Page created by April Doyle


                                                    In January 2021, the Biden administration will
      Blueprint for Positive Change 2020 is         inherit a Presidency and executive branch
      a comprehensive list of 85 individual         nearly unrecognizable from the administra-
      policy recommendations aimed at               tion he left behind in 2016. As the COVID-19
      improving the lives of LGBTQ people.          crisis continues its stranglehold on the
      Recommendations include:
                                                    nation’s health and economy, the Trump
         Ensure consistent administrative          administration has continued its coordinated,
          implementation of Bostock v. Clayton      systemic attack on our nation’s most sacred
          County across all agencies enforcing      institutions—our courts, our Constitution,
          civil rights statutes and provisions;     and our foundational civil rights statutes.
                                                    The Biden administration will be tasked with
         Revise restrictions on transgender
                                                    confronting this damage to our nation’s civic
          individuals to return to an inclusive
                                                    infrastructure, but must also look to the fu-
          policy of military service;
                                                    ture. Joe Biden has an incredible opportunity
         Establish an interagency working group    to advance policies to improve the lives of
          to address anti-transgender violence;     LGBTQ Americans through the public health
         Appoint openly-LGBTQ justices,            lens required by the pandemic. In the Blue-
          judges, executive officials and           print for Positive Change 2020, the Human
          ambassadors;                              Rights Campaign has identified a list of more
                                                    than 85 individual policy recommendations
         Establish uniform data collection
                                                    for the new administration.
          standards incorporating sexual
          orientation and gender identity into
                                                    Since taking office, the Trump administration
          federal surveys;
                                                    has consistently targeted far reaching regulatory
         Establish an interagency working group    changes that undermine the rights of vulnerable
          to protect and support LGBTQ rights       communities, including those who are LGBTQ. The
          globally;                                 administration consistently mischaracterizes the
         End discrimination against gay and        law in federal regulations, legal memorandums, and
          bisexual blood donors;                    litigation actions. These coordinated attacks on
                                                    civil rights exploit the public’s traditionally limited
         Prohibit the practice of conversion
                                                    engagement with federal legal actions and admin-
          therapy as a fraudulent business
                                                    istrative developments, violating the public trust.
                                                    And, with the Trump administration undermining
         Rescind and replace regulations           the rights of the LGBTQ community at home, it has
          restricting coverage of Section 1557 of   made it impossible for the U.S. to lead with authority
          the Affordable Care Act; and              on protecting the human rights of LGBTQ people
         Eliminate discrimination against          abroad. The Biden administration must unravel these
          beneficiaries in charitable choice and    harmful regulations across Departments, reinstitute
          faith-based initiatives.                  the strong protections championed by President
                                                    Obama, and put the U.S. back on the path toward
                                                    equality for all LGBTQ people.

However, we have been here before. When HRC first         people at home and abroad. While each would make
published the Blueprint for Positive Change in 2008,      a demonstrable improvement in the lives of LGBTQ
it contained a collection of 54 individual policy rec-    people, here we highlight a few. We believe that
ommendations many of which were so fundamental            it is essential that federal judiciary and executive
that they seem to represent a more dire age. Don’t        offices reflect the diversity of the country and the
Ask, Don’t Tell was still on the books; tourists and      appointment of openly LGBTQ individuals sends a
immigrants living with HIV were categorically exclud-     vitally important message to the LGBTQ community,
ed from entering the United States; and transgender       including youth, about their equal ability to serve
workers could still be legally fired by the federal       their country at the highest levels of government. We
government simply because of their gender identity.       urge the administration to appoint qualified LGBTQ
The Obama administration worked to systematically         judges, executive officials, and ambassadors abroad,
dismantle this discriminatory infrastructure of federal   and to strive to appoint the first-ever openly LGBTQ
inequality that has plagued the LGBTQ community           cabinet secretary. Equally important, all appointed
since this country’s founding. The heart of this work     judges must be dedicated to upholding the consti-
could never be undone. In fact, the Biden adminis-        tutional principle of equality in order to ensure that
tration will have the opportunity to begin enforce-       the civil rights of all people, including the LGBTQ
ment of Bostock v. Clayton County in earnest across       community, are protected.
the federal government. The Blueprint for Positive
Change 2020 is designed to offer a road map for           We urge the administration to end taxpayer-funded
the next administration to restore the federal com-       discrimination once and for all and to rescind Trump-
mitment to this critically important work.                backed policies that invite discrimination against
                                                          LGBTQ people by federally funded grantees and
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the systemic            contractors. We call on the federal government to
gaps in equality across populations—particularly          take real, tangible steps to ensure that every patient
vulnerable communities especially Black and Latinx        receiving care through a federally funded health
communities. We find ourselves at a crossroads. Too       program has access to the respectful, comprehen-
many LGBTQ Americans continue to lack explicit            sive care to which they are entitled, including PrEP
legal protections under federal law. State-sanc-          and transition-related care, and we urge the admin-
tioned and state-funded discrimination continues          istration to focus on solutions to finally achieve an
to degrade individual dignity and prevents many           AIDS-free generation. Stigma and violence against
families from developing the stability and financial      our community—especially transgender women of
security that are essential to success. LGBTQ young       color—must be systematically addressed. We also
people continue to face discrimination and harass-        recognize that it is crucial that the United States
ment at school and long after classes have let out.       remain a safe harbor where LGBTQ people can
As a target for bias-motivated violence, our com-         escape persecution abroad.
munity has also fallen victim to the epidemic of gun
violence that plagues our nation. Too many LGBTQ          These are just a few examples of the common sense
people continue to pay an unacceptable price for          proposals and recommendations included in the
simply being themselves.                                  Blueprint for Positive Change 2020. Each one is
                                                          essential to improving the lives of LGBTQ people
The Blueprint for Positive Change 2020 is a com-          and cementing our near decade of progress towards
prehensive list of more than 85 individual policy         equality. We recognize the tremendous work there is
recommendations, reaching across the federal gov-         to be done in every corner of this nation and we are
ernment, aimed at bettering the daily lives of LGBTQ      ready for the challenge.

    WHITE HOUSE/EXECUTIVE                                  Appoint Openly-LGBTQ Justices, Judges,
    AND INTERAGENCY ACTIONS                                Executive Officials, and Ambassadors
                                                           The federal judiciary, executive offices, and ambassa-
                                                           dorships should reflect the diversity of the country. The
    Ensure Consistent Administrative                       appointment of openly-LGBTQ individuals sends a vital-
    Implementation of Bostock v. Clayton                   ly important message to the LGBTQ community, includ-
    County Across All Agencies Enforcing Civil             ing youth, about their equal ability to serve their country
    Rights Statutes and Provisions                         at the highest levels of government. The administration
    On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court held that          should appoint a diverse array of qualified judges,
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits    executive officials, and ambassadors, including LGBTQ
    discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,     people and people from other marginalized commu-
    gender identity, and transgender status as unlawful    nities. The administration should strive to appoint the
    sex discrimination. The White House should ensure      first-ever openly-LGBTQ cabinet secretary and the first
    a uniform, government-wide implementation of this      openly lesbian, bisexual, or transgender ambassador.
    decision, including by instructing the Department of
    Justice and other federal agencies to withdraw any     Commit to Diversity in Hiring Across the
    guidance or regulations that are inconsistent with     Federal Government
    the Court’s holding.                                   Government employees should reflect the diversity of
                                                           the country. The administration should commit sufficient
    Establish an Interagency Working Group to              resources and efforts to hire, retain, and promote a
    Address Anti-Transgender Violence                      diverse workforce, including LGBTQ people and people
    Rates of violence against transgender people have      from other marginalized communities. This commitment
    reached epidemic proportions. Since 2013, HRC          should be inclusive of all agencies and all positions.
    and other advocates have tracked more than 180
    cases of anti-transgender fatal violence across        Establish Uniform Data Collection Standards
    more than 33 states, the District of Columbia, and     Incorporating Sexual Orientation and Gender
    Puerto Rico. This epidemic disproportionately im-      Identity into Federal Surveys
    pacts Black and Brown transgender women, who           The collection of accurate, complete data is essen-
    comprise approximately 4 in 5 of all anti-transgen-    tial to ensure that federal programs and policies are
    der homicides. The administration should establish     meeting the unique needs of the LGBTQ community.
    an interagency working group to identify solutions     However, there are currently no uniform standards for
    to the root causes of anti-transgender violence        data collection based on sexual orientation and gen-
    and develop a plan to implement policy changes.        der identity across federal agencies. In the absence of
    This working group must listen to and collaborate      accurate data, policy makers do not have information
    with Black and Brown transgender women before          needed to create the appropriate policies and services
    and during the development of solutions to erad-       LGBTQ people need. The White House should require
    icate violence, and maintain communication to          federal agencies to develop and incorporate uniform
    determine if the solutions are working and what        demographic data forms designed to gather data
    needs to be changed.                                   based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Ensure that Providers Participating                        from discrimination on the basis of religion, includ-
in Federal Health Programs Provide                         ing requiring organizations to notify beneficiaries of
Information Regarding PrEP and                             their rights. The Trump administration revised these
Other HIV and STI Prevention Tools                         regulations across nine agencies, stripping away these
Although federal health programs including TRI-            safeguards and notice requirements for beneficiaries.
CARE, Medicare, and Medicaid cover preventive care,        These regulations must be rescinded and revised to
many healthcare providers fail to consistently identify    ensure that the government does not discriminate
patients at the highest risk of contracting HIV. The       on the basis of religion, religious affiliation, or lack of
Departments of Health and Human Services, De-              religious affiliation in making government grants or
fense, and Veterans Affairs, which administer federal      contracts and that grants and contracts continue to
health programs, must ensure that providers are            be issued based on merit. The administration should
aware of their obligation to provide complete infor-       also affirmatively clarify that the statutes containing
mation regarding preventive care including PrEP and        charitable choice provisions in no way preempt federal,
other proven HIV and STI prevention tools.                 state, or local laws preventing discrimination on the
                                                           basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
End the Global Gag Rule
The Global Gag Rule, also known as the Mexico              Establish an Interagency Working Group to
City Policy, bars any U.S. aid to foreign non-govern-      Protect and Support LGBTQ Rights Globally
mental organizations (NGOs) that provide abortion          Support for LGBTQ rights globally has suffered under
information, referrals, or services even when the          the Trump administration. The administration should
NGO provides those services with alternate funds.          recreate an interagency working group to coordinate
Prior iterations of the Global Gag Rule were limited       efforts aimed at building upon and implementing the
to U.S. funding for family planning services. Under        2011 Presidential Memorandum “International Initia-
the Trump administration, it now affects all U.S.          tives to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay,
international health funding, including funding for        Bisexual, and Transgender Persons.” In addition, the
children’s health, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculo-       working group should provide support for enactment
sis. The Global Gag Rule must be ended in all forms.       of a policy directing that LGBTQ rights be included
                                                           consistently and deliberately in public diplomacy.
Eliminate Discrimination Against
Beneficiaries in Charitable Choice                         Revoke the Trump Executive Order
and Faith-Based Initiatives                                Limiting Diversity Training
In recent years, the federal government has increas-       The Trump administration issued an executive order
ingly turned to religious organizations to provide vital   attacking diversity and inclusion practices of federal
services to vulnerable populations. These include          agencies, federal contractors and recipients of federal
substance abuse treatment, early childhood education,      grants. The EO prohibits these entities from engag-
food and nutrition assistance, job training, and home-     ing in diversity and inclusion training programs that
less shelters. Faith-based groups often have expertise     address serious problems including white privilege,
in these areas as well as strong ties to the commu-        systemic racism, unconscious bias, and intersectional-
nities they serve. The charitable choice regulations       ity. As a result, may agencies and recipients of federal
guide how religious organizations operate and engage       funding have eliminated or suspended diversity and
with federally funded services and programs. Initially     inclusion programs due to fears about complying with
adopted in 2004, these regulations were revised in         the order. The White House should immediately revoke
2015 to provide greater protections for beneficiaries      the executive order.

    Promote and Protect the Rights                          individuals and increase their risk of discrimination,
    of LGBTQ People in U.S. Foreign                         harassment, and violence. Inaccurate agency records
    Assistance Programs                                     can also impede transgender individuals’ ability to
    U.S. foreign assistance programs provide vital          participate in vital federal programs. For instance,
    support and resources to combat HIV and other           Medicare or Medicaid coverage may be automatically
    diseases and work to promote human rights for           denied for services that appear inconsistent with an
    all people. The U.S. government should enact a          individual’s Social Security Administration gender
    comprehensive, consistent policy preventing foreign     marker records, and incorrect Department of Edu-
    assistance from going to contractors, subcontrac-       cation student aid records can lead to loan servicer
    tors, or grantees that advocate against the human       issues that impede a borrower’s ability to consolidate
    rights of LGBTQ people, or that discriminate against    loans, enter repayment, and start earning Public
    LGBTQ people in the provision of services and in        Service Loan Forgiveness credit. It is also crucial for
    their employment practices. This should apply to all    federal employees to be able to easily update their
    U.S. agencies funding international development         Office of Personnel Management employee records
    work, including USAID, the Departments of State,        so they can bring their full authentic selves to work.
    Agriculture, Treasury, and others.                      Furthermore, agencies that issue important federal
                                                            identification documents, including passports, green
    Ensure Elimination of Barriers and Improve              cards, and naturalization certificates, have differ-
    Systems to Support LGBTQ Refugees and                   ing and restrictive processes for correcting gender
    Asylum Seekers                                          markers. The administration should ensure that every
    The Trump administration has made gaining               relevant federal agency has a gender maker update
    asylum nearly impossible and has vastly reduced         process in place that is streamlined, free from un-
    the number of refugees provided resettlement            necessary barriers, and includes a non-binary gender
    in the U.S., from over 100,000 in 2016 to less          marker designation.
    than 20,000 today. These changes leave count-
    less lives vulnerable to violence, persecution, and     Include Sexual Orientation and
    even death. In 69 countries, same-sex sexual            Gender Identity Data in Federal
    activity is a criminal act that results in isolation,   Injury Surveillance Systems
    imprisonment, and in some countries even the            Most national death and injury surveillance systems
    death penalty. In addition, transgender individuals     lack metrics on both sexual orientation and gender
    encounter additional obstacles. The administration      identity, making it incredibly difficult to ascertain the
    should take steps to restore the asylum process         full extent of the impacts of gun violence on LGBTQ
    in the U.S. and restore our nation’s commitment to      people. The lack of this data also impedes the de-
    resettle refugees from around the world.                velopment and implementation of evidence-based
                                                            interventions to address gun violence affecting
    Modernize the Gender Marker Update                      LGBTQ communities. The administration should
    Process for Federal Records and                         ensure that all existing national injury data systems
    Identification Documents                                collect detailed firearm involvement information as
    Most federal agencies that maintain records on          well as data on the sexual orientation and gender
    individuals or issue identification documents have      identity of victims and suspects. This includes, for
    unnecessarily restrictive requirements for updating     instance, the Department of Health and Human
    one’s gender marker. Unmatched federal records          Services’s National Vital Statistics System, National
    and identification documents can out transgender        Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, and

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project; the Depart-   DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
ment of Justice’s National Incident Based Reporting
System and Supplementary Homicide Reports; and         End Discrimination Against HIV-Positive
the Department of Transportation’s National EMS        Individuals From Enlistment, Appointment,
Information System.                                    and Deployment
                                                       Currently, the Department of Defense (DOD) Direc-
                                                       tive 6485.01 prohibits any person who is HIV-posi-
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                              tive from enlistment, appointment, or deployment in
                                                       the military. This bar on service is severely outdated
Prohibit Discrimination Against LGBTQ                  and grounded in medically inaccurate information
Participants in Assisted USDA Programs and             that does not reflect the standard of care utilized by
Services Including Nutrition Support Programs          the medical community. DOD should amend Direc-
Federal programs serve millions of people nation-      tive 6485.01 removing the categorical ban.
wide and across the economic-spectrum. Nondis-
crimination provisions are crucial to ensuring equal   Revise Restrictions on Transgender
access to federally funded services. The Depart-       Individuals to Return to an Inclusive Policy
ment of Agriculture (USDA) administers critical pro-   of Military Service
grams such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition       In June 2016, the Department of Defense (DOD)
Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)         announced that transgender individuals would finally
and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program      be able to serve openly in the U.S. military, lifting
(SNAP), commonly known as “food stamps.” USDA          the decades-old discriminatory ban preventing them
should implement rules and provide guidance to en-     from doing so. However under the Trump administra-
sure that discrimination against LGBTQ participants    tion, DOD halted this policy, disallowing transgender
is prohibited in programs and services that receive    servicemembers from serving in the military. Under
assistance from USDA.                                  this ban, a medically designated need to transition
                                                       gender is a basis for discharge and denial of acces-
                                                       sion even if the servicemember can still meet general
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                 standards for readiness and deployment. The admin-
                                                       istration should revise the regulations implementing
Add LGBTQ Questions on the American                    this ban to again allow transgender servicemembers
Community Survey and Next U.S. Census                  to serve openly in the military.
Currently, there are no questions regarding sexual
orientation or gender identity on the United State’s   Ensure All LGBTQ Military Personnel
two largest demographic data collection efforts:       Have Access to PrEP Without Jeopardizing
the ongoing American Community Survey and the          Job Status
decennial U.S. Census. Demographic data from           The Department of Defense (DOD) must ensure
these surveys is used to direct hundreds of billions   military personnel have access to PrEP without fear
of dollars in federal funding annually. The absence    of discrimination or retaliation. DOD should amend
of information regarding LGBTQ people negatively       its existing guidance to ensure that discrimination
impacts support for the LGBTQ community. The           against LGBTQ military personnel is prohibited and
Census Bureau should add sexual orientation and        ensure access to and confidentiality of personnel
gender identity questions to both the American         who choose to use PrEP and other HIV/STI preven-
Community Survey and next U.S. Census.                 tion tools.

    Ensure Active Duty Servicemembers Have                   accrediting bodies to accredit religious institutions
    Equal Access to Spousal Housing                          that discriminate or that do not meet science based
    The Department of Defense (DOD) Instruction              curricula standards. The Department of Educa-
    1100.16 provides DOD’s Equal Opportunity in Off-         tion should issue a regulation clarifying that this
    Base Housing policy, which ensures equal oppor-          provision, which requires accreditation agencies
    tunity housing for off-base personnel consistent         to “respect the stated mission” of religious institu-
    with federal law. The Fair Housing Act prohibits         tions, does not require the accreditation of religious
    discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes       institutions that do not meet neutral accreditation
    discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and    standards including nondiscrimination policies and
    gender identity. DOD should issue a new instruction      scientific curriculum requirements.
    adding a definition of “sex discrimination” to include
    discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation        Ensure the Enforcement LGBTQ Students’
    and gender identity to be consistent with the Fair       Rights Under Title IX
    Housing Act.                                             Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972
                                                             prohibits discrimination based on sex in federally
    Ensure Access to Comprehensive                           funded education programs. The scope of Title
    Transition-Related Care for Dependents                   IX’s sex discrimination provisions have tradition-
    of Military Personnel                                    ally been interpreted in accordance with Title VII,
    The Department of Defense (DOD) provides health-         which the Supreme Court has held includes sexual
    care via TRICARE to all military personnel and           orientation and gender identity. However, the
    their dependents. TRICARE policy includes transi-        Departments of Education and Justice eliminated
    tion-related care for military family members and        Obama-era guidance clarifying that schools must
    retirees. Military medical facilities provide hormone    treat transgender students consistent with their
    treatment and counseling for transgender military        identity. This encourages school officials to permit
    personnel and their dependents; however, medical-        harassment of transgender students, deny access
    ly necessary gender affirming surgery is explicitly      to facilities consistent with gender identity, and
    prohibited in TRICARE’s new policy. To ensure that       refuse to use correct names and pronouns—all
    every dependent has equal access to the services         inflicting untold emotional harm. The Depart-
    funded by DOD, including medically necessary             ments should take affirmative steps to ensure that
    gender affirming surgery, DOD must amend the             schools understand their obligations to LGBTQ
    current policy to remove the categorical prohibition     students with a particular focus on transgender
    of coverage for gender affirming surgery.                students. The Department of Education should
                                                             encourage students who have experienced sexual
                                                             orientation or gender identity discrimination to file
    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                                  complaints, then investigate and resolve com-
                                                             plaints through all appropriate channels.
    Ensure Nondiscrimination Policies
    and Science Based Curricula Are Not                      Ensure Student Surviviors of Sexual
    Undermined by Religious Exemptions to                    Harassment and Assault are Protected
    Accreditation Standards                                  The Trump administration issued a regulation mak-
    Language regarding accreditation of religious insti-     ing it more difficult for student survivors of sexual
    tutions of higher education in the Higher Education      harassment and assault to report their abuse and
    Opportunity Act could be interpreted to require          promoting policies that favor their abusers. LGBTQ

people are disproportionately affected by sexual           leges and universities have requested an exemption
assault and harassment, and the stigma that many           from Title IX with regards to LGBTQ students. Stu-
LGBTQ people face can make it more difficult for           dents should have the ability to know which schools
survivors to report. The Department of Education           have claimed a right to discriminate against them in
should issue a revised regulation to ensure students       advance of applying for admission. ED should issue
who have experienced sexual harassment assault             a regulation mandating that colleges and univer-
are fully supported and protected by educational           sities once again request exemptions, and provide
institutions, and that regulation should be fully inclu-   public notice of their request for and receipt of a
sive of LGBTQ students.                                    religious exemption. In addition, ED should provide
                                                           a publicly available list of colleges and universities
Prohibit Pupil Services Personnel from                     that have received religious exemptions.
Engaging in Conversion Therapy or Referring
Students to Conversion Therapy                             Restore Gender Identity as
Conversion therapy includes a range of harmful and         Enumerated Characteristic for
discredited practices that seek to change a person’s       Purposes of Tracking Bullying
sexual orientation or gender identity. Currently,          Transgender youth experience bullying at higher
there is no federal law or regulation that prohibits       rates than their cisgender peers as demonstrated
pupil services personnel, including school counsel-        by the Department of Education (ED) conducted
ors, social workers, and other school-based mental         Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for the years
health professionals, from providing or referring          that gender identity data were collected. The Trump
students to providers of conversion therapy. The           administration revised the CRDC to eliminate gen-
Department of Education (ED) should issue rules            der identity, gender expression, and nonconformity
clarifying that pupil services personnel in feder-         with gender stereotypes. Consistent with the Bos-
ally funded schools who directly provide or refer          tock decision, ED should restore inclusion of gender
students to providers of conversion therapy are            identity, gender expression, and nonconformity with
engaging in discrimination on the basis of sex in          gender stereotypes for purposes of collecting data
violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments          related to bullying.
of 1972. Further, ED should prescribe rules requir-
ing schools that receive ED grants for the direct
or indirect support of pupil services personnel to         DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
implement policies prohibiting student services staff      HUMAN SERVICES
from providing or referring students to providers of
conversion therapy.                                        Reinstate Regulation Prohibiting
                                                           Discrimination Against LGBTQ Beneficiaries
Mandate Public Notice for Receipt                          of HHS Grants and Programs
of Title IX Religious Exemptions by                        Federal programs serve millions of people nation-
Colleges and Universities                                  wide and across the economic spectrum. Non-
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972               discrimination provisions are crucial to ensuring
allows religious colleges and universities to be ex-       equal access to federally funded services. The
empted from nondiscrimination requirements on the          Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
basis of sex. Until recently, the college or university    oversees a wide range of programs from the Low
had to affirmatively seek an exemption from the            Income Home Energy Assistance Program to the
Department of Education (ED). Some religious col-          Public Health Preparedness and Response Pro-

     gram. HHS should begin enforcement of the 2016          Revise Conditions of Participation to Include
     regulation prohibiting discrimination in all HHS pro-   Nondiscrimination Requirements for All
     grams on the basis of sexual orientation and gender     Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Assisted
     identity and rescind the revisions proposed in 2019     Living Facilities Participating in Medicaid
     by the Trump administration.                            Currently, there are limited federal requirements
                                                             prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual
     End Discrimination Against Gay and                      orientation or gender identity by healthcare orga-
     Bisexual Blood Donors                                   nizations participating in Medicare and Medicaid.
     Largely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the       This lack of uniform federal protection damages
     Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)           the quality of care patients receive across the
     amended the deferral on blood donation for gay          country. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
     and bisexual men from one year to three months.         Services within the Department of Health and
     This change, however, continues to effectively bar      Human Services should publish final regulations
     the vast majority of gay and bisexual men from          incorporating explicit nondiscrimination protections
     becoming blood donors irrespective of their risk for    for LGBTQ people within the Conditions of Partic-
     HIV. Neither the current nor pending policy treats      ipation (CoPs) that healthcare organizations must
     persons with like risks in a similar way. Rather,       meet in order to begin and continue participating
     donors are deferred based on their membership in        in Medicare and Medicaid.
     a group—in this case, all men who have sex with
     men—rather than engagement in risky behavior,           Create an Inclusive Federal
     such as unprotected sex. HHS should adopt a policy      Definition of Bullying
     based in sound science that assesses all potential      HRC’s Growing Up LGBT in America, a ground-
     donors based on their engagement in risky behavior,     breaking survey of more than 10,000 LGBTQ-iden-
     not on sexual orientation.                              tified youth ages 13 to17, found that LGBTQ youth
                                                             are more than twice as likely as their straight and
     End Discrimination Against Gay and Bisexual             cisgender peers to experience verbal bullying in
     Tissue and Cornea Donors                                school. Unfortunately, not all teachers or youth
     The Department of Health and Human Services             recognize bullying of LGBTQ youth as a problem.
     (HHS) requires a deferral tissue and cornea dona-       The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
     tion for gay and bisexual men for five years. This      Administration (SAMHSA) provides well-respect-
     policy effectively bars the vast majority of gay and    ed resources on the subject of bullying that reach
     bisexual men from becoming tissue and cornea            a wide audience. The Department of Health and
     donors irrespective of their risk for HIV. Neither      Human Services should direct SAMHSA to create a
     the current nor pending policy treats persons           federal definition of bullying that explicitly includes
     with like risks in a similar way. Rather, donors are    sexual orientation and gender identity.
     deferred based on their membership in a group—in
     this case, all men who have sex with men—rath-          Ensure That Youth Shelters Are
     er than engagement in risky behavior, such as           Inclusive and Welcoming
     unprotected sex. HHS should adopt a policy based        LGBTQ youth are overrepresented among the
     in sound science that assesses all potential donors     homeless youth population with approximately 40
     based on their engagement in risky behavior, not        percent of homeless youth identifying as LGBTQ.
     on sexual orientation.                                  The Department of Health and Human Services
                                                             (HHS) Administration for Children and Families

should issue guidance to assist service providers        fidentiality of these services when Medicaid sends
in understanding their obligations to LGBTQ youth        explanations of benefits (EOBs) to their parents or
including ensuring that transgender youth have           guardians. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
access to gender-specific clothing, programing, and      Services (CMS) should bar state Medicaid programs
housing consistent with their gender identity.           from issuing EOBs. EOBs are unnecessary for Med-
                                                         icaid since the recipient of services does not owe
Protect LGBTQ Foster Youth from                          the provider for care.
Discrimination in Foster Homes and
Out-of-Home Care Placements                              Prohibit Mental Health Professionals
LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the foster            in Federally Funded Foster Care
care system and are vulnerable to discrimination         Institutions and Programs from Engaging
and mistreatment. The Department of Health and           in Conversion Therapy or Referring
Human Services should issue guidance for foster          Minors to Conversion Therapy
care systems and out-of-home care services to            Currently, there are no federal regulations that
ensure the safety and well-being of LGBTQ youth,         expressly prohibit mental health professionals in
as well as explicitly providing nondiscrimination        federally funded foster care institutions or programs
protections. That guidance must ensure that              from directly providing or referring minors to provid-
transgender youth have access to gender-specific         ers of conversion therapy, which includes a range
clothing, programming, and housing consistent            of harmful and discredited practices that seek to
with their gender identity.                              change a person’s sexual orientation or gender
                                                         identity. The Department of Health and Human
Ensure Confidentiality of Sensitive Health               Services (HHS) should prescribe rules requiring any
Services for Dependents in Public and                    foster care institution or program that receives HHS
Private Health Insurance Plans                           funding to implement policies that prohibit mental
Young people who seek sensitive health services,         health professional staff from engaging in or refer-
including HIV prevention or treatment or transi-         ring minors to providers of conversion therapy.
tion-related care, have difficulty protecting the
confidentiality of these services when insurance         Restore Conscience Protections
companies send explanations of benefits (EOBs)           in Healthcare with Nondiscrimination
detailing these services to the primary policyhold-      Safeguards
er, usually a parent or guardian. The Department         In January 2018, the Department of Health and Hu-
of Health and Human Services should promulgate           man Services (HHS) formally published a regulation
regulations to protect the confidentiality of young      in coordination with the creation of a new division
people who are dependents from unwanted disclo-          within the Office of Civil Rights tasked explicitly
sures by requiring insurance companies mail EOBs         with enforcing federal conscience and religious
to the person receiving care.                            liberty laws. This new division and the accompa-
                                                         nying regulation raise serious concerns regarding
End Use of Explanation of Benefits (EOBs)                access to critical care for some of the most vul-
for Medicaid to Ensure Confidentiality of                nerable patients—including those who are LGBTQ.
Health Services for Dependents                           The rule purports to implement existing conscience
Young people who seek sensitive health services,         regulations, but also provides sweeping exemptions
including HIV prevention or treatment and transi-        for anyone working in a healthcare setting from pro-
tion-related care, have difficulty protecting the con-   viding a range of medical services. It also reinstates

     the 2008 Bush HHS Conscience Rule that allowed           to children in need of homes and families who will
     refusal of medical care for any reason by doctors,       care for them. The administration should restore the
     nurses, medical technicians, and even receptionists.     sexual orientation data collection and add gender
     The administration should immediately rescind this       identity data collection.
     rule and evaluate the efficacy and impact of the
     separate conscience division within the Office for       Revoke Waiver to South Carolina
     Civil Rights.                                            In 2019, the Department of Health and Human
                                                              Services (HHS) granted a waiver from federal
     Rescind and Replace Regulations                          nondiscrimination requirements to South Carolina’s
     Restricting Coverage of Section 1557                     Foster Care Program, which has contracted with a
     of the Affordable Care Act                               child welfare provider who seeks permission to re-
     The Department of Health and Human Services              fuse to serve prospective parents who do not share
     published revised implementing regulations for           their religious beliefs, but who wants to continue to
     Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).           receive federal funding to provide those services.
     These revisions remove all explicit protections in       South Carolina requested the waiver to allow feder-
     healthcare for LGBTQ people. More specifically, it       al funds to go to a child welfare agency that refused
     eliminates the explicit inclusion of discrimination on   to place children with Jewish families. By granting
     the basis of “gender identity” within the regulation’s   that waiver, HHS opened the door to federally fund-
     sex nondiscrimination protections. Section 1557          ed discrimination justified by religious belief against
     and the original 2016 implementing regulations           any number of prospective parents, including single
     were a sea change for LGBTQ patients access-             parents, LGBTQ individuals or same-sex couples,
     ing healthcare services and insurance coverage.          parents who may previously have been divorced,
     The revisions are unnecessary, unwarranted, and          interfaith couples, or people of deep faith that
     undermine the public health. They also fail to reflect   happens to be of another religion. The administra-
     the incorporation of sexual orientation and gender       tion should revoke this waiver immediately and take
     identity within the scope of sex discrimination pro-     steps to ensure that discrimination has no place in
     tections as provided by Bostock. The administration      federally funded foster care and adoption services.
     should rescind this regulation and replace it with a
     policy that explicitly includes sexual orientation and
     gender identity within the definition of sex discrimi-   DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
     nation under the ACA.                                    SECURITY

     Restore Data Collection Requirements for                 Release Detainees and Ensure Humane
     LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care                               Treatment for Transgender Detainees who
     In 2020, the Department of Health and Human Ser-         Cannot be Released
     vices (HHS) published a final regulation abandoning      The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
     data collection on the sexual orientation of youth in    (ICE), a division of the Department of Homeland
     foster care as well as foster and adoptive parents       Security, should release detainees who are not a
     and guardians in the Adoption and Foster Care            threat to the public. LGBTQ people are particularly
     Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS). The              vulnerable to abuse when they enter institutional-
     data from AFCARS provides states, the Children’s         ized settings. In the rare instances in which a trans-
     Bureau, and foster care and adoption providers with      gender person poses a clear and imminent threat
     valuable information to ensure safety and security       to public saftey, ICE shoud establish and enforce

clearer standards of humane treatment for trans-        Ensure Equal Access to Federal
gender detainees including appropriate housing and      Disaster Relief Benefits
prevention of sexual abuse and assault.                 Experiencing a disaster is traumatic and disruptive
                                                        for any individual; unfortunately for LGBTQ people,
Release Detainees and Provide Proper                    this negative experience is often compounded by
Medical Treatment for Transgender                       discrimination. Same-sex couples often face having
Detainees who Cannot be Released                        their families split apart because their relationships
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)               are not recognized by the relief workers, and trans-
does not consistently provide proper medical treat-     gender people are too often denied access to safe,
ment to transgender inmates who wish to begin           gender-appropriate facilities. The Federal Emer-
or to continue medical treatment in the course of       gency Management Agency (FEMA) should issue
their gender transition process. DHS should direct      guidance clarifying that LGBTQ people and their
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)          families shall have equal access to federal funding
to release detainees who are not a threat to the        and recovery support to which they are entitled.
public. In the rare instances in which a transgender    In addition, the Department of Homeland Security
person poses a clear and imminent threat to public      should update all nondiscrimination provisions per-
saftey, ICE should ensure that the transgender          taining to disaster services to protect on the basis
detainee is allowed to begin, to continue, and to       of sexual orientation and gender identity to reflect
progress with all necessary psychological and           the decision in Bostock.
medical transition-related care.

Release Detainees and Ensure Appropriate                DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND
Healthcare Standards for HIV-Positive                   URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Detainees who Cannot be Released
Current standards for the treatment of HIV-posi-        Expand Outreach to Homeless
tive detainees established by the U.S. Immigration      LGBTQ Veterans
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a division of the        Long-term discrimination by the federal govern-
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), fail to          ment against LGBTQ servicemembers has left
provide adequate medical care to detainees with         many LGBTQ veterans reluctant to seek the federal
HIV. Despite the vast assortment of policies and        assistance they are entitled to. The Department of
standards, DHS guidelines are overly broad and          Housing and Urban Development should expand
do not provide any direction for detention officials    their homeless population outreach to be actively
on how to treat and care for detainees with HIV.        inclusive of LGBTQ veterans.
DHS should direct ICE to release detainees who
are not a threat to the public. In the rare instances   Outreach to LGBTQ Youth Centers to
in which an HIV-positive person poses a clear and       Connect Youth to HUD Services
imminent threat to public safety, DHS should revise     Through programs such as the Family Unifica-
standards to address counseling, consultation           tion Program and the Youth Services Bureau,
and/or supervision of HIV-related clinicians with       the Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
expertise in HIV care, and procedures to ensure         ment (HUD) provides resources to youth who are
maintenance of confidentiality. In addition, DHS        struggling with access to housing. LGBTQ youth
should ensure that all detainees receive HIV pre-       are overrepresented in the foster care system
vention education.                                      and among homeless youth. Serving as a critical

     resource, LGBTQ youth centers frequently have the          cluding those who are LGBTQ. The administration
     ability to direct LGBTQ youth to programs designed         should restore the AFFH regulation immediately.
     to meet many of the challenges they regularly face.
     HUD should reach out to LGBTQ youth centers to             Restore Disparate Impact Regulation
     provide them with information regarding HUD ser-           In 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban
     vices for youth and to encourage them to connect           Development (HUD) rescinded the 2013 Dispa-
     the youth in their programs to HUD services.               rate Effects Rule that implemented and formalized
                                                                the discriminatory effects standard and the bur-
     Restore Inclusive Implementation                           den-shifting test used by HUD to determine liability
     of the Equal Access Rule                                   under the Fair Housing Act. Disparate impact
     HUD has proposed revisions to the Equal Access             claims under the Fair Housing Act are critical to
     regulation—a landmark housing protection that              addressing systemic housing discrimination and
     prohibits discrimination in all HUD funded programs        segregation in the United States. In practice, this
     including rental assistance, emergency shelters, and       regulation protected individuals from discrimination
     FHA loan programs. Secretary Carson’s revisions            emerging from facially neutral policies and practices
     specifically target transgender people seeking crit-       with disparate effects. The Disparate Effects Rule
     ical emergency shelter. These revisions would allow        protected individuals against particularly pernicious
     shelters receiving taxpayer dollars to turn transgen-      aspects of discrimination that may be overlooked
     der people away entirely or provide unsafe housing.        at first by nondiscrimination efforts due to the lack
     The administration should rescind this proposal            of—at least visible—discriminatory intent. Regard-
     immediately and return to vigorous enforcement of          less of intent, policies and practices with a disparate
     this meaningful regulation.                                effect further limit housing access for historically
                                                                marginalized people, including LGBTQ individuals.
     Restore Affirmatively Furthering                           This clear regulatory standard promoted consisten-
     Fair Housing Regulation                                    cy in enforcement of the Fair Housing Act which is
     In 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban               essential to both the public and property owners
     Development withdrew the 2015 Affirmatively Fur-           seeking to comply with the law. The administration
     thering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule implementing a            should reinstate this standard.
     section of the Fair Housing Act that directs juris-
     dictions accepting federal funds to take significant
     actions to promote equality and to “affirmatively          DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
     further fair housing.” This 2015 rule required com-
     munities to conduct an “Assessment of Fair Hous-           Prohibit Mental Health Professionals
     ing” to scrutinize their current patterns of integration   in Federally Funded Juvenile Justice
     and segregation, evaluate areas of poverty, and            Institutions and Programs from Engaging
     identify disparities in equal access and dispropor-        in Conversion Therapy or Referring
     tionate housing. Once that assessment is complete,         Minors to Conversion Therapy
     the community must set goals to improve their              Currently, there are no federal regulations that
     housing patterns. By identifying continued housing         expressly prohibit mental health professionals in
     inequality, these AFFH provisions were a critical          federally funded juvenile justice institutions and
     step towards ensuring that everyone has access to          programs from directly providing or referring minors
     homes in communities that provide opportunities            to providers of conversion therapy, which includes
     and resources for themselves and their families—in-        a range of harmful and discredited practices that

seek to change a person’s sexual orientation or         transmission is several times higher in prison than
gender identity. The Department of Justice (DOJ)        in the general population. The best way to ensure
should prescribe rules requiring any juvenile justice   that prisons do not become a prime environment
institution or program that receives DOJ funding to     for transmission is appropriate education and
implement policies that prohibit mental health pro-     prevention. The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) should
fessional staff from engaging in or referring minors    issue guidelines for comprehensive HIV prevention
to providers of conversion therapy.                     in BOP facilities, which should include educa-
                                                        tion about HIV transmission and information and
Ensure Incarcerated Transgender                         access to PrEP and other proven HIV and STI
Individuals are Housed Safely                           prevention tools.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons has rolled back a
policy that allowed incarcerated transgender people     Ensure Implementation of the Matthew
to be housed consistent with their gender identity.     Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crime
With transgender people experiencing sexual as-         Prevention Act and Appropriate Collections
sault at dramatically higher rates than average, this   of Statistics
decision only puts them at further risk of assault.     Hate crimes affect not only the victims and their
The Attorney General should direct the Bureau of        families, but generate fear and insecurity for the
Prisons to take steps to ensure that incarcerated       entire community they target. The Federal Bureau
transgender people are housed safely and in accor-      of Investigation’s (FBI) 2018 Hate Crimes Statis-
dance with their gender identity.                       tics report indicated that nearly one in five of all
                                                        hate crimes reported to the FBI were motivated
Provide Proper Medical Treatment                        by anti-LGBTQ bias, an overall increase from the
for Transgender Individuals in Federal                  year prior. The incidence of anti-transgender crimes
Prison Facilities                                       increased by 34 percent since 2017. Because this
The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) denies proper med-          voluntary data is far from complete, the Department
ical treatment to incarcerated transgender people       of Justice (DOJ) should intensify efforts to encour-
who wish to begin or to continue medical treatment      age local law enforcement to report hate crimes
in the course of their gender transition process by     statistics annually. In addition, DOJ should expand
prohibiting them from initiating any new treatment.     educational and training initiatives to address dis-
BOP should direct the Office of National Policy         crimination in communities and expand the con-
Review to issue a Change Notice to the Program          vening of hate crimes forums across the country to
Statement regarding Patient Care to ensure that         engage community leaders and citizens in ways to
transition-related care is considered medically         effectively prevent and respond to hate crimes.
necessary care, and that all incarcerated transgen-
der people are allowed to begin, to continue, and       Rescind the 2007 Office of Legal
to progress with psychological and medical transi-      Counsel Memo Allowing Discrimination
tion-related care.                                      Against Beneficiaries by Religiously
                                                        Affiliated Grantees
Provide Access to Comprehensive HIV                     In a 2007 memo, the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)
Prevention in Federal Prison Facilities                 at the Department of Justice (DOJ) stated that a
Rates of transmission for HIV in prisons remain         religiously affiliated employer could discriminate
a consistent concern for the LGBTQ community.           against employees on the basis of religion under the
The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that HIV         protections of the Religious Freedom Restoration

     Act (RFRA). This opinion is far reaching and has             violence, raising the age in respondents from 16
     opened the door to more expansive discrimination             to 18. Respondents voluntarily and confidentially
     under the guise of religious liberty since its publica-      give information about their sexual orientation and
     tion more than a decade ago. DOJ should rescind              gender identity as part of the National Crime Vic-
     this opinion and any subsequent guidance applying            timization Survey (NCVS). The increase in minimum
     the opinion to specific federal programs.                    age for respondents to 18 will result in the loss of
                                                                  critical data on the prevalence of violence, bullying,
     Address LGBTQ Policing Challenges in                         and harassment experienced by LGBTQ youth. The
     Investigations and Consent Decrees                           administration should return to collecting more com-
     During the Obama administration, the Civil Rights            plete data on this population.
     Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) had
     addressed LGBTQ policing challenges in investiga-            Ensure Uniform and Full Implementation
     tions and consent decrees. DOJ investigations have           of Bostock v. Clayton County Across
     found police departments to engage in patterns               Federal Agencies
     and practices of unconstitutional discrimination             In the consolidated cases Bostock v. Clayton Coun-
     against members of the community, including LGBTQ            ty, Altitude Express v. Zarda and R.G. & G.R. Harris
     community members. Consent decrees are court-ap-             Funeral Homes v. EEOC, the Supreme Court held
     proved agreements between DOJ and the police                 that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohib-
     department under investigation. One goal of most             its discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,
     consent decrees is “bias-free policing” provisions,          gender identity, and transgender status as unlawful
     which call for creating a policy to guide officers’ inter-   sex discrimination. The Attorney General should be-
     actions with LGBTQ residents. DOJ should actively            gin coordinating full implementation of this decision,
     re-engage with local LGBTQ communities and police            including by publishing guidance confirming that
     departments to ensure these goals are achieved.              discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,
                                                                  gender identity, and transgender status is unlawful
     Prohibit Discrimination in Jury Selection                    sex discrimination under all federal statutory and
     The right to an impartial jury of one’s peers and            regulatory provisions.
     the right to serve on a jury are foundational to the
     fairness that Americans expect and deserve from
     our legal system. The LGBTQ community has a                  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
     history of discrimination when being considered for
     jury service, and routine exclusion of LGBTQ people          Ensure Treatments Relating to Gender
     often results in a miscarriage of justice. The De-           Transition Qualify for FMLA Leave
     partment of Justice should issue guidance clarifying         The lack of guidance from the Department of
     that the Jury Service and Selection Act prohibition          Labor (DOL) in defining “serious medical condi-
     on exclusion from jury service based on sex in-              tions” under the Family and Medical Leave Act
     cludes a prohibition on exclusion based on sexual            (FMLA) may result in the unfair denial of leave
     orientation and gender identity.                             under FMLA for transgender individuals undergo-
                                                                  ing medical or psychological treatments associ-
     Restore Collection of Data on LGBTQ                          ated with gender transition. DOL should issue an
     Youth Impacted by Violence                                   official ruling stating that medical or psychological
     In 2018, the Department of Justice restricted data           treatments associated with gender dysphoria are
     collection on LGBTQ youth who are subjected to               not “cosmetic” procedures under FMLA regula-

tions and that hormone therapy as part of gender        abilities is unnecessary and inconsequential. It sets a
transition constitutes a “regimen of continued          precedent for future carve-outs and represents the
treatment.” Furthermore, DOL should provide             Trump administration’s consistent abandonment of
guidance for leave for mental health conditions         equal opportunity. This is a stark reversal of OFCCP
under FMLA, including an example of an individual       policy and legal arguments for the past decade. It
who would qualify for leave for psychotherapy for       also exceeds the Congressional carve out created by
gender dysphoria and for all subsequent medical         Section 715 of the National Defense Authorization
and psychological treatment.                            Act. The administration should rescind this proposal.

Restore Nondiscrimination Standards                     Eliminate Discrimination Against
for Government Contractors                              LGBTQ Beneficiaries by Department
The Department of Labor published a proposed rule       of Labor Grantees
incorporating an expansive religious exemption for      Federal grantees operate as an extension of the
businesses and organizations contracting with the       federal government by utilizing taxpayer funds.
federal government that are covered under Execu-        Nondiscrimination provisions are crucial to en-
tive Order 11,246—which explicitly prohibits discrim-   suring equal access to federally funded services.
ination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion,   The Department of Labor (DOL) provides grants
sex, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender    to programs in areas such as occupational safety
identity. Under the proposed regulation, businesses     training and assisting workers affected by mass
and organizations receiving taxpayer dollars could      layoffs, plant closures, and disasters. DOL should
present religious belief as a defense to a claim of     implement rules and provide guidance to ensure
employment discrimination to Office of Federal          that discrimination against LGBTQ beneficiaries is
Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), which will        prohibited by recipients of DOL grants.
then not enforce the nondiscrimination provisions.
The administration should rescind this proposal and     Revise Religious Exemption Reporting
ensure that taxpayer dollars are not used to facili-    Process for Grantees
tate discrimination.                                    The Department of Labor (DOL) has an estab-
                                                        lished process for providing exemptions from the
Restore Civil Rights Obligations of                     religious nondiscrimination provision in the Work-
TRICARE Providers Under OFCCP                           place Investment Act for faith-based organizations.
The Department of Labor published a proposed rule       In order to ensure that the exemption is not used
removing Office of Federal Contract Compliance          to permit broader discrimination based on a recipi-
Programs (OFCCP) authority to enforce nondiscrim-       ent’s religious tenets, DOL should clarify the scope
ination and affirmative action requirements under       of this exemption through informal guidance to
numerous statues including the Vietnam Era Veter-       program administrators. DOL should also create an
ans’ Readjustment Assistance Act, the Rehabilitation    additional reporting requirement for organizations
Act of 1973, and EO 11246 for TRICARE providers.        that receive the exemption.
The exclusion of TRICARE providers from the em-
ployment discrimination rules applicable to federal     Include LGBTQ Questions on Current
contractors not only has a detrimental impact on the    Population Survey
workforces affected, but sends a disturbing message     Currently, there are no questions regarding sexual
that ensuring fair treatment for women, people of       orientation or gender identity in the demograph-
color, LGBTQ people, veterans, and people with dis-     ics section of the United States Census Bureau
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