Bioequivalence of two novel formulations of ivermectin 1% combined with fluazuron 12.5% for subcutaneous administration in cattle

Page created by Ron Erickson
© 2021 Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 9 (1), 88-97, 2021
                                                                                                                           ISSN 0719-4250

                                                                                                                                              Original Article

     Bioequivalence of two novel formulations of ivermectin 1%
  combined with fluazuron 12.5% for subcutaneous administration in
  [Bioequivalencia de dos nuevas formulaciones de ivermectina al 1% combinada con fluazurón al 12,5% para administración
                                                  subcutánea en bovinos]
                                              Diego M. Robaina, Silvana Alvariza, Gonzalo Suárez*
 Departamento de Clínicas y Hospital Veterinario, Unidad de Farmacología y Terapéutica, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República. Alberto Lasplaces
                                                                  1620, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Abstract                                                                           Resumen
Context: Ivermectin (IVM) and fluazuron are present as novel                       Contexto: Ivermectina y fluazurón están presentes como combinaciones
combinations to control ticks. Differences in formulations account for             novedosas para controlar las garrapatas. Diferencias en las
changes to the plasma kinetics and could change exposure of target                 formulaciones explican los cambios en la cinética plasmática y
parasites to active drugs.                                                         modificarían la exposición de los parásitos objetivo a las drogas.
Aims: To evaluate bioequivalence for ivermectin administered by two                Objetivos: Evaluar la bioequivalencia de la ivermectina administrada
novel formulations combined with fluazuron.                                        mediante dos nuevas formulaciones combinadas con fluazurón.
Methods: Twelve male Holstein calves were randomized into two groups               Métodos: Se asignaron al azar doce terneros machos Holstein a dos
(n=6), receiving a single subcutaneous dose of a novel formulation (A or           grupos (n=6), que recibieron una única dosis subcutánea de una nueva
B) of ivermectin combined with fluazuron (ivermectin 1% 0.2 mg/kg +                formulación (A o B) de ivermectina combinada con fluazurón
fluazuron 12.5% 2.5 mg/kg). Blood samples were taken until 34 days                 (ivermectina 1% 0,2 mg/kg + fluazurón 12,5% 2,5 mg/kg). Se tomaron
after dosing. Non-compartmental analysis was applied for                           muestras de sangre hasta 34 días post dosificación. Se aplicaron análisis
bioequivalence assessment. Compartmental analysis was carried out                  no-compartimental para evaluar la bioequivalencia. Se realizó análisis
and model acceptance was validated using the visual predictive check               compartimentado y se validó la aceptación del modelo mediante
graphics.                                                                          gráficos de controles visuales predictivos.
Results: Noncompartmental analysis shows that both formulations                    Resultados: El análisis no-compartimental muestra que ambas
behaved similarly with Cmax ratio of 0.982 (CI90: 0.861 - 1.12, ANOVA              formulaciones se comportaron de forma similar con relación Cmax de
test, p=0.814) and AUC0-t ratio of 1.01 (CI90: 0.97 - 1.05, ANOVA,                 0,982 (CI90: 0,861 - 1,12, prueba ANOVA, p=0,814) y relación AUC0-t de
p=0.586) but at different Tmax (1.4 ± 0.5 and 2.9 ± 1.2 days (Mann-                1,01 (CI90: 0,97 - 1,05, ANOVA, p=0,586), pero con diferentes Tmax (1,4 ±
Whitney U test, p=0.027) for A and B, respectively). The                           0,5 y 2,9 ± 1,2 días (prueba U de Mann-Whitney, p=0,027) para A y B,
pharmacokinetic model has two compartments, linear elimination with                respectivamente). El modelo farmacocinético tiene dos compartimentos,
first order absorption and formulation as covariable for the absorption            eliminación lineal, absorción de primer orden y la formulación como
rate.                                                                              covariable para la tasa de absorción.
Conclusions: We conclude that the two novel formulations combined of               Conclusiones: Concluimos que las dos formulaciones combinadas de
IVM 1% with fluazuron 12.5%, are bioequivalent for administration of               ivermectina 1% con fluazurón 12,5%, son bioequivalentes para
IVM in cattle. This shows that carrying out bioequivalence studies are of          ivermectina en bovinos. Esto demuestra que los estudios de
great importance for understanding the potential interchangeability                bioequivalencia son de gran importancia para comprender la
between formulations available in the pharmaceutical market.                       intercambiabilidad entre formulaciones disponibles en el mercado.
Keywords: bioavailability; ectoparasites; pharmacometrics; ticks.                  Palabras Clave:       biodisponibilidad;      ectoparasitos;     farmacometría;

           ARTICLE INFO
           Received: October 6, 2020.
           Received in revised form: October 13, 2020.
           Accepted: October 13, 2020.
           Available Online: October 24, 2020.

Robaina et al.                                                      Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

INTRODUCTION                                              these organisms may feed over periods of several
                                                          days. The use of ivermectin in the treatment and
    Pharmacokinetic profile of a given drug differ        control of a wide variety of arthropod parasites of
according to administration route, formulation            livestock has been the subject of a number of re-
and animal species. After subcutaneous (s.c.) ad-         views, which suggest that marked interspecific
ministration the absorption characteristics, and          differences in susceptibility exist. These probably
hence the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin are              reflect differences in parasite feeding patterns,
markedly influenced by drug formulation (Jack-            which may enhance or prevent drug contact, ra-
son, 1989). After parenteral administration, the          ther than inherent differences in sensitivity to
deposition in s.c. tissue favors a slow absorption        ivermectin (Jackson, 1989). All the aforementioned,
from the injection site and provides prolonged            grants special attention to bioequivalence studies
sustained levels of drug in the bloodstream. As           to respond whether the drug behaves in a similar
demonstrated by Lo et al. (1985), the characteris-        way from a pharmacokinetic point of view and if
tics of absorption of ivermectin (IVM) drugs are          that could be the reason for differences in efficacy
markedly influenced by the drug formulation. In           studies. Lanusse et al. (2018) stated that under-
non-aqueous (60% propylene glycol and 40% glyc-           standing the pharmacokinetic behaviour of broad-
erol formal) injectable preparation (IVOMEC, cat-         spectrum antiparasitic drugs and the factors mod-
tle, Merck, Sharp and Dohme), IVM is absorbed             ulating that behaviour is highly important for
relatively slowly from the site of injection. An in-      maximizing their clinical efficacy and delaying the
jectable aqueous solution of IVM allows faster ab-        development of drug resistance.
sorption and higher peak plasma concentration of
the drug (Lo et al., 1985). However, after s.c. ad-          The aim of this study was to demonstrate IVM
ministration of IVM to cattle, elimination half-life      1% bioequivalence between two novel formula-
has been reported to be three times longer (8 - 13        tions combined with fluazuron 12.5% for subcuta-
days) when given in a non-aqueous vehicle than in         neous administration on cattle.
an aqueous one (Lo et al., 1985). This result indi-
cates the influence of the absorption kinetics on the     MATERIAL AND METHODS
disposition of parenterally administered IVM. The
                                                          Experimental design
mean residence time has been shown to be mark-
edly longer following parenteral administration of           Twelve male Holstein calves (weighing 217 ± 7
lVM in cattle (6.54 days) (Toutain et al., 1988),         kg) were randomized in parallel bioequivalence
compared with the i.v. administration (2.8 days) of       study into two groups (n = 6). The groups were
the compound in the same formulation (Wilkinson           aleatory identified as A and B and each group re-
et al., 1985).                                            ceived a single dose of one or another of two novel
                                                          formulations A (standard or reference) and B (test)
    Slight differences between formulations can
                                                          of IVM combined with fluazuron (ivermectin 1%
provoke changes in drug pharmacokinetics and
                                                          0.2 mg/kg + fluazuron 12.5% 12.5 mg/kg) by sub-
thus different exposure of the target parasites to
                                                          cutaneous route on the neck of the animals (both
drug concentrations. This has been confirmed by
                                                          formulations have been approved as Animal
the extended residence times of IVM in plasma
                                                          Drugs Product from Ministerio de Agricultura y
and target tissues and the prolonged persistence of
                                                          Pesca in Uruguay) (Table 1). Blood samples (10
its anthelmintic activity, following the administra-
                                                          mL) were collected from the jugular vein in hepa-
tion of a novel oil-based (IVM 1%) formulation to
                                                          rinized tubes by disposable plastic syringe at 0,
cattle, compared to the standard innovator prepa-
                                                          0.3, 0.9, 1.3, 1.9, 2.3, 2.9, 3.3, 3.9, 4.3, 6, 9, 13, 27 and
ration (Lifschitz et al., 2004). The duration of effec-
                                                          34 days. Blood was centrifuged at 3500 rpm (10
tive levels of ivermectin in the blood is particularly
                                                          min) and the plasma obtained was stored at -20ºC
important in the treatment of tick infestations since                                                       J Pharm Pharmacogn Res (2021) 9(1): 89
Robaina et al.                                                                                    Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

 Table 1. Characteristics of the formulations A (standard or reference) and B (test) for ivermectin combined with fluazuron                 for use in cattle
 used in the study.
                                                                       Dosage and route of                Pharmaceutical
 Formulation        Code Ingredients                                                                                                         Indications
                                                                       administration                     form
 Standard or        A        Ivermectin (1000 mg), fluazuron (12 500   1.0 mL per 50 kg bodyweight,       Solution                           Endectocide
 Reference                   mg) (API). Excipient q.s. (100 mL)        subcutaneous injection
 Test               B        Ivermectin (1000 mg), fluazuron (12 500   1.0 mL per 50 kg bodyweight,       Solution                           Endectocide
                             mg) (API). Excipient q.s. (100 mL)        subcutaneous injection
  The names of the manufacturers have been omitted for ethical reasons. API: active pharmaceutical ingredient. q.s.: quantity sufficient.

until analysis was performed. The experimental                                      Hangzhou Miu Instruments Co., Ltd., China),
study was approved by the Comisión Honoraria                                        samples were centrifuged at 10.000 rpm for 10 min
de Experimentación Animal, Universidad de la                                        (Sorvall™ Legend™ Micro 17 microcentrifuges,
República, Uruguay (CHEA, No. 506-1493294137).                                      Thermo Fisher Scientific, United States). The su-
                                                                                    pernatant was transferred to a plastic tube previ-
    In order to optimizing the well-being of the an-
                                                                                    ous to the solid extraction. The cartridges (Strata®
imals enrolled in the clinical trial, frequent clinical
                                                                                    C18-E 100 mg/1 mL) were previously activated
health assessments were performed to identify
                                                                                    with 2 mL of methanol and 2 mL of deionized wa-
animals that were potentially approaching a study
                                                                                    ter. The sample was passed through the cartridge
end point. No animal reported any local (admin-
                                                                                    using a manifold vacuum (HyperSep™ Glass
istration site) or systemic clinical signs or symp-
                                                                                    Block Vacuum Manifolds, Thermo Fisher Scien-
toms due to the administration of both formula-
                                                                                    tific, United States) and then it was washed with 1
tions during the study.
                                                                                    mL of deionized water and 1 mL of a mixture of
Analytical procedures                                                               deionized water:methanol (4:1); it was then let to
                                                                                    dry for 5 min. A volume of 1.5 mL of methanol
   IVM plasma concentrations were determined                                        was used to elute the sample. The elute was evap-
by high performance liquid chromatography                                           orated to dryness under nitrogen flow (55ºC/50
(HPLC-FLD) method, based on the procedure de-                                       min). Derivatization was carried out using 100 µL
veloped by Lifschitz et al. (2004) with minor modi-                                 of a n-methylimidazole solution in acetonitrile
fications.                                                                          (1:1) and 150 µL of trifluoroacetic acid solution in
                                                                                    acetonitrile (1:2). After completion of the reaction,
Chemicals and reagents
                                                                                    200 µL of this solution was transferred to a HPLC
   All substances were obtained from Sigma                                          vial and injected into the chromatographic system
Chemical Company (Saint Louis, MO, USA).                                            (Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC, Thermo Fisher Sci-
Standards of ivermectin (IVM, product code:                                         entific, United States).
I8898) and abamectin (ABM, internal standard,
                                                                                       Calibration curves in the range between 0.5 - 5.0
product code: 31732), acetonitrile (product code:
                                                                                    and 5.0 – 80.0 ng/mL were established using least
34851), methanol (product code: 34860) , n-
                                                                                    squares linear regression analysis and correlation
methylimidazole (product code 336092) and tri-
                                                                                    coefficients (r) and coefficient of variation (CV)
fluoroacetic acid (product code: 91707).
                                                                                    calculated. The lower limit of quantification
                                                                                    (LLOQ) was defined as the lowest measured con-
Drug extraction and derivatization
                                                                                    centration with a CV < 20% an accuracy of ± 20%
   Briefly, plasma samples (1.0 mL) were spiked                                     and an absolute recovery ≥ 70%. Concentration
with 50 µL of ABM. Acetonitrile (1 mL) and 0.25                                     values below the 0.5 ng/mL (LLOQ) were not con-
mL of deionized water were added. After mixing                                      sidered for the kinetic analysis of experimental
for 20 min under a high speed vortexing shaker                                      data.
(DMT-2500 Multi-Tube Vortex Mixer, Miulab,                                                                                         J Pharm Pharmacogn Res (2021) 9(1): 90
Robaina et al.                                                   Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

Chromatographic conditions                              parameters were calculated from a non-
   A Phenomenex®Luna C18 (5 m, 100°A, 150 mm            compartment analysis and the results are shown in
× 4.6 mm, Phenomenex, reference code: 00F-4252-         Table 2.
E0-BV) column was used as a reversed stationary            Results show that both IVM formulations com-
phase. The mobile phase was a mixture of acetic-        bined with fluazuron behaved in a similar way
acid 0.02%/methanol/acetonitrile (2/42/56) pum-         having similar Cmax and AUC but at different times
ped at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The column            (Tmax). Results for AUC and Cmax were log trans-
compartment was kept at 37°C. Fluorescence de-          formed for statistical analysis (ANOVA test) to
tection at an excitation wavelength of 361 nm and       asses IVM bioequivalence between both formula-
an emission wavelength of 463 nm.                       tions; the Cmax/AUC coefficient was calculated for
                                                        both formulation being a much more reliable indi-
Pharmacokinetic analysis                                cator of absorption rate (Endrenyi et al., 1991),
                                                        these data and the bioequivalence range the 90%CI
Noncompartmental analysis                               are displayed in Table 3. Tmax was depicted as a
   Plasma concentration data were analysed using        secondary bioequivalence parameter due to the
Pkanalyx (PKanalix version 2019R2. Antony,              fact that the sampling times were not equal and
France: Lixoft SAS, 2020) for a noncompartmental        therefore the statistical analysis for Tmax as a bioe-
analysis. Pharmacokinetic parameters were re-           quivalence parameter described by Basson et al.
ported as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The           (1996; 1998) could not be applied.
statistical analysis for establishing bioequivalence       Area under the curve from time 0 extrapolated
was performed using pharmacokinetic parameters          to infinity (AUC0 - inf) was not statistically different
by a one-way ANOVA test for Cmax, AUC and               between formulations after ANOVA test on the
Cmax/AUC; the Mann-Whitney U test was applied           log transformed data to assure normality (p>0.05);
for Tmax (R Core Team, 2020). Bioequivalence oc-        no statistical difference was observed on any of the
curred whenever the 90% confidence intervals            rest of the pharmacokinetic parameters obtained
(90%CI) for a systemic exposure ratio fell entirely     from the non-compartmental analysis of IVM.
inside the equivalence range of 0.8 - 1.25 (Martinez
et. al., 2002; FDA, 2016). In all cases, a value of     Compartmental approach
Robaina et al.                                                                                       Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

         Figure 1. Mean plasma concentration of ivermectin (IVM) (ng/mL) for both IVM formulations (A and B) combined with
         fluazuron, after subcutaneous administration (0.2 mg/kg IVM and 12.5 mg/kg fluazuron, single dose) to 12 calves.
         Concentrations are expressed as mean ± SD with fluazuron (12.5 mg/kg; 2.5%), after subcutaneous administration to 12 calves.

         Table 2. Non-compartment parameters for ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg; 1%) in two different formulations (A and B) combined.

         Pharmacokinetic parameter                         A                                     B                                     p

         AUC0-t (ng/d)                                     246.8 ± 41.0                          264.8 ± 52.8                          0.526
         AUCt - inf (ng/d)                                 14.9 ± 9.3                            16.8 ± 14.0                           0.794
         AUC0 - inf (ng/d)                                 261.7 ± 41.4                          281.5 ± 44.4                          0.442
         Beta                                              0.1 ± 0.02                            0.09 ± 0.03                           0.734
         t1/2 (d)                                          7.3 ± 2.0                             8.2 ± 2.7                             0.532
         Vd (L)                                            1.74 ± 0.34                           1.9 ± 0.83                            0.682
         Cl (L/d)                                          0.17 ± 0.03                           0.16 ± 0.02                           0.794
         Tmax (d)                                          1.4 ± 0.5*                            2.9 ± 1.2                             0.027
         Cmax (ng/mL)                                      30.9 ± 10.5                           29.0 ± 9.8                            0.749
         MRT (d)                                           9.5 ± 3.0                             10.7 ± 3.7                            0.554
         AUC0–t: area under the concentration vs. time curve from 0 up to the limit of quantification; AUCt–inf: area under the concentration vs. time
         curve form the limit of quantification up to infinity; AUC0–inf: area under the concentration vs. time curve extrapolated to infinity; beta: slow
         elimination rate constant ; T1/2el: elimination half-life; Vd: volume of distribution; CL: clearance ; Tmax: time to peak plasma concentration; Cmax:
         peak plasma concentration; MRT: medium retention time. *Differences between columns are statistically different at p
Robaina et al.                                                                                Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

       Table 3. Bioequivalence for ivermectin between two formulations (formulation A and B) combined with fluazuron, after
       subcutaneous administration (0.2 mg/kg IVM and 12.5 mg/kg fluazuron, single dose) to 12 calves.

                                      Log transformed values
         Pharmacokinetic                                                             Ratio*                                      Bioequivalence
         parameter                                                                   (µB/µA)[90%CI]                              criteria
                                      Formulation A          Formulation B

         AUC0-t (ng/d)                5.49                   5.56                    1.01 [0.974 - 1.05]        0.587            Pass

         AUC0-inf (ng/d)              5.55                   5.63                    1.01 [0.982 - 1.05]        0.451            Pass

         Cmax (ng/mL)                 3.36                   3.31                    0.98 [0.861 - 1.12]        0.814            Pass

         Cmax/AUC0-inf                0.61                   0.59                    0.96 [0.866 - 1.08]        0.620            Pass

         Tmax (d)                     1.40                   2.90                                               0.0274**         Fail

         AUC0–t: area under the concentration vs. time curve from 0 up to the limit of quantification; Cmax: peak plasma concentration. Two
         pharmaceutical formulations are considered bioequivalent when the ratio µB/µA confidence intervals (90%CI) for both AUC and Cmax
         between formulation A and B result between 0.8 and 1.25 (Martinez et. al., 2002). **Compared using Mann-Whitney U-test. Significant
         statistical difference when p
Robaina et al.                                                                                   Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

                 Table 4. Pharmacokinetic parameters estimate and residual standard error (%) for ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg; 1%)
                 combined with fluazuron (12.5 mg/kg; 2.5%), after subcutaneous administration to 12 calves.

                  Pharmacokinetic parameter                                             Estimate                              R.S.E.(%)

                  ka (d)                                                                1.55                                  16.0

                  beta_ka_B                                                             -0.932                                22.8

                  Cl (L/d)                                                              158                                   5.5

                  V1 (L)                                                                1110                                  17.2

                  Q (L/d)                                                               48.9                                  34.2

                  V2 (L)                                                                566                                   49.3

                  F_pop                                                                 1

                  Standard deviation of the random effects

                  omega_V1 (L)                                                          0.485                                 21.5

                  Error model parameters

                  A                                                                     0.639                                 24.7

                  B                                                                     0.16                                  14.4

                  ka: absorption rate constant; beta_Ka_B: covariate of formulation B on absorption rate constant; Cl: clearance; V1: volume of
                  distribution for the central compartment; Q: intercompartmental clearance; V2: volume of distribution for the peripheral
                  compartment; F_pop: population biodisponibility (fixed to 1); omega_V1: random effect for V1.

DISCUSSION                                                                         estimates and residual standard error (%). McKel-
                                                                                   lar and Gokbulut (2012) expresses that differences
   In Uruguay, according to official data, the                                     in body condition, breed, gender, feeding, and
number of available veterinary formulations con-                                   parasitism substantially affect the plasma disposi-
taining IVM for the control of ticks in cattle rises to                            tion kinetics of macrocyclic lactones, therefore the
nine different IVM 1% and twenty-seven IVM                                         current study was conducted using cattle with
3.15% formulations for use in veterinary medicine                                  similar characteristics, uniformly distributed
(MGAP, 2020). The lack of information on the                                       among experimental groups and free of tick infes-
pharmacokinetic profile for IVM between formula-                                   tation. This becomes of great importance when
tions, and of the differences on manufacturing and                                 conducting parallel designs, since the experi-
quality of ingredients, becomes problematic when                                   mental design has a lower power than cross-over
it comes to interchangeability of pharmaceutical                                   design for bioavailability (Toutain and Koritz,
products for the control of cattle ticks.                                          1997).
   The pharmacokinetic profiles of IVM in cattle                                      Avermectins and milbemycins are highly lipo-
(Lo et al., 1985) and ewes (Suarez et. al., 2013) have                             philic substances that are extensively distributed
been shown to be substantially affected by the                                     from the bloodstream to different tissues. The ex-
composition of the administered formulation. The                                   tensive tissue distribution of the endectocide com-
comparative plasma disposition applying non-                                       pounds in cattle agrees with the Vd values ob-
compartmental analysis of IVM reported in these                                    tained in the current study (1800 - 1914 L for A and
studies were evaluated after subcutaneous or oral                                  B formulations, respectively). Distribution into
administration on cattle and sheep, respectively.                                  adipose tissue, particularly in liver and fat may
The best fitted pharmacokinetic model was adjust-                                  account for the large Vd obtained for these com-
ed and the final decision was based on parameters                                                                                        J Pharm Pharmacogn Res (2021) 9(1): 94
Robaina et al.                                                       Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

pounds compared to other antiparasitic drugs.                  Among the parameters considered for bioe-
Lanusse et al. (1997) stated that the persistence of        quivalence studies, Endrenyi et al. (1991) stated
the broad-spectrum antiparasitic activity of endec-         that Cmax/AUC is the most reliable for the study of
tocide compounds relies on their disposition kinet-         the absorption rate between different formula-
ics and pattern of plasma/tissues exchange in the           tions. This is due to the fact that the Cmax/AUC
host, where slight modifications to their plas-             ratio is independent of the amount of absorbed
ma/tissue exchange pattern and/or disposition               drug and is also independent of the intrasubject
kinetics may result in substantial changes in their         variability. In this scenario, both formulations
concentration and residence time at the site of par-        showed no statistical difference (p
Robaina et al.                                                    Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

the market), measuring plasma concentrations up        mentarity between both compounds (IVM and
until 35 days (840 hours) after the start of the ex-   fluazuron) as well as the clinical impact of the
periment. The results for the bioequivalence be-       pharmacokinetic profiles in cattle infected with
tween the four IVM formulations were similar to        parasites.
those obtained in our experiment, with AUC, Cmax
and Tmax showing differences among the four IVM        CONFLICT OF INTEREST
formulations. The AUC value found in our exper-            The authors declare no conflict of interest. The selection of
iment does not differ from the ones reported by        the approved formulations did not respond to any particular
Lifshitz et al. (2004), where they reported an AUC     interest to compare the quality among them.
varying from 242 ± 40.1 up to 308 ± 41.8 (ng
day/mL) for the four different IVM formulations,       ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
while we obtained AUC for both formulations to             The authors wish to thank the Facultad de Veterinaria,
be 246.8 ± 41.0 and 264.8 ± 52.8 ng/d (A and B re-     Universidad de la República for allowing this trial to be car-
spectively); Tmax and Cmax follow the same pattern,    ried out. This study was funded by FUNDACIBA (Fundación
showing differences not only between the formu-        para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas, Montevideo, Uru-
                                                       guay) – Donation 201712033056.
lations tested by Lifschitz et al. (2004), but also
when compared to the ones we obtained in our
experiment. The cited authors reported a Cmax
ranging from 22.0 ± 6.86 up to 32.7 ± 4.35 ng/mL       Basson R, Cerimele B, DeSante K, Howey D (1996) Tmax: An
while we obtained a Cmax of 30.9 ± 10.5 and 29.0 ±         unconfounded metric for rate of absorption in single dose
                                                           bioequivalence studies. Pharm Res 13: 324–328.
9.8 ng/mL (A and B formulations respectively); for
                                                       Basson R, Ghosh A, Cerimele B, DeSante K, Howey D (1998)
Tmax, the reported values by the mentioned authors         Why rate of absorption inferences in single dose
ranges from 1.14 ± 0.38 up to 4.29 ± 2.06 days; we         bioequivalence studies are often inappropriate. Pharm
obtained a Tmax of 1.4 ± 0.5 and 2.9 ± 1.2 days (A         Res 15: 276–279.
and B formulations respectively). The similarity in    Endrenyi L, Fritsch S, Yan W (1991) Cmax/AUC is a clearer
the differences between the four formulations test-       measure than Cmax for absorption rates in investigation
                                                          of bioequivalence. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 29
ed by Lifschitz et al. (2004), and the two formula-
                                                          (10): 394–399.
tions tested in our experiment serves only to en-
                                                       FDA/CVM GFI #224 (VICH GL52) (2016) Bioequivalence:
force the importance of conducting bioequivalence         Blood      level    bioequivalence      study,  2016
studies to characterize the different formulations
available on the market for the treatment of cattle       fda-guidance-documents/cvm-gfi-224-vich-gl52-
parasites.                                                bioequivalence-blood-level-bioequivalence-study
                                                          [Consulted September 15, 2020].
Study limitations                                      Jackson H (1989) Ivermectin as a systemic insecticide.
                                                           Parasitol Today 5: 146–155.
   To improve the pharmacokinetic model con-           Lanusse C, Lifschitz A, Virkel G, Alvarez L, Sánchez S, Sutra J,
struction, samples at closer times intervals are          Galtier P, Alvinerie M (1997) Comparative plasma
needed to better understand the absorption phase.         disposition kinetics of ivermectin, moxidectin and
                                                          doramectin in cattle. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 20: 91–99.
CONCLUSIONS                                            Lanusse C, Canton C, Virkel G, Alvarez L, Costa-Junior L,
                                                          Lifschitz A (2018) Strategies to optimize the efficacy of
   We conclude that the two novel formulations            anthelmintic drugs in ruminants. Trends Parasitol 34 (8):
combined of IVM 1% with fluazuron 12.5%, are
bioequivalent for administration of IVM in cattle.     Lifschitz A, Sallovitz J, Imperiale F, Pis A, Jauregui Lorda J,
                                                            Lanusse C (2004) Pharmacokinetic evaluation of four
This shows that carrying out bioequivalence stud-           ivermectin generic formulations in calves. Vet Parasitol
ies are of great importance for understanding the           119: 247–257.
potential interchangeability between formulations      Lo P, Fink D, Williams J, Blodinger J (1985) Pharmacokinetics
available in the pharmaceutical market. Further            studies of ivermectin: effect of formulation. Vet Res
studies would be needed to evaluate the comple-            Commun 9: 251–268.                                                     J Pharm Pharmacogn Res (2021) 9(1): 96
Robaina et al.                                                                        Bioequivalence of ivermectin plus fluazuron in cattle

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                          AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION:

                          Contribution                         Robaina D          Alvariza S         Suárez G

                          Concepts or ideas                        x                                    x

                          Design                                   x                  x                 x

                          Definition of intellectual content       x                  x                 x

                          Literature search                        x

                          Experimental studies                     x

                          Clinical trial                           x                                    x

                          Data acquisition                         x

                          Data analysis                            x                  x                 x

                          Statistical analysis                     x                  x                 x

                          Manuscript preparation                   x

                          Manuscript editing                       x                                    x

                          Manuscript review                        x                  x                 x

Citation Format: Robaina D, Alvariza S, Suárez G (2021) Bioequivalence of two novel formulations of ivermectin 1% combined with fluazuron
12.5% for subcutaneous administration in cattle. J Pharm Pharmacogn Res 9(1): 88–97.                                                                         J Pharm Pharmacogn Res (2021) 9(1): 97
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