BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022

Page created by Katie Brady
BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022
AUG 2022               VOL 11

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022
BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022
                                          2   Message from Shri Tejasvi Surya
                                          3   Editorial
                                          5   Interview with Tejasvi Surya, National President of
                                              BJYM and MP Bengaluru South
                                              -Kunal Tilak and Rahul Bhaskar

                                          9   India at 75 - A quick big economic snapshot
                                              -Harsh Gupta Madhusudan

                                          14 Healthcare in the Centenary Year of Independence
                                              -Lakshit Mittal

                                          16 Shaping our Green Future
                                              -Anindita Chaudhuri

                                          18 India at 100: Our New Destiny
                                              -Rajarshi Roychowdhury

                                          20 India@ 100: India's Energy Policy
                                              -Sourav Kumar Singh

                                          22 India@100: ि कोण एवं उपल              याँ
                                              -वृंदा का   ेर

Advisory Board                            24 India@ 100: From a Rural India to an Urban Bharat
                                              -Abhishek Malhotra

Abhinav Prakash                           26 Envisioning India's Role on the Global Stage
                                              -Kamal Madishetty
National Vice-President, BJYM
                                          28 Restructuring the State
Varun Jhaveri                                 -Rajeev Mantri
National In-charge Policy and             32 Modi Government Blueprint for Trillion Dollar
Research, BJYM                               Dalit Enterprises
                                              -Kunwar Shashank
Animesh Biswas
                                          34 How to Ameliorate India's Innovationscape?
NEC member, BJYM                              -Dr. Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar

                                          38 Vishwaguru Bharat @100
                                              -Pankaj Jagannath Jayswal

Editorial Board                           40 Foregrounding a Nationalist Imaginary for
                                              -Prasad Manishankar
Saurabh Kumar Pandey
Adarsh Tiwari                             42 Industry 4.0 – India's Semiconductor Mission
                                              -Dhritiman Mitra
Rahul Bhaskar
                                          44 Global Digital Revolution - The India Way
Dr. Satendra Kumar Shukla                     -Devansh Shah
Kunal Tilak                               46 पंचायती राज- सफर और स             ावनाय India@100
Mutum Yoiremba                                -िशवां शु राय

                                          48 India Tech: Stay in India to Combat Lack of
                                             Technical Talent
                                              -Jiten Jain and Shailesh T

                                          50 India at 100 with the BJP
                                              -Mrityunjoy Talukdar

                                          52 Policies Required For A Better India
                                              -Aarohi Dhumale

                                          54 India@ 100 – Reimagining Future and Reclaiming
                                              -Amit Kelkar
BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022
Message from the BJYM President
                                        I hope that the August edition of the BJYM Magazine finds you in good
                                        health. I express my deepest condolences to the entire BJYM family at the
                                        tragic loss of Shri Praveen Nettru, who was a strong pillar of the team
                                        BJYM in Dakshina Kannada. This brutal murder in Karnataka feels like a
                                        personal loss, and I stand with our brave karyakartas in this hour of grief.
                                        The brutal murder of our Karyakarta Shri Praveen cannot be treated as a
                                        one-off incident. Such acts of terror must be dealt with an iron hand. The
                                        serial killings of Hindu activists in Karnataka by Islamists are part of the
                                        pre-planned organised crime to terrorise society and sabotage the
                                        democratic process. A comprehensive investigation is needed to uncover
                                        the entire terror network and its masterminds. BJYM will continue to fight
                                        for justice for Praveen and other brave karyakartas. I have full faith that the
                                        Karnataka government will bring to justice the perpetrators of this
dastardly act as swiftly as possible.
On July 25th, BJYM scripted history by organising the first-ever political rally at the iconic Lal Chowk, Srinagar
in Jammu & Kashmir after 70 years. The momentous event witnessed the participation of more than 2000
nationalists as a testimony to the New Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370. BJYM National President Shri
Tejasvi Surya carried forward the legacy of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who unfurled the Tiranga at Lal
Chowk in 1992 despite the threat by terrorists.
The public rally was followed by the Tiranga bike rally from Lal Chowk to Kargil. Two hundred bikers from
across the country participated in the bike rally. Sacred soil from the forefront of the martyred soldiers was
brought from different parts of the country by BJYM karyakartas to be offered at the Kargil War Memorial. BJYM
is committed to the mantra of 'Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat' of Prime Minister Modi and stands as the eternal
guardian of the Bharat against the forces of separatism, terrorism & chaos.
Friends! As India celebrates Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has launched a mass
movement of Har Ghar Tiranga. I urge all the karyakartas to make this campaign a grand success by ensuring that
Tiranga reaches every home, and on August 15th, your neighbourhood is draped in patriotism and unity. We must
set aside our personal and political differences to honour the countless generations of freedom fighters who
sacrificed their all over the centuries.
Under the inspiring leadership of BJP National President Shri J.P Nadda, a joint NEC of all the BJP morcha was
held in Patna to attain better synergy between morchas striving towards the common goal. I request BJYM
karyakartas at every level to co-ordinate and work more closely with the dedicated karyakartas of other morchas,
learn from the best practices and develop personal friendships. We are all part of the BJP Parivar and stronger

Vande Mataram!

                                                                                                   Tejasvi Surya
                                                                                              National President
                                                                                  Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022
    Under the inspiring leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi,
    India celebrates 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' to mark 75 years of
    independence from colonial rule. The centuries of heroic resistance
    against foreign rule began a new chapter in Indian history in 1947 when
    we started rebuilding our economy, society, and polity. The last 75 years
    have seen moments of great challenges and triumphs. As India enters
    'Amrit Kaal', it is imperative that the youth of India engage with the
    emerging issues and challenges that will shape the next 25 years.

    Rapid technological changes are reshaping the world as we know it. 4th
    industrial revolution promises to transform not just the economy but
    also the social structures and polity as we know it. The shift in the global
    geo-economic and geo-political situation in the post-pandemic world is
    already visible with the relative decline of the west, causing
    realignment of global power and opening new avenues of contestation
    and conflicts.

    It places the youth of India at a critical juncture where it must not only
    respond to the emerging issues but also pro-actively shape the future.
    We are entering a period of great disruption where the existing
    economic and political structure and global order can not be taken for
    granted. We are already facing the challenge from big-tech to India's
    digital sovereignty. The transformation of the production process and
    automation has raised questions on the 'future of work' itself. Machine
    learning and rapid advancements in artificial intelligence open up
    challenges we cannot yet comprehend. The historic task of this
    generation will be to manage this transformation which will test its
    resolve, judgement, and leadership to the limits.

    The most important task in the next 25 years will be to rapidly
    industrialise India in a sustainable manner to create mass employment
    and prosperity and build up India's manufacturing and technological
    prowess. Building an 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' is also necessary to face the
    active and passive threats in the evolving battlefields of the future. It
    calls for a rethink and renewed commitment to our approach to critical
    issues like education, health, economic policies, defence policies and
    governance models.

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022
The youth must also be politically aware and rooted in the civilisational
ethos of Bharat. The centrifugal forces of anarchy will also try to take
advantage of the changing scenario and redouble their efforts to spread
their ideology using the new modes of communication and
indoctrination. The only political answer to it is to mobilise every
section of the youth based on nationalism for constructive politics in
the service of the masses. The BJYM has been striving towards
nurturing the youth leadership that can face these future challenges and
has the intellectual depth to comprehend and respond to the threats, old
or new, under changed circumstances.

This edition of the BJYM Magazine has articles from the BJYM
karyakartas and supporters on the policies and issues that will shape the
next 25 years and how the BJP government is laying the foundation of
the future.

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022

    Interview with Tejasvi Surya,
    National President of BJYM and
    MP Bengaluru South

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022

India is celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit             strength, and we have also matured as a       generation millionaires, billionaires, and
Mahotsav. How do you see India's                modern democracy. These are the big           unicorn owners, which is economic
journey till now?                               achievements, and we also know that           freedom in action.
                                                had we got a better quality of political
It is an extremely inspiring journey                                                          Nehruvian secularism had destroyed and
                                                leadership at important junctures,
displaying the grit, resilience and                                                           sapped the very vitals of our country's
                                                especially during the very initial years of
strength of the brilliant people that                                                         cultural life. Today we have taken a very
                                                our journey as an independent nation,
Indians are. Looking at where we have                                                         decisive turn away from it. There is
                                                we would have fared even better.
come and what we have achieved in the                                                         pride in our heritage, in our civilisation,
                                                Overall there is a lot of optimism and
last 75 years is a cause for great joy,                                                       in our languages and in all the different
                                                positivity for the future.
celebration, and motivation to do better.                                                     aspects of our culture. The
Many countries in our neighbourhood             Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi             reconstruction of the Ram Mandir is just
and the global south gained                     has given the call for Amrit Kaal.            an example of this cultural freedom we
independence in the 40s and 50s. We are         What is the significance of the Azadi         are witnessing. The NEP stresses Indian
among the select few post-colonial              Ka Amrit Mahotsav leading up to the           and cultural-focused education.
countries that successfully maintained          Amrit Kal?
                                                                                              But this only started in 2014; therefore,
political stability and territorial integrity   Amrit Kal is of great significance to the     the next 25 years are crucial to achieving
under a democratic setup. We have               people of India, not only in their            two objectives: Economic consolidation
achieved political stability, we have           individual lives but also in the collective   and Institutional Decolonization. In the
achieved economic progress, and we              national life of the country because India    next 25 years, India shall lead the world,
have made tremendous progress in every          is on a different and new path of             be it in foundational technologies, big-
walk of national life – these are all great     progress and prosperity for all.              tech or the next big corporates. While
causes of celebration.
                                                An editorial in the Guardian of 18th          India shall pioneer at the frontiers of the
At the same time, there is also a feeling       May 2014 kind of sums up why this             technology shaping the future, it will
that perhaps we could have done much            Amrit Kal is important. It said that 18th     also give the template for a harmonious
better with better political leadership         May 2014 "may well go down in history         world based on its religion & spiritual
during our country's infancy. We have           as the day when Britain finally left India.   strengths. And our generation has a
examples, especially on the fronts of           Narendra Modi's victory in the elections      unique opportunity; there never was a
national, economic, and cultural revival,       marks the end of a long era in which the      better time to be born young and born in
like Israel, which gained independence          structures of power did not differ greatly    India. India's youth must meet their
in 1948. Around the same time, China            from those through which Britain ruled        personal goals and ambitions and give
started its journey as an independent           the subcontinent. India under the             solutions to global issues. So the Amrit
republic. The same follows for many             Congress party was in many ways a             Kal is an extremely exciting period for
Southeast Asian countries, which have           continuation of the British Raj by other      India and young Indians where our
performed much better in per-capita             means."                                       generation can become the harbinger of
growth and cultural revival. It has to be                                                     a new golden age of India.
                                                So 2014, in many ways, marked true
taken cognisance of because ever since
                                                independence for India – politically,         You talked about innovation and
2014, India has shown that inherently
                                                culturally, and economically. That is         technology. How do you see the
there is a great strength, great ingenuity
                                                very important because it opened              impact of technological disruptions in
in the nation, and great enterprise among
                                                floodgates of opportunities for the           the coming decades?
our young people.
                                                common Indians in every way. The fact         If we look at the history of the world and
But poor leadership and a restrictive           that a tea-seller could rise to become the    that of India, we know that as long as
policy ecosystem had shackled the great         PM electrified the masses. And his            India had the technological edge over
Indian nation to a large extent. Once it        relentless war on dynasty politics is         others, we were one of the world's
was unshackled, we see how India is on          creating greater political freedom; it is     foremost powers. As and when we fell
the rise. But still, there is great joy that    an unshackling in the true sense.             behind technologically, our overall
we have maintained our unity, integrity         Removing the 'License, Quota, Permit          downfall also began. In that sense,
and Akhandta as a nation due to our             Raj' enabled economic freedom in the          technological pioneering and leadership
inherent cultural and civilisational            truest sense. Today we see first-             are crucial for any nation in today's day

BJYM MAGAZINE India@100 - AUG 2022

    and age. And India has a lot of catch-ups      would find more seats in the Lok Sabha        prosperity. Do you think we can
    to do in this very important space. As I       and the assemblies from urban                 achieve it? Can India become rich
    said, had we had much better political         constituencies. And, naturally, urban         before it becomes old?
    leadership initially, we would have            issues and issues affecting largely the
                                                                                                 See, if we go back and read thinkers like
    focused more on core science and               urban dwellers, including all socio-
                                                                                                 Shri Aurobindo, Ambedkar and
    research, development, engineering and         economic and environmental issues
                                                                                                 Savarkar, they were all votaries of mass
    working on foundational technologies.          affecting them, would find more space in
                                                                                                 industrialisation, even before
                                                   our public and political discourse.
    But being late is better than never                                                          independence. However, we missed the
    having started the work. We have made          Secondly, while India is rapidly              bus in the initial decades of
    tremendous progress in the last few            urbanising, a new middle class is also        independence and paid a heavy price.
    years, whether it is Artificial                emerging because of economic growth.          Mass industrialisation is the only way to
    Intelligence, Quantum Computing,               So we will witness more debates and           create mass prosperity. PM Modi also
    Blockchain, or Big Date. Or Web 3.0 or         discussions around the middle class,          focused on building modern economic
    developing 5G, we are working on               including how future tech will affect         growth based on robust manufacturing.
    technologies that will change the world        jobs. Issues like jobs of the future,         We have now introduced the PLI scheme
    in ways we can't even fathom. And both         privacy and big tech etc., will gain more     and finally introduced great policy
    from a security point of view and              political traction. It would include if       support to manufacturing. These efforts
    creating prosperity in the nation,             there will be large-scale displacement of     will bear fruits in a short period. It
    investment and leadership in all these         traditional jobs and how it will affect the   indicates that India can be a very
    areas will be crucial for India. India is      economy and society.                          important destination for manufacturing
    blessed with terrific human resources,         What would the new jobs be and the            for the world.
    and our engineers are some of the best in      question of new age social security like      The mistrust & the fallibility of the
    the world. The quality of research that        universal basic income are also some          existing global supply chain is also a
    comes out of our universities is also          discussions that may come up. Because         great opportunity for India to exploit.
    improving. And now that the policy             of the growing middle class and more          And in all my interactions with the
    space has opened up, more funding is           educated and aware youth, ecology and         Indian manufacturers, whether MSMEs
    flowing into these areas.                      the environment will also become              or industrialists, I have seen the great
    We have made tremendous progress in            important issues. Debates around              spirit of enterprise and innovation. And,
    niche areas like space technology, where       climate change and ecology will have a        I think all of that has finally come to the
    India can fly to Mars or even send the         great impact.                                 fore, and we would become the world's
    Chandrayan at competitive, low-cost            The third issue is the demographic            manufacturing capital, thereby creating
    prices. It indicates that we can replicate     challenge, which will be a cause of           mass prosperity for more than a billion
    our success in all other fields. So, this is   concern and debate within the country.        Indians. We need to leverage our core
    the time for us to be aggressive, push the     How India will approach this change in        strengths like large workforce,
    pedal on these things, and go the full         demography concerning certain sections        geographical location and work on
    way.                                           of the country and how aggressive             skilling, infrastructure and logistics to
    How do you see polity shaping up in            assertion of community-specific agenda        increase efficiency and lower costs in an
    the next 25 years? And, according to           will affect the constitutional framework      environment of economic freedom for
    you, what would be the emerging                and governance will become a serious          people.
    issues in the various sections of              issue. The slowing down of the                What do you think the BJP will look
    society?                                       population growth and an ageing               like in the next 25 years, and how do
                                                   population within a few decades will          you think BJP should innovate to meet
    There are three big changes that Indian
                                                   also pose new challenges like                 the expectations of New India?
    polity and society will see. One is India's
                                                   productivity, pension, healthcare etc.
    rapid urbanisation, so I think we will                                                       The BJP, right from its inception, has
    have more urban constituencies in the          You raised the important issue of             stood for the idea of nation First, which
    coming years. We are building several          slowing population growth. Amrit              has been our core philosophy, and I
    new cities, and our existing ones are          Kaal is the only window left to achieve       think whether it is the next 25 Years or
    becoming big metropolises so that we           mass industrialisation and create mass        the next 50 years, the BJP will always


have this philosophy at its very core.      astute and capable administrators, such       at producing Indians who were
The BJP also had the unique distinction     as Prime Ministers and several chief          spiritually, physically, and intellectually
of being the party representing all         ministers, belong to BJP. The BJP is          dead. We have finally moved away from
sections of Indian society. Be it the       already established as the party of good      that and have an India-centric education
youth, women, the poor and the              governance in India, both at the centre       system which will generate intellectually
backward; everybody has found space         and the state level. And in the coming        robust, technologically competent and
within the Sarvavyapee and the              years, this will be further reinforced with   culturally rooted Indians who will
Sarvasparshi idea of the BJP. It truly is   the new generation of karyakartas rising      become leaders in the 21st century.
how a democratic party must be. I think     to important positions in the party and
                                                                                          It has been well received by all the
this will continue and is one of our        government. From the panchayat to the
                                                                                          quarters, including those always critical
strengths.                                  parliament, the BJP elected
                                                                                          of the government. NEP has a holistic
                                            representatives are the ones who will
Until 2014, we were a party primarily in                                                  vision from school education to higher
                                            provide the most successful
opposition, so the DNA of our                                                             education to universities. It is the policy
                                            administration and good governance. It
Karyakartas is the DNA of a party in                                                      of a more confident India which is open
                                            will be a very interesting change as we
opposition. But now we are the ruling                                                     to the world. I think the NEP has hit the
                                            are already working on it.
party in the centre and several states.                                                   right note on every aspect. The challenge
And we will be in power for the next 30     You referenced the National                   is to execute it effectively and
years, so the transition will be from       Education Policy (NEP) earlier, so            implement it at the grass root level. And
being a party in opposition to a party in   what are your thoughts on the new             going by PM Modi's track record as a
governance. So our Karyakartas have to      NEP policy, and how will it impact the        brilliant administrator, the NEP would
upskill their political skills from         next generation?                              also find successful implementation. It
agitative politics to more constructive     As I mentioned earlier, the previous          will truly lay the foundation of New
and governance-based politics. And we       National Education Policies were a            India that will lead the Amrit Kaal and
are already witnessing that                 continuation of the British education         beyond.
transformation in our cadre, and it will    system, intended to create nothing more
become a hallmark of the BJP during         than supplicants or clerks to assist the
Amrit Kal.                                  British administration in India. It stifled                 Interviewed by: Kunal Tilak,
                                                                                                         Vice President, BJYM Pune,
The BJP has already produced the finest     enterprise, ingenuity, innovation, and to                            and Rahul Bhaskar,
administrators. The most politically        use Shri Aurobindo's words; it was good                  Editorial Board Member, BJYM


    India at 75 - A quick big economic
    Technological complexity and state capacity are higher than incomes suggest.

              s we enter the month of August   happens in India matters not just for       of magnitude. Since population growth
              2022 and approach 75 years of    Indians but for all humanity.               rate has been slowing down for four
              Indian independence, some        In inflation-adjusted terms, output has     decades, this translates into an ever
    score-keeping is inevitable, and we must   increased about 40 times in 75 years1       rising per capita growth rate again on a
    not always get caught up in short term     which is about a 5% annual increase that    smoothened-out basis. (Rolling
    analyses. What is the big picture? Where   has been relatively smooth compared to      coefficient of growth variation graph
    is the Indian economy headed? As the       other countries. Population has increased   below via World Bank/Times of India2 -
    world’s largest country as soon as next    4x, and hence per person incomes are        lower variation means smoother growth
    year in terms of population, what          up almost 10x in 75 years, or an order      as can be seen in the second graph)


The pandemic will put this ‘smooth’ trend out of whack for a few years, but I expect that to even out over time. But we are getting
into the details too much for this post. Let us further zoom out for a second. Over the last almost-half millennium this is how
the Indian economy has fared.

Now let us see the same graph but adding UK and China as well (Europe/West may be a better comparison for all of India/China,
but UK/Netherlands and later the US are good proxies for the global economic frontier).


 We can see that India was not only far behind the UK in incomes in 1600, but even fell behind China (though overtook it by a bit in
 the 18th century while still falling in absolute terms) which shows that colonialism of all hues hurt India for a long time. Only in the
 second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century did India see a mild rise which too was largely reversed just before
 Independence in 1947.
 While per capita figures matter most to understand human progress, overall weight matters as well for international influence.
 Market exchange rates are no doubt very important, but purchasing power parity numbers in effect incorporate future influence as
 well as the fact that military spending etc in a lower-income country goes further than in a higher-income one. Here too, India’s
 rise has been significant overshadowed only by China’s.


India has food security (population increased 4x, food production increased ~6x) but not yet energy security - and both this ‘plus’
and ‘minus’ have come to the forefront during the recent rise in inflation/geopolitical tensions. India has much better physical
infrastructure though there is still a long way to go.
And despite a flirtation with autarky and license raj after Independence, India is much more globally inter-connected today and
domestically freer for commerce while still not being averse to industrial/trade policy in a delicate balance that is being played out3.
Its economic base is much more complex today with high-end services and, to a lesser extent, manufacturing both doing well
albeit in a domestic consumption led framework (the positive aspect is that since India’s growth model is not as export dependent as
others, it is likely to be more sustainable.) Agriculture and allied sectors today constitute a fifth or less of the output though have a
higher share in employment.


 Coming to human capital, India’s literacy rate 75 years ago was abysmal. Today, by some reports, India has perhaps the world’s
 biggest cohort of university students and youth literacy is near-universal (for both boys and girls) though median education quality
 is still sub-standard anecdotally (we do not have many quantitative international comparisons and the few dated ones are not
 encouraging). Life expectancy has also been going up. Meanwhile India is leading the digital public goods revolution.

                                                                                                                                          The stage then is set, both in secular and
                                                                                                                                          (critically for the impatient) cyclical
                                                                                                                                          terms, for India’s $2.5k per capita
                                                                                                                                          market exchange economy to gradually
                                                                                                                                          reduce the gap with richer economies
                                                                                                                                          including the global frontier aka United
                                                                                                                                          States’ $75k per capita income - more on
                                                                                                                                          that in the coming posts/book that I am
                                                                                                                                          currently writing.
                                                                                                                                          Hint: The Ss of Scale, Skills,
                                                                                                                                          Sustainability, State capacity would be
                                                                                                                                          critical for overcoming the so-called
                                                                                                                                          middle-income trap.

                                                                                                                                                   Author: Harsh Gupta Madhusudan,
                                                                                                                                           Investor, Writer. Coauthored 'A New Idea of
                                                                                                                                                         India' (Westland), Derivatives
                                                                                                                                                          (Cambridge University Press)
                                                                                                                                          This article was first published in Long India
                                                                                                                                                                        on 31st July 2022
2. (from 1950 to 2019, roughly extrapolated to 1947 and adjusted for 2022 estimates, this is based on 2017 US$ Real GDP)
3. - interestingly even the pandemic time-graph in India in terms of cases/deaths, despite
   potential underestimates, showed a symmetrical/relatively smoothened nature due to a combination of size + diversity perhaps.
4., Chapter 4


Healthcare in the Centenary Year
of Independence
F       or decades India fought poverty     and exorbitant healthcare expenditure. In    Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission to
        and tried every means to bring      2014, the central government under PM        support India's integrated digital health
        people out of the dismal            Modi started looking at this and             infrastructure. It aims to develop a
situation. However, poverty remained        formulated multiple programmes to deal       robust digital technology backbone,
high, and poverty reduction was a slow      with it quickly, efficiently and at scale.   encompassing the unique Ayushman
process. It changed under the Modi          In this direction, PM Modi launched          Bharat Health Account (ABHA) health
government, wherein rural poverty           Ayushman Bharat, a paperless scheme          ID, Healthcare Professionals Registry
declined massively by 10.3 percentage       covering 50+ crore Indians. These            (HPR), Unified Health Interface (UHI),
points from 2015 to 2019, from 21.9%        people form the bottom 40% of India's        and Health Facility Registry (HFR). It is
to 11.6%, compared to 4.4 percentage        economic pyramid, and they receive           not just enabling patients to access their
points decline between 2011 and 2015.       annual access to 5 lakh rupees per           medical records at the click of their
India's poverty fight was challenged by     family for healthcare treatments. It saves   phones but also forms the base of many
not just a high base but systemic issues    them from catastrophic expenses and          healthcare-centered innovations centered
in various sectors.                         provides free medical care at public and     around data, Machine Learning (ML)
One such sector is healthcare. It was       private hospitals, thus improving their      and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The
reported that until 2014, 6 crore Indians   access and quality of services.              Modi government's teleconsultation
fell below the poverty line due to sudden   The Prime Minister launched the              services, including eSanjeevani, have

 Image credit: Manoej Paateel


                                                                                                                 Image credit: REUTERS

 used Information and Communication           enabled India to provide 2 billion          different way of working in its
 technology to remotely diagnose, treat,      vaccine doses within a short span of        healthcare domain and citizens not
 and manage diseases. In March 2022,          time, a scale and alacrity unimaginable     having to fall into poverty due to
 the eSanjeevani telemedicine service         to the world earlier.                       catastrophic costs. By the 100th year,
 crossed a milestone of 30 million tele-      Taking these initiatives further, the       India would probably have rolled out
 consultations. It also set a record by       central government is supporting the        universal health coverage for secondary
 completing 170,000 consultations in a        private firms to develop products like      and tertiary treatments, built smart
 day. By enabling millions of tele-           tracking disease outbreaks using            primary care clinics across the nation,
 consultations, it has played a significant   newspaper reports from across the           digitized health data for the majority of
 role in boosting the acceptance of tele-     nation (including vernacular languages),    its citizens, and reached every corner of
 health services in the country.              and developing an AI-based system to        the nation with quality tele-service
 The use of machine learning and              interpret X-ray reports based on an         solutions and built indigenous solutions
 artificial intelligence for preventive       India-specific database. To tackle the      to the various unique problems it faces.
 healthcare and the Jan Aushadhi              humongous task of transforming India's      A few years ago, no one would have
 programme are taking forward the             creaky health system, the Modi              imagined such revolutionary changes
 government's plan of affordable              government effectively leveraged the        happening in India within the next few
 healthcare for all. The government is        foundational power of information and       years. It shows how PM Modi has
 ensuring the availability of over 1,600      communications technology (ICT) to          altered the basic governance framework
 affordable yet high-quality medicines to     create digital platforms that are           and how an average Indian citizen has
 the general public through ~8,800 Jan        accessible to the poorest sections of the   become the center of the government's
 Aushadhi outlets across India. Last but      population, thus empowering patients.       priority at the very top.
 not least, the Cowin platform imagined       As we enter 100 years of independence,
 by the visionary leadership of PM Modi                                                                   Author: Lakshit Mittal,
                                              India is sure to see a diametrically          Member BJYM Policy and Research Team


Shaping our Green Future
             ith the Covid-19 pandemic     net zero by 2050, including the United        necessitate each ministry and state
             slowing down and the          States (US). China has announced that it      government to define the annual carbon
             economy recovering            will reach net zero by 2060. The laws in      budgets needed to reach net zero by the
underway, India's development pathway      India should be shaped to transform its       end of the century.
must focus on two key areas: climate       current development pathway in the            Furthermore, once a target is set, the
change and job creation. The next          coming years into a deep                      Central and State Governments will
decade will be decisive in achieving       decarbonisation pathway by the end of         have to build the necessary state
these twin goals. Our laws for 2047        2047.                                         capacity for monitoring and compliance
should be based on the understanding       Today, India emits about 3.5 billion          quickly. India requires trillions of dollars
that environmental costs are               tonnes of carbon equivalent GHG               in green investments to reach a net-zero
skyrocketing. So, it is imperative that    emissions per year, including                 target by 2050. Together, a legally
government policies focus on large-scale   agricultural emissions that are about 1       binding net-zero target and supportive
organisations and substantially help       billion tonnes. Strict rules should be set    government policies for the next two
small and medium-scale entrepreneurs       for carbon emission so that India should      decades will lead to massive investments
create a green footprint.                  adopt either a low carbon pathway that        in green technologies and equipment. It
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate     keeps emissions flat at 3 to 4 billion        will thoroughly transform electricity
Change (IPCC) has recommended that         tonnes per year or an ambitious zero          generation, transportation, construction,
the world reach zero carbon emissions      pathway to reach net zero emissions by        real estate, agriculture, cement, steel,
by 2050 to ensure that global average      mid-century.                                  and many other industries—a private-
temperatures do not increase by more       We will commit to a legally binding net       sector transformation driven by private-
than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-        zero target by a fixed year if the laws are   sector capital. Green technologies are
industrial levels. More than a hundred     strictly incorporated and our Parliament      more cost-effective than brown
countries have committed to reaching       passes a target. In that case, it will        technologies now. Massive investments


 in these green technologies will               Ÿ   A new policy framework should             Ÿ   Mode shift at least one-third of
 naturally result in higher GDP growth,             come into force as early as possible.         passenger vehicle demand to
 job creation, and lower energy imports             Thermal power plants today emit               electrified public transport options.
 while reducing carbon emissions and air            over 40 per cent of India's carbon
                                                                                              In the Agri sector, India could:
 pollution. Decarbonisation pathways                emissions, which needs to be
 have been observed to improve the GDP              progressively reduced.                    Ÿ   Incentivise farmers to use renewable
 by one to four per cent annually.                                                                energy like solar for their purposes.
                                                Ÿ   In the next few decades, India should
 It would mean that over the next two               commit to building no new coal-fired      Ÿ   Generate renewable generate which
 decades, hundreds of billions of dollars           plants and retire its existing fleet of       can be contributed to global usage,
 spent on fossil fuels will be substituted          thermal power plants.                         and farmers can earn income on it.
 by renewable energy, green hydrogen,           Ÿ   Along with the generation system,         Ÿ   Adopt policies to discourage farmers
 and biofuels. The government                       the transmission and distribution             still contributing to emissions and
 regulations should focus on the                    systems will have to be rapidly re-           unsustainable farming.
 following:                                         engineered for large-scale storage        India should focus on 100 per cent
 Decarbonisation in the electricity                 and remote evacuation.                    electric, biofuels, or green hydrogen
 sector:                                        In the transport sector, India could:         vehicles by 2047. Our current policy of
 Ÿ   Pursue the well-managed retirement                                                       encouraging this transformation should
                                                Ÿ   Incentivise the build-out of electric
     of coal power plants and make                                                            be reinforced with more incentives and
                                                    vehicle charging infrastructure
     significant investments in                                                               infrastructure. Industrial and commercial
                                                    alongside implementing EV sales
     transmission and distribution                                                            usage of fossil fuels (in industries such
     infrastructure, demand response, and                                                     as cement, steel, and fertiliser) should be
                                                Ÿ   Implement an EV sales mandate that        progressively restricted through a carbon
     a doubling of storage capacity. These
                                                    increases over time along with a          emissions trading system. Under such a
     efforts will prepare India's electricity
                                                    gradual decrease in purchase              system, large corporations must provide
     grid to become more flexible and
                                                    incentives to ensure that the             detailed climate disclosures and be
     ready for a renewable energy-
                                                    passenger segment (cars and two-          granted a carbon allowance. A global
     powered future.
                                                    wheelers) can become mostly electric      system for pricing and trading carbon
 Ÿ   By mid-century, implement a carbon-            by mid-century.                           emissions will have to be coupled with
     free electricity standard to achieve 90
                                                Ÿ   Establish stricter fuel economy           import duties to ensure a level playing
     per cent of electricity from non-fossil
                                                    standards for heavy-duty vehicles in      field for all countries.
     fuel sources.
                                                    the near term and a longer-term           The next decade will also be decisive in
 Ÿ   Subsidise costlier emerging                    policy to convert the fossil-fuel-        establishing its development pathway: Is
     technologies such as off-shore wind            dependent heavy-duty vehicle              India going to race to the Green Frontier,
     in the near term, and then reduce the          segment to electrification and            or will it be relegated to a global
     subsidies as the technology becomes            hydrogen.                                 laggard? A transition is underway in
     cost competitive.
                                                                                              India––also necessary is the re-invention
                                                                                              of downstream sectors, especially steel,
                                                                                              cement, automobile and fertilisers.
                                                                                              However, the rapid energy transition and
                                                                                              industrial transformation required to
                                                                                              address the climate crisis cannot be an
                                                                                              isolated technological exercise. It will
                                                                                              require global cooperation,
                                                                                              harmonisation of standards, technology
                                                                                              sharing and flow of investments to
                                                                                              developing countries.

                                                                                                             Author: Anindita Chaudhuri
                                                                                                  President WICCI Sustainability Council,
                                                                                                            Member of BJP Education cell


India at 100: Our New Destiny

Unto 2047:                                 Amrit Kaal and Technological                rate. Big tech of the GAFA(Google,
A century may be a blip in the timeline    Superiority:                                Apple, Facebook, Amazon) fame do
of human existence but the first century   From our 75th year of independence to       roaring business in India. To be a
of our existence as a republic has been    our 100th; the Amrit Kaal of a quarter of   technological superpower we need to
an era which transforms us from a          a century will be like none other           have homegrown GAFA equivalents.
basket case at the cusp of freedom to a    witnessed before. The new India doesn't     In the year ending FY '22, foreign Big
basket full of hopes which will            seek a top down approach to changing        techs earned revenue upwards of US$
culminate fully at 2047.                   the status quo but embraces change          200 bn from India alone, a large chunk
In the last 8 years we have moved from     bottoms up. The new India is an oasis of    of which flows out. From computer
waiting in queues to using QR codes,       harmony and progress in a                   chips to satellites, we must be a
from standing in lines to moving online.   neighbourhood marked by disquiet &          technological superpower. For this to
India gallops ahead on to the fast track   strife.                                     fructify we need to not just bridge but
of economic growth & individual            The fundamental pillars of rewriting the    eliminate the digital divide. Our society
empowerment by unshackling the spirits     Indian success story should stand on        cannot be divided into segments of
of the Indian investor to freeing our      certain basic yet endearing constructs.     digital 'haves' & 'have nots'. Smartphone
depressed sections from the clutches of    India is slated to be the most populous     penetration is impressive with DBT's
stigma & poverty under the able            country in the world by 2023. When data     now being the bulk of government
leadership of PM Narendra Modi, a day      is the new oil, India contains 17% of the   welfare spending.
at a time.                                 global population with the cheapest data    When Bharatnet, the world's largest rural


 internet connectivity program reaches          by the executive & endorsed by the            in the sands of time, a nation becomes
 saturation, no village will feel left out of   legislature(as is the case in various         prone to eventual decay and destruction.
 the Indian growth story. The benefits of       nations, among them the USA) would            In the 100th year of our republic we
 Bharatnet will truly be realised when          not just be legally responsible but           must strive legally and morally to be a
 data is democratic & Indians can choose        morally correct as well. This will lead to    republic based on Dharma. India must
 their data storage location with a right to    faster judicial appointments and hence        be the natural homeland of persecuted
 date being deleted at a mouse click.           reduce the pendency burden on courts.         Indic faiths and communalism
 'Swamitva' will be a gamechanger with          Justice would be delivered in a lifetime      originating from the foreign religions
 geospatial mapping of land holdings            & not later.                                  that led to the vivisection of India must
 eliminating all doubts & litigations           Skill Development and the Youth:              be eliminated from our body politic once
 among landowners thereby providing                                                           and for all. The fifth column must be
                                                PM Modi has repeatedly emphasised
 harmony amongst neighbours and to                                                            named, shamed and eliminated from our
                                                that India must be a nation of job
 realise the full potential of land. Land                                                     soil. Just as India rose like a Phoenix
                                                creators & not merely job seekers.
 disputes would be history when India                                                         from the ashes of partition, at year 100 it
 steps into 2047.                               Societal burden makes millions of our         will fly like an eagle unchained by the
                                                youth chase the chimaera of a few             hesitations of history.
 Justice and our Heritage:                      thousand government jobs. Those who
 Justice is a prerequisite to human             don't make the cut question their             The Conclusion at 2047:
 progress. An unjust society can never          abilities. As Einstein famously said          In conclusion, India will see more
 live up to its full potential. The tallest     'Everybody is a genius, but if you judge      changes in the next 25 years as
 amongst those who authored our                 a fish by the ability to climb a tree, it     compared to the last 75 years. The
 constitution: Dr BR Ambedkar wanted            will live it's whole life believing it is     fundamental challenges of feeding &
 affirmative action only for a defined          stupid'. Our youth needs to be                clothing a largely illiterate population in
 time period so all sections of society         empowered to think beyond the mirage          1947 would be a distant memory. The
 could reach the same basic level of            of government jobs for it is not the          challenges of the next 25 years would be
 empowerment & then seek the destiny            government's job to give jobs but rather      for India to have $8-10 Tn GDP and
 that awaits them. Society should be            create an environment conducive for the       rapidly rise up to occupy pole position
 empowered as such that a clarion call          market to create jobs. A skilled India        with an unskewed distribution of wealth
 comes from within the various                  will be a job ready India. Skilling must      resulting in a high per capita income.
 marginalised communities that                  be made mandatory at schools with a           Regional inequalities will have been
 affirmative action would not be needed         focus on aptitude appropriate skills.         eliminated leading to an India
 further when they have been uplifted at                                                      seamlessly connected for each region to
                                                The Future is Dharmic and Green:              realise its aspirations but also to fuel the
 par with all other communities. A small
 community in Tamil Nadu, The                   India is going green at a tremendous          India growth story. The India of 2047
 'DevendraKula Vellalars' have done just        pace, we are leading the International        will have beaten basic & complex
 this by asking that they be excluded           Solar Alliance & building climate             vulnerabilities to give each of its citizens
 from the benefits of reservation.              resilient infrastructure at a dizzying pace   the opportunity to realise their full
                                                which should lead to 'Net zero' or a          potential whilst fulfilling their duties.
 The next 25 years would be a saga of           carbon neutral economy by 2047. India         We will be an India that seeks changes
 enlightened social justice. The wheels of      didn't pollute the world into a climate       to the status quo while maintaining its
 natural justice would spin harmoniously        catastrophe like the industrialised           civilizational bearings. An India that is a
 in sync with that of social justice. India     nations of the global north. India will       change maker & not merely a change
 is the only country where the higher           lead the global south in providing the        taker.
 judiciary is self appointed thus doing         solutions from carbon capture to an
 away with the scope of checks &                                                              In the words of noted Bengali poet Atul
                                                emission free transport network to 're-       Prasad Sen 'ভারত আবার জগত-সভায়
 balances amongst the 3 branches of the         green' our planet in line with our
 government. The present government                                                           শ্রেষ্ঠ আসন লবে' (India will occupy
                                                civilization values of 'Vasudhaiva            the pride of place in the comity of
 brought in a very far sighted NJAC             Kutumbakam'. Our children deserve a
 (National Judicial Appointments                                                              nations')
                                                better world than the one we inherited.
 Committee) bill which never saw the
 light of day due to various vested             A nation rooted in its civilizational                   Author: Rajarshi Roychowdhury,
                                                values will endear for ages to come.                        Study Circle Cell in-Charge,
 interests. A higher judiciary appointed                                                                            BJYM, West Bengal
                                                Once civilizational values wither away


India@ 100: India's Energy Policy
The Legacy:                                   which further led to natural calamities.      purposes. We as a nation are well
Indian history is full of exceptionally       Energy and Economy:                           dependent on fossil fuels for both these
visionary teachers, from Aryabhata, to                                                      requirements. In the current scenario of
                                              India has been one of the fastest growing
Sushruta to Chanakya. Each one of them                                                      electricity generation i.e., in 2022, out of
                                              economies of the world in the last
have been regarded highly for their                                                         India's total installed capacity of power
                                              couple of decades which further led to
teachings, disruptive inventions and                                                        generation ~59% are from fossil fuels,
                                              an increase in demand for power by
discoveries. In a similar fashion, India is                                                 ~13% from Hydro power and ~24.4%
                                              industries and domestic use due to ever
leading the path in the modern world to                                                     are from wind and solar energy. In the
                                              improving lifestyles facilitated by an
make it a better place.                                                                     last 8 years of the NDA government
                                              increase in household income. India
                                                                                            from 2014-22, India has taken a strong
The rise of the Industrial Revolution led     ranks third in the world in electricity
                                                                                            leap in using renewable energy and
to widespread development of                  consumption followed by China and the
                                                                                            installed a total power capacity of 160.8
inventions, thus leading to an increase in    USA. While it accounts for more than
                                                                                            GW, out of this the share of non-fossil
consumption of power for fueling              17% of world population, the per capita
                                                                                            fuels is a whopping 45%.
industrial growth and travel. Power was       demand is one of the lowest in the
the center of development, which was          world.                                        The above data clearly shows that
primarily generated from fossil fuels –                                                     energy consumption in India is
                                              We broadly have two different
especially coal, oil and gas. The increase                                                  increasing rapidly and so have the power
                                              categories of energy requirements. First
in population and development of                                                            plants. The rapid development across the
                                              is the energy required for electricity that
electronic products led to the increase in                                                  sectors from infrastructure, retail, real
                                              in turn is used for lighting for domestic
demand of power and thus increase in                                                        estate to increase in industrial output has
                                              and commercial use and the other
carbon generation as well, which in                                                         also led to increase in carbon production
                                              requirement is for transportation
long-term started causing climate change                                                    but still we are one of the lowest carbons

Image credit: Ashley Cooper pics


 producing nations per capita. In the last     our greenhouse gasses emission and          sources, promotion of EV vehicles &
 8 years of the Modi Government, we            become net zero carbon emission by          alternate fuels, promoting industries to
 have seen a strong focus towards              2070 and fulfill 50% of energy              adopt sustainable goals have laid the
 renewable sources of energy and huge          requirement by fossil fuels and of which    foundation for a bright future.
 investment in that front.                     I think latter could be achieved well in    Conclusion:
 The Solar Way:                                advance.
                                                                                           In 2047 when we will be celebrating our
 The present government has done               On the other front, we are making strong    100th year of Independence, we will see a
 tremendous work in this field. India is       progress in developing alternatives to      strong, energy surplus Bharat leading the
 one of the initiators of International        crude oil to reduce our energy              world in the usage of renewable energy,
 Solar Alliance (ISA) which is an              dependency on imported fuels and be         innovation and cleaner fuel options. The
 organization of 107 countries to harness      cost effective. There have been multiple    lesser dependency on fossil fuels would
 the benefits of solar power. India being a    trials of using biofuels, Ethanol and       reduce imports and save billions of
 tropical country and a member of ISA          trials are going on for the usage of        dollars in foreign exchange. India's lead
 has 300+ sunny days and the present           hydrogen fuels as well. Central             in green energy could open an economic
 government used that potential by             government introduced a subsidy on EV       opportunity for us, we could export the
 setting up 2 of the world's largest 3 solar   vehicles, thus increasing their usage and   power and alternate fuels generating
 plants with a combined capacity of ~4.3       development. We have started seeing the     more job opportunities and increase in
 kW in Rajasthan and Karnataka,                result of this promotion by regularly       GDP. Growth of India along with its 1.3
 respectively and solar power capacity is      glancing at EV vehicles on the road and     billion population in the energy sector is
 more than 56 GW in 2022. India as a           major auto manufacturers have               growth of the world and with its ancient
 world leader in taking the initiative of      announced the EV variants of their          ideology of taking everyone together in
 solar power has put forward a concept of      popular car and bike models.                the journey with an aim to make the
 “One Sun, One World One Grid” for the         Our nation has set up an ambitious goal     world a better place to live in.
 world.                                        of making our energy quest self-
 India was one of the 193 nations, which       sufficient, reliable and reducing                        Author: Sourav Kumar Singh,
                                               pollution for a safe and green earth. The             Management Consulting Analyst,
 signed the Paris agreement on climate                                                                              Accenture Strategy
 change and as a part of it, we must limit     government policies of promoting Solar            Volunteer, National Policy Research &
                                               energy and other renewable energy                                         Training Team


India@100: ि कोण एवं उपल                                                                                                                  याँ
15 अग       1947 को जब भारत ने िवदे शी              कौशल, दू रदिशता, साहस, मेहनत और                की उपल         याँ
आ ां ताओं की लंबी दा      ां से मु    होकर          िववेक ही तय करे गा िक हम अगली पीढ़ी के          इसरो: 1969 म िव म साराभाई के नेतृ
    तं ता के अमृत कलश को चूमा तो               ेक   हाथो ं म कैसा भारत सौप
                                                                         ं कर जाते ह।              म वैि क        ाित ा     सं थान इसरो की
भारतवासी ने अपने मन म दे श के उ            वल              तं ता से अब तक का सफर                    थापना ई।
भिव     के िलए सुनहरी सपने बुने थे।
                                                    आजादी के तुरंत बाद ह मं ी व            भ भाई   परमाणु िव        ोट: 1974 म भारत ने
    तं ता के य म शहीदो ं की आ ितयो ं की
                                                    पटे ल ने 562 रयासतो ं के िवलय से रा का         पोखरण म अपना पहला परमाणु िव                ोट
 ेरणा त णाई के र        म दौड रही थी।
                                                    एकीकरण िकया। और आजादी के तीन वष                कर दु िनया को अपनी श            का अहसास
मगर चुनौितयां भी कोई कम न थी।ं
                                                    बाद डा भीम राव अंबेडकर के नेतृ          म      करवाया।
    तं ता की खुशी बटवारे और सां दाियक
                                                    भारत को अपना िल खत संिवधान िमला और             आयभ : अ ैल 1975 को भारत के
िहं सा के गम म गुम हो गई। िवकास पथ पर
                                                    भारत एक गणरा        बना। मौिलक अिधकारो ं       वै ािनको ं ने अपना पहला सैटेलाइट
अ सर भारत पर िफर चीन यु              का हण
                                                    व लोकतां ि क णाली ने नाग रको ं के मानस
लगा। िजसम हमने एक बडा भूभाग खो                                                                     आयभ को अंत र म थािपत िकया। इस
                                                    म एक नई        तं सोच िवकिसत की। ए
िदया। अपनी गलितयो ं से सीख हमने रा का                                                              सैटेलाइट का उ े         ए    रे ए ोनॉमी,
                                                    आई आई एम एस, आई आई टी, सािह
पुनिनमाण ारं भ िकया। पड़ोसी दे शो ं ने हम                                                           एरोनॉिम       और सौर भौितकी म योग
                                                    अकादमी, लिलत कला अकादमी, संगीत
बार बार परखा, लेिकन हर बार हम कुंदन                                                                करना था।
                                                    नाटक अकादमी, सी एस आई आर जैसे
बनकर िनकले।                                                                                        सैटेलाइट टी वी: 1975 म ही एक अग
                                                    सं थानो ं की नीवं रखी गई। कई बड़े बां ध,
आजादी से लेकर अब तक हमने एक लंबा                    नहर, हाईडो इलै      क पा◌ॅ वर    े शन होद
                                                                                            ं      को सैटेलाइट िनदशा क टे लीिवजन योग
सफर तय िकया है । इस सफर म हमने कई                   म आए। लेिकन 1948, 1965, व 1971 म               (साइट) का इ          ेमाल आ। साइट डॉ.
गव करने वाले मुकाम हािसल िकए ह।                     पािक      ान, और 1962 म चीन से ए यु ो ं        साराभाई का सपना था, जो 1975-76 के
लेिकन ब त कुछ ऐसा भी है , जो िकया जा                ने बार बार दे श के िवकास म अवरोध पैदा          दौरान अमे रका के ए          ीकेशन टे     ोलॉजी
सकता था लेिकन आ नही।ं आज सन्                        िकए। भाषाओं के आधार पर रा         ो ं के       सैटेलाइट (एटीएस -6) से तैयार िकया गया
2022 म हमारा दे श आजादी का 75 वां                   पुनगठन ने भी एक आं त रक कलह को ज               था। साइट ने भारत जैसे िवकासशील दे श
अमृत महो व मना रहा है । इस 75 व मील                 िदया। और िफर दे श ने 1975 की एमरजसी            को टे लीिवजन के े के िलए ब त बड़ा
प र पर खड़े हम पीछे मुड़कर दे ख सकते                  का काला दौर भी दे खा। धानमं ी इं िदरा          हिथयार िदया। पहली बार दे श के छह रा                ों
ह िक हम कहां से चले थे, हमने          ा पाया        गां धी की ह ा और िविभ रा        ों म           (राज थान, िबहार, उड़ीसा, म              दे श, आं
और      ा छूट गया? और यहां से अपने                  आतंकवाद, न       लवाद से भारत माता को               दे श और कनाटक) के कुल 2,400 गां वो ं म
आगामी सफर की िदशा भी तय कर सकते                     आहत भी दे खा। 1991 म भारत की                   लगभग 400 क ूिनटी टीवी सेट थािपत
ह। िजस सोने की िचिड़या भारत को िवदे शी               अथ         था ने एक नई िदशा म लंबी उड़ान        िकए गए।
आ ां ताओं ने सिदयो ं तक िग ो ं की तरह               भरी, िजसने दे श को एक नई िदशा दी। और           टे         ूब बेबी: 1978 म दे श म पहली बार
नोचा, आज पुनः उसे दु िनया एक उभरती                  िफर हमने       ाचार म िल   नेताओं को           टे        ूब बेबी के ज रए िकसी ब े का
श      के    प म दे ख रही है । िजस दे श को          चारा, कोयला, तोप खाते भी दे खा। लेिकन          ज        आ। दु िनया के दू सरे और भारत के
पि मी दे श कभी सपेरो ं का दे श कहते थे,             इन सब आं त रक व बाहरी अवरोधो ं के              पहले टे         ूब बेबी का ज     कोलकाता म
आज उसी भारत के युवा कं ूटर के माऊस                  बावजूद हमने िविभ       े ो ं म िवकास की        तीन अ       ूबर 1978 को आ। टे              ूब के
से पूरी दु िनया को नचा रहे ह। लेिकन पुरखो ं         इबारत िलखी। जो िक दु िनया के सम                ज रए ज ी ब ी को दु गा नाम िदया गया
के अधूरे    पनो ं के मां ऊट एवरे      पर            िवकासशील दे शो ं के िलए एक ेरक कहानी           था।
चढ़कर शहीदो ं को पु ां जिल अिपत करना                 है ।                                           हडपंप: दे श म पहली बार 1978 म हडपंप
अभी बाकी है । उन सपनो ं को साकार करने
                                                    अनुसंधान और िवकास के            े म भारत       का इ      ेमाल आ, िजसे माक-II (Mark-II)
का दािय     अब हमारे कंधो ं पर है । हमारा


नाम िदया गया। इस पंप को भारत सरकार                     मुख दे श बन गया है ।                          करने की आव           कता है । ितभाशाली छा ो ं
ने यूिनसेफ और िव          ा      संगठन के            नैनो तकनीक: नैनो तकनीक पर शोध के                के िलये िव ान, शोध और नवाचार म
सहयोग से तैयार िकया था।                              मामले म भारत दु िनयाभर म तीसरे थान पर           क रयर बनाने के अवसर दान करने की
सुपर क         ुटर: 1991 म भारत के पहले              है ।                                            आव        कता है । इससे नई तकनीक व
सुपर कं ूटर परम (Param) से दु िनया                                                                   आिव        ारो ं का माग श          होगा और भारत
     ब      ई। यह दे श म िवकिसत पहला                                                                 के युवा िनयात के मा म से िव म अपनी
                                                     अथ          व था: सन् 2047 म      त ता के       धाक जमाएं गे।
सुपर कं ूटर था।
                                                     100 वष पूरे हो जाएं गे। अगले 25 वष म
पहला फोन कॉल: 31 जुलाई 1995 को                                                                       िश ा: िश ा के े म सुधारो ं की असीम
                                                     रा के उ ान के िलए त ण चेतना संचार
दे श म पहली बार मोबाइल फोन से कॉल                                                                    संभावनाए व अितआव              कता है । युवाओं
                                                     करना होगा। दे श की आधी आबादी,
लगाया गया था। पहली बार मोबाइल फोन                                                                    को       वसाय आधा रत िश ा की ओर
                                                     मिहलाओं को सश           कर अथ व था म
पर क सरकार म त            ालीन मं ी सुखराम                                                           अ सर होना चािहए। िव                रीय िव ालयो ं
                                                     बराबर का भागीदार बनाना होगा।
और पि म बंगाल के सीएम                ोित बसु के                                                      व िव िव ालयो ं के िनमाण की आव                  कता
                                                     अथ व था का एसा मा◌ॅ डल खड़ा करना
बीच बात ई थी।                                                                                        है । ता िक         ेक े म कुशल,
                                                     होगा िजसम सबसे आ खरी                 को भी
                                                                                                     गुणव ापूण, व बेहतर काय श                 / म
नािवक: इसरो ने 1 जुलाई 2013 को               दे सी   धनोपाजन के बराबर अवसर िमल। दे श तभी
                                                                                                     श        खड़ी हो। ाचीन काल की भां ित
जीपीएस इं िडयन रीजनल नेिवगेशन                        मजबूती से खड़ा होगा जब             ेक वग,
                                                                                                     भारत िव को ान ा                के िलए आकिषत
सैटलाइट िस म को लॉ             िकया, िजसका                  ेक         मजबूत होगा। भारत वतमान
                                                                                                     करे ।
ऑपरे शनल नाम NavIC रखा गया। नािवक                    म िव की
का सपोट अब भारत म िबकने कई                                                                                ा    :    ा     के े म भी नए आयाम
                                                     पाँ चवी सबसे बड़ी अथ व था है ।          तं ता
       ाटफोन म भी िमलने लगा है ।                                                                      थािपत करने की आव             कता है ।         ेक
                                                     के 100 व वष तक दे श को पहली तीन
                                                                                                     नाग रक को सुलभ व स             ी     ा      सुिवधाएं
यू पी आई: यूपीआई भारत का पहला रयल                    अथ           थाओं म खड़ा करना हमारी वतमान
                                                                                                     िमल, उस िदशा म हम बढना होगा। इसके
टाइम िडिजटल पेमट िस म है । धानमं ी                   पीढ़ी की उपल          होगी व    तं ता की दे वी
                                                                                                     साथ ही हम सब की नैितक िज ेवारी बनती
नर मोदी ारा लॉ          िकया गया पेमट एप             को          िणम मुकुट का उपहार।
                                                                                                     है िक हम            व सुंदर भारत बनाने म
भीम (BHIM या Bharat Interface for                    तकनीक आधा रत िवकास: हम थाई व                    सहयोगी हो।ं
Money) भी यूपीआई पर ही काम करता है ।                 िनरं तर िवकास के िलए भिव          म तकनीक
यूपीआई पेमट िस म ने भारत के लोगो ं                                                                       ाय: अं ेजी की एक कहावत है िक
                                                     आधा रत िवकास की ओर बढ़ना होगा।
और कारोबा रयो ं को वो सुिवधा दे दी,                                                                  ज        स िडलेअड इस ज          स िडनाईड।
                                                        िष, लघु उ ोग, ह      िश     कला, िनमाण,
िजसके बारे म िकसी ने शायद ही क              ना                                                       नाग रको ं का कानून के ित िव ास हो,
                                                     अ य ऊजा के े म अभी भी असीम
की थी।                                                                                               इसके िलए           ेक         को समय से          ाय
                                                     संभावनाएं ह। और ये े िवशाल            र पर
                                                                                                     िमले, यह रा        का थम कत              बनता है ।
  ौ ोिगकी अनुसंधान: भारत िव ान और                    रोजगार दे सकते ह। इन े ो ं म नई
                                                                                                     मगर लाखो ं केस दे श के िविभ               ायालयो ं म
  ौ ोिगकी अनुसंधान के े म अ णी दे शो ं               अ ाधुिनक तकनीको ं के उपयोग से गित
                                                                                                     लंिबत पड़े ह। समयब               ाय न िमलने से
म सातव थान पर है ।                                   की गित को असीम र          ार दी जा सकती है ।
                                                                                                     िनराशा व कानून म अिव ास पैदा होता है ।
बुिनयादी अनुसंधान: इं िडयन साइं स एं ड               शोधकाय व अनुसंधान: वतमान म                      जो िक िविभ अपराधो ं की जड़ है । एक
 रसच एं ड डे वलपमट इं ड          ी रपोट              िव िव ालयो ं म शोधकाय व अनुसंधान के             सफल व सु ढ रा , सुख द समाज के
2019 के अनुसार भारत बुिनयादी अनुसंधान                बारे म CSIR का एक हािलया सव बताता है            िनमाण के िलए मजबूत            ाय णाली की
के े म शीष रिकंग वाले दे शो ं म शािमल                िक हर साल लगभग 3000 अनुसंधान/शोध-                    सथा करना अ ाव            क है । भारत को
है ।                                                 प तैयार होते ह, लेिकन इनम कोई नया               िव गु         वश        शाली रा बनाने के िलए
        ुष: मौसम पूवानुमान एवं िनगरानी के            आइिडया या िवचार नही ं होता। हालाँ िक            कानून          था को सुचा , सु ढ व
िलये        ुष नामक श         शाली                   िव ान एवं तकनीक के े म नवाचार को                समयब          करना बेहद लािज़मी है ।
सुपरकं ूटर बनाकर भारत इस े म                         बढ़ावा दे ने के िलये सरकार यास कर रही                                           लेखक: वृंदा का े र,
जापान, ि टे न और अमे रका के बाद चौथा                 है , िफर भी इस िदशा म और अिधक यास                                           ांत कायका रणी सद
                                                                                                                                     भाजयुमो, ह रयाणा

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