Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association

Page created by Joel Sandoval
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
Brand guidelines
                                     New Zealand Veterinary Association
New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                  1
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
2   New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
4_                                11_                        22_                       29_
Editorial style guide |           NZVA and its Special       Photography | People      Separate entities |      Purpose
Introduction | Our                Interest Branches                                    BESTPRACTICE             The NZVA’s brand guidelines help to
writing style                                                23_                                                protect the integrity of our visual identity
                                  14_                        Photography | Animals
                                                                                       31_                      and support a strong and consistent
5_                                NZVA and its Regional                                Publications | NZVJ,
                                                                                                                overall brand.
                                                                                       VetScript, VetLearn
About us | Our focus on           Networks                   24_                       Update, Newsletters
the future                                                                                                      The guidelines are for application
                                                             Photography | People
                                  16_                        at work
                                                                                                                by graphic designers, editors, printers,
6_                                NZVA logo on
                                                                                       34_                      publishers, NZVA staff, the Board, special
Our Coat of Arms                                                                       Introduction
and logo
                                  backgrounds                25_                       to templates
                                                                                                                interest branches, regional networks,
                                                             Photography | Cultural                             associated schemes, industry partners,
7_                                18_                                                  35_                      and other parties, permitted to use the
Our NZVA logo                     Typefaces                  26_                       Stationery | Print       NZVA’s logo and related material.
                                                             Photography |             and signage              The guidelines are administered
8_                                19_                        Conceptual                                         by NZVA and updated as required.
Where elements sit                Colour palette                                       36_
                                                             27_                       Stationery | Digital
10_                               20_                        Graphics | Infographics                          If you have any queries
NZVA and its entities             Animal wallpaper                                                            please contact:
                                                             Publishing, paper,                               Primary contact:
                                                             recycling                                        Stephanie Lee
                                                                                                              Graphic Designer
                                                                                                              Secondary contact:
                                                                                                              Veronica Challies
                                                                                                              Communications Manager

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                                     3
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
NZVA | Editorial style guide
Introduction | Our writing style

Introduction                                                    Who are they for?                                       Our technical writing style
The New Zealand Veterinary Association                          • NZVA Board, SIBs, RNs, staff                          The NZVA uses a technical and scientific writing style
                                                                • NZVA representatives – Committees, SIBs,              for specific documents for the profession. These include
(NZVA) has a Editorial style guide to ensure                                                                            scientific articles, full-length original research articles,
                                                                  RNs, volunteers
that the writing of documents, and other                                                                                technical reports, case reports, review article and
                                                                • Suppliers, providers – Editors, proof readers
written communications, are consistent and                                                                              research abstracts.
professional. The Editorial style guide follows                 Below are the key points of our guide.
                                                                To access the Editorial style guide (full version)
generally accepted practices but is also                        please contact the NZVA at
                                                                                                                             We use the New Zealand English spelling
                                                                                                                             of words.
tailored to the veterinary profession and the
NZVA by providing guidance on commonly                          Our communications                                           When we use Māori words or phrases in our
                                                                                                                             communications we follow the guidelines of
used terms.                                                     writing style                                                the Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (the Māori
The Editorial style guide is an essential resource to           We write communications in Plain English.                    Language Commission).
add credibility to our goals and key messages by                Plain English is a style where the language structure        We are gender neutral wherever possible.
demonstrating consistency and high standards. The               and presentation of a document makes it easy to
guide advances best practice in the use of language             understand after just one reading. To write in plain         We use the in front of reference to
including spelling, punctuation and grammar; layout,            English:                                                     the New Zealand Veterinary Association.
for example in terms of typography, headings and font              •   Keep your sentences short.                            We use acronyms sparingly for organisations
for written documents; and commonly used terms used                                                                          and names of committees. We spell the
by the profession and the NZVA.                                    •   Prefer active verbs.
                                                                                                                             organisation or committee name out in full,
                                                                   •   Use ‘you’ and ‘we’.                                   followed by the acronym in brackets at first
The Editorial style guide is to be used by all staff, as well
as NZVA representatives through our committees,                    •   Use words that are appropriate for the reader.        mention in the text.
special interest branches (SIBs) and regional networks             •   Don’t be afraid to give instructions.                 We spell veterinarian, veterinary nurse out in
(RNs) and other volunteers.                                        •   Avoid nominalisations.                                full, instead of using vet.
The Editorial style guide is a living document and is              •   Use lists where appropriate.                          We don’t use full stops in abbreviations
revised as needed, to ensure that it includes any                                                                            or spaces between initials.
changes due to conventions of usage or changes
within the NZVA.                                                                                                             We spell out numbers from one to nine.

4                                                                                                                              New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
NZVA | Brand guidelines
About us | Our focus on the future

About us                                                     Why do we need brand                      Our focus on the future
The NZVA is the only membership                              guidelines?                               The New Zealand Veterinary Association
association representing New Zealand                         To protect the integrity of our visual    (NZVA) has an ambitious and exciting
veterinarians. We’re proud to have served                    identity and support a strong and         strategic vision for the veterinary profession
and supported our members since                              consistent overall NZVA brand.            to positively influence the collective
1924, and excited to now be helping the                                                                wellbeing of animals, people, and the
profession be better recognised and valued                   Who are they for?                         environment – to make a better New
for the unique role they play in society.                    • NZVA Board, SIBs, RNs, staff            Zealand and potentially a better world.
                                                             • Industry Partners, associated schemes
Through our 15 special interest branches, 14 regional                                                  The strength of the profession lies in our members
                                                             • Editors, designers, printers            – highly skilled veterinarians who work in a range
networks, our national office, our Board and various
committees of volunteers, we help our members                                                          of industries throughout the nation. They bring
throughout their careers, from student to retirement,                                                  knowledge and insight wherever we share our lives
with the support and knowledge they need to succeed                                                    and environment with animals, for example, agriculture
in their professional and personal lives.                                                              and farming, food and fibre production, companion
                                                                                                       animals and horses, and wildlife.
We’re committed to safeguarding the high skills,
continuing development and ethical standards                                                           The NZVA’s role is to deliver vision and voice for the
of the New Zealand veterinary profession – ensuring                                                    profession, and value for all our members – through
the profession’s contribution to society is the very                                                   outstanding services and support, inspirational
best it can be.                                                                                        leadership and management, enduring collegiality
                                                                                                       and community, and by effectively lifting and
But most importantly, we help the profession to                                                        communicating the value of the profession.
broaden and deepen their role so they can influence
across a wider range of issues.

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Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
NZVA | Brand guidelines
Our Coat of Arms and logo
A centaur jumping with forefeet
                                                                         The bar below the crest is the torse. This   Coat of Arms
in the air and the hindfeet on the                                       was originally twisted metal and silk to
ground, holding in his hands a                                           hide the ugly join between the crest and     The NZVA Coat of Arms was originally
black shield with a silver fern-leaf in                                  the helmet.                                  approved at the Annual General Meeting
bend sinister.
The crest was the ornament worn
                                                                                                                      of the NZVA in 1953.
on top of the helmet. Chief centaur
Chiron, the wise, was famous for his                                                                                  Here is a breakdown of all design elements
knowledge of medicine.                                                   Second quadrant                              that make up the Coat of Arms.
                                                                         A gold bull’s head on silver background.
                                                                         The irregular manner in which the head       Our NZVA logo today still incorporates
                                                                         has been separated indicates severing
First quadrant                                                           from the body – referencing a link to the    the original framework and values of
A blue cross azure engrailed                                             stock-raising industries of New Zealand.     our historic Coat of Arms, but with the
(wavy edge of the cross).
Originally used by the Army
                                                                                                                      following details to note:
Veterinary Hospitals.                                                                                                 • The ‘New Zealand Veterinary Association’ text has now
                                                                                                                        been moved to the right side of the Coat of Arms.
                                                                                                                      • The Coat of Arms must always appear in it’s entirety,
                                                                                                                        otherwise it is no longer recognised as a Coat of Arms.

Third quadrant
A black arrow in bend (upper right                                                                                    Our history
to lower left), pointing upwards,                                        Fourth quadrant
entwined by and piercing a                                               Four mullets (silver stars) as a Southern
                                                                                                                      For more information bout NZVA and
                                          Beneath the shield is a
                                                                         Cross on blue background.                    our history see “And whilst you’re here” by
The arrow and the serpent                                                The term mullet is from the French
symbolise Apollo the Greek Sun
                                          scroll bearing the words
                                          New Zealand Veterinary         molette, the rowell of a spur.
                                                                                                                      E Shortbridge, C Smith and E Gardner
God and also God of Medicine,
archery, flocks and herds.
                                          Association.                                                                available on SciQuest (
                                          All elements above rest
                                          on the scroll base, this the
                                          creation of the NZVA Coat
                                          of Arms.

6                                                                                                                           New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
NZVA | Brand guidelines
Our NZVA logo
NZVA logo
Our logo is used to promote and enhance the
relationship with NZVA. It is for everyday use on
publications, stationery, written material issued
from the NZVA office, and certain documents
issued by other organisations and specifically
approved by the NZVA Chief Executive.

                                                             [Top to bottom, left to right] The first meeting of the NZVA, 1923 – Lawson, Millar, Ford, Danskin, Haugh,
                                                             Blake, Blair, Stafford, Quinnell, Elphick, McKenzie, Wood, Brodie, Howard, Broom, Collins, Paterson, Meade,
                                                             Kerrigan, Barry, Lyons, Dodd, Young, Woodruff, Reakes, Snowball.

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                                                 7
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
NZVA | Brand guidelines
Where elements sit

The NZVA logo always appears in a                       36mm width print minimum

defined position on all publications and                                           Equal spacing between logos

has its specific place alongside Regional
Networks, Special Interest Branches and
other brands.
If the other co-branded branch/society/association
hasn’t got a logo, the name can be clearly defined
alongside, and separated by a thin rule. Adequate
space from the corner edges of the artwork should
be provided.
The images on the right show ideal treatment of how
the NZVA elements work.
For instances where the left hand side of a document/
graphic/photograph incorporate a left hand heading/
title/text/wording, the NZVA logo would shift over to
the right hand side.

      Text placed left hand side of the banner area                       Enough space between title and logo

      Heading/title of a document
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
Logo left hand placement                                                                                                                                                                  Logo shifts to the right if text or graphics take up room
                                                                                                                                                                                          on the left corner

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Their future,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is our future
                                                                                                                                                                                                         New Zealand Veterinary Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2019

      Fitness of livestock for transport veterinary declaration
      Certificate to accompany animal during transport; refer to checklist/NZVA guidelines. Alterations require veterinary signature.

      Animal identified on this certificate MUST be priority slaughtered on arrival. If not for slaughter, complete only relevant sections.

      Animal owner                                                                               End destination:
      /person in charge:                                                                         (Must be closest slaughter
                                                                                                 house premise)*

      Address:                                                                                   Location:

                                                                                                 *If not closest slaughter premise, MPI VS veterinarian contacted?
      Phone:                                                                                                                                                               Yes      No

      Animal information
       Species:                                              Breed:                                                                   Sex:
       Identification (e.g. tag):                            NAIT number:                                                             Age:
       Examination location:
       (Specify, if not address above)

       Detailed history and
       examination findings:
       (Consider video/photo
       evidence )

      Transport conditions                                                                      Veterinarian information
      Transport conditions (tick only if appropriate):                                           Name:

             Direct to slaughter premise                  Reduced pen density                    Practice:
             Last on/first off                            Lower deck                             Practice address:
             Other (please state below):                  With herd mates                        Phone:
                                                                                                 I would like feedback on the animal:                                Yes     No

                                                                                                 I would be prefer to be contacted by:                               Phone        Email

                                                                                                Veterinary declaration (to be completed at the time of clinical examination)

      Animal owner/person in charge declaration                                                  I declare that the information is correct and in my opinion the
                                                                                                 animal I have examined is fit for transport under the conditions
       I declare that I will:                                                                    stated in this certificate.
       • Comply with the instructions described above including expiry date.
       • Not transport the animal if its condition changes without seeking                         Date examined:
           further veterinary advice.
                                                                                                   Date of expiry:
       • Advise the transport operator of the transport requirements.                              (N.B. No greater than 7 days
       • Advise the slaughter premises the animal has a veterinary                                 after date of examination, or 24
           certificate, and should be considered for priority slaughter.                           hours from sales yard to farm)

        Date signed:                                                                               Date signed:

        Signature:                                                                                 Signature:

      MPI verification services use only
      Arrived on:                             Ante mortem and post mortem results and disposition:
      at (am/pm):
      Slaughtered on:

                                            Fitness of livestock for transport veterinary declaration | Date as at 1 February 2019
Brand guidelines New Zealand Veterinary Association
NZVA | Brand guidelines
     NZVA and its entities
     NZVA and its entities
     The NZVA is supported by a family of associated entities. All our
     associate entities relate directly back to the NZVA logo in style and
     colour. For instances where a logo does not visually link back to
     the NZVA logo, the following must be included:
     • Each entity to be positioned to the right of the
       NZVA logo.
     • Entities that have a standalone licence
       (eg. BESTPRACTICE and Leptosure) keep their own
       logo, but still are positioned to the right of the
       NZVA logo.
     Following these guidelines will ensure that there is
     a direct link and congruence with our NZVA brand
     allowing our message to be clear and cohesive.

10                                New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021   11
NZVA | Brand guidelines
     NZVA and its Special
     Interest Branches (SIBs)
     NZVA and its Special Interest Branches
     The NZVA is supported by our SIBs – all link directly back to the
     NZVA and are a continuation of our brand:
     • Each SIB to be positioned to the right of the
       NZVA logo.
     • Logos must also include the wording ‘Branch of the
       NZVA’ where possible to show affiliation with the
       NZVA brand.
     Following these guidelines will ensure that there is
     a direct link and congruence with our NZVA brand
     allowing our message to be clear and cohesive.

12                                New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
branch of the nzva

                                                                                              Pig Veterinary
                                                                                              Society of the NZVA

                                                             Epidemiology, food safety,
  Club Practitioners
                                                             animal welfare and biosecurity
  Branch of the NZVA
                                                             Branch of the NZVA

                  Medicine Branch
                  of the NZVA

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                          13
NZVA | Brand guidelines
     NZVA and its Regional
     Networks (RNs)
     The NZVA is supported by its regional networks (RNs). All our RNs
     relate directly back to the NZVA and are a continuation of our
     brand. Overleaf is a collection of all our NZVA RNs:
     • Each RN to be positioned to the right of the NZVA,
     • Logos must also include the wording ‘Network of
       the NZVA’ to show affiliation with the NZVA brand.
     Following these guidelines will ensure that there is
     a direct link and congruence with our NZVA brand
     allowing our message to be clear and cohesive.

14                               New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
Auckland Regional            Otago Regional
Network of the NZVA          Network of the NZVA

Bay of Plenty Regional       Southland Regional
Network of the NZVA          Network of the NZVA

Canterbury Regional          Taranaki Regional
Network of the NZVA          Network of the NZVA

Central Regional             Waikato Regional
Network of the NZVA          Network of the NZVA

East Coast Regional          Wairarapa Regional
Network of the NZVA          Network of the NZVA

Hawkes Bay Regional          West Coast Regional
Network of the NZVA
                             Network of the NZVA

Nelson/Marlborough           Wellington Regional
Network Branch of the NZVA   Network of the NZVA

Northland Regional
Network of the NZVA
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Logo on backgrounds

The NZVA logo and all associated logos
may be used with any approved NZVA
imagery, provided there is high and clear
The NZVA logo where possible should always feature
in full colour in majority of instances. It must be legible
and maintain the integrity of its form. Please use the
NZVA logo as follows:
Full colour (blue text) on light colour backgrounds.
Full colour (white text) on dark colour backgrounds.

16                                                            New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines

The official typeface for the NZVA brand
is sans serif, Myriad Pro.
The recommended type alignment for
all print communication is flush left.
When Myriad Pro is not available,
Arial typeface is used instead.

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021   17
NZVA | Brand guidelines
Colour palette
Primary colours    Sponsor colours        Secondary colours

 Pantone 295C       Pantone 1775C (85%)    Pantone 1795C      Pantone ~         Pantone ~         Pantone 7430
 C97 M65 Y32 K45    C0 M56 Y19 K0          C9 M98 Y93 K1      C20 M91 Y73 K11   C30 M100 Y40 K0   C9 M38 Y9 K0
 R0 G46 B95         R255 G143 B159         R217 G39 B46       R182 G55 B66      R183 G36 B103     R225 G169 B190
 Hex #003355        Hex #ff8899            Hex #cc2233        Hex #bb3344       Hex #881155       Hex #eeaabb

 Pantone 299C       Pantone 131C           Pantone 021C       Pantone ~         Pantone ~         Pantone 667
 C80 M18 Y0 K0      C17 M49 Y100 K2        C0 M83 Y100 K0     C36 M97 Y42 K53   C75 M100 Y0 K0    C57 M63 Y22 K3
 R0 G161 B223       R209 G138 B0           R255 G80 B0        R96 G9 B54        R102 G45 B145     R126 G105 B144
 Hex #0077aa        Hex #dd8800            Hex #ff5500        Hex #660033       Hex #662288       Hex #776688

                    Pantone Silver C       Pantone ~          Pantone 357       Pantone ~         Pantone ~
                    C36 M28 Y29 K0         C0 M50 Y90 K0      C85 M40 Y91 K39   C80 M80 Y0 K0     C65 M41 Y35 K18
                    R167 G169 B169         R247 G148 B51      R29 G86 B50       R82 G79 B161      R90 G115 B129
                    Hex #aaaaaa            Hex #ff9933        Hex #005533       Hex #444488       Hex #557788

                    Pantone Bronze C       Pantone 1235C      Pantone ~         Pantone ~         Pantone ~
                    C14 M72 Y93 K2         C0 M32 Y95 K0      C55 M0 Y68 K0     C90 M0 Y22 K0     C96 M65 Y36 K18
                    R209 G101 B49          R255 G184 B25      R121 G196 B126    R0 G177 B202      R8 G81 B113
                    Hex #bb5511            Hex #ffbb11        Hex #88cc88       Hex #00bbcc       Hex #005577
NZVA | Brand guidelines
Animal wallpaper

The animal wallpaper graphic is our
concept piece that is included as part of
our NZVA visual identity. It’s the connecting
piece that brings our NZVA branding
elements together, and should be used
wherever possible.

When using the animal wallpaper on different colours,
use in the following capacity:
                                                             Dark background with    Gradient background      Light background with
• Dark backgrounds                                           Animal wallpaper        with Animal wallpaper    Animal wallpaper
  – White wallpaper 7–15% white transparency.                (7–15% white tint)      (7–15% white tint)       (15–35% white tint)
• Light backgrounds
  – White wallpaper 15–35% white transparency.

The animal wallpaper is used in two main ways:
• As part of a banner such as at the top of NZVA
  advertisements, as part of a masthead on newsletters
  and magazines, and for promotional panels on
  our website.
• As part of a background for particular kinds of print
  and digital communications.
The shape and proportion of the animal wallpaper must
not be changed in any way.
The animal wallpaper can be used as a tint or UV varnish
with background images provided that it enhances
                                                               Don’t warp/stretch/     Don’t use a gradient     Don’t rotate/flip wallpaper
rather than detracts from the image.                           compress in any way     background with          in any way
                                                                                       contrasting colours

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                               19
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Photography | People

 All photography and graphics
 Stock image licences need to be
 bought for each instance of photo
 usage. If photography obtained from
 any other sources eg. individuals, clinics
 or organisations, written permission
 must be obtained by them.
 In order to ensure that the way we use imagery
 is consistent and on-brand, we have developed four
 styles of photography:
 •   People
 •   Animals
 •   People at work
 •   Conceptual

 Portrait photography can vary greatly between subject,
 from the Board, to veterinarians and guest speakers.
 The key to portrait photography is to ensure where
 possible that the subjects appear relaxed, engaged
 and in context.
 Use natural light wherever possible, and natural
 settings. Avoid artificial studio environments and props.

20                                                           New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Photography | Animals

 It is important when working in the veterinary
 profession to portray animals in a suitable way for the
 context of the collateral. All animal photography should
 be checked with one of our dedicated veterinarians to
 ensure our NZVA practice standards and policies are
 adhered to.
 Animal photography policy:
 No images of welfare compromised breeds (resulting
 from breeding for exaggerated features), should be used
 in publications, unless used in an educational sense.
 Specifics to note below:
 • No images of brachycephalic breeds (cats and dogs)
   are to be used in publications, unless used in an
   educational sense, due to welfare issues associated
   with their breeding.
 • Dogs with docked tails.
 • Dogs hanging their heads out of car windows are
   to be avoided due to health and safety risks.
 • Cows with horns are not to be used, as their breed
   is discouraged in farming due to their associated
   health risks.

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021   21
NZVA | Brand guidelines
     Photography | People at work

     People at work
     • People at work
       should be treated in a
       ‘reportage’ style.
     • Images should show
       movement, action or
       ‘capture a moment’
     • Subjects need not be
       looking at camera or
       posing in any way. They
       should be going about
       their daily business
       and be captured doing
       so. This style can be
       applied when buying
       stock imagery or
       comissioning original

22                                  New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Photography | Cultural

 The NZVA endeavours
 to be culturally sensitive
 towards all use of imagery.
 Cultural Māori and Pasifika
 considerations must also
 be taken into account,
 and should be sensitive to
 the following instances:
 • Don’t cut off the
   head in any way
 • Use the body
   as a whole
 • Don’t include any
   photos that portray
   sitting on tables, hats
   on tables, eating and

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021   23
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Photography | Conceptual

 When working with
 conceptual photography,
 it is important to engage
 and create a sense of
 intrigue with the viewer.
 Pictures tells a thousand
 words, imagery needs to
 be emotive, ask questions,
 and draw the eye in.

24                            New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Graphics | Infographics

 Graphics                                    Highlights                                                                                          Our year: Member support                                                                                                               New for
 The NZVA uses graphics to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GoodYarn
 help communicate points                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 workshops for
 in different ways. We can
 do this through use of

 icons and infographics.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Regional                                                                                         Kaitaia

                                                                                                                                                  4 x full-time                      networks

                                                                                       Paying members                                                                                                                                                  Northland


                                               Member Advisory

                                                                                                                                                  1 x part-time                      15 Regional networks                                                                                               Helensville

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Auckland                                   Pukekohe              Thames

                                               Group established
                                                                                                                                                                                     40+ events Regional networks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Te Aroha

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cambridge                         Bay of Plenty
                                                                                                                                                 veterinary professionals on staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Otorohanga                                 Opotiki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Te Kuiti                                          East Coast
                                               A key Change project proposal,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Murupara

                                                the Member Advisory Group                                              Green light
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Taranaki                                Stratford

                                                 is helping to bring a strong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hawera            Waiouru

                                               member voice to the national                                            given by all members to                                                                                                         Central                                   Whanganui

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hawke’s Bay

                                                                                                                        all major NZVA change
                                                   office and influence the                                                                                                                                                                                           Takaka

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kapiti Coast

                                                                                                                       project proposals at an                                                                                                                         Motueka                                          Masterton
                                              development of priority projects                                                                                                                                                  Marlborough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Richmond          Picton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lower Hutt

                                              for action, and is represented on                                          NZVA Special general                                                                                                                Buller

                                                       the NZVA Board.                                                  meeting, August 2019.                                                                                                Greymouth

                                                                                                                                                                                                            West Coast                      Hokitika

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Oxford        Rangiora

                                                                                   Kevin Bryant

                                                                                                                                                 Student support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wanaka                               Waimate

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Queenstown            Cromwell
                                                                                                                                                                                              Southland                   Kingston

                                                                                  New Chief Executive                                               4 NZVA student events                                   Winton



                                                                                                                                                   3 NZVA graduation prizes
                                                                                       Kevin brings a wealth of                                  Prizes for annual Massey Ball
                                                                                   experience in leading member
                                                                                                                                                      Barely There student
                                                                                      organisations, including in
                                                                                       sectors important to the
                                                                                                                                                     calendar sponsorship            Mentoring
                                                                                    veterinary profession such as                                    Involved students in
                                                                                                                                                                                     24 new relationships established
                                                                                  agriculture, and is well connected                              Special Interest Branch and
                                                                                                                                                                                     We helped members to overcome challenging times through providing advice
                                                                                  to key stakeholder organisations.                                Regional Network events
                                                                                                                                                                                     and support including:
                                                                                                                                                  Student Veterinary Business
                                                                                                                                                                                     • confidential counselling through Vitae – funded jointly by the NZVA’s
                                                                                                                                                       Group support
                                                                                                                                                                                       Elizabeth Veterinary Benevolent Fund, VCNZ and Vitae. This partnership gives
                                                                                                                                                                                       all veterinarians in New Zealand 24/7 access to counselling services
                                                    Conference                                                         DCV conference
                                                                                                                                                                                     • pastoral care coordinated by the NZVA Chief Veterinary Officer, Helen Beattie
                                                   in the Capital                                                       – Queenstown
                                                                                                                                                                                     • social media guidance and advice through the NZVA Communications team
                                                       625 attendees                                                       235 attendees
                                                                                                                                                                                     • support and advice for veterinarians dealing with Mycoplasma bovis
                                                     Event rating 4+/5                                                    Event rating 4+/5
                                                                                                                                                                                     • information about and contacts for wellbeing and other helpful services
                                                    Speakers’ rating 4/5                                                 Speaker rating 4+/5                                           (online and in print)
                                                                                                                                                                                     • financial support from the Elizabeth Veterinary Benevolent Fund to help

                                                                                                                                                   Counselling                         veterinarians experiencing financial hardship

                                                                                       Education hub                                              Free counselling sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                     • a focus on veterinary wellbeing articles throughout the year in VetScript

                                                                                   The recently established online                                      for members                  • the introduction of GoodYarn workshops to promote members’
                                                                                   NZVA Education Hub brings all                                                                       everyday wellbeing.
                                                                                      our CPD into one place.

                                         4         Their future, is our future                                                                                                                                                                                                               NZVA Annual Report 2019                                                     5

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             25
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Publishing, paper and recycling
 Publications                                            Acknowledgments                                                  Copyright
 International series or book numbers are required for   Acknowledgments to be included as part of the                    Copyright to be included as part of the publication:
 published documents/titles as part of legal deposits    publication:                                                     [Insert publication title] is subject to copyright. No part
 or public circulation.                                  Thank you to the NZVA head office in Wellington                  of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
 In these instances, the following wording would be      for their contribution reviewing the NZVA Brand Guidelines.      any form or by any means, whether electronic, digital or
 included as part of the opening page of all NZVA                                                                         mechanical, including photocopying, recording, any digital
 publications:                                           Disclaimer                                                       or computerised format, or any information storage and
 Publication no. XXX | First published XXXX                                                                               retrieval system, including by any means via the internet,
                                                         Disclaimer to be included as part of published
                                                                                                                          without permission in writing from the Author. Infringers
 NZVA | Wellington | New Zealand | 2020                  publications in instances when NZVA are writing on
                                                                                                                          of copyright render themselves liable to prosecution.
                                                         behalf of, or contributing to:
 For more information about the New Zealand Veterinary
                                                         The [insert publication title] is published by the NZVA.
                                                         The views expressed in these guidelines do not necessarily
                                                                                                                          Paper and recycling
 Association, please visit                                                                               The NZVA is committed to using sustainable resources
                                                         represent those of the NZVA, their agents or editors, and
 Printed by XXXXXXX, Wellington                          neither the NZVA, their agents or editors endorse any            in order to meet it’s environmental commitments.
                                                         products or services mentioned or advertised. Neither            This means where possible:
                                                         the NZVA, their agents or editors are the source of the          • Printing on environmentally responsible paper,
                                                         information reproduced in these guidelines and they have         • Encouraging people to recycle documents when
                                                         not independently verified the truth of the information.           they are finished with them.
                                                         They do not accept any legal responsibility for the truth or
                                                         accuracy of the information contained. NZVA, their agents
                                                         and editors have taken care to ensure that data available
                                                         through this service are error free and up-to-date. However,
                                                         neither the NZVA, their agents or editors accept any liability
                                                         whatsoever for the contents of this prospectus or for any
                                                         consequences which may result from the use of or inability
                                                         to use any information or advice contained, or for corruption
                                                         to data including but not limited to any defects caused
                                                         by electronic transmission. These provisions are intended
                                                         to exclude NZVA, their agents, editors and staff from all
                                                         liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence in
                                                         the publication, reproduction or electronic transmission of
                                                         content contained in this prospectus.

26                                                                                                                             New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Associated NQVS schemes | BESTPRACTICE
 The NZVA has accompanying associated brands that fall                       BESTPRACTICE footpath signs                      BESTPRACTICE iDropper bunting

 under the NZVA umbrella, but hold their own individual
 look and feel.

 The NZVA’s BESTPRACTICE accreditation programme is
 New Zealand’s only quality accreditation programme that
 ensures a high standard of service and professionalism for
 veterinary clinics and hospitals in New Zealand.

                                                                            BESTPRACTICE floormat
 BESTPRACTICE signage available for both accredited clinics and hospitals

                                                                                                                      BESTPRACTICE website
                                                                            BESTPRACTICE Durapole double-sided flag
                                                                                                                                                              BESTPRACTICE certificate
                 BESTPRACTICE car stickers

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                                                               27
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Publications | NZVJ, VetScript, VetLearn Update, Newsletters

 NZVA produces a significant array                               Companion Quarterly                                        Complementary and Alternative Therapies
 of publications throughout the year,                            Frequency – Four times a year (March, June, October,       Complementary Veterinary Medicine Branch’s newsletter
                                                                 December). Format – Printed A4 magazine, link to           provides readers articles from internationally recognised
 ranging from print to web:                                                                                                 holistic and integrative veterinarians about topical issues.
                                                                 digital version available. Reach – Available to all NZVA
                                                                 members plus all members of the Companion Animal           It also provides approaches to animal healthcare and
 VetScript                                                       Veterinarians branch (700+). Readership – Veterinarians,   wellbeing that include complementary therapies.
 Frequency – Six times a year (February, April, June,            student veterinarians, veterinary staff, practice owners   [3 x issues per year: April, August and December]
 August, October, December). Format – Printed A4                 and managers.                                              Wildlife Connect
 magazine, link to digital version available. Reach              Hoofprint                                                  Wildlife Connect is the Wildlife Society’s digital
 – All members of the NZVA (2,200+) and 100s of                                                                             newsletter, published 3–4 times per year.
 NZ and international subscribers. Readership                    Frequency – Four times a year (March, June, October,
 – Veterinarians, student veterinarians, veterinary staff,       December). Format – Digital A4 magazine, link emailed      The newsletter shares information, wildlife stories,
 practice owners and managers, government sector                 to readers. Reach – Available to all NZVA members          treatment advice and links to other organisations
 and industry leaders.                                           plus all members of the Dairy Cattle Veterinarians         working with wildlife in New Zealand and overseas.
                                                                 Branch (650+). Readership – Veterinarians, student         [3 x issues per year: March/April, August and
 VetLearn Update                                                 veterinarians, veterinary staff, practice owners and

 VetLearn Update is NZVA’s Continuing Professional                                                                          KŌKAKO
 Development double-page spread featured in each                 Equine Veterinary Practitioner                             The Wildlife Society produces the technical publication
 issue of VetScript; its aim to keep the veterinary profession                                                              Kōkako, assisting in the veterinary management of
                                                                 Frequency – Four times a year (March, June, October,       New Zealand native wildlife through the sharing of
 up to date on continuing professional development
                                                                 December). Format – Digital A4 magazine, link emailed      general and technical information. [2 x issues per year:
                                                                 to readers. Reach – Available to all NZVA members          June and December]
                                                                 plus all members of the Equine Veterinarians Branch.
 Special Interest Branch                                         Readership – Veterinarians, student veterinarians,
                                                                                                                            Page 31 images
                                                                                                                            [Top] VetScript issue covers and VetLearn Update double spread
 newsletters                                                     veterinary staff, practice owners and managers.            [Bottom] SIB issue covers

 NZVA’s SIBs also produce high quality publications on a
                                                                 Grazing Gazette
 regular basis, here are some that are currently available:
                                                                 Frequency – Twice a year (June and December).
 FAB news                                                        Format – Printed A4 magazine, link to digital version
 FAB news is published by the Food Safety, Animal                available for members. Reach – Available to all NZVA
 Welfare and Biosecurity Branch (FAB). The Branch’s vision       members plus all members of the Sheep and Beef
 is to provide knowledge, skills and leadership in the           Cattle Veterinarians Branch. Readership – Veterinarians,
 fields of food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity.          student veterinarians, veterinary staff, practice owners
 [2 x issues per year: May and November]                         and managers.
28                                                                                                                                 New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
Complementary Veterinary Medicine
                                                             Branch of the New Zealand Veterinary Association

                                                             Complementary Veterinary
                                                             Medicine newsletter [45pt]
                                                             Winter 2017 | Issue XX | Volume XX
                                                             Special Interest Branch newsletter of the New Zealand Veterinary Association

                                                             Taking time out                       Pet obesity         Regional branches
                                                             Shifting real attitudes for           A new approach      Untapped potential
                                                             the good

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                  29
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Introduction to templates

 Our NZVA templates have been set up to                     NZVA staff
 provide the ‘look and feel’ that is the brand              The following templates show examples of what can
 of the NZVA.                                               be made available to NZVA staff (subject to head office
                                                            approval). Templates for these are often created at
 In-house and office use                                    head office using design software (InDesign, Illustrator,
                                                            Photoshop). The final documents usually sent out/
 The following list of stationery is available to all the   emailed/supplied as final finished products. If you are
 NZVA staff, Regional Interest Networks, Special Interest   needing any of the following products, please contact
 Branches and associated entities eg. BESTPRACTICE          us at
 and Leptosure. Please contact the NZVA to access these.
 Templates are supplied mostly in Microsoft Word            • Business cards
 and Powerpoint:                                            • Certificates
 • Letterhead
 • Email signature footers
                                                            E-Newsletter templates are available to NZVA staff,
 • Powerpoint presentation                                  RNs, SIBs and associated entities eg. BESTPRACTICE
                                                            and Leptosure through our email campaign software,
                                                            Campaign Manager. Please contact the NZVA to get
                                                            access to these.

30                                                                                                                      New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Stationery | Print and signage
 Certificates                                                                   Business cards
 NZVA membership                 CPD                             BESTPRACTICE   NZVA business card (front) NZVA business card (back)

                                                                                                                      Name Surname abc, xyz, efg
                                                                                                                      Chief Executive of the NZVA
                                                                                                                      P +64 (0)4 471 0484
                                                                                                                      M +64 (0)XX XXXX XXXX
                                                                                                                      New Zealand Veterinary Association
                                                                                                                      Level 2, 44 Victoria Street, PO Box 11–212,
                                                                                                                      Wellington 6142, New Zealand

                                                                                 Pull-up banners
                                                  Partner logo

                                                  Partner logo

                                                  Partner logo

                                                  Partner logo

 Letterheads                                                                           NZVA Diamond
                                                                                      Education Partners
                                                                                                                              NZVA Gold
                                                                                                                           Education Partners
                                                                                                                                                                               NZVA Bronze
                                                                                                                                                                             Education Partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                             NZVA Bronze
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Education Partners

 NZVA                            NZVA + RIBs                     NZVA + SIBs
                                                                                                                           Partner logo                                      Partner logo                  Partner logo
                                                                                        Partner logo
                                                                                                                                                              Partner logo                  Partner logo                  Partner logo

                                                                                                                           Partner logo                                      Partner logo                  Partner logo

                                                                                                       Partner logo                                           Partner logo                  Partner logo                  Partner logo

                                                                                                                           Partner logo                                      Partner logo                  Partner logo

                                                                                                                                                              Partner logo                  Partner logo                  Partner logo
                                                                                        Partner logo
                                                                                                                           Partner logo                                      Partner logo                  Partner logo

                                                                                                                                                              Partner logo                  Partner logo                  Partner logo
                                                                                                       Partner logo        Partner logo                                      Partner logo                  Partner logo


New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                                                                                                31
NZVA | Brand guidelines
 Stationery | Digital
 Email signatures                                                                                                                                   Powerpoint presentations   E-newsletters
 Email signatures are not to be altered.
 Updates will be sent out regularly.                                                                                                                Standard                   E-signature banners

     First name Last name | Role
     The New Zealand Veterinary Association
     DD +64 4 471 0484 | F +64 4 471 0494
     A PO Box 11212, Wellington 6142 | L2, 44 Victoria St, Wellington 6011
     Follow us on Twitter | Like us on Facebook | Register online for VetLearn events and courses.

                                                                                                                                                                               E-newsletter title here
     This may be a privileged communication. If you are not the intended recipient, then you are not authorised to retain, copy or distribute it.
     Please notify the sender and delete the message in its entirety.

 NZVA + event advertising

     First name Last name | Role
     The New Zealand Veterinary Association
     DD +64 4 471 0484 | F +64 4 471 0494
     A PO Box 11212, Wellington 6142 | L2, 44 Victoria St, Wellington 6011
     Follow us on Twitter | Like us on Facebook | Register online for VetLearn events and courses.

     This may be a privileged communication. If you are not the intended recipient, then you are not authorised to retain, copy or distribute it.
     Please notify the sender and delete the message in its entirety.

     First name Last name | Role
     The New Zealand Veterinary Association
     DD +64 4 471 0484 | F +64 4 471 0494
     A PO Box 11212, Wellington 6142 | L2, 44 Victoria St, Wellington 6011
     Follow us on Twitter | Like us on Facebook | Register online for VetLearn events and courses.

     This may be a privileged communication. If you are not the intended recipient, then you are not authorised to retain, copy or distribute it.
     Please notify the sender and delete the message in its entirety.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                       New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
NZVA | Brand guidelines                                     Facebook    Homepage banners
 Social media
                                                                         Landscape image, Myriad Pro typeface (regular, semibold), NZVA logo (left-aligned)



                                                                         Social media graphics
                                                                        Landscape image, Myriad Pro (regular, semibold) on white transparency, NZVA logo

New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021                                                                                   33
Further information
                   Primary contact: Stephanie Lee | Graphic Designer |
34   Secondary contact: Veronica Challies | Head of Communications and Engagement    |
                                                                               New Zealand Veterinary Association | Brand guidelines 2021
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