Page created by Marcus Reyes
Prepared by for the WEL Energy Trust 2020 Election of Trustees
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this handbook is
accurate and consistent with the Deed of Trust and the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Electoral Officer and
WEL Energy Trust takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. It is recommended that candidates
familiarise themselves with the Deed of Trust and the Local Electoral Act 2001.
CONTENTS                                                                              3

                   INTRODUCTION                                               4

                   WEL ENERGY TRUST                                           4

                   DUTIES OF TRUSTEES AND REMUNERATION                        5

                   MAP OF WEL ENERGY TRUST AREA                               7

                   ELECTION FAQS                                              8

                   CANDIDATE ELIGIBILITY                                  11

                   NOMINATIONS                                            12


                   COUNCIL POLICIES ON ELECTION HOARDINGS                 14

                   ELECTORAL ROLLS                                        14

                   SPECIAL VOTING                                         15

                                                                                                               2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
                   SCRUTINEERS                                            15

                   ELECTION RESULTS                                       16

                   ELECTION OFFENCES                                      17

                                                                                                Wel Energy Trust

For election related enquiries:                For Trust related enquiries:
Warwick Lampp, Electoral Officer               Raewyn Jones, Chief Executive WEL Energy Trust Ltd                              Perry House, 360 Tristram St, Hamilton
3/3 Pukaki Rd,                                 PO Box 1336, Hamilton 3240
Christchurch Airport                           Phone: 07 838 0093
Phone: 0800 666 031                  
4                                          INTRODUCTION
                                                     This handbook outlines information which may be of interest to you as a candidate in the 2020 WEL
                                                     Energy Trust election of Trustees.
                                                     Every three years the seven Trustees of the WEL Energy Trust are required to stand down and nominations
                                                     for Trustees are called. If more nominations are received than positions available, an election will be held
                                                     to fill these vacancies by postal and online voting. This is scheduled to conclude at 12 noon, Friday 26th
                                                     June 2020.
                                                     The conduct of the election is regulated by the WEL Energy Trust Deed of Trust. Where electoral
                                                     procedures are silent in the Deed, the procedures contained in the Local Electoral Act 2001 are followed.
                                                     A copy of the Deed of Trust is included in the nomination pack.

                                                        2020 KEY DATES

                                                         Nominations open                                   Thursday 16th April 2020
                                                         Nominations close                                  12 noon, Thursday 14th May 2020
                                                         Delivery of voting papers                          Thursday 4th June 2020
                                                         Voting closes                                      12 noon, Friday 26th June 2020
                                                         Preliminary result announced                       Approx 4pm Friday 26th June 2020
                                                         Final result released                              Tuesday 30th June 2020

                                                        For further information please phone the Electoral Officer, Warwick Lampp or Deputy Electoral

                                                        Officer, Anthony Morton at toll free on 0800 666 031.

                                                     WEL ENERGY TRUST
                                                     BACKGROUND                                              Income beneficiaries are the Company, customers,
                                                                                                             the community and energy related projects, at the
                                                     The WEL Energy Trust is a special purpose body          Trust’s discretion.
                                                     consisting of seven (7) elected Trustees. The Trust
                                                     was originally formed in 1993 and distributes           Capital beneficiaries are the Hamilton City Council
                                                     surplus income at its discretion to energy related      (63%), Waikato District Council (35%) and the
Wel Energy Trust

                                                     projects and regional or community projects or          Waipa District Council (2%).
                                                     grants.                                                 WEL Networks Ltd is a company wholly owned
                                                                                                             by the Trust, and has over 87,000 consumers
                                                     TRUST DISTRICT                                          connected to its network.

                                                     The WEL Energy Trust district comprises all of the      Candidates should familiarise themselves with the
                                                     Hamilton City Council area, most of the Waikato         Trust and its activities and are advised to visit the
                                                     District Council area and part of the Waipa District    Trust website:
                                                     Council area (see map in this handbook).                The Trust has adopted a Diversity Policy, and
                                                     Within the Trust district are approximately             candidates should familiarise themselves with that
                                                     134,000 electors.                                       document. A copy is available from the Trust’s
                                                                                                             website or the elections resource page (see next
                                                     RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUST                           paragraph for link details).
                                                                                                             Candidates should also familiarise themselves
                                                     The Trust has responsibilities to: manage its           with the provisions of the Trust Deed, the
                                                     investment in WEL Networks Ltd (the Company);           Trustees Act 1956 and the 2020 Pre-election
                                                     ensure WEL Networks Ltd operates as a successful        Report. Copies of these documents can be
                                                     business; have regard to customer interests in          viewed from the election resource page:
                                                     industry matters; distribute surplus income at its
                                                     discretion and to be accountable to the community.
DUTIES OF TRUSTEES AND REMUNERATION                                                                                     5

DUTIES OF TRUSTEES                                        vii) To appoint an auditor of the Trust at each
                                                               annual general meeting or as required.
1. WEL Energy Trust (‘Trust’) is established by a trust
   deed dated 26th May 1993 which has from time           viii) To ensure that the financial statements are
   to time been varied.                                         audited every year and at such other times
                                                                as the Trustees require.
2. WEL Networks Limited (‘Company’) is a company
   wholly owned by the Trust.                             ix) Immediately upon completion of the audit
3. Trustees must become familiar with the terms of            of the financial statements, to give public
   the Trust Deed.                                            notification that the statements are available
                                                              for public inspection at the office of the
4. Trustees must become familiar with the Company’s           Trust.
   Strategic Direction, Targets and Measures and
   information relating to its current performance,       x) To adopt and follow a meeting procedure that
   financial and otherwise.                                  complies with the Guiding Principles to the
5. The primary purpose of the Trust is for the Trustees      extent of Accountability and Transparency.
   to hold the shares in the Company for the benefit      xi) To hold an annual general meeting within
   of the persons and objects described in the Trust          four months after the end of each financial
   Deed and for the Trustees to exercise their rights
                                                              year of the Trust, and at that meeting to
   as shareholders in the Company to ensure that the
                                                              report on the operation of the Trust during
   Company operates as a successful business.
                                                              the financial year under review and on the
6. The Trustees must act as a diligent shareholder            financial statements of the Trust for that
   and monitor the performance of the directors of            same year.
   the Company with reference to the Company’s
   Strategic Direction, Targets and Measures.             xii) To prepare an annual “intentions” plan
                                                               for the public concerning the Trust’s plans
7. The Trust Deed imposes the following specific
                                                               for the financial year to which it relates,

                                                                                                                              2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
   duties on Trustees:
                                                               and in general for the following financial
   i) To enhance their ability to administer the               year including the Trustees’ intentions in
      Trust by taking timely and competent advice.             respect of distributions from the Trust for
   ii) To assume the rights and responsibilities of            the financial year to which the annual
       the Trust under                                         “intentions” plan relates. To issue an annual
                                                               “intentions” plan in draft form and to invite
       a) those contractual arrangements (if any)              and consider public submissions on the draft
          in existence as at the 1993 vesting date             before issuing the annual “intentions” plan
          of the Trust and which may still be in               in final form.
          existence; and
                                                          xiii)To prepare an annual performance report
       b) the present contractual arrangements of              to the public assessing the Trust’s own
          the Trust                                            performance and stating the results of the
   iii) To comply with the Guiding Principles in               Trustees’ review of the Trust’s involvement     Wel Energy Trust
        relation to the Trust and to encourage and             in the Company and whether or not there
        facilitate the Directors of the Company to             have been any changes to the Trust Deed.
        act in accordance with the Guiding Principles     xiv) Review and comment on the Company’s
        as defined in the Trust Deed.                          compliance with the Company’s then
   iv) To appoint as Directors of the Company                  current Strategic Direction, Targets and
       persons who, in the opinion of the Trustees,            Measures and to consider and comment on
       are qualified to ensure that the Company                any altered Strategic Direction, Targets and
       operates as a successful business.                      Measures intent delivered to the Trustees
                                                               by the Company and within the time limits
   v) To ensure that full and correct accounts of              referred to in the Trust Deed.
      all the financial transactions of the Trust and
      its assets and liabilities are kept.                xv) To maintain appropriate indemnity covers
                                                              to the extent that insurance against loss or
   vi) Within three months after the end of each              damage is available.
       financial year, to have financial statements
       prepared including a statement of financial
       position, and a statement of financial
       performance showing a true and fair view
       of the financial affairs of the Trust for that
       financial year in accordance with accepted
       accounting standards.
                                                        xvi) To provide a pre-election report to the public      TRUST MEETINGS
                                                             not earlier than nine months and not later
                                                             than three months prior to every election           The last Trust meeting to be held before the
                                                             and to review the purposes of the Trust and         election will be held on 24th June 2020.
                                                             report the results of that review publicly, as      The first meeting for the new Trust will be
                                                             if it were an annual performance report.            scheduled once the new Trustees are known.
                                                             As part of such review to consider whether
                                                             the rules and policies of the Trust provide         Further information on Trust meetings, roles of
                                                             adequate protection for customers, and              Trustees, governance issues, meeting agendas etc
                                                             whether the Trust should continue in its            should be referred to the Chief Executive, Raewyn
                                                             existing form or be amended or whether the          Jones on (07) 838 0093.
                                                             Trust should be wound up.                           As a general rule, Trust meetings are held during
                                                        xvii) To comply with the standards of conduct            the afternoon on the fourth Wednesday of
                                                              under the Trust Deed. Specifically the             the month. Additional meetings are held if the
                                                              requirements of Trusteeship protocol               workload requires it, or if there are particular issues
                                                              dealing with confidentiality and conflicts         that need addressing.
                                                              of interest. The Trust Deed sets out the           As an indication of the amount of time involved
                                                              requirements imposed upon Trustees relating        – In 2019, 11 ordinary meetings, one special
                                                              to confidentiality and conflict of interest and    meeting, one extraordinary meeting and the
                                                              the potential for removal from office in the       AGM were held, as well as two workshops and a
                                                              event of non-compliance.                           number of non-compulsory engagements. Some
                                                                                                                 of the ordinary meetings include briefings from
                                                     GENERAL DUTIES                                              WEL Networks, investment and other updates.
                                                                                                                 In addition, the Trust’s Finance, Audit and Risk
                                                     In the administration of the Trust, the Trustees have       Sub-Committee and newly-formed Investment
                                                     the following general duties:                               Committee, comprising three and two Trustees
                                                     1. To act in the best interests of the beneficiaries of     respectively, meet regularly throughout the year
                                                        the Trust.                                               to develop and monitor these specific areas. The

                                                     2. To act in an even handed manner between                  Grants Committee meets after each of the five
                                                        beneficiaries and between groups of beneficiaries.       annual Quick Response rounds, and this includes
                                                                                                                 one Trustee at each meeting (on rotation).
                                                     3. Not to use knowledge, or influence, gained as a
                                                        result of the Trusteeship, to derive a personal gain     Before each meeting agenda papers and
                                                        or profit.                                               supporting documents are circulated to Trustees.
                                                     4. To act personally and not to delegate the office
                                                        to others except where expressly permitted by the        TRUSTEE REMUNERATION
                                                        Trust document.
                                                                                                                 As per Trust policy, a pre-election review of Trustee
                                                     5. To act honestly and with that level of skill and         remuneration has been conducted. The maximum
                                                        prudence which would be expected of the                  remuneration levels for Trustees from 1 July 2020
                                                        reasonable business person in the administration
                                                                                                                 will be:
                                                        of his or her own affairs.
Wel Energy Trust

                                                     6. To develop, maintain and review an appropriate            Chairperson                         $46,395
                                                        investment strategy, and in doing so, to exercise         Deputy Chairperson                  $38,662
                                                        the care, diligence, and skill that a prudent person
                                                        of business would exercise in managing the affairs        Trustees                            $30,930
                                                        of others.
                                                                                                                 All expenses incurred in the Hamilton City area by
                                                     7. To furnish beneficiaries with such information as        Trustees for the term are deemed for the purposes
                                                        they may from time to time be entitled to request        of the Trust as fully remunerated from within the
                                                        about the operation and assets of the Trust.
                                                                                                                 salary assigned to Trustees.
                                                     8. To ensure that all tax returns are prepared and
                                                        filed as necessary.                                      Expenses claimed for outside the Hamilton City
                                                                                                                 area are reimbursed on an actual and reasonable
                                                     9. To exercise reasonable care in all matters               basis subject to pre-approval by the Chairperson.
                                                        affecting the Trust, its assets or the interest of the
                                                        beneficiaries in the Trust property.                     All salaries are taxable. Trustees are considered to
                                                                                                                 be self-employed for tax and ACC purposes.
MAP OF WEL ENERGY TRUST AREA                                 7

                                                                   2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
                                                    Wel Energy Trust

The Trust’s area is located within the blue line.
8                                          ELECTION FAQs

                                                        Frequently asked questions about the WEL Energy Trust election.

                                                     What is the WEL Energy Trust and what                    How often does the Trust meet?
                                                     does it do?
                                                                                                              The Trust meets once a month throughout the
                                                     The WEL Energy Trust was established in 1993 to          year. Meetings generally last between 3-4 hours
                                                     administer the community’s one-third shareholding        each month, with the public welcome to attend
                                                     in WEL Energy Group.                                     from 2.30 pm for the Open Section. Trustees are
                                                                                                              expected to attend all monthly meetings.
                                                     Since then, the Trust has become the 100% owner
                                                     of WEL Networks Ltd (formerly WEL Energy Group).         Special meetings or workshops can be held to deal
                                                     WEL Networks Ltd in turn owns and maintains the          with matters that require action outside the normal
                                                     power lines and equipment that deliver electricity       meeting schedule, or require more time than is
                                                     to over 87,000 homes, farms and businesses in            available at normal meetings. Additionally, the Trust
                                                     Hamilton, most of the Waikato District and a small       operate a number of sub-committees. Trustees are
                                                     part of the Waipa District.                              expected to attend any sub-committee meetings
                                                                                                              they are appointed to.
                                                     The Trust operates under the terms of its Trust
                                                     Deed, which sets out exactly what powers the             What additional time commitments are
                                                     Trustees have and what they must do.                     expected?
                                                     Trustees: (1) are responsible for ensuring the           As with all governance organisations, Trustees can
                                                     Trust’s 100% owned company WEL Networks                  expect to spend 2-3 hours prior to each meeting
                                                     Ltd, operates as a successful company, (2) have          reading the agenda, background papers, and other
                                                     regard to customer interests in electricity industry     material circulated.

                                                     matters and (3) distribute surplus income to the
                                                     beneficiaries of the Trust.                              Trustees also receive many invitations from
                                                                                                              organisations that have received a grant and are
                                                     The Trust appoints the directors of WEL Networks         expected to attend these when they can.
                                                     Ltd and monitors the Company’s performance to
                                                     ensure it is meeting the successful company test.        How many Trustees are there?
                                                     From its investment in WEL Networks Ltd, the             There are seven Trustees, all elected on a three
                                                     Trust receives dividends and interest. It is from this   yearly cycle. Incumbent Trustees are eligible to re-
                                                     income that the Trust at its discretion provides         stand and there is no restriction on the number of
                                                     funding for energy efficiency initiatives and funding    terms any Trustee may serve.
                                                     for community groups in the Trust’s area.
                                                                                                              How do the Chairperson and Deputy
                                                     Each year the Trust must prepare a Draft Annual          Chairperson get elected?
                                                     “Intentions” Plan that is advertised for public
Wel Energy Trust

                                                     submissions, prior to final consideration and sign       The election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
                                                     off of an approved Annual “Intentions” Plan. The         is done on a majority vote of Trustees at the first
                                                     Trust must also prepare and publish an Annual            meeting after the election and annually thereafter.
                                                     Performance Report.                                      Do Trustees get paid?
                                                     Who are the beneficiaries?                               A review of Trustee remuneration has been
                                                     There are two classes of beneficiaries – capital and     conducted. From 1 July 2020 the Chairperson
                                                     income.                                                  will receive $46,395, the Deputy Chairperson will
                                                                                                              receive $38,662 and the Trustees will each receive
                                                     The capital (or residual) beneficiaries are the          $30,930. The percentages of the median are as
                                                     Hamilton City Council (63%), Waikato District            per Trust policy and can be reviewed once the new
                                                     Council (35%) and Waipa District Council (2%).           Trust is in place.
                                                     They will receive the assets of the Trust when it
                                                     winds up in 2073 if not before then.                     There are no meeting allowances. All expenses
                                                                                                              incurred in the Hamilton City area by Trustees
                                                     Income beneficiaries are variously the customers,        for the term are deemed for the purposes of the
                                                     the community, the three Councils and WEL                Trust as fully remunerated from within the salary
                                                     Networks Ltd, at the Trust’s discretion.                 assigned to Trustees.
                                                                                                              Expenses claimed for outside the Hamilton City
                                                                                                              area are reimbursed on an actual and reasonable
                                                                                                              basis subject to pre-approval by the Chairperson.
Who is eligible to stand for a Trustee of                  Is the Trust carrying out any general                            9
the WEL Energy Trust?                                      election publicity?
Any person who is a customer of WEL Networks               Yes. As well as the notices required as part of
Ltd (i.e. name singularly or jointly appears on an         the statutory election process, the Trust will be
electricity account) and who is a resident within          issuing media releases alerting people to the call
the Trust’s district, aged 18 or older and is on the       for nominations, the closing of nominations, the
Parliamentary electoral roll, subject to the Eligibility   issuing of voting papers and the closing of the poll.
criteria outlined in Section 6 (Page 12) or the Trust
Deed Rule 2.2                                              Will the Trust be publishing a Candidate
Who is a customer?
                                                           The Trust will be preparing a Candidate Profile
Customer means a person determined by the                  booklet for which every candidate must contribute
Trustees to be connected to the electricity lines          a statement of up to 150 words and a photograph
network of WEL Networks Ltd within the Trust’s             taken within the last 12 months.
                                                           The 150 word statement will be subject to review
If your name is not on the power account, either           by the Electoral Officer who will not accept any
singularly or jointly, even though you may pay part        statement that is derogatory, defamatory or
of the bill, you are not eligible to be a Trustee.         contains untrue statements.

Who is an elector?                                         Photographs must be of a suitable quality for
                                                           publication and can be supplied either hard copy
An elector is a person who is on, or is eligible to        or jpeg file, to the Electoral Officer on email at
be on, the Parliamentary electoral roll and is living
within the area previously serviced by the Hamilton
City Council’s Municipal Electricity Department or         The Candidate Profile booklet will be included in
the Central Waikato Electric Power Board. This later       the mailer to voters with the voting papers.
became the Waikato Electricity network area, and
                                                           What must I send in with my nomination
is the district of the Trust.

                                                                                                                                  2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
Who is eligible to nominate someone for                    Nominations will only be accepted as being
the WEL Energy Trust?                                      complete if the nomination form is accompanied
Any person who lives in the Trust’s district who is        by the 150 word statement, the photograph, and
also on the Parliamentary electoral roll. There is no      a copy of the candidate’s latest electricity account
requirement for the nominator or seconder to also          indicating that the candidate is a customer.
be a customer of WEL Networks Ltd.                         You can submit the statement and photo by email,
                                                           but your nomination will not be processed further
Who is conducting the election?
                                                           until all other documents have been received by
The Electoral Officer in charge of the election is         the Electoral Officer.
Warwick Lampp. Warwick is from, of
Christchurch. Warwick has considerable experience          Can I erect election signs?
in elections management in New Zealand and has             Yes, subject to the relevant bylaws of the Hamilton
been the Trust’s Electoral Officer for most elections                                                              Wel Energy Trust
                                                           City Council, Waikato District Council and Waipa
since 2002.                                                District Council, copies of which are included with
                                                           the Candidate Information Pack.
Is there a nomination deposit to stand for
the Trust?                                                 Each has different rules, and compliance with those
                                                           rules will be monitored by each of the Councils.
No, there is no deposit required.
                                                           It is up to candidates to ensure they comply with
Can I stand as part of a ticket or group?                  the different Council bylaws.
Yes. Candidates have a choice as to how they are           From an electoral point of view, the only
shown on the voting paper. They can either show            requirement is that the signs must all be removed
no affiliation, declare themselves as independent,         immediately after the election closes at 12 noon on
or state that they are part of a group or ticket.          Friday 26th June 2020.
Is there any restriction on how much
money I can spend on my election
No, there is no limit on the amount you can spend.
10                                               What happens if I change my mind and                    What do I need to know about Internet
                                                     decide to withdraw my nomination?                       Voting?
                                                     A candidate can withdraw from the election at any       The Trust has used internet voting for its elections
                                                     time up until the voting papers are issued.             since 2005. Internet voting gives electors another
                                                                                                             convenient and “easy to use” way of voting.
                                                     However, if a candidate withdraws after 29th May,
                                                                                                             Internet voting helps to increase participation, and
                                                     it will be impossible to remove their name from the
                                                                                                             makes the counting easier and faster by having all
                                                     voting papers and candidate booklet.
                                                                                                             the internet votes already recorded by the close of
                                                     Any votes received for a candidate who has              voting.
                                                     withdrawn, but who is still on the voting paper, will
                                                                                                             Each elector will be provided with a unique
                                                     be deemed invalid.
                                                                                                             PIN and password for use on the voting site
                                                     When will the votes be counted?                         which will be linked off the Trust’s website,
                                                     Actual vote processing will be carried out
                                                     progressively over the voting period, with all votes    Instructions for how to vote by the internet will be
                                                     to be tallied after noon on polling day, with a         provided on the voting paper, and on the website.
                                                     provisional result likely to be announced after 4 pm    Candidate profiles will also be displayed on the
                                                     on election day.                                        voting site.
                                                     Can I appoint a scrutineer for the official
                                                     Yes, scrutineers can be appointed to observe the
                                                     scrutiny of the roll process and the counting of
                                                     votes after 12 noon on election day. As progressive
                                                     processing of the voting papers is being carried out
                                                     by in Christchurch, scrutineers will
                                                     need to be in Christchurch on 26th June.

                                                     Is it possible to challenge the outcome of
                                                     the election?
                                                     Yes, a recount of votes can be applied for after
                                                     the final result is declared, by a candidate who
                                                     believes that the vote count is incorrect. A District
                                                     Court judge must decide whether a recount is to
                                                     be carried out under Court supervision. Costs may
                                                     be awarded against an applicant if the Judge so
                                                     A candidate or 5 or more electors have the right to
                                                     petition the Court for an enquiry into the conduct
                                                     of an election if they believe they have grounds to
                                                     do so.
Wel Energy Trust

                                                     Who can I talk to if I have any questions
                                                     about the election or the Trust?
                                                     For questions about the actual election processes,
                                                     call the Electoral Officer, Warwick Lampp toll free
                                                     on 0800 666 031.
                                                     For questions about the Trust’s operations, the Trust
                                                     Deed, or general inquiries about the WEL Energy
                                                     Trust, call the Chief Executive, Raewyn Jones on
                                                     (07) 838 0093.
CANDIDATE ELIGIBILITY                                                                                                    11

   A candidate for a TRUSTEE of WEL Energy Trust must be:
   A customer of WEL Networks Ltd who is resident within the Trust district, aged 18 or older and
   is on the Parliamentary electoral roll.

Restrictions on candidates for a Trustee of                (i) Substantial Shareholder or Officer or Employee:
WEL Energy Trust:                                              A person who holds or has a relevant interest
                                                               in more than 5% of the voting equity securities
In accordance with clause 2.2 of the Trust Deed,               issued by the COMPANY or any other energy
the following persons are not eligible for election            company, or who is an office holder, or is
or appointment as a TRUSTEE and may not hold                   employed by, a shareholder who holds such
office as a TRUSTEE:                                           an interest. For the purpose of this paragraph
                                                               “relevant interest” has the meaning given to it by
(a) Bankrupt: A bankrupt who has not obtained a
                                                               section 235 of the Financial Markets Act 2013.
    final order of discharge, has been suspended for
    a term not yet expired, or is subject to a condition      Note – As the Hamilton City Council and Waikato
    not yet fulfilled or to any order under section 111       District Council currently hold a substantial
    of the Insolvency Act 1967.                               interest in shares, their elected members and staff
                                                              (including the Mayors) are ineligible for election as
(b) Conviction: A person who has been convicted of
                                                              Trustees of the WEL Energy Trust.
    any offence punishable by a term of imprisonment
    of 2 or more years unless that person has obtained     (j) Not a Resident and Customer: A person who is
    a pardon or has served the sentence or otherwise           not both a RESIDENT within the DISTRICT and a
    suffered the sentence imposed upon that person.            CUSTOMER.
(c) Imprisonment: A person who has been sentenced
    to imprisonment for any offence unless that

                                                                                                                                     2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
    person has obtained a pardon or has served the
(d) Prohibition Order: A person to whom an order
    made under sections 382, 383, or 385 of the
    Companies Act 1993 applies.
(e) Mentally Disordered: A person who is mentally
    disordered within the meaning of the Mental
    Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment)
    Act 1992.
(f) Property Order: A person who is subject to a
    property order made under section 30 or section
    31 of the Protection of Personal and Property
    Rights Act 1988.                                                                                                  Wel Energy Trust
(g) Parliamentary Elector: A person who is not a
    parliamentary elector for the purposes of the
    Electoral Act 1993.
(h) Director or Employee of Company or any other
    Electricity Distribution or Supply Company: A
    person who currently holds office as a Director
    of, or is employed by, the COMPANY or any other
    electricity distribution or supply company.
12                                               NOMINATIONS
                                                     NOMINATIONS - KEY DATES                                   CANDIDATE AFFILIATIONS
                                                     • Nominations open on Thursday 16th April 2020.           • The nomination form provides for a party
                                                     • Nominations close at 12 noon, Thursday 14th May           accreditation or other designation.
                                                       2020.                                                   • Individual candidates not part of a political party
                                                     • Public notices calling for nominations will appear        may wish to nominate their designation as
                                                       in the Waikato Times, Hamilton This Week, North           “Independent” or leave as blank (if left blank,
                                                       Waikato News and Raglan Chronicle during April            nothing will show alongside the name on the
                                                       and May.                                                  voting paper).
                                                                                                               • A candidate requiring a specific party accreditation
                                                     CANDIDATE BRIEFING                                          must have authority to adopt the accreditation
                                                                                                                 from the party concerned (i.e. use of party
                                                     This year a candidate briefing is not being                 letterhead or letter of consent are acceptable).
                                                     held. Any queries regarding the Trust and the               This is a safety measure to avoid any illegal
                                                     election process should be made to the Electoral            adoption of party affiliations.
                                                     Officer, Warwick Lampp, in the first instance on          • No party accreditation or other designation that is
                                                     0800 666 031 or                          offensive in nature or likely to confuse or mislead
                                                                                                                 electors will be accepted.
                                                     COMPLETION OF NOMINATION FORM
                                                                                                               LODGEMENT OF NOMINATION FORMS
                                                     • Each nomination must be made on the official
                                                       nomination form, enclosed with this information         • Nomination forms should be scanned and emailed
                                                       pack. Further copies of the nomination form can           to
                                                       be obtained from the Trust office (07) 838 0093 or        If a candidate is unable to email through their
                                                       from the Electoral Officer on 0800 666 031.               nomination forms they should ring the election
                                                                                                                 helpline on 0800 666 031 to check on other
                                                     • Each nomination must be accompanied by a
                                                                                                                 delivery options.

                                                       candidate profile and photo (see the next section
                                                       for further details).                                   • Once lodged, nomination forms are checked to
                                                                                                                 ensure the candidate is eligible (name appears on
                                                     • Each nomination must be accompanied by a copy
                                                                                                                 a power a/c for an electricity connection within
                                                       of a recent power account in the name (singularly
                                                                                                                 the WEL network area and the Parliamentary
                                                       or joint) of the candidate.
                                                                                                                 electoral roll) and the nominators are two electors
                                                     • Each nomination form must have the consent of             whose names appear on the electoral roll.
                                                       the candidate and be nominated by two electors
                                                                                                               • The lodgement of nomination forms should not
                                                       whose names appear on the electoral roll for the
                                                                                                                 be left to the last minute. Should a nomination
                                                       Trust area. A candidate cannot nominate himself/
                                                                                                                 form be lodged late on the morning nominations
                                                       herself. Nominators and seconders do not have to
                                                                                                                 close, and be incorrectly completed or ineligible
                                                       be consumers.
                                                                                                                 nominators provided, there may be insufficient
                                                     • If a candidate is unable to sign the nomination           time to correct the situation and the nomination
                                                       form (e.g. absent overseas), a letter of consent          form could be invalidated.
                                                       signed by the candidate is acceptable to attach to
Wel Energy Trust

                                                       the nomination form.                                    Nominations close at 12 noon, Thursday
                                                     • If a candidate is commonly known in the                 14th May 2020.
                                                       community by a slightly different name (e.g.            • Candidates do NOT have to pay a candidate
                                                       Edward Smith is commonly known as Ted Smith)              deposit for the WEL Energy Trust election.
                                                       and has been known by this name for at least the
                                                       last six months (to the satisfaction of the Electoral   • A candidate does NOT have to be a New Zealand
                                                       Officer), the commonly known name may appear              citizen.
                                                       on the voting paper.                                    • Nomination forms should not be mailed to the
                                                     • Titles (ie Dr, JP, Sir, Dame etc) are NOT permitted       Electoral Officer.
                                                       next to the candidate’s name on the voting              • Email or telephone confirmation of the accepted
                                                       paper or profile statement, but can be used by            nomination will be given as soon as the
                                                       candidates as part of their 150 word profiles.            nomination form is verified.
                                                     • Each candidate must submit a written statement          • After the close of nominations, the Electoral
                                                       that he or she is aware of the responsibilities and       Officer will advise each candidate of the
                                                       obligations as a Trustee, under the Deed of Trust         confirmed candidates and election arrangements.
                                                       dated 26 May 1993, and under the Trustees Act             Email contact, if possible, is the preferred form
                                                       1956 (this forms part of the nomination form).            of contact with the Electoral Officer in the first
                                                                                                               • Late nominations will NOT be accepted.
CANDIDATE PROFILE STATEMENTS AND                                                                                 13
The Trust Deed requires that each candidate must provide a candidate profile and photo with the
nomination paper. These are then collated by the Electoral Officer and forwarded to electors in a DLE size
booklet with the voting papers.
If a profile or photo is not supplied by a candidate, then the nomination is invalid.
Profile Statements must to be provided electronically by email with the nomination paper, in a Microsoft
Word document that has been spell checked. As the Electoral Officer could receive many profiles,
consistent format of delivery and content will be necessary. Photos should be provided in colour, and if
possible electronically (scanned as jpegs (.jpg) and emailed to

CAMPAIGNING                                              CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE LIMITS
Election campaigning can commence anytime but            There is no campaign expenditure limit for the WEL
must cease by the close of voting - 12 noon, Friday      Energy Trust election.
26th June 2020.
Election signs are permitted on private property
(with the owner’s consent) at any time. Signs must
be erected in a stable fashion, and not be a hazard
to the public or traffic safety.
Election offences are detailed for your information
in this guide on page 19. Please refer to them
for your own protection. No election material

                                                                                                                             2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
can contain any untrue statement defamatory of
any candidate calculated to influence the vote of
any elector. No election material may contain an
imitation voting paper which has the names of the
candidates with any direction or indication as to
the candidate a person should vote for, or in any
way contain such direction or indication likely to
influence the voter.
Voting papers are not permitted to be collected
from electors by candidates or their assistants. Each
elector is required by law to post or deliver his or
her own voting paper to the Electoral Officer, or
vote on the internet at                                                             Wel Energy Trust

Candidates should be aware that it is an offence
(carrying a fine of up to $5,000) to interfere
with an elector in any way with the intention of
influencing or advising that elector as to how
he or she should vote. Candidates and their
assistants should be mindful of this, particularly if
campaigning is to occur in rest homes or hospitals.
Candidates are NOT permitted to use the Trust
logos or branding on any campaigning material.
Candidates are not permitted to use the Trust’s
website or social media channels for electioneering
and campaigning. This includes the Trust’s
Facebook page.
14                                               COUNCIL POLICIES                                       ELECTORAL ROLLS
                                                     ON ELECTION
                                                     HOARDINGS                                              If Covid-19 restrictions allow, the preliminary
                                                                                                            electoral roll can be inspected at the Trust office
                                                                                                            during normal office hours (9am to 2.30pm) until
                                                     A permit MUST be obtained for any election sign        2.30pm on Thursday 14 May 2020. If Covid-19
                                                     erected in the Trust area.                             restrictions don’t allow personal inspection of
                                                                                                            the roll, enquiries can be made by phone to
                                                     Each Council in the Trust area has different           the election helpline or by email enquiry to
                                                     requirements, bylaws, and policies for the erection
                                                     of election hoardings. Copies of the respective
                                                     policies/bylaws from Hamilton City, Waikato            The Preliminary electoral roll is printed in multiple
                                                     District, and Waipa District are available from each   booklets. There are approximately 134,000
                                                     council. These, and other relevant information can     parliamentary electors in the WEL Energy Trust
                                                     be accessed from these websites:                       area.
                                                                                                            Any requests to correct changes required or
                                                      Hamilton City Council                                 omissions found to the Parliamentary electoral
                                                                              roll, should be made through any Post Shop or the
                                                                                                            Electoral Enrolment Centre. Residents can update
                                                      Waikato District Council                              their residential details on the Electoral Enrolment
                                                                                                            Centre’s website
                                                                                                            Copies of the Preliminary electoral roll (whole
                                                      Waipa District Council                                district) may be purchased from the Electoral
                                                                                                            Officer for $125 plus GST. Copies of the rolls
                                                                                                            will be available in hard copy only. It is illegal for
                                                                                                            the Electoral Officer to provide the electoral roll
                                                      Signs on State Highways                               electronically.

                                                                                  The Final electoral roll is produced once the
                                                                                                            Preliminary electoral roll closes on 14th May 2020.
                                                                                                            The Final electoral roll is the roll used for issuing
                                                                                                            voting papers.
Wel Energy Trust
SPECIAL VOTING                                            SCRUTINEERS                                                15

Special Votes are available to electors:                  Candidates may appoint scrutineers to oversee
• whose names do not appear on the Final electoral        various functions of the election, ie:
  roll, but who qualify as electors, ie the elector has   • the scrutiny of the roll
  enrolled after the closing of the roll
                                                          • counting of the votes after 12 noon on Friday
• who did not receive a voting paper previously             26th June 2020.
  posted to them
                                                          However, with the use of progressive processing,
• who spoil or damage a voting paper previously           most of the voting papers will already have been
  posted to them                                          processed by 12 noon on the Friday.
• who are on the unpublished roll
                                                 has systems in place to comply with
Special voter packs can be issued from Thursday           the progressive processing legislation which allows
4th June to 12 noon Friday 26th June 2020.                voting papers to be processed as they are received.
Requests for special voter packs can be made by           This includes dual passwords and time locks on the
phone to the 0800 666 031 election helpline or by         counting software so that no access to the results
email enquiry to                       can be obtained. This means that come 12 noon
                                                          on 26th June, there will be very few voting papers
Special Votes can be posted directly out to electors.
                                                          that will need to be counted. The preliminary result
The completed voting paper however must be
                                                          will be produced and checked and then advised to
returned to the Electoral Officer by noon on
                                                          candidates as soon as possible. Hence there is likely
election day by delivering back to the Trust Office
                                                          to be very little for scrutineers to observe.
in Hamilton, or by post to the Electoral Officer,
WEL Energy Trust, PO Box 3138, Christchurch.              Nevertheless, each candidate may appoint one or
                                                          more scrutineers for each of the above functions,
Special Votes require the completion of a statutory
                                                          but only one scrutineer for each candidate may be
declaration. This is a legal requirement and a
                                                          present at any one time. A candidate cannot be a

                                                                                                                                 2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
protection for electors against possible duplicate
voting. Application for a special vote must be made
to an Electoral Official at the Special Voting Place      The voting papers will be returned in the post
at the Trust office.                                      direct to the office in Christchurch
                                                          for processing. Therefore candidates should
If an elector requests a Special Vote and is not
                                                          appoint a scrutineer in Christchurch who is able to
on the Parliamentary Roll (e.g. just turned 18
                                                          attend the office at 3/3 Pukaki Rd,
years of age), the person must enrol at any Post
                                                          Christchurch Airport.
Shop during normal business hours up to and
including Thursday 25th June 2020. Special Vote           Each scrutineer must be appointed by a candidate,
declarations are forwarded to Registrars of Electors      such appointment to be in writing to the Electoral
for verification that the elector is eligible and has     Officer 24 hours before the close of voting (ie by
enrolled as a Parliamentary elector on our before         12 noon on Thursday 25th June 2020, on the
that date.                                                appropriate form available from the Electoral
                                                          Officer).                                               Wel Energy Trust
Special Votes cannot be collected by candidates or
their assistants for distribution to electors.
16                                               ELECTION RESULTS
                                                     PROGRESS RESULT                                          COUNTING PROCESS
                                                     A Progress Result can be made available to               Processing of the voting papers will be carried out
                                                     candidates, members of the public and media as           at the office in Christchurch. Votes
                                                     soon as practicable from 12 noon on election day         will be counted on a computerised system using
                                                     (26th June 2020). It is expected that preliminary        progressive processing between the 4th and 26th
                                                     results will be announced by 4pm.                        of June 2020.
                                                     Results will be posted on the Trust website,             After 12 noon the internet votes will be
                                            at this time.                   downloaded and entered into the database with
                                                                                                              the paper votes.
                                                     All candidates will be personally advised by
                                                     phone/email as soon as possible after this time.         All voting papers are required to be counted twice
                                                                                                              to ensure complete accuracy of the count. The
                                                     The final result will be announced on Tuesday 30th
                                                                                                              second count is carried out simultaneously with the
                                                     June 2020 once all postal votes received after the
                                                                                                              preliminary count. It is expected that both counts
                                                     close of voting but postmarked prior have been
                                                                                                              will be completed on the Friday.
                                                                                                              Further information on the exact process and
                                                     The official declaraton of result will be published in
                                                                                                              systems for processing the voting papers can be
                                                     the Waikato Times on Saturday 4th July 2020 and
                                                                                                              obtained from the Electoral Officer.
                                                     in other regional publications across the following
                                                     week.                                                    It is expected that the Official Declaration of the
                                                                                                              final result will be made no later than Tuesday 30th
                                                                                                              June 2020, once all special votes have been verified
                                                                                                              by the Waikato Electoral Registrar and final checks
                                                                                                              and balances made.
Wel Energy Trust
ELECTION OFFENCES                                                                                                          17

  Candidates are reminded that the following are all election offences pursuant to the Local
  Electoral Act 2001. These will be enforced by the Electoral Officer.

LOCAL ELECTORAL ACT 2001                                           an imitation voting document) on which is
121   Illegal nomination, etc - Every person
                                                               (a) the names of all or any of the candidates
      commits an offence, and is liable on
                                                                   and the elective offices for which they are
      summary conviction to a fine not
                                                                   candidates (with or without the name of
      exceeding $2,000 who -
                                                                   the organisations or groups to which those
  (a) consents to being nominated as a candidate                   candidates are affiliated, and including those
      for any elective office knowing that he or she is            who are independent); and
      incapable under any Act of holding that office;
                                                               (b) nothing else.
                                                               (3) Nothing in this section applies to---
  (b) signs any nomination paper purporting to
      nominate as a candidate a person who is, to the          (a) any official statement or announcement made
      knowledge of the person so signing, incapable                or exhibited under the authority of this Act or
      under any Act of holding that office; or                     regulations made under this Act; or
  (c) signs a nomination paper purporting to                   (b) any candidate profile statement, published,
      nominate another person as a candidate                       displayed, or distributed under the authority of
      knowing that he or she is not qualified to vote              this Act or regulations made under this Act.
      at the election of the person named in the             123   Offences in respect of official documents -
      nomination paper as the candidate.
                                                               (1) Every person commits an offence who -
122   Interfering with or influencing voters - (1)

                                                                                                                                       2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
      Every person commits an offence, and is                  (a) intentionally removes, obliterates, or alters any
      liable upon summary conviction to a fine                     official mark or official writing on any voting
      not exceeding $5,000, who -                                  document, or other official document used at
                                                                   an election or poll:
  (a) interferes in any way with any person who is
      about to vote with the intention of influencing          (b) intentionally places any mark or writing that
      or advising that person as to how he or she                  might be mistaken for an official mark or official
      should vote:                                                 writing on any voting document, or other
                                                                   official document used at an election or poll:
  (b) prints, publishes, distributes, or delivers to
      any person (using any medium or means of                 (c) forges, counterfeits, fraudulently marks,
      communication) a document, paper, notice, or                 defaces, or fraudulently destroys any voting
      message, being or purporting to be in imitation              document, or other official document used at
      of any voting document to be used at the                     an election or poll, or the official mark on that
      election or poll that,---                                    document:
                                                               (d) supplies, without authority, a voting document       Wel Energy Trust
      (i) in the case of an election, includes the name
          of a candidate or candidates, together                   to any person:
          with any direction or indication as to the           (e) obtains or has possession of any voting
          candidate or candidates for whom any                     document, other than one issued to that person
          person should vote:                                      under this Act or any regulations made under
      (ii) in the case of a poll, includes a statement             this Act for the purpose of recording his or her
           or indication as to how any person should               vote, without authority:
           vote:                                               (f) intentionally destroys, opens, or otherwise
      (iii) in any way contains or suggests any such               interferes with any ballot box or box or parcel of
            direction or indication or other matter likely         voting documents without authority.
            to influence how any person votes:                 (2) Every person who commits an offence against
  (c) prints, publishes, or distributes any instruction            subsection (1) is liable on conviction on
      on the method of marking the voting                          indictment,---
      document that differs in any material way from           (a) in the case of an Electoral Officer or other
      the instructions required by this Act or any                 electoral official, to imprisonment for a term not
      regulations made under this Act to accompany                 exceeding 2 years:
      the voting document.
                                                               (b) in the case of any other person, to
  (2) Despite subsection (1)(b), it is not an offence              imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6
      under that subsection to print, publish,                     months.
      distribute, or deliver a card or leaflet (not being
124   Voting offences - Every person commits                   (b) after the voting period at the election or poll,
    18                                                     an offence, and is liable on conviction on                   he or she directly or indirectly, on his or her
                                                           indictment to imprisonment for a term not                    own or by another person, receives any money
                                                           exceeding 2 years, who -                                     or valuable consideration on account of any
                                                                                                                        person having voted or refrained from voting
                                                       (a) votes or applies to vote more than once at the
                                                                                                                        or having induced any other person to vote or
                                                           same election or poll; or
                                                                                                                        refrain from voting.
                                                       (b) without authority, removes, deletes, or
                                                                                                                    (3) Every person who commits bribery is liable on
                                                           otherwise interferes with any voting document,
                                                                                                                        conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a
                                                           or other record of a vote that has been cast.
                                                                                                                        term not exceeding 2 years.
                                                     125   Bribery defined - (1) Every person commits
                                                                                                                  126   Treating defined -
                                                           the offence of bribery who, directly or
                                                           indirectly, on that person’s own or by                   (1) Every person commits the offence of treating
                                                           another person, -                                            who corruptly, before, during, or after an
                                                                                                                        election or poll, and directly or indirectly, on
                                                       (a) gives, lends, agrees to give or lend, offers,
                                                                                                                        that person’s own or by another person, gives
                                                           promises, or promises to obtain any money or
                                                                                                                        or provides, or pays wholly or in part the
                                                           valuable consideration to or for any elector, or
                                                                                                                        expense of giving or providing, any food, drink,
                                                           to or for any person on behalf of any elector, or
                                                                                                                        entertainment, or provision to or for any person
                                                           to or for any other person, in order to induce
                                                           any elector to vote or refrain from voting; or
                                                                                                                    (a) for the purpose of influencing that person or
                                                       (b) gives or obtains, agrees to give or obtain, offers,
                                                                                                                        any other person to vote or refrain from voting;
                                                           promises, or promises to obtain or to try to
                                                           obtain any office or place of employment to or
                                                           for any elector, or to or for any person on behalf       (b) for the purpose of obtaining his or her election;
                                                           of any elector, or to or for any other person, in            or
                                                           order to induce the elector to vote or refrain           (c) on account of that person or any other person
                                                           from voting; or                                              having voted or refrained from voting, or being
                                                       (c) corruptly does any act referred to in paragraph              about to vote or refrain from voting.
                                                           (a) or paragraph (b) on account of an elector            (2) Every holder of a licence under the Sale of

                                                           having voted or refrained from voting; or                    Liquor Act 1989 commits the offence of
                                                       (d) makes any gift, loan, offer, promise, or                     treating who knowingly supplies any food,
                                                           agreement referred to in paragraph (a) or                    drink, entertainment, or provision---
                                                           paragraph (b) for, or with, any person in order          (a) to any person, if the supply is demanded for 1
                                                           to induce that person to obtain or try to obtain             or more of the purposes specified in subsection
                                                           the election of any person or the vote of any                (1); or
                                                           elector; or
                                                                                                                    (b) to any person, whether an elector or not, for
                                                       (e) upon or as a consequence of any gift, loan,                  the purpose of obtaining the election of a
                                                           offer, promise, or agreement referred to in                  candidate or affecting the result of a poll, and
                                                           paragraph (a) or paragraph (b), obtains, or tries            without receiving payment for it at the time
                                                           to obtain, the election of any person or the vote            when it is supplied.
                                                           of any elector; or
                                                                                                                    (3) Every elector who corruptly accepts or takes any
                                                       (f) advances or pays, or causes to be paid, any                  such food, drink, entertainment, or provision
                                                           money to or for the use of any other person,
Wel Energy Trust

                                                                                                                        also commits the offence of treating.
                                                           intending that the money or any part of it will
                                                           be used for bribery at any election or poll; or          (4) Despite subsections (1) to (3), the provision of
                                                                                                                        light refreshments after any meeting relating
                                                       (g) knowingly pays or causes to be paid any money                to an election or poll does not constitute the
                                                           to any person in discharge or repayment of any               offence of treating.
                                                           money wholly or partly used for bribery at any
                                                           election or poll.                                        (5) Every person who commits the offence of
                                                                                                                        treating is liable on conviction or indictment to
                                                       (2) An elector commits the offence of bribery if,---             imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.
                                                       (a) before or during the voting period at the                127 Undue influence -
                                                           election or poll, he or she, directly or indirectly,
                                                           on his or her own or by another person,                  (1) Every person commits the offence of undue
                                                           receives, or agrees or contracts for, any money,             influence -
                                                           gift, loan, or valuable consideration, office,           (a) who, directly or indirectly, on that person’s own
                                                           place, or employment for himself or herself or               or by another person, makes use of or threatens
                                                           for any other person for voting or agreeing to               to make use of any force, violence, or restraint
                                                           refrain from voting:                                         against any person---
                                                                                                                        (i) in order to induce or compel that person to
                                                                                                                            vote or refrain from voting:
                                                                                                                        (ii) on account of that person having voted or
                                                                                                                             refrained from voting:
(b) who, by abduction, duress, or any fraudulent           (3) Every person present at the counting of votes
      device or means,---                                        must -                                                  19
      (i) impedes or prevents the free exercise of the       (a) maintain and assist in maintaining the secrecy
          vote of any elector:                                   of the voting; and
      (ii) compels, induces, or prevails upon any            (b) must not, except as is provided by this Act or
           elector either to vote or to refrain from             regulations made under this Act, communicate
           voting.                                               any information obtained at that counting as
                                                                 to any candidate for whom, or proposal for or
  (2) Every person who commits the offence of
                                                                 against which, any vote is cast by a particular
      undue influence is liable on conviction on
      indictment to imprisonment for a term not
      exceeding 2 years.                                     (4) No person may, directly or indirectly, induce any
                                                                 voter to display or provide access to his or her
128   Personation defined -
                                                                 voting document or any copy of that document
  (1) Every person commits the offence of                        after it has been marked or transmitted, so as
      personation who, at any election or poll, -                to make known to any person the name of any
  (a) votes in the name of some other person                     candidate for or against whom, or proposal for
      (whether living or dead), or of a fictitious               or against which, the voter has voted.
      person:                                                (5) Every person commits an offence who
  (b) having voted, votes again at the same election             contravenes or fails to comply with this section.
      or poll:                                               (6) Every person who commits an offence against
  (c) having returned a voting document, applies for             subsection (5) is liable on summary conviction
      or returns another voting document with the                to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6
      intention of returning an additional valid voting          months.
      document or invalidating a vote already cast at      130   Disclosing voting or state of election -
      the same election or poll (whether or not any
                                                             (1) Every Electoral Officer, Deputy Electoral Officer,
      voting document he or she returns is valid).
                                                                 other electoral official, Justice of the Peace, or
  (2) Every person who commits the offence                       scrutineer commits an offence who -
      of personation is liable on conviction on
                                                             (a) makes known for what candidate or candidates

                                                                                                                                     2020 TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES
      indictment to imprisonment for a term not
                                                                 or for which proposal any particular voter has
      exceeding 2 years.
                                                                 voted for or against, except as provided by this
129   Infringement of secrecy -                                  Act or regulations made under this Act; or
  (1) Every Electoral Officer, Deputy Electoral Officer,     (b) before the close of voting, makes known the
      and other electoral official--                             state of the election or poll or gives or pretends
  (a) must maintain and assist in maintaining the                to give any information by which the state of
      secrecy of the voting; and                                 the election or poll may be known.

  (b) must not communicate to any person,                    (2) Subsection (1)(b) does not prevent an Electoral
      except for a purpose authorised by law, any                Officer from disclosing the total number of
      information likely to compromise the secrecy of            voting documents so far returned at an election
      the voting.                                                or poll at any time during the voting period.

  (2) No person, except as provided by this Act or           (3) A person who commits an offence against
      regulations made under this Act, may -                     subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to    Wel Energy Trust
                                                                 a fine -
  (a) interfere with or attempt to interfere with a
      voter when marking or recording his or her             (a) not exceeding $5,000 for an Electoral Officer or
      vote; or                                                   Deputy Electoral Officer:

  (b) attempt to obtain, in the building or other            (b) not exceeding $2,000 for any other person.
      place where the voter has marked or recorded
      his or her vote and immediately before or after
      that vote has been marked or recorded, any
      information as to any candidate for whom, or
      the proposal for or against which, the voter is
      about to vote or has voted; or
  (c) communicate at any time to any person any
      information obtained in the building or other
      place where the voter has marked or recorded
      his or her vote and immediately before or after
      that vote has been marked or recorded, as to -
      (i) any candidate for whom, or the proposal for
          or against which, the voter is about to vote
          or has voted; or
      (ii) any number on a voting document marked
           or transmitted by the voter.
You can also read