Page created by Marie Woods

Office of the                                                                       TELEPHONE: (508) 841-8318
   TOWN MANAGER                                                                              FAX: (508) 841-8385

                                TOWN OF SHREWSBURY
                                              100 Maple Avenue
                                      Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545-5338

ATTN: Permanent-Benefit Eligible Employees working over 20 hours per week
      Retirees under age 65 or not Medicare Eligible

The FY 2023 Open Enrollment period will take place beginning Monday, March 14th through Friday, April
15th. Each of the plan’s rates can be found in the Open Enrollment Guide or on the town website. Please
review this information to help you to determine which plan is right for you and your family.

The following will take place for Fiscal Year 2023:

Effective June 30, 2022, Fallon announced they will no longer be providing commercial health insurance
coverage. All members on an active employee or non-Medicare eligible retiree plan will have to change to a
different carrier’s plan. Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) will be replacing Fallon as the low cost provider.
   ○ Fallon Select Benchmark plan members will be automatically enrolled in the BCBS Benchmark plan
   ○ Fallon Select High Deductible plan members will be automatically enrolled in the BCBS High
     Deductible plan
   ○ Fallon Direct Benchmark plan members will be automatically enrolled in the BCBS Benchmark plan.
     If members determine that the narrow network (BCBS Select Benchmark) plan fits their needs and
     accepts their providers, then they can complete an enrollment form to change to that plan instead.
   ○ Fallon Direct High Deductible members will be automatically enrolled in the BCBS High Deductible
     plan. The Blue Cross narrow network (BCBS Select) high deductible plan network will not be available
     until at least 1/1/2023. We will have a separate open enrollment at that time for members who want to
     move to the narrow network BCBS high deductible plan.
If you are currently enrolled in a Blue Cross Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim or Tufts health plan and not making
any changes during this Open Enrollment- you do not need to do anything. Current Fallon members who wish
to move to a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan other than the one they will be automatically enrolled in or who wish
to change to a Harvard Pilgrim or Tufts plan will have to complete the applicable enrollment form. Further
information regarding this change is enclosed in the attached FY 23 Benefits Change Information document.
This is also the Dental Open Enrollment period, so employees can also elect to make changes or enroll in the
Altus dental plan. Town employees can submit enrollment forms for the dental plan to Nick Hawes and school
employees will receive further information from the School Payroll team regarding their plan’s open enrollment.
Plan information is available on the Town's website:

We will be holding online presentations regarding this Open Enrollment period and the changes for Fallon
members. They will be held at the following times and available via the links below:

                             March 21st at 6:00pm

                             March 24th at 1:00pm

The presentation will be recorded and posted online for those who cannot make these times.

If you are enrolling in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), a Health Savings Account (HSA) through Health
Equity will be established. Your HSA funds can then be used tax-free to pay for qualified medical expenses. In
addition, your HSA contributions earn tax-free interest and carry over from year-to-year. By selecting an HSA-
qualified plan, you are eligible to contribute tax-free money through payroll deductions into a Health Savings

The Town will continue to contribute $1,000 for individual plans and $2,000 for family plans annually into the
HSA in two equal installments on or about July 1st and January 1st each year. If you are a Non-Medicare
Retiree and you choose to enroll in a HDHP, your HSA contributions must be directly paid to Health Equity.

Member Services phone numbers and website addresses for the Health Insurance Companies and the HSA
Administrator are listed below.

              Insurance Company                 Customer Service       Website
              Blue Cross/Blue Shield             (800) 782-3675
              Harvard Pilgrim Health Care        (888) 333-4742
              Tufts                              (800) 843-1008
              Health Equity (HSA)                (866) 346-5800

Changes to Your Health Insurance
1.   If you are: a). a non-Fallon member looking to make a change from your existing coverage to another
     plan, b). seeking to enroll or cancel coverage for yourself or any of your dependents, or c). to enroll with
     the Town as a new subscriber this year, please complete the insurance application provided on the
     Town’s website. If you are enrolling in a HDHP, you must complete an HSA deduction form (even if you
     are contributing $0 amount), which is located on the Town’s website.

2.   If adding dependents for the first time, you will need to include a copy of their Social Security Card(s),
     your city/town issued marriage certificate or divorce decree to include a spouse/ex-spouse, and copies of
     birth certificates, adoption forms, guardianship papers etc., to enroll children under age 26.

3.   If the change you are making results in a change to the premium, you will pay for the coverage (new,
     increase or decrease) and you are required to complete a new Payroll Agreement form, also available on
     the Town’s website.

Please Note: decisions made during Open Enrollment are binding for the entire fiscal year and cannot be
changed until next year's Open Enrollment unless you experience a qualifying event that allows for benefit
changes during the year. If this happens, you MUST notify Nick Hawes, Benefits Coordinator, of such a
change within 30 days of the qualifying event date.

All fully completed packets, including applications and accompanying paperwork, must be returned to
Nick Hawes, Benefits Coordinator, in the Town Manager’s Office by 4:30 on Friday, April 15, 2022. These
documents can be dropped off at the Town Manager’s Office or sent in the mail marked to my attention.


Nick Hawes
Benefits Coordinator

Attached: FY23 Benefits Changes Information
FY23 Benefits Changes Information
Effective 6/30/22, Fallon announced they will no longer be providing commercial health insurance coverage.
This means that the Fallon health plans for active employees and non-Medicare eligible retirees will no longer
be offered. This change will occur in coordination with this year's Open Enrollment period for a July 1, 2022
effective date.

How is the Town health coverage changing due to this change?

Participants with an active Fallon plan will be automatically enrolled in the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) plan
as seen below. Participants can also elect to move to a Harvard Pilgrim or Tufts plan if they prefer those plans.
The most significant change is that these plans have a more limited dental plan, restricted only to children
under the age of 12.

      Current Plan                                     New Plan

      Fallon Select Benchmark                          Blue Cross Blue Shield Benchmark

      Fallon Direct Benchmark                          Blue Cross Blue Shield Benchmark

      Fallon Select High Deductible Health Plan        Blue Cross Blue Shield High Deductible Health Plan

      Fallon Direct High Deductible Health Plan        Blue Cross Blue Shield High Deductible Health Plan

Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans

Blue Cross Blue Shield will continue to offer their broad network Benchmark and High Deductible plans as in
years past. These plans are comparable to the Fallon Select plans. There are no significant changes to these

Blue Cross Blue Shield Select Plans

Blue Cross Blue Shield Select is a narrow network plan which will serve in a similar sense that Fallon Direct
did. The network for this plan is different from Fallon Direct, therefore all employees on a Fallon Direct
Benchmark plan will be automatically enrolled in the broad Blue Cross plan with the option to change to the
narrow network once members confirm that their provider is accepted. Moving from the broad Blue Cross
network to the narrow network will require current Fallon Direct Benchmark members to complete an
enrollment form.

The network for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Select High Deductible (HDHP) plan will not be ready for
enrollment until 1/1/2023. All current members will be enrolled in the broad Blue Cross Blue Shield plan. We
will have a separate open enrollment in the fall of 2022 for participants who are interested in enrolling in this

What do employees need to do?

If an employee plans to move to a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan, they should confirm that their provider is in
their network by going to: Find a Doctor. Blue Cross Blue Shield Benchmark and Blue Cross Blue Shield
HDHP participants can search using the HMO Blue New England network. BCBS Select participants can
search using the HMO Blue Select network.
Employees who are moving from Fallon Select to the corresponding Blue Cross Blue Shield plan do not have
to do anything to make this change. Employees who are moving from Fallon Direct Benchmark plans will be
enrolled in the broad network BCBS plan and can opt to change to the narrow network which would require an
enrollment form. If an employee wishes to change to a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan other than the one they will
be automatically enrolled in, or a Harvard Pilgrim/Tufts plan or terminate their coverage with the town they will
need to complete the applicable form to do so.

Cost Changes
The charts below show the monthly cost change associated with this plan change based on the Town and
School employees whose deductions are over 24 paychecks. School employees who are paid over 21
paychecks, please see the rate charts for your new premium amount.

                                              Benchmark Plans:

              Monthly        Fallon Select           Blue Cross Blue Shield               Cost
               Cost             (FY22)                       (FY23)                    Difference

              Individual        $220.59                      $248.64                     $28.05

               Family           $594.00                      $669.48                     $75.48

              Monthly        Fallon Direct       Blue Cross Blue Shield Select            Cost
               Cost             (FY22)                      (FY23)                     Difference

              Individual        $167.42                      $231.56                     $64.14

               Family           $450.34                      $623.00                     $172.66

                                        High Deductible Health Plans:

              Monthly        Fallon Select          Blue Cross Blue Shield                Cost
               Cost             (FY22)                      (FY23)                     Difference

              Individual        $185.76                      $164.56                     -$21.20

               Family           $500.85                      $443.52                     -$57.33

              Monthly        Fallon Direct          Blue Cross Blue Shield                Cost
               Cost             (FY22)                      (FY23)                     Difference

              Individual        $141.02                      $164.56                     $23.54

               Family           $380.60                      $443.52                     $62.92
                     WEST SUBURBAN HEALTH GROUP
                        ACTIVE PLANS 2022-2023
 % PAID                    EMPLOYEE        EMP. 24 P/R          EMP. 21 P/R
              PLAN TYPE
TOWN/EMP                    MONTHLY        BI-WEEKLY            BI-WEEKLY*
                            INDEMNITY PLANS
                          HARVARD PILGRIM PPO
   50/50    FAMILY        $3,054.50     $1,527.25               $1,745.43
   50/50    INDIVIDUAL    $1,375.50      $687.75                 $786.00
                         TUFTS HSA QUALIFED PLAN
   63/37    FAMILY             $879.49          $439.75          $502.57
   63/37    INDIVIDUAL         $335.96          $167.98          $191.98
   63/37    FAMILY             $828.43          $414.22          $473.39
   63/37    INDIVIDUAL         $317.46          $158.73          $181.41
   78/22    FAMILY           $443.52     $221.76                 $253.44
   78/22    INDIVIDUAL       $164.56      $82.28                  $94.03
                         BENCHMARK HMO PLANS
                            TUFTS BENCHMARK
   60/40    FAMILY            $1,228.00         $614.00          $701.71
   60/40    INDIVIDUAL         $469.20          $234.60          $268.11
                      HARVARD PILGRIM BENCHMARK
   60/40    FAMILY            $1,155.20         $577.60          $660.11
   60/40    INDIVIDUAL         $443.20          $221.60          $253.26
   72/28    FAMILY             $669.48          $334.74          $382.56
   72/28    INDIVIDUAL         $248.64          $124.32          $142.08
   72/28    FAMILY             $623.00          $311.50          $356.00
   72/28    INDIVIDUAL         $231.56          $115.78          $132.32
                                  THE RATES)

Effective 07-01-2022                                                                                                        HEALTH PLAN COMPARISON CHART - all plans - July 1, 2022

                                                                               HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                              BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                          TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                           PPO                            BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE              BENCHMARK               BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK            HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                          IN-NETWORK               OUT-OF-NETWORK           CHOICENET                 HSA ELIGIBLE           NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                              NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        HSA ELIGIBLE                                      HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                            YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Lifetime Benefit Maximum                             None                     None                    None                       None                      None                    None                     None                      None                    None

Deductible - (Benchmark Plans only)                  None            IND $100/ FAM $200             IND $300                  IND $2,000                IND $300                IND $300                 IND $2,000                IND $300               IND $2,000
applies to: In-patient Admission; Out-                                                              FAM $900               FAM $4,000 (Non-             FAM $900                FAM $900                 FAM $4,000                FAM $900               FAM $4,000
patient Surgery; ER, High Tech Imaging                                                                                    embedded, plan year
(MRI, CT, & PET) and Diagnostic Tests                                                                                    deductible, family plan
& Procedures. Does not apply to office                                                                                   deductible needs to be
visits or pharmacy. Per plan year (July 1                                                                                   satisfied before
to June 30) - See plan document for full                                                                                insurance plan kicks in)

Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximum -               Medical -                None                    Medical -                  Medical & RX               Medical -               Medical -               Medical & RX              Medical -               Medical & RX
Once your out-of-pocket expenses for        $2,000 per member                                $2,000 per member          COMBINED -                 $2,000 per member       $2,000 per member       COMBINED -                $2,000 per member       COMBINED -
applicable services reaches this amount,    $4,000 per family per                            $4,000 per family per      $5,000 per member          $4,000 per family per   $4,000 per family per   $5,000 per member         $4,000 per family per   $5,000 per member
you pay $0 for remainder of plan year.      plan year                                        plan year                  $10,000 per family per     plan year               plan year               $10,000 per family per    plan year               $10,000 per family
Effective July 1, 2015, out-of-pocket                                                        Prescription- $2,000       plan year year             Prescription- $2,000    Prescription- $2,000    plan year        see      Prescription- $2,000    per plan year, see
maximums for prescription copays have                                                        per member $4,000          see plan for details       per member $4,000       per member $4,000       plan for details          per member $4,000       plan for details
been added as required by ACA (in-                                                           per family per plan year                              per family per plan     per family per plan                               per family per plan
network only).                                                                               see plan for details                                  year        see plan    year        see plan                              year, see plan for
                                                                                                                                                   for details             for details                                       details

Family Covered                              Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;        Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;
                                            and adult children until and adult children until and adult children up to and adult children up to and adult children up to and adult children up to and adult children up to   and adult children up to and adult children up
                                            age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                     age 26                   to age 26

Selection of Primary Care Physician         Any PCP in network       No selection required   Member must select         Member must select         Member must select       Member must select     Member must select        No selection required   Member must select

Specialist Referrals                        Any HPHC Specialist      Any licensed specialist PCP must refer             PCP must refer             PCP must refer             PCP must refer       No referral required      No referral required    PCP must refer

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                          BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                        TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                     PPO                           BENCHMARK           HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK                 BENCHMARK               HIGH DEDUCTIBLE           BENCHMARK           HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                  IN-NETWORK                 OUT-OF-NETWORK           CHOICENET             HSA ELIGIBLE        NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                   NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                               HSA ELIGIBLE                                   HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                     YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                YOU PAY                YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Providers of Service                HARVARD PILGRIM            Any licensed provider;   HARVARD PILGRIM       HARVARD PILGRIM         HMO BLUE providers        HMO BLUE SELECT           HMO BLUE providers in TUFTS HEALTH             TUFTS HEALTH
                                    providers - Members        any hospital             providers except in   providers except in     in all 6 New England      MA PROVIDERS              all 6 New England states PLAN providers except PLAN providers
                                    also have access to a                               emergencies           emergencies             states except in          ONLY except in            except in emergencies    in emergencies        except in emergencies
                                    wide range of                                                                                     emergencies               emergencies
                                    participating providers
                                    through the Private
                                    Health Care Systems
                                    network while outside
                                    of MA, NH and ME

                                                                                                                                                                A Limited Network with
                                                                                                                                                                Great Value HMO
                                                                                                                                                                Blue Select features a
                                                                                                                                                                smaller and very
                                                                                                                                                                attracitve provider
                                                                                                                                                                network with
                                                                                                                                                                Massachusetts doctors
                                                                                                                                                                and hospitals, as well
                                                                                                                                                                as specialty pediatric,
                                                                                                                                                                eye, ear, and cancer
                                                                                                                                                                hospitals, keeping
                                                                                                                                                                employer and
                                                                                                                                                                employee affordability
                                                                                                                                                                in mind. Hospitals are
                                                                                                                                                                aligned with provider
                                                                                                                                                                networks to improve
                                                                                                                                                                network use.

Pre-existing Conditions                 No restrictions              No restrictions        No restrictions       No restrictions         No restrictions           No restrictions           No restrictions         No restrictions        No restrictions

General Hospital/Mental                     Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible applies       Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible , then Tier    Deductible , then Tier    Deductible, then CIF^   Semi-private room &     Deductible, then CIF^
Hospital/Substance Abuse Facility                              deductible            then:                                            1: $500 copay             1: $500 copay                                     board & ancillary
(semi-private room and board and                                                     Tier 1 : $250                                    Tier 2: 1500 copay        Tier 2: 1500 copay                                services
ancillary services)                                                                  Tier 2 :$500                                                                                                                 Tier 1: $500 copay,
                                                                                     Tier 3 : $1500                                                                                                               then deductible applies
                                                                                     per/Admit                                                                                                                    Tier 2: $1500 copay,
                                                                                     NOTE-Mental                                                                                                                  then deductible applies
                                                                                     Health/Substance                                                                                                             NOTE-Mental
                                                                                     Abuse copay $250                                                                                                             Health/Substance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Abuse copay Tier 1

Physician Services                          Nothing            20% coinsurance after           Nothing        Deductible, then CIF^   Nothing                           Nothing           Deductible, then CIF^          Nothing         Deductible, then CIF^

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                             BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                           TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                    PPO                           BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK                   BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK            HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                    IN-NETWORK              OUT-OF-NETWORK          CHOICENET                HSA ELIGIBLE          NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                       NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  HSA ELIGIBLE                                    HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                      YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Skilled Nursing Facility              Nothing up to 100 days 20% coinsurance after Deductible applies,    Deductible, then CIF^  Deductible, then                   Deductible, then        Deductible, then CIF^     Covered in Full after   Deductible, then CIF^
                                      per calendar year      deductible up to 100   then 20% Coinsurance up to 100 days per plan covered in full                    covered in full                                   Deductible, up to 100   up to 100 days
                                                             days per calendar year - Limited to 100 days year                                                                                                        days per plan year
                                                                                    per Plan Year

Newborn Well Baby Care (Inpatient)           Nothing          20% coinsurance after          Nothing          Deductible, then CIF^             Nothing                    Nothing          Nothing                          Nothing          Deductible, then CIF^


Emergency Room Visits for             $40 copay, waived if    $40 copay, waived if    Deductible applies,       Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible applies,         Deductible applies,       Deductible, then CIF^   $100 copay, then         Deductible, then CIF^
Emergency or Accident Care            admitted                admitted                then $100 Copay per                               then $100 Copay per         then $100 Copay per                               deductible applies
                                                                                      visit. Copay is waived if                         visit. Copay is waived if   visit. Copay is waived if                         (Inpatient copay applies
                                                                                      admitted to the hospital                          admitted to the hospital    admitted to the hospital                          if admitted)
                                                                                      directly from the                                 directly from the           directly from the
                                                                                      emergency room, then                              emergency room, then        emergency room, then
                                                                                      Inpatient copay would                             Inpatient copay would       Inpatient copay would
                                                                                      apply                                             apply                       apply

Outpatient Surgery in a Day Surgery          Nothing           20% coinsurance after Deductible applies,      Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible applies,         Deductible applies,     Deductible, then CIF^        $250 copay per       Deductible, then CIF^
facility or Hospital                                                deductible       then $250 copay per                                then $250 copay per         then $250 copay per                                 outpatient surgery,
                                                                                     visit                                              visit                       visit                                                then deductible

CT, MRI and Pet Scans                        Nothing           20% coinsurance after Deductible applies,      Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then $100       Deductible, then $100   Deductible, then CIF^        $100 copay, then     Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                    deductible       then $100 Copay per                                copay (scheduled            copay (scheduled                                        Deductible
                                                                                     procedure                                          outpatient)                 outpatient)

Hemodialysis                          $5 copayment per visit 20% coinsurance after Non - hospital based -     Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^       Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                  deductible       Deductible applies,
                                                                                   then no charge
                                                                                   Hospital based - See
                                                                                   Inpatient Services

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                              BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                            TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                      PPO                               BENCHMARK           HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK                BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE                BENCHMARK             HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                     IN-NETWORK               OUT-OF-NETWORK              CHOICENET             HSA ELIGIBLE          NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                         NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HSA ELIGIBLE                                         HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                        YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                  YOU PAY

Physical Therapy                          $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after Copay: $20 per visit - Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay; up to 60       $20 copay. PT / OT Deductible, then CIF^ up          Speech and short-term Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                       deductible       Limited to 30 visits per Limited to 30 visits per   visits per calendar year Max limit up to 60 visits to 60 visits per calendar   PT/OT $20 copay per 30 visits per plan year
                                                                                        plan year                plan year                  (unlimited for autism)        per plan year        year (Unlimited for         visit; 30 visits per plan
                                                                                                                                                                                               autism)                     year

Office Visits Primary Care Physician      $5 copay per visit           Not covered          $20 copay per visit   Deductible, then CIF^           $20 copay            $20 copay per visit    Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^

Preventive OV - PCP                           Nothing                   Nothing                Nothing                    Nothing                  Nothing                  Nothing                   Nothing                     Nothing                  Nothing
Medical Care/Mental Health                $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^           $20 per visit        $20 copay per visit    Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^
Care/Substance Abuse Care (Mental                                      deductible
Health copays excluded from OOP

Office Visits Specialist                  $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after Tier 1 :                  Deductible, then CIF^     $60 copay per visit      $60 copay per visit      Deductible, then CIF^        $60 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                       deductible       $30 copay per visit
                                                                                        Tier 2:
                                                                                        $60 copay per visit
                                                                                        Tier 3:
                                                                                        $90 copay per visit

OB/GYN                                    $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^       $20 copay per visit      $20 copay per visit    Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^
GYN-Preventive Office visit                    Nothing                   Nothing                   Nothing                 Nothing                  Nothing                  Nothing                   Nothing                    Nothing            Nothing

Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                       Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^        Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^

Routine Vision Exam                    $5 copay per visit; one    20% coinsurance after $0 copay - 1 every 2      Deductible, then CIF^     $0 copay; one visit       $0 copay per visit; one $0 copay; one visit every $20 copay per visit;         Covered in Full-one
                                       visit per calendar year.        deductible       years                                               every 12 months            visit every 12 months 12 months                  one visit per plan year      visit every 12 months
                                       $0 copay for children
                                       under 5 years of age

                                        Eyewear discounts          Eyewear discounts                                                                                                                                        Eyewear discounts
                                             available at               available at                                                                                                                                             available at
                                       participating providers    participating providers                                                                                                                                  participating providers

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                                    BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                               TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                PPO                              BENCHMARK               HIGH DEDUCTIBLE               BENCHMARK                  BENCHMARK                HIGH DEDUCTIBLE               BENCHMARK               HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                IN-NETWORK              OUT-OF-NETWORK              CHOICENET                 HSA ELIGIBLE           NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                         NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      HSA ELIGIBLE                                          HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                   YOU PAY

Pre-Admission Testing -                  Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^         Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^       Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^

Maternity Care visits                    Nothing            20% coinsurance after            Nothing            Routine OPD, Pre and               Nothing                    Nothing            Nothing for prenatal; all   Nothing for prenatal       Nothing for prenatal
                                                                 deductible                                     Post Natal CIF^                                                                  other serviceds             and postnatal              and postnatal
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Deductible, then CIF*       outpatient care, non       outpatient care non
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             routine deductibe, then    routine deductiblel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CIF                        then CIF

Dental Services                   Children up to age 14     Children up to age 14    Preventative dental        Deductible, then           Children under age         Children under age         Children under age 12:      Children under age         Children under age
                                  - Covered in full for     - 20% coinsurance        for children up to age     Children up to age 13 -    12: Preventive dental      12: Preventive dental      Preventive dental one       12; Preventative dental,   12; Preventative
                                  preventative care.        after deductible for     13 - Tier 1 Copayment      Preventative dental        one exam every six         one exam every six         exam every six months.,     periodic oral exam,        dental, periodic oral
                                  All members -             preventative care.       per visit up to two        when authorized by         months., incl.             months., incl.             incl. Cleaning, fluoride    cleaning, fluoride         exam, cleaning,
                                  $5 copay for extraction   All members -            exams per calendar         PCP;                       Cleaning, fluoride         Cleaning, fluoride         treatment and x-rays.       treatment once every       fluoride treatment
                                  of impacted teeth and     20% coinsurance after    year, including            up to two exams per        treatment and x-rays.      treatment and x-rays.      All members:                six months. X-rays: Full   once every six
                                  initial emergency         deductible for           cleaning, fluoride         calendar year, including   All members:               All members:               Extraction of impacted      mouth once every five      months. X-rays: Full
                                  treatment.                extraction of impacted   treatment and x-rays.      cleaning, fluoride         Extraction of impacted     Extraction of impacted     teeth imbedded in the       years, bitewing x-rays     mouth once every five
                                                            teeth and initial        Initial emergency          treatment and x-rays.      teeth imbedded in the      teeth imbedded in the      bone. Facility charges      once every six months,     years, bitewing x-rays
                                                            emergency treatment.     treatment (within 72       Initial emergency          bone. Facility charges     bone. Facility charges     ONLY when a serious         and periapicals as         once every six
                                                                                     hours of injury)           treatment (within 72       ONLY when a serious        ONLY when a serious        medical condition that      needed. MUST use           months, and
                                                                                     necessary to repair oral   hours of injury)           medical condition that     medical condition that     requires admittance to a    participating dentist.     periapicals as needed.
                                                                                     injuries.                  necessary to repair oral   requires admittance to     requires admittance to     network hospital as         Emergency Services -       MUST use
                                                                                     Extraction of impacted     injuries.                  a network hospital as      a network hospital as      inpatient in order for      LIMITED                    participating dentist.
                                                                                     teeth.                     Extraction of impacted     inpatient in order for     inpatient in order for     dental care to be safely    TO X RAYS AND              Emergency Services -
                                                                                                                teeth.                     dental care to be safely   dental care to be safely   performed. See              EMERGENCY ORAL             LIMITED
                                                                                                                                           performed.                 performed.                 Outpatient Surgery for      SURGERY                    TO X RAYS AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                 benefit information.        ER or OFFICE VISIT         EMERGENCY ORAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             COPAY                      SURGERY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WILL APPLY                 ER or OFFICE VISIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WILL APPLY

Private Duty Nursing                 Nothing when           20% coinsurance after Nothing when                  Deductible, then CIF^      Nothing when                  Nothing when            Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Not a covered benefit      Not a covered benefit
                                   medically necessary           deductible       medically necessary                                      medically necessary         medically necessary
(only when medically necessary)
Home Health Care                         Nothing            20% coinsurance after Member cost sharing           Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^       Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                 deductible       depends on types of
                                                                                  services provided and
                                                                                  tier placement of
                                                                                  provider rendering
                                                                                  dervices, as listed in
                                                                                  the Schedule of

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                             BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                       TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                 PPO                           BENCHMARK             HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK                BENCHMARK             HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK            HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full               IN-NETWORK                OUT-OF-NETWORK          CHOICENET               HSA ELIGIBLE          NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                 NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                           HSA ELIGIBLE                                    HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Hospice Care                             Nothing            20% coinsurance after Same as Home Health Deductible, then CIF^          Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                 deductible       Care

Durable Medical Equipment         20% of equipment         Deductible, then 20%    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then 20%     Deductible, then 20%    Deductible, then CIF^    Covered in Full         Deductible, then CIF^
                                 cost to HPHC not to       of equipment cost to                                                      coinsurance              coinsurance
                                 exceed a member's         HPHC not to exceed a
                                 expense of $1000,         member's expense of

Ambulance                        Nothing, when             Nothing, when           T1 deductible, then CIF Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible then          Deductible then         Deductible, then CIF^    Covered in full when    Deductible, then CIF^
                                 medically necessary       medically necessary                                                       covered in full          covered in full                                  medically nceessary

Radiation Therapy                        Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^

Chemotherapy                             Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^

Chiropractor Visits              $5 copay per visit, up    20% coinsurance after $20 copay, 20 visits      Deductible, then CIF^     $20 copay per visit.  $20 copay per visit; up Deductible, then CIF^ 12 $20 copay per visit; up Deductible, then CIF^
                                 to $500 per calendar      deductible            per plan year             12 visits per plan year   12 visits maximum per to 12 visits per plan   visits per calendar year to 12 visits per        12 visits per plan year
                                 year                                                                                                calendar year         year.                                            calendar year

Acupuncture Visits               $5 Copayment per visit     Deductible, then 20% $30 copay. 12 visits      Deductible, then CIF 12 $60 Copay, 12 visits       $60 Copay, 12 visits    Deductible, then CIF, 12 $20 Copay, unlimited    Deductible then CIF,
                                  (12 visits per clendar                         per plan year             visits per plan year    per calendar year          per calendar year       visits per calendar year visits                  unlimited visits

Prescription Drugs               Retail Pharmacy:          Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:          Retail Pharmacy:         Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:         Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:
                                                                                                           Copays AFTER                                                               Copays AFTER                                     Copays AFTER
                                                                                                           DEDUCTIBLE                                                                 DEDUCTIBLE                                       DEDUCTIBLE
(Inpatient drugs paid in full)   Tier 1: $5 copay          Tier 1: $5 copay        Tier 1: $10.00 copay    Tier 1: $10.00 copay      Tier 1: $10.00 copay     Tier 1: $10.00 copay    Tier 1: $10.00 copay     Tier 1: $10.00 copay    Tier 1: $10.00 copay

                                 Tier 2: $10 copay         Tier 2: $10 copay       Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay         Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay            Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay
                                 Tier 3: $25 copay         Tier 3: $25 copay       Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay         Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay            Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay
                                 up to a 30 day supply     up to a 30 day supply   (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply)   (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply)   (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply)

                                 MedImpact Mail            No mail order           Mail Order: (90 day     Mail Order: (90 day       Mail Order: (90 day      Mail Order: (90 day     Mail Order: (90 day      Mail Order: (90 day     Mail Order: (90 day
                                 Order:                    coverage except         supply)                 supply) Copays            supply)                  supply)                 supply) Copays           supply)                 supply) Copays
                                                           through                                         AFTER DEDUCTIBLE                                                           AFTER DEDUCTIBLE                                 AFTER
                                 Tier 1: $10 copay         MedImpact Mail Order Tier 1: $25.00 copay       Tier 1: $25.00 copay      Tier 1: $25.00 copay     Tier 1: $25.00 copay    Tier 1: $25.00 copay     Tier 1: $25.00 copay    Tier 1: $25.00 copay

                                 Tier 2: $20 copay                                 Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay         Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay            Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay
                                 Tier 3: $75 copay                                 Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay       Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay         Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay
                                 up to a 90 day supply

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                                     BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                            TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                         PPO                                    BENCHMARK                  HIGH DEDUCTIBLE              BENCHMARK                BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full         IN-NETWORK               OUT-OF-NETWORK                   CHOICENET                   HSA ELIGIBLE           NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                        NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   HSA ELIGIBLE                                       HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                           YOU PAY                      YOU PAY                      YOU PAY                      YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY

Fitness Benefit           Reimbursement                Reimbursement                    Reimbursement                 Reimbursement            Reimbursement            Reimbursement              Reimbursement            Reimbursement            Reimbursement
                          Fitness reimb up to          Fitness reimb up to          Fitness reimb up to          Fitness reimb up to        Up to $300               Up to $300               Up to $300                Fitness reimb up to       Fitness reimb up to
                          $150 per subscriber at       $150 per subscriber at       $150 per subscriber at       $150 per subscriber at a   reimbursement toward     reimbursement toward     reimbursement toward      $150 per subscriber at    $150 per subscriber
                          a Health & Fitness club      a Health & Fitness club      a Health & Fitness club      Health & Fitness club      health club              health club              health club membership    a Health & Fitness        at a Health & Fitness
                          per calendar year.           per calendar year.           per calendar year.           per calendar year. Must    membership and           membership and           and classes and/or        club,including exercise   club,including
                          Must be an active            Must be an active            Must be an active            be an active member of     classes and/or virtual   classes and/or virtual   virtual memberships and   classes per calendar      exercise classes per
                          member of HPHC for           member of HPHC for           member of HPHC for           HPHC for at least 4        memberships and          memberships and          classes. See plan         year. See plan            calendar year. See
                          at least 4 months and        at least 4 months and        at least 4 months and        months and an active       classes. See plan        classes. See plan        materials for details.    materials for details.    plan materials for
                          an active member of          an active member of          an active member of          member of the health       materials for details.   materials for details.                                                       details.
                          the health facility for at   the health facility for at   the health facility for at   facility for at least 4
                          least 4 months.              least 4 months.              least 4 months.              months.
                          See plan materials for       See plan materials for       See plan materials for       See plan materials for
                          details.                     details.                     details.                     details.

                          Discounts at IFCN-           Discounts at IFCN-           Discounts at IFCN-           Discounts at IFCN-         Enroll in a qualified    Enroll in a qualified    Enroll in a qualified     JENNY CRAIG               JENNY CRAIG
                          affiliated clubs.            affiliated clubs.            affiliated clubs.            affiliated clubs.          Weight Watchers® or      Weight Watchers® or      Weight Watchers® or       DISCOUNTS:                DISCOUNTS:
                          Discount at Weight           Discount at Weight           Discount at Weight           Discount at Weight         hospital based weight    hospital based weight    hospital based weight     -FREE 30 DAY              -FREE 30 DAY
                          Watchers®                    Watchers®                    Watchers®                    Watchers®                  loss program and         loss program and         loss program and          PROGRAM                   PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                            receive up to $150 per   receive up to $150 per   receive up to $150 per    -25% OFF A                -25% OFF A
                                                                                                                                            calendar year toward     calendar year toward     calendar year toward      PREMIUM/METABOLI          PREMIUM/METABOL
                                                                                                                                            your program fees.       your program fees.       your program fees.        C PROGRAM                 IC PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NUTRISYSTEM               NUTRISYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DISCOUNT:                 DISCOUNT:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -12% DISCOUNT -           -12% DISCOUNT -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OFF CURRENT               OFF CURRENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PROMO                     PROMO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -CORE OR SELECT           -CORE OR SELECT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PROGRAM                   PROGRAM


Effective 07-01-2022                                                                                                        HEALTH PLAN COMPARISON CHART - all plans - July 1, 2022

                                                                               HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                              BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                          TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                           PPO                            BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE              BENCHMARK               BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK            HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                          IN-NETWORK               OUT-OF-NETWORK           CHOICENET                 HSA ELIGIBLE           NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                              NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        HSA ELIGIBLE                                      HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                            YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Lifetime Benefit Maximum                             None                     None                    None                       None                      None                    None                     None                      None                    None

Deductible - (Benchmark Plans only)                  None            IND $100/ FAM $200             IND $300                  IND $2,000                IND $300                IND $300                 IND $2,000                IND $300               IND $2,000
applies to: In-patient Admission; Out-                                                              FAM $900               FAM $4,000 (Non-             FAM $900                FAM $900                 FAM $4,000                FAM $900               FAM $4,000
patient Surgery; ER, High Tech Imaging                                                                                    embedded, plan year
(MRI, CT, & PET) and Diagnostic Tests                                                                                    deductible, family plan
& Procedures. Does not apply to office                                                                                   deductible needs to be
visits or pharmacy. Per plan year (July 1                                                                                   satisfied before
to June 30) - See plan document for full                                                                                insurance plan kicks in)

Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximum -               Medical -                None                    Medical -                  Medical & RX               Medical -               Medical -               Medical & RX              Medical -               Medical & RX
Once your out-of-pocket expenses for        $2,000 per member                                $2,000 per member          COMBINED -                 $2,000 per member       $2,000 per member       COMBINED -                $2,000 per member       COMBINED -
applicable services reaches this amount,    $4,000 per family per                            $4,000 per family per      $5,000 per member          $4,000 per family per   $4,000 per family per   $5,000 per member         $4,000 per family per   $5,000 per member
you pay $0 for remainder of plan year.      plan year                                        plan year                  $10,000 per family per     plan year               plan year               $10,000 per family per    plan year               $10,000 per family
Effective July 1, 2015, out-of-pocket                                                        Prescription- $2,000       plan year year             Prescription- $2,000    Prescription- $2,000    plan year        see      Prescription- $2,000    per plan year, see
maximums for prescription copays have                                                        per member $4,000          see plan for details       per member $4,000       per member $4,000       plan for details          per member $4,000       plan for details
been added as required by ACA (in-                                                           per family per plan year                              per family per plan     per family per plan                               per family per plan
network only).                                                                               see plan for details                                  year        see plan    year        see plan                              year, see plan for
                                                                                                                                                   for details             for details                                       details

Family Covered                              Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;        Spouse; dependents;      Spouse; dependents;
                                            and adult children until and adult children until and adult children up to and adult children up to and adult children up to and adult children up to and adult children up to   and adult children up to and adult children up
                                            age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                   age 26                     age 26                   to age 26

Selection of Primary Care Physician         Any PCP in network       No selection required   Member must select         Member must select         Member must select       Member must select     Member must select        No selection required   Member must select

Specialist Referrals                        Any HPHC Specialist      Any licensed specialist PCP must refer             PCP must refer             PCP must refer             PCP must refer       No referral required      No referral required    PCP must refer

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                          BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                        TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                     PPO                           BENCHMARK           HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK                 BENCHMARK               HIGH DEDUCTIBLE           BENCHMARK           HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                  IN-NETWORK                 OUT-OF-NETWORK           CHOICENET             HSA ELIGIBLE        NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                   NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                               HSA ELIGIBLE                                   HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                     YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                YOU PAY                YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Providers of Service                HARVARD PILGRIM            Any licensed provider;   HARVARD PILGRIM       HARVARD PILGRIM         HMO BLUE providers        HMO BLUE SELECT           HMO BLUE providers in TUFTS HEALTH             TUFTS HEALTH
                                    providers - Members        any hospital             providers except in   providers except in     in all 6 New England      MA PROVIDERS              all 6 New England states PLAN providers except PLAN providers
                                    also have access to a                               emergencies           emergencies             states except in          ONLY except in            except in emergencies    in emergencies        except in emergencies
                                    wide range of                                                                                     emergencies               emergencies
                                    participating providers
                                    through the Private
                                    Health Care Systems
                                    network while outside
                                    of MA, NH and ME

                                                                                                                                                                A Limited Network with
                                                                                                                                                                Great Value HMO
                                                                                                                                                                Blue Select features a
                                                                                                                                                                smaller and very
                                                                                                                                                                attracitve provider
                                                                                                                                                                network with
                                                                                                                                                                Massachusetts doctors
                                                                                                                                                                and hospitals, as well
                                                                                                                                                                as specialty pediatric,
                                                                                                                                                                eye, ear, and cancer
                                                                                                                                                                hospitals, keeping
                                                                                                                                                                employer and
                                                                                                                                                                employee affordability
                                                                                                                                                                in mind. Hospitals are
                                                                                                                                                                aligned with provider
                                                                                                                                                                networks to improve
                                                                                                                                                                network use.

Pre-existing Conditions                 No restrictions              No restrictions        No restrictions       No restrictions         No restrictions           No restrictions           No restrictions         No restrictions        No restrictions

General Hospital/Mental                     Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible applies       Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible , then Tier    Deductible , then Tier    Deductible, then CIF^   Semi-private room &     Deductible, then CIF^
Hospital/Substance Abuse Facility                              deductible            then:                                            1: $500 copay             1: $500 copay                                     board & ancillary
(semi-private room and board and                                                     Tier 1 : $250                                    Tier 2: 1500 copay        Tier 2: 1500 copay                                services
ancillary services)                                                                  Tier 2 :$500                                                                                                                 Tier 1: $500 copay,
                                                                                     Tier 3 : $1500                                                                                                               then deductible applies
                                                                                     per/Admit                                                                                                                    Tier 2: $1500 copay,
                                                                                     NOTE-Mental                                                                                                                  then deductible applies
                                                                                     Health/Substance                                                                                                             NOTE-Mental
                                                                                     Abuse copay $250                                                                                                             Health/Substance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Abuse copay Tier 1

Physician Services                          Nothing            20% coinsurance after           Nothing        Deductible, then CIF^   Nothing                           Nothing           Deductible, then CIF^          Nothing         Deductible, then CIF^

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                             BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                           TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                    PPO                           BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK                   BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK            HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                    IN-NETWORK              OUT-OF-NETWORK          CHOICENET                HSA ELIGIBLE          NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                       NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  HSA ELIGIBLE                                    HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                      YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Skilled Nursing Facility              Nothing up to 100 days 20% coinsurance after Deductible applies,    Deductible, then CIF^  Deductible, then                   Deductible, then        Deductible, then CIF^     Covered in Full after   Deductible, then CIF^
                                      per calendar year      deductible up to 100   then 20% Coinsurance up to 100 days per plan covered in full                    covered in full                                   Deductible, up to 100   up to 100 days
                                                             days per calendar year - Limited to 100 days year                                                                                                        days per plan year
                                                                                    per Plan Year

Newborn Well Baby Care (Inpatient)           Nothing          20% coinsurance after          Nothing          Deductible, then CIF^             Nothing                    Nothing          Nothing                          Nothing          Deductible, then CIF^


Emergency Room Visits for             $40 copay, waived if    $40 copay, waived if    Deductible applies,       Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible applies,         Deductible applies,       Deductible, then CIF^   $100 copay, then         Deductible, then CIF^
Emergency or Accident Care            admitted                admitted                then $100 Copay per                               then $100 Copay per         then $100 Copay per                               deductible applies
                                                                                      visit. Copay is waived if                         visit. Copay is waived if   visit. Copay is waived if                         (Inpatient copay applies
                                                                                      admitted to the hospital                          admitted to the hospital    admitted to the hospital                          if admitted)
                                                                                      directly from the                                 directly from the           directly from the
                                                                                      emergency room, then                              emergency room, then        emergency room, then
                                                                                      Inpatient copay would                             Inpatient copay would       Inpatient copay would
                                                                                      apply                                             apply                       apply

Outpatient Surgery in a Day Surgery          Nothing           20% coinsurance after Deductible applies,      Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible applies,         Deductible applies,     Deductible, then CIF^        $250 copay per       Deductible, then CIF^
facility or Hospital                                                deductible       then $250 copay per                                then $250 copay per         then $250 copay per                                 outpatient surgery,
                                                                                     visit                                              visit                       visit                                                then deductible

CT, MRI and Pet Scans                        Nothing           20% coinsurance after Deductible applies,      Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then $100       Deductible, then $100   Deductible, then CIF^        $100 copay, then     Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                    deductible       then $100 Copay per                                copay (scheduled            copay (scheduled                                        Deductible
                                                                                     procedure                                          outpatient)                 outpatient)

Hemodialysis                          $5 copayment per visit 20% coinsurance after Non - hospital based -     Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^       Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                  deductible       Deductible applies,
                                                                                   then no charge
                                                                                   Hospital based - See
                                                                                   Inpatient Services

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                              BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                            TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                      PPO                               BENCHMARK           HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK                BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE                BENCHMARK             HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                     IN-NETWORK               OUT-OF-NETWORK              CHOICENET             HSA ELIGIBLE          NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                         NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                    HSA ELIGIBLE                                         HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                        YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                  YOU PAY

Physical Therapy                          $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after Copay: $20 per visit - Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay; up to 60       $20 copay. PT / OT Deductible, then CIF^ up          Speech and short-term Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                       deductible       Limited to 30 visits per Limited to 30 visits per   visits per calendar year Max limit up to 60 visits to 60 visits per calendar   PT/OT $20 copay per 30 visits per plan year
                                                                                        plan year                plan year                  (unlimited for autism)        per plan year        year (Unlimited for         visit; 30 visits per plan
                                                                                                                                                                                               autism)                     year

Office Visits Primary Care Physician      $5 copay per visit           Not covered          $20 copay per visit   Deductible, then CIF^           $20 copay            $20 copay per visit    Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^

Preventive OV - PCP                           Nothing                   Nothing                Nothing                    Nothing                  Nothing                  Nothing                   Nothing                     Nothing                  Nothing
Medical Care/Mental Health                $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^           $20 per visit        $20 copay per visit    Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^
Care/Substance Abuse Care (Mental                                      deductible
Health copays excluded from OOP

Office Visits Specialist                  $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after Tier 1 :                  Deductible, then CIF^     $60 copay per visit      $60 copay per visit      Deductible, then CIF^        $60 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                       deductible       $30 copay per visit
                                                                                        Tier 2:
                                                                                        $60 copay per visit
                                                                                        Tier 3:
                                                                                        $90 copay per visit

OB/GYN                                    $5 copay per visit      20% coinsurance after $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^       $20 copay per visit      $20 copay per visit    Deductible, then CIF^        $20 copay per visit       Deductible, then CIF^
GYN-Preventive Office visit                    Nothing                   Nothing                   Nothing                 Nothing                  Nothing                  Nothing                   Nothing                    Nothing            Nothing

Diagnostic X-ray and Lab                       Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^        Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^

Routine Vision Exam                    $5 copay per visit; one    20% coinsurance after $0 copay - 1 every 2      Deductible, then CIF^     $0 copay; one visit       $0 copay per visit; one $0 copay; one visit every $20 copay per visit;         Covered in Full-one
                                       visit per calendar year.        deductible       years                                               every 12 months            visit every 12 months 12 months                  one visit per plan year      visit every 12 months
                                       $0 copay for children
                                       under 5 years of age

                                        Eyewear discounts          Eyewear discounts                                                                                                                                        Eyewear discounts
                                             available at               available at                                                                                                                                             available at
                                       participating providers    participating providers                                                                                                                                  participating providers

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                                    BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                               TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                PPO                              BENCHMARK               HIGH DEDUCTIBLE               BENCHMARK                  BENCHMARK                HIGH DEDUCTIBLE               BENCHMARK               HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full                IN-NETWORK              OUT-OF-NETWORK              CHOICENET                 HSA ELIGIBLE           NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                         NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      HSA ELIGIBLE                                          HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                     YOU PAY                    YOU PAY                   YOU PAY

Pre-Admission Testing -                  Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^         Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^       Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^

Maternity Care visits                    Nothing            20% coinsurance after            Nothing            Routine OPD, Pre and               Nothing                    Nothing            Nothing for prenatal; all   Nothing for prenatal       Nothing for prenatal
                                                                 deductible                                     Post Natal CIF^                                                                  other serviceds             and postnatal              and postnatal
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Deductible, then CIF*       outpatient care, non       outpatient care non
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             routine deductibe, then    routine deductiblel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CIF                        then CIF

Dental Services                   Children up to age 14     Children up to age 14    Preventative dental        Deductible, then           Children under age         Children under age         Children under age 12:      Children under age         Children under age
                                  - Covered in full for     - 20% coinsurance        for children up to age     Children up to age 13 -    12: Preventive dental      12: Preventive dental      Preventive dental one       12; Preventative dental,   12; Preventative
                                  preventative care.        after deductible for     13 - Tier 1 Copayment      Preventative dental        one exam every six         one exam every six         exam every six months.,     periodic oral exam,        dental, periodic oral
                                  All members -             preventative care.       per visit up to two        when authorized by         months., incl.             months., incl.             incl. Cleaning, fluoride    cleaning, fluoride         exam, cleaning,
                                  $5 copay for extraction   All members -            exams per calendar         PCP;                       Cleaning, fluoride         Cleaning, fluoride         treatment and x-rays.       treatment once every       fluoride treatment
                                  of impacted teeth and     20% coinsurance after    year, including            up to two exams per        treatment and x-rays.      treatment and x-rays.      All members:                six months. X-rays: Full   once every six
                                  initial emergency         deductible for           cleaning, fluoride         calendar year, including   All members:               All members:               Extraction of impacted      mouth once every five      months. X-rays: Full
                                  treatment.                extraction of impacted   treatment and x-rays.      cleaning, fluoride         Extraction of impacted     Extraction of impacted     teeth imbedded in the       years, bitewing x-rays     mouth once every five
                                                            teeth and initial        Initial emergency          treatment and x-rays.      teeth imbedded in the      teeth imbedded in the      bone. Facility charges      once every six months,     years, bitewing x-rays
                                                            emergency treatment.     treatment (within 72       Initial emergency          bone. Facility charges     bone. Facility charges     ONLY when a serious         and periapicals as         once every six
                                                                                     hours of injury)           treatment (within 72       ONLY when a serious        ONLY when a serious        medical condition that      needed. MUST use           months, and
                                                                                     necessary to repair oral   hours of injury)           medical condition that     medical condition that     requires admittance to a    participating dentist.     periapicals as needed.
                                                                                     injuries.                  necessary to repair oral   requires admittance to     requires admittance to     network hospital as         Emergency Services -       MUST use
                                                                                     Extraction of impacted     injuries.                  a network hospital as      a network hospital as      inpatient in order for      LIMITED                    participating dentist.
                                                                                     teeth.                     Extraction of impacted     inpatient in order for     inpatient in order for     dental care to be safely    TO X RAYS AND              Emergency Services -
                                                                                                                teeth.                     dental care to be safely   dental care to be safely   performed. See              EMERGENCY ORAL             LIMITED
                                                                                                                                           performed.                 performed.                 Outpatient Surgery for      SURGERY                    TO X RAYS AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                 benefit information.        ER or OFFICE VISIT         EMERGENCY ORAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             COPAY                      SURGERY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WILL APPLY                 ER or OFFICE VISIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WILL APPLY

Private Duty Nursing                 Nothing when           20% coinsurance after Nothing when                  Deductible, then CIF^      Nothing when                  Nothing when            Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Not a covered benefit      Not a covered benefit
                                   medically necessary           deductible       medically necessary                                      medically necessary         medically necessary
(only when medically necessary)
Home Health Care                         Nothing            20% coinsurance after Member cost sharing           Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^       Deductible, then CIF^      Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                 deductible       depends on types of
                                                                                  services provided and
                                                                                  tier placement of
                                                                                  provider rendering
                                                                                  dervices, as listed in
                                                                                  the Schedule of

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                             BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                       TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                                 PPO                           BENCHMARK             HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK                BENCHMARK             HIGH DEDUCTIBLE            BENCHMARK            HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full               IN-NETWORK                OUT-OF-NETWORK          CHOICENET               HSA ELIGIBLE          NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                 NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                           HSA ELIGIBLE                                    HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                 YOU PAY                 YOU PAY

Hospice Care                             Nothing            20% coinsurance after Same as Home Health Deductible, then CIF^          Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^
                                                                 deductible       Care

Durable Medical Equipment         20% of equipment         Deductible, then 20%    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then 20%     Deductible, then 20%    Deductible, then CIF^    Covered in Full         Deductible, then CIF^
                                 cost to HPHC not to       of equipment cost to                                                      coinsurance              coinsurance
                                 exceed a member's         HPHC not to exceed a
                                 expense of $1000,         member's expense of

Ambulance                        Nothing, when             Nothing, when           T1 deductible, then CIF Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible then          Deductible then         Deductible, then CIF^    Covered in full when    Deductible, then CIF^
                                 medically necessary       medically necessary                                                       covered in full          covered in full                                  medically nceessary

Radiation Therapy                        Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^

Chemotherapy                             Nothing            20% coinsurance after Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^     Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^    Deductible, then CIF^   Deductible, then CIF^

Chiropractor Visits              $5 copay per visit, up    20% coinsurance after $20 copay, 20 visits      Deductible, then CIF^     $20 copay per visit.  $20 copay per visit; up Deductible, then CIF^ 12 $20 copay per visit; up Deductible, then CIF^
                                 to $500 per calendar      deductible            per plan year             12 visits per plan year   12 visits maximum per to 12 visits per plan   visits per calendar year to 12 visits per        12 visits per plan year
                                 year                                                                                                calendar year         year.                                            calendar year

Acupuncture Visits               $5 Copayment per visit     Deductible, then 20% $30 copay. 12 visits      Deductible, then CIF 12 $60 Copay, 12 visits       $60 Copay, 12 visits    Deductible, then CIF, 12 $20 Copay, unlimited    Deductible then CIF,
                                  (12 visits per clendar                         per plan year             visits per plan year    per calendar year          per calendar year       visits per calendar year visits                  unlimited visits

Prescription Drugs               Retail Pharmacy:          Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:          Retail Pharmacy:         Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:         Retail Pharmacy:        Retail Pharmacy:
                                                                                                           Copays AFTER                                                               Copays AFTER                                     Copays AFTER
                                                                                                           DEDUCTIBLE                                                                 DEDUCTIBLE                                       DEDUCTIBLE
(Inpatient drugs paid in full)   Tier 1: $5 copay          Tier 1: $5 copay        Tier 1: $10.00 copay    Tier 1: $10.00 copay      Tier 1: $10.00 copay     Tier 1: $10.00 copay    Tier 1: $10.00 copay     Tier 1: $10.00 copay    Tier 1: $10.00 copay

                                 Tier 2: $10 copay         Tier 2: $10 copay       Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay         Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay            Tier 2: $30.00 copay Tier 2: $30.00 copay
                                 Tier 3: $25 copay         Tier 3: $25 copay       Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay         Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay            Tier 3: $65.00 copay Tier 3: $65.00 copay
                                 up to a 30 day supply     up to a 30 day supply   (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply)   (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply)   (up to a 30-day supply) (up to a 30-day supply)

                                 MedImpact Mail            No mail order           Mail Order: (90 day     Mail Order: (90 day       Mail Order: (90 day      Mail Order: (90 day     Mail Order: (90 day      Mail Order: (90 day     Mail Order: (90 day
                                 Order:                    coverage except         supply)                 supply) Copays            supply)                  supply)                 supply) Copays           supply)                 supply) Copays
                                                           through                                         AFTER DEDUCTIBLE                                                           AFTER DEDUCTIBLE                                 AFTER
                                 Tier 1: $10 copay         MedImpact Mail Order Tier 1: $25.00 copay       Tier 1: $25.00 copay      Tier 1: $25.00 copay     Tier 1: $25.00 copay    Tier 1: $25.00 copay     Tier 1: $25.00 copay    Tier 1: $25.00 copay

                                 Tier 2: $20 copay                                 Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay         Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay            Tier 2: $75.00 copay Tier 2: $75.00 copay
                                 Tier 3: $75 copay                                 Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay       Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay         Tier 3: $165.00 copay Tier 3: $165.00 copay
                                 up to a 90 day supply

HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH CARE                                                                     BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD                                            TUFTS HEALTH PLAN

PLAN TYPE                                         PPO                                    BENCHMARK                  HIGH DEDUCTIBLE              BENCHMARK                BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE             BENCHMARK              HIGH DEDUCTIBLE
^ CIF = Covered in Full         IN-NETWORK               OUT-OF-NETWORK                   CHOICENET                   HSA ELIGIBLE           NETWORK BLUE NE
                                                                                                                                                                        NETWORK BLUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   HSA ELIGIBLE                                       HSA ELIGIBLE
BENEFIT                           YOU PAY                      YOU PAY                      YOU PAY                      YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                   YOU PAY                  YOU PAY

Fitness Benefit           Reimbursement                Reimbursement                    Reimbursement                 Reimbursement            Reimbursement            Reimbursement              Reimbursement            Reimbursement            Reimbursement
                          Fitness reimb up to          Fitness reimb up to          Fitness reimb up to          Fitness reimb up to        Up to $300               Up to $300               Up to $300                Fitness reimb up to       Fitness reimb up to
                          $150 per subscriber at       $150 per subscriber at       $150 per subscriber at       $150 per subscriber at a   reimbursement toward     reimbursement toward     reimbursement toward      $150 per subscriber at    $150 per subscriber
                          a Health & Fitness club      a Health & Fitness club      a Health & Fitness club      Health & Fitness club      health club              health club              health club membership    a Health & Fitness        at a Health & Fitness
                          per calendar year.           per calendar year.           per calendar year.           per calendar year. Must    membership and           membership and           and classes and/or        club,including exercise   club,including
                          Must be an active            Must be an active            Must be an active            be an active member of     classes and/or virtual   classes and/or virtual   virtual memberships and   classes per calendar      exercise classes per
                          member of HPHC for           member of HPHC for           member of HPHC for           HPHC for at least 4        memberships and          memberships and          classes. See plan         year. See plan            calendar year. See
                          at least 4 months and        at least 4 months and        at least 4 months and        months and an active       classes. See plan        classes. See plan        materials for details.    materials for details.    plan materials for
                          an active member of          an active member of          an active member of          member of the health       materials for details.   materials for details.                                                       details.
                          the health facility for at   the health facility for at   the health facility for at   facility for at least 4
                          least 4 months.              least 4 months.              least 4 months.              months.
                          See plan materials for       See plan materials for       See plan materials for       See plan materials for
                          details.                     details.                     details.                     details.

                          Discounts at IFCN-           Discounts at IFCN-           Discounts at IFCN-           Discounts at IFCN-         Enroll in a qualified    Enroll in a qualified    Enroll in a qualified     JENNY CRAIG               JENNY CRAIG
                          affiliated clubs.            affiliated clubs.            affiliated clubs.            affiliated clubs.          Weight Watchers® or      Weight Watchers® or      Weight Watchers® or       DISCOUNTS:                DISCOUNTS:
                          Discount at Weight           Discount at Weight           Discount at Weight           Discount at Weight         hospital based weight    hospital based weight    hospital based weight     -FREE 30 DAY              -FREE 30 DAY
                          Watchers®                    Watchers®                    Watchers®                    Watchers®                  loss program and         loss program and         loss program and          PROGRAM                   PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                            receive up to $150 per   receive up to $150 per   receive up to $150 per    -25% OFF A                -25% OFF A
                                                                                                                                            calendar year toward     calendar year toward     calendar year toward      PREMIUM/METABOLI          PREMIUM/METABOL
                                                                                                                                            your program fees.       your program fees.       your program fees.        C PROGRAM                 IC PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NUTRISYSTEM               NUTRISYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DISCOUNT:                 DISCOUNT:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -12% DISCOUNT -           -12% DISCOUNT -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OFF CURRENT               OFF CURRENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PROMO                     PROMO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -CORE OR SELECT           -CORE OR SELECT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PROGRAM                   PROGRAM

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