CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
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    S P R I N G

                        Ne ws Fr om The Florida Bar Foundation
                        Volume 13                                                                                                    Issue no. 2

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award

                                                                                                 fter the initial shock of being diagnosed with a brain tumor
                                                                                                 subsided, Miami teen Roberto was relieved that his CABA
                                                                                                 Pro Bono Legal Services lawyers had invested so much time
                                                                                     preparing him for adulthood.
                                                                                          Roberto had fled Guatemala at age 16 after years of abuse at
                                                                                     the hands of his father. In Miami, his CABA lawyers helped him file
                                                                                     a Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Visa. The SIJ Visa protected him
                                                                                     in juvenile court as a child that had been abused, abandoned or
                                                                                     neglected by a parent.
                                                                                          Roberto became a Legal Permanent Resident, and CABA staff
                                                                                     helped him create a savings account, learn to pay taxes, purchase
                                                                                     health insurance and attend night classes at Miami Dade College to
                                                                                     learn English.
                                                                                          Roberto needed emergency surgery to remove his tumor, but
                                                                                     fortunately, he had insurance. And, he had saved enough money to
                                                                                     spend six months recovering.
                                                                                          Using funding from The Florida Bar Foundation’s Children’s Legal
                                                                                     Services grant program, CABA helped 42 children receive Legal
                                                                                     Permanent Residency and more than 100 other children like Roberto
                                                                                     get SIJ Visas approved during the 2019-20 grant period.
                                                                                          CABA’s goal is to protect and safeguard vulnerable immigrant
                                                                                     children that have been abused, abandoned and neglected by
                                                                                     providing them with the legal representation that they need to assert
                                                                                     their right to remain safely and legally in the U.S. CABA currently
                                                                                     serves more than 400 children residing throughout Florida.
                                                                                          For their efforts, CABA will receive the 2021 Paul C. Doyle
                                                                                     Children’s Advocacy Award at the Foundation’s annual award
                                                                                     ceremony in June.
                                                                                          Without the legal services provided by CABA, the children
With help from Cuban American Bar Association (CABA) Pro Bono Legal Services,        represented would be ineligible for documents that allow them to
Roberto became a U.S. citizen after fleeing Guatemala, where his father had abused   obtain a job, a driver's license, work permits, and a social security
him for many years.
                                                                                     number. Additionally, once children obtain Legal Permanent Residency,

                                                                                                                                         see CHILDREN, p. 5
CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
Florida Bar Foundation President Stephen R. Senn began his term September 16, 2020. Board
    certified in appellate practice, Senn is a senior shareholder with Peterson & Myers, P.A. in
    Lakeland, where his practice includes appeals and federal litigation, as well as employment
    and business disputes. Senn earned his bachelor’s degree and juris doctor from Florida State
    University. He has served as president of the boards of Florida Rural Legal Services and Florida
    Equal Justice Center. Senn has been a member of the 10th Circuit Pro Bono Committee since
    1999. He earned The Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award in 2006, 2011 and 2018.
    Most recently, he was honored by the Appellate Practice Section of The Florida Bar with the
    John R. Hamilton Pro Bono Award.

    Message from the President

            f you support the mission of The Florida Bar Foundation (and
            if you are reading this, you probably do), then please consider
            partnering with us in one of many gratifying ways that can
    make a difference.
         Because interest rates continue to be at all-time low levels, funds   We try to reach decisions which will best serve the
    from the Interest on Lawyers Trust Account (IOTA), which are used          cause of justice for Floridians who cannot afford an attorney.
    to make grants, are also low. Donations from the public remain an          Applications for board seats can be found on our website at
    incredibly important source of funding for the Foundation.       
         If you’ve ever made a donation to the Foundation, you’re already          Civil legal aid is an essential service in our society. Without
    on track to join one of our giving societies. Once your lifetime giving    legal aid lawyers, thousands of Floridians would struggle with
    exceeds $2,000, you become a member of our Bronze Society. See             the complicated processes of eviction, divorce, foster care, estate
    all of our giving society members starting on page 11.                     planning, benefits and more. The Foundation’s grants and programs
         If you haven’t given before, an easy way to start is by becoming      fund legal aid lawyers and promote pro bono work. But, legal aid
    a Foundation Fellow and pledging $1,000, which can be paid at              programs turn away many clients due to lack of resources. There is
    once or over five years at $200 a year (or 10 years if you are a           simply more need than supply.
    young, government or nonprofit lawyer). See our newest Fellows                 Our grantees work hard every day to help clients who have fallen
    listed on page 15.                                                         on hard times, and who could have guessed how hard 2020 and
         Another way to financially support Foundation efforts is by           beyond would be? During these perilous times, Florida’s legal aid
    joining The Legacy for Justice, which recognizes those who have            providers continue to shine in their willingness to tackle tough cases
    included the Foundation in their estate planning, made a gift or           and provide much needed legal representation.
    pledge of more than $10,000, directed a significant cy pres award to           If you know a legal aid lawyer, please take a moment to thank
    the Foundation or facilitated a colleague’s major gift. See members        them. If you are a legal aid lawyer, please know how grateful we are
    on page 11.                                                                to you and how much we admire the work you do.
         To make a gift, visit, or
    contact Director of Development Michelle Fonseca, CFRE, at 407-
         Supporters of the Foundation can also give their time or talent
    to bolster our work. Consider applying to serve on our board of
    directors. Service on the board can be fulfilling in so many ways. The
    Board sets policy and makes all major decisions of the Foundation.          Stephen R. Senn, President

2     W W W. T H E F LOR I DA B A R F O U N DAT ION . OR G
CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
The Florida Bar Foundation
                                                                Virtual Award Ceremony
                                                            In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation will not
                                                           host an Annual Reception and Dinner during The Florida Bar
                                                          Annual Convention. Instead, a virtual award ceremony will be
                                                           held June 17 at 12 p.m. to honor the award winners below.

                                                     MEDAL OF HONOR FOR A LAWYER
                                                    Hon. Emiliano J. Salcines Jr., Retired Judge,
                                                        Second District Court of Appeals

                                           Jane Elizabeth Curran Distinguished Service Award
                                                         Anthony J. Karrat, Executive Director,
                                                       Legal Aid Service of Broward County and
                                                          Legal Aid Service of Collier County

                                          Paul Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
                                             Winner – CABA Pro Bono Legal Services
                           1st Runner Up – FSU College of Law      2nd Runner Up – Florida Legal Services

                                            President's Award for Excellence
                                                         To Be Announced

             Visit to register for the virtual award ceremony.

                                        THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS
                                              Medal of Honor Presenting Sponsor

           President's Award for                         Jane Elizabeth Curran                          Paul Doyle
            Excellence Sponsor                    Distinguished Service Award Sponsor       Children's Advocacy Award Sponsor

               Sponsorship                                                                           Sponsorship
                Available!                                                                            Available!

       Award ceremony sponsorships available. Contact Michelle Fonseca, CFRE, at or 407-960-7019.

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
Spring Board of Directors meeting report

             he Florida Bar Foundation Board of        their county of residence, for his strong and      time for the next selection process (the award is
             Directors met via Zoom on March 12,       consistent support of Legal Assistance for the     bi-annual, alternating years with the Goldstein/
             2021, because of the COVID-19             Poor and Law Student Assistance grantees, and      Van Nortwick Award for Excellence). The Board
    pandemic. The major actions of the board and       for a career dedicated to promoting high-          ratified the committee’s selection of award
    reports received included:                         quality legal representation of the poor. The      recipients and adopted the recommendation to
                                                       purpose of the award is to recognize and           review the selection criteria. Director Roberto
    Election of Foundation Directors
                                                       encourage systemic legal advocacy on behalf        Pardo was designated as the chair of the
        John F. Harkness and Raymond P. Reid, Jr.
                                                       of low-income children by the Foundation’s         selection criteria subcommittee.
    were elected to serve a second term as
    directors beginning July 1, 2021. It was also                                                         Administration of Justice Grants
                                                            A committee, chaired by former Foundation
    reported that the Foundation and The Florida                                                          Awarded
                                                       president John Patterson, selected the Cuban
    Bar are in the process of convening a joint                                                               The Improvements in the Administration of
                                                       American Bar Association (CABA) Pro Bono
    selection committee to address public member                                                          Justice (AOJ) grant program is designed to
                                                       Legal Services' Immigrant Children’s Program
    seats for service beginning July 1, 2021.                                                             improve the administration of justice in areas
                                                       as winner. First runner-up is Florida State
        Lastly, applications and information will be                                                      within the broader framework of the justice
                                                       University College of Law’s Human Trafficking
    sent to the Florida Supreme Court regarding its                                                       system, with emphasis on the process of
                                                       and Exploitation Law Project; second runner-up
    certification of selection of the Court’s                                                             operating the courts in an effective and
                                                       is Florida Legal Services’ Ending Juvenile
    designated seats, as well as the Chief Justice’s                                                      expeditious manner. It has historically been
                                                       Solitary Confinement in Florida project.
    appointment of two judicial officers for service                                                      used to fund programs that are not otherwise
                                                            The committee also recommended that the
    on the board.                                                                                         or regularly funded in the Foundation’s other
                                                       award’s selection criteria be reviewed, with
    Report of Medal of Honor Committee                 possible recommendations for change made in                                        see REPORT, p. 6

        The Board ratified the selection of The
    Honorable Emiliano “E.J.” Salcines Jr. as the
    Foundation’s 2021 recipient of its Medal of              2021-23 Equal Justice Works Fellows named
    Honor award. The committee did not                                                     Melissa Lipnick, Florida Health Justice Project
    recommend a non-lawyer recipient because                                               Lipnick will engage in individual and systemic advocacy
    none were nominated this year.                                                         to expand access and address barriers to Medicaid home
        The Board also ratified the selection of                                           health care to enable more low-income Florida seniors to
    Anthony J. “Tony” Karrat, executive director of                                        stay safely at home and out of nursing homes. The pandemic
                                                                                           has exacerbated the need for these services. Lipnick will
    Legal Aid Service of Broward County, as this
                                                                                           graduate from the University of Miami School of Law in May.
    year’s recipient of the Jane Elizabeth Curran
    Distinguished Service Award.
                                                                                           Janeille McPhail, Community Legal Services of
        The Board previously decided that the
    Foundation’s annual awards dinner would be                                             McPhail will provide holistic legal services for the veteran
    cancelled due to the pandemic. A virtual award                                         population in rural Ocala to create systemic change and
    ceremony will be held instead on June 17 to                                            offer stability. The project will use outreach, pro bono
    recognize honorees.                                                                    services and advocacy to increase public benefits and
                                                                                           veteran benefits. McPhail will graduate from the University
    Paul Doyle Children’s Advocacy Awards                                                  of Florida Levin College of Law in May.
         The Paul Doyle Children’s Advocacy Award
                                                                                           Oliver Telusma, Community Justice Project
    honors the Foundation's founding director of
                                                                                           Telusma's fellowship is designed to prevent COVID-fueled
    its Legal Assistance for the Poor and Law                                              evictions of residential renters and small businesses at high
    Student Assistance Grant Programs (1991 to                                             risk of displacement in South Florida through direct legal
    2013) in recognition of his commitment to                                              services, policy advocacy and movement lawyering.
    high-quality legal representation of Florida’s                                         Telusma will graduate from Florida A&M University School
    low-income children, for encouraging grantee                                           of Law in May.
    programs to collaborate across geographic
    regions in order to bring the benefit of legal          Fellows are sponsored by the Foundation. McPhail is jointly sponsored by Greenberg Traurig
    advocacy to low-income children regardless of           and The Florida Bar Foundation.

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
CHILDREN, from p. 1

they can qualify for financial aid and obtain         foster care systems. CABA has developed and              "Many other former clients have gone
higher education.                                     conducts SIJ trainings for state court juvenile,     on to create small businesses within the
     At just 23, Roberto is now a U.S. citizen and    probate and family                                   construction industry or in landscaping, and
owns his own landscaping company.                     judges.                                              create an economic impact by employing other
     On average, CABA represents each child for            “Many of the                                    individuals. Without necessary legal documents
three to five years. To obtain an SIJ visa, CABA      children that we                                     and without having become a legal permanent
must first file a case in state court and obtain      have represented                                     resident, this would not be possible.”
findings of abuse, abandonment and/or neglect.        throughout the years
     As part of the state court process, CABA         come back to our
lawyers also make sure that each child has a          offices to report their
                                                                                  Lesley Mendoza
legal caregiver that can provide complete care.       successes,” Leslie
Once an order is obtained in state court, CABA        Mendoza, CABA’s
represents each child before U.S. Citizenship         executive director, says. “One is employed by
and Immigration Services and in immigration           a utility company and is making over $60,000
court.                                                plus benefits. He would not have been able to
     Even with immigration courts being closed        obtain this job without our services."
due to the pandemic, CABA represented more
than 100 new children in 2020. Many of the
children did not have legal caregivers with            History of Children's Legal Services funding
the necessary legal documents to consent to
medical treatment on their behalf. So, CABA            $3M
filed more than 50 temporary custody cases
in Family Court on an emergency basis to               $2.5M
ensure that these children had someone able to
consent to their medical treatment if they got
COVID-19.                                              $2M
     CABA staff also work to make connections
with community groups and the public                   $1.75M
school system, which come into contact                 $1.5M
with vulnerable children. In one instance,
an elementary school principal discovered a            $1.25M
migrant camp within his district with more than
19 families living in rustic conditions.
     The camp had many undocumented                    $750k
children in need of legal representation. The
principal informed CABA of the situation, and          $500k
CABA interviewed the children and families,            $250k
then provided them with free direct legal

     CABA also advocates for the just treatment























of immigrant children within the judicial and












                                                                       *$655,000 has been allocated to Children's Legal Services grants in the FY 2021-22 budget.

                                                                How Can I Help?

                                        Your donation to the Children's Legal Services grant fund ensures access
                                                  to justice for Florida's children. Donate now online.

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
REPORT, from p. 4

    grants programs. The Board previously allocated       accordance with the terms of the program and      (content-based website with goal of providing
    and approved $500,000 for AOJ projects this           individual loan agreements between the            information on Florida Medicaid Program):
    year. The Foundation received 16 applications         Foundation and eligible participants, the Board   Wind down over 12 months with notice to
    for funding, requesting $1,647,185.68.                took up the matter of its 2020 LRAP               grantees, after which it will be terminated
         The Board selected Florida’s Children First      outstanding loans. The Board adopted the          unless assumed by an eligible grantee.
    (Improving Justice for Children: Attorneys and        Grants Committee’s recommendation (based on            5. FL Advocate’s Guide – Long Term Care
    Clients Partnering for Systemic Change) to            staff’s detailed report) that of the $1,170,000   (content-based website with goal of providing
    receive $230,000, and Innocence Project of            loaned to 234 qualified legal aid providers in    information on Florida Medicaid’s Managed
    Florida (Investigation and Litigation to              2020, $1,043,190.94 will be forgiven.             Long-Term Care Program): Wind down over 12
    Exonerate Innocent Floridians) to receive             $96,497.72 was previously rescinded and/or        months with notice to grantees, after which it
    $270,000.                                             returned back to the Foundation (funds were       will be terminated unless assumed by an
                                                          either declined, withdrawn or not disbursed due   eligible grantee.
    Limited extensions for 2020 Community
                                                          to ineligibility) and $30,311.34 was not               6. (website with
    Economic Development (CED) grants
                                                          forgiven and is to be returned back to the        goal of assisting people to legally change their
         In light of significant decreases in available
                                                          Foundation.                                       name): the Foundation will hold for 12 months
    funding for CED grants ($6,443,162 in 2020 vs.
                                                                                                            pending the exploration of marketing, revenue-
    $2 million for 2021) the Board voted on               Technology Assets Recommendations
                                                                                                            generating, and/or sale/licensing opportunities
    November 6, 2020, to forgo a new application          approved
                                                                                                            toward the highest and best use, with a cost
    process for 2021 CED grants and instead                   The Florida Bar Foundation received seven
                                                                                                            estimate for technological upgrades within
    tasked the grants committee to make                   digital assets from the former Florida Justice
                                                                                                            three months.
    recommendations for extending existing 2020           Technology Center. Over the last 12 months, the
                                                                                                                 7. Gateway/Florida Law Help (website with
    ongoing CED projects. As a result, staff              Board's Technology Committee evaluated
                                                                                                            goal of helping Floridians navigate their legal
    completed a comprehensive review of existing          possible plans for the future of these individual
                                                                                                            issues): Foundation will hold for 12 months
    CED projects in order to give a recommendation        assets. The committee evaluated ongoing
                                                                                                            pending the exploration of marketing, revenue-
    it deems as fair and equitable as possible under      expenses, maintenance time, system complexity,
                                                                                                            generating and/or sale/licensing opportunities
    the circumstances, while striving to keep as          intellectual property, and overall value of each
                                                                                                            toward the highest and best use, with a cost
    many projects as possible intact.                     asset. While every asset had both benefits and
                                                                                                            estimate for technological upgrades within
         More than 100 hours of staff time was            obstacles, the committee wanted to determine
                                                                                                            three months.
    devoted to determining a funding                      which assets should reasonably remain under
                                                                                                                 The Technology Committee continues to
    recommendation. Several worksheets were               the Foundation’s care, and which should be
                                                                                                            work on a Long-Range Technology Plan that it
    developed and reviewed, and several                   offered to grantees for future maintenance. The
                                                                                                            intends to present to the Board for
    alternatives for funding CED grant extensions         committee recommended, and the Board
                                                                                                            consideration as soon as practicable.
    were explored. Ultimately, the Board decided to       approved, the disposition of the following
    fund 10 existing projects, based on the               technology assets as follows:                     Development/Pro Bono Report
    amounts each project reported as the minimum              1. Florida Advocate (a library and                 Committee Chair Raymond Reid provided
    amount required to maintain the viability of          communication platform for legal aid              the Board a report regarding various and
    their projects. Staff concluded that such an          attorneys): Wind down over 12 months with         sundry efforts and initiatives involving the
    approach provides the best alternative based          notice to grantees, after which it will be        Development/Pro Bono Committee. Mr. Reid’s
    on merits while allowing more programs to             terminated unless assumed by an eligible          report referenced Fundraising Campaigns
    continue their important work in an acceptable        grantee.                                          Performance Reports, a Kids Deserve Justice
    manner at a minimum viable amount. This will              2. Florida Tenants' Rights (website with      Specialty License Plate update, and a Restricted
    “stretch” the Foundation’s limited funding to         goal of providing person-specific information to Gift report. Mr. Reid also reported that research,
    more projects in more geographic areas of the         renters about their legal issues): Wind down      analysis and discussion continue regarding
    state thereby serving more populations in need.       project.                                          whether the Foundation will implement a
    See the 10 projects on page seven.                        3. (website with goal of        Service Charge/Administrative Fee policy. The
                                                          assisting parents and guardians of children with subcommittee chaired by Director Ashley
    Action on Annual Loan Repayment
                                                          developmental disabilities transition to          Sybesma will report its findings as soon as the
    Assistance Program (LRAP) Forgiveness
                                                          adulthood): Keep for 12 months while              research and review are concluded. It is
                                                          attempting to find a recipient, then revisit.     expected that such will be available for
       Consistent with previous practice and in
                                                              4. FL Advocate’s Guide – Medicaid
                                                                                                                                            see REPORT, p. 8

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
Foundation's Florida Pro Bono Law School Challenge places 309 cases

           he Florida Bar Foundation announced         cases hosted by legal aid
           the winners of the 2021 Florida Pro         programs. Florida’s law
           Bono Law School Challenge April             schools competed for six
5. Stetson University College of Law won               weeks to see which could
the top honor, the MVP Pro Bono Champion               take the most pro bono
Award, for matching the most students with             cases.
its own alumni. Barry University Dwayne O.                Students and lawyers
Andreas School of Law won for most student             from all of Florida’s 12 law
engagement. Ave Maria School of Law won for            schools participated. Legal
the most alumni engagement.                            aid programs also
     “It is a testament to our state’s law             competed to post the
schools’ commitment to pro bono work that              most cases online during
309 law students matched with lawyers on full          the Challenge; CABA Pro
representation cases through the Challenge,”           Bono Legal Services, Legal
                                                                                      Ft. Lauderdale lawyer Robert Phaneuf, left, and St. Thomas University College of
Stephen R. Senn, the Foundation’s president,           Services of North Florida,
                                                                                      Law student Krystle Johnson (not pictured) were matched through the Challenge
said. “Providing students with opportunities           and Community Legal            and completed a probate case for a Legal Services of Greater Miami client, right.
to get real world experience and lawyers with          Services of Mid-Florida
opportunities to mentor and support their local        were winners.                                          to promote public service among lawyers by
legal aid programs strengthens the legal aid              Trophies will be presented to the winners at making it an integral part of the law school
system.”                                               the Foundation’s 2021 Virtual Award Ceremony experience. By connecting students with
     For the third year in a row, students             on June 17. Registration is open now at                lawyers to partner on pro bono cases from legal
and lawyers used an online platform at                                  aid organizations, the Foundation increases to choose                    A core part of the Foundation’s mission is         access to justice and promotes pro bono work.

       MVP Pro Bono Champion                                Most Student Engagement                                    Most Alumni Engagement

 2020 Community Economic Development grants extended
  Funding for 2021-22 CED grants was significantly reduced due to the exhaustion of the funds from the Bank of America settlement. Rather than
  asking grantees to complete new applications, the Foundation funded the extension of 10 existing grants based on project viability and results.
  Program					Project				                                                                                   			                                        Grant
  Bay Area Legal Services			                            Florida Senior Home Ownership Protection Program (SHOPP)                                         $25,000
  Brevard County Legal Aid			                           Survivors of Domestic Violence Advocacy Project                                                 $125,000
  CABA Pro Bono Legal Services			                       Domestic violence, human trafficking, immigrant children, and veterans programs		               $100,000
  IDignity					                                         Identification and Dignity: Reducing barriers to economic stability in Central Florida           $60,000
  Jacksonville Area Legal Aid			                        Region II Wealth Building Project                                                               $449,380
  Legal Aid Service of Broward County		                 Consumer law, impact litigation and veterans' law projects                                      $243,466
  Legal Aid Society of Orange County Bar Association    Cultivating Empowerment by Navigating Toward Stability (C.E.N.T.S.)                              $94,000
  Legal Services of Greater Miami			                    Florida Community Development Legal Project                                                     $773,239
  Seminole County Bar Association Legal Aid Society     John Hamilton Domestic Violence Prevention and Community Economic Project                        $40,000
  Three Rivers Legal Services			                        Home Sweet Home: clear title and home ownership to Heirs’ property project                       $60,000
             							                                                                                 				                                        Total: $1,970,085

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
Foundation receives donations from Family Law Section, settlements

             he Florida Bar Family Law Section                 The Foundation also received $8,662                    "The Parties, Class Counsel and
             made a $75,000 donation in February          from the Maher Law Firm in Winter Park in               Defendant's counsel are pleased to support
             in support of the Foundation's               September. The donation was interest earned             the important work performed by The Florida
    Children's Legal Services grant program. The          on a private Qualified Settlement Account in            Bar Foundation in providing Floridians with
    section has now given $500,000 total in               connection with the national Actos Multidistrict        greater access to legal representation and
    lifetime giving to the Foundation (see page 15        Litigation settlement.                                  improving the administration of justice,"
    for a chart of all section giving).                        “As lawyers and                                    wrote plaintiff’s attorney and former Bar
         “The funds are needed more than ever             advocates for Florida                                   president Tod Aronovitz, who worked on the
    now, as availability of                               residents, we are proud                                 case with his partner Barbara Perez, who was
    grants has dropped                                    to support The Florida                                  instrumental in the resolution of the case.
    by 40% this year,”                                    Bar Foundation and                                          The Foundation
    said Maria Gonzalez,                                  its mission to provide                                  encourages counsel
    Foundation board                                      access to justice                                       and courts to consider
    member and former                                     for everyone," firm        Jason Fraxedas               making provisions
    Family Law Section                                    shareholder Jason                                       for possible cy pres
    chair.                                                Fraxedas said.                                          awards or distributions
                                Maria C. Gonzalez
         “We truly                                             The Foundation also received a $7,418              during the settlement
    believe it is our                                     donation related to Coastal Wellness Centers,           approval process
                                                                                                                                              Barbara Perez
    responsibility as Family Law practitioners to         Inc. vs. Ocean Harbor Casualty Insurance                rather than afterward
    help the Foundation fill this critical need. It’s a   Company, a class action lawsuit resolved                to allow parties more
    testament to the continued commitment of the          in Broward County. The amount donated                   control over the process involving recipients of
    Family Law Section’s leadership to support the        represented claim payments that were returned           settlement funds to lessen the burden on the
    Foundation’ efforts to promote access to justice      uncashed or undeliverable. The parties and the          Court and save judicial time and resources.
    for children, and we’re incredibly grateful that      trial court agreed to donate the funds to the                The Foundation is extremely grateful for
    the Section has contributed $500,000 so far.”         Foundation under the Cy Pres doctrine.                  these gifts.

     2020-21 Improvements in the Administration of Justice grants awarded
     The Improvements to the Administration of Justice (AOJ) grant program is designed to assist in the improvement in the administration of justice
     in areas within the broader framework of the justice system, with emphasis on the process of operating the courts in an effective and expeditious
     manner. It has historically been used to fund programs that are not otherwise or regularly funded in the Foundation’s other grants.
     Program				Project				                                                                        					                                             Grant
     Florida's Children First		                 Improving Justice for Children: Attorneys and Clients Partnering for System Change                   $230,000
     Innocence Project of Florida		             Investigation and Litigation to Exonerate Innocent Floridians                                        $270,000
                							                                                                                				                                  Total: $500,000

    REPORT, from p. 6

    consideration and review at the Board’s               have signed up to participate in the challenge.        Next Meeting
    meeting in June or shortly thereafter.                Despite the continuation of the pandemic, this             The Board’s next scheduled meeting will be
        Lastly, the Board was informed about the          exceeds the 306 matches and 315 participating          on June 10, 2021, either remotely or in person
    status of the Foundation’s third annual Florida       students during the inaugural year of the              in Orlando. In the interim, the Executive
    Pro Bono Law School Challenge. At the time of         program in 2019. The second year of the                Committee will consider whether an in-person
    the report, 273 matches between lawyers and           program produced 200 student – lawyer                  meeting is possible or preferable given the fact
    law students had been made. NOTE: To date,            matches on full representation cases from 20           that all Board meetings since 2020 were
    309 matches resulting in full representation          legal aid programs, but was hampered and               conducted remotely due to the COVID-19
    cases have been made and 430 law students             shortened by the onset of the pandemic.                pandemic.
CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
Annual Report
T H E F L O R I DA BA R F O U N DAT I O N                                                                                   2019-20

 Message from 2019-20 President Hala A. Sandridge

 I      always knew it would be a privilege to
        serve as president of The Florida Bar
        Foundation. What I did not know—
 and could never have anticipated—were the
 challenges the Foundation would face from
                                                  were forced to work remotely. As of the time
                                                  you read this article, we continue to hold our
                                                  board meetings virtually and many staff work
                                                  remotely. Gone were the days of in-person
                                                  brainstorming, team work, and camaraderie
 the COVID-19 pandemic.                           for which the Foundation is so well known.
     My presidency started out as normal, with    It is a testament to the hard work of the
 our September board meeting in 2019. The         Foundation staff that we were able to keep
 in-person conference in Tampa was full of        our grants and funding cycles in place, along
 energy, ideas and excitement. The Foundation     with all other business of the Foundation,
 moved toward a new board meeting format,         through a remote work environment.
 with law firms sponsoring the meetings and            COVID-19 not only changed how the
 fronting expenses to reduce Foundation           Foundation conducted its business, but it
 administrative costs. These meetings were        drastically affected the legal organizations
 also designed to “ride the circuit”—rather       the Foundation funds. Many of the grantees
 than maintain a constant Orlando location—       sought immediate funding for COVID-19
 so that legal services stakeholders around the   relief. The Foundation quickly pivoted its
 state could more easily attend Foundation        funding resources and issued new COVID-19        division of the Middle Division of Florida’s
 board meetings in their locale. The new          grants to allow grantees to address a slew       federal courts entrusted $3.6 million to the
 format was wildly successful. I thank my         of pressing legal issues—such as evictions,      Foundation for distribution to legal service
 law firm, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, for       unemployment, domestic violence, and             organizations located within the Middle
 carrying the expense of that first newly-        healthcare—amounting to $1,454,993 in            District. The Foundation honored those
 formatted board meeting.                         immediate aid.                                   judges—the Honorable Timothy J. Corrigan,
     All changed with the March 2020 board             The Foundation faced other non-             Honorable Roy B. Dalton Jr., Honorable
 meeting. If you are reading this article, you    pandemic challenges. Interest rates—the          Marcia Morales Howard, and Honorable
 know how your life drastically changed           mainstay of IOTA funds—continued their           William G. Young—for their commitment
 around that time, too. The Foundation board      historic lows, forcing the Foundation to         to access to civil justice. Although the
 meeting moved to a virtual format. Looking       continue its search for other funding            Foundation's awards are usually presented
 back on that meeting, I recall how foreign       sources. But good things happened, too. The      during the June Florida Bar Annual
 I considered the Zoom platform and how           board’s wise investment decisions and a hot      Convention, the Foundation staff created an
 optimistically I thought our June board          financial market increased the value of the      amazing virtual award ceremony for all to
 meeting would be in-person at The Florida        Foundation’s investments.                        attend in the fall.
 Bar Annual Convention.                                The highlight of my presidency was              Not only do I thank the judiciary, but
     Equally difficult, many of the Foundation    bestowing the Foundation's 2020 President’s      I thank all of you, dear readers, for your
 staff normally working in its Maitland office    Award. The federal judges of the Jacksonville    support and assistance with the Foundation’s
                                                                                                   mission of ensuring access to legal services.

CABA Pro Bono wins 2021 Doyle Children's Advocacy Award
FUNDING SOURCES FOR 2019-20 GRANTS                                                    HOW FUNDS WERE SPENT IN 2019-20

       61.1% BOA/Engle Awards                  1.2% Net Investment Income                         89.0% Charitable Activities ($12,454,231)
       31.9% IOTA Revenue 		                   0.8% Cy Pres Awards                                9.3% Administration ($1,305,896)
       5.0% Private Contributions                                                                 1.7% Fundraising ($240,138)

                                                  GRANTS AWARDED IN 2019-20
                                                                          $571,328 - Improvements in Administration of Justice
                                                       $887,388 - Loan Repayment Assistance Program Forgiveness
                                         $1,107,992 - Children's Legal Services
                   $1,658,289 - Engle Grant Program
 $6,443,162 - Community Economic Development

 $416,557 - Equal Justice Works Fellows
                        $387,500 - Pro Bono Transformation and Innovation
                                        $48,675 - Legal Aid Summer Fellows
                                                        $50,000 - Veterans Clinic Bridge Funding
                                                                          $12,000 - Limited Matching Funds Grants

     In addition to the grants awarded, the Foundation spent $889,580 in program support and other charitable activities that provided direct and
                         indirect support to our grantees. Also, $18,238 in unspent grant funds were returned to the Foundation.

                                                                                        99,375 legal aid cases were handled
                                                                                               by grantees in calendar year 2019.
 The Foundation funded           75 grants in
 fiscal year 2019-20, all without state
 funding. Florida is one of only three
 states that provide no funding through
 its state legislature for civil legal aid.

The Legacy for Justice
    The Legacy for Justice recognizes those who have included the Foundation in their estate planning, made a gift or pledge of more than
    $10,000, directed a significant cy pres award to the Foundation or facilitated a colleague’s major gift. We offer the members of this prestigious
    group our sincerest gratitude for their deep and abiding commitment to the Foundation. (Through April 8, 2021)
    Louie Adcock* **                                                            The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division                   Anonymous
    Akerman LLP                                                                 Florida Lawyers Legal Insurance Corporation              John* and Pam Noland*
    Anonymous Fund - Central Florida Foundation                                 Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company                 John* and Nora Patterson*
    Anonymous Fund - Community Foundation of                                    The Flourish Fund of Gulf Coast Community                Roderick N. Petrey*
       Sarasota County, Inc.                                                       Foundation                                            Polaszek, Berman, Hansen
    Tod Aronovitz*                                                              Brian K. Gart* **                                        Lou Ann Powell*
    The Batchelor Foundation                                                    Deborah P. Goodall*                                      David C. Prather*
    James L. Bell*                                                              GrayRobinson, PA                                         Ruden McCloskey Smith Schuster & Russell, PA
    Bruce B. Blackwell*                                                         William O.E. Henry* **                                   William P. Sklar*
    F. Paul Bland, Jr.                                                          Michael J. Higer*                                        Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, PA
    The BMC Charitable Foundation, Inc.                                         J. Wayne Hogan*                                          John Woolslair Sheppard*
    Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney                                                 Holland & Knight LLP                                     Geoffrey S. Stahl
    Philip M. Burlington                                                        Michael J. Howell, The Howell Family Fund                Larry* and Pat Stewart
    John P. Cardillo*                                                           Joseph D. Hudgins                                        Rhonda D. Stroman*
    Valorie S. Chavin                                                           T. Glenn Jackson, Jr.* **                                Stroock Stroock & Lavin LLP
    A. Hamilton Cooke*                                                          Scott T. Johni                                           Russell Troutman* **
    Carl J. Domino*                                                             The JPB Foundation                                       Marvin A. Urquhart, Jr.**
    Sean Estes*                                                                 Jeffrey M. Liggio*                                       Hon. William A. Van Nortwick, Jr.* ** and
    Richard A. Fisher                                                           Theodore J. Leopold                                          Maria Henderson*
    Robert W. Fisher* **                                                        Laird A. Lile*                                           Robert Craig Waters*
    Anonymous                                                                   Tom H. Loffredo*                                         Marshall C. Watson
    The Florida Bar Appellate Practice Section                                  Erin Whittemore Lohmiller                                Hon. John D. Wessel* **
    The Florida Bar Business Law Section                                        Donny* and Monica MacKenzie                              Jewel White*
    The Florida Bar Criminal Law Section                                        Diana Martin                                             Kent G. Whittemore
    The Florida Bar Family Law Section                                          Miles A. McGrane, III*                                   John Yanchunis*
    The Florida Bar General Practice, Solo and Small                            Kathleen S. McLeroy*                                     E. Clayton Yates
       Firm Section                                                             Anonymous                                                Burton Young*
    The Florida Bar Real Property, Probate & Trust                              Melissa A. Moss*                                         Edward H. Zebersky
       Law Section                                                              Mellon United National Bank                                         * Florida Bar Foundation Fellow
    The Florida Bar Trial Lawyers Section                                       Robert W. Murphy                                                   **Deceased

   Lifetime Giving Circles
   Lifetime contributions as of April 8, 2021. Does not reflect pledges or in-kind gifts.

   Judge's Society                                         Barrister's Society                          The Florida Bar Real Property,            Platinum Society
   ($500,000-999,999)                                      ($100,000-249,999)                              Probate & Trust Law Section            ($25,000-49,999)
   Anonymous                                               The Florida Bar Business Law                 Florida Lawyers Legal Insurance           Bruce B. Blackwell*
   Anonymous                                                 Section                                       Corp.                                  Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
   The Florida Bar Family Law Section                      The Florida Bar Criminal Law Section         Florida Project Directors'                Mary E. Cantrell*
                                                                                                           Association                            Carlton Fields, P.A.
   Advocate's Society                                      The Florida Bar Trial Lawyers Section
                                                                                                        Maria E. Henderson*                       Carl J. Domino*
   ($250,000-499,999)                                      Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance
   The Batchelor Foundation, Inc.                            Company                                    John Patterson*                           GrayRobinson, P.A.
   The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division                  Ruden McClosky                               Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart &          J. Wayne Hogan*
   Anonymous                                                                                              Shipley P.A.                            Holland & Knight LLP
                                                           Counselor's Society
   Liggio Law PA                                                                                        Larry S. Stewart*                         Donny MacKenzie*
   John A Yanchunis*                                                                                                                              Miles A. McGrane, III*
                                                           The Florida Bar Appellate Practice
                                                              Section                                                                                     Continued on p. 12

Mellon United National Bank            Stephen R. Senn*                        Douglas M. Halsey*                   Susan B. Werth*
       John A. Noland*                        John W. Sheppard*                       John F. Harkness, Jr.*               William O.E. Henry Charitable
       Lou Ann Powell*                        Mitchell E. Silverstein                 Michael J. Howell                      Foundation
                                              William P. Sklar*                       The Howell Family Fund               Randall Wilson, C.P.A.*
       Stanley M. Rosenblatt*
                                              Stroock Stroock & Lavin LLP             H. Scott Huizenga                    Gwynne A. Young*
       Susan Rosenblatt*
                                              United States District Court Middle     Bruce F. Iden
       Shutts & Bowen LLP                                                                                                  Bronze Society
                                                District of Florida                   Pamela M. Jones*
       Gold Society                           Marvin A. Urquhart, Jr.**               Philip N. Kabler*
                                                                                                                           Ramón A. Abadin*
       ($10,000-24,999)                       Hon. William A. Van Nortwick, Jr.* **   Hon. Larry Klein*
                                                                                                                           David Abbey*
       Akerman LLP                            Hon. John D. Wessel* **                 Elizabeth M. Knoblock                Richard Abramowitz*
       AMGEN PAC                              Carol A. Wherry*                        Gary Leppla*                         Louie N. Adcock, Jr.* **
       Anonymous Fund - Community             Jewel White*                            Gary S. Lesser*                      Hon. Alfonso L. Adderly
        Foundation of Sarasota County                                                 The Maher Law Firm                   David Adler
                                              Burton Young*
       Rosemary E. Armstrong*                                                         David Manz*                          Steven N. Ainbinder*
       Berger Singerman LLP                   Silver Society                          Massachusetts Bar Association        William Akers
       Darryl M. Bloodworth*                                                          Susan H. Maurer*                     David Albert
                                              David P. Ackerman*
       The BMC Charitable Foundation Inc.                                             Hon. Raymond McNeal*                 Marcy L. Aldrich*
                                              Allegheny County Bar Association                                             Lynn Alfano
       Burr & Forman LLP                                                              Joseph P. Milton* **
                                              Marcella Auerbach*                                                           Allen, Dyer, Doppelt, Milbrath &
       John P. Cardillo*                                                              Linda Moore*
                                              Mark O. Bagnall*                                                               Gilchrist, P.A.
       Central Florida Foundation                                                     Howard M. Neu
                                              Kimberly A. Bald*                                                            Cesar L. Alvarez*
       Coker Law                                                                      Ohio State Bar Association
                                              BankAtlantic Foundation                                                      Francisco R. Angones*
       Mary G. Croft-Henry                                                            Oklahoma Bar Foundation
                                              Julio C. Barbosa                                                             Georgina Angones*
       Jane E. Curran*                                                                Pajcic & Pajcic PA
                                              Jonathan D. Beloff*                                                          Paolo Annino*
                                                                                      Patsy Palmer*
       Ann D. Davidson*                       Bigglesworth Family Foundation                                               Hon. Harry L. Anstead*
                                                                                      Thomas F. Panza*
       Joanne Flanagan                        Birnbaum Lippman & Gregoire, PLLC                                            Susann Anstead*
                                                                                      Justice Barbara J. Pariente*
       The Florida Bar Solo and Small Firm    Alan B. Bookman*                                                             Alan H. Aronson*
         Section                                                                      Daryl D. Parks*
                                              Michele Booth                                                                Jack Attias
       The Flourish Fund of Gulf Coast                                                Parks & Crump, LLC                   Jonathan L. Awner*
                                              David Bridger
         Community Foundation                                                         Dennis Richard*                      David P. Babner*
                                              Hon. Catherine M. Brunson*
       Foundation for Improvement of                                                  James C. Rinaman Jr.*                Scott L. Baena*
                                              L. Kinder Cannon, III*
         Justice Inc.                                                                 Anne B. Robjohns*                    George Baise
                                              A. Hamilton Cooke*
       John W. Frost, II*                                                             Rogow Greenberg Foundation Inc.      Douglas R. Bald*
                                              Father Timothy Corcoran, III
       Stuart Z. Grossman*                                                            Gerold L. Schiebler                  Nancy Baldwin
                                              Ashley Cox*
       William O.E. Henry* **                                                         Anne R. Schultz                      Richard Bales
                                              Henry M. Coxe, III*
       Hill, Ward & Henderson, P.A.                                                   Christian D. Searcy*                 Michael A. Bander* **
                                              Michelle K. Cummings*                                                        Jeptha Barbour*
       Joseph D. Hudgins                                                              Murray B. Silverstein*
                                              William H. Davis*                                                            Gregory S. Barnett
       T. Glenn Jackson, Jr.* **                                                      Pamela Simonton
                                              Dean, Mead, Egerton, Bloodworth                                              Martha W. Barnett*
       Laird A. Lile*                                                                 Richard W. Slawson*
                                              Robert Dennis                                                                Sally Bartholmey
                                                                                      Adele I. Stone*
       Juliette E. Lippman*                   DI Law Group
                                                                                      Marilyn Strauss*                     Hilarie Bass*
       Anonymous                              Jesse H. Diner*                                                              Mary J. Bass
                                                                                      Sidney A. Stubbs, Jr.*
       Melissa A. Moss*                       Paul C. Doyle*                                                               John Battle
                                                                                      Jaime Suarez
       Anonymous*                             Kathleen A. Dubin                                                            Dora L. Beatty*
                                                                                      The Sullivan & Cromwell Foundation
       Ohio State Bar Foundation              Mary G. Evertz*                                                              Bedell, Dittmar, Devault, Pillans &
                                                                                      Howard M. Talenfeld*                     Coxe, P.A.
       Thomas R. Oldt*                        Eddie Farah*
                                                                                      Terrell Hogan                        Rayanne Beers
       Peterson & Myers, P.A.                 Luis L. Fernandez
                                                                                      Hon. Emerson R. Thompson, Jr.*       Stephen F. Beiner**
       Roderick N. Petrey*                    The Florida Bar Citizens Advisory
                                                                                      William L. Thompson, Jr.* **         Marc N. Bell
       David C. Prather*                                                              Hon. John W. Thornton, Jr.*
                                              The Florida Bar City, County and                                             Lisa C. Bennett
       Hon. Peggy A. Quince*                                                          Craig Tregillus
                                                Local Government Section                                                   R. Lee Bennett*
       Stephen A. Rappenecker                                                         Russell Troutman* **                 Kristi Bergemann Rothell
                                              Paige A. Greenlee*
       Catherine A. Roth                      Greenspoon Marder, P.A.                 Cynthia G. Tymeson                   Sheryl E. Berkowitz*
       David B. Rothman*                      Merrick "Rick" L. Gross*                Nina Van Nortwick                    William Berzak
       Hon. Patricia A. Seitz*                Peter J. Gulden, III*                   Helen Von Dolteren-Fournier*         Mary-Anne Bestebreurtje*

Kathleen Bickelhaupt                Christy Complo                    Renee Emrick                         Harvey L. Goldstein*
    Nancy E. Biesinger*                 Jonathan Compton                  Martin Engels*                       Carlos O. Gomez
    Brian L. Bilzin*                    Kenneth Conrad                    Andrew Erdman                        Eric A. Gonzalez
    Hon. Deb S. Blechman*               Charles Coomes                    Alejandro Espino*                    Maria C. Gonzalez*
    Byron B. Block*                     Leslie L. Cooney*                 Kerry L. Ezrol*                      Ricardo A. Gonzalez*
    Hon. Ellyn S. Bogdanoff*            Deborah S. Corbishley*            William Fabra                        Debra E. Gotlib
    Sarah A. Bohr*                      William W. Corry*                 Michael J. Faehner*                  Leo Govoni*
    Carlos J. Bonilla*                  Sarah Cortvriend*                 Charlie Farah*                       Moises T. Grayson
    Ronald L. Book*                     Patrick Coughlan                  Hon. Crockett Farnell*               Mark Green*
    Connie Bookman*                     Dale W. Cravey                    Timothy M. Farrow*                   Raleigh W. Greene, III*
    John P. Booth                       Gail E. Crawford                  Joel S. Fass*                        Robin H. Greene*
    Boston Holding Company              Hon. Marva L. Crenshaw*           Federal Bar Association Tampa Bay    James Greenfield*
    Brooke J. Bowman                    Manuel L. Crespo*                 Jeffrey D. Feldman*                  Alan G. Greer*
    Dana G. Bradford*                   Critton, Luttier & Coleman, LLP   Luanne Ferguson*                     Nancy W. Gregoire*
    Debra Braga*                        Lynda Crouse                      Enrique Ferrer                       Melanie S. Griffin*
    Jack P. Brandon*                    Patricia Simone Cruz              Robert Fields                        Thomas Grillo
    Matthew G. Brenner*                 Clinton A. Curtis* **             Tony Fineman                         Michele B. Grimes*
    Alejandro Brito*                    Garrett Cutler                    Jeffrey D. Fisher*                   Lynn H. Groseclose*
    Donna Brooks*                       Stephen Cypen*                    Michael W. Fisher*                   Dennis Grossman
    Broward County Bar Association      Howard L. Dale*                   Hon. Jane Fishman*                   William Gundlach* **
        Young Lawyers Section           Talbot D'Alemberte* **            Florida Association of Legal         John R. Gunnarson
    Bonnie A. Brown                     Arthur B. D'Almeida*                Secretaries                        GUNSTER
    Gregory P. Brown*                   Hon. Paul W. Danahy, Jr.*         The Florida Bar Administrative Law   Jorge Gurian
    Jay A. Brown*                       Robert Darnell*                                                        Richard Haber
                                                                          The Florida Bar Alternative
    Julie Brown                         James R. Daughton*                  Resolution Section                 Stuart J. Haft*
    Jackson M. Bruce* **                Amber N. Davis*                   Florida Supreme Court Historical     William E. Hahn*
    Mark Buchbinder*                    Larry S. Davis*                     Society                            Martin L. Haines, III*
    Karen M. Buesing*                   Steven W. Davis*                  Susan K. Flynn                       David J. Halberg*
    Gerald Buhr*                        Kahlil A. Day*                    Michelle Fonseca*                    James Haliczer*
    Robert J. Buonauro*                 Theodore Deckert*                 Sally H. Foote* **                   Wallace Hall
    Charla Burchett*                    Sarah DeLaurentis                 Eric Forman*                         William D. Hall, Jr.*
                                        Carla A. DeLoach                  Hamilton C. Forman, Jr.*             Frank A. Hamner*
    Janice Burton Sharpstein*
                                        Thomas Demas                      Dori Foster-Morales*                 Michelle M. Hancharik
    Adam Buss
                                        Hon. David Demers                 Spencer H. Fox*                      Charles T. Harden, III
    Robert A. Butterworth, Jr.*
                                        Lauren Y. Detzel*                 Evan Frank                           Major B. Harding*
    William P. Byrne*
                                        John A. DeVault, III*             Hon. Gill S. Freeman*                Harry H. Harkins, Jr.*
    Luis A. Cabassa*
                                        John T. Diamandis                 Julia L. Frey*                       Elizabeth H. Harris*
    S. Sammy Cacciatore, Jr.
                                        Sandra F. Diamond*                Roger Futerman                       Hon. James C. Hauser*
    Carol Caldwell
                                        Al DiCalvo*                       Joseph Garcia                        Hon. Judith Hawkins*
    Dennis Cameron
                                        George A. Dietz*                  Kelly J. Garcia*                     Scott G. Hawkins*
    Steven L. Cantor* **
                                        Suhaill B. Dillard                Jose A. Garrido, Jr.*                Jacqueline Hea
    Hon. Hugh A. Carithers, Jr.*
                                        James R. Dirmann*                 Brian K. Gart* **                    Susan B. Hecker*
    Henry Carnegie
                                        DLA Piper LLP                     Michael Gaschler                     Hugh Hedley
    Anthony J. Carriuolo*
                                        Rebecca G. Doane*                 Kevin T. Gay                         Hon. Jack Helinger*
    Patrick J. Casey*
                                        P. M. Dockery                     William E. Gaylor, III*              James Helinger, Jr.*
    George Cauthen*
                                        John A. Doninger                  Philip M. Gerson*                    Maynard Hellman
    Richard Chalmers
                                        Mayanne Downs*                    Linda Getzen                         Susan Helms
    Sharla R. Charpentier
                                        Michael Dribin*                   Craig Gibbs*                         Michael Herde
    Douglas A. Cherry*
                                        Deborah S. Dudley*                Rita McAndrews Giblin                Michael M. Hernandez
    Susan H. Churuti*
                                        David Dunnavant                   Katherine Giddings                   Richard E. Herring
    Hon. Nikki A. Clark*
                                        Sacha Dyson*                      Irwin R. Gilbert*                    Robert Hertzberg
    Jay M. Cohen
                                        James M. Eakle                    Leonard H. Gilbert*                  John Hickey*
    Hon. Robert S. Cohen*
                                        Robert E. Eddington* **           Clare V. Gilmore                     Michael J. Higer*
    Howard C. Coker*
                                        Stephen C. Eisenhardt             Franklyn Glinn*                      Ben H. Hill, III*
    Greg W. Coleman*
                                        Patricia Ellis                    Gerry F. Glynn*                      J. Fraser Himes*
    Dr. Douglas E. Combs
                                        Patrick G. Emmanuel*              David H. Gold*                       Lynn J. Hinson*
    Ian Comisky*
                                        Stephen C. Emmanuel*              Robert S. Goldman*                              Continued on p. 14

Joel Hirschhorn*                       Charles R. Lipcon*                 Kenneth Nolan*                     Juana Maria Rojas
      Brian W. Hoffman                       Maria Lopez-Belio                  Phil D. O'Connell, Jr.*            Margaret A. Rolando
      Charles Honara                         William E. Loucks*                 Andrew M. O'Malley*                Robert A. Romagna* **
      Ellsworth W. Hoppe, Jr.*               Judith Luengas                     Edith G. Osman*                    Evan M. Rosenberg
      Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.             Julie Luhrsen*                     Hon. Ben F. Overton* **            Robin Rosenberg*
      Robert F. Hudson, Jr.* **              Anne B. MacLean*                   Jack B. Owen, Jr.*                 Howard Rosenblatt*
      Carolyn Huggins                        Marsha Madorsky*                   Robert Owens                       Emery H. Rosenbluth, Jr.*
      Jonathan S. Ingber                     Joshua Magidson*                   Edward J. Page*                    Scott R. Rost*
      Hon. Laurel Isicoff*                   Nicholas Manzoli                   David M. Pankros                   Jeffrey Roth*
      Kenneth Jannen                         Bruce Marger*                      Roberto R. Pardo*                  Neal Roth
      Philippe C. Jeck                       Marilee Mark                       Thomas M. Parker                   Lisa J. Rowe-Delancy
      Louis Jepeway, Jr.**                   Jerry M. Markowitz*                Robert L. Parks*                   Elisha D. Roy*
      Lauren E. Jirak                        Stewart A. Marshall, III*          Robert W. Pass*                    Elizabeth Rubin
      Andrea M. Johnson*                     Gregory S. Martin*                 Anonymous                          Steven D. Rubin*
      H. Wesley Johnson                      Margaret Mathews*                  Mark H. Perenich*                  Betsy L. Ruff
      Robert C. Josefsberg*                  Charles R. Mathis, IV*             Ambarina A. Perez*                 Gary Rushmer*
      Hon. Charles J. Kahn*                  Neil J. Maune                      Tommy Permenter                    Terrence J. Russell*
      Randy M. Kammer                        James F. Mazzulla*                 F. Martin Perry*                   Peter A. Sachs*
      Fred E. Karlinsky*                     Elizabeth McCausland*              Charles H. Philips                 Roland Sanchez-Medina, Jr.*
      John R. Keller*                        Leonard McCue                      Martin Pico                        Lee Sanderson
      Irene M. Kennedy Quincey               Neil McGuinness                    Anthony Peitrofesa                 Hala A. Sandridge*
      Ann L. Kerr*                           William M. McHugh                  Patrice J. Pilate*                 Diana Santa Maria*
      Robert G. Kerrigan*                    Telese McKay*                      Charles P. Pillans, III*           Nicholas P. Sardelis, Jr.*
      Hon. John M. Kest*                     Hon. June C. McKinney*             Nancy A. Pinzino                   Andrew B. Sasso*
      Hon. Sally D. Kest*                    Kathleen S. McLeroy*               Alan Polley                        Joseph H. Saunders*
      Mary E. King*                          Paul J. McMahon*                   F. Wallace Pope, Jr.*              Christian R. Sawczyn
      Robert A. Kingsford                    Charles S. McNew                   Rebekah J. Poston*                 Hon. Edwin A. Scales, III*
      Nancy Kinnally*                        Robert W. Mead, Jr.*               Hon. Gregory A. Presnell*          John "Jack" Scarola*
      Donna C. Kirtland*                     David M. Mehalick                  Colleen A. Preston                 Richard A. Schechter
      Scott A. Kizer                         Tatiana Melnik                     Jerald Price                       Joel Schemmel
      Robert Klausner*                       Ilyne R. Mendelson                 Jamie K. Proctor                   Anonymous
      George F. Knox, Jr.*                   Robert Merlin*                     Sharon Proctor*                    Paul Scherer
      Chris Kontaridis                       Clifford Mermell                   Thomas B. Putnam, Jr.*             John J. Schickel*
      Edward F. Koren*                       Thomas M. Messana*                 Donna Quinn                        William J. Schifino, Jr.*
      Karen Korner                           Stephen W. Metz*                   John A. Radey*                     Tracey L. Schneider
      Arthur C. Koski*                       Joseph C. Meux, Jr.*               Lois V. Ragsdale*                  Bryan N. Schulman
      Abe Koss                               Hon. Donald M. Middlebrooks*       Johanna Ravelo                     Dawn B. Schulz*
      David Kreeger                          James F. Miller*                   Raymond James Financial            George E. Schulz, Jr.*
      Erin Kucerik                           Richard C. Milstein*               Kimberly Reddy                     Carl Schuster*
      Benedict Kuehne*                       Barnaby L. Min*                    Laura M. Reich*                    David Schwartz
      Rose M. LaFemina                       Dominique F. Miniaci               Benjamine Reid*                    Gregory L. Scott*
      Michele R. Laine                       Mississippi Bar Foundation, Inc.   Raymond P. Reid Jr.*               William M. Seider*
      Joseph Lang, Jr.*                      Geoffrey S. Mombach*               Sanford Reinhard                   Lawrence E. Sellers, Jr.*
      Alan D. Lash*                          Karen R. Monson                    Richard Reinhart*                  Mark A. Sessums*
      Noel G. Lawrence*                      William T. Moore* **               Raymond A. Reiser*                 Hon. Winifred J. Sharp*
      Hon. Bob Leblanc*                      Maria C. Moreno                    Lea Remigio*                       Detra Shaw-Wilder*
      Jasmine Lee-Gaumier*                   Mary A. Morgan*                    Ann M. Rezzonico*                  L. David Shear* **
      Richard Levenstein*                    Richard Morrison**                 Robert M. Rhodes*                  William J. Sheppard*
      Markham Leventhal                      J. Stanford Morse*                 Jesse Rigby*                       Jason S. Sherman
      Carlos A. Leyva                        John Morse                         Lawrence S. Rigie                  Deanna Shifrin*
      Mark Lieberman                         Rene V. Murai*                     William F. Ring                    Louis M. Silber*
      James Ligman                           John C. Murrow*                    Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP   Emelia Silva*
      Lile Family Charitable Trust           Karen Myatt*                       William H. Robbinson Jr.*          Evett L. Simmons*
      Rutledge R. Liles*                     James Myers                        Hon. Steven Robinson*              Barry Sinoff*
      Rodney K. Lilly*                       Diane C. Nardone                   David Roby                         Jonathan Skipp*
      Thomas H. Lindsey*                     Hon. James P. Nilon*               Antonio L. Roca                    Susan Slagle
      Christopher N. Link*                   Eucharia Nnadi                     Bruce S. Rogow*                    Kenneth Slater*

Joseph Smith, Jr.                            Andrew Stinnette                         A. Rodgers Traynor, Jr.*        Charles T. Wells*
   Linda Smith                                  Arnold M. Straus*                        Trenam Law                      Claudia Wheeler*
   Victor R. Smith*                             Thomas E. Streit*                        Christopher M. Tuccitto         Marva Wiley
   Andrew M. Smulian*                           Hon. Jeffrey E. Streitfeld*Scot          M. Stephen Turner*              John W. Williams, Jr.*
   Hon. Thomas W. Snook*                        Strems                                   Diane H. Tutt*                  Donna Wilson
   Leah Snyder                                  Eli H. Subin*                            Michael S. Tyde                 Kerry Wilson*
   James B. Soble*                              Jane Sullivan*                           John A. Van Ness*               Jennifer D. Wimberly*
   Javier Sobrado                               Cheryl Swack                             Wallace Van Nortwick            William "Bill" Winters
   HeatherAnn M. Solanka*                       Harry Tempkins*                          Hon. Suzanne H. Van Wyk*        Wm. Reece Smith, Jr. Leadership
   Harry M. Solomon*                            O. Stephen Thacker, II*                  Milagros Vazquez                  Academy, Class II*
   Neal R. Sonnett*                             The New York Bar Foundation              Angela C. Vigil*                Michael Wolf
   Pedro Sotolongo*                             The Welsh Charitable Trust               Doris Vigo                      Sandra K. Wolkov*
   Brian Spector*                               Adrian P. Thomas                         Jorge P. Villoldo               Council Wooten, Jr.*
   Thomas R. Spencer, Jr.*                      James D. Thomas                          Carl Wagner                     Anonymous
   Lawrence Spiegel*                            Daniel H. Thompson*                      Sylvia H. Walbolt*              Tad A. Yates*
   Kent R. Spuhler*                             John M. Thomson*                         Charles T. Wallace              Grisel Ybarra*
   Grey Squires-Binford*                        Melinda Thornton*                        Anonymous                       Cassie M. Yde*
   Michael P. Stafford*                         Jennifer C. Tindall                      Peter G. Walsh                  Roy C. Young
   Camille Stawicki*                            Anthony J. Titone*                       Gregory C. Ward*                Stephen N. Zack*
   Jacqueline B. Steele*                        David Toal                               Jeffrey W. Warren*              Yasmine Zyne
   Mark E. Stein*                               Ronald Toward*                           Michelle M. Wasielewski
                                                                                                                             *Florida Bar Foundation Fellow
   Scott Stichter*                              George E. Tragos*                        Robert Wayne*                                         **Deceased

   2019-20 New Florida Bar Foundation Fellows
   July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

   Florida Bar Foundation Fellows pledge $1,000 payable over five years, or over 10 years for young, government or nonprofit
   lawyers. To learn more about the Fellows Program, to make your Fellows pledge, or to see a list of Florida Bar Foundation
   Fellows, visit
                  Leyza F. Blanco                      Stephen J. Darmody                  Allison Leonard            Michelle Suarez
                  Giacomo Bossa                        Joseline J. Hardrick                David Lichter              Lisa Teblum
                  Tyler J. Cade                        Chelsea D. Hardy                    Jim Matulis                Philip Wartenberg
                  Brian E. Currie                      Hon. Paul G. Hyman                  Lynn W. Sherman            Paul Witkiewitz

    Lifetime Giving History of Florida Bar Sections and Divisions
    $500,000                                                                                                        Family Law Section
    $298,308                                                                        Young Lawyers Division
    $228,500                                                         Trial Lawyers Section
    $135,000                                    Criminal Law Section
    $133,900                                    Business Law Section
    $91,840                             Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section
    $51,250                    Appellate Practice Law Section
    $10,500            Solo and Small Firm Section
    $5,250            City, County and Local Government Law Section
    $2,500           Administrative Law Section
    $2,000           Workers' Compensation Section
    $2,000           Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
    $1,300           Tax Section
    $1,250           Health Law Section
    $500             International Law Section
    $200             YLD Law Student Division


                                                                                                                          l   Learn more
                                                                                                                          l   Take a case
                                                                                                                              View available pro bono cases
                                                                                                                              throughout Florida on
                                                                                                                          l   Make a difference
Get social with us.
                                                                                                                              Donate online at

We are The Florida Bar Foundation,                                                                                            Learn. Engage. Act.
and we believe the justice system works best when it works for everyone.

CONTACT THE FOUNDATION                                       
(407) 960-7000 • (800) 541-2195

 EXECUTIVE                                          2020-21 OFFICERS                                                          DIRECTORS
 Dominic C. "Donny" MacKenzie, Executive Director   Stephen R. Senn, President                                                (Terms expire 2021)             Connie Bookman, President-elect                                           Ian M. Comisky
 Lou Ann Powell, Deputy Director, CFO/COO           Honorable Suzanne Van Wyk, First Vice President                           Maria C. Gonzalez                                                                                         John F. Harkness Jr.
                                                    Murray B. Silverstein, Second Vice President
                                                                                                                              Honorable James E. C. Perry
 Eli Mattern, Interim Director of Technology        Hala A. Sandridge, Immediate Past President                                                                                         Raymond P. Reid Jr.
                                                                                                                              Ashley Sybesma
                                                    DESIGNATED DIRECTORS
                                                    Honorable Edwin A. Scales III, Third District Court of Appeal             (Terms expire 2022)
 Jessica Brown, Communications Director                 Honorable Reginald K. Whitehead, Ninth Judicial Circuit Court             Honorable Hugh Carithers Jr.
                                                                                                                              Min Cho
                                                    Renée Thompson, Upchurch, Watson, White & Max
 DEVELOPMENT                                        (Designate for Dori Foster-Morales, President, The Florida Bar)           Gregory W. Coleman
 Michelle Fonseca, Development Director                                                                                       Roberto R. Pardo
                                                    Lorna Brown-Burton, Lubell | Rosen                                                                                         Honorable Peggy A. Quince
                                                    (Designate for Michael G. Tanner, President-elect, The Florida Bar)
                                                                                                                              Lara J. Tibbals
 GRANTS                                             Joseph "Jody" Hudgins, First Florida Integrity Bank
                                                    (Designate for John M. Stewart, Immediate Past President,
 Andrea Horne, Grants Administrator                                                                                           (Terms expire 2023)
                                                    The Florida Bar)                                                                                                        Sara Courtney-Baigorri
                                                    J. Samantha Vacciana, President, Florida Legal Services, Inc.
                                                                                                                              John P. Cardillo
                                                                                                                              Brian E. Currie
 Lushawn Phillips, IOTA Program Director            PUBLIC MEMBERS
                                                                                                                              Carl J. Domino              Carlos Halley                                                             Kevin McCoy
                                                    George W. Tinsley Sr.                                                     Steven A. Salzer
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