Business Grant Guidelines - COVID-19 Round 6

Page created by Lorraine Osborne
Business Grant Guidelines - COVID-19 Round 6
Business Grant Guidelines
Round 6

    Winning a grant has totally transformed our business. Without this grant we could not have afforded the
     professional rendering workstation we needed to fully transition to animated work (which is lockdown
    proof and our passion). Now we have locked in six times more animated work than the last three years
   combined (well beyond our old capacity), can survive any lockdown, and are now hiring our first animator!

                     Matthew Boutros and Luke Orrin, Nourishing Media, Greensborough
Business Grant Guidelines - COVID-19 Round 6

GRANT CATEGORIES .........................................................................................................................                           3
TYPES OF PROJECTS SUPPORTED ..............................................................................................                                           4
THE APPLICATION PROCESS ..........................................................................................................                                   5
CONTACT US ................................................................................................................................................          5
GRANT WRITING WORKSHOPS ......................................................................................................                                       5
FUNDING LIMITS AND GRANT TERMS .......................................................................................                                               5
KEY DATES ....................................................................................................................................................       5
FUNDING EXCLUSIONS..........................................................................................................................                         5
ELIGIBILITY ....................................................................................................................................................     6
QUOTES ...........................................................................................................................................................   6
LOBBYING .......................................................................................................................................................     6
ASSESSMENT PROCESS ......................................................................................................................                            6
TABLE A: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (existing business) ....................................................                                                                7
TABLE B: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (newer/start-up business) ....................................                                                                          8
SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE .............................................................................................................                                 9

                                                                             Page 2.
Business Grant Guidelines - COVID-19 Round 6
In Round 6, Banyule Council aims to continue it’s
support of local businesses recovering from
COVID-19 restrictions, helping them to invest in their
business, build business resilience and adapt to the                  BUSINESS SUPPORT GRANTS
post COVID-19 economy.
                                                                             Up to $5,000
These grants will also offer support for new
businesses discovering opportunities in the changed

                                                                       BUSINESS COACHING AND
                                                                        DEVELOPMENT GRANTS
   “Winning the Banyule Business Grant has enabled me to get my             Up to $2,500
     website built and off the ground, especially due to Covid and
 disruption to business. Without the grant my business would not be
 moving forward. This grant has been a huge boost to my business
      and my confidence and means I can breathe much easier.”

            Sharon Scull, Rock the Shazbah, Viewbank
Business Grant Guidelines - COVID-19 Round 6

                          1                                                            2

BUSINESS SUPPORT GRANTS                                        BUSINESS COACHING AND
                                                               DEVELOPMENT GRANTS
up to $5,000
                                                               up to $2,500
Banyule Council welcomes proposals from
businesses that:                                               Banyule Council welcomes proposals that:

  assists them with moving online to sell products               encourage business growth and reslience
  and/or services                                                through coaching, training and development
  opens them to new markets
  increases brand awareness for business through               Examples of costs that Council will consider are:
  innovative marketing initiatives that address
  COVID-19 impacts                                               mentoring/coaching
  enables them to start up                                       business and strategic planning
                                                                 marketing strategy development (i.e. branding
Examples of costs that Council will consider are:                strategies, social media/digital strategies,
                                                                 market research)
  website design and development                                 training and development courses/workshops
  e-commerce platforms
  digital marketing and promotion
  purchasing of hardware and software
  cost of new packaging
  cost of online learning or mentoring to develop
  e-commerce skills
  online content development (web pages,
  mobile apps, audio and visual media)
  purchasing of relevant equipment and shop fit-outs
  branding development and implementation
  audio or visual media

                                                                                              Crooks in Heidelberg West
                                                                                                   were successful in
                                                                                                  receving a Business
                                                                                               Support grant in Round 5
                                                                                               to develop a website and
                                                                                              improve their social media
                                                     Page 4.
THE APPLICATION PROCESS                                                 KEY DATES
  Businesses can only apply for one of the grants on                     Applications Open
  offer. The grants process is a competitive one and not                 Monday 6 September 2021 (from 9am)
  all applications will necessarily be funded. In some
  cases, applicants may also be offered partial funding                  Free Grant Writing Workshops (via Zoom)
  to run a reduced or modified project.                                  Tuesday 21 September 5pm – 7pm
                                                                         Thursday 23 September 10am – 12pm
  To encourage inclusivity, accessibility and innovation,
  we will be accepting video applications to support                     Book at
  written documentation.
                                                                         Applications Close
  To apply head to
           or click on                   Thursday 14 October 2021 (11:59pm)
  one of the grant streams below.
                                                                         Assessment Period
                                                                         Friday 15 October – November 2021
      1        Business Support Grants of up to
              $5,000                                                     Outcomes Announced
                                                                         End of November 2021
              Business    Coaching and Development
      2       Grants of up to $2,500                                     Project Completion (Acquittal)
                                                                         Tuesday 1 June 2022

  All applicants must contact an Economic Develop-
  ment Officer before submitting their application to
  discuss their grant proposal. The officer will ensure
  that the grant idea meets the criteria before you                Project completion date is 1 June 2022.
  commit to writing your application.
                                                                   Any alterations, variations or modifications to the
  Call us on 9433 7763. If you’d prefer to email, write to         grant’s original purpose must have consent from
  us at                                Council. Requests will be considered, and the
                                                                   applicant will be notified of the decision. Approval
                                                                   must be received before changes can proceed
  GRANT WRITING WORKSHOPS                                          otherwise Council reserves the right to cease
  Free Grant Writing Workshops will be held via the
  Zoom platform. Workshops are not mandatory but
  encouraged. Learnings can be applied to other grant              FUNDING EXCLUSIONS
  opportunities available at State and Federal levels.
                                                                   Council is unable to pay for the following:
   To book into an online grant writing workshop, go to                               expenses that are considered ongoing costs
                                                                     such as rent, utilities, routine maintenance
  FUNDING LIMITS AND GRANT                                           the purchase of buildings or property extensions.
  TERMS                                                              personal expenses such as mobile phones
                                                                     (iPhones, Samsungs etc)
  Successful applicants are required to comply with                  servicing creditors or personal debts
  the following terms and conditions:                                annual business tax and routine accounting
     Sign a letter of agreement detailing the grant                  services
     obligations, and                                                retrospective funding for products/services
     Submit an online evaluation report with
     receipt/s accounting for expenditure and
     demonstrate how the grant helped support the
     business in response to the impact of COVID-19.

                                                          Page 5
ELIGIBILITY                                                    QUOTES
                                                               Applicants are required to include at least one quote
To be eligible to receive a COVID-19 Business Grant            for all intended purchases and services. Quotes can
applicants must:                                               be written, scanned images from catalogues or
                                                               on-line stores, or a screenshot from a website and
• Own a business in Banyule (including home                    should be attached in your online application.
  based business).                                             Quotes should be no more than six months old.
• Hold a valid Australian Business Number
• Be a sole trader, micro business or a small or               LOBBYING
  medium sized enterprise (SME). SMEs
                                                               Canvassing or lobbying of councillors, employees of
  are defined in the context of this grant as                  Banyule Council or assessment panel members in
  having between 1 to 199 employees.                           relation to the grant application is strictly prohibited.
• Have all appropriate insurances, licences and                Failure to comply will render the application
  permits to undertake the activity or operate                 ineligible.
  the equipment funded by this project.
• Demonstrate market readiness for a new
  product/service.                                             THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS
• Not be subject to any legal impediment,
  including bankruptcy or liquidation.                         Eligible applications will be assessed by an advisory
• Agree to be listed as a business grant recipient             panel comprised of Banyule Council senior staff and
  on the Banyule Council and Banyule Business                  external consultants. All applicants will receive
  websites with the potential to be promoted on                notification of the outcome of their application by
  social media (prior approval will be sought).                the end of November 2021.

                                                               Applications will be assessed against the
Banyule Council will not consider applications                 following criteria:
                                                               • demonstrated alignment with criteria and
• Applicants who have not contacted an                           relevance of the proposal to impacts or
  Economic Development Officer to discuss their                  opportunities (30%)
  project idea before submitting their application.            • demonstrated plan which includes resourcing,
• An employee of Banyule Council.                                timelines, cost and evaluation (for Business
• An employee of Australian and local                            Support Grants only) (30%)
  government agencies.                                         • demonstrated financial/operating impacts from
  Political organisations and trader associations.               COVID-19 (existing businesses) or demonstrated
• Community groups including schools and                         financial viability (Start Ups) (20%)
  community organisations. (Please refer to                    • local procurement (20%)
  Community grants available on the Banyule
  Council website).                                            Please see Tables A and B on overleaf for further
• Unincorporated associations and branches.                    details regarding assessment and weighting.
• Businesses that have an adverse effect on
  public health, safety, the environment or
• Businesses that have not satisfactorily acquited
  a previous grant or have existing funds
  owing to Banyule Council, such as rates.
• Businesses that have been a past recipient of a
  Small Business Grant or a COVID-19 Business
  Support Grant. Past recipients of a minor grant
  i.e. a Coaching and Development Grant or a
  Business Continuity Grant may apply for a
  Business Support Grant however the sum of
  both amounts must not exceed $5,000.

                                                      Page 6

    CRITERIA                                         KEY POINTS                                        WEIGHTING
                      Key points (but not limited to):
                          • how well does the proposed project align to one of the identified
   Demonstrated                    1. assist businesses with moving online to sell products
   alignment with                      and/or services
     criteria and                  2. open businesses to new markets                                      30%
  relevance of the                 3. brand awareness for business through innovative
proposal to impacts                    marketing initiatives
                                   4. business coaching and development
                          • Demonstrated relevance of the proposal to impacts.
                          • Demonstrated feasibility to deliver outcomes.
                      Some key points (but are not limited to):
Demonstrated plan         • Does the budget accurately reflect the project/consultation
with timelines and            requested?
      budget              • Have quote/s been provided?
                      For Business Support Grants only: Is there evidence of
                                                                                 a project plan that
                      describes the following: resourcing, timelines, cost and evaluation
  Demonstrated        Some key points (but are not limited to):
 financial and/or         • Have financial and operating impacts been defined?
operating impacts         • Have financial documents been provided to demonstrate impacts?
 from COVID-19
                          •Does the applicant intend to procure from a local supplier?
                               o full score for procuring in Banyule
                               o half score for procuring in Melbourne’s North ie Hume,
Local Procurement                   Darebin, Moreland, Mitchell, Whittlesea, Nillumbik
                               o half score if procuring outside of the North is justified and
                   For assistance in sourcing a local provider, head to our directory at

                               businesses               Page 7

    CRITERIA                         KEY POINTS                     WEIGHTING

                      Key points (but not limited to):
                          1. How well does the proposed project align to one of the identified
   Demonstrated               criteria?
   alignment with                  1. assist Start-Ups establish in Banyule
     criteria and                  2.   assist businesses with moving online to sell products
  relevance of the                      and/or services.                                               30%
     proposal to                   3. open businesses to new markets.
   opportunities                   4. brand awareness for business through innovative
                                        marketing initiatives
                                   5. business coaching and development
                          2. Demonstrated relevance of the proposal to opportunities in current
                              COVID-19 environment.
                      Some key points (but are not limited to):
                          • Does the budget accurately reflect the project/consultation
Demonstrated plan             requested?
with timelines and        • Have quote/s been provided?                                                30%
       budget             • Have outcome measures been defined?
                      For Business Support Grants only: Is there evidence
                                                                              of a project plan that
                      describes the following: resourcing, timelines, cost and evaluation
                      Some key points (but are not limited to):
                          • Have financial documents been provided to demonstrate financial            20%
 financial viability
                      Key point:
                          • Does the applicant intend to procure from a local supplier?
                                   o full score for procuring in Banyule
                                   o half score for procuring in Melbourne’s north ie Hume,
Local Procurement                       Darebin, Moreland, Whittlesea, Nillumbik.                      20%
                                   o half score if procuring outside of the North is justified and
                      For assistance in sourcing a local provider, head to our directory at

                start ups and
              newer business                            Page 8
Support and Assistance                       Interpreter Service

All Enquiries

The Economic Development Team
03 9433 7763

Vision Impaired

For a hard copy of the Guidelines or
SmartyGrants Application or large print
copies, contact

Hearing or Speech Impaired

Call us through the National Relay Service
on 133 677 (TTY) or 1300 555 727 (ordinary
handset) and contact 9490 4222

For Technical SmartyGrants Support

Call the SmartyGrants support desk from
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday on
03 9320 6888 or by email at

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