BENEFITS GUIDE This is your 2021 JCPenney - Alight

Page created by Carl Wolf
This is your 2021 JCPenney


JCPenney is proud to offer comprehensive benefits to you and your
family as we work together to return Penney’s to a position of health                           Health & Welfare Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
and vibrancy.
                                                                                                Paid Time-Off Benefits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
This Benefits Guide provides an overview of the plans and options
                                                                                                Benefits Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
available to you. For more detailed information, please visit the
JCPenney Benefits website (see access instructions on last page).                               The Basics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

If you are a newly hired associate, you must enroll for benefits within                         Medical Coverage Through the Marketplace  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
your first 30 days of employment to have coverage for the remainder                             Medical  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
of the year.*
                                                                                                Health Accounts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
Ongoing associates must actively enroll for benefits each year during                           Prescription Drugs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Annual Enrollment (an approximate two-week period in October or
November). Benefits do not automatically roll over from year to year.                           Dental  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
                                                                                                Vision  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
If you’ve had a recent change in your benefits eligibility, you must
enroll by the deadline listed on your JCPenney Benefits Center                                  Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)                               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
enrollment letter.                                                                              401(k) Safe Harbor Plan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                                                                                                Paid Time Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     JCPenney spent                                                                             Other Time Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

                                298 million
         more than                                                                              Basic Life Insurance                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
                                                                                                Supplemental Life Insurance                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     		                     on 401(k) Company match, health & welfare                           Term Life Insurance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                                      and paid time-off benefits in 2019.
                                                                                                AD&D Insurance                  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                                                                                                Short-Term Disability                   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                                                                                                Basic Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                                                                                                Supplemental LTD Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                                                                                                Other Benefits               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
                                                                                                Additional JCPenney-Provided Benefits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
* Applies to most health & welfare benefits (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, etc.).   Benefits Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   401(k) may be elected at any time. Some benefits such as the Associate Discount are
   provided automatically and do not require enrollment.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                                                             2
JCPenney offers two health & welfare benefit              Eligibility                                                ONGOING ASSOCIATES: Eligibility for Part-
packages, with initial eligibility based on your                                                                     Time or Full-Time health & welfare benefits
employment status when hired, and then,                   NEW HIRES:                                                 is determined each year during the annual
on an ongoing basis, as measured during the               —— If you are hired as a part-time associate,             look-back.1
“annual look-back” period.1                                   you are eligible for Part-Time health &
                                                                                                                     If, during the annual look-back, you worked:
                                                              welfare benefits. After your first 11 months
As a JCPenney associate, you are eligible for                                                                        ƒƒ Less than 1,560 hours (average less than
                                                              of employment, your hours worked will be
one of these two health & welfare benefits                                                                               30 hours per week), you will be eligible for
                                                              measured to determine if you will remain
packages:                                                                                                                Part-Time health & welfare benefits.
                                                              eligible for Part-Time health & welfare
                                                              benefits or if you are eligible for Full-Time          ƒƒ 1,560 or more hours (average 30 or more
         ƒƒ PART-TIME: If you average less
                                                              health & welfare benefits.                                 hours per week), you will be eligible for
             than 30 hours worked per week
                                                                                                                         Full-Time health & welfare benefits.
                                                          —— If you are hired as a full-time associate,
         ƒƒ FULL-TIME: If you average 30 or                  you are eligible for Full-Time health &                PROMOTIONS: If you are promoted to
             more hours worked per week                       welfare benefits. You will remain eligible             certain Company-recognized “benefits-
This Benefits Guide provides highlights of                    for Full-Time health & welfare benefits                qualifying” supervisor/manager positions, you
the benefits offered. Eligibility for each health             for the remainder of the current and the               will become eligible for Full-Time health &
& welfare benefit is indicated with                           following calendar year, even if your full-            welfare benefits on your promotion effective
a Part-Time and/or Full-Time icon.                            time status changes during that time.                  date.

                                                                                                                     A list of benefits-qualifying positions can be
                                                                                                                     found on the JCPenney Benefits website >
PLEASE NOTE: Eligibility requirements for health & welfare benefits are different than those for                     Benefits Library > Health & Welfare Benefits.
paid time-off benefits.

                                                                                                                         Hourly associates can view their
As a JCPenney associate, you may be eligible for one of three paid time-off benefit packages.                            current and projected benefits
Time-off benefits are categorized as either:                                                                             eligibility at any time by clicking the
ƒƒ P
    art-Time: If you work less than 30 hours per week on average and have three of more                                 Benefits Eligibility tile on the JCPenney
   years of continuous service with JCPenney2                                                                            Benefits website homepage.
ƒƒ Part-Time Plus: If you work 30–34 hours per week on average2
ƒƒ Full-Time: If you work 35 or more hours per week on average2
1 The annual look-back calculates average hours worked during a 52-week period that ends in September or October.
2 Average hours worked as measured by the Company during specific look-back periods. See the Time-Off section for more information.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                   3
                                                           PART-TIME             FULL-TIME
 Health & Welfare Benefits1                                Avg
Benefits Eligibility (Continued)
                                                                                                                                   PART-TIME                     FULL-TIME
 Health & Welfare Benefits1                                                                                                        Avg
Who You Can Cover                              Paying for Coverage                              A qualified status change is defined by the
                                                                                                IRS and may include, but is not limited to:
When you elect benefits, you can also cover    Some benefits are paid in part or in full
eligible dependents under certain plans.       by you, while others are provided at no cost     ƒƒ Change in legal marital status — marriage,
Eligible dependents include your:              to you.                                             divorce, legal separation, death of spouse
                                                                                                ƒƒ Change in number of dependents — birth,
ƒƒ Spouse                                      If you are eligible and elect Medical, Dental,       adoption or placement for adoption
ƒƒ Children or stepchildren under age 26       Vision or Hospital Indemnity coverage, or if     ƒƒ Change in dependent’s age
ƒƒ Incapacitated children                      you choose to contribute to a Health Savings     ƒƒ Change in place of residence or worksite
                                               Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account       ƒƒ Change in spouse’s coverage
Dependent Verification                         (FSA), your deductions and contributions are
                                                                                                If you enroll new dependents, you must
Providing you and your eligible dependents     taken out of your pay on a before-tax basis,
                                                                                                verify their eligibility upon enrollment and
with health & welfare benefits is important    which lowers your taxable income. You may
                                                                                                periodically thereafter. The JCPenney
to JCPenney. Since everyone shares in the      choose to contribute to your 401(k) on a
                                                                                                Benefits Center will send verification
cost of coverage, participants who enroll      before-tax, after-tax Roth and/or after-tax
                                                                                                information to you after enrollment.
dependents in JCPenney medical and dental      basis.
plans are required to provide documents        All other deductions to pay for benefits are
to verify that their dependents meet the       taken on an after-tax basis.
                                                                                                Annual Earnings for Benefits
eligibility requirements.                                                                       Your annual earnings for benefits (AEB) is
                                                                                                used to determine Medical premiums, as well
Once you enroll your dependents for            Changing Your Coverage                           as benefits for Life Insurance, Long-Term
coverage, the JCPenney Benefits Center will
                                               The health & welfare benefits you elect          Disability, AD&D Insurance and Business
send you a dependent verification notice
                                               during Annual Enrollment are effective           Travel Accident.
that outlines the steps you need to take to
                                               Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2021, so choose your
establish that your dependents are eligible                                                     If you are a new hire, your AEB is calculated
                                               benefits coverage carefully. As a rule, once
for coverage. Coverage for your dependents                                                      based on your current annualized base pay,
                                               you are enrolled, you may not change, add
is contingent on you successfully completing                                                    rounded up to the next $1,000. In following
                                               or drop your benefit choices until the next
the process within the required timeframe.                                                      years, your AEB is the greater of: Current
                                               annual enrollment period (which usually occurs
You may be required to reverify your           in October or November, for coverage the         annualized pay + bonus paid calendar
dependents in future years.                    following year).                                 year-to-date OR gross wages for the prior
                                                                                                calendar year rounded up to the next $1,000.
                                               Certain changes may be allowed during the        Earnings used to calculate AEB are obtained
                                               year if you have a qualified status change       annually, a few weeks prior to annual
                                               that is reported to the JCPenney Benefits        enrollment.
                                               Center (either online or by phone). In most
                                               cases, the qualifying status change must be
                                               reported within 60 days after the event.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                              6
The JCPenney Part-Time health & welfare benefits package does                  Marketplace Application
not include medical coverage. Instead, you may purchase medical
                                                                               If you decide to complete an application for medical coverage in the
coverage through state or federal Marketplaces. Marketplaces are
                                                                               Marketplace, you will be asked to provide information about health
designed to help you find medical coverage that meets your needs
                                                                               coverage offered by your employer. Complete your application using
and fits your budget. And, depending on your income and number
                                                                               the information below. It is numbered to correspond to items in the
of dependents, you may be eligible for a tax credit that lowers your
                                                                               Marketplace application.
monthly premium.
                                                                               3. Employer Name: JCPenney
You can get Marketplace information by:
ƒƒ Visiting                                                 4. Employer Identification Number (EIN): 13-5583779
ƒƒ Calling the Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596                                   5. Employer Address: 6501 Legacy Dr.

The enrollment period for 2021 benefits through the Marketplace is             6. Employer Phone Number: 1-888-890-8900
Nov. 1–Dec. 15, 2020.                                                          7. City: Plano
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tax subsidies for Marketplace coverage are                     8. State: TX
only available to those who are not eligible for qualified employer-
                                                                               9. Zip Code: 75024
sponsored medical coverage. In other words, full-time associates who
are eligible for JCPenney medical coverage are not eligible for a tax          10. Who can we contact about employee health coverage at this job?:
subsidy for coverage through the Marketplace.                                      JCPenney Benefits Center
                                                                               11. Phone Number (if different from above):

                              11.4 million
                                                                               12. Email Address: Not Available

                                                    people                     13. Is the employee currently eligible for coverage offered by this
                              get medical coverage through                         employer, or will the employee be eligible in the next three
                              Marketplace exchanges.                               months?: No
                                                                               14. Does the employer offer a health plan that meets minimum value
                                            Source: Kaiser Family Foundation       standard?: No

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                   7
JCPenney offers three medical plans to help                  Medical Carriers
protect your physical and financial health. All              Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas                         MOVES/TRANSFERS: If a mid-year move
three plans cover the same treatments and                    (BCBSTX) and Cigna administer JCPenney                      or transfer causes your medical carrier
medications, but have different premiums,                    medical plans. Your carrier is determined                   to change (for example, you move from
deductibles and co-insurance. Your medical                   by your home location and is automatically                  California to Florida), your claims data,
plan options:                                                assigned when you enroll.                                   including the amount you have paid toward
ƒƒ HRA 1100                                                                                                              your deductible and out-of pocket maximum
                                                             The carriers’ network of doctors and hospital               will automatically transfer to the new carrier.
   ——Includes a Company-funded Health                       will vary, but the benefits and premiums are
      Reimbursement Account (HRA)                            the same for both.
ƒƒ HSA 1600
                                                             Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas                      ID Cards
   ——Includes a Health Savings Account                                                                               You will receive a new medical ID card only
                                                             will be your carrier if you live in:
      (HSA) with Company contribution                                                                                 if you are a new Medical plan enrollee or you
                                                             ƒƒ Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
ƒƒ HSA 2100                                                                                                           changed plans from last year.
                                                                California, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
   ——Includes a Health Savings Account (HSA)                   Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan,                  If you require medical services, but do not
                                                                Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,            have your ID card, contact the carrier to
                                                                Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico,             verify coverage and print a temporary card
                                                                                                                      from the carrier’s website. You may also use
                                                                North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon,
   NEW HIRES: If you enroll for Medical                                                                               the carrier’s app to display your ID card.
                                                                Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
   coverage within 30 days of hire, your
   coverage will be effective on your hire
                                                                South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas (except in             Medical Carrier Apps
                                                                the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area1), Virginia,       Download your medical carrier’s app to
   date, but your premiums will not begin
                                                                Washington, West Virginia or Wisconsin.               quickly find in-network doctors or check
   until your 31st day of employment.
                                                                                                                      claims and deductible expenses.
   Within a few days of your enrollment,                     Cigna will be your carrier if you live in:
   the carrier will be notified, and providers               ƒƒ Colorado, Connecticut, the greater Dallas/            Visit or
   will be able to verify your coverage.                        Fort Worth Texas area,1 the District of      for details.
   Generally, you will receive a Medical ID                     Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas,
   card within two weeks of enrolling.                          Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New
                                                                Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Utah,
   To view in-network providers prior
                                                                Vermont or Wyoming.
   to enrolling, see the Find a Provider
   instructions on the JCPenney Benefits
   website > 2021 Benefits Info.

1 A list of counties included in Cigna’s greater D/FW coverage area can be found on the JCPenney Benefits website.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                        8
Medical (Continued)
Preventive Care                                      Telehealth Services                              Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
All medical plans provide in-network                 All medical plans include convenient,            All medical plans include EAP coverage,
preventive care covered at 100 percent (no           low-cost telehealth services through             a benefit that provides free, confidential
cost to you). Preventive services include            MDLive. Telehealth provides 24/7 access to       assistance from licensed counselors to
annual wellness exams, routine immunizations         quality, non-urgent care by phone or video.      address a variety of issues such as mental
and health screenings based on age and               You can see a doctor or behavioral health        health problems, domestic abuse, financial
gender.                                              specialist without leaving the comfort of your   worries, emotional difficulties and substance
                                                     own home.                                        abuse.
For a full list of covered preventive care
services, see the Preventive Care Guidelines         Telehealth doctors can treat conditions          You and your covered dependents can
on the JCPenney Benefits website > Medical           such as allergies, asthma, flu, infections,      receive up to three free visits per issue, per
Tools.                                               nausea, anxiety or depression, and prescribe     year. Experienced counselors are available 24
                                                     medication when appropriate.                     hours a day, seven days a week.
Lab Work
                                                     Telehealth is great for those times you need     Contact the EAP provider associated with
Ask your physician to send non-preventive            a doctor in the middle of the night. The call    your medical carrier:
lab work to independent facilities such as           will be quicker if you’ve preregistered. You     Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics to avoid                may set up an account any time online or by
paying a higher co-insurance amount (50%)                                                             yy VIsit
                                                     phone. There’s no charge to register; you’ll        or call 1-800-588-8419
after you meet your deductible. If there are         just need to provide some basic information
no LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics facilities in        and your medical ID number.                      Cigna
your area, call the customer service number
                                                                                                      yy Call 1-855-218-6102
on the back of your medical ID card for              Register or make an appointment with your
                                                     medical carrier’s telehealth provider:           Associates without medical coverage may
assistance finding another independent lab.
                                                                                                      contact Cigna for EAP services.
                                                     Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
                                                     yy Visit or call

   The number of no-cost                                1-888-680-8646 or download the
   preventive care services
   available to adults:          21                     MDLive app from the App Store or
                                                        Google Play.
                                                                                                          Almost               of all doctor,
                                                                                                          urgent care, and ER visits are either
                                                                                                          unnecessary or could be handled
                            Source:   yy Visit > Find Care &               safely and effectively over the
                                                        Costs > Telehealth Connection                     phone or video.
                                                     yy Visit
                                                        or call 1-888-726-3171.                                      Source: American Medical Association
                                                                                                                          and Wellness Council of America

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                    9
Medical (Continued)

 Your Medical Plan Options and Benefits
                                                                          HRA 1100                                  HSA 1600                               HSA 2100
 Preventive Care (in-network)        1

    All coverage levels                                                   100% covered                              100% covered                           100% covered
 Annual Deductible (in-network)
    You Only                                                              $1,1002                                   $1,600                                 $2,100
    You + Spouse, Children or Family                                      $2,200    2
                                                                                                                    $3,200   3
 Co-Insurance (in-network; after you meet the deductible)4
    All coverage levels                                                   You pay 20%                               You pay 30%                            You pay 30%
 Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum (in-network)                 5

    You Only                                                              $5,500                                    $6,500                                 $6,750
    You + Spouse, Children or Family                                      $11,000   6
                                                                                                                    $13,000      6
 Associated Health Account
                                                                          HRA                                       HSA                                    HSA
 Health Account Contributions from JCPenney7
    You Only                                                              $200 HRA                                  $500 HSA                               $0
    You + Spouse or Children                                              $400 HRA                                  $750 HSA                               $0
    You + Family                                                          $600 HRA                                  $1,000 HSA                             $0
 Health Account Contributions from You
                                                                          $0. You cannot                            Up to $3,600 for individual or $7,200 for family
                                                                          contribute to an HRA.                     (including any Company contribution). Age 55 and
                                                                                                                    older: additional $1,000 catch-up contribution.
 1 Includes preventive lab work at any in-network facility.
 2 Prescription drug costs do not apply to the HRA 1100 medical deductible. Individual deductible: $1,100 or shared family deductible: $2,200.
 3 There is no individual deductible when you cover a dependent. The deductible may be met by one or more family members.
 4 Co-insurance is 50% if non-preventive lab work is performed at facilities other than independent labs such as Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp. If there are no Quest of LabCorp
    facilities in your area, call your carrier’s customer service for assistance finding another independent facility. Lab work performed in emergency rooms or urgent care centers are
    covered at the in-network level.
    Out-of-network dialysis treatment is not covered; you pay 100% of the cost, and the amount does not apply to your deductible or out-of-pocket maximum.
    A $250 per person surcharge will apply, in addition to any deductible and co-insurance, on the sixth and all subsequent visits to the ER.
 5 There is no out-of-pocket maximum for out-of-network providers, which means there is no cap on the amount you pay if you receive services from an out-of-network provider.
 6 Once an individual has expenses equal to the “You Only” out-of-pocket maximum, future expenses for that individual will be paid 100 percent by the plan.
 7 JCPenney contributions are pro-rated for new hires.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                                   10
Health Savings Account (HSA)
If you enroll in the HSA 1600 or HSA 2100                     HSA Advantages                                           JCPenney Contributions
medical plan, you may open a Health Savings                                                                            JCPenney contributes to your HSA if you
                                                              An HSA offers you flexibility in how you
Account (HSA).1 Your HSA is administered by                                                                            elect the HSA 1600 medical plan and
                                                              spend and save your healthcare dollars.
HealthEquity.                                                                                                          according to the coverage level elected.
                                                              ƒƒ Your HSA offers triple tax savings:
An HSA is a special, tax-advantaged account                                 ——Contributing to your HSA before taxes   ƒƒ You Only: $500
that you can use to pay medical, prescription                                  are withheld lowers your taxable        ƒƒ You + Spouse or Child(ren): $750
drug, dental and vision deductibles, co-pays                                   income.                                 ƒƒ You + Family: $1,000
and co-insurance. There is no other type of                                 ——HSA earnings grow tax-free.
                                                                                                                       Contributions are pro-rated for new hires,
savings account that provides as many tax-                                  ——You don’t pay federal income tax
                                                                                                                       and are paid on a per-pay-period basis.
saving advantages as an HSA.                                                   on HSA funds you withdraw to pay
                                                                               eligible healthcare expenses.
You can use your HSA debit card to pay                        ƒƒ   You can change your contribution                   HSA Contribution Limits for 2021
qualified healthcare expenses directly to                           amount at any time.                                The IRS limits how much you can contribute
the provider. Or, you may pay with your own                   ƒƒ    Unused funds roll over each year.                  to your HSA each year, but there’s no limit to
funds and claim a reimbursement from your                     ƒƒ    An HSA is your personal bank account.             how large your account can grow over the
HSA through the HealthEquity website.                                You take the account and all funds if             years. The contribution limits for 2021 are:
You may contribute to your HSA through                               you leave JCPenney or enroll in a non-
                                                                                                                       ƒƒ Y ou Only coverage: Up to $3,600
automatic pre-tax payroll deductions.                                qualified medical plan at a later date.
                                                                                                                           (including any JCPenney contribution)
                                                              ƒƒ     You can use your HSA to pay current
Your contributions and any money that                                 healthcare expenses. A full list of              ƒƒ You + Spouse, Children or Family
JCPenney may contribute are deposited                                 eligible expenses can be found at                    coverage: Up to $7,200
each pay period. You can use funds as your                                         (including any JCPenney contribution)
account balance allows.                                       ƒƒ      You can use your HSA to pay past                ƒƒ If you are age 55 or older, you may
                                                                       healthcare expenses as long the expense             make an additional $1,000 catch-up
Funds are initially held in an interest-bearing                        was incurred after your HSA was opened.             contribution.
FDIC-insured cash account.                                    ƒƒ       You can use your HSA to pay future
Note: If you enroll in the HSA 1600 or HSA                              healthcare expenses, even if you are no
                                                                        longer enrolled in an HSA medical plan           Among JCPenney associates who invest
2100 medical plan, you are not eligible for a
Healthcare FSA.                                                         and are no longer eligible to contribute to      their HSA funds, the average balance is

                                                                        your account.
                                                              ƒƒ        When your HSA balance exceeds $1,000,
                                                                        you can invest some or all of that amount
                                                                        in a variety of mutual funds (not FDIC-
                                                                        insured).                                                         Source: HealthEquity, mid-year 2020
1 See the medical plan SPD for additional HSA requirements.
2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                        11
Health Accounts (Continued)
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
If you enroll in the HRA 1100 medical plan, a Health Reimbursement        HRA Advantages
Account (HRA) is automatically opened for you. Your HRA is                ƒƒ Starting on the first day of coverage, your entire JCPenney-funded
administered by HealthEquity.                                                HRA is available for you to use.
An HRA is a special account that is funded entirely by JCPenney. You      ƒƒ Unused HRA funds roll over to the next year, as long as you remain
can use your HRA to pay medical, prescription drug, dental and vision        in the HRA 1100 plan. However, if you leave the Company, change
deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance.                                       to an HSA medical plan or drop medical coverage, you will forfeit
Using Your HRA                                                               all unused HRA funds.
There are three ways to use your HRA funds:                               ƒƒ While you cannot contribute to your HRA, you are eligible to open
                                                                             a tax-advantaged Healthcare FSA which can also be used to pay
1.   Use your HRA debit card to pay qualified healthcare expenses
                                                                             qualified healthcare expenses.
     directly to the provider.
2. Pay providers online through the HealthEquity website.                 JCPenney Contributions
3. Pay with your own funds and claim a reimbursement from your            JCPenney funds your HRA according to the medical coverage level
   HRA through the HealthEquity website.                                  elected.
     yy Reimbursement claims for services provided Jan. 1 to Dec. 31,     ƒƒ You Only: $200
        2021, must be submitted no later than March 31, 2022.             ƒƒ You + Spouse or Child(ren): $400
In some instances, you may be required to provide an itemized receipt     ƒƒ You + Family: $600
or explanation of benefits (EOB) to verify that an expense is eligible.   Contributions are pro-rated for new hires.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                              12
All three medical plan options include                           Preventive Drugs                                  Maintenance Drugs Fill Options
prescription drug coverage, administered by
                                                                 Certain preventive drugs are available at low-    If you take maintenance drugs (like those
CVS Caremark.
                                                                 or no-cost to you and are not subject to the      used to treat chronic conditions such as
CVS Caremark’s network of pharmacies                             medical plan deductible.                          high blood pressure or high cholesterol) on a
include CVS Pharmacy as well as hundreds                                                                           regular basis, be sure to have your physician
of non-CVS locations such as Costco, Sam’s                       Preventive drugs are available to treat serious   write a 90-day prescription instead of a 30-
Club, Target, Walgreens, Walmart, and most                       health conditions such as asthma, chronic         day presciption. You can:
major grocery chain pharmacies.                                  obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
                                                                                                                   ƒƒ Have your medication delivered straight
                                                                 coronary artery disease (CAD), congestive
Under the HSA 1600 and HSA 2100 medical                          heart failure (CHF) and diabetes. Other               to your door by using CVS Caremark’s
plans, non-preventive prescriptions are                          preventive drugs include prenatal vitamins,           convenient mail order service, or
subject to the medical plan deductible. This                                                                       ƒƒ Pick up your prescriptions at any
                                                                 smoking cessation drugs, immunizations,
means you must pay the full cost of your                         contraceptives and more.                              CVS Pharmacy.
prescription until you meet your deductible.                                                                       MAINTENANCE DRUG SURCHARGE: If
Once your deductible is met, the plan begins                     Visit the JCPenney Benefits website for a list
                                                                                                                   you choose to fill your maintenance drug
paying a portion of the costs.                                   of covered preventive drugs.
                                                                                                                   prescriptions at a pharmacy other than
                                                                                                                   CVS Pharmacy or CVS Caremark mail
Under the HRA 1100 medical plan, the plan                        Check Drug Cost
                                                                                                                   order service, you will pay a $15 surcharge
pays a portion of your prescription drug
                                                                 Use CVS Caremark’s online Check Drug Cost         in addition to the cost of your prescription.
costs whether you have met the medical
                                                                 tool to see your costs and coverage based         The surcharge applies after two non-CVS
deductible or not. There is also a separate
                                                                 on the JCPenney medical plan you elect.           fills, and does not apply to your deductible
out-of-pocket-maximum that applies to your
                                                                 The tool also shows lower-cost generic or         or out-of-pocket maximum. CVS Caremark
prescription drugs expenses.
                                                                 preferred alternatives when available. Links      will notify you if your prescription drugs are
                                                                 to the tool are available on the JCPenney         subject to the surcharge.
                                                                 Benefits website.

      49%                of Americans used at
                        least one prescription
                                                                 ID Cards
                                                                 Only new Medical plan enrollees will receive a
                          in the past 30 days.                   new prescription ID card.

                                                                 Mobile App
           Source: National Center for Health Statistics, 2017
                                                                 Download the CVS Caremark app to manage
                                                                 your prescriptions on the go.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                 13
Prescription Drugs (Continued)
 Your Prescription Drug Benefits1
                                        HRA 1100                                                HSA 1600 or HSA 2100
 Network Pharmacies (up to a 30-day supply)
   Preventive                           No cost2 or you pay 10%                                 No cost2 or you pay 10%, no deductible ($5 min.3/$25 max.)
                                        ($5 min.3/$25 max.)
   Generic                              You pay 20% ($10 min.3/$100 max.)                       After medical deductible, you pay 20% ($10 min.3/$100 max.)
   Preferred                            You pay 30% ($25 min.3/$100 max.)                       After medical deductible, you pay 30% ($25 min.3/$100 max.)
   Non-preferred                        You pay 40% ($50 min.3/$200 max.)                       After medical deductible, you pay 40% ($50 min.3/$200 max.)
   Specialty, preferred4                You pay 30% ($500 maximum)                              After medical deductible, you pay 30% ($500 maximum)
   Specialty, non-preferred4            You pay 40% ($1,000 maximum)                            After medical deductible, you pay 40% ($1,000 maximum)
 Home Delivery Mail Order (90-day supply)
   Preventive                           No cost2 or you pay 10%                                 No cost2 or you pay 10%, no deductible ($10 min.3/$50 max.)
                                        ($10 min.3/$50 max.)
   Generic                              You pay 20% ($25 min.3 /$200 max.)                      After medical deductible, you pay 20% ($25 min.3/$200 max.)
   Preferred                            You pay 30% ($50 min.3/$200 max.)                       After medical deductible, you pay 30% ($50 min.3/$200 max.)
   Non-preferred                        You pay 40% ($100 min.3/$400 max.)                      After medical deductible, you pay 40% ($100 min.3/$400 max.)
 Pharmacy Out-of-Pocket Maximum4
   You Only                             $1,600                                                  Combined with medical out-of-pocket maximum
   You + Spouse,                        $3,2005                                                 Combined with medical out-of-pocket maximum5
   Children or Family
1	Certain prescription drugs are not covered under the Prescription Drug Program. The list of excluded drugs may change from time to time. See the Prescription Drug Exclusions List
   on the JCPenney Benefits website or contact CVS Caremark for details.
2	Certain preventive medications are covered at 100 percent. All preventive prescriptions are available without a deductible requirement. See the Preventive Drug List on the
   JCPenney Benefits website for details.
3 Or actual cost, whichever is less.
4	If your specialty medication has a manufacturer financial assistance program, the assistance does not apply to your deductible or out-of-pocket maximum. Certain specialty
   medications have a different monthly co-pay based on the level of manufacturer assistance. Contact CVS Specialty Pharmacy if you have questions about your specialty drug
5 Once an individual has expenses equal to the “You Only” out-of-pocket maximum, future expenses for that individual will be paid 100 percent by the plan.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                                14
      You can choose from three dental plan options, all administered by Aetna.
ƒƒ Dental Basic: Preventive and basic services only                                                                         NEW HIRES: If you enroll for dental
ƒƒ Dental Plus: Preventive, basic, major and orthodontia services                                                          coverage within 30 days of hire, your
                                                                                                                            coverage will be effective on your hire
ƒƒ DMO (not available in all locations): Preventive, basic, major and orthodontia services
                                                                                                                            date, but your premiums will not begin
   without a deductible, but only within Aetna’s DMO network.
                                                                                                                            until your 31st day of employment.
With the Dental Basic and Dental Plus plans, you can see any dentist you choose; however,                                   Once enrolled, the carrier will be
in-network dentists have agreed to provide services at discounted rates. Out-of-network                                     notified, and providers will be able to
providers will be paid for services up to a higher “reasonable and customary” (R&C) limit and                               verify your coverage.
you will be responsible for any charges over that amount.
ID cards are not provided for dental coverage. Your Social Security number is used to confirm
dental coverage with Aetna.

 Your Dental Options and Benefits
                                                      Dental Basic                              Dental Plus                             DMO1
 Annual Deductible
    You Only                                          $50                                       $50                                     $0
    You + Spouse, Children or Family                  $150                                      $150                                    $0
 Annual Maximum Benefit (the most the plan will pay in benefits)
    All coverage levels                               $1,000                                    $2,000                                  No maximum
 Examples of Covered Services
    Preventive care                                   Plan pays 100%2 (no                       Plan pays 100%2 (no                     Plan pays 100%. You pay $0.
    (Oral exams, cleanings, X-rays, etc.)             deductible). You pay $0.                  deductible). You pay $0.
    Basic care                                        Plan pays 70%2 (after                     Plan pays 80%2 (after                   Plan pays 100%. You pay $0.
    (Fillings, extractions, sealants, etc.)           deductible). You pay 30%.                 deductible). You pay 20%.
    Major care                                        Not covered. You pay 100%.                Plan pays 50%2 (after                   Plan pays 50%. You pay 50%.
    (Bridgework, crowns, inlays, etc.)                                                          deductible). You pay 50%.
    Orthodontia                                       Not covered. You pay 100%.                Plan pays 50%2 (no                      Plan pays 50% (no deductible).
                                                                                                deductible), up to $2,000               Limited to one complete course
                                                                                                per person, per lifetime.               of treatment per lifetime. You
                                                                                                You pay 50%.                            pay 50%.
 1 You must use an Aetna DMO provider. View DMO provider list at > Find a Doctor > Not a member yet > Dentists. From the Select a Plan list, choose DMO/DNO.
 2 For out-of-network dentists, you will be responsible for any charges over the reasonable and customary (R&C) limits, and those charges will not apply to your deductible.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                            15
     Take care of your eyes and keep your             Your Vision Benefits
vision crystal clear with vision coverage                                                                                                         JCPenney
through VSP. You and your family can get                                                           In-Network             Out-of-Network           Optical
quality vision care and prescription eyewear
                                                      General Information
through an extensive network of providers
nationwide, as well as JCPenney Optical.                Exam, lens, frame frequency                12 months                12 months             12 months
Use your JCPenney associate discount along
                                                        Exam benefit/allowance                     $20 co-pay               $20 co-pay            $55 allowance
with your VSP benefits at JCPenney Optical
                                                                                                                            ($45 allowance)
to save even more.
If you prefer, you can receive benefits from a          Single vision                              $0 co-pay                Up to $30 allowance
provider outside the VSP network, but your
                                                        Lined bifocal                              $0 co-pay                Up to $50 allowance
costs may be higher.
                                                        Lined trifocal                             $0 co-pay                Up to $65 allowance
                                                        Standard progressives                      $0 co-pay                Up to $50 allowance
                                                        Premium/custom progressives                $50 co-pay               Up to $50 allowance      $200 total
                                                      Lens Enhancements                                                                              allowance
             A fingerprint has 40 unique
                                                                                                                                                   for materials
       characteristics, but the iris in your            Scratch resistant coating                  $0 co-pay                Not covered
                                                                                                                                                    (lenses and

                     eye has                            Polycarbonate lens benefit—child           $0 co-pay                Not covered               frames or
                                                        Polycarbonate lens benefit—adult           $35 co-pay               Not covered               contacts)
                                                        Tints                                      $15 co-pay               Not covered             after a 20%
                               Source: DiscoveryEye                                                                                                 discount is
                                                        Frames                                     $0 co-pay,               Up to $70 allowance        applied1
                                                                                                   $130 allowance,
                                                                                                   20% off overage
                                                      Contacts (in lieu of glasses)
                                                        Contact lenses                             $100 allowance           Up to $85 allowance
                                                        Contact lens fit, follow-up                $0 co-pay                Not covered
                                                        Laser surgery                              15% off retail           Not covered           N/A
                                                                                                   price or 5% off
                                                                                                   promotional price
                                                      1 Associate discount is determined by type of payment provided at point-of-sale.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                16
There are two types of FSAs, both                            Important FSA Information
administered by HealthEquity:
                                                             ƒƒ “Use it or lose it.” It is critical to estimate your expenses carefully so you can elect the
ƒƒ Healthcare FSA                                                 appropriate amount to contribute for the year. You must use the entire balance of your
ƒƒ Dependent Care FSA                                             Healthcare FSA and/or Dependent Care FSA by Dec. 31, 2021, or you will lose any remaining
                                                                  balance. You have until June 30, 2022, to submit claims for expenses you incurred before
FSAs allow you to save money by paying                            Dec. 31, 2021.1
for eligible expenses on a before-tax basis.                 ƒƒ   Your annual contribution amount is deducted before tax in equal amounts per pay period.
Participation can also help you budget for                   ƒƒ   You cannot stop or change your contributions during the year unless you have a qualified
expenses throughout the year.                                      status change, such as a marriage, divorce or birth of a child.2
Pay for eligible expenses by using your                      ƒƒ    If you leave JCPenney before the end of the year, you can only be reimbursed for claims
FSA debit card, paying providers online or                          incurred up to the day your coverage ends.
reimbursing yourself through funds transfer.                 ƒƒ     You can only open a Healthcare FSA if you enroll in the HRA 1100 medical plan.
                                                             ƒƒ      Note: If you enroll in the HSA 1600 or HSA 2100 medical plan, you are not eligible for a
                                                                      Healthcare FSA.

 FSA Highlights
                                          Healthcare FSA                                                        Dependent Care FSA
 What’s covered                           Qualified healthcare expenses not reimbursed by                       Day care costs for children under age 13 and
                                          another plan, such as:                                                other eligible family members, including:
                                          yy Medical or dental deductibles                                      yy Dependent care provided by other individuals
                                          yy Medical or dental co-insurance                                     yy Licensed nursery programs and day care centers
                                          yy Vision co-pays
                                                                                                                yy Costs for family or adult day care facilities
                                          yy Qualified expenses even if you are not enrolled in a
                                              dental or vision insurance plan
 Annual contribution amount               $2,750 maximum                                                        $5,000 maximum (or $2,500 if married
                                                                                                                and file taxes separately)
 Availability of funds                    Total annual election is available                                    Funds are available only as the account
                                          on Jan. 1                                                             balance allows

1 Associates who terminate have 90 days from date of termination to submit claims.
2 Qualified status changes are described in detail in the General Information Summary Plan Description (SPD) located in the Benefits Library on the JCPenney Benefits website.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                              17
      An important part of the JCPenney                       You can contribute in any of three ways:             Company Match Contributions1
benefits package is the 401(k) Safe Harbor                    ƒƒ Before-tax                                       JCPenney contributes to your retirement
Plan.1 This plan, along with Social Security                      —— C
                                                                      ontributions are made before-tax;           savings through a Company match. You
and your personal savings, can help you                              qualified withdrawals are taxable.            become eligible to receive the Company
prepare for retirement.                                       ƒƒ Roth                                              match when you:
ƒƒ Whether part-time or full-time, you can                       —— C
                                                                      ontributions are made after-tax;
                                                                                                                   ƒƒ H ave completed 12 months of service
    participate in the 401(k) Safe Harbor Plan                       qualified withdrawals are tax-free.
                                                                                                                   ƒƒ Have worked 1,000 hours or more during a
    on your first day of work as long as you                  ƒƒ After-tax
                                                                  —— C
                                                                      ontributions are made after-tax;               12-month period
    are at least 21 years old.
                                                                     qualified withdrawals on contributions are    Once you are eligible, JCPenney matches
ƒƒ Enroll any time by logging in to the
                                                                     tax-free; earnings are taxable.               your contributions, dollar-for-dollar, up to
    JCPenney Benefits website and selecting
                                                                                                                   five percent of your pay.
    the Start Saving link. Enrolling in the 401(k)            Investment Options
    is a separate process; it is not part of the                                                                   The Company match is contributed to your
                                                              You have a range of investment options3 to
    annual benefits enrollment process.                                                                            account each pay period, so the money is
                                                              choose from.
                                                                                                                   put to work right away.
Your Contributions2                                           ƒƒ Target retirement trusts are funds
                                                                  managed by Vanguard, and are comprised           Vesting1
You can contribute from one percent to 50
                                                                  of a mix of stocks, bonds and cash based
percent of eligible pay, up to the IRS annual
                                                                  on the year you expect to retire. The            You are immediately vested in your own
limit of $19,500 ($26,000 if age 50 or older) to
                                                                  mix automatically rebalances to become           contributions as well as Company match
the Before-tax and/or Roth 401(k).
                                                                  more conservative as your retirement             contributions as soon as they are deposited.
Your 401(k) contributions are automatically                       date nears. This may be a good option
deducted from each paycheck.                                      for you if you prefer a “set it and forget it”   Rolling Money Over
You can change your contribution level and/or                     investment strategy.                             If you previously participated in another
                                                              ƒƒ Choose your own mix of investments from          employer’s qualified retirement plan, you
your investment options at any time.
                                                                  eight existing funds. Each fund has its own      may be able to transfer (roll over) some or
                                                                  investment objective and risk level.             all of your distribution from your previous
                                                              ƒƒ A self-directed brokerage account allows         employer’s plan to the JCPenney 401(k) Safe
1	The 401(k) Safe Harbor Plan’s Company match and                savvy investors to choose from more              Harbor Plan.
   vesting provisions are only available to associates
   hired or rehired after Jan. 1, 2007. Associates hired or
                                                                  than 3,000 mutual funds, 10,000 publicly
   rehired prior to 2007 have different provisions under          traded companies, government securities,         You may request a rollover from the
   the 401(k) Savings Plan. Information about that plan           CDs and more.                                    Retirement Tools page on the JCPenney
   can be found on the JCPenney Benefits website, in                                                               Benefits website or by contacting a benefits
   the Benefits Library.
2	Contribution limits shown are for 2020 and are subject                                                          specialist at 1-888-890-8900.
   to change by the IRS.
3	See the 401(k) SPD “Investing Your Savings” section for
   additional details.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                               18
JCPenney provides generous paid time-off­­benefits,         BENEFIT
called My Time Off or MTO. Time-off benefits are
                            1                                                                         PLEASE NOTE: Eligibility requirements for paid time-off benefits are
based on your employment status or average hours                                                      different than those for health & welfare benefits. See the next page for
                                                                                                      how time-off benefits eligibility is determined.
worked as determined during specific measurement periods. Paid
time off can be used for vacation, personal or sick days.
                                                                                                      Unused Hours at Year End
There are three time-off benefit levels:
                                                                                                      If you live in states other than California, Montana or Nebraska
ƒƒ Part-Time: If you average less than 30 hours per week and have                                     —— Hourly associates can roll over up to one average week of unused
   three or more years of continuous service with JCPenney                                                MTO hours for use in the following year.
ƒƒ Part-Time Plus: If you average 30–34 hours per week                                                —— Salaried associates forfeit any unused MTO hours at the end of
ƒƒ Full-Time: If you average 35 or more hours per week                                                    the fiscal year. The new fiscal year starts with a zero balance; hours
How MTO Works                                                                                             are earned each month to use in the current year.
MTO is based on a fiscal year calendar. At JCPenney, the fiscal year                                  If you live in California, Montana or Nebraska
generally runs from February to January; however, the exact start and                                 —— By state law, associates have a rolling bank of time-off hours that
end dates change from year to year. Refer to your JCPenney fiscal                                         cap, but do not expire. California associates’ cap is 1.5 times their
calendar for precise fiscal year dates.                                                                   annual time-off weeks. Montana and Nebraska associates’ cap is
                                                                                                          their annual time-off weeks plus one average week.

                                                                                                      Hourly Associates
Time-Off Benefits
                                               Part-Time                                            Part-Time Plus                                               Full-Time2
 Service                             (
Paid Time Off (Continued)
NEW HIRES: If you are hired as an hourly associate, your hours during                                      PROMOTIONS: If you are promoted to certain Company-recognized
the first full eight weeks will be measured to determine eligibility                                       supervisor/manager “benefits-qualifying” positions,1 you become
for time-off benefits that begin on the first day of the third month                                       eligible for Full-Time time-off deposits on the first day of the third
following the end of the new hire look-back period.                                                        month after your promotion.3 On your promotion effective date, you are
                                                                                                           eligible for Full-Time Incidental Time Off, which includes paid holidays.
Full-time new hires, hired into certain “benefits-qualifying” positions,1
will be eligible for Full-Time time-off deposits on the first day of the
third month after hire, and are eligible for Full-Time Incidental Time                                     Salaried Associates
Off, which includes paid holidays, on the date of hire.                                                    NEW HIRES: If you are hired as a salaried associate, you are eligible
ONGOING ASSOCIATES: Eligibility for time-off benefits is                                                   for Full-Time time-off benefits and receive your first deposit of MTO
determined during any of three look-back periods.                                                          hours on the first day of the third month of employment.3
Spring and fall look-backs: Eight-week measurement periods that                                            You will remain eligible for Full-Time time-off benefits as long as you
end in April and October, respectively. Part-Time Plus or Full-Time                                        remain a salaried associate.
time-off deposits earned in the:
yy Spring look-back begin Aug. 1 and end on the last day of the fiscal
                                                                                                           OTHER TIME OFF
yy Fall look-back begin on the first day of the following fiscal year1 and                                 Leave of Absence (LOA)
   end July 31.                                                                                            At some point in your career, you may need to take time off from
                                                                                                           work­to handle certain personal issues or responsibilities. You may
Annual look-back: A 52-week measurement period that ends in
                                                                                                           request LOA if you meet state, FMLA or military leave requirements
September or October.
                                                                                                           and JCPenney LOA policy requirements. To request an LOA, notify
yy Part-Time time-off benefits can be earned only through the annual                                       your unit leader and call the JCPenney Absence Management Center
    look-back. If eligible, you will receive, on the first day of the fiscal year2,                        at 1-877-527-0722.
    a deposit of MTO hours equal to one average week.
yy If you become eligible for Part-Time Plus or Full-Time time-off                                         Incidental Time Off
    benefits during the annual look-back, you will remain eligible for 12
                                                                                                           Part-Time Incidental Time Off provides paid time off for jury/witness
                                                                                                           duty and voting time. Full-Time Incidental Time Off provides paid
If your average annual look-back hours are different than your average
                                                                                                           time off for jury/witness duty, voting time, emergency, bereavement/
spring or fall look-back hours, the hours that are more favorable to
                                                                                                           funeral leave and paid holidays.
you will be used for the specified time period (spring or fall: 6 months,
annual: 12 months).                                                                                        Eligibility requirements and maximum benefit allowances for each
                                                                                                           specific event can be found in the Incidental Time-Off policies,
                                                                                                           located on the JCPenney Benefits website > Benefits Library.
1 A list of benefits-qualifying positions can be found on the JCPenney Benefits website > Benefits Library.
2 First day of the fiscal year or Feb. 1, whichever is later. For example, if the first day of the fiscal year is Jan. 28, the time-off benefit would begin Feb. 1. If the first day of the fiscal year is Feb. 3,
   the time-off benefit would begin Feb. 3.
3 The month in which you are hired counts as your first month of employment, even if you are hired on the last day of the month. For example, if you are hired on Sept. 30,
2021    will beGuide
     Benefits   eligible and receive your first monthly MTO deposit on Nov. 1.                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                                  A basic rule of thumb is
JCPenney automatically provides full-time associates with Basic Life Insurance coverage equal
to one times annual earnings for benefits (AEB). Administered by Cigna, Basic Life Insurance                                      that your life insurance
helps you prepare your family for the future in case the unexpected happens. Your Basic                       COMPANY-PAID        benefit should be up to

                                                                                                                                  5 to 10 times
Life Insurance is completely paid by JCPenney — there is no cost to you and no need to
                                                                                                                                  your annual salary.
You may purchase additional life insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family at your own expense.
Supplemental Life coverage is especially important if you and/or your spouse provide significant financial
support for your family.
Included with your Cigna Supplemental Life Insurance: educational resources and discounts to help you with
money management, identity theft, will preparation, travel assistance, wellness programs and more.

 Supplemental Life Options and Benefits
 You Only                                                  Spouse                                                            Child(ren)
 Options available:                                        Options available:                                                Options available:
 yy 1x–8x your AEB                                         yy $10,000–$250,000                                               yy $10,000 per child
 yy $10,000 minimum                                        yy Your spouse’s coverage cannot be more than                    yy $15,000 per child
 yy $5 million maximum                                         your total coverage (Basic + Supplemental)                    yy $20,000 per child
Note: Evidence of insurability (EOI) questionairre and carrier approval is required for coverage increases.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                              21
                                                                                                                                               The average life policy
JCPenney offers part-time associates access to Term Life Insurance through Cigna. Term Life Insurance
can help give you peace of mind that your family is protected. You may purchase this coverage for yourself                                     need is about
as well as your spouse and/or child(ren).
Included with your Cigna Term Life Insurance: educational resources and discounts to help you with money
management, identity theft, will preparation, travel assistance, wellness programs and more.
                                                                                                                                               $ 459,000
                                                                                                                                               but the average policy
                                                                                                                                               owned is about $126,000.
 Term Life Insurance Options and Benefits
 You Only                                         Spouse                                                      Child(ren)                                   Source: LIMRA Consulting

 Options:                                         Options:                                                    Options:
 yy Increments of $10,000,                       yy Increments of $5,000,                                   yy $2,500 per child
     up to a maximum                                  up to a maximum of $30,000                              yy $5,000 per child
    of $150,000                                   yy Spouse’s coverage cannot be more than                   yy $10,000 per child
                                                      100% of associate coverage amount
Note: Evidence of insurability (EOI) questionairre and carrier approval is required for coverage increases.

     You may purchase AD&D Insurance that pays a benefit if you or a covered family member is in an accident and get hurt or die.
The amount of your benefit depends on your level of coverage and type of loss.

 AD&D Insurance Options and Benefits
                                           FULL-TIME                                                                                 PART-TIME
 You Only                           Spouse                              Child(ren)                        You Only                   Spouse              Child(ren)
 Options:                           Options:                            $25,000 per child/                Options:                   Same as associate   $5,000 per child/
 yy 1x–8x your AEB                  yy Same as associate                covered loss                      Increments of $10,000,     coverage amount,    covered loss
                                       coverage amount                                                    up to a maximum of         up to $30,000
 yy $10,000 minimum
                                    yy $10,000 minimum                                                    $150,000
 yy $1 million maximum
                                    yy $300,000 maximum

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                           22
Short-Term Disability provides a weekly                                          Short-Term Disability Benefits
income if you are unable to work due to                        100%              Consecutive weeks                     Portion of pay received
a qualifying illness or injury.                           COMPANY-PAID           you are unable to work
                                                            BENEFIT              from date of disability               Salaried                      Full-time hourly
Your Short-Term Disability coverage is
                                                                                 Weeks 2–8                             100%                          80%
completely paid by JCPenney — there is no
cost to you and no need to enroll.                                               Weeks 9–26                            70%                           60%

JCPenney automatically provides you with
Basic LTD Insurance. Basic LTD Insurance,          100%
                                                                                  Basic LTD Insurance Benefits1
                                                                                  yy Company-paid coverage
                                                                                                                                              90%            of disabilities
                                                                                                                                               in the U.S. are due to
administered by Cigna, pays 50 percent           COMPANY-PAID
                                                                                  yy Replaces 50% of monthly AEB
of your annual earnings for benefits (AEB),
                                                    BENEFIT                                                                                    illness vs. injury.
                                                                                  yy U
                                                                                      p to $5,000 monthly maximum
up to a $5,000 monthly maximum, if you
are disabled for more than 180 days due                                                                                                              Source: Disability Insurance Advisor
                                                                                  yy 180-day waiting period
to a covered illness or injury. Your Basic LTD Insurance is
completely paid by JCPenney — there is no cost to                                 yy Basic LTD benefits are taxable
you and no need to enroll.

                                                                                                                                               46%            of all home
                                                                                                                                               foreclosures are caused
                                                                                                                                               by a disability.
If you wish, you may enhance your                         Supplemental LTD Insurance Benefits1
Basic LTD coverage by purchasing                          yy   Associate-paid, after-tax premiums                                                      Source: Federal Home Loan Bank
Supplemental LTD Insurance. Together,                     yy   Replaces 60% (Basic + Supplemental) of monthly AEB
your Basic and Supplemental LTD                           yy    Up to $15,000 monthly maximum benefit
coverage provide 60 percent of your
                                                          yy    180-day waiting period
AEB, up to a $15,000 monthly maximum.
                                                          yy    Supplemental LTD benefits are generally not taxable
You pay the full cost of Supplemental
coverage on an after-tax basis.

1 Benefits can continue until you are able to return to work or reach the maximum benefit period. Note: Evidence of insurability (EOI) questionnaire may be required.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                                                   23
      Legal Service Plan                                                      Critical Illness Insurance*
     MetLife Legal Plans provides a wide range of legal advice and            Critical Illness Insurance is administered by Aflac. The plan pays
     fully covered legal services for you and your eligible dependents        each covered person upon the initial diagnosis of a specifically
through a network of more than 12,000 plan attorneys. Some               covered critical illness. You can choose from $5,000 to $50,000 in
examples of covered services include:                                    coverage. Benefits are paid for the illnesses based on occurrence.
yy  Preparation of wills and codicils                                    This plan is portable, which means you can take it with you if you
yy  Speeding ticket defense                                              leave JCPenney, with certain stipulations.
yy  Property tax protest
yy  Personal bankruptcy
yy  Estate planning
                                                                              Hospital Indemnity*
yy Sale, purchase or refinancing of your primary residence, second or         Hospital Indemnity is administered by Aflac. The plan pays you
    vacation home                                                              and your covered dependents a benefit when you are admitted
yy Civil litigation defense                                              to a hospital for an overnight stay. This plan pays $500 daily for
yy Home equity loans                                                     hospital confinements with a 10-day annual maximum benefit.
yy Identity theft services
For more information, go to the Other Benefits page on the JCPenney           Commuter Benefit
Benefits website or visit
                                                                              JCPenney offers the Commuter Benefit to make riding a train,
                                                                              bus, ferry or van pool to work more affordable. The cost of
      Accident Insurance*                                                these commuting options is deducted from your paycheck each
                                                                         month before tax, so you see savings in the form of reduced tax
      Accident Insurance is administered by Aflac. The plan provides
                                                                         withholdings. To learn more about this benefit or to enroll, go to the
      benefits directly to you if you get hurt and require medical
                                                                         JCPenney Benefits website > Other Benefits.
services as a result of a specifically covered off-the-job accident.
The plan pays benefits regardless of other insurance you may have.
You may take this coverage with you if you leave JCPenney in certain          College Savings & Student Loan Repayment
circumstances. Work-related accidents or sicknesses are not covered
                                                                               Administered by LEAF Education Benefits, this program allows
under this plan. The amount of your benefit is determined by the type
                                                                         you to make regular after-tax payroll contributions to an existing 529
of injury.
                                                                         College Saving Plan and/or make payments toward an existing student
                                                                         loan (JCPenney does not contribute to either option). There is no cost
                                                                         to you to use the service. To learn more and to enroll any time, go to
                                                                         the JCPenney Benefits website > Other Benefits.

* Age restrictions may apply.

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                               24

Associate Discount Program                                                                                                           BENEFIT

You and your eligible dependents can receive a discount on              You will receive an associate discount card during your
JCPenney merchandise and services. Although some restrictions           new hire orientation. You may also request additional cards for eligible
apply, your associate discount benefits may be combined or              dependents up to age 19.
“stacked” with most JCPenney sales and promotions.

 Form of Payment                              Merchandise                      Services                         Other
 ƒƒ JCPenney credit card                     25% discount                     20% discount                     10% discount
 ƒƒ JCPenney MasterCard
 ƒƒ JCPenney gift card
 ƒƒ Cash or personal check
 ƒƒ Debit card                                20% discount                     15% discount                     5% discount
 ƒƒ Credit card (not listed above)
 ƒƒ PayPal

“Other” Includes:                            Limitations and Restrictions
yy Televisions                               No discounts are available for:
yy Electronics including laptops and        yy    Gift cards
    Smart Home electronics                   yy    Shipping and handling
yy Discovery Kids                            yy    Optometrist exams
yy Smart watches and Fitbit trackers         yy    Furniture, TV and Fitness Protection Plans
yy Pre-owned watches                         yy    Delivery fees, service fees
yy Fitness equipment                         yy   Certain items that have proceeds sent to charity
yy Snacks and beverages                      yy   Window measure and install

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                           25
Additional JCPenney-Provided Benefits (Continued)

      Paid Parental Leave (PPL)                                                    Business Travel Accident (BTA)                         BENEFIT

     Paid Parental Leave provides eligible associates with up to two               JCPenney automatically provides you with BTA
average weeks of paid time off following the birth, adoption or foster             Insurance coverage if you are injured while traveling on Company
care placement of their child.                                                business. BTA Insurance is completely paid by JCPenney — there is
                                                                              no cost to you and no need to enroll.
Eligibility requirements and additional information can be found in
the Paid Parental Leave Policy, located in the Benefits Library on
the JCPenney Benefits website. To request PPL, notify your unit                    JCPenney Perks
leader and call the JCPenney Absence Management Center at                          JCPenney Perks is a discount program available to all associates
1-877-527-0722.                                                                    and their family members.
                                                                              At, you’ll find thousands of national and
      Adoption Assistance                                                     local discounts on everything from household essentials to once-in-
     Qualified adoption expenses may be reimbursed tax-free,                  a-lifetime vacations.
up to $5,000 per covered adoption. The IRS defines qualified                  ƒƒ Travel              ƒƒ Vehicles             ƒƒ Flowers
adoption expenses as expenses that are reasonable, necessary and              ƒƒ Event tickets       ƒƒ Gyms                 ƒƒ Software
directly related to the adoption of an eligible child.                        ƒƒ Cell phones         ƒƒ Restaurants          ƒƒ And more
                                                                              JCPenney Perks is free to browse and easy to use.
                                                                              1. Create an account at using your personal
                                           JCPenney associates                   or work email address.
                                             saved more than

                                                                              2. Choose the product categories that most interest you.
                                           715 million
                                                                              3. Opt in or out of weekly emails about featured discounts.
                                                                              Discounts are added and changed regularly. “Perk Alerts” discounts
   children are adopted in the                                                change daily.
                                             last year by using
         U.S. each year.
                                             JCPenney Perks.

           Source:               Source: PerkSpot, 2019

2021 Benefits Guide                                                                                                                                 26
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