BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library

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BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library

FEBRUARY      2023
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BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Adult Fiction                               Take My Hand
                        Black Hamptons                                          Dolen Perkins-Valdez
                        Carl Weber                                              Inspired by a true event
                        When a piece of land                                    following Civil Townsend,
                        comes up for sale in this                               who starts working at the
                        exclusive community, it                                 Montgomery Family
                        sparks a war between the                                Planning Clinic. When her
                        Brittons and Johnsons,                                  first week leads her to
                        two African American                                    two new patients, she
                        families. It's old money vs.                            makes a terrible
                        new money, and neither                                  discovery that changes
                        family will compromise. *                               the course of all of their
                                                                                lives forever.
To Catch a Raven                                       Monsters We Defy
Beverly Jenkins                                        Leslye Penelope
When the Declaration of                                In 1925, someone is
Independence is stolen                                 preying on black
by a former Confederate                                residents in Washington
official, a fearless female                            DC's "Black Broadway." A
 grifter is forced by the                              young woman with
government to get it                                   spiritual powers decides
back. She finds both her                               to investigate these
life and heart on the line                             incidents. However, a
as she falls for the                                   dangerous spirit
partner posing as her                                  interferes at every turn.
husband. *
                        Rules of Engagement                                     Two Lives of Sara
                        Stacey Abrams                                           Catherine Adel West
                                                                                A young mother, trying to
                        An operative for a top-
                                                                                outrun her past in
                        secret intelligence agency
                                                                                Chicago, finds refuge and
                        knows that undercover
                                                                                friendship at a boarding
                        work has risks. So she
                                                                                house in Memphis in the
                        doesn't hesitate when
                                                                                1960s. Here, family
                        asked to infiltrate a
                                                                                encompasses more than
                        terrorist group that has
                                                                                just blood and hidden
                        stolen lethal environmental
                                                                                truths can bury you or set
                                                                                you free. *

                                                 Last Suspicious Holdout
                                                 Ladee Hubbard
                                                 A collection of gripping short
                                                 stories capturing powerful and
                         James Baldwin           poignant moments in the lives
                                 Novelist &      of everyday African American
                                Playwright       families, friends and neighbors.
                              August 2, 1924 -   The stories span the beginning
                              December 1, 1987   of the Clinton presidency to
                                                 the eve of Barack Obama's
                                                 election. *

                                  * Indicates titles available in ebook format
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Adult Fiction
                          Recitatif: A Story
                          Toni Morrison
                          A short story about race
                          and relationships that
                          shape us through life.
                                                                              Maya Angelou
                          Two young black women,
                                                                              Poet & Civil Rights
                          friends since childhood,
                          are at opposite ends of
                                                                               April 4, 1928 -
                          every problem as they
                                                                                May 28, 2014
                          grow older. However,
                          they cannot deny the
                          deep bond they have
                          forged over the years.     Faith and Trust
Cubana                                               Blake Karrington
JaQuavis Coleman                                     A young woman feels her
A man's quest to escape                              boyfriend has way too
his past is an uphill battle.                        much money for the small
He visits Cuba and gets                              legal deals he tells her
involved in an under-                                about, but she chooses to
ground society of high                               believe him. One day the
stakes gambling, crime,                              feds kick in her door
money games, and                                     looking for him. She
backstabbing. How he                                 discovers he's leading a
survives is suspenseful. *                           double life and must
                                                     decide their future. *

                          Hold You Down                                     The Hookup Plan
                          Tracy Brown                                       Farrah Rochon
                          Two sisters grow up on                            A pediatrician decides to
                          the mean streets of                               ease the stress of her job
                          Harlem with an absentee                           by attending a high
                          mother. Now young,                                school reunion with a
                          smart mothers they are                            handsome man. She
                          determined to suvive in                           learns that he has been
                          NYC while raising their                           hired by her hospital to
                          sons. A decision lands                            spearhead a buyout.
                          them in uncharted                                 Clashes ensue in their
                          territory.                                        relationship. *

Now Lila Knows                                       Sing Her Name
Elizabeth Nunez                                      Roslayn Story
A visiting Black professor                           The intertwined stories of
at a small college in VT                             two gifted black singers
witnesses the fatal                                  whose lives are
shooting of a Black man                              connected across time
 (a fellow professor) by                             (the 19th and 21st
police. She's encouraged                             centuries) are explored in
to be a witness in the trial                         this compelling story.
against the police, but                              Prejudice bars both of
fears this may jeopardize                            them from achieving
her position. *                                      fame. *
                           * Indicates titles available in ebook format
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Adult Nonfiction
                        Black Women Will                                   Trayvon Generation
                        Save the World: An                                 Elizabeth Alexander
                        Anthem                                             The lives and attitudes of
                        April Ryan                                         young people in Black
                        As a White House                                   America who were
                        correspondent and                                  murdered in their prime
                        political analyst, April                           are explored in this
                        Ryan interviews                                    moving refection. The
                        influential Black women                            murder of Trayvon
                        to highlight the ways in                           Martin in 2012 is used as a
                        which they have helped                             starting point for this
                        hold up our democracy                              powerful discussion. *
                        time and again.
By Hands Now Known                                   Half American
Margaret Burnham                                     Matthew Delmont
An extensive investigation                           The definitive history of
 of Jim Crow-era violence,                           WWII from the African
the legal apparatus that                             American perspective.
sustained it, and its                                Over one million Black
enduring legacy by a                                 men and women served
renowned legal scholar.                              in WWII at home and
Evidence from over 1,000                             abroad, but many were
cases of racial violence is                          denied housing and
revealed as supportive                               educational opportunities
documentation. *                                     afterwards . *
                        His Name is George
                        Floyd                                              Movement Made Us
                        Robert Samuels                                     David J. Dennis
                        A landmark biography                               A dynamic oral history
                        that reveals how systemic                          and memoir between a
                        racism shaped George                               father and son
                        Floyd's life and legacy -                           chronicling the
                        from his family's roots in                         incredible story of the
                        the NC tobacco fields to                           Civil Rights Movement of
                        ongoing inequality in                              the 1960s and its living
                        housing, education,                                legacy embodied in Black
                        health care, criminal                              Lives Matter.
                        justice and policing. *
Of Blood and Sweat
Clyde W. Ford
A story of how Black lives
and labor created White
power and wealth in                                  Frederick Douglass
agriculture, politics, law                           Abolitionist & Statesman
enforcement, medicine,                                    February 1817-
financial services, and                                 February 14, 1895
other fields. Black men
and women have created
American institutions of
power and wealth, while
being denied access.         * Indicates titles available in ebook format
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Adult Nonfiction
                                                                                Under the Skin
                             Shirley Chisholm                                   Linda Villarosa
                                    Politician                                  A landmark book that
                              (first black woman                                tells the full story of racial
                                   elected to                                   health disparities in
                             U.S. Congress in 1969)                             America, revealing the
                              November 30, 1924-                                toll racism takes on
                                 January 1, 2005                                individuals and the health
                                                                                of our nation. A link
                                                                                between racial
                                                                                discrimination and the
                                                                                health of Black Americans
                                                                                is explored.
Black Joy                                             A House Built by
Tracey Lewis-Giggetts                                 Slaves
An inspiring collection of                            Jonathan W. White
stories of resistance,                                An exploration of why
resilience, and resolution                            Lincoln's unprecedented
deeply rooted in the                                  welcome of African
cultural experiences and                              Americans to the White
expressions of Black                                  House transformed race
people. A book about                                  relations in the U.S.
comfort and healing and                               Lincoln used the White
how to quiet the mind and                             House to empower Black
soul.                                                 voices in America.
                        True: Four Seasons
                        of Jackie Robinson                                 Black Skinhead
                        Kostya Kennedy                                     Brandi Collins-Dexter
                        A richly-detailed                                  A radical conversation
                        biography of Jackie                                about Black America and
                        Robinson, a significant                            political identity. The
                        figure in baseball and                             fragile alliance between
                        American history. He                               Black voters and the
                        opened the doors for                               Democratic party is
                        Black Americans to                                 explored in sharp, timely
                        participate in sports and                          essays. An outward look at
                        spoke nationally about                             Black votership and
                        inequality.                                        electoral politics.

Illustrated Black                                     The Third
History                                               Reconstruction
George McCalman                                       Peniel Joseph
                                                       The summer of 2020
A beautiful collection of
                                                      marked the climax of a
145 original portraits
                                                      Third Reconstruction, a
that celebrates Black
                                                      new period of intense
pioneers, famous and
                                                      struggle to secure
little known, in politics,
                                                      citizenship and dignity
science, literature,
                                                      for Black Americans.
music, and more with
biographical reflections.
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Teen Fiction & Nonfiction
                       African Town                                       Blackout
                       Irene Latham                                       Dhonielle Clayton
                       A chronicle of the story of                        Six bestselling and award-
                       the last Africans brought                          winning authors bring the
                       illegally to the U.S. on the                       glowing warmth and
                       Clotilda in 1860. Their                            electricity of Black teen love
                       journey recounts savage                            to this interlinked novel of
                       Middle Passage and being                           charming, hilarious, and
                       hidden in the Alabama                              heartwarming stories that
                       swamplands before sent                             shine a bright light through
                       to plantations.                                    the dark. *

Happily Ever Afters                                   Me (Moth)
Elise Bryant                                          Amber McBride
A 16-year-old Black girl is                           Moth, who lost her family
accepted into the creative                            in an accident, and Sani,
writing program of a                                  who is battling ongoing
prestigious art school                                depression, take a road
 where she hopes her                                  trip that has them
stories will shine. However,                          chasing ghosts and
she must find inspiration in                          searching for ancestors,
a real-live love story of her                         which helps them move
own to overcome writer's                              forward in surprising
block. *                                              ways. *

                         Nubia: Real One                                     We Deserve
                         L.L. McKinney                                       Monuments
                         A spirited graphic novel                            Jas Hammonds
                         about a Black teen with                             When a 17-year-old girl
                         Amazon-like powers. Her                             moves to rural Georgia to
                         best friend is threatened                           live with her ailing
                         by a boy who thinks he                              grandmother, she
                         owns the town, so she                               encounters a decade-old
                         risks her safety to                                 family secret. She also
                         become the hero that                                uncovers a mystery
                         society says she's not. *                           surrounding the town's
Black Birds in the Sky                                                       racist past.
Brandy Colbert                                        Freedom! Story of the
A searing account of the
history and legacy of one of
                                                      Black Panther Party
the most deadly and                                   Jetta Grace Martin
destructive acts of racial                            A well-researched story
violence in American                                  about the Black Panther
history: the Tulsa Race                               Party for young readers. It
Massacre. On June 1, 1921, a                          focuses on the party
white mob marched into a                              members, their supporters
Black neighborhood and                                and allies, the Free
razed 35 square blocks,                               Breakfast Program and the
leaving hundreds dead. *                              Ten Point Program. *

                           * Indicates titles available in ebook format
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Children's     Fiction & Nonfiction
         Black Panther:
                                                                                  Little Black Boy
                         Wakanda Forever
                                                                                  Kirby H. Baptiste
                         Frederick Joseph                                         A little black boy is
                         A young Wakandan                                         fascinated by water and
                         aspires to be part of the                                marine life and is
                         Dora Milaje, the warriors                                determined to become a
                         who protect Wakanda.                                     marine biologist. He
                          However, her disability                                 wants to protect the
                         stands in the way. She                                   beaches and oceans that
                         must overcome her                                        sea creatures call home,
                         disability and have the                                  so he pursues his dream.
                         courage to dream. *

Ty's Travels: Lab                                       Wednesday & Woof:
Magic                                                   Catastrophe!
Kelly Starling Lyons                                    Sherri Winston
Ty and his brother Corey                                Wednesday and her
love science! On a trip to                              service dog Woof are the
the museum they use their                               best detective duo in the
imaginations and pretend                                neighborhood. Join them
their scientists, studying                              on their latest case, as
bugs, and hunting for fossils.                           they try to find their
Ty continues to use his                                 neighbor's missing cat
imagination at home,                                    before her big trip.
creating experiments. *
                       Magnificent Makers:                                        My Fade is Fresh
                       Brain Trouble                                              Shauntay Grant
                       Theanne Griffith                                           With so many hairstyles
                       At their schools' Brain Fair                               to choose from, a little
                       best friends Violet and                                    black girl decides to get
                       Pablo stumble upon a                                       the freshest fade on the
                       riddle that opens up a                                     block. This book
                       magical portal. They then                                  celebrates the many
                       embark on a journey                                        shapes and forms Black
                        where they learn about                                    hair can take.
                       the human brain.
                                                      Opal Lee
The Antiracist Kid
                                                      Alice Faye Duncan
Tiffany Jewell                                        Opal Lee is known as the
An informative book that                              Grandmother of
asks what is racism and                               Juneteenth, because of
what is antiracism. It                                her advocacy in helping
teaches children how to                               to establish the national
recognize racism and                                  holiday. On the day of
what to do if they                                    celebration, she gathers
encounter it. Discusses                               her grandson and other
identity, activism, and                               children to tell how the
justice.                                              holiday came to be. *

                           * Indicates titles available in ebook format
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
Upcoming Events
           Art with Liz: Featuring Black Contemporary Artists
                      Wed., Feb. 1, 8, 15 & 22 10 am
                 Artist Theaster Gates Weds., Feb. 1 10 am

                 Artist Charles White Weds., Feb. 8 10 am
               Artist Torkwase Dyson Weds., Feb. 15 10 am

                Artist Lorna Simpson Weds., Feb. 22 10 am
   Learn Reverse Glass Painting with artist Ibou Ndoye Fri., Feb. 3 10 am
        Listen, Craft, Relax: Embroidery Group Sun., Feb. 5 12 pm
   Garden State Jazz Greats: Slam Stewart Weds., Feb. 8 6:30 pm Zoom

   Women in Science (for Teens) Movie & STEM Toys Sat., Feb. 11 11 am

 Documentary Screening: "The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution"
                         Sat., Feb. 11 1:30 pm

        Black History Month Trivia (for Teens) Weds., Feb. 15 4 pm

             Plant and Grow in Community Sat., Feb. 18 3 pm
      Black History Story Times Tues., Feb. 21 10:30 am and 3:30 pm

What's New Book Club: "Memphis" by Tara Stringellow Weds., Feb. 22 5 pm

        Virtual Museum Tour: National Museum of African American
                 History & Culture Thurs., Feb. 23 3 pm

             Family FUNday (for Children) Sat., Feb. 25 11 am
Community Mentorship: Transforming Our Youth at HHA Sat., Feb. 25 1pm
   Well-Read Book Club: "Wandering in Strange Lands" by Morgan Jerkins
                           Sat., Feb. 25 3 pm

             The full calendar of Black
             History Month programs at
                HPL can be found at
                   history- month
BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library BOOKS TO CELEBRATE - 2023 FEBRUARY - Hoboken Public Library
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