Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
Catalog 2021
Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
TO GO - Magne�c Travel Games

Two assortment op�ons available for counter display:
POS Measurements: H12.6' X L9.3' X W13.6'
                  H32 X L23.5 X W34.5 cm

1. Pick Your Own: choose a minimum of 36 pcs/ 1 full display comprised of any of the
36 designs. Minimum per design 6 pcs. Up to 6 designs X 6pcs.
1 empty display, Barcode: 7290014368743,
Item#: 743

2. Floor Display
Pre-packed full display: 21 designs X 6 pcs. total of 126 games.
Barcode: 7290014368545,
Item#: 545
POS Measurements: H73.6' X L16.1' X W18.5'
                      H165 X L31 X W40 cm

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
TO GO - Magne�c Travel Games
 Compact and chique, a variety of 39 classic board games designed in a slim �n case,
 printed both sides with magne�c pawns and pieces. Fun and affordable travel games,
 for all ages.

                                           r                                                         r

Space Mission                The Maths Game                Monster Factory             Brain Teaser Puzzles
Barcode: 7290016026740       Barcode: 7290016026795        Barcode: 7290016026771      Barcode: 7290016026788
Item#: 740                   Item#: 795                    Item#: 771                  Item#: 788

              r                            r

Doodle a Droodle             Let’s Go Shopping             Solitaire                   Animal Homes
Barcode: 7290016026733       Barcode: 7290016026757        Barcode: 7290016026559      Barcode: 7290016026290
Item#: 733                   Item#: 757                    Item#: 559                  Item#: 290

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS

 Peg Solitaire            Backgammon               Treasure Hunt            Car Race
 Barcode: 7290014368613   Barcode: 7290011890025   Barcode: 7290011890759   Barcode: 7290011890742
 Item#: 613               Item#: 025               Item#: 759               Item#: 742

                                         r                       r
               r                                                                           r

Puzzles                   Sudoku                   Sudoku Shapes            Plank Out
Barcode: 7290016026078    Barcode: 7290011890575   Barcode: 7290011890568   Barcode: 7290014368606
Item#: 078                Item#: 575               Item#: 568               Item#: 606

                   r                                                                       r

Chess                     Snakes & Ladders         Magic Word               Ba�lefleet
Barcode: 7290011890780    Barcode: 7290011890544   Barcode: 7290011890841   Barcode: 7290011890339
Item#: 780                Item#: 544               Item#: 841               Item#: 339

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
                                            r                        r

Ludo                      Soccer                   Bingo                    Le�ergories
Barcode: 7290011890001    Barcode: 7290014368620   Barcode: 7290016026061   Barcode: 7290016026054
Item#: 001                Item#: 620               Item#: 061               Item#: 054


Tangram                  Secret Code               Domino                   Reversi
Barcode: 7290011890834   Barcode: 7290014368583    Barcode: 7290011890353   Barcode: 7290014368576
Item#: 834               Item#: 583                Item#: 353               Item#: 576

                   r                    r

Hangman                  Checkers                  Chinese Checkers         4 In A Row & Tic Tac Toe
Barcode: 7290011890681   Barcode: 7290011890797    Barcode: 7290011890346   Barcode: 7290011890018
Item#: 681               Item#: 797                Item#: 346               Item#: 018

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
                     r                                r                            r

      Memo Game                        Jet Se�er                    Dress Me Up                  Road Trip Bingo
      Barcode: 7290016026313           Barcode: 7290016026306       Barcode: 7290016026566       Barcode: 7290016026573
      Item#: 313                       Item#: 306                   Item#: 566                   Item#: 573
                             NE                            NE                            NE
                                W  !                          W !                           W!

                                   Magne�c Rummy
      Chinese Chess                    Farm Puzzles                 When I Grow up
      Barcode: 7290018133170           Barcode: 7290018133354       Barcode: 7290016026764
      Item#: 170                       Item#: 3354                  Item#: 764

    Magne�c Rummy

    The good old brainy
    Rummy comes back with
    new twists: New Rules,
    New Themes and in our
    favourite Travel Game �n
    box. The Goal - to collect
    series. The first to put
    down all magnets on the
    table is the winner!
    Detailed instruc�ons
    inside. Ideal for traveling.
    Content: 4 magne�c
    game boards and 50                 backpack world               elefunto                     zoorummy
                                       Ages: 7+                     Ages: 5+                     Ages: 6+
                                       Barcode: 7290016026153       Barcode: 7290016026160       Barcode: 7290016026146
                                       Item#: 153                   Item#: 160                   Item#: 146

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
The Crazy Scien�st Lab
The world around us is intriguing; Children can gain much joy from experimen�ng with it and
learning about it.
These science kits provide children the opportunity to become real researchers for a few hours
and to experiment with their own private laboratory.
These science kits come equipped with the necessary equipment and include a clear guide
accompanied with photos of the processes as well as fascina�ng scien�fic explana�ons & facts.
Parental supervision required.

                                                               Crystal Craze
        Glowing Science                                        Learn all you need to know on how
        Glowing Science is a                                   to grow different types of funky
        fascina�ng kit. Now more                               homemade crystals. In one of our
        than ever - loaded with                                most       comprehensive       Crazy
        materials and 18 experi-                               Scien�st LAB kits ever, covering 18
        ments - guaranteeing hours                             experiments, kids will be working
        of FUN, STEM play and                                  with exci�ng materials like Copper
        learn! Kids will create                                Sulphate, Alum, Epsom salt &
        Glowing Water Gel Beads,                               saline solu�ons, to create hands on
        Fluorescent       Flowers,                             real Crystals. How exci�ng is that!
        Glowing Soap Bubbles,
                                                               Ages: 10+
        Light Prin�ng, Mobiles and
        much more! Get ready to                                Barcode: 7290016026542
        be addicted to this Crazy                              Item#: 542
        Scien�st kit.
        Ages: 8+
        Barcode: 7290016026535
        Item#: 535

 NE                                                       NE
    W   !                                                    W   !
        Hydrophobic Sand                                       Sta�c Electricity
        It looks like ordinary sea                             What is “Sta�c Electricity”?
        sand and it feels like                                 It seems that many people are
        ordinary sand - but it is                              aware of the concept but don’t
        anything but ordinary !!!                              really know how to scien�fically
        In this kit we explore the                             explain it. This kit contains
        fascina�ng           scien�fic                          amazing Sta�c Electricity tricks
        quali�es of hydrophobic                                and experiments! Using Sta�c
        sand and it's uses.                                    Electricity, kids will separate salt
        We will compare it with                                and pepper grains, s�ck a balloon
        regular sand and witness                               to the wall, build flying saucers
        the amazing differences.                                and an electroscope, make
        Does it really stay dry when                           Styrofoam balls dance and many
        taken out from water?!                                 more exci�ng experiments.
        How does it assist us in                               Ages: 8+
        prevention of natural                                  Barcode: 7290018133408
        disasters?                                             Item#: 3408
        In a series of compelling
        experiments we will learn
        all there is to learn about
        the fascina�ng hydrophobic
        Ages: 6+
        Barcode: 7290018133392
        Item#: 3392

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
Young Detec�ves                                                   Water Gel Science
    This kit focuses on finger prints. Children will experi-           This kit focuses on water gels. Children will experiment
    ment with their own fingerprints. They'll learn how to             with the special characteris�cs of polymers and how
    extract fingerprints from various surfaces using                   they interact with water and other substances. They'll
    different materials. Just like real crime scene inves�ga-          perform fun science tricks such as the "vanishing
    tors they even create a 3D mold of their finger!                   beads" & the "disappearing water" and they'll even get
    Ages: 8+, Barcode: 7290014368910, Item#: 910                      to create a unique bracelet made of water gel.
                                                                      Ages: 8+, Barcode: 7290014368903, Item#: 903

    Color Laboratory                                                  Bubbles and Foam
    This kit focuses on colors. Children as young as 4 will experi-   This kit that focuses on water, colors, and bubbles,
    ment in crea�ng an ice ball with colorful tunnels, crea�ng        making science accessible to children as young as 4!
    color solu�ons and transforming and mixing colors, and            Children will create a soap membrane, a foam beehive,
    even pain�ng with colorful ice! Find all these and more in        learn to hold a bubble without popping it, create
    this kit.                                                         colorful bubbles and even paint with colorful foam. Find
    Ages: 4+, Barcode: 7290014368934, Item#: 934                      all these and more in this kit.
                                                                      Ages: 4+, Barcode: 7290014368927, Item#: 927

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
Oppenheim Toy Por�olio -
                                                                                                            Gold Seal Award

Young Survivor                                                       Magical Mirrors
Darwin once talked about “Survival of the fi�est” so you be�er        Most people don't think twice about mirrors. However, the magical
be fit to survive! A survival situa�on is not a game when your life   world of mirrors from a science perspec�ve is quite amazing. Over a
is on the line, but it is SUPER COOL to learn survival techniques:   dozen experiments that will blow your mind – the "Infinite Mirror",
learn how to dis�ll, purify and generate water from plants, how to   the "Disappearing Face", building your own Kaleidoscope to name a
light fire without matches, how to build a solar stove, to build a    few. Looking at mirrors will never feel the same!
sundial, a compass, learn Morse code, and much more. Over a          Ages: 6+, Barcode: 7290016026184
dozen experiments in this kit.                                       Item#: 184
Ages: 8+, Barcode: 7290016026191
Item#: 191

                                                                                                            Oppenheim Toy Por�olio -
                                                                                                            Gold Seal Award

Magne�c Wonder                                                       Op�cal Illusions
Magnets are not only fun but also intriguing from a real             When looking at the world around us, our eyes collect informa-
scien�fic perspec�ve. You'll get acquainted with various              �on that our brain interprets. But are we really seeing reality as
magnets including the awesomely strong                               it is? To put it simply: Seeing is (not always) believing! In this kit
Neodymium magnet, the weirdest of all "Magne�c Pu�y",                we will explore different types of fascina�ng op�cal illusions.
you'll get to build a real compass and create electromag-            Over a dozen amazing experiments inside.
nets and much much more. Over a dozen exci�ng experi-                Ages: 6+, Barcode: 7290016026207
ments inside.                                                        Item#: 207
Beware, you're about to get magne�zed to this kit!
Ages: 8+, Barcode: 7290016026177
Item#: 177

Catalog 2021 - Handysize Nordic AS
The Crazy Scien�st – Cards

    The Crazy Scien�st - Ac�vity Cards series are nothing short of a breakthrough in the transfer of S.T.E.M. love to
    kids. While pricey science kits contain only few experiments - our budget card sets contain 20 exci�ng
    experiments in each! The beau�ful thing about them is that they all use common household materials. Each
    magical experiment contains a real science trick with a simple and yet clever scien�fic explana�on. All science
    tricks were designed for Children aged 6 and above (accompanied by an adult in some cases) and come with
    detailed instruc�ons and pictures.

                     r                                       r                                       r

    The Five Senses.                        Young Researchers.                       Indoors Science.
    20 science tricks - discover            Discover 20 fun and fascina�ng           This set of science tricks contains
    exci�ng new facts about your            facts about the world around you.        amazing surprises in the kitchen,
    senses!                                 Barcode: Refill 7290011890421             living room and really….
    Barcode: Refill 7290011890322            Item#: 421                               everywhere in the house.
    Item#: 322                                                                       Barcode: Refill 7290011890445
                                                                                     Item#: 445

r                                       r

Material Adventure                     Kitchen Science                         The Magic of Science.
20 exci�ng experiments and tricks      20 exci�ng magical science              Do you want to become a scien�fic
with various Materials.                experiments around the kitchen          magician?! 20 amazing magical
Create homemade kine�c sand,           incl. a green sunny side-up egg;        tricks supported by a scien�fic
generate color explosions and          the balloon with a skewer stuck         explana�on.
more!                                  within and much more!                   Barcode: Refill 7290011890438
Barcode: Refill 7290016026351           Barcode: Refill 7290016026344            Item#: 438
Item#: 351                             Item#: 344

                r                                         r

Forces and Energy                      Nature Phenomena
20 amazing science experiments on      Do you know why the sky is blue?
Forces & Energy incl. the telepathic   Have you ever seen a tornado in a
bo�les; the acrobat egg and the        jar? All of these exci�ng experiments
paper made bridge.                     and much more in this kit!
Barcode: Refill 7290016026337           Barcode: Refill 7290016026368
Item#: 337                             Item#: 368

The Crazy Scien�st – Assorted Displays

     1. Pre-packed assortment 1 includes 4 sets: Indoors Science, The Magic of Science, The Five Senses, Young Research-
     ers. Counter POS – 24pcs, Barcode: 7290014368088, Item#: 088

     2. Pre-packed assortment 2 includes 4 sets: Forces & Energy, Kitchen Science, Material Adventures, Nature Phenome-
     na. Counter POS – 24pcs, Barcode: 7290016026375, Item#: 375

              1. Pre-packed assortment 1                              2. Pre-packed assortment 2

STAMPER - The Crea�ve Revolu�on of Art
                           The Purple Cow STAMPER kits are nothing short of a revolu�on in the accessibility to art
                           among children and adults alike. Crea�ve art is now accessible to all - experienced or
                           beginners - all you need is a crea�ve mind and magic will happen!
                           • Create & design AMAZING prehistoric Dinosaur and Monster figures or be a Fashionista
                           ou�it designer.
                           • Over a MILLION different combina�ons possible. This arts & cra�s ac�vity set offers
                           endless possibili�es!
                           • Natural materials: stamps are made from natural wood.

Monster Maker                                                 Dino Maker
31 stamps + 1 ink pad.                                        35 stamps + 1 ink pad.
Age: 6-16                                                     Age: 6-16
Barcode: 7290018133088                                        Barcode: 7290018133095
Item#: 3088                                                   Item#: 3095

                                                              36 stamps + 1 ink pad
                                                              Age: 6-99
                                                              Barcode: 7290018133446
                                                              Item#: 3446


                         Full Display 20pcs
                         LCD screen POP with
                         order of 10+10 pcs.
                         POS Measurements:
                         H 19 L 14 W 12’
                         H 48 L 35 W 31 cm
                         Barcode: 7290018133118
                         Item#: 118

                       Don't you feel some�mes like tearing your kids away from their screen? Our "50" series is
                       designed just for that! Especially "on the go", we provide hours of FUN screen free ac�vi�es.
                       This series come with 10 exci�ng �tles, a beau�fully designed �n box and most importantly an
                       a�rac�ve price point! Easy to Expert levels on all games!!

                              r                                     r                                        r

     50 Dot to Dot                         50 Labyrinths                         50 Mandalas
     Age: 5+                               Age: 4+                               Age: 4+
     Barcode: 7290016026597                Barcode: 7290016026603                Barcode: 7290016026580
     Item#: 597                            Item#: 603                            Item#: 580


                                  r                                                                          r

     50 Sudoku                              Spot 7                               50 Find It
     Age: 7+                                Age: 5+                              Age: 8+
     Barcode: 7290016026610                 Barcode: 7290018133057               Barcode: 7290018133040
     Item#: 610                             Item#: 057                           Item#: 040


                         r                            r

50 Drawing Comics            Color by Numbers             IQ Quiz - Unicorns
Age: 5-16                    Age: 5+                      Age: 5+
Barcode: 7290018133071       Barcode: 7290018133064       Barcode: 7290018133378
Item#: 071                   Item#: 064                   Item#:378

       NEW!                                               Assortment 1:
                                                          Full Display 20pcs
                                                          (4 designs x 5pcs)
                                                          POS Measurements:
                                                          H 9.8 L 9.4 W 9.4’
                                                          H 25 L 24 W 24 cm
                                                          Barcode: 7290016026641
                                                          Item#: 641
                                                          Includes: Mandalas, Dot to Dot,
                                                          Labyrinths, Sudoku
                                                          Assortment 2:
                                                          Full Display 20pcs
                                                          (4 designs x 5pcs)
                                                          POS Measurements:
                                                          H 9.8 L 9.4 W 9.4’
                                                          H 25 L 24 W 24 cm
                                                          Barcode: 7290018133101
                                                          Item#: 101
                                                          Includes: Drawing Comics, Spot 7, Find
                                                          It, Color by Numbers
                                                          Pick Your Own: choose a        !
                                                          minimum of 20 pcs/ 1 full display
                                                          comprised of any of the 10
IQ Quiz - Dinos                                           designs. Minimum per design 5
Age: 5+                                                   pcs. Up to 4 designs X 5pcs.
Barcode: 7290018133361                                    1 empty display, Barcode:
Item#: 3361                                               7290018133422,
                                                          Item#: 3422

Go Fish Trivia Game
                            The Purple Cow "Go Fish" is a FUN and easy to play card game also known as Quartet,
                            Foursomes and Trumps around the world - detailed instruc�ons inside. But it's not just
                            a fun game, it is much more important than that - it ins�lls basic general knowledge
                            that is so much missing in our digital fast paced world. By playing our "Go Fish" series,
                            children will learn all about the greatest minds and explorers in human history and will
                            learn about exci�ng landmarks, monuments and countries as well as funky and
                            outrageous facts about animals and the world around us. Age 6+

                                      NEW                                                           NEW
                                          !                                                             !

     Funky Animals Facts - Funky facts about                 Outrageous Facts - Amazing and outrageous facts
     fascina�ng animals of our planet.                       about the world and universe around us.
     Age: 6+ Barcode: 7290018133309 Item#: 3309              Age: 6+ Barcode: 7290018133293 Item#: 3293

                                              Assortment 1:
                                              Full Display 20pcs
                                                                  !            Assortment 2:
                                                                               Full Display 20pcs
                                              (4 designs x 5pcs)               (4 designs x 5pcs) POS
                                              (4 designs x 5pcs) POS           Measurements:
                                              Measurements:                    H 9.8 L 9.4 W 9.4’
                                              H 9.8 L 9.4 W 9.4’               H 25 L 24 W 24 cm
                                              H 25 L 24 W 24 cm                Countries, Flags & More,
                                              -Funky Animals, Outrageous       Monuments & Landmarks,
                                              Facts, Countries, Flags &        Pioneers & Explorers, Genius
                                              More, Monuments &                Thinkers
                                              Landmarks                        Barcode: 7290016026528
                                              Barcode: 7290018133385           Item#: 528
                                              Item#: 3385

Pioneers & Explorers - Get to know the           Monuments & Landmarks -
biggest ground breaking adventurers in           Get acquainted with the most exci�ng corners of
Human history.                                   our world.
Age: 6+ Barcode: 7290016026511 Item#: 511        Age: 6+ Barcode: 7290016026498 Item#: 498

Genius Thinkers - Learn all about the greatest   Countries, Flags & More - Learn to recognize differ-
minds in Human history.                          ent flags and while doing that - read some exci�ng
Age: 6+ Barcode: 7290016026504 Item#: 504        facts on different countries.
                                                 Age: 6+ Barcode: 7290016026481 Item#: 481

Advent Calendars
                                The Purple Cow advent calendars bring a new and innova�ve twist to the loved and
                                familiar seasonal holiday countdown.
                                The advent calendar materials are accompanied by a robust and detailed manual with
                                step by step instruc�ons and images.

     NEW!                                                       NEW!

     The Crazy Scien�st - Advent Calendar                       Christmas Decora�ons - Advent Calendar
     24 cool science experiments. Each box contains a           24 amazing DIY arts and cra�s decora�ons.
     cool science experiment.                                   Each box contains materials for a different
     Age 6+ Barcode: 7290018133286                              decora�on.
     Item#: 286                                                 Age 6+ Barcode: 7290018133439
                                                                Item#: 3439
     *available summer 2021
                                                                *available summer 2021

Truth & Dare - The Card Game
                               'Truth & Dare' is the Purple Cow a�empt to 'tame the beast' of the wild classic game and
                               make it safe and FUN and accessible to a broader range of audiences. It's the World's first
                               card game to come in a bo�le! It’s a great way to learn more about your friends and family,
                               maybe even more than you ever wanted to know...
                               We've made 3 versions:
                               1. The classic 'Sleepover Party' version with all the embarrassing quests and intrusive 'Truth'
                               2. The bonding 'Family' version – want to see daddy doing hilarious ‘Dares’, want to hear
                               your kid's dreams and fears? This is just the game for you.
                               3. The ‘Travel’ version - what can be more suitable than playing this game near a bonfire
                               We created ‘Truth’ ques�ons and ‘Dare’ tasks to fit the occasion.

Full display 18pcs (3 designs x 6pcs)
POS Measurements:
H 2.6 L 15 W 11'
H 6.5 L 38 W 28 cm
Item #: 156

Truth & Dare - Sleepover Party               Truth & Dare - Travel                      Truth & Dare - Family
Age: 12+                                     Age: 7+                                     Age: 7+
Barcode: 7290018133149                       Barcode: 7290018133125                     Barcode: 7290018133132
Item#: 149                                   Item#: 125                                 Item#: 132

                            Doda Yoga is simply a FUN way for children (and their parents) to learn and enjoy YOGA. This
                            product range delivers professional Yoga content facilitated by humor and simplicity
                            resul�ng in a light and FUN environment for learning and prac�cing Yoga. The ac�vity cards
                            are illustrated with the funny looking DODA (meaning 'Aunty' in ancient Hebrew) that
                            demonstrate not only the final pose but also the correct steps to get there. Each set is
                            designed as a full Yoga session.

 Parents & Children - Yoga                In Nature - Yoga in nature                 Relaxa�on & Serenity - An
 connects parents and children in a       allows children to connect, with           amazing kit for children to
 safe surrounding with a pure             their body, mind and with                  discover their body and release
 "quality �me" factor. Age: 6+            nature. Age: 6+                            tensions. Age: 6+
 Barcode: 7290016026283                   Barcode: 7290016026252                     Barcode: 7290016026269
 Item#: 283                               Item#: 252                                 Item#: 269

                                                                                     Full Display 20pcs (4 designs x
                                                                                     5pcs) POS Measurements:
                                                                                     H 9.8 L 9.4 W 9.4’
                                                                                     H 25 L 24 W 24 cm
                                                                                     Barcode: 7290016026320
                                                                                     Item#: 320

 Focus & Concentra�on - Yoga is a
 wonderful and efficient tool for
 children to develop focus and
 concentra�on skills. Age: 6+
 Barcode: 7290016026276
 Item#: 276

doodle a droodle

      "The Purple Cow" brings the "Droodles" back to life with a twist!
      Droodles are nonsense amusing cartoons that were originally created in the early 1950s.
      The name "droodle" signifies a mix between a "doodle" (a sketch) and a "riddle".
      In this entertaining droodle game, players need to think crea�vely and sketch their interpre-
      ta�on of the droodle. If they did a good job in sketching – they win points. A good laugh is
      This game assists in developing fine motor skills, crea�ve and "out of the box" thinking as
      well as sharpening one's sense of humor!
      Inside: 108 droodles, erasable �n board, 2 erasable pens, a sand �mer & instruc�ons

Oppenheim Toy Por�olio - Gold Seal Award

                                                       Ages: 5+, Players 1-10,
                                                       Dimensions: H9.8' X L9.8' X W2.7' ,
                                                       H25 X L25 X W7cm
                                                       Barcode: 7290016026108
                                                       Item#: 108


 Illustrated Jigsaw puzzle maps for kids.100 pcs.
 Discovering our world was never so much fun. Funky illustra�ons and detailed info: typical monuments, animals,
 ethnici�es and a host of interes�ng facts.
 Puzzle dimensions: 13.8' x 9.9', 35 x 25cm,
 Age: 6+.
 1 full "egg tray" display fits 18 pcs (3 designs x 6 pcs).
 POS Measurements: H 9.5' X L 14.5' X W 14.5'
                         H 24 X L 36.5 X W 36.5 cm
 Barcode: 7290014368811
 Item#: 811
 Barcode: 7290014368699
 Item#: 699

 Barcode: 7290014368705
 Item#: 705

 Barcode: 7290014368736
 Item#: 736

 Barcode: 7290014368712 FOB, CHINA ONLY
 Item#: 712

 Barcode: 7290014368729 FOB, CHINA ONLY
 Item#: 729

Oppenheim Toy Por�olio - Gold Seal Award

Item#: 736

Item#: 699

Item#: 705

Shake & Go

     The World's Greatest Dice Games
     A range of 4 famous and notoriously fun dice games. Served in a tubular box ideal for travelling.
     Exquisite and vibrant colorful design. Age: 8+

                                                                                          1 full display fits 24pcs
                                                                                          (4 designs x 6pcs)
                                                                                          POS Measurements:
                                                                                          H 14.6' x L 9' x W 10.3'
                                                                                          H 37.2 x L 23 x W 26.2 cm
                                                                                          Barcode: 7290014368804
                                                                                          Item#: 804

Shake & Go

                        Bunco - An American buzz, Age: 8+,
                        Barcode: 7290014368774, Item#: 774

                     Farkle - The coolest game in La�n America,
                     Age: 8+, Barcode: 7290014368781, Item#: 781

                                    Super Yatzy - The ho�est game in Scandinavia,
                                    Age: 8+, Barcode: 7290014368798, Item#: 798

Dudo - China's cheekiest game, Age: 12+,
Barcode: 7290014368767, Item#: 767

20 Things that are Fun to Do
 A set of four �n cases, each comprises of 20 brilliant ac�vi�es and games for a variety of situa�ons.

                                       20 things that are fun to do at a sleepover party.
                                       Let the party begin with these 20 brilliant games and ac�vi�es that will make this
                                       party something to remember! Age - 5+
                                       Barcode: 7290011890315, Item#: 315

                                       20 things that are fun to do with your grandparents. Take the quality �me with your
                                       grandparents to the next level with these tailored ac�vi�es! Age - 5+
                                       Barcode: 7290011890285, Item#: 285

                                       20 things that are fun to do when you're bored.
                                       Having a friend over and don’t know what to do? It's raining outside and you can't go
                                       out? 20 fresh ideas to keep you busy. Age - 5+
                                       Barcode: 7290011890308, Item#: 308

                                       20 things that are fun to do on the way.
                                       Who said the journey must be boring?
                                       Let the fun begin with these 20 great ideas and games for the road. Age - 5+
                                       Barcode: 7290011890292, Item#: 292
                                       Counter display: 1 full display fits 24pcs (4 designs x 6pcs)
                                       POS Measurements: H10.2' X L9.2' X W9.4'
                                                            H26 X L23.5 X W24 cm
                                       Barcode: 7290014368095, Item#: 095

Memo Games
  Art & Smart Memory Games
  The Purple Cow brings back to life the good old memory games.
  Designed in a beau�ful tubular box with large round and durable play cards.
  Each child can find their own favorite �tle - dogs, funny faces, dinosaurs, robots and
  illustrated animals. Age: 3+

Memo - Animals                                                 Memo - Dogs
Barcode: 7290014368880                                         Barcode: 7290014368859
Item#: 880                                                     Item#: 859

                           Memo - Robots
                           Barcode: 7290014368873
                           Item#: 873

Memo - Funny Faces                                       Memo - Saurs (Dinosaurs)
Barcode: 7290014368866                                   Barcode: 7290014368842
Item#: 866                                               Item#: 842

The World of Magnets

     7 magne�c kits, designed and illustrated by Inna Semadar. The magne�c kits can be used on any metallic surface -
     refrigerator, magne�c boards, etc.
     Recommended by psychologists, as a developmental tool enriching the imagina�on.
     Magne�c Numbers                         Magne�c Le�ers                          When I Grow Up I want to be...
     39 colorful numbers and arithme�c       67 colorful magne�c le�ers, ideal for   A magne�c matching game.
     sign magnets suitable for learning      learning the ABC, wri�ng prac�ce        Contains: 11 figures (33 magnets).
     arithme�c, numbers, coun�ng and         and leaving messages on the fridge.     Objec�ve: to find the 3 matching
     prepara�on for elementary school.       Age: 4+                                 pieces for each profession.
     Age: 4+                                 Barcode: 7290011890735                  Age: 3+
     Barcode: 7290011890520                  Item#: 735                              Barcode: 7290011890513
     Item#: 520                                                                      Item#: 513

Animals                Robots                        Farm World

Jungle World
               Farm World                        Robots
               Animals and other elements        A magne�c matching game
               from the farm world. Includes     Contains: 13 robot figures. Each
               24 magnets. Age: 3+               figure consists of 3 parts.
               Barcode: 7290011890049            39 magnets. Age: 3+
               Item#: 049                        Barcode: 7290016026085
                                                 Item#: 085

               Jungle World                      Animals
               Animals and other elements        A fun magne�c experience.
               from the jungle world. Includes   Contains: 13 animal figures.
               21 magnets. Age: 3+               Each figure consists of 3 parts.
               Barcode: 7290011890056            39 magnets. Age: 3+
               Item#: 056                        Barcode: 7290016026092
                                                 Item#: 092

Fairy Tale jigsaw puzzles

     Fairy Tale jigsaw puzzles
     An ar�s�c interpreta�on of the fairy tale classics, illustrated by the renowned Australian ar�st Inna Semadar.
     Presented in a compact and funky �n box. Suitable for various age groups star�ng from 3 years old.
     A variety of puzzles from 24 to 60 pieces.

     Puzzle dimensions: 8.7' x 13.8'
                          32 x 22cm
     Counter display fits 24pcs
     (up to 8 designs x 3pcs)

                                                                                Pick Your Own: choose a minimum of
                                                                                24 pcs/ 1 full display comprised of
                                                                                any of the 8 designs. Minimum per
                                                                                design 3 pcs. Up to 8 designs x 3pcs.
                                                                                POS Measurements:
                                                                                H 11.61' x L 11.22' x W 13.98'
                                                                                H29.5 X L28.5 X W35.5 cm
                                                                                Barcode: 7290014368750
                                                                                Item#: 750

Pinocchio- 24 pc puzzle               Hansel & Gretel- 24 pc puzzle
Barcode: 7290011890599                Barcode: 7290014368675
Item#: 599                            Item#: 675

Li�le Red Riding Hood- 35 pc puzzle   Rapunzel- 35 pc puzzle
Barcode: 7290011890629                Barcode: 7290014368651
Item#: 629                            Item#: 651

Snow White- 48 pc puzzle              Robin hood- 48 pc puzzle
Barcode: 7290011890605                Barcode: 7290014368668
Item#: 605                            Item#: 668

Cinderella- 60 pc puzzle              Puss in Boots- 60 pc puzzle
Barcode: 7290011890612                Barcode: 7290014368644
Item#: 612                            Item#: 644

Educa�onal Fun

     Ready set going out – a memo & matching game, Have fun with this memo and matching game while
     preparing for the day ahead. Whilst developing observa�onal skills & spa�al memory, its real target is to
     minimize well known conflicts regarding the issue of ge�ng the children dressed and organized before
     going out.
     Age: 3+
     Item#: 582

     The World Explorer - lo�o and memo game
     Who will be the first to fill up the suitcase? This enjoyable memo game is rich with content regarding 4 prominent
     countries – USA, China, France and Italy.
     Age: 4+
     Barcode: 7290011890148
     Item#: 148

Lo�o game - Animals - The classic game of
lo�o comes to life with the funky animated
animals illustrated by the renowned
Australian ar�st, Inna Semadar.
Age: 3+
Barcode: 7290011890940
Item#: 940

                                             Where do Animals Live?
                                             A self-correc�ve 2pc puzzle
                                             matching game (10 sets).
                                             Age: 3+
                                             Barcode: 7290011890773
                                             Item#: 773

                                             Learning to Count
                                             A numbers matching
                                             puzzle - turn the experience of
                                             learning the numbers into
                                             a fun game.
                                             Age: 3+
                                             Barcode: 7290014368439
                                             Item#: 439

The Amazing World of Steve Bloom

     3D Len�cular Jigsaw Puzzles
     Steve Bloom images represent some of the most accomplished wildlife and underwater photographs.
     His breathtaking images come to life in these spectacular len�cular jigsaw puzzles.
     Puzzle dimensions: 9.8' x 11.8'
                         25 x 30 cm.
     Age: 6+

     Siberian Tigers Figh�ng
     104 pcs.
     Barcode: 7290014368309
     Item#: 309

     Indian Elephant Swimming
     60 pcs.
     Barcode: 7290014368316
     Item#: 316

     Bo�lenose Dolphin Leaping
     Out Of The Water
     104 pcs.
     Barcode: 7290014368293
     Item#: 293

     Mother And Baby Panda
     60 pcs.
     Barcode: 7290014368323
     Item#: 323

3D Jigsaw Puzzles - 500pcs. Age 6+

Panda climbing a tree 500 pcs.
Barcode: 7290014368330
Item#: 330

Chimpanzees 500 pcs.
Barcode: 7290014368361
Item#: 361

Giraffe at water hole 500 pcs.
Barcode: 7290014368354
Item#: 354

White horses of the Camargue
running through water 500 pcs.
Barcode: 7290014368347
Item#: 347

Puzzle dimensions: 19.7' x 23.6'
                   50 x 60 cm


Contact details:
The Purple Cow America Inc.
Tel: 855-589-2818
Address: One Corporate Drive,
Grantsville, Maryland 21536, USA


Contact details:
The Purple Cow Interna�onal ARN Ltd
Tel: +972-4-6272318
Fax: +972-72-2355691

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