Bicycle company BICYCLE OWNERS MANUAL - - Avalanche Bicycle Company

Page created by Linda Gibbs
bicycle company
        ESTABLISHED 1992

                   on your purchase of a new Avalanche Bicycle.                               NOTE: This manual is not intended as a comprehensive
bicycle company
                   Come Ride with Us.                                                         use, service, repair or maintenance manual. Please see your
                                                                                              dealer for all service, repairs or maintenance. Your dealer
                                                                                              may also be able to refer you to classes, clinics or books on
                   1. SAFETY FIRST                                                            bicycle use, service, repair or maintenance.
                   We strongly encourage you to read through the owner’s manual
                   before you take your new Avalanche bicycle for a spin. You will have
                   a greater understanding for the general operation of the various           4. GENERAL WARNING:
                   components found on your new bike. Safe riding instructions are            Like any sport, bicycling involves risk of injury and damage.
                   equally important and shouldn’t be overlooked. So even if you are          By choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the responsibility
                   an experienced cyclist, please take a moment to read through this          for that risk, so you need to know — and to practice — the
                   manual before you ride.                                                    rules of safe and responsible riding and of proper use and

                   2. THE FREEDOM OF CYCLING
                   Nothing makes us happier than seeing people out riding bikes. For
                   over twenty years Avalanche has supplied quality bicycles for avid
                   cyclists. Avalanche bicycles have allowed thousands of cyclists just
                   like you the opportunity to live happier, healthier lives because of the   IMPORTANT : This manual contains important
                   joy, exercise, and sheer exhilaration riding a bicycle brings.             safety, performance and service information. Read it
                                                                                              before you take the first ride on your new bicycle, and
                                                                                              keep it for reference. Additional safety, performance and
                   3. LEARN MORE                                                              service information for specific components such as
                   We encourage you to get connected and learn more about proper              suspension or pedals on your bicycle, or for
                   riding and safety through your local Avalanche Retailer. Bike shop         accessories such as helmets or lights that you
                   retailers are the best in the nation at providing sales and service for    purchase, may also be available. Make sure that your
                   any and all your bicycle related needs. It’s the only place you’ll find    dealer has given you all the manufacturers’ literature
                   knowledgeable staff ready to assist you with everything you’ll need        that was included with your bicycle or accessories. If
                   to get the most out of your bike and your ride.                            you have any questions or do not understand
                                                                                              something, take responsibility for your safety and
                                                                                              consult with your dealer or the bicycle’s manufacturer.
                                                                                            •In the event of a defective bicycle or part, the Avalanche Bicycle
                   As a parent or guardian, you are responsible for the activities          Company will, at its opinion, repair or replace the defective bicycle
bicycle company
                   and safety of your minor child, and that includes making sure that       or part within warranty period, at no cost to you except for shipping
                   the bicycle is properly fitted to the child; that it is in good repair   and dealer charges if any.
                   and safe operating condition; that you and your child have
                   learned and understand the safe operation of the bicycle; and            If you discover a defect within the warranty period, you must follow
                   that you and your child have learned, understand and obey not            this procedure:
                   only the applicable local motor vehicle, bicycle and traffic laws,        a. Return the bicycle to your local bicycle retailer. If the retailer from
                   but also the common sense rules of safe and responsible                  whom you purchased this bicycle determines upon examination that
                   bicycling. As a parent, you should read this manual, as well as          either a repair or replacement is justified and that determination is
                   review its warnings and the bicycle’s functions and operating            verified by the Avalanche Bicycle Company, a repair or replacement
                   procedures with your child, before letting your child ride the           will be made in accordance with the warranty.

                                                                                            b. When making claim under warranty, you must also bring to the
                                                                                            original selling dealer a copy of the sales receipt or proof of original
                   WARNING: Make sure that your child always wears an                       purchase.
                   approved bicycle helmet when riding; but also make sure
                   that your child understands that a bicycle helmet is for                  c. Upon receipt and inspection of the bicycle by your Avalanche
                   bicycling only, and must be removed when not riding.                     Bicycle Company dealer, the dealer may determine that this
                   A helmet must not be worn while playing, in play areas, on               warranty does not apply, in which case, you will be so notified with a
                   playground equipment, while climbing trees, or at any time               reason stated along with an estimate for repairs and return shipping.
                   while not riding a bicycle.                                              In no case will the Avalanche Bicycle Company be responsible for
                   Failure to follow this warning could result in serious injury            loss or damage intransit.
                   or death.
                                                                                            7. LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS, AND OTHER
                                                                                            a. This warranty does not cover tires, tubes or any failure due to
                   6. WARRANTY                                                              accident, abuse, misuse or neglect, or as a result of normal wear
                                                                                            and tear.
                   •The Avalanche Bicycle Company, warrants the frame and the
                   rigid fork of each new Avalanche Bicycle to be free of defects in        b. The sole responsibility of the Avalanche Bicycle Company
                   material and workmanship for a period of five years from the date        pursuant to the terms of this warranty if any, shall be repair and
                   of purchase, for the original purchaser. •All other components,          replacement.
                   are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship
                   for a period of 3 months from the original date of purchase. It is       c. The liability of Avalanche Bicycle Company shall in no event,
                   important to remember always keep the original proof of                  exceed the original purchase or incidental damage of any nature,
                   purchase.                                                                including for example, but not by any way of limitation exclusive
                                                                                            expression of warranty by Avalanche Bicycle Company and is in lieu
                   Ebikes: Electric bike motor, controller and battery pack for a           of any and all other warranties, written or implied.
                   period of 1 year from the original date of purchase.

                                                                                                                              bicycle company
                                                                                                                                        ESTABLISHED 1992
bicycle company
                                                                                                1. CORRECT FRAME SIZE
                   d. No modifications of this warranty are authorized. There are no            When selecting a new bicycle, the correct choice of frame size
                   promises, terms, conditions or warranties other than those contained         is a very important safety consideration. Most full sized
                   herein.                                                                      bicycles come in a range of frame sizes. These sizes usually
                                                                                                refer to the distance between the center of the bottom bracket
                   e. In the event that a warranty claim arises, the original owner will        and the top of the frame seat tube.
                   need to provide the original proof of purchase together with the bike
                   being claimed. Contact an authorized retailer to initiate a warranty         The ideal clearance will vary between types of bicycles and

                   claim. Warranty claims will only be accepted if: The bicycle has             rider performance. This makes straddling the frame when off
                   been used ONLY for its intended purpose.                                     the saddle easier and safer in situations such as sudden traffic
                   The warranty does not cover use of the bicycle in competition and/or
                   commercial activities. The warranty does not cover normal wear and
                   tear, improper assembly or follow-up maintenance, installation of
                   parts or accessories not originally intended or compatible with the                         FOR SAFE AND COMFORTABLE RIDING THERE SHOULD BE A CLEARANCE OF BETWEEN
                                                                                                               25MM AND 50MM BETWEEN THE GROIN AREA OF THE INTENDED RIDER AND A
                   bicycle as sold, damage or failure due to accident, misuse or                               TOP TUBE OF BICYCLE FRAME, WHILE THE RIDER STRADDLES THE BICYCLE
                                                                                                               WITH BOTH FEET FLAT ON THE GROUND
                   neglect, or modification of frame, fork or components.

                   The Avalanche Bicycle Company warranty applies only to bicycles
                   that are assembled by an authorised dealer. Please note this                 2. RIDING POSITION
                   warranty does NOT cover any bicycle that is assembled by a                   a. Saddle Height
                   consumer.                                                                    In order to obtain the most comfortable riding position and offer
                                                                                                the best possible pedaling efficiency, the seat height should be
                   Do not alter or use this bicycle manufactured by Avalanche Bicycle           set correctly in relation to the rider’s leg length. The correct
                   Company in stunt riding, dirt riding, similar activities or with motors or   saddle height should not allow leg strain from over extension,
                   power driven assists as power driven vehicles.                               and the hips should not rock from side to side while pedaling.
                   Do not operate bicycles manufactured by Avalanche Bicycle                    While sitting on the bicycle with one pedal at its lowest point,
                   Company with multiple riders or tow another person or vehicle.               place the ball of your foot on that pedal. The correct saddle
                   Any of the foregoing will invalidate the warranty and the Avalanche          height will allow the knee to be slightly bent in this position. If
                   Bicycle Company shall not be liable for any failure, loss damage or          the rider then places the heel of that foot on the pedal, the leg
                   injury resulting from such uses and/or alterations.                          should be almost straight.

                   The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were
                                                                                                b. Reach
                   effective at the time of printing.
                                                                                                To obtain maximum comfort, the rider should not over extend
                                                                                                his or her reach when riding.
                   The Avalanche Bicycle Company reserves the right to discontinue
                                                                                                To adjust this distance, the position of the seat can be altered
                   any model at any time and change the specifications or designs
                                                                                                in relation to the seat pillar.
                   without notice.

                   Before every ride, it is important to carry out the following
bicycle company
ESTABLISHED 1992                                                                      5.Bearings
                   safety checks:
                                                                                      -Ensure all bearings are lubricated, run freely and display no
                   1. Brakes                                                          excess movement, grinding or rattling.
                   -Ensure front and rear brakes work properly.                       -Check headset, wheel bearings, pedal bearings and bottom
                    -Ensure brake shoe pads are not worn out and are correctly        brackets bearings.
                   positioned in relation to the rims.
                   -Ensure break control cables are lubricated, correctly

                                                                                      6. Cranks and Pedals
                   adjusted and display no obvious wear.
                                                                                      - Ensure pedals are securely tightened to the cranks.
                   -Ensure brake control levers are lubricated and tightly
                                                                                      - Ensure cranks are securely tightened to the axle and are
                   secured to the handlebar.
                                                                                      not bent.
                   2. Wheels and Tires
                                                                                      7. Derailleurs
                   -Ensure tires are inflated to within the maximum
                                                                                      - Check that front and rear mechanisms are adjusted and
                   recommended limit as displayed on the tire side wall.
                                                                                      function properly.
                   - Ensure tires have tread and have no bulges or excessive
                                                                                      - Ensure control levers are securely attached.
                                                                                      - Ensure derailleurs, shift and control cables are properly
                   - Ensure rims run true and have no obvious wobbles or kinks.
                   - Ensure all wheel spokes are tight and not broken.
                   - Check that axle nuts are tight. If your bicycle is fitted with
                                                                                      8. Frame and Fork
                   quick release axles, make sure locking levers are correctly
                                                                                      - Check that the frame and fork are not bent or broken.
                   tensioned and in the closed position.
                                                                                      - If either is bent or broken, they should be replaced.
                   3. Steering
                                                                                      9. Accessories
                   -Ensure handlebar and stem are correctly adjusted and
                                                                                      - Ensure that all reflectors are properly fitted and not
                   tightened, and allow proper steering.
                   -Ensure that the handlebars are set correctly in relation to the
                   forks and the direction of travel.
                   - Check that the head set locking mechanism is properly
                   adjusted and tightened.
                   - If the bicycle is fitted with handlebar end extensions, ensure
                   they are properly positioned and tightened.

                   4. Chain
                   -Ensure chain is oiled, clean and runs smoothly.
                   -Extra care is required in wet or dusty conditions.

                                                                                                                 bicycle company
                                                                                                                           ESTABLISHED 1992
10. Helmets

bicycle company    It is strongly advised that a properly fitting, ANSI or SNELL   - Be extra careful at intersections and when preparing to
                   approved bicycle safety helmet be worn at all times when        pass other vehicles.
                   riding your bicycle. In addition, if you are carrying a
                   passenger in a child safety seat, they must also be wearing     - Familiarize yourself with all the bicycle’s features. Practice
                   a helmet.                                                       gear shifts, braking, and the use of tow clips and straps if
                   The correct helmet should:                                      fitted.
                   -           Be comfortable
                   -           Be lightweight                                      - If you are wearing loose pants, use leg clips or elastic
                   -           Have good ventilation                               bands to prevent them from being caught in the chain.

                   -           Fit correctly
                                                                                   - Don’t carry packages or passengers that will interfere with
                                                                                   your visibility or control of the bicycle. Don’t use items that
                                ALWAYS WEAR A PROPER FITTED HELMET WHEN RIDING     may restrict your hearing.

                                                                                   -When braking, always apply the rear brake first then the
                   11. RIDING SAFELY                                               front. The front brake is more powerful and if it is not
                                                                                   correctly applied, you may lose control and fall.
                   General Rules
                                                                                   -Maintain a comfortable stopping distance from all other
                   - When riding, obey the same road laws as all other road        riders, vehicles and objects. Safe braking distances and
                   vehicles, including giving way to pedestrians, and stopping     forces are subject to the prevailing weather conditions.
                   at red lights and stop signs.
                                                                                   Wet Weather
                   - Ride predictably and in a straight line. Never ride against   -In wet weather you need to take extra care.
                   traffic.                                                        -Brake earlier, you will take a longer distance to stop.
                                                                                   -Decrease your riding speed, avoid sudden braking and take
                   - Use correct hand signals to indicate turning or stopping.     corners with additional caution.
                                                                                   -Be more visible on the road.
                   - Ride defensively. To other road users, you may be hard to     -Wear reflective clothing and use safety lights.
                   see.                                                            -Potholes and slippery surfaces such as line markings and
                                                                                   railway tracks all become more hazardous when wet.
                   - Concentrate on the path ahead. Avoid potholes, gravel,
                   wet road markings, oil, curbs, speed humps, drain grates
                   and other obstacles.

                   - Cross railway tracks at a 90 degree angle or walk your
                   bicycle across.

                   - Expect the unexpected such as opening car doors or cars
                   backing out of concealed driveways.
Night Riding                                                     Cornering Technique
bicycle company
                   -Ensure bicycle is equipped with a full set of correctly

                   positioned and clean reflectors.
                                                                                    - Brake slightly before cornering and prepare to lean your
                   -Use a properly functioning lighting set compromising of a       body into the corner. Maintain the inside pedal at the
                   white front lamp and a red rear lamp.                            12 ’clock position and slightly point the inside knee in the
                   -If using battery powered lights, make sure batteries are well   direction you are turning. Keep the other leg straight; don’t
                   charged.                                                         pedal through fast or tight corners.

                   -Some rear lights available have a flashing mechanism
                   which enhances visibility.                                       12. Rules for Children
                   -Wear reflective and light coloured clothing.
                   -Ride at night only if necessary. Slow down and use familiar     To avoid accidents, teach children good riding skills with an
                   roads with street lighting, if possible.                         emphasis on safety from an early age.
                                                                                    1) Always wear a properly fitted helmet.
                                                                                    2) Do not play in driveways or the road.
                                                                                    3) Do not ride on busy streets.
                                                                                    4) Do not ride at night.
                                                                                    5) Obey all the traffic laws, especially stops signs and red
                    Pedaling Technique                                              6) Be aware of other road vehicles behind and nearby.
                   -Position the ball of your foot on the centre of the pedal.      7) Before entering a street: Stop, look right, left and right
                   -When pedalling, ensure your knees are parallel to the           again for traffic. If there’s no traffic, proceed into the
                   bicycle frame.                                                   roadway.
                   - To absorb shock, keep your elbows slightly bent.               8) If riding downhill, be extra careful. Slow down using the
                   - Learn to operate the gears properly.                           brakes and maintain control of the steering.
                                                                                    9) Never take your hands off the handlebars, or your feet off
                   Hill Technique                                                   the pedals when riding downhill.
                   - Gear down before a climb and continue gearing down as
                   required to maintain pedalling speed.
                   - If you reach the lowest gear and are struggling, stand up
                   on your pedals. You will then obtain more power from each
                   pedal revolution.

                   - On the descent, use the high gears to avoid rapid
                   - Do not exceed a comfortable speed, maintain control and
                   take additional care.

                                                                                                               bicycle company
                                                                                                                         ESTABLISHED 1992

bicycle company    a. Derailleur Gears                                                c. Hand Twist Shifters
                   Most multi-speed bicycles today are equipped with what are         Some bicycles are now being equipped with a shifting
                   known as derailleur gears. They operate using a system of          mechanism called Twist Shift, which is built into the handlebar
                   levers and mechanisms to move the drive chain between              grips and does not make use of separate levers. The actuating
                   different sized driving gears or cogs. The purpose of gears is     mechanism is built into the inside part of the grip that web of
                   to let you maintain a constant, steady pedaling pace under         the thumb and index finger closes around. To select a lower
                   varying conditions. This means your riding will be less tiring     gear, twist the right shifter toward you to engage a larger rear

                   without unnecessary straining up hills or fast pedaling            cog. You can shift one gear at a time by moving the Twist Shift
                   downhill. Bicycles come with a variety of gear configurations      one click or through multiple gears by continued twisting. By
                   from 5 to 30 speeds. A 5-6 Speed bicycle will have a single        twisting the left shifter forward or away from you, a smaller
                   front chain wheel, a rear derailleur, and a 5 to 6 cogs on the     chain wheel can be selected. To select a higher gear, twist the
                   rear hub. Bicycles with more gears will also have a front          right shifter forward or away from you to engage a smaller rear
                   derailleur, a front chain wheel with 2-3 cogs and up to 10         cog. To engage a larger front chain wheel, twist the left shifter
                   cogs on the rear hub.                                              towards you. Single shifts can be achieved by twisting one
                                                                                      click at a time and multiple shifts by larger twists.
                   b. Operating Principles
                   No matter how many gears, the operating principles are the         d. Thumb Shifters (top mounted)
                   same. The front derailleur is operated by the left shifter and     Most mountain style bicycles are equipped with shifters
                   the rear derailleur by the right. To operate you must be           mounted on the top of the handlebars and operated by the
                   pedaling forward. You cannot shift derailleur gears when           thumbs. To select a lower, easier gear, shift to a bigger rear
                   you are stopped or pedaling backwards. Before shifting,            cog and a small chain wheel. Pull the left shifter back to
                   ease up on your pedaling pressure. On approaching a hill,          operate the derailleur. To select a higher, harder gear, shift to a
                   shift to a lower gear before your pedaling speed slows down        smaller rear cog and a larger chain wheel. Push the left shifter
                   too much for a smooth shift. When coming to a stop, shift to       forward for the front, and pull the right lever back for the rear.
                   a lower gear first so it will be easier when you start riding
                   again. If, after selecting a new gear position you hear a slight   e. Below the Bar Shifters
                   rubbing noise from the front or rear gears, gently adjust the      Many mountain style bicycles now use a shift lever
                   appropriate shifter until the noise goes away. For optimal         arrangement mounted on the underside of the handlebars
                   performance and extended chain life, it is recommended that        which use two levers operated by the thumb and index finger.
                   you avoid using the extreme combinations of gear positions         To select a lower gear, push the larger (lower) right shifter with
                   for extended periods.                                              your thumb to engage a larger rear cog. One firm push shifts
                                                                                      the chain one cog, continuing to push will move the chain over
                                                                                      multiple cogs. Pulling the smaller (upper) left shifter with your
                                                                                      index finger moves the chain from a larger to a smaller chain
                                                                                      wheel. To select a higher gear pull the smaller (upper) right
                                                                                      lever with your index finger to engage a smaller cog. Pushing
                                                                                      the larger (lower) left lever with your thumb will move the chain
                                                                                      from a smaller to a larger chain wheel.
14. THE LIFESPAN OF YOUR BIKE AND ITS                             15. ABOUT YOUR DEALER
bicycle company    Nothing Lasts Forever, Including Your Bike.                       Whether you’re new to cycling or an experienced pro, the
                                                                                     Avalanche Bicycle Company’s extensive and
                   When the useful life of your bike and or its components is        knowledgeable network of Independent Bicycle Retailers
                   over, continued use is hazardous.                                 ensures you’re never far from expert repair and service to
                   Every bicycle and its component parts have a finite, limited      help keep your Avalanche bike running smoothly.
                   useful life. The length of that life will vary with the           When you need accessories, you can be sure your local
                   construction and materials used in the frame and                  Avalanche Authorized Dealer will have just what you’re

                   components; the maintenance and care that, the frame and          looking for in the right size and for your type of riding.
                   components, receive over their life; and the type and amount      Your Avalanche bicycle meets today’s highest standards of
                   of use to which the frame and components are subjected.           quality, but it still needs care and maintenance on a regular
                    Use in competitive events, trick riding, ramp riding, jumping,   Take advantage of your local Avalanche dealer’s experience
                   aggressive riding, riding on severe terrain, riding in severe     and knowledge.
                   climates, riding with heavy loads, commercial activities and      If you have questions or concerns about your bicycle,
                   other types of non-standard use can dramatically shorten the      consult your dealer immediately.
                   life of the frame and components.                                 All major repairs and adjustments to your bicycle should be
                   Any one or a combination of these conditions may result in        done by professional cycling retailer.
                   an unpredictable failure. All aspects of use being identical,
                   lightweight bicycles and their components will usually have a     To find the location of your nearest Avalanche Dealer visit
                   shorter life than heavier bicycles and their components. In       our website.
                   selecting a lightweight bicycle or components you are
                   making a trade-off, favoring the higher performance that
                   comes with lighter weight over longevity.
                   So, If you choose lightweight, high performance equipment,
                   be sure to have it inspected frequently.

                   You should have your bicycle and its components checked
                   periodically by your dealer for indicators of stress and/or
                   potential failure, including cracks, deformation, corrosion,
                   paint peeling, dents, and any other indicators of potential
                   problems, inappropriate use or abuse. These are important
                   safety checks and very important to help prevent accidents,
                   bodily injury to the rider and shortened product life.

                                                                                                                 bicycle company
                                                                                                                           ESTABLISHED 1992
Nothing complicated, only down to earth,
lifestyle bicycles and accessories loaded with
energy, cool looks and fit right geometry.

Stay fit, enjoy life.                            bicycle company
                                                       ESTABLISHED 1992
Come Ride with Us.

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