BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services

Page created by Juanita Goodman
BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services
       Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services

                                                                                  Live Auction Quick Tips
                                                                                  Improve your chances of success
                                                                                  when buying or selling your dream
                                                                                  car at an auction:

                                                                                  • Do your homework on any car
                                                                                    you’re bidding on.

                                                                                  • Pre-register as a bidder in
                                                                                    advance of the auction.

                                                                                  • Obtain pre-approval for financing
                                                                                    or leasing.

                                                                                  • Set a maximum bidding price and
THINGS YOU’LL NEED TO KNOW TO                                                       stick to it.

BUY OR SELL AT CAR AUCTIONS                                                       • If selling, give the auction house
                                                                                    enough time to market your car.
The range and caliber of car auctions is extremely diverse. Throughout            • Detail your car, buy a new battery
the year, there are local public auctions, government auctions, private             and put on authentic tires.
auctions for dealers, as well as an increasing number of online auctions,
including eBay Motors and These auctions can be a
great resource if you’re searching for a fairly priced family vehicle, a fixer-
upper, or perhaps even a hidden gem offered by a seller looking for
quick cash.

But if you’re an auto enthusiast seeking to buy or sell a unique, rare or
classic dream car, those are not the types of auctions where you’ll want to
invest much time. The well known, high-profile, live car auctions that take
place throughout the year - at Scottsdale, Arizona; Amelia Island, Florida;
Pebble Beach, California; Palm Beach, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada and
Kissimmee, Florida - are for serious enthusiasts, and each of those events
include hundreds or even thousands of rare and classic cars.

Live Auctions Are Fun Lifestyle Events
Sponsored by respected auction houses such as Gooding & Company,
Barrett-Jackson, Mecum, RM Sothebys and Bonhams, these high-end,
ticketed events are opportunities to see, and perhaps bid on some
fantastic vehicles. They also are occasions to rub shoulders with (and learn
from) knowledgeable collectors and fellow enthusiasts from around the
world. These auctions – which typically include a host of social festivities
and educational opportunities – are lifestyle events to be enjoyed,
regardless of whether you plan to sell or bid on any vehicles on the block.
BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services
Insider Tips from Premier Financial

  Prepare for a Great                     to research the actual experience       If you have a specific classic or
                                          of past and current owners to           collector car in mind, it’s also
  Auction Experience                      determine whether there are             advisable get an insurance quote
                                          common problems you should be           from a firm like Hagerty before the
  Most auction participants at the top    aware of before you bid.                auction, so that any vehicle you win
  auctions are sophisticated buyers
                                                                                  at auction will be covered as soon
  and sellers. But there’s always         Some seasoned auction buyers also       as you’ve completed the purchase.
  a crop of auction newcomers,            talk in advance to staff members        Finally, line up a professional carrier,
  many of whom are reluctant              who manage the auction process          such as Reliable Carriers, that has
  to participate, lacking a clear         from the floor (not the person with     experience handling luxury, exotic,
  understanding of the protocol and       the gavel.) These professionals can     and classic cars, because you will
  unwritten etiquette involved in         sometimes provide helpful insights      need to immediately ship any car
  serious car auctions.                   on specific cars and auction            you purchase.
                                          dynamics. Let them know if you
  According to Premier’s Southeast        plan to bid on a particular car, so
  Sales Manager, Chris Warren, who        they can direct the auctioneer’s        Think and Act Like
  has attended top auctions for
  many years, “There are only a few
                                          attention to you.                       an Auction Pro
  auction-related “do’s and don’ts”
  that buyers need to know. Notably,      How to Take Your                        If you’re a newcomer, Chris Warren
                                                                                  suggests that you attend one or
  you don’t have to be a millionaire to
  bid on a car. Although auctions like
                                          Dream Car Home                          two auctions strictly as an observer,
                                                                                  to gain a first-hand understanding
  those at Pebble Beach, Scottsdale
                                          Advance preparation also involves       of how they work. Pay attention
  and Amelia Island attract a well-
                                          pre-registering to bid, so that you     to how seasoned buyers conduct
  heeled crowd, there are cars on the
                                          spend your time checking out the        themselves and the bidding tactics
  block in all price ranges, and there
                                          cars, rather than waiting on long       they use.
  are some great potential bargains,
                                          lines to fill out the paperwork. When
  if you have a deep understanding
                                          you’re calculating how much you         When you’re ready, bid on a car
  of the car you’re bidding on.”
                                          can spend at an auction, be sure to     that you really want to own and
                                          factor in the commission charged        drive. Don’t follow the herd by
  Chris recommends that do your
                                          by the auction house (usually 10%),     bidding just because there’s a lot of
  homework well in advance of the
                                          as well as any federal, state, and      buzz or interest in a particular car.
  auction. First, you should learn
                                          local taxes; insurance fees; and        Auction catalogs can romanticize
  as much as possible about any
                                          transportation of any vehicle you       cars in an effort to push bidders,
  car you plan to bid on. Most of
                                          purchase.                               so it’s important to be guided by
  the time, auction houses publish
                                                                                  your head as well as your heart. It’s
  detailed information about all the
                                          Armed       with    a     reasonable    best not to fall in love with any car
  vehicles on the block, so buyers
                                          expectation of what you might           until after you’ve won the auction.
  know exactly what they’re bidding
                                          have to spend, if you plan to
  on. Attend the preview sessions
                                          finance or lease the car, you should    If you are not bidding on a car,
  before the bidding starts, and if
                                          obtain pre-approval from a firm         you should remain seated and be
  you’re not an expert in evaluating
                                          like Premier, that specializes in       quiet. It’s important that you’re
  the operating condition of a car,
                                          exotic and vintage cars. This will      not a distraction for the auctioneer
  then hire someone who can help.
                                          allow you to bid with confidence,       and for those who are bidding. You
  If you don’t possess a first-hand
                                          and to expedite the processing of       should expect the same courtesy.
  understanding of the car’s make
                                          the transaction.
  and model, it’s also a good idea

BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services
Insider Tips from Premier Financial

  Establish and Stick To                     of the best deals happen. The
                                             crowd will typically have thinned
                                                                                    the CEO of Mecum Auctions,
                                                                                    strongly suggests that sellers
  Your Bidding Strategy                      out substantially toward the end       begin the consignment process
                                             of an auction, which means there       well in advance of the auction.
  The most experienced bidders               are fewer bidders; improving your      Magers reminds sellers that,
  understand the #1 auction rule:            chances of winning with a lower        “We’re more of a marketer
  they set a maximum bid price               bid. Some auctioneers have a           than an auctioneer. The longer
  and stick to it. This may be the           tendency to speed up the bidding,      that we have to showcase a car
  most difficult aspect of auction           in an effort to wrap things up,        online, the greater the number of
  strategy for both newcomers and            which gives competitors less time      potential buyers your car will be
  experienced buyers. For example,           to deliberate. So be prepared to       exposed to. In fact, what happens
  Wayne Carini – the host of the             bid decisively.                        in advance of the auction is more
  Chasing Classic Cars show on the                                                  important than what happens at
  Velocity Channel – sometimes               If you’re lucky enough to find and     the auction.” He counsels sellers
  writes his maximum price on his            successfully bid on your dream car     not to call an auction house the
  hand as a reminder not to exceed           at a top auction, it will likely add   week before an auction, or worse
  that amount.                               to your enjoyment of ownership.        yet, not to just show up at the
                                             If your bidding falls short, keep in   auction with your car, expecting
  For some seasoned auction                  mind that turnover is constant in      it to be put on the block.
  bidders, it’s easier to stick with their   fine cars that come up for auction.
  bidding strategy if they don’t get         Either way, the thrill of the hunt,    Auction houses like Mecum also
  caught up in the live competition          the competitive bidding, and the       have consignment reps who will
  for the car. They avoid the bidding        fellowship with people who share       provide guidance on strategy
  drama altogether by leaving the            your love of cars are all part of      designed to help sellers with
  auction floor and submitting their         the fun of auctions.                   everything from market valuation
  bids from another location, by                                                    of their car, to what day and time
  phone or online, so that they can                                                 their car should run, and what
  remain objective and disciplined.          Selling Your Car                       other cars it should be sold near.
  In fact, a number of auction houses        at Auction
  will live stream their events right
  on their website, to accommodate
                                                                                    Do Simple Things
                                             There are many good reasons to
  buyers who wish to bid remotely            consign your car to be sold at a       To Sell Your Car
  or are unable to attend the auction        live auction. Most importantly,
  in person.                                 your car will be marketed properly     Magers says that there are a
                                             by the auction house, in advance       few “simple things” that sellers
                                                                                    often overlook when consigning
  When the Auction                           of the auction, to thousands
                                             of potential buyers who are            their car to an auction house.He
  is Over                                    interested in the type of car          strongly suggests:
                                             you’re selling. These are serious
  If you’re not bidding on any of            car enthusiasts from around the        • Thoroughly detail every part
  the heavily promoted cars on the           world, not local tire kickers who      of your car, so that it looks as
  block, it can be to your advantage         will waste your time.                  saleable as possible. This is
  to stay until the end of the auction,                                             money well spent. When it runs
  because that can be where some             To take full advantage of that         across the block, there should be
                                             market exposure, Dave Magers,          no dirt or water spots on the car.

BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services
Insider Tips from Premier Financial

  • Put a new battery in your car. It         • Don’t send DIY photographs               any representations they make. In
  may sit for long periods of time at         of your car. World class auction           some cases, sellers may be asked
  an auction, with no trickle charger.        houses will only use high                  to prove certain features, such as
  If we have to push a car across the         quality photographs taken by               numbers-matching cars, or claims
  auction block, it doesn’t make the          professionals who specialize in            of exact mileage. At the auction’s
  same impression as hearing the              cars. In fact, Mecum maintains             vehicle check in, your car will also
  sound of a big, high horsepower             a    network     of    automobile          undergo close scrutiny for the
  engine.                                     photographers who will manage              authenticity of titles and VIN tags.
                                              that task, which is covered by the
  • Make sure your car has good               sales commission. Mager often              Whether buying or selling a
  tires on it; ideally reproductions          reminds sellers that when they             car at a live auction, knowing
  of the original tires. This can make        show up to photograph a car, it            beforehand what’s expected
  a huge difference in the value of           should already be detailed and             of you can make the difference
  the car.                                    “photo ready,” so that it can              between having a productive,
                                              be marketed online in the best             enjoyable experience or walking
  • Be sure that your car is in good          possible light.                            away frustrated. And if you plan
  mechanical condition. Potential                                                        to attend a major auction, we’d
  buyers are often very savvy,                Car sellers at auctions are                welcome the opportunity to
  and will consider every aspect              required to disclose all material          introduce ourselves. Premier
  of your car before they make an             facts about the car, and Magers            attends every major auction,
  investment in it.                           cautions them to be completely             every year.
                                              transparent and honest regarding

    Ross Dressel           Michelle Yancey              Chris Warren               Juan Garcia              Keith Neelans
   Midwest Sales Manager   Southwest Sales Manager    Southeast Sales Manager   West Coast Sales Manager   Northeast Sales Manager
       248.229.9924             214.385.6670               770.265.4830              805.341.4814               203.217.1127

BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services BUYING YOUR DREAM CAR: Insider Tips from Premier Financial Services
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