Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation

Page created by Rene Sandoval
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Benefits Guide 2021
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
New Hire Benefit Checklist                                                                                                                                   Welcome to Federal Signal

First things first...                                                                                                                            Completed   				                                                                          2021
Visit the UltiPro Employee Benefits
portal, see page 6 for details
                                                                   Log in to our UltiPro portal…                                 Deadline
                                                                                                                                                    ✓        We are pleased to provide this guide to selecting and using our Benefit Plans.
                                                      Complete your benefits enrollment on-line:
You will need your UltiPro                            • Log in to                                                                            We care deeply about our employees.
username and password                                 • Designate dependents, beneficiaries and emergency contacts
                                                      • Review this guide and enroll in the plans/benefits that fit your needs     Within                    This benefit guide is designed to give you
Username: Typically your first initial                • Provide local HR with dependent eligibility documentation                 31 days of
followed by your last name. If you have               • Elect Healthcare or Dependent Care FSA                                   Date of Hire                the answers you need and to assist you in
                                                      • Elect your HSA contribution if enrolling in the
a common last name, there may be                        Healthy Advantage Medical Plan                                                                       enrolling in our programs. Understanding
a number after your name. See your                    • PRINT a copy of your confirmation
local HR Representative or contact                                                                                                                           the many, real challenges we have all
FS Benefits by phone or email for                          If You …                           Take Action                        Deadline                    recently faced during the global pandemic,
assistance. See contact information
                                                                                1) Log in to and complete
                                                                                 the Health Assessment
                                                                                                                                                             we have worked hard to identify benefit
Password: Your initial password is the
                                                                                                    AND                                                      cost savings and pass those savings along
last four digits of your social                                                 2) Submit the Physician Screening Form,
                                                                                found on page 51, that has been completed
                                                                                                                                                             to you. We understand that making the
security number.                                      Enrolled in a medical     by your doctor (for new hires only, this is                                  right decisions for you and your family is
                                                      plan for yourself          optional). Note: Suspended at this time
Create a new password: You will be                                              due to COVID-19 and will be revisited in Q1                                  an important part of managing both your
asked to create a new password after                                            2021.
your initial login and choose your                                                                                                                           health and your personal finances. Federal
                                                                                You will pay an additional medical premium
security questions and answers in case                                          if these requirements are not met.                                           Signal is committed to providing you with
you need to retrieve your password in
the future.                                                                                                                                                  the information and resources you need
                                                                                Your spouse should:
For assistance call the
                                                                                1) Log in to and                                            to make the best benefit choices. We
                                                                                complete the Health Assessment
FS Benefits Helpline at 855.895.4333                                                                                              Complete                   strive to support the many dimensions
or email                                                                AND                          within 30
                                                                                                                                   days of
                                                                                                                                                             of your well-being through our Company
                                                                                2) Submit the Physician Screening Form,
Follow-through required                                                         found on page 51, that has been completed         eligibility                Wellness Program, along with a variety
                                                                                by your doctor (for new hires only, this is          date
Some benefit elections will not                                                  optional). Note: Suspended at this time                                     of benefit providers offering additional
                                                                                due to COVID-19 and will be revisited in Q1
become effective unless you follow                    Enrolled your spouse
                                                                                2021.                                                                        educational tools and resources to
through and submit additional                         in a medical plan

documentation or complete additional                                            You will pay an additional medical premium                                   assist you in navigating healthcare and
steps. Use the checklist on this page                                           if these requirements are not met.
                                                                                                                                                             retirement planning decisions for yourself
to make sure you don’t overlook any                                             Complete the Spouse Eligibility Form                                         and your family. We believe having choices
necessary steps in the benefit                                                  (found on page 53) and return form to
enrollment process.                                                             Human Resources. Failure to submit a                                         is important and we are proud to offer
                                                                                completed and signed form will result in
                                                                                the addition of the $250/month surcharge                                     comprehensive and affordable benefits to
  If this is an electronic version of                                           for coverage for your spouse.
                                                                                                                                                             help you live well!
  the Federal Signal Benefit Guide,                   Enrolled a spouse in      Provide required documentation to Human
  you will be able to:                                any benefit plan          Resources. See page 10 for details.

  Click on Table of Contents page numbers to
  jump to that page or section                        Elected Optional Life     If you receive an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) Form from HR,
                                                      Insurance                 it must be mailed to Prudential. See page 38.
  Go to web pages by clicking on hyperlinks                                                                                                                    Our Mission: We are relentless in our commitment to our customers to building
  Send email to hyperlinked email addresses by                                                                                                                 and to delivering equipment of unmatched quality that moves material,
  clicking on link, your default e-mail application   Review your paycheck and compare the benefit deductions with your confirmation
  will launch and a blank e-mail, addressed to that   statement to ensure all benefits you elected are effective. Alert your local HR                          cleans infrastructure, and protects the communities where we work and live.
  email address, will open.                           representative to any discrepancies.
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Table of Contents                                                                                                                          An Introduction to Benefits
Benefit Enrollment Checklist............................inside front cover                     Benefit Enrollment                          When do I enroll?
An Introduction to Benefits.......................................……………..…5                    Resources                                   You must enroll for benefits or decline coverage by logging in to UltiPro
Visit UltiPro to Enroll....................................................................6
Making Changes................................………........................……..…7                This benefit guide
                                                                                                                                           at within 31 days of your date of hire.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        You Must
Eligibility …………...................................................................…..…8
Confirming Eligibility….................................................…………..…9
                                                                                               Read this guide for an overview of your
                                                                                               benefit options. Plan Documents are
                                                                                                                                           If you do not enroll on-line by this deadline you will default to no
                                                                                                                                           coverage for medical, dental, vision, optional life insurance and optional                  Take Action
Dependent Eligibility Documentation Requirements.................10                            available upon request. Summary Plan        long-term disability buy-up coverage for the remainder of the plan year.         Within 31 days of your date of hire,
Family and Medical Leave Act ...……..........................................12                 Descriptions are available from your        You will not be able to enroll until the next open enrollment period. In         if you do not enroll as a new hire,
                                                                                               local HR and as downloads in UltiPro at     addition, you will be required to provide evidence of insurability if you
Qualified Life Events……….....………………….……............................13                                                                                                                                                       your coverage will default to no
                                                                                                                 wish to enroll for optional life or long-term disability coverage at that
Medical Plans…….……....……………………….……..............................15                                                                                                                                                          coverage for medical, dental,
                                                                                                                                           time.                                                                            vision, optional life insurance and
Medical Plan 2021 Contribution Rates………...................……......16                           Federal Signal Benefits Helpline
Compare Medical Plans…………...........................................….....17                                                               You will have an opportunity to make changes to your plans only during           optional long-term disability buy
                                                                                               Get answers to your questions about         Open Enrollment each Fall for the following calendar year, or if you             up coverage for the remainder of
Making Your Insurance Work for You .........................................19                 benefits and the enrollment process         experience a Qualified Life Event. See page 13.                                  the plan year.
Health Savings Account (HSA)…….................................………......20                     Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to
HSA Eligible Medical Expenses……................................……….....21                      5:00 p.m., Central Time.                                                                                                     The next opportunity you will have
                                                                                                                                           When do benefits begin ?                                                         to enroll will be the next Open
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)…..................................…….....22                   •Call:   855.895.4333                       Salaried employees’ benefits begin the 1st of the month coincident with or       Enrollment period, unless you
Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA)...............23
                                                                                               •Email:        following your date of hire. Hourly employees’ benefits begin the 1st of the     experience a Qualified Life Event.
HSA, HCA, or FSA— What’s the difference?…...........…….…….......24                                                                         month following 60 days of service.                                              See page 13.
MDLIVE Virtual Medical Visits……...................................…….....25                    UltiPro Employee Portal:
Prescription Drug Programs………....................................…….....26                                                                 Who can I cover?
Prescription Drug Coverage……....……….....................................27                     Weblink:                    You can enroll yourself and your eligible dependents. See page 10 for a
Specialty Pharmacy Program…....…………...................................28                                                                   complete description of eligible individuals.                                  Tax Treatment of Benefits
                                                                                               •   Enroll or decline coverage
Coordinating with Medicare…...................................................29
Condition Management Program…............................................29                    •   Enroll eligible dependents              How do I pay for benefits?                                                                          Coverage for yourself and tax
                                                                                               •   See page 6 for login instructions       You and the Company share the cost of benefits. Your contribution for                               eligible
Blue Access for Members……………............................................30                                                                                                                                                Benefit              dependents
Blue Distinction Centers for Specialty Care………....….........….....31                                                                       some of your benefits is deducted from your gross pay before federal,
                                                                                               If you have questions, please contact       state and medicare taxes are calculated, thus reducing your tax liability.
Dental Plan.......…….……………………………….......……….......…….......32                                  your local HR department.                                                                                                                       Pre-Tax         After-Tax
                                                                                                                                           These pre-tax benefits are described as “tax favored.”
Vision Plan……..………………………………………....……........................33
Federal Signal Wellness Program ………...…..……..………………......34                                                                                Under Internal Revenue Service rules, only individuals who qualify as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Medical                   ✓
Wellness Program FAQs…….....………..........................................35                                                                your tax dependents may receive tax-favored benefits.
Additional Employee Benefits….................…….…...….................36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dental                    ✓
Mental Health and Substance Abuse….................…….…...….....36                                                                         We are self-insured
Tuition Assistance Plan…………………..…........................………......36                                                                       Federal Signal is committed to providing quality employee benefits. We
                                                                                                                                           have chosen this approach because it gives us more control over benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Vision                    ✓
Life Insurance ………..…...………….…………….........................…....…38
                                                                                                                                           and can lower costs for our employees.
Disability ……….……..……...…………………………............................….39
                                                                                               Differences between any benefit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Optional Life                              ✓
Saving for Retirement...........………….......................................…40                 summary contained in this Benefit
Retirement Savings Overview…………......................................…41                       Guide and the applicable plan document
Distribution of Retirement Savings…………...............................…42                       are not intended; however, if there are                                                                                    Spouse Life                                ✓
                                                                                               any differences, the relevant provisions
COBRA.......................................…...........................................…43    of the applicable plan document will
Our Benefit Plan Partners……………..........................................…44                    govern.                                                                                                                    Child Life                                 ✓
Required Notices…………........................................................…..45              IRS announcements may impact on a
Physician Screening Form..........................................................51           permanent or a temporary basis how
                                                                                               certain benefits are administered and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Optional Long-term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Disability Buy-up                          ✓
Eligibility Certification Form......................................................53         may or may not be reflected in the text
                                                                                               in this material at the time of printing.
                                                                           4                                                                                                                               5
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Visit UltiPro to Enroll                                                                                      Making Changes

UltiPro is your                                                                                              Benefits                                                                     Life Events
benefits management tool                       Enroll, Change & View Benefits                                The benefits you elect as a new hire will remain in effect for the
                                                                                                             remainder of the plan year, unless you experience a Qualified Life Event

Once you have done your homework and
made your decisions, it’s time to log in to
                                               1   Go to Federal Signal’s UltiPro portal on the web at
                                                                                                             (QLE) that permits you to make changes. If you experience a QLE that
                                                                                                             affects your benefits, login to UltiPro to initiate a life event. In most
                                                                                                                                                                                          Eligible Status Changes
                                                                                                                                                                                          Review page 13 in this book for eligible
                                                   and login using your username                             cases, you must submit your life event within 31 days of the QLE. See        life events that qualify you to make
the UltiPro portal to enroll, change or view
                                                   and password.                                             page 13 for more information.                                                changes throughout the year to your
your benefit decisions.
                                                                                                                                                                                          benefits, such as:
Managing Your Plans
UltiPro is your benefits management tool
                                                                                                             Designating your beneficiaries                                               • Having Children

for your health and welfare benefits.
                                                   From the homepage, go to the Myself tab and select        Life Insurance                                                               • Marriage
Use UltiPro to:                                    Life Events from the dropdown                             You may add, remove, or change the designation percentages of your
                                                   menu to begin. Consult                                    beneficiaries for your company life insurance at any time by logging in to
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Divorce or Legal Separation
•   Enroll in your benefit plans
•   Review your current benefits coverage          the Quick Tours and Tips                                  UltiPro and navigating to Myself >Life Events >Designate Beneficiaries.      • You (the Employee) Die
•   Add/change your life insurance                 in the right column                                       You may only change your optional life insurance coverage level, if you
    beneficiaries                                  for additional help.                                      experience a Qualified Life Event.                                           • A Dependent Dies
•   Make changes to your benefits during
    Open Enrollment or if you experience                                                                                                                                                  • Other Life Events
    a Qualified Life Event                                                                                   401(K) Retirement Savings Plan

You will need your                             3   Before you continue, you should enter your
                                                   beneficiaries and dependents.
                                                                                                             The beneficiary designation for your 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan is a
                                                                                                             separate action and must be designated with Vanguard. See page 41 for
UltiPro username                                   You may add eligible                                      directions on contacting Vanguard.
and password                                                                                                 Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Username: Usually your first initial                                                                         You may designate beneficiaries for your HSA accounts on the HSA Bank
followed by your last name. If you have                                                                      website. See page 20 for HSA Bank contact information.
a common last name there may be a

number after your name.
                                                   Make your Benefit Elections. Enroll or decline coverage
What if I don’t know my Username?                  for each benefit offering on each of the Select a Plan
See your local HR Representative or                pages. Click the next arrow to proceed through all of     Personal information changes
contact FS Benefits by phone or email.             the plans.
See contact information below.                                                                               Changes to personal information such as name and/or address
                                                                                                             changes, tax changes, and direct deposit information can be
Password: Your initial password is the
                                                                                                             made by contacting your local HR representative.
last four digits of your social                    When you get to the confirmation page, scroll down to
security number.                                   see your new benefit elections below Current Benefits.    If you have an HSA account, please contact HSA Bank directly if
                                                   If you need to make any changes, click on the Plan Type   you have a change of address. See page 20 for HSA Bank contact
Create a new password: You will be                 or Plan Details link to return to enrollment page. To
asked to create your own password                                                                            information.
after your initial login and set your              continue at a later time, click on draft.
security questions in case you need to
retrieve your password in the future.

For assistance call the
FS Benefits Helpline at 855.895.4333
                                               6   Click the submit button at the top of the page to
                                                   complete your enrollment. You may return to make
                                                   changes within 31 days of your date of hire. When
or email              you click OK, a confirmation page will display. Print a
                                                   copy of this page for your records.

                                                      6                                                                                                                  7
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Eligibility                                                                                                              Confirming Eligibility
Who is eligible?                                                                                                         Submit documentation within 30 days
Active employees as well as certain
                                            Eligibility Guide                                                                                                                                             Spouse Eligibility
family members are eligible for benefits                                                                                 When you enroll a family member, you need to confirm he or she               Certification Form can be
                                                                                                                         is eligible. Look at the list of accepted documents on page 10 to
if specific criteria are met.               Your eligibility                                                             learn what you need to provide to get your family member covered.            found at the back of this
                                            You are eligible for Federal Signal benefits if you are a:                   You have 30 days from the effective date of coverage to submit the                      book
                                                                                                                         documentation. Spouse Eligibility forms are included in the back of this
Changes to your                             •   Salaried or hourly full-time employee, or                                booklet or are available from your local HR representative. If you do not       Completed form due to HR
                                            •   Part-time employee regularly scheduled to work at least 30 hours                                                                                               within 30 days
Dependent’s Eligibility                         per week, and
                                                                                                                         return the form in thirty days or the documentation is not approved,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           of adding your spouse
                                                                                                                         you will pay an additional $250 monthly medical premium until the
                                            •   Not subject to a collective bargaining agreement                         form is returned and primary medical eligibility is approved.                to a Federal Signal medical plan
If an event occurs and your dependent
no longer meets all of the eligibility
criteria; i.e. changes in your spouse’s     If you are eligible for benefits, you may cover your dependents              Please provide documentation to your local HR representative as soon
employment or a dependent child             subject to the eligibility criteria of the plan and the review of required   as possible.
reaches the limiting age (see chart on      documentation, see page 10 for details.
pp. 10–11), it is your responsibility to
remove the dependent from coverage
by initiating a Life Event in UltiPro.      Both work at Federal Signal?
                                            You may not elect coverage as an employee and receive coverage as
If you fail to remove the ineligible        another employee’s dependent. Also, only one Federal Signal parent
dependent, you will continue to pay         may cover eligible dependent children.
for coverage but any claims made
after he or she is no longer eligible for                                                                                Eligibility rules for spouses
coverage will not be paid. Additionally,    Your family members
your dependent may lose their right to                                                                                   A Spouse Eligibility Certification form will be required for any spouse
                                            Eligible family members include:
continue coverage under COBRA if the                                                                                     enrolled in a Federal Signal medical plan. If your spouse is not employed
Company is not notified within 60 days      • Spouse (same or opposite sex), unless legally separated                    you are still required to certify that status by signing and returning the
of becoming ineligible.                     • Dependent children to age 26                                               certification form.
                                            • Children age 26 and over if:
                                                 • They are incapable of self-support due to a physical or mental        Option A: If your spouse is not employed, or employed but not eligible
                                                      disability                                                         for medical coverage, you may enroll them in a Federal Signal medical
                                                 • They are dependent on you for primary financial support, and          plan as their primary coverage. You will pay the regular premium for
                                                 • They were disabled and covered on our plan prior to reaching          coverage.
                                                      age 26.
                                                                                                                         Option B: If your spouse is employed and enrolled in his or her
                                            Eligible children include:                                                   employer’s medical plan, you may enroll them in a Federal Signal
                                                                                                                         medical plan; however the Federal Signal medical plan will be treated as
                                            • Natural children
                                                                                                                         secondary coverage for purposes of coordination of benefits. You will
                                            • Legally adopted children                                                   pay the regular premium for coverage.
                                            • Children for whom you are the legal guardian
                                            • Children placed with you for adoption                                      Option C: If your spouse is employed and is eligible for coverage
                                            • Child for whom you are required to provide coverage, pursuant to a         through his or her employer’s medical plan, but will not be covered on
                                                 Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)                           their employer’s plan, you may enroll them in a Federal Signal medical
                                            • Stepchildren (your spouse must be enrolled in a Federal Signal             plan as their primary medical coverage. You will pay a $250 per month
                                                 Medical Plan)                                                           premium in addition to the regular premium.

                                                                                                                         The information you provide on the Spouse Eligibility Certification form
                                                                                                                         must be true and correct. Any misrepresentations constitute fraud and
                                                                                                                         could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of

                                                       8                                                                                                                             9
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Dependent Eligibility Documentation Requirements

Action required
                                                                                       DEPENDENT’S RELATIONSHIP
Federal Signal requires that you verify your dependents’ eligibility. To                                                                                ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA                                                              REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION
                                                                                               TO YOU
the right is a chart listing acceptable documentation you can provide
to certify your dependent’s eligibility. If you have questions about your
dependent’s eligibility, see your HR representative.                                   Spouse                                     A person to whom you are legally married.                                       - Copy of presently valid marriage certificate. Must include the date of marriage,
                                                                                       Same or opposite sex                                                                                                       - Copy of page(s) of federal tax return from the most recent tax year. Must indicate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “married filing jointly” or “married filing separately” and contain the name of the
Eligibility rules for spouses                                                          (unless legally separated)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     employee and the spouse.
Option A: If your spouse is not employed, or employed but not eligible for
medical coverage, you may enroll them in a Federal Signal medical plan as their
primary coverage. You will pay the regular premium for coverage.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Must return the Spouse Eligibility Certification Form
Option B: If your spouse is enrolled in his or her employer’s medical plan, you
may enroll them in a Federal Signal medical plan; however the Federal Signal
medical plan will be treated as secondary coverage for purposes of coordination
of benefits. You will pay the regular premium for coverage.                            Your Children                              Your natural born child, legally adopted child, child legally placed with you   - Copy of birth certificate listing the employee as a parent. (Hospital birth record
                                                                                                                                  pending adoption, or child of legal guardianship.                                 acceptable for a child under 6 months of age where a birth certificate is not available.)
Option C: If your spouse is eligible for medical coverage through his or her           To age 26 for medical, dental and vision                                                                                   - Copy of final adoption decree containing the name of the employee and the child,
employer, but will not be covered on their employer’s plan, you may enroll them                                                   Child for whom you are required to provide coverage pursuant to a               - Copy of placement letter from court or adoption agency for pending adoptions,
in a Federal Signal medical plan as their primary medical coverage. You will pay a                                                Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO).                                  - Copy of assignment of legal guardianship issued by a court of law containing the name
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the employee and the child,
$250 per month premium in addition to the regular premium.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Copy of QMCSO containing the name of the employee and the child,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Copy of page(s) of federal tax return from the most recent tax year containing the name
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the employee and the child.

   You have 31 days                                                                    Step Children                              Your spouse’s natural child, adopted child, or child of legal guardianship      - Copy of divorce decree, custody agreement, court order, or Qualified Medical Child
                                                                                                                                  for whom no other parent is legally responsible for providing health            Support Order (QMCSO) declaring the employee’s eligible and covered spouse legally
    from your date of hire, or                                                         To age 26 for medical, dental and vision   coverage.                                                                       responsible for providing health coverage for the child.

   the date of a Qualified Life                                                                                                   Your spouse must be eligible and covered on a Federal Signal medical            If no such order is in place:
                                                                                                                                  plan.                                                                           - Copy of birth certificate indicating your eligible and covered spouse as the parent,
  Event that allows you to add                                                                                                                                                                                      and;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Copy of the page(s) of your federal tax return from the most recent tax year containing
         your dependent, to                                                                                                                                                                                       the name of the employee and the child.

     complete and return the
      Eligibility Certification
                                                                                       Disabled Children Age 26                   You or your spouse’s natural, step or legally adopted child as described        - Must meet the required documentation for the child type above,
    Form and other required                                                            and over                                   above for whom you provide primary financial support and who is                   and;
                                               Form located at the back of this book                                              incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical disability if         - Provide a Disabled Dependent Certification from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
      documentation to your                                                                                                       they were disabled and covered on a Federal Signal medical plan prior to        completed by a physician.
                                                                                                                                  reaching age 26.
         HR representative                                                                                                                                                                                        Coverage subject to approval of disabled dependent status as determined solely by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois.

                                                                  10                                                                                                                                                                 11
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)                                                                                              Qualified Life Events
Family Medical Leave (FML) benefits                                                                                                                                                                            What is a Qualified Life
In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), eligible employees are entitled to take unpaid leaves of             Dependent child coverage                                                      Event?
absence under the FMLA and our written FML policy (available from your local HR representative and on our intranet).
                                                                                                                                                                                                               A Qualified Life Event (QLE) is an event
In order to be an “eligible employee” you must have completed at least twelve (12) months of employment, have worked a           Birth or adoption                                                             defined by the IRS that allows you to
minimum of 1,250 hours in the past year, and work at a company location where we employ 50 or more employees within              Newborns are automatically covered under the parent’s medical plan            make changes to your benefits elections.
75 miles.                                                                                                                        for the first 30 days after birth. However, you must enroll your newborn      For example, you can make changes
                                                                                                                                 within 31 days of the baby’s birth date for coverage to continue — even       within 31 days of:
Generally, eligible employees are entitled to take up to twelve (12) weeks of Family Medical Leave (FML) in a rolling            if you already have coverage for other dependent children.                    •    Your marriage, divorce, or legal separation
12-month period (measured backward from the date you commence FML) for their own serious health condition, the birth                                                                                           •    Birth, adoption, or placement for adoption of a child
or adoption of a child, the care of a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition, or a qualifying exigency      Dependent coverage begins                                                     •    Death of your spouse or dependent
arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter or parent is a covered military member on covered active       A child becomes eligible at birth, adoption or when you gain custody.         •    A change in employment status for you, your spouse, or
duty.                                                                                                                                                                                                               dependent
                                                                                                                                 What to do when you have a child                                              •    You, your spouse, or dependent loses coverage under
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    another plan
Eligible employees may take twenty-six (26) weeks of leave during a single 12-month period (measured forward from the            • Submit a Life Event online within 31 days of the event to add your
                                                                                                                                                                                                               •    Solely with respect to the Dependent Care FSA—Any
first day you take leave to care for the service member) to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness     child to your coverage.                                                          change in the number of qualifying dependents or
if the eligible employee is the service member’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin.                                  		 • Log in to UltiPro, go to the Myself tab and select Life Events.               changes in the cost of a day care provider or dependent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    care costs
                                                                                                                                 • Submit the document(s) to verify eligibility to your local HR
FML may be granted on a continuous, intermittent, or reduced hours basis where applicable under the FMLA and our FML               Representative.                                                             You can make changes within 60 days of:
Policy.                                                                                                                          • You may want to verify and/or change your beneficiary information           •    A change in the eligibility of a covered dependent
                                                                                                                                   for your life insurance.                                                    •    You or your dependent’s Medicaid or CHIP (Children’s
Please refer to the FMLA and our FML policy for the precise terms and conditions of FML at our Company which governs                                                                                                Health Insurance Program) coverage is terminated as a
in the event of any discrepancy.                                                                                                 • You can start a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account or                      result of loss of eligibility
                                                                                                                                   increase the amount of your current election.                               •    You or your dependent becomes eligible for a premium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    assistance subsidy under Medicaid or CHIP

Filing your FML claim
To request FML, please contact your                                                                                              When does dependent child coverage end?
local HR representative and Prudential.
Prudential, the administrator of our FML                                                                                         The age limit for coverage of dependent children under a parent’s plan is
and disability benefits, can be reached                                                                                          age 26 for medical, dental and vision. Your child’s last day of coverage is
via phone or you may file a claim online.                                                                                        the end of the month in which they turn 26. Coverage may be continued
                                                                                                                                 under COBRA for up to 36 months. Read more about COBRA on page 43.
                                                                                                                                 Log in to UltiPro within 60 days of the date eligibility ends to remove                   BE AWARE!
                                                                                                                                 your dependent from your coverage.
          877-367-7781                                                                                                                                                                                                    31 day deadline for
          Prudential                                                                                                                                                                                                      adding dependents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and newborns

          mybenefits                                                                                                                                                                                                You must make changes to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   your benefits within 31 days
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of your life event or wait un-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   til the next Open Enrollment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    period. Coverage begins on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the date of the event.

                                                             12                                                                                                                                13
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Qualified Life Events                                                                                                Medical Plans

A dependent dies                        Marriage                                                                     The most important decision                                                Coverage levels
Human Resources is here to              If you wish to add your new spouse to your medical plan, be sure they                                                                                   • You only
                                                                                                                     Choosing the right medical plan may be the most important
support you in this difficult time.     meet the eligibility rules. The effective date of coverage is the marriage                                                                              • You + Spouse
                                        date. In order for your new spouse’s coverage to become effective you        decision you make during your enrollment period. You must visit
Refer to the information and
                                                                                                                     UltiPro at to enroll in a medical plan.                    • You + Child(ren)
action steps below.                     must:
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Family
•   Contact your local HR               •       Complete a Spouse Eligibility Certification
    representative or email FS                  (available in the back of this book, as a download in UltiPro, or    How the plans work
                                                                                                                                                                                                           You will receive a BCBS card
    Benefits and inform them of the             from your local HR representative)                                                                                                                         via U.S. mail upon initial
    death                                                                                                            All medical plans are administered by BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
                                        •       Present a copy of your marriage certificate to your HR               and include the same network of doctors, hospitals and healthcare                     enrollment, or in the event
•   You will need certified copies of
    the death certificate                       representative                                                                                                                                             you change plans during
                                                                                                                     providers. You can use any provider you want but you’ll pay less
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Open Enrollment or a QLE
•   Make necessary changes to your                                                                                   and receive a higher level of coverage when you use providers in the
    benefits elections                                                                                               network. Once you satisfy the annual deductible for your plan, you pay
•   Update your life insurance                                                                                       20 percent of the cost of most services, known as coinsurance. All plans
    beneficiaries                       Divorce or legal separation                                                  cover in-network wellness services at no cost to you.
•   Request a new W4 form to change     If you become divorced or legally separated, your spouse is no longer
    tax filing status if appropriate    eligible for coverage. You must remove your spouse from coverage
                                        within 60 days of the date of the event.
To help you cope with your loss,
please contact our Employee
                                        Coverage will end the date of the divorce or legal separation. You will
                                                                                                                     Choice of 3 Plans
Assistance Program (EAP), page
                                        be required to submit a copy of the divorce decree showing the date of
36, for grief counseling, resources,
                                        divorce. Your former spouse may continue to be covered under COBRA
and referrals for additional
                                        for up to 36 months. See COBRA on page 43 of this book.                       The Healthy Saver                         The Healthy Advantage           The Healthy Choice
You (the employee) die                                                                                                Plan                                      Plan                            Plan
If you die while employed with          Changes in your spouse’s employment                                           This high deductible plan has             This plan has higher            This plan has lower deductibles
Federal Signal, your family                                                                                           the lowest premiums.                      deductibles but lower           but higher premiums than the
                                        If your spouse changes jobs or becomes eligible for medical coverage                                                    premiums than the Healthy       Healthy Advantage Plan.
members can refer to the action
                                        under an employer’s plan, they may continue coverage on our medical                                                     Choice Plan.
steps and information shown                                                                                           This plan includes a Health
                                        plan as primary coverage (an additional $250/month premium will apply)
below.                                                                                                                Savings Account (HSA)
                                        or you may drop them from coverage. You must complete and submit a                                                      This plan features a Health     This plan includes a
                                                                                                                      which permits you to set
                                        new Spouse Eligibility Certification form.                                                                              Savings Account (HSA) which     Company funded Health Care
•   Contact the local HR                                                                                              aside money through payroll
    representative or email FS          If your spouse loses coverage under their employer’s medical plan, he or      deduction on a pre-tax                    permits you to set aside        Reimbursement Account
    Benefits and inform them of the     she can be enrolled under the Company’s medical plan. You must enroll         basis. There is no employer               money through payroll           (HCA) to help cover the higher
    death                               them in UltiPro within 31 days of their loss of coverage and submit the                                                 deduction on a pre-tax basis.   deductible.
                                                                                                                      contribution to this HSA.
•   Survivors are required to                                                                                                                                   In addition, the Company
    present certified copies of the     Spouse Eligibility Certification form.                                        Limited purpose FSA is
    death certificate                                                                                                 available with this plan (for             funds $750 for employee only;
                                                                                                                      dental and vision expenses).              or $1,500 for employee + one
                                                                                                                                                                or more dependents. These
Note: Health coverage for your                                                                                                                                  funds can be used to pay for
surviving spouse and dependents                                                                                                                                 eligible healthcare expenses
ends on the date of death.                                                                                                                                      now and in the future.

Surviving family members, if                     855.895.4333
covered, may continue coverage
under COBRA for up to 36 months.
                                                 FS Benefits Helpline
They will only have to pay active      
employee rates for coverage for
the first 12 months of COBRA.
                                                        14                                                                                                                      15
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Compare Medical Plans

Side-by-side plan comparison
Key features of the medical plans are summarized
at right. For full details and term definitions,                                                                                         Healthy Saver Plan                                                           Healthy Advantage Plan                                                           Healthy Choice Plan
please refer to the Summary Plan Descriptions                                    Plan Features                                                 with a                                                                          with a                                                                        with a
available on the UltiPro home page.                                                                                                 Health Savings Account (HSA)                                                    Health Savings Account (HSA)                                                           Health Care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Reimbursement Account (HCA)
The benefits described in this table are for in-
network services only. If you receive services
from an out-of-network provider you will have
to meet a higher deductible and receive a lower
percentage coinsurance. BlueCross BlueShield                                                 Employee Only                                             $51.48                                                                         $114.03                                                                         $148.65
of Illinois has an extensive network of providers.
Go to to find a network                                                       Employee + Spouse                                       $124.05                                                                          $249.23                                                                         $311.61
                                                     2021 Monthly Employee
provider.                                            Contribution
                                                                                             Employee + Child(ren)                                    $98.03                                                                          $223.05                                                                         $285.16

                                                                                             Family                                                  $295.00                                                                          $427.17                                                                         $520.34
Compensation based                                                                                                   HSA—No Company funding for this plan                                          HSA—The Company funds $750 for employee only; or                                 HCA—The Company funds $750 for employee only; or
medical premiums                                                                                                     Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA):
                                                                                                                                                                                                   $1,500 for employee + 1 or more dependents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Company contributions to the HSA accounts are prorated and funded after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    $1,500 for employee + 1 or more dependents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HCA accounts are funded on the date you become eligible
                                                     Healthcare Accounts                                             You can contribute pre-tax up to $2,750                                       each pay period                                                                  Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA):
This additional premium will be based                                                                                                                                                              Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA):                               You can contribute pre-tax up to $2,750
on total annual cash compensation in                                                                                                                                                               You can contribute pre-tax up to $2,750
the year of your hire and applies only                                                                                                                                                For a comparison of the different Healthcare Accounts, please see page 22
if you are enrolled in a Federal Signal
medical plan the following year.                                                                                                     $3,000 if only employee is enrolled                                            $2,000 if only employee is enrolled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $1,750 per individual or $3,500 for 2 or more dependents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Prescription copays and coinsurance do not apply to the medical
                                                                                                                              $5,000 if employee + dependent(s) are enrolled                                 $4,000 if employee + dependent(s) are enrolled
                                                     Annual Deductible—Individual / Family                                                                                                                                                                                           plan deductible, but do apply to your out-of-pocket maximum,
                     Additional monthly                                                                                    Prescription drugs apply to the deductible, see page 26                        Prescription drugs apply to the deductible, see page 26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               see page 26
 2020 annual cash
                       medical plan
                          premium                                                                                                                                          The annual deductible is the amount you must pay out of your pocket before the plan pays benefits for applicable services.

    $125,000 –
                           $75.00                                                                                                               $6,000/ $10,000                                                                  $4,000 / $8,000                                                                 $3,750 / $7,500
     $174,999                                        Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum—
                                                     Individual / Family
    $175,000 –                                                                                                                           Medical deductibles, copays, and coinsurance apply to the out-of-pocket maximum. When you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, your medical plan pays 100% including prescription drugs.
                                                                                                                                       100%, No Deductible, No Copay                                                    100%, No Deductible, No Copay                                                   100%, No Deductible, No Copay
    $225,000 or
                           $216.67                   Wellness In-Network Only
      greater                                                                                                                                   Wellness benefits include routine physicals, mammograms, pap smears, prostate tests, digital rectal exams, colorectal cancer screenings, well child care, and immunizations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   No coverage for out-of-network wellness services.

                                                                                                                                              80% After Deductible                                                            80% After Deductible                                                            80% After Deductible
                                                     Office Visits

                                                                                                                                             Primary physicians include general practice, internal medicine, family practice, pediatricians, OB/GYN and mixed medical groups. All other professionals are considered specialists.

                                                                                                                                              80% After Deductible                                                            80% After Deductible                                                            80% After Deductible

                                                                                                                                  Inpatient hospital and facility services include benefits for room and board, ancillary charges in a hospital or skilled nursing facility, preadmission testing, coordinated home health care, and hospice care.
         800.526.6593                                Hospital and Facility
                                                                                                                               Outpatient hospital and facility services include benefits for surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, renal dialysis treatments, diagnostic services and cardiac rehabilitation services.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Outpatient surgery and diagnostic tests include X-rays, blood tests, CATs and MRIs.
         BlueCross BlueShield                                                                                                                           Medical Services Advisory Program (MSA) precertification is required before inpatient services are provided. Otherwise, a $500 reduction in benefits will apply.

                                                             16                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
Benefits Guide 2021 - Federal Signal Corporation
Compare Medical Plans                                                                                                                                                                      Making Your Insurance Work for You

                                                                                                                                                                                           Where Should I Go for Care?                     Care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hours       Relative         Description         Common Uses
                                                                                                                                                      Healthy Choice Plan                  Sometimes it’s easy to know when you            Option
                                                                                                                                                            with a                         should go to an emergency room (ER),                                        Cost
           Plan Features                           Healthy Saver Plan                           Healthy Advantage Plan
                                                         with a                                          with a                                          Health Care                       such as when you have severe chest pain         Your            Office     Usually           Your physician's    •   General health issues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           hours vary lowest out-       office is
                                              Health Savings Account (HSA)                    Health Savings Account (HSA)                          Reimbursement Account                  or unstoppable bleeding. Sometimes it’s         Doctor                                       generally the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Health and annual
                                                                                                                                                            (HCA)                          not. Typically, 20–30% of ER visits are for                                of-pocket                                 exams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        best place to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      cost                                  •   Vaccinations
                                                                                                                                                                                           non-emergency services that could have                                                       go for non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Treat the flu and colds
                                                                                                                                                                                           been handled elsewhere, saving you time                                                      emergency care.
                                                           80% coinsurance                                80% coinsurance                                  80% coinsurance                                                                                                                                  •   Minor aches and pains
Blue Distinction Centers (BDC) For                                                                                                                                                         and money.
                                                          If treated at a BDC                            If treated at a BDC                              If treated at a BDC
treatment of the following:                                                                                                                                                                                                                Telehealth                                   A “virtual visit”
Cardiac Care                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with a health
Knee and Hip Replacements                                 60% coinsurance                                 60% coinsurance                                  60% coinsurance                 So where do you go when you have an ear         Virtual Visit                                care provider,
Spine Surgery                                         Treated at another facility                     Treated at another facility                      Treated at another facility         infection or are generally not feeling well?                                                 through a phone
Transplants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             call or video
Bariatric Surgery                                                                      All coinsurance applied after plan deductible is met.                                               You have options for receiving in-network                                                    chat.
                                                 Many of these conditions require ongoing treatment; some of which can be done locally. Check with BlueCross BlueShield to verify          care that work with your schedule and give
                                                                                               coverage and obtain pre-certification.                                                                                                                                                   See page 25.
                                                                                                                                                                                           you access to the right kind of care at the
MD Live                                       $44 charge per consultation*. Charge            $44 charge per consultation*. Charge                                                         right time. Here is a handy guide to help       MD Live         24 hours,   $44 per          Access to a         •    General Health:
Virtual physician visits by phone,                                                                                                                                                         you decide the best place to receive care.                      seven       consultation     board-certified          Allergies, asthma, nausea,
online video or mobile app
                                               applies toward your deductible, use             applies toward your deductible, use                             100% covered                                                                Virtual Visit               until            doctor available        sinus infections
                                                  HSA funds to pay the charge                     HSA funds to pay the charge                                                                                                                              days a
See page 25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            deductible       24 hours a day,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           week                                             •   Pediatric Care:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is met for       seven days a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Healthy          week. Virtual           Cold, flu, ear problems,
                                                                80%                                             80%                                             80%                                                                                                    Advantage Plan   visits can be           pinkeye
                                                          After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible                                                                                             members          more convenient
Emergency Room Care
                                                                      Emergency medical care includes severe, life-threatening emergency treatment that                                        MD Live: Virtual Care                                                   100% covered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        expensive than
                                                                                                      meets emergency criteria.                                                                                                                                        for Healthy      urgent care or an
                                               Emergency accident care includes benefits for the initial treatment of an accidental injury provided treatment is received by you or your                                                                               Choice Plan      ER visit.
                                                                                            dependent within 72 hours of the accident.                                                                                                                                 members
                                                                                                                                                                                           Virtual medical visits are a new way to                                                      See page 25.
                                                                80%                                             80%                                             80%
Urgent Care Facility                                      After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible
                                                                                                                                                                                           consult with a licensed doctor for non-         Retail          Similar     Lowest out-      Walk-in clinics     •   Common illnesses such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to retail   of-pocket        are often               as pink eye, strep throat
                                                                           If you visit an urgent care facility and your condition meets emergency criteria,                                                                               Clinics*                                     located in stores
                                                                                                the emergency room benefit may apply.                                                                                                                      store       cost
                                                                                                                                                                                           emergency healthcare offered through                            hours                        and pharmacies      •   Minor wounds,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to provide
Chiropractic- Maximum 25 Visits                                 80%                                             80%                                             80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        convenient,             abrasions and skin
                                                          After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible                 BCBS Illinois’ partner, MD Live. For details                                                 low-cost                conditions, such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        treatment for           poison ivy
                                                         $100 Copayment                                  $100 Copayment                                   $100 Copayment
Colonoscopies and                                      Then plan pays 100%                             Then plan pays 100%                              Then plan pays 100%                on this new plan see page 25.                                                                minor medical
Sigmoidoscopies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         problems
                                                                                             Diagnostic when prescribed by a physician.                                                                                                    Urgent Care     Generally   Usually lower    Urgent care         •   Migraines or headaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Provider*       include     out-of-          providers can       •   Back pain
Out-Patient Therapy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        evenings,   pocket cost      offer care when
                                                                80%                                             80%                                             80%                                                                                                                                         •   Urinary tract infection
Physical- Maximum 70 visits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             your physician is
                                                          After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible                                                                                 weekends    than an ER
Occupational- Maximum 45 visits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         not available or    •   Cuts that need stitches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and         visit
Speech- Maximum 50 visits                                                                                                                                                                      Do I need to pre-certify?                                   holidays
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        you don’t need
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the level of care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   Sprains and strains
Mental Health                                                   80%                                             80%                                             80%                                                                                                                                         •   Animal bites
Out-Patient                                               After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible                   Remember, it is your responsibility                                                        an emergency
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        room provides.
                                                                                                                                                                                             to call BlueCross BlueShield and pre-
                                                                80%                                             80%                                             80%
Mental Health                                             After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible                   certify coverage. If your physician          If you need to find a doctor or hospital use the BCBSIL Provider Finder®.
                                                                                                                                                                                             pre-certifies for you, the coverage
                                                                  Mental health / substance abuse precertification is required before inpatient services are provide.                                                                     You may also contact Member Services at 888-802-8776 if you need help locating a
                                                                                         Otherwise, a $500 reduction in benefits will apply.                                                 level may be different than you              provider. Health Advocates are available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time.
Other Services                                                  70%                                             70%                                             70%                          expect and YOU will be responsible
See plan SPD for list                                     After Deductible                                After Deductible                                After Deductible                   for the difference.                          Contact our 24/7 Nurseline at 800-765-7298 if you need help deciding where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to receive care after hours.
* IRS guidelines regarding HSA eligible medical plans prohibits us from covering this service without first meeting your deductible. See page 25.
 Exclusions include services and supplies that do not meet accepted standards of medical practice, which are not medically necessary or for which benefits are available under other                                                      * Planning ahead gives you the best opportunity to select an in-network
 insurance programs. For the complete list of exclusions, please refer to the Summary Plan Descriptions available on the UltiPro home page.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          provider in an emergency situation.
                                                                                          18                                                                                                                                                               19
Health Savings Account (HSA)                                                                                                                                            HSA Eligible Medical Expenses
HSA Accounts                                                 HSA is a tool to combat                                 HSAs at tax time                                   You can use your HSA to pay for a wide range of eligible medical expenses for        HSA Bank Client
                                                                                                                                                                        yourself, your spouse or tax dependents. An eligible medical expense is defined
If you enroll in the Healthy Saver Plan                      high medical costs                                       HSA Bank will issue Form 5498SA                   as an expense that pays for healthcare services, equipment, or medications as        Assistance Center
or the Healthy Advantage Plan you give                                                                                for contributions and Form                                                                                                             Please contact the Client Assistance
                                                              An HSA can be a powerful financial                      1099SA for distributions each                     defined by the IRS. Funds used to pay for eligible medical expenses are always
Federal Signal permission to share your                       tool to pay for medical expenses                                                                                                                                                               Center at 800.357.6246
contact information with HSA Bank so                                                                                  year. You must file a Form 8889                   tax-free.
                                                              now and in the future. An HSA                                                                                                                                                                  Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 9 p.m., CST
it can start to open an HSA account in                                                                                with your 1040 tax return in any
                                                              gives you a triple tax advantage:                       year you or your employer makes                                                                                              
your name. If HSA Bank needs additional                       your contributions are sheltered                                                                          HSA funds can be used to reimburse yourself for past medical expenses if the
personal information from you to open                                                                                 contributions to your HSA or                      expense was incurred after your HSA was established. While you do not need to
                                                              from income taxes, the money                            you take distributions, even if all
your account, it will send you a letter.                      grows tax-deferred, and the funds                                                                                                                                                                HSA CONTRIBUTIONS
Please respond to this letter or your                                                                                 contributions were Section 125                    submit any receipts to HSA Bank, it is a good idea to save your bills and receipts
                                                              can be withdrawn tax-free for                           pre-tax payroll deductions.                       for tax purposes.
account will be closed. If you are asked
for the name of your employer, tell them
                                                              qualified medical expenses. It’s like                                                                                                                                                             Maximums for 2021
                                                              a supercharged flexible spending
Federal Signal Corporation.                                   account that never expires, and it                      How Does Federal Signal                           IRS announcements may affect how certain benefits are administered, on a                  (including employer
•   You may fund your account through
                                                              can even serve as extra retirement                      Fund Employee HSAs?                               permanent or temporary basis, and may or may not be reflected in the text in                 contributions)
                                                              savings funds.                                                                                            this Benefits Guide at the time of printing. See page 25.
    pre-tax payroll deductions.                                                                                       You will receive a prorated                                                                                                                  Individual: $3,600
•   You may make tax deductible deposits                                                                              contribution, if you elect the                                                                                                                 Family: $7,200
    directly to your account.                                                                                         Healthy Advantage Plan, after each                Visit for more information.
•   You are responsible for complying with                                                                            pay period beginning after you are                                                                                                          +$1,000 Catch-up
    the tax code.                                                                                                     enrolled and eligible for coverage.
                                                                                                                      If you elect pre-tax payroll                                                                                                            contribution if 55 or older
You may change your contribution at any                                                                               contributions, deductions will be                 Examples of eligible
time in UltiPro under the Life Events tab.                                                                            deducted from your paycheck.
                                                                                                                      You will receive Federal Signal’s
                                                                                                                                                                        medical expenses*                                                                    *This list is not comprehensive.
                                                                                                                      contribution to your HSA even if                  Acupuncture                             Osteopath                                    It is provided to you with the
How an HSA works                                                                                                      you don’t make contributions of
                                                                                                                      your own.
                                                                                                                                                                        Alcoholism treatment
                                                                                                                                                                        Ambulance services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pregnancy test kit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             understanding that HSA Bank is not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             engaged in rendering tax advice.
                                                                                                                                                                        Annual physical examination             Podiatrist                                   The information provided is not
Federal Signal contributes               Federal Signal will contribute $750 if you elect individual coverage; or $1,500 if you cover yourself and at least one         Artificial limb or prosthesis           Prescription drugs and medicines             intended to be used to avoid federal
to Healthy Advantage Plan HSA            dependent. Federal Signal contributions are pre-tax and pro-rated. Employee contributions are funded through pre-tax           Birth control pills (by prescription)   (over-the-counter drugs are not              tax penalties. For more detailed
accounts only                            payroll deductions from your paycheck.                                                                                         Chiropractor                            eligible medical expenses                    information, please refer to IRS
You can contribute to your account       You can contribute up to a total of $3,600 pre-tax to your HSA for individual coverage, or $7,200 if you cover yourself and    Childbirth/delivery                     unless prescribed by a doctor)               Publication 502 titled, “Medical
                                         at least one dependent, plus an additional $1,000 if you are or will be age 55 during the plan year. (The total includes       Convalescent home (for medical          Prenatal care & postnatal                    and Dental Expenses,” Catalog
                                         both individual and Company contributions.) Once you have $5,000 in your HSA you may direct how the money is invested.         treatment only)                         treatments
                                                                                                                                                                        Crutches                                Psychiatrist                                 Number 15002Q. Publications can
Rollover your balance and take it with   The money left in your HSA at the end of the plan year rolls over to the next year. The money is tax-exempt and is always
you if you leave Federal Signal          yours even if you change health plans or leave Federal Signal.                                                                 Doctor’s fees                           Psychologist                                 be ordered directly from the IRS
                                                                                                                                                                        Dental treatments (including            Smoking cessation programs                   by calling 1-800-TAXFORM. If tax
HSA over age 65                          If you are enrolled in Medicare parts A or B, contributions to an HSA can no longer be made to your account. Including
                                         employee and employer contributions. Please contact in advance of your enrollment to              x-rays, braces, dentures, fillings,     Special education tutoring                   advice is required, you should seek
                                         stop employer contributions/employee deductions.                                                                               oral surgery)                           Surgery                                      the services of a professional.
                                                                                                                                                                        Dermatologist                           Telephone or TV equipment to
Monitoring your HSA Bank account         It is your responsibility to ensure this account has been opened, and remains open, at the bank. If the account is not open,
                                                                                                                                                                        Diagnostic services                     assist the hearing or vision                 ** Insurance premiums qualify as
                                         Federal Signal is unable to deposit both your employee deductions and employer contributions to your account. Use the
                                         HSA Bank website or its app to monitor transactions in your account.                                                           Disabled dependent care                 impaired                                     an eligible medical expense: while
                                                                                                                                                                        Drug addiction therapy                  Therapy or counseling                        continuing coverage under COBRA;
HSA Bank account debit card              HSA Bank will mail a card to you at your address of record within its systems. A replacement card may be obtained, but its
                                         cost must be paid by you, not Federal Signal.                                                                                  Fertility enhancement (including        Medical transportation expenses              for qualified long-term care
                                                                                                                                                                        in-vitro fertilization)                 Transplants                                  coverage; coverage while receiving
Account fees and other charges           Please make yourself aware of potential account or service charges by reviewing information available from HSA bank.           Guide dog (or other service             Vaccines
                                         During your employment Federal Signal pays your monthly account maintenance fee.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             unemployment compensation; for
                                                                                                                                                                        animal)                                 Vasectomy                                    any healthcare coverage for those
Investing your HSA account balance       See the HSA Bank website or app for information on this topic.                                                                 Gynecologist                            Vision care                                  over age 65 including Medicare
Address change                           Please notify HSA Bank if you have a change of address. See their website for contact information to make this change.         Hearing aids and batteries              (Including eyeglasses, contact               (except Medicare supplemental
                                                                                                                                                                        Hospital bills                          lenses, lasik surgery)
Beneficiary designations                 If you wish to designate beneficiaries for your HSA account, you MUST do this in the HSA Bank system.
                                                                                                                                                                        Insurance premiums**                    Weight loss programs (for a                  coverage).
           800.357.6246                                                                                                                                                 Laboratory fees                         specific disease diagnosed by                         800.357.6246
                                                                                                                                                                        Lactation expenses                      a physician – such as obesity,
           HSA Bank                                                                                                                                                     Lodging (away from home for             hypertension, or heart disease)                       HSA Bank
                                                                                                                                                                        outpatient care)                        Wheelchairs
                                                                                                                                               Nursing home                            X-rays                                      
                                                                                                                                                                        Nursing services
                                                                                20                                                                                                                                                     21
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)                                                                                             Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA)

Enroll in an FSA                            Healthcare FSA                          Debit Card                               A Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA) is a healthcare flexible spending             Important information
                                                                                                                             account that you can contribute to if you are enrolled in an HSA
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)           Use the Healthcare FSA to pay for       The debit card can be used to access     eligible plan.                                                              •You can only receive reimbursement
allow you to save pre-tax dollars           expenses your health plan does not      funds in your Healthcare FSA. If                                                                                      for eligible dental and vision expenses
from your paycheck to pay for eligible      cover for you, or your dependents,      you enroll in a Healthcare FSA, you
                                            such as medical, prescription                                                    You may contribute up to $2,750 to an LPFSA. The minimum annual              that you incur through December 31,
expenses as defined by the IRS.                                                     will receive your debit card in the
Federal Signal offers Healthcare and        drug and dental deductibles,                                                     contribution is $100. You can use an LPFSA to pay for eligible out-of-       2021
Dependent Care FSAs administered            copayments and coinsurance, or          mail. Once you activate your card,       pocket dental and vision expenses only. Such expenses include:
                                            vision expenses. Over-the-counter       you can use it to pay for eligible                                                                                   •You have until March 31, 2022 to sub-
by UMR, Inc.                                medications are not an eligible                                                  •       Dental and orthodontia care; such as fillings, X-rays, crowns and
                                            FSA expense unless prescribed by        healthcare expenses.                                                                                                  mit expenses for reimbursement
•   You may incur eligible expenses                                                                                                  braces
                                            your doctor and obtained from a
    from your eligibility date through      pharmacy.                                                                        •       Vision care, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, eye exams and    •You can use your LPFSA funds for
    December 31, 2021.
                                                                                                                                     vision correction procedures                                         eligible expenses incurred by you,
•   You have until March 31, 2022 to        You may contribute up to $2,750
    submit expenses for reimbursement       to a Healthcare FSA. The minimum                                                                                                                              your spouse and your eligible tax
                                            annual contribution is $100.                                                                                                                                  dependents
•   Funds in your Healthcare FSA may
    not be used for day care expenses                                                                                        What is a limited purpose FSA?
                                            If you enroll in the Healthy
    and Dependent Care FSA funds may        Advantage Plan and you also                                                      A limited purpose FSA (LPFSA) is much like a typical, general purpose       •You cannot receive reimbursement for
    not be used for healthcare expenses     contribute to a Healthcare FSA,                                                                                                                               an eligible expense more than once
                                                                                                                             healthcare FSA. However, under a LPFSA, eligible expenses are limited to
•   You may only be reimbursed for          you may only use your FSA funds
                                            for dental and vision expenses. This                                             qualified dental and vision expenses only for you, your spouse, and your
    eligible expenses as determined by
                                            is known as a Limited Purpose FSA.                                               eligible dependents. You cannot use a LPFSA for medical expenses.           •You may carry over up to $500 of
    IRS rules
                                            See page 23 for more information.                                                                                                                             unused funds to the following plan
Visit                                                                                              Here’s how a LPFSA works: you can save money from your paycheck
pdf for a list of eligible and ineligible                                           Important for Debit                      before taxes are taken out. You can then use your pre-tax LPFSA dollars
expenses. An FSA calculator can be          Rollover of unused funds                Card Users                               to pay for eligible vision or dental expenses throughout the plan year.
found on under Tools &                                                                                               You save money on expenses like dental services, vision exams, and
                                                                                    Keep your receipts and/or
Resources.                                  Up to $500 of unused funds in
                                            your Healthcare FSA may be              explanation of benefits—UMR may          eyeglasses. You cannot use a LPFSA for medical expenses.
                                            rolled over at the end of 2021          request documentation to verify
Dependent Care FSA                          to the next 2022 plan year. The         eligibility of the transactions.
Use the Dependent Care FSA to pay           IRS requires that funds in your         If you do not produce a receipt or       Why should I consider a limited purpose FSA?                                  IRS Rules about LPFSA that
for dependent care expenses that            account in excess of the rollover       explanation of benefits, your debit                                                                                     you should know about:
                                            amount, not used for qualified                                                   IRS rules do not allow you to contribute to a health savings account
allow you and your spouse to work,                                                  card privileges may be suspended
                                            expenses during the plan year, be                                                (HSA) if you are covered by any non-qualifying health plan, including
look for work or attend school full-                                                and any future claims will be offset
time. You can contribute a minimum          forfeited.                                                                       a general purpose healthcare FSA. By limiting FSA reimbursements to                No double-dipping:
                                                                                    by the unsubstantiated amount.
of $100 annually, and up to $5,000                                                  Keep track of your debit card activity   dental and vision care expenses, you (or your spouse) remain eligible
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Expenses reimbursed under your
to the Dependent Care FSA (up to                                                    on                to participate in both a LPFSA and an HSA. Participating in both plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                          limited purpose FSA cannot be
$2,500 if you are married and file                                                                                           allows you to maximize your savings and tax benefits.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          reimbursed under any other plan
separate tax returns) to care for:
                                                                                                                                                                                                          or program – including an HSA. Ex-
•   A dependent child under age 13 who                                                                                                                                                                    penses reimbursed under the LPFSA
    qualifies as a dependent on your                                                                                         How do I access my LPFSA funds?                                              may not be deducted when you file
    federal tax return; or
•   An adult family member (your spouse             Debit Cards will be mailed to                                            Use your debit card or submit a reimbursement form to UMR.                   your tax return.
    or other adult) who is physically               you.
    or mentally incapable of self-care
    and dependent on you for financial                                                                                                                                                                         Timing is everything:
    support                                          800.826.9781                                                                                                                                         Expenses must be incurred between
•   Use it or Lose it rule—The IRS
    requires that unused funds remaining             UMR Inc.                                                                                                                                                   your eligiblity date and
    in your Dependent Care FSA after all                                                                                                                                                                    December 31, 2021. This means
    eligible expenses have been paid will                                                                       800.826.9781                                                          the date of service must be within
    be forfeited
•   Pay these expenses directly and file                                                                                             UMR Inc.                                                              these dates and not when you pay
    claims with UMR for reimbursement                                                                                                                                                                               for the service.
                                              Visit and review publications 502 and 503 for                    
                                                      complete details about FSAs and IRS rules.

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