - 3 semaines - 3 weeks - 3 Woche
     Private label producten: 6 à 8 weken - 6 à 8 semaines - 6 till 8 weeks - 6 bis 8 Woche

     ALLERGIE ADVIES | CONSEIL ALLERGIES                                   LEVERING | LIVRAISON
     ALLERGY ADVICE | ALLERGIE BERATUNG                                    DELIVERY | LIEFERUNG

     NL: Volgende allergenen zijn in ons bedrijf aanwezig: hazelnoten,    NL: Alle orders worden af fabriek verkocht
          melk, soja, schaalvruchten, pinda, gluten en ei.                 FR: Tous les commandes sont vendu départ usine
     FR: D
          ans notre société les allergènes suivantes sont présents:       EN: All orders are sold ex works
         noisettes, lait, soja, fruits à coques, cacahuètes, gluten et     DE: Alle Bestellungen werden ab Werk verkauft
     EN: F ollowing allergens are present in our company: hazelnuts,
          milk, soy bean, nuts, peanuts, gluten and eggs.                  1. Minimum Order Quantity standard products with
     DE: In unserem Unternehmen sind folgende Allergene:
                                                                             special labeling: 1 pallet per reference
          Haselnüsse, Milch und Sojabohnen, Nussartikel, Erdnüsse,
          Gluten und Eier.                                                   a. More cost extra label € 0,10/label
                                                                           2. Minim Order Quantity private label products:

         Bevat alcohol / Contient de l’alcool / Contains alcohol           3 pallets per reference

vandenbulcke chocol atier


1. O
    riginal recipes         2. 1 00% cocoa butter   3. 30% hazelnuts
   from 1949 created by          in the chocolate         in the praline filling
   the Vandenbulcke Family

4. Made in Belgium          5. C
                                 arefully selected
                                natural ingredients

BELGIUM           EST. 1949

                               Confiserie Vandenbulcke NV
Oude Ieperseweg 64, B - 8501 Heule-Kortrijk | T. +32 (0)56 36 40 80 | F. +32 (0)56 36 40 89
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