Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership

Page created by Calvin Tate
Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Candidate Information Pack
Chief Executive Officer
Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Homeward Bound Women in
Science Leadership Expedition

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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership


    About Homeward Bound


    History of Homeward Bound


    Position purpose


    Scope of the role


    Reporting lines & key stakeholders


    Subcommittees & working groups


    Structure & People


    Key Selection Criteria


    Application Instructions

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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
About Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound (HB) is a                         Each graduating cohort of
ground-breaking, global leadership               participants becomes part of a
initiative, set against the backdrop             global network committed to
of Antarctica, which aims to                     demonstrating a model of
heighten the influence and impact                leadership that is collaborative,
of women in making decisions that                inclusive, legacy-minded,
shape our planet.                                trustworthy with assets – people
Homeward Bound has grown and                     and money.
evolved organically in response to               Success to HB means increasing
experience, feedback, changing                   the influence and impact of women
needs and the ideas of various                   leading with a STEMM (science,
committed stakeholders. Beginning                technology, engineering,
as a social enterprise, Homeward                 mathematics, medicine)
Bound now operates as a not-for-                 background in making decisions
profit organistion governed by a                 that shape the future of our planet.
volunteer Board of Directors and is
seeking to appoint its first full time           Its three strategic focal points are:
Chief Executive Officer.                         1.     Individuals are willing and able
Homeward Bound’s goal is to give                        to lead
1000 women, within 10 years, the                 2.     We are stronger together
skill and will to lead with impact
and influence for the greater good;              3.     We are taking actions with
and by connecting influential                           impact
women in STEMM to promote
collaboration and diversity at the
global leadership table.
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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
History of Homeward Bound
The idea of Homeward Bound was, quite                      Why the focus on STEMM?
literally, dreamt into reality by Fabian Dattner
(social entrepreneur, leadership activist and              We believe scientific endeavour plays a
founding partner at Dattner Group). Together               critical part in resolving our most ‘wicked’
with Antarctic Conservation Biologist Dr                   global problems moving forward. We aim to
Justine Shaw, Antarctic Marine Biologist                   support women into positions of influence,
Assoc Professor Mary-Anne Lea, and                         where they can have impact. We want to
Antarctic Marine Scientist Jess-Melbourne                  tackle the challenge of science
Thomas, Homeward Bound was born.                           communication and the visibility of women in
                                                           STEMM. Additional to the overarching gender
Together, they garnered the support of                     imbalance in leadership, women in STEMM
significant scientific bodies and women of                 face additional challenges specific to these
influence, created a strong leadership team                fields.
and teaching faculty, and got the project off
the ground. In 2015, the project went viral.
Launched in 2016, the inaugural program
                                                           Why Antarctica?
culminated in the largest-ever female
expedition to Antarctica.                                  Antarctica is undergoing some of the most
                                                           rapid environmental change on the planet. It
Since then, Homeward Bound has been
                                                           highlights the global sustainability problems
developed by an extensive team of
                                                           we currently face. As such Antarctica has
collaborators, including a global faculty of
                                                           been the chosen backdrop for the delivery of
leadership, strategy, visibility and science
                                                           Homeward Bound's programs to date.
experts. Past participants and new strategic
                                                           Antarctica offers an unparalleled opportunity
stakeholders help expand the message of
                                                           to observe first hand the influence of human
women with a STEMM background leading
                                                           activities on the environment and provide
for the greater good.
                                                           critical insights into the global-scale change
HB has now led four cohorts of women                       required. This iconic environment has
through the annual state-of-the-art program                captured the imagination of leaders in the
and Antarctic voyage, with a fifth and sixth               past and to date the Antarctic expedition
cohorts underway. Co-founders Fabian                       component of the Homeward Bound program
Dattner, Justine Shaw and Mary-Anne Lea                    creates strong bonds between participants
continue to drive vision and purpose of                    and differentiates us from other leadership
Homeward Bound.                                            programs. To date it has been a component of
                                                           the program, this may change as the
Why Women ?                                                organisation evolves.
Globally, women are significantly
underrepresented in leadership positions, and
change has been incredibly slow, despite                   Why Now?
increasing dialogue and process/systems
                                                           If not now, when? The sustainability of our
changes. (Although women comprise 60% of
                                                           planet is in crisis and so is the state of
university graduates, only 10-20% of them
                                                           leadership in our world. Homeward Bound
make it to senior decision-making roles or
                                                           aims to address both these global issues.
professional-level academia.
                                                           To view the Homeward Bound’s Strategy
By providing these women with leadership,                  Map and Definitions please click here.
visibility and strategic skills, a sound
understanding of the science, and a strong
purposefully developed network, we will
enhance their ability to lead for the greater
good, to impact decision-making for a
sustainable future.
Gender fact sheet available here
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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Position purpose
The purpose of the CEO position is to                  • Ensure purpose, strategy and values of
provide leadership to Homeward Bound                     Homeward Bound are front and centre and
(HB) and drive a global vision to implement              pursued to meet the objectives set by the
and enact the HB strategy through;                       Board.
• Embodying a demonstrated passion for                 • Development and execution of an
  HB’s purpose, visionary goals and values               operational plan and reporting on key
  of HB                                                  milestones and budgets.
• Executing most suitable business model               • Continue to evolve organisational capacity,
  to ensure delivery of the HB strategy                  core competencies and strengths (i.e. global
                                                         communications and fundraising).
• Driving strategic fundraising, including
  corporate sponsorships and partnerships,             • Facilitate effective communication and
  government grants, individual and                      decision-making with the operational team
  corporate donors.                                      and Board.
• Facilitating best practice organisational            • Ensure strong governance and
  culture that espouses values of                        management frameworks (strategic and
  collaboration, inclusivity, legacy-minded              operational risk mitigation)
  and trusted with assets
• Ensuring the social entrepreneurial focus
  of Homeward Bound is sustained (fast,                Time commitment: Full time
  feasible, adaptable, agile, courageous)              Length of appointment: Two-year term with
  AND the business is operationally                    renewable contract for further two years.
  effective.                                           6-month probation period,
• Engagement/co-ordination of the
  collective of founders, stream leaders
  and faculty to deliver transformative, high
  quality and unique programs, with
  measurable impacts, delivered by a
  global, diverse faculty of experts
• Drive innovative means for amplifying
  Homeward Bound’s visibility and
                             Fisher Leadership – Commercial in confidence                        6
Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Scope of the role
                       The Homeward Bound (HB)
                       CEO has oversight of the
                       • Developing and driving
                         fundraising for HB
                       • Driving and maintaining
                         global partnerships
                       • Developing and fostering
                         network relationships
                       • Overseeing HB operations
                         (including paid and
                         volunteer resources)
                       • Managing corporate
                         partners (including
                         sponsors and donors)
                       • Fostering relationships with
                         key program stakeholders
                       • Maintaining relationships
                         with suppliers
                       • Managing relationships
                         with the Board and the
                       • Leading and managing the
                         brand and reputation of the

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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Reporting lines &
key stakeholders
The CEO has
responsibility to manage
the following staff
members, volunteers
and key suppliers on
behalf of the Board:
• Operations Team (paid)
• Program design and
  integration team
• 30 Faculty & 60
  coaches (volunteers)
• Corporate partners,
  sponsors and suppliers;
  including legal and
  international shipping
  charter company etc.

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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Subcommittees & working groups
The CEO ensures support of the Board and the following Board Subcommittees
and strategic working groups.

Board Subcommittees:
Audit & Finance
Risk Management
Strategic Fundraising
Performance & Remuneration

Working groups:
Global communications
Monitoring Evaluation and Learning
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Other emergent working groups

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Candidate Information Pack - Chief Executive Officer - Fisher Leadership
Structure & People

On 1 July 2020 Homeward Bound became a not-for-profit organisation, after
operating as a private company for its first four years of operation.
It is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and run by an Operations Team.

                            Fisher Leadership – Commercial in confidence          10
Key Selection Criteria

1.    Leadership of a dynamic paid and/or volunteer workforce

2.    Experienced fundraiser, with strong links to corporate and government sectors, and
      demonstrable experience in private and public donor campaigns

3.    Proven ability build partnerships across a broad spectrum of stakeholders

4.    Experience in organisational change management

5.    Working understanding of the not-for-profit environment

6.    Experience in setting and directing strategy, and guiding the development and
      execution of operational plans

7.    Strong internal and external stakeholder management skills, with a focus on user

8.    Experience in reporting and engaging with a Board of Directors

9.    Globally networked – able to facilitate talent into Homeward Bound at the Board &
      Faculty level

10.   A visionary thinker with a global mindset, with experience in leading global


•     CEO experience
•     A strong commitment to gender equity, diversity and sustainability
•     Experience with the STEMM sector and appreciation of the challenges faced by
      women in STEMM (past and current)

•     Experienced speaker/media communicator/motivator

•     Proven ability to work in a dynamic environment

•     Knowledge of leadership development programs

                              Fisher Leadership – Commercial in confidence                11
Application Instructions

To apply, please go to ‘Opportunities’ on and click ‘APPLY NOW’
using reference HWBceo0321 and address your cover letter and resume to Kate Wheeler of
Fisher Leadership.
Your application should include:
1.   A brief covering letter clearly quotingHWBceo0321 and including specific responses to the
     Essential Criteria, providing examples of demonstrated experience and capabilities.
2.   A complete current resume; stating responsibilities and achievements against each role
     you have held.
Please ensure that you receive an email acknowledgement confirming receipt of your application.
The closing date for applications is Monday 3rd May 2021.

                             Fisher Leadership – Commercial in confidence                     12
For more information visit:

   Fisher Leadership
   Level 6, 99 William Street
   Melbourne 3000
   T: 1300 347 437


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