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              BIOENERGY EXPLAINED      7
                  CARBON CAPTURE
                     AND STORAGE

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With current CO2 emissions reaching a critical point,       Bioenergy Carbon Capture and storage combines
decarbonisation is necessary to limit the raise in global   biomass energy applications with the capture and
temperature and mitigate harmful climate-related            storage of CO2 thus providing net removal of CO2
effects on the planet. Considering the urgency of the       from the atmosphere. The best results in terms
task at hand, a drastic reduction of carbon emissions       of mitigating climate change can be achieved if
must be complemented with options for greenhouse            BECCS -solutions are used as an additional tool
gas removals. Different solutions can deliver negative      to conventional mitigation - to be combined with
emissions: some of them are referred to as natural,         a prompt scaling-up of bioenergy. As bioenergy is
others are technology based. In the first category          integrated in numerous industrial sectors, bioenergy
afforestation and reforestation absorb CO2 through          carbon capture and storage is a versatile technology
plant growth, modified agricultural practice can            that can be applied to power generation (BECCS)
increase carbon storage in soil, thus removing it from      and to different industrial installations (in cement,
the atmosphere (through incorporation of biochar in         ethanol, pulp and paper among others) using biomass
soils for example). Among the most promising NETs,          as feedstock. Sustainability of the biomass feedstock
Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is the         used is paramount for BECCS to deliver negative
most mature and allows for the production of clean          carbon emissions and the EU legislation provides the
energy coupled with the permanent capture of CO2.           right tools to ensure this. Although already proven,
To reach Paris Agreement’s objectives a wise mix of         technical complexities inherent to the technology
complementary solutions must have to be used.               would require more R&I efforts, and thus further
                                                            public support and a dedicated legislative framework
                                                            facilitating its uptake and its economic profitability.

INTRODUCTION                                                emissions technologies will have to be deployed to
                                                            offset unavoidable emissions and reach net zero GHG
                                                            emissions. This has also been recently recognised by
In combination with carbon capture and storage              the Declaration on Nordic Carbon Neutrality, by which
technologies bioenergy has the potential to deliver         Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark
negative emissions. Its deployment would be perfectly       committed to intensify cooperation on a number of areas
in line with the achievement of the commitments             including “bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) technologies,
taken in Paris and enable the transition to a carbon        conducting research to resolve the remaining
neutral economy, keeping temperature from rising by         technical challenges and developing business models
more than 1.5°C. Bioenergy Europe does not suggest          for the implementation of CCS(Carbon Capture and
reliance on Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage            Storage), CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation)”.4
technologies as an alternative to conventional
mitigation but, rather as an additional tool, which can     A mix of timely measures and development of
be combined with a decisive scale up of bioenergy.          technologies must be galvanized, such as a fossil fuel
                                                            phase out, an increased use of sustainable energy
IPCC1, IEA2 and the European Commission3 acknowledge        sources and a comprehensive energy efficiency
that moving away from fossil fuels as soon as possible      approach measures. Bioenergy with carbon capture
and removing some of the historical CO2 from the            and storage (BECCS) is the most mature among the
atmosphere with natural solutions like afforestation        key mitigation technologies to achieve negative CO2
and technological as BECCS is vital to achieve the          emissions and can be scaled up at reasonable costs.5
goal of the Paris Agreement. Indeed, negative

WHAT IS BECCS – WHAT                                       BECCS is the most mature of the very few demonstrated
                                                           negative emission technologies.6 It combines biomass
IS BECCU AND WHY ARE                                       energy applications with the capture and storage of
                                                           CO2 and has the potential to provide a net removal
THEY OFTEN MENTIONED                                       of CO2 from the atmosphere. Energy production
TOGETHER?                                                  (electricity, heat and cooling) from sustainable
                                                           biomass is carbon neutral, because the carbon
                                                           released in the atmosphere during energy conversion
                                                           was first taken from the atmosphere during the phase
                                                           of photosynthesis.
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)          In the case of BECCS, the CO2 is captured before
and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Utilization          being released in the atmosphere, then transported
(BECCU) are often mentioned together. Although             and permanently stored in a suitable geological
they are different technologies with different final       formation. This establishes a negative flow of CO2
objectives, they both reduce emissions and can be          from the atmosphere to the subsurface.7 Indeed,
used in combination to improve the economics of the        through BECCS carbon is extracted from the carbon
projects.                                                  cycle, while at the same time avoiding the use of fossil
                                                           energy and the associated CO2 emissions.

                           BIOFUELS                ASBSORBING            ELECTRICITY
                           & BIOFUEL                   CO2             & HEAT/COOLING
                          PRODUCTION                                     PRODUCTION

            CO2                                                                            CO2
        COLLECTION &                                                                   SEPARATION &
        COMPRESSION                                                                    COMPRESSION

                                                 CO2 STORAGE

         Source: IEA (2017), Bioenergy Technology p.43

Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Utilisation closes                                              Product
        the loop: it contributes to leaving fossil carbon in                                          / energy
       the ground, and closing the carbon loop above the
                                                   ground.10                                                                                   ATMOSPHERIC CARBON
                                                                                                                                               FOSSIL CARBON
          Source: IEA Bioenergy – Bio-CCS and Bio- CCU
          Climate change mitigation and extended use of                                             CO2
                                  biomass raw material
                                                                                                                                      Heat and power pro-


                                                                            + carbon content in soil

BECCU uses CO2 as feedstock and converts it into                                 it delivers other societal and environmental services,
value-added products such as synthetic fuels,                                    as it helps:
chemicals, or food & beverage or building materials.8
Through BECCU the captured carbon from a biomass                                 •    Achieving a more efficient use of bioenergy while
energy conversion can be recycled via chemical or                                     allowing for contributing leaving fossil carbon to
biological processes to form biochar, synthetic fuels,                                remain in the ground;
bulk and specialty chemicals as well as polymers, and                            •    Supporting the circular economy by converting
construction materials through mineralisation.9                                       waste CO2 to added-value products;
                                                                                 •    Developing industrial innovation and competitiveness
While BECCU is not a negative emission technology,                                    by creating new market opportunities.

Main CO2 utilisation routes and applications
                                                      CARBON DIOXIDE, CO2

   MINERALISATION                                   CHEMICAL                         BIOLOGICAL
                                                   CONVERSION                        CONVERSION                                         DIRECT
       Construction materials                                                                                                         UTILISATION
       (concrete, aggregates)                                                             Greenhouses
      Carbonates (precipitated                                                          Algae cultivations                         Food and beverages
       calcium carbonate PCC)                                                        Biological methanation                           Industrial gas
                                                                                                                                      Working fluids
  +                                                            +H2                                   +H2      +N2                        Solvents
                                                                                                                                        pH control
                                                                                                                                Enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
        POLYMERS                                     FUELS &                         COMMODITIES                                Enhanced coal bed methane
         Polycarbonates                             CHEMICALS                                                                        recovery (ECBM)
                                                                                       “Renewable urea”

      METHANE                       METHANOL                    FORMIC ACID               SYNTHESIS GAS

          CH4                              CH3OH                     HCOOH                           CO+H2


             MTBE*               OLEFINS       FORMALDEHYDE      GASOLINE              METHANOL,
             DME**                                                                     ETHANOL ...
                                                                                                             OLEFINS ...


One of the key differences between BECCS and
BECCU is that the latter enables the economic use
of CO2, with temporary storage but with possible re-       2. CO2 COMPRESSION
emissions of CO2 at the end, while CCS technology
aims for a permanent underground storage of CO2,           This phase is aimed at reducing the volume of CO2.
thus excluding its use.                                    The CO2 rich stream is dehydrated, compressed (or
                                                           liquified) and transported to a storage site.
In certain systems, these technologies can be
combined by first making use of valorising the CO2
in a first step via BECCU, and then by storing the         3. CO2 TRANSPORT
CO2 emitted in a last step via CCS. Since BECCU is a
commercial technology, it can help the uptake of           There are different CO2 transport options such as
BECCS if used in combination with it, helping to tick      pipelines, shipping or even road transport. In most
the boxes of reducing CO2 emissions and contributing       cases a mix of options is used as most storage sites
to the achievement of circular economy.                    are/will be located below the ocean.

                                                           4. CO2 Storage
                                                           There are different CO2 storage options such as:

                                                             • Saline aquifers (saltwater-bearing rocks unsuitable
HOW DOES                                                       for human consumption)
                                                             • Depleted oil and gas fields
BECCS WORK                                                   • Deep unmineable coal beds
                                                             • Mineralisation13

Bioenergy Carbon Capture and storage involves
four main steps: capturing CO2, compressing it,
transporting and finally storing it.

The first phase consists in capturing the CO2. This
process separates the CO2 from other components                         WHAT ARE THE
such as steam, nitrogen, sulphur and particles
to achieve the purest composition for transport                    SECTORS OF POSSIBLE
and storage. There are at least five possibilities of
achieving this in energy production from biomass:                       APPLICATIONS?
a. High concentration streams from industrial processes:    Several industrial sector already benefit from bioenergy
   purification of high concentration CO2 streams           in their processes. Thanks to its dispatchability
   (e.g. from ethanol).                                     and versatility, bioenergy successfully meets the
b. Post-combustion: CO2 is removed from the exhaust         temperature, pressure and quantity of thermal
   gas through absorption by selective solvents.            energy requirements of different manufacturing
                                                            processes. 7% of the global industry energy demand
c. Pre-combustion: The fuel is pre-treated and              (204 Mtoe) was satisfied by bioenergy in 2017.14
   converted into a mix of CO2 and hydrogen, from           Switching from fossil fuels to biomass can help
   which the CO2 is separated. The hydrogen is then         decarbonise industrial processes. BECCS can be
   used as fuel, or burnt to produce energy.                therefore applied to various sectors and different
d. Oxy-fuel combustion: The fuel is burned with pure        installations, such as:
   oxygen instead of air, producing a flue stream of
   CO2 and water vapour without nitrogen.                    •   Biopower
e. Chemical-Looping-Combustion (CLC): The oxygen             •   Biomass-based Combined Heat and Power
   needed for combustion is provided by a solid              •   Pulp and paper mills
   oxygen carrier, thus avoiding contact between             •   Lime kilns
   fuel and air. The solid oxygen carrier circulates         •   Iron and Steel industry (where pulverized coal
   between a fuel reactor, where the oxygen carrier              injection is replaced by torrefied pellets)
   is reduced, and the biomass oxidized to CO2 and           •   Ethanol plants
   H2O, then transported to the air reactor and              •   Fischer Tropsch diesel plants
   oxidized to its original form before a new cycle is       •   Biogas refineries
   started. CO2 capture is inherent to the process.12        •   Biomass gasification plants.

The implementation of BECCS also depends on                              of smaller in scale when compared to fossil-
technological advancements and progresses within                         based installations. This might be a barrier for the
the deployment of conventional CCS. While capturing                      achievement of economics of scale, especially in
CO2 from biomass conversion technologies may be                          the absence of clusters;
achieved with technologies that are very similar
to the ones used to capture CO2 from fossil fuels,                     • Although no particular technical restrictions
certain technical differences need to be considered                      to the capture of biogenic CO2 exist in energy
and further evaluated, such as:                                          generation applications or industrial processes,15
                                                                         the presence of impurities resulting from in
• Size and location of emission sources: biomass-                        the combustion process, ashes and flue gases
  based installations are often decentralized and                        represents a further complexity in the process.16

        BIODEGRADABLE                   FERMENTATION          CO2 SEPARATION        BIOMETHANE

        SUGAR,                          FERMENTATION          CO2 SEPARATION       H2O SEPARATION       ETHANOL

        SOLID,                          PRE-TREATMENT         LIGNIN
        DRY BIOMASS                      & HYDROLYSIS

                                         GASIFICATION         WATER-GAS SHIFT
                                                              & CO2 SEPARATION      HYDROGEN

                                            and/or STEAM
                                                                                    METHANATION         SNG

                                                                                  FISCHER-TROPSCH       GASOLINE
                                                                                      SYNTHESIS         KEROSENE

                                                                                      METHANOL          DME
                                              OXYGEN                                  SYNTHESIS         GASOLINE
                                            and/or STEAM

                                         GASIFICATION           CO2 CAPTURE          COMBUSTION

                                          COMBUSTION          POST-COMBUSTION        ELECTRICITY        ELECTRICITY
                                                                CO2 CAPTURE          GENERATION         &/OR HEAT

                                       AIR         OXYGEN

                                                                PROCESSES &
                                                                CO2 CAPTURE         IRON & STEEL

                                                            CO2 TRANSPORT
                  BIO-CHEMICAL CONVERSION                        & STORAGE
                  CO2 CAPTURE

          ABCD    FINAL OUTPUT
                                                           Source: ZEP/EBTP 2012                                      7
                                                                 IS THERE ENOUGH
                                                            SUSTAINABLE BIOMASS
The biomass feedstock used must be sustainable
                                                           TO DEPLOY BECCS AT THE
for BECCS to deliver negative carbon emissions. In                 SCALE NEEDED?
the EU, thanks to the tight environmental legislative
framework and the sustainability criteria introduced by
the revised Renewable Energy Directive (2018 REDII)
as well as and the requirements of the Regulation on      Bioenergy represents 63% of the renewable energy
Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF),          mix today and is one of the main drivers of a European
we can be sure that the biomass used and traded           carbon neutral economy. A variety of biomass
is sustainably sourced. These criteria apply to for       feedstocks is potentially available to serve as vectors
biomass used within the EU, irrespective of the           of decarbonisation of fuel supply to release energy,
geographical origin of the biomass. An international      such as:
alignment of regulations on this subject would help
improving the global sustainability performance of        •       Forestry residues: bark, small branches, thinnings,
biomass.17                                                        residues from sawmills;
                                                          •       Organic waste: waste wood, the organic fraction
According to the above-mentioned legislation, for                 of municipal solid waste, livestock manures,
biomass to be sustainable:                                        sewage sludge, etc.;
                                                          •       Energy crops: crops specifically grown for
•   No land use change can occur because of
                                                                  energy production (e.g. short rotation coppices,
    agricultural and forest biomass production.
                                                                  miscanthus and switchgrass);
    Agricultural biomass cannot be grown in primary
    and highly-biodiverse forests, grassland and          •       Agricultural residues: straw, prunings, nutshells,
    land with high carbon stocks such as wetlands                 fruit kernels, etc.
    and peatlands. For all types of biomass, net-
    carbon emissions from land use change must be         Scientific studies identify a substantial growth
    accounted for under the greenhouse gas emission       potential for biomass leading to 2050 - if the right
    saving criteria.                                      measures are put in place. A recent literature review
•   Greenhouse gas emission savings must be               concludes that sustainable biomass in the EU can
    achieved.18 The GHG emission saving calculation       reach potential of 406 Mtoe (17 EJ) by 2050. This
    accounts for the lifecycle emissions of bioenergy     would provide enough feedstock to triple the amount
    production such as the transport and processing       of bioenergy in the EU-28 energy mix.19
    emissions and thus guarantees that the positive       800
    effects of bioenergy in comparison to fossil fuels                                       737
    are maintained in the future.
•   Carbon stocks must be maintained. The                                                    119
    forest’s long-term production capacity must
    be maintained or improved and LULUCF sector           600
    emissions cannot exceed removals.
•   Harvesting must be performed legally,                 500
    biodiversity and soil quality preserved to protect
    areas designated for nature protection purposes                                    406
    and to guarantee that forest regeneration takes       400
    place.                                                                                   444

                                                                                                          Forest biomass

                                                          200                                             Agricultural biomass
                                                                       143                                Waste
                                                                        17                                Middle range
                                                                        26                                potential
                                                          100                                174

                                                              0                  5                  Source: Faaij Study (2018)
                                                                      2017      2050         2050
    8                                                                           min          max
intensive process and, as such, impacts the balance
                                                              of primary energy consumption and consequently
                                                              the profitability of power production. Still, the
IS BECCS                                                      efficiency losses can be partially recuperated with
                                                              combined heat and power production. Indeed, using
ECONOMICALLY                                                  the heat generated by capture can cover part of the
                                                              efficiency losses.23 As already mentioned, combining
VIABLE?                                                       BECCU and BECCS can also significantly improve
                                                              the profitability and efficiency of the projects.24

It could be in the future, if the right legislative,
investment and innovation support frameworks are in
place. The most significant challenges, along with the
high capital costs, concern technical aspects as well
as the energy efficiency aspect of the projects.

The first question is whether there is a credible carbon
/ CO2 price creating a price-based system rewarding                                   ARE THERE
negative emissions. Studies suggest that a range of
55-248 euro per ton of CO220, 21 would make BECCS                               BECCS PROJECTS
economically profitable. A stable and robust carbon
price could send the right signal to carbon capture
                                                                                  IN OPERATION?
projects investor; and would also drive a decisive fuel
switch, much needed to achieve the Paris agreement’s
objectives. In the last 20 years, CCS projects have           There are to date several small-scale demonstration
not progressed at the expected rate, so rethinking            BECCS small scale demonstration projects in operation
the policy design supporting these technologies is            around the world.25 In 2015, eight projects were in the
necessary for their successful deployment.                    evaluation stage of development.26 The ADM-owned
                                                              Illinois Industrial CCS Project is the first large-scale
Furthermore, one of the challenges lies in the size of        project combining bioenergy production with CO2
biomass-combusting plants which, because located              capture and storage. Operations started during the
in the proximity of biomass sources, do not reach             first half of 2017 and the project will capture 1 MtCO2/
the critical size. For this reason, the CO2’s recovery        year from the distillation of corn into bioethanol. The
costs are proportionally higher than in bigger power          CO2 is then compressed, dehydrated and injected
plants.22 In general, the right business model would          on site for permanent storage in the Mount Simon
need to be put in place.                                      sandstone formation (at a depth of approximately
                                                              2.1km).27 In Europe, DRAX and C-Capture are piloting
Finally, when assessing the profitability of carbon           the first BECCS facility in North Yorkshire, UK. The
capture, the overall efficiency of energy production          £400,000 pilot plan aims at removing a tonne of
needs to be considered. The CO2 recovery is an energy         carbon from its operations a day.28

Bio-CCS vs BECCS Both acronyms refer to Bioenergy Carbon Capture and storage. In scientific literature they are
often used interchangeably.29 In certain cases, the first one (BECCS) is used to refer to combination of Carbon Capture
technologies with power generation, while Bio-CCS to industrial applications.30 For the purposes of this paper only
the acronym BECCS will be used for both industrial and power and combined heat and power applications.

BIOCHAR Biochar is produced through pyrolysis — processes that heat biomass in the absence (or under reduction)
of oxygen. In addition to creating a soil enhancer, sustainable biochar practices can produce oil and gas by-products
that can be used as fuel, providing clean, renewable energy. When the biochar is buried in the ground as a soil
enhancer, the system can become “carbon negative.” In Tampere (Finland) the production of biochar has been
successfully combined with a district heating network which uses the waste heat of the plant. Since biochar is
used as a soil amendment it permanently sequesters carbon in the soil. The district heating is therefore carbon-


1.   IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C, (2018) Summary for policy makers , p.16
2.   IEA, Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, B2D scenario; Summary accessed on 19/12/2018
3.   European Commission, 1.5TECH scenario, In-Depth Analysis of the Commission Communication COM (2018) 773
4.   Declaration on Nordic Carbon Neutrality, Helsinki, 25 January 2019
5.   Fuss et al. (2018), Negative emissions—Part 2: Costs, potentials and side effects. Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 1, e5, 13 June
     2018, p.9.
6.   NETs include Ocean Fertilization, Direct Air capture and carbon storage, Enhanced weathering, use of biochar in top soils and afforestation
7.   Pour et al., (2016) A sustainability framework for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) technologies, p.6045
8.   SAPEA (2018) Novel carbon capture and utilization technologies. P.10
9.   VTT, BioCO2 project, Value chains and business potential for biobased-CO2 in circular economy,
     background accessed on 11/01/2019
10. SAPEA (2018) Novel carbon capture and utilization technologies. p.8
11. VTT, BioCO2 project, Value chains and business potential for biobased-CO2 in circular economy,
    accessed on 11/01/2019
12. Mediara et al. ,(2017) Chemical Looping Combustion of Biomass: An Approach to BECCS 13th International Conference on Greenhouse
    Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18, November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland accessed on 18/12/2018
13. Conversion of CO2 to solid inorganic carbonates using chemical reactions.
14. IEA (2018), MRSren18, p.142
15. Arasto (2014) Bio-CCS: feasibility comparison of large scale carbon-negative solutions accessed on 5/10/2018
16. Idem
17. Van Dam et al. (2010) From the global efforts on certification of bioenergy towards an integrated approach based on sustainable land
    use planning, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2010, vol. 14, issue 9
18. 70% less GHG emissions than fossil fuels for installation entering operation in 2021, 80% for installations starting operation in 2026.
19. Faaij (2018) Securing sustainable resource availability of biomass for energy applications in Europe; Review of recent literature
20. Gough et al. (2018) Challenges to the use of BECCS as a keystone technology in pursuit of 1.5°
21. Other sources as the Climate Change Committee in the UK indicate that the use of BECCS for power generation could be cost-effective
    at a carbon price of between £80-140/tCO₂ (in 2030 this would be in the UK Government’s Green Book carbon value trajectory).
22. CCSP, Finland, Final Report , p.16 accessed on 18/12/2018
23. Bui et al., (2017) Thermodynamic Evaluation of Carbon Negative Power Generation: Bio-energy CCS (BECCS), Energy Procedia Volume
    114, July 2017, Pages 6010-6020
24. CCSP, Finland, Final Report , p.16 accessed on 18/12/2018
25. EASAC policy report, (February 2018) Negative emission technologies: What role in meeting Paris Agreement targets? p. 20
26. Kempner (2015), Biomass and carbon dioxide capture and storage: A review, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 40 ·
    August 2015
27. IEA (2017) Technology Roadmap – Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy, p. 44
28. Accessed on 04/01/2019
29. See for example or https://bellona.
30. See for example file://sbs/Folder%20Redirection/giulia.cancian/Desktop/1-s2.0-S1876610214025260-main.pdf


Bioenergy Europe, formerly known as the
European Biomass Association (AEBIOM),
is the voice of the bioenergy sector at EU-
level. It aims at developing a sustainable
bioenergy market based on fair business

Bioenergy Europe is a non-profit,
Brussels-based international organisation
founded in 1990, bringing together more
than 40 associations and 90 companies.

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T : +32 2 318 40 34

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