Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation

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Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Building upon International Success
The HRK-Audit “Internationalisation of Universities”
Advancing Strategic Internationalisation

                                                       Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Building upon International Success
The HRK-Audit “Internationalisation of Universities”
Advancing Strategic Internationalisation

                                                       Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Table of contents
    Benefiting from international success .........................................................................................................                          6   Global Bayreuth Identity – The University of Bayreuth’s international alumni family ......................... 28
    Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Education and Research                                                                                                          University of Bayreuth

    Managing internationalisation strategically ...............................................................................................                              7   Campus of Diversity – A major theme in internationalisation strategy .................................................. 30
    Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen, Vice-President for International Relations, German Rectors’ Conference                                                                              University of Bremen

    Introduction: Strategy, implementation, and the steps that happen on the way ..................................                                                          8   Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in the Consortium on Applied Research
    Dr. Stephan Fuchs, Head of Project, Audit “Internationalisation of Universities”, German Rectors’ Conference                                                                 and Professional Education – CARPE ....................................................................................................... 32
                                                                                                                                                                                 Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Academic Scorecard as a tool for successfully managing quality
    Strategic framework for the internationalisation of German higher education                                                                                                  in the internationalisation process ........................................................................................................... 34
                                                                                                                                                                                 Münster University of Applied Sciences
    Strategy of the Federal and Länder Ministers of Science for the
    internationalisation of the higher education institutions in Germany                                                                                                    12   Quality-oriented selection of university partnerships – ESB Business School’s selection matrix ............... 36
                                                                                                                                                                                 Reutlingen University
    German universities in the world and for the world                                                                                                                      19
    International strategy of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) – principles and guidelines                                                                                   The International Guest Lectureship Programme at Bielefeld University ................................................ 38
                                                                                                                                                                                 Bielefeld University

    Good practice in strategic internationalisation at German universities                                                                                                       Internship placements for foreign students – FiPS – Furtwangen Internship Placement Service .............. 40
                                                                                                                                                                                 Furtwangen University
    Planning and Steering                                                                                                                                                   28   The German-French Institute of Business and Technology ...................................................................... 42
    Study and Teaching                                                                                                                                                      38   Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes – University of Applied Sciences
    Research and Technology Transfer                                                                                                                                        45   Docs Build Bridges – A concept for the support of doctoral candidates ................................................ 45
    Advice and Support                                                                                                                                                      52   Kiel University
                                                                                                                                                                                 European research management – The European Project Center ........................................................... 48
                                                                                                                                                                                 Technische Universität Dresden
    The International Department of HRK .........................................................................................................                           58
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Matariki Network of Universities – “Partnering for a better world” ................................................ 50
    Audit “Internationalisation of Universities” ...............................................................................................                            60
                                                                                                                                                                                 University of Tübingen
    Audit kompakt “Internationalisation of Universities” ...............................................................................                                    62
                                                                                                                                                                                 Target-group-specific website – Services of the International Office ...................................................... 52
    Re-Audit “Internationalisation of Universities” ..........................................................................................                              63   Technische Universität Chemnitz
    Audit and Re-Audit participants since 2009 ...............................................................................................                              64
                                                                                                                                                                                 Funding instruments for international mobility – Financial support and standard,
    Imprint .............................................................................................................................................................   66   transparent selection procedures ............................................................................................................. 54
                                                                                                                                                                                 Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                 The study abroad campaign – An initiative for the promotion of student mobility ............................... 56
                                                                                                                                                                                 University of Konstanz

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Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Benefiting from international success                                                                                          Managing internationalisation strategically

                         Growing global interconnectedness         The German Rectors’ Conference’s Audit “Internationali-         How can we make internationalisation sustainable? This           As the voluntary association of state
                         is also presenting new challenges         sation of Universities” offers a highly professionalised con-   question lies at the heart of every debate of those who seek     and state-recognised universities in
                         for Germany’s universities. Interna-      sultation process and plays an important part in promoting      to promote internationalisation at their universities or of      Germany, the HRK is not only the po-
                         tionalisation is an important factor in   the further internationalisation of higher education. There     the higher education system as a whole.                          litical and public voice of the univer-
                         the sustainable development of our        has been a tremendous response to the Audit and the                                                                              sities, but also provides support and
                         universities. Greater international       Re-Audit. This shows that German universities attach great      Over the past decades, we have not only learned that uni-        service to its member institutions. In
                         orientation is essential if they are to   strategic importance to the topic of internationalisation.      versities operate in a truly international environment and       implementing the aforementioned
                         stand the test on the global educa-       The entire German higher education system benefits from         that internationalisation is a challenge for all universities.   strategy, we believe that it is crucial
                         tion market. Germany has been very        the Audit as it helps to make internationalisation both an      We have also seen multiple activities on all levels and the      to individually support our univer-
                         successful in this regard: German         integral element in developing a university’s profile and a     implementation of internationalisation strategies. But can       sities in their internationalisation
                         universities are among the most           driver of higher education reform.                              we be sure that these efforts will succeed in the long run?      processes. In 2009, the HRK devel-
                         popular destinations for foreign stu-                                                                                                                                      oped the Audit “Internationalisation
                         dents, ranking third after universities   I am pleased to see that this publication not only presents     We believe that internationalisation based solely on indi-       of Universities” for that purpose. It
                         in the United States and the United       successful examples from the Audit “Internationalisation        vidual activities will meet severe setbacks on the road to       provides advice to universities in the
                         Kingdom. In addition, international       of Universities” in the context of the HRK’s work, but also     sustainability. What is needed is a strategic foundation         challenges they face in their inter-
                         exchanges in higher education also        places them in an overarching strategic context. These          within the university as a whole. In recent years, German        nationalisation efforts. We are con-
    help to strengthen cutting-edge research and innovation        examples provide a model and motivation for the further         universities have thus increasingly begun integrating in-        vinced that there can be no “one size fits all” approach in
    in Germany.                                                    international networking of universities. They are also proof   ternationalisation into the strategic management of their        a diverse higher education system. What is needed – and
                                                                   of the progress achieved in the internationalisation of our     institutions.                                                    provided by the Audit – is a tailor-made approach.
    Modern science crosses boundaries as scientific careers        higher education system.
    become increasingly internationally focused. That is why                                                                       The German Rectors’ Conference (Hochschulrektorenkon-            I hope you enjoy reading the various examples of good
    the Federal Government launched its own strategy on the                                                                        ferenz – HRK) has furthered this development. In 2008,           practice of internationalisation on the pages to come,
    internationalisation of science and research as early as in                                                                    the HRK General Assembly adopted a resolution on the             all demonstrating the increasingly strategic approach to
    2008. In 2013, the federal and Länder ministers of sci-                                                                        role universities play in the globalisation process. The         internationalisation German universities have adopted in
    ence launched a joint strategy for the internationalisation                                                                    HRK strategy is based on the assumption that universities        the past years.
    of universities in Germany, aimed at improving scientific                                                                      are transnational actors. As such, they must perceive of
    cooperation and cross-cultural dialogue.                       Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka                                         themselves as a part of a world higher education system
                                                                   Federal Minister of Education and Research                      in all dimensions of their work and business. Universities
                                                                                                                                   simply must internationalise to guarantee their own survival
                                                                                                                                   in a more globalised and a more and more competitive             Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen
                                                                                                                                   environment.                                                     Vice-President for International Relations
                                                                                                                                                                                                    German Rectors’ Conference

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Strategy, implementation, and the steps                                                                                           In the dimension of “Planning & Steering”, you will read
                                                                                                                                      about how to establish and use an alumni network to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Last but not least, the dimension of “Advice & Support” fea-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     tures the development of a target-group-specific website,

    that happen on the way                                                                                                            advance a generic international identity of the university
                                                                                                                                      (University of Bayreuth, p. 28); how to base international-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     catering to the specific needs of international incoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                     students (Technische Universität Chemnitz, p. 52); how
                                                                                                                                      isation on the concept of diversity (University of Bremen,     to develop financial incentives and bursaries to promote
    Introduction                                                                                                                      p. 30); how to engage in an international network as a
                                                                                                                                      gateway to international (funding) opportunities (Hamburg
                                                                                                                                                                                                     study abroad (Hochschule Hannover – University of Ap-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     plied Sciences and Arts, p. 54); and how to strategically
                                                                                                                                      University of Applied Sciences, p. 32); how to adapt a         launch a campaign to advance study abroad in order to
                                                                                                                                      steering tool derived from business administration to man-     work towards an outgoing rate of 50 per cent (University
    The last decades have seen a tremendous professionali-          The basis of the work done in Germany over the last couple        age the quality of internationalisation (Münster University    of Konstanz, p. 56).
    sation of internationalisation at European institutions of      of years is formulated in two strategy papers. This publi-        of Applied Sciences, p. 34); and how to apply pre-defined
    higher education (HEIs). Under the framework put together       cation would not be complete without re-printing these            criteria for the selection of university partnerships (Reut-   In conclusion, you will find from p. 58 onwards a descrip-
    by policy makers in the ERASMUS agreements, the Bologna         two internationalisation strategy papers. The internation-        lingen University, p. 36).                                     tion of HRK and its International Department, a more
    process, and the European Higher Education Area, or rather      alisation strategy of HRK – adopted in 2008 – expresses                                                                          detailed account of the HRK-Audit “Internationalisation
    using the parameters set forth in this context, practically     the shared understanding of German HEIs (p. 19). In the           In the dimension of “Study & Teaching”, you will learn         of Universities”, the follow-up formats Audit kompakt
    all universities have developed measures to increase their      Federal Republic of Germany, it lies with the 16 states           about how to invite guest lecturers to promote interna-        and Re-Audit, as well as a map of Germany, showing
    internationalisation and have formulated an institutional       (Länder) to run and oversee the universities, whereas the         tionalisation at home (Bielefeld University, p. 38); how       the universities which have participated in the Audit and
    internationalisation strategy – quite often in this order.      federal government sets out the basic guidelines for high-        the attraction and reputation of German engineering            Re-Audit since 2009.
                                                                    er education and directly involves in research. The joint         is converted to study abroad opportunities for German
    The mission HRK pursues with the Audit “Internationali-         strategy by the Federal and the Länder Ministers of Science       students by offering internships in exchange for tuition       On behalf of the entire Audit team at HRK, let me wish you
    sation of Universities” is therefore twofold: helping, where    (p. 12), issued in 2013, clearly states the common respon-        waivers (Furtwangen University, p. 40); and how to in-         instructive reading and interesting thoughts – comments
    necessary, to develop or amend an institutional interna-        sibility in the field of internationalisation and underscores     stall a bi-national structure in order to sustainably offer    and feedback are always very welcome!
    tionalisation strategy (expanding from basic motives to         the individual mission of the universities in this respect.       cross-border dual degree programmes (Hochschule für
    specific – and measurable – goals to developing individual                                                                        Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes – University of
    tools to reach these goals); and giving recommendations         This booklet presents examples of good practice at Ger-           Applied Sciences, p. 42).
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Contact details at HRK Head Office
    in four specific dimensions of activity: Planning & Steering,   man HEIs. The universities portrayed by way of their good
    Study & Teaching, Research & Technology Transfer, and           practice in this publication have all completed the Audit         In the dimension of “Research & Technology Transfer”,          Dr. Stephan Fuchs
    Advice & Support.                                               process. Hence, we have selected examples from the four           examples of good practice include how to attract, en-          Head of Project
                                                                    dimensions used in the Audit process to recommend cer-            tertain, engage, and eventually bind international PhD         Audit “Internationalisation of Universities”
                                                                    tain measures. We have asked the authors to point out in          students and postdocs (Kiel University, p. 45); how to
                                                                    their depiction of their example of good practice how it          install an administrative structure to advise on funding
                                                                    derived from or fits into the overall strategic vision of their   opportunities for research and thus ease the burden put
                                                                    respective university.                                            on researchers when acquiring funding for their work
                                                                                                                                      (Technische Universität Dresden, p. 48); and lastly how to
                                                                                                                                      engage in an international network in order to advance
                                                                                                                                      top-level research, including the benchmarking against the
                                                                                                                                      partners (University of Tübingen, p. 50).

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Strategy of the Federal and Länder Ministers of Science for the internationalisation
                                      of the higher education institutions in Germany...................................................................................... 12
                                      Resolution of the 18th meeting of the Joint Science Conference in Berlin on 12 April 2013

                                      German universities in the world and for the world ............................................................................... 19
                                      International strategy of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) – principles and guidelines

     Strategic framework
     		for the internationalisation
     of German higher education

10                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
                                                                                                                                                                                 Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
Strategy of the Federal and Länder Ministers                                                                                   1. Field of action: Strategic
                                                                                                                                       internationalisation of the individual
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2. Field of action: Improving the legal
                                                                                                                                                                                                       framework for internationalisation
     of Science for the internationalisation of the                                                                                    higher education institutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2.1. Joint policy goal

     higher education institutions in Germany
                                                                                                                                    1.1. Joint policy goal
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Federal Government and the Länder intend to improve
                                                                                                                                    The Federal Government and the Länder support the higher        the conditions for the internationalisation of higher educa-
                                                                                                                                    education institutions in developing their own internation-     tion institutions by introducing appropriate legal framework

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Strategic Framework
     Resolution of the 18th meeting of the Joint Science Conference                                                                 alisation strategies. They were also called upon to do so by    conditions at federal and Länder level.
     in Berlin on 12 April 2013                                                                                                     the Bologna Ministerial Conference in April 2012. Interna-
                                                                                                                                    tionalisation is to be seen as a horizontal task that affects   2.2. The significance of the field of action for the inter-
                                                                                                                                    all areas and units of the higher education institution and           nationalisation of the higher education institutions
                                                                                                                                    matches its particular strengths and established ties.                and strategies

                                                                                                                                    1.2. The significance of the field of action for the inter-    The Federal Government and the Länder have introduced
     Internationalisation is a key element in developing the       internationalisation and mobility strategies with concrete             nationalisation of the higher education institutions      various improvements in their respective areas of respon-
     profile of German higher education institutions and, as       measures and measurable mobility targets. The Federal                  and strategies                                            sibility in recent years in many legal fields ranging from
     an important instrument of quality development, a driver      Government and the Länder have long recognised the                                                                               aliens law to the recognition of qualifications, the modifica-
     of higher education reform. It serves to promote academ-      importance of internationalising the higher education            It is important for the higher education institutions to        tion of the common structural guidelines of the Länder for
     ic cooperation and the dialogue between the cultures.         institutions and have already introduced a number of             “think” internationalisation in all areas of university life,   the accreditation of Bachelor’s and Master’s study courses
     Internationalisation is one of the main factors shaping       measures for this purpose (internationalisation strategies of    i.e. in research, teaching and continuing education, man-       to encourage mobility, and labour law. They will continue
     both the development of our higher education institutions     the Federal Government (2008) and the Länder (Summary            agement, administration and services. Internationalisation      to work together to dismantle any obstacles which may
     and Germany’s status as a centre of science and research.     of the Länder Strategies, GWK (Joint Science Conference),        must always be regarded as an instrument for quality            occur in future. One important field of action are the joint
                                                                   30 March 2009)). A large number of science organisations         development with a view to becoming attractive and able         study programmes which many German higher education
     We want higher education institutions that are so good and    (including the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and              to compete globally through excellent programmes in re-         institutions conduct in association with higher education
     attractive that they can compete with the best institutions   the German Research Association (DFG)) have introduced           search and teaching combined with hospitality and service       institutions in our neighbouring countries, mainly France.
     in other countries and contribute to mastering the global     internationalisation strategies in recent years. This Strategy   orientation.                                                    Such projects are still hampered by the great effort of
     challenges of our times. The starting conditions are fa-      Paper is based on all these activities and experiences.                                                                          coordinating the respective national regulations governing
     vourable. Germany has a close network of excellent higher                                                                      In order to extend the process of strategic internationali-     study programmes.
     education institutions offering good, broad-based training.   The Federal Government and the Länder have defined nine          sation, all interested higher education institutions should
                                                                   fields of action for promoting the internationalisation of the   have the support of counselling services to assist with         In order to remedy this situation, the Federal Government
     The ministers responsible for higher education in the 47      higher education institutions and have developed a joint         confidence-building and profile development. Such services      and the Länder support the Bucharest resolutions, which
     Bologna states agreed on a Mobility Strategy 2020 for the     policy goal with strategies for each field.                      are offered, for example, by the “Internationalisation of       also aim to facilitate the accreditation of joint programmes
     European Higher Education Area (EHEA) at their meeting                                                                         Universities” audit of the German Rectors’ Conference.          and degrees. Corresponding measures require reciproc-
     in Bucharest on 26/27 April 2012. The strategy defines        The Länder and the Federal Government are responsible for                                                                        ity between the partner countries involved. The Federal
     concrete measures to promote the international mobility       implementing the joint internationalisation goals within the                                                                     Government and the Länder are asking the Accreditation
     of students, young researchers, teaching staff and other      framework of their respective constitutional remit and re-                                                                       Council to make a proposal for a joint procedure with a
     staff at higher education institutions. This means that all   specting the autonomy of the higher education institutions.                                                                      single agency for the entire course of study.
     countries of the EHEA develop and implement their own

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
3. Field of action: Establishing a culture of                     The Federal Government and the Länder support the “Na-           language make it easier for students to acquire specialist        abroad and/or 15 ECTS credit points. This target refers to
        welcome                                                        tional Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding         terminology and for higher education institutions to em-          mobility in all three Bologna cycles.
                                                                       International Students”. They also support the implemen-         ploy foreign lecturers productively. Study courses offered in
     3.1. Joint policy goal                                            tation of the “European Charter for Researchers” and the         a foreign language (particularly English) are of particular       5.2. The significance of the field of action for the inter-
                                                                       “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”.            importance in this context. Such courses, especially those              nationalisation of the higher education institutions
     The Federal Government and the Länder support the higher          They call upon the higher education institutions to consider     for masters students, make our higher education institutions            and strategies
     education institutions in their aim to establish a culture of     in how far the commitments they have already undertaken          more attractive for internationally mobile students as well as
     welcome at all levels and to thus send welcome signals            towards their foreign guests in the fields of study, teach-      offering German participants new opportunities to acquire         The higher education institutions have already introduced

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Strategic Framework
     to foreign students and scholars in Germany and abroad            ing and research correspond to the above mentioned               intercultural and language skills.                                numerous initiatives to enable their students to complete
     (e.g. support and social integration services provided by         agreements.                                                                                                                        parts of their studies, internships and/or research stays
     welcome centres at the higher education institutions, also                                                                         Apart from the aspect of expanding the language skills            abroad. In an increasingly globalised working world, it
     offering career prospects for partners – “dual career”            4. Field of action: Establishing an                              of German students, it is just as important to give foreign       is a great advantage for German graduates to be able to
     couples, further training of staff at higher education insti-        international campus                                          students taking foreign-language master courses and for-          fall back on experience acquired during studies abroad.
     tutions). Beyond the institutions’ own field of responsibility,                                                                    eign doctoral students the opportunity to improve their           Study-related periods abroad provide the opportunity to get
     it is also important to contribute towards establishing           4.1. Joint policy goal                                           command of German. It is important for the successful             to know different higher education cultures, improve one’s
     a culture of welcome in the overall environment (e.g.                                                                              integration of foreign students that they are able to take        foreign language proficiency and gain intercultural insights.
     consulates, aliens authorities, job centres, childcare in-        The Federal Government and the Länder support the higher         full part in academic, cultural and social life in Germany.       The German higher education institutions also profit from
     stitutions, etc.).                                                education institutions in their efforts to provide interna-                                                                        the know-how that their students acquire abroad.
                                                                       tional and intercultural study programmes for all students       5. Field of action: Increasing the
     3.2. T he significance of the field of action for the inter-     and develop these courses in the light of increasing glo-           international mobility of students                             Measures should be taken at European level to improve the
          nationalisation of the higher education institutions         balisation, the internationalisation of career paths and                                                                           coordination and standardisation of data collection with a
          and strategies                                               commitment to global civic responsibility. Steps should          5.1. Joint policy goal                                            view to ensuring the long-term validity of data concerning
                                                                       be taken to increasingly include international contents                                                                            the international mobility of German students.
     Integration can only succeed if foreign students and re-          in curricula; large parts of courses, particularly at master     The Federal Government and the Länder support the higher
     searchers really feel accepted – and this means in all fields     and doctorate level but also individual classes, should be       education institutions in their efforts to further increase the   Factors which can contribute towards the further international
     of life, including outside the institution of higher education.   taught in English or other foreign languages.                    international mobility of students and enhance the quality        opening of higher education and the more extensive use of
     Successful integration in Germany and in life at a German                                                                          of such mobility periods. The Bologna Follow-Up Confer-           the potential for mobility include embedding binding mobility
     higher education institution encourages the development           4.2. T he significance of the field of action for the inter-    ence in Leuven set a Europe-wide target that 20 per cent          windows in curricula; improving the recognition of course and
     of a worldwide network of partners and motivates peo-                   nationalisation of the higher education institutions       of all graduates should spend a study or training period          examination credits gained abroad; and the provision by the
     ple to stay on in Germany, thus contributing towards a                  and strategies                                             abroad by 2020. The Federal Government and the Länder             higher education institutions of a wider range of integrated
     well-qualified workforce. In addition to professors and                                                                            are aiming to surpass this goal as roughly 20 per cent of         degree programmes involving partner institutions abroad –
     junior academic staff, administrative staff also play a key       Globalisation is also changing the contents and methods of       today’s graduates from German higher education institu-           where possible leading to a joint or double degree.
     role in establishing a culture of welcome. It is important        teaching and studying and calls for intercultural sensibility,   tions have already spent at least three months abroad in
     that members of staff at all levels of the higher education       a global overview and a command of various foreign lan-          the context of their studies.                                     Mobility is especially important in teacher training courses
     institution should at least speak English and if possible take    guages. Not all students will be able to acquire study-related                                                                     because teaching graduates act as multipliers for the mo-
     part in intercultural training courses and mobility measures      experience abroad. For this reason too, the higher education     The Federal Government and the Länder consider it a realis-       bility of future generations of pupils and students. Special
     to become acquainted with practices at higher education           institutions should make more systematic use of the potential    tic target for 50 per cent of graduates to have study-related     measures to encourage mobility should be introduced to
     institutions in other countries.                                  that international students and foreign teaching staff can       experience abroad and for at least one in three to spend          counter limited mobility in specific disciplines (such as
                                                                       offer German students. Classes that are given in a foreign       a period abroad corresponding to at least three months            science, mathematics and technology).

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Table of contents
Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
6. Field of action: Enhancing Germany’s                         must raise its intake of foreign students to approximately     7. Field of action: Attracting excellent                       8. Field of action: Expanding international
        international attractiveness as a place to                   350,000 – that is to say by around a third – by the end           (young) academics from abroad                                  research cooperation
        study                                                        of the decade if it is to maintain a similar share of mobile
                                                                     students and continue to be involved in international          7.1. Joint policy goal                                         8.1. Joint policy goal
     6.1. Joint policy goal                                          networks.
                                                                                                                                    The Federal Government and the Länder support the              The Federal Government and the Länder are continuing to
     The Federal Government and the Länder are aiming to im-         The Federal Government and the Länder together with the        higher education institutions in their efforts to encourage    support the German higher education institutions in initiat-
     prove Germany’s position as one of the four leading places      HRK and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) want           more outstanding experienced and young academics from          ing and conducting international research collaborations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Strategic Framework
     for international students to study by providing attractive     to actively support the higher education institutions in de-   abroad to accept a temporary or permanent position at          It is particularly desirable in this context that the higher
     courses and pursuing a modern marketing approach. They          signing more applicant-friendly application and admission      German higher education institutions.                          education institutions play a greater part in international
     are helping the higher education institutions to make a         procedures. Methods should be developed for selecting                                                                         calls for research proposals – such as under the EU’s 8th
     better selection, to integrate foreign students and improve     students with good prospects for success at a German           7.2. The significance of the field of action for the inter-   Research Framework Programme (Horizon 2020). The aim
     their academic success.                                         higher education institution. One obvious approach, for              nationalisation of the higher education institutions     is to expand excellent research networks throughout the
                                                                     example, is to provide appropriate individual and flexible           and strategies                                           world in order to tackle and master global scientific and so-
     6.2. T he significance of the field of action for the inter-   assistance during the entrance phase to take into account                                                                     cietal challenges in association with international partners.
          nationalisation of the higher education institutions       the different backgrounds of students from different coun-     Fixed-term or permanent stays by excellent (young) aca-
          and strategies                                             tries of origin and to improve their chances of success.       demics from abroad serve to intensify network-building         8.2. The significance of the field of action for the
                                                                                                                                    activities with foreign higher education and research in-            internationalisation of the higher education
     As a leading scientific and industrial nation Germany has       Germany is facing mounting competition from other coun-        stitutions. The quality of teaching can also benefit from an         institutions and strategies
     an interest in attracting highly qualified students from        tries when trying to attract outstanding foreign students      increase in foreign experts: Apart from helping to improve
     abroad. Approximately 6 per cent of internationally mobile      and highly qualified researchers from abroad. Germany­         students’ language skills by holding classes in a foreign      Research at higher education institutions has always had
     students are currently studying in Germany, making it one       is therefore using its international higher education and      language (as a rule English), foreign academics provide        an international quality. Networking with foreign col-
     of the four leading host nations. Countries worldwide are       research marketing strategy to attract foreign talent (cam-    an insight into a different teaching culture as well as        leagues in one’s own discipline, interdisciplinary ex­changes
     recognising the positive effect of welcoming young people       paigns, “Gate-Germany University Consortium”, DAAD’s           introducing new methodical and theoretical approaches          and the transfer between science and industry are natural
     from all over the world. The extent of mobility, particu-       worldwide counselling network, German Centers for Re-          to research, encouraging students to gain a different per-     components of research, on the one hand, and are be-
     larly outside Europe, will increase considerably. Germany       search and Innovation abroad as well numerous Länder           spective and inspiring them to undertake a study-related       coming a precondition for participation in international
                                                                     marketing activities). Another way to succeed in the in-       period abroad.                                                 funding programmes, on the other. Framework conditions
                                                                     ternational contest for the best brains is to improve the                                                                     (targeted information, strategic advice and active support
                                                                     provision of information – regarding study and scholarship     The opportunity to complete their doctoral theses in a         in acquiring funding and in project management) must
                                                                     programmes, job vacancies, universities, questions of social   structured doctoral programme has a number of advan-           be improved with a view to increasing the number of
                                                                     security, residence and aliens legislation. In addition, the   tages for foreign research students. Such programmes           successful German funding applications.
                                                                     higher education institutions should step up their market-     should therefore be extended and internationalised whilst
                                                                     ing efforts. The establishment and improvement of central      preserving opportunities to do a doctorate on a traditional,
                                                                     web pages and a multi-lingual website on Germany as a          individual basis.
                                                                     centre of science and study are useful instruments in this
                                                                     context as is a stronger presence at trade fairs abroad.

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Building upon International Success - The HRK-Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" Advancing Strategic Internationalisation
9. Field of action: Establishing transnational
        higher education courses
                                                                    9.2. T he significance of the field of action for the inter-
                                                                         nationalisation of the higher education institutions         German universities in the world
     9.1. Joint policy goal
                                                                         and strategies
                                                                                                                                      and for the world
                                                                    The number of students taking transnational courses of-
     The Federal Government and the Länder continue to sup-
     port the higher education institutions in offering appropri-
                                                                    fered by a foreign higher education institution in the stu-
                                                                    dents’ native countries or regions is growing even more
                                                                                                                                      International strategy of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) –
     ate courses of study abroad and participating in bilateral     rapidly than the number of internationally mobile students.       principles and guidelines

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Strategic Framework
     agreements with foreign higher education institutions.         Germany has increased its activities in this area significantly
     The positive effects of these transnational courses include    over the past decade. This is demonstrated in particular
     strengthening the international reputation and visibility of   by the foundation of bilateral higher education institu-          Resolution by the 4th General Assembly of 18 November 2008
     German higher education institutions, networking future        tions which are administered by the foreign partner but
     specialist and managerial staff with Germany and attract-      where German higher education institutions and German
     ing highly qualified graduates to undertake post-graduate      quality assurance exercise considerable influence. The
     studies in Germany.                                            participation of German higher education institutions in
                                                                    transnational study courses abroad is proving to be a             Summary
                                                                    positive driver for the institutions’ own internationalisation.
                                                                    It strengthens their international academic influence and         The spread of global networks and knowledge systems is           internationalisation as the mere exchange of students
                                                                    contributes towards establishing expertise and structures         associated with growing uncertainty as well as increasing        and teaching staff and the participation in international
                                                                    in partner countries. The involvement of German university        opportunities, both for specific societies as well as for the    research projects. Instead, it will be essential that every
                                                                    teachers in projects abroad constitutes an important part         individual. However, the opportunities inherent in globali-      university – starting with its mission and profile – develops
                                                                    of their individual international qualifications and furthers     sation are essentially available only to those with qualified    a comprehensive internationalisation strategy that aims at
                                                                    their activities at their home institutions.                      knowledge and extensive competence. Therefore, the ed-           achieving the transnationality of the university as a whole.
                                                                                                                                      ucation system is key in enabling the individual as well as
                                                                    By implementing this strategy the Federal Government              society to strike a balance between the opportunities and        The two main responsibilities of the German Rectors’ Con-
                                                                    and the Länder are committing themselves to the further           risks of globalisation.                                          ference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz – HRK) – providing
                                                                    internationalisation of higher education in Germany and                                                                            operational support services and representing members’
                                                                    are at the same time appealing to the science and funding         In light of this background, universities (the term is used in   political interests – will be fulfilled by providing advice and
                                                                    organisations to continue their efforts to promote networks       the context of this document to include all institutions of      support to its member universities throughout the process of
                                                                    and exchanges.                                                    higher education) play a role as “agents of change”; yet at      internationalisation. To keep pace with the emergence of a
                                                                                                                                      the same time they themselves are influenced by economic         global system of higher education, it will also develop norms
                                                                    The Federal Government and the Länder intend to step up           and political developments. The ability of the national sys-     and standards that will help to ensure that German univer-
                                                                    their efforts to cooperate in the development of the Euro-        tems of higher education to react flexibly and competitively     sities have a realistic chance of securing a place in global
                                                                    pean Higher Education Area and the European Research              will determine whether they can effectively respond to           competition. The HRK will thus represent the interests of
                                                                    Area and to actively endorse these in relevant European           international developments without compromising qual-            German universities and provide them with services to sup-
                                                                    and international bodies – together with the higher edu-          ity of research and teaching. It is not sufficient to define     port the pursuit of their core internationalisation objectives.
                                                                    cation institutions and other stakeholders.

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1. Education toward Global Citizenship and                      and is coupled with increasing volatility. Globalisation is      3. Challenges of Globalisation for the                          4. Transnationality of the Modern University
        Research for Society as Responsibilities of                  therefore associated with vastly increased uncertainty, but         Universities                                                    as a Consequence of Globalisation
        the Universities                                             also with newly emerging opportunities, both for particular
                                                                     societies as well as for individuals.                            Developments in industry, the economy, politics, commu-         If the German system of higher education properly as-
     The education of the next generation of young people at                                                                          nications and information technology and their effects          similates the globalisation process and its implications,
     German universities aims not only to make them employ-          This development entails the need to manage uncertainty,         manifest themselves within the higher education system          bearing in mind the basic parameters that exist in Germany
     able but also to equip them to assume global citizenship.       more frequently restructure social conditions and person-        in the form of                                                  (demographic development, funding, “grand” tradition,
     Along with methodological reasoning and scientific logic,       al environments, and display greater flexibility. Rational                                                                       etc.), it will have to develop its self-identity in a globalised

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Strategic Framework
     research commits itself to a choice of topics that support      decision-making becomes increasingly difficult. Rapidly          • a high level of competition beyond national borders,          sense, and this should not only to so-called “Excellence
     the values of civil society and, following on from this, the    changing conditions mean that long-term decisions such                                                                           Universities”. A university that ignores the globalisation
     development of new knowledge for society. In this sense,        as starting a family, wanting children, as well as setting       • a higher degree of cultural diversity as a result of          processes and its associated challenges does not stand a
     the universities of the future are institutions in the world    career or educational goals carry substantial risk for the          educational migrants,                                        chance in the medium term, and possibly even in the short
     and for the world. This orientation of the universities of      individual. This, in turn, weakens relationships, the family,                                                                    term. This applies to the individual university as much as
     the future is a result of the challenges arising from glo-      and diminishes everyday well-being.                              • demographically linked conflicts between the older            to the German system of higher education as a whole.
     balisation, including in the area of academic teaching                                                                              and the younger generations over access to (academ-
     and research. The universities proactively address these        On the other hand, obvious opportunities provided by the            ic/scientific) educational resources,                        Due to market mechanisms a global system of higher
     challenges of globalisation by grasping emerging oppor-         globalisation process lie in increased productivity, higher                                                                      education will develop – largely uncontrolled and organ-
     tunities and simultaneously endeavouring to manage the          living standards – also beyond Western societies – and           • state difficulties in financing a higher education            ically – in the next few years. Allowing this process to
     risks associated with globalisation. These are, for example,    in improved employment conditions. Such opportunities               system with broader access, and                              happen unchecked may mean that the result is unlikely to
     the possibility that commercialisation of the tertiary sector   need to be effectively utilised. Admittedly, they are pri-                                                                       correspond to ethical and political conceptions within the
     may detrimentally affect those in the world who have so         marily available only to those with qualified knowledge          • user expectations of education in terms of employ-            tradition of European as well as German higher education.
     far been denied access to higher education.                     and extensive specialist and general competence, which              ability and professional training.                           For this reason, the internationalisation of German univer-
                                                                     leads to the risk of growing social injustice. With protec-                                                                      sities cannot be restricted simply to meeting harmonised
     2. Challenges of Globalisation for Society                      tions provided by family and the welfare state dwindling,        Accepting and mastering these challenges will be easy           teaching standards defined in a European context, ac-
                                                                     opportunities abound for those who are better able to            or difficult for different societies in different ways. A new   quiring research funding from Brussels, or expanding the
     Globalisation as a process that started in the economic and     cope with uncertainty as a result of their education. At         divide will open up between educationally poor and ed-          international exchange of students or academics within
     political arena has far-reaching implications, also for aca-    the same time career entrants, mothers returning to work         ucationally rich nations when – as expected – some 250          the limits of national or European schemes. It would be a
     demic teaching and research. Globalisation in the economic      and the poorly-trained, for example, tend to fall victim to      million students worldwide simultaneously surge into the        fundamental misunderstanding to envisage “internation-
     sector involves the internationalisation of markets with        such uncertainty.                                                tertiary sector.                                                alisation” in isolation as an – albeit important – element
     varying values, social standards, and rates of productivity.                                                                                                                                     within the scope of a strategy for higher education. What
     In the field of politics – as in economics – globalisation is   To strengthen the positive effects of globalisation and to                                                                       is crucial today is not internationality in such a superficial
     defined by growing competition accompanied by processes         avert the negatives, social systems employ institutional                                                                         sense, but rather the transnationality of every university
     of deregulation, privatisation and liberalisation. Due to       filters, such as the employment system, the social system                                                                        as a whole.
     increasing market interdependence, economic and political       and, within certain limits, also the family system. Particular
     decisions often trigger global effects (boom and bust). The     importance is attached to the education system, above all                                                                        Therefore any university must – in all the conceivable
     proliferation of global networks and knowledge systems          with regard to higher education. It is the key to enabling                                                                       aspects of its work and business – be aware that it is
     via new information media facilitates and accelerates the       the individual as well as society to create a balance be-                                                                        a creative part of a developing global system of higher
     globalisation process. This acceleration affects economic       tween the risks and opportunities of the globalisation                                                                           education and must act accordingly. It will be of utmost
     and social innovations as well as changes in market activity,   process.                                                                                                                         importance that German universities now not only define

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their place within a global system of higher education,         5. Tasks and General Conditions for German                        • New Forms of Learning: The great demand for infor-                 to open up new academic horizons and prepare young
     but that they themselves become active and contribute              Universities Against the Background of                           mation and teaching may result in high social selectivity          people for the associated challenges. Research also
     responsibly to the definition of this system.                      Opportunities and Risks of Globalisation                         that presents societies with the difficulty of not being           aims to support knowledge-based businesses, receiving,
                                                                                                                                         able to provide enough adequately trained staff for                in return, valuable ideas and suggestions.
     Internationalisation aims at the transnationality of the        Universities, in their capacity as the world’s “workshops           their future needs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            It will be essential to protect the autonomy of research-
     university. This is why a sustainable and forward-looking       of the future”, face a highly important responsibility in
                                                                                                                                         Therefore it will be essential to facilitate access to open        ers so that they are free in their choice of research topics
     university will define itself via its transnationality within   the interplay of opportunities and risks inherent in the
                                                                                                                                         sources of learning, in virtual formats, and via publicly          and methods. In return for this privilege, researchers
     the scope of the globalisation process.                         globalisation process. German universities will not be able

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Strategic Framework
                                                                                                                                         accessible courses and programmes (open educational                are obliged to make their knowledge appropriately
                                                                     to keep pace with international developments without:
                                                                                                                                         resources).                                                        available to society.
     Just as the profile and mission of each individual univer-
     sity differ in light of an increasingly diversified system      • Autonomy of Higher Education from Govern-                       • Consolidation of General Studies: The great em-                 Furthermore, the universities will have to respond to the
     of higher education, a university’s internationalisation           ment: To the extent that the state is withdrawing from
                                                                                                                                         phasis on the applicability of scientific/academic edu-         consequences of globalisation within teaching, learn-
     strategy is also customised and differentiated, embedded           its responsibility for the financing of the tertiary sector,
                                                                                                                                         cation and training may result in a negative impact on          ing and research. Meeting and mastering the upcoming
     in the institution’s mission statement. Based on a vision          it forfeits the right and opportunity to determine its
                                                                                                                                         general educational content, even affecting the higher          challenges that will face the national systems of higher
     of internationalisation agreed by all the universities, each       course.
                                                                                                                                         levels of secondary education. Political pressure exerted       education will be impossible without:
     university must develop its own internationalisation strate-
                                                                        It will be essential to establish forms of university gov-       on government may suggest neglecting the humanities
     gy that appropriately considers the specific features of the
     individual university as well as the regional and national
                                                                        ernance in a responsible manner that justifies auton-            and social sciences in favour of engineering and natural        • Differentiation within the System of Higher Ed-
                                                                        omy, ranging from curriculum design through to staff             sciences in terms of funding and thereby jeopardising              ucation: The globalisation process will inevitably lead
     context in which it is embedded.
                                                                        recruitment.                                                     the normative, cultural foundations and traditions of              to a high degree of diversity and variety in the types of
                                                                                                                                         societies.                                                         higher education institutions found worldwide.
     To achieve internationalisation within the scope of the
     globalisation process, German universities have at their
                                                                     • New Types of Funding: The unrestricted access of                  It will be essential that the universities themselves              It will not only be essential to enable quality assess-
                                                                        large numbers of students to higher education is not
     disposal an internationally tested and partially proven set                                                                         provide sustained support for these subjects.                      ment, but also to assign to those institutions not inter-
                                                                        easily managed, even by educationally rich countries.
     of instruments, a repertoire of measures to apply. It can                                                                                                                                              nationally active an important role within this system.
                                                                        It must be expected that in the medium term the public
     be taken as certain that in future the quality of German
                                                                        purse will only be able to provide partial funding of
                                                                                                                                       • Delivery of Cross-Disciplinary Competence: Stu-                    In particular, this will involve complying with regional
     and international universities will be assessed also with                                                                           dents expect a specialised qualitative education, but              values, interests and needs that will develop as part of
                                                                        higher education. This will inevitably lead to initiatives
     respect to achieving such standards of internationalisation.                                                                        moreover the delivery of key qualifications, such as               an inevitable regionalisation process.
                                                                        in the free market.
                                                                                                                                         innovative capability, entrepreneurial capacity and the
                                                                        One of the tasks will be to counteract “rampant priva-           ability to work in a team.                                      • Educational Standards in Higher Education:
                                                                        tisation” by means of exemplary public-private part-                                                                                The possibility of a rapidly expanding market within
                                                                                                                                         It will be essential that the universities not reject the de-
                                                                        nerships.                                                                                                                           the tertiary sector bears with it the substantial risk of
                                                                                                                                         livery of such skills as being “beneath them”, but rather
                                                                                                                                                                                                            non-transparent quality differences that the users of
                                                                                                                                         integrate it subject-specifically into their curricula; for
                                                                     • Entrepreneurial Universities: Chronic public under-               only the universities have the means to deliver these
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the system will become aware of too late or not at all.
                                                                        funding of higher education calls for new legal struc-
                                                                                                                                         skills in a qualitatively appropriate manner.                      It will be essential to establish a global system of quality
                                                                        tures and new entrepreneurial models for universities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            assurance that ensures educational standards are met
                                                                        It will be essential to harmonise the university’s aca-        • Freedom of Research as the Basis for the Modern                    at every level down to the actual classroom.
                                                                        demic role with its entrepreneurial governance.                  Knowledge Society: The knowledge society calls for
                                                                                                                                         a broad approach to basic research that alone is able

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• Comparability of Academic Qualifications: Mobil-                   It will be essential that in all these activities the interests   6. The Responsibility of the HRK with                              In line with the universities’ mission to educate and train
        ity expectations of consumers and university graduates            and goals of all participating universities are harmon-              Reference to the Globalisation of the                           students to be global citizens and to undertake research
        will exert substantial pressure on the national systems           ised to create a win-win situation.                                  System of Higher Education                                      for the continuing advancement of societies (cf. 1.), the
        of higher education to converge. The Europeanisation                                                                                                                                                   German Rectors’ Conference will fulfil its two tasks, namely
        of higher education, with its implied standardisation,          • Exporting Higher Education: The obligation to cre-                Acting on behalf of its member universities, the German            of representing the political interests of its members and
        will have to be followed very quickly by an analogous             ate access to higher education for as much of the world           Rectors’ Conference (HRK) is responsible for representing          of providing operational support services. As a global
        global process.                                                   as possible calls for new forms of provision worldwide.           its members’ interests and providing support services.             system of higher education emerges, as national concepts
                                                                          These include noncollaborative arrangements, branch               Within the scope of representing its members’ interests,           of higher education are developed, and in the provision of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Strategic Framework
        In this context, it will be essential that the European
                                                                          campuses, off-shore institutions, “flying faculty”, as well       the German Rectors’ Conference will pursue a strategy of           concrete support, the HRK will work to develop, establish,
        elements of the system of higher education as well as
                                                                          as collaborative arrangements extending from the rec-             targeted influence on the creation of a global system of           and implement norms and standards in such a way that a
        its transferable traditions are safeguarded within the
                                                                          ognition of external programmes without case-by-case              higher education wherever decisions are made (e.g. Ger-            global system of higher education offers its participating
        globalisation process.
                                                                          verification, via authorisation of externally-developed           man education policy, European education policy, partner           universities a fair chance, educates the next generation for
                                                                          degree programmes (franchising), through to twinning              organisations, pressure groups, etc.) and will thus provide        a socially just world, and at the same time acts competi-
     • Dealing with Uncertainty: The globalisation process,               (dual-degree) programmes.                                         its member universities with a realistic chance of securing a      tively and with a commitment to quality.
        with its risks and opportunities, calls for a fundamental
                                                                                                                                            place within this system, even in the medium term.
        change of attitude by (global) citizens towards their             It will be essential that such diverse forms of pro-
        educational processes.                                            grammes become accepted at German universities in
                                                                                                                                            German universities will be able to take their place in the
                                                                          addition to more traditional approaches.
        It will be essential to enable them to deal productive-                                                                             globalisation process only if they are strategically equipped
        ly with uncertainties and to derive from the changes                                                                                for this process. This includes the universities initiating such
        opportunities appropriate to their educational status.
                                                                        • Managing the Impact of Teaching, Learning and                     measures and establishing such structures that allow them
                                                                          Research in an Intercultural Context: The delivery
                                                                                                                                            to be successful in the coming competition. The German
                                                                          and exchange of knowledge must be adapted in line
     • Managing Issues of Educational Migration: De-                      with the growing interculturality within which they oc-
                                                                                                                                            Rectors’ Conference is developing and maintaining a set
        spite conditions allowing easier access to information                                                                              of such tools, providing the universities with a range of
                                                                          cur. Globalisation in the field of science requires greater
        and means of transport, a concentration of universities                                                                             advisory services and training courses, and compiling new
                                                                          flexibility when managing diverging expectations in
        in Western societies creates social selectivity on a global                                                                         strategies – where appropriate, in cooperation with other
                                                                          respect of the collaboration between students and/or
        scale.                                                                                                                              internationally active partner organisations.
                                                                          researchers at a university.
        It will be essential that established universities facilitate
                                                                          It will be essential to sensitise teachers and students to
        access to the education they offer, including in devel-
                                                                          intercultural differences with the aid of targeted further
        oping countries and emerging nations, by setting up
                                                                          education courses, and to create an awareness of the
        campuses abroad.
                                                                          fact that teaching, learning and research within an
                                                                          intercultural context demands a lot from all involved.
     • Assuming Responsibility in an International
        Context: By cooperating with foreign partner uni-
        versities, Germany’s higher education institutions
        strengthen these centres of research, education and
        the training of experts and leaders, thereby promoting
        development in other parts of the world.

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