Biaffine Discourse Dependency Parsing
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Biaffine Discourse Dependency Parsing Yingxue Fu School of Computer Science University of St Andrews KY16 9SX,UK Abstract framework is the Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB) We provide a study of using the biaffine model style discourse parsing (Prasad et al., 2008, 2018), for neural discourse dependency parsing and which focuses on explicit and implicit local dis- achieve significant performance improvement course relations. The Segmented Discourse Repre- arXiv:2201.04450v1 [cs.CL] 12 Jan 2022 compared with the baseline parsers. We com- sentation Theory (SDRT) (Asher et al., 2003) and pare the Eisner algorithm and the Chu-Liu- the Graphbank (Wolf and Gibson, 2005) use graph Edmonds algorithm in the task and find that us- to represent discourse structure. ing the Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm generates Li et al. (2014) introduce the dependency frame- deeper trees and achieves better performance. We also evaluate the structure of the output of work into discourse parsing. Compared with RST the parser with average maximum path length discourse parsing, discourse dependency parsing is and average proportion of leaf nodes and find more flexible and potentially capable of capturing that the dependency trees generated by the non-projective structures. parser are close to the gold trees. As the cor- Because of a lack of discourse corpora annotated pus allows non-projective structures, we ana- under the dependency framework, previous studies lyze the complexity of non-projectivity of the center around finding automatic means of convert- corpus and find that the dependency structures in this corpus have gap degree at most one and ing RST tree structures to discourse dependency edge degree at most one. structures. Studies in this direction include Li et al. (2014), Hirao et al. (2013), Yoshida et al. (2014) 1 Introduction and Morey et al. (2018). These methods mostly Discourse parsing aims at uncovering the struc- originate from the syntactic parsing field. Muller ture of argumentation and information flow of a et al. (2012) propose a method of deriving dis- text. It is associated with the coherence and nat- course dependency structures from SDRT graphs. uralness of a text. Applications that may benefit Lee et al. (2006) points out that discourse struc- from discourse information include text summariza- ture is likely to be less complex than syntactic tion (Marcu, 1997), sentiment analysis (Mukherjee structure. The biaffine neural dependency parser and Bhattacharyya, 2012), essay scoring (Nadeem by Dozat and Manning (2017) achieves good per- et al., 2019), text classification (Ji and Smith, 2017), formance in syntactic parsing, and in this study, machine translation (Sim Smith, 2017) and so on. we investigate empirically whether it also performs Several frameworks for discourse parsing have well if applied to discourse parsing. The SciDTB been proposed. Rhetorical Structure Theory corpus (Yang and Li, 2018) is a domain-specific (RST) (Mann and Thompson, 1988) assumes that and manually-annotated discourse corpus with data discourse structure can be represented by a tree. It from abstracts of the ACL anthology. It uses depen- addresses text organization by means of relations dency trees to represent discourse structure. With that hold between discourse units, and a text is a hi- this corpus, it is possible to develop a discourse erarchically connected structure, in which each part dependency parser directly. has a role to play (Taboada and Mann, 2006). RST discourse parsing resembles constituency-based 2 Background syntactic parsing, and facilitated by the creation 2.1 Graph-based dependency parsing of the RST discourse corpus (Carlson et al., 2001), the RST framework is widely used in computa- Dependency parsing generally can be implemented tional discourse processing. Another influential in transition-based approaches or graph-based ap-
proaches. In studies using graph-based approaches, are produced. These vectors are passed to two bi- dependency parsing is treated as a task of find- affine layers, one deciding the most probable head ing the highest-scored dependency tree. The arc- for a word, and the other determining the label for factored model proposed by McDonald et al. (2005) the pair formed by the word and its head predicted is commonly used. The score of an edge is defined by the previous biaffine layer. The two biaffine as the dot product between a high-dimensional fea- classifiers are trained jointly to minimize the sum ture representation and a weight factor, and the of their softmax cross-entropy losses. To ensure score of a dependency tree is obtained by summing the tree is well-formed, Tarjan’s algorithm is used the scores of the edges in the tree. Margin Infused to remove cycles1 . Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA) (Crammer and Singer, 2003) is generally used to learn the weight fac- 3 Experiment tors. The Eisner algorithm (Eisner, 1996) and the Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm (Chu and Liu, 1965; One of the major differences between syntactic Edmonds, 1967) can be used to find the highest- parsing and discourse parsing is that syntactic pars- scored dependency tree from the scores of all the ing normally takes individual words as the basic possible arcs. The Eisner algorithm is a dynamic unit, while discourse parsing treats elementary dis- programming approach and because of its restric- course units (EDU)s, which are generally phrases, tion on the position and orientation in finding the as the basic unit. head, it can only generate projective structures. The Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm aims at finding the 3.1 Corpus maximum spanning tree (MST) from the scores In the SciDTB corpus2 , we extract the values of and takes an iterative approach in removing cycles. the “text”, “parent” and “relation” fields, which It can produce non-projective structures. represent the EDU, the gold head of the EDU, and Li et al. (2014)’s discourse dependency parser is the gold relation for this EDU and its gold head, an example using this approach. Since there were respectively. no discourse corpora annotated with dependency The original division of the training, develop- structure, an algorithm for converting RST trees ment and test sets of the corpus is kept. For the to dependency trees is used. However, based on development and test tests, we only use data inside the study by Hayashi et al. (2016), the dependency the “gold” folder. Thus, we obtain 743 documents trees converted with this algorithm are all projec- in the training set, 154 documents in the develop- tive, and this may be the reason why in Li et al. ment set and 152 documents in the test set. (2014)’s experiments, the accuracy is higher when The root EDU is represented by a single symbol the Eisner algorithm is used than when the MST “ROOT” in the corpus. In the pre-processing step, algorithm is used. we skip this word when doing tokenization using NLTK (Bird and Loper, 2004). To avoid mistaking 2.2 Neural graph-based dependency parsing it for a real word, we reserve a special id for this symbol when building the vocabularies of charac- The work by Kiperwasser and Goldberg (2016) ad- ters and words for use in the embedding layer. dresses the problem of feature representation in developing neural dependency parsers. Instead of 3.2 Biaffine Discourse Dependency Parser using feature templates, in their study, each word is represented by embedding vectors, which are fed to For a document di in the corpus, the input BiLSTM layers. The resulting BiLSTM represen- consists of m EDUs EDU1 ...EDUm . For tations are scored using a multi-layer perceptron EDUk (1 ≤ k ≤ m), which is comprised of n (MLP) and trained together with the parser to learn words w1 ...wn , the embeddings of a word wj feature representations for the specific task. (1 ≤ j ≤ n) in EDUk are obtained by3 : On this basis, Dozat and Manning (2017) pro- Ewj = Embwj ⊕ CharEmbwj pose a biaffine dependency parser. The embedding 1 vectors of a sequence of words are passed to a blob/master/lib/etc/ multi-layer BiLSTM network. Instead of using an 2 MLP scorer, the output from the BiLSTM network SciDTB/tree/master/dataset 3 is fed to four MLP layers, from which four vectors The ⊕ symbol denotes concatenation.
Similar to Dozat and Manning (2017), we use pre- As shown in Table 1, the hyperparameters are trained 100-dimensional GloVe embeddings (Pen- set following Dozat and Manning (2017). nington et al., 2014) for Embwj . Hyperparameter value To obtain CharEmbwj , we break down a word Embedding size 150 Embedding layer dropout 0.33 into characters and pad the words, EDUs and doc- BiLSTM hidden size 400 uments to maximum lengths to be processed effi- BiLSTM layers 3 BiLSTM dropout 0.33 ciently. The dimension of the input to the character- Arc_MLP output dimension 500 Relation_MLP output dimension 100 level BiLSTM layer is 52 (EDUs per document) MLP dropout 0.33 *46 (words per EDU) * 45 (characters per word). Data_info word_vocab size value 7836 Similar to Zhang et al. (2020), only one BiLSTM char_vocab size 79 headset size 45 layer is used to obtain the character-level embed- relationset size 27 dings. We set the hidden size of the character Bi- LSTM model to 25 and the dimension of the output Table 1: Hyperparameter configuration and data infor- mation. to 50. The output character embedddings are concate- nated with the 100-dimensional word vectors, The gold head and gold relation labels obtained thereby obtaining 150-dimensional word embed- from the corpus are padded with zeros to match the dings. Then, the embedding of EDUk is obtained dimension of the input. by: We use the cross-entropy loss function to calcu- late the loss of predicting the heads and the loss EEDUk = Ew1 ⊕ ... ⊕ Ewn of predicting the relations, and the sum of the two The resulting input dimension becomes 52 is the total loss to be minimized. We set the learn- (EDUs per document) *46 (words per EDU) *150 ing rate to 0.001, and use the Adam optimizer (dimension of word vectors). (lr=0.005, betas=(0.9, 0.9), weight_decay= 1e-5). The embeddings go through a dropout layer, and The batch size is set to 15. are then fed to a three-layer BiLSTM network, fol- We use the PyTorch framework (Paszke et al., lowed by a dropout layer. Four MLP layers are 2019) (version: 1.8.0+cu111) to build the model, configured after this dropout layer, and each of the which is trained on RTX2060 Super GPU. The best MLP layers is configured with the same dropout performance is decided based on the performance rate. The output from this step is then passed to on the development set. two biaffine layers to predict the head of an EDU The evaluation metrics are the unlabeled attach- and the label for the arc formed by the EDU and ment score (UAS), which measures the accuracy of the predicted head, respectively. predicted heads, and the labeled attachment score The architecture of the model is shown in Fig- (LAS), which measures the accuracy of predicting ure 1. the relations between the EDUs and their heads when the heads have been correctly predicted. As our basic unit is EDU, punctuation is not an issue in the evaluation. However, as the PyTorch frame- work requires the output classes to be in the range of [0, number_of_classes), the model cannot pro- duce head “-1” for the root EDU. Therefore, we do not count the root EDU in the evaluation. More- over, we use the original length of each document to filter out padded zeros to avoid discarding labels encoded as zero or potentially inflating the accu- racy by considering the performance on padded Figure 1: The architecture of the model. zeros. The model achieves the best performance at the The 52*52-dimensional scores learnt from this 68th epoch for the Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm, step are processed by the Eisner algorithm and and the training time is 15 minutes. When the the Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm separately in two Eisner algorithm is used, the best performance is experiments for comparison. achieved at the 86th epoch. The training takes 25
Avg max path len dev set test set minutes. As the basic unit is EDU and the texts are Eisner 4.318 4.303 short, the training time does not form a bottleneck Chu-Liu-Edmonds 4.415 4.329 Gold 4.474 4.447 in our experiments. Avg proportion of leaf nodes Eisner 0.447 0.452 Table 2 shows the result of the experiments. Chu-Liu-Edmonds 0.447 0.457 Gold 0.450 0.455 Experiment dev set test set UAS LAS UAS LAS Table 3: Average maximum path length and average Eisner 0.694 0.601 0.692 0.573 proportion of leaf nodes. Chu-Liu-Edmonds 0.753 0.616 0.729 0.571 Baseline parsers (Yang and Li, 2018) Graph-based 0.607 0.455 0.576 0.425 Two-stage transition 0.730 0.577 0.702 0.545 4 Complexity of Discourse Dependency Human agreement 0.806 0.627 0.802 0.622 Structure Table 2: Result of the experiment. As the SciDTB corpus allows non-projective struc- tures, we make an investigation of the complex- The model achieves higher accuracy than any ity of non-projectivity of the corpus in the for- of the baseline parsers, whether transition-based mal framework proposed by Kuhlmann and Nivre or graph-based, although our model is only a first- (2006). The result is shown in Table 4. order parser and the embeddings used in the ex- periments are simple. With the Chu-Liu-Edmonds Property value gap degree 0 1014 algorithm, the model achieves higher accuracy than gap degree 1 35 edge degree 0 1014 when the Eisner algorithm is used. edge degree 1 35 projective 1014 Inspired by the study by Ferracane et al. (2019), non-projective 35 to evaluate the structure of the output, we calculate the average maximum path length and the propor- Table 4: Complexity of nonprojectivity in SciDTB. tion of leaf nodes of the dependency trees gener- ated by the model on the development and test sets. Gap degree measures the number of disconti- The average maximum path length is obtained by nuities within a subtree while the edge degree dividing the sum of the longest path lengths of measures the number of intervening components dependency trees predicted by the parser by the spanned by a single edge (Kuhlmann and Nivre, number n of documents: 2006). From Table 4, we can see that the majority Pn i=1 Max _Path _Lendi of the documents in the corpus are projective and Avg _max _path _len = n the dependency structures have gap degree at most The average proportion of leaf nodes is com- one and edge degree at most one. This finding pro- puted by dividing the number of leaf nodes, which vides evidence for Li et al. (2014)’s observation are identified by finding nodes with out-degree zero that discourse dependency structures are simple and in-degree not equal to zero, by the total number and may be computationally efficient to process. of nodes in a dependency tree of di , and summing the proportions and dividing the sum by the total 5 Conclusion and Future Work number n of documents in the dataset. We apply the biaffine model to discourse depen- (C _LeafNodesdi /C _Nodesdi ) dency parsing, which achieves high accuracy and Pn Avg_pro_leafnode = i=1 n generates tree structures close to the gold trees. In From Table 3, we can see that the predicted trees this way, we show that the dependency framework are similar to the gold trees. The proportion of leaf is effective for representing discourse. nodes does not show much variation between the Since the SciDTB corpus is formed by abstracts Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm and the Eisner algo- of scientific papers, the parser we develop can only rithm, but with the Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm, handle short texts. In future work, we plan to inves- the tree path length tends to be longer. From these tigate the application of the dependency framework two metrics, we may conclude that the model is not in discourse parsing of longer texts from more lan- likely to produce “vacuous trees” (Ferracane et al., guages and domains. 2019).
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