Global Banking Practice

                 Building the AI bank
                         of the future
                                           May 2021

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Global Banking Practice

Building the AI bank of
the future
To thrive in the AI-powered digital age, banks will need an AI-and-analytics
capability stack that delivers intelligent, personalized solutions and
distinctive experiences at scale in real time.

May 2021
            4 AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the
              AI challenge?
                Artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly
                integral to the world we live in, and banks need
                to deploy these technologies at scale to remain
                relevant. Success requires a holistic transformation
                spanning multiple layers of the organization.

           18   Reimagining customer engagement for the
                AI bank of the future
                Banks can meet rising customer expectations by
                applying AI to offer intelligent propositions and smart
                servicing that can seamlessly embed in partner

           29 AI-powered decision making for the bank of
              the future
                Banks are already strengthening customer relationships
                and lowering costs by using artificial intelligence to
                guide customer engagement. Success requires that
                capability stacks include the right decisioning elements.

           41   Beyond digital transformations: Modernizing
                core technology for the AI bank of the future
                For artificial intelligence to deliver value across the
                organization, banks need core technology that is scalable,
                resilient, and adaptable. Building that requires changes in
                six key areas.

           52 Platform operating model for the AI bank of
              the future
                Technology alone cannot define a successful AI bank;
                the AI bank of the future also needs an operating
                model that brings together the right talent, culture, and
                organizational design.
        Banking is at a pivotal moment. Technology                             leaders recognize that the economies of scale
        disruption and consumer shifts are laying the basis                    afforded to organizations that efficiently deploy AI
        for a new S-curve for banking business models,                         technologies will compel incumbents to strengthen
        and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated                              customer engagement each day with distinctive
        these trends. Building upon this momentum,                             experiences and superior value propositions. This
        the advancement of artificial-intelligence (AI)                        value begins with intelligent, highly personalized
        technologies within financial services offers banks                    offers and extends to smart services, streamlined
        the potential to increase revenue at lower cost by                     omnichannel journeys, and seamless embedding
        engaging and serving customers in radically new                        of trusted bank functionality within partner
        ways, using a new business model we call “the AI                       ecosystems. From the customer’s point of view,
        bank of the future.” The articles collected here                       these are key features of an AI bank.
        outline key milestones on a path we believe can lead
        banks to deeper customer relationships, expanded
        market share, and stronger financial performance.                      The building blocks of an AI bank
                                                                               Our goal in this compendium is to give banking
        The opportunity for a new business model comes as                      leaders an end-to-end view of an AI bank’s full stack
        banks face daunting challenges on multiple fronts.                     capabilities and examine how these capabilities
        In capital markets, many banks trade at a 50 percent                   cut across four layers: engagement, AI-powered
        discount to book, and approximately three-quarters                     decision making, core technology and data
        of banks globally earn returns on equity that do not                   infrastructure, and a platform-based operating
        cover their cost of equity.¹ Traditional banks also                    model.
        face diverse competitive threats from neobanks and
        nonbank challengers. Leading financial institutions                    In our first article, “AI-bank of the future: Can banks
        are already leveraging AI for split-second loan                        meet the challenge?” we take a closer look at the
        approvals, biometric authentication, and virtual                       trends and challenges leading banks to take an
        assistants, to name just a few examples. Fintech                       AI-first approach as they define their core value
        and other digital-commerce innovators are steadily                     proposition. We continue by considering a day in the
        disintermediating banks from crucial aspects of                        life of a retail consumer and small-business owner
        customer relationships, and large tech companies                       transacting with an AI bank. Then we summarize the
        are incorporating payments and, in some cases,                         requirements for each layer of the AI-and-analytics
        lending capabilities to attract more users with                        capability stack.
        an ever-broader range of services. Further, as
        customers conduct a growing share of their daily                       The second article, “Reimagining customer
        transactions through digital channels, they are                        engagement for the AI bank of the future,” examines
        becoming accustomed to the ease, speed, and                            the capabilities that enable a bank to provide
        personalized service offered by digital natives, and                   customers with intelligent offers, personalized
        their expectations of banks are rising.                                solutions, and smart servicing within omnichannel
                                                                               journeys across bank-owned platforms and partner
     To compete and thrive in this challenging                                 ecosystems.
     environment, traditional banks will need to build a
     new value proposition founded upon leading-edge                           In our third article, “AI-powered decision making for
     AI-and-analytics capabilities. They must become                           the bank of the future,” we examine how machine-
    “AI first” in their strategy and operations. Many bank                     learning models can significantly enhance customer

        “A test of resilience: Banking through the crisis, and beyond,” Global Banking Annual Review, December 2020,

2       Building the AI bank of the future
experiences and bank productivity, and we outline         Once bank leaders have established their AI-first
the steps banks can follow to build the architecture      vision, they will need to chart a road map detailing
required to generate real-time analytical insights and    the discrete steps for modernizing enterprise
translate them into messages addressing precise           technology and streamlining the end-to-end stack.
customer needs.                                           Joint business-technology owners of customer-
                                                          facing solutions should assess the potential of
The fourth article, “Beyond digital transformations:      emerging technologies to meet precise customer
Modernizing core technology for the AI bank of            needs and prioritize technology initiatives with the
the future,” discusses the key elements required          greatest potential impact on customer experience
for the backbone of the capability stack, including       and value for the bank. We also recommend that
automated cloud provisioning and an API and               banks consider leveraging partnerships for non-
streaming architecture to enable continuous,              differentiating capabilities while devoting capital
secure data exchange between the centralized data         resources to in-house development of capabilities
infrastructure and the decisioning and engagement         that set the bank apart from the competition.

As we discuss in our final article, “Platform operating
model for the AI bank of the future,” deploying these     Building the AI bank of the future will allow
AI-and-analytics capabilities efficiently at scale        institutions to innovate faster, compete with digital
requires cross-functional business-technology             natives in building deeper customer relationships
platforms comprising agile teams and new                  at scale, and achieve sustainable increases in
technology talent.                                        profits and valuations in this new age. We hope
                                                          the following articles will help banks establish their
                                                          vision and craft a road map for the journey.
Starting the journey
To get started on the transformation, bank leaders
should formulate the organization’s strategic goals
for the AI-enabled digital age and evaluate how AI
technologies can support these goals.

                                                                        Renny Thomas

                                                                        Senior Partner
                                                                        McKinsey & Company

Building the AI bank of the future                                                                                 3
Global Banking & Securities

            AI bank of the future: Can
            banks meet the AI challenge?
             Artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly integral to the world we
             live in, and banks need to deploy these technologies at scale to remain
             relevant. Success requires a holistic transformation spanning multiple layers
             of the organization.

             by Suparna Biswas, Brant Carson, Violet Chung, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas

                                                                                                © Getty Images

September 2020
In 2016, AlphaGo, a machine, defeated 18-time                               3. What obstacles prevent banks from deploying
    world champion Lee Sedol at the game of                                        AI capabilities at scale?
    Go, a complex board game requiring intuition,
    imagination, and strategic thinking—abilities                               4. How can banks transform to become AI first?
    long considered distinctly human. Since then,
    artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have
    advanced even further,¹ and their transformative                            1. Why must banks become AI first?
    impact is increasingly evident across                                       Over several decades, banks have continually
    industries. AI-powered machines are tailoring                               adapted the latest technology innovations to
    recommendations of digital content to individual                            redefine how customers interact with them. Banks
    tastes and preferences, designing clothing                                  introduced ATMs in the 1960s and electronic,
    lines for fashion retailers, and even beginning to                          card-based payments in the ’70s. The 2000s saw
    surpass experienced doctors in detecting signs of                           broad adoption of 24/7 online banking, followed
    cancer. For global banking, McKinsey estimates                              by the spread of mobile-based “banking on the go”
    that AI technologies could potentially deliver up to                        in the 2010s.
    $1 trillion of additional value each year.²
                                                                                Few would disagree that we’re now in the
    Many banks, however, have struggled to move                                 AI-powered digital age, facilitated by falling costs
    from experimentation around select use cases to                             for data storage and processing, increasing
    scaling AI technologies across the organization.                            access and connectivity for all, and rapid
    Reasons include the lack of a clear strategy for AI,                        advances in AI technologies. These technologies
    an inflexible and investment-starved technology                             can lead to higher automation and, when deployed
    core, fragmented data assets, and outmoded                                  after controlling for risks, can often improve upon
    operating models that hamper collaboration                                  human decision making in terms of both speed
    between business and technology teams. What                                 and accuracy. The potential for value creation
    is more, several trends in digital engagement                               is one of the largest across industries, as AI can
    have accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic,                              potentially unlock $1 trillion of incremental value
    and big-tech companies are looking to enter                                 for banks, annually (Exhibit 1).
    financial services as the next adjacency. To
    compete successfully and thrive, incumbent                                  Across more than 25 use cases,³ AI technologies
    banks must become “AI-first” institutions,                                  can help boost revenues through increased
    adopting AI technologies as the foundation for                              personalization of services to customers (and
    new value propositions and distinctive customer                             employees); lower costs through efficiencies
    experiences.                                                                generated by higher automation, reduced errors
                                                                                rates, and better resource utilization; and uncover
    In this article, we propose answers to four                                 new and previously unrealized opportunities
    questions that can help leaders articulate a clear                          based on an improved ability to process and
    vision and develop a road map for becoming an                               generate insights from vast troves of data.
    AI-first bank:
                                                                                More broadly, disruptive AI technologies can
    1. Why must banks become AI first?                                          dramatically improve banks’ ability to achieve
                                                                                four key outcomes: higher profits, at-scale
    2. What might the AI bank of the future look like?                          personalization, distinctive omnichannel

      AI can be defined as the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions associated with human minds (e.g., perceiving, reasoning, learning, and
      problem solving). It includes various capabilities, such as machine learning, facial recognition, computer vision, smart robotics, virtual agents, and
      autonomous vehicles. See “Global AI Survey: AI proves its worth, but few scale impact,” November 2019,
      “The executive’s AI playbook,”
      For an interactive view, visit:

5   AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Exhibit 1
                              and analytics
                                and         forfor
                                    analytics   global banking
                                                   global      could
                                                          banking    reach
                                                                  could    as high
                                                                        reach  as as
$1 trillion.​
high as $1 trillion.

    Total potential annual value, $ billion

                                                                      1,022.4 (15.4% of sales)
     Traditional AI
                                                                                                                                          Advanced AI
     and analytics
                                                         660.9                                                    361.5

     % of value driven by advanced AI, by function
                                                                                                    Finance and IT: 8.0    Other operations: $2.4 B

                                                                                                      0.0          8.0           0.0       2.4

                                                                                     HR: 14.2

                                                                                   8.6              5.7
       Marketing and sales: 624.8                       Risk: 372.9
                363.8 261.1                          288.6        84.3

    Source: "The executive's AI playbook," (See "Banking," under "Value & Assess.")

 experiences, and rapid innovation cycles. Banks                                    As consumers increase their use of digital
 that fail to make AI central to their core strategy                                banking services, they grow to expect more,
 and operations—what we refer to as becoming                                        particularly when compared to the standards
“AI-first”—will risk being overtaken by competition                                 they are accustomed to from leading consumer-
 and deserted by their customers. This risk is                                      internet companies. Meanwhile, these digital
 further accentuated by four current trends:                                        experience leaders continuously raise the bar
                                                                                    on personalization, to the point where they
—        Rising customer expectations as adoption                                   sometimes anticipate customer needs before
         of digital banking increases. In the first few                             the customer is aware of them, and offer highly-
         months of the COVID-19 pandemic, use of                                    tailored services at the right time, through the
         online and mobile banking channels across                                  right channel.
         countries has increased by an estimated 20
         to 50 percent and is expected to continue at                         —     Leading financial institutions’ use of advanced
         this higher level once the pandemic subsides.                              AI technologies is steadily increasing. Nearly
         Across diverse global markets, between 15 and                              60 percent of financial-services sector
         45 percent of consumers expect to cut back                                 respondents in McKinsey’s Global AI Survey
         on branch visits following the end of the crisis.⁴                         report⁵ that their companies have embedded

    John Euart, Nuno Ferreira, Jonathan Gordon, Ajay Gupta, Atakan Hilal, Olivia White, “A global view of financial life during COVID-19—an update,”
    July 2020,
    Arif Cam, Michael Chui, Bryce Hall, “Global AI Survey: AI proves its worth, but few scale impact,” November 2019,

AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?                                                                                                 6
at least one AI capability. The most commonly                but also to book a cab, order food, schedule
                  used AI technologies are: robotic process                    a massage, play games, send money to a
                  automation (36 percent) for structured                       contact, and access a personal line of credit.
                  operational tasks; virtual assistants or                     Similarly, across countries, nonbanking
                  conversational interfaces (32 percent ) for                  businesses and “super apps” are embedding
                  customer service divisions; and machine                      financial services and products in their
                  learning techniques (25 percent) to detect                   journeys, delivering compelling experiences
                  fraud and support underwriting and risk                      for customers, and disrupting traditional
                  management. While for many financial services                methods for discovering banking products and
                  firms, the use of AI is episodic and focused on              services. As a result, banks will need to rethink
                  specific use cases, an increasing number of                  how they participate in digital ecosystems,
                  banking leaders are taking a comprehensive                   and use AI to harness the full power of data
                  approach to deploying advanced AI, and                       available from these new sources.
                  embedding it across the full lifecycle, from the
                  front- to the back-office (Exhibit 2).                  — Technology giants are entering financial
                                                                            services as the next adjacency to their
            —     Digital ecosystems are disintermediating                  core business models. Globally, leading
                  traditional financial services. By enabling               technology giants have built extraordinary
                  access to a diverse set of services through               market advantages: a large and engaged
                  a common access point, digital ecosystems                 customer network; troves of data, enabling a
                  have transformed the way consumers discover,              robust and increasingly precise understanding
                  evaluate, and purchase goods and services.                of individual customers; natural strengths
                  For example, WeChat users in China can use                in developing and scaling innovative
                  the same app not only to exchange messages,               technologies (including AI); and access to

    Exhibit 2 of 
    Banks are
    Banks  areexpanding
                                         technologies to improve
                                           technologies          customer
                                                          to improve customer
    experiences and
    experiences  andback-office

                Front office                                                                                Back office

    Smile-to-pay facial scanning          Micro-expression analysis     Biometrics (voice, video,    Machine learning to detect
       to initiate transaction             with virtual loan officers   print) to authenticate and        fraud patterns,
                                                                                 authorize             cybersecurity attacks

        Conversational bots for         Humanoid robots in branches Machine vision and natural-        Real-time transaction
        basic servicing requests           to serve customers       language processing to scan      analysis for risk monitoring
                                                                      and process documents

7            AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
low-cost capital. In the past, tech giants have           digital era, the AI-first bank will offer propositions
                 aggressively entered into adjacent businesses             and experiences that are intelligent (that
                 in search of new revenue streams and to                   is, recommending actions, anticipating and
                 keep customers engaged with a fresh stream                automating key decisions or tasks), personalized
                 of offerings. Big-tech players have already               (that is, relevant and timely, and based on a
                 gained a foothold in financial services in select         detailed understanding of customers’ past
                 domains (especially in payments and, in some              behavior and context), and truly omnichannel
                 cases, lending and insurance), and they may               (seamlessly spanning the physical and online
                 soon look to press their advantages to deepen             contexts across multiple devices, and delivering
                 their presence and build greater scale.                   a consistent experience) and that blend banking
                                                                           capabilities with relevant products and services
                                                                           beyond banking. Exhibit 3 illustrates how such a
             2. What might the AI bank of the                              bank could engage a retail customer throughout
             future look like?                                             the day. Exhibit 4 shows an example of the banking
             To meet customers’ rising expectations and                    experience of a small-business owner or the
             beat competitive threats in the AI-powered                    treasurer of a medium-size enterprise.

Exhibit 3
How AI
    AI transforms  banking
       transforms banking forfor a retail
                              a retail    customer.

                Name: Anya
                Age: 28 years
                Occupation: Working professional
                                                                                                                  Anya receives
                                                                       App offers money-                      integrated portfolio
                                                                       management and                           view and a set of
                          Anya uses smile-                             savings solutions,                       actions with the
    Seamless                  to-pay to              Analytics-         prioritizes card                           potential to
 integration with         initiate payment            backed               payments         overview of daily   augment   returns
nonbanking apps                                  personalized offers                           activities

    Bank app      Facial recognition Anya gets 2% off   Personalized      Anya receives      Savings and
recognizes Anya's  for frictionless      on health    money-management                    investment recom-
                                                                           end-of-day         mendations
spending patterns      payment           insurance        solutions      overview of her
  and suggests                       premiums based                      activities, with
 coffee at nearby                       on her gym                     augmented reality,
       cafes                           activity and                     and reminders to
                                       sleep habits                         pay bills

       Intelligent                      Personalized                   Omnichannel               Banking and beyond banking

            AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?                                                                  8
Exhibit 4
    How AI transforms banking for a small- or medium-size-enterprise customer. ​
    How AI transforms banking for a small- or medium-size-enterprise customer.

                  Name: Dany
                  Age: 36 years
                  Occupation: Treasurer of a small manufacturing unit

                             Dany answers
                          short questionnaire;
                          app scans his facial                                                              An AI-powered
                              movements                                                                      virtual adviser
                                                                       Dany is assisted
                            Firm is credited                           in sourcing and                     resolves queries
                            with funds after                             selecting the                        Dany seeks
        Customized             application            Seamless          right vendors        Beyond-      professional advice
     lending solutions          approval         inventory and receiv-   and partners     banking support on a lending offer
                                                  ables management                           services

    Bank is integrated Micro-expression         App suggests           SME platform to    Dany gets prefilled Serviced by an AI-
        with client   analysis to review loan items to reorder,        source suppliers   tax documents to powered virtual
         business         applications        gives visual reports       and buyers           review and           adviser
       management                               on receivables                            approve; files with
          systems                                management                                  a single click
      Dany gets loan                            Dany receives
      offer based on                              customized
    company projected                             solutions for
        cash flows                           invoice discounting,
                                                 factoring, etc.

            Intelligent                 Personalized                  Omnichannel              Banking and beyond banking

          Internally, the AI-first institution will be optimized          The AI-first bank of the future will also enjoy
          for operational efficiency through extreme                      the speed and agility that today characterize
          automation of manual tasks (a “zero-ops” mindset)               digital-native companies. It will innovate
          and the replacement or augmentation of human                    rapidly, launching new features in days or
          decisions by advanced diagnostic engines in                     weeks instead of months. It will collaborate
          diverse areas of bank operations. These gains                   extensively with partners to deliver new
          in operational performance will flow from broad                 value propositions integrated seamlessly
          application of traditional and leading-edge AI                  across journeys, technology platforms, and
          technologies, such as machine learning and                      data sets.
          facial recognition, to analyze large and complex
          reserves of customer data in (near) real time.

9         AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
cases. Without a centralized data backbone, it is
3. What obstacles prevent banks from
                                                                                practically impossible to analyze the relevant data
deploying AI capabilities at scale?
                                                                                and generate an intelligent recommendation or
Incumbent banks face two sets of objectives,
                                                                                offer at the right moment. If data constitute the
which on first glance appear to be at odds. On
                                                                                bank’s fundamental raw material, the data must be
the one hand, banks need to achieve the speed,
                                                                                governed and made available securely in a manner
agility, and flexibility innate to a fintech. On the
                                                                                that enables analysis of data from internal and
other, they must continue managing the scale,
                                                                                external sources at scale for millions of customers,
security standards, and regulatory requirements
                                                                                in (near) real time, at the “point of decision” across
of a traditional financial-services enterprise.
                                                                                the organization. Lastly, for various analytics and
                                                                                advanced-AI models to scale, organizations need
Despite billions of dollars spent on change-
                                                                                a robust set of tools and standardized processes
the-bank technology initiatives each year, few
                                                                                to build, test, deploy, and monitor models, in a
banks have succeeded in diffusing and scaling
                                                                                repeatable and “industrial” way.
AI technologies throughout the organization.
Among the obstacles hampering banks’ efforts,
                                                                                Banks’ traditional operating models further
the most common is the lack of a clear strategy
                                                                                impede their efforts to meet the need for
for AI.⁶ Two additional challenges for many
                                                                                continuous innovation. Most traditional banks
banks are, first, a weak core technology and data
                                                                                are organized around distinct business lines,
backbone and, second, an outmoded operating
                                                                                with centralized technology and analytics
model and talent strategy.
                                                                                teams structured as cost centers. Business
                                                                                owners define goals unilaterally, and alignment
Built for stability, banks’ core technology
                                                                                with the enterprise’s technology and analytics
systems have performed well, particularly in
                                                                                strategy (where it exists) is often weak or
supporting traditional payments and lending
                                                                                inadequate. Siloed working teams and “waterfall”
operations. However, banks must resolve
                                                                                implementation processes invariably lead
several weaknesses inherent to legacy systems
                                                                                to delays, cost overruns, and suboptimal
before they can deploy AI technologies at scale
                                                                                performance. Additionally, organizations lack
(Exhibit 5). First and foremost, these systems
                                                                                a test-and-learn mindset and robust feedback
often lack the capacity and flexibility required
                                                                                loops that promote rapid experimentation and
to support the variable computing requirements,
                                                                                iterative improvement. Often unsatisfied with the
data-processing needs, and real-time analysis
                                                                                performance of past projects and experiments,
that closed-loop AI applications require.⁷ Core
                                                                                business executives tend to rely on third-party
systems are also difficult to change, and their
                                                                                technology providers for critical functionalities,
maintenance requires significant resources.
                                                                                starving capabilities and talent that should ideally
What is more, many banks’ data reserves are
                                                                                be developed in-house to ensure competitive
fragmented across multiple silos (separate
business and technology teams), and analytics
efforts are focused narrowly on stand-alone use

    Michael Chui, Sankalp Malhotra, “AI adoption advances, but foundational barriers remain,” November 2018,
    “Closed loop” refers to the fact that the models’ intelligence is applied to incoming data in near real time, which in turn refines the content presented
    to the user in near real time.

AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?                                                                                                         10
Exhibit 5
     Investments        core   tech
                            tech areare  critical
                                     critical     to meet
                                              to meet      increasing
                                                      increasing      demands
                                                                 demands for  for
     scalability,  flexibility,and
                                and  speed.


                                                                 Data                 API1

                 Challenges                                               How cloud computing can help
                 Core/legacy systems can’t scale sufficiently             Enables higher scalability, resilience of services and
                 (eg, 150+ transactions/second)                           platforms through virtualization of infrastructure
                 Significant time, effort, and team sizes                 Reduces IT overhead, enables automation of several
                 required to maintain infrastructure                      infrastructure-management tasks, and allows development
                 Long time required to provision environments             teams to “self-serve”
                 for development and testing (eg, 40+ days in             Enables faster time to market; dramatically reduces time by
                 some cases)                                              providing managed services (e., setting up new environments
                                                                          in minutes vs days)

                 Challenges                                               How best-in-class data management can help
                 High error rates; poor refresh rates; lack of            Ensures high degree of accuracy and single source of truth
                 golden source of truth                                   in a cost-effective manner
                 Hard to access in a timely fashion for various           Enables timely and role-appropriate access for various use
                 use cases                                                cases (eg, regulatory, business intelligence at scale, advanced
                 Data trapped in silos across multiple units and          analytics and machine learning, exploratory)
                 hard to integrate with external sources                  Enables a 360-degree view across the organization to enable
                                                                          generation of deeper insights by decision-making algorithms
                                                                          and models

                 Challenges                                               How APIs can help
                 Longer time to market, limited reusability of            Promote reusability and accelerate development by enabling
                 code and software across internal teams                  access to granular services (internal and external)
                 Hard to partner or collaborate with external             Reduce complexity and enable faster collaboration with
                 partners; long time to integrate                         external partners
                 Suboptimal user experience—hard to stitch                Enhance customer experience by enabling timely access to
                 data and services across multiple functional             data and services across different teams; faster time to market
                 siloes for an integrated proposition                     due to limited coordination, cross-team testing
         Application programming interface.

11              AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
4. How can banks transform to                                        First, banks will need to move beyond highly
    become AI-first?                                                     standardized products to create integrated
    To overcome the challenges that limit                                propositions that target “jobs to be done.”⁸ This
    organization-wide deployment of AI                                   requires embedding personalization decisions
    technologies, banks must take a holistic                             (what to offer, when to offer, which channel
    approach. To become AI-first, banks must invest                      to offer) in the core customer journeys and
    in transforming capabilities across all four layers                  designing value propositions that go beyond the
    of the integrated capability stack (Exhibit 6): the                  core banking product and include intelligence
    engagement layer, the AI-powered decisioning                         that automates decisions and activities on
    layer, the core technology and data layer, and the                   behalf of the customer. Further, banks should
    operating model.                                                     strive to integrate relevant non-banking
                                                                         products and services that, together with the
    As we will explain, when these interdependent                        core banking product, comprehensively address
    layers work in unison, they enable a bank to                         the customer end need. An illustration of the
    provide customers with distinctive omnichannel                      “jobs-to-be-done” approach can be seen in the
    experiences, support at-scale personalization,                       way fintech Tally helps customers grapple with
    and drive the rapid innovation cycles critical                       the challenge of managing multiple credit cards.
    to remaining competitive in today’s world.                           The fintech’s customers can solve several pain
    Each layer has a unique role to play—under-                          points—including decisions about which card to
    investment in a single layer creates a weak link                     pay first (tailored to the forecast of their monthly
    that can cripple the entire enterprise.                              income and expenses), when to pay, and how
                                                                         much to pay (minimum balance versus retiring
    The following paragraphs explore some of the                         principal)—a complex set of tasks that are often
    changes banks will need to undertake in each                         not done well by customers themselves.
    layer of this capability stack.
                                                                        The second necessary shift is to embed
    Layer 1: Reimagining the customer                                   customer journeys seamlessly in partner
    engagement layer                                                    ecosystems and platforms, so that banks
    Increasingly, customers expect their bank to be                     engage customers at the point of end use and
    present in their end-use journeys, know their                       in the process take advantage of partners’
    context and needs no matter where they interact                     data and channel platform to increase higher
    with the bank, and to enable a frictionless                         engagement and usage. ICICI Bank in India
    experience. Numerous banking activities                             embedded basic banking services on WhatsApp
    (e.g., payments, certain types of lending) are                      (a popular messaging platform in India) and
    becoming invisible, as journeys often begin and                     scaled up to one million users within three
    end on interfaces beyond the bank’s proprietary                     months of launch.⁹ In a world where consumers
    platforms. For the bank to be ubiquitous in                         and businesses rely increasingly on digital
    customers’ lives, solving latent and emerging                       ecosystems, banks should decide on the
    needs while delivering intuitive omnichannel                        posture they would like to adopt across multiple
    experiences, banks will need to reimagine how                       ecosystems—that is, to build, orchestrate, or
    they engage with customers and undertake                            partner—and adapt the capabilities of their
    several key shifts.                                                 engagement layer accordingly.

  Clayton M. Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon and David S. Duncan, “Know your customers ‘jobs to be done,” Harvard Business Review,
  September 2016,
  “ICICI Bank crosses 1 million users on WhatsApp platform,” Live Mint, July 7, 2020,

AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?                                                                                    12
Exhibit 6
         becomeanan AI-first institution,
                      AI-first            a bank
                               institution,      must
                                             a bank   streamline
                                                    must         its capability
                                                          streamline            stack stack
                                                                       its capability for
     value creation.​
      for value creation.

                                                                           AI bank of the future
                                                                      Personalization    Omnichannel           Speed and
                                                                         at scale         experience           innovation

                             Intelligent products,         Within-bank channels and Beyond-bank channels
      Reimagined              tools, experiences            journeys (eg, web, apps,      and journeys (eg,                 Smart service and
      engagement               for customers and             mobile, smart devices,     ecosystems, partners,                 operations
                                   employees              branches, Internet of Things)     distributors)
                                         1                                 2                              3                            4
                                                                                  Digital marketing

                                                                                                                  Retention        Servicing
                             Advanced           Customer                   Credit          Monitoring
                                                                                                                  and cross-         and
                             analytics          acquisition               decision             and
                                                                                                                    selling,      engagement
      AI-powered                                                          making           collections
                                                   Natural-     Voice-
                              7                                                Virtual                Facial                                Behav-
                                                  language                                                        Block-
                                                                script         agents, Computer      recog-                 Robotics         ioral
                             AI capabilities      process-     analysis                  vision                   chain
                                                                                bots                  nition                               analytics

                                                                     A. Tech-forward strategy (in-house build of differential capabilities
                                                                                 vs buying offerings; in-house talent plan)

      Core                    8                                 B. Data          C. Modern     D. Intelligent        E. Hollow-    F. Cyber-
                                                                manage-          API archi-    infrastructure        ing the       security
      technology             Core technology
                                                                ment for         tecture       (AI operations        core (core    and
      and data               and data
                                                                AI world                       command,              moderniza-    control
                                                                                               hybrid cloud          tion)         tiers
                                                                                               setup, etc)

                                                                                   A. Autonomous business + tech teams
      Operating              Platform operating                  B. Agile way        C. Remote          D. Modern talent       E. Culture and
      model                  model                               of working          collaboration      strategy (hiring,      capabilities

                                                                                  10 Value capture

13         AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Third, banks will need to redesign overall                          and stronger risk management (e.g., earlier
     customer experiences and specific journeys for                      detection of likelihood of default and
     omnichannel interaction. This involves allowing                     fraudulent activities).
     customers to move across multiple modes (e.g.,
     web, mobile app, branch, call center, smart                         To establish a robust AI-powered decision
     devices) seamlessly within a single journey                         layer, banks will need to shift from attempting
     and retaining and continuously updating the                         to develop specific use cases and point
     latest context of interaction. Leading consumer                     solutions to an enterprise-wide road map for
     internet companies with offline-to-online                           deploying advanced-analytics (AA)/machine-
     business models have reshaped customer                              learning (ML) models across entire business
     expectations on this dimension. Some banks                          domains. As an illustration, in the domain of
     are pushing ahead in the design of omnichannel                      unsecured consumer lending alone, more
     journeys, but most will need to catch up.                           than 20 decisions across the life cycle can be
                                                                         automated.11 To enable at-scale development
     Reimagining the engagement layer of the                             of decision models, banks need to make the
     AI bank will require a clear strategy on how                        development process repeatable and thus
     to engage customers through channels                                capable of delivering solutions effectively and
     owned by non-bank partners. Banks will                              on-time. In addition to strong collaboration
     need to adopt a design-thinking lens as they                        between business teams and analytics
     build experiences within and beyond the                             talent, this requires robust tools for model
     bank’s platform, engineering engagement                             development, efficient processes (e.g., for
     interfaces for flexibility to enable tailoring and                  re-using code across projects), and diffusion
     personalization for customers, reengineering                        of knowledge (e.g., repositories) across teams.
     back-end processes, and ensuring that data-                         Beyond the at-scale development of decision
     capture funnels (e.g., clickstream) are granularly                  models across domains, the road map should
     embedded in the bank’s engagement layer. All                        also include plans to embed AI in business-
     of this aims to provide a granular understanding                    as-usual process. Often underestimated,
     of journeys and enable continuous                                   this effort requires rewiring the business
     improvement.10                                                      processes in which these AA/AI models will be
                                                                         embedded; making AI decisioning “explainable”
     Layer 2: Building the AI-powered decision-                          to end-users; and a change-management plan
     making layer                                                        that addresses employee mindset shifts and
     Delivering personalized messages and                                skills gaps. To foster continuous improvement
     decisions to millions of users and thousands                        beyond the first deployment, banks also
     of employees, in (near) real time across the full                   need to establish infrastructure (e.g., data
     spectrum of engagement channels, will require                       measurement) and processes (e.g., periodic
     the bank to develop an at-scale AI-powered                          reviews of performance, risk management of AI
     decision-making layer. Across domains within                        models) for feedback loops to flourish.
     the bank, AI techniques can either fully replace
     or augment human judgment to produce                                Additionally, banks will need to augment
     significantly better outcomes (e.g., higher                         homegrown AI models, with fast-evolving
     accuracy and speed), enhanced experience                            capabilities (e.g., natural-language processing,
     for customers (e.g., more personalized                              computer-vision techniques, AI agents
     interaction and offerings), actionable insights                     and bots, augmented or virtual reality) in
     for employees (e.g., which customer to contact                      their core business processes. Many of
     first with next-best-action recommendations),                       these leading-edge capabilities have the

  Jennifer Kilian, Hugo Sarrazin, and Hyo Yeon, “Building a design-driven culture,” September 2015,
  Renny Thomas, Vinayak HV, Raphael Bick, and Shwaitang Singh, “Ten lessons for building a winning retail and small-business digital lending
 franchise,” November 2019,

AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?                                                                                        14
potential to bring a paradigm shift in customer           technology backbone, starved of the investments
     experience and/or operational efficiency. While           needed for modernization, can dramatically
     many banks may lack both the talent and the               reduce the effectiveness of the decision-making
     requisite investment appetite to develop these            and engagement layers.
     technologies themselves, they need at minimum
     to be able to procure and integrate these                 The core-technology-and-data layer has six key
     emerging capabilities from specialist providers           elements (Exhibit 7):
     at rapid speed through an architecture enabled
     by an application programming interface (API),            — Tech-forward strategy. Banks should have
     promote continuous experimentation with these               a unified technology strategy that is tightly
     technologies in sandbox environments to test and            aligned to business strategy and outlines
     refine applications and evaluate potential risks,           strategic choices on which elements, skill
     and subsequently decide which technologies to               sets, and talent the bank will keep in-house
     deploy at scale.                                            and those it will source through partnerships
                                                                 or vendor relationships. In addition, the
     To deliver these decisions and capabilities and to          tech strategy needs to articulate how each
     engage customers across the full life cycle, from           component of the target architecture will both
     acquisition to upsell and cross-sell to retention           support the bank’s vision to be an AI-first
     and win-back, banks will need to establish                  institution and interact with each layer of the
     enterprise-wide digital marketing machinery. This           capability stack.
     machinery is critical for translating decisions and
     insights generated in the decision-making layer           —   Data management for the AI-enabled world.
     into a set of coordinated interventions delivered             The bank’s data management must ensure
     through the bank’s engagement layer. This                     data liquidity—that is, the ability to access,
     machinery has several critical elements, which                ingest, and manipulate the data that serve as
     include:                                                      the foundation for all insights and decisions
                                                                   generated in the decision-making layer.
     —   Data-ingestion pipelines that capture a range             Data liquidity increases with the removal of
         of data from multiple sources both within the             functional silos and allows multiple divisions
         bank (e.g., clickstream data from apps) and               to operate off the same data, with increased
         beyond (e.g., third-party partnerships with               coordination. The data value chain begins with
         telco providers)                                          seamless sourcing of data from all relevant
                                                                   internal systems and external platforms. This
     —   Data platforms that aggregate, develop, and               includes ingesting data into a lake, cleaning
         maintain a 360-degree view of customers and               and labeling the data required for diverse use
         enable AA/ML models to run and execute in                 cases (e.g., regulatory reporting, business
         near real time                                            intelligence at scale, AA/ML diagnostics),
                                                                   segregating incoming data (from both existing
     —   Campaign platforms that track past actions                and prospective customers) to be made
         and coordinate forward-looking interventions              available for immediate analysis from data to
         across the range of channels in the                       be cleaned and labeled for future analysis.
         engagement layer                                          Furthermore, as banks design and build their
                                                                   centralized data-management infrastructure,
     Layer 3: Strengthening the core technology and                they should develop additional controls and
     data infrastructure                                           monitoring tools to ensure data security,
     Deploying AI capabilities across the organization             privacy, and regulatory compliance—for
     requires a scalable, resilient, and adaptable set             example, timely and role-appropriate access
     of core-technology components. A weak core-                   across the organization for various use cases.

15   AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Exhibit 7
The core-technology-and-data
    core-technology-and-data layer layer accommodates
                                    accommodates increasingincreasing    use of the
                                                             use of the cloud
cloud and reduction
and reduction of legacyof legacy technology.

    Capabilities                                Our perspective

                                                Build differentiating capabilities in-house by augmenting the internal skill base;
    Tech-forward strategy                       carefully weigh options to buy, build, or compose modular architecture through
                                                best-of-breed solutions

                                                Upgrade data management and underlying architecture to support machine-learning
    Data management for AI world
                                                use cases at scale by leveraging cloud, streaming data, and real-time analytics

                                                Leverage modern cloud-native tooling to enable a scalable API platform supporting
    Modern API1 architecture                    complex orchestrations while creating experience-enhancing integrations across
                                                the ecosystem
                                                Implement infrastructure as code across on-premises and cloud environments;
    Intelligent infrastructure                  increase platform resiliency by adopting AIOps to support deep diagnostics, auto-
                                                recoverability, and auto-scale
                                                Distribute transaction processing across the enterprise stack; selectively identify
    Hollowing the core                          components that can be externalized to drive broader reuse, standardization, and
                                    Implement robust cybersecurity in the hybrid infrastructure; secure data and
    Cybersecurity and control tiers applications through zero-trust design principles and centralized command-and-
                                    control centers

    Application programming interface.

              —     Modern API architecture. APIs are the                                 —     Intelligent infrastructure. As companies
                    connective tissue enabling controlled access                                in diverse industries increase the share of
                    to services, products, and data, both within                                workload handled on public and private
                    the bank and beyond. Within the bank, APIs                                  cloud infrastructure, there is ample evidence
                    reduce the need for silos, increase reusability                             that cloud-based platforms allow for the
                    of technology assets, and promote flexibility                               higher scalability and resilience crucial to an
                    in the technology architecture. Beyond the                                  AI-first strategy.13 Additionally, cloud-based
                    bank, APIs accelerate the ability to partner                                infrastructure reduces costs for IT maintenance
                    externally, unlock new business opportunities,                              and enables self-serve models for development
                    and enhance customer experiences. While                                     teams, which enable rapid innovation cycles by
                    APIs can unlock significant value, it is critical to                        providing managed services (e.g., setting up new
                    start by defining where they are to be used and                             environments in minutes instead of days).
                    establish centralized governance to support
                    their development and curation.¹2

              ¹2 Renny Thomas, Vinayak HV, Raphael Bick, and Shwaitang Singh, “Ten lessons for building a winning retail and small-business digital lending
                franchise,” November 2019,
              ¹3 Arul Elumalai and Roger Roberts, “Unlocking business acceleration in a hybrid cloud world,” August 2019,

                AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?                                                                                       16
Layer 4: Transitioning to the platform operating
     The AI-first bank of the future will need a new                    The journey to becoming an AI-first bank entails
     operating model for the organization, so it can                    transforming capabilities across all four layers
     achieve the requisite agility and speed and                        of the capability stack. Ignoring challenges or
     unleash value across the other layers. While                       underinvesting in any layer will ripple through all,
     most banks are transitioning their technology                      resulting in a sub-optimal stack that is incapable
     platforms and assets to become more modular                        of delivering enterprise goals.
     and flexible, working teams within the bank
     continue to operate in functional silos under                      A practical way to get started is to evaluate
     suboptimal collaboration models and often lack                     how the bank’s strategic goals (e.g., growth,
     alignment of goals and priorities.                                 profitability, customer engagement, innovation)
                                                                        can be materially enabled by the range of AI
     The platform operating model envisions cross-                      technologies—and dovetailing AI goals with the
     functional business-and-technology teams                           strategic goals of the bank. Once this alignment
     organized as a series of platforms within the bank.                is in place, bank leaders should conduct a
     Each platform team controls their own assets                       comprehensive diagnostic of the bank’s starting
     (e.g., technology solutions, data, infrastructure),                position across the four layers, to identify areas
     budgets, key performance indicators, and                           that need key shifts, additional investments
     talent. In return, the team delivers a family of                   and new talent. They can then translate these
     products or services either to end customers of                    insights into a transformation roadmap that spans
     the bank or to other platforms within the bank.                    business, technology, and analytics teams.
     In the target state, the bank could end up with
     three archetypes of platform teams. Business                       Equally important is the design of an execution
     platforms are customer- or partner-facing teams                    approach that is tailored to the organization. To
     dedicated to achieving business outcomes in                        ensure sustainability of change, we recommend
     areas such as consumer lending, corporate                          a two-track approach that balances short-term
     lending, and transaction banking. Enterprise                       projects that deliver business value every quarter
     platforms deliver specialized capabilities and/                    with an iterative build of long-term institutional
     or shared services to establish standardization                    capabilities. Furthermore, depending on their
     throughout the organization in areas such as                       market position, size, and aspirations, banks need
     collections, payment utilities, human resources,                   not build all capabilities themselves. They might
     and finance. And enabling platforms enable the                     elect to keep differentiating core capabilities
     enterprise and business platforms to deliver                       in-house and acquire non-differentiating
     cross-cutting technical functionalities such as                    capabilities from technology vendors and
     cybersecurity and cloud architecture.                              partners, including AI specialists.

     By integrating business and technology in                          For many banks, ensuring adoption of AI
     jointly owned platforms run by cross-functional                    technologies across the enterprise is no longer
     teams, banks can break up organizational silos,                    a choice, but a strategic imperative. Envisioning
     increasing agility and speed and improving the                     and building the bank’s capabilities holistically
     alignment of goals and priorities across the                       across the four layers will be critical to success.

     Suparna Biswas is a partner, Shwaitang Singh is an associate partner, and Renny Thomas is a senior partner, all in McKinsey’s
     Mumbai office. Brant Carson is a partner in the Sydney office, and Violet Chung is a partner in the Hong Kong office.

     The authors would like to thank Milan Mitra, Anushi Shah, Arihant Kothari, and Yihong Wu for their contributions to this article.

17   AI bank of the future: Can banks meet the AI challenge?
Global Banking & Securities

               Reimagining customer
               engagement for the AI bank
               of the future
               Banks can meet rising customer expectations by applying AI to offer
               intelligent propositions and smart servicing that can seamlessly embed
               in partner ecosystems.

               by Violet Chung, Malcolm Gomes, Sailee Rane, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas

                                                                                                © Getty Images

October 2020
From instantaneous translation to                              The value of reimagined customer
      conversational interfaces, artificial-intelligence             engagement
      (AI) technologies are making ever more evident                 In recent years, many financial institutions
      impacts on our lives. This is particularly true in             have devoted significant capital to digital-and-
      the financial-services sector, where challengers               analytics transformations, aiming to improve
      are already launching disruptive AI-powered                    customer journeys across mobile and web
      innovations. To remain competitive, incumbent                  channels. Despite these big investments, most
      banks must become “AI first” in vision and                     banks still lag well behind consumer-tech
      execution, and as discussed in the previous                    companies in their efforts to engage customers
      article, this means transforming the full                      with superior service and experiences.
      capability stack, including the engagement layer,              The prevailing models for bank customer
      AI-powered decision making, core technology                    acquisition and service delivery are beset by
      and data infrastructure, and operating model.                  missed cues: incumbents often fail to recognize
      If fully integrated, these capabilities can                    and decipher the signals customers leave
      strengthen engagement significantly, supporting                behind in their digital journeys.
      customers’ financial activities across diverse
      online and physical contexts with intelligent,                 Across sectors, however, leaders in delivering
      highly personalized solutions delivered through                positive experiences are not just making
      an interface that is intuitive, seamless, and fast.            their journeys easy to access and use but
      These are the baseline expectations for an                     also personalizing core journeys to match
      AI bank.                                                       an individual’s present context, direction of
                                                                     movement, and aspiration.
      In this article, we examine how banks can take
      an AI-first approach to reimagining customer                   Creating a superior experience can generate
      engagement. We focus on three elements with                    significant value. A McKinsey survey of US
      potential to give the bank a decisive competitive              retail banking customers found that at the
      edge:                                                          banks with the highest degree of reported
                                                                     customer satisfaction, deposits grew 84
      1. The value of re-imagined customer                           percent faster than at the banks with the lowest
      engagement: By reimagining customer                            satisfaction ratings (Exhibit 1).
      engagement, banks can unlock new value
      through better efficiency, expanded market                     Superior experiences are not only a proven
      access, and greater customer lifetime value.                   foundation for growth but also a crucial means
                                                                     of countering threats from new attackers. In
      2. Key elements of the re-imagined engagement                  particular, three trends make it imperative for
      layer: The combination of intelligent propositions,            banks to improve customer engagement:
      seamless embedding within partner ecosystems,
      and smart servicing and experiences underpins                  1. Rising customer expectations. Accustomed
      an overall experience that sets the AI bank apart              to the service standards set by consumer
      from traditional incumbents.                                   internet companies, today’s customers
                                                                     have come to expect the same degree of
      3. Integrated supporting capabilities: As banks                consistency, convenience, and personalization
      rethink and rebuild their engagement capabilities,             from their financial-services institutions. For
      they need to leverage critical enablers, each                  example, Netflix has been able to raise the
      of which cuts across all four layers of the                    bar in customer experience by doing well
      capability stack.                                              on three crucial attributes: consistency of

19   Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
Exhibit 1
US retail banks with high customer satisfaction typically grow deposits faster.
US retail banks with high customer satisfaction typically grow deposits faster.
    Real differences in customer satisfaction1                                   Leaders in customer satisfaction grow faster
    CSAT2 (Percent of customers rating 9 or 10)                                  Deposit CAGR (2014-17)



                                                                                                      Top                 Bottom
                                                              -26 pp                                quartile              quartile
                                                                                                     CSAT                  CSAT
 Percentage of respondents that selected a 9 or 10 on a 10-point customer satisfaction scale. Question: “We would like to understand your experience with
 [product] with (Bank). Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with [product] with [Bank]?” Banks were ranked based on average satisfaction scores
 and then divided into quartiles.
2Customer satisfaction score.
 Source: McKinsey 2018 Retail Banking Customer Experience Benchmark Survey

experience across channels (mobile app, laptop,                           providing access to financial products within their
TV), convenient access to a vast reserve of                               nonbanking ecosystems. Messaging app WeChat
content with a single click, and recommendations                          allows users in China to make a payment within
finely tailored to each profile within a single                           the chat window. Google has partnered with eight
account. Improving websites and online portals                            US banks to offer cobranded accounts that will be
for a seamless experience is one of the top three                         mobile first and focus on creating an intuitive user
areas where customers desire support from                                 experience and new ways to manage money with
banks.¹ Innovation leaders are already executing                          financial insights and budgeting tools.²
transactions and loan approvals and resolving
service inquiries in near real time.                                      Beyond access, nonbank innovators are also
                                                                          disintermediating parts of the value chain that
2. Disintermediation. Nonbank providers are                               were once considered core capabilities of financial
disintermediating banks from the most valuable                            institutions, including underwriting. Indian agtech
services, leaving less profitable links in the value                      company Cropin uses advanced analytics and
chain to traditional banks. Big-tech companies are                        machine learning to analyze historical data on

 John Euart, Nuno Ferreira, Jonathan Gordon, Ajay Gupta, Atakan Hilal, and Olivia White, “Financial life during the COVID-19 pandemic—an update,”
  July 2020,
  “Google to offer co-branded cards with 8 US banks” August 3, 2020,

Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future                                                                                                20
crop performance, weather patterns, land usage,                           If reimagined customer engagement is properly
          and more to develop underwriting models that                              aligned with the other layers of the AI-and-
          predict a customer’s creditworthiness much more                           analytics capability stack, it can strengthen
          accurately than traditional risk models.                                  a bank’s competitive position and financial
                                                                                    performance by increasing efficiency, access
          3. Increasingly human-like formats.                                       and scale, and customer lifetime value (Exhibit 2).
          Conversational interfaces are becoming the
          new standard for customer engagement. With
          approximately one third of adult Americans                                Key elements of the AI-first
          owning a smart speaker,³ voice commands are                               engagement layer
          gaining traction, and adoption of both voice and                          For banks, successfully integrating core
          video interfaces will likely expand as in-person                          personalization elements across the range
          interactions continue to decline. Several banks                           of touchpoints with customers will be critical
          have already launched voice-activated assistants,                         to deliver a superior experience and better
          including Bank of America with Erica and ICICI                            outcomes. The reimagined engagement layer
          bank in India with iPal.                                                  should provide the AI bank with a deeper and

         Bret Kinsella, “Nearly 90 million U.S. adults have smart speakers, adoption now exceeds one-third of consumers,” April 28, 2020,

         Exhibit 2
         With an AI-first
                 AI-first approach
                          approach totocustomer
                                        customerengagement, banks
                                                   engagement,    have
                                                               banks   the the
         opportunity  to reap gains in crucial areas.
         opportunity to reap gains in crucial areas.

                                                            Access to newer, previously untapped
                                                            customer segments
                                                            Higher speed to reach critical scale

                                                                    Increased access
                                                                        and scale

            Reduced cost of acquisition
                                                                            Key                                    Stronger activation and usage of
            (more cross-sell, partner                                      metrics                                 existing products
            platform-led growth)                                          impacted        Higher                   Higher engagement (eg, monthly
            Lower cost to serve (less or                   Higher                        customer                  usage), satisfaction (eg, NPS,1
            “zero” operations)                           efficiency                   lifetime value               lower TAT2) and reduced churn
            Lower risk (better data, early                                                                         Higher cross-sell of new products
            warnings, proactive nudging)

           Net promoter score.
         2Turn around time.
           Source: McKinsey analysis

21        Reimagining customer engagement for the AI bank of the future
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