Page created by Lucille Vasquez
February 2019

The information set out in this presentation (the “Presentation”) has been produced by Wentworth Resources Limited (the “Company” or “Wentworth”) as at 14 Feb-19, and is being made available to recipients for information purposes only.
It does not constitute, nor is it intended to be an offer to sell, or an invitation to subscribe for, or purchase any securities in the Company. The information set out in this Presentation has not been independently verified and may be subject to
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Certain of the information contained herein may include forward-looking statements relating to the business, financial performance and results of the Company and/or the industry in which it operates. Forward-looking statements concern
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including but not limited to expectations and assumptions concerning prevailing and future commodity prices and exchange rates, applicable royalty and tax rates, future well production rates, the performance of existing and future wells,
the sufficiency of budgeted capital expenditures, the availability and cost of labor, services and equipment, adequate weather and environmental conditions and ability to successfully construct or expand facilities. None of the Company or
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Certain information on a non-exhaustive list and summary of assumptions and risk factors that could affect the operations or financial results of Wentworth are included in Wentworth’s corporate filings which are available on its website at
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The Team
De e p a nd b roa d va lue d e live ry tra c k re c ord , g lob a lly from Ma jors to s m a ll Ind e p e nd e nts

                  Eskil Jersing             Chie f Exe c utive Offic e r                                                       Katherine Roe               Chie f Fina nc ia l Offic e r

              • 34 ye a rs e xp e rie n c e a c ros s E&P in Afric a , UK North Se a , Gulf                                • Pre vio u s ly VP Corp ora te De ve lop m e nt & IR s inc e 20 14.
                o f Me xic o , DW Bra zil, SE As ia a nd Aus tra la s ia , Up s tre a m a nd                               • Exte ns ive O&G a d vis ory a nd tra ns a c tio na l e xp e rie nc e for a
                Ne w Bus ine s s foc us .                                                                                    ra ng e o f inte rna tio na l c om p a nie s . Mo s t re c e ntly no n-e xe c u tive
              • Te c h nic a l / Se nio r Ma na g e m e nt role s with Ente rp ris e Oil,                                    Dire c tor o f Fa ro e Pe tro le u m p lc . 14 ye a rs ’ e xp e rie nc e in th e City
                She ll Inte rna tio na l, Ma ra thon Oil & Ap a c he Corp ora tio n. He a d                                  o f Lo nd o n inc lud ing with Mo rg a n Sta nle y a nd form e r Dire c to r o f
                o f Ne w Ve ntu re s a nd Co -He a d of M&A a t Pe tro b ra s Oil & Ga s                                     Inve s tm e nt Ba nking a t Pa nm u re Go rd o n, he a d ing u p the Na tu ra l
                BV. CEO of AIM lis te d Ste rling Ene rg y p lc from 20 15-18 .                                              Re s o u rc e s fra nc his e .
              • BSc in Ge o p hys ic s fro m Ca rd iff Unive rs ity, MSc in Pe trole um                                    • B.Sc . Ec o no m ic s & Politic s Unive rs ity o f Bris tol, Eng la nd .
                Ge o log y fro m Im p e ria l Co lle g e , Lond on.

                                            Ta nza nia & Moza m b iq ue Country Ma na g e r                                                                He a d o f Bu sine ss De ve lo p m e nt/ Sub surfa c e
                Richard Tainton             Country Ma na g e r Ta nza nia & Moza m b iq ue                                 Cameron Snow

              • 26 ye a rs of d ive rs e e xp e rie nc e with e ng ine e ring p roje c ts                                  • Exte ns ive e xp e rie nc e a c ro s s E&P in b o th c o nve ntio na l a nd
                a ro u nd the w o rld inc lu d ing g a s a nd p owe r d e ve lop m e nt                             Cha irm uanc
                                                                                                                              n o nve ntio na l a s s e ts .
                p ro je c ts .                                                                                             • Ons ho re USA, Gu lf o f Me xic o , Ca na d a , So u th Am e ric a & Afric a
              • Pro ve n e xp e rie nc e in the d e ve lop m e nt a nd m a na g e m e nt of                                  e xp e rie nc e thro ug h ro le s with Ap a c he , SDX Ene rg y, a nd Firs t
                inte g ra te d g a s -to -p o we r p roje c ts in Afric a a nd Ce ntra l As ia ,                             Alp ha Ene rg y.
                inc lud ing wo rking with Gove rnm e nt Ag e nc ie s a nd Re g ula tory                                    • BSc in Ge o lo g y fro m NC Sta te Unive rs ity, MSc in Ge o lo g y fro m
                Au tho ritie s . Skille d ne g o tia tor a nd e ne rg y a s s e t m a na g e r.                              Uta h Sta te Unive rs ity, PhD in Ge o lo g y fro m Sta nfo rd Unive rs ity,
              • MSc Mining Eng ine e rin g De g re e fro m Unive rs ity of the                                               a nd MBA fro m Im p e ria l Co lle g e Lo nd o n.
                W itwa te rs ra nd , J o ha nne s b urg .

African focused, Domestic gas led E&P Company
At a g la nc e

 Producing Tanzanian gas asset, c. 4,425 boepd net
  W.I. Key supplier in surging demand led landscape    1

 Sustainable revenues (2019e US$ 17-20mm),
  US$11.8 mm cash. Deleveraging balance sheet (zero
  debt Q1 2020)2

 Mnazi Bay 2P 100Bcf4 (GSA/PSA to 2031 & 1.5Tcf unrisked upside 2)

 Robust fundamentals: 2019e P/FCF of c.1.9, c.47% discount to core &
  contingent NAV 3

 Compelling entry point (Market cap US $45mm vs 2P NPV15 US$106mm)            4

 Simpler UK (transactional) platform   5

 Strong and supportive shareholder roster (Vitol, AXA, Sustainable Capital,
  Invesco, Fidelity)

 Focus on growth, control, diversification and capital returns - supported by
  core producing gas asset (long lived plateau & running room)                     1 Avg. daily production 2018
                                                                                   2 Management estimates 31Dec- 2018
                                                                                   3 Stifel Jan-19
                                                                                   4 RPSCanada CPR31Dec-18 (E.I.)
                                                                                   5 Post Oslo Bors delisting
2019 Guidance: Simpler platform, robust fundamentals
     Re fre s he d fo r g ro wth & c a p ita l re tu rns

                Avg. Net Production (boepd)*                                          G&A (US$ mm)*                                              Debt (US$ mm)*
    5,000                                                           10                                                           30.00
    4,000                                                            8
    3,000                                                            6
    2,000                                                            4
    1,000                                                            2                                                            5.00
       0                                                             0                                                              -
             2014      2015    2016     2017    2018       2019           2014    2015      2016      2017     2018       2019           2014   2015      2016      2017      2018    2019
                    2019 Guidance 75-85 mmscfd (gross)                      2018 Transition & Redomicile “exceptionals”                                 Debt free 2020

                         Opex (US$ / mcf)                                          Revenues (US$ mm)                                             Cash (US$ mm)
    14.00      12.81                                                                                                             15.00

    12.00                                                         20.00

    10.00                                                                                                                        10.00
     6.00                                                         10.00
                           2.28                                    5.00
     2.00                              0.92        0.84
                                                                     -                                                              -
               2014       2015        2016        2017     2018            2014      2015          2016      2017         2018           2014    2015        2016          2017      2018
                                                                             2019 Completion of Ziwani “carry” repayments                          2019 Debt pay down
                         High margins (@$3.18/mcf)

*Management estimates for YE 2019                                                                                                                                                            5
Compelling value: 2019e 48% Free cash flow yield1
  Ma rke t c a p US$ 45 m m a s a t 31 J a n-19

                                         Share price /2019e Free Cashflow       Share price /Core + Contingent NAV
            0.9                                                                      38%
             1.2                                                                     39%
               1.7                                                                         47%
                  1.9                                                                      47%
                  1.9                                                                       49%
                  2.1                                                                            55%
                   2.3                                                                            56%
                   2.4                                                                                  69%
                    2.6                                                                                 70%
                    2.6                                                                                  71%
                     2.7                                                                                      76%
                           3.7                                                                                 78%
                                 4.8                                                                            81%
                                   5.5                                                                              83%
                                               10.1                                                                  85%
                                                                 18.9                                                         134%

1Source   Stifel 30-Jan-19. Companies: JSE, PMO, SQZ, NOG, OPHR, GENL, SDX, SEPL, SIA, TLW, DGOC, CNE, AMER, HUR, ENOG, RKH          6
Mnazi bay gas producing asset
Stra te g ic a lly lo c a te d in a ra p id ly d e ve lop ing world c la s s g a s re g ion

 • Q4 2018 Avg. net 4,650 boepd production
 • NPV15 2P US$106 MM (after tax)1
 • 2P 100 Bscf, 16.6 Mmboe1
 • 3P gross sales gas of ca.761 Bcf1

 •    Pro d u c tio n Sha ring Ag re e m e nt (PSA) with Ta nza nia n Pe trole um De ve lop m e nt Corp o ra tio n (TPDC) Lo ng -te rm
      GSA (to 20 312) with ne t b a c k p ric e of US$ 3 / m s c f p lus 2% p .a . p lus a nnua l CPI e s c a la tio n. Cu rre ntly US$ 3.18
      for Ma d im b a (TPDC) a nd US$ 5.36 for Mtwa ra (TANESCO)
 •    Contra c te d to s up p ly 80 m m s c fd & 2.5 m m s c fd to Mtwa ra (GSA op tion to inc re a s e to 130 m m s c fd )

                      Mnazi Bay                         Maurel & Prom (Op.)                            Wentworth                   TPDC
                     Prod uc tion                                48.0 6 %                                  31.94%                   20 %
                     Exp lora tion                              6 0 .0 75%                                39.925%

      1 Source: RPSEnergy Canada      Ltd . – ReservesAssessment as at Dec 31, 2018 (Life of field basis) net to Wentworth
      2   Provisions in Tanzanian Petroleum law for 10-year licence extension

                                                                                                                             893 MW from Na tura l Ga s   Dom e s tic g a s ha s s a ve d
Ke y Mtwa ra -Da r (490 km                                           Na tura l g a s c ontrib ute s c .57%
                                                                                                                             573 MW from Hyd rop owe r    Ta nza nia c .US$ 4 Bn
785m m s c fd c a p a c ity) p ip e line                             of p owe r (1,56 5 MW ) to
                                                                                                                             89 MW from He a vy Oil       b e twe e n 20 15-17
in p la c e                                                          Ta nza nia n g rid
                                                                                                                             10 MW from Biom a s s                                          7
Mnazi bay gas production
 Ave ra g e q u a rte rly g a s p rod uc tion (m m s c fd )

                                                                                                                                                 Jan-19 decline primarily due K-II
                                                                                                                                                 temporary generator downtime
                                                                                                                              86.97     87.34
                                                                                                                                                  83.10          2019 Guidance range
             Gas Production in MMscf/day



                                           Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019
1 As at   31Jan-19 (Management estimate)
                                                                                                                    80 m m s c fd p lus 2.5 m m s c fd Da ily Com m itte d Quotie nt (DCQ)   8
Tanzanian surging gas demand & GSA production uplift potential
Mna zi Ba y (MNB) 20 18 -20 22 d e m a nd fore c a s t

                       Max: All p ro je c ts o n tim e & 10 0 % e xe c ute d p roje c tion
                       Mid: 6 m o nth p ro je c t d e la y & 70 % d e m a nd & 90 % up tim e
                       Low: 12 m onth p roje c t d e la y & 50 % d e m a nd & 85% up tim e

                       Impending demand cliff from H2 2019, potentially consuming up
                       to and beyond the 130mmscfd GSA agreed production quota
                       Mnazi Bay sufficient running room to address through additional
                       capex subject commercial triggers

                                                                                                                      130 m m s c fd GSA

                                                                                               MNB “as is” no capex
                                                                                               (85mmscfd forward)

Mnazi bay
Va lue c a ta lys ts to a 130 m m s c fd GSA p la te a u

 Securing full GSA w/TPDC
      • Com m e rc ia l Op e ra tions Da te (COD) d e c la ra tion (Se c urity, s ta b ility &
          c re d ib ility) Ong oing ne g otia tions

 Pipeline pressure reduction impact on Reserves AND Value
       • Pla te a u e xte ns ion b y c a .18 m onths on s ta nd a lone b a s is a nd up to 7
           ye a rs with s lic kline / c hoke up g ra d e s
       • Inc re a s e s volum e s a va ila b le p re g a s c om p re s s ion c a p e x
       • Im m e d ia te ly a c c re tive to c ore NAV (1P & 2P)

 Volumes and Productivity potential
      • Unloc king c onne c te d volum e from e xis ting we ll s toc k p rior g a s
         c om p re s s ion CAPEX a nd / or a d d itiona l we lls
      • 6 non-p rod uc ing zone s c urre ntly c los e d (s m a rt c om p le tions a nd s lid ing
         s le e ve s a llow for low c os t p rod uc tion up lift via s lic kline p e rfora tions a nd
         inc lusion) p a rtic ula rly for lowe r MB re s e rvoir

 Development licence extension (2031)
      • Fie ld m a na g e m e nt s tra te g y & inc re a s ing p rod uc tion
      • Pros p e c tive running room
      • Ong oing d is c us sions with PURA (Re g ula tor) & JV p a rtne rs

In-hous e d yna m ic fie ld m od e l                Foc us on c onne c te d in p la c e
                                                                                          20 19 Op e x c a . $ 12.5 MM (g ros s )   Minim a l ne a r-te rm Ca p e x (g a s
for life of fie ld s c e na rios &                  volum e s & zona l p rod uc tivity
Mnazi bay running room
Co m p os ite 2D-3D re g io na l s e is m ic d ip line – m ultip le p la y s e g m e nts a nd up s id e p ote ntia l

•   Exp lora tion c os ts fully
    re c ove ra b le und e r PSA
•   Drilling s we e t-s p ot in 20 20 +
•   Pros p e c tive re s ourc e
    a s s e s sm e nt c a . 80 + le a d s a nd
    p ros p e c ts . (1.5Tc f unris ke d )1
                                                         1 Source: RPSEnergy   Canada Ltd. – ReservesAssessment as at May 31, 2018, based on 20 leads/prospects
Refreshed (WEN) platform
Foc u s o n Gro wth, Control, Dive rs ific a tion & Divid e nd s

            Strategic Priorities                              Focus countries                                            M&A Opportunity funnel

            Materiality, control & risk

            Low risk, low cost producing
            assets with 2C -2P conversion                                                                    Screen                    Evaluate / Due diligence          Execute
            options                                                                                          & Scope

                                                                                                                                                 •   C.1 kb o p d (ne t) o ns ho re
            Tanzanian growth options
                                                                                                                                                 •   C.6 0 m m s c fd o ns ho re g a s

            Near term Capital returns                                                            •   10 -15 kb o p d o ns ho re Bro wnfie ld     •   Corp ora te m e rg e r/ RTO op tions

            aspiration                                                                           •   20 0 m m s c fd g a s fla ring - GTP        •   Ta nza nia n (va rio u s )

                                                                                                 •   50 m m b oe SW offs hore fie ld
                                                                                                 •   OECD Ons ho re c o nve ntio na l
                                                                                                                                                                           •   c.20 Exploration assets
                                                                                                                                                                           •   20+ producing assets
                                                                                                                                                                           •   10 Corporate options

Strong s ha re hold e r re g is te r &               Ra p id ly d e le ve ra g ing b a la nc e   Re fre s he d a nd a lig ne d Boa rd                 Sus ta ina b le c a s h s ourc e
s up p ort                                           s he e t                                    for M&A le d Growth                                  inte nt
African focused, Domestic gas led E&P Company
Ma rke t s na p s ho t, W EN (AIM)

Market Cap 1
US$ 45 MM

Share price 1
£0 .19

Shares in issue1
184.2 m m b a s ic , 194,1 m m d ilute d

Reserves (E.I.)2                                                                                                                                       Mnazi Bay
Ne t 2P 10 0 Bs c f, 16 .6 Mm b oe ,
                                                           Mnazi Bay W.I. Reserves (Mmboe)2
2P NPV15 US$ 10 6 MM (a fte r ta x)

Significant shareholders        1
AXA Fra m ling ton                         9.5%
Vitol                                      9.0 %                             25.70
Sus ta ina b le Ca p ita l                 8.1%
Inve s c o                                 5.2%             15.40
R P Mc Be a n 3                            5.2%
Fid e lity                                 3.9%              1P                  2P          3P                              1 As at31Jan-19
                                                                                                                             2 RPSEnergy Canada Ltd. as at Dec 31, 2018
                                                                                                                             3 Chairman
                                                                                                                             4 Management estimates

Ma te ria l Prod uc tion &                    US$ 15-20 MM p .a .4 re ve nue s        Sim p le r UK Corp ora te p la tform   M&A le d g rowth m a nd a te
s urg ing d e m a nd                          De b t fre e Q1 20 20                                                          Mid c a p E&P a s p ira tion
Ap p e nd ic e s

Wentworth PLC Non Executive Board (NED) Members
 As of 1 J a nu a ry 20 19

                     Robert McBean                                                John Bentley                                                 Tim Bushell                                              Iain McLaren                                            Cam Barton*

                                                                                            Se nio r
                             Cha irm a n                                  Cha
                                                                           Indirm    a ne nt Dire c to r
                                                                               e p e nd
                                                                                                                                           De p u ty Cha irm a n                                         Au d it Cha ir                           Cha irm aNED
                                                                                            Chie f Fina nc ia l Offic e r
 Mr.Mc Be a n          is     a       m e c ha nic a l       Mr. Be ntle y ha s o ve r 40 ye a rs of                    Mr. Bus he ll is a q ua lifie d g e olog is t          Mr.        Mc La re n      ha s      s ig nific a nt   Mr. Ba rton ha s ove r 35 ye a rs of
 e ng ine e r      w ith     o ve r     40     ye a rs       e xp e rie nc e in inte rna tiona l na tura l              w ith    m ore         tha n      30       ye a rs '   e xp e rie nc e in the oil a nd g a s s e c tor        fina nc e a nd a c c ounting e xp e rie nc e
 e xp e rie nc e      in      the       u p s tre a m ,      re s o u rc e c orp ora tions a t b oth the                e xp e rie nc e in the oil a nd g a s                  w ith      deep    e xp e rie nc e    as    Au d it    a nd    ha s      he ld     s e nior      fina nc ia l
 m id s tre a m a nd d ow ns tre a m oil                     e xe c u tive m a na g e m e nt a nd b oa rd               ind us try. He ha s w orke d a t Britis h              c o m m itte e c ha ir. He is c u rre ntly a           e xe c u tive             p o s itio ns           for
 a nd   gas        ind us trie s . He          is     an     le ve l. He ha s a d e g re e in Me ta llurg y             Ga s , Ultra m a r, LASMO, a nd Pa la d in             Non-Exe c utive             Dire c to r          of    m u ltina tio na l c orp ora tions w ithin
 a c c om p lis he d         e n e rg y      p roje c t      from Brune l Unive rs ity. Mr. Be ntle y                   Re s ourc e s . Mos t re c e ntly Tim w a s            Ja d e s tone Ene rg y Inc . a nd until Ma y           the e ne rg y ind u s try; inc lu d ing CFO
 d e ve lop e r a nd b oth a p riva te a nd                  ha s ha d a s p e c ific foc us in the                     Chie f Exe c u tive Offic e r a t Fa lkla nd           20 18       was     Se nio r      Ind e p e nd e nt    of Sa nje l Corp ora tion, Pre s id e nt,
 p ub lic c o m p a ny s e nior e xe c u tive                u p s tre a m o il a nd g a s ind us try in                Oil     a nd     Ga s          Lim ite d      a nd     Dire c to r a nd Cha ir of the Aud it                  CEO a nd CFO of Artum a s Group
 a nd       d ire c tor.            His             past     Afric a ha ving b e e n ins tru m e nta l in               Dire c tor/ c o -found e r          of      Core       Com m itte e for Ca irn Ene rg y p lc . He             Lim ite d       (now      W e ntw orth), Vic e
 a c c om p lis hm e nts                    inc lud e :      the fo rm a tion of Ene rg y Afric a Ltd                   Ene rg y AS. He is c urre ntly s e rving               is c u rre ntly Cha irm a n of F&C UK                  Pre s id e nt a nd Ge ne ra l Ma na g e r for
 s e rving a s the            firs t Ma na g ing             w he re h e w a s CEO d uring the p e riod                 a s a Non-Exe c u tive Dire c to r on the              Hig h Inc om e Tru s t p lc a s w e ll a s the         Dire c t Ene rg y Ma rke ting Lim ite d
 Dire c tor o f Qa ta r Fu e l Ad d itive s                  1996 throu g h 20 0 0 . Prior to this , he                 Boa rd of Roc kho p p e r Exp lora tion                d ire c to r of four inve s tm e nt tru s t            (ow ne d b y Ce ntric a p lc in the UK),
 Com p a ny, s e rving a s the                      firs t   he ld a nu m b e r of s e nior p os itions in              PLC, Ge ne l Ene rg y p lc a nd Pe tro                 Co m p a nie s . He is a p a s t Pre s id e nt of      Vic e            Pre s id e nt            Bus ine s s
 Ma na g ing         Dire c tor        of      Du b a i      the Gle nc o re Group . He is c urre ntly                  Ma ta d Lim ite d a nd a s a Dire c to r of            the         Ins titute      of       Cha rte re d      De ve lop m e nt          for    Alta Lin k      L.P
 Na tura l Ga s Co m p a ny (“DUGAS”)                        non-e xe c utive      d ire c to r   of   Afric a          Point Re s ourc e s AS a nd Re d roc k                 Ac c ounta nts of Sc otla nd a nd w a s a              (ow ne d        b y Be rks hire        Ha tha w a y
 a nd       c o-fo u nd ing               Sc a rb o ro       Ene rg y Co rp a nd Pho e nix Glo b a l                    Ene rg y Lim ite d .                                   p a rtne r of KPMG for 28 ye a rs until                Ene rg y in the USA). Mr Ba rton is a
 Re s ourc e s       w ith      inte re s ts        a nd     Re s o u rc e s p lc . More re c e ntly he ha s                                                                   20 0 8 .                                               Cha rte re d Profe s s iona l Ac c ounta nt
 op e ra tions in Ita ly, Lib ya , Ab u                      s e rve d   as     Cha irm a n       of   Fa roe                                                                                                                         (CPA, CMA).
 Dha b i, Ind o ne s ia , Fra nc e , Pa kis ta n             Pe tro le u m p lc a nd a s a n NED a t
 a nd Ca na d a .                                            Ca ra c a l Ene rg y Co rp .

* Resigning from the Board effective 30 Mar-19
Mnazi Bay production 2015-18 & mid stream domgas infrastructure
Two d o m e s tic g a s s up p lie rs

Tanzania Reserves summary
  Mna zi Ba y Co m p e te nt Pe rs ons Re p o rt 31 De c -18

So u rc e : RPS Ene rg y Ca na d a Ltd . – Mna zi Ba y Fie ld Re s e rve s As s e s s m e nt a s a t De c 31, 20 18
Wentworth: a leading AIM small-cap producer

        8,000                                                                                             Production
        7,000                                                                                             (boepd)
                                                                                                                                                                                        Me d ia n = 3,6 40 b oe p d

                                                                   Volga Gas

Market Cap
($mm)                       358                  26 9                  50                  191                  42                 10 2                 197           126      75       73          127           151
($mm)                        25                     -                   3                   2                   11                   -                    -           21        3       26           28               2
($mm)                        30                   38                   15                  97                  12*                  19                  40             2        9       10           19               -
($mm)                      213 1                  231                  38                  97                   55                  84                  157           145      70       8 51        136          148 1
2P Reserves
(mmboe )                    27 2                  25                   26                  29                   17                  14                   51           27       23       23 3         14           31
($/ boe)                    7.8                   9.1                  1.4                 3.4                 3.2                  6.2                 3.1           5.4      3.0      3.8         10.0          4.8
Production               26,598                43,128               7,363               20,316               12,269              21,508              46,265          44,023   24,216   35,448      60,340       92,944
($/ boepd)
Source: Company Filings, Capital IQ. Data as at 30 January 2019. * Note management estimates as at 31 Dec -18 used for Wentworth AIM listed companies under $400mm
1. Indicates minority interest in the firm. 2. Note net entitlement numbers are used for Eland’s reserves and production. 3. 2P + 2C number                                                                               18
For more information:

  Eskil Jersing                   Wentworth Resources
  Chie f Exe c u tive Offic e r   c / o Fo ra (2 nd Flo o r)
                                  Tha m e s To we r
                                  Sta tio n Ro a d
                                  Re a d ing
                                  RG1 1LX
  Katherine Roe                   Unite d King d o m
  Chie f Fina nc ia l Offic e r
                                  Mo re info rm a tio n a va ila b le
                                  o nline a t:
                                  www.we ntp lc .c o m
                                  o r: +44 0 18 8 20 6 5429
  info @we ntp lc .c o m

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