BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab

Page created by Douglas Walters
BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab

Sommersemester 2020
BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab
Inhaltsverzeichnis                                              1

Berlin Perspectives: Lernen im International Classroom         2
Berlin Perspectives: Learning in the International Classroom

Programmstruktur                                                4
Programme Structure

Anmeldung                                                       6
How to register

Kontakt und weitere Informationen                              8
Contact and further information

Berlin Perspectives Seminare
Berlin Perspectives Seminars
       Kultur und Gesellschaft Culture and Society            9
       Geschichte und Literatur History and Literature        19

Seminarübersicht                                               26
Seminar overview

Impressum                                                      28

BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab
BERLIN PERSPECTIVES:                                                       BERLIN PERSPECTIVES:
LERNEN IM INTERNATIONAL                                                    LEARNING IN THE INTERNATIONAL
CLASSROOM                                                                  CLASSROOM

Berlin Perspectives ist ein internationales und interdisziplinäres Modul   Berlin Perspectives is an international and interdisciplinary module for
für Programmstudierende (international incomings) aller Fächer. Die        incoming international students to complement their regular studies at
Kurse richten sich in erster Linie an Studierende, deren                   Humboldt University.
Deutschkenntnisse noch nicht ausreichen, um das reguläre                   Geared towards students whose proficiency in German may not allow
Lehrangebot der Humboldt-Universität voll zu nutzen. Sie finden auf        them to follow the German-speaking curriculum exclusively, the
Englisch, Deutsch oder in bilingualen Formaten statt und bieten eine       Berlin Perspectives courses are taught in English, German or in
sinnvolle Ergänzung zum Fachstudium.                                       bilingual formats.
Berlin Perspectives ist als international classroom konzipiert, d.h.       We specifically designed Berlin Perspectives to be an international
Studierende aus der ganzen Welt lernen hier mit- und voneinander.          classroom, giving students from all over the world the opportunity to
Auch HU-Studierenden steht unser Modul im Rahmen des                       learn together as well as from each other. Our module is also open to
überfachlichen Wahlpflichtbereichs (üWP) offen.                            regular HU students who may enroll as part of their elective course
Alle Seminare nutzen Berlin als Bezugspunkt und sind im Bereich der        requirements (üWP).
Kultur-, Sozial- und Literaturwissenschaften einzuordnen. Sie laden        Using the city of Berlin as a local focus point, our seminars, situated
Studierende dazu ein, sich anhand von Berlin wissenschaftlich mit          within the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences spectrum, invite
Themen der deutschen Geschichte, Gesellschaft und Kultur                   international students to engage academically with key aspects of
auseinanderzusetzen und ihre eigene globale Perspektive                    German history, society and culture, and connect what they learn
einzubringen.                                                              with their own global perspectives.
Die Leistungsanforderungen der Fachseminare entsprechen dem                All seminars are pitched at second year level of the Bachelor
Niveau des zweiten Studienjahrs eines Bachelor-Studiengangs.               degree.

                                   2                                                                              3
BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab
PROGRAMMSTRUKTUR                                                   PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
Je nach Studienschwerpunkt und den Vorgaben Ihrer                  Depending on your home university’s year abroad requirements and
Heimatuniversität zum Auslandsaufenthalt können Sie 1–3            the resulting learning agree- ment, you can choose up to 3 seminars
Fachseminare (à 5 ECTS) pro Semester aus unserem Seminarangebot    (weighted at 5 ECTS each) per semester from our seminar list. You
wählen. Sie können bis zu 15 ECTS pro Semester über Berlin         can gain up to 15 credit points/ECTS per semester within the Berlin
Perspectives absolvieren.                                          Perspectives Module.

Haben Sie Fragen? Werfen Sie einen Blick in die FAQs auf unserer   Any questions? Check out the FAQ section on our website or email us
Website oder kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:                      at:                          

             Lehrveranstaltung                    ECTS    Gesamt                       Course                       ECTS       Total

 1. Seminar aus dem Berlin Perspectives Angebot    5          5             1st Berlin Perspectives Seminar           5          5

 2. Seminar aus dem Berlin Perspectives Angebot    5         10             2nd Berlin Perspectives Seminar           5         10

 3. Seminar aus dem Berlin Perspectives Angebot    5         15             3rd Berlin Perspectives Seminar           5         15

                                   4                                                                          5
BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab
ANMELDUNG                                                                REGISTRATION
Bitte informieren Sie sich vor Ihrer Anmeldung bei Ihrer                 Before registering for a Berlin Perspectives seminar, please check with
Heimatuniversität über:                                                  your home university:
     -     die Anerkennungsmodalitäten von im Ausland erbrachten           -   the terms of validation for study points gained during your year
           Studienleistungen sowie                                             abroad,
     -     die Mindestanzahl von Studienpunkten, die Sie während Ihres     -   the minimum number of study points that you have to gain
           Aufenthalts an der HU erwerben müssen.                              during your stay at Humboldt-University (HU).

! Bitte melden Sie sich vor Semesterbeginn für die Seminare sowohl       ! Please register for the courses before the semester starts
über unser Online-Formular als auch über das Vorlesungsverzeichnis       both via our online registration form and in the Agnes course
Agnes an:

a)       BP online-Formular:                                               a) BP online registration form:                             
                                                                           b) Agnes:
b)       Agnes:                                                     

                                                                         Seminar places are allocated to the students registered and
Die Seminarplätze werden in der ersten Sitzung an die angemeldeten
und anwesenden Studierenden vergeben.                                    present in the first session.

SEMINARE                                                                 SEMINARS

Hier finden Sie eine Kurzbeschreibung aller Seminare, die bei Berlin     This is the seminar programme for the summer semester 2020.
Perspectives im Sommersemester 2020 angeboten werden. Die                Please check our website for a more detailed description of all
ausführlichen Seminarbeschreibungen entnehmen Sie bitte unserer          seminars, including learning objectives and preliminary
Website:                                                                 bibliographies:                                     

Vorlesungszeit: 14. April 2020 – 17. Juli 2020                           Teaching period: 14 April 2020 – 17 July 2020

                                 6                                                                            7
BERLIN PERSPECTIVES Seminarprogramm Sommersemester 2020 - bologna.lab
Alle Kurse finden in Seminarräumen des bologna.lab statt,
Hausvogteiplatz 5-7.
Weitere Informationen auf unserer Website:

Bei Fragen rund um Berlin Perspectives
wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Berlin Perspectives Büro / bologna.lab
Hausvogteiplatz 5–7
Raum 211
10117 Berlin                                                  KULTUR UND GESELLSCHAFT
+49 (0)30-2093-70825

                                                                CULTURE AND SOCIETY
All classes take place in seminar rooms of the bologna.lab,
Hausvogteiplatz 5-7.
For further information, please visit our website:

For any questions concerning Berlin Perspectives,
please contact:
Berlin Perspectives Office / bologna.lab
Hausvogteiplatz 5–7
Room 211
10117 Berlin
+49 (0)30-2093-70825

                                 8                                       9
MIGRATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                               GARDENS OF BERLIN:
IN BERLIN                                                                    TRANSDISCIPLINARY ECOLOGY
YOU KYUNG BYUN                                           Agnes: 2181331      SHELLEY ETKIN                                              Agnes: 2181332

language requirements English B2                                             language requirements English B2
Tuesday 16-18 c.t. room 203                                                  Tuesday 10-14 c.t. room 203
Please note the individual session dates:                                    Please note the individual session dates: 14 April, 12 May,
Excursions: 2 June, 30 June, no class: 9 June                                9 June, 7 July + excursions: 28 April, 19 May, 23 June
first session 14 April 2020                                                  first session 14 April 2020

This course aims to explore, critically analyze, and comprehend the          Gardens of Berlin: Transdisciplinary Ecology offers encounters with
history of migration and the recent development of migrant economies         several unique urban garden projects in Berlin. The course asks, what
in Berlin with a particular focus on migrant entrepreneurship. About 30      can a garden be and what do gardens do in this city? We will look at
% of the total population in Berlin has migration backgrounds. Many of       what these gardens do in the context of Berlin, throughout the many
them are part of migrant economies in this multicultural city, such as in    human and nonhuman communities that are part of them. The course
ethnic restaurants, market places, and tourist agencies. Migrant             proposes an approach to ecological thinking, through engagement with
economies and entrepreneurship in Berlin are deeply involved in              the range of disciplines that inform the field of ecology ranging from
everyday life and it is essential to consider in what ways migration and     environmental to social and political, artistic and spiritual. From plants to
migrant economies are integrated into ordinary life. Migrant                 political dynamics, activism to artistry, the urban gardens studied will
entrepreneurship reflects multilayered connections of the local business     reflect the diverse topography of Berlin’s ecology. Site visits will include
to the origin of the represented culture and the multicultural identity of   conversations with local organizers and readings will contextualize each
the involved individuals. Who are the migrant entrepreneurs in Berlin?       project with theory from the transdisciplinary field of ecology. Class
How do they reproduce their national and international identity in their     sessions will emphasize discussion and exchange, offering various
business? How does it interact with the city's socioeconomic                 perspectives towards ecological thinking, embracing the wide range of
environment? Course participants will work with the examples from            cultural and academic backgrounds that students bring. The course is an
Berlin's multicultural economic sceneries to implement the learned           opportunity to situate questions of planetary change through the study
theories in practice. For this purpose, students are expected to             of Berlin as a complex ecosystem, gaining in-depth perspectives through
participate in the field trips and to analyze migrant economies in Berlin    its urban gardens. There is no requirement for students to have previous
with their hands-on experience. Through these exercises, participants        familiarity with the subject, only a willingness to engage in readings,
expect to develop individual perspectives in living together in a            discussions, and site visits, as well as verbal and written reflections.
multicultural city.

                               10                                                                                  11
BERLIN AS A REFUGEE CITY                                                      IMAGE AND THE CITY

                                                         Agnes: 2181335                                                               Agnes: 2181336

language requirements English B2                                              language requirements English B2

Wednesday 12-14 c.t. room 0323-26                                             Monday 12-14 c.t. room 0323-26
first session 15 April 2020                                                   first session 20 April 2020

The course “Berlin as refugee city” explores the recent history of            Capital of Cool, City of Tolerance and (affordable) Hub of Creativity –
(forced) migration to the city of Berlin from an anthropological              Berlin’s image is an alluring one. The images of Berlin circulating in all
perspective. How and where are refugees visible in urban spaces of            kinds of media are just as interesting, but also surprisingly diversified. If
Berlin? What are the challenges they are confronted with and what are         this is true for contemporary Berlin it proves to be so even more in
their practices of space-making and maneuvering the city? The                 regard of its 20th century history: historic moments like the fall of the
temporal focus of this course is set on the so-called ‘European refugee       Berlin Wall are always also represented in images. The image(s) of Berlin
crisis’ in 2015 and its aftermath, yet we also discuss Germany’s              is/are an interconnected mixture of past, present and hoped for future.
migration regime from a historical perspective. In doing so, the              This seminar focuses on the double meaning of image as pictures with a
seminar invites critical engagement with classifications and terminology      certain imaginative power (e.g. symbols, iconic images) and image as
(“refugee”, “crisis”, etc.) and a multidimensional exploration of Berlin      reputation. It is meant to be an expedition into Berlin’s and Germany‘s
as space of refuge, settlement and activism. Besides reading and              Visual Culture. We are going to have a closer look on some of these
discussing a variety of critical sources, such as field reports, academic     images – ranging from iconic photographs to music video clips to official
articles and media coverage, this course offers an exploration of             marketing campaigns – and reflect their symbolic meaning and varying
mapping methodologies, and participation in excursions to different           interpretations, their impact on Berlin's self-concept, identity, on its
locations in Berlin that have played a role in the ‘refugee crisis’ and its   cultural scene and even on its economic value. Basic concepts developed
aftermath. Furthermore, there is a reflective dimension to this course        in the context of the Visual Culture Studies are introduced, with aspects
that strongly motivates us: students are encouraged to engage with            of Art History, Film Studies, Metropolitan Studies, Tourism Studies and
their own and their families’ immersion in migration, are asked to            Social Science. The seminar aims to be an exercise in Visual Literacy
reflect in which ways they experience Berlin as a ‘refugee city’, and         (VL), enabling students to better understand, interpret and use images
what it meant for them to arrive and settle in Berlin.                        in their everyday life.

                               12                                                                                  13
BERLIN SONIC                                                                     URBAN ACTIVISM
SAMUEL PEREA-DIAZ / BANU TÜLÜ                                 Agnes: 2181337     BANU TÜLÜ                                                     Agnes: 2181338

language requirements English B2                                                 language requirements English B2

Wednesday 10-12 c.t. room 0323-26                                                Wednesday 14-16 c.t. room 0323-26
first session 15 April 2020                                                      first session 15 April 2020

This weekly course explores Berlin’s sonic perspectives with an                  Berlin is considered as multi-layered urban lab with contradictory
approach to architecture, urban planning, human and social sciences as           landscape; luxury housing, big urban development projects next to
well as art in our everyday life. In everyday life, our vision merges to         squats, small urban garden projects, urban parks and green areas, etc.
our listening actions and therefore we continuously follow a rhythm              Over the course of the 1990s and 2000s till today, over 50 percent of
which is created by our own actions and our surroundings. As an                  the city’s public housing stock has been sold to private investors and the
intuitive, non-cognitive and unconscious act, listening helps us to              city has become a highly desirable destination for international property
understand our environment. The listener creates individual and                  investment (Holm 2007). The lack of affordable housing and a rise in the
subjective images because of the fact that any acoustic format is visual.        speculative real-estate market spur new discussions about gentrification.
From the urban sonic perspective, every city and every urban space has           Meanwhile, inhabitants and newcomers fight for their rights in the city.
a particular sonic identity for every individual. Central questions in the       The focal point of this course is an examination of the changes
course are: What is the sound of Berlin? Which sonic elements in                 associated with urban development in Berlin and “counter actions” as
architecture, urban planning, art and cultural events have shaped                urban social movements. This interdisciplinary course explores Berlin
berlin? How these projects are in relation to Berlin’s socio-political           through urban activism in with several lenses, including: housing, urban
processes? In this course, we respond these questions through the                environmental activism, community gardening and political power
interdisciplinary collective listening exercises with site visits, recordings,   relations in the city. In addition to that this course offers an analysis of
readings and discussions. We will examine cultural projects and                  right to the city, participation, social justice, urban resistance, grassroots
develop, discover and analyze the urban environment with an approach             organizing, and urban development policy. Within the broad theme of
that focuses on hearing and sound. We will draw a research line for              “urban activism”, the course focuses on the ways in which
exploring the city and understanding the current urban complexities              neighborhood/inhabitant experiences and citizens’ collide to produce
with a specific methodology that considers the aural environment,                different forms of resistance within Berlin’s political sphere.
acoustic ecologies and listening.

                                14                                                                                     15
DIE SEXUELLE KULTUR BERLINS /                                                  DIGITAL BERLIN /
SEXUAL CULTURE                                                                 DIGITALE ALLTAGSPRAKTIKEN
DR. STEFANIE RINKE                                          Agnes: 2181340     ERIK BECKER                                                 Agnes: 2181329

language requirements English B1, German B1                                    language requirements English B2, German A2-B1

Monday 14-16 c.t. room 0323-26                                                 Thursday 14-16 c.t. room 203
first session 20 April 2020                                                    first session 16 April 2020

Berlin is called the most sexually open capital of Europe today. Berlin is     Digital, data-based technologies like apps play an increasingly important
open to develop a personal sexual orientation and identity. In clubs,          role in our daily lives in Berlin: be it in the search for the fastest route
bars, workshops and festivals a brought range and mix of sexual                through the city by public transport (BVG-Fahrinfo), by bike or on foot
orientations are created in different and also crossing scenes.                (Google Maps), when shopping or ordering food or when at leisure while
Homosexual, transgender, tantric, polyamory, sex-positive and BDSM-            playing games (Pokemon Go). As we navigate through the urban space,
oriented persons meet and celebrate and create new sexual technics             we produce a lot of data without being aware of it. We do not know the
and lifestyles. The government of Berlin has already recognized the            purpose of its use by the tech companies or the platform industry. We
economic dimension of the liberal sexual culture.                              see new dominant narratives that imagine the city of the future as
What does liberal sexual culture exactly mean? What kind of historical         "smart" and based on data. But what does that mean for us and our
roots are important to analyze, e.g. the anonymity of the big city, the        data? How does a "smart future" in the eyes of politicians and other
homosexual movement and the golden twenties? What was and is                   decision makers look like?
avant-garde and when it turns into commerce? We will discuss all these         The seminar would like to combine the current discussions about data-
issues by visiting central places in Berlin in field trips, by reading texts   based surveillance capitalism/Digital Capitalism and urban research. In
and watching films.                                                            this way, the role of data-based, digital technologies in our everyday life
The questions will be discussed in class not only by listening to the          in Berlin should be made visible and be reflected on. The seminar further
professor but by finding an own student research question and project,         aims at changing the given "strategies" of the apps like Google Maps by
which will be pursued in groups. The final presentation will be a student      exploring the urban space through walks in the city. They will be
film, a poster presentation, a website or another available format             conceptualized and carried out by the students themselves. Perhaps, this
dealing with the sexual culture of Berlin. Please remark: Students             could offer us a different perspective on urban space and allow us to
motivation and participation are very important to this class.                 regain our agency for a moment.
The texts and handouts will be available for all students via Moodle. The
films will be available via the media center of the HU Berlin.

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18               19
BERLIN IN THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES                                         THROUGH BERLIN MUSEUMS
DR. RUSSELL ALT-HAAKER                                     Agnes: 2181328     DR. VICTORIA BISHOP KENDZIA                                 Agnes: 2181330

language requirements English B2                                              language requirements English B2

Tuesday 10-12 c.t. room 0323-26                                               Tuesday 14-18 c.t. room 0323-26
first session 14 April 2020                                                   Please note the individual session dates:
                                                                              21 April, 19 May, 26 May, 2 June
Over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Berlin has been home to        + excursions: 28 April, 5 May, 12 May
a heterogeneous Jewish community, from “assimilated” German Jews
                                                                              first session 21 April 2020
during the Wilhelmine era, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe
during the Weimar Republic, and people of Jewish heritage who suffered
under and sought to flee from the Nazi regime to a small post-war             This interdisciplinary course explores some key aspects visible in Berlin’s
Jewish enclave in a divided Berlin and a vibrant Jewish community after       museological landscape. It will focus on issues of Self and Other
reunification that now draws thousands of others from around the world        constructions as attested in museums and exhibitions. The aim of the
to the city as their elective home. Through selected essays, satire,          course is to use anthropological methods to explore the sites and critical
newspaper reports, memoirs, poems, photographs and graphic                    analyses to reflect upon them. This thematic course touches on several
memoirs, we will discuss how Jewish identity has been negotiated              disciplines. It is based in empirical social anthropology, especially in
against the backdrop of Berlin’s ever-changing socio-political landscape.     terms of theoretical framework and methodology. It does, however,
In addition to mapping the literary terrain of Jewish identity in Berlin,     involve a historical overview of the Jewish narrative in Germany from
we will pay special attention to urban sites that have played an              just before 1933 to the present and an overview of migration issues.
important role in this process. As a result, this course pairs written
works with a physical exploration of the city to paint a more detailed
picture of our readings. You will be asked to visit specific sites to
explore the spaces that feature in the texts or that provide important
historical context for our discussions. By scratching the layers of history
around us, we will also look at our own identity as elective Berliners and
how we inhabit this city as members of the international community.

                                20                                                                                 21
BERLIN CHILDHOOD(S):                                                             TRACES OF GERMANY’S COLONIAL PAST
THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE CITY                                                   IN BERLIN AND POSTCOLONIAL DEBATES
DR. OLGA GNYDIUK                                              Agnes: 2181333     FRIEDERIKE HEINZ                                            Agnes: 2181334

language requirements English B2                                                 language requirements English B2, German B1
Tuesday 12-14 c.t. room 0323-26                                                  Monday 10-12 c.t. room 0323-26
Please note the individual session dates:                                        first session 20 April 2020
4-hour blocks (12-16): 28 April and 12 May
Excursions: 7 May and 4 June
no class: 21 and 28 May                                                          Why is remembrance of the colonial past marginalized in Germany? In
                                                                                 this course, we will analyse the traces of the German colonial past and of
first session 14 April 2020
                                                                                 colonial resistance in former colonies and in Berlin. The course focuses
                                                                                 on actual debates and struggles for the remembrance of the colonial
                                                                                 history in Berlin. We will get to know Berlin as the capital of the colonial
Imagine yourself as a child, or a teenager, living in Berlin during the          empire, have an insight in the colonial realities and sharpen our view of
First or Second World War, under the Nazi regime, or perhaps at a time           the long-term consequences of colonialism. Excursions to the African
when the city was divided between the East and the West. What would              Quarter in Wedding and the exhibition "Zurückgeschaut“ about colonial
you do, where would you spend most of your time, where would your                shows in Treptow illustrate the current negotiations of remembrance of
parents be, what could you learn at school? What would be your dreams            colonialism in Berlin. Through readings, discussions and the guided
and aspirations? This course equips you with knowledge, skills and               excursions, the course will introduce to contemporary debates on
information that help to answer and reflect on the questions about               marginalization in Germany as well as on restitution of objects to the
Berlin's history and culture, the life of its inhabitants, and socio-political   former colonies and re-naming of streets and places. The last sessions of
developments in Germany and Europe in the 20th century.                          the seminar will be dedicated to practices of colonial remembrance from
By using the lens of children and adolescents, the course raises the             different contexts and countries. Final assignments will be contributions
topics of war, racism, eugenics, humanitarianism, displacement, child            for a joined teamwork product (poster, podcast, blog) on a related topic.
welfare politics and analyze how different events of this turbulent              The course is taught in German and English for students who have
century shaped the present-day Berlin and Germany. In the class                  acquired at least the equivalent of B1 in German and B2 in English.
sessions, we will discover a variety of children’s experiences, read
personal stories, analyze historical documents, reflect on exhibitions
and movies, contrast and compare child policies and politics during war
and peacetime.
By the end of the course, we will be able to build a bridge between the
past and the present, use historical knowledge and critical analysis in
discussions on the current socio-political problems and events as well as
reflect on our own lives in the present-day dynamic cityscape of Berlin.

                                  22                                                                                  23
BENJAMIN WILCK                                               Agnes: 2181339

language requirements English B2

Wednesday 16-18 c.t. room 0323-26
first session 15 April 2020

The course explores philosophical reflections on the university and the
role of philosophy within that institution as put forward by German
philosophers in the Prussian Berlin of the 19th century, while also
providing a critical perspective on the subsequent history of the
university through the 20th century until today. Humboldt University
Berlin was founded in 1809/10 under the name “Friedrich-Wilhelms-
Universität” as a result of revolutionist treatises on university reforms
by philosophers in Berlin such as Fichte, von Humboldt, and
Schleiermacher. Wilhelm von Humboldt in particular had the idea to
create a new kind of university in which teaching and research would            OVERVIEW
form a unity, in which science would be independent of political and
economic interests, and in which students would receive a universal
education. Consequently, the Humboldt University Berlin became the
worldwide paradigm of a new era of university and science. By reading
texts by Kant, Fichte, von Humboldt, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Marx,
Heine, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, and others, we will trace how ideas
relating to the structure and purpose of the university and academic
teaching and scientific research changed and were implemented in the
course of the last two centuries, especially in light of the most recent
university reform following the Bologna Process in 1999. The course
also puts particular emphasis on the impact of philosophical ideas on
politics, religion, and education, as well as on literature, visual arts, and
architecture in Berlin past and present. (Reading materials are made
available electronically in both the German original and English
translation. Instruction and discussion are in English, but German
contributions are welcome.)

                                 24                                                  25
Monday                         Tuesday                             Wednesday                 Thursday           Friday
10-12   Heinz                  Etkin               Alt-Haaker          Perea-Díaz/Tülü

        Traces of              Gardens of          Topographies of     Berlin Sonic
        Germany's colonial     Berlin:             Jewish Identity
        past in Berlin and     Transdisciplinary   in Berlin in the    Agnes: 2181337
        postcolonial debates   Ecology             20th and 21st
        Agnes: 2181334         Agnes: 2181332

                                                   Agnes: 2181328

12-14   Paluch                                     Gnydiuk             Jurkiewicz/Suerbaum

        Image and the city                         Berlin              Berlin as refugee city
                                                   childhood(s): the
        Agnes: 2181336                             social history of   Agnes: 2181335
                                                   the city in the
                                                   20th century

                                                   Agnes: 2181333

14-16   Rinke                  Bishop Kendzia                          Tülü                     Becker

        Die sexuelle Kultur    Exploring                               Urban Activism           Digital Berlin - Digitale
        Berlins                Difficult                                                        Alltagspraktiken
                               Heritage                                Agnes: 2181338
        Agnes: 2181340         through Berlin                                                   Agnes: 2181329

                               Agnes: 2181330

16-18                                              Byun                Wilck

                                                   Migration and       Philosophie in Berlin
                                                   Entrepreneurship    Agnes: 2181339

                                                   Agnes: 2181331

                  26                                                                                        27
Berlin Perspectives
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Hausvogteiplatz 5–7
10117 Berlin

Redaktion/Editorial Team:
Dr. Monika Sonntag
Dr. Stefanie Rinke

Lea Sophie Meyer/Nicole Hermann

You can also read