Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk - POLICY STATEMENT

Page created by Howard Richards
                                                                                            Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child
                                                                                      Health Care System and/or Improve the Health of all Children


Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
breastfeeding, complementary foods, infant nutrition, lactation,   Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant
human milk, nursing
                                                                   feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term med-
AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics
                                                                   ical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infant nu-
AHRQ—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality                    trition should be considered a public health issue and not only
CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention                     a lifestyle choice. The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its
CI—confidence interval
                                                                   recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, fol-
DHA—docosahexaenoic acid                                           lowed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are intro-
NEC—necrotizing enterocolitis                                      duced, with continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as
OR—odds ratio                                                      mutually desired by mother and infant. Medical contraindications to
SIDS—sudden infant death syndrome
WHO—World Health Organization
                                                                   breastfeeding are rare. Infant growth should be monitored with the
This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
                                                                   World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Curve Standards to avoid mis-
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors      labeling infants as underweight or failing to thrive. Hospital routines
have filed conflict of interest statements with the American         to encourage and support the initiation and sustaining of exclu-
Academy of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through     sive breastfeeding should be based on the American Academy of
a process approved by the Board of Directors. The American
Academy of Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any       Pediatrics-endorsed WHO/UNICEF “Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeed-
commercial involvement in the development of the content of        ing.” National strategies supported by the US Surgeon General’s Call
this publication.                                                  to Action, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and The
All policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics      Joint Commission are involved to facilitate breastfeeding practices in
automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,
revised, or retired at or before that time.
                                                                   US hospitals and communities. Pediatricians play a critical role in
                                                                   their practices and communities as advocates of breastfeeding and
                                                                   thus should be knowledgeable about the health risks of not breast-
                                                                   feeding, the economic benefits to society of breastfeeding, and the
                                                                   techniques for managing and supporting the breastfeeding dyad. The
                                                                   “Business Case for Breastfeeding” details how mothers can maintain
                                                                   lactation in the workplace and the benefits to employers who facili-
                                                                   tate this practice. Pediatrics 2012;129:e827–e841

                                                                   Six years have transpired since publication of the last policy statement
doi:10.1542/peds.2011-3552                                         of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regarding breastfeeding.1
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).    Recently published research and systematic reviews have reinforced
Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics             the conclusion that breastfeeding and human milk are the reference
                                                                   normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. The current
                                                                   statement updates the evidence for this conclusion and serves as
                                                                   a basis for AAP publications that detail breastfeeding management
                                                                   and infant nutrition, including the AAP Breastfeeding Handbook for
                                                                   Physicians,2 AAP Sample Hospital Breastfeeding Policy for Newborns,3
                                                                   AAP Breastfeeding Residency Curriculum,4 and the AAP Safe and
                                                                   Healthy Beginnings Toolkit.5 The AAP reaffirms its recommendation
                                                                   of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued
                                                                   breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation

PEDIATRICS Volume 129, Number 3, March 2012                                                                                                  e827
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of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer                       with a higher income ineligible for         INFANT OUTCOMES
as mutually desired by mother and                           WIC, it was 84.6%.12 Breastfeeding          Methodologic Issues
infant.                                                     initiation rate was 37% for low-income
                                                            non-Hispanic black mothers.7 Similar        Breastfeeding results in improved in-
                                                                                                        fant and maternal health outcomes in
EPIDEMIOLOGY                                                disparities are age-related; mothers
                                                                                                        both the industrialized and developing
                                                            younger than 20 years initiated breast-
Information regarding breastfeeding                                                                     world. Major methodologic issues have
                                                            feeding at a rate of 59.7% compared
rates and practices in the United States                                                                been raised as to the quality of some
is available from a variety of govern-                      with the rate of 79.3% in mothers
                                                                                                        of these studies, especially as to the
ment data sets, including the Centers                       older than 30 years. The lowest rates
                                                                                                        size of the study populations, quality of
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)                    of initiation were seen among non-
                                                                                                        the data set, inadequate adjustment
National Immunization Survey,6 the                          Hispanic black mothers younger than
                                                                                                        for confounders, absence of distin-
                                                            20 years, in whom the breastfeeding
NHANES,7 and Maternity Practices and                                                                    guishing between “any” or “exclusive”
Infant Nutrition and Care.8 Drawing on                      initiation rate was 30%.7
                                                                                                        breastfeeding, and lack of a defined
these data and others, the CDC has                          Although over the past decade, there        causal relationship between breast-
published the “Breastfeeding Report                         has been a modest increase in the rate      feeding and the specific outcome. In
Card,” which highlights the degree of                       of “any breastfeeding” at 3 and 6           addition, there are inherent practical
progress in achieving the breastfeed-                       months, in none of the subgroups            and ethical issues that have precluded
ing goals of the Healthy People 2010                        have the Healthy People 2010 targets        prospective randomized interventional
targets as well as the 2020 targets                         been reached. For example, the 6-           trials of different feeding regimens.
(Table 1).9–11                                              month “any breastfeeding” rate for          As such, the majority of published
The rate of initiation of breastfeeding                     the total US population was 43%, the        reports are observational cohort
for the total US population based on                        rate for the Hispanic or Latino sub-        studies and systematic reviews/meta-
the latest National Immunization Sur-                       group was 46%, and the rate for the         analyses.
vey data are 75%.11 This overall rate,                      non-Hispanic black or African Ameri-
                                                                                                        To date, the most comprehensive
however, obscures clinically signifi-                        can subgroup was only 27.5%. Rates
                                                                                                        publication that reviews and analyzes
cant sociodemographic and cultural                          of exclusive breastfeeding are further
                                                                                                        the published scientific literature that
differences. For example, the breast-                       from Healthy People 2010 targets, with
                                                                                                        compares breastfeeding and com-
feeding initiation rate for the Hispanic                    only 13% of the US population meeting
                                                                                                        mercial infant formula feeding as to
or Latino population was 80.6%, but                         the recommendation to breastfeed ex-
                                                                                                        health outcomes is the report pre-
for the non-Hispanic black or African                       clusively for 6 months. Thus, it appears
                                                                                                        pared by the Evidence-based Practice
American population, it was 58.1%.                          that although the breastfeeding ini-
                                                                                                        Centers of the Agency for Healthcare
Among low-income mothers (partic-                           tiation rates have approached the
                                                                                                        Research and Quality (AHRQ) of the US
ipants in the Special Supplemental                          2010 Healthy People targets, the tar-
                                                                                                        Department of Health Human Services
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,                       gets for duration of any breastfeeding
                                                                                                        titled Breastfeeding and Maternal and
and Children [WIC]), the breastfeeding                      and exclusive breastfeeding have not
                                                                                                        Infant Health Outcomes in Developed
initiation rate was 67.5%, but in those                     been met.
                                                                                                        Countries.13 The following sections
                                                            Furthermore, 24% of maternity serv-         summarize and update the AHRQ meta-
                                                            ices provide supplements of com-            analyses and provide an expanded
                                                            mercial infant formula as a general         analysis regarding health outcomes.
TABLE 1 Healthy People Targets 2010 and
              2020(%)                                       practice in the first 48 hours after         Table 2 summarizes the dose-response
                                    2007a    2010 2020      birth. These observations have led to       relationship between the duration of
                                            Target Target   the conclusion that the disparities in      breastfeeding and its protective effect.
Any breastfeeding                                           breastfeeding rates are also associ-
  Ever                              75.0     75     81.9    ated with variations in hospital rou-       Respiratory Tract Infections and
  6 mo                              43.8     50     60.5                                                Otitis Media
  1y                                22.4     25     34.1    tines, independent of the populations
Exclusive breastfeeding                                     served. As such, it is clear that greater   The risk of hospitalization for lower
  To 3 mo                           33.5     40     44.3    emphasis needs to be placed on im-          respiratory tract infections in the first
  To 6 mo                           13.8     17     23.7
Worksite lactation support          25       —      38.0
                                                            proving and standardizing hospital-         year is reduced 72% if infants breastfed
Formula use in first 2 d             25.6     —      15.6    based practices to realize the newer        exclusively for more than 4 months.13,14
    2007 data reported in 2011.10                           2020 targets (Table 1).                     Infants who exclusively breastfed for 4

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TABLE 2 Dose-Response Benefits of Breastfeedinga                                                                         study of preterm infants fed an exclu-
        Condition             % Lower Riskb       Breastfeeding            Comments             ORc       95% CI        sive human milk diet compared with
Otitis media13                       23           Any                         —                 0.77     0.64–0.91      those fed human milk supplemented
Otitis media13                       50           ≥3 or 6 mo         Exclusive BF               0.50     0.36–0.70      with cow-milk-based infant formula pro-
Recurrent otitis media15             77           Exclusive BF       Compared with              1.95     1.06–3.59
                                                                                                                        ducts noted a 77% reduction in NEC.19
                                                    ≥6 mod             BF 4 to 6 mo              Exclusive BF               0.30     0.18–0.74      One case of NEC could be prevented if
  tract infection17                                                                                                     10 infants received an exclusive human
Lower respiratory                    72           ≥4 mo              Exclusive BF               0.28     0.14–0.54      milk diet, and 1 case of NEC requiring
  tract infection13
Lower respiratory                    77           Exclusive BF       Compared with              4.27     1.27–14.35     surgery or resulting in death could be
  tract infection15                                 ≥6 mod              BF 4 to 4 mo                        —                0.26     0.074–0.9
NEC19                                77           NICU stay          Preterm infants            0.23     0.51–0.94
                                                                                                                        and Infant Mortality
                                                                        Exclusive HM                                    Meta-analyses with a clear definition of
Atopic dermatitis27                  27           >3 mo              Exclusive BFnegative       0.84     0.59–1.19
                                                                        family history
                                                                                                                        degree of breastfeeding and adjusted
Atopic dermatitis27                  42           >3 mo              Exclusive BFpositive       0.58     0.41–0.92      for confounders and other known risks
                                                                        family history                                  for sudden infant death syndrome
Gastroenteritis13,14                 64           Any                          —                0.36     0.32–0.40
                                                                                                                        (SIDS) note that breastfeeding is as-
Inflammatory bowel                    31           Any                          —                0.69     0.51–0.94
   disease32                                                                                                            sociated with a 36% reduced risk of
Obesity13                            24           Any                         —                 0.76     0.67–0.86      SIDS.13 Latest data comparing any ver-
Celiac disease31                     52           >2 mo              Gluten exposure            0.48     0.40–0.89      sus exclusive breastfeeding reveal that
                                                                        when BF
Type 1 diabetes13,42                 30           >3 mo              Exclusive BF               0.71     0.54–0.93      for any breastfeeding, the multivariate
Type 2 diabetes13,43                 40           Any                         —                 0.61     0.44–0.85      odds ratio (OR) is 0.55 (95% confidence
Leukemia (ALL)13,46                  20           >6 mo                       —                 0.80     0.71–0.91      interval [CI], 0.44–0.69). When com-
Leukemia (AML)13,45                  15           >6 mo                       —                 0.85     0.73–0.98
SIDS13                               36           Any >1 mo                   —                 0.64     0.57–0.81
                                                                                                                        puted for exclusive breastfeeding, the
ALL, acute lymphocytic leukemia; AML, acute myelogenous leukemia; BF, breastfeeding; HM, human milk; RSV, respiratory
                                                                                                                        OR is 0.27 (95% CI, 0.27–0.31).20 A pro-
syncytial virus.                                                                                                        portion (21%) of the US infant mortality
  Pooled data.
  % lower risk refers to lower risk while BF compared with feeding commercial infant formula or referent group
                                                                                                                        has been attributed, in part, to the in-
specified.                                                                                                               creased rate of SIDS in infants who
  OR expressed as increase risk for commercial formula feeding.                                                         were never breastfed.21 That the posi-
  Referent group is exclusive BF ≥6 months.
                                                                                                                        tive effect of breastfeeding on SIDS
                                                                                                                        rates is independent of sleep position
to 6 months had a fourfold increase                           infants who exclusively breastfed for 6                   was confirmed in a large case-control
in the risk of pneumonia compared                             months.17                                                 study of supine-sleeping infants.22,23
with infants who exclusively breastfed                                                                                  It has been calculated that more than
for more than 6 months.15 The severity                        Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
                                                                                                                        900 infant lives per year may be saved
(duration of hospitalization and oxygen                       Any breastfeeding is associated with                      in the United States if 90% of mothers
requirements) of respiratory syncytial                        a 64% reduction in the incidence of                       exclusively breastfed for 6 months.24 In
virus bronchiolitis is reduced by 74%                         nonspecific gastrointestinal tract infec-                  the 42 developing countries in which
in infants who breastfed exclusively for                      tions, and this effect lasts for 2 months                 90% of the world’s childhood deaths oc-
4 months compared with infants who                            after cessation of breastfeeding.13,14,17,18              cur, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
never or only partially breastfed.16                                                                                    and weaning after 1 year is the most
Any breastfeeding compared with ex-                           Necrotizing Enterocolitis                                 effective intervention, with the potential
clusive commercial infant formula                             Meta-analyses of 4 randomized clinical                    of preventing more than 1 million infant
feeding will reduce the incidence of                          trials performed over the period 1983                     deaths per year, equal to preventing 13%
otitis media (OM) by 23%.13 Exclusive                         to 2005 support the conclusion that                       of the world’s childhood mortality.25
breastfeeding for more than 3 months                          feeding preterm infants human milk is
reduces the risk of otitis media by                           associated with a significant reduction                    Allergic Disease
50%. Serious colds and ear and throat                         (58%) in the incidence of necrotizing                     There is a protective effect of exclusive
infections were reduced by 63% in                             enterocolitis (NEC).13 A more recent                      breastfeeding for 3 to 4 months in

PEDIATRICS Volume 129, Number 3, March 2012                                                                                                                  e829
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reducing the incidence of clinical                susceptibility of the infant. Different     Diabetes
asthma, atopic dermatitis, and eczema             patterns of intestinal colonization in      Up to a 30% reduction in the incidence
by 27% in a low-risk population and               breastfed versus commercial infant          of type 1 diabetes mellitus is reported
up to 42% in infants with positive                formula–fed infants may add to the          for infants who exclusively breastfed for
family history.13,26 There are conflict-           preventive effect of human milk.33          at least 3 months, thus avoiding expo-
ing studies that examine the timing of                                                        sure to cow milk protein.13,42 It has been
adding complementary foods after 4                                                            postulated that the putative mechanism
months and the risk of allergy, including                                                     in the development of type 1 diabetes
food allergies, atopic dermatitis, and            Because rates of obesity are signifi-
                                                                                              mellitus is the infant’s exposure to cow
asthma, in either the allergy-prone or            cantly lower in breastfed infants, na-
                                                                                              milk β-lactoglobulin, which stimulates
nonatopic individual.26 Similarly, there          tional campaigns to prevent obesity
                                                                                              an immune-mediated process cross-
are no convincing data that delaying              begin with breastfeeding support.34,35
                                                                                              reacting with pancreatic β cells. A re-
introduction of potentially allergenic            Although complex factors confound
                                                                                              duction of 40% in the incidence of type
foods after 6 months has any protective           studies of obesity, there is a 15% to
                                                                                              2 diabetes mellitus is reported, possi-
effect.27–30 One problem in analyzing             30% reduction in adolescent and adult
                                                                                              bly reflecting the long-term positive
this research is the low prevalence of            obesity rates if any breastfeeding oc-
                                                                                              effect of breastfeeding on weight con-
exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months in            curred in infancy compared with no
                                                                                              trol and feeding self-regulation.43
the study populations. Thus, research             breastfeeding.13,36 The Framingham
outcomes in studies that examine the              Offspring study noted a relationship of
                                                  breastfeeding and a lower BMI and           Childhood Leukemia and
development of atopy and the timing of                                                        Lymphoma
introducing solid foods in partially              higher high-density lipoprotein con-
breastfed infants may not be applica-             centration in adults.37 A sibling dif-      There is a reduction in leukemia
ble to exclusively breastfed infants.             ference model study noted that the          that is correlated with the duration of
                                                  breastfed sibling weighed 14 pounds         breastfeeding.14,44 A reduction of 20%
Celiac Disease                                    less than the sibling fed commercial        in the risk of acute lymphocytic leuke-
There is a reduction of 52% in the risk           infant formula and was less likely to       mia and 15% in the risk of acute my-
of developing celiac disease in infants           reach BMI obesity threshold.38 The          eloid leukemia in infants breastfed for
who were breastfed at the time of                 duration of breastfeeding also is in-       6 months or longer.45,46 Breastfeeding
gluten exposure.31 Overall, there is an           versely related to the risk of over-        for less than 6 months is protective but
association between increased dura-               weight; each month of breastfeeding         of less magnitude (approximately 12%
tion of breastfeeding and reduced risk            being associated with a 4% reduction        and 10%, respectively). The question of
of celiac disease when measured as                in risk.14                                  whether the protective effect of breast-
the presence of celiac antibodies. The            The interpretation of these data is         feeding is a direct mechanism of human
critical protective factor appears to             confounded by the lack of a definition       milk on malignancies or secondarily
be not the timing of the gluten expo-             in many studies of whether human            mediated by its reduction of early child-
sure but the overlap of breastfeeding             milk was given by breastfeeding or by       hood infections has yet to be answered.
at the time of the initial gluten in-             bottle. This is of particular importance,
gestion. Thus, gluten-containing foods            because breastfed infants self-regulate     Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
should be introduced while the infant             intake volume irrespective of maneu-        Consistent differences in neurodevel-
is receiving only breast milk and not             vers that increase available milk vol-      opmental outcome between breastfed
infant formula or other bovine milk               ume, and the early programming of           and commercial infant formula–fed
products.                                         self-regulation, in turn, affects adult     infants have been reported, but the
                                                  weight gain.39 This concept is further      outcomes are confounded by differences
Inflammatory Bowel Disease                         supported by the observations that          in parental education, intelligence, home
Breastfeeding is associated with a                infants who are fed by bottle, formula,     environment, and socioeconomic sta-
31% reduction in the risk of child-               or expressed breast milk will have          tus.13,47 The large, randomized Pro-
hood inflammatory bowel disease.32                 increased bottle emptying, poorer self-     motion of Breastfeeding Intervention
The protective effect is hypothesized             regulation, and excessive weight gain       Trial provided evidence that adjusted
to result from the interaction of the             in late infancy (older than 6 months)       outcomes of intelligence scores and
immunomodulating effect of human                  compared with infants who only nurse        teacher’s ratings are significantly
milk and the underlying genetic                   from the breast.40,41                       greater in breastfed infants.48–50 In

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addition, higher intelligence scores           These neurodevelopmental outcomes            TABLE 3 Recommendations on
                                                                                                      Breastfeeding Management for
are noted in infants who exclusively           are associated with predominant and                    Preterm Infants
breastfed for 3 months or longer, and          not necessarily exclusive human milk
                                                                                            1. All preterm infants should receive human milk.
higher teacher ratings were observed           feeding. Human milk feeding in the NICU         • Human milk should be fortified, with protein,
if exclusive breastfeeding was practiced       also is associated with lower rates of          minerals, and vitamins to ensure optimal
for 3 months or longer. Significantly           severe retinopathy of prematurity.62,63         nutrient intake for infants weighing
months, the relative risk of rheuma-              DURATION OF EXCLUSIVE                       year and beyond as more and varied
toid arthritis was 0.8 (95% CI: 0.8–1.0),         BREASTFEEDING                               complementary foods are introduced.
and if the cumulative duration of
                                                  The AAP recommends exclusive breast-
breastfeeding was longer than 24                                                              CONTRAINDICATIONS TO
                                                  feeding for about 6 months, with con-
months, the relative risk of rheu-                                                            BREASTFEEDING
                                                  tinuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or
matoid arthritis was 0.5 (95% CI:
                                                  longer as mutually desired by mother        There are a limited number of medical
0.3–0.8).73 An association between
                                                  and infant, a recommendation con-           conditions in which breastfeeding is
cumulative lactation experience and
                                                  curred to by the WHO78 and the In-          contraindicated, including an infant with
the incidence of adult cardiovascular
                                                  stitute of Medicine.79                      the metabolic disorder of classic ga-
disease was reported by the Women’s
Health Initiative in a longitudinal study         Support for this recommendation of          lactosemia. Alternating breastfeeding
of more than 139 000 postmenopausal               exclusive breastfeeding is found in the     with special protein-free or modified
women.74 Women with a cumulative                  differences in health outcomes of in-       formulas can be used in feeding in-
lactation history of 12 to 23 months              fants breastfed exclusively for 4 vs 6      fants with other metabolic diseases
had a significant reduction in hyper-              months, for gastrointestinal disease,       (such as phenylketonuria), provided
tension (OR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.84–0.93),            otitis media, respiratory illnesses,        that appropriate blood monitoring is
hyperlipidemia (OR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.76–           and atopic disease, as well as dif-         available. Mothers who are positive for
0.87), cardiovascular disease (OR:                ferences in maternal outcomes of            human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type
0.90; 95% CI: 0.85–0.96), and diabetes            delayed menses and postpartum               I or II84 or untreated brucellosis85
(OR: 0.74; 95% CI: 0.65–0.84).                    weight loss.15,18,80                        should not breastfeed nor provide ex-
                                                                                              pressed milk to their infants Breast-
Cumulative lactation experience also              Compared with infants who never
                                                                                              feeding should not occur if the mother
correlates with a reduction in both               breastfed, infants who were exclu-
                                                                                              has active (infectious) untreated tu-
breast (primarily premenopausal) and              sively breastfed for 4 months had
                                                                                              berculosis or has active herpes sim-
ovarian cancer.13,14,75 Cumulative du-            significantly greater incidence of lower
                                                                                              plex lesions on her breast; however,
ration of breastfeeding of longer than            respiratory tract illnesses, otitis me-
                                                                                              expressed milk can be used because
12 months is associated with a 28%                dia, and diarrheal disease than infants
                                                                                              there is no concern about these in-
decrease in breast cancer (OR: 0.72;              exclusively breastfed for 6 months or
                                                                                              fectious organisms passing through
95% CI: 0.65–0.8) and ovarian cancer              longer.15,18 When compared with in-
                                                                                              the milk. Breastfeeding can be re-
(OR: 0.72; 95% CI: 0.54–0.97).76 Each             fants who exclusively breastfed for lon-
                                                                                              sumed when a mother with tubercu-
year of breastfeeding has been calcu-             ger than 6 months, those exclusively        losis is treated for a minimum of 2
lated to result in a 4.3% reduction in            breastfed for 4 to 6 months had a four-     weeks and is documented that she is
breast cancer.76,77                               fold increase in the risk of pneumonia.15   no longer infectious.86 Mothers who
                                                  Furthermore, exclusively breastfeeding      develop varicella 5 days before through
ECONOMIC BENEFITS                                 for 6 months extends the period of          2 days after delivery should be sepa-
                                                  lactational amenorrhea and thus im-         rated from their infants, but their
A detailed pediatric cost analysis
                                                  proves child spacing, which reduces         expressed milk can be used for feed-
based on the AHRQ report concluded
                                                  the risk of birth of a preterm infant.81    ing.87 In 2009, the CDC recommended
that if 90% of US mothers would comply
with the recommendation to breastfeed             The AAP is cognizant that for some          that mothers acutely infected with
exclusively for 6 months, there would be          infants, because of family and medical      H1N1 influenza should temporarily be
a savings of $13 billion per year.24 The          history, individual developmental status,   isolated from their infants until they
savings do not include those related to           and/or social and cultural dynamics,        are afebrile, but they can provide
a reduction in parental absenteeism               complementary feeding, including gluten-    expressed milk for feeding.88
from work or adult deaths from dis-               containing grains, begins earlier than      In the industrialized world, it is not re-
eases acquired in childhood, such as              6 months of age.82,83 Because breast-       commended that HIV-positive mothers
asthma, type 1 diabetes mellitus, or              feeding is immunoprotective, when such      breastfeed. However, in the developing
obesity-related conditions. Strategies            complementary foods are introduced, it      world, where mortality is increased in
that increase the number of mothers               is advised that this be done while the      non-breastfeeding infants from a com-
who breastfeed exclusively for about              infant is feeding only breastmilk.82        bination of malnutrition and infectious
6 months would be of great economic               Mothers should be encouraged to con-        diseases, breastfeeding may outweigh
benefit on a national level.                       tinue breastfeeding through the first        the risk of the acquiring HIV infection

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from human milk. Infants in areas              milk, and their use by breastfeeding         milk.111,112 Consumption of 1 to 2 por-
with endemic HIV who are exclusively           mothers is of concern, particularly          tions of fish (eg, herring, canned light
breastfed for the first 3 months are at         with regard to the infant’s long-term        tuna, salmon) per week will meet
a lower risk of acquiring HIV infection        neurobehavioral development and thus         this need. The concern regarding the
than are those who received a mixed            are contraindicated.97 Alcohol is not        possible risk from intake of excessive
diet of human milk and other foods             a galactogogue; it may blunt prolactin       mercury or other contaminants is
and/or commercial infant formula.89            response to suckling and negatively          offset by the neurobehavioral benefits
Recent studies document that com-              affects infant motor development.98,99       of an adequate DHA intake and can be
bining exclusive breastfeeding for 6           Thus, ingestion of alcoholic beverages       minimized by avoiding the intake of
months with 6 months of antiretroviral         should be minimized and limited to an        predatory fish (eg, pike, marlin, mack-
therapy significantly decreases the             occasional intake but no more than           erel, tile fish, swordfish).113 Poorly
postnatal acquisition of HIV-1.90,91           0.5 g alcohol per kg body weight,            nourished mothers or those on selec-
There is no contraindication to breast-        which for a 60 kg mother is approxi-         tive vegan diets may require a supple-
feeding for a full-term infant whose           mately 2 oz liquor, 8 oz wine, or 2          ment of DHA as well as multivitamins.
mother is seropositive for cytomega-           beers.100 Nursing should take place
lovirus (CMV). There is a possibility          2 hours or longer after the alcohol          MATERNAL MEDICATIONS
                                               intake to minimize its concentration in
that CMV acquired from mother’s milk                                                        Recommendations regarding breast-
                                               the ingested milk.101 Maternal smok-
may be associated with a late-onset                                                         feeding in situations in which the
                                               ing is not an absolute contraindica-
sepsis-like syndrome in the extremely                                                       mother is undergoing either diagnostic
                                               tion to breastfeeding but should be
low birth weight (birth weight
concentrations. In addition, data re-             emphasis is placed on the need to revise     TABLE 4 WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps to
                                                                                                           Successful Breastfeeding
garding the long-term neurobehavioral             or discontinue disruptive hospital
effects from exposure to these agents             policies that interfere with early skin-     1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is
                                                                                                  routinely communicated to all health care staff.
during the critical developmental pe-             to-skin contact, that provide water,         2. Train all health care staff in the skills necessary
riod of early infancy are lacking. A              glucose water, or commercial infant             to implement this policy.
recent comprehensive review noted                 formula without a medical indication,        3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits
                                                                                                  and management of breastfeeding.
that of the 96 psychotropic drugs                 that restrict the amount of time the         4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within the
available, pharmacologic and clinical             infant can be with the mother, that             first hour of birth.
information was only available for 62             limit feeding duration, or that provide      5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to
                                                                                                  maintain lactation even if they are separated
(65%) of the drugs.116 In only 19 was             unlimited pacifier use.                          from their infants.
there adequate information to allow               In 2009, the AAP endorsed the Ten Steps      6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other
for defining a safety protocol and thus            program (see Table 4). Adherence to             than breast milk, unless medically indicated.
qualifying to be compatible for use by                                                         7. Practice rooming-in (allow mothers and infants
                                                  these 10 steps has been demonstrated            to remain together) 24 h a day.
lactating mothers. Among the agents               to increase rates of breastfeeding ini-      8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
considered to be least problematic                tiation, duration, and exclusivity.122,123   9. Give no artificial nipples or pacifiers to
were the tricyclic antidepressants am-                                                            breastfeeding infants.a
                                                  Implementation of the following 5 post-      10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding
itriptyline and clomipramine and the
                                                  partum hospital practices has been              support groups and refer mothers to them on
selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors                                                           discharge from hospital.
                                                  demonstrated to increase breastfeeding
paroxetine and sertraline.                                                                     a
                                                                                                 The AAP does not support a categorical ban on pacifiers
                                                  duration, irrespective of socioeconomic      because of their role in SIDS risk reduction and their
Detailed guidelines regarding the ne-             status: breastfeeding in the first hour       analgesic benefit during painful procedures when breast-
cessity for and duration of temporary             after birth, exclusive breastfeeding,        feeding cannot provide the analgesia. Pacifier use in the
                                                                                               hospital in the neonatal period should be limited to spe-
cessation of breastfeeding after ma-              rooming-in, avoidance of pacifiers, and       cific medical indications such as pain reduction and
ternal exposure to diagnostic radio-              receipt of telephone number for sup-         calming in a drug-exposed infant, for example. Mothers
                                                                                               of healthy term breastfed infants should be instructed to
active compounds are provided by the              port after discharge from the hospi-         delay pacifier use until breastfeeding is well-established,
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission                  tal.124                                      usually about 3 to 4 wk after birth.
and in medical reviews.117–119 Special
                                                  The CDC National Survey of Maternity
precaution should be followed in the
                                                  Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care
situation of breastfeeding infants with
                                                  has assessed the lactation practices in      reported that they distributed to
                                                  more than 80% of US hospitals and            breastfeeding mothers discharge packs
deficiency. Fava beans, nitrofurantoin,
                                                  noted that the mean score for imple-         that contained commercial infant for-
primaquine, and phenazopyridine should
                                                  mentation of the Ten Steps was only          mula, a practice that has been docu-
be avoided by the mother to minimize
                                                  65%.34,125 Fifty-eight percent of hospi-     mented to negatively affect exclusivity
the risk of hemolysis in the infant.120
                                                  tals erroneously advised mothers to          and duration of breastfeeding.127 Few
                                                  limit suckling at the breast to a spec-      birth centers have model hospital pol-
HOSPITAL ROUTINES                                 ified length of time, and 41% of the          icies (14%) and support breastfeeding
The Sections on Breastfeeding and                 hospitals gave pacifiers to more than         mothers after hospital discharge (27%).
Perinatal Pediatrics have published               some of their newborns—both prac-            Only 37% of centers practice more
the Sample Hospital Breastfeeding                 tices that have been documented              than 5 of the 10 Steps and only 3.5%
Policy that is available from the AAP             to lower breastfeeding rates and du-         practice 9 to 10 Steps.34
Safe and Healthy Beginnings Web site.3,5          ration.126 The survey noted that in          There is, thus, a need for a major
This sample hospital policy is based              30% of all birth centers, more than          conceptual change in the organization
on the detailed recommendations of                half of all newborns received supple-        of the hospital services for the mother
the previous AAP policy statement                 mentation commercial infant formula,         and infant dyad (Table 5). This re-
“Breastfeeding and the Use of Human               a practice associated with shorter           quires that medical and nursing rou-
Milk”1 as well as the principles of the           duration of breastfeeding and less           tines and practices adjust to the
1991 WHO/UNICEF publication “Tens                 exclusivity.34,125 As indicated in the       principle that breastfeeding should
Steps to Successful Breastfeeding”                benefits section, this early supple-          begin within the first hour after birth
(Table 4)121 and provides a template for          mentation may affect morbidity out-          (even for Cesarean deliveries) and
developing a uniform hospital policy for          comes in this population. The survey         that infants must be continuously ac-
support of breastfeeding.122 In particular,       also reported that 66% of hospitals          cessible to the mother by rooming-in

                               Downloaded from by guest on February 17, 2015

arrangements that facilitate around-           until after the first feeding at the          TABLE 5 Recommendations on
                                                                                                       Breastfeeding Management for
the-clock, on-demand feeding for the           breast but not later than 6 hours of                    Healthy Term Infants
healthy infant. Formal staff training          age is recommended. A single oral
                                                                                            1. Exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 mo
should not only focus on updating              dose of vitamin K should not be used,           • Breastfeeding preferred; alternatively
knowledge and techniques for breast-           because the oral dose is variably               expressed mother’s milk, or donor milk
feeding support but also should ac-            absorbed and does not provide ade-              • To continue for at least the first year and
                                                                                               beyond for as long as mutually desired by
knowledge the need to change attitudes         quate concentrations or stores for the          mother and child
and eradicate unsubstantiated beliefs          breastfed infant.132                            • Complementary foods rich in iron and other
about the supposed equivalency of                                                              micronutrients should be introduced at about 6
                                               Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency and            mo of age
breastfeeding and commercial infant            rickets has increased in all infants as      2. Peripartum policies and practices that optimize
formula feeding. Emphasis should be            a result of decreased sunlight expo-            breastfeeding initiation and maintenance
placed on the numerous benefits of              sure secondary to changes in lifestyle,         should be compatible with the AAP and
                                                                                               Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Model
exclusive breastfeeding. The importance        dress habits, and use of topical sun-           Hospital Policy and include the following:
of addressing the issue of the impact          screen preparations. To maintain an             • Direct skin-to-skin contact with mothers
of hospital practices and policies on          adequate serum vitamin D concen-                immediately after delivery until the first feeding
breastfeeding outcomes is highlighted                                                          is accomplished and encouraged throughout
                                               tration, all breastfed infants routinely        the postpartum period
by the decision of The Joint Commission        should receive an oral supplement of            • Delay in routine procedures (weighing,
to adopt the rate of exclusive breast          vitamin D, 400 U per day, beginning at          measuring, bathing, blood tests, vaccines, and
milk feeding as a Perinatal Care Core                                                          eye prophylaxis) until after the first feeding is
                                               hospital discharge.133                          completed
Measure.127 As such, the rate of exclu-
                                               Supplementary fluoride should not be             • Delay in administration of intramuscular
sive breastfeeding during the hospital                                                         vitamin K until after the first feeding is
                                               provided during the first 6 months.
stay has been confirmed as a critical                                                           completed but within 6 h of birth
                                               From age 6 months to 3 years, fluoride           • Ensure 8 to 12 feedings at the breast every
variable when measuring the quality of
                                               supplementation should be limited to            24 h
care provided by a medical facility.                                                           • Ensure formal evaluation and documentation
                                               infants residing in communities where
                                                                                               of breastfeeding by trained caregivers
                                               the fluoride concentration in the water          (including position, latch, milk transfer,
Pacifier Use                                    is
(Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman,             TABLE 6 Role of the Pediatrician                   support for mothers in the early weeks
and the United States).135 As such, the          1. Promote breastfeeding as the norm for infant    postpartum. To assist in the educa-
WHO curves are “standards” and are                  feeding.                                        tion of future physicians, the AAP rec-
                                                 2. Become knowledgeable in the principles and
the normative model for growth and                  management of lactation and breastfeeding.      ommends using the evidence-based
development irrespective of infant               3. Develop skills necessary for assessing the      Breastfeeding Residency Curriculum,4
ethnicity or geography reflecting the                adequacy of breastfeeding.                      which has been demonstrated to im-
                                                 4. Support training and education for medical
optimal growth of the breastfed in-                 students, residents and postgraduate
                                                                                                    prove knowledge, confidence, practice
fant.136 Use of the WHO curves for the              physicians in breastfeeding and lactation.      patterns, and breastfeeding rates. The
first 2 years allows for more accurate            5. Promote hospital policies that are compatible   pediatrician’s own office-based prac-
monitoring of weight and height for                 with the AAP and Academy of Breastfeeding       tice should serve as a model for how
                                                    Medicine Model Hospital Policy and the WHO/
age and, in comparison with use of                  UNICEF “Ten Steps to                            to support breastfeeding in the work-
the CDC reference curves, results in                Successful Breastfeeding.”                      place. The pediatrician should also take
more accurate (lower) rates of un-               6. Collaborate with the obstetric community to     the lead in encouraging the hospitals
                                                    develop optimal breastfeeding support
dernutrition and short stature and                  programs.                                       with which he or she is affiliated to
(higher) rates of overweight. Fur-               7. Coordinate with community-based health care     provide proper support and facilities
thermore, birth to 6-month growth                   professionals and certified breastfeeding        for their employees who choose to
                                                    counselors to ensure uniform and
charts are available where the curves               comprehensive breastfeeding support.
                                                                                                    continue to breastfeed.
are magnified to permit monitoring of
weight trajectories. As such, the WHO
curves serve as the best guide for               guide for coding to facilitate appropri-           BUSINESS CASE FOR
assessing lactation performance because          ate payment, suggested guidelines for              BREASTFEEDING
they minimize mislabeling clinical sit-          telephone triage of maternal breast-               A mother/baby-friendly worksite pro-
uations as inadequate breastfeeding and          feeding concerns, and information                  vides benefits to employers, including
identify more accurately and promptly            regarding employer support for                     a reduction in company health care
overweight and obese infants. As of Sep-         breastfeeding in the workplace.                    costs, lower employee absenteeism,
tember 2010, the CDC, with the concur-           Evidence-based protocols from organ-               reduction in employee turnover, and
rence of the AAP, recommended the use            izations such as the Academy of                    increased employee morale and pro-
of the WHO curves for all children               Breastfeeding Medicine provide de-                 ductivity.145,146 The return on invest-
younger than 24 months.137,138                   tailed clinical guidance for manage-               ment has been calculated that for
                                                 ment of specific issues, including the              every $1 invested in creating and
                                                 recommendations for frequent and                   supporting a lactation support pro-
ROLE OF THE PEDIATRICIAN                         unrestricted time for breastfeeding so             gram (including a designated pump
Pediatricians have a critical role in            as to minimize hyperbilirubinemia                  site that guarantees privacy, avail-
their individual practices, communi-             and hypoglycemia.4,142,143 The critical            ability of refrigeration and a hand-
ties, and society at large to serve as           role that pediatricians play is high-              washing facility, and appropriate
advocates and supporters of suc-                 lighted by the recommended health                  mother break time) there is a $2 to $3
cessful breastfeeding (Table 6).139 De-          supervision visit at 3 to 5 days of age,           dollar return.147 The Maternal and
spite this critical role, studies have           which is within 48 to 72 hours after               Child Health Bureau of the US De-
demonstrated lack of preparation and             discharge from the hospital, as well               partment of Health and Human Serv-
knowledge and declining attitudes                as pediatricians support of practices              ices, with support from the Office of
regarding the feasibility of breast-             that avoid non–medically indicated                 Women’s Health, has created a pro-
feeding.140 The AAP Web site141 pro-             supplementation with commercial in-                gram, “The Business Case for Breast-
vides a wealth of breastfeeding-related          fant formula.144                                   feeding,” that provides details of
material and resources to assist and             Pediatricians also should serve as                 economic benefits to the employer
support pediatricians in their critical          breastfeeding advocates and educa-                 and toolkits for the creation of such
role as advocates of infant well-being.          tors and not solely delegate this role             programs.148 The Patient Protection
This includes the Safe and Healthy               to staff or nonmedical/lay volunteers.             and Affordable Care Act passed by
Beginnings toolkit,5 which includes re-          Communicating with families that                   Congress in March 2010 mandates
sources for physician’s office for pro-           breastfeeding is a medical priority that           that employers provide “reasonable
motion of breastfeeding in a busy                is enthusiastically recommended by                 break time” for nursing mothers and
pediatric practice setting, a pocket             their personal pediatrician will build             private non-bathroom areas to express

                             Downloaded from by guest on February 17, 2015

breast milk during their workday.149                   and the mother and, in turn, optimize                  Richard J. Schanler, MD
The establishment of these initiatives                 infant, child, and adult health as well as
as the standard workplace environ-                     child growth and development. Re-                      SECTION ON BREASTFEEDING
ment will support mothers in their                     cently, published evidence-based stud-                 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 2011–2012
                                                                                                              Margreete Johnston, MD
goal of supplying only breast milk to                  ies have confirmed and quantitated the                  Susan Landers, MD
their infants beyond the immediate                     risks of not breastfeeding. Thus, infant               Larry Noble, MD
postpartum period.                                     feeding should not be considered as                    Kinga Szucs, MD
                                                       a lifestyle choice but rather as a basic               Laura Viehmann, MD
                                                       health issue. As such, the pediatrician’s
CONCLUSIONS                                                                                                   PAST CONTRIBUTING EXECUTIVE
                                                       role in advocating and supporting
Research and practice in the 5 years                                                                          COMMITTEE MEMBERS
                                                       proper breastfeeding practices is es-
                                                                                                              Lori Feldman-Winter, MD
since publication of the last AAP policy               sential and vital for the achievement of               Ruth Lawrence, MD
statement have reinforced the conclu-                  this preferred public health goal.35
sion that breastfeeding and the use of                                                                        STAFF
human milk confer unique nutritional                   LEAD AUTHORS                                           Sunnah Kim, MS
and nonnutritional benefits to the infant               Arthur I. Eidelman, MD                                 Ngozi Onyema, MPH

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