Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021

Page created by Clinton Daniels
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and
                             the Global Childhood
                             Obesity Pandemic
Jeff Chester, MSW
Kathryn C. Montgomery, PhD   M AY 2 0 2 1
Katharina Kopp, PhD
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                                               | 2


This report is part of a unique partnership of four
organizations—Berkeley Media Studies Group,
Color of Change, UnidosUS, and Center for Digital
Democracy—working together to promote policies
to ensure health equity for youth, communities
of color, and other at-risk populations. The
partnership is funded through a generous grant
from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which
has also supported CDD’s ongoing research to
investigate how contemporary digital marketing
and Big Data practices impact young people’s
health. We are very grateful to the Foundation’s
commitment to these efforts. We also want to thank
the following individuals and organizations who
helped us with the writing and publication of the
report: Jamie Bussel, Lori Dorfman, Gary O. Larson,
and Burness Communications.
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                                                       Introduction | 3

INTRODUCTION                                                                          devastating. For decades, there has
                                                                                      been a steady and disturbing rise in
The coronavirus pandemic triggered a dramatic                                         obesity among children and youth.
                                                                                      For example, obesity rates among
increase in online use. With tens of millions of families                             teens ages 12 to 19 have quadrupled
remaining in their homes, people turned to the internet                               since the 1980s. According to the
                                                                                      most recent public health data, 19.3
to order food, stay up with the fast-breaking news,                                   percent of all youth between the ages
and engage with family and friends. Children and                                      of 2 and 19 are obese. For Hispanic,
                                                                                      Black, and Native American youth,
teens whose schools have closed relied on YouTube
                                                                                      the rates are significantly higher.
for educational videos, attended virtual classes on                                   Children growing up in low-income
Zoom and Google Classroom, and flocked to TikTok,                                     households have disproportionately
                                                                                      greater levels of obesity.7 This is not
Snapchat, and Instagram for entertainment and social                                  only a U.S. problem, but increasingly
interaction.1 Industry analysts also reported a sharp rise                            a global problem as well. Worldwide,
                                                                                      over 340 million children and
in video gaming.2                                                                     adolescents (aged 5 to 19 years)
                                                                                      were overweight or obese in 2016,
                                                                                      according to the World Health
 Roblox, a popular 3D user-generated    made digital media ground zero                Organization.8 These children are at
 gaming environment for children,       for their youth promotion efforts,            much greater risk for serious illness,
 reported a jump of 35 percent          employing a growing spectrum                  including Type 2 diabetes, high
 in active players since February       of new strategies and high-tech               blood pressure, heart disease, and
 2020, “reaching 164 million by         tools to reach into every aspect of           depression.9 Overweight and obesity
 July, with around three quarters       young peoples’ lives. Brands are              are directly linked to changes in the
 of American children ages 9 to 12      partnering with “influencers” on              diets of children and youth, which
 on the platform who collectively       YouTube, Instagram, and other social          are increasingly dominated by foods
 spent 3 billion hours on the site.”3   media platforms, weaving their                that are high in saturated fats, salt
“There are no movies to go to, no       logos into the storylines of popular          and/or free sugars, so-called “HFSS”
 sports to watch, and no playdates      videogames, and targeting children            foods, as well as soda and other
 to be had,” observed one trade         with powerful, immersive video ads            sugary drinks. It is widely known
 publication. “Watching and playing     that pop up on their mobile devices.6         that the overwhelming majority
 video games provides them a safe       These trends have contributed to              of food and beverage marketing
 entertainment alternative.”4           another critical pandemic. Though             targeted to children and teens
                                        it is unfolding at a slower pace, its         promotes these unhealthy products.
But this constant immersion
                                        progression is relentless, and its            Research has repeatedly documented
in digital culture has exposed
                                        impact on young people’s health is            that marketing directly influences
children and teens to a steady
flow of marketing for fast foods,
soft drinks, and other unhealthy
products, much of it beneath the
                                          Constant immersion in digital culture has exposed
visibility of parents and teachers.5     children and teens to a steady flow of marketing for
Food and beverage companies have        fast foods, soft drinks, and other unhealthy products.
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                                                           Introduction | 4

                                                                                          between obesity and COVID,
                                                                                          particularly among children
                                                                                          and youth.14 “The evidence is
                                                                                          clear,” explained a scientific study
                                                                                          published in November 2020,
                                                                                         “childhood obesity and COVID-19
                                                                                          are international pandemics. The
                                                                                          clashing of the two diseases and
                                                                                          the subsequent changes in the
                                                                                          bioecological environment have
                                                                                          placed children and adolescents at
                                                                                          increased risk to develop obesity and
                                                                                          exacerbate obesity disease severity.”15

                                                                                          Youth of color have been
                                                                                          disproportionately affected by
                                                                                          serious illness, hospitalizations,
                                                                                          and death from COVID.16 “The
                                                                                          Coronavirus is killing Hispanic,
young peoples’ food and beverage            but also its potential economic
                                                                                          Black and American Indian children
preferences, purchase requests, and         trajectory,” with mortality rates
                                                                                          at much higher numbers than their
consumption. All of these trends            rising by “more than 40% compared
                                                                                          White peers,” according to a CDC
have created what public health             to Gen-Xers at the same age.”11 In
                                                                                          report. “Of those killed by covid-19,
researchers call a global “obesogenic       many ways, these youth are the
                                                                                          the illness caused by the coronavirus,
environment.”10                            “canary in the coal mine” for the
                                                                                          more than 75 percent have been
                                            future of the nation’s health. Rather
 In the U.S., we can already see how                                                      Hispanic, Black and American Indian
                                            than reaching adulthood as the
 young people who have come of age                                                        children even though they represent
                                            most vital and healthy members of
 in the midst of this obesity crisis are                                                  41 percent of the U.S. population.”
                                            society, they are burdened by a host
 showing signs of its negative impact                                                     One of the key factors identified by
                                            of chronic diseases, increasingly
 on their health. In 2019, Blue Cross                                                     the agency is the “underlying health
                                            compromised immune systems, and
 Blue Shield issued a report on the                                                       disparities among minority children
                                            shorter expected lifespans than
 health of the millennial generation,                                                     and young adults. About 75 percent
                                            earlier generations. Researchers
 those born between 1981 and 1996,                                                        of those who died had at least one
                                            at the Harvard School of Public
“the largest, most educated, and most                                                     underlying condition, and the most
                                            Health are already projecting that by
 connected generation the world                                                           frequent were asthma and obesity.”17
                                            2030, unless current trends change
 has ever seen.” As the researchers         dramatically, “nearly one in two              According to the Rudd Center for
 explained, “Millennials are seeing         adults will be obese, and nearly              Food Policy and Obesity, food and
 their health decline faster than the       one in four will be severely obese,”          beverage companies aggressively
 previous generation as they age,”          warning that “obesity will be the             target African Americans, Latinos,
 with greater levels of hypertension,       new normal in this country.”12                Native Americans and Asian-Pacific
 high cholesterol, and other chronic
                                                                                          Islanders with marketing for foods
 physical illnesses, along with a          Obesity has already been identified
                                                                                          and drinks (such as sugary drinks
 rise in behavioral conditions like        as a key underlying condition that
                                                                                          and foods low in nutrition and
 depression and hyperactivity. “How        makes individuals more vulnerable
                                                                                          high in sugars, salt, and fats) that
 their health plays out in the years       to contracting COVID-19, even
                                                                                          contribute to these diseases and
 ahead will determine not only             among young people.13 Numerous
                                                                                          harm health.18 Almost no marketing
 the overall health of the country,        studies have revealed strong links
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                                                        Introduction | 5

is for foods and beverages that         people. These efforts have created a           of the federal Children’s Online
families should eat more of, like       powerful, pervasive, and immersive             Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).20
fruits, vegetables or whole grains.     digital obesogenic environment that is         Over the years, we have closely
Youth of color get what researchers     harming children’s health, furthering          followed the incredible expansion
call a “double dose” of unhealthy       health inequities, and contributing to         of the technology industry and
food and sugary beverage marketing,     increasingly higher levels of disease          its increasingly sophisticated
because they are exposed both to        in the population.                             advertising, data collection, and
mainstream advertising campaigns                                                       marketing apparatus. We have
                                         We have been tracking the growth
and to targeted efforts specifically                                                   documented the increasingly
                                         of the digital marketplace for more
aimed at them through digital media,                                                   complex and highly technical
                                         than 25 years, beginning with the
which they use more often and                                                          nature of digital food marketing,
                                         earliest commercial enterprises
more intensely than do their white                                                     underscoring how different it is from
                                         on the World Wide Web in the 90s,
counterparts.19                                                                        more traditional forms of advertising,
                                         when food and beverage companies              and identifying the threats it poses
The COVID-19 pandemic                    were among the first marketers                to children’s health and wellbeing.21
underscores the urgent need to           to establish kid-friendly branded
address the childhood obesity crisis,    websites on the internet. Using               In this report, we explain how global
and particularly to reduce young        “product spokescharacters” such as             giants in the food and beverage
people’s exposure to unhealthy food      Chester Cheetah and Snap, Crackle,            industry are working together with
promotion. This report focuses on        and Pop, major brands sought to               leading tech companies to ensure
the role of both the food industry       forge “one-to-one” relationships              that unhealthy brands and products
and the technology industry in the       with members of “the lucrative                are woven into the media and
current global childhood obesity         cyber-tot” category, engaging in              cultural experiences that dominate
crisis. It documents how Big             continuous data collection from               the lives of young people. These
Food and Big Tech are working            children who visited their websites.          industries are now part of a large,
together to enhance and expand           Because of our concerns over these            integrated, data-driven digital
the promotion of unhealthy food          practices, we spearheaded a national          marketing system, fueled by Big Data,
brands and products to young             campaign that led to the 1998 passage         artificial intelligence, and machine
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                                                         Introduction | 6

learning. Our goal is to pull back the   for Black and Brown youth. In                  have adopted policies to curb food
curtain on this complex system and       Part 4, we provide an overview                 marketing to children and youth,
explain how it works, what it means      of major regulatory and policy                 with increasing attention on the
for young people’s health, and what      developments in the U.S. and abroad.           role of digital technologies.24 These
should be done about it. In Part 1,      Part 5 offers a set of principles and          developments are part of a broad,
we describe the changing nature of       recommendations to guide U.S.                  growing international movement,
the youth media marketplace, the         policy making and develop corporate            grounded in children’s fundamental
rise of sophisticated new advertising    responsibility initiatives in order to         rights to health.25 Yet, in the U.S.,
technologies, and the many ways          build a healthier digital environment          both the tech and food industries
that Big Data is continuing to           for youth.                                     have managed to circumvent,
transform both the technology and                                                       undermine, and coopt policy efforts
                                         Scholars around the world have
the food and beverage industries.                                                       to reduce the relentless, aggressive
                                         begun to examine digital food
Part 2 focuses on three digital                                                         promotion of unhealthy products.26
                                         marketing and its effects on young
advertising markets that attract large                                                  Childhood obesity has largely fallen
                                         people.22 A growing body of
numbers of young people, where                                                          off the national policy agenda. We
                                         academic research has documented
food and beverage companies are                                                         argue that it is time to refocus public
deploying a variety of new and           the increasing presence of                     attention on these two industries,
emerging techniques to reach and         unhealthy food promotion, clear                to develop policies for restricting
engage them. Part 3 considers            patterns of youth engagement with              marketing of unhealthy foods to
the implications of contemporary         major brands, and influences on                children, and to begin building a
food and beverage marketing on           health behaviors.23 Public health              healthier digital environment for
young people’s health, particularly      authorities in Europe, the UK, Latin           young people.
                                         America, and many other regions
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Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                                                           Introduction | 7

   Big Food and the obesity crisis

 In 1969, when the White House held a conference on              cost of food; the rise in fast food, convenience food, and
“Food, Nutrition, and Health,” its primary concerns              eating outside of the home; and the increasing availability
 were hunger and malnutrition, which were then causing           of snacks and sodas in public schools.30 But one of the most
“tremendous suffering” among American families and               fundamental changes is the disturbing shift in the overall
 children around the country. Participants offered               nutritional patterns among all children and adolescents,
 a comprehensive set of policy recommendations—                  who now consume high levels of saturated fat, sugars, and
 encompassing nutrition guidelines, nutrition                    salt, and low levels of fruit and vegetables.31 These patterns
 education, consumer issues, and food distribution—to            are a direct outcome of changes in the food industry’s
 address the problems. These, in turn, eventually led            production, distribution, and marketing systems. A number
 to “major expansions of the Food Stamp Program                  of researchers have documented the rising power and
 and School Lunch Program, authorization of the                  influence of the global food and beverage industry and its
 Supplemental Feeding Program for Women Infants and              role in shaping the food environment.32 Multinational food
 Children, and improvements to nutrition labeling and            and beverage companies, often referred to as “Big Food,”
 ingredient labeling.”27                                         have established “huge and concentrated market power,”
                                                                 explain David Stuckler and Marion Nestle. “Three-fourths
 But in 2019, when health and nutrition experts held a 50-       of world food sales involve processed foods, for which
 year anniversary event celebrating the initial conference,      the largest manufacturers hold over a third of the global
 the nation faced a far different nutrition problem. “While      market.”33 Observes Charlotte Elliott, “The food industry
 calorie malnutrition in America has been largely eradicated,    promotes a diet of highly processed, junk food and/or fast
 changes to our food system, accompanied by persistent           food,” and has “indisputably transformed what we eat,
 poverty and increasing economic inequality have created         how we eat it, and what we think of food.”34
 a crisis of diet-related obesity, diabetes, and other chronic
 diseases, and widened other disparities in the accessibility     Beginning in the early 90s, food manufacturers launched
 and affordability of nutritious foods,” the 50th-anniversary     new product categories designed to take advantage of
 report noted. “Poor diet is now the leading cause of             children’s increased spending power and independence.35
 poor health in the U.S., causing more than half a million        According to the Institute of Medicine, between 1994 and
 deaths per year.”28 In addition to documenting the sharp         2004 there were “3,936 new food products and 511 new
 rise in childhood obesity, the report noted disturbing           beverage products targeted to children and youth.” Most
 changes in the media and advertising environment for             of these child-oriented food and beverage products were
 children. “Despite repeated efforts to limit the marketing      “high in total calories, sugar, or fat and low in nutrients.”36
 of unhealthy foods and beverages,” the authors noted,            During that same decade, as children began flocking to
“children and adolescents continue to be subjected to an          the internet, major brands such as Kellogg, Nabisco, Oscar
 onslaught of targeted advertising for the unhealthiest           Mayer, McDonald’s, and Frito-Lay were among the first
 products across all media platforms.”29                          to launch “advergames,” “branded environments,” and
                                                                  other online venues to foster brand loyalty and promote
The aggressive marketing of unhealthy food and beverage           a full range of fast foods, sugar-sweetened cereals, soft
products is one of a number of trends over the past several       drinks, and snacks.37 These early forays into cyberspace
decades that have contributed to high obesity rates among         quickly grew into a massive digital marketing enterprise,
young people. Other contributing trends include cutbacks          as food brands moved swiftly onto websites, social media
in physical education programs; the relative decline in the       platforms, interactive games, and mobile devices.38
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                           Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 8

PART 1: THE DATA-DRIVEN MEDIA &                                                       year-over-year increase in audience
                                                                                      volume, and data from market
MARKETING COMPLEX                                                                     researcher Statista shows the eSports
                                                                                      category as a whole is likely to reach
Today’s youth are at the epicenter of an exploding digital                            US$1.79 billion in revenue by 2022.”47
                                                                                      As theaters closed and U.S. box-office
media and marketing landscape. Their deep connection to
                                                                                      receipts plummeted to almost zero,
technology and their influence on purchasing are fueling                              gaming industry revenue overall
the growth of new platforms, programs, and services,                                  has risen dramatically, by more
                                                                                      than 50 percent, and was expected
and generating a multiplicity of marketing opportunities.                             to reach $160 billion by the end of
Google has created a global business offering videos                                  2020, which is “more than books,
                                                                                      music, or movies,” observed the
and channels that target children and other young                                     New York Times.48 Viewership
people who are attracted by its entertainment and                                     for video streaming has also risen.
                                                                                      According to research from Nielsen,
educational content.39
                                                                                      the cumulative weekly time viewers
                                                                                      spent with streaming video during
                                                                                      the second quarter of 2020 was 142.5
YouTube is now widely considered         and young adults in 150 countries
                                                                                      billion minutes, which amounted to
the “number-one kids entertainment       around the world.43 The popular
                                                                                      an almost 75 percent rise from the
brand,” a position it has held since     video app is credited with helping
                                                                                      year before.49
2016. As one leading youth marketing     to drive growth in children’s social
specialist noted, “the omnipresent       app use by 100 percent in 2019 and           The pandemic has also accelerated
platform plays a central role in         200 percent in 2020.44 There is a            the growth of digital advertising,
shaping the evolving behavior            frenzy of venture capital investment         which witnessed “a historic shift
of kids.”40 Though Facebook              in the youth media sector, fueled            in market share,” according to
has seen some declines in teen           by predictions that the generation           reporting in The Financial Times,
users, the larger array of social        growing up in today’s digital media          which predicted that digital
media platforms—with dozens of           environment will consume even                advertising was poised to overtake
players such as Tumblr, Snapchat,        more video content, much of it               ad spending on traditional media for
YouTube, and Instagram (owned            commercially driven, on TV, mobile           the first time. “The digital revolution
by Facebook)—continues to attract        phones, and other devices.45                 in marketing under way since the
and engage young people, many of                                                      millennium, when the internet
                                         Gaming and esports platforms
whom are accessing these services                                                     accounted for under 2 per cent of
                                         are among the digital sectors
on their mobile devices.41 The                                                        spending, has transformed the ad
                                         experiencing a dramatic uptick
children’s mobile app market is also                                                  market at a pace and scale that far
                                         in users since the coronavirus
becoming an increasingly profitable                                                   outstrips the advent of television in
                                         pandemic began.46 Twitch, for
medium for advertisers, according to                                                  the 20th century.”50
                                         example, “has experienced a 10%
industry sources, with mobile usage
among children “soaring,” making
these devices the “#1 screen for                fueled by predictions that the generation
kids.”42 TikTok has quickly captured
the interest of children, adolescents,
                                             growing up in today’s digital media environment
                                                  will consume even more video content
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic - MAY 2021
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                                Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 9

  AI, Machine Learning, and Virtual Reality: the New Frontier of Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML),               Snickers bar was temporarily reduced at 7-Eleven stores to help
and virtual reality (VR) are among the technological               drive purchases.55 This effort, which involved Google and MIT,
innovations that are transforming the nature and                   won multiple Cannes Lion Gold awards. KFC used AI to create
power of digital marketing. AI and machine learning                a virtual “Col. Sanders,” who helped videogame players in
are driving the growth of personalization and predictive           China receive “real-time predictions” about e-sports. Fans went
targeting. Specialized software can analyze large amounts         “crazy” about the information it provided and KFC was able to
of consumer behavioral and demographic data to create              achieve one of its key marketing goals—making its brand “an
and serve an advertising message tailored to a specific            integral part of the game.” To receive the predictions, users had
individual.51 Major tech platforms offer their own                 to “log into the KFC app,” and during the game, the virtual Col.
personalization tools. For example, Facebook’s “dynamic            Sanders also distributed coupons and invited “the audience to
creative” application enables advertisers to generate              order KFC online.” The Colonel KI (KCF-AI) campaign won
multiple versions of various elements instantaneously—             international marketing awards.56
including video, images, and ad copy—which can be
                                                                   Chatbots are another tool that relies on artificial intelligence
tested in order to determine the correct combination that
                                                                   to simulate conversations with users. For example, Ruffles
delivers the desired result.52 A key goal of this practice
                                                                   potato chips won a social media marketing award in 2019 for
is “to inspire positive emotional resonance and reaction”
                                                                   an effort based in Mexico, which was described as the “first-
about the product brand. Kellogg’s, Pepsi and McDonald’s
                                                                   ever promotional campaign launched within the WhatsApp
have each taken advantage of Google’s “Director’s Mix,”
                                                                   platform.” By sending a unique code found on the Ruffles
which “allows brands to dynamically embed text, audio
                                                                   package directly to the company’s branded chatbot (“Ruffilio”),
or images within their videos to generate unlimited
                                                                                              one could enter a major sports-
variations of one video…. [B]rands
                                                                                              themed contest to win various
can customize their videos to
                                               AI and machine learning                        prizes. In order to build a stronger
target specific audiences and
adopt hyper-targeting strategies in             are driving the growth                        connection between the brand and
their video media plans,” Google               of personalization and                         people entering the contest, Ruffles
                                                                                              created “Small Talk,” its own “neural
explained to advertisers. The tool               predictive targeting.                        network that identifies intents from
facilitates “mass customization”
                                                                                              the consumers’ messages such as
by taking “one base video and
                                                                   hobbies, favorite sports, favorite movies, relationships….” Four-
overlay[ing] different visuals and copy, creating thousands
                                                                   and-a-half million messages were sent over a month, and the
of iterations automatically.” This is then connected to what
                                                                  “average user spent 19 minutes per session registering codes and
a person may be doing or has done—such as searching for
                                                                   talking with our bot,” according to the company.57 McDonald’s
something or watching a video. By working with YouTube,
says Google, marketers can use the online video platform           has also used a chatbot connected to Facebook’s Messenger
to “create hundreds or thousands of versions to match              application to create interactive experiences.58
your audience segments.” Kellogg’s used the tool to promote       The latest versions of immersive marketing technology take
both Rice Krispies Treats and Pringles, reporting a positive      advantage of recent developments in augmented and virtual
impact on sales.53 Market research has shown that these new       reality, which deliberately blur the lines between the real
forms of “personalization” are effective at driving increased     world and virtual worlds, making the experience even more
sales and brand loyalty.54                                        intense and realistic. Augmented reality (AR) is defined by the
                                                                  Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) as “an experience that
Food and beverage companies are incorporating AI strategies
                                                                  utilizes a camera to change or enhance something in the user’s
into their campaigns in a variety of ways, with some earning
                                                                  real world.” Virtual reality (VR) “allows a user to be completely
prestigious awards in the industry. For example, Snickers
                                                                  immersed in an environment of the marketer’s choice.”59 A
developed an AI-based algorithm—called “Hungerithm”—to
                                                                  number of the standardized ad formats developed by the IAB
monitor the “online mood” of social media users in Australia.
                                                                  are designed to foster these kinds of immersive experiences,
When consumers were judged “hungry,” the price of the
                                                                  such as 360-degree video and “fully branded 3-D scenes.”60 New
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Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                                              Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 10

measurement systems can document various impacts of AR             consumer’s drink choices, process “contactless” payments,
and VR ads on individuals, identifying such behaviors as “Gaze-    and gather valuable data in the process.66 Homes are being
Through” (“when a user views a VR advertisement and accepts        automated through an array of personal digital assistants
a call to action”) and “VR Session Time” (“the amount of time      and “smart speakers,” such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s
a user spent in the VR experience”).61 Other recent campaigns      Nest, that monitor our activities and can prompt someone
illustrate how major food and beverage brands have embraced        to order more soda or chips, for example. In the last few
AR and VR:                                                         years, a new generation of internet-connected toys has
                                                                   come to market, designed to react to a child’s behavior
y Kellogg’s worked with the AR developer Blippar to                in real time and “grow” with them as they become older,
  produce millions of cereal boxes that transformed the            using software to retool a device’s functionality in order to
  packaging into a gaming experience, an “interactive              correspond to a child’s developmental stage.67 Consumer
  jungle island, filled with different mini games to               groups have already raised concerns about how these
  be unlocked.”62                                                 “intelligent” playthings might be used to promote products
y McDonald’s created a tray liner that interacted with             to a child. With this “ongoing digitization of childhood,”
  mobile phones, integrated with Facebook Messenger,               observes Professor Eva Lievens, “it can only be expected
  and offered various digital board games.63                       that such connected or smart toys and devices will
                                                                   continue to be developed and marketed in coming years.”68
y Mountain Dew developed an AR app tied to the
  Walking Dead TV series that overlaid “digital images of
  zombies on the real world using a smartphone camera,”
  letting “fans see zombies in real-world environments and
  share the interactions on social media.”64

y Pepsi partnered with Facebook’s Instagram in the
  summer of 2019 to produce 230 million bottles of soda
  imprinted with mobile phone codes that triggered “full
  screen immersion” AR effects, with a goal of influencing
 “medium to heavy Cola drinkers,” including Hispanics, to
  purchase 20-oz. sizes of Pepsi.65

Food and beverage companies are also among the venture
capitalists investing in the next generation of smart
devices and services. Soft-drink companies have already
installed “intelligent” vending machines that personalize a
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                                                                            Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 11

ADTECH, KIDTECH, AND                    generation of AI and machine                    (See sidebar, “Redefining Contextual
                                        learning, “customer-engagement                  Advertising in the Big Data Era.”) As
                                        suites” and other forms of “business            a consequence, many of the “kid-
ADVERTISING SYSTEM                      intelligence” software that can                 friendly” marketing operations do
Big Data has transformed the            deliver highly personalized and                 not differ substantially from those
nature and power of contemporary        optimized interactions with millions            that are aimed at adults.74
marketing. Digital marketers are        of consumers simultaneously.72
                                                                                        Marketing and advertising are also
able to access, analyze and act          Paralleling these developments is              driving the design and functionality
upon a wealth of data on individual      a growing “KidTech” enterprise,                of young people’s media experiences.
consumers and their families             which uses many of these same                  Far from being neutral spaces for
gathered online and off, including       advertising technologies, including            social interaction, entertainment,
purchasing behaviors, social media       Big Data analytics, artificial                 and expression, digital platforms are
communications, online interests,        intelligence and computer-driven ad-           structured to optimize engagement,
location and geographic movements,       buying strategies. KidTech services            foster habitual behaviors, and
financial status, health concerns,       and other child-directed content               maximize the impact of marketing
emotional states and much more.          providers have experienced a digital           messages on brand loyalty and
This data pipeline fuels a myriad       “gold rush” worldwide, with eager               product sales. The concept of
of marketing and advertising             investors and advertisers flocking             engagement has become a linchpin
techniques that are honed to deliver     to support new start-ups as well as            of tech industry Big Data strategy.
results—from brand awareness to          already established youth media                Its purpose is to ensure that users
direct sales.69                          brands. A number of these services             are continuously and seamlessly
 The technology industry—led             have made adjustments to how they              interacting with digital media
 principally by Google, Facebook,        market to young people, in response            platforms, responding to brands
 and Amazon—has established a            to children’s privacy laws and online          and marketing, and generating data
 complex, far-reaching, global media,
 marketing, and sales apparatus.
 Google and Facebook alone account      Many of the “kid-friendly” marketing operations do not
 for the majority (nearly 60 percent)
                                        differ substantially from those that are aimed at adults.
 of digital ad spending worldwide.70
 While the most influential, they
 are part of an integrated chain of
 relationships, which includes ad        safety concerns.73 They claim they             points. With children’s content—and
 agencies, data brokers, marketing       are complying with privacy and                 attention—increasingly distributed
 clouds, data-management platforms,      data regulations by using so-called            across tablets, smartphones,
 ecommerce applications, artificial     “contextual” marketing techniques               streaming devices, and other
 intelligence ad specialists, media      that place ads related to the content          platforms, programmers and
 companies, measurement providers,       being viewed, instead of the more              advertisers are embracing new
 and many other specialized              intrusive data-driven behavioral or            interactive storytelling technologies,
 services.71 Many of these firms are     programmatic practices that target             including games, virtual reality
 part of the burgeoning advertising      the viewers themselves and trigger             and augmented reality experiences,
 and marketing technology                privacy issues. However, contextual            and creating advertising formats
 sector—known as “AdTech” or             advertising has been transformed               that can be integrated directly
“MarTech”—that offers a growing          through machine learning, natural              into these powerful, immersive
 spectrum of automated ad software       language processing and other                  environments, and designed to
 and tools, powered by the next          advanced techniques, all of which              trigger impulsive actions.75
                                         use data to identify and target users.
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                                                                           Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 12

Over the last ten years or so, there     services are available throughout             impressions are now only a tiny
has been an explosion of research        the world, and are used by many               part of a highly complex system that
focused on implicit persuasion           companies to test ad techniques for           includes detailed analytics covering
techniques, which tap into deep          products marketed to both adults              the full range of a consumer’s
emotional and subconscious               and young people alike.80 Digital             digital media interactions.83 New
responses.76 For example, Nielsen,       marketers are also drawing on                 metrics can monitor not only how
which is a leader in the field of        behavioral science to build features          a viewer responds to an ad, but also
neuromarketing, uses a variety           into online experiences aimed                 whether that same user purchased
of neuroscience techniques to            at directing user behaviors and               the product featured in the ad.84 The
maximize the impact of digital           influencing decision making. The              media and advertising industries
advertising on human behavior,           tech industry uses the somewhat               are exploring the creation of a new
including electroencephalography         benign term of “persuasive design”            measurement standard designed to
(EEG) to monitor brainwaves in           to describe these practices.81                provide a “comprehensive view of
order to identify “three key measures    However, many of these design                 cross-platform, digital and mobile
of engagement: attention, emotion,       interfaces fall into the category             measurement of content and ads
and memory”; “facial coding” to          of dark patterns, especially when             among children and teens aged
capture a variety of emotions; and       they are intended to “benefit an              two to 17.”85 This information is
eye-tracking technologies to measure     online service by coercing, steering,         used to develop effective models
how individuals engage with visual       or deceiving users into making                for targeting other young people.
content on screens.77 Using these and    unintended and potentially harmful            Measurement can follow users’
other methods, marketers can design      decisions.”82                                 movements, communications, and
and refine advertising messages                                                        activities from moment to moment,
                                         Measurement and analytics systems
so they can trigger “attention                                                         measuring their reactions to various
                                         have also evolved considerably,
processing” and embed themselves                                                       advertising and sales appeals so
                                         and are now altering the overall
solidly into an individual’s memory.78                                                 the ads can be adjusted seamlessly
                                         operation of digital marketing,
Through emotion analytics, marketers                                                   in real time. As a result, marketing
                                         with increasing focus on children.
can determine how well a campaign                                                      techniques can be tested, refined,
                                         Simple, one-dimensional measures
leverages unconscious processes                                                        and tailored for maximum effect.
                                         such as “clicks,” “likes,” views, and
in consumers.79 “Neuromarketing
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                                                                             Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 13

  Redefining Contextual Advertising in the Big Data Era

When it was originally developed many years ago,                 Google is adopting such an approach, explaining in
contextual advertising in the online environment was             the Fall of 2020 that “[a]dvanced contextual is the
a simple proposition. An ad would appear on a page               next generation of contextual targeting on YouTube. It
that was connected to its content, often triggered by            uses Google’s machine learning to better understand
identifying keywords. For example, a news report that            each channel on YouTube, including analysis of video
discussed dining out would have an ad for restaurants or         imagery, sound, speech and text.”87 Google plans to use
a sugar-sweetened beverage. However, since contextual            contextual ad applications to reach children, since under
marketing did not facilitate the deep “engagement” and           its recent settlement with the Federal Trade Commission
personalization possible with behavioral targeting and           for violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection
other data profiling techniques, contextual advertising          Act, it announced it would no longer permit data-driven
soon fell out of favor in the digital marketing industry.        marketing on YouTube channels or content that target
                                                                 children 12 and under. SuperAwesome, now a division of
More recently, thanks to sophisticated algorithms and            EPIC Games (Fortnite), is just one of the companies that
analysis, contextual advertising has become a much               use contextual marketing to target kids.88
stronger—and potentially more intrusive—ad practice. It
has been reshaped by artificial intelligence and machine-        Digital marketers and tech companies claim that because
learning technologies so that marketers can “now discern         contextual advertising is not personalized or data-driven,
web page sentiment, understand the nuance of language,           it is appropriate for targeting children, and an acceptable
ascertain the content and tone of images and video, and          way of “monetizing” content. However, the role that
even automatically configure ad creative to complement           sophisticated AI technologies play, including when they
context.” A person can be targeted based on what the             are potentially combined with such data-dependent
industry calls “sentiment”—where an ad appears along             approaches as behavioral targeting, suggests that regulators,
with content “whose mood or emotion resonates with a             scholars, and public health experts need to examine this
product or brand’s values or ethos.” Such targeting can be       practice closely to determine how it is being used, whether
driven through an analysis of the emotions “expressed in         it functions as targeted or personalized marketing, and
images and videos,” as well as understanding the “meaning”       what its potential harms may be.
of what is written, which makes it very effective with
today’s online video and visually driven social networks.86

RESEARCHING DIGITAL                         to observe the digital behaviors             and candy products. For tweens 9-12
                                            of young participants.90 Reports             and teens 13-17, YouTube was in first
                                            are routinely released that reveal           place, with Oreo, Hershey’s, Cheetos
The food and tech industries                the “Most Beloved Brands” and that           and Doritos among the top ten.92
conduct detailed market research            incorporate dozens of elements               Google and Facebook have extensive
on so-called “digital natives,”             to determine a “Kidfinity Score,”            research divisions, where they
including monitoring young people’s         a “proprietary measure of brand              analyze young people’s interactions
behavior on social media, mobile            awareness, appeal and popularity             with marketing.93 Facebook IQ, the
and other platforms, and employing          among six-to-12-year-olds.”91 In its         social network’s market research
ethnographers, psychologists, and          “Brand Love” study in 2020, youth             arm, reported the results of a study
neuroscientists to probe the inner          market researchers Smarty Pants              it conducted with global parents to
workings of children’s psyches and          found that for children 6-8, their           better understand “pester power,”
brain processes.89 Marketing research       number-one favorite brand was                also known as the “nag factor.”94
firms are also creating private online      McDonald’s, followed by YouTube,             The study found that children have
communities where they are able             Oreo, M&Ms and many other snack              greater impact today on family
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                                                                             Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 14

 purchasing decisions, including            McDonald’s U.S. chief marketing                (AT&T), Omnicom and Publicis—
“38% of parents’ decisions about            officer explained, they “set                   have recently launched a new
 quick service restaurants (QSR), 25%       trends” and “set the tone for how              initiative to “elevate multicultural
 of decisions about non-alcoholic           [companies] enter the marketplace.”98          marketing effectiveness” through
 beverages, and 17% of decisions            As a 2018 report entitled                      the Alliance for Inclusive and
 about packaged foods.”95                  “Descubrimiento Digital: The                    Multicultural Marketing (AIMM).103
                                            Online Lives of Latinx Consumers”              The alliance has developed a new
                                            observed, “In a period of population           metric—known as a “cultural
TARGET MARKETING                            shifts, fragmentation, and intense             insights impact measure,” or
TO MULTICULTURAL                            competition for attention, Hispanics          “CIIM”—to assess how effective
                                            are using technology and social                advertisers are with Asian
YOUTH                                       media to rewrite the rulebook.                 Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, and
 Minority youth—particularly African        Their combination of relative youth,           LGBTQ communities. The CIIM
 Americans and Hispanics—are one            demand for cultural connectivity               score evaluates the “impact and
 of the fastest growing demographic         and nuanced content has placed                 effectiveness of cultural insights in
 sectors in the U.S.96 As a consequence,    Hispanics at the center of trendsetter         ads and programming and how these
 the United States is becoming a            culture.”99 Another study urged                have the potential to affect sales
“majority minority” country, where          brands to target children in bilingual         lift.” Variables include “inclusion
 Black and Brown populations will           households as “sherpas,” who can               and acknowledgement, respect
 be a numeric majority in just 25          “translate the language, interpret              for culture, creates cultural pride
 years. How well brands engage with         brand and product purchases,                   and reflects cultural values, uses
 these young people could determine         and demystify new services and                 positive role models and provides
 success or failure. Communities of         technologies” for their families.100           for authentic cultural depictions.”
 color already have “buying power” of       Food and soft drink companies draw             According to AIMM, those brands or
 $3.9 trillion, and given their youth       from an ongoing flood of market                products with a suitable CIIM score
 and life expectancy, these consumers       research to design the most powerful           experience significant increases
 have a higher “lifetime value” than        and effective target marketing                 in two key marketing industry
“White Non-Hispanics,” according            campaigns for engaging with Black              metrics—brand perception and ad
 to industry studies. Nearly half of        and Brown youth.101 These aggressive           effectiveness. AIMM’s initial CIIM
 Generation Z is made up of Black           marketing efforts can shape the                research assessed key segments of
 and Brown youth.97 Marketers               preferences for unhealthy food and             consumer buying from these groups,
 conduct intensive research to              beverages, according to researchers,           including foods and beverages (such
 identify behaviors, values, popular        and exacerbate existing health                 as “regular Cola drinks, [but] not
 celebrities, music genres, and other       disparities affecting communities              diet,” and energy drinks). Among the
 attributes of these “multicultural”        of color.102                                   brands that had their ads reviewed
 youth, who are in the forefront of                                                        to see whether they achieved the
                                           Major food and beverage companies,              objectives proposed by CIIM were
 all the key digital behaviors—early
                                           retailers, online platforms and                 Pepsi, General Mills, Kellogg’s,
 and leading adopters of mobile
                                           advertising agencies—including                  McDonald’s and Burger King.104
 device use, social media, online
                                           Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kellogg’s,
 video, and gaming applications. As
                                           McDonald’s, Walmart, Google, Xandr

                  Marketing efforts can shape the preferences for unhealthy
                food and beverages, according to researchers, and exacerbate
                   existing health disparities affecting communities of color.
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                                                                              Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 15

  Food Insecurity, Racial Justice, and Industry Accountability

In a 2020 article in the journal Obesity, health researchers      These concerns were echoed by a group of faith-based
reported on the food industry’s work to support                   investors who sent letters in December 2020 to 21
international relief efforts, noting that many major              companies, including Coca-Cola, Kraft, Unilever, Pepsi,
companies—including PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Burger                    Amazon, Dollar Tree and other food, beverage, restaurant
King, and KFC—have contributed money, donated                     and retail brands, as part of an initiative “meant to force
medical supplies, and distributed free food. While these          a reckoning with how corporate policies and practices
corporations “have been applauded for their actions and           may reinforce systemic racism through the development
have garnered massive public support,” the authors also           and marketing of food and beverage products.” One of the
point out that the same companies “aggressively market            investors working with the Interfaith Center on Corporate
ultra-processed foods and beverages” that are associated          Responsibility (ICCR), which led the effort, explained that
with obesity and other related diseases. Moreover, the food      “the economic and health distress caused by the pandemic
industry has repeatedly opposed attempts by the health            only makes corporate responsibility around themes of
sector to regulate marketing. “If large-scale preventive          nutrition and race more real and urgent.” The investors
measures to reduce obesity and chronic diseases had               asked “companies to examine how their business models,
been taken earlier, COVID-19 complications would not              operations, and value chains may directly or indirectly
be as severe among people with these conditions, and              contribute” to health inequities, and urged them to commit
health disparities would not continue to be widened,” the         to developing accessible and affordable nutritious foods.
authors argue. “If we wish to treat obesity seriously by          ICCR and its allies, which represent more than $2 trillion
promoting healthier environments and societies that can           in assets under management, urged the companies to
better respond to health challenges, such as the current          curtail “manipulative and unfair marketing and promotion
COVID-19 pandemic, then there is no doubt that the food           practices,” including through the use of data and digital
industry’s strategies are working against this goal and           marketing.106
should be effectively regulated.”105

FOOD CORPORATIONS                           Science and Data Strategy Center              behaviors.110 All of this information
                                            of Excellence, which “analyzes all            flows continuously into Coca-Cola’s
                                            data captured across Coke’s digital           data center, where it is mined
COMPANIES                                   ecosystem.”107 As the senior vice             for insights. “We have more data
Some of the largest food and                president of strategy, planning, and          now than we have ever had in the
beverage corporations—including             decision science explained, the               past,” explained the company’s
Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and                  company, through its extensive                decision science VP, noting that
Pepsi—have, in effect, transformed          data operations, is “embracing a             “the key is figuring out what data
themselves into Big Data                    full rethinking of how beverages              you need and how to wrangle that
businesses, acquiring specialist            are sold and delivered at every step          data. This is where the real magic
firms, establishing large in-house          of the supply chain.”108 Working              happens, and where we see so much
operations, and hiring teams of data        with Google, the beverage giant               potential growth.”111
scientists and technology experts           is deploying artificial intelligence
                                                                                          PepsiCo has made major investments
to direct these systems. With these         to help drive its digital marketing
                                                                                          in its in-house consumer data
enhanced capabilities, they can more        and loyalty programs.109 Coke also
                                                                                          operations for North America, which
effectively engage in ad targeting—         operates over 40 interconnected
                                                                                          analyzes information on consumers
whether on the leading platforms or         social media monitoring facilities
                                                                                          for its targeted marketing and media
through their own mobile apps. For          worldwide, which use AI to follow
                                                                                          buying. A Pepsi executive explained
example, Coca-Cola North America            customers, analyze their online
                                                                                          that the company is
has established its own Decision            conversations, and track their
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                                                                              Part 1: The Data-Driven Media & Marketing Complex | 16

 making a “significant change in how        assortment, merchandising,                     tracking, predictive analytics and
 we really market to our consumers          marketing and other needs at                   modeling, algorithm-based targeting,
 by building this direct, dynamic and       the point-of-sale.” Pepsi has also             and measurement.116 Powered
 intimate one-to-one relationships          developed a “cutting edge insights             by all these Big Data capabilities,
 with billions of people globally.”112 It   platform,” known as CLEVr.113                  McDonald’s global mobile app is able
 has developed a “fully addressable                                                        to establish a direct link to each of its
                                             McDonald’s data operations have
 consumer database” (called                                                                customers, anticipating their menu
                                             grown dramatically in the short time
“Consumer DNA”) that enables it                                                            requests based on past selections
                                             since they were established, “laying
 to “see a full 360 degree view of our                                                     and behaviors, targeting them with
                                             the human capital foundation for
 consumers.” With multiple data                                                            personalized offers, encouraging
                                             the data-driven future,” according to
 points on 110 million households                                                          instant responses through mobile
                                             the company.114 Through its Silicon
 in the U.S., Pepsi is able to develop                                                     payment systems, and conducting
                                             Valley-based “McD Tech Labs,” the
 personalized messages to reach                                                            in-store surveillance to document
                                             fast-food giant is working on data-
 people on all their devices and apps,                                                     the impact of the marketing on
                                             science projects involving AI and
 such as when they are viewing                                                             actual sales.117 In 2019, McDonald’s
                                             machine-learning algorithms, natural
 streaming video or watching online                                                        made a significant investment in
                                             language processing, and Big Data
 games. It has invested in machine                                                         Plexure, a “mobile engagement”
                                             analytics to “transform the customer
 learning, AI and other technologies                                                       company specializing in giving QSRs
                                             experience.”115 Its purchase of AI-
 designed to measure audience                                                              the ability “to build rich consumer
                                             based technology company Dynamic
 behaviors more effectively, such as                                                       profiles” and leverage the data “to
 a new “ROI (return on investment)           Yield expanded the fast-food giant’s          provide deeply personalized offers
 Engine.” One of PepsiCo’s Big Data          data portfolio to include a real-time         and content that increase average
 platforms, called “Pep Worx,” is           “personalization engine” that can              transaction value” and help generate
 a “cloud-based data and analytics           identify individual customers “across         other revenues. One of its specialties
 solution that identifies valuable           any channel, including web, mobile            is designing personalized messaging
 shoppers by location and develops           web, email, advertising channels,             that triggers the release of the brain
 insights to help retailers make             and apps,” utilizing a spectrum               chemical, dopamine.118 (See sidebar,
 decisions on things like product            of powerful tools, including data            “Tapping the Plexure Principle.”)
Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic
                                                    Part 2: Targeting Youth Across the Digital Media and Marketing Landscape | 17

PART 2: TARGETING YOUTH                                                                 THE INFLUENCER
                                                                                        In the fall of 2020, as many
MARKETING LANDSCAPE                                                                     restaurants continued to struggle
                                                                                        with financial hardships resulting
The food and beverage industry is drawing from a                                        from the coronavirus pandemic,
growing arsenal of powerful tools in this vast digital                                  McDonald’s partnered with a
                                                                                        popular rapper to launch a meal in
marketing and Big Data system to reach and engage                                       his name and promote it to teens.
young people across the entire media landscape. In the                                  The “Travis Scott Meal” combined
                                                                                       “all” of the music artist’s favorites
following pages, we focus on three major arenas of digital
                                                                                       —“a Quarter Pounder with cheese,
culture that are having particularly powerful impacts on                                bacon, onions and lettuce; medium
youth, commanding more of their attention, altering their                               fries with BBQ sauce; and a Sprite.”
                                                                                        The campaign was so successful
behaviors, and attracting huge amounts of advertising                                   that within a week, there was a
dollars. Some of the largest purveyors of unhealthy                                     shortage of ingredients for the meal
                                                                                        at some of the fast-food chain’s
beverages, fast foods, and snacks have moved aggressively                               locations. McDonald’s immediately
into all three of these areas.                                                          followed the celebrity-endorsed
                                                                                        meal promotion with another
                                                                                        one on a similar theme, this time
 First, we investigate the lucrative     explanation, we have written about
                                                                                        naming it after J. Balvin, the popular
“influencer economy,” which has          each of these sectors of the industry
                                                                                        Reggaeton musician. The Big Mac,
 become a highly profitable sector of    separately, but, in fact, they work
                                                                                        fries and Oreo McFlurry combo
 online marketing, with a growing        together as a system, where the lines
                                                                                        was offered at a special discounted
 number of entertainment celebrities,    between them are often blurred or
                                                                                        price to make it more attractive
 sports figures, and social media        nonexistent. This is especially true
                                                                                        to young people, who were also
“stars” promoting junk food brands to    for young people, who see all media
                                                                                        promised the McFlurry free of
 their followers. Secondly, we explore   as part of their fluid 24/7 digital
                                                                                        charge if they ordered through
 the rapidly expanding online gaming     world. As we will show, the food
                                                                                        the McDonald’s mobile app. Both
 and esports sector, which has, in       and beverage industry is inserting
                                                                                        campaigns included T-shirts and
 many ways, subsumed and eclipsed        its brands across this expanding,
                                                                                        other branded merchandise featuring
 other digital media platforms and       integrated system, seizing the
                                                                                        the musicians.120 The marketing
 services, and is quickly becoming       powerful symbols of youth
                                                                                        strategy paid off for McDonald’s, not
 an important forum for teen and         culture. Marketers are developing
                                                                                        only increasing fast-food sales, but
 youth culture. Finally, we examine      strategies and techniques designed
                                                                                        also helping to boost the company’s
 the digital transformation of           to harness the unique capabilities
                                                                                        stock price, generating a trove
 television, which now encompasses       of each platform and to tailor their
                                                                                        of valuable consumer data, and
 not only conventional broadcast and     efforts—and sometimes the products
                                                                                        sparking major press coverage and
 cable, but also streaming (known        themselves—to the demographic
                                                                                        social media publicity, including
 as “OTT,” for “Over the Top”), as       characteristics and behavioral
                                                                                        on Facebook’s Instagram and the
 well as an expanding array of           patterns of their young targets.119
                                                                                        TikTok app. Some observers noted
 online video services. For clarity of
                                                                                        that the partnerships with the Black
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