CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022

Page created by Travis Moody
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
                  Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022

END OF AN ERA                                               A LEVEL ART EXHIBITION AT
The community of the school says goodbye to                 FRY’S GALLERY
Mr Williams; wishing him all the very best for a            The Art Department are extremely proud of their Year
well-earned retirement.                                     13 Art Group, who curated and exhibited at Fry’s
                                                            Gallery in Hornchurch last week. A very successful
Mr Williams has served the school since 1982, so it will
                                                             private view evening was held where parents,
be very hard to get used to him not being around! He
                                                            students and staff could peruse the work and ask
has been Headmaster since 2011, but has previously
                                                            questions of the artists. Well done to all!
been a Deputy, Assistant Head and Head of Sixth Form
                                                            Miss Giesen, Subject Leader Art.
at Campion. He has played a leading role in ensuring
that the school is held in such high regard, both locally
and nationally. He has devoted himself to providing
the best for the pupils, both academically, spiritually
and socially, and has particularly encouraged
participation and enjoyment in sport and music.
His commitment to the school has been exceptional;
his dedication and hard work has meant that Campion         Click here to see their work.
continues to thrive as a community and all pupils
benefit from the high standards that he has set. He will    SENIOR CITIZENS’ SUMMER PARTY
be greatly missed, but his legacy will be a school where
                                                            The Senior Citizens’ Party was an experience I will never
pupils have the opportunity to grow and flourish as
                                                            forget. It was a joyful and welcoming celebration which
young adults and make the most of their talents.
                                                            all enjoyed. It was an opportunity to enjoy each others
The school community sincerely thanks Mr Williams for       company, watch some entertainment and to talk and
all he has done for Campion and the pupils in his care.     share stories. It was a bridge connecting youth and
                                                            older members of our school community and an
                                                            amazing opportunity to interact with them.
                                                            The feedback was heart-warming. It was one of the
                                                            first times some had been out since Covid and they
                                                            found it a welcome return to normality. There was a
                                                            great contribution from members of the sixth form,
                                                            from setting up tables and decorations to assisting
                                                            guests to their seats —everyone had a role and were
                                                            devoted to giving back to the community. Everyone
                                                            went home with a smile on their face, long lasting
                                                            memories and excited for next year’s celebrations!
                                                            Jodie Fullerton, Y12
RUGBY FIXTURES 2022-23 can be found here                    Click here for photos.

                    The Campion School, Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex. RM11 3BX
  Telephone: 01708 452332       Email:     Website
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
After three long years, we finally got back to hosting our annual Sports Day & Garden
The Parents’ Association organised the Party in which sizeable funds are raised to help
the school function. At last count the total was close to £8,000, which is a remarkable
figure in the current climate. We are so grateful for the work of the PA and to our
parents for their generous donations!
                                                            Havering Cup Year 7
The sports day was also a roaring success with competitive athletics provided by all
forms in Years 7-10.
Thank you to all staff, pupils and parents who came along and made the day such a
successful occasion... we will see you all next year on Saturday, 8th July 2023.
Sports Day results are shown below and further photos can be seen here.
Mr Jones
Subject Leader Physical Education
                                                         Havering Cup Year 8

   Year 7                                       Year 8
   Form           Total       Place             Form           Total       Place
   Southwell       173           1              More            167           1
   Fisher          172           2              Fisher          164           2
   Fox             145           3              Southwell       158           3
   Garnet          144           4              Garnet          145           4
   More            137           5              Fox             142           5

   Year 9                                       Year 10
   Form           Total       Place             Form           Total       Place
   Southwell       180           1              Fisher          166           1
   Fox             174           2              Southwell       164           2
   More            150           3              Fox             161           3
   Garnet          143           4              More            152           4
   Fisher          123           5              Garnet          126           5

   Form           Total       Place
   Southwell       675           1
   Fisher          625           2
   Fox             622           3
   More            606           4
   Garnet          558           5
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022

All secondary schools in the borough competed at the district athletics
It was the first time since 2019 that the event had taken place and it
was a welcome return for one of the best days in the local sports

Year 7 - Campion 2nd overall
Year 7 Individual champions
·    Gold in Hurdles - Jesse Okenwa
·    Gold in Shot - Sam Johnson
·    Gold in Discus – Harrison Rabess
·    Gold in Long Jump - Richard Adams

Year 8 - Campion 2nd Overall
Year 8 Individual champions
·    Gold in discus - Stephen Kolawole
·    Gold in Triple Jump – Kamari Moise

Year 9 - Campion 1st Overall
Year 9 Individual champions
·    Gold in 300m – Emmanuel Asifiri
·    Gold in 800m - Max Patterson
·    Gold In Triple Jump - Phillip Sanyaolu
·    Gold in 400 x 100m Relay –
     New School Record - Ickechi / Sanyaolu /
     Asifiri-Otchere / Inyaba

Year 10 - Campion 1st Overall
Year 10 Individual Medallists
·    Gold in Hurdles -
     New School Record - Uchenna Elo-Chikezie
·    Gold in Triple Jump - Aisosa Imade
·    Gold In High Jump - Dean Savery
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
                             On Friday, 24th June, the school hosted a Y12 Careers’ Day. After two years of this
                             event having to be held online, it was a pleasure to welcome over 30 external speakers
                             in person to guide and support our Year 12 students. Each of our 225 students
                             attended workshops tailored around their future aspirations and feedback has been
                             overwhelmingly positive. It was a point of pride that the majority of the speakers were
                             Campion alumni who were glad to give up their time to share their experiences and
                             knowledge and give back to the school; we are confident that students who have
                             benefited from this event will, themselves, return as speakers to support future Sixth
                             Formers in their career choices.
We could not have run such a large event without the help of our staff colleagues and we would like to thank them
all for their contribution to the day. Their support ensured that the event ran as smoothly as possible and was a
great success for our students. Special thanks go to Mr Dordoy who organised the event.
Sixth Form Team

 By Cara Studdart, Year 12

 On Careers’ Day, we were given the opportunity to think about venturing into the working world and to get an
 insight into the challenges facing us in the near future. The day started with a talk in the hall sharing the value
 of pursuing higher education, followed by a charismatic talk on apprenticeships. These talks were a good start
 to the day, giving us a broad outline of our options after Sixth Form. They offered an insight into the personal
 experience of the two speakers and why they felt passionate about the route they took and how it brought
 them success.

 After this we were involved in a series of presentations in smaller groups, focusing on skills needed for applying
 to work opportunities. We were able to choose three presentations, including CV writing, interview skills, UCAS
 application writing tips, and working in the City. Lots of experienced speakers and professionals came in and
 shared their valuable knowledge; what I took away most from these talks is the importance of how you present
 yourself to employers - professionalism and reliability is often just as important as the experience you bring to a

 After a buffet lunch, we were then able to meet different professionals across a range of jobs. For most young
 people, there are not a lot of opportunities to meet people with different careers, so this was a really fun and
 insightful chance to think about career aspirations to work towards. It was exciting to hear people speak about
 their jobs with such enthusiasm, something we are not always used to hearing. Having these advocates who
 really care about their industries, sharing their love for journalism, law, charity work within politics or any of the
 careers that were represented was really refreshing and inspiring. The day gave us a lot to think about and was a
 great way to get us considering what we want to do directly after Sixth Form and the careers we want to pursue
 beyond that.

This year’s walk raised £15,367.17 for the Teenage Cancer Trust.
The cheque was presented during an assembly to TCT representative,
Hailey Amani (pictured here holding the cheque with Jack Chester’s
mum, Carol).
Huge thanks to everyone who took part in the walk and, of course, we look
forward to seeing you all again next year on Saturday, 29th April!
The Hit the Road Committee
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
This year the Essex Schools Cricket board offered a Tiered competition system to
try and engage more schools in competitive cricket.
Whilst we always enter the Tier one tournament, the later stages of such
tournaments are often a step too far for us.
Entry into the inaugural Tier 2 competition was a step in to the unknown but
proved a roaring success.
Pupils in Years 7, 8 & 9 took part in a festival day back in May playing 8-a-side
cricket with power plays and new initiatives to spice the game up!
Years 7 & 8 qualified for Finals day and both sides ran out comfortable
winners in their respective tournaments.
Well done to all involved in cricket training & teams throughout the year.
Mr Jones, Subject Leader Physical Education

The Year 10 Cricket team managed to end the season as Havering
champions after beating Hall Mead in the final held at Gidea Park CC.
The team got their rewards for hard work. The season had started with a
few heavy defeats, but the boys kept training, kept smiling and ended the
season with some silverware - well done!
Mr Jones, Subject Leader Physical Education

In late June, 20 of our Year 7 students trialled to be part of the Havering squad to take
place in the Essex Schools Championships to be held at Chelmsford.
Pleasingly 8 of our pupils qualified.

The team was made up of 20 pupils from the local area. Havering Boys managed to finish
2nd overall in Essex.
On the day, the Campion pupils performed admirably, with 4 boys achieving County
Mr Jones, Subject Leader Physical Education
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
On Tuesday, 12th July, we organised and took part in a charity football walk where we
went to four different football stadiums including West Ham, Leyton Orient, Arsenal
and Tottenham. In total , we walked 15 miles to raise money for the Teenage Cancer
Alongside that, for the past few weeks we have been selling raffle tickets to both
staff and pupils of the school, giving them the opportunity to win a range of prizes
including a £20 PlayStation voucher, £20 Xbox voucher, West Ham training kit, UEFA
league kit bag, Frankfurt vs West Ham merchandise, 2 premium box tickets at
Tottenham stadium to a game next season and 2 West Ham tickets to the game
against Manchester City next season.
Our walk started at The Campion School where, after a quick talk from Mr Williams,
we walked to Gidea Park station. From there we got the train to Stratford, and our
big walk began! We started by heading straight to West Ham’s stadium, from there
we used maps to find our way to the next stadium being Leyton Orient.
We next made our way to Arsenal stadium where we had a quick stop off for a
volleyball match, which the girls won. After reaching the Emirates stadium there was
time for a well-deserved lunch break, where we introduced Mr Connor to the Costa
app where he then managed to get a 50% off his coffee (which made his day). After
our stop off for lunch we made our final long journey to Tottenham which felt the
longest as it was a straight road from Arsenal to Tottenham in 30-degree heat, how-
ever Mr Connor’s ice lolly stop off for us all helped us reach the finish line. Once we
completed our walk, we had reached a total of 38,000 steps, which we all felt on the
journey home and the next day. Our event would not have been able to take place
without the help of Mr Venton who accompanied us along the walk and supported us
throughout the planning, which we are very grateful for.
Our original target for our charity event was to raise a total of £750, which included £500 for our Just Giving page
for the walk and £250 from the raffle. So far we have currently raised a total of £3000, which is so much more than
we expected! We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to helping us raise money for Teenage Cancer
Nicole, Ella, Sam and Lenny – Year 12

CONGRATULATIONS!                                            EXAMINATION RESULTS DAY
                               Ruby and her                 A level and BTEC : Thursday, 18th August
                                                            GCSE: Thursday, 25th August
                              Synchro Partner
                                                            Results will be emailed to students from 8am on
                                                            Results Day and will also be available on Edulink (for
                                                            students only, not parents/carers). Students who have
                                                            not received a test email from the school should
                                                            please contact and
                                                            provide a valid email address. Failure to do this could
                                                            mean a delay in getting your results.
Congratulations to Ruby, Y12, who will be competing         Post Results information will be available on the Exams
for Wales in the 10m Platform Woman’s Synchro and
                                                            section of the school’s website by Wednesday,
Mixed Synchro Events.
                                                            20th July. All Year 11 and 13 students are strongly
                                                            encouraged to read through this information.
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny - that’s one of many overly complex and
intricately worded phrases and descriptions that I’ve had taught to me on
this trip, and that might make the trip sound dull or uninteresting but you
could not be any further from the truth, honestly and wholly the A-Level
biology trip is the best field trip I have ever been on, full stop and end of
sentence. Every aspect of the trip is meticulously planned and it’s apparent
to see when you experience it all first-hand. The food, the hotel and the
people are just the small things that tie the trip together (although the
food being delicious, the hotel being incredible and the amazing tour guide
that was Mr Luck all help). The views are just consistently stunning and
the biodiversity of the areas we visit on the Gower is just baffling - in just
20m from bare sand and minimal marram grass the species number rises
from 1 (marram grass) to 10s if not 20s in just a small section of land. Of
course, we didn’t just interact with plant species - the numerous other
types of fascinating living organisms that we discovered were simply
phenomenal as well, such as starfish, bioluminescent algae, glow worms,
and lots of bats to name just a few. Wales and the Gower peninsula particularly is almost definitely the most
picturesque area on the earth I have ever had the opportunity of visiting. The water is crystal clear, the air is clean,
the plants are rich, vibrant and colourful and the geology and history continued to persistently amaze me wherever
we went. I’d gladly go again if I could, 1000 times over and forever and a day.
Alex Wiseman 12J

                                   available to all parents, students & staff at The Campion School

Download the app from:
Amazon Fire:

and/or log in via a web browser
                    Students and staff log in with their school network username and password.
                 Parents/Carers have been sent log in details. To request these to be re-sent, email
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
A huge thank you to the three A level
Art students who designed and painted a
new mural in the library to promote
Isabella Weatherly, Ruby Hammond and
Daniella Orabuche - we are very proud
of you for your inspirational work and
Miss Giesen and Mrs Brockwell
CAMPION NEWS Issue 25.7 Wednesday, 20th July 2022
Brentwood Beagles athletics club is a new athletics club aimed at increasing the opportunities for athletics training
in the local area. The club is open to all ages from 5 to masters and, as well as being for those who want to focus on
their athletics skills, is also accessible to those who just want to access regular fitness training or to work on their
ABC's (Agility, Balance & Coordination) skills to support other sporting goals. The club runs all year round and offers
a free 2 week trial to anyone who wants to come and take a look at what's on offer. The club is based at Brentwood
School and more information can be found on our website

On the afternoon of 20th August Brentwood Beagles are running a specialist hurdles camp in collaboration with
Julie-Pratt Benterman (2 times Commonwealth games sprint hurdler). This is aimed at U15 and U17 athletes who
have hurdles experience (rather than beginners) and they are very welcome to bring their coach / teacher with
them to the camp. More information can be found here -

Also on 20th August, US Sport Scholarships will be attending the track to run an information session about the
opportunities that exist for UK athletes to gain scholarships for post 18 education and training in the US. More
information about this process and to book the session can be found here -
You can also read