C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group - Background Guide B CAHSMUN XVIII - Canadian High Schools ...

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C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group - Background Guide B CAHSMUN XVIII - Canadian High Schools ...
C40 Cities Climate
Leadership Group
  Background Guide B

Letter from the Director
Dear Delegates,

My name is Yirui Tao, and it is my utmost pleasure to serve as your Director for the C40 Cities
Climate Leadership Group at CAHSMUN 2022. Joining me on your dais team are your Chairs,
Claire Li and Hugo Lam.

Model UN has truly been a cardinal part of my growth, shaping me into the person I am today. I
recall first entering the committee room, daunted by the nuanced topics. Since then, through
riveting debates and frantic resolution drafting sessions, my affinity towards international affairs
had been incited and perpetually bolstered. Model UN has conferred to me valuable experiences,
indispensable opportunities, and cherished memories. I hope that you also witness the
transformative nature of the committee room, where friendships are forged and comfort zones
confronted, challenged, and conquered.

The topics on the table this iteration are Waste Management and Preserving Blue Carbon
Ecosystems Through Sustainable Cities. The former considers the generation and disposal of
waste and its various environmental ramifications, while the latter concerns the degradation of
coastal and marine ecosystems that sequester carbon. Both topics present consequential issues
and require swift action to mitigate the impacts of climate change ravaging the global

I look forward to a weekend brimming with vivid debate. Should you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at c40@cahsmun.org. I wish you the best of luck
with your preparation; on behalf of your dais team, welcome to the C40.


Yirui Tao
Director of C40 — CAHSMUN 2022

CAHSMUN 2022                                     1                          C40 BACKGROUNDER B
Committee Description
Established in October 2005, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group unites cities across the
globe by establishing the common goal of addressing climate change; this international
organization facilitates the development and implementation of various programs and policies
that generate measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate
ramifications.1 Since the committee’s inception when the former Mayor of London, Ken
Livingstone, assembled representation from 18 megacities to discuss the cooperative reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions, C40 has extended multiple partnerships with organizations and
funders, such as the Climate Leadership Initiative (CLI) as well as the World Bank (WB).2 The
C40 engages mayoral leadership, provides support to cities, and circumvents barriers to climate
change, empowering cities to fulfill the goal outlined by the Paris Agreement, an international
treaty on climate change signed in 2015—of global heating to 1.5 degrees Celsius, with an
emphasis on sustainability.3

Member cities are divided into four distinct categories: the Steering Committee, Megacities,
Innovator Cities, and Observer Cities. The Steering Committee serves in rotation and
encompasses the diverse global network; these cities collaborate with the Chair—the elected
leader of the C40—to guide its work.4 Requirements for membership depend heavily on the
city’s population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or Purchasing-Power Parity (PPP) currently
or projected for 2025.5 Furthermore, access to C40 leadership or governance opportunities (C40
Chair, Board, or Steering Committee) is limited to this group. Innovator Cities are cities that fail
to qualify as Megacities but demonstrate clear leadership in addressing climate change and
climate sustainability. Observer Cities are either new cities needing to meet the C40’s year-one
participation requirements for up to a year in order to qualify for Megacity or Innovator City
membership, or cities that meet Megacity or Innovator City guidelines but are unable to approve
such membership.6

The C40 operates with three main methods: direct assistance, peer-to-peer exchange, and
research and communications. Under direct assistance, the C40 provides expertise to member
cities in implementing policies, programs, and designs, while groups of C40 cities with similar
interests and challenges network, share practices, and identify resource needs under peer-to-peer



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exchange. Research and communications methods deliver research and knowledge to cities,
measure progress, and use data to identify successes and challenges.7

Topic B: Preserving Blue Carbon Ecosystems through
Sustainable Cities

Blue carbon ecosystems are a structure of plants and vegetation that mitigate the effects of
climate change by acting as net carbon sinks—where a greater amount of carbon dioxide is
absorbed from the environment than released.8 These ecosystems consist of various ocean
ecosystems that sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, including mangroves—trees and
shrubs with visibly lengthy roots growing along tropical and subtropical coastlines, tidal
marshes, and seagrass meadows.9 These systems contribute towards the maintenance of
coastlines — specifically in their capacity to regulate water quality and protect coastal
communities against storms, and sea-level rise. In addition, the systems elevate food security and
recreational opportunities for local communities by providing habitat for marine life and support
for the food web.10 Plants such as algae, mangroves, and macroalgae capture significant carbon
from the atmosphere through plant growth and accumulation of organic matter, exceeding forests
in both efficiency and effectiveness.11 Additionally, blue carbon ecosystems accomplish such
objectives by trapping sediments to prevent beach erosion and filtering pollutants in bodies of
water.12 These qualities render blue carbon ecosystems a crucial factor in the fight against
climate change and greenhouse gas effects.

Despite the value blue carbon ecosystems bring in adhering to the emissions reduction targets
outlined in the Paris Climate Accords, an international treaty on climate change, such ecosystems
are still threatened and are diminishing in size due to urban development and overfishing, among
other human activities.13 Collectively, coastal wetlands occupy less than 5% of global land area
and 2% of the ocean; however, they store around 50% of all carbon within ocean sediments.14


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The degradation of these environments and the conversion of blue carbon habitats to alternate
land usages release large quantities of carbon back into the atmosphere, propelling climate
change.15 Contingent upon the specific type of blue carbon ecosystem, the rate of area coverage
degrades at up to 2% a year and historical global coverage has been reduced by up to above
50%.16 Annually, an estimated 450 million metric tons of carbon are released worldwide from
the demolition of blue carbon ecosystems.17 Furthermore, municipal initiatives often encompass
unpropitious decisions around blue carbon ecosystems; tourism, pollution, and exploitation
center around the conversion or deterioration of these areas. Thus, as the mitigation of climate
change is deeply intertwined with the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems, cities must adapt
policies that address these issues to mend relations with the habitats and balance urban
development with conservation.

February 20, 1981 — Marine macrophytes are found to sequester over one billion tons of
carbon annually in the ocean through “biomass production, burial, oxidation, calcium carbonate
dissolution, and metabolically accelerated diffusion of carbon dioxide across the air-sea

November 2009 — The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reports on the
management of blue carbon ecosystems, the importance they hold in mitigating climate change,
as well as the decline of these ecosystems due to human impacts and lack of policy addressing
these threats.19 Henceforth, these coastal ecosystems are collectively referred to as “blue

February 2011 — The Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group is established. This division of
the Blue Carbon Initiative (BCI) works to produce scientific backing and research into the global
conservation, management, and assessment of blue carbon ecosystems.21


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September 4, 2012 — A report titled “Estimating Global “Blue Carbon” Emissions from
Conversion and Degradation of Vegetated Coastal Ecosystems” explores the decimation of blue
carbon ecosystem size, and the consequences of this decrease.22 Specifically, the study states that
cumulative area loss within the past 50-100 years may be up to 50% of the global coverage, and
further emphasizes the subsequent carbon release from this decline in area.23 Moreover, the study
estimates losses in the next century should current conversion rate trends continue.24

2015 — The Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE), an organization advocating for the restoration
of blue carbon ecosystem restoration, hosts the first meeting of the Blue Carbon National
Working Group (BCN), consequently publishing a series of recommendations for specific plans
in restoration in the U.S.25

2015 — The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission—a partner of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (IOC-UNESCO) leading many blue carbon
restoration projects such as co-directing the BCI—becomes a partner of the International
Partnership for Blue Carbon (IPBC), providing open forums of discussion for “government
agencies, non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, and research

January 2020 — The government of Jamaica launches a restoration project on blue carbon
ecosystems in southern Clarendon.27

August 2020 — The Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Forestry and
Grassland Administration drafts a development plan to restore 18,800 hectares of mangrove
forests and plant an additional 9,050 hectares within the coming five years.28

March 4, 2021 — A research article called “Historical Analysis Exposes Catastrophic Seagrass
Loss for the United Kingdom” concludes that since 1936, at least 44% of seagrasses in the
United Kingdom have been degraded; over a longer period of time, this number could reach
92%.29 The study further explores the ramifications of this decrease on the environment, carbon
sequestration, and marine biodiversity.30


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August 2021 — The Nature Conservancy (TNC) announces a partnership with the South
Australian Government and COmON Foundation (a European environmental organization) in a
$1.2 million USD blue carbon project to restore over 4,900 acres of mangroves, salt marshes,
and sea grasses in the St Vincents Gulf and Spencer Gulf of South Australia.31

Historical Analysis
Research and Development
Studies on the effects of the marine carbon cycle began in 1841, with French chemist J.B.A
Dumas.32 His research focused on oceanic phytoplankton, with an emphasis on its contributions
to carbon sequestration.33 As interest accumulated, further scientific studies and papers
concluded the cruciality and contributions of seagrasses, mangroves, and tidal marshes. For
example, an 1981 study ascertained that macrophytes hold a pivotal role in serving as global
carbon sinks.34

In 2009, Christian Nellemann et al. released the publication “Blue Carbon - The Role of Healthy
Oceans in Binding Carbon: a Rapid Response Assessment,” in partnership with the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), among other research centers and UN agencies.35 This pivotal study, constructed
by forthleading environmental agencies of the world, opened with: “Out of all the biological
carbon (or green carbon) captured in the world, over half (55%) is captured by marine living
organisms—not on land—hence it is called Blue Carbon,” introducing the concept of blue
carbon to the general public.36 Additionally, it highlighted specifics in the functionality and
quantified data on blue carbon ecosystems’s effectiveness, and emphasized its crucial role in
combating the rising concerns of climate change and other environmental concerns such as
erosion.37 The same year, the IUCN, in conjunction with the UNEP, published “The Management
of Natural Coastal Carbon Sinks,” accentuating the significance of effective management of blue



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carbon ecosystems and approaches to protect such ecosystems.38 Importantly, this report further
addresses the problematic existing policy that enables and facilitates threats and exploitation of
these ecosystems. Combined with extensive research regarding human impacts—such as nutrient
run-off, displacement, and aquaculture—and the losses occurring in blue carbon ecosystems
worldwide, IUCN’s report garnered attention from climate policy experts and a wider scope of
audience. Collectively, these two publications are viewed as landmark reports that reinforced and
propagated the importance of blue carbon. Ultimately, by spotlighting the importance of
preserving such ecosystems, their potential in reducing emissions and mitigating climate change,
and the substantial losses already occurring globally, this research propelled contributions to the
study and restoration of blue carbon.

The Establishment of Blue Carbon Programmes
The foundational research published in 2009 further highlighted the discrepancy between
knowledge of the blue carbon ecosystems and tangible action supported by governments to
mitigate their decimation globally.39 Increased research and the aggregate of scientific studies
and quantitative data on carbon storage contributed and inspired the establishment of various
intergovernmental organizations and transnational environmental agencies that operate from
regional to international scales, targeting activities detrimental to blue carbon ecosystems,
publishing policy recommendations, and continuing restoration initiatives. For instance, the
IUCN—alongside Conservation International, IOC-UNESCO, and the BCI—continually
develops guidance frameworks to support the financing, management, and implementation of
blue carbon projects and policy making, both nationally and internationally.40

However, even with extensive research and initiative in preserving blue carbon ecosystems, there
have been high rates of loss, degradation, and conversion.41 The BCI estimates that globally, blue
carbon ecosystems have decreased up to 50 percent compared to their historical global area.
Leading contributors include aquaculture, terrestrial and marine sources of pollution, and
industrial and urban coastal developments.42 These causes remained unchanged through the last
decades; as the effects of climate change become more apparent, the impacts of such human
activities have become more visible. As global connectivity prospered, tourism industries and
trade routes became increasingly prevalent. Major blue carbon ecosystems were repurposed for
coastal recreational areas and parks, or ports and docks for incoming vessel shipments.43



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Case Study: United Kingdom
A study conducted by researchers at King’s College London concluded that since 1936, at least
44% of seagrasses in the United Kingdom's coastal regions have been lost.44 Since the 1980s,
over 39% of seagrasses have been lost, and that number becomes approximately 92% when
analyzing longer periods of time.45 Historical collections of seagrasses could have stored an extra
11.5 megatonnes of carbon in their seabed.46

Globally, it has been estimated that over the last 50 to 100 years, cumulative losses of blue
carbon ecosystems and its resulting sequestration of carbon have decreased up to 50% in area.47
Annually, there have been losses of up to 3% or 8000 square kilometers of such ecosystems, and
as these trends continue, nearly 100% of mangroves and 30-40% of tidal marshes and seagrasses
could be lost in the next century.48

Current Situation
Present on an estimated 490,000 square kilometres of land, blue carbon ecosystems thrive on
every continent, with the exception of Antarctica.49 Specifically, according to the Blue Carbon
Initiative in 2019, mangroves are found across between 138,000 and 152,000 square kilometres,
salt marshes consume 22,000-400,000 square kilometres of this space, and seagrasses occupy
from 177,000 to 600,000 square kilometres.50 Cumulatively, coastal habitats cover under 2% of
total ocean area and less than five percent of total land area.51 Despite this seemingly
insignificant percentage, these habitats sequester around half of the total carbon captured in
ocean sediments, demonstrating their efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity at combating
climate change and decreasing the prevalence of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.52

Compared to terrestrial forests, coastal habitats capture and store carbon to a greater extent.
Mangroves are estimated to sequester ten times more carbon per acre than standard rainforests,
and they store it between three to five times as much.53 The sustainable utilization of blue carbon


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ecosystems is imperative to limiting climate change while fostering biodiversity. Due to the
variation in demographics and active sectors in each city, however, the situation regarding each
specific coastal habitat is different, depending on its municipality.

                         Figure 1: Global Distribution of Blue Carbon Ecosystems 54

Spanning across over 100 distinct species, mangroves thrive in seemingly inhospitable
conditions.55 The mangroves’ roots help keep them stable under the water, especially when tides
flood the area. As the plants filter out salt from the saltwater entering its roots, the portions of the
shrub above water provides oxygen, permitting oxygen-poor soils to house mangroves. Climate
change has perpetrated a net rise in global temperatures; the scope of mangrove coverage may
expand as these shrubs proliferate in warmer climates. The unique features and characteristics of
mangrove plants allow them to shield coastlines from storms, tides, waves, and currents. They
equally stand as a nursery ground for aquatic species, such as some sharks and groupers.
However, as the advantages of mangroves continue to be neglected and overlooked, the area


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inhabited by mangroves shrink, with an estimated rate of diminishing of 2% per year.56
Correspondingly, mangrove deforestation contributes to 10% of deforestation emissions on a
global scale.57

Despite having around 72 known species within seagrass coastal ecosystems, seagrass typically
have similar features, such as leaves bearing a resemblance to grass that grow underwater.58 As
an aquatic flowering plant, seagrass is complete with roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds; seagrass
sequesters around 10% of the carbon stored in oceans per year and can be found in virtually all
coastlines.59 Likewise to other coastal ecosystems, seagrass’ benefits extend past the scope of
solely mitigating climate change.60 These habitats are utilized as nursing, feeding, and habitat
grounds for fish species — such as cod, pollock, and herring — while also improving water
quality by reducing erosion and the ramifications of extreme weather conditions and phenomena.
Since sunlight is necessary to perform photosynthesis, seagrass are present in shallow bodies of
water that permit light to reach the plants effectively. The degradation of seagrass occurs at an
estimated rate of 1.5% annually, with approximately 30% of historical coverage globally having
decayed and been lost.61

Tidal Marshes
Most commonly located in temperate climates, tidal marshes—equally referred to as salt
marshes—are coastal wetlands that absorb up to 1.5 million gallons of floodwater per acre.62
These areas are usually superseded by mangroves in tropical climates. The mud and peat soils of
tidal marshes act as a host for a variety of salt-tolerant vegetation—for instance, grasses, sedges,
and reeds. Furthermore, tidal marshes serve as nursery habitats, food, refuge for species of
shrimp, crab, and fish. Thus, tidal marshes are typically acclaimed as substantial and vital
ecosystems in local economies reliant on fishing. Furthermore, since tidal marshes absorb
seawater and rainwater, flooding in many circumstances is minimized. This also allows tidal
marshes to act as infrastructure, which renders communities more resilient to the environment
and surrounding bodies of water. As this water flows in, tidal marshes filter pollutants, reducing
the amount of pollution entering coastal waterways and thus reducing need for municipal
wastewater treatment processes and projects. Extirpated at a rate of between one to two percent
each year, tidal marshes only encompass around half of their historical global coverage; this


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degradation continues to ravage through salt marshes and exacerbate greenhouse gas release into
the atmosphere.63

       Figure 2: Carbon Storage in the biomass and soils of differing coastal ecosystems.64

Despite the value blue carbon ecosystems bring in sequestering carbon, coastal wetlands degrade
at substantial rates due to municipal activities regarding the regions.65 Coastal development and
conversion for aquaculture, agriculture, pollution, overharvesting, and exploitation are among
significant contributors to blue carbon ecosystem destruction.66 Mangroves are often cut for
timber, and land occupied by blue carbon ecosystems is converted from coastal habitats to
resorts, farming ponds, and plantations. Since the late nineteenth century, around 30% of global
seagrass area has been degraded, and an estimated 50% of mangrove and tidal marsh coverage
has been lost.67 As degradation occurs, centuries' worth of carbon initially stored in blue carbon
ecosystems are emitted into oceans and the atmosphere; an estimated 1.02 billion tons of carbon
dioxide are released annually from such degradation.68


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However, the ramifications of this degradation extend past the scope of solely reduced carbon-
storing capacities. Coastal habitats also serve as natural barriers that counter various detriments
to marine life and improve community resilience, biodiversity, and protection. Mangroves, for
example, have been associated with flooding protection. Its roots are sturdy enough to diminish
the height of waves significantly; with the power to effectuate a 66% decrease in wave height,
mangroves defend an estimated 15 million people annually.69 Likewise, salt marshes and
seagrasses reduce the potency of smaller waves, and their soils absorb excess water. Beach
erosion is equally minimized, as these coastal habitats trap stray sediments while filtering out
any pollutants before water is released into the ocean.70 In the absence of these plants, cities
would often spend hefty amounts addressing the impacts of flooding. Moreover, approximately
95% of commercial fisheries rely on coastal ecosystems to thrive.71 They provide nursery
grounds and habitat for various shellfish, fish, and bird species; for instance, oysters and
barnacles are found on mangrove roots for support and habitation, while pelicans utilize
mangrove trees to hold their nests. Furthermore, seagrass supplies food to creatures such as sea
turtles and dugongs, while birds forage for insects and crabs in tidal marshes. The decimation of
coastal habitats presents ramifications for the fishing community, pushing burdens onto
communities dependent on marine life for their income and food security.72 Without blue carbon
ecosystems, fish stocks for municipal populations are decreased, destabilizing fisheries while
simultaneously disrupting marine food chains due to population decline. The continued
degradation of blue carbon ecosystems harms not only carbon storage, but also the livelihoods of
both wildlife and surrounding communities.

Chinese National Mangrove Forest Conservation Program
China hosted the 12th annual World Ocean Day, themed “Protect the mangroves, Protect the
ocean,” on June 8, 2020.73 Under the guidance of the Wetland Management Department of the
National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA), among other organizations, the report
of ‘China Mangrove Conservation and Restoration Strategy Research Project was jointly
issued.74 This has been China’s first report since its focus on mangrove preservation began in
2000, detailing the adverse effects of degradation and the importance of adequate management,
restoration, and conservation.75 The conference was broadcasted to over 200,000 industry
professionals, including mangrove researchers and government and NGO officials.76


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Subsequently, China announced its framework to restore over 18,800 hectares of existing
mangrove forests, and plant an additional 9,050 hectares within the next five years. 77

These expansion efforts come in addition to the 7,000 hectares of mangrove the nation has
recovered in the past 20 years, as well as the over 50% protection rate of natural mangrove
forests.78 Although the country’s mangrove preservation efforts far exceed the global average of
preservation, aquaculture pollutants, invasive plant species, and seawalls separating mangroves
from inland ecosystems have severely degraded mangrove forests. Efforts in artificially planting
have yielded miniscule success rates due to undesirable growing conditions along with its
exorbitant expenses, rendering such projects as highly inefficient and unfeasible.79 The newly
established Conservation Program and national mangrove movement backed by government
officials including President Xi, place China in a favourable position for mangrove preservation
and restoration, and sets the stage for other developed nations to follow suit. Such initiatives not
only nourish existing vegetation and beget new plants to further the sequestering of carbon but
extend their scope of impact to benefiting coastal activity. Organizations and NGOs specifically
addressing blue carbon ecosystems have garnered increasing interest among governments,
experts, and policymakers. Such groups seek partnerships with the aforementioned programs to
implement restoration processes and conservation strategies within their local coastlines and blue
carbon ecosystems.

UN/International Involvement
Blue Carbon Initiative (BCI)
Established to consolidate efforts in preserving blue carbon ecosystems, the Blue Carbon
Initiative (BCI) is a global program co-organized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission (IOC), among other organizations.80 Recognizing the value of blue carbon
ecosystems in sequestering carbon and mitigating climate change, the BCI emphasizes
mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses due to their ubiquitous appearance and widespread
presence.81 By ascertaining data, conducting research, organizing project implementation,
identifying policy priorities, and supplying guidance, the BCI seeks to both protect and restore
coastal ecosystems. Continuous research into sequestration, storage, and loss of carbon from blue
carbon systems has generated a variety of reports and papers on this topic, and projects are


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actively developed globally to accomplish the BCI’s goals. Specifically, two working groups
operate with the BCI—the Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group and the Blue Carbon Policy
Working Group, focusing on research or policy development, respectively.

Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE)
A non-profit organization founded in 1995, Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) connects 10
coastal conservation groups to compound efforts in restoring and preserving estuaries around the
United States.82 RAE operates in 11 estuaries—areas that rivers and streams flow in—and 16
states spanning across the country, propelling local initiatives to contribute towards restoration
processes in coastal wetlands and shorelines.83 The scope of this organization sprawls across the
removal of invasive species, transplanting seagrasses, and replanting salt marshes. In particular,
RAE’s program targeting blue carbon ecosystems—the Coastal Blue Carbon Program—provides
information about the function and consequences of blue carbon ecosystem preservation and
advances knowledge and understanding on the activities within such ecosystems.84 The
Snohomish Estuary Blue Carbon Assessment, prepared in February 2014, was released to report
upon the findings and methods utilized as well as potential next steps to consider.85 The RAE
also develops tools and resources regarding blue carbon, as well as coordinates and organizes
various group initiatives for collaboration on research and projects within this area of

International Partnership for Blue Carbon (IPBC)
At the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) in 2015, Australia launched
the International Partnership for Blue Carbon (IPBC).87 With an array of founding members, this
global network is formed by upwards of 40 governments, non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), and research institutions globally.88 The IPBC emphasizes the role coastal ecosystems
play in mitigating climate change and works to preserve their conservation. Actors in this
organization are given occasions to collaborate in construction solutions and tangible action in
their communities, while continuing the flow of information and knowledge with each other.89
As such, the collection of both expertise and experience permits IPBC Partners the ability to
engage international commitments in protecting blue carbon ecosystems and coastlines,


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reinforcing national policy, and expediting initiatives and the implementation of activities
targeting blue carbon ecosystem restoration, conservation, and protection worldwide.

Possible Solutions
Ecosystem Restoration
With the ability to store over 49 billion metric tons of carbon per year, the global mangrove
population is not only quintessential to the mitigation of climate change and its adverse
ramifications, but an important component of blue carbon ecosystems.90 Unsustainable practices
have led to the degradation and repurposing of mangrove forests. With a collective global
decline in mangrove population, it is imperative for cities to adapt municipal policy to focus on
preserving this vital organ within blue carbon ecosystems. Indonesia has shown progress in
protecting mangrove forests with the help of the World Bank, and global leaders such as China,
too, have begun initiatives in restoring and expanding mangrove abundance.91 Cooperation with
intergovernmental environmental organizations such as the UNEP, BCI, IOC, IUCN, and RAE,
could be extended to expand and control the sustainability of mangroves in the long term.

Such restoration processes extend to other components of blue carbon ecosystems such as salt
marshes. Although parties of the Paris Climate Accords have begun to include the preservation
of blue carbon ecosystems in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs)—such as
Seychelles’ aims to protect 100% of its seagrass and mangrove habitats by 2030, and the U.S’s
aims to newly developed blue carbon strategies in conjunction with its Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), restoration efforts have been relatively minimal and have seen smaller scopes of
interest.92 As more leading cities contribute to the restoration of blue carbon ecosystems, the path
can be set for others to follow.

Policy Reform
Due to a lack of policies and enforcement surrounding the exploitation of coastal regions housing
blue carbon ecosystems, large corporations tend to clear our large regions of mangroves,
seagrass meadows, and salt marshes to create space for aquaculture, tourism infrastructure, and
urban and coastal development. As such, structure policies should be introduced regarding
quotas for cutting down vegetation, or even to the extent of rendering the destruction of blue


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carbon ecosystems illegal. Corporations whose actions or resulting industrial runoff threatens the
sustainability of blue carbon environments must be held accountable in their actions, and policy
reform in addition to strict enforcement could prevent and deter further regression of these
ecosystems. Furthermore, companies should be given responsibility to restore habitats that they
have impacted negatively, supervised by government and intergovernmental agency surveillance
and accountability programs. However, solutions including policy reform may face backlash and
significant pressure from corporations to withdraw such laws, as it may hinder economic profit
and expansion. For instance, in August of 2016, Maharashtra—a state in India—rendered
constructions within a 50 meter radius around mangrove belts illegal in an effort to maintain
their coastal habitats in the state.93 Cuba, one of regions hosting high levels of mangroves in
Central America, has also created consistent legislation over coastal management that has
preserved mangroves since 2000.94 Along with restoration and reforestation initiatives, coastlines
have seen improvements and have recuperated from the losses sustained from deforestation and
conversion from coastal development projects.95

Citizenry Awareness and Communal Initiatives
As it stands, the concept of blue carbon and its comprised ecosystems remains nebulous to
citizenries, and therefore, has received little attention in media and education curricula. Although
blue carbon’s ability to sequester carbon outweighs its terrestrial counterparts, the latter has been
aided in community supported programs immensely more. City wide programs and initiatives in
protecting and replanting blue carbon ecosystems could be encouraged and promoted through
social media campaigns, community seminars, educating youth, and extensive media coverage.
Increasing awareness could prove valuable in preventing large corporations from freely clearing
out blue carbon ecosystems, denouncing the exploitation of such environments, and garnering
support in restoring such ecosystems. These initiatives have been implemented globally: in Gasi
Bay, Kenya, the community led “Mikoko Pamoja” project empowered over 3000 residents to
replant mangroves, where international clients fund the restoration process and locals receive
carbon credits as compensation for their conservation efforts.96 In Pakistan, the IUCN branch has
partnered with the private sector to augment sustainability regarding coastal ecosystem;
initiatives include improving understanding of mangrove ecosystems with the government,
increasing mangrove coverage through restoration efforts, as well as organizing field visits to



CAHSMUN 2022                                          16                            C40 BACKGROUNDER B
mangrove sites and launching awareness campaigns with the media, academic institutions, and
associated governmental agencies and departners.97 The Hagonoy municipality in the Philippines
has also implemented the One Child, One Tree (OCOT) program, which spreads environmental
awareness, promotes coastal clean-ups, and mangrove planting. Since the area often experiences
heavy rains and flooding, mangroves could reduce the ramifications of these storms to nearby
communities and cities.98

Scheduled Assessments
Surveillance practices should also be enhanced in order to better gauge the location and degree
of deteriorating mangrove forests. Data gathering and research should be conducted by
intergovernmental environmental organization-led teams, such as the BCI, to optimize
enforcement and surveillance practices. Large-scale city-wide assessments on the condition of
blue carbon ecosystems should be implemented, especially in coastal cities, periodically and
interpreted. Identified high-risk areas should be isolated and protected for improvement and to
prevent further degradation. Further, countries should advocate for the situational assessment,
expert analysis, and inventory accounts of coastal and marine ecosystems to be incorporated into
the Paris Agreement, specifically under each nation’s NDCs.99 Media coverage as well as
government and corporation accountability should be ensured to maintain the legitimate
upholding of any implemented blue carbon preservation policies. For instance, information and
data relating to mangroves on a global scale can be found on the Global Mangrove Information
and Database System (GLOMIS), an online database developed in 1997 and completed in
2004.100 Initial data points were collected in India, Malaysia, Fiji, Ghana, and Brazil, and a wide
audience uses GLOMIS, from researchers, students, and decision makers.101 Ranong, a province
in Thailand, has also established the Ranong Mangrove Research Center, which provides studies
on reforestation, sanitation, and preservation efforts in order to develop effective management
that addresses threats to blue carbon ecosystems while taking into account traditions of the local
communities to promote policy change.102




CAHSMUN 2022                                            17                            C40 BACKGROUNDER B
Carbon Credits
In 2019, the UNEP, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, and
other partners joined together in initiating the Vanga Blue Forests Project, a mangrove
preservation initiative on the Kenyan coast.103 The Vanga Forest Project entails the investment of
funds into restoring such mangrove forests, and in turn, selling carbon credits—a permit
representing one ton of removed carbon dioxide, purchasable by individuals and businesses
seeking to release an equivalent amount of carbon— to generate profit to reinvest into local
communities.104 Such programs can be mirrored in less developed cities with less funding to
construct a win-win scenario for funders and local communities and restore masses of
mangroves. Each established volume of carbon dioxide reductions allows a city or organization
pioneering this initiative to gain more credits; companies in the fund can subsequently utilize
these credits to offset their carbon emissions or trade them in voluntary carbon markets—in the
latter option, prices vary significantly. Carbon credits present an incentive for corporations and
cities alike to actively reduce their emissions, allowing them to experience the full benefits of
blue carbon ecosystems. Often, this could allow cities to flourish, as blue carbon ecosystems
foster biodiversity, render cities increasingly resilient, and expedite their marine industries’
activity and success. Should this solution be instituted, cities should seek to establish strict
criteria in terms of isolating and identifying amounts of carbon reduced and methods to ensure
the system is not exploited, such as by false reports or discrepancies in implementation.
Furthermore, collaboration with NGOs and other organizations with expertise in this field could
further propel municipal commitments to preserving blue carbon ecosystems.

Bloc Positions
Coastal Cities
As major stakeholders in this issue, coastal cities are heavily involved with the preservation of
blue carbon ecosystems. Members include Bangkok, Vancouver, and Quezon City, among others
that border bodies of water. Their geographic location renders them highly relevant not only due
to the control they have over the systems, but also as they are impacted by the shrinking of the
ecosystems. The blue carbon ecosystems play vital roles in maintaining the marine food web,
which supports the economy of many cities and tourism through recreational activities. These
cities would be affected by the increased floods and polluted oceans, should degradation of these


CAHSMUN 2022                                          18                           C40 BACKGROUNDER B
ecosystems persist. Thus, it is of utmost importance that coastal cities address the problem due to
the direct effects they exert over the ecosystems. Various initiatives have been supported and
implemented in countries; for example, blue carbon credits in Colombia, and mangrove
conservation in Sabah, Malaysia have been launched to counter climate change and coastal
ecosystem destruction.105 Correspondingly, cities that have access to these coastlines may be
amenable to solutions centered around restoration, scheduled assessments to optimize their
policy adaptation to preserve their coastlines, and potentially carbon credits to harness economic
benefits along with the plethora of climate change mitigation aspects associated with blue carbon

Landlocked Cities
Landlocked cities—such as Amsterdam, Heidelberg, and Warsaw—have minimal contact with
blue carbon ecosystems. As such, members of this bloc would experience the effects of coastal
habitats to a lesser extent compared to their coastal counterparts.. Yet,the consequences of
neglect regarding the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems remain present and palpable in
landlocked cities. Carbon credit programs are applicable in regions with high levels of blue
carbon but do not function optimally in areas with little vegetation sequestering carbon;
landlocked cities would be reluctant to support solutions that include such programs. However,
cities within this bloc would tend toward initiating various programs aiming to raise awareness
on the importance of maintaining blue carbon ecosystems and the need for policy reform. Select
countries have been experimenting with carbon credits—such as Canada and Germany—for
green carbon, which can be extrapolated and applied to blue carbon ecosystems, or supported to
reduce carbon emissions overall. Depending on the demographics and geographical features of
landlocked cities and the extent to which they have contact with blue carbon ecosystems,
nuances in policy reforms could be explored; most cities would provide support to quotas and
limitations to pollution and other unsustainable ventures transpiring in their city.

Environmentally-Forward Cities
Leaders in sustainable energy systems emit less carbon, which contributes to the preservation of
blue carbon ecosystems and bolsters their capabilities to sequester vast quantities of carbon.
Typically, members of this bloc—such as Stockholm, Amsterdam, and Berlin—have seen
fruitful impacts stemming from previous initiatives and regulations that foster environments
conducive to sustainability. Depending on these cities’ proximity to coastal ecosystems, the
particular needs in each city would fluctuate slightly regarding the methods necessary to



CAHSMUN 2022                                        19                          C40 BACKGROUNDER B
continue preserving their blue carbon ecosystems. For instance, countries in close contact with
coastal ecosystems would aim to prevent coastal erosion from pollution, sedimentation, and
overharvesting. Tourism-based economies could invest in ecotourism; on Iriomote Island in
Japan, boat tours limited by the hour provide tourists the opportunity to observe coastal
ecosystems and their biodiversity.106 As with all tourism, nonetheless, tour companies must
educate the tourists to minimize the potential ramifications to the blue carbon ecosystems serving
as tourist venues. Cities of this bloc would also support longer-term solutions. Scheduled
assessments could prove beneficial to tracking and furthering their progress, various policy
reforms, and potential carbon tax, and continuing partnerships to maintain their support for their
blue carbon ecosystems.

Prominent Emissions Cities
Major polluters consist of cities that generate high amounts of emission and pollution while
holding a broad disregard to sustainability—member cities include Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, and
Johannesburg, among other cities with large emissions and carbon footprints. As such, blue
carbon ecosystems could assist in offsetting their emissions. Due to the unsustainable practices
perpetrated in such cities, coastal ecosystems are often neglected, and experience degradation at
rapid rates. In high emission cities, often many of the industries imperative to the economy
generate large amounts of pollution and emissions, rendering them unwilling to alter existing
practices due to profit. As such, cities in this bloc are required to find a balance between
economic gains and sustainable practices. Moreover, policy reform outlining regulations in terms
of the purposeful destruction or conservation of such ecosystems, pollution and debris disposal in
their waters, and carbon credits to incentivize a reduction in carbon emissions could aid such
cities. Coastal development efforts, for example, contribute greatly to the degradation of coastal
ecosystems. In certain countries, such as the Philippines, the cutting of blue carbon ecosystems is
prohibited; however, lack of accountability allows corporations to continue to exploit these areas.
Large areas of mangrove forests have been decimated due to conversion: this is generally due to
urban and tourism development, along with infrastructure needs in Central America, the
Caribbean, and the Middle East. In South East Asia, aquaculture—in particular, shrimp farms—
cause significant losses in mangrove populations. Therefore, to mitigate these consequences,
increased protection, restoration, and surveillance could be implemented within members of this
bloc. Aquaculture needs could be met by working with the coastal ecosystems, where countries
utilize the natural resources, nutrients, and habitats that the blue carbon organisms provide for
fish and oysters. As such, members of this bloc would support regulations promoting
sustainability of fishing practices, limitations in regards to coastal conservation, and other
assessments and awareness campaigns to maintain and restore their blue carbon ecosystems.


CAHSMUN 2022                                    20                        C40 BACKGROUNDER B
Discussion Questions
  1. What are the benefits of preserving blue carbon ecosystems? In what ways does it affect
     your city?

  2. Which sectors have affected blue carbon ecosystems the most? How can municipal policy
     be adapted to address these issues?

  3. Is your city directly impacted by blue carbon ecosystems? How is your city’s blue carbon
     ecosystem impacted by your city’s activities?

  4. How should a balance between protecting blue carbon ecosystems and activity in certain
     sectors, such as tourism, be achieved?

  5. What are short term blue carbon ecosystem preservation solutions and goals for your city to
     aim at?

  6. What are long term solutions and goals for your city to strive to fulfill in restoring and
     protecting blue carbon ecosystems?

  7. How can industries be held accountable for damages done to blue carbon ecosystems?

  8. In what aspects have past initiatives functioned well in terms of protecting blue carbon
     ecosystems? Which areas can be improved upon?

  9. Has your city partnered with or participated in initiatives led by NGOs or other
     organizations specializing in blue carbon ecosystems? What was the outcome?

CAHSMUN 2022                                   21                         C40 BACKGROUNDER B
Additional Sources
Are ‘Blue Carbon’ Projects a Win for the Climate and the People:

Blue Carbon | IUCN:

The Blue Carbon Initiative:

What is Blue Carbon and Why Does It Matter:

Why Protecting & Restoring Blue Carbon Ecosystems Matters:

CAHSMUN 2022                                    22                    C40 BACKGROUNDER B
BCI. “Blue Carbon Policy Working Group.” The Blue Carbon Initiative, n.d.,

BCI. “The Blue Carbon Initiative.” The Blue Carbon Initiative, n.d.,

BCI. “What is Blue Carbon?.” The Blue Carbon Initiative, n.d.,

BCP. “Blue Carbon Partnership | Blue Carbon Ecosystems.” Blue Carbon Partnership, n.d.,

Bird, Winifred. “Are ‘Blue Carbon’ Projects a Win for the Climate and the People?.” Yale
       Environment 360, November 3, 2016,

C40. “Fact Sheet: C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.” C40 Cities, July 26, 2013,

C40. “History of the C40.” C40 Cities, n.d., https://www.c40.org/history.

C40. “Our Partners & Funders.” C40 Cities, n.d., https://www.c40.org/partners.

C40. “Steering Committee.” C40 Cities, n.d., https://www.c40.org/steering_committees.

C40. “The Power of C40 Cities.” C40 Cities, n.d., https://www.c40.org/cities.

C40. “What we do for Cities.” C40 Cities, n.d., https://www.c40.org/what_we_do_for_cities.

DTE. “Mangroves destruction violates fundamental rights of citizens: Bombay HC.”
      DownToEarth, September 19, 2018.

Forrester, Terrence, “Special Conditions for Non Reimbursable Technical Cooperation
       Agreements.” Inter-American Development Bank, n.d.,

CAHSMUN 2022                                   23                           C40 BACKGROUNDER B
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