Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies

Page created by Jason Bates
Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies
Armed Forces Pest Management Board



Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology,
    and Control Strategies

        Published and Distributed by the
          Information Services Division
      Armed Forces Pest Management Board
        US Army Garrison - Forest Glen
         2460 Linden Lane, Building 172
          Silver Spring, MD 20910-7500

  Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
          for Installations & Environment

                    March 2012
Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies
Technical Guide No. 44
               Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies
Foreword. The common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L., the tropical bed bug, C.
hemipterus (Fabricius), and a few closely related species of blood-feeding true bugs
(Hemiptera: Cimicidae) have been persistent pests of humans throughout recorded
history. They may have evolved as cave-dwelling nest ectoparasites of mammals
(probably bats), with at least one species later switching to feed mainly on cave-dwelling
humans. As humans moved from caves to tents and, ultimately, houses, bed bugs,
especially the common bed bug, were probably brought along. Bed bugs appear in the
literature and folklore of many cultures and countries, from the Egyptians, Greeks and
Romans to early Jewish and Christian writings, and in the records of colonial Americans
(Usinger 1966). After World War II, widespread use of synthetic insecticides led to
sharp declines in bed bug populations in most industrialized countries. By 1997, they
were so scarce in the U.S., Canada and Europe that it was difficult to find fresh
specimens to use in teaching college entomology classes (Snetsinger 1997). Some
contemporary Pest Management Professionals (PMPs) with years of experience have still
never seen an active bed bug infestation. During the past 12 years, a resurgence of bed
bugs has been reported in the U.S., Canada, European countries, Australia and parts of
Africa. Infestations have occurred in homes, hotels, hostels, cruise ships, airplanes,
trains, schools, and long-term care facilities (Cooper and Harlan 2004, Doggett et al.
2004, Hwang et al. 2005, Johnson 2005). This Technical Guide was developed to meet
the need for current information and guidance regarding bed bugs and their control.

Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... 3
Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose................................................................................................................................ 4
Importance .......................................................................................................................... 5
Biology and Behavior ......................................................................................................... 8
Control Strategies and Techniques ................................................................................... 10
Physical killing techniques ............................................................................................... 12
Pesticides........................................................................................................................... 14
References ......................................................................................................................... 16
Some Example Web sites offering bed bug information .................................................. 19
Appendix 1. Sample Bed Bug IPM Template ................................................................. 21

Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies
This Technical Guide (TG) was prepared by Dr. Harold J. Harlan. Reviews of this guide
have been provided by members of the Real Property Protection and Medical
Entomology Committees of the Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB) and
the AFPMB staff. Thanks to Lt Col Terry L. Carpenter, CAPT Mark Beavers, COL Scott
Gordon, COL Mustapha Debboun, MAJ Lisa O’Brien, Dr. Richard G. Robbins, Mr.
Donald A. Teig, and the many others who contributed to the development, review, and
improvement of this TG.

Trade names are used in this TG to provide specific information or examples, and do not
imply endorsement of the particular items or products named, or any criticism of similar
ones not mentioned. Mention of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or warranty
of the products by the author, the AFPMB, the Military Services, or the Department of
Defense (DoD).

In recent years, bed bugs have become much more common worldwide, especially in
developed countries. The purpose of this TG is to provide general information about the
main pest species of bed bugs, including their importance, key aspects of their biology
and behavior that can affect control efforts, and strategies and techniques that pest
management professionals (PMPs) and others may wish to implement to achieve desired
levels of control. Management strategies and techniques chosen will usually be
dependent on important details of the local situation, such as physical conditions
(especially temperatures), the condition of the affected human population, military
activity, and available control resources and expertise. Unless otherwise stated, the focus
of this TG is the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L.

Corrections or suggestions to improve this TG should be sent to: Editor, TG # 44, Bed
Bugs – Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies, Information Services Division
(ISD), Armed Forces Pest Management Board (AFPMB), US Army Garrison - Forest
Glen, 2460 Linden Lane, Building 172, Silver Spring, MD 20910-7500, Phone: (301)
295-7476, FAX: (301) 295-7473; or DSN: 295-7476.

Bed Bugs - Importance, Biology, and Control Strategies
To provide background information on the importance, biology and behavior of bed bugs
that can impact control efforts against them, and to suggest a range of current control
strategies and techniques that are known to usually be effective. Emphasis must be
placed on integrated methods, timely resolution of the pest problem, and maximum
education of, and involvement by, members of the affected human population. This TG
is also intended to provide additional references to assist decision makers and local PMPs
in resolving and preventing bed bug infestations.

Blood feeders. Bed bugs consume only blood, usually feeding on a mammal (e.g., bat,
human) or bird. They need at least one blood meal of adequate volume in each active life
stage (instar) to develop to the next stage and to reproduce. There are five nymphal
stages, and each one may feed multiple times if hosts are readily available. Fig. 1 shows
the egg and nymph stages; Fig. 2 shows an adult.

Fig. 1. Bed bug eggs and nymphs. Photograph by H. J. Harlan.

Fig. 2. Adult female bed bug feeding. Photograph by G. D. Alpert.

Adult bed bugs may feed every three to five days throughout their estimated six to 12
month adult life span. The act of biting a host can cause both physical and psychological

discomfort, and can result in local allergic skin reactions to injected salivary proteins
(Feingold et al. 1968, Reinhardt and Siva-Jothy 2007, Goddard and deShazo 2009).

Potential to transmit human pathogens. Bed bugs have been found naturally infected
with at least 40 human pathogens but have never been proven to biologically or routinely
mechanically transmit any of them (Usinger 1966, Cooper and Harlan 2004, Goddard and
DeShazo 2009, Cooper 2011, Doggett et al. 2012). Nonetheless, shedding of viral DNA
fragments in bed bug feces and retention of hepatitis B virus through a normal molt seem
to support a possibility of mechanical transmission, as when bugs are crushed onto
abraded human skin (Jupp et al. 1991, Blow et al. 2001).

Bites and health effects. Bed bug bites are often almost undetectable on some people,
but their saliva contains biologically and enzymatically active proteins that may cause a
progressive, visibly detectable allergenic skin reaction to repeated bites. Depending on
bite intensity and frequency, on persons who do show reactions there are typically five
post-bite effect stages: no reaction (no, or too few, antibodies developed), delayed
reaction, delayed plus immediate reaction, immediate reaction only, and no visible
reaction (due to excess circulating IgG antibodies). Typical symptoms include a raised,
inflamed, reddish wheal at each bite site, which may intermittently itch intensely for
several days (Fig. 3). “Immediate” immune reactions may appear from one to 24 hours
after a bite and last 1-2 days (Fig. 4) (Feingold et al. 1968, Goddard and deShazo 2009).

Fig. 3. Reaction from bed bug bites, 30 minutes after feeding. Photo by H. J. Harlan.

Fig. 4. Reaction from bed bug bites, 48 hours after feeding. Photo by H. J. Harlan.

"Delayed” immune reactions usually first appear one to three (up to >14) days after a
bite, and redness and periodic intense itching may last 2-5 days (Reinhardt and Siva-
Jothy 2007). Humans who are frequently bitten by bed bugs may develop a sensitivity
“syndrome” that can include nervousness, almost constant agitation (“jumpiness”), and
sleeplessness. In such cases, either removing the bed bugs (physically or chemically) or
relocating the person can cause the syndrome to disappear over time. Several additional
cimicid species are known to bite humans, including tropical bed bugs, poultry bugs,
various species of bat bugs, and swallow bugs. A social stigma may be associated with
bed bug infestations (Usinger 1966), but at present, there is rarely an expectation, and no
requirement, to report infestations to any public health or government agency.

  Additional health effects reported in medical literature have included: facilitated
secondary infections from scratching bites (Goddard and deShazo 2009), causing and
worsening asthma (Abou Gamra et al. 1991), blister-like skin eruptions (Liebold et al.
2003, Doggett et al. 2012), true anaphylactic reactions (Parsons 1955), and anemia
(Pritchard and Hwang 2009).

Importance as pests. Because they are nocturnal, use cryptic harborages, are very small
and elusive, and can detect and avoid many chemicals, including cleaning agents, bed
bugs are often difficult to control. Complete elimination of an established bed bug
population is nearly impossible to accomplish in a single service visit by most PMPs.
They are easily transported on or in luggage, furniture, boxes, and clothes. Except after a
blood meal, they are very thin and can fit through, or hide in, very narrow cracks.

   Unfed adults can live for several months, sometimes >1 year under certain conditions,
while 2nd through 5th stage nymphs can survive for >3 months without feeding (Polanco
et al. 2011). The numbers, geographic distribution, and severity of bed bug infestations
are still increasing in Europe, North America, Australia and other parts of the world. The

public’s fear of bed bugs, the effects of their bites, the stigma of having an infestation,
and the characteristic, “musty-sweetish” smell of large or long-standing infestations
magnify their importance as pests.

   Because the general public is not very knowledgeable about bed bugs, their bites
nearly always lead to visits to a clinical medical facility or expert (often a primary care
physician). There are usually additional costs for diagnosis, or for symptomatic
treatments. In 2004 alone, 17 of 65 homeless shelters in Toronto spent a mean of $US
3,085 each to address bed bug problems (Hwang et al. 2005). Lawsuits have produced
awards of $US 20,000 to 382,000 plus expenses (Gooch 2005, Johnson 2005).

  Dispersal of bed bugs from one structure or infestation site to another is usually
passive – the bugs or their eggs are unknowingly carried in or on pieces of furniture,
bedding, luggage, clothing, electronic devices or cardboard boxes. Furniture rentals and
purchases of used furniture are rather common, especially in poor communities, and this
may help rapidly (and repeatedly) spread bed bugs to new sites, and can redistribute them
back into places from which they may have been eliminated earlier.

   Large multi-unit buildings can be difficult to rid of bed bugs. Once bed bugs become
established, any control effort that does not include nearly concurrent inspection of all
units, and a coordinated program of treatment and occupant education, will usually fail
(Pfiester et al. 2009). The bugs often move from any partially-treated, potentially
repellent active site to adjacent rooms or floors. They readily move through wall voids,
utility lines, heating ducts, hallways, and laundry or mail chutes (Wang et al. 2010).

   Because of their ability to adapt and survive in any environment suitable for their
human hosts, bed bugs can become established and develop significant populations even
in long-term deployment sites involving only tents as troop shelters. In more permanent
military housing, they can quickly become pests wherever they are introduced.

Biology and Behavior
   Adult bed bugs are about 5-7 mm (3/16-1/4 inch) long, broadly oval, flat, brown to
reddish-brown true bugs, with a 3-segmented beak, 4-segmented antennae, and vestigial
wings. They have very thin, vertically flattened bodies covered with short, golden-
colored hairs. They give off a distinctive “musty-sweetish” odor, due to certain “alarm”
chemicals that are produced by glands in their ventral thorax. Abdomen tips of males’
are usually pointed and those of females are more broadly rounded.

   They feed only on blood, usually of mammals or birds, and mate by “traumatic
insemination.” It may take 3-12 minutes for one bug to fully engorge. About 20% of the
time, adult bed bugs and large nymphs will void remains of earlier blood meals while still
feeding. This produces the typical rusty or tarry spots seen on bed sheets or in bug hiding
places (Fig. 5). They may feed repeatedly, but every nymphal stage must have at least

one blood meal before it can develop to the next stage. Both males and females must
feed at least every 14 days in order to keep mating and producing eggs (Usinger 1966).

Fig. 5. Bed bug adult on sheet, showing typical fecal spots. Photo by H. J. Harlan.

   Bed bugs will readily travel 5-20 ft. from an established harborage to feed on a host.
Although they seem to prefer humans, they readily feed on birds, rodents, or other
mammals. Their life cycle from egg-to-egg may take four to five weeks under favorable
conditions [e.g., 75-80% RH; 28-32oC (83-90oF)]. They can survive and remain active at
temperatures as low as 7oC (46oF), if they are held at an intermediate temperature for a
few hours, but their upper thermal death point is 45oC (113oF). Bed bugs are nocturnal
but will seek hosts and feed in full daylight if hungry. Females attach their 1 mm-long,
cylindrical (about four times as long as their diameter), pearly-white eggs to any nearby
surfaces, usually in crevices (harborages), where the active bugs hide in groups or
clusters. Each female may lay 1-3 eggs/day and 200-500 eggs during her adult lifetime
(often 6-12 months or longer). Cast bed bug “skins” usually accumulate in harborages.

   Common bed bugs may be found in all temperate areas of the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres, almost anywhere that humans have established homes. They thrive at
temperatures and humidities that are considered comfortable by most people, who usually
afford them ample blood meals and plenty of good harborage nearby. The tropical bed
bug, Cimex hemipterus (Fab.), requires a higher average temperature than does the
common bed bug. It is widespread at tropical and subtropical latitudes worldwide.

   In continental Europe, established infestations of this species are rare. In the Western
Hemisphere, they are seldom found north of Mexico or Puerto Rico, or south of Peru or
Brazil. Only occasional limited populations of this species have been found in Florida
and Chile. Several species of bat bugs, swallow bugs, and other bird-feeding bugs occur
in various north and south temperate regions and they may also bite humans (Usinger
1966, Gold and Jones 2000, Krinsky 2009, Harlan et al. 2008, Doggett et al. 2012).

Control Strategies and Techniques
Detection. A bed bug infestation is usually revealed through finding live bugs, or signs
(e.g., dark fecal deposits or lighter rusty spots) on bed linens or in harborages, or eggs or
cast skins in harborages or near feeding sites, recording where and when alleged victims
have been bitten, or smelling the bugs’ characteristic odor (Fig. 6). Any combination of
two or more of these signs can help verify an infestation and help determine the bugs’
distribution and prevalence. Monitoring may be augmented by using pitfall or sticky
traps (possibly augmented by chemical or CO2 attractants), and certain insecticidal
aerosols that produce a flushing or excitatory effect. For cimicid species that mainly feed
on bats or birds, detecting and locating their usual hosts’ roosts or nests is important. The
presence of such hosts may signal a possibility that their removal or exclusion could
trigger or facilitate an infestation of nearby human living areas.

Inspection. Detailed inspection by a qualified person is the essential first component of
any effective bed bug control program. If present, the bugs must be detected, accurately
identified (IDed), and their harborage sites and a rough estimate of the population size
must be determined as quickly as possible. Even with the use of detection dogs, or the
new multi-attractant traps, a visual inspection must still be done to determine exact
locations and extent of the main infested sites before any control action can be done.
Certain pyrethrin-based flushing agents may help stimulate the bugs to move around,
making them easier to detect where populations are limited. Cimicids that feed chiefly
on bats or birds can often be located by finding and examining their hosts’ nests nearby.

Fig. 6. Bed bug-infested mattress showing typical signs of infestation. Photo by B.

New bed bug detection and monitoring techniques. Several new techniques have
recently been developed and are being marketed for detecting and monitoring bed bug
infestations. Dogs are being specially trained to detect even small numbers of live bed

bugs, and possibly their viable eggs as well, with a reported accuracy of about 95%
(Pfiester et al. 2008). Pheromones and alarm scents produced by the bugs themselves
have been characterized and are being developed for possible use to attract the bugs or
facilitate other control techniques or products (Siljander et al. 2008, Benoit et al. 2009,
Feldlaufer et al. 2010). Special high-technology devices (e.g., see Anderson et al. 2009)
combine various elements like CO2, proprietary chemical lures, and heat to attract and
catch bed bugs seeking their next meal. Simpler pitfall, barrier, or harborage-mimicking
devices can also intercept and trap bed bugs with or without augmentation by any of the
attractants just mentioned (e.g., see Wang et al. 2010).

   Each of these techniques or devices offers promise as an additional tool, but none of
them appears, so far, to be a “stand alone” method for detecting and characterizing bed
bug infestations, regardless of the physical setting. Further, none of them can exert much
of a direct effect upon control of any given bed bug infestation. Even after one of these
detects (or narrows down the general locations of) an infesting bed bug population,
someone must still confirm those infested sites, correctly ID the bugs, and go on to effect
some form of control. Not even the trained and “currently certified” dogs are accurate
all the time (they may have their “bad days,” as might their respective handlers), and the
devices can be avoided by a few bugs in any given population due to certain quirks in the
bugs’ own biology and appetitive behaviors. Further, various economic factors can
influence control decisions, and the human occupants’ (victims’) understanding and
cooperation are still essential for optimum success in any situation.

Education. Educating the occupants of any living space infested by bed bugs is essential
to ensure that they actively cooperate in the control program. Occupants must understand
that they will be expected to improve and maintain sanitation, minimize clutter, and
perhaps also seal harborages to exclude or restrict the movements of the bed bug
population. It will help if occupants know some basics of bed bug biology and behavior,
as well as the proposed control strategies and techniques. Education may include verbal
explanations, answering questions, posting notices, broadcasting notices, postings on web
sites, or distributing handouts. Educational tools must be made available in the local
language (multiple languages, in some cases). Throughout a control program, continuous
communication should be maintained between occupants, building managers, PMPs, any
government agencies, and any local non-government organizations (NGOs) involved.

Physical removal. Bed bugs can be vacuumed from exposed harborages or resting sites,
such as box spring edges or mattress seams, but their eggs are stuck tightly to harborage
surfaces and are usually hard to remove. Using a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
filtered vacuum, which filters out >99% of all particles taken up that are >0.3 micron in
diameter, will ensure that many allergens associated with bed bugs and their debris are
also removed. Vacuuming, especially during inspections, will immediately remove a
sizable portion of the pest population and will usually kill some of the bugs in the
process. Bed bugs may also be removed from exposed resting sites by pressing down on
them with the sticky side of any commercially available tape, hand-picking them, or
brushing them directly into a container of over-the-counter (OTC) rubbing alcohol or
soapy water (Potter 2004, Gooch 2005, Harlan et al. 2008, Cooper 2011, Doggett 2011).

For bed bug species other than C. lectularius, that feed mainly on bat or bird hosts,
removing those hosts and all their nesting materials is an essential first step. Next, all
access routes between those hosts’ nesting or roosting sites and nearby human living
areas must be sealed shut. Finally, treating their hosts’ roosting or nesting areas with a
properly EPA-labeled insecticide to kill all, or most, of the remaining bug populations
may be necessary, and should facilitate their elimination.

Exclusion. Bed bugs have weak, flexible, piercing-sucking mouthparts, and weak,
simple feet (tarsi) and claws. They cannot chew or claw through even a very thin coating
of sealant or an unbroken layer of paper or cloth. Sealing a layer of almost any material
in place, to completely cover a harborage opening, can halt bed bugs’ passage. If they
are sealed inside a void or harborage, living bugs are effectively removed from the pest
population and will eventually die in place. Sealing most of the openings between a
harborage and bed bugs’ usual host access site(s) will at least restrict the bugs’
movements and help temporarily reduce the intensity of their feeding. Storing clothes
and other items in plastic bags or tightly-sealed containers can greatly reduce potential
harborage sites.

Mattress covers. Commercially available plastic covers (>0.08 mm thick, usually with a
zippered edge), can completely enclose a mattress or box spring and prevent any bed
bugs harboring in them from accessing hosts. Originally developed to reduce human
exposure to allergens in mattresses infested with house dust mites, such covers can both
seal in and exclude bed bugs. They may also be homemade, using plastic sheeting (>3
mil thickness) that is sealed shut with durable, flexible tape (e.g., nylon fiber tape, duct
tape) (Cooper and Harlan 2004). An EPA-labeled pyrethroid insecticide has been
incorporated into at least one new mattress cover that is commercially available.

Physical killing techniques (e.g., heat, cold, controlled atmospheres,

Heat. Since at least the early 1900s, bed bugs have been controlled by heating infested
rooms or whole buildings to temperatures >45oC (113oF), the thermal death point for the
common bed bug. For heat treatment to be effective, it is critical that high temperature
and low relative humidity be maintained for a minimum length of time. Periera et al.
(2009) recently published a study that addressed several aspects of this technique for
eliminating bed bugs from furniture and similar items in the same room while other
actions and control techniques were pursued concurrently.

   Heat treatment provides no residual effect, and bed bugs can re-occupy any site so
treated immediately after temperatures return to suitable levels. Potential physical
distortion of structures or their contents, as well as flammability risks associated with
some kinds of heat sources, may be a concern in particular situations (Usinger 1966).
Laundering infested linens or cloth items in hot water with detergent, followed by at least
20 minutes in a clothes dryer on low heat, should kill all life stages of bed bugs but would
not prevent reinfestation (Potter 2004, Harlan et al. 2008, Pereira et al. 2009, Cooper

2011, Kells and Goblirsch 2011, Doggett 2011). Commercial dry cleaning of suitable
items would also immediately kill all stages of bed bugs on, or in, them.

   Commercially available portable heat chambers now offer an alternative to hot
laundering of both cloth and non-wettable items (e.g., picture frames, books, shoes).
These chambers are constructed of insulated material, shaped generally like a box or a
hanging clothes wardrobe (bag), and most are electrically heated. Electronic temperature
sensors and control devices are used to regulate and monitor the heating process.

Cold. Exposure to low temperatures can kill bed bugs if they are kept cold enough long
enough. Bed bugs can tolerate -15oC (5oF) for short periods and, if acclimated, they can
survive at or below 0oC (32oF) continuously for several days (Usinger 1966, Harlan
1997- personal observations). Cold treatments of rooms or whole buildings to control
bed bugs have not been well studied, nor often employed, but freezing furniture or other
items within containers or chambers [e.g., below 0oF (-19oC)] for at least four days may
be a practical alternative for limited infestations or to augment other control measures.

  A new commercial technology uses CO2 from pressurized cylinders deposited as a
“snow” to kill bed bugs and a variety of pests by rapid freezing. Further controlled tests
and field trials of this technology are needed to verify its efficacy. The safety of releasing
moderate to large amounts of CO2 into certain types of human living spaces should also
be further evaluated (e.g. basement apartments, and similarly enclosed or partially sunken
spaces may allow a build-up of harmful concentrations at their floor level).

Controlled atmospheres. In preliminary laboratory tests by the German Federal
Environmental Agency, all life stages of common bed bugs were reportedly killed by
constant exposure to very high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), at ambient
atmospheric pressure, within 24 hours. However, high concentrations of nitrogen gas
(N2) were not very effective under the same conditions (Herrmann et al. 2001).

Steam. Steam treatments have been used effectively by some PMPs to quickly eliminate
live bugs and their eggs from the seams of mattresses and other cloth items. However,
this technique requires practice and care. Manufacturer’s instructions must be followed
concerning the steam generating devices’ operation, maintenance and safety precautions.
The steam emission tip must usually be about 2.5-3.8 cm from the surface being steamed.
If the tip is too far away, the steam may not be hot enough to kill all the bed bugs and
eggs that it contacts. If the tip is too close, excess moisture may be injected into the
treated material, which may lead to other problems (e.g., facilitating dust mite population
survival and increase; growth of surface molds).

Sticky Monitors. Sticky traps are a simple way to monitor many crawling pests, and
have been used to augment other techniques for control of spiders and cockroaches.
Although bed bugs will often get caught on such monitors, many recent reports from
PMPs in North America have indicated that they are not very effective at detecting small
to moderate populations of bed bugs, even when infestation signs are obvious, bugs are
easily observed, and people are being bitten routinely nearby.

Insecticide Resistance. This TG is intended mainly as a background information source
and will not detail the nature, prevalence, distribution, or history of insecticide resistance
in bed bugs. That resistance has been well documented by many other investigators, in
many geographically widespread populations of common bed bugs, and it can make
controlling them very difficult. Resistance may have been a major contributing factor to
their past and continuing spread (Potter 2004, Moore and Miller 2006, Romero et al.
2007, Harlan et al. 2008, Cooper 2011, and Doggett et al. 2012). For a lot more details
about the nature and distribution of past and recent insecticide resistance in bed bugs, see:
Adelman et al. 2011, Mamidala et al. 2011, Romero et al. 2007, WHO 1982, WHO 2006,
Yoon et al. 2008, and Zhu et al. 2010.

Residual applications. Currently, non-chemical products and techniques have been
incapable of efficiently or quickly controlling or eliminating established bed bug
populations. Precise placement of a suitably-labeled, EPA-registered and formulated
residual chemical insecticide is still one of the most practically effective bed bug control
techniques. Effective control can consist of, or be augmented by, applying interior sprays
or dusts to surfaces that the bed bugs contact and to cracks and crevices where they rest
and hide. Many currently-labeled chemical insecticides still can provide some residual
control of even slightly-resistant bed bugs, if they are properly and precisely applied.

   When using residual insecticides, you should choose the least toxic active ingredients
and formulations. Microencapsulated and dust formulations will have a longer residual
effect than others. Synergized pyrethrins are often lethal to bed bugs, and some may
cause a flushing effect, allowing faster analysis of the infested area. If the label permits,
addition of pyrethrins at 0.1-0.2% to organophosphate, or carbamate (where these active
ingredients are legal and labeled for this use), or other microencapsulated insecticide
formulations may increase efficacy by irritating the bugs, initiating an excitatory effect,
and causing them to leave their hiding places, thus increasing their exposure to the fresh
insecticide layer. Retreatment, when needed, should be carried out after the shortest
interval permitted by the label until the pest bug population has been eliminated.

   Some newer active ingredients (e.g., chlorfenapyr; in the product Phantom™) and
products with multiple classes of active ingredients (e.g., imidacloprid plus a pyrethroid;
in the product Temprid ™) have recently had bed bugs added to their labels. Some of
these products have been reported by some PMPs to have been fairly effective against
field populations of bed bugs, so far, but some act much more slowly than pyrethroids.

   Diatomaceous earth, silica gel, or other properly-labeled, slow-acting, dust
formulations can also be used to treat certain sites, like cracks and crevices. Retreatment,
if needed, should be done after the shortest interval permitted by the product label until
the bug population has been eliminated. The choice of chemical products and specific
application techniques can depend on many factors, like the physical location and

structural details of the bugs’ harborages, product labels (which can vary by political
jurisdiction), the immediate environment, cost factors, and local or national laws.

Crack-and-crevice applications. Because of their habit of hiding clustered together in
cracks and narrow harborages, precisely applied crack-and-crevice treatments are among
the most effective control techniques against bed bugs. Active ingredients change over
time, and several are currently available, as well as some products that contain multiple
ingredients labeled for use against bed bugs. Various formulations and devices are also
available for applying insecticides to bed bug-infested areas. For example, dust
formulations should be used in electrical outlet boxes and in other places where it is
desirable to employ low-risk (low volatility and toxicity), long-lasting products.

IGRs. When properly applied, insect growth regulators (IGRs) have essentially no
immediate effect on vertebrate metabolism because of their mode of action and low
application rates, but they can have a significant, but slow-acting, impact on bed bug
fertility and egg hatching success (Takahashi and Ohtaki 1975, Moore and Miller 2006).

Fumigation. Fumigation of furniture, clothing, or other personal items can kill all bed
bug stages present. However, such treatments will not prevent reinfestation immediately
after the fumigant dissipates. Fumigation of an entire building would be equally effective
but, again, would not prevent reinfestation, and would seldom be necessary, practical, or
affordable (WHO 1982, Snetsinger 1997, Gooch 2005, Harlan et al. 2008, Cooper 2011).

Impregnated fabrics and bednets. Fabrics and bednets, factory- or self-impregnated
with formulations of residual chemical insecticides, can help deny bed bugs access to
hosts, and may kill some of the bugs that crawl on them. This can be economical because
spraying, dipping, or coating formulations of products containing permethrin will often
remain effective through many launderings, some for the life of the fabric (Lindsay et al.
1989). However, one West African population of tropical bed bugs, Cimex hemipterus
(Fab.), has been recently reported to have become resistant to both permethrin and alpha-
cypermethrin that had been used to treat bed nets, so as to protect their occupants against
bites by malaria vector mosquitoes (Myamba et al. 2002).

Ultra Low Volume (ULV), aerosols, and foggers. Insecticides currently labeled for
application by ULV, aerosols and foggers have little or no residual effects on bed bugs.
When used exactly according to their own product label directions, most of these
applications (and products) will seldom penetrate into typical, cryptic bed bug
harborages. If directly injected into such harborages, these products may stimulate some
of the bed bugs to become active and move out into the open, allowing them to be seen
by inspectors. Otherwise, bed bugs are seldom killed by such products, even with
prolonged or repeated exposure to them, when applied according to their own labels.

Follow-up. At least one follow-up inspection of infested sites should be conducted at a
suitable interval (e.g., 10-21 days) after each control effort or treatment, to detect any of
the typical signs of continued infestation, such as live bugs, cast skins (after those present
earlier had been removed), fecal spots on bed linens or harborages, or unhatched eggs.

1. Abou Gamra, E., F. el Shayed, T. Morsy, H. Hussein, and E. Shehata. 1991. The
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2. Adelman, Z., K. Kilcullen, R. Koganemaru, M. Anderson, T. Anderson, and D. Miller.
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3. Anderson, J., F. Ferrandino, S. McKnight, J. Nolen, and J. Miller. 2009. A carbon
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4. Benoit, J., S. Phillips, T. Croxall, B. Christensen, J. Yoder, and D. Denlinger. 2009.
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5. Blow, J., M. Turell, A. Silverman, and E. Walker. 2001. Stercorarial shedding and
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7. Cooper, R., and H. Harlan. 2004. Chap. 8. Ectoparasites, Part three: Bed bugs &
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8. Doggett, S. (ed.). 2011. A Code of Practice for the control of bed bug infestations in
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9. Doggett, S., M. Geary, and R. Russell. 2004. The resurgence of bed bugs in Australia:
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10. Doggett, S., D. Dwyer, P. Penas, and R. Russell. 2012. Bed bugs: Clinical relevance
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12. Feldlaufer, M., M. Domingue, K. Chauhan, and J. Aldrich. 2010. 4-Oxo-aldehydes
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13. Goddard, J., and R. deShazo. 2009. Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and clinical
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14. Gold, R., and S. Jones (eds.). 2000. Handbook of Household and Structural Insect
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15. Gooch, H. 2005. Hidden profits, there’s money to be made from bed bugs – if you
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16. Harlan, H., M. Faulde, and G. Baumann. 2008. Chapter 4. Bed Bugs, pp. 131-151, In
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17. Herrmann, J., C. Adler, G. Hoffmann, and C. Reichmuth. 2001. Efficacy of
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Conference, Prague. p. 637 (abstracted from a poster presentation).

18. Hwang, S., T. Svoboda, I. DeJong, K. Kabasele, and E. Gogosis. 2005. Bed bug
infestation in an urban environment. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 11(4): 533-538.

19. Johnson, A. 2005. The hotel industry is beginning to wake up to bedbug problem.
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20. Jupp, P., R. Purcell, M. Shapiro, and J. Gerin. 1991. Attempts to transmit hepatitis B
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21. Kells, S., and M. Goblirsch. 2011. Temperature and time requirements for
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22. Krinsky, W. 2009. Chapter 7. True Bugs (Hemiptera). pp. 83-99, In 2nd ed. (G.
Mullen & L. Durden, eds.), Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Academic Press,
Burlington, MA. 637 p. [hb] (esp. Bed Bugs, pp. 93-98), ISBN: 978-0-12-372500-4.

23. Liebold, K., S. Schliemann-Willers, and U. Wollina. 2003. Disseminated bullous
eruption with systemic reaction caused by Cimex lectularius. J. European Acad.
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24. Lindsay, S., R. Snow, J. Armstrong, and B. Greenwood. 1989. Permethrin-
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25. Mamidala, P., S. Jones, and O. Mittapalli. 2011. Metabolic resistance in bed bugs.
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26. Moore, D., and D. Miller. 2006. Laboratory evaluations of insecticide product
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27. Myamba, J., C. Maxwell, A. Asidi, and C. Curtis. 2002. Pyrethroid resistance in
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28. Parsons, D. J. 1955. Bed bug bite anaphylaxis misinterpreted as coronary occlusion.
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29. Pereira, P. Koehler, M. Pfiester, and W. Walker. 2009. Lethal effects of heat and use
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30. Pfiester, M., P. Koehler, and R. Pereira. 2008. Ability of bed bug-detecting canines
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31. Pfiester, M., P. Koehler, and R. Pereira. 2009. Effect of population structure and size
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34. Pritchard, M., and S. Hwang. 2009. Severe anemia from bed bugs. Can. Med. Assoc.
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35. Reinhardt, K., and M. Siva-Jothy. 2007. Biology of bed bugs (Cimicidae). Annu.
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36. Romero, A., M. Potter, D. Potter, and K. Haynes. 2007. Insecticide resistance in the
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40. Usinger, R. 1966. Monograph of Cimicidae. Thos. Say Foundation, Vol. VII,
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41. Wang, C., K. Saltzmann, E. Chin, G. Bennett, and T. Gibb. 2010. Characteristics of
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45. Zhu, F., J. Wigginton, A. Romero, A. Moore, K. Ferguson, R. Palli, M. Potter, K.
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States. Archives Insect Biochem. Physiol. 73(4): 245-257.


Some Example Web sites offering bed bug information.
Please note that web sites may sometimes contain incorrect information. Government
and university web sites are usually more unbiased and reliable than sites created by
commercial or private interests.

 EPA’s bed bug web page:
  or ; EPA Spanish Website:

 CDC & EPA’s Joint Statement on Bed Bugs: .

 Armed Forces Pest Management Board website: (then search)

VHA Information Letter on Bed Bugs:

Connecticut Coalition Against Bed Bugs:

Michigan bed bug information site (see their posted manual):,1607,7-186--147759--,00.html”

New York State IPM Program under Cornell Univ.:

VA Dept. of Agric. Bed Bug Fact Sheets:

National Center for Healthy Homes: (and search)

Bed Bug Foundation (an international NGO):

Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association:

Harvard School of Public Health:

University of Kentucky Extension Entomology:

Univ. of Minnesota: (then search)

The Ohio State Univ.:

National Pest Management Association (NPMA):

PCT Magazine:

Pest Management Professional Magazine (formerly Pest Control Magazine):

Bed Bug Central (part of Cooper Pest Solutions, Lawrenceville, NJ):       or

Techletter™, by Pinto & Associates:

Appendix 1. Sample Bed Bug IPM Template

   This template outlines IPM strategies for controlling bed bug infestations in many
military (or other) housing situations. Additional or alternative strategies and techniques
are discussed elsewhere in this TG. The following sequence of steps should facilitate
control of bed bugs in troop or family housing.

 1. Inspection. Prompt, careful, thorough inspection by a qualified individual of sites
reported or suspected to be infested by bed bugs. Even if detection dogs or multi-element
(or other) devices have detected bed bugs, do an inspection to pinpoint the main infested
sites. Start at the site where biting was reported and work outward for a 5-20 ft. radius.

 2. Correct identification (ID) of any pest species found. A sample of the pests present
should be collected and IDed by a qualified person using suitable keys or other ID aids.

 3. Education of occupants(s) and manager(s) of the infested structure(s). Occupants
and managers should be provided concise, clear information about the ID, biology, and
general behavior of any pest bugs found. They should be informed of the need for their
cooperation and of any self-help steps they might take to reduce or limit the infestation,
or that would help prevent re-infestation. Information can be provided by direct
explanation, fact sheets (handouts), reference to a web site, or a combination of these.

 4. Physical control measures.

   a. Using a vacuum cleaner (preferably HEPA-filtered), remove the bugs and their cast
skins from all observed and suspected harborage sites during the initial inspection, and
periodically afterward (e.g., once weekly as a self-help action). The vacuum bag should
be removed immediately afterward, sealed tightly inside a larger plastic bag, and that bag
incinerated or placed in the next normal trash collection.

   b. Launder all infested cloth items in hot water [>120oF (49oC)] for >10 min., with
soap or detergent, then dry in a warm or hot dryer [>140oF (60oC)] for >20 min., or dry
clean to kill all bed bug life stages present.

  c. Consider enclosing each mattress and box spring in a sealable plastic cover, such as
those sold to limit exposure to house dust mites.

   d. Place and seal all recently laundered cloth items (e.g., bed linens, clothing) inside
large plastic bags or tightly-closed bins to prevent any bed bugs from reinfesting them.

   e. Seal shut all cracks, crevices, and entry points to wall voids, using a high-quality
silicone-based sealant, especially within a 20-ft. radius of any spot where bed bug bites
have occurred.

f. Additional physical control measures against bed bugs may include: heat, cold,
steam, controlled atmospheres, physical removal/mashing, or sticky insect monitors.

 5. Chemical control measures.

   a. A residual insecticide should be applied (by a properly qualified and certified, when
called for on any given product’s label), according to label directions, to each infested
site and preferably to a small area around each site. This will often involve treating
cracks and crevices. When planning and conducting any such treatments, consider
examining, if not treating, the opposite side of any involved wall, floor, or ceiling.

  b. Electrical outlet boxes, and similar voids that cannot be readily and effectively
sealed, should be treated with an appropriate insecticide dust.

   c. Consider including some type of insect growth regulator (IGR) as a concurrent
treatment (e.g., as a tank mix).

  d. Limited use of an aerosol or ULV pyrethroid may facilitate the detection of hidden
bed bugs by causing them to move around more, and may also potentially increase their
exposure to any previously applied residual insecticide. DO NOT use any over-the-
counter (OTC) total-release “foggers.” Those are simply NOT effective, may cause bed
bugs to scatter, and could also pose a fire hazard.

   e. Fumigation or heat (or cold) treatment of batches of furniture, clothing or other
items within chambers or smaller, portable heat-treatment devices (or similar-sized
freezing units) may be warranted and affordable in specific cases, but whole-structure
fumigation to control bed bugs is very seldom practical or economically feasible. Any of
these types of treatments provide no residual effects at all.

 6. Follow-up. Re-inspection of infested structures and sites should be done about 10-21
days after any initial treatment, and (if needed) again about 10-21 days later, to detect,
and to precisely target any subsequent re-treatment of, any continued infestation site(s).

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