Beyond COVID-19: Conserving nature to prevent the next pandemic - Institute for Parks, People ...

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Beyond COVID-19: Conserving nature to prevent the next pandemic - Institute for Parks, People ...
Theme           PSF
                                                      PARKS STEWARDSHIP FORUM
                                     NATURE AND HEALTH
                                  NOOSHIN RAZANI, MD, MPH, GUEST EDITOR

Beyond COVID-19:
Conserving nature to prevent the next pandemic

Tierra Smiley Evans, Zoë Grange, Jaber Belkhiria, Jennifer Lane, Brooke Genovese,
Eri Togami & Jonna Mazet • One Health Institute, University of California, Davis

Corresponding author
Tierra Smiley Evans
One Health Institute
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California, Davis
1089 Veterinary Medicine Dr.
Davis, CA 95616			                 All authors contributed equally.

Introduction                                                                    contribute toward preventing the next pandemic,
The COVID-19 pandemic has unimaginably                                          be it by reducing our own environmental impact,
changed our lives with long-lasting consequences                                creating outdoor sanctuaries for wildlife habitat,
for our society, environment and the global                                     protecting the national parks and key biodiversity
economy. Severe acute respiratory syndrome                                      areas, or developing the next vaccine—we all have
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus responsible                               a role to play.
for the COVID-19 pandemic, is just one of the
many pathogens that have already emerged in                                     “One Health” is a collaborative, multisectoral, and
humans as a result of interactions with wildlife                                transdisciplinary approach—working at the local,
and is only one of the many to come if we do not                                regional, national, and global levels—with the goal
reduce our impacts on natural systems. While                                    of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing
the immediate priority is to tackle the COVID-19                                the interconnection between people, animals,
public health emergency, our parallel and long-                                 plants, and their shared environment. The concept
lasting response must focus on addressing the                                   has been around for some time, bringing together
root causes of pandemics. Human and animal                                      professionals and policymakers across sectors,
health are inextricably linked with the pathogens                               including public health, medicine, livestock,
they carry and the ecosystems that are shared.                                  forestry, natural resources, agriculture, and
The degradation of nature disturbs this delicate                                environment, to address our world’s most pressing
balance between microbes, their natural hosts, and                              health challenges, such as COVID-19. While the
environments—driving the emergence of disease                                   One Health approach has made great strides in
(IPBES 2019).                                                                   the past decade, more silos remain to be broken
                                                                                down, and now is the time to clearly establish
Our society has the opportunity to change the way                               the connection between our planet’s health and
we perceive and interact with nature, including the                             human health in our collective mindsets. We aim
animals and environments we share. Everyone can                                 to illustrate how human behaviors have resulted in

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global systems-level changes that enable pathogen                              Human activity impacts our forests’ ability to
emergence, the important lessons to be learned,                                provide essential ecosystem services such as
and how we can safeguard our relationship with                                 carbon sequestration and sustaining biodiversity.
nature to prevent future pandemics.                                            Between 1990 and 2020, there was a net
                                                                               loss of 178 million hectares of forest, an area
Our role in the Anthropocene pandemic era                                      approximately the size of Libya (FAO and UNEP
People have influenced and been shaped by the                                  2020). With this disturbance, there has been
forces of zoonotic disease for thousands of years.                             a corresponding increase in zoonotic disease
The Black Death, or the Plague, caused by the                                  emergence in regions undergoing rapid forest
bacterium Yersinia pestis, resulted in the death of                            change (Allen et al. 2017). As forests are cleared,
up to a quarter of the world’s population during                               humans expand into new areas and contact new
the mid-1300s and changed the course of human                                  wildlife populations, providing unprecedented
history. The outbreak was initially associated with                            opportunities for pathogen spillover. The forest
climate and rodent density fluctuations in Asia,                               region in rural Guinea, where the West African
but its spread in Europe was linked to human                                   Ebola virus epidemic emerged, had been subject
overpopulation. Since then, our population has                                 to extreme deforestation, caused by mining and
exponentially grown and become ever-more                                       lumber operations. These activities impacted the
connected. We now live in the “Anthropocene                                    availability of bat habitat, forcing people and bats
pandemic era” (Lewis and Maslin 2015), in which                                into more intimate and frequent contact—
human-driven global changes are intimately tied                                facilitating the epidemic (Figure 1).
to the increased risk of disease emergence and
likelihood of a pandemic.                                                      Agricultural and aquacultural expansion are

               Figure 1. Human contributions to global change and examples of disease emergence. Through human activities that
               have contributed to habitat destruction, globalization, climate change, and biodiversity loss, humans have driven the
               emergence of disease.

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> One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, transdisciplinary
approach working at local, regional, national, and global levels
the main drivers of deforestation globally (FAO          planet’s average surface temperature has continued
and UNEP 2020). The design of many modern                to rise since the late 19th century by approximately
industrial farms is particularly vulnerable to           1.62oF (0.9oC), and notably most of this warming
outbreaks of disease, given the high density of          occurred in the past 35 years (climate.nasa.
animals and mixing of different species that             gov). This global change is significant for disease
promote pathogen spread and cross-species                emergence because changes in climate influence
transmission. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic originated          the distribution, abundance, and behavior of
from a reassortment of avian and swine influenza A       vectors, such as mosquitoes and ticks, and animal
viruses, likely in agricultural settings, and resulted   reservoirs of pathogens. Such events have led to
in as many as 575,000 global human deaths (cdc.          the spread of mosquito-borne arboviruses such as
gov).                                                    dengue, chikungunya, and Zika to people in more
                                                         northern latitudes, and large-scale outbreaks of
While domestic agriculture provides the dominant         disease.
source of protein around the world, many societies
still depend on wildlife for food, income, and as        As a culminating result of the many global changes
part of their cultural practices. Some communities       humans have driven during the past century, some
have sustainably hunted wildlife for centuries,          of which we describe above, we have lost 68%
presumably avoiding large-scale animal-sourced           of our planet’s vertebrates, equating to the sixth
or “zoo­notic” outbreaks. However, increasing            mass extinction in Earth’s history (WWF 2020). In
demand for wild animal products, driven by               order to prevent the next pandemic, it is critical to
pressure from outside of subsistence communities,        understand the relationship between biodiversity
including the wild animal trade, can lead to             loss and human health, and the role preserving
unsustainable hunting practices and biodiversity         nature could play in protecting us from disease.
loss, which contribute to the spread of disease.
Most theories on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 suggest        Biodiversity conservation for public health
bat species were the source, possibly mixing with        The relationship between biodiversity and
an intermediate animal host that then facilitated        zoonotic disease risk is complex. Under different
spillover to humans. We now know that a similar          circumstances, high biodiversity can be linked
scenario involving a live animal market likely led       to both increases and decreases in disease
to the emergence of SARS-CoV, the virus causing          transmission. High biodiversity can reduce the
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Live           likelihood of transmission, prevalence, and
animal markets provide ideal scenarios for mixing        spillover risk to humans for some pathogens,
of pathogens among wildlife and domestic species         including Borrelia burgdorferi (the bacterium that
that would otherwise never meet in nature, thus          causes Lyme disease), hantavirus, malaria, and
facilitating the opportunity for exponential spread      West Nile virus (Keesing et al. 2010). In these
through human-to-human transmission in dense             pathogen systems, the presence of more animal
populations (Figure 1).                                  species that do not transmit the pathogen makes
                                                         it less likely that the pathogen will contact an
As a result of our world’s globalization over            animal species that can transmit it, decreasing the
the past century, including the increasingly             overall burden of disease. This process, known as
interconnected nature of our travel, trade, and          the “dilution effect,” illustrates that biodiversity
resource use, we have significantly impacted our         can protect human health. An alternative theory,
planet’s climate through the release of greenhouse       the “amplification effect,” suggests that more
gases—a direct result of burning fossil fuels,           species result in more abundant sources of
deforestation, and industrialized agriculture. The       potential zoonotic pathogens, or “zoonotic pools,”

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presenting an increased risk to human health            and then grows. There are actions that can be taken
(Murray et al. 2013). The most accurate scenario        by every individual, right now.
likely lies somewhere in between.
                                                        How we can protect biodiversity for pandemic
Left undisturbed, ecosystem function and its            management and our collective well-being
multitude of different pathogen systems regulates       Connecting individuals with nature—what
life on Earth. However, human activities that           we all can do. The COVID-19 pandemic has sent
disturb nature’s delicate balance and alter species     much of the world into lockdown, restricting
diversity and abundance result in unexpected            our movements and interactions to curb the
consequences on microbial transmission patterns         transmission of SARS-CoV-2—resulting in many
and infectious disease dynamics. While the              unintended negative consequences. Humans are
unexpected consequences are waiting to be               social creatures: we like to interact with others,
studied, are we willing to defer action to address      including animals. There is a reason why pet
biodiversity declines and its potentially negative      ownership is so high throughout the world: we
health consequences?                                    gain mental and physical health benefits from
                                                        animals. Psychological well-being has also been
It is estimated that there are over 1.6 million         associated with access to green space, blue space
unknown virus species in mammalian and avian            (i.e., aquatic and marine environments), and
populations, of which approximately 500,000 have        street trees and private gardens in both urban
the potential to infect humans (Carroll et al. 2018).   and rural settings (Hartig et al. 2014; Bratman et
We know little about the ecology of these unknown       al. 2019). Therefore, the health benefits of access
viruses, but we do know that the relationships          to nature should not be underestimated when
among humans, animals, and microbes are                 considering the COVID-19 crisis or managing the
inextricably linked. Without detailed knowledge         next one. Government policies in many countries
on all of the planet’s microbes, we must act under      have allowed physically distanced outdoor
the assumption that the benefits of protecting          exercise during the pandemic, with the physical
biodiversity will have net positive effects on human    and psychological benefits of nature thought to
health and may help protect people from future          outweigh the risks of disease exposure (Razani
emerging diseases, especially if, by preserving         et al. 2020). During this time, many people have
nature, we reduce high-risk interactions with           started new outdoor exercise regimes, dusted off
wildlife that are likely to harbor zoonotic diseases.   that bike that has been sitting in the garage, and
Conservation activities, focused on curbing             started to see nature again for the first time in
biodiversity loss, such as protection of wild spaces,   many years.
have the potential to protect human health by both
preserving the protective mechanisms that diverse       Furthermore, there is an increasing body of
vertebrate populations may have, and providing          knowledge surrounding contact with nature and
safe havens for wildlife to flourish separate from      outdoor exercise helping human resilience to
humans.                                                 infectious diseases through a myriad of potential
                                                        mechanisms such as the immunoregulatory
Preservation of biodiversity takes coordinated          effects of vitamin D and cascading pathways
and concerted efforts by governments and their          related to stress and immune function (Kuo 2015;
stakeholders, buy-in from local communities, and        Charoenngam 2020). SARS-CoV-2 is believed to
contribution of resources. Nature preservation          be less effective at transmitting outdoors due to a
is no small task under any circumstance but is          number of factors, with space and fresh air likely
particularly challenging during times of economic       having a dilution effect. The ability to socially
hardship and public health emergencies. However,        distance in metropolitan areas, such as New York
similar to a pandemic, positive change starts small     City, which has seen one of the highest death tolls

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> We can also look to advances in technology and social media to
allow every person to play a part in preserving biodiversity

in the United States, is significantly harder than in   Ecotourism has also been an effective way to
rural areas. Now policy-makers are rethinking road      connect people with nature. Prior to the COVID-19
and bicycling infrastructure, increasing access to      pandemic, ecotourism had expanded greatly,
open and shared spaces in urban environments to         often centered around charismatic or “umbrella”
encourage a continued drive towards a greener and       species, such as Africa’s “big five” (lion, leopard,
healthier lifestyle.                                    rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo), great
                                                        apes, and popular marine species like orcas. By
There are many actions that individuals can take to     focusing attention on charismatic megafauna, you
help protect biodiversity and, in turn, receive the     can indirectly protect habitats of other wildlife
health benefits of connecting with nature. People       species and help to maintain entire ecosystems.
can help preserve the ecosystems around them.           One example is the mountain gorilla conservation
Local habitat restoration, even in your backyard,       program. Through ecotourism focused on the
including planting of native flora and the provision    mountain gorilla, the program has helped protect
of animal refuges or nesting material, are simple       and even increase the numbers of this endangered
but effective actions that, if taken by many, will      species, while preserving a rare ecosystem of cloud
aid the conservation of local ecosystems and            forests along with its diverse fauna and flora.
beyond. Going further, regenerative agricultural
practices by small farms that promote soil health       Promoting activities that help to connect or
restoration, integration of different crop types,       reconnect all kinds of people with nature, be they
and planting of refugia alongside commodity crops       urban dwellers, amateur science enthusiasts,
can also contribute to biodiversity conservation        or travelers, can chart a path for changing our
by providing more natural habitats for animals to       relationship with and protecting nature (Figure
thrive.                                                 2). Just a small change in mindset could have
                                                        cascading impacts on biodiversity conservation and
During times when human connectivity is being           pandemic prevention.
forced to be reimagined, we can also look to
advances in technology and social media to              Engaging communities to protect their own
allow each and every person to play a part in           ecosystems. Disease outbreaks start and end
preserving and increasing biodiversity—connecting       in communities—and so does biodiversity
individuals through a common cause. Wildlife            conservation. Regions of the world where
and health monitoring using scientific tools, such      economic and health resources are limited often
as ProMed ( and HealthMap                have the greatest environmental pressures.
(, have already been developed            Biodiversity conservation in vulnerable, pristine
to draw information from individuals to create          landscapes requires effective engagement of local
alerts that help public health officials. Similarly,    communities, especially in the tropics where
applications such as iNaturalist allow citizen          pandemic emergence risk is high and human
scientists to learn about a region’s biodiversity       development needs are great (Allen et al. 2017).
and contribute to a global database on species          Conservation education about the benefits of
abundance and diversity. Collectively, we can act       protecting wildlife is an important first step.
as a watchdog for unusual public health events and      Informing communities of the ecosystem services
wildlife and plant die-offs in our backyard or local    provided by wildlife, as well as the health risks that
park that, if reported, monitored, and managed          can be averted, enables people to make informed
effectively, could help halt a future pandemic.         choices about the ways in which they interact

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Figure 2. Children from an Earth Guardian school count waterfowl at a wetland in Argentina. | F. CANUTI

    with and utilize wildlife resources—putting the                                         was successful, in part because it targeted activities
    decisions in the hands of the community members.                                        in primary schools, allowing information to trickle
                                                                                            up from children to their parents and families
    Bats provide an important example, as they                                              (Figure 3).
    contribute essential ecosystem services
    that benefit agriculture and human health,                                              Not all community engagement initiatives are
    including seed dispersal, plant pollination,                                            entirely successful, and there are lessons to learn
    and arthropod suppression; however, they are                                            from our past challenges. There is a fine balance
    often misunderstood and targets of retaliatory,                                         between conservation and human development
    fear-driven actions. The perceived disease risk                                         and meeting the needs of both determines
    associated with some species of bats is often                                           sustainability. One strategy has been integrating
    amplified by a combination of poor scientific                                           wildlife species conservation efforts into
    messaging about their relationship with high-                                           community-based natural resources management
    profile pathogens and misrepresentation in the                                          (CBNRM) schemes. These programs seek to
    media (MacFarlane and Rocha 2020). Following                                            decentralize management of critical resources,
    the discovery of a new ebolavirus in bats in Sierra                                     such as wildlife, protected lands, and water rights,
    Leone, researchers collaborated with local partners                                     by transferring responsibilities for managing and
    and communities to provide behavior change                                              benefits gained from natural resources to local
    strategies for cohabitating with bats. The use of                                       communities. While in principle CBNRM appears
    a moderated picture book, Living Safely with Bats,                                      to be a win–win opportunity, the impact and
    which reinforces the multitude of ways humans                                           success of such programs has had mixed results for
    benefit from bats, gives guidance on avoiding                                           wildlife conservation and local communities alike
    unsafe contact and outlines how to safely manage                                        (Milupi et al. 2017).
    bats in and around human dwellings. This program

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Figure 3. Community engagement in Sindia Primary school, Guinea, where children are learning about how to live safely with bats, as part of the USAID [US Agency
for International Development] PREDICT project. “I realized that it was not good to play with or even touch bats. Since then, I have tried to explain to my parents that
bats are important for the environment, but they could carry dangerous diseases”—15-year-old from the forest region in Guinea. | JABER BELKHIRIA

Thoughtful and early community engagement                                               providing livelihood alternatives often results in
is required to understand local culture, chal­                                          conflict and increased poverty. To help balance
lenges, demands on resources, and needs of                                              the Batwa’s situational poverty with the goal of
citizens. Utilizing “co-creation” frameworks,                                           preserving Bwindi’s biodiversity, a community
in which Indigenous communities have a seat                                             hospital ( was formed
at the original planning table, is essential for                                        to provide free healthcare for the Batwa. Using a
sustainable biodiversity conservation and its                                           One Health approach, the hospital operates under
benefits for human health. An example of the                                            the guiding principle that healthy people are less
importance of early community engagement is                                             likely to access the forest for medicinal herbs or
the Batwa of Uganda, who were removed from                                              to poach wild animals for food or illegally harvest
the forest of Bwindi Impenetrable National                                              trees for income to pay for healthcare. While this
Park under the auspices of saving the mountain                                          is a small-scale example, local-level One Health
gorillas and their habitat. Despite the Batwa                                           initiatives show us the value of connecting health
being successful stewards of the forest for many                                        with biodiversity conservation and the potential
generations, and human development programs                                             for impact if this model were expanded.
to support them after their displacement being
implemented simultaneously, they now exist                                              Success of conservation and public health
as conservation refugees —a marginalized                                                policies are dependent on effective community
group, living well below the poverty line on the                                        engagement. Major global policy agendas for
forest edges (Figure 4). In many lower-income                                           curbing the rate of biodiversity loss have focused
countries, livelihoods are deeply dependent on                                          on the value of carbon sequestration and other
forest resources. Restricting forest access without                                     environmental services that protecting forests

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Figure 4. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest edge and surrounding Batwa settlements, southwestern Uganda. | TIERRA SMILEY EVANS

      provide. Programs such as REDD+ and UN-REDD                                          communities to participate in preserving their own
      (the United Nations’ efforts to reduce carbon                                        forests and wildlife.
      emissions through deforestation and forest
      degradation), the Forest Carbon Partnership                                          Strengthening One Health science. Broader
      Facility, and the Forest Investment Program of                                       science initiatives are needed to investigate
      the World Bank support reimbursements to low-                                        the connection between global environmental
      and middle-income countries for effective carbon                                     changes, such as biodiversity loss, and human
      sequestration. While understood by governing                                         and animal disease burdens. These initiatives
      bodies, these programs are rarely tangible at the                                    should encourage environmental scientists, public
      local level and become a lower priority during                                       health scientists, veterinarians, physicians, and
      times of immediate economic hardship and                                             disease ecologists to work together to answer the
      public health emergencies, such as the COVID-19                                      fundamental questions about how biodiversity
      pandemic. Integrating public health concepts                                         loss impacts human and animal health. Why do
      into conservation policy is a tool that could                                        levels of disease change as forests are cleared and
      be especially helpful during these times. The                                        species are lost? Where do diseases first spill over
      connection between healthy forests and wildlife                                      from an evolutionary host to people? What are the
      and human disease is already a concept that is                                       behavior changes that can stop it?
      part of numerous Indigenous cultures. In many
      societies dependent on forests, folklore exists                                      Progress also requires improved evaluation
      that describes disease emerging from the forest                                      and impact analyses comparing biodiversity
      when trees or wildlife populations are harmed.                                       conservation efforts across regions and creating an
      Incorporating these local beliefs into conservation                                  atmosphere in which failures can be freely shared.
      messaging would go a long way toward engaging                                        As in medicine, reports of what doesn’t work are

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> Tapping into the vast knowledge of the world’s protected area
systems and the veterinarians, biologists, and environmental
scientists they employ could provide a route for communication
between One Health practitioners and policymakers

just as valuable as those of successes. There are     United Nations (FAO), and ecosystems have the
well-documented models in other fields, such as       Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on
that developed by the Institute of Health Metrics     Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), but
and Evaluation, in which global health economists     there is no unifying body for wildlife health. Now
calculate DALYs (disability-adjusted life years)      is the time for a global wildlife health authority
and contrast them against the cost effectiveness      (IUCN 2020). Through such a governing body,
of global health interventions. Future science        international wildlife health standards could be
initiatives are needed to establish metrics for       developed, implemented, and overseen. A global
calculating a “biodiversity change quotient” that     wildlife health authority could also provide a
can incorporate health benefits and detriments        mechanism for strengthening the capacity for
and be evaluated in light of cost effectiveness of    promoting wildlife health, targeted to regions of
conservation programs.                                greatest need, in areas of highest risk for disease
More specific avenues for scientists to effectively
communicate One Health research and findings          A timely example is the debate about whether
with policymakers are also needed. Platforms, such    or not to close the wildlife trade, following the
as the American Association for the Advancement       emergence of COVID-19. While ending the
of Science (AAAS) and the National Academies          practice of wildlife trade could reduce the spread
Science Policy Fellowship programs, among             of zoonotic pathogens, an outright ban could
others, are providing scientists the opportunity to   also have several unintended effects, including
communicate with decision makers to ensure new        promoting black market trade, increasing demand,
conservation policies and initiatives are “pandemic   and heightening sanitation risks that come
sensitive.” Tapping into the vast knowledge           with unregulated trade, as well as the effects on
of the world’s protected area systems and the         the livelihoods of people dependent on these
veterinarians, biologists, and environmental          activities. In the past, wildlife trade bans, such as
scientists they employ could similarly provide        that imposed after the emergence of SARS, were
a route for communication between “boots              ineffective, and their implementation eroded
on the ground” One Health practitioners and           over time. With a global wildlife health authority,
policymakers. Models have also been created by        alternative strategies, such as regulating higher-
non-governmental organizations, such as the           vs. lower-risk species and improving health and
Rainforest Alliance, whose certification program      hygiene regulations in markets, could be explored
that designates products and programs as following    and employed. This initiative would fill a major gap
guidelines of sustainability (rainforest-alliance.    in pandemic preparedness—contributing to species
org) could be adapted to incorporate One Health       survival in some of the world’s most biodiverse
concepts.                                             regions and establishing a unified standard for
                                                      wildlife disease surveillance and reporting.
For One Health to truly take a global approach to
pandemic preparedness, it also requires a global      Conclusion:
governing body. Public health has the World Health    Conserving nature to prevent the next pandemic
Organization (WHO), domestic animal health            The One Health approach has made considerable
has the Organization for Animal Health (OIE)          strides in better connecting public health and
and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the      animal health policy and operationalizing this

                                                                                              PSF 37/1 | 2021   77
approach in governments around the world.                                           The warning signals from our planet are clear. With
Unfortunately, incorporation of environmental                                       increasing impacts of climate change, large-scale
policy in One Health efforts lags behind more                                       losses of fauna and flora, and disease emergence
clear and pressing threats to health, as often does                                 events arising from interactions with wildlife
capacity for promoting wildlife health. In the                                      hosts, we are experiencing the profound effects
COVID-19 era, as the world’s focus shifts towards                                   of the “Anthropocene Pandemic Era” on human
recognizing the importance of green spaces that we                                  health (Figure 5). Now is the time to mobilize
share with wildlife, we now have the opportunity                                    and build on developing One Health platforms
to strengthen policies and communication                                            to make conservation of nature and open spaces
surrounding conservation and public health.                                         part of the public health agenda. For pandemic

Figure 5. Nurturing Resilience During the Anthropocene Pandemic Era. Through focusing efforts on individuals, communities, and One Health science platforms, we
can curb biodiversity loss and change the trajectory of the Anthropocene Pandemic Era.

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pandemic. Pediatrics 146(6): e20201271.                R.E.A. Almond, M. Grooten, and T. Peterson, eds.                  Gland, Switzerland: WWF.

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The Interdisciplinary Journal of Place-based Conservation

                                                         Co-published by the Institute for Parks, People, and

                                                         Biodiversity, University of California, Berkeley and
                                                         the George Wright Society. ISSN 2688-187X


Citation for this article
Smiley Evans, Tierra, Zoë Grange, Jaber Belkhiria, Jennifer Lane, Brooke Genovese, Eri Togami, and Jonna
Mazet. 2021.Beyond COVID-19: Conserving nature to prevent the next pandemic. Parks Stewardship Forum
37(1): 69–80.

Parks Stewardship Forum explores innovative
thinking and offers enduring perspectives on critical
issues of place-based heritage management and
stewardship. Interdisciplinary in nature, the journal
gathers insights from all fields related to parks,
protected areas, cultural sites, and other place-based
forms of conservation. The scope of the journal is
international. It is dedicated to the legacy of George
Meléndez Wright, a graduate of UC Berkeley and
pioneer in conservation of national parks.

Parks Stewardship Forum is published online at through
eScholarship, an open-access publishing platform
subsidized by the University of California and
managed by the California Digital Library. Open-
access publishing serves the missions of the IPPB
and GWS to share, freely and broadly, research
and knowledge produced by and for those who
manage parks, protected areas, and cultural
sites throughout the world. A version of Parks
Stewardship Forum designed for online reading is
also available at

Parks Stewardship Forum is distributed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial               On the cover of this issue
4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).                Family exploring tidepools at Cabrillo National Monument,
                                                         California. | GEDAPIX
The journal continues The George Wright Forum,
published 1981–2018 by the George Wright Society.
                                                         The entire issue is available at
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