Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence - BINASSS

Page created by Tammy Barton
Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence - BINASSS
                                                           Volume 64, Number 2, 276–286
                                                           Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

                           Basic Evaluation of
                           Urinary Incontinence
                           FAREESA RAZA-KHAN, MD
                           Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery,
                           Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

Abstract: Urinary incontinence is a significant, quality       varies widely by study with rates in older
of life health condition affecting millions of women.          women ranging from 17% to 55%. Wom-
Incontinence is increasingly common as the popula-
tion ages, and women present with varying degrees of           en are twice as likely as men to experience
bother. With basic in-office evaluation, most subtypes         UI.2 Population based studies estimate
of urinary incontinence can be defined, evaluated, and         the prevalence of UI to be 25% and
treated. Basic in-office evaluation involves a detailed        increases with age.3 Within the US, the
history with a review of current medical problems and          prevalence of moderate to severe UI was
medications, a physical examination, and selective in-
office testing.                                                found to be 15.7%.4
Key words: urinary incontinence, quality of life, in-             While the reported prevalence of UI is
office basic evaluation, overactive bladder, stress            high, it is often misperceived as a normal
incontinence, mixed incontinence                               and inevitable consequence of childbirth
                                                               and aging. This common misconception
Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common,                         leads to underreporting and failure to
expensive, and highly bothersome medi-                         seek treatment. In addition, health care
cal condition. Proper understanding,                           providers with increasing time constraints
evaluation, and management of inconti-                         may not fully explore the subject with
nence is necessary as prevalence increases                     their patients. As women age and self-care
with the aging population. It is estimated                     becomes more difficult, many resort to
that the number of people aged 65 and                          management methods which can be em-
over will increase from 39 million in 2010                     barrassing, costly and socially isolating.
to 69 million by 2030. Furthermore, the                        Direct costs alone for UI were already
age group over 85 will be the fastest                          estimated at 16.3 billion dollars per year
growing with a projected 18.2 million by                       over 20 years ago. Not surprisingly, the
2050. And finally, census reports estimate                     cost of UI is estimated to have increased
that by 2030, 1/5 of all women will be over                    250% from 1984 to 1995.5 A 2010 review
the age of 65.1 The prevalence of UI                           of the economic impact of this growth
                                                               projected the direct annual cost of iso-
Correspondence: Fareesa Raza-Khan, MD, Female                  lated urge UI for adults over the age of 25
Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Rush               to reach $82.6 billion (about $250 per
University Medical Center, 1653 West Congress Park-
way, Kellogg 230A, Chicago, IL. E-mail: fareesa_khan           person in the United States) by 2020.6                                                         UI as defined by the Internati-
F.R.-K.: Guidepoint Global LLC.                                onal Continence Society-International

CLINICAL OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY                         /   VOLUME 64          /   NUMBER 2          /    JUNE 2021

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Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence        277

Urogynecological Association is the com-      leakage, is the least common subtype of
plaint of any involuntary loss of urine and   UI. In a national telephone survey with
is subclassified into 3 main groups: stress   follow up, nested controls, the NOBLE
urinary incontinence (SUI), urgency uri-      study found that nearly 17% of women
nary incontinence (UUI), and mixed            experienced symptoms of urgency, fre-
urinary incontinence (MUI). SUI is the        quency, urge leakage, and nocturia. This
complaint of involuntary leakage on           study highlights that while not all women
effort or exertion or on sneezing or          will leak urine, there are other bother-
coughing. UUI is the complaint of invol-      some symptoms of overactive bladder
untary leakage accompanied by or imme-        (OAB) that should be addressed as they
diately preceded by urgency. Finally,         can still affect quality of life. Symptoms of
MUI, a combination of SUI and UUI,            OAB increased with age with a 9-fold
is the complaint of involuntary leakage       increase in symptoms between the ages of
associated with urgency and with effort,      18 to 24 and 65 to 74 years.10
exertion, sneezing and coughing.7 Other          As physicians increasingly encounter
less common types of UI include contin-       patients with UI in their office practices,
uous incontinence because of anatomic         the basic evaluation of UI becomes para-
variants such as an ectopic ureter or         mount in obtaining a correct diagnosis to
genitourinary (GU) fistulas, postural in-     be able to create a safe and effective
continence, insensible incontinence, and      treatment plan. The evaluation needs to
overflow incontinence. In the absence of      be accurate, cost effective, efficient, and
anatomic problems, a vast majority of         evidence based, and in most cases, this
cases can ultimately be classified as SUI,    can be accomplished within the first 1 to 2
UUI, or MUI.                                  patient encounters. For example, low-risk
   In the Norwegian EPINCONT study,           empiric treatment such as behavioral
nearly 28,000 women between 1995 and          modifications can be initiated immedi-
1997 responded to a survey regarding the      ately, even before the full evaluation is
prevalence of urinary tract infection         completed, minimizing time to symptoms
(UTI). This large epidemiologic study         improvement. This approach is particu-
sampled community-dwelling women              larly well suited for virtual visits. In some
and obtained subjective outcome meas-         cases, multiple treatments can be offered
ures only. Stress incontinence was found      concurrently to achieve patient goals in
to be the most common urinary subtype,        efficiently. Practicing value-based medi-
affecting 50% of respondants.3 Risk fac-      cine is increasingly important as payors
tors for SUI include Caucasian race and       will be less likely to agree to costly,
obesity.8 Stress incontinence commonly        unnecessary work ups. Close follow up
affects women between the ages of 25 and      of patients that have initiated treatment
49 and then decreases with age. Mixed UI      allows the clinician to evaluate efficacy,
is the second most common subtype             compliance, side effects, and ultimate
occurring in 20% to 36% of women.3            success of treatment. Response to initial
Mixed UI poses the greatest challenge to      treatment can inform next steps in the
classification and treatment. Likely be-      management of symptoms.
cause they are affected by both SUI and          In this review, we address the basic
UUI, women with mixed symptoms re-            evidence based, in-office evaluation of
port more severe UI, more bother and          UI. It is organized into history, physical
worsened quality of life because of the       exam, basic and advanced testing
UI.9 The mechanism for this is unclear.       and details the different components
Urgency incontinence, with urgency, fre-      essential to the diagnosis and treatment
quency, nocturia, and urgency-related         of UI.

        Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
278     Raza-Khan

History                                          degree of bother related to leakage during
Taking a thorough history can begin even         different day-to-day activities (ie, shop-
before the patient’s first office visit. Using   ping, entertainment) and the effect of UI
symptom-based questionnaires, patients           on feelings (ie, fear, anger, frustration).
can consider their symptoms in depth             The IIQ uses a Likert scale from 0 (no
before presentation. The in-office history       impact at all) to 3 (exerts a great impact).
further explores symptoms, so the diag-          The instruments have been shown to be
nosis of UI and subtype classification           reliable, valid, and sensitive to change.12
takes shape. This initial impression is          These questionnaires are commonly ad-
further refined by analyzing past medical,       ministered in short forms, which have
surgical history, medications, allergies,        been validated against their full-length
and social history. The diagnosis of UI          versions, and are available online without
begins with a thorough understanding of          a fee. Several other validated question-
the patient’s symptoms, which may                naires including the Medical, Epidemio-
be difficult to obtain as the topic can be       logical and Social Aspects of Aging
embarrassing for patients to describe.           (MESA) questionnaire are commonly
Younger women of childbearing age                utilized in research and clinical practice
may not be forthcoming with symptoms             as well.
of UI, believing them to be a normal                While questionnaires have been found
consequence of childbirth. Similarly, the        useful in identifying symptomatic patients
older woman may consider it a normal             and degree of bother, the actual correla-
part of aging and have other competing           tion with the subtype of UI is not exact.
medical issues that concern her. The goal        In a study looking at the sensitivity and
of the history is not be limited to eliciting    specificity of a basic instrument, the 3
the symptoms of UI but also, if present,         incontinence questions, a tool for primary
the severity, degree of bother, and type         care providers, the sensitivity for finding
of UI.                                           UUI was 75% and SUI 86% meaning that
   Symptom questionnaires are a simple,          14% to 25% of women with a particular
comprehensive, and time-saving method            subtype of UI were missed. The specificity
to determine the presence of UI and delve        for UUI was 77% and 60% for SUI
into the specifics of degree, bother, and        meaning that between 23% and 40% of
subtype. Many validated symptom ques-            women could be inappropriately treated
tionnaires are available and can be com-         for the wrong condition.13 This illustrates
pleted by patients before their visits           that the utility of questionnaires lies
through online portals allowing patients         mostly in determining if the symptoms
to consider their symptoms thoughtfully          of UI are present and the degree to which
and private, without feeling rushed. One         patients are bothered by their symptoms.
widely accepted instrument is the urogen-        Questionnaires are not exhaustive, and
ital distress inventory, often administered      further evaluation as described below are
in conjunction with the Incontinence             necessary to diagnose UI subtypes accu-
Impact Questionnaire (IIQ). It is designed       rately.
to identify the presence and degree of              The patient interview provides details
bother from UI.11 Using a scale of 0 (no         of the history of present illness such as
bother) to 4 (greatly bothered), the uro-        onset, timing, duration of symptoms,
genital distress inventory originally con-       severity, precipitating or alleviating fac-
tained 28 questions and assessed urgency,        tors, associated pelvic floor symptoms,
frequency, leakage, pain, obstructive, and       contributions of medical and sur-
irritative symptoms. The IIQ, originally         gical events as well as medications, and
consisting of 30 items, addressed the            prior treatments attempted. Furthermore,
        Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence      279

information on pad use, impact of UI on       sphincteric deficiency. Careful assessment
sexual function, and lifestyle limitations    of symptoms will help differentiate
around UI can further indicate degree of      between these diagnoses.
bother. Inquiry about an inciting event          Duration of symptoms and symptom
that may have prompted the patient to         severity also help in determining the cause
come in can further determine motivation      of UI and the length of time likely needed
for intervention.                             to address and manage the UI. If the
   The presentation of patient symptoms       duration of symptoms is short, that is,
themselves often guide the workup of UI.      < 1 month, consideration of recent life-
For example, acute symptom onset, that        style changes, increase in fluid intake, or
is, over a period of days to weeks, is        infection are helpful. If the duration of
commonly seen in women after acute            symptoms is longer term, then prior treat-
UTI. If UTI has been ruled out, the           ments and the progression of disease
presence of acute onset of OAB symp-          becomes important. If symptoms are not
toms in younger women should cause            severe or bothersome, then no further
suspicion for neurological conditions,        evaluation or workup may be needed.
some of which require immediate evalua-       Often, simple reassurance is enough in
tion such as cauda equina syndrome, and       these instances. Evaluating for fluid
some which may require a more involved        intake, bladder irritants, new exercise
workup, such as multiple sclerosis. In        routines, loss of mobility, and cognitive
both cases, urological symptoms can be        decline are all important in determin-
presenting symptoms for previously un-        ing the etiology of a patient’s urinary
diagnosed neurological conditions. Two        incontinence.
to 2.5% of women with multiple sclerosis         While UI can be bothersome in and of
present initially with bladder symptoms.14    itself, it is well known that pelvic floor
   Characterizing the timing of UI can        disorders will co-exist in women. In a
distinguish between incontinence because      cross-sectional analysis of 196, nonpreg-
of bladder versus nonbladder pathology.       nant women ( ≥ 20 y) who participated in
For example, nocturnal leakage can rep-       the 2005 to 2006 National Health and
resent a primary sleep disorder. Nocturia     Nutrition Examination Survey, Nygaard
is the sudden strong urge to urinate that     et al4 estimated that 23.7% of women had
awakens a person from sleep. It is often      one or more pelvic floor disorders. Eighty
accompanied by leakage with the inability     percent of women with stress or urge UI
to make it to the bathroom on time. This      also report another pelvic floor symptom
should be distinguished from patients         such as pelvic organ prolapse (POP),
who wake because of poor sleep and then       voiding dysfunction, abdominal/pelvic
decide to use the bathroom before falling     pain, or bowel dysfunction.15 An assess-
back to sleep, which is not a primary         ment of concomitant pelvic floor disor-
bladder problem but a sleep-related           ders is imperative in the UI workup as a
disorder. Sleep apnea can also cause          comprehensive history can improve the
disruptive nighttime voiding and exces-       provider’s understanding of the etiology
sive nighttime urine production. Release      and treatment options for UI. For exam-
of atrial natriuretic peptide with obstruc-   ple, constipation can worsen UI, so man-
tive sleep apnea leads to nocturnal polyu-    aging constipation may be an effective
ria. Other common nighttime bladder           initial step in managing UI in women with
disturbances include nocturnal enuresis,      constipation. Women who present with
urinary dysfunction related to substance      progressively worsening vaginal prolapse
use, nocturnal polyuria related to            may report that urination becomes pro-
metabolic disturbances, and intrinsic         gressively more difficult as the day goes

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280     Raza-Khan

on, coinciding with descent of prolapse,        SUI symptoms but may not completely
or a history of splinting the prolapse to       ameliorate all incontinence symptoms.
release residual urine or even initiate urine   Despite many patients undergoing SUI
flow. Others may reports a history of           procedures reporting improvement in
stress incontinence which improved as           urge symptoms, some report no improve-
the prolapse worsened because of pro-           ment or worsening of urgency inconti-
gressively worsening obstruction. In these      nence. Some of these women feel that
cases, while the patient may not report         their surgical procedures failed and re-
current stress incontinence at the time of      quire counseling that their stress incon-
evaluation, treatment of the prolapse           tinence has been successfully treated, but
without addressing urinary function can         their urgency incontinence remains un-
(much to the dismay of the patient and          treated. Prior prolapse surgery without a
her provider) unmask occult SUI.                concomitant stress incontinence proce-
   A careful review of the patient’s past       dure may lead to occult SUI postoper-
medical history also can be revealing. For      atively. Also, prior prolapse surgery in the
example, in women with allergies or             anterior compartment can cause disrup-
asthma, the worsening of a patient’s SUI        tion of the nerve supply to the bladder
symptoms may correlated with exacerba-          leading to both stress and urge inconti-
tions of these problems during certain          nence. Finally, dissection or use of
times of the year. Women with chronic           exogenous materials in the anterior com-
obstructive pulmonary disease may devel-        partment for prolapse repair may affect
op a persistent cough, which can lead to        the surgical approach for subsequent in-
SUI symptoms. Congestive heart failure          continence surgeries.
can alter fluid return to the heart and            Review of a patient’s medications will
kidneys, increasing fluid excretion at          commonly reveal agents that affect lower
night, when the patient is recumbent,
causing nocturnal polyuria. A history of        TABLE 1. Risk Factors for Urinary
Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis,                   Incontinence
stroke or other neurological conditions         Endocrine/increased   Diabetes
could lead to neurologically mediated             fluid production    Obesity
bladder dysfunction. Risk factors for the                             Fluid overload
development of UI are listed in Table 1.                              Excessive fluid intake
   Past surgical history of both GU and                               Congestive heart failure
non-GU procedures also can shed light on        Infection             Urethritis
the workup of UI. Orthopedic surgery                                  Urinary tract infection
such as lower extremity joint replacement       Neurological          Multiple sclerosis
can lead to pelvic floor muscle dysfunc-                              Cerebro-vascular accident
tion, which can worsen UI. Neurosurgical                              Delirium
interventions also can improve or worsen        Gastrointestinal      Constipation
symptoms of UI and urinary retention.                                 Stool impaction
Prior GU surgical interventions that re-        Iatrogenic            Medications
quire may impact the success of future                                Prior pelvic surgeries
                                                                      Prior radiation therapy
SUI procedures. For example, in women           Gynecological         Atrophic vaginitis
with recurrent SUI after synthetic mesh                               Pelvic organ prolapse
midurethral slings, prior mesh procedures       Urologic              Urethral diverticulum
may affect the success rates of future                                Ectopic ureter
procedures or impact the selection of a                               Urinary retention
                                                Musculoskeletal       Impaired or restricted
specific sling device in the future.16 In                               mobility
addition, treatment of SUI may resolve
        Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence         281

urinary tract function. Diuretics and al-       bladder diary (
pha-adrenergic drugs can cause or worsen        fpmrs/Fulltext/2015/11000/Urinary_
urinary urgency, frequency, and inconti-        Incontinence_in_Women.3.aspx) (Fig. 1).
nence. Anticholinergics, antihistamines,        If the patient cannot complete the diary
psychotropic drugs, alpha-adrenergic ago-       herself, a caregiver may be able to pro-
nists, and calcium channel blockers can         duce a log of intake and pad counts.
cause a variety of symptoms including           Bladder diaries can be requested before
retention, sedation, and constipation,          the initial visit or after the initial visit
which can worsen UI. Some of these              when insufficient or inconclusive infor-
medications can be eliminated, or their         mation has been obtained. Voiding or
doses or scheduling can be modified to          bladder diaries provide a longer-term
minimize urinary effects. Diuretics and         snapshot of symptoms. Typical diaries
other medications affecting the cardiovas-      span 3 to 5 days, and their accuracy tends
cular system require consultation with the      to diminish with duration. Information
patient’s prescribing providers before al-      gathered includes frequency and quantity
terations are made.                             of voids, frequency and severity of leak-
   Several patient factors can cause barriers   age and urgency episodes, events sur-
to the patient-provider interaction and af-     rounding leakage episodes, and timing
fect diagnosis and treatment of UI. Cogni-      and amount of fluid intake. With a simple
tive decline is particularly common in the      diary, various bladder measures can be
aging patient with UI, who may be con-          quantified and analyzed such as average
fused about the events surrounding her          bladder capacity, maximum functional
leakage, prior treatments for UI, or even       bladder capacity, approximate daily fluid
current medications. Polypharmacy, com-         intake and output, nocturnal urine out-
mon in the elderly, often causes confusion      put, nocturia, stress incontinence episodes
regarding prior and current treatments for      and urgency incontinence episodes. Noc-
UI or side effects of other medications on      turnal polyuria is defined by a nightly
the bladder. Patients who are not function-     output that is ≥ 33% of the patient’s total
ing independently may come to their visits      24-hour output. Diaries can also help
with caregivers, who can provide varying        distinguish between wet and dry OAB.
degrees of detail about the patient’s UI
based on their exposure to and understand-
ing of the patient’s condition. While care-     Physical Exam
givers can be integral to obtaining a history   After a thorough history is obtained, the
from again and disabled patients, their         next portion of the evaluation will be
input must be balanced by a respect for         the physical exam, which can confirm or
patient autonomy. Finally, cultural and         exclude many etiologies for UI. Mobility,
language barriers can prevent open discus-      cognitive status, and general health can be
sion of UI symptoms. A literature review of     assessed in the first few minutes of consulta-
the health care disparities in the LatinX       tion. Abdominal exam can reveal masses
population in 2002 found evidence that          and surgical scars indicating prior abdomi-
those “with limited proficiency in English      nal/pelvic surgeries as well as masses. After a
are at risk for experiencing decreased access   brief general exam, the clinician will proceed
to care and decreased quality of care.”17       with a targeted pelvic exam.
   If the clinician finds the history to be        Pelvic exams in this population start
of limited utility, bladder diaries are         with a gross initial overview of the area
commonly obtained. The National                 for lesions, support defects and other
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and         abnormalities. Obliterative vulvar dis-
Kidney Diseases has developed a daily           ease, such as lichen planus or lichen

         Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
282    Raza-Khan

FIGURE 1. Bladder diary.18

sclerosis can be obstructive and are ob-     apical, and posterior can be examined
vious on visual inspection. In addition,     separately and documented using the
excessive vaginal discharge can be mis-      POP quantification system or POP-Q.19
taken for urine loss and will be seen on        If POP is identified, its role in UI
exam. POP should be evaluated is in          symptoms can be assessed. Mild vaginal
standing and lithotomy positions. Each       prolapse (stage 1 or 2) is common in
compartment of the pelvic floor; anterior,   the general population. In fact, 73% of
       Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence       283

women presenting for annual gynecologic        unusual cause of UI, but some women
examination will present with stage 1 or       with diverticular experience postvoid
stage 2 prolapse.20 Because the urethra        dribbling, with or without UTIs and pain.
runs along the anterior vaginal wall, POP      Other atypical causes of UI including
can have implications for urethral sup-        urinary fistula or ectopic ureter can be
port. Assessment of urethral mobility is of    demonstrated by urine in the vaginal
debatable clinical significance, but this is   vault and patient history.
assessed by visualization or using the            A brief neurological exam typically
Q-Tip test. In the Q-Tip test, a lubricated    involves sensory and motor assessment
thin cotton swab is placed gently into the     of lumbosacral nerve roots in addition to
urethra into the bladder and then pulled       general mental status. Neurological
distally until mild resistance is met, in-     abnormalities that can cause bladder dys-
dicating that the head of the swab is          function include Parkinson Disease, mul-
resting at the bladder neck. The angle of      tiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular disorders,
rotation of the swab from rest to max-         infections, and tumors. The sacral seg-
imum Valsalva is measured, and angles          ments contain the neuronal pathways to
> 30 degrees indicate urethral hypermo-        the end organs which control micturition.
bility, suggesting diminished support of       Sensory function can be assessed by re-
the urethra from the vaginal wall.             sponse to light touch, pin prick, and
An approximation of the Q-Tip test can         temperature. Specific areas of interest
be performed more easily and without           include the perineum and perianal skin
discomfort to the patient by visually          supplied by the pudendal nerve (S2-4),
observing the anterior vaginal wall during     mons pubis and upper labia majora sup-
cough or Valsalva.                             plied by the ilioinguinal nerve (L1-2),
   While urethral mobility is seen com-        front of knees (L3-4), and soles of feet
monly in women complaining of mild to          (S1). On pelvic exam, the bulbocaverno-
moderate SUI, some women, particularly         sus and anal reflex can be used to assess
those with severe SUI may not display          the integrity of the S2-4 sacral segments as
any mobility at all. This finding is more      well as the afferent and efferent pathways
concerning for intrinsic sphincteric defi-     of the pudendal nerve. The bulbocaver-
ciency or prior surgery. The presence of       nosus reflex is elicited by squeezing or
hypermobility may impact a surgeon’s           tapping the clitoris and observing move-
counseling about the expected efficacy of      ment at the anal sphincter. The anal reflex
a specific SUI procedure.21                    is elicited by provoking the anal sphincter
   In women with significant (stage 3 or 4)    with a pin prick and observing contrac-
anterior vaginal prolapse, an assessment       tion of the external anal sphincter known
for occult SUI can be performed by             as an anal wink. Motor function is
reducing the prolapse while the patient        assessed by observing extension and flex-
bears down or coughs. This exam also           ion of the hips, knees, ankle, and foot.
may be a good opportunity to reassure          Pelvic floor muscle examination involves
women about the safety of reducing her         palpation of the levator ani complex with
prolapse to urinate and instruct them how      determination of strength, tone, tender-
to do it.                                      ness, and ability of the pelvic floor mus-
   The physical exam should also include       culature to relax. Clinicians can also
palpation of the urethra for urethral          assess the patient’s ability to perform a
diverticulum. Typically, a diverticulum        pelvic floor muscle contraction and coach
appears as a suburethral bulge which           her as needed. Rectal examination pro-
can express a urethral discharge with          vides information regarding resting anal
palpation. Urethral diverticulum is an         sphincter tone, contraction strength, and

         Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
284    Raza-Khan

anatomy of the anal sphincter. Finally,       upper urinary tract imaging and cysto-
impaction of stool, palpated in the poste-    scopy for lower urinary tract evaluation.
rior vagina and in the anal canal can help
diagnose constipation or obstipation
which is a common, treatable cause of UI.     Postvoid Residual
                                              Postvoid residual (PVR) volume is ob-
                                              tained to assess voiding function. Resid-
Cough Stress Test                             uals can be obtained with ultrasonic
                                              bladder scanners or straight catheriza-
The gold standard for diagnosis of SUI a
                                              tion, usually obtained within ten minutes
positive cough stress test (CST). The
                                              of voiding. Residuals obtained by bladder
immediate visualization of urine from
                                              scanner are more comfortable for patients
the urethral meatus with increased ab-
                                              and may reduce the risk of UTI.23 Vari-
dominal pressures, either with cough or
                                              ous cutoffs have been proposed for defin-
bearing down, is diagnostic of SUI.
                                              ing an elevated residual with the United
Delayed release of urine after a increasing
                                              States Department of Health and Human
intra-abdominal pressure, leakage with
                                              Services Agency for Health Care Policy
urge, or complete bladder emptying is
                                              and Research recommending that a PVR
not diagnostic of SUI and warrants
                                              > 200 mL be considered inadequate
further investigation of possible stress
                                              emptying.24 In the Value of Urodynamic
induced detrusor overactivity. The CST
                                              Evaluation (VALUE) Trial, a PVR
Basic Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence      285

risk factors for urothelial cancers such as     detrusor, and abdominal pressures during
smoking. Cystoscopy is most routinely           filling and storage. Uroflow and pressure
done as an in-office procedure with min-        flow studies provides data on flow time,
imal to no local anesthesia.                    flow pattern, urethral function, and de-
   Urodynamic testing is an available test-     trusor activity during voiding. Data ob-
ing modality that can further elucidate the     tained in pressure flow studies can help
specific type of UI. While most straight-       determine causes of urinary retention or
forward cases of UI do not require urody-       voiding dysfunction. Measurements of
namic testing, it is helpful in complicated     urethral pressures and leak point pres-
patients with recurrence, co-existing pelvic    sures have been used to guide surgical
floor disorders, neurological conditions,       decisions; however, data is variable on the
or failed prior treatment. Urodynamics          utility of measurements in predicting sur-
previously had been used a confirmatory         gical outcomes.26 Needle electromyogra-
test before SUI surgery. However, the           phy was used in the past to identify and
VALUE study, a randomized control trial         study the motor unit potentials within the
of 630 women undergoing preoperative            striated urethral sphincter as part of
urodynamic testing versus in-office evalu-      urodynamic testing. Equipment and ex-
ation found no difference in treatment          pertise in this technique is no longer
outcomes 1 year after surgery. In office        widely available. Patch electrodes placed
evaluation in the VALUE trial included a        on the skin have been used with the hope
positive result on the MESA questionnaire       of obtaining similar information, but they
for SUI, a PVR under 150 ml, negative           lack the specificity to provide clinically
urinalysis or culture, clinical assessment of   useful information as they are unable to
urethral mobility, positive provocative         detect urethral sphincter activity.
stress test.25                                      The prevalence of UI will mirror the
   Urodynamic testing consists of multiple      rising population of aging women. Incon-
test including simple or multichannel cyst-     tinence has the potential to significantly
ometry. Simple urodynamic studies in-           limit a woman’s quality of life, affecting
volves instilling sterile saline or water by    not only her but her family, friends, and
aliquots into the bladder through a Foley       caregivers. In addition, the economic
attached to a 50 ml Tumi syringe. Data          impact of UI has a substantial effect on
such as volume of first sensation, first        society. Simple in-office evaluation of UI
desire, strong desire and maximum ca-           can help lessen the effects of UI. History,
pacity is recorded. Detrusor contractions       physical exam, and urine testing available
are noted when a rise in the water meniscus     to most clinicians allows for the classifi-
is seen in the Tumi syringe during filling.     cation of UI type in most women. After
At the end of filling, the catheter is          gaining a better understanding into the
removed, and the patient asked to perform       severity and type of UI experienced by the
a provocative maneuver, such as coughing        woman, treatments can be initiated as
or jumping, for evaluation of SUI.              soon as the first patient encounter.
   Multichannel urodynamic testing, with        Follow-up evaluation and readdressing
or without a video component, is typically      the history and evolution of symptoms
performed only in subspecialty offices. A       during treatment is equally important in
water or air charged catheter is placed         maintaining improvements. Future devel-
transurethrally to measure bladder and          opments in the evaluation of UI will likely
urethral pressures, and another is placed       involve the use of web-based technology
rectally or vaginally to approximate            to document, quantify, and possibly test
abdominal pressures. Cystometry pro-            for UI, making it easier for women to
vides a visual depiction of bladder,            obtain treatments sooner.

         Copyright r 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
286      Raza-Khan

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