Biofuels Delivering sustainable alternatives for the global energy transition - Where energies make tomorrow - Technip Energies

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Biofuels Delivering sustainable alternatives for the global energy transition - Where energies make tomorrow - Technip Energies
Where energies make tomorrow

Delivering sustainable alternatives
for the global energy transition
Biofuels Delivering sustainable alternatives for the global energy transition - Where energies make tomorrow - Technip Energies
A leading player in
               the biofuels market
               With more than 60 years            we move to sustainable            End-to-end project                      Biofuels are some of the best
               of experience in biofuels,         solutions to reduce carbon        management                              developed sustainable options and
               we bring the skills,               and harmful emissions. Due to
               creativity and agility to          changing public policies,
                                                                                    Our engineering and end-to-             a fast growing alternative for liquid
                                                                                    end project management
               deliver top-rated projects         increased government
                                                                                    expertise is directly applicable        fuels. Technip Energies is fully
               to advance the global              incentives and growing
                                                  consumer demand, biofuels
                                                                                    to the biofuels market,                 engaged in this sector with various
               energy transition.                                                   particularly for biofuel
                                                  have become an advanced
                                                                                    refineries whether grass-roots
                                                                                                                            service offerings and is convinced
               Leveraging our vast
               competencies from decades of
                                                  solution for low-carbon
                                                                                    facilities of repurposed                that biofuel projects will become
                                                  energy, drawing the attention
               working in the transformation      of oil and gas companies, the
                                                                                    conventional refinery units.            viable, profitable green solutions
                                                                                    We offer a wide range of
               of the energy sector, we offer     agroindustry, chemical
                                                                                    services and proprietary and
                                                                                                                            for a wide range of industries".
               our clients a wide range of        companies and wood
               services to deliver biofuels                                         partnership-based                       Andreas Bormann, VP Sustainable Chemistry
                                                  processing industries. Technip
               facilities, advanced biofuels      Energies has the know-how
                                                                                    technologies, including                 Technical Line
               production technologies and                                          biodiesel and biojet fuel
                                                  and experience to deliver
               licensing.                                                           production technologies and
                                                  biofuels production projects
                                                                                    first- and second-generation
                                                  as sustainable energy
                                                                                    ethanol processes. We have
                                                  alternatives. From feasibility
               Driving the biofuels               studies and basic design to
                                                                                    extensive experience in the        Mastering classic technologies,
               market with expertise                                                design and construction of
               and technology
                                                  Front-End Engineering Design
                                                  and full EPC project execution,
                                                                                    bioethanol plants.                 while introducing new ones
               Biofuels play an important         we offer solutions that work.
               role in the energy transition as                                                                        MASTERING CLASSIC            DEVELOPING
                                                                                                                       TECHNOLOGIES                 INNOVATIVE
                                                                                                                       • Hummingbird® (ethanol to
                                                                                                                        ethylene, potentially       • ​Ethanol (2G) generation
                                                                                                                        to transportation fuels)     process​
                                                                                                                       • Ethanol (1G) generation    • Sustainable Aviation
                                                                                                                        process                      Fuel (SAF)

                   projects delivered
                                           years of experience
                                                                                            global cooperations
                                                                                                                       • Renewable fuels HVO
                                                                                                                        production technologies
                                                                                                                                                    • Bio isobutene
                                                                                                                                                    • CO2 capture and feedstock
                                                                                                                                                     with renewable hydrogen
                                              and expertise            technologies             and alliance                                         to hydrocarbons

2   Biofuels                                                                                                                                                                      Biofuels   3
Biofuels Delivering sustainable alternatives for the global energy transition - Where energies make tomorrow - Technip Energies
Worldwide                                                                                                                       From concept
               project footprint                                                                                                               to delivery
                                                                         BTG BIOLIQUIDS FAST PYROLYSIS                                         We offer a full range of design services
                                                                         BIO-OIL PLANT, Sweden
                                                                                                                                               from concept and basic design, including
                                                                                                                                               CAPEX estimates, to engineering and
                                                                                                                                               turnkey delivery. We work jointly with
                                   NEXBTL BIOREFINERY, The Netherlands
                                                                                                                                               clients to successfully deliver biofuel
                                NEDALCO, SAS VAN GENT, The Netherlands
                                                                                                                                               projects, ancillary units and associated
                                                                                         BTG BIOLIQUIDS FAST PYROLYSIS
                                                                                         BIO-OIL PLANT, Finland                                offsite and utility sections as sustainable
                                                     TEREOS, Belgium                                                                           energy alternatives.
                                                                                              CLARIANT 2G BIOETHANOL
                                                                                              PLANT, Poland

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Strategic         Feasibility                          or
                                          DIESTER INDUSTRIE, France                                                                                                                                                                     Study

                                                                                         TOTALENERGIES LA MÈDE

                                 SÜDZUCKER (CROPENERGIES), France                                                                                                                      Debottlenecking

                                                                                         BIOREFINERY, France                                                                            Modification

                                                                                                                            KUANTAN PORT,



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          on m
                                                                                                                                                     at i o n a l exc e l l e
                                                                          SETE, France                                                                                                                               Facility

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lifecycle                                              FEED

                                                                                                                         NEXBTL BIOREFINERY,                                                                                                          Detail


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4   Biofuels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Biofuels   5
Biofuels Delivering sustainable alternatives for the global energy transition - Where energies make tomorrow - Technip Energies
Exceeding                                                                     Advanced proprietary
               our clients’ needs                                                            technologies
               Technip Energies offers proven and extensive experience                       Our expertise in integrating either proprietary or third-party
               and expertise in the biofuels market. We go above and                         licensed process technologies fosters early project engagement
               beyond to support our clients in the design and delivery                      that can make a significant economic impact. We can begin at
               of mid-size to large-scale.                                                   the conceptual design phase, through piloting, engineering
                                                                                             scale-up to full commercialization. Our portfolio has developed
                                                                                             through focused R&D, alliances and acquisitions.

                                                                                             Hummingbird® ethanol-to-ethylene technology
                                                                                             Our proprietary                 and more selective process          alternative chemical
                                                                                             Hummingbird® is a key           compared to traditional ethanol     pathway as a building block
                                                                                             technology for Sustainable      dehydration processes that          for a biorefinery.
                                                                                             Aviation Fuels via the          use alumina-based catalysts.        Hummingbird® has been
                                                                                             Alcohol-to-Jet route.           Designed to process hydrous         selected by LanzaTech
                                                                                                                             or anhydrous fuel grade             for a first commercial
                                                                                             A key aspect of this advanced
                                                                                                                             ethanol, it produces polymer        demonstration-scale
                                                                                             technology is its proprietary
                                                                                                                             grade ethylene with a selectivity   biorefinery to manufacture
                                                                                             catalyst resulting in a lower
                                                                                                                             of more than 99 percent and         sustainable aviation fuel.
                                                                                             temperature, higher pressure
                                                                                                                             provides companies an

                                                                                             First-generation ethanol process (1G)
                                                                                             Technip Energies’ proprietary   and starchy materials,              We offer a very flexible
                                                                                             first-generation ethanol        including molasses                  approach for new grass root
                                                                                             technology has been             and starch effluents. Our           plants, as well as revamps
                                                                                             successfully employed           exclusive design for static         and debottlenecking of
               Proven experience in executing all types of    Due diligence in advanced      in hundreds of projects         columns trays enables the           existing facilities or associated
               refinery and biofuel plants worldwide          biofuels projects (second      throughout the world.           production of high quality          product upgrades. We license
               including the world’s largest biofuel plants   generation)                    Our 1G process, based on        products. The technology            our proprietary technology. We
                                                                                             Speichim’s legacy technology,   also offers an energy efficient     can also provide a full range of
                                                                                             is suitable for beverage and    process for lower steam             engineering services as well as
               Leading alliances and partnerships
                                                              In-house technologies for      fuel ethanol applications.      consumption rates.                  technical assistance services
                                                              bioethanol and ethanol-        The quality of the beverage     Our ethanol process can             for the start-up and trouble-
               Leading design and complete engineering        to-ethylene production         alcohol is considered a         be coupled with our                 shooting of installations.
               capabilities                                                                  benchmark in the industry.      Hummingbird® technology
                                                                                             Our ethanol technology can      to transform ethanol into
                                                                                             process a complete range        green ethylene.
               Full project management and turnkey            Licensing BTG BIOLIQUIDS
                                                                                             of first-generation raw sugar
               delivery                                       pyrolysis bio-oil technology

6   Biofuels                                                                                                                                                                                         Biofuels   7
Biofuels Delivering sustainable alternatives for the global energy transition - Where energies make tomorrow - Technip Energies
Alliances and                                                                                              Top-tier research
               partnerships                                                                                               centers in the
                                                                                                                          USA and Europe
               Renewable fuels HVO production technologies                                                                Badger Technology Center in Weymouth, MA, USA
               Technip Energies provides         vegetable oil or waste fat, into    lifecycle of the fuel compared
                                                                                                                          With an experienced staff and     cost effectively extend their        reactors y Batch and CSTR
               front-end loading (FEL)           renewable diesel and other          to conventional fossil diesel
                                                                                                                          a proven track record of          research and development             systems y Pressure and
               services for Neste’s NEXBTL       renewable products. It              and jet fuel. This partnership
                                                                                                                          successful process                capabilities.                        vacuum distillation for
               projects through our              provides an efficient and           is a result of our long-term
                                                                                                                          commercializations, the           Most importantly is the access       recycle and product recovery
               established partnership.          sustainable solution in the         collaboration, illustrated by
               The agreement also covers         fuels sector while addressing       the successful delivery of two
                                                                                                                          Badger Technology Center          provided to an experienced         • Advanced analytical
                                                                                                                          provides bench, pilot and         research team dedicated to           capabilities y GC FID/TCD,
               Technip Energies’ participation   environmental concerns. The         world-scale renewable fuels
                                                                                                                          demonstration scale services      the development of novel             HPLC, GC-Mass Spec
               during the execution phase of     technology allows production        units in Rotterdam and
               future NEXBTL™ projects.          of renewable diesel and             Singapore and the ongoing
                                                                                                                          for the development of            process technologies.              • Ion Chromatography y VLE
                                                                                                                          chemical process                                                       Determination y Corrosion
               This technology allows the        Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)     expansion of Neste’s
                                                                                                                          technologies, in particular for   EQUIPMENT                            Testing
               conversion of second-             that helps reduce greenhouse        renewable products facilities
                                                                                                                          the Hummingbird® technology.
               generation feedstock like         gas emissions over the              at the same sites.
                                                                                                                          Our lab and engineering teams     • Ten 24/7 fully automated pilot
                                                                                                                                                             plants y On-line GC and
                                                                                                                          work together to generate
                                                                                                                                                             continuous process analyzers
                                                                                                                          highly accurate data that
                                                                                                                                                             y Fixed, fluid, and trickle bed
               Second-generation ethanol process (2G)                                                                     allows clients and partners to

               Technip Energies and Clariant     yeasts in-situ and simultaneous     adoption of 2G processes
               have signed a cooperation         fermentation of C5/C6 sugars        into the industry.
               agreement for Sunliquid®          to ensure the best-in-class         The process can be coupled
               cellulosic ethanol technology     commercial performance. It is       with our Hummingbird®
               licensing. This technology        employed in Clariant’s full-scale   technology to transform
               converts agricultural residues,   industrial plant in Romania and     ethanol into green ethylene or
               woody materials, or municipal     treats a wide range of              other sugar-derived chemicals
               solid wastes into advanced        feedstocks. We work together        using other proprietary
               biofuel. It features the          to develop collaboration            technologies in our portfolio.
               production of enzymes and         models to accelerate the

               BTG Bioliquids fast pyrolysis oil
               We deliver complete turnkey       The FPBO plants are built with      transportation fuels and in
               fast pyrolysis bio-oil (FPBO)     BTG Bioliquids’ patented FPBO       biorefineries. We offer EPC
               units that convert                licensed technology. All kinds of   services with core components
               lignocellulosic non-food          lignocellulosic biomass residues    of the plant based on BTG
               biomass to a transportable        that do not compete with the        Bioliquids’ FPBO technology.
               liquid bio-oil. This second-      food chain can be used. The         The pyrolysis plant is based on
               generation bio-oil can be used    bio-oil is easy to store and        a modular design that enables
               as a sustainable alternative to   transport and can be                quick project execution and fast
               fossil fuels to produce           conveniently used in versatile      installation. So far, three plants
               renewable energy and              applications in a bio-based         are in operation.
               chemicals.                        economy, including heat, power,

8   Biofuels                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Biofuels   9
Our key project
                                                                                                                                                                          • Contract: EPC
                                                                                                                                                                          • Award: 2019

                references                                                                                                                                                • Delivery: 2021
                                                                                                                                                                          • Client: Pyrocell AB
                                                                                                                                                                          • Location: Sweden

                                                                                                                     Technip Energies built a plant on Setra’s sawmill plot using sawdust as feedstock. Fast Pyrolysus bio-oil
                                                                                                                     will be processed in a nearby Preem refinery to produce by Preem to produce advanced biofuels.

                NESTE DNEXBTL​                                                                                       LA MEDE BIOREFINERY
                                                                    • Contract: EPCM                                                                                      • Contract: EPsCm
                                                                    • Award: 2010 / 2018                                                                                  • Delivery: 2019
                                                                    • Delivery: 2017 / 2023                                                                               • Client: TotalEnergies
                                                                    • Client: Neste                                                                                       • Location: France
                                                                    • Location: Singapore                                                                                 • Technology: Axens Vegan® technology
                                                                    • Capacity: 800,000 t/year of biodiesel each
                Technip Energies delivered a plant that integrated into the existing industrial infrastructure and   Technip Energies transformed existing facilities into a HVO biofuels plant (palm oil and used oil)
                makes use of local site utilities, port and storage services. The Singapore plant extension to 1,3   based on Axens Vegan® technology. The plant also includes a pretreatment unit based on Alfa
                Mta was been awarded to Technip Energies in December 2018.                                           Laval technology. The project involved the conversion of TotalEnergies’s La Mède crude oil refinery
                                                                                                                     into a 500,000 tpa biorefinery facility, the first of its kind in France and one of Europe’s largest

                NESTE NEXBTL                                                                                         CLARIANT 2G ETHANOL
                                                                    • Contract: EPCM                                                                                      • Contract: Basic Engineering Design
                                                                    • Award: 2008​/ 2018/ 2021                                                                            • Project timeline: 2021
                                                                    • Delivery: 2011 / ?                                                                                  • Client: Clariant
                                                                    • Client: Neste                                                                                       • Location: Poland
                                                                    • Location: The Netherlands                                                                           • Capacity: 25,000 t/year
                                                                    • Capacity: 800,000 t/year of biodiesel each                                                          • Technology: Sunliquid® technology
                Technip Energies delivered a plant in the Maatsvlaske area of the Port of Rotterdam that offers      Technip Energies has executed the Basic Engineering Design as a part of the technology license
                synergy opportunities with nearby chemical plants. In 2021, Technip Energies has been awarded        package sold by Clariant for the construction of a 2G ethanol plant in Poland.
                two new contracts for the development of a renewables production platform in Rotterdam, the
                Netherlands, as part of the existing Partnership Agreement between Neste and Technip Energies.

                                                                                                                     KUANTAN PORT PROJECT                                 SKYNRG SUSTAINABLE
                GALP NEW HVO UNIT                                                                                                                                         AVIATION FUEL (SAF)
                                                                                                                     • Contract: Assistance in the detailed engineering
                                                                    • Contract: FEED                                  of the methyl ester trans-esterification plant      • Contract: FEED
                                                                    • Award: 2021                                    • Project timeline: 2012-2015                        • Award: 2019
                                                                    • Delivery: 2022                                 • Client: KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd                • Client: SkyNRG
                                                                    • Client: Galp                                   • Process: Axens (Esterfip – h)                      • Location: The Netherlands
                                                                    • Location: Portugal                             • Location: Malaysia                                 Technip Energies developed the Front-End
                                                                                                                     • Capacity: 250,000 t/year of biodiesel              Engineering Design for this first-of-a-kind
                                                                                                                                                                          grass-root HVO facility for the production of
                New HVO Unit (biofuels) to produce 270kTPA bio-diesel and bio-jet based on renewable                 Technip Energies has been awarded a contract         Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), based on Haldor
                feedstock (animal fat, vegetable oils, etc.) in Galp’s Sines refinery                                by KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd to provide            Topose technology for hydro-processing and
                                                                                                                     assistance in the detailed engineering of the        Desmet Ballestra for the pre-treatment unit.
                                                                                                                     fatty acids methyl ester transesterification1 unit
                                                                                                                     for a biodiesel2 production plant to be located
                                                                                                                     at the port of Kuantan in Malaysia.

10   Biofuels                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Biofuels   11
Bhaskar Patel
SVP Sustainable Fuels, Chemicals & Circularity

Zainul Abdin
Biofuels, Fuels & Petrochemicals Market

Alban Sirven
VP, Head of Technology - Refining & Sustainable Fuels
                                                        © TechnipEnergies 2022
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