BUILDING A FUTURE READY IOWA - Bet h Townsend, Direct or February 16, 2021
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ROD A. ROBERTS JOE CORTESE II Com m ission er Com m ission er Division of Labor Workers’ Com pensation APPOINTED BY GOV. APPOINTED BY BRANSTAD GOV. REYNOLDS Confirmed by Iowa Senate Confirmed by Iowa Senate April 2015 April 2019 RYAN WEST JON PEPPETTI Depu t y Dir ect or Chief of Staff JOINED IWD IN JOINED IWD IN JUNE 2009 M AY 2019
M ICHAEL WITT CHRISTINA STEEN Division Adm in ist r at or Division Adm in ist r at or Am erican Job Centers - Unem ploym ent IowaWORKS Insurance & Labor Market Inform ation BRENDA BOTEN NEIL SHAH Division Adm in ist r at or Ch ief In f or m at ion Of f icer Adm inistrative Services Division Adm in ist r at or Inform ation Technology
M ICHELLE M CNERTNEY SCOTT PERKINS Division Adm in ist r at or Bu r eau Ch ief Workforce Services Unem ploym ent Insurance DAVID STEEN Gen er al Cou n sel Su per visor Legislative Liaison
• “ St at e Un em ploym en t Agen cies Cou ld Tak e M on t h s To Adapt To WH Pr oposal, M em os Sh ow ” – Nat ion al Pu blic Radio, Ju ly 25, 2020 • “ Un der f u n ded, u n der st af f ed an d u n der siege: Im pact of Un em ploym en t of f ices n at ion w ide ar e st r u gglin g t o Pan dem ic on • do t h eir jobs” – Wash in gt on Post , Apr il 6, 2020 “ Th e ‘black h ole’ of u n em ploym en t ben ef it s: Six St at e m on t h s in t o t h e pan dem ic, som e ar e st ill w ait in g f or aid” – CNBC, Sept em ber 27, 2020 Wor k f or ce • “ Cor on avir u s in Texas: St at e agen cy st r u ggles w it h Agen cies delu ge of n ew ly jobless” – St at esm en , M ar ch 25, 2020 • 'Too sw eet of a pie': Cyber cr im in als st eal $8B in Covid r elief f u n ds: St at es' syst em s ar e over bu r den ed an d an t iqu at ed an d h ave been u n able t o st op m u ch of t h e f r au d.” – Polit ico, Oct ober 12, 2020
• “ Washingt on’s unem ploym ent f r aud m ay have hit $650 m illion; st at e r ecover s $333 m illion” – Seat t le Tim es, June 4, 2020 Im pact of • “ Calif or nia Em ploym ent Depar t m ent adm it s paying Pan dem ic on as m uch as $31 billion in unem ploym ent f unds t o cr im inals” – ABC Channel 7 New s, Januar y 25, 2021 St at e • “ AUDIT: M ichigan m ay have paid out $1.5 billion in Wor k f or ce f r audulent unem ploym ent claim s; dir ect or r epor t edly said it w as not a " high pr ior it y“ ” – Fox Agen cies New s 17, Novem ber 25, 2020 • “ Consult ant est im at es Kansas lost $700 m illion in unem ploym ent f r aud” – KWCH New s, Febr uar y 5, 2021
IWD Respon se = All Han ds on Deck Portion of Full-Time Employees supporting the Unemployment Insurance Division FOR COMPARISON, IN “NORMAL” TIMES: 139 FTEs directly in support of UI Division (2018) 145 FTEs directly in support Em ployees of UI Division (2019) 25% of entire FTE staff 74% 79% 79% 78% 74% 74% 74% 73% 73% 73% 73% NOW: average num ber of FTEs 476 directly in support of UI Division (March 2020-January 2021) 75% of entire FTE staff (on average) ADDITIONALLY: IWD hired 204 tem p em ployees (88 rem ain) 3x the percentage of FTE staff of previous years 6 other state agencies “loaned” a total of 59 em ployees
Over t im e . . . M or e Th an 20 Year s of Wor k Total Employees and Overtime Hours Worked per Pay Period: March 6, 2020 – January 7, 2021 Pay Per iod Apr il 17-30 = 17,400 OT Hours by 436 Em ployees (average 40 hours per em ployee) 179,584 Total OT Hours Overtim e Hours Em ployees 8,163 Average Number of OT Hours (worked per pay period) 19/ 22 M ar ch 6-19 August 7-20 Decem ber 25 - Januar y 7 Pay Periods Included Pay Period Over 5,000 OT Hours
Cu st om er Calls . . . Un pr eceden t ed Volu m e 2020 Call Intake versus 2019 Call Intake Apr il 2020 = 519,126 total calls presented 1,587,636 Total Calls in 2020 Total Calls 76.7% Overall Answer Rate in 2020 Januar y 2019 = highest volum e of calls presented in CY 2019 at 36,591 269,778 Total Calls in 2019 Total Calls 94.1% Overall Answer Rate in 2019
Websit e Tr af f ic . . . Pr ovidin g Cu st om er s Updat es an d Keepin g Iow an s In f or m ed PERIOD USERS SESSIONS PAGEVIEWS CY2019 931,692 2,642,835 5,453,657 CY2020 4,330,105 14,019,700 31,242,250 ● Session = every time a customer accesses the IWD website ● Pageview = number of views of an IWD webpage by a customer during a session
M an agin g t h e Flow of In f or m at ion Th r ou gh Pr oact ive Com m u n icat ion s ● New IWD Webpages = 9 ● Press releases (March 2020 - Feb. 4, 2021) = 79 ● CARES Act and UI Webinars = 19 ○ Over 210,000 combined views on IWD's YouTube Page ● Translations = CARES Act information translated into 9 additional languages (45 pages total)
Implementing Eight New Federal Unemployment Programs in 10 Months Iowa has consistently been among the first states in the nation to implement and issue payments under each new program INITIAL USDOL FIRST PAYM ENTS PROGRAM GUIDANCE ISSUED 12 DAYS OR LESS FPUC 4/4/20 4/16/20 To implement FPUC, PUA, and FPUC2 PEUC 4/10/20 5/28/20 Extended Benefits 5/14/20 7/21/20 PUA 4/5/20 4/16/20 Lost Wage Assistance 8/12/20 9/4/20 FPUC 2 ($300) 1/5/21 1/16/21 PEUC 2 1/4/21 2/16/21 PUA 2 1/8/21 TBD
Regu lar UI Claim s Pr ocessed CY 2020 versus CY 2019 June 2020 = 723,839 Total Regular Claim s Processed 4.2 m illion Regular Claims Total Regular Claim s Processed in CY 2020 Febr uar y 2019 = 2019’s highest m onth of total COM PARED TO: regular claim s at 127,991 1.0 m illion Regular Claims Processed in CY 2019
Tot al Claim s Pr ocessed CY 2020 versus CY 2019 June 2020 = 891,88 Total Claim s Processed 5.5 m illion Total Claims Total Claim s Processed in CY 2020 Febr uar y 2019 = 2019’s highest m onth of total COM PARED TO: claim s at 127,991 1.0 m illion Total Claims Processed in CY 2019
Reducing Impact of Pandemic Through Timely, Correct Payments to Iowans BENEFITS PAID CY 2020 CY 2019 Regular UI Claims $1.3 Billion $381.8 Million Total benefits paid Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) $170.1 Million $0 Federal Pandemic Unemployment $1.5 Billion $0 Compensation (FPUC) Pandemic Emergency Unemployment $183.6 Million $0 Compensation (PEUC) State Extended Benefits $17.7 Million $0 Sub Tot al $3.1 Billion $381.8 M illion Lost Wage Assistance $156.9 Million $0 All Claim s $3.3 Billion $381.8 M illion $2.9 Billion Total benefits paid Difference 2020 to 2019
Ou t r each . . . New St r at egies f or Job Seek er s M obile Opt ion s f or Job Seek er s ○ Over 15 very successful drive-thru job fairs to date ○ Launched the mobile application to reach job seekers Vir t u al Job Clu b ○ Launched a weekly virtual job club in October for participants in the RESEA program and have now expanded that to all job seekers Vir t u al Tr ain in g Wor k sh ops ○ Recorded over 20 training workshops that had been given in-person at the American Job Centers
Oppor t u n it ies Th r ou gh New Cor on avir u s Relief Fu n d Gr an t s FUNDS NUM BER IOWANS PROGRAM EXPENDED OF GRANTS ASSISTED OVER $16 M IL (as of Feb. 3, 2021) (if all grants are successful) in funds expended Employer Innovation $4.304 Million 63 Over 6,000 Fund Grant Awards 177 Registered grants awarded Apprenticeship $6.168 Million 69 Over 1,000 Incentive Grant Awards 8,800 Earn and Learn Grant estimated Iowans $5.83 Million 45 Approximately 1,800 Awards assisted Implemented with federal CARES Act funding between September - December 2020
Dir ect Car e Tr ain in g In clu din g CNA Pr ogr am s ● Includes CRF funds and the EIF fund: ○ $2,839,157 awarded to programs that include CNA certification ○ 803 estimated CNA slots ○ 9 new CNA Registered Apprenticeship Programs
RECEIPT OF UI TAXES TOTAL EM PLOYERS WITH A PAYM ENT PERIOD TOTAL PAYM ENTS PAYM ENT TOTALS CY2019 50,079 158,981 $420,964,420.44 CY2020 48,934 154,034 $416,450,129.16 ● Payment amounts received did not drop significantly from a “normal” year to the pandemic year ● Iowa remains stable from a UI tax collections perspective
STATE TAX WITHHOLDINGS PERIOD BENEFITS PAID PAYM ENT TOTALS % of BENEFITS CY2019 $381.8 Million $12,339,241 3.23% CY2020 $3.3 Billion $119,401,354 3.62%
FY20 Bu dget by Fu n din g Sou r ce 83.06% Federal 16.94% State Note - Federal funding does not include Federal Pandemic Assistance
2020 Special Con t in gen cy Fu n d Expen dit u r es Budget Appr opr iat ion s Field Of f ices $1,766,084 Expen dit u r es Un em ploym en t ^ $120,660 Wor k er s Com pen sat ion * $226,307 IWD Adm in ist r at ion ~ $294,691 Labor M ar k et In f or m at ion ~ $66,313 In f or m at ion Tech n ology~ $0 In f r ast r u ct u r e~ $89,562 Fu t u r e Ready Iow a* $76,992 Hom e Base Iow a* $103,483 Total Appropriations/ Expenditures *Th e p rogra m is n ot fe d e ra lly fu n d e d . $2,744,092 ~Th e work b e in g p e rform e d is n o t a n e ligib le e xp e n d itu re to b e ch a rge d to a fe d e ra l gra n t. ^ Dolla rs from th e P&I fu n d m u st b e sp e n t o n u n e m p lo ym e n t a ctivitie s e a ch ye a r to ke e p fro m re ve rtin g a ll co lle ction s b a ck to th e Fe d e ra l Go ve rn m e n t.
2021 Special Con t in gen cy Fu n d Expen dit u r es - Pr oject ed Budget Appr opr iat ion s Field Of f ices $1,766,084 Expen dit u r es Un em ploym en t ^ $127,594 Wor k er s Com pen sat ion * $0 IWD Adm in ist r at ion ~ $406,698 Labor M ar k et In f or m at ion ~ $110,483 In f or m at ion Tech n ology~ $75,000 In f r ast r u ct u r e~ $86,282 Fu t u r e Ready Iow a* $62,583 Hom e Base Iow a* $320,227 Field Of f ice Relocat ion + $0 Total Appropriations/ Expenditures *Th e p rogra m is n ot fe d e ra lly fu n d e d . $2,954,951 ~Th e work b e in g p e rform e d is n o t a n e ligib le e xp e n d itu re to b e ch a rge d to a fe d e ra l gra n t. + Th e re is a sh ortfa ll in sta te /fe d e ra l fu n d in g fo r wo rk b e in g p e rfo rm e d . ^ Dolla rs from th e P&I fu n d m u st b e sp e n t o n u n e m p lo ym e n t a ctivitie s e a ch ye a r to ke e p fro m re ve rtin g a ll co lle ction s b a ck to th e Fe d e ra l Go ve rn m e n t.
Governor’s Recommendations FY2022 Wor k er s’ Com pen sat ion $3,321,044 Labor $3,491,252 Field Oper at ion s $6,675,650 Of f en der Re-En t r y $387,158 M isclassif icat ion $379,631 Su m m er You t h Pilot Pr ogr am $250,000 To ta l Ge n e ra l Fu n d Hom e Base Iow a $250,000 Ap p ro p ria tio n : Em ployer In n ovat ion Fu n d $4,200,000 $19,183,557 I3 St at e Accou n t in g Syst em $228,822
UNEMPLOYMENT Compensation Fund $1,252,449,000 $1,174,967,593 $1,099,789,593 $1,005,772,052 $993,538,383 $949,551,933.84 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 *Numbers based on Calendar Year
UNEMPLOYMENT Tr u st Fu n d - 2020 by M on t h 2020 Daily UI Trust Fund Available for Benefits June 30, 2020: Januar y 1, 2020 = $1.246 b illion $490 m illio n CARES Act d e p o sit Januar y 1 t o June 25 = -$523.9 m illio n $1.2 bil Ja n u a ry 1 $723.4 m il Ju n e 25 + $490 m il o n Ju n e 30 to : $1.2 bil $993.5 m il De ce m b e r 31
SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT Secu r it y Con t in gen cy Fu n d $3,780,588 $2,646,526 $2,608,132 $2,287,329 $2,105,241 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Numbers based on State Fiscal Year
NASWA 2021 State of the Workforce Report Released February 10, 2021 Dedication We dedicate this report to a group of unsung heroes who have worked diligently through the pandemic: state workforce agency staff. They are the boots on the ground, partners in the community, and innovators striving to assist every unemployed worker. They endeavor daily to strengthen their state’s workforce and struggling economy. In spite of the many obstacles they face - the stress of the pandemic, an inability to quickly respond to requests because of dramatic increases in workload, as well as personal threats and attacks from the very communities they serve - these workforce agency staff continue in their dedication to public service. We applaud and owe a debt of gratitude to these men and women.
M eet ou r Team
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