
         Brand New Day Classic Choice Plan (HMO) 33

                 Fresno County          Sacramento County
                Imperial County       San Bernardino County
                  Kern County            San Diego County
                  Kings County         San Francisco County
              Los Angeles County        San Joaquin County
                Madera County            San Mateo County
                Orange County           Santa Clara County
               Riverside County            Tulare County


Brand New Day Classic Choice Plan (HMO) 33

H0838, Plan 33

January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022.

Brand New Day is an HMO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Brand New Day depends
on annual contract renewal.

The benefit information provided does not list every service that we cover or list every limitation
or exclusion. To get a complete list of services we cover, please access the “Evidence of
Coverage” at

To join Brand New Day Classic Choice Plan (HMO) you must be entitled to Medicare Part
A, be enrolled in Medicare Part B, and live in our service area. Our service area includes the
following counties in California: Fresno, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Orange,
Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo,
Santa Clara, and Tulare.

Except in emergency situations, if you use providers that are not in our network, we may not
pay for these services.

For coverage and costs of Original Medicare, look in your current “Medicare & You” handbook.
View it online at or get a copy by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)
available 24 hours, 7 days a week including some federal holidays. TTY/TDD users should call

This document is available in other formats such as Braille, large print or audio.

       Have questions? Please call Brand New Day Member Services Department at
   1-866-255-4795, TTY 711 Monday – Friday 8 am - 8 pm between April 1 and September
   30 and 7 days a week between October 1 to March 31, 8 am - 8 pm or visit our website
Classic Choice Plan (HMO) 33


Monthly Plan Premium        $0                   You must keep paying your
                                                 Medicare Part B premium.
                                                 Your premium may be more if you
                                                 are not receiving Extra Help.
Deductible                  No deductible
Maximum Out-of-Pocket       No more than $0      Includes copays and other costs for
Responsibility              annually             medical services for the year.
(does not include                                Your costs may be more if your
prescription drugs)                              Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                 for Medicare covered services.
Inpatient Hospital          $0 per stay          Services may require authorization
                                                 and a referral.
                                                 Your costs may be more if your
                                                 Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing

                                                                                        CLASSIC CHOICE PLAN 33
                                                 for Medicare covered services.
Outpatient Hospital         $0 copay             Services may require authorization
                                                 and a referral.
                                                 Please reference Evidence of
                                                 Coverage (EOC) for details on
                                                 specific services.
                                                 Your costs may be more if your
                                                 Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                 for Medicare covered services.
Ambulatory Surgery          $0 copay             Services may require authorization
Center                                           and a referral.
                                                 Your costs may be more if your
                                                 Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                 for Medicare covered services.
Doctor Visits
• Primary care providers    $0 copay
• Specialists               $0 copay             Services may require authorization
                                                 and a referral.
Preventive Care                                  Other preventive services are
                                                 available. There are some covered
                                                 services that may have a cost.
• Flu vaccine, diabetic     $0 copay             Services may require authorization
  screenings, etc.                               and a referral.
• Routine Annual Physical   $0 copay             Services do not require
                                                 authorization or a referral.
2022 Summary of Benefits

                           PREMIUM & BENEFITS              YOU PAY             WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW

                         Emergency Care               $0 copay               Copayment waived if admitted to
                                                                             the hospital or readmitted to the ER
                                                                             within 72 hours.
                                                                             Your costs may be more if your
                                                                             Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                             for Medicare covered services.
                         Worldwide                    $90 copay              Coverage is limited to $50,000.
                         Emergency Care
                         • Urgent Care
                         • Emergency Room
                         • Emergency Transportation
                         Urgent Care                  $0 copay
                         Diagnostic Services/Labs/                           Services may require authorization

                         Imaging                                             and a referral.
                         • Diagnostic tests and       $0 copay               Your costs may be more if your
                           procedures                                        Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                             for Medicare covered services.
                         • Lab services               $0 copay
                         • MRI, CAT scan              $0 copay               Your costs may be more if your
                                                                             Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                             for Medicare covered services.
                         • X-rays                     $0 copay               Your costs may be more if your
                                                                             Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                             for Medicare covered services.
                         Hearing Services
                         • Routine hearing exam       $0 copay               One routine hearing exam annually.
                         • Hearing aid fittings and   $0 copay               One hearing aid fitting annually.
                         • Hearing aid                $149 per hearing aid   You receive 2 hearing aids every
                                                      for the advanced       3 years.
Classic Choice Plan (HMO) 33

  PREMIUM & BENEFITS                   YOU PAY          WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW

Dental Services                                       Limitations may apply. See your
                                                      EOC for details.
• Preventive dental (e.g., oral   $0 copay
  exam, x-rays, cleanings)
Comprehensive dental
• Diagnostic services             $0 copay
• Restorative services            $0 copay
• Endodontics                     $0 copay
• Periodontics                    $0 copay
• Extractions                     $0 copay
• Implant Services,               $0 – $350 copay     Prosthodontics, other oral/
  Prosthodontics, other oral/                         maxillofacial surgery, other
  maxillofacial surgery, other                        services range from $0 for surgical
  services                                            placement of implant body

                                                                                             CLASSIC CHOICE PLAN 33
                                                      (endosteal implant) to $350 for
                                                      implant supported crowns.
• Non-routine services            $0 copay
Vision Services
• Routine eye exam                $0 copay            One exam per year.
• Retinal imaging                 $0 copay            One exam per year.
• Eyeglasses (frames)             $0 copay            $175 allowance for frames.
• Eyeglass lenses                 $0 copay            For standard lenses (includes
                                                      standard progressives).
• Contact lenses                  $0 copay            $175 allowance in lieu of frames for
                                                      contact lenses every year.
• Upgrades                                            $70 allowance for polycarb lenses
                                                      $89.50 allowance for premium
                                                      progressives upgrade.
Mental Health Services                                Services may require authorization
• Outpatient individual           $0 copay            and a referral.
  therapy                                             Your costs may be more if your
• Outpatient group therapy        $0 copay            Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                      for Medicare covered services.
2022 Summary of Benefits

                           PREMIUM & BENEFITS            YOU PAY          WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW

                         Skilled Nursing Facility   $0 per stay         Services may require authorization
                         (SNF)                                          and a referral.
                                                                        Your costs may be more if your
                                                                        Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                        for Medicare covered services.
                         Physical Therapy           $0 copay            Services may require authorization
                                                                        and a referral.
                                                                        Your costs may be more if your
                                                                        Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                        for Medicare covered services.
                         Ambulance (Ground)         $0 copay            Services may require authorization.
                                                                        Your costs may be more if your
                                                                        Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                        for Medicare covered services.

                         Transportation             $0 copay for        Services may require authorization.
                                                    unlimited one way
                                                    trips to approved
                         Medicare Part B Drugs                          Services may require authorization.
                         • Chemotherapy drugs       $0 copay            Your costs may be more if your
                                                                        Medi-Cal does not cover cost-sharing
                                                                        for Medicare covered services.
                         • Other Part B drugs       $0 copay
Classic Choice Plan (HMO) 33

                            OUTPATIENT PRESCRIPTION DRUGS

Part D Deductible                   No deductible (Your deductible may be more if you are
                                    not receiving Extra Help).
                                    Retail Rx 30-day supply       Mail Order 100-day supply

Initial Coverage
You are in the Initial Coverage
stage until you reach $4,430 in
drug costs (year to date).
Tier 1 – Preferred Generic          $0 copay                      $0 copay
Tiers 2 (Generic) to                $0 or $1.35 for generics.     $0 or $1.35 for generics.
5 (Specialty Tier)                  $0 or $4 for brands.          $0 or $4 for brands.
                                    (Depending on your level      (Depending on your level
                                    of Extra Help that you        of Extra Help that you
                                    receive).                     receive).

                                                                                                    CLASSIC CHOICE PLAN 33
Tier 6 – Select Care                $0 copay                      $0 copay
Coverage Gap
You stay in this stage until your
year-to-date “out-of-pocket
costs” (your payments) reach a
total of $7,050
Tier 1 – Preferred Generic          $0 copay
Tiers 2 (Generic) to                $0 or $1.35 for generics. $0 or $4 for brands.
5 (Specialty Tier)                  (Depending on your level of Extra Help that
                                    you receive).
Tier 6 – Select Care                $0 copay
Catastrophic Coverage               During this stage, the plan will pay most of the cost of your
                                    drugs for the rest of the calendar year (through December
                                    31, 2022).
                                    Depending on your level of Extra Help that you receive,
                                    $0 copay for all covered drugs or $3.95 copay or 5%
                                    (whichever costs more) for generic drugs or a preferred
                                    multi-source drug and $9.85 copay or 5% (whichever
                                    costs more) for all other drugs.
Cost-Sharing may change depending on the pharmacy you choose and when you enter a
new phase of the Part D benefit.
2022 Summary of Benefits

                            WELLNESS BENEFITS          YOU PAY / RECEIVE       WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW

                         Over-The-Counter (OTC)        Up to $820 each      $205 credit every 3 months.
                         Items                         year
                         Healthy Foods Allowance       Up to $360 each      Receive a $30 monthly allowance
                                                       year for healthy     to buy healthy whole foods at
                                                       foods                approved grocery stores.
                         Meals and Nutritional         Receive 14 meals     Meal programs include: Diabetes,
                         Counseling                    each month, for      congestive heart failure (CHF),
                                                       12 months in the     cardiovascular disorders, dementia,
                                                       calendar year (168   chronic and disabling mental health
                                                       total meals)         conditions, kidney disease, and
                                                                            Also includes a nutritional
                                                                            consultation with a registered
                                                                            dietician to develop a healthy
                                                                            eating plan.

                         Acupuncture                                        Services may require authorization
                         • Medicare-covered            $0 copay             and a referral.
                         • Routine acupuncture         $0 copay             For up to 30 visits every year
                                                                            combined with Routine Chiropractic
                         Chiropractic Services                              Services may require authorization
                         • Medicare-covered            $0 copay             and a referral.
                           chiropractic care
                         • Routine chiropractic care   $0 copay             For up to 30 visits every
                                                                            year combined with Routine
                                                                            Acupuncture services.
                         Gym Membership                $0 copay             SilverSneakers gym membership
                                                                            is available to you at no cost
                                                                            with access to fitness facilities, or
                                                                            SilverSneakers Steps at-home kits
                                                                            for members who are unable to
                                                                            exercise in a fitness facility or prefer
                                                                            to work out at home.
                         24/7 Doctor Advice Line       $0 copay             A Doctor is available at no cost to
                                                                            you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
                                                                            by web, mobile app, or phone
                                                                            at: (800) 835-2362. Doctors can
                                                                            diagnose and prescribe medications
                                                                            if medically necessary.
                         Personal Emergency            $0 copay             Mobile PERS device with GPS and
                         Response System (PERS)                             fall detection; 24/7/365 monitoring.
               Brand New Day offers you additional benefits beyond what
                 Original Medicare alone provides. Brand New Day has
             partnered with specialized companies for these added benefits.

   Benefit may vary by plan, to get a complete list of services we cover, call us and ask for the “Evidence of
   Coverage.” You can also see the Evidence of Coverage on our website
   Brand New Day is an HMO/SNP with a Medicare Contract. Enrollment in Brand New Day depends on
   contract renewal.

       PROVIDER                     PLAN 25                PLAN 33                  PLAN 49
                               ACUPUNCTURE & CHIROPRACTIC
                                                                                        $0 copay
                                                  $0 copay                        12 treatments when
TTY 1-800-735-2922               30 treatments when combined with Routine       combined with Routine
Monday – Friday, 5 am - 8 pm    Chiropractic or Routine Acupuncture services.   Chiropractic or Routine                                                      Acupuncture services.
                                       DENTAL BENEFITS

TTY 1-877-855-8039
Monday – Sunday, 8 am - 8 pm      Deep Cleaning           Deep Cleaning           Deep Cleaning
(October 1 - March 31)           $35 – $60 copay            $0 copay             $35 – $60 copay
Monday – Friday, 8 am - 8 pm           Crowns                 Crowns                   Crowns
(April 1 - September 30)        $275 – $400 copay           $0 copay            $275 – $400 copay
Medicare: www1.deltadentalins.
com/brand-new-day-medicare            Implants               Implants                 Implants
Medi-Medi: www1.deltadentalins.  $0 – $1,110 copay       $0 – $350 copay         $0 – $1,110 copay
com/brand-new-day-medi-cal-           Dentures               Dentures                Dentures
medicare                            $450 copay           $0 – $150 copay            $450 copay

1-855-203-5900, TTY 711
Monday – Friday, 8 am - 5 pm             Limitations may apply. See your EOC for details.
                                      GYM MEMBERSHIP

                                                               $0 copay
                                                       Fitness facility programs
1-888-423-4632, TTY 711                                 Healthy aging program
Monday – Friday, 5 am - 5 pm                                SilverSneakers steps at-home kits

                                         HEARING AID

                                 Advanced model           Advanced model
1-866-202-1182, TTY 711            $149 copay               $149 copay                Not covered
Monday – Friday, 8 am - 8 pm         per aid.                 per aid.
                           MEALS AND NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING
                                 Receive 15 meals                            Receive 15 meals
                               each week for 6 weeks Receive 14 meals each each week for 6 weeks
                                with a $0 copay (90 month, for 12 months with a $0 copay (90
1-866-255-4795, TTY 711          total meals). Meal   in the calendar year   total meals). Meal
Monday – Friday, 8 am - 8 pm    delivery is included    (168 total meals).  delivery is included          1 time per week.                            1 time per week.
       PROVIDER                     PLAN 25                 PLAN 33                PLAN 49

                                   You get $40              You get $205              You get $35
1-877-280-6207, TTY 711           every month to          every 3 months to          every month to
24/7/365                          spend on OTC             spend on OTC              spend on OTC

                                                          $0 copay
1-888-256-3227, TTY 711
Monday – Friday, 6 am - 6 pm            Mobile PERS device with GPS and fall detection,
Saturday – Sunday, 7 am - 4 pm                      24/7/365 monitoring.

Routine Transportation:                          $0 copay
1-855-804-3340, TTY 711                  Unlimited transportation                    Not covered
Medical Transportation:                  for plan-approved trips.
1-855-804-3484, TTY 711
Monday – Friday, 8 am - 8 pm

                                                     Routine Eye Exam $0 copay
1-800-511-1486,                                          Frames up to $175
TTY 1-844-230-6498
Monday – Saturday, 5 am - 8 pm                        Standard lenses $0 copay
Sunday, 8 am - 5 pm                                Upgrade allowance up to $159.50
                                 24/7 DOCTOR ADVICE LINE

                                                              $0 copay
1-800-835-2362,                     Request a visit with a doctor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
TTY 1-855-636-1578                   by web, phone or mobile app. Talk to the doctor, take as
24 hours a day, 7 days a week                          much time as you need.
                                  24/7 NURSE ADVICE LINE

                                                            $0 copay
1-888-687-7321, TTY 711                      Speak with a Brand New Day registered
24 hours a day, 7 days a week                 nurse 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
                       Lower Copayments for Prescriptions!

     Tiers 1 and 6 at $0 Copay even through the coverage gap! If you are filling
    a prescription for medications on Tier 1 or 6 you will not have a Copayment.

                                  Mail Order Savings!

Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Special! Pay for 2 months of a 100-day prescription and get
the third month at no extra cost. This applies to members when they use Mail Order
to fill their 100-day, Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 prescription. It is easy to save on prescription
drugs with MedImpact Direct!

                                      More Savings!

                                 Extra Help - from Medicare
You may qualify for Extra Help with your prescription drug costs. If you don’t qualify for
Medi-Cal but you have a limited income, you can apply for Extra Help. To apply, call:
       • Brand New Day at 1-866-255-4795, TTY 711 and talk to a Member Services
         representative; or call
       • Social Security at 1-800-772-1213; TTY users call 1-800-325-0778;
       • Or apply online at
If you qualify for Extra Help, Medicare will pay all or part of your Part D premium and you
will have lower copays at the pharmacy.

                                  Other Ways to Save

                                Generic vs. Brand Name
Generic medications have the exact same ingredients as the brand name drugs, but you
aren’t paying for the “name.” Always ask the pharmacy for generic instead of brand name.

Brand New Day is an HMO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Brand New Day
depends on annual contract renewal. This information is not a complete description of
benefits. Call 1-866-255-4795, TTY 711 for more information Monday - Friday, 8 am - 8
pm and 7 days a week 8 am - 8 pm from October 1 - March 31.
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