Bioactive substances of plant origin in food - impact on genomics

Page created by Jesse Jensen
Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 42 (2002) 461–477                                                                 461
© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2002
DOI: 10.1051/rnd:2002034


                  Bioactive substances of plant origin
                     in food – impact on genomics

     Arkadiusz ORZECHOWSKI, Piotr OSTASZEWSKI*, Michal JANK,
                    Sybilla Jacqueline BERWID

              Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
                            Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland

Abstract — In the past decade, substantial progress has been made concerning our knowledge of bioac-
tive components in plant foods and their links to health. Human diets of plant origin contain many hun-
dreds of compounds which cannot be considered as nutrients, but appear to play a role in the main-
tenance of health. These substances are called nutraceuticals. In some cases where the disease process
is at least partially understood, elements of protection can be related to a single compound or struc-
turally related group of compounds in the diet. Bioactive components of food which are of special inter-
est include the following groups: polyphenols, phytoestrogens, phytosterols, phytates and polyun-
saturated fatty acids. Most of them are featured by antioxidant properties. In the first part of this
review, we indicate the main groups of bioactive compounds giving a description of their localisation,
chemical properties and biological actions. Recently, it was shown, however, that the bioavailabil-
ity of potential antioxidants from plant foods is generally too low to have any substantial direct
effect on reactive oxygen species. As a result of that it is postulated that dietary compounds, even in
very low concentrations, may have a far greater impact than previously appreciated on the regulation
of gene expression. The second part of this paper concerns the action of the literally most important
bioactive substances on the molecular mechanisms of the control of genes which in turn affect cel-
lular metabolism. A few current studies on the action of selected nutraceuticals on the activity of tran-
scription factors such as AP-1, NF-kB, SREBPs, PPARs as final targets in the signal transduction cas-
cade and gene regulation are included. A detailed analysis of numerous factors of dietary origin
with their targets is far beyond the scope of this paper. However, continuing research on the effects
of nutraceuticals on gene expression should provide insight into the mechanisms of prevention of dis-
eases such as obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and cancer by dietary manipulations.

bioactive compounds / antioxidants / transcription factors / AP-1 / NF-kB / PPARs / SREBPs /
gene expression

* Correspondence and reprints
462                                  A. Orzechowski et al.

   1. INTRODUCTION                                  2.1. Polyphenols

   Wild primates, close relatives to humans,         Polyphenolic compounds are mainly
consume as a rule diets high in fiber, vita-     found in fruits and vegetables and are one of
mins, minerals, and with variable levels of      the most important sources of bioactive
proteins and fatty acids [66]. Even in cap-      components of the human diet [76] Over
tivity but more in the wild, they sponta-        8000 polyphenols have been identified and
neously have plenty of exercise. In turn, the    among them more than 2000 are found in
current lifestyles of humans almost every-       nature. Plants need them for pigmentation,
where in the world are in sharp contrast, and    growth, reproduction, resistance to pathogens
as a consequence, humans suffer from a           and for many other functions. One of the
large number of chronic diseases. In the         most important groups of polyphenols is
past, infectious diseases killed our ances-      flavonoids. They can be divided into the
tors early on, often younger than age 40, so     following subgroups: flavones/flavonones,
they did not display the current epidemic of     anthocyanins and catechins/flavonols. In
chronic diseases that arise in older ages.       plants, flavonoids usually form complexes
Now medical status has been improved. The        with various sugars which are called glyco-
problem of infectious diseases has been          sides. Flavones/flavonones have been iso-
solved due to the amelioration of medical        lated from almost all fruits and vegetables
care (vaccination programs, antibiotics).        with their highest concentrations being
Nowadays, people live longer and therefore       found in the outer layers. Therefore flavonoid
express symptoms of chronic diseases asso-       consumption can be dramatically reduced
ciated with senescence and lifestyle (also       if the peel of an apple is removed. How-
called civilisation diseases) such as obesity,   ever, there are fruits like oranges for exam-
diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart dis-      ple that have high amounts of flavonoids
ease, and cancer.                                also present in the pulp. In most European
                                                 countries, the average daily consumption of
                                                 flavones/flavonones does not exceed 25 mg
   2. NATURAL BIOACTIVE                          per day. Anthocyanins are the largest group
   COMPOUNDS OF PLANTS                           of water-soluble pigments in plants. They
                                                 are widely distributed in the human diet
                                                 through crops, beans, fruits, vegetables and
   Bioactive components of food which are        red wine [31]. Tsuda et al. [98] showed that
of special interest include the following        anthocyanins can inhibit the formation of
groups: polyphenols, phytoestrogens, phy-        the nitrated tyrosine and scavenge perox-
tosterols, phytates, lectins, oligosaccharides   ynitrites. Moreover anthocyanins express a
and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)           potent antioxidant activity and protective
[30]. These groups consist of many related       effect against hepatic ischemia-reperfusion
compounds, each with slightly different          injury in vivo.
properties. It is important to stress that the
protection against cancer and cardiovascu-          Catechins are unique flavonoids found
lar disease is undoubtedly the result of the     in large quantities in green tea. In black tea
cumulative action of many natural sub-           the level of catechins is about 30% that of
stances present in the diet. Since each plant    green tea. Green tea extracts are described as
contains different bioactive components, the     protective against experimentally induced
eating of various foods seems to be impor-       cancer in animals. They act as strong
tant but needs further evidence. Taking this     inhibitors of the in vitro nitrosation of sec-
into account, we may enjoy a lower risk of       ondary amines and therefore lower tumor
occurrence of modern diseases.                   initiation [94]. High amounts of catechins
Bioactive substances of plant origin                          463

present in tea are also found in red wine and    and other non-hormonal cancers, cardio-
chocolate, which may contribute signifi-         vascular diseases and osteoporosis [5].
cantly to the daily intake of polyphenols        Recently, Karamsetty et al. [46] found that
[100]. It is estimated that the daily intake     soybean phytoestrogens genistein and
of polyphenols does not exceed 200 mg per        daidzein act like estrogens in restoring nitric
day, which is relatively high compared to        oxide-mediated relaxation in hypoxic rat
the intake of other antioxidant nutrients,       pulmonary arteries and moreover, this effect
such as vitamins E, C or A. Polyphenolic         is not mediated by the inhibition of tyrosine
compounds have beneficial health effects         kinases.
because of their antioxidant properties and          It is recommended to consume moder-
their inhibitory role in the various stages of   ate amounts of phytoestrogens in their nat-
tumor development [38]. There are cohort         ural form as plant foods. If their intake is
studies indicating a possible protective         too high they could be potentially harmful to
action against coronary heart disease [49]       human health although this is unlikely to
and strokes [45]. Polyphenols act through        happen.
the scavenging of free radicals (reactive oxy-
gen species, ROS) and therefore are con-
sidered to be powerful antioxidants.                 2.3. Phytosterols

                                                    Phytosterols are bioactive non-nutrient
   2.2. Phytoestrogens                           substances structurally similar to choles-
                                                 terol. They exist in two forms: (1) unsatu-
   Phytoestrogens have become one of the         rated, common, present in many plants and
more topical areas of interest in clinical       (2) saturated, called stanols, which are found
nutrition. They mimic human estrogens and        only in small amounts in cereals, fruits and
therefore are considered as natural selective    vegetables [71]. Northern European daily
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) [90].       consumption of phytosterols is in the range
There are two subclasses of polyphenols          100–400 mg and comes mainly from veg-
(isoflavonoids and lignans) isolated from        etable oils, bread, fruits and vegetables. In
various plants [65]. The main consumable         southern Europe the intake may be even
plant sources of phytoestrogens include          higher as a result of high consumption of
isoflavonoids and lignans found mainly in        vegetable oils and nuts. The health effects of
soybeans and flaxseed, respectively. Other       phytosterols are the result of their structural
sources of phytoestrogens include sunflower      similarity to cholesterol; therefore plant
and sesame seeds, various nuts, berries, gar-    sterols compete with cholesterol absorption
lic and carrots [86]. Plant lignans are also     from the intestinal tract. When typical
found in many cereals, grains, fruits and        amounts of sterols (240–320 mg) are con-
vegetables [6]. Since Asians consume a lot       sumed, only about 5% are absorbed from
of soybean products, their daily isoflavonoid    the small intestine [53]. Thus, the dietary
intake is 25–100 mg. In western Europe           intake of phytosterols causes an increased
isoflavonoid consumption is usually a few        excretion of both dietary and biliary choles-
mg per day due to a much lower intake of         terol in humans [35]. In addition to reducing
soybean products. Phytoestrogens may pre-        the absorption of cholesterol, plant stanols
vent cancer in humans. In countries with         inhibit the absorption of other plant sterols
high consumption of soybean products the         [32]. In humans, this inhibition of intesti-
risk for hormone-related prostate and breast     nal cholesterol absorption is accompanied
cancer is much lower than in populations         by a compensatory increase in cholesterol
with a low consumption of soybeans [68].         synthesis, as reflected in the increase of
Phytoestrogens also protect against bowel        serum cholesterol precursors, lathosterol
464                                   A. Orzechowski et al.

and desmosterol. However, the net effect is       phate forms is essential since a high degree
still a reduction in serum cholesterol. The       of phosphorylation is necessary to bind min-
beneficial effects of vegetable oils are due to   erals. In developing countries where the diet
the high amount of phytosterols which lower       is almost wholly based on cereals and
serum cholesterol. Moreover, the interac-         legumes, iron and zinc deficiency are fre-
tion between dietary fibre and phytosterols       quently observed. Phytate-related mineral
could explain why diets rich in fibre may         deficiencies are also reported in people from
reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.        developed countries, such as pregnant
The use of a special margarine increases the      women, infants and adolescents. There are
dietary intake of phytosterols to 1–3 g per       several methods of decreasing the inhibitory
day which is a therapeutic amount. In 1995,       effect of phytic acid on mineral absorption
the Finns introduced plant stanol esters          (germination, fermentation, soaking, autol-
(PSE) in margarine, as dietary adjuncts to        ysis and malting). Unfortunately heat pro-
lower cholesterol by more than 10% [15].          cessing at home during cooking or during
                                                  food manufacturing does not affect phy-
                                                  tates. Therefore, the selection of starter cul-
   2.4. Phytates                                  tures to improve phytate degradation is very
                                                  important. In some cases, commercial phy-
    This group of bioactive substances is also    tase can be added to remove phytate, espe-
called substances with antinutritional prop-      cially from infant foods.
erties although this term is also appropriate
for flavonoids.                                      In recent years, dietary phytate has
                                                  received increased attention due to its role in
    Phytates are present in seeds which are an    cancer prevention and/or therapy and its
important source of plant phosphorus stored       hypocholesterolemic effect [54]. In turn, by
there in the form of phytic acid (myo-inos-       binding an excess of free iron in the small
itol hexaphosphate acid, InsP6) [61]. The         intestine, phytates may prevent the formation
antinutritional effects of phytic acid are pri-   of free radicals by the Fenton reaction in
marily related to the strong chelating asso-      the colon and consequently decrease iron
ciated with its six reactive phosphate groups.    absorption for all who need less iron.
Its ability to complex with proteins and par-
ticularly with minerals has been a subject
of investigation from chemical and nutri-            2.5. Lectins
tional viewpoints [99]. High contents of
phytates are observed in cereal grains,              In the past, the main scientific interest
legumes and nuts whereas in vegetables their      was focused on the toxicity of lectins, for
concentrations are low. The hydrolysis of         example ricin. Nowadays, these bioactive
phytates into inositol and phosphates or          compounds are recognized as natural com-
phosphoric acid occurs as a result of phy-        ponents of the human diet. It has been shown
tase action [79] or nonenzymatic cleavage,        that dietary lectins, which bind avidly and
i.e. food processing [2]. Enzymes capable         are endocytosed by cells of the brush border
of hydrolysing phytates are widely dis-           epithelium, are powerful growth factors for
tributed in micro-organisms, plants and ani-      the gut [83], induce changes in its digestive/
mals. Phytases, naturally present not only        absorptive functions, modify the state of
in plant foods, but also in yeasts or other       glycosylation of luminal receptors, alter the
microorganisms implemented in food pro-           expression of genes coding for digestive
cessing, act in a stepwise manner to catalyse     enzymes, transport and structural proteins
the hydrolysis of phytic acid. To reduce or       and interfere with both the bacterial ecol-
eliminate the chelating ability of phytate,       ogy and the immune response of the gut to
dephosphorylation of hexa- and penta-phos-        food antigens. Furthermore, they stimulate
Bioactive substances of plant origin                            465

pancreatic growth and have profound                 2.7. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
effects on the immune system [81]. Plasma           (PUFA)
cells involved in a multiplicity of immune
functions express high and variable levels          Polyunsaturated fatty acids consist of two
of endogenous membrane lectins, most             parent compounds: linoleic acid, a fatty acid
of which are used in cell-to-cell communi-       of the w-6 family with 18 carbon atoms and
cation.                                          two double bonds (18:2n6) and a-linolenic
                                                 acid, a fatty acid of the w-3 family with
                                                 18 carbon atoms and 3 double bonds
  2.6. Oligosaccharides                          (18:3n3). These fatty acids have different
                                                 metabolic effects. Linoleic acid (LA) can
                                                 be elongated to arachidonic acid (AA), a
   Oligosaccharides represent a structurally     fatty acid with 20 carbon atoms and 4 dou-
diverse class of macromolecules of a rela-       ble bonds (20:4n6) with two intermediary
tively widespread occurrence in nature. They     metabolites termed g-linolenic acid (18:3n6,
are mainly present as glucans with differ-       GLA) and dihomo-g-linolenic acid (20:3n6,
ent types of glycosidic linkages, while oth-     DHLA) while a-linolenic acid can be elon-
ers mostly bind to protein residues as           gated to either eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),
oligosaccharide-protein complexes [25].          a fatty acid with 20 carbon atoms and 5 dou-
The most promising biopharmacological            ble bonds (20:5n3) or docosahexaenoic acid
activities of these biopolymers are their        (DHA), a fatty acid with 22 carbon atoms
immunomodulation and anti-cancer effects.        and 6 double bonds (22:6n3). The fatty acids
Oligosaccharides and oligosaccharide-pro-        with 20 carbon atoms, AA and EPA play an
tein complexes are considered as multicy-        important role in prostaglandin metabolism
tokine inducers that are able to induce the      and may influence the thrombotic process.
gene expression of various immunomodu-           Cohort studies [39] indicate that the intake
latory cytokines and cytokine receptors.         of a-linolenic acid is inversely related to
Numerous anti-tumor polysaccharides have         coronary heart disease. Whether this effect
been discovered from mushrooms, fungi,           is independent of other unsaturated fatty
yeasts, algae, lichens and plants and at pre-    acids e.g. linoleic acid, is difficult to estab-
                                                 lish because different unsaturated fatty acids
sent are intensively studied [75]. Fructo-
                                                 are present in the same foods e.g. soybean
oligosaccharides (FOS) are short-chain poly-
                                                 oil. However, the hypothesis of a protective
mers of fructose which are produced              effect of a-linolenic acid in relation to
commercially by hydrolysis of inulin or by       coronary heart disease is supported by the
enzymatic synthesis from sucrose or lac-         results of the Lyon trial. In this intervention
tose. They are not hydrolyzed in the human       study, a Mediterranean diet enriched with
small intestine but degraded in the colon by     a-linolenic acid was strongly protective in
the resident microflora. They are mainly         relation to coronary heart disease [23, 84].
known for their ability to increase the          However, more data is needed before defi-
endogenous growth of intestinal lactobacilli     nite statements can be made about the pos-
and bifidobacteria in humans and animals         sible protective effect of a-linolenic acid.
which is recognized as beneficial to health.
[8]. In vivo studies in rats have shown that
FOS increase the proportion of butyrate             2.8. Other mechanisms of action
which in turn stimulates water and sodium
absorption and modulates intestinal motility.       A number of human intervention studies
FOS also increase Ca, Mg and Fe absorption       concerning antioxidant and/or anti-genotoxic
and enhance bone calcium stores in rats [74].    effects of various polyphenols have shown
466                                    A. Orzechowski et al.

no convincing results [37, 50, 101]. Also           ously anticipated, most likely by the regu-
extensive studies with orally administered          lation of gene expression. This in turn can
high rates of plant extracts rich in phenolics      affect cellular metabolism with profound
have failed to demonstrate antioxidant              effects on detoxification mechanisms and
effects, except for a transient improvement in      cell proliferation, differentiation, survival
the amount of trapped free radicals [49, 107].      and death.
According to estimated daily intake of
flavonoids, the range of 100–200–1              On the contrary, deleterious effects of
is a very low level when compared with the          polyphenolic compounds have also been
levels used in the aforementioned studies.          observed, and are associated with the ability
Recent work has shown that the bioavail-            to bind and precipitate macromolecules
ability of potential antioxidants is too low to     including protein and carbohydrates and
have any substantial direct effect on reac-         reduce the digestibility of food. The colour-
tive oxygen species (Fig. 1). Moreover, the         ing pigments in plants called flavonoids are
vast number of phenolics present in food-           the best known and best characterized of
stuffs are glycosides and the free radical          these groups. Flavonoids have been con-
scavenging activity decreases with the pres-        sidered antinutrients because they have been
ence of a sugar moiety, so glycosides are           shown to inhibit the activity of a wide range
not antioxidants, although their corre-             of enzymes including digestive enzymes
sponding aglycons are. However, it is well          such as hydrolases, but also isomerases,
recognized that many polyphenols that do            oxygenases, oxidoreductases, polymerases,
not show antioxidant effects show anti-             phosphatases, protein kinases and amino
inflammatory, anti- or pro-estrogenic, anti-        acid oxidases. Failure to scavenge free rad-
mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic effects.            icals in vitro does not necessarily mean that
Therefore, it is postulated that dietary com-       some flavonoids will not trigger biological
pounds, even in very low concentrations,            effects in vivo. Flavonoids might interfere
may have a far greater impact than previ-           with various transduction signal cascades

Figure 1. Relationship between bioavailibility of potential antioxidants and cell functions.
Bioactive substances of plant origin                           467

by affecting the eicosainoid synthesis via         (XME) of phase I (CYP1A1, CYP1A2), and
cyclooxygenase/lipoxygenase pathways               phase II (NADP(P)H-menadione oxidore-
[56], or protein tyrosine kinases [40, 85].        ductase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, UDP-
Some of them may also form complexes               glucuronosyl-transferase, glutathione S-trans-
with metal cations, thereby interfering with       ferase) xenobiotic elimination. There are
the absorption of minerals such as iron or         specific transcription factors, which in turn
copper [14]. The ability to bind minerals          specifically bind to XRE. Once activated
may be beneficial in some cases, since cop-        by the assembly with aromatic hydrocar-
per and iron are the initiators of hydroxyl        bons or halogenated derivatives such as
radical formation by the Fenton reaction           dioxin (TCDD), the cytosolic protein called
[96]. Except in extreme cases, undernour-          the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) translo-
ishment in western societies may actually          cates to the nucleus where it heterodimerizes
lead to beneficial effects such as the pre-        with the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translo-
vention of obesity and genomic stability.          cator forming a transcription factor that
                                                   binds to the XREs present in the 5’-pro-
                                                   moter [33]. Dietary flavonoids are ligands of
   3. IMPACT ON GENOMICS                           the AhR and affect cyp1a1 expression, with
                                                   quercetin being a very potent activator
   Polyphenols including flavonoids are to         whereas kaempferol and green tea polyphe-
be considered as xenobiotics and as such           nols (GTP) – catechins; especially (-)-epi-
may profoundly affect the activation and           gallocatechin gallate (EGCG) inhibit cyp1a1
excretion of exogenous carcinogens. Cer-           transcription induced by TCDD [19, 104].
tain polyphenols may directly or indirectly        Alternatively, flavonoids are reported to act
induce phase II enzymes such as glutathione        through the transcriptional regulation of
transferases (GSTs), NAD(P)H:quinone               genes by directly affecting the antioxi-
reductases, epoxide hydrolases, and UDP-           dant/oxidant response element (ARE/ORE)
glucuronosyltransferases that will enhance         in the promoter regions of some of the genes
the excretion of oxidising species [29, 108].      (gsta1, cyp1a1, cyp1a2) of the XME [108].
Concomitantly, flavonoids significantly            It should be noted that ARE/ORE is the elec-
decrease the activity of antioxidant enzymes       trophile response element, so flavonoids
glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT)         may act directly on ARE/ORE as phenolic
and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in the red        radicals or indirectly by the effects on oxida-
blood cells of rats [11]. They are also reported   tive stress. Flavonoids have been observed
to influence the expression and the activity       to repress intrinsic antioxidant systems as
of cytochrome P450 (CYP) [19, 104].                a feedback mechanism exerted on antioxi-
Antioxidant activities have shown little or        dant enzymes eventually pointing to the
no relationship to the above-mentioned             importance of intracellular prooxidant-
antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic activities of       antioxidant homeostasis.
flavonoids [34].                                      There are promoter regions of several
   How do flavonoids induce such numer-            genes (including XME) that posses another
ous and multidirectional modifications in          response element that is activated by gluco-
the intracellular biochemical apparatus? It        corticoid and glucocorticoid-like structures.
seems likely that the effects of some of them      This, termed the glucocorticoid response ele-
may indirectly occur through the action on         ment (GRE) is induced either by the gluco-
response elements in the regulatory regions        corticoid receptor-ligand transcription factor
of the genes. The xenobiotic response ele-         or by the glucocorticoid receptor-indepen-
ment (XRE) is localized in the promoter            dent mechanism [60]. There is also the pos-
regions of several genes encoding proteins         sibility that transcription factors formed by
such as xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes            the glucocorticoid receptor-glucocorticoid
468                                   A. Orzechowski et al.

interaction influence XRE the regulation of        transduction. This may occur either by direct
gene expression. Flavonol quercetin has            inhibition of the kinases itself or via the
been reported to selectively inhibit GRE-          redox sensitivity of the kinase protein. At
dependent gene regulation [58].                    present, little is known about the molecu-
   The activation of xenobiotic response           lar mechanisms of specific genes coding
elements by dietary agents has been known          for proteins responsible for the observed
for some time, but the effects driven by the       beneficial health effects of flavonoids. The
antioxidant response elements and through          candidates to play the key role in the regu-
nuclear transcription factors such as AP-1         lation of cell life and death at the transcrip-
and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) families        tional level includes NF-kB and AP-1 tran-
are only now being recognized.                     scription factors. Conflicting data describe
                                                   the effects of catechins and teaflavins on
   3.1. Modulation of signal transduction          the activation of extracellular signal-regu-
   cascades                                        lated kinase (ERK2) and c-Jun N-terminal
                                                   kinase (JNK1) and the expression of c-jun
   One important mechanism of regulation           and c-fos mRNA as well as the activity
appears to be the inhibition by dietary agents     of the activator protein 1 (AP-1) (Fig. 2).
of one or more of the kinase families of           There is also contradicting evidence for
enzymes involved in the respective signal          the induction of AP-1 and NF-kB by the

Figure 2. Suggested metabolic pathway of nutritive and non-nutritive dietary agents. NF-kB – nuclear
factor kappa B; AP-1 – activating protein-1, PPARs – peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors;
SREBPs – sterol regulatory element – binding proteins; ARE/ORE – antioxidant response ele-
ment/oxidant response element.
Bioactive substances of plant origin                           469

commercially used phenolic antioxidants            mechanisms leading to the enhanced expres-
butylated hydroxyanisol (BHA) and t-butyl-         sion of genes responsible for cell resistance
hydroquinone (tBHQ). They either activate          to stress and apoptosis. The chemical struc-
NF-kB (measured by the electrophoretic             ture of flavonols is characterized by the pres-
mobility shift assay) with the formation of        ence of the 2-phenylbenzen-g-pyron ring.
H2O2 [82], or phenoxyl radicals and/or their       The ultimate difference between quercetin
derivatives [51] or inhibit NF-kB DNA              and kaempferol is confined to the presence
binding [10]. Phenolics trigger c-Jun N-ter-       of an additional hydroxyl (OH) residue in
minal kinase (JNK1) and/or extracellular           the 3’ position of the B ring [1, 95]. Thus,
signal regulated protein kinase (ERK2) in          one who compares the effect of quercetin
a dose-dependent fashion [108]. In contrast        or kaempferol on colorectal cancer cells
to Yu et al. [108] who observed activation,        might easily distinguish the role of the
Chung et al. [18] found the inhibition of          hydroxyl group present or absent in the par-
ERK2, JNK1, and AP-1 activity. Since               ticular flavonol. Anticarcinogenic proper-
JNKs are strongly and preferentially acti-         ties of flavonols resulted in part from the
vated by stress stimuli, this signaling path-      inhibition of NF-kB activity [78]. NF-kB
way as one of the stress responses and is          is a ubiquitous regulator of transcription in
functionally involved in cellular survival         almost every cell and it modulates the activ-
and/or apoptosis [47]. It is probable that the     ity of genes that are characterized by the
effect of quercetin is also dose-dependent         presence of the NF-kB consensus sequence
on the regulation of MAPKs and leads to            in the regulatory (enhancer/promotor) regions
the induction/repression of gene expression        of DNA [9]. Activation of NF-kB has been
and cell survival or cell death. At certain lev-   reported to suppress cell death, while the
els quercetin might be an indirect NF-kB           blockade leads to the amplification of the
inducer by targeting several kinases (i.e.         cytotoxic effects of TNF-a and promotes
MAP kinases), which activate NF-kB.                apoptosis [113]. When stimulated, NF-kB
Upstream activators include NIK, MEKK1,            promotes transcription, whereas the inactive
MEKK2, MEKK3, TAK1, protein                        form resides within the cytoplasm, blocked
kinase Cz, and S6 kinase [55, 69, 72, 88,          by the IkB subunit (with the exception of
112]. Similarly, contradicting results were        lymphocytes – B cells, where NF-kB is con-
obtained from studies with quercetin and           stitutively expressed in the nucleus) [26,
other phenolics on the activity of NF-kB,          64]. According to the differences in the
the key regulator of cellular antioxidant          structure, at least five isoforms of NF-kB
defence systems. Sato et al. [87] or Ishikawa      have been identified but the most abundant
et al. [43] reported the suppression of NF-kB      are subunits p50 and p65 that form homo- or
activation by quercetin in human synovial          heterodimers which can bind to DNA [64].
cells, or glomerular cells, respectively, but      On the contrary, TNF-a is a proinflamma-
the cells were studied in serum free medium,       tory cytokine, which is known to induce cell
with additional one day fasting as the pre-        death. TNF-a acts on the cell by the acti-
treatment period to induce cell quiescence.        vation of the membrane receptors TNF-R1
We reported transient activation of this tran-     or TNF-R2. Association with the receptors
scription factor by quercetin in conditions        leads to conformational changes (oligomer-
favoring cell proliferation [77]. It therefore     ization into trimers) and the receptors are
appears, that quercetin-induced NF-kB acti-        able to recruit a signaling complex called
vation is characterized by cell specificity.       the DISC (death-initiated signaling com-
Actually, phenolic antioxidants at high doses      plex) composed of the TRADD (TNF-R1-
also activate ICE/Ced-3 caspases [51, 52].         associated death domain) and FADD (Fas-
An NF-kB RelA/p65 subunit acts as a signal         associated death domain). Simultaneously
from cytosol, which initiates transcription        or alternatively, conformational changes in
470                                  A. Orzechowski et al.

the receptors can recruit a signaling com-       in mind, however, that flavonoids are known
plex composed of TRADD and TRAF2                 as the most powerful inhibitors of tyrosine
(TNF-associated factor 2) and/or RIP (recep-     kinases. Whether flavonols are potent
tor interacting protein) for survival [91].      inhibitors/activators of STAT-1 and effect
After the association, TRAF2 and RIP could       signal transduction form TNF-a to NF-kB
activate kinase NIK (NF-kB inducing              with simultaneous activation of genes sup-
kinase) that stimulates NF-kB indirectly by      porting cell viability, is a matter of debate
the activation of IkBa or -b kinases (IKKa,      and needs experimental verification which is
IKKb). IKKb kinase i.e. phosphorylates the       currently in progress in our laboratory.
IkBa inhibitory subunit in positions 32 and          The developing resistance of tumor cells
36 of serine residues. After phosphoryla-        to chemotherapy is a challenge to contem-
tion IkBa can be ubiquitinated and prote-        porary medicine. A number of drug resis-
olytically degraded by the proteasome. Thus,     tance mechanisms are not known as well as
NF-kB is not sequestered any more and            the origin of this phenomenon. Apparently,
translocates into the nucleus [10, 26, 47, 59,   apoptosis is a hallmark of an efficient cyto-
91]. NF-kB activation improves cell sur-         toxic effect of chemotherapy or radiation
vival whereas inhibition enhances cytopathic     therapy. Apoptosis is also widely accepted
and apoptotic effects of TNF-a indicating a      as a mechanism leading to cell elimination
considerable role of functional NF-kB in         induced by TNF-a. Therefore, TNF-a either/
cell viability. The protective effect of NF-kB   or chemotherapy as well as radiation therapy
is in turn dependent on mRNA and proteins        might be considered as important activators
that regulate the activity of antiapoptotic      of NF-kB. It has been demonstrated that
genes. Obviously, NF-kB directly activates       inhibition of NF-kB supports the therapies
Bcl-2/A1 (a homologue of Bcl-2) the protein      based on the action of TNF-a [7, 102]. A
that plays an important role in the blockade     marked role of NF-kB has been observed
of apoptosis associated with the activity of     in developing resistance to chemotherapy
the mitochondria [113]. Additionally, the        in the following cases: Hodgkin lymphoma,
activation of TNF-R1 by TNF-a is associ-         juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, prostate
ated with the increased activity of PI-3K        cancer, virus-mediated leukemic T cells and
and PKB, the most powerful antiapoptotic         tumor cells transformed with Ras oncogene.
kinases. On the contrary, the inhibition of      Tumor cells are also characterized by a
NF-kB was shown to occur as a conse-             higher nuclear representation of NF-kB,
quence of proteasome inhibitors, corticos-       moreover the genes regulated by NF-kB are
teroids, and factors that are known to block     often constitutively upregulated in neoplas-
                                                 mas [59, 70, 93]. NF-kB is thus linked to
NIK and IKK [36], as well as under the
                                                 tumor growth, because it inhibits apopto-
influence of STAT-1, a tyrosine kinase that
                                                 sis. Several experimental data support
appears to be a component of the signaling       the evidence of a profound role played by
complex of TNF-R1 and TRADD. Appar-              NF-kB in TNF-a-mediated apoptosis. Over-
ently, STAT-1 is recruited by TNF-R1 and         expression of IkB renders tumor cells sig-
enables the formation of the DISC complex;       nificantly less susceptible to TNF-a-induced
furthermore it reveals apoptotic domains of      cell death [28]. The reaction was observed in
death-mediating proteins with the concomi-       tumor cell lines such as Jurkat T cells,
tant inhibition of the assembly of the sur-      human urine bladder line T24 and breast
vival complex, which releases NF-kB [103].       cancer MCF7. On the contrary, flavonoids
Substantial interest to study the physiologi-    are cytopathic to tumor cells. The puzzling
cal role of the STAT-1 resulted from its dual    issue of the developing resistance of tumor
role as the non-receptor tyrosine kinase and     cells to cytopathic actions of flavonols in the
transcription factor (the STAT acronym           presence of TNF-a-stimulated NF-kB activ-
stands for that meaning). One should bear        ity remains unexplained and ambiguous [77].
Bioactive substances of plant origin                          471

    Another possible mechanism of cell tox-        balance between the protein products of
icity of flavonoids seems to be quite similar      genes controlling cell life and death. The
to that reported by Serrano et al. [89] for        key roles whether an individual cell dies or
other phenolic compounds such as gallic            remains alive may be the modulation of
acid and its esters, which inhibit protein         antioxidant defences [12]. Quercetin has
tyrosine kinases (PTKs). Similar findings          been suggested to be beneficial for health,
were obtained by Kawada et al. [48] on the         however, studies have shown that many
basis of studies with quercetin and resvera-       antioxidants can also exhibit, a prooxidant
trol in cultured rat stellate and Kupfer cells.    behavior [16, 24]. Plant polyphenols includ-
In their studies, the action of quercetin agly-    ing quercetin aglycon may interfere with
con was associated with suppressed inositol        the cellular redox state by the inhibition of
phosphate metabolism, tyrosine phospho-            glutathione reductase [110] and the efflux
rylation, reduced level of cell cycle protein      of glutathione S-conjugates [111]. The final
cyclin D1 and mitogen-activated (MAP)              effect of plant phenolics on the viability of
kinase activation in PDGF/BB stimulated            cells is therefore variable. At low concen-
stellate cells.                                    trations quercetin and derivatives seem to
    In certain cases quercetin aglycon could       exert a stimulatory action on cell viability
promote tumorigenesis and tumor growth             and survival, whereas at high doses (100 mM
[62] possibly by oxidative DNA damage in           and higher) they are apoptogenic and cyto-
the presence of Cu2+ [106]. We suggest that        toxic [3, 4, 51, 52, 85]. From a dietary point
the anticarcinogenic activity of quercetin         of view, it remains to be established what
aglycon is dose dependent and is influenced        doses could be considered as beneficial for
by the presence of cytotoxic agents as well        health.
as serum survival factors (cytokines, oxy-
gen free radicals – OFR) [63, 86]. Pheno-
lics stay in the first line of antioxidant            3.2. PUFA as ligands
defence, donating electrons to OFR with a             of transcription factors
resultant formation of phenoxyl radicals
[16]. Prooxidant phenoxyl radicals co-oxi-            The development of obesity and associ-
dise NADH and GSH, which in turn are no            ated insulin resistance involves a multitude
longer able to inhibit NF-kB activation [17].      of gene products, including proteins
It appears that apoptosis may be initiated         involved in lipid synthesis and oxidation,
by phenolics. According to recent advances         thermogenesis and cell differentiation [20].
in the interpretation of events that occur dur-    The dietary w-6 and w-3 polyunsaturated
ing programmed cell death, the generation          fatty acids (PUFA) suppress lipogenesis in
and spreading of ROS within the cell are           the liver while they simultaneously induce
consequences of the increased permeabil-           the transcription of genes encoding proteins
ity of the mitochondrial membrane [80,             of lipid oxidation and thermogenesis [21].
109]. Lepley and Pelling [57] during a novel       Furthermore, the lipoprotein metabolic path-
cell culture study with apigenin (a quercetin      way is altered by peroxisome proliferator-
derivative), obtained evidence that flavonoid      activated receptors (PPARs). The PPARs
antioxidants may enhance apoptosis in cer-         are a member of the steroid hormone recep-
tain tumor cell lines. Hydrogen peroxide           tor superfamily. Three types of PPARs have
(H 2O 2), similarly to quercetin has been          been described: PPARa, PPARb/d (Nuc1),
reported to stimulate the activity of the mito-    and PPARg. PPARa and PPARb are ubiq-
gen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)              uitously expressed in body tissues that pre-
ERK and JNK, and the expression of the             dominantly catabolize fatty acids (i.e. heart,
proto-oncogenes c-fos and c-jun [97]. Cell         liver, muscle, brown adipose tissue) whereas
elimination or survival is then a matter of        PPARg is selectively expressed in adipose
472                                   A. Orzechowski et al.

tissues (recently found in other tissues          corroborated in studies performed by Mohan
including skeletal muscle) and seems to be        et al. [67], who observed that oral supple-
associated with the differentiation of            mentation with oils rich in w-3 and w-6
adipocytes. PPARa is activated by PUFA            PUFA could protect animals against alloxan-
such as eicosapentaenoic acid (w-3; EPA)          induced diabetes mellitus. It is thought that
or linoleic acid (w-6, LA) and heterodimer-       PUFA exert the aforementioned effect by
izes with the 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor        enhancing the antioxidant status and sup-
(RXRa). After ligand binding (EPA), it func-      pressing the production of cytokines (TNF-
tions as a transcription factor in the regula-    a in particular). Apparently, PUFA play a
tion of adipogenesis and insulin-mediated         role as intrinsic ligands in activating the
glucose transport. There is a positive cor-       PPARg – transcription factor, which up to
relation between the expression of Cu, Zn-        date has been known to be activated merely
dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD-1)            by thiazolidinediones (antidiabetic drugs).
and PPARa [42]. Moreover, the same group
observed that an increased liver PPARa
mRNA level confers a reduction of the                   4. PERSPECTIVES
plasma TBARS levels indicating the
causative role of reactive oxygen species in         In recent years research has been revo-
the pathology of insulin resistance [41].         lutionized by the implementation of rapidly
PUFA are not only strong ligands to PPARa,        developing technologies. Examples are the
but also strong activators of PPARg and           construction of DNA/RNA arrays, the devel-
PPARb [13]. Ligand binding enhanced the           opment of proteomics, the widespread avail-
interaction of PPAR with its DNA-binding          ability of probes for important signal
domains [44] called the PPAR response ele-        molecules, the insertion of reporter genes
ment (PRE). Functional PRE that reside in         downstream of regulatory sequences and
the 5’-flanking region have been found to         the use of gene knock-out models. All of
exist in several genes including those            these are having a major impact on the study
involved in the oxidation of fatty acids and      of disease and disease development at the
thermogenesis (uncoupling proteins UCP-1          genome level. The same technologies are
and UCP-3), thus additionally supporting          providing a unique opportunity for estab-
the evidence for its anti-diabetic and anti-      lishing the role of diet and dietary agents in
obesity function [27, 92]. Repartitioning of      protecting humans against diseases and dis-
metabolic fuels away from storage and             orders. The effects of food-derived com-
towards oxidation reflects the fact that          pounds on the regulation of a broad spec-
PUFA co-ordinately suppress the transcrip-        trum of metabolic activities can thus be
tion of lipogenic genes, while simultane-         investigated, often simultaneously.
ously inducing the transcription of genes
encoding proteins of lipid oxidation (b-oxi-            ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dation of fatty acids) and thermogenesis [20,
22]. This effect of PUFA is in turn medi-            This work was supported by a grant No 3
ated by the transcriptional and translational     P06T 054 22 from the State Committee for Sci-
suppression of another group of transcription     entific Research in Poland.
factors termed sterol regulatory element-
binding proteins (SREBPs) [73, 105]. Thus,
PUFA play a beneficial role in health by a              REFERENCES
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