Beneath theVale - Upper Marshwood Vale

Page created by Chester Price
Beneath theVale - Upper Marshwood Vale
Beneath theVale
Published on behalf of the Upper Marshwood Vale Parish Council
                                         Winter 2019: Issue 30

David Hayball (left) and David Corneloues fix the finial on the sign at Marshwood Cross.

     Fingerpost sign restored
The new fingerpost sign at the                           David Hayball and David Corneloues
bottom of Mutton Street has now                          led the project with help from Roland
been completed. Most of the funding                      Bugler, Brian Holmes and Nigel
came from Marshwood CLT, with                            Gillingham. Simon Taylor made the
the addition of £150 from the CPRE.                      timber ‘fingers’. The CLT has agreed
The CPRE grant enabled a finial to be                    to fund the repair of the signpost on
made. This was cast by the Bridport                      the Broadoak road just east of Shave
Foundry and shows the location of                        Cross. This is an older cast-iron
the post as Marshwood Cross. This                        design of post and is probably the
name has been confirmed by Dorset                        oldest in the Vale. OS maps refer to
AONB from old OS maps.                                   this location as Dodges Orchard.

      Marshwood, Stoke Abbott, Pilsdon and Bettiscombe
Beneath theVale - Upper Marshwood Vale
Contents                                                            Superfast broadband claim
        Meeting addresses A35 closure issues
        Parish council report
                                                page 5
                                                page 6
                                                                                                      is ‘blatantly dishonest’
        Marshwood shop task group formed
        Recipe: Fillet steak en croute				page 8
                                                page 7
                                                                                                     says dissatisfied resident
        Neighbourhood Plan update 				          page 10                                     Homeowners in the southwest                    the letters admits ‘not all lines in superfast-
        Post Office goes to church				          page 11                                     corner of Marshwood parish are                 enabled areas can support the superfast fibre
        Rural bus services					page 12                                                      beginning to despair that they                 service.’
        Speed Watch active near school			       page 18                                     will ever be offered true superfast
                                                                                            broadband. This is despite claims              This corner of Marshwood parish was
                                                                                            by BT and Superfast Dorset,                    included in the otherwise excellent superfast
    Beneath the Vale is published four times a year by the Upper Marshwood Vale Parish
                                                                                                                                           project part-funded by DEFRA and co-
    Council and posted to homes in the combined parishes of Marshwood, Stoke Abbott,        the county council’s broadband
                                                                                                                                           ordinated by Charles Somers. All the
    Pilsdon and Bettiscombe.                                                                team, to have brought superfast                other premises in the project were offered
    Our mailing list covers household addresses using information that is in the public     broadband to the area.                         fibre to the premises (FTTP), bringing top
    domain. We use this list solely to send out copies of Beneath the Vale and associated
                                                                                                                                           broadband speeds directly to homes and
    information relating to the parishes. We do not share data with third parties.          Dr Tony Farmer of Prime Farm moved             businesses, a huge advantage.
    To unsubscribe from the list, please contact Cllr Ali Cameron, who manages the data:
                                                                                            his service from ADSL to superfast fibre Tel 01297 678 546. Printed by Creeds, Bridport.
                                                                                            in July last year. He said: ‘Basically there   But a scattering of about 20 premises
                                                                                            has been zero improvement in speed. In         in the heart of the Vale on Prime Lane
                                                                                            fact the service has got very much worse       and Cards Mill/Watery Lane are on a
                                                                                            of late. We constantly receive alerts from     different telephone exchange. Because of
                                                                                                                                           this, they could only be offered fibre to the
                                                                                            Gmail advising us to use their HTML
                                                                                                                                           nearest cabinet (FTTC). This means their
                                                                                            version as the speed is so bad. Not only       broadband uses fibre optic cable as far as the
                                                                                            that, the broadband service regularly          telephone cabinet, and then travels down
                                                                                            disappears completely for hours at a           old copper wires for the rest of the way.
                                                                                            time. It is blatantly dishonest to claim
                                                                                            that we are in receipt of “Superfast                        Old copper wires
                                                                                                                                           The Marshwood scheme paid for a new
                                                                                            Residents are regularly sent letters from      cabinet to be installed in Whitchurch, but
                                                                                            BT offering better speeds and service by       this is too far away to be effective. Data has to
                                                                                            moving to fibre broadband, as Dr Farmer        travel for too long down copper wires before
                                                                                            has done. The letters are sent despite         reaching households, losing download speed
                                                                                            Openreach’s own engineers agreeing that        on the way. Upload speed is even worse.
                                                                                            superfast speeds are not achievable with the
                                                                                            infrastructure in place at the moment. A                               Continued overleaf
                                                                                            tiny footnote in minute print on the back of

2                                                                                                                                                                                          3
Beneath theVale - Upper Marshwood Vale
Almost all the premises affected are running
    small businesses. Better broadband is
                                                     The problem is exacerbated by the
                                                     Government cutting the amount of subsidy            Meeting with PCC addresses
                                                                                                         A35 road closure problems
    particularly essential for them.                 available, despite public pledges last autumn
                                                     to increase support for rural broadband.
    Over the last few months, I have been
    pursuing a community fibre broadband             Superfast Dorset say they cannot help and
    grant with Openreach in the hope of raising      seem resigned to the idea that the problem
    money to pay for FTTP. This is the same          will be left unresolved. This is simply not
    solution used by the rest of the Marshwood       good enough – anyone who lives in a rural
    project and it would solve the problem.          area understands how vital it is for businesses
                                                     and families to have decent broadband
       Subsidy slashed by Government                 provision. We will continue to lobby for this.

    However, it eventually emerged that each                                      Sara Hudston
    and every address would have to pay a
    subsidy of nearly £2,000 to make the
    scheme viable. This is clearly not achievable.

                                                                                                       Volunteers have formed a group to work with   was that the police will be using drones to
                                                                                                       Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner          map accident scenes. This could reduce the
                                                                                                       Martyn Underhill (pictured above) on          time taken by half.
                                                                                                       reducing the traffic misery caused in the
         Historic buildings consultant, RIBA chartered practice                                        Vale when the A35 is closed by accidents.     The second was Mr Underhill’s suggestion
                                                                                                                                                     that locals form a group to help plan traffic
             We have the specialist knowledge you need to carry out                                    The initiative comes out of the public        diversion signage in the Vale. This will also
            successful repairs and alterations to old and listed buildings                             meeting organised by Beneath the Vale and     need local authority involvement, but Mr
                           and buildings in historic areas                                             held in Whitchurch Canonicorum village        Underhill pledged his support in helping us
                                                                                                       hall on 29 November. About 100 people         achieve results.
                             01297 561045 / 07742 190490                                               attended and heard Mr Underhill outline
                             email:                                       ways that might mitigate the problem.         The core volunteer group met a few days
                                                                                                               after the public meeting to discuss next
                                                                                                       Inspector Matt Butler from Dorset Police’s    steps. They planned a further gathering to
            The Glass Office, The Court, The Street, Charmouth, DT6 6PE                                traffic section and Craig Baker, area         agree routes, but this had to be postponed
                                                                                                       manager for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and     due to flooding. The replacement meeting
                                                                                                       Rescue Service, also addressed the meeting.   at the Five Bells took place last week while
                                                                                                       They gave a perspective on the challenges     Beneath the Vale was at the printers. We’ll
                                                                                                       faced by emergency services when coping       keep you up-to-date in the next edition – in
                                                                                                       with accidents on the main road. Two          the meantime, please contact the editor if
                                                                                                       actions emerged from the meeting. The first   you would like further information.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                5
Beneath theVale - Upper Marshwood Vale
Parish council meeting 15 Nov                                                                       Marshwood launches a new
                                                                                                          group tasked to get us a shop
    Once again meteorological conditions             Then came county and district council
    almost interfered with the parish council        reports, starting with Cllr Daryl Turner’s
    meeting of the Upper Marshwood Vale.             comments on the appointment of Matt
    Mist and fog had joined forces to become         Prosser to become Dorset’s new boss of the         Under the auspices of the Neighbourhood          sign an agreement with Wessex regarding
    a pea-souper, all but blocking out our Vale      new council, replacing Debbie Ward, who            Plan, a gathering of many of the ‘interested     development of the shop.
    and limiting the meeting to just seven           is standing down as Dorset County Council          parties’ took place at Ann Hitchcock’s
    councillors. Everyone who attended had           chief executive.                                   home. It initially reflected the early efforts   Neighbourhood Plan chairman Charles
    difficulties making progress in the fog, but                                                        of David, her late husband. As chair of          Somers gave us a look ahead as to the plans
    chairman Matthew Bowditch, who had               In the future, this area will lose three of the    Marshwood Community Land Trust                   already set out and studied by their group.
    furthest to travel, started the meeting on       four councillors and will be represented by a      (CLT), David started negotiations about a        There are two main sites being offered, with
    time.                                            single Dorset councillor.                          replacement shop.                                a third possibility being considered which
                                                                                                                                                         could offer alternative benefits.
              Speed limit request                    Your clerk was puzzled by the single               After acknowledging David’s work in a
                                                     planning application received for 37 new           moment of remembrance, our district              With this vital step close to being accepted
    Up first was really a Democratic Period item:    houses on the Clipper Tea site in Beaminster       councillor, Jacqui Sewell, set out the           by the Neighbourhood Plan, most of the rest
    a request for the council’s backing for a 20     as this is over a mile from our boundaries so      strengths of the case for such a step, while     of the meeting was given over to the ‘who,
    mph speed limit to protect our youngsters        it was agreed that he should merely ‘note’         acknowledging the weaknesses.                    how, what, and when’ of the whole idea of
    when being dropped off or collected from         this application.                                                                                   a village shop. We discussed the importance
    school. Juliet Evans spoke as a member of                                                           Since this is a Marshwood based project,         – and good sense – of local products and
    the public and as a parent, strongly putting     A report on the Neighbourhood Plan                 the meeting decided that the CLT was             freshly prepared food. We spoke about the
    the school’s case for lower speed restrictions   progress was used to remind councillors of         the appropriate entity to lead the project       relevance of passing trade and the vital role
    around the school including both the             the meeting on the following Saturday at           forward, especially since it would involve       of ‘community spirit’ in what the village
    main road and on Mutton Street, which is         Marshwood Church. (See report)                     setting up a new business.                       requires.
    currently subject to the 60 mph national
    speed limit. The number of cars has been         A similar but more detailed report was             Representing Wessex Community Assets,            Cllr Sewell described how she had tried to
    exacerbated by cuts in the bus service.          presented to councillors asking for their          Liz Maunder explained that they had              ring-fence some funding, so far satisfactorily,
                                                     attendance and giving the background to            nurtured many new community shops into           but with the new Dorset Council close
              Highways authority                     another meeting, this time with Martyn             being and that she works in her own local        to taking power she could not guarantee
                                                     Underhill, Dorset’s Police and Crime               emporium also under the umbrella of a local      the money would still be available. It soon
    This complex issue is subject to the highways    Commissioner, talking about ways to                CLT. She offered support to the Marshwood        became clear that there were two people
    authority. Clerk, John Vanderwolfe, was          improve traffic deadlock in the Vale when          CLT to establish the legal structure for a       at the meeting with personal experience
    tasked with contacting the highways              the A35 is closed. (See report on page 5).         shop and to assist in its creation.              of aspects of running a shop, plus a very
    department to give the council’s support to                                                                                                          experienced accountant with many shops
    this request.                                    The next council meeting was held on 17 January,   Two board members of the CLT were                on his books.
                                                     too late to make the deadline for this issue of    present and agreed to put this proposal to
    Next followed Finance; here John presented       Beneath the Vale. We will have a report in the     their next board meeting, recognising the        Helen Golding has set up and run retail
    updates and a projection for the next year       Spring issue.                                      additional work that this next new major         businesses, so was promptly elected as
    which showed a 1% increase. Councillors                                                             project would involve after completion of        chairman of the group. Jackie Mears, who
    had agreed a more substantial uplift last                                                           Marshwood’s affordable homes. The CLT
    year so this was found to be acceptable.                                                            board met on 7 January and agreed to                                  Continued on page 8

6                                                                                                                                                                                                      7
Recipe: Individual fillet steaks en croute
                                                                                                                       Your local sweep: Glyn Yorke
    575 – 675g fillet steak, in one piece           the onion is just soft. Add the ham, turn
    50g butter
    125g mushrooms, thinly sliced
    25g onion, finely chopped
                                                    mixture together and season to taste with
                                                    salt, pepper and garlic or whisky. Cool.          Chimney Sweep Services
    50g ham, shredded                               Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper            surface to a rectangle about 33 by 46cm, cut
    1 clove garlic, crushed or 1 tablespoon         into six equal rectangles. Use trimmings to          Stoves fitted and refurbished ◆ Birds’ nests
    whisky                                          cut out pastry leaves.                               removed ◆ Birdguards, chimney pots and
    400g packet frozen puff pastry, thawed
    Beaten egg to brush                             Cut the string away from the steaks. Place a
                                                                                                         cowls fitted ◆ Chimney lining service ◆ Stove
    Watercress to garnish                           spoonful of the mushroom and ham mixture                spares supplied - glass, fire bricks etc.
                                                    on each piece of pastry and a steak on top.
    Trim away any excess fat, then press the        Brush round the pastry edges with beaten
    steak into a neat shape. Tie firmly at equal
    intervals in 6 places to form a roll. Cut the
                                                    egg, then seal over to parcel the steaks.
                                                                                                          ‘A clean chimney is a safe chimney’
    steak through between each piece of string      Place the steaks on a baking tray with sealed
    to make 6 equal-sized steaks. Heat half         edges down. Cover with cling film, chill until
    of the butter in a frying pan and when          ready to cook.                                       Professional, reliable, family service, established 1992
    very hot add the steaks. Turn them almost                                                          Fully insured - certificate of insurance issued for every job
    immediately, so that the outside is seared to   Cook at 200C for 30-40 minutes. Serve with          Brush and vacuum sweep - power sweeping also offered
    seal in the juices. Place aside until cold.     vegetables and a watercress garnish.
                                                                                                                      Specialist in multi-fuel stoves
    Add the remaining butter to the pan and                                      Joy McClellan
    lightly fry the mushrooms and onion until

    Cont. from page 7                               seeking your details in order to ‘coerce’ your
    has done the same for a food outlet, was        involvement. We are looking for building
    appointed as vice-chair. John Piper will        ability, plumbing familiarity, electrical
    handle the finances. We also have available     know-how. We need experienced shoppers
    invaluable guidance from Felicity who runs      and shopkeepers. Business folk to advise
    her eponymous shop at Morcombelake.             and guide, parents to ensure we get the best
                                                    products on sale at the right price. Youngsters
    Others present found themselves performing      full of enthusiasm and the elderly wise with
    familiar roles and all formed themselves into   years, all have something to contribute.
    an as yet unnamed committee – perhaps the
    Marshwood Shop Group is appropriate.            Lack of experience is no excuse. It is starting        Tel: 01297 678549 ◆ Mob: 07778 524142
                                                    to seem that John Walther will be replaced
    But that was not nearly enough. With            only by the skills of an entire village!
                                                                                                            Chimney Sweep Services Ltd, 4 Marshalsea, Bridport, DT6 5QE
    the wide range of talents available in the
    village, the Marshwood Shop Group is now                                       Ali Cameron

8                                                                                                                                                                         9
Neighbourhood Plan update:
 focus on shop and parking
 In the autumn issue we November where questions were answered,
 reported on the outcome of a and two topics of local interest presented:
 public consultation on seven • Cllr Jacqui Sewell explained how a
 sites offered for consideration  new shop for Marshwood might be
 for future development.          established and called on people there
                                                      to volunteer to form a committee to see
 Given the general lack of support for further        how that might be achieved. Several
 housing, only two now remain which have              people volunteered, and this initiative is
 received local support; the Dungeon and              now being taken forward (see separate
 Three Counties sites. A further site, opposite       article on the shop) with the Dungeon
 the church and school, had been offered by           site offering a possible location, subject
 its owner for parking but with the condition         to agreement on a detailed plan.
 that some housing should also be allowed.        •   A 30-space car park solution was

 These results were presented at a public
                                                      proposed on the site opposite the
                                                      school, this together with some housing,
                                                                                                     Post Office goes to church every Tuesday
 meeting held at Marshwood church in                  and that proposal was put to a show of        Almost 2,000 years after Jesus threw     spends the morning on similar
                                                      hands at the meeting. There was a clear       the traders out of the temple, the       duties. A longstanding post-master,
                                                      majority in favour given the potential        good news is that a weekly post office   Peter retired from and closed another
    Upper Marshwood Vale                              benefit to the local community.               is now resident at Marshwood Church      small, rural Post Office in Dorset so he
  Parish Council meeting dates                                                                      on every Tuesday afternoon from          is very familiar with our wishes and
                                                  We now have three sites to be examined and        1.30-3.30pm. Not only is this up and     foibles. Even if the item or resource
 21 March: Annual Parish Meeting and              surveyed in detail once outline layouts have      running, but the one-man service is      needed is not immediately available
 council meeting.                                 been provided by the site owners. These will      more wide-ranging than ever before.      he will book them and complete the
 (2 May: Dorset Council and town and              be passed to the district council for a final                                              transaction the following week, all
 parish council elections)                        screening before being included in a first        The one man is Peter Blakey              without the ‘customers’ leaving the
 16 May: Annual Council Meeting                   draft of our Neighbourhood Plan (NP).             (pictured above with a customer) and     parish.
                                                                                                    he carries with him communication
 Regular council meetings follow on:              By the time of the next issue of this magazine,   equipment in the form of routers,        Adding to the mix, the ladies of St
 18 July                                          we hope to be able to call a further public       tills, computers, et al which link him   Mary’s open up an ad hoc kitchen
 19 September                                     meeting where the first draft of our NP will      into the local Post Office system at     offering tea, coffee and cake to further
 21 November                                      be presented for comment. We then hope to         Crewkerne so enabling licences to        attract local resident. Cllr Jacqui
                                                  begin the formal process that will lead to a      be issued and other payments to be       Sewell expects to visit these open
 Meetings start at 7.30pm in Bettiscombe          local referendum by mid-year.                     made.                                    days on a regular basis both to talk
 Village Hall. All are very welcome to                                                                                                       council business and to keep up with
 attend.                                                                     Charles Somers         On Tuesdays, Peter arrives from          the community.
                                                                                                    Broadwindsor, where he conveniently

10                                                                                                                                                                                 11
Rural bus services: winter
         update around Marshwood
 Routes 14 and 688, Thorncombe/                   All three of these buses continue to run on
 Marshwood to Chard/Axminster,                    the back of the Beaminster secondary school
 every Thursday                                   contract.

 Passenger numbers on these routes have           Funding
 decreased slightly compared to the numbers
 reported in previous articles. A similar         Thorncombe Parish Council remains the
 decrease happened on the PlusBus after           custodian of our ‘earmarked funds’, for
 several loyal passengers developed long-         rural buses and we are very grateful for this
 term illness, moved away, or died.               support.

 PlusBus, Marshwood/Thorncombe/                   Thorncombe & villages bus schedules
 Catherston Lewiston to Bridport,
 every Wednesday                                  Wednesdays:

 Passenger numbers have increased slightly        PlusBus: Thorncombe to Bridport. £5 return
 since the previous article. This is because of   fare. This bus route remains unchanged.
 increased patronage from Drimpton, due in
 part to the change in timetabling of the No.     Thursdays:                                        Depart: Thorncombe 12 noon                        proposed that double-decker buses be used
 96 Chard-Yeovil service, plus the difficulties                                                     Arrive: Chard 12:25pm.                            as widely as possible.
 experienced with the No. 6/40 Bridport to        No.14: Regular scheduled bus service.
 Yeovil services.                                 Thorncombe to Chard via Chard Junction,           Depart: Chard 2:35pm.                             A single-decker bus fulfills the A02 Holditch
                                                  Perry Street, Tatworth. £4 return fare for        Arrive: Thorncombe 2:59pm.                        to Woodroffe via Marshwood service at
                                                  adults without a concessionary bus pass.                                                            present, which is full and standing with
                                                                                                    No.688: Thorncombe to Axminster via               secondary school pupils.
                                                  Depart: Thorncombe 9.05am.                        Marshwood and Hawkchurch with a £3.80
                                                  Arrive: Chard 9:30am.                             return fare for adults without a concessionary    Unfortunately, until all the overhanging
                                                                                                    bus pass. The timetable for this bus remains      trees on the route are trimmed to meet the
                                                  Depart: Chard 11:35am.                            unchanged.                                        regulated height, a double-decker bus is not
                                                  Arrive: Thorncombe: 11:58am                                                                         an option.
                                                                                                    Schools’ transport, by First Wessex
                                                  The whole of the no.14 timetable listed                                                                  Cllr David Marsh and Mrs Mary
                                                  below will cease from 7 March. This is            As part of the contract awarded to First              Marsh, Thorncombe And Villages
                                                  because of a combination of changes to            Wessex by Dorset County Council, it was                        Bus Users & Supporters.
                                                  drivers’ schedules and, it has to be said, poor   agreed that the schools’ transport would
                                                  patronage by users.                               allow fare-paying passengers to travel on
                                                                                                    these buses along with secondary school
                                                                                                    pupils. Due to possible capacity issues, it was

12                                                                                                                                                                                               13
Marshwood Community Land Trust: Officers
         Chairman   Rob England				      01297 678 548
         Treasurer		Ali Edwards				01297 678 382
         Secretary		Emma Davies				01297 678 768
         Directors		Fred Bailey				01308 868 015
         		         Ann-Marie Chapman			 01297 678 579
         		Charles Somers				01297 678 178
         		Sonia Yorke				01297 678549
         		Jacqui Sewell				01308 867 145

         Marshwood Shop sub-committee

         Chairman          Helen Golding (
         Vice-chair        Jackie Mears
         Treasurer         John Piper

         Community Land Trust website:
         Facebook Page: Marshwood CLT

                       Interested in renting affordable housing?
                        Are you registered with Dorset Home Choice?

     Would you, or someone you know, be interested in moving into one of the houses at
     Bramblehay, Marshwood, should a property become available? Allocation of these
     properties, and similar schemes in neighbouring villages, is handled by Dorset Home
     Choice. To be considered as a tenant, you need to be on the housing register. Be
     prepared by registering now at

     When registering, please make sure you put the following statement on your
     application to show you qualify for Marshwood CLT housing:
             ‘Have local connection required to qualify for CLT housing’

     These houses are for those in our community. Please register, even if Dorset Home
     Choice would normally regard you as adequately housed.

14                                                                                         15
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee: Members                                                    Parish Council
 Chairman Charles Somers			                             01297 678178
                                                                                 Chairman                                     Clerk
                                                                                 Matthew Bowditch		         01308 862 758     John Vanderwolfe		       01297 344 44
 Secretary		       John Vanderwolfe, UMV parish council clerk
                                                                                 Stokewater Farm                              Newenham, 5 Halletts Way
                                                                                 Stoke Abbott, DT8 3JL                        Axminster, EX13 5NB
 Members		         Jacqui Sewell, WDDC councillor
 		                Ali Cameron, UMV parish councillor
                                                                                 Stoke Abbott
 		                Ali Edwards, UMV parish councillor
 		                Rob England, Marshwood CLT chairman
 		                David French, Stoke Abbott resident
                                                                                 Fred Bailey		               01308 868 015    Christopher Rabbetts         01308 867 474
 		                John Piper, Marshwood resident
                                                                                 Meadowrise                                   Gerrards Farm
 		                Sara Hudston, Editor, Beneath the Vale
                                                                                 Bettiscombe, DT6 6HP                         Pilsdon, DT6 5PA
 Address: NP Steering Committee, c/o The Old Rectory, Marshwood, Dorset DT6 5Q
                                                                                 Marshwood                                    Pilsdon
                              District Councillors                               John W. Brown		              01308 867 542   Trevor Richards		         01308 868 848
                                                                                 2 Church Cottages                            Deer Park Farm,
 Marshwood, Bettiscombe Jacqui Sewell			                        01308 867 145    Bettiscombe, DT6 5NT                         Marshwood Vale, DT6 5PZ,
 & Pilsdon                                          
                                                                                 Bettiscombe                                  Marshwood
 Stoke Abbott		 Mark Roberts			                                 01308 487 866                                                   Ali Cameron		               01297 678 546    Eddie Rowe 		             01308 867 577
                                                                                 Blue Haze                                    Highlands Farm,
                               County Councillors                                Marshwood, DT6 5QB
                                                                                                                              Templemans Ash, DT6 5NX
                                                                                 Marshwood                                    Bettiscombe
 Marshwood Vale 		 Daryl Turner			                              01297 444 195
                                                                                 Alison Edwards		            01297 678 382    Roy Warburton
                                                                                 3 Marshalsea                                 Shave Cross House,
 Beaminster 		 Rebecca Knox			                                  01308 863 365
                                                                                 Marshwood, DT6 5QE                           Shave Cross, DT6 6HW
                                                                                 Marshwood                                    Marshwood
                       Beneath the Vale Editorial Board
                                                                                 Jane Gillingham		            01308 867 197   Robert Wyatt		             01308 868 249
 Pauline Bailey		 		               01308 868 015    Mabeys Cottage                               Blackney Farm,
 Matthew Bowditch 		        01308 862 758    Pilsdon, DT6 5NY                             Blackney, DT6 5PB
 Ali Cameron		    		             01297 678 546    
 David Corneloues			          01308 868 094    Pilsdon                                      Stoke Abbott
 Joy McClellan		  		             01297 647 185

 Newsletter Editor:
 Sara Hudston		   		            01297 489 253

16                                                                                                                                                                         17
Speed Watch
                                                        active near
           Did you know…
     West Dorset District Council fund a
          loan scheme for homeowners,
            for essential home repairs
               and improvements?*                   Our Speed Watch team is now active in
     For more information, visit www.wrcic.         and around Marshwood school. Fortunately, call 01823 461099, or email            for the local speedsters, no one is to be
                    prosecuted as a result of these endeavours
     Your local, not for profit lender working in   since this is only a fact-gathering exercise
                   partnership with                 and not part of the normal Speed Watch
           West Dorset District Council             activities. As an early result a large, official
            Wessex Resolutions CIC                  ‘30’ sign has been painted onto the road
     Heatherton Park Studios, Bradford on Tone,     junction immediately outside the school.
                  Taunton, TA4 1EU

              * Subject to Status                   Jointly led by district Cllr Jacqui Sewell
                                                    and parish Cllr Ali Edwards, the team soon
                                                    discovered that the passing traffic responded
              Stephen Lee                           very differently to a group of people dressed
          Landscape Gardening                       in hi-viz jackets and pointing a speed gun to
           1 Vale View, Salwayash,                  a far more covert group observing the flow
             Bridport, DT6 5JB                      of vehicles while checking their velocity.         Marshwood Speed Watch team, from left to right: Emma Davies, John Bollam. Cllr Jacqui Sewell, Cllr
                                                    The fact that this alone reduced the speed         Ali Edwards Anne Marie Chapman, Juliet Evans.
     Hi,                                            means that their results really do represent       lined up for this month, stuff going on have submitted the application according to
     My team and I do most kinds of                                                                    behind the scenes (letters back and forth) in the applicable process, I’ve had professional
                                                    the traffic past the school.
     gardening from clearing overgrown acres
     to fixing fences, planning patios and
                                                                                                       addition to all the data collection that has advice on how to do this.’
     paddocks to looking after your lawn and        More relevant was the timing of these              been happening.
     maintaining landscapes.                        surveys: they coincided with the delivery                                                             In a single hour, Cllr Sewell noted 193
                                                    and collection of our schoolchildren and           ‘Ali Edwards has recruited and organised vehicles, eight of them recorded as exceeding
     Oh yes! We are also the parish                 therefore captured the real problems faced by      more volunteers to be speed watch trained, 36mph with the highest at 41mph.
     lengthsman so we fend off floods by
                                                    the school and parents. To see what they’ve        that will be happening at the beginning
     clearing ditches, placing storage bins
     and looking after public places for your       found, look at Juliet Evans’ comments on the       of this month and the councillors that we Cllr Edwards recorded a large 4WD doing
     parish council.                                team’s work as reported on Facebook under          have on board are keeping this high on the 48mph as it passed the site of the new 30
                                                    Marshwood Traffic Incident Log                     agenda.                                            sign.
     So if you have a garden problem, why not
     give us a call?                                ‘We need traffic calming around the school         ‘The parish council are also backing us and       But probably the greatest concern was the
                                                    and more,’ said Juliet.                            that is vital in terms of following procedure,    fact that a local bus was caught going at
          Stephen Lee: 07971 116660
                                                                   we also have the petition and parent letters in   39mph. Who should know more about the
                                                    ‘We are working on it. There are meetings          support. It’s a slow, frustrating process but I   effects of speeding than a bus driver?

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