Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?

Page created by Stanley Fernandez
Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Tamara Brizard               Editor: Halina Gottlieb
Willem Derde                 The Interactive Institute
Neil Silberman

Basic Guidelines for
Cultural Heritage
Professionals in the Use
of Information Technologies
How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Tamara Brizard
Willem Derde
Neil Silberman

                            Basic Guidelines for
                            Cultural Heritage
                            Professionals in the Use
                            of Information Technologies
Editor: Halina Gottlieb
The Interactive Institute   How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

In recent years, digital heritage has begun     produced a wide range of applications            professionals must understand what ICT can
to transform the process of re-creating and     for collecting and processing historical         do, and in which situations or contexts it is
understanding the past. This new field,          data, documenting and monitoring the             most effective. With the rapid development
which integrates the traditional expertise of   physical conservation of objects and             of digital applications for historical research
heritage management, museology, history,        monuments, visualising historic structures       and public heritage presentation, the
and archaeology with the powerful new           and environments, and creating interactive       integration of digital technologies into
tools of digital information technologies,      information networks that can link               the field of cultural heritage must be
has tremendous potential for addressing         professionals and scholars with students,        undertaken with the full awareness of their
the new challenges and concerns of the          museum-goers, and interested amateurs.           potential uses and effects.
heritage sector in the st century.            The integration of heritage with digital
                                                technology has already shown the potential       This KNOWHOW booklet, based on
Within the heritage and historical              for greatly enhancing many aspects of            principles in the final draft of the ICOMOS
disciplines, the past is no longer only the     the research, management, and public             Charter for the Interpretation and
domain of specialised scholars, but is          involvement in the material remains of the       Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites
also seen as a resource for the economic        past.                                            (informally known around the world as
development of local communities and                                                             the “Ename Charter”) and on the EPOCH
regions, a medium for cultural identity and     However, it is important to understand that      Sector Watch surveys and Research Agenda,
cross cultural communication, an edifying       ICT is a complex field whose contribution         will offer cultural heritage professionals
destination for cultural tourists, and a        to cultural heritage can only be realised if     important examples of how emerging
focus for educational enrichment. At the        it is utilised in effective, sustainable ways.   digital applications and methods can serve
same time, the digital information and          It cannot be considered an immediate             their wider needs.
communications technologies (ICT) have          or magical cure-all. Cultural heritage

Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

    What are these guidelines                      This activity consisted of a detailed
                                                                                                  Considerations for integrating
    based on?                                      inventory of the ICT needs of various
                                                                                                  ICT with cultural heritage
    Working with the partners in the EPOCH         classes of cultural heritage stakeholders,
    Network of Excellence, the Ename Center        an inventory of technologies that were
                                                                                                  The following are a few basic
    for Public Archaeology and Heritage            or could be used in processing cultural
                                                                                                  questions which are directly relevant
    Presentation participated in the EPOCH         heritage data and an analysis of success
                                                                                                  to the integration of ICT in the cultural
    Sector Watch activities, as well as in the     factors in the implementation of ICT systems
                                                                                                  heritage sector, and are also central to
    drafting of the ICOMOS Charter for the         and usability of applications.
                                                                                                  the goals of conservation and public
    Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural
                                                                                                  appreciation of heritage:
    Heritage Sites. Both initiatives, which        The Draft ICOMOS Charter on the
    sought to enhance the effectiveness of         Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural    • What are the accepted and
    ICT technology in the cultural heritage        Heritage Sites                                   acceptable objectives for the
    field, contributed to the formulation of the                                                     Interpretation and Presentation at
    guidelines described in this KNOWHOW           The purpose of the ICOMOS Charter                specific cultural heritage sites?
    booklet.                                       for Interpretation and Presentation of
                                                   Cultural Heritage Sites is to define the        • How can ICT assist heritage
                                                   basic principles of Interpretation and           professionals in achieving their
    Bridging heritage and technology in EPOCH’s
                                                   Presentation as essential components of          research, administrative, curatorial,
    Sector Watch
                                                   heritage conservation efforts and as a           and interpretive/educational aims?

    From the inception of the EPOCH Network,       means of enhancing public appreciation and     • What considerations should help
    its Sector Watch activities focused on         understanding of cultural heritage sites.        determine the choice of digital
    creating an overview of the status and                                                          heritage applications given their
    technology needs of the cultural heritage      ICOMOS (the International Council on             wide variety of specific forms and
    sector, in order to enhance the cross-         Monuments and Sites) is a worldwide              techniques?
    disciplinary understanding of all aspects of   professional association of approximately
    the use of ICT in this field.                    members working for the conservation

Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

and protection of cultural heritage sites       account the current transformations and         What makes the field of cultural heritage a
through  national committees and             emerging structural trends in the field of       particularly complex field for ICT integration
 specialised international scientific          cultural heritage itself.                       are its ever-widening dimensions. Vernacular
committees.                                                                                     architecture, industrial installations, cultural
                                                The interface of culture and technology         landscapes, battlefield remains and the
Throughout the drafting of the proposed         upon which EPOCH focuses its efforts is         countless forms and expressions of popular
ICOMOS Charter, principles that would           not a static boundary, but a shifting area of   and folk culture (including hand-woven
ensure the efficacy and sustainability of ICT    potential collaboration, where institutions     textiles, photographs, posters, and personal
were a continuing, important concern.           in both the ICT and cultural heritage sectors   memorabilia, etc.) are now expanding the
                                                face challenges from changing economic          traditional borders of what is legitimately
Why the need for principles                     conditions, evolving government policies,       considered to be cultural heritage. Even
or guidelines?                                  and altering intellectual perspectives.         though the accepted methods of collecting
The evolving field of using ICT within           In addition to these challenges are the         and preserving intangible heritage are
cultural heritage has in recent years           intensifying physical threats to heritage       still being discussed and crystallised, the
produced a wide range of applications for       of all types brought on by urbanisation         close relationship of intangible ideas and
scholarly research, public interpretation,      and climate change, the ever-expanding          traditions to material objects, artifacts, and
and the marketing and management of             marketisation of culture, and the use of        cultural spaces suggests that “material” and
cultural heritage sites. The natural focus      heritage in constructing social identity        “intangible” are not separate categories
of the activities of the EPOCH network has      in an age of increasing cultural diversity.     of cultural heritage resources, but parts of
been specifically to identify and to develop     The manner in which ICT will be able to         an evolving whole in which the ideational
practical applications and actions that         meet these new demands will determine           and the physical are becoming inextricably
address the existing challenges to effective    whether its future role in cultural heritage    intertwined. Thus traditional notions of
and efficient integration of cultural heritage   will go beyond the mere application of D-      data collection, structure, and analysis and
and information technology. These are not       visualisation or the enhanced presentation      metadata standards must also take into
simply engineering challenges, however,         of scientific information.                       account the non-physical as well as physical
as effective integration must also take into                                                    evidence.

Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

    In this dynamic and ever-changing heritage     Intellectual and physical access                   and uniform visitor itineraries. But with
    environment, the need for basic guidelines     A basic goal in the contemporary                   the rapid evolution of ICT in recent years,
    has become clear.                              management of heritage resources is to             cultural heritage professionals now
                                                   facilitate a broad public awareness and            have almost unlimited opportunities to
                                                   appreciation of cultural heritage sites. The       expand the access of the general public
       This KNOWHOW booklet is intended to                                                            to an impressive range of text-based and
                                                   accessibility of these sites should be of both
       provide a basic introduction to six major                                                      multimedia information.
                                                   physical and intellectual character, providing
       areas in which ICT can, if appropriately
                                                   the public with the opportunity to visit a site,
       and effectively utilised, make a                                                               An interesting example of current
                                                   and to have the benefit of detailed, up-to-
       contribution to the enhancement of                                                             possibilities for dramatically increased
                                                   date historical information about it.
       cultural heritage for both professionals                                                       information access through digital
       and the general public:                                                                        technology is the ARCHEOGUIDE project,
                                                      Effective interpretation and                    first developed at the site of Olympia in
       • Intellectual and Physical Access                                                             Greece. This project offers a compelling,
                                                      presentation should enhance
       • Documentation and Site Recording                                                             user-friendly flow of heritage information to
                                                      experience, increase public respect
       • Multiple Interpretive Contexts                                                               the visitor through an ICT system that links
                                                      and understanding, and communicate
       • Preservation of Authenticity                                                                 augmented reality, D-visualisation, mobile
                                                      the importance of conservation of
       • Balancing Visitorship with                                                                   computing, and multi-modal interaction
                                                      cultural heritage sites.
         Conservation                                                                                 techniques.
       • Facilitating Public Participation
                                                      ICOMOS Ename Charter Principle .
                                                                                                      The ARCHEOGUIDE system consists of a
                                                                                                      site information server and a set of mobile
    The following pages will focus on these        Before the advent of ICT, the objectives           units that are carried by visitors. A wireless
    thematic areas in greater detail and will      in the Ename Charter were often difficult           local network allows the mobile units to
    describe some specific case-studies in the      to achieve due to the static nature and            communicate with the site information
    effective use of ICT in each.                  space limitations of descriptive panels            server. In addition, the site is equipped with

Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

Outfitting a visitor with an Archeoguide        View on the Philippion Temple at Ancient Olympia,   What a visitor using Archeoguide sees with
augmented reality binocular                    Greece                                              augmented reality

a locational tracking system to determine      digital environment that complements the
the position and orientation of users          physical experience.                                   In cases where physical access to a
wearing the equipment.                         A very different challenge is encountered at           cultural heritage site is restricted due
                                               sites or monuments where substantial parts             to conservation concerns, cultural
When in use, the visitor can access            of the cultural heritage are inaccessible,             sensitivities, adaptive re-use, or
information about the specific areas he or      damaged, or lost. The use of off-site D-              safety issues, interpretation and
she is walking through and gain a visual       reconstructions can be useful in resolving             presentation should be provided off-
impression of the original appearance          the apparent contradiction between                     site.
of the site through augmented reality          a legitimate concern for the physical
reconstructions. In fact, it will change and   conservation of a particular monument                  ICOMOS Ename Charter Principle .
enhance the visitor’s personal experience of   and the public’s right to have access to its
the site through immersion in content-rich     cultural heritage.

Basic Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Professionals in the Use of Information Technologies - How can ICT support cultural heritage?
Basic Guidelines...

    An innovative example can be seen in                                                              Researchers from the University of
    the techniques of ICT documentation                                                               Innsbruck, under the direction of Prof.
    and presentation used at the beautifully                                                          Klaus Hanke, used both close-range
    sculpted cenotaph (or empty tomb) of                                                              photogrammetry and D scanning
    Emperor Maximilian I in the Hofkirche at                                                          techniques. A common geodetic control
    Innsbruck, Austria, the residence of the                                                          point system was installed for both
    Habsburg Dynasty from  to . The                                                           methods. Photogrammetric work consisted
    Hofkirche, with its tomb of German Emperor                                                        of stereo pairs and separate color images.
    Maximilian I in the center of its nave, is                                                        D scanning was accomplished with a
    one of the most famous and outstanding                                                            MENSI S for the overall structures and a
    historical monuments in the state of Tyrol.                                                       GOM ATOS II at high resolution for the relief
    Despite its cultural significance, for
    centuries the emperor’s tomb had been
    screened from visitors by a black iron
    lattice and its finely carved marble reliefs
    were covered by glass, further obstructing
    visual access to the monument. However,
    during brief restoration works in , the
    lattice and glass plates were temporarily
    removed, permitting a complete metric
    documentation of the cenotaph and the
    construction of a detailed D digital model
    that would be available even after the
    monument was re-covered with glass plates
                                                  View for the first time of the cenotaph of Emperor   D reconstruction of the cenotaph of Emperor
    and enclosed in the latticework.
                                                  Maximilian I without lattices and glass plates      Maximilian I

Basic Guidelines...

                                                  Documentation and site
                                                  recording                                        Interpretation should show the range
                                                  Making cultural heritage sites accessible        of oral and written information,
                                                  and understandable both to scholars and          material remains, traditions, and
                                                  the general public is dependent above all        meanings attributed to a site. The
                                                  upon data, on the kind of information that       sources of this information should
                                                  has been collected (through architectural        be documented, archived, and made
                                                  studies, archaeological excavations,             accessible to the public.
                                                  archival research, and materials analysis)
                                                  and the way in which that data has been          ICOMOS Ename Charter principle .
Different perspectives of reconstructed details
from the cenotaph
                                                  In recent years, great strides in the         Digital visualisations, including Virtual
                                                  management and processing of heritage         Reality and D reconstructions, have
With the GOM scanner, several scans had           data have been made with the development      recently become important elements of the
to be taken for every plate because of the        of a wide range of digital database           documentation of cultural heritage sites.
limited field of view at high resolution and       applications and Geographical Information     New ICT applications have begun to utilise
to reduce the amount of hidden areas due          Systems (GIS), whose potential for cross-     visualisations in a systematic way.
to the complex D scenes. But the result was      referencing and comparison is great. In
a highly accurate and detailed visualisation      addition to structural and physical data,     One of the most comprehensive efforts
for both scholarly and public use.                new categories of intangible heritage are     to collect and structure visualisation data
                                                  now being systematically collected and        is the D MURALE DATABASE PROJECT
These examples show the enormous                  inventoried. ICT can offer new applications   carried out at the site of Sagalassos in
potential of ICT to enhance access to             to link the entire spectrum of heritage       Turkey. This project developed methods
cultural heritage sites and the information       resources.                                    of photogrammetric reconstruction by
they contain.                                                                                   calibrated cameras to acquire multiple

Basic Guidelines...

     pictures of an object or landscape to
     determine its position and shape. The
     advantage of using photogrammetric
     reconstruction in comparison to other
     techniques is that it delivers high accuracy
     D data. In addition, this portable
     technology can easily be taken into the
     field. The information collected was then
     processed in a stratigraphic visualisation
     tool, STRAT, to provide plan, profile and
     perspective views of the data, allowing for
     the temporal structuring and visualization
     of landscapes, buildings and objects.

                                                            Example D view using STRAT. Different levels can be seen
     A typical digital camera with calibration target and
     camera positions tagged by pyramids
                                                            alternative or refined reconstructions based on       communicate data relating to community
                                                            the same evidence to be made.                        memory and intangible heritage, such as
     In this way, the data on which the visualisations                                                           the MUVI, the VIRTUAL MUSEUM OF THE
     are based, as well as the visualisations               The same is evident in database applications         COLLECTIVE MEMORY OF LOMBARDIA,
     themselves, are clearly documented, enabling           specifically designed to collect, curate, and         in which the photographs, personal

Basic Guidelines...

memorabilia, and memories scattered
through different family archives in the            Interpretation should explore the
region of Lombardy are collected and made           significance of a site in its multi-
publicly accessible.                                faceted historical, political, spiritual,
                                                    and artistic contexts. It should
As both examples show, the great                    consider all aspects of the site’s
potential of ICT in the documentation               cultural, social, and environmental
of cultural heritage is not only the                significance and values.
efficiency of cataloguing and the accuracy
of documentation, but the possibility               ICOMOS Ename Charter principle .
of establishing thematic, geographical,
                                                                                                   Panoramic stereo camera used on location for
historical, and anthropological connections      ICT is uniquely suited to offer a wide range      Place Hampi
that would not otherwise be seen.                of information types and perspectives to
                                                 visitors at cultural heritage sites. At the
Multiple interpretive contexts                   ancient Indian capital of Hampi, for example,
Cultural heritage sites often have multiple      Icinema’s PROJECT PLACE-HAMPI conjoins
functions, ranging from the religious            three kinds of narrative spaces in a modular
to the recreational, and these varying           interactive cinema. Each relies on different
(and sometimes conflicting) functions             sources of information and each provides
pose a special challenge for a well-             a different perspective on the site. Today,
balanced presentation of perspectives and        the old Vijayanagara capital is still an active
interpretations to the visitor. A primary goal   pilgrim site, not simply an historic area, and
of both research and public interpretation       the cylindrical displays comprise augmented
of cultural heritage sites should be to show     high resolution stereoscopic panoramas that
how they relate to their surroundings.           present the most significant archaeological,
                                                 historical, and sacred locations at the site.     Capturing the movements of a dancer

Basic Guidelines...

     Virtual character embedded on stereoscopic image

                                                        History Unwired is a walking tour delivered though multimedia phones and PDA’s

                                                        A less elaborate, though effective, digital         History Unwired offers visitors a walking
                                                        method for the public interpretation of a           tour through one of Venice’s more hidden
                                                        site’s range of oral and written information,       neighborhoods, delivered through location-
                                                        material remains, traditions, and personal          aware, multimedia phones and PDAs.
                                                        testimonies is illustrated by the HISTORY           Developed in , this project was a first-
                                                        UNWIRED PROJECT that was tested in                  ever mix of mobile video, animation, audio,
                                                        Venice and sponsored by University                  and Bluetooth locative technologies in the
                                                        of Architecture, Venice and the MIT                 tourism sector. The tour takes visitors around
     Place Hampi setup with central platform module     Department of Urban Studies and Planning.           the neighborhood of Castello, one of Venice’s

Basic Guidelines...

                                                                                                    Interpretation and presentation
                                                                                                    should contribute to the conservation
                                                                                                    of the authenticity of a cultural
                                                                                                    heritage site by communicating
                                                                                                    its significance without adversely
                                                                                                    impacting its cultural values or
                                                                                                    irreversibly altering its fabric.

                                                                                                    ICOMOS Ename Charter principle .

With History Unwired visitors can walk around    The interface is simple and easy to use
freely and learn about local life in Venice
                                                                                                 Since the s, digital reconstructions
                                                                                                 of archaeological remains have been
lesser-known areas, guided by the voices of      Preservation of authenticity                    used to serve the needs of interpretive
Venetian citizens who depict a particularly                                                      reconstruction without damaging or
local experience of art and craft, history and   One of the cardinal principles of heritage      changing the original fabric. One of
folklore, and public and private spaces.         conservation is respect for the original        the first digital applications of this type,
                                                 fabric of historic structures and in-situ       the interactive TIMESCOPE kiosk at the
Both projects illustrate the potential of ICT    archaeological remains. Indeed Article          archaeological site of Ename in Belgium,
for offering simultaneous or alternative          of the  Venice Charter strongly          combined live video with overlaid D
streams of interpretive content that can         discourages extensive physical reconstruction   reconstructions to allow viewers to
significantly contribute to the visitor’s         or alteration of the authentic remains of       understand the history of the site.
appreciation of the full range of meanings       archaeological and historical sites. This
and significance connected with cultural          principle has become a cornerstone of           Further elaborations of this augmented
heritage sites.                                  effective site management and interpretation.   reality approach have been produced in

Basic Guidelines...

     Timescope kiosk at the archaeological site of Ename in Belgium

Basic Guidelines...

the context of the ARCHEOGUIDE and D         on-site reconstructions were done with         In order to capture the complexity of
MURALE PROJECTS described in previous         physical building materials.                   this short but decisive historical era,
sections.                                                                                    various interpretation methods are being
                                              An even more extensive use of digital          developed. The first is the production of
On-site applications such as these            visualisations for virtual reconstruction      a D digital model of battery’s command
can provide visitors with a wealth of         has been tested in the POINT DU HOC            post, which will allow both visitors and the
information that offers far more than         BATTLEFIELD MONUMENT PROJECT of the            internet users the opportunity to examine
just a D reconstruction, and certainly       Center for Heritage Conservation at Texas      this important building that is no longer
more than a static physical reconstruction    A&M University.                                publicly accessible. The second method
ever could. The virtual reconstruction                                                       is the production of two-dimensional
of a Roman bath in Isthmia, Greece,           The site of Point du Hoc in Normandy is an     site plans that show the destruction of
for example, both documents the               important place connected with the         the site by aerial bombing and naval
evidence for the virtual reconstruction       D-Day Invasions, located between Omaha         bombardment. These plans are developed
and highlights the contrast between the       and Utah beaches at the tip of a sheer chalk   by combining survey data with analysis of
ancient and current appearance of the site.   cape that towers more than  feet above      aerial photographs taken in the months
Undertaken as a project of the Advanced       a narrow, rock strewn beach. Interpretation    preceding D-Day as well as archival
Computing Center for the Arts and Design      of the site is complex and includes the        information.
of Ohio State University (USA), this          various German defensive structures; allied    With the physical conservation of heritage
application also includes comments by the     intelligence attempts to discover what         resources being a paramount concern for
archaeologists on why particular elements     the Germans had constructed on the site;       professionals in the sector, these examples
of the reconstruction were chosen, thus       the role of allied bombing in the partial      have illustrated ways in which ICT-based
ensuring the possibility that the current     destruction of the site in the two months      reconstruction technologies can provide a
visualizations can be reconsidered in         prior to D-Day; and the role of the allied     better understanding of a site’s significance
the light of new information. This would      battle fleet who shelled the site on D-Day      while avoiding an adverse impact on the
obviously not have been possible if the       itself.                                        heritage resources themselves.

Basic Guidelines...

     Balancing visitorship with                       This approach is illustrated by the
     conservation                                     VALHALLA PROJECT of the University of
     The two primary goals of the heritage            West England. Its objective is to provide
     sector, ensuring the physical conservation       web-based real-time interpretative data on
     of historical sites and monuments and            historic gardens in England and France, with
     encouraging the public to visit them, often      “hot-spot” information points generated
     come into conflict when visitor numbers           in matching VRML viewpoints from a D
     exceed levels that the heritage resources        spatial information system. The project
     can bear. The impact of increased traffic         integrates video cameras with a controllable
     congestion, pollution, vibration, and the        real-time overview of the gardens; D
     presence of crowds in sensitive heritage         models of the gardens that link through to
     settings can threaten their stability and        a database and serve to interpret the video
     integrity. In such cases, however, public        images; and a website for “virtual” visits to
     interpretation is still important, and must be   the largely inaccessible private gardens.
     provided in different forms.
                                                      ICT can also serve as an important interpretive,
        In cases where physical access to a           and management, tool at sites where visitorship
        cultural heritage site is restricted due      is permitted, but must be kept at carefully
        to conservation concerns, cultural            monitored levels. Such is the case with the
        sensitivities, adaptive re-use, or            CAPPELLA DEGLI SCROVEGNI in Padua, Italy,
        safety issues, interpretation and             where ICT plays a central role in the overall
        presentation should be provided off-          conservation and interpretive design.
                                                      This chapel, also known as Arena Chapel,
        ICOMOS Charter principle .                  is a masterpiece of th century Italian
                                                      painting. Over the centuries, its extraordinary    Dome camera at Hatfield house

Basic Guidelines...

                                                                                    paintings from any further deterioration. The
                                                                                    tour is limited to fifteen minutes inside the
                                                                                    chapel. Due to this time constraint, and in
                                                                                    order to give visitors the opportunity to fully
                                                                                    appreciate the site, a multimedia room at a
                                                                                    nearby museum was created with interactive
                                                                                    workstations enabling visitors to interact
                                                                                    virtually with the frescos through the use of
                                                                                    real and multimedia reconstructions as well
                                                                                    as interactive applications. This interpretive
                                                                                    programme both conveys information about
                                                                                    the heritage value of the site and highlights
                                                                                    its ongoing conservation issues.

Valhalla webmap video control                                                          Interpretation and presentation
                                                                                       should be an integral part of the
                                wall frescoes have suffered damage due to              conservation
                                deterioration from age, earthquakes, and other         process, enhancing the public’s
                                environmental factors. In recent years the             awareness of specific conservation
                                quality of the air within the much-visited chapel      problems encountered at the site and
                                has become a real concern for conservationists.        explaining the efforts being taken to
                                A solution utilising ICT was devised both to           protect the site’s physical integrity
                                preserve the fragile frescos and to allow the          and authenticity.
                                public to continue visiting the chapel.
                                A special air-conditioned environment was              ICOMOS Charter principle .
                                created inside the edifice to preserve the
VRML model with plant data

Basic Guidelines...

                                                                                                                  participants rather than passive consumers
                                                                                                                  of heritage experiences.

                                                                                                                  In the case of local museums or community
                                                                                                                  heritage groups in particular, new structures
                                                                                                                  are needed to facilitate communication,
                                                                                                                  curation, and interpretation of personal
                                                                                                                  artifacts, texts, photographs, and places
                                                                                                                  that acquire public heritage significance.
                                                                                                                  In addition, official funding programmes
                                                                                                                  and heritage legislation are increasingly
     Virtual reality room with frescos from the Cappella degli Scrovegni
                                                                                                                  recognising the right of a range of official
                                                                                                                  and non-official stakeholders to be heard.
     ICT can thus be an effective tool for
     achieving a sustainable compromise
                                                                                                                     The Interpretation and Presentation
     between public interpretation and
                                                                                                                     of cultural heritage sites must be the
     conservation when it is integrated in the
                                                                                                                     result of meaningful collaboration
     wider conservation and management
                                                                                                                     between heritage professionals, host
     strategy of a cultural heritage site.
                                                                                                                     and associated communities, and
                                                                                                                     other stakeholders.
     Facilitating public participation
     As public heritage broadens its categories
                                                                                                                     ICOMOS Charter principle 
     of significance to encompass vernacular
     architecture, community memories, and
     intangible traditions, the involvement of
                                                            Virtual reality reconstruction of the inside of the   ICT, as a medium for communication as
     the general public is essential, as active             Cappella degli Scrovegni                              well as the collection and processing

Basic Guidelines...

of data, has facilitated a number of           that hosts the website to communicate         public website of the VIRTUAL MUSEUM OF
innovative applications for community          with other databases. The servers can be      THE COLLECTIVE MEMORY OF LOMBARDIA,
and individual involvement in heritage.        located anywhere in the world and accessed    mentioned earlier in connection with
With the advent of Web ., with               remotely.                                     its database for photographs, personal
enhanced possibilities for personal                                                          memorabilia, and memories scattered
online interaction, the use of web-            Another example of web-based technology       through different family archives on the
based technology has proven to be very         used for the creation of community heritage   region of Lombardy.
successful in widening public participation.   is the CIPHER project, which aims to create
                                               regional online Cultural Heritage Forums      Examples such as these show that creative,
Projects such as COINE (Cultural Objects       that enable communities of common             basic ICT approaches can help broaden
in Networked Environments) encourage           interest to explore, research and build       public participation in heritage and change
use of simple digital technology for           content. CIPHER defines a Cultural Heritage    the very nature and scope of community
sharing stories, memories, and traditions      Forum as an online space where people         memory.
by local communities throughout Europe.        can participate and learn through accessing
Working through websites operated by           and contributing to a range of heritage       Summary
heritage sites, museums, schools, and          resources organised around a common           Accessibility, multiple perspectives, concern
community groups, COINE enables people         theme.                                        for conservation and public involvement
with even limited ICT skills to record and                                                   are all central themes in the evolving field
present stories, personal histories, and       Even in more formalised history museums,      of cultural heritage in the st century.
recollections; to display photographs and      the collection and presentation of social     The role of ICT within the cultural heritage
pictures; and to upload sound recordings       history contributed by community members      sector reaches far beyond the collection of
and oral testimonies.                          are becoming increasingly common. The         digitised data and the creation of impressive
                                               Museu d’Història de la Immigració de          virtual reality.
Two servers are used in the COINE system:      Catalunya (MHIC), for example, used COINE
a database server that holds all the “user-    system to collect stories on immigration in   ICT can offer scholars and visitors alike
generated content” and a web server            Catalonia. And along the same lines is the    unprecedented access to historical,

Basic Guidelines...

     archaeological, iconographical and              Working closely together to address the
     anthropological data. It can link collections   basic themes highlighted in this booklet,
     and distinct types of heritage information,     and illustrated by the projects described in
     contribute to the sustainable management        the other booklets of the KNOWHOW series,
     of even fragile heritage sites and involve      digital technologists and cultural heritage
     local communities in the creation of            professionals can effectively integrate
     historical narratives and exhibitions as        research questions, heritage objectives
     active participants rather than as a passive    and emerging technologies to create more
     audience.                                       inclusive, sustainable, and meaningful
                                                     methods of preserving and reflecting on the
     The watchwords for the future of heritage       past.
     are place, network, memory, identity and
     communication. ICT can provide the context
     and tools for these new approaches to
     heritage not merely by recording, data
     processing and visualisation, but by helping
     to shape the meaning and direction of the
     entire enterprise.

Basic Guidelines...

Appendix                                     History Unwired (          Image references
ICOMOS Charter for Interpretation and        frontiers/)                                   “Outfitting a visitor with an Archeoguide
Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites                                                    augmented reality binocular”- by Nicos
(                       Timescope (http://www.ename.org/Eng/       Ioannidis and Dusan Arsenijevic, Archeoguide.
Archeoguide (http://archeoguide.intranet.                                                  “View on the Philippion Temple at Ancient
gr/project.htm)                              Reconstruction of Roman Bath in Isthmia       Olympia, Greece” - by Nicos Ioannidis and
                                             (   Dusan Arsenijevic, Archeoguide.
Cenotaph of Emperor Maximilian I (http://    html )/comm/                                                          “What a visitor using Archeoguide sees with
papers/.pdf)                              Point du Hoc Battlefield Monument (http://     augmented reality”- by Nicos Ioannidis and
                                   %Fi        Dusan Arsenijevic, Archeoguide.
D Murale Database (http://epubs.cclrc.      eld%Report%DRAFT_RB.htm)/MURALE.pdf)                                                          “View for the first time of the cenotaph of
                                             Valhalla Project (http://www.cultivate-int.   Emperor Maximilian I without lattices and
STRAT (       org/issue/valhalla/)                         glass plates”, Klaus Hanke
&Itemid=)                                Cappella Degli Scrovegni (http://www.itd.     “D reconstruction of the cenotaph of
                                   /scrovegni_descrizione.htm)    Emperor Maximilian I”, Klaus Hanke
MUVI, the Virtual Museum of the Collective
Memory of Lombardia (http://www.muvilo.      COINE (/coine/eng/      “Different perspectives of reconstructed
it/)                                         access.html)                                  details from the cenotaph”, Klaus Hanke

ICINEMA Place Hampi (http://www.icinema.     CIPHER (/)     “A typical digital camera with calibration                                                       target and camera positions tagged by
                                                                                           pyramids”,D murale

Basic Guidelines...

     “Example D view using STRAT. Different         around freely and learn about local life in
     levels can be seen”, D Murale                  Venice“ History Unwired, Untravel Media

     “Panoramic stereo camera used on location       “The interface is simple and easy to use“
     for Place Hampi“ Place-Hampi Sarah              History Unwired, Untravel Media
     Kenderdine, Museum Victoria & Jeffrey
     Shaw, iCinema Centre .                      “Timescope kiosk at the archaeological
                                                     site of Ename in Belgium” Ename Center
     “Capturing the movements of a dancer “          for public archaeology and heritage
     Place-Hampi Sarah Kenderdine, Museum            presentation
     Victoria & Jeffrey Shaw, iCinema Centre .
                                                     “Valhalla webmap video control” Dr John
     “Virtual character embedded on                  Counsell
     stereoscopic image“ Place-Hampi Sarah
     Kenderdine, Museum Victoria & Jeffrey           “Dome camera at Hatfield house” Dr John
     Shaw, iCinema Centre .                      Counsell

     “Place Hampi setup with central platform        “VRML model with plant data” Dr John
     module“ Place-Hampi Sarah Kenderdine,           Counsell
     Museum Victoria & Jeffrey Shaw, iCinema
     Centre .                                    “Virtual reality room with frescos from the
                                                     Cappella degli Scrovegni” Maurizio Forte
     “History Unwired is a walking tour delivered
     though multimedia phones and PDA’s“             “Virtual reality reconstruction of the inside
     History Unwired, Untravel Media                 of the Cappella degli Scrovegni” Maurizio
     “With History Unwired visitors can walk         Forte

Basic Guidelines...

Project team

Tamara Brizard
Willem Derde
Malika Hamza
Truus Helsen
Iris Langen
Daniël Pletinckx
Jean-Luc Putman
Neil Silberman
Heidi Tency

Proof-reading for booklet:
Kristi Wilson Lindroth

Copyright © Tamara Brizard, Willem Derde,
Neil Silberman & The Interactive Institute AB,

Publisher: The Interactive Institute AB,
Stockholm, Sweden
Editor: Halina Gottlieb
Graphical design: Rafał Sosin

With support by the European Commission
under the Community’s Sixth Framework
Programme, contract no. IST--.

The watchwords for the future of heritage             The KNOWHOW booklets are an inspirational
are place, network, memory, identity and              series cataloguing existing examples of a variety
communication. ICT can provide the context            of projects which use ICT for the recording, display
and tools for these new approaches to heritage        and interpretation of cultural heritage. These
not merely by recording, data processing and          booklets highlight functional information covering
visualisation, but by helping to shape the meaning    the design, development and implementation
and direction of the entire enterprise.               of ideas and their solutions, and give thoughtful
                                                      suggestions for alternative applications within
Working closely together to address the basic         the cultural heritage sector. The KNOWHOW
themes highlighted in this booklet, and illustrated   booklets aim to support people working in the
by the projects described in the other booklets       area of museums, heritage sites and monuments.
of the KNOWHOW series, digital technologists          The information covered within the booklets
and cultural heritage professionals can effectively   benefits managers, exhibition producers/curators,
integrate research questions, heritage objectives,    pedagogues and professionals working with
and emerging technologies to create more              digital restoration, as well as those working with
inclusive, sustainable and meaningful methods of      communication and audiences. These booklets
preserving and reflecting on the past.                 cover projects developed by the partners of
                                                      EPOCH, and are divided into the following
                                                      categories: MUSEUMS, HERITAGE SITES and

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