California Association of School Transportation Officials - Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Last Revised: August 21, 2020
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California Association of School Transportation Officials Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Last Revised: August 21, 2020
Mission CASTO will provide recommendations and guidelines for best practices to build sustainable mitigation efforts, engage and train all staff against COVID-19, communicate to our passengers, operators, and public a road map for the safe operation of school buses in the State of California during this pandemic. Vision To continuously assist in fostering solutions to reopen safe and sustainable pupil transportation services in California.
Acknowledgments The CASTO Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation was created with the corroboration of Transportation Professionals working throughout the state of California. These dedicated professionals used their deep understanding and experience of student transportation to develop best practices and guidance for reopening pupil transportation. Adriana Catledge Director of Safety and Training Michael’s Transportation Anthony Brisco Director of Transportation Oxnard School District Chrissie Stevenson Director of Transportation, Campbell Union School Operations, Facility Use District Gingi Borg Safety Training Supervisor Newport-Mesa Unified School District Jason Fowler Director of Transportation Kern High School District Jennifer Hanshew Transportation Manager Kern County Superintendent of Schools Kerri Gardner Transportation Supervisor Galt Joint Union Elementary School District Marcela Arizpuro Director of Transportation Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Melissa Giannetto Administrative Assistant Tahoe Truckee Unified School District Nanette Rondeau Director of Transportation Tahoe Truckee Unified School District Rose Lee Director of Transportation Bonita Unified School District Shannon Bourassa Director of Transportation Snowline Joint Unified School District Steven Mirelez Transportation Manager Clovis Unified School District Tony Peregrina Director of Transportation Woodland Joint Unified School District Tony Lavezzo Fleet Manager Tahoe Truckee Unified School District
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Contents Section 1 Site Safety 1 Break Rooms and Common Areas 2 Sanitation and Janitorial 3 Site Modifications 4 Visitor and Vendor Access 5 Section 2 Staff Safety 7 Bus Aides 8 Drivers 9 Garage Staff 10 Office Staff 11 Staff Health Screening 12 Staff Protection 14 Section 3 Student Safety 15 Bus Stops 16 Parent and Community Outreach 17 Loading and Unloading 18 Seating 19 Student Health 20 Symptomatic Students 21
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Contents Section 4 Training 22 Behind the wheel 23 Inservice and Classroom Training 24 New and Updated Training 25 Section 5 Vehicle Safety 26 Cleaning and Sanitation 27 Pre-Trip 29 Maintenance Procedures 30 Appendix 31 Acronyms and Abbreviations 32
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Section 1 Site Safety Section 1 Site Safety 1| Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Break Rooms/ Common Areas Social Distancing ● Maintain a distance of 6 feet whenever possible ● Follow any established directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic ● Follow any designated separate routes for entry and exit into office spaces to help maintain social distancing and lessen the instances of people closely passing each other ● Where there are no barriers, but the appropriate distance exists, consider placing a visual reminder to maintain social distance Occupancy ● Limit the number of seats. Organize seats in such a manner so there is at least 6 feet between seats. ● Increase distance in waiting lines. Use tape on the ground to indicate the “line starts here” concept and placing tape markers in 6 feet intervals. ● Manage rooms to reduce the communal used space o Limit the number of seats. Organize seats in such a manner so there is at least 6 feet between seats. o If safe distances cannot be maintained, consider finding alternative areas to take breaks Stagger Breaks ● Stagger all staff breaks and lunches. For example, if the normal lunch hours are from 11 AM.-1 PM., stagger times in intervals between with corresponding staggered times for the end of the day Sanitation ● Sanitation and cleaning on site should be done using recommendations found in the Janitorial section of this document ● Avoid sharing phones, other work supplies, or office equipment wherever possible. o Where such items must be shared, disinfect between shifts or uses, whichever is more frequent, including the following: shared office equipment such as copiers, fax machines, printers, telephones, keyboards, staplers, surfaces in reception areas, shared workstations, etc., with a cleaner appropriate for the surface ● Drinking fountains are not to be used ● HVAC will be set for maximum air circulation and windows will be open when possible Section 1 Site Safety 2| Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Sanitation/Janitorial Cleaning products ● Cleaning products used are those approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list. ● Cleaning products need to be readily available and in enough quantity to have consistent cleaning of the transportation site Custodial Staff Duties ● Daily disinfecting by custodial staff ● Custodial staff with the responsibility of cleaning and disinfecting the site shall be equipped with proper protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection, and other appropriate protective equipment as required by the product ● Routine disinfection of highly touched surfaces including but not limited to: o Door handles o Handrails o Counters o Lobby areas o Restrooms o Shared work areas Transportation Staff Duties ● Office staff need to utilize proper sanitation products to sanitize their workspace upon arrival for work and at the end of their shift ● Shared workspaces need to be sanitized when the staff member uses the workspace and once they have finished using that work space ● Staff must use proper PPE when required References: Section 1 Site Safety 3| Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Site Modifications Facility Layout ● Given that COVID-19 is a droplet disease transmitted through the air, you should think about the breathing zone of each of your workers. For example, if a worker is facing forward and potentially having spray coming out of their mouth, you don’t want another worker right across from them within six feet. In such a case, it may be preferable to have workers standing side-by-side to reduce the chance for exposure. Shared workspaces ● Consider moving staff to alternative workstations and/or space seating/desks at least 6 feet apart whenever feasible ● Whenever feasible, avoid sharing office equipment, and/or work supplies o Do not share objects that will go near your nose/mouth Barriers and Dividers ● Clear barriers such should be used when interacting less than 6 feet apart from individuals – examples include: plexiglass and/or clear shower curtains ● Whenever feasible, dividers should be utilized when seating/desks are less than 6 feet apart ● Consider moving staff to alternative workstations and/or space seating/desks at least 6 feet apart when feasible ● Plexiglass and/or clear shower curtains can be used to partition areas that have close proximity with staff, colleagues and/or parents/guardians Walkways Entrances and Exits ● Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic. ● Designated separate routes for entry and exit into office spaces to help maintain social distancing and lessen the instances of people closely passing each other ● Where there are no barriers, but the appropriate distance exists, consider placing a visual reminder to maintain social distance. Ventilation and Air Flow ● HVAC systems should not be set to recirculate air. ● If additional ventilation such as fans are used, take steps to minimize air from fans blowing from one person directly to another. Increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows and doors when possible. Section 1 Site Safety 4| Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Visitor/Vendor Access To limit the spread of COVID-19, it is important to promptly identify, separate, and ensure all visitors are screened properly and wearing a face covering prior to granting access to any facility. Recent studies indicate that people who are infected but do not have symptoms likely also play a role in the spread of COVID-19. For this reason, source control measures should be implemented for everyone in the facility, regardless of symptoms. It is also important to maintain a safe distance (at least 6 feet) between both visitors and staff, as much as possible. Access to the Facility must start at a designated location. For example, a dispatch office, in most cases, has staff available during office hours and may be considered as a viable location to screen, track, and facilitate the entry and exit of Visitors. Ensure to identify a location that can be staffed while the facility is open for business. No visitor should be granted access to a facility until screened by a designated staff member. Screening Screening staff should wear appropriate PPE, including but not limited to, a facemask, face shield or safety glasses, and disposable gloves. Screening staff should make these interactions as brief as possible by limiting the interaction to screening questions and temperature reading. 1.Create a screening location with proper social distancing and engineering controls. For example, partitions, floor marking, directional passageways and proper ventilation. 2. The screening employee may use a forehead thermometer and ensure the temperature is not higher than 100.4 Fahrenheit 3. The visitor will be asked if they have been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 or if they are currently experiencing, or have recently experienced, the following symptoms: ● Fever or chills ● Cough ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ● Fatigue ● Muscle or body aches ● Headache ● New loss of taste or smell ● Sore throat ● Congestion or runny nose ● Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea Section 1 Site Safety 5| Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation 4. Determine access to the facility based on the results of the questions asked and the temperature check ● If a visitor answers “YES” to having any of the above symptoms, a temperature over 100.4 Fahrenheit or has been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 the visitor will require further questioning and may be disqualified from access to the facility. If it is deemed the visitor could have a possible COVID-19 infection the screening employee shall notify their immediate supervisor and the Local Health Department should be contacted to determine next steps including possible isolation and tracing. The name of all disqualified visitors shall be made available to any employee screening visitors and staff in an effort to crosscheck and deny entry until the quarantine period has lapsed. ● If a visitor answers “NO” to having any of the above symptoms, a temperature below 100.4 Fahrenheit and has not been exposed to an individual with COVID-19. Access can be granted and document the visitor’s full name, date, and time of screening. Section 1 Site Safety 6| Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Section 2 Staff Safety Section 2 Staff Safety 7 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Bus Aides Social Distancing: ● Maintain 6 feet physical distance when possible ● Utilize PPE when interacting with students and social distancing is not possible Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): ● Cloth face coverings are required when passengers/public are within 6 feet or present and when on the bus ● Gloves or proper hand hygiene is required when cleaning and are recommended when in physical contact with passengers ● Face Shield/Goggles are recommended when securing a student in their seat or within 6 feet of passengers/public Health Screening ● Bus aides must be screened with all staff using protocols outlined in the Staff Health Screening section Section 2 Staff Safety 8 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Driver Safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ● Cloth face coverings are required when passengers/public are within 6-feet or present ● Gloves are required when using certain cleaning chemicals used as stated in the SDS ● Gloves or proper hand hygiene is required when in physical contact with passengers ● Face Shield/Goggles are recommended when securing a student in their seat or within 6 feet of passengers/public (not to be used while driving) Student Interactions ● Wear a cloth face covering with all student interactions ● Maintain 6 feet of physical distance when possible. If distancing is not possible, goggles/face shield are recommended when not operating the vehicle. Staff Cohorting ● Stagger the times the drivers come into dispatch/Office, as much as practical ● Designate specific staff to distribute and retrieve keys, paperwork, and electronic tablets/devices to limit the amount of staff entering the driver's work area and dispatch ● Stagger fueling and bus washing schedules ● Limit the number of chairs in the break room and driver area to ensure social distancing ● Require drivers to leave vehicles in their parking stall or outside the garage and communicate concerns via radio or phone Health Screenings ● All staff including drivers should be screened using protocols defined in the Staff Health Screening section of this document. Section 2 Staff Safety 9 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Garage Staff Safety Protocols Screening ● All staff including garage staff should be screened using protocols defined in the Staff Health Screening section of this document Staff Cohorting ● The group that works only within the garage should be isolated to the garage work area, as a separate cohort, as much as practical to the operation. This may include designating a separate break area and requiring drivers to leave vehicles outside the garage and communicating concerns via radio or phone. Face Coverings ● Face coverings must be used in the garage when mechanics and service workers are unable to maintain a minimum of 6 feet of distance ● Face coverings must be worn when in confined areas (buses, offices and storage areas) where proper ventilation is not feasible ● Refer to state and local regulations for specific face coving mandates Distancing ● Bays should be assigned to a specific mechanic when feasible. Tools and equipment should be arranged in a way to limit the possibility of congregation. Shared Areas and Tools ● When working in a shared area and social distancing is not practical, face coverings are required. Garage staff should use gloves prior handling shared tools or equipment. When the garage staff member is done with the shared tool or equipment, they will need to sanitize the areas that they touched. Vendors and Deliveries ● All deliveries and vendors should be received outside of the building while practicing social distancing and face coverings when required. If the vendor needs to enter the building, face coverings are required. Section 2 Staff Safety age 10 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Office Staff Social Distancing ● Maintain a distance of 6 feet whenever possible ● Follow any established directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic ● Follow any designated separate routes for entry and exit into office spaces to help maintain social distancing and lessen the instances of people closely passing each other ● Consider the physical barriers which are in place, such as doorways or cubicle walls ● Where there are no barriers, but the appropriate distance exists, consider placing a visual reminder to maintain social distance Staff Cohorting ● The group that works only within the office should be isolated to the office work area, as a separate cohort, as much as practical to the operation. This may include designating a separate break area and requiring drivers to communicate more via radio, electronic device, or phone. Staff Safety ● Avoid Face-to-Face Meetings when possible. Use phones, videos, or video conferencing to reduce the need for meetings and other close personal contact. ● Do not congregate ● Do not share headsets or other objects that will go near your nose/mouth ● Avoid sharing phones, other work supplies, or office equipment wherever possible ● Consider moving some staff to alternative rooms or organizing seats in such a manner so there is at least 6 feet between seats Shared Work Areas ● Wipe down common areas that you have been. ● Manage rooms to reduce the communal used space o Limit the number of seats. Organize seats in such a manner so there is at least 6 feet between seats. o If safe distances cannot be maintained, consider finding alternative areas to take breaks. ● Disinfect between shifts or uses, whichever is more frequent, including the following: shared office equipment such as copiers, fax machines, printers, telephones, keyboards, staplers, surfaces in reception areas, shared workstations, etc., with a disinfectant appropriate for the surface. Section 2 Staff Safety age 11 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Staff Health Screening To limit the spread of COVID-19, it is important to promptly identify, separate, and ensure all staff are screened properly and wearing a face covering prior to granting access to any facility. Recent studies indicate that people who are infected but do not have symptoms likely also play a role in the spread of COVID-19. For this reason, source control measures should be implemented for everyone in the facility, regardless of symptoms. Access to the Facility must start at a designated location. For example, a dispatch office is considered as a viable location to screen, track, and facilitate the entry and exit of drivers and support staff. Ensure to identify a location that can be staffed while the facility is in operation. No staff member should be granted access to a facility until screened by a designated screening staff member. Screening The screening staff member should wear appropriate PPE, including but not limited to, a facemask, face shield or safety glasses, and disposable gloves. Screening staff should make these interactions as brief as possible by limiting the interaction to screening questions and temperature reading. 1.Create a screening location with proper social distancing and engineering controls. For example, partitions, floor marking, directional passageways and proper ventilation. 2. The screening employee may use a forehead thermometer and ensure the temperature of the staff member is no greater than 100.4 Fahrenheit 3. The staff member will be asked if they have been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 or if they are currently experiencing, or have recently experienced, the following symptoms: ● Fever or chills ● Cough ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ● Fatigue ● Muscle or body aches ● Headache ● New loss of taste or smell ● Sore throat ● Congestion or runny nose ● Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea Section 2 Staff Safety age 12 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation 4. Determine access to the facility based on the results of the questions asked and the temperature check ● If a staff member answers “YES” to having any of the above symptoms, a temperature over 100.4 Fahrenheit or has been exposed to an individual with COVID-19 the staff member will require further questioning and may be disqualified from access to the facility. If it is deemed the staff member could have a possible COVID-19 infection the screening employee shall notify their immediate supervisor and the Local Health Department should be contacted to determine next steps including possible isolation and tracing. The name of all disqualified staff members shall be made available to any employee screening visitors and staff in an effort to crosscheck and deny entry until the quarantine period has lapsed. ● If a staff member answers “NO” to having any of the above symptoms, a temperature below 100.4 Fahrenheit and has not been exposed to an individual with COVID-19. Access can be granted and document the staff members full name, date, and time of screening. Return from Illness Strategies ● Local Health department should be contacted for guidance to determine return to work criteria and strategies for employees infected with COVID-19 Section 2 Staff Safety age 13 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Staff Protections Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ● PPE should be used when interacting less than 6 feet apart from staff, students, and/or parents/guardians Face Coverings ● Face coverings should be used when interacting less than 6 feet apart from staff, students, and/or parents/guardians ● Training and information should be provided to staff on proper use, removal, and washing of face coverings ● Gloves – Should be utilized when interacting with and/or proper hand hygiene. ● Training and information should be provided to staff on proper use and removal. Staff Safety ● Staff should actively maintain 6 feet in distance from colleagues and the public when possible ● Utilize visual aids to maintain social distance and discourage individuals from congregating ● Consider moving staff to alternative workstations and/or space seating/desks at least 6 feet apart when feasible ● Avoid sharing office equipment and/or work supplies when feasible ● Avoid face-to-face meetings when feasible o Consider following alternative meeting methods such as, phone calls, and/or video interactive platforms (Zoom and Google Meet). Section 2 Staff Safety age 14 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Section 3 Student Safety Section 3 Student Safety age 15 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Bus Stops Social Distancing ● Ensure there is sufficient space for students to practice social distancing at bus stops ● Students are to practice social distancing at bus stops by staying at least 6 feet apart ● Students are recommended to wear face coverings while at bus stops ● A student waiting in a vehicle must wait in the vehicle until social distancing can be achieved at the bus stop, when possible Limiting Numbers at Bus Stops ● Riders will only be permitted to go to assigned bus stops ● Guest riders should not be permitted Parent Outreach ● Parent and community outreach must be consistent to educate the public about the need for social distance and other procedures at bus stops. More information about public outreach can be found in the Public Outreach section of this document. References: Section 3 Student Safety age 16 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Parent and Community Outreach Communication with parents, staff, and community should come through the Superintendent's office or district office communication staff. Communication Protocol ● Communication with parents and staff should be frequent and transparent through regular and special media tools including, but not limited to, newsletters, email and social media ● Regular meetings and communications with staff and classified employee associations ● Regular meetings and communications with school parent committees ● Staff Surveys results ● Parent Surveys results ● Staff and teacher training on reopening guidelines Policy Information ● Distribute new transportation policies to parents, staff and school administrators Including: o Distancing on the bus o Loading and Unloading Protocols o Symptom Screenings o Face Coverings o Hand Hygiene o Bus stop protocol Driver Outreach ● Drivers should communicate often with riders about policies and procedures regarding, face coverings, social distancing at bus stops, and hand hygiene References: ● California Department of Public Health ● California Department of Education ● General CDC Resources ● CDC Interim Guidance for Reopening School ● CDPH Guidance for Face Coverings Section 3 Student Safety age 17 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Loading and Unloading Seating Assignments ● Follow all Federal, State, and local laws ● During loading, seat students from the rear of the bus forward to prevent students from walking past each other. ● To prevent students from walking past one another, afternoon runs should be boarded based on the order in which students will be dropped off. For example, students who get off first should board last and sit in the front. Crossovers ● Follow all Federal, State, and local laws ● Students and staff should wear face coverings while crossing ● Maintain 6 feet physical distance if possible while crossing Bus Stops ● Congregation should be discouraged at bus stops and school sites ● More information on bus stops can be found in the Bus Stop section of this document Section 3 Student Safety age 18 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Seating Social Distancing Measurements ● Per CDC guidelines students must be seated a minimum of 6 feet apart. To measure proper distance, measurements must be taken from the center of each seating position. The distance between the center of each seating position, including the driver, shall not be less than 6 feet. Once the seating positions are identified, utilize seat repair tape, duct tape, or seat vinyl color spray to mark the location the passenger will sit. Siblings ● Follow local Public Health Department Guidelines while maintaining 6-feet separation Seating Assignments Create a plan for seating based on maximum capacity determined above and develop a plan for bus routes that accommodates the capacity limitations . Mark or block seats that must be left vacant . Sample seating options: Option 1: Seat one student per bench on both sides of the bus, skipping every other row, maintaining 6 feet distance from the center of each seating position. Seating chart is highly recommended. Option 2: Seat one student per bench, alternating rows on each side to create a zigzag pattern on the bus, maintaining 6 feet distance from the center of each seating position. Seating chart is highly recommended. Section 3 Student Safety age 19 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Student Health Health Screening • Passive Screening: Instruct parents to screen students before leaving for school or the bus stop (check temperature to ensure temperatures below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, observe for symptoms outlined by public health officials) and to keep students at home if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or if they have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19. The District should implement a verification process. • Active Screening: Engage in symptom screening as students enter the bus consistent with public health guidance, which may include visual wellness checks and temperature checks with no-touch thermometers (check temperature to ensure temperatures below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit), and ask all students about COVID-19 symptoms within the last 24 hours and whether anyone in their home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test. A bus aide is recommended to perform active health screenings. Students found to be symptomatic should be managed using the Symptomatic Student protocol found in this document. Face Coverings ● The district should implement a mask wearing policy to include: o Drivers shall wear a face covering at all times when passengers are present o Drivers may also wear a face shield while loading and unloading students. A face shield should not be worn while driving the school bus. o Students will be required to wear a face covering on the bus and at the bus stop. Section 3 Student Safety age 20 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Symptomatic Students It is imperative that a policy be created in the event a student is found to have symptoms at the bus stop prior to boarding the bus. • Student should be screened for symptoms daily prior to attending school • Screening methods can be found in the Student Health section of this document • Symptomatic students should not be allowed on the bus, unless otherwise required by the district or company policy. Symptomatic Student Protocol 1. The student will be moved to the front of the bus where no student will be sitting directly in front of the symptomatic student. Ensure that the student remains further than 6 feet from the driver. Both seats that the symptomatic student was sitting in will remain empty until disinfected. 2. The driver will notify dispatch of a symptomatic student a. If the bus is delivering students to a school site, dispatch will notify the school site so that they can meet the student at the bus loading zone. b. If the bus is delivering a student to their home, dispatch will notify their parent or guardian of the symptomatic student. 3. The symptomatic student will be unloaded first to a school staff member or at their home stop 4. The driver will disinfect both seats where the symptomatic student was seated before allowing any other student to sit in that seat Section 3 Student Safety age 21 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Section 4 Training Section 4 Training age 22 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Behind the Wheel Training Vehicles ● Ensure all vehicles used for training are properly cleaned, sanitized and disinfected between uses. ● Use the same vehicle with the same trainee as much as possible ● Keep the vehicle ventilated at all times. (windows and roof vents open ) ● When climate control systems are needed, ensure the vehicle is properly ventilated ○ Use outside air only (no recirculated air) ● Proper hand hygiene is recommended. Utilize an approved hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available ● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth Trainees ● Avoid scheduling training sessions with multiple trainees ● Instructors should explain to the trainee all health guidelines that will apply during training sessions ● Instructor and trainee(s) will require daily health screenings prior to training ● When providing instruction PPE and proper social distancing should be practiced as much as practicable ● Goggles or face shields should not be worn while the vehicle is intended to be put in motion or during mirror use training. ● Ensure additional time for disinfecting between trainees Section 4 Training age 23 | P
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Inservice and Classroom Training All Instructors, trainers and any staff involved with the training department should follow safety recommendations found in the Staff Safety section of this document. All attendees to an inservice or classroom training shall be screened for illness using the Staff Screening protocols in this document. Virtual Inservice Meetings and classroom ● Providing virtual classroom and inservice trainings mitigate physical exposure of in person training ○ Zoom, Google Meet, MicroSoft Teams, or any other approved video interactive platforms ● Conduct training based on most recent CDE/OST Instructor Bulletins In Person Training ● Any room used for training must be cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected before and after use per Janitorial section of this document ● Hold in person trainings outdoors if practicable ● Set up training area based on social distancing guidelines of 6 feet and remove additional chairs to limit occupancy ● Screen visitors and staff per health screening protocols found in the Staff Screening section of this document ● Face coverings should be used if the social distance gets compromised for any reason ● Encourage proper hand hygiene ● Supplies should not be shared ○ Pens, pencils, highlighters, etc ● Ensure training areas are ventilated (see the Site Safety section) Gatherings and Communal Places ● Social gatherings during breaks should be discouraged ● No food or drinks should be shared, regardless if it is in an open or closed container ● Avoid communal dining, buffets, and potlucks when serving food ○ If meals must be served, use individual closed containers Section 4 Training 24 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Updated /Training Sanitation ● The Training Department must be educated on the difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. ● Follow the District guidelines and policies regarding the use of cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting supplies ● Maintain a record of all chemicals used and update SDS information ● Sanitation of specific items can be found throughout this document o Sanitation Janitorial section o Cleaning and Sanitation section Operation ● Train drivers in different seating requirements to achieve social distancing ● Train drivers in proper PPE usage ● Train drivers in student health screenings ● Train drivers in proper disinfecting procedures ● Inform drivers of SDS information and location Notice The above Training guidelines shall not substitute or change the contents and use of the California Department of Education/Office of School Transportation (CDE/OST) Instructor's Classroom Manual and the Instructor’s Behind the Wheel Guide for California Bus Driver’s Training Course without the proper written authorization by the Department of Education. Section 4 Training 25 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Section 5 Vehicle Safety Section 5 Vehicle Safety 26 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Cleaning and Sanitation Overview This section provides cleaning and disinfecting guidelines to ensure that vehicles are properly cleaned and disinfected. Consider working with your custodial services department and utilizing district approved products for cleaning/disinfecting. Preparation ● Develop policies for personal protective equipment (PPE) and provide training on proper use to all cleaning staff prior to assigning tasks ● Ensure all staff are trained on the hazards and proper use of all cleaning/disinfecting chemicals used in the workplace in accordance with all local, state and federal rules/regulations ● Ensure an adequate amount of PPE and cleaning supplies are present prior to reopening ● Ensure that the products chosen for cleaning/sanitizing/disinfecting are suitable for the surfaces being addressed ● Ensure that staff has read and understands the directions for use, cautionary statements, and required PPE for each cleaning chemical and/or disinfectant that they will be required to use in vehicle maintenance. ● Develop a cleaning/disinfecting schedule for all vehicles in order to avoid both the under and over use of cleaning products ● Develop a cleaning/disinfecting plan for deep cleaning of vehicles where a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 has occurred ● Ensure staff has a clear understanding of the definitions of: ○ Cleaning: The process of locating, identifying, containing, removing and properly disposing of unwanted substances from a surface or area. Cleaning usually involves sopa or a cleaning formula and requires some form of agitation, such as hand rubbing or a sponge. Cleaning removes, but does not kill, microorganisms. ○ Sanitizing: The process of reduction, but not killing, microorganisms by 99.9 percent - the level deemed safe for humans by the Environmental Protection Agency - in 30 seconds or less. Sanitizers cannot kill viruses or fungi and should be used against the specific pathogen(s) stated on the label. ○ Disinfecting: To kill 99.999 percent of the pathogens the disinfectant’s label says it is effective in killing. Disinfectants kill viruses, but only those listed on the label. Cleaning should always proceed disinfecting and all disinfectants MUST remain on the surface for the full recommended dwell/contact time. Section 5 Vehicle Safety 27 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Regular Practice ● Make a plan for adequate outdoor air circulation - open windows when possible ● Clean and sanitize/disinfect all used areas of the vehicle at least daily o Begin with sweeping/vacuuming the floor o Clean and sanitize/disinfect all areas working top/bottom and back/front ● Frequent touch points such as seats, handrails, and window ledges may need to be cleaned and sanitized/disinfected between routes of different student groups Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 ● Open all windows and wait 24 hours (or as long as possible) before entering vehicle ● Fully clean and disinfect ALL areas used by the sick person - having a seating chart may help isolate the specific seating area, but all common touched areas prior to the seating area will need to be addressed ● Begin cleaning with the floor - sweep and/or vacuum ● Clean and disinfect all other surfaces beginning with any areas normally within reach working from top down (windows, seats, rails, etc.) ● Work from the back of the vehicle forward and finish with all areas of the entrance door including areas outside that may have been touched ● If the “wait time” is 7 days or more, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary References: Section 5 Vehicle Safety 28 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Driver Pre-Trip Protocols All protocols will be in addition to 13 CCR § 1215 § 1215. Vehicle Condition. For pre-trip inspections, gloves should be used prior to touching any surface required for during the course of your inspection. Proper hand hygiene may be used in place of gloves. After your inspection is complete, the areas touched during your inspection will need to be sanitized. These areas include but are not limited to: ● Emergency exit handles ● Lug nuts ● Door latches ● Dip Sticks ● Valves ● Tire checking equipment ● Drivers compartment (steering wheel, turn signals, switches etc.) When logging the inspection, the driver should use their own supplied pen that does not stay on the bus if using paper inspection forms. If the inspection is completed on an electronic handheld device, the device will need to be sanitized when the inspection is complete. Additional Sanitation ● Drivers are required to disinfect the drivers compartment at the beginning of the workday and upon returning to the Transportation Yard. Including but not limited to steering wheel, switches, controls, emergency door release, stop sign, seat belt and door lock Additional items to inspect prior to departure: ● Trash can empty ● Onboard cleaning supplies ● Bus cleanliness Section 5 Vehicle Safety 29 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Vehicle Maintenance Procedures All Vehicle maintenance will be done in accordance with social distancing protocols with PPE outlined in Staff Protection Protocols. Staff performing vehicle maintenance will use specific preventative procedures to limit contact between staff cohorts and possible transmission. Vehicle Drop Off ● Vehicles should be dropped off outside of the maintenance building when possible ● The driver shall sanitize the drivers compartment and high touch areas ● Repair requests should made by phone or electronically to limit person to person contact Additional Maintenance Procedures ● Prior to any maintenance being performed, the maintenance person should sanitize any area where they are performing maintenance. For example, if the seats are being repaired that area needs to be sanitized prior to the work being performed and upon completion of the repair. After Maintenance Complete ● The vehicle should be placed back outside of the maintenance building ● The maintenance person shall sanitize the drivers compartment and high touch areas ● The driver should be notified via phone or electronic communication that the vehicle is ready Section 5 Vehicle Safety 30 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Section 6 Appendix Appendix 31 | Page
Road Map on Guidance to Reopening Pupil Transportation Acronyms and Abbreviations AAP American Academy of Pediatrics CDC Centers for Disease Control CDE California Department of Education CDE/OST California Department of Education Office of School Transportation CDPH California Department of Public Health EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDA Food and Drug Administration PPE Personal Protective Equipment SDS Safety Data Sheet Appendix 32 | Page
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