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2 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER TELECOMMUNICATIONS TIRUVALLA 689101 TENDER DOCUMENT E-Tender for providing manpower services for infrastructure maintenance at various units in Pathanamthitta BA, BSNL, for the year 2020-2021. 1. Tender No.E-Tender/ GNL/UPKG/PTA/2020-2021/1 Dated at Thiruvalla the 01/07/2020. 2. Cost of Tender form Rs.1180/- (Rs.1000/- plus GST 18% for Zone I,Rs.2360/- for Zone II.(Rs.2000/- plus 18% GST) 3. Availability of Tender Document for download 29/07/2020 to 21/0/2020. 4. Last Date & Time of online submission of E-Tender upto 11.00 hours on 21/08/2020. 5. Date & Time of submission of sealed envelop containing Tender Document, EMD and cost of Bid document – upto 11.00 hours on 21/08/2020. 6. Date & Time of opening of Technical Bid (on line only) at 12.00 hours on 21/08/2020. followed by opening of sealed envelop containing the Tender Documents. 7. Validity of E-Tender is 180 days 8. EMD:ZONE I-Rs.1,90,000/-and ZONE II-Rs.2,40,000/- Asst. General Manager(ADMN), O/o GMT, BSNL, Tiruvalla-689101. Phone: 0469-2604200 Email: Note: Kindly see all clarifications/corrigendum on website from time to time and read Bid Document Carefully before submission and ensure that all documents are fully authenticated by the Authorized signatory. Signature of the Bidder
3 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER TELECOMMUNICATIONS TIRUVALLA 689101 Sub: E-Tender for providing manpower for Infrastructure Maintenance (A&P maintenance/UP-Keep) at various offices/exchanges in Pathanamthitta BA, BSNL, for the year 2020-2021 CONTENTS Sl. No Title Page. No 1 Notice Inviting Tender 4 2 Specification to Bidders for E-Tendering 5-6 3 Special Instruction to Bidders for E-Tendering 7-12 4 Tender information 13-14 5 Terms & Conditions 15-31 6 Price Schedule 32 7 Annexure I– No near relative certificate 33 8 Annexure-II- Letter of Authorisation for attending Bid opening 34 9 Annexure III – Agreement 35-38 10 Annexure IV –Bank Guarantee Bond Form for Performance Security. 39-40 11 Annexure V – Mandate form for transfer of payment through electronic 41 clearance / electronic fund transfer 12 Annexure VI – Certificate (for Bid Document downloaded from website 42 13 Annexure VII – E-Tender (Undertaking) 43 14 Annexure-VIII Zone Exchange Details 16-17 15 Annexure IX Check List 44 16 Annexure X-EMD ZONE WISE 45 Signature of the Bidder
4 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt of India Enterprise) Office of the General Manager, Telecom, BSNL Bhavan,Tiruvalla – 689101 NOTICE INVITING TENDER E-Tenders are invited by The General Manager, Telecommunications, BSNL Bhavan, Pathanamthitta BA, Tiruvalla – 689101 from reputed service providing agencies for providing manpower services for Infrastructure Maintenance (A&P Maintenance/UP-Keep) at various offices/exchanges in Pathanamthitta BA for the year 2020-2021 on Contract basis for One year. Separate BIDS are invited for each Zone .Details of the zones are attached in Annexure-X. Sl Estimated Cost Tender cost in ZONE EMD in Rs No in Rs Rs. Zone I 1 9045859/- 1,90,000/- Rs.1180/- (Adoor & Thiruvalla) Zone II (Kozhencherry 2 11763265/- 2,40,000/- Rs.2360/- & Pathanamthitta) Schedule to the invitation of tender Details Reference No.-Tender/ GNL/UPKeeping/PTA/2020-21/1 1 Tender Enquiry No Dated at Thiruvalla the 01/07/2020. Last date for obtaining the tender 2 12:00 Hours on 21/08/2020 application Last date for submission of Sealed 3 12:00 Hours on 21/08/2020 Tender 4 Bid Validity 180 days 5 Time & Date of Opening Tender 12:10 Hours on 21/08/2020. Chamber of AGM (Admn) 6 Venue for Tender Opening O/o General Manager Telecom, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 Sd/- ` Assistant General Manager (ADMN), Office of the GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla - 689101. Full details available at our website: “ or Signature of the Bidder
5 Specification to Bidders for E-Tendering 1. TENDER No: E-Tender/GNL/UPKG/PTA/2020-2021/1 Dated at Thiruvalla the 01/07/2020 2. COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT Rs.1180/- (Rs.1000/- plus GST 18% for Zone I,Rs.2360/- for Zone II.(Rs.2000/- plus 18% GST) 3. Accessibility of Tender Document : BSNL inviting E-Tender for the Upkeeping works and thus physical/hard copy of E-Tender forms not available for sale. Viewing and bidding of the Tender can be done only on the website: and . The tender document shall not be available for download after its submission on line and after closing date. 4. Registration: Intending bidders are requested to register themselves on E-Tender portal through : “ or obtaining user-id, digital signature etc, by paying prescribed vender registration fee. For participating in the above mentioned tender a tender processing fee may also have to be paid to the service provider. 5. Date and Time of online submission of E-Tender:As specified the technical bid, financial bid, tender fee and EMD should be uploaded separately for each zone. In case the date of submission/opening of bid is declared to be a holiday, the same will get shifted to next working day at the same scheduled time. Any change in bid opening date due to any other unavoidable reason, the same will be intimated online. 6. Submission of EMD and Cost of bid document: The cost of bid document is Rs.1180/- (Rs.1000/- plus GST 18% for Zone I,Rs.2360/- for Zone II.(Rs.2000/- plus 18% GST). Cost of Bid document and EMD as noted in Annexure should be paid in the form of DD, drawn from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in favour of AO (Cash), O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Thiruvalla-689101 payable at Thiruvalla. DD’s drawn towards tender fee and EMD should be submitted along with the Technical bid failing which the tender bid will be rejected. 7. On-line Opening of Technical Bids: The Technical Bids will be opened on 1200 hours on 21/08/2020. 8. Process of opening of Technical Bids: BSNL has adopted E-tendering process which offers a unique facility for Public Online “Tender Opening Event” (TOE). Bidders can attend the public online TOE from the comfort of their offices. However, if required, Bidders/authorized representative of bidders (Service Provider) can attend the TOE at the Chamber of AGM(Admn), O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101. Tender opening officers would be conducting the public online TOE. 9. Tender bids received after due date & time will not be accepted. 10. Incomplete, ambiguous, Conditional, Unsealed tender bids are liable to be rejected. 11. BSNL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender bids without assigning any reason. 12. BSNL is not bound to accept the lowest tender. 13. E-Tender documents can be downloaded from the E-Tender portal from 1100 hours on 29/07/2020. 14. The bidder shall furnish a declaration under his digital signature that no addition/deletion/corrections have been made in the downloaded tender document being submitted and it is identical to the tender document uploaded in the E-Tender portal. In case if any correction/addition/deletion are made and found Signature of the Bidder
6 in the later days, the tender bid shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected summarily in addition to forfeiting the security deposit deposited in this connection and legal action will be initiated against the defaulting E-Tenderer for the losses to BSNL if any. 15. All documents submitted in the bid should be preferably in English. In case the certificate viz. experience, registration etc. are issued in any other language other than English, the bidder shall attach an English translation of the same duly attested by the bidder as “Certified Translation of the original document”. 16. All computer generated documents should be duly attested/signed by the issuing authority. 17. Cost of Tender form, EMD ( in the form of DD/Banker’s Cheque) and Power of Attorney if any have to be submitted to AGM (ADMN) before the scheduled date and time of submission of the Tender otherwise the bid will not be considered. 18. Hard copies of all required documents as per clause 3.1 of Tender information along with tender document (duly attested by the bidder/authorized signatory) to be submitted to AGM (ADMN) before the scheduled date and time. 19. Before submitting the bid, it should be ensured to view all the corrigendum/clarification if any issued in this matter on the E-Tender website. 20. Duration of Contract: One year from the date of award of contract or specifically mentioned date with an option of extension for six months in a spell of 3 months each.. 21. Approximate number of workers of contractor to be engaged through this tender is 75(ZONE I-32 ZONE II--43 for providing Up Keeping services in various units under Pathanamthitta BA, BSNL, on contract. Signature of the Bidder
7 SECTION-I SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR E-TENDERING General: 1. Submission of online bid is mandatory for this E-tender. 2. E-Tendering is for conducting Public Procurement in a transparent and secured manner. 3. Suppliers/Vendors are the beneficiaries in the new system of procurement. 4. BSNL portal for E-Tendering and Instructions to the Bidders: 1. Tender Bidding Methodology: Sealed Tender/Bid system – Single stage bidding using two stage opening using two electronic envelop namely Techno-Commercial Bid and Financial Bid. 2. Bid concerned activities of prospective bidders; a. Procure a Digital Signing Certificate (DSC) b. Register on Electronic Tendering System(R) (ETS) c. Create users and assign roles on ETS. d. View Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) on ETS. e. Download official copy of Tender Documents from ETS. f. Clarification if any to Tender documents on ETS (posted as addendum by BSNL) g. Bid-Submission on ETS. h. Attend Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) on ETS - Opening of Technical Bid - Post-TOE Clarification on ETS (Optional) – Respond to BSNL’s Post-TOE queries. - Opening of Financial Bid (Only for satisfied Technical Responsive Bidders). For participating in the Tender online, the following instructions are to be adhered strictly. 3. DIGITAL CERTIFICATES For integrity of data and authenticity/non-repudiation of electronic records, and to be complaint with IT Act 2000, it is necessary for each user to have a Digital Certificate (DC) also referred to as Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued by a Certifying Authority (CA) licensed by Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA). (refer Signature of the Bidder
8 4. REGISTRATION: To use the Electronic Tender ® portal http:// vendors need to register on the portal (if not registered earlier). Registration of each organization is to be done by one of its senior persons who will be the main person coordinating for the e-tendering activities. In ETS terminology, this person will be referred to as the Super User (SU) of that organization. For further details, please contact or visit the website/portal and follow instructions as given on the site. 5. Bidding related Information for the sealed Bid/Tender The entire bid-submission would be online on ETS. The process is as follows: - Submission of Bid Security / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) - Submission of digitally signed copy of Tender documents/addendum/Corrigendum - Two envelopes Technical Bid Financial Bid Each of the above electronic envelopes consists of Main Bid and Electronic form (both mandatory) and bid annexure (optional). Note: Bidder must ensure that after following the above the status of bid submission must become complete. Bidders must ensure that all documents uploaded on e-tender portal as files or zipped folders, contain valid files and are not corrupt or damaged due to any processing error at bidder PC systems like zipping etc. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder himself for proper extractability of uploaded zipped files. Any error/virus creeping into files/folder from client end PC system cannot be monitored by e-tender software/server and will be bidder’s responsibility only. In case the files are non-extractable or illegible otherwise representative shall be given one chance by Tender Opening committee to open and demonstrate the contents of bid data downloaded from the e- tender portal in their presence. If even after the above chance, the bidder is unable to open and demonstrate the contents of bid data downloaded from the e-tender portal, then no fresh bid in any form, soft or hard copies shall be accepted by tendering authority and his bid shall be summarily rejected and treated as non-responsive. 6. OFFLINE SUBMISSIONS: The bidder is requested to submit the Documents specified under Tender Information Clause 3.1, offline to AGM (ADMN), O/o the GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 on or before the scheduled date and time specified in the tender document, in a sealed envelope. Signature of the Bidder
9 Separate tender forms are required for each zone. Only one tender should be included in one cover.Tender should be sent in sealed envelopes superscribed prominently “ TENDER FOR PROVIDING MANPOWER SERVICES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE AT VARIOUS OFFICES/EXCHANGES ZONE NO …….. ……… ( ………………DIVISIONS. ) OF PATHANAMTHITTA BA. and should be addressed to the AGM (ADMN) O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101. Tenders should be sent by registered post with AD or should be dropped in the tender box available in the General Section O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla. No separate acknowledgement will be issued. Tenders received in unsealed covers and those received late will be rejected. The tenders will be opened at 1200 hours on 21/08/2020 by the officer authorized for this purpose by the GMT on his behalf, in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives available. The envelope shall superscribed prominently “TENDER FOR PROVIDING MANPOWER SERVICES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE ” the TENDER NUMBER and the words “ DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 1200 HOURS ON 21/08/2020”. It should hold three sealed covers inside. The cover should be sealed with sealing wax/tape. Envelope Marking to be made Contents Outer Cover TENDER FOR PROVIDING 2 Inner envelopes MANPOWER SERVICES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE AT VARIOUS OFFICES/EXCHANGES ZONE NO …….. ……… ( ………………DIVISIONS. ) OF PATHANAMTHITTA BA. ” the TENDER NUMBER and the words “ DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 12.00 HOURS ON 21/08/2020. First Inner Cover “Bid Security (EMD) & Cost of 1) DD/BG/Banker’s Cheque towards Tender document Bid security 2) DD for cost of tender document Second inner TENDER FOR PROVIDING 1. The Bid document duly signed in Cover MANPOWER SERVICES FOR each page along with seal. INFRASTRUCTURE 2) Full set of supporting documents as MAINTENANCE AT VARIOUS per clause 3.1 under tender OFFICES/EXCHANGES ZONE NO information. …….. ……… ( a) The bid form duly filled in and ………………DIVISIONS. ) OF signed along with company seal. PATHANAMTHITTA BA. ” the b) Power of Attorney in accordance TENDER NUMBER and the words “ with 3.1 XVI of Tender information. DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 12.00 HOURS ON 21/08/2020. Note: The bidder has to upload the scanned copy of all above said original documents including EMD and DD of tender fee as Bid-Annexure during online Bid-Submission. Signature of the Bidder
10 7. Special Note on Security of Bids: Security related functionality has been rigorously implemented in ETS in a multi-dimensional manner. Starting with “Acceptance of Registration by the Service Provider”, provision for security has been made at various stages in Electronic Tender’s Software. Specifically for Bid Submission, some security related aspects are outlined below: As part of the Electronic EncrypterTM functionality, the contents of both the “Electronic Forms” and the ‘Main-Bid’ are securely encrypted using a Pass-Phrase created by the Bidder himself. Unlike a ‘Password’ a pass-phrase can be a multi-word sentence with spaces between words. (eg: india is my country). A pass- phrase is easier to remember, and more difficult to break. It is recommended that a separate pass-phrase be created for each Bid-part. This method of bid-encryption does not have the security and data integrity related vulnerabilities which are inherent in e-tendering systems which use Public-Key of the specified officer of a Buyer Organization for Bid-encryption. Bid-encryption in ETS is such that the Bids cannot be decrypted before the Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE), even if there is connivance between the concerned tender-opening officers of the Buyer Organization and the personnel of e-tendering service provider. It is important for the bidder to keep a safe record of his pass-phrase for decrypting his bid parts. In case the bidder is unable to provide the correct pass-phrase during TOE, it will not be possible to open his bid and his bid will be REJECTED(archived Un-opened). Before rejection in such a situation, the bidder will be given opportunity to himself enter the pass-phrase from his own office or from BSNL’s office if his representative is physically present there. Typically, ‘Pass-Phrase’ of the Bid-part to be opened during a particular Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) is furnished online by each bidder during the TOE itself, when demanded by the concerned Tender Opening Officer. There is an additional protection with SSL Encryption during transit from the client-end computer of a Supplier Organization to the e-tendering server/portal. 8.PUBLIC ONLINE TENDER OPENING EVENT (TOE) ETS offers a unique facility for ‘Public online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’, Tender opening Officers as well as authorized representatives of bidders can attend the Public online Tender Opening Event (TOE) from the comfort of their offices. For this purpose, representatives of bidders (i.e. Suppliers Organization) duly authorized are requested to carry a Laptop and Wireless connectivity to Internet. Every Legal requirement for a transparent and secure ‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’ has been implemented on ETS. As soon as a Bid is decrypted with the corresponding Pass-phrase’ as submitted online by the bidder himself (during the TOE itself), salient points of the Bids are simultaneously made available for downloading by all participating bidders. The tedium of taking notes during a manual ‘Tender Opening Event’ is therefore replaced with this superior and convenient form of ‘Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’. ETS has a unique facility of “Online Comparison Chart’ which is dynamically updated as each online bid is opened. The format of the chart is based on inputs provided by the Buyer for each tender. The information in the comparison chart is based on the data submitted by the Bidders. A detailed Technical and/or Financial Comparison Chart enhances Transparency. Detailed instructions are given on relevant screens. ETS has a unique facility of a detailed report titled ‘Minutes of Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) covering all important activities of ‘Online Tender Opening Event (TOE)’. This is available to all participating bidders for ‘Viewing/Downloading’. There are many more Signature of the Bidder
11 facilities and features on ETS. For a particular tender, the screens viewed by a Supplier will depend upon the options selected by the concerned Buyer. IMPORTANT NOTE: In case of internet related problem at a bidder’s end, especially during ‘critical events’ such as – a short period before bid submission deadline, during online public tender opening event, during e-auction, it is the bidder’s responsibility to have backup internet connections. In case there is a problem at the e- procurement/e-auction service-provider’s end (in the server, leased line etc) due to which all the bidders face a problem during critical events and this is brought to the notice of BSNL by the bidders in time, then BSNL will promptly re-schedule the affected events. 9. Other Instructions: For further instructions, the vendor should visit the home-page of the portal or and go to the USER_GUIDANCE CENTRE. The help information provided through ‘ETS User-Guidance Centre is available in three categories: 1) Users Intending to Register / First-Time Users 2) Logged-in users of Buyer Organizations, and 3) Logged-in users of Suppliers Organizations. Various links are provided under each of the three categories. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is strongly recommended that all authorized users of Suppliers Organizations should thoroughly peruse the information provided under the relevant links, and take appropriate action. This will prevent hiccups, and minimize teething problems during the use of ETS. The following four key instructions for Bidders must be assiduously adhered to 1. Obtain individual Digital Signing Certificate (DSC or DC) well in advance of your first tender Submission deadline on ETS. 2. Register your organization on ETS well in advance of your first tender submission deadline on ETS. 3. Get your organization’s concerned executives trainedwell in advance of your first tender Submission deadline on ETS. 4. Submit your bids well in advance of tender submission deadline on ETS (There could be last minute problems due to internet timeout, breakdown, etc., while the first three instructions mentioned above are especially relevant to first-time users of ETS, the fourth instruction is Relevant at all times. 10. Minimum Requirements at Bidders End Signature of the Bidder
12 1. Computer System with good configuration (Min P IV, 1GB RAM, Windows XP). 2. Broadband connectivity. 3. Microsoft Internet explorer 6.0 or above. 4. Digital Certificate(s) 11. Vendors Training Program Vendors are requested to contact : “ or for any assistance required for e-bidding. Signature of the Bidder
13 TENDER INFORMATION 1. Type of Tender: Single Stage bidding and two stage opening using Two Electronic Envelopes system. (Techno. commercial bid & Financial Bid). Note: The bids will be evaluated techno-commercially and financial bids of techno-Commercially compliant bidders only shall be opened. 2. Bid Validity Period: 180 days from the date of tender opening. 3. Bid Document: 1. Techno-Commercial part of bid shall contain one set of the following documents. i) Tender documents in original duly filled in and signed by the tenderer on each page ii) DD for EMD in original or Banker’s cheque. iii) Cost of Tender Documents in form of Demand Draft (if applicable) iv) Check-list v) Tenderer’s profile. vi) Attested copy of the licence issued by the licensing officer under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970. vii) Experience Certificate for minimum period of 2 years from one corporate organization / PSU / Government Body. viii) Attested Copy of ESI registration Certificate. ix) Attested copy of EPF registration Certificate . x) Attested copy of GST Registration. xi) Those service provider having near relatives working as Executives / Non-executives in any SSA in Kerala including Circle Office are not entitled to submit Tender documents for which each Tenderer should submit a “No Near-Relative Certificate”. The near relatives are Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son, Son-in-law, Daughter, Daughter-in-law, Wife, Brother, Brother-in-law etc. If at a later date after awarding the work to successful Tenderer,it is found that near relatives are working as mentioned in this clause, the work awarded will be cancelled and security deposit paid in cash or Bank Guarantee will be encashed and credited to BSNL, Pathanamthitta BA, Tiruvalla 689101. The decision of GMT, BSNL, Pathanamthitta BA, Tiruvalla is final in this regard. xii) Attested copy of PAN card. xiii) Letter of authorization if any. xiv) Attested copy of Registration of the firm or authenticated copy of Partnership deed in case of Partnership firms. xv) Attested copy of Memorandum of association & articles of association in case of company. xvi) Attested copy of “Power of Attorney” in case person other than the tenderer has signed the tender documents. xvii) The authorization of the competent authority for signing the tender document Signature of the Bidder
14 xviii) Mandate form for ECS/EFT. xix) Copies of audited P&L and balance sheet for the last two years. xx) Certificate regarding tender form downloaded from internet. xxi) In case of MSE bidders, valid certificate from MSME for the type of service to be rendered. Such bidders are exempted from submission of cost of Tender form and EMD. NOTE: SUBMISSION OF BIDS THROUGH ONLINE IS MANDATORY. The Tenderer quoting for more than one zone are at the liberty of uploading tender document for any one of the zone. All other documents mentioned in clause 5.6 of Terms and conditions of the contract are mandatory for each zone. The financial part of bid shall contain one set of the complete price schedule. Note: In case of e-tendering the following documents are required to be submitted off-line to AGM (ADMN) O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 on or before the date and time of submission of bids in a sealed envelope. 1) EMD-Bid Security (Original Copy) 2) DD/Banker’s Cheque of Tender Fee. 3) All documents as specified in clause 3.1 of Tender information. 4. Tender Document in Original. Note: For detailed instructions, please refer clause 6 in special instructions to bidders. Payment Terms: As per clause under terms and conditions. Note: All statutory taxes as applicable/deduction due to price variation etc will be deducted at source before payment. Signature of the Bidder
15 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED ( A Govt. of India Enterprise) O/o THE GENERAL MANAGER, BSNL BHAVAN, TIRUVALLA – 689101. TENDER SCHEDULE FOR PROVIDING UPKEEPING SERVICES IN VARIOUS UNITS UNDER PATHANAMTHITTA BA, BSNL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE CONTRACT 1. PREAMBLE The General Manager Telecom, BSNL Bhavan Tiruvalla – 689101 invites e-tender from reputed service providing agencies for providing manpower services for infrastructure maintenance(A&P Maintenance/UP-KEEP) at various offices/exchanges of Pathanamthitta BA , BSNL on contract basis for One year. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Providing manpower services for infrastructure maintenance(A&P Mainenance/UP-KEEP) at various offices/exchanges of Pathanamthitta BA. for 2.1. Refilling of diesel in DG sets and maintaining log book of diesel refilling. (The contract for supply of diesel on site shall be separate and is not part of this contract). 2.2. Starting/ stopping of the DG set in case of power failure and auto start up failure and making entries in the log book. 2.3. Switching on and switching off of Acs. 2.4. Cleaning of power plant, DG battery, fire fighting equipment, other equipment at site. 2.5. Answering of telephone, noting of complaints and passing information immediately to specified competent authority. 2.6. Ensuring that the property of BSNL is not tampered with; Custodianship of site. Keys will be provided to the contractor during the time of infrastructure maintenance. Movement of any material from the site is to be allowed only with a written permission of site in charge. 2.7. Restricting access to the site for un-authorized persons and opening & closing of gate as and when required. 2.8. Keeping exchange/office premises in hygienic conditions. 2.9. Informing BSNL officer in charge of Exchange/ BTS about any alarm/ fault message immediately. 2.10. Help in testing of fire alarm, fire fighting equipment etc when desired by officer in charge. 2.11. Running water pump (if any) as and when required. 2.12. Watering the plants ( if any ) as and when required. 2.13. Any other works that may be incidental and related to proper up keep of the telecom site. Signature of the Bidder
16 Details of services to be provided for each Zone Annexure:VIII ZONE I(ADOOR and TIRUVALLA Division) S l. n Sunday duty (9 hrs Division o Site Address Duty/day to 17.00 hrs) Adoor 1 Adoor 3 0 2 Kadambanad 2 1 3 Kulanada 2 1 4 Ezhamkulam 2 1 5 Kodumon 3 0 6 Pandalam 3 0 Total 15 3 Thiruvalla 1 Niranam 2 1 2 Kunnanthanam 2 1 3 Kuttoor 2 1 4 Tele xge TLA 3 0 BSNL Bhavan 5 TLA 2 0 TOTAL 11 3 Signature of the Bidder
17 ZONE II(RANNI,KOZHENCHERRY&PATHANAMTHITTA DIVISION) Sunday duty (9 hrs to Division Site Address Duty/day 17.00 hrs) 1 Ranni 2 1 KOZ DVN 2 Vechoochira 2 1 3 Pampa 3 1 4 Vadasserikkara 2 1 5 Nilackal 2 1 6 Sabarimala 3 0 7 Kidanganoor 2 1 8 Pullad 2 1 9 Mallappally 3 0 10 Kumbanad 3 0 Total 24 7 Pathana mthitta 1 Tele Xge PTA 3 1 2 Kaipattoor 2 1 3 Elanthur 2 0 4 Konni 2 1 Total 9 3 Proposed Shift timings: Shift 1: 9 am to 5 pm , Shift 2: 5 pm to 1 am, Shift 3: 1 am to 9 am (Note:The Quantity/No stated above are estimated and BSNL reserves the right to vary the quantity to the extent of -25% to +25% of specified quantity during the period of contract without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions.) Signature of the Bidder
18 3. ELIGIBILITY 3.1 The bidder should be a registered firm under Companies act 1956. 3.2 The bidder should have 2 years experience of providing Up keeping Services with a minimum of 25 labourers to Corporate Organisations / PSU / Government Body. The document submitted should clearly state that the tenderer provided upkeeping / General Service or similar service satisfactorily for a minimum period of TWO years. 3.1 The Contractor shall strictly abide by the provisions of various Acts of the State in force, in connection with the employment of the contract labour viz. Contract Labour R&A Act 1970, Workmen Compensation Act, EPF/ESI Act and Bonus act 1965 and all other regulation covered under Labour Act at present and in the currency of contract in force. 3.4 The Bidder should have registered with all Government registered agencies for carrying on the house keeping / Up keeping services. 4 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT 4.1 EMD As per Annexure-X can be deposited in the form of an “Account Payee” Crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank, payable to the AO (Cash), O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Thiruvalla 689101. 4.2 The Demand Draft for the EMD amount should be attached to the Tender Offer. No other mode of payment for EMD will be accepted. Any tender received without the payment of EMD will be rejected. 4.3 The EMD will not carry any interest, while it is in the custody of BSNL. 4.4 The EMD will be refunded/returned to the unsuccessful tenderers after finalization of the Tender on production of Advanced Stamped Receipt. 4.5 The EMD of the successful tenderer will be treated as part of Security Deposit if he wishes so and the Security Deposit will not carry any interest. 4.6 The EMD will be forfeited if a successful tenderer does not pay the Security Deposit in time and execute the Agreement. 4.7 The EMD will be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws the tender before finalization of the tender. 5 TENDER SUBMISSION 5.1 The cover, containing the Bid shall be wax-sealed and sent (only by Registered Post or Speed Post.) to Asst. General Manager (ADMN), Office of the General Manager Telecom, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 so as to reach him on or before 12:00 hours of 21/08/2020.. The tender may also be deposited in the Tender Box available in the General Section O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla– 689101. Any tender received after the stipulated time and date for closing of tender shall be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. 5.2 The completed tender forms should be addressed to: Assistant General Manager (ADMN), O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101. 5.3 The envelope can be sent by Registered Post / Speed Post or can be directly dropped in the tender box provided in this office for this purpose on or before the due date and due time. Delay in postal transit will not be accepted as a valid reason for condoning the delay in submission of the tender. Signature of the Bidder
19 5.4 a. All the pages duly signed by the tenderer as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the tender form is to be submitted. b. No sheet is to be detached. 5.5 The tenderers should strictly adhere to the statutory regulations viz., Minimum wages Act, EPF Act ESI scheme, Bonus Act 1965, Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970, workman compensation act, and rules 1971 and any other regulation covered under Labour Act. 5.6 The Tenderer should submit the copies of the following mandatory Documents / Certificates alongwith the Bid document and its annexures. i) Tender documents in original duly filled in and signed by the tenderer on each page ii) DD for EMD in original or Banker’s cheque. iii) Cost of Tender Documents in form of Demand Draft (if applicable) iv) Check-list v) Tenderer’s profile. vi) Attested copy of the licence issued by the licensing officer under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970. vii) Experience Certificate for minimum period of 2 years from one corporate organization / PSU / Government Body. viii) Attested copy of ESI registration Certificate . ix) Attested copy of EPF registration Certificate . x) Attested copy of GST Registration. xi) Those service provider having near relatives working as Executives / Non-executives in any BA in Kerala including Circle Office are not entitled to submit Tender documents for which each Tenderer should submit a “No Near-Relative Certificate”. The near relatives are Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son, Son-in-law, Daughter, Daughter-in-law, Wife, Brother, Brother-in-law etc. If at a later date after awarding the work to successful Tenderer, it is found that near relatives are working as mentioned in this clause, the work awarded will be cancelled and security deposit paid in cash or Bank Guarantee will be encashed and credited to O/o GMT, BSNL, Tiruvalla 689101. The decision of GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 is final in this regard. xii) Copy of PAN card. xiii) Letter of authorization if any. xiv) Attested copy of Registration of the firm or authenticated copy of Partnership deed in case of Partnership firms. xv) Attested copy of Memorandum of association & articles of association in case of company. xvi) Attested copy of “Power of Attorney” in case person other than the tenderer has signed the tender documents. xvii) The authorization of the competent authority for signing the tender document xviii) Mandate form for ECS/EFT. xix) Copies of audited P&L and balance sheet for the last two years. xx) Certificate regarding tender form downloaded from internet. Signature of the Bidder
20 xxi) In case of MSE bidders, valid certificate from MSME for the type of service to be rendered. Such bidders are exempted from submission of cost of Tender form and EMD. The Tender which does not contain the above documents will be summarily rejected. 5.7 GST All invoices must be GST compliant and should indicate separately the CGST and SGST component for availing of ITC by BSNL. No bill will be entertained without GST details. The agency has obligation to file GSTR-1 on a monthly/quarterly basis as the case may be and shall include all the invoices raised to BSNL. 5.8 The Successful contractor should arrange to pay the GST received from BSNL into the appropriate Accounts of the Government and enclose proof of such payment alongwith the Bill for the next month for scrutiny and acceptance. Failure to enclose the proof for payment will render the successful tenderer for such action as deemed fit in consultation with GST Authorities. The payment of bills will be withheld till such time proof of payment of GST is produced. 5.9 After acceptance of the contract if any or all the terms and condition(s) of the contract is / are violated, the BSNL reserves the right to terminate the contract with the forfeiture of SECURITY DEPOSIT to BSNL by giving 15 days notice. The decision of GMT, BSNL,Pathanamthitta, Kerala, Tiruvalla 689101 is final in this respect. 5.10 Labour Rates: (a) Rates fixed by State Government as per Minimum Wages Act for scheduled employment subject to change from time to time. (b) Rates fixed by Central Government for scheduled employments. The rates shall be highest in each category fixed in (a) or (b) above. © The basic rates includes factor for payment of weekly off also. 5.10.1 THE AGENCIES AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES: a) The Contractor should possess valid license to take up the work in accordance with contract labour (R&A) Act. b) The contractor should have a valid labour license in executing the Up keeping and allied services with minimum 140 labourers . c) No child labour will be permitted. Persons with less than 18 years of age and more than 56 years of age should not be engaged for any reason. d) The Contractor should replace it’s persons when it is found by the designed officer that they are not discharging their duties as provided herein above. e) The contractor should strictly adhere to the Statutory Regulations viz. Wages, EPF, ESI and Bonus as per schedule rate and adhere relevant Acts in force in respect of each item. The contractor should also make payments/contributions under the above enactments and produce proof of payment of wages, ESI & PF contributions every month with specific reference to the workers engaged by him under this tender, failing which the payments due to the contractor will be retained by BSNL. The Contractor shall supervise and control his employees and take disciplinary action against his employees whenever found necessary. Signature of the Bidder
21 f) In case of additional requirement of Upkeeping, the contractor should be in a position to supply them at approved rates only without delay. g) In case it is found by BSNL that any property or material of the BSNL is lost or put to loss / damage due to the negligence of the persons engaged by the contractor, the contractor will be held fully responsible and should reimburse the cost of loss / damage so incurred. The decision of General Manager Telecom, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla as to the quantum of loss / damage and negligence is final. h) In case any workman of the Contractor suffers injury / damage or meets with an accident during the discharge of duty, the entire cost of compensation should be borne by the contractor and the BSNL shall stand fully indemnified against any claim / damage / Compensation. i) The contractor shall supervise his employees and ensure that the work is executed by his workers in accordance with the requirement and should maintain a Register for recording the progress of the work from each section and the officials of BSNL shall inspect the work and issue necessary certificates if any regarding the progress of the work and quality of work executed. The records maintained by the agency for such issue of materials may be submitted to the Asst. General Manager (ADMN) periodically for perusal. j) Minimum wages applicable and as fixed by the Central / State Government should be arranged to be paid with pay slips (Pay Slips should contain the amount of EPF/ESI amount deducted and EPF/ESI (Numbers) periodically to the persons engaged by the contractor not later than the 7th of every month. If the rate quoted by the contractor is not sufficient to meet the payment of minimum wages and other statutory payments like ESI, PF etc, such tender(s) will be summarily rejected as non- responsive. k) All records as envisaged under Contract Labour Acts should be maintained and these records are subject to scrutiny by competent authorities. These records may be submitted for scrutiny of Asst.General Manager (ADMN) by 15th of every month. l) The Contractor should ensure that the work awarded will not fall into the hands of outsiders, such as sub-letting etc under any circumstances and sub contract if any will not be permitted and in such cases the contract awarded to the successful tenderer will be terminated and security deposit will be forfeited and Bank Guarantee will be encashed. m) The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining of the following register / records required to be maintained under various labour laws. 1) Register of Attendance. 2) Register of Wages. 3) Register of Fines 4) Register of wage slips 5) Register of leave/Absentees. n) The contractor should possess valid license to take up the work in accordance with contract Labour (R & A) Act and other applicable law and continue to have the valid license until the completion of the contract.. BSNL will release the first installment of wages to the contractor only after production of valid license to AGM (Admin), O/o GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Thiruvalla. Any other Certificate from any other jurisdiction will not be accepted and on failure to produce the license the work awarded shall stand cancelled. The General Manager Telecom, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla reserves the right to proceed further as deemed fit. o) The contractor shall ensure to meet their obligations arising out of the employees Provident fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 by making regular deductions of Signature of the Bidder
22 employee’s contribution and payment of both employee’s and employer’s contribution for the persons engaged by them to the office of the respective Provident Fund Commissioner. A copy of the challan showing deposit of the monthly contribution along with list of labourers engaged for this work covered under this tender to whom payment is made shall invariably be provided to the Principal Employer every month. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain annual EPF Balance Sheet and distribute them among all the persons engaged by them under proper acquitance under intimation to Assistant General Manager (ADMN) O/o The GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla. p) The bonus component of the service charge will be paid to the contractor at the time of payment of bonus to the workers. Split up of bonus component in the rate quoted should be submitted separately by the contractor before award of work.The contractor shall pay bonus to its employees each year as per payment of Bonus act 1965. BSNL shall not be responsible in this regard. q) The contractor while submitting the Bill, the following details are to be enclosed along with the bill: 1. List showing the details of persons to be engaged 2. Duration of their engagement 3. The amount of wages paid to such persons for the duration in question. (wage slip) 4. Amount of EPF contribution for the duration of engagement in question paid to the EPF Authorities mentioning the amount separately. 5. Copies of authenticated documents of payments of such contribution to EPF authorities and a declaration from the contractor regarding compliance of the conditions EPF Act.1952. 6. The amount of ESI Contribution for each person engaged for the work covered under this tender alongwith details of ESI Identity Card, ESI Number etc. The allotment of ESI number and authorization for treatment from the ESI authorities may be produced. 7. The Tenderer should adhere all the administrative rules of the contract labour (Central) Rules and their instructions issued by that office from time to time with respect to the establishment of the organisation and the persons engaged by them in relation to the welfare and financial activities of the persons under the contractor. 8. The engagement of the persons should be done after verifying the antecedents. 9. If any person is absent for more than one month and he/she is not likely to resume duty, the contractor should delete the names of such person and information in this regard to be given to GMT, BSNL, Tiruvalla and also shown furnish the name of the person added due to replacement. The EPF/ESI rules should also be applied for left out and replaced persons. 5.11 Last date of submission of Tender offer is 12:00 hrs on 21/08/2020. 6. DATE OF OPENING 6.1 The tenders will be opened at 12:10 hrs on 21/08/2020 in the Chamber of AGM(ADMN), Office of the GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives present at that time and members of the committee duly nominated by GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101. 6.2 If the office remains closed or is not able to function due to unexpected reasons, the tender will be opened at the same time of the next following working day. Signature of the Bidder
23 6.3 Any tender received after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by BSNL Tiruvalla-689101 shall be rejected and returned unopened to the tenderer. 6.4 If representative / authorized persons of the bidder is to attend the bid opening an authorization letter to this effect must be produced by him before he is allowed to participate in the bid opening. 6.5 GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Kerala, Tiruvalla – 689101 reserves the right to disqualify such tenderers who have a record of not meeting contractual obligations against earlier contracts entered into with the BSNL. 6.6 The contract awarded to the selected tenderer is NOT TRANSFERABLE. 7 IMPROPERLY PREPARED OFFER 7.1 All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 7.2 If any clause is found added or altered the tender will be rejected. 8 RATE QUOTING METHOD 8.1 The rates should be quoted in figures and words on calendar month basis as shown in the Price Schedule of the BID. Any ambiguity in rates shall make the tender invalid. No clause should be added or altered in BID documents. 8.2 The contractor should strictly abide by the provisions of various acts of the state in force in connection with the employment of the contract labour. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure payment of wages as per Minimum Wages Act as fixed by Chief Labour Commissioner, New Delhi (subject to change) concerned to the persons employed and EPF, ESI and Bonus as applicable. 8.3 The tenderers are requested to contact the AGM (ADMN) concerned to ascertain the quantum of work before quoting the service charge. If desired, the bidder may visit the premises on any working day between 11 AM & 4 PM by fixing appointment with the AGM(ADMN) before submission of bid. 8.4 In case if there is any difference in amount written in figure and amount written in words, then the amount written in words will be treated as amount quoted. 8.5 Income Tax at appropriate rates will be deducted at source from the monthly payment of all the bills. 9 EVALUATION CLAUSE Evaluation of tender will be done on the basis of the lowest rates quoted in terms with the conditions prescribed above. If no bid is received for any zones GMT,BSNL has the right to make counter offer the work of that zone to the L1 Bidder of the nearby zones . 9.1 Normally the work will be awarded to the L1 bidder after observing all the required formalities. It shall be open to the GMT, BSNL, Thiruvalla to award the work to a bidder, who is not a bidder quoting the lowest rate, if he is satisfied that it would be in the best interest of BSNL to do so. 9.2 A bid, determined as substantially non-responsive will be rejected by the “BSNL” and shall not subsequent to the bid opening be made responsive by the bidder by correction of the non conformity. Signature of the Bidder
24 9.3 The BSNL may waive any minor infirmity or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of the bidder. 10 SECURITY DEPOSIT. 10.1 The successful tenderer will be required to remit Security Deposit for an amount equal to 5% of the total contractual value within a period of 7 days from the date of issue of the letter of intent or within the time limit prescribed by GENERAL MANAGER TELECOM, BSNL, Pathanamthitta BA. EMD remitted will be adjusted towards Security Deposit. The balance remaining shall be remitted by DD issued by any Scheduled/Public Sector Bank drawn in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash),O/o GMT, BSNL, Thiruvalla and payable at Thiruvalla. Security Deposit bears no interest and refundable on expiry of the period of contract after adjusting dues if any of the contractor under any head. In the event of failure to deposit within the time allowed, the tender will be rejected and the EMD forfeited, in such a situation, the second lowest tender will be accepted. The Security Deposit can also be given in the form of Bank Guarantee obtained from a Nationalised / Scheduled Bank valid for a period of 18 months from the date of execution of agreement. The Bank Guarantee should be extended further as and when demanded by BSNL on extension of tender period OR Security deposit will be deducted from monthly bills in 5 (five) installments on written request of the bidder. Failure to pay the Security Deposit within the specified time will entail the forfeiture of EMD and also rejection of tender. i) If the tenderer withdraws the tender during the currency of the tender period, the Security Deposit will be forfeited. ii) Security Deposit of the successful tenderer will be forfeited to BSNL in the following cases. a) If after acceptance of the tender, the tenderer fails to carry out the job in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender as mentioned in the Schedule of Works. b) If any damage is caused to any of the property of the BSNL or delay in carrying out the works. c) If any of the conditions indicated in the Tender is not carried out which results in loss / damage to BSNL. Signature of the Bidder
25 d) If any of the statutory payments (ESI/EPF/Bonus/GST etc) are found not remitted/paid. 10.2 The tenderer shall be fully responsible for the compliance of all the provisions applicable under labour laws like: a) Payment of Wages Act 1936 b) Minimum wages Act 1948 as applicable c) The Contract Labour (R & A) Act 1970 d) The employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952. e) The Payment of Bonus Act 1965 f) Employees state Insurance Act 1948 g) Workmen Compensation Act 1923. h) All other acts and statutes applicable from time to time. i) The Tenderer should comply with the provisions of all the above Acts without any omission. 11 AGREEMENT The successful tenderer will be required to execute an agreement in a Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) within the time frame stipulated by GM Telecom, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101. The cost of stamp paper is to be borne by the successful tenderer. 12 CAUTION 12.1 The tenderer should execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workman like manner both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance with the specification. 12.2 In the event of any failure to comply with any of the clause of this tender notice or the agreement, the tender is liable to be cancelled and the Security Deposit is liable to be forfeited. 12.3 If the service of the tenderer is not satisfactory on any count, BSNL has the right to terminate the tender by giving 30 days notice. Signature of the Bidder
26 13. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 13.1. The Contractor should strictly adhere to the statutory regulation viz., Minimum wages Act, EPF Act, ESI Scheme, Bonus Act 1965 and any other regulations. Covering Labour contract in respect of Labourers /Employees by the contractor individuals should be supplied with details of EPF / ESI payments. All Labourers / Employees should be supplied with ESI cards to enable them to get treatment. In Nutshell all the labourers employed should be provided with all facilities as per the provision of Contract Labour R& A Act 1971.BSNL shall have no responsibility in this. 13.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the discipline of the persons employed by him and he shall be responsible for the supervision of such employees and their control. If at any time, it is found that any person engaged by the contractor is indulging in misbehavior or misconduct etc., the unit officer shall have the right to inform the contractor to replace him and any such demand shall be binding on the Contractor. 13.3 The Contractor shall maintain complete personal data of persons employed by him such as, name, fathers name, permanent address, village / Taluk / district, Police station concerned, signature etc. and provide them to BSNL wherever asked for. 13.4 The Contractor should be responsible for the welfare of his employees as per the various State / Central Government Acts and Regulations. BSNL will not have any responsibility in this aspect. 13.5 No child labour will be permitted. 13.6. The Contractor will be solely responsible for the payment of salaries, allowances and other benefits to his employees and BSNL shall in no way responsible for the same. He should not wait for the BSNL’s payment to pay to his staff. He should make payment on or before 7th of the following month without fail. In case the contractor habitually delay the payment beyond 7th of every month his contract shall become liable for termination with 30 days notice. 13.7 In case of additional requirements the Contractor should be in a position to supply them at the approved rate without delay. 13.8 In case of any workman of the contractor suffers injury / damage or meets with an accident during the discharge of duties, the entire cost of compensation should be borne by the tenderer and BSNL will stand indemnified against any claim for compensation. 13.9 Cooking / halt after duty hours by the labourers of the Contractors inside the building is not permitted. 13.10. The tenderer should provide First Aid Facilities for the contract labourer. 13.11 Any communications to the last known address will be sufficient for any purpose of written communications. Any plea of absence from Headquarters or change of address will not be accepted to establish the non-receipt of communication on the part of the tenderer. For this Signature of the Bidder
27 purpose it is desirable that the tenderer has a local office at Tiruvalla with contact phone numbers, which should be mentioned in the tender form. 14. DAMAGES AND LOSSES 14.1 The successful tenderer will be engaged as “ CONTRACTOR” on “ CONTRACT BASIS” which is purely a contract based on the principles of Law of Contract. 14.2 The tenderer getting the work order will be entirely responsible for all losses and damages caused during execution of work by his party to men, material and properties belonging to not only BSNL but also to other departments, organizations and individuals. BSNL shall have no liability whatsoever. 14.3 Any legal or financial implications while executing the work would vest with the tenderer only. BSNL shall have no liability whatsoever. 15. PENALTIES Penal deductions will be made for poor services on the basis of assessment by the officers in the office of GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla. Penal deductions will be made at the rate of 2% of the rates quoted per occasion/instance per month. The decision of the GMT, BSNL, Tiruvalla- 689101 will be final in this regard. 16. TERMINATION 16.1 GMT BSNL, BSNL Bhavan, Pathanamthitta BA,Tiruvalla may without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, may terminate the contract in whole or in parts by giving 30days notice. i) If the contractor fails to abide by any of the terms and conditions under the contract. ii) GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla may without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to him under the applicable law get the work under this contract done by making alternate arrangement at the risk and cost of the tenderer in above circumstances. 16.2 GMT, BSNL Bahavan, Tiruvalla may also by giving written notice and without compensation to the Contractor terminate the contract if the Contractor becomes unwilling, bankrupt or otherwise insolvent without affecting its right of action for remedy, as deemed fit. 16.3 BSNL shall not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred to the contractor as a result of the termination of the contract. BSNL shall be free to take due action for the appointment of a new contractor during the period under notice thereafter. The contractor / the company will be debarred for further participation in the tender floated by this office. 16.4 The successful tenderer shall under no circumstances sublet the contract and if he do so, the GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla whereupon by notice in writing rescind the contract. Signature of the Bidder
28 17. PAYMENT OF BILLS 17.1 The Contractor shall submit all bills inmonthly basis in triplicate with the GST Registration Number to the Officer (Asst. General Manager (ADMN) concerned along with an advance stamped receipt for processing for payment. The Contractor shall enclose the payment copies of the previous months EPF, ESI Statement Contribution, GST etc., paid to the concerned authorities and all other statutory liabilities applicable. The Contractor shall submit a certificate that he had paid the wages completely for the previous months with proof of payment. Necessary deductions towards income tax and surcharge and any other tax levied by State/Central Government / Local Administration shall be made from the bills at the time of payment as per rules in existence at that time. The Payment will be made only through RTGS/NEFT mode. 17.2 In case of absence / Non-performing of work, pro-rata deductions will be made in the bills. 18. RIGHTS RESERVED FOR BSNL 18.1 GMT, BSNL Bhavan, , Tiruvalla reserves the right to blacklist a tenderer for a suitable period in case he fails to honour his tender without sufficient grounds. 18.2 BSNL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 18.3 This award of contract does not confer any right on the contractors employees for appointment/absorption in BSNL. 18.4 In case of any dispute before entering into contract, the decision of the GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 shall be final. 18.5 The GMT, BSNL Bhavan, Tiruvalla 689101 shall be the final authority for deciding the successful tenderer and his decision will be final. 19. VALIDITY The period of contract shall normally be one year from the date of awarding of tender but can be extended for a further period of one year or till such time a fresh tender is finalized whichever is earlier at the same rate with the same terms and conditions. 19 A. PURCHASER’S RIGHT TO VARY QUANTITIES. (a).BSNL reserves the right to increase or decrease upto 25% of the quantity of goods and services specified in the schedule of requirements without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions at the time of award of contract. (b). BSNL also reserves the right for placement of additional order or upto 50% of the additional quantities of goods and services contained in the running tender/contract within a period of twelve months from the date of acceptance of first APO in the tender at the same rate or a rate negotiated(downwardly) with the existing venders considering the reasonability of rates based on Signature of the Bidder
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