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Review Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 Received: December 16, 2020 Accepted: May 19, 2021 DOI: 10.1159/000517400 Published online: July 30, 2021 Breathlessness and COVID-19: A Call for Research Lisa Hentsch a Sara Cocetta b Gilles Allali c, d Isabelle Santana e Rowena Eason f Emily Adam g Jean-Paul Janssens h aDivision of Palliative Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland; bIndependent Researcher, Udine, Italy; cDivision of Neurology, Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; dDivision of Cognitive and Motor Aging, Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, USA; eFederal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil; fPhyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care, Surrey, UK; gIndependent Researcher, London, UK; hDivision of Pulmonary Diseases, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland Keywords Introduction Coronavirus disease 19 · Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 · Breathlessness · Dyspnoea · Neuroinvasion Breathlessness, also known as dyspnoea, is a common and distressing symptom. It has been defined as a subjec- tive experience of breathing discomfort, consisting of Abstract qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity [1]. Breathlessness, also known as dyspnoea, is a debilitating and Many different conditions, such as lung disease, chronic frequent symptom. Several reports have highlighted the heart failure, and neurodegenerative diseases, cause sim- lack of dyspnoea in a subgroup of patients suffering from ilar subjective sensations. It has therefore been hypothe- COVID-19, sometimes referred to as “silent” or “happy hyp sized that there may be a common central nervous system oxaemia.” Reports have also mentioned the absence of a pathway involved in the perception of dyspnoea, irre- clear relationship between the clinical severity of the disease spective of the underlying cause [1]. and levels of breathlessness reported by patients. The cere- At the end of 2019, a new respiratory infection, coro- bral complications of COVID-19 have been largely demon- navirus disease 19 (COVID-19), caused by a novel coro- strated with a high prevalence of an acute encephalopathy navirus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- that could possibly affect the processing of afferent signals rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was first reported in Wuhan, China. or top-down modulation of breathlessness signals. In this re- Although the prevalence of severe disease was high, the view, we aim to highlight the mechanisms involved in prevalence of dyspnoea in COVID-19 patients was rela- breathlessness and summarize the pathophysiology of CO- tively low, compared to other coronaviruses such as the VID-19 and its known effects on the brain-lung interaction. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV (SARS- We then offer hypotheses for the alteration of breathless- CoV) or the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)- ness perception in COVID-19 patients and suggest ways of CoV (MERS-CoV) [2]. Levels of dyspnoea appear to vary further researching this phenomenon. © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel significantly amongst patients suffering from COVID-19 © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Lisa Hentsch, lisa.hentsch @
ranging from 18.6 to 59% [3, 4]. In a systematic review eral structures such as the altered perception of muscle and meta-analysis, Rodriguez-Morales et al. [5] found an effort, decreased thoracic compliance, or altered input overall dyspnoea prevalence of 45.6% (95% CI: 10.9– from mechanoreceptors from the respiratory tract and 80.4%). More recently, Li et al. [6] conducted a system- chest wall [14]. It has also been hypothesized that by di- atic review that included the data of 1,994 patients. The rectly affecting the vagal nerve, SARS-CoV-2 impedes overall percentage of patients experiencing dyspnoea was mechanical and chemical receptors on that nerve, gener- 21.9%. Some of the variation in dyspnoea prevalence ally responsible for the exacerbation of dyspnoea [15, 16]. within and between studies can be explained by differ- In this review, we summarize the current evidence on ences in how it was investigated and documented. It may the mechanisms involved in the modulation of breath- also be related to the setting. In a prospective study look- lessness in patients with COVID-19. We then offer hy- ing at the clinical course of hospitalized patients with CO- potheses on the possible causes of diminished breathless- VID-19, Huang et al. [7] found a prevalence of breathless- ness perception in these patients and suggest further areas ness as high as 92% amongst patients hospitalized in in- for research in order to improve knowledge not only of tensive care units versus 37% in patients in non-intensive COVID-19 but also of the mechanisms underlying care units. Many of the studies included in systematic re- breathlessness more generally. views are retrospective and reported symptoms on ad- mission extracted retrospectively from patients’ medical records [8, 9]. How, when, and by whom dyspnoea was Mechanisms of Breathlessness Perception evaluated is unclear and will be discussed further. Despite dyspnoea being significantly associated with a In comparison with symptoms such as pain, the patho- higher mortality in adults with COVID-19 (OR = 4.34, physiological mechanisms of breathlessness are less well 95% CI: [2.68–7.05], p < 0.001, I2 = 69.2%, p < 0.001, ran- understood [17]. They involve the activation of receptors dom-effects model) [10], it is not always correlated with in the chest wall, lung parenchyma, and airways, as well the severity of the disease. Indeed, Guan et al. [3] found a as the stimulation of the respiratory centre in the brain level of dyspnoea as low as 18.6% in a retrospective data stem by peripheral and central chemoreceptors [1]. analysis of 1,099 patients, despite 86% having abnormal Dyspnoea, like pain, is a subjectively experienced CT scans and low PaO2/FiO2 ratios. Other case studies symptom, making measurement of severity challenging. have shown that the so-called “silent hypoxaemia” was Pain and dyspnoea are both processed in part by the lim- observed even in patients with elevated PaCO2 which, bic system [18]. These symptoms alert the body to threat- combined with a low PaO2, should induce dyspnoea. In- ening conditions and the potential loss of homeostasis, deed, as will be discussed below, respiratory centres are motivating the subject to seek help and engage in adaptive extremely sensitive to increases in CO2, which will rap- behaviours [19]. However, individuals commonly experi- idly increase minute ventilation and generally cause re- ence pain in early life and are therefore able to recognize spiratory discomfort [11]. This has been observed in pa- and describe it, while breathlessness is a symptom expe- tients with and without comorbidities [11]. rienced less often, and the lack of previous exposure Why certain patients present with “silent” or “happy might make its recognition more difficult [19]. hypoxaemia” is still unclear at this stage. Certain groups The experience of dyspnoea involves sensory and af- of patients, notably the elderly and patients suffering fective dimensions [17]. The severity (sensory intensity) from diabetes, may be more at risk for reasons that will be and unpleasantness (affective intensity) of dyspnoea are discussed further. To this day, no patient characteristics processed in different areas of the brain [17]. The sever- or comorbidities have been clearly associated with an al- ity of dyspnoea involves the lateral thalamic system and teration in breathlessness perception in COVID-19. Li et primary sensory cortex [20]. The unpleasantness of dys- al. [12] have suggested that the neuroinvasive potential of pnoea involves activation of the limbic system, the right SARS-CoV-2 may be responsible for the variation in anterior insula, and the amygdala [20]. breathlessness perception due to its effect on the brain- In the lungs and lower respiratory tract, unmyelinated stem and the medullary cardiorespiratory centre of in- C-fibres and small-diameter myelinated Aδ-fibres trans- fected patients. Others have suggested that the lack of mit mechanical and chemical signals to the nucleus of the breathlessness is due to effects on the cortical rather than tractus solitarius in the brain stem, through the afferent sub-cortical structures [13]. Diminished breathlessness vagal nerves. These fibres activate only when triggered by perception could also be due to the alteration of periph- noxious stimuli and are therefore considered as being no- Breathlessness and COVID-19: A Call for Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 1017 Research DOI: 10.1159/000517400
ciceptive [21]. After having converged at the nucleus of of getting infected, loss of job, financial problems, and the tractus solitarius, these fibres are relayed to the brain, caregiver’s burden, could become important issues in pa- more specifically to the somatosensory cortex and other tients suffering from post-COVID breathlessness. regions of the brain involved in the interpretation of these signals, generating a perception of breathlessness [21]. Carbon dioxide levels are essentially monitored cen- Contributors to Breathlessness Perception trally by medullary chemoreceptors, but peripheral che- moreceptors are also involved. On the other hand, blood There is evidence that the elderly tend to report lower oxygen levels are monitored peripherally by chemorecep- levels of dyspnoea [27]. As well as bringing about physi- tors located in aortic and carotid bodies. These periph- ological changes to sensory organs, such as those involved eral signals are transmitted by the glossopharyngeal and in hearing and smell, ageing also affects peripheral struc- vagal nerve to the nucleus of the tractus solitarius where tures. For example, changes to peripheral receptors in the they are relayed to higher brain structures [21]. carotid bodies have been likened to a physiological dener- These stimuli appear to be perceived and interpreted vation that appears with age [32]. Peripheral perception differently depending on a person’s past experiences, of hypercapnia, response to hypoxia, and perception of emotions, and beliefs, irrespective of their objective respi- added restrictive or elastic loads have been shown to be ratory status [22–24]. Indeed, the perception of dyspnoea reduced in healthy elderly subjects [27, 33, 34]. can vary significantly amongst individuals [25, 26]. Psychological factors also play a role in breathlessness A person’s individual behaviour is driven by his/her perception and reporting amongst the elderly. For exam- affective response to the symptom, and in some cases, this ple, the so-called “positive effect” has been described as can induce an underperception of dyspnoea with conse- the tendency of elderly individuals to withdraw attention quent failure to recognize the severity of the disease [27]. from a negative situation and focus on positive informa- Higher reporting of dyspnoea often corresponds with tion to maintain wellbeing [27]. Fear of hospitalization higher levels of anxiety, as well as resulting in more fre- and loneliness may also contribute, as well as low levels of quent hospital admissions [25, 26]. social support [27]. Sensory and affective dimensions of breathlessness Diabetes is a frequent comorbidity amongst patients have different neuronal pathways. Information for affec- affected by COVID-19 [35–37] and is linked to an in- tive aspects of breathlessness follows the limbic pathway, creased risk of severe disease, intensive care admission, travelling from vagal afferents in the lungs and airways to and mortality [38]. Reasons for increased severity of dis- the brainstem and medulla and then projecting to the ease amongst diabetic patients are related to several fac- amygdala and medial dorsal areas of the thalamus, ending tors including impairment of the immune response, re- in the insula and cingulate cortices. Hypercapnia is a duced viral clearance, predisposition to hyperinflamma- strong stimulus for activation of the limbic pathway, in- tion, increased release of cytokines, and presence of creasing the affective dimension of dyspnoea [28]. concomitant cardiovascular disease [39, 40]. Affective dimensions of breathlessness could have a As well as affecting cardiovascular and renal function, strong influence in subjective ratings of the sensation of diabetes also results in damage to lung tissue, although breathlessness, leading to overperception of the symptom this is not fully understood [41]. The mechanisms in- [29]. Negative emotions have a major impact on breath- volved in lung dysfunction include glycosylation of lung lessness perception, while positive emotions reduce the tissue proteins secondary to hyperglycaemia, oxidative intensity of perception of breathlessness [30]. stress, changes in connective tissue, impairment of the Behavioural consequences of breathlessness have an surfactant, and damage to alveoli capillaries and other impact on an individual’s daily activities, affecting psy- pulmonary vessels [41]. These mechanisms act to impair chological wellbeing and social life [31]. Avoiding exer- lung function and pulmonary diffusion capacity. Thick- cise to reduce dyspnoea starts a vicious cycle, potentially ening of the lung basal lamina, noted in autopsies of dia- leading to a deterioration in general performance status betic patients, is likely to contribute to reduced pulmo- and dependency on care, as well as social isolation, re- nary diffusion, while vascular damage will bring about duced self-esteem, and anxiety. Episodes of sudden endothelial dysfunction [42]. Reduction in mucociliary breathlessness can be perceived as a near-death experi- clearance also increases vulnerability to infections [41]. ence, leaving patients with posttraumatic stress symp- Lung function in diabetic patients also suffers as a result toms [31]. Social limitation, such as limited activity, fear of autonomic neuropathy, which can lead to an impaired 1018 Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 Hentsch/Cocetta/Allali/Santana/Eason/ DOI: 10.1159/000517400 Adam/Janssens
response to hypoxaemia [41]. This may result in delayed Thrombosis and Microclots reporting of dyspnoea. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 is Thrombosis and microclots are responsible for an in- likely to exacerbate established diabetic mechanisms of crease in ventilation/perfusion mismatch and physiolog- inflammation and vascular damage, contributing to the ical dead space (VD), that is, normally ventilated but higher levels of adverse outcomes seen in diabetic pa- poorly perfused zones. Redistribution of perfusion to the tients. unaffected vascular bed decreases the ratio of air reaching the alveoli per minute to cardiac output (VA/Q) and leads to hypoxaemia. If the impact on the vascular bed is im- Pathophysiology of COVID-19 portant and the ratio of dead space on tidal volume is high (VD/VT), this can per se limit the elimination of CO2 and Radiological findings on CT scans of patients with cause hypercapnia. COVID-19 include pneumonia and ground glass opaci- There is evidence that infection with SARS-CoV-2 ties, as a result of systemic and localized inflammation causes activation of the coagulation cascade and subse- [43]. Older patients demonstrate a worse clinical picture quent endothelial damage, resulting in a prothrombotic due, in part, to increased prevalence of comorbidities state [47, 52, 53]. This has been widely observed in pa- such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardio-cerebrovascu- tients with COVID-19 [47, 54, 55], with coagulation acti- lar disease [5]. Mortality rates have been reported as 8.3% vation and endothelial dysfunction recognized as predic- in those aged over 50 years and 18.8% in those over 80 tors of worse outcome and death [54, 56, 57]. years [44]. Cardio-cerebrovascular disease and diabetes Similar prothrombotic responses were observed in in particular are important predictors of adverse out- other coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-1 and MERS- comes [45]. CoV [57, 58]. These responses may be an attempt to pre- There are three main potential mechanisms by which vent diffuse alveolar haemorrhage, yet they act to worsen SARS-CoV-2 could modulate breathlessness: inflamma- respiratory failure through the extensive formation and tion in the alveoli and lung tissue, thrombosis and associ- deposition of fibrin [57, 58]. Multiple thrombi in pulmo- ated microclots, and neuroinvasion. nary vessels can impair perfusion by increasing the func- tional dead space in the alveoli [50]. Inflammation in the Alveoli and Lung Tissue Inflammation in the alveoli and lung tissue is respon- Neuroinvasion sible for impaired gas diffusion capacity and intrapulmo- As with other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 has a neu- nary shunting, causing hypoxaemia with normo- or hypo- roinvasive potential and has been identified in brain tis- capnia [46]. Autopsy findings of patients with confirmed sue in post-mortem studies [59–63]. One proposed path- COVID-19 have identified diffuse alveolar damage with way through which SARS-CoV-2 can reach the brain in- severe capillary congestion, oedema, and alveolar haem- volves entry via the nasal epithelium and subsequently orrhage [47]. Other findings include pneumocyte necro- the peripheral nervous pathway via cranial nerves [15, 64, sis, formation of hyaline membranes, and platelet-fibrin 65]. thrombi [48]. Inflammation and oedema caused by SARS- A second and likely simultaneous mechanism by CoV-2 increases the distance between the alveoli and cap- which the virus enters the brain is by first entering the illaries [47]. This may contribute to impaired diffusion, bloodstream or lymph system via the cellular receptor an- whereby carbon dioxide continues to diffuse because of its giotensin-converting enzyme 2 located in vessels inside higher diffusion coefficient, but oxygen diffusion is re- the airway mucosa [12, 66] and then passing to the central duced [49, 50]. Furthermore, as a consequence of pulmo- nervous system through the blood-brain barrier [66]. nary oedema and the subsequent reduction in alveolar air Entry via cranial nerve I (olfactory) is supported by space, intrapulmonary shunting occurs due to persistence evidence of similar neural invasion in other coronavirus- of arterial perfusion in non-aerated lung tissue [46]. Hyp es and by reports of olfactory symptoms early in the dis- oxaemia, detected by the peripheral chemoreceptors in ease trajectory of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 [64]. the aortic bodies, increases the drive in ventilation, induc- Many patients with COVID-19 have reported anosmia ing hypocapnia [49]. Patients affected by mild to moder- and dysgeusia [67], which may also result from invasion ate COVID-19 have an appropriate increase in ventilatory of cranial nerves VII (facial), IX (glossopharyngeal), and drive in response to hypoxaemia, maintaining normal to X (vagus). On the other hand, these three nerves carry low levels of carbon dioxide [3, 7, 51]. information to the nucleus of the solitary tract in the me- Breathlessness and COVID-19: A Call for Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 1019 Research DOI: 10.1159/000517400
dulla of the brainstem. The nucleus of the solitary tract is The strength of the impact of the cognitive component located proximally to respiratory centres in the brain- on breathlessness perception in any individual is likely to stem. Impairment of these nervous pathways due to vary between different subgroups of patients. Patients SARS-CoV-2 infection may alter the function of the re- with COVID-19 present a variety of respiratory pheno- spiratory centres in the medulla and result in neurogenic types, including decreased oxygen saturations, tachy- breathlessness [12, 64]. pnoea, and a wide range of intrapulmonary pathologies, Among the neurological complications of COVID-19, which do not appear to be correlated closely with the delirium and altered consciousness are common [68–71]. presence or absence of breathlessness [80–82]. Indeed, as It is estimated that up to one-third of patients with CO- observed in clinical practice, subgroups of patients with VID-19 will develop delirium, with a greater risk in the severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may have a intensive care population and increased mortality, espe- very low level of dyspnoea despite very severe desatura- cially in older adults [69–74]. The aetiology of delirium in tion during exertion or even resting hypoxaemia. This is the context of COVID-19 is multifactorial due to the se- also noted in patients with right-to-left anatomic shunts verity of the illness, metabolic changes (hypoxaemia, de- (i.e., Eisenmenger syndrome). Furthermore, the clinical hydration, and fever), use of sedative medications, social spectrum of neurological symptoms of COVID-19 pa- isolation, and hospital environment with staff wearing tients is broad, ranging from the absence of any cognitive personal protective equipment. Neuroinvasion should be symptoms to coma. considered as a relevant contributing factor [70, 75]. Fur- We propose that the perception of breathlessness in thermore, an unusual acute encephalopathy has been de- patients with COVID-19 may be altered by damage to scribed in COVID-19 patients [76–78]. The clinical pre- neural processing of breathlessness perception in the sentation of this encephalopathy is heterogeneous from brain, which may in itself be similar to the cortical modu- subdelirium to coma and may even precede the onset of lation of the perception of pain. As the sensory and affec- respiratory symptoms [77]. The pathophysiological tive aspects of breathlessness are mediated by the sensory mechanism of this encephalopathy remains to be deter- and limbic and insular cortices, respectively, it follows mined: although some cases of true encephalitis have that the neural processing of breathlessness involves been described in the context of COVID-19 [79], the crosstalk between these two areas. We propose that corti- presence of the virus has not been demonstrated by RT- cal processing and modulation of breathlessness percep- PCR in this encephalopathy, and the normality of the ce- tion could be changed by SARS-CoV-2 via three different rebrospinal fluid white cell count suggests a mechanism mechanisms: independent from the direct presence of the virus [76]. 1. SARS-CoV-2 could interrupt afferent sensory signal- Biological features suggestive of a blood-brain barrier dis- ling pathways, rendering the cortical structures re- ruption in addition to neurological signs in favour of an sponsible for processing the sensory aspects of breath- intracerebral endotheliitis may suggest an inflammatory lessness unable to receive afferent inputs from the mechanism for this acute encephalopathy [78]. However, brainstem. It may also be possible that direct damage this remains a hypothesis at this stage. from the virus to mechano- or irritant receptors in the respiratory tract and/or the chest wall prevents affer- ent signals from reaching the brainstem and then be- Hypotheses for the Neurological Alteration of ing relayed to higher brain structures. Breathlessness Perception in COVID-19 Patients 2. SARS-CoV-2 could interfere with the ability of cortical structures to recognize or process afferent sensory Perception of breathlessness in all disease states, in- breathlessness signals from the brainstem. This could cluding COVID-19, is multifactorial. However, the pre- happen either directly by the effect of SARS-CoV-2 on cise sensory and neural mechanisms involved in the per- nerve fibres or indirectly, through inflammatory acute ception of breathlessness, and an individual’s response to encephalopathy or cerebrovascular complications, that breathlessness, still remain unclear [1, 16, 17]. As such as ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke [76, 83]. demonstrated above, there appears to be a strong cogni- 3. The cortical structures involved in the perception of tive component to the perception of breathlessness in any breathlessness could have a potentiating effect on the disease state, and this is likely to play a significant role in perception of breathlessness, as with pain, which could the perception of breathlessness in COVID-19, especially be interrupted by SARS-CoV-2. Experimental inhala- in patients with acute encephalopathy. tion of 35% CO2 has been shown to induce dyspnoea- 1020 Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 Hentsch/Cocetta/Allali/Santana/Eason/ DOI: 10.1159/000517400 Adam/Janssens
Fig. 1. Timeline to the development of Color version available online breathlessness in patients suffering from COVID-19 pneumonia. Neurological symptoms such as anosmia and hypogeusia COVID-19 severity are present early in the disease and reflect a Post COVID possible neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2. In patients developing severe COVID-19, Day 1 to 7 – Day 7 to 14 physiological changes include the presence of inflammation in the lungs, abnormali- ties in diffusion, thrombosis, and a mis- Silent hypoxaemia Breathlessness match in ventilation/perfusion, generally appearing after the first 7 days of infection. Neuroinvasion Inflammation in lung ± encephalopathy Diffusion abnormalities Breathlessness becomes more present at Thrombosis in the lung this stage and can persist in the post-CO Ventilation/perfusion mismatch VID phase. COVID-19, coronavirus dis- ease 19; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respira- tory syndrome coronavirus 2. related panic attacks in patients with bilateral amyg- dala damage, with self-reported levels of panic and fear Non-breathless Breathless significantly higher than in the neurologically intact comparison group. This could suggest that CO2 direct- ly activates extra-limbic brain structures, which are then downregulated by the amygdala. The absolute or relative importance of any of these three proposed mechanisms is not yet clear, and any com- bination of these three mechanisms could be at play. In addition, the varying extent of lung and brain damage may also contribute to the alteration of breathlessness Neuroinvasion ± encephalopathy perception, as discussed in the aforementioned hypoth- eses [84]. Inflammation of the lung However, it is also clear that many patients with CO- Diffusion abnormalities VID-19 do develop breathlessness and that the preva- Thrombosis V/Q mismatch lence of breathlessness appears higher in patients with more severe lung disease and with worse prognoses [80, 81, 85]. We hypothesize that the direct neuroinvasive ef- Fig. 2. Breathlessness in COVID-19: a balance between factors in- fects of SARS-CoV-2 could mitigate, or reduce, the per- fluencing symptom perception. Neuroinvasion and encephalopa- ception of breathlessness, by one or many of the three thy appears to reduce breathlessness early on in the disease. In more severe cases, as the disease progresses, inflammation, diffu- proposed mechanisms given above. In contrast, indirect sion alteration, thrombosis, and V/Q mismatch override the po- effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the cardiorespiratory system, tential breathlessness perception alteration caused by the neuroin- causing interstitial inflammation and thrombosis, will vasion of SARS-CoV-2, and patients become breathless. CO damage the ventilatory ability of the lungs, ultimately VID-19, coronavirus disease 19; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute leading to failure of gas exchange and organ failure. respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; V/Q, ventilation/perfusion. We propose that time plays a factor, with neuronal damage and loss of breathlessness perception predomi- nating in the earlier stage of the disease. As the neuro- breathlessness emerges, as noted in the case of more se- logical complications, such as the acute encephalopathy, vere disease, this will occur later on, once cardio-pulmo- may even precede the respiratory symptoms, we can hy- nary damage has become established [14]. Figure 1 sum- pothesize that the “happy” or “silent hypoxaemia” phe- marizes this timeline. nomenon may represent a preclinical symptom of the vi- Finally, we propose that the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on rus. For patients with mild disease, this phenotype will the central neural processing of breathlessness lies at the predominate throughout the course of the disease. If opposing end of an equilibrium to the effects of cardiore- Breathlessness and COVID-19: A Call for Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 1021 Research DOI: 10.1159/000517400
spiratory inflammation and thrombosis. For those pa- tients experiencing dyspnoea related to COVID-19. tients with mild or early disease, reduction of breathless- Therefore, using variation in breathlessness could in- ness perception resulting from the interference of SARS- stead provide a more accurate measure of the dyspnoea CoV-2 on brain function will prevail, leading to the caused by COVID-19 and should be considered in fur- apparent disconnection seen between physiological state ther studies. and breathlessness. For patients with severe disease, dam- We have drawn on the currently available literature to age to the ventilatory capacity of the lungs tips the balance discuss the mechanisms of breathlessness perception and in favour of breathlessness, as the body can no longer ig- how these may be affected during SARS-CoV-2 infection. nore the physiological signals resulting from impending These include inflammation of lung tissues, development organ failure. It is likely that breathlessness perception of microthrombi in the pulmonary circulation, and neu- increases as lung function decreases, and the most severe- rological complications, such as cerebrovascular events ly affected are rendered unable to rate their symptoms by or acute encephalopathy. We have proposed an addition- virtue of being ventilated under sedation (shown in al three main hypotheses, based on neuropsychological Fig. 2). processes, to explain the phenomenon of diminished breathlessness perception that has been observed in CO- VID-19 patients, as well as proposing relationships be- Perspectives and Research Opportunities tween cognitive and physiological components of breath- lessness and how they interact over time. Yet, further ev- Discussion idence is needed to validate these hypotheses. The pathophysiology of breathlessness involves an in- Recent reports have highlighted the prevalence of dys- terplay between multiple complex mechanisms among pnoea in post-COVID-19 follow-ups [88]. It is interest- the brain-lung interaction. These include mechanical, ing to note that although most symptoms seem to disap- neurological, and cognitive processes. Individual, non- pear with time, dyspnoea and fatigue are still reported 2 COVID-19-related patient factors including age and co- months after the onset of the first COVID-19 symptoms morbidities such as diabetes also play a role, as well as [89]. social and environmental factors. In the case of CO Although it has been shown that the severity of post- VID-19, the lack of perceived breathlessness in hypoxic COVID-19 symptoms is related to the severity of the patients has been widely observed, adding further inscru- acute COVID-19 phase, it is not yet clear which patients tability to the pathways behind this symptom. will present with persistent dyspnoea [88]. Many patients As has been previously stated, the range of breathless- have been experiencing shortness of breath and other re- ness reported in studies is wide. Some of this variability lated symptoms that start or remain beyond the initial may be explained by the different tools used for breath- period of acute infection, such as chronic cough, chest lessness evaluation, as they were not specified in the ma- tightness, cognitive dysfunction, and fatigue, commonly jority of studies looking at symptom prevalence in CO- referred to as “long COVID.” It is not yet known if pa- VID-19. Different tools could have been used such as the tients that did not present with dyspnoea in the acute CO- Modified Borg Scale or the Numerical Rating Scale [86]. VID-19 phase will eventually develop dyspnoea after the However, it is also possible that breathlessness was doc- end of the disease. This could indicate that SARS-CoV-2 umented in medical files according to the caring physi- may have an impact on breathlessness perception. An al- cians’ or researchers’ evaluation based on objective clin- ternative hypothesis for explaining this emerging breath- ical signs such as tachypnoea, facial expression, or the lessness in patients without dyspnoea during the acute use of accessory respiratory muscles. Dyspnoea is sub- phase may refer to the complex and unsolved pathophys- jective, and physical or clinical signs may under- or, in iological mechanisms of long COVID, such as immuno- this case, overestimate patients’ discomfort [87]. Fur- logic and inflammatory reactions in response to the acute thermore, the severity of breathlessness was not docu- infection. mented in meta-analyses, it was either present or absent, Fatigue is closely related to breathlessness, and the and therefore the clinical impact of dyspnoea could not mechanisms of COVID-induced fatigue could be extrap- be evaluated. Finally, breathlessness is a common symp- olated to further our understanding of COVID-related tom in the general population, and patients may develop breathlessness. For instance, the presence of mental and COVID-19 already suffering from breathlessness. This physical fatigue combined or not with a dysexecutive syn- could lead to an overestimation of the number of pa- drome appears to be a result of the impact of COVID-19 1022 Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 Hentsch/Cocetta/Allali/Santana/Eason/ DOI: 10.1159/000517400 Adam/Janssens
on brain functioning. Literature suggests that fatigue COVID-19 pandemic has provided the opportunity to could be underlined by functional impairment of the build links between specialities. main inhibitory circuits in the primary motor cortex, The literature presented here has implications across demonstrated by transcranial magnetic stimulation [90]. this multidisciplinary taskforce. An integrated approach is Transcranial magnetic stimulation findings show evi- precisely what is needed in building our understanding of dence for the hypothesis that COVID-19 may cause an this disease and the complex physiology underpinning its impairment of GABA-ergic intracortical circuits, and it is symptoms. This will also have implications for non-CO possible that COVID-19 could have similar effects on VID-19 patients, including those with cancer, lung disease, cortical breathlessness pathways [90–92]. heart failure, and neurodegenerative disorders, who experi- Finally, although reports have shown that patients are ence similar distressing symptoms of breathlessness. at risk of developing chronic pain in the post-COVID-19 phase [93, 94], it has been recently suggested that acute Implications for Research SARS-CoV-2 infection may reduce nociceptive pain per- By creating an unusual symptom response, COVID-19 ception [95]. Indeed, although evidence is still lacking at questions our understanding of the mechanisms of this stage, SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to inhibit neuro- breathlessness and its possible pathways, providing an pathic pain signalling by binding to neuroliptin-1 recep- opportunity for research into the management of a symp- tors on sensory neurones in animal models [96]. In this tom that is both debilitating and difficult to treat. There case, pain modulation seems to arise from peripheral is no gold standard for measuring breathlessness [97]. nerves and not intracerebral signalling. Although these Validated tools can be classified in three categories. Uni- results remain to be confirmed, they may provide useful dimensional breathlessness tools such as the Visual Ana- insight into the ways in which not only pain but also pos- logue Scale, the Numerical Rating Scale, or the Modified sibly breathlessness is affected by this virus. Borg Scale are commonly used. However, these unidi- mensional scales are limited in the fact that they only re- Limitations cord dyspnoea intensity. Multidimensional tools allow a COVID-19 is a new disease, and knowledge is contin- deeper evaluation as they may include other domains uously and rapidly evolving. Our article is therefore lim- such as physical, emotional, or other domains of health- ited to what is known so far from the currently available related quality of life, as with the Dyspnoea-12 Scale or published observational literature and small number of dyspnoea scales from disease-specific instruments such post-mortem studies. Furthermore, the authors have not as the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire [98–100]. Oth- conducted a quality assessment of the literature presented er tools enable the evaluation of specific domains such as in this article. the Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale which measures activity limitation related to breathlessness [97, Implications for Clinical Practice 101, 102]. Although dyspnoea is a subjective symptom, The phenomenon of diminished breathlessness per- tools that do not require patient participation have been ception in COVID-19 patients involves mechanisms that validated and should be used [103]. Furthermore, a more could potentially be taken advantage of in order to im- thorough study of the correlation between patients’ re- prove management of dyspnoea in the future. Furthering ports of dyspnoea and the severity of the disease as can be our knowledge of the physiological pathways that lead to measured with blood gases and biological and physical patient variability in the perception of breathlessness may markers should also be considered. allow differentiation between those more or less likely to The evidence presented in this article is extensive, de- develop or experience breathlessness and target finite re- scribing important considerations pertinent to a multidis- sources. Special attention should be paid to patients who ciplinary audience. It is therefore possible to propose sev- do not feel breathless as their clinical state could deterio- eral research questions, relating to both pathophysiologi- rate rapidly. cal and patient factors, that are relevant to a variety of The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has in- disciplines. Further research should consider using vali- volved a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing a dated uni- and multidimensional dyspnoea measuring multiskilled taskforce including personnel from internal tools in order to quantify the evolution of breathlessness medicine, geriatrics, respiratory, neurology, and primary, intensity throughout the course of the disease and in the critical, and palliative care, as well as pathologists. By en- post-COVID phase. Given the neuroinvasive potential of couraging integrated care among these disciplines, the SARS-CoV-2, functional MRIs could be used to gain a Breathlessness and COVID-19: A Call for Respiration 2021;100:1016–1026 1023 Research DOI: 10.1159/000517400
deeper understanding of the difference in brain activity knowledge of this phenomenon. A multidisciplinary ap- seen amongst COVID-19 patients and how this contrib- proach will be crucial in gaining knowledge about the utes to the variations in breathlessness perception. Finally, pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the altera- pathologists and fundamental researchers should further tion of breathlessness in COVID-19 patients. investigate the neurotropic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 and how these might influence breathlessness perception. Acknowledgments Conclusion The authors would like to thank all the patients and families who are contributing to the increase in knowledge surrounding COVID-19. Breathlessness is a debilitating and frequent symptom amongst patients with advanced disease. As several re- ports have now shown that dyspnoea is frequently low or Conflict of Interest Statement absent in patients suffering from COVID-19, despite se- vere physiological and anatomical changes in the lungs, it The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. has become clear that COVID-19 affects the way breath- lessness is perceived. As patients with mild COVID-19 still respond physi- Funding Sources ologically to hypoxaemia, by increasing ventilatory drive, we hypothesize that higher cortical structures are in- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding volved in the alteration of breathlessness perception ei- agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. ther by directly affecting the interpretation of afferent sig- nals or by altering the top-down regulation of breathless- ness. Furthermore, we believe there is a strong correlation Author Contributions between breathlessness and the progressive level of dam- L.H., S.C., I.S., R.E., and E.A. wrote the manuscript. All authors age that occurs in the lungs. reviewed the literature and edited and commented on the manu- At present, many questions remain, and future re- script. S.C. created the figures. All the authors reviewed and ap- search should focus on clarifying and improving our proved the final manuscript to be published. References 1 Parshall MB, Schwartzstein RM, Adams L, ID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 11 Tobin MJ, Laghi F, Jubran A. Why COV- Banzett RB, Manning HL, Bourbeau J, et al. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2020 Mar;34:101623. ID-19 silent hypoxemia is baffling to physi- An official American Thoracic Society state- 6 Li LQ, Huang T, Wang YQ, Wang ZP, Liang Y, cians. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Aug ment: update on the mechanisms, assessment, Huang TB, et al. 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