"Ban the Chinese spyware!": A Fine-Grained Analysis of Public Opinion toward Chinese Technology Companies on Reddit
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“Ban the Chinese spyware!”: A Fine-Grained Analysis of Public Opinion toward Chinese Technology Companies on Reddit Enting Zhou,* Yurong Liu,* Hanjia Lyu, Jiebo Luo University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, United States {ezhou12,yliu217}@u.rochester.edu, hlyu5@ur.rochester.edu, jluo@cs.rochester.edu * Equal contribution Abstract Previous studies investigated governments’ reactions to arXiv:2201.05538v1 [cs.SI] 14 Jan 2022 Chinese technology companies and sought to explain the In the face of the growing global influence and prevalence of Chinese technology companies, governments worldwide governments’ mistrust toward these companies. Friedlan- have expressed concern and mistrust toward these compa- der (2018) argued that the distrust and restriction imposed nies. There have been few studies that focus on large-scale on Chinese technology companies stem from the fact that public reaction to this phenomenon. This study aims to fill in technology has increasingly strategic importance in today’s the gap of understanding the public opinion toward Chinese world, especially in the realms of national defense, com- technology companies using Reddit data, a popular news- merce, and social organization. Mascitelli and Chung (2019) oriented social media platform. We employ the state-of-the- argued that the mistrust toward Chinese technology firms art transformer model to build a reliable sentiment classifier. is not only ideological but also commercial. The deliberate We then use LDA to model the topics associated with positive mistrust is built in efforts to suppress China’s growing eco- and negative comments. We also conduct content analysis by nomic presence in the global market with technology firms, studying the changes in the semantic meaning of the compa- nies’ names over time. Our main findings include the follow- such as Huawei, as the face of such rising economic power. ing: 1) There are 68% more negative comments than positive Few previous studies have focused on the large-scale pub- comments toward Chinese technology companies; 2) Positive lic reaction to the growing influence and presence of Chinese comments are mostly associated with the companies’ con- technology companies. Therefore in this study, we attempt sumer products, such as smartphones, laptops, and wearable to study public opinion toward Chinese technology com- electronics. Negative comments have a more diverse topic panies, especially ones with great influence outside China, distribution (notable topics include criticism toward the plat- such as Huawei, Tencent, ByteDance (Tiktok), and Alibaba. form, dissatisfaction with the companies’ smartphone prod- This topic is itself very sensitive to daily real-world events. ucts, companies’ ties to the Chinese government, data secu- We choose Reddit as our source of data. Reddit is one of rity concerns, 5G construction, and general politics discus- the largest news-oriented social media platforms, serving sions); and 3) Characterization of each technology company is usually centered around a particular predominant theme re- as a good data source for capturing and analyzing public lated to the company, while real-world political events may opinion on such a news-sensitive topic. Reddit has 530 mil- trigger drastic changes in users’ characterization. lion monthly active users, and a diverse user base across the world, providing us with plentiful amounts of data.3 Reddit also has a more flexible comment length constraint - up to Introduction 40,000 characters per comment compared to merely 140 or In the past few years, China has been quickly building up its 280 characters on Twitter. This makes Reddit a better plat- global influence, especially in the realm of technology. The form for us to retrieve data of high-quality conversation and internationalization of Chinese technology companies has discussion. Another special advantage of Reddit is that un- also contributed to the growing global influence. The om- like Twitter and other major social media platforms, Reddit nipotent presence of Chinese technology companies has un- does not require users to fill in their personal information, nerved the governments worldwide, especially in the West. therefore creating an anonymous environment in Reddit’s Many governments have put forward legislation to tightly endeavour to protect users’ freedom of speech (Centivany regulate Chinese technology companies’ operations in their and Glushko 2016). In this paper, we collect data from Red- countries. In some extreme cases, governments have explic- dit to examine public sentiment in the discussions of Chinese itly forbidden certain Chinese technology companies from technology companies. We aim to answer the following re- providing service in their countries. 1 2 search questions: 1 https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/eu-countries- • RQ1: Does the public express more negative sentiment keep-different-approaches-to-huawei-on-5g-rollout/ [Accessed towards Chinese technology companies? Jan. 8, 2022] • RQ2: What are the topics associated with the positive and 2 https://www.latimes.com/business/la-na-pol-trump-huawei- 3 ban-20190515-story.html [Accessed Jan. 8, 2022] https://backlinko.com/reddit-users [Accessed Jan. 8, 2022]
negative sentiments? and comments on Reddit from 2005 to 2018. Such a data • RQ3: What are the dominant features in the discussions collection method provides the scale that we require for our of a particular company? Do they change over time? study, but it introduces enormous difficulty to distinguish be- tween relevant and irrelevant contents to our study subjects. We approach these questions using a series of computa- Wu, Lyu, and Luo (2021) studied public sentiment toward tional methods. We adopt a human-guided machine learning COVID-19 vaccines. In this paper, we adopt their methodol- framework based on a transformer model to classify com- ogy to perform keyword research on a sitewide basis, which ments’ sentiment. We model the latent topics of both posi- provides the breadth of data while keeping data noise at a tive and negative comments. We investigate the users’ char- minimum. acterization of each particular company by training a set of To our best knowledge, this is the first study that investi- word2vec models to generate word embeddings and calcu- gates public opinion toward Chinese technology companies. lating the most semantically similar words to the companies. Through this series of methods, we aim to contribute to a Datasets better understanding of large-scale public sentiment toward Chinese technology companies. Data Collection Reddit consists of individual micro-communities that are Related Work based on certain topics (i.e., r/worldnews, r/technology), Traditional methods of analyzing public opinion rely on which are referred to as subreddits. Under each subreddit, the form of solicited polls, which have several disadvan- users can make posts, or as known for submissions in Red- tages. They are expensive and time-consuming. Their qual- dit. Users can also make comments under submissions. To ity may easily suffer from poor sampling and a low response obtain the data for our study, we scrape content from Reddit rate (Cody et al. 2016). With the growing influence, social using a list of keywords, which contain the names of Chi- media platforms have become an alternate source for re- nese technology companies and the names of chief execu- searchers to obtain massive text-based datasets. They pro- tive officers (CEOs). Note that we choose not to scrape sub- vide easy access to public opinion in real time (Glenski and missions from Reddit, because compared to comments, most Weninger 2017), and have enabled researchers to shed new submissions are news and questions, and usually do not in- light on human behavior and opinion related to major issues form users’ opinions toward our study subjects. Therefore, of global importance (Cody et al. 2016). There has been we choose users’ comments as our data source. a significant amount of research in public opinion that has To collect users’ comments, we employ a Reddit API utilized social media data. Social media data. For example, Wrapper called PRAW.4 We perform keyword searches with Cody et al. (2015) utilized Twitter data to study public senti- names of the companies and the names of their CEOs (e.g., ment toward the climate change problem. They have uncov- “Tencent”, “Huawei”, “Ma Huateng”, “Ren Zhengfei”) on ered that on Twitter, the responses to climate change news a sitewide basis. We pull comments over two years, from are predominately from climate change activists rather than November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021. Duplicate com- climate change deniers, indicating that Twitter is a valuable ments, non-English comments, and automatic moderator’s resource for the spread of climate change awareness. More comments are pruned from the dataset. Our final dataset con- recently, Lyu et al. (2021) focused on public opinion of vac- tains 294,610 comments from 172,453 distinct authors. cines in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Empowered by the rich information provided on social media platforms, Data Preprocessing they found correlations between several user demographics To prepare the data for further sentiment classification and and their attitudes toward vaccine uptake. language modeling, we perform a text cleaning process. We Many studies have been conducted to monitor and ana- convert all words to lowercase and remove all uniform re- lyze the opinion on Reddit. Some studies collected posts source locators (URLs) and numbers from the text. We use under a small number of selected related subreddits. For a dictionary of English stop words provided by the Natural example, Shen and Rudzicz (2017) investigated anxiety on Language Toolkit (NLTK)5 to remove all stop words from Reddit by comparing the posts under a group of anxiety- the text. Additionally, we perform a text lemmatization us- related subreddits to the posts under a control group of sub- ing NLTK. reddits that are unrelated to anxiety. Farrell et al. (2019) an- alyzed the phenomenon of misogyny by collecting posts un- Text Sentiment Classification der a set of carefully selected subreddits around the topics of men’s rights and difficulty in relationships. Although col- Method lecting data from a set of particular communities is useful XLNet XLNet (Yang et al. 2019) is a transformer-based in investigating a particular phenomenon, it is inapplicable machine learning method for Natural Language Process- to studies that investigate the wide sentiment toward certain ing tasks which is famous for a generalized autoregressive topics, such as ours. Other studies have utilized off-the-shelf pretraining method that can capture left and right contexts datasets that contain all the posts on Reddit in a given pe- jointly in sentences. It was claimed that XLNet outperforms riod. For instance, Soliman, Hafer, and Lemmerich (2019) 4 studied the characterization of the political community us- https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [Accessed Jan. 8, 2022] 5 ing a readily available dataset that includes all submissions https://www.nltk.org/ [Accessed Jan. 8, 2022]
Class Description i. Expressing positive sentiment toward the Chinese tech companies themselves Positive ii. Expressing positive sentiments toward the tech companies’ products (i.e., social platforms, smartphones, laptops, etc.) i. Expressing negative sentiment toward the Chinese tech companies themselves ii. Expressing negative sentiment toward Chinese tech companies’ products (i.e., social platforms, Negative smartphones, laptops, etc.) iii. Promoting/arguing in favor of conspiracy theory about the Chinese tech companies iv. Advocating for a ban or sanction toward the Chinese tech companies i. News regarding Chinese tech companies with no written opinion from the commenters ii. Including Chinese tech companies and the commenters’ opinions, but the focus is Irrelevant something else (i.e., politics, economics, etc.) iii. Comments with neutral opinion toward Chinese technology companies iv. Comments/questions on Chinese tech companies entities but with unclear meanings Table 1: Our labeling scheme. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans- randomly sampled to increase diversity. The new batch of formers) (Devlin et al. 2019) on 20 tasks including question 1,000 comments is labeled by researchers and added to our answering, natural language inference, sentiment analysis, original training corpus. We train H1 using this new training and document ranking. Previous studies have used XLNet corpus (n = 2600). This entire process is considered as one models fine-tuned for emotion classification and sentiment iteration. We repeat two iterations before obtaining our fi- analysis (Alshahrani et al. 2020), classification of censored nal training corpus, with balanced data between positive and tweets (Ahmed and Kumar M. 2021), etc. We employ XL- negative categories. Net Base for our task and limit each comment_body to the This framework actively searches for the most possible first 512 tokens. Next, we use Adam optimizer and a suitable negative and positive comments to increase the size of our learning rate to tune our XLNet model for three epochs, and training data and strike toward a more balanced class distri- it predicts a probability for each of the three possible cate- bution. gories (i.e., positive, negative, irrelevant) for comment_body. Evaluation Data Labeling Table 2 summarizes our final model’s performance. We use To study the sentiment of each comment toward a Chinese “weighted” F1-score to evaluate the overall performance. An technology company, we classify each comment into three overall F1-score of 0.78 is obtained by the XLNet model, as categories:(1) positive, (2) negative, and (3) irrelevant ac- well as similar F1-scores for positive and negative classes, cording to the labeling scheme in Table 1. Our initial col- which are sufficiently reliable for our further analysis. lected data presents a challenging class imbalance problem among these three classes where the majority of the data is Class Precision Recall F1-score irrelevant to the opinion toward these companies. To address Irrelevant 0.86 0.80 0.83 this problem, we adopt the approach by Lyu et al. (2021) to Negative 0.62 0.69 0.65 employ a human-guided machine learning framework based Positive 0.74 0.82 0.78 on the state-of-the-art transformer model. Overall (Weighted) 0.79 0.78 0.78 More specifically, we build our initial training dataset by randomly sampling 1,600 comments from the entire corpus Table 2: Performance of the XLNet model. with 294,610 comments. For each comment, two researchers independently read and label the comment with one of the Based on the classification results by our fine-tuned XL- three categories presented in Table 1. If the two labels given Net model on the entire dataset, we plot a side-by-side bar by two researchers are different, then a senior researcher chart (Figure 1) to compare the difference between the num- would discuss with the group to determine the consensus la- ber of positive comments and the number of negative com- bel of the comment. It is worth noting that three researchers’ ments in the overall discussion and specific discussion on the decisions reach a Fleiss’ Kappa score of 0.77, which indi- top 4 most mentioned technology companies. We find that cates a good agreement among the annotated labels. overall, the public expressed approximately 68% more neg- We train an XLNet model H1 using these 1,600 labeled ative comments than positive comments. One interesting ob- comments as the initial training corpus (n = 1600). How- servation can be made from the company wise comparison: ever, due to the severe imbalance issue, H1 performs poorly Two companies that have the most positive comments, Xi- at predicting positive comments. We then use H1 to build aomi and Huawei, are all major producers of consumer elec- a new batch of training corpus with 1,000 comments. Out tronics such as smartphones and laptops, while the two com- of these 1,000 comments, 45% are the comments that H1 panies that have predominantly negative comments, Tencent predicts to be most likely positive, 45% are the comments and Tiktok, are companies that offer online services, such as that H1 predicts to be most likely negative, and 10% are social media platforms and video games.
express sharp negative sentiment toward these two compa- nies’ communities and online platforms with swear words such as “hate”, “stupid”, “suck”, etc. While TikTok’s plat- form content is frequently negatively commented as stupid and cringe, Tencent is blamed for its poor control of cheaters in its gaming communities where the anti-cheat system is not efficient enough. Another interesting observation is that “Reddit” appears as a keyword in the topic. We found that the Reddit community itself is commonly mentioned in this topic, and the relationship between Reddit and these two companies are very different. Since Tencent has invested in Reddit, certain Reddit users argue that the involvement of Figure 1: Comment counts by sentiment. Tencent has introduced low-quality content and heavy cen- sorship on the Reddit platform. On the other hand, Reddit users compare their platform with TikTok and imply that Topic Modeling Reddit is a superior social media platform. LDA Topic 2 illustrates the second most frequent topic - criti- cism toward smartphone products of certain companies such Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) by Blei, Ng, and Jor- as Huawei and Xiaomi. The third most frequent topic corre- dan (2003) is a topic modeling method that has been used sponds to negative sentiment toward the overarching influ- extensively in studies on social networks and microblog- ence of Chinese technology companies, Tencent in particu- ging environments (Jelodar et al. 2019). Albalawi, Yeap, lar, on the game industry. The most typical criticism from and Benyoucef (2020) found that LDA can achieve bet- this aspect is on how Tencent monopolizes and greatly prof- ter performance in a short text context compared to other its from investing in major game companies while making topic modeling methods, such as Latent Semantic Analysis no positive or even making a negative impact on the gaming (LSA) (Landauer, Foltz, and Laham 1998), Principal Com- industry. ponent Analysis (PCA) (Pearson 1901), and random projec- The next three topics focus on the negative sentiment tion (RP) (Bingham and Mannila 2001). It also produces toward the “Chinese” part of the companies. The fourth higher quality topics and more coherent topics than other most frequent topic is the discussion about politics between topic modeling methods. Therefore, we choose LDA as our China and foreign governments, the trade war with the US, method for topic modeling. and some recent events, such as Meng Wanzhou’s arrest in To characterize different topics associated with positive Canada6 . We can observe how these political events’ influ- and negative comments, we apply LDA separately for nega- ence may help shape the public’s view on Huawei from some tive and positive comments. To better differentiate possible example comments. For example, a few comments express topics, we remove the names of the companies we are study- mistrust toward Huawei in response to two Canadian citi- ing from the processed text corpus. To determine the optimal zens being detained by the Chinese government. Another number of topics, we train a set of LDA models and compute important subtopic is Chinese technology companies’ in- their coherence scores. For negative comments, the highest volvement in 5G construction. Huawei, as the leading com- coherence score is reached at 6 topics. After manual inspec- pany of the world’s telecommunication providers, becomes tion, we have noticed many overlapping topics. Therefore, the target of these criticisms. the number of topics is set to 8. The model has a coherence The fifth most frequent topic is the link between these score of 0.54 and produces more meaningful topics group- companies to the Chinese government. Many representative ing. For positive comments, a similar approach is taken. The comments express negative sentiments toward these com- number of topics for positive comments is set to 2 which panies because of their alleged close relationship with the gives rise to a coherence score of 0.56. Chinese government. Some comments hold these companies palpable for assisting Chinese government’s accused “mass Result surveillance” or “genocide to the Uighurs”. Topic 6 talks Figure 2 visualizes the keywords in each negative comments about how the comments perceived these companies as a risk topic in the form of a word cloud and displays how much or danger to users’ data privacy. Many associated comments of comments belongs to each topic. We adopt a common refer to these companies as the “state surveillance platform”, approach in topic modeling by manually assigning topic la- “national threat concerns” or “spyware created by the CCP bels according to keywords in the topics generated from the (Chinese Communist Party)”. model. We also categorize each comment to its dominant Interestingly, we can observe two major groups of topics. topic. The first, second, third, and seventh topics could be grouped Topic 1 indicates that the most frequent topic, account- together, comprising 2/3 of all negative comments, because ing for 23% of the overall negative comments, is criticism they are mostly concentrated on the “technology” aspect of toward social media platforms. The most heavily criticized companies are Tiktok and Tencent which account for up to 6 https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/05/tech/huawei-cfo-arrested- 80% of the total comments on this topic. Many commenters canada/index.html [Accessed Jan. 12, 2021]
Figure 2: Word cloud of the negative comment topics. these companies, while the fourth, fifth, and sixth topics positive comments. Compared to negative comments, pos- could be grouped together, comprising 2/3 of all negative itive comments are more monotonic. They are largely asso- comments, because they are concentrated on the “Chinese ciated with the companies’ physical products. The first topic part” of Chinese technology companies. focuses on the general aspect of physical products, and the We have also analyzed the topic distributions from a second topic is more specifically related to the companies’ cross-sectional perspective. Figure 3 shows the distribu- smartphone products. tions of different topics by the top 10 subreddits that have the most negative comments. The topic distributions correspond to the subreddit’s theme well. Subreddits that are centered around game, such as r/PUBGMobile and r/CallOfDutyMobile, have the largest proportions of nega- tive comments of the game industry topic, whereas subred- dits that are centered around smartphones, such as r/Xiaomi and r/Android, have the largest proportions of negative com- ments of phone complaints and criticism topic. More im- portantly, subreddits that have a more political theme, such Figure 4: Word cloud of the positive comment topics. as r/worldnews, r/Canada, and r/China, have apparently more discussions surrounding Chinese technology compa- nies’ ties to the Chinese government, global politics, and Temporal & Content Analysis 5G constructions. The coherence between topic distributions To further study the content of the words of each comment and subreddit’s theme shows the good performance and ro- and the changes of public opinion on Chinese technology bustness of our topic model. companies over time, we study the context of each word by employing skip-gram algorithms in the word2vec (Mikolov et al. 2013) model, which is a shallow neural network that aims to predict the context of each word. In the interest of studying beyond the content but also its changes over time, we train a set of word2vec models. For positive comments and negative comments, we train one word2vec model sep- arately for each month of the data. After the training, we calculate the cosine similarity of the word vectors to study the closeness of each word. We take the top three companies, Huawei, Tencent and ByteDance, that have the most related comments as the study cases. We showcase the top 15 most similar words to the name of each company, output by our monthly word2vec models. Figure 3: Distributions of negative sentiment associated top- ics across top 10 subreddits. Case Study 1: Huawei First, we look into the overall use of words in negative com- Figure 4 shows the two topics that are associated with ments about Huawei. Table 3 illustrates the top 15 most sim-
2019 2020 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 5g 5g network network google build 5g 5g 5g 5g issue apple use network 5g 5g software 5g us us network india oneplus use security build equipment spy apple samsung security security countries allow lg google network tech national us devices use network google security build pro android products brand backdoors infrastructure service network google countries spy risk flagship oneplus equipment samsung concern uk products google equipment issue us backdoors camera device tech germany us tech network oneplus devices apple national military forget equipment find oneplus allow equipment use apple apple tech uk usa mi samsung trust find ban military support pro work apps equipment use screen 5g apple apple use security brand mi hardware devices infrastructure countries 5g great mate devices country intelligence 5g brand years equipment technology western devices apps steal products spy state security redmi canada spy send issue rom hardware risk ban countries ban pixel note samsung canada tech threaten iphone service national equipment canada countries oneplus buy use allow threat hardware worse camera devices security devices government technology devices build backdoors apps technology problem screen 2020 2021 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct network 5g 5g plus device australia zte countries use security devices ban equipment network hardware steam massive telecom os 5g work tablet use 5g google spy block os back install devices equipment apps normal apple security build technology network day support network hardware security case disappoint iphone us canada tech devices code phone home pixel example smartphone crash service products tech equipment uk replace devices eavesdrop iphone major avoid average pixel big sony intelligence device poor usa lock eu wifi honor anymore camera equipment infrastructure backdoor samsung intellectual important apps work network sanction hardware mi use spy agencies apple 5g info infrastructure ios illegal p30 past security network security service google life total connect lite allow equipment iphone great steal interest national watch assume america fraud tower mate switch days poco place os devices europe work concern compare fingerprint military 5g 5g device google zte request consider past news warranty screen connect glad disable oneplus tech currently find apps honest extreme tv software build countries instal brand national whether chip pro screen supply none mate trump nortel cloud suck chip Table 3: Top 15 most semantically similar words to “Huawei” obtained from the monthly word2vec models of negative com- ments from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021. Words related to telecommunication technology, political entity, and network security are labeled red, and words related to consumer electronic products are labeled blue, respectively. ilar words to “Huawei” each month from November 1, 2019 We also observe the word “ban” sometimes co-occur with to November 1, 2021. We notice that there are three domi- the three categories above in several months. In examining nant groups of frequent words in negative comments: closer, we discovered that many comments also echo many western governments’ ban on Huawei.8 These comments of- • Words closely related to telecommunication technology: ten characterize Huawei as “national threat”, “security risk”, “5g”, “network”, “equipment”, “infrastructure”, “tech”, and “Chinese spyware”, or believed that Huawei has planted “technology”, “hardware”. “backdoors” in their devices. These negative characteriza- • Words related to political entity: “countries”, “uk”, “us”, tion of Huawei are reflected as the top most similar words of “canada”. “Huawei” in Table 3. These comments often showed support • Words that express concern on network security: “secu- to a specific country’s existing ban on Huawei, or advocate rity”, “spy”, “backdoor”, “concern”, “risk”. harder sanctions and restrictions on Huawei in the concern and anger of Huawei’s potential spying activity. Several ex- The frequent occurrence of these three topics as the top ample comments are shown in the following: most similar words indicates that these words have the most • “Banning Huawei is normal for any country who cares similar context to “Huawei” the majority of the time. This about national security.” leads us to suspect the discussion of Huawei in negative comments may be closely knitted with Huawei’s espionage • “YOU PEOPLE need to support banning Huawei in controversy over the allegations of using its telecommunica- Canada the land of milk and honey!” tion device to spy on its users for the Chinese government.7 While Huawei’s telecommunication infrastructure and the After reviewing comments with these terms as keywords, we alleged spying activity is the dominant theme in the discus- find evidence of this suspicion. Many commenters expressed sion of Huawei throughout our study period, we observe their belief that Huawei is culpable in the spying allegations: a group of smartphone-related words, such as “flagship”, • “Duh, Huawei IS spying on users, its not rumors, its fact, “pro” (Huawei’s smartphone’s premium production line), they have confirmed it, they have whole departments con- “camera”, “screen” and “rom” (Read-Only-Memory), that nected to the Chinese military. All Chinese companies are overtakes telecommunication and spying topics as the top directly or indirectly connected to the Chinese govern- similar words of “Huawei”. We find that these words are ment, telecom ones are of huge interest” used in the discussion of Huawei’s smartphone products, criticizing and showing discontent to Huawei’s smartphone • “aNd tHe cHiNeSe hUaWeI aRe sPyInG oN uS !!!” 8 https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/huawei- 7 https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/huawei-chinas- ban-timeline-detained-cfo-makes-deal-with-us-justice- controversial-tech-giant [Accessed Jan. 8, 2021] department/ [Accessed Jan. 8, 2021]
products. These comments often complained about certain Case Study 2: Tencent aspects of the smartphone or criticize the company Huawei To study the temporal pattern of public sentiment toward as a smartphone manufacturer. For example, a user com- Tencent, we train one word2vec model for comments on ments as follows: Tencent of each month and outline the most similar words to • “Huawei Phones, I’ve had multiple of them and I’ve ex- “Tencent”. Although in the previous study case of Huawei, perienced nothing but problems. Broken headphone jack, we conduct and outline the result for positive and negative broken charger port, default features crashing the phone, sentiment separately, we only include the analysis of nega- to name a few.” tive sentiment for Tencent here, for the number of Tencent- We analyze the use of words among positive comments related positive comments is small, accounting for less than using the same methodology, but here we omit the monthly 0.4% of the entire corpus. Table 5 illustrates the top 15 most top similar words to “Huawei” and only showcase the sum- similar words to “Tencent” each month from November 1, marized most frequent top similar words to “Huawei” in Ta- 2019 to November 1, 2021. ble 4, as the top similar words are mostly related to only one There are several interesting observations here. First, topic: Huawei’s consumer electronics. “money” and “invest” are the underlying theme in the Consistent with our finding in the previous topic model- discussion of Tencent during the entire study period, as ing section, positive comments are mostly associated with “money” occurs in every month as the top similar words, consumer electronics, such as smartphones and laptops. and “invest” occurs 50% of the time. By examining com- As shown in Table 4, the most frequent similar words to ments with these keywords, we have found they are mostly “Huawei” are either the names of their smartphone mod- related to two topics. The first topic focuses on commenters’ els, such as “p20” (Huawei’s 2018 flagship model), “mate” discontent toward Tencent’s economic investment, because (Huawei’s high-end smartphone series), and “lite” (eco- of Tencent’s Chinese root and Tencent’s alleged close rela- nomic version of the flagship models) or the commonly used tions with the Chinese government. A portion of the com- words for compliments, such as “love” and “smooth”. The menters advocate for an economic boycott to Tencent and comments usually applaud certain aspects of a particular the companies Tencent has invested: model, and possibly are being posted to recommend this par- • “What I can do is stay up to date with events here. Delete ticular model and phone brand to other people: all blizzard games. Stop buying new blizzard games. stop • “Huawei mate 20 x the best choice, it’s very amazing playing games that take in Chinese money. Stop watching phone, it combines the fantastic design, the very large bat- movies backed by Tencent and other Chinese companies tery and the best performance. The rest phones are good, that invest heavily into American entertainment. And con- but Huawei is the better than them.” tinue to support the Hong Kong people here. That’s all I can do from the confines of my home. If others are able to word count word count go to Hong Kong and help, then they should absolutely do series 9 service 4 so. They need all the help they can get.” mate 5 love 4 lite 5 cameras 3 • “Well tencent is one of the production companies pump- p20 5 picture 3 ing dirty money into this movie. Maybe china could foot move 5 second 3 the bill on those tickets instead. YOU WANT TO MAKE p40 5 smooth 3 A BETTER GLOBAL NEIGHBORHOOD? DONT PAY A become 4 week 3 CENT TO TENCENT.” model 4 turn 3 change 4 switch 3 The second topic concerning “money” and “investment” kind 4 plus 3 represents commenters’ discontent toward Tencent’s and its invested companies’ monetization behavior in the game in- Table 4: Top 20 most frequent semantically similar words to dustry. A group of game-related terms, such as “game”, “Huawei” among positive comments. “Count" refers to the “riot” (a subsidiary video game company of Tencent), “epic” number of the corresponding word’s occurrence in monthly (a video game company of which 40% shares are owned top 15 most semantically similar words to “Huawei". by Tencent) and “ggg” (a video game company acquired by Tencent), persist in the top most similar words to “Ten- Overall, we have found that among negative comments, cent” during the entire study period, and often co-occur Huawei’s involvement in the telecommunication industry with “money” and “investment”. After examining comments and 5G network construction have the closest connection to with these terms, we have found that commenters usually Huawei in the course of discussion, during which Huawei show discontent toward Tencent’s and its invested compa- is denounced as a Chinese spyware company and a security nies’ predatory monetization schemes and the disregard of threat. We find that positive comments, on the other hand, fo- users’ gameplay experience. The following example com- cus solely on Huawei’s role as a smartphone manufacturer. ment showcases a typical comment on this topic: This finding shows a meaningful difference in how different • “Epic probably wouldn’t get such a bad rap for it though, opinion group characterize the company Huawei and pro- if it wasn’t for the fact that most of their monetization sys- vide insights into reasons behind different sentiments toward tems are predatory and their company is held about 50% Huawei. by Tencent, a company also known for predatory mone-
2019 2020 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct money money money epic studios riot epic game epic epic epic game give give mobile riot money game riot epic game money fuck riot care reddit play game mobile trust game riot riot riot play money game spend epic money timi company reddit money money play money ggg riot make game play pubg give money reddit mobile game game epic blizzard people skin blizzard play money give play stop fuck mobile company make fuck want steam game control fuck make play reddit riot league free want make spend spend reddit pc fuck fuck make reddit players way free free activision give pc control spend care codm big pay epic stop riot mobile cheat spend company cheat pubg activision hate make people partially pc free players ccp shit cheaters shit spend stake reddit fuck shit spend devs care valorant share people pay mobile give spend play invest players care people fuck chinese hate free shit ggg free reddit care fuck players guess government invest activision spend give make stop every stake give store create american anti mobile give trust share play 2020 2021 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct game epic reddit care give ccp riot epic riot company ccp money riot game riot chinese epic riot company reddit game game epic fuck play reddit post reddit large game epic ccp fuck chinese game play reddit riot game fuck company company ccp people money epic company want money money fuck ccp money reddit game china epic china money game ea play activision become stake epic fuck company people ccp reddit people fund mihoyo epic epic force control chinese riot make government riot care mobile fuck part know product make money control company money hand keep corporation hate stake people share money mean game ccp riot china give league invest league game hard fuck reddit tie play control control everything devs give everything china long china china ByteDance china business video epic tie care small arm riot people control invest chinese party tie way cheat blizzard take fair play involve government give hand us people know fuck steam believe developers local invest give money give right mihoyo pay greedy activision money bad fund stake know fund say play ByteDance try Table 5: Top 15 most semantically similar words to “Tencent” obtained from the monthly word2vec models of negative com- ments from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021. Words related to Tencent’s economic investment are labeled blue. Words related to Tencent’s involvement in the gaming industry are labeled green. Words related to Tencent’s tie to the Chinese gov- ernment are labeled red. tization (they also designed a great deal of Epic’s mon- Overall, these findings provide a detailed understanding etization systems today) and close ties with the Chinese of how and why the Reddit community expresses negative government.” sentiment toward Tencent. The discontent toward Tencent’s economic investment, its predatory monetization behavior, Our last observation is through monitoring the change of and its tie to the Chinese government often intertwine to top similar words to “Tencent”. As we have described above, a degree that the commenters rarely express their negative the discussion around Tencent’s economic investment and view on Tencent in one single aspect. These findings also Tencent’s monetization behavior are the underlying themes show that the reasons behind users’ negative views are very in the entire discussion, but we can also observe that in consistent throughout our study period. It is because that certain months, the top similar words composition deviates Tencent’s economic investment, its predatory monetization from these underlying themes. For example, in April 2020, behavior, and its tie to the Chinese government are intrinsic the top similar words to “Tencent” are a group of words that to the company itself, which are Tencent’s business model explicitly refer to China, such as “Chinese”, “CCP”, “gov- and its Chinese origin, and thus unaffected by local events. ernment”, which do not exist in the preceding five months. Therefore, we anticipate the same pattern of public opinion We have found that a particular news event has triggered a toward Tencent will persist in the near future because Ten- backlash in the Reddit community: Tencent’s fully owned cent most likely will not change its business model or cut video game company Riot has released a video game called ties with the Chinese government. Valorant, which has been found to have a built-in invasive anti-cheat system, that runs continuously even when the game is not booted. Many comments express concern and Case Study 3: TikTok anger toward this invasive anti-cheat system, drawing links Using the same methodology, we study the Reddit users’ to the Riot’s parent company Tencent and accusing Tencent use of words related to the company ByteDance. Note for deliberately planting the anti-cheat system as a spyware here although we are interested in studying the company to collect user information for the Chinese government: ByteDance itself, we use the word “Tiktok”, as a ma- jority of people refer to the company as “Tiktok” rather • “··· I wasn’t planning to install Valorant or any other Ten- than “ByteDance”. Note here, we also omit the analysis cent/CCP China spyware, but good to have confirmation of Tiktok-related positive comments, for the quantity of that’s the right decision.” Tiktok-related positive comments is so scarce, less than • “Giving people freedom? That’s not how Tencent is used 200 comments in total, to conduct any meaningful analy- to running games because that’s not how Chinese are sis. Therefore we only outline the top 15 words that are se- used to running a society... ” mantically similar to “Tiktok” among negative comments in
2019 2020 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Bytedance see people hate hate hate hate hate apps ban ban hate call post memes people content post videos people app american app instagram result censorship post fuck reddit bad people platform information user tiktoks reason share dumb funny reason post videos bad users collect collect say social purchase hand content app people fake content app facebook spy fact bc financial propaganda shit reddit hat see kid instagram spyware information wechat facebook interest need videos bad videos stuff post content access facebook nation friends platform citizens cringe cringe cringe please shit hat users steal facebook stupid content power stupid fortnite see app platform dance spy us children toxic foreign hate kid use sub content instagram opinion american Bytedance microsoft attention mainland videos cancer video kid cringe cringe info steal access censor watch gain content fortnite shit censor community dumb censor ban china people say delete foreign ruin awful social sub funny cringe beijing ccp laws twitter regime share popular kid fuck shit stupid post tech citizens users dislike million full fair platform popular love app stuff data microsoft user wrong 2020 2021 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct shit facebook hat news months legal platform collect dumb fuck public invest post twitter process past full guy hate harvest breach video disappear private site hat gamble kind group threat dislike intelligence video people platforms servers people post content add term grow social internet stupid reddit hate facebook ea stupid emote include film yu cringe matter face take toxic american guy people learn show massive friends laws govt short everything attention parent real bad mind kid build history fee foreign exactly call propaganda operate videos kind videos post million chance videos military facebook pretty internet act hate platforms behind videos local abuse asian access wrong try political directly say ruin awful ui lead send wrong allow anyway make believe foreign person comment improve criticize hold political whenever large law infrastructure dude reddit fuck seriously corrupt sub anti suppose owners people depend influence monitor listen platform instagram proof Bytedance kind cringe song private board hard sense clearly hear hate completely start hell entire god tie ones western limit fund annoy tik argue assume better collect ask corporations corporation start privilege piss Table 6: Top 15 most semantically similar words to “TikTok” obtained from the monthly word2vec models of negative com- ments from November 1, 2019 to November 1, 2021. Words related to Tiktok’s social media platform, user community, and user content are labeled blue. Words related to China, the Chinese government, and spying controversy are labeled red. Table 6. Tiktok’s top most similar words in majority of times. We Our attention is first caught by a set of words includ- also find evidence of this in many comments, where users ing “hate”,“videos”, “content”, “cancer”, “platform”, “bad”, put Tiktok and these companies in juxtaposition: “stupid”, “shit”, etc, which frequently occur during the en- • “*[sigh]* I hate Twitter. And Facebook. And Instagram. tire study period. Given that TikTok is a video-focused social And Tumblr. And TikTok. Yes, even Reddit sometimes." networking platform that hosts a variety of short-form user videos,9 a connection can be drawn between Reddit users’ While Tiktok is discussed as a social media platform and negative attitude and the popular videos on TikTok as well as not characterized closely with China in most time during our the Tiktok user community. We find that many commenters study period, we do observe certain exceptional time period, expressed harsh criticism toward the contents on Tiktok and where Tiktok became closely related to China and the Chi- the whole Tiktok community, referring to both as “toxic”. nese government. We also found that these periods may be For instance, some comments stated: influenced by real-world political events. One such period is July 2020 to September 2020. Not only does “ban” be- • “Wtf is wrong with people on tiktok. I’ve seen some of the come the most related word with “Tiktok”, other words in- most toxic shit on that app” cluding “spy”, “ccp”, “china”, “collect” occur. We believe • “Can’t change the Fact that TikTok is Shit and just this change is closely related to Donald Trump’s announce- stupid”. ment in July 2020 to divest China’s ByteDance’s ownership From the above, we can clearly see that the discussion of of Tiktok, and that the US government was considering ban- Tiktok is closely surrounding its role as a social media plat- ning TikTok.10 We have found that many Reddit users res- form, its user community, and the user-generated content on onate with this political event. Many users show support for the platform. This is very different from the case of Huawei the Tiktok ban. For example, one commenter notes: “TikTok and Tencent, as the users’ characterization of Tiktok has less is cancer and Trump is right to ban it, change my mind.” emphasis on Tiktok’s Chinese origin and its ties to the Chi- The most dominant concern is unsurprisingly the same as nese government. Another evidence of this fact is that Tiktok the concerns for Tencent and Huawei: data security issue is discussed in similar context with other non-Chinese social and the alleged possibility that Tiktok may be utilized by the media platforms, such as "Twitter", "Facebook", "Reddit", Chinese government to spy on its users: and "Instagram" rather than its Chinese counterpart, such as • “tiktok was not banned for being Chinese, it was banned "Huawei" and "Tencent". We can observe this from Table 6 for being a chinese spy tool” that these non-Chinese social media platforms appeared as 10 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/31/trump-says-he-will- 9 https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=TikTok&oldid= ban-tiktok-through-executive-action-as-soon-as-saturday.html 1059570012 [Accessed Dec. 23, 2021] [Accessed Jan. 8, 2022]
Overall, we find that for most of the time during our cent’s economic investment, predatory monetization behav- study period, the negative comments of Tiktok mostly sur- ior, and its tie to the Chinese government. These themes round social media platform, platform community, and user- among the negative comments have dominated the online generated content, where many commenters express harsh discussion and are consistent during our study period. Con- criticism to these three aspects and describe them as toxic ccerning the public’s characterization of Tiktok, we have and stupid. We also find for most of the time, Reddit users’ found that negative views are usually targeted toward this characterization of Tiktok has a meaningful difference from social media platform, the platform community and the con- the way they characterize Huawei and Tencent, where they tent. We also found Tiktok is characterized as less closer mostly refer Tiktok as a general social media platform to China and the Chinese governments overall, with only and put less emphasis on Tiktok’s Chinese origin and ties certain exceptional time periods affected by political events, with the Chinese government. However, real-world politi- such as when Trump announced his plan to ban Tiktok in the cal events may completely change this characterization in United States in July 2020. Tiktok became tightly connected certain periods, such as when Trump announced his plan to to China, the Chinese government, and spying allegations as ban Tiktok for national security concerns in July 2020 and its fellow Chinese technology companies in the following on Reddit, Tiktok became closely knitted with China, the two months. Chinese government and terms related to spying activities. Overall, we have found that Reddit users hold more neg- These findings show interesting insights into Reddit users’ ative sentiment toward Chinese technology companies. We characterization of Tiktok (ByteDance). Interestingly, they have characterized users’ concerns and discontent, and ex- showed how Tiktok (ByteDance) is viewed differently than plored the reasons behind them. These findings serve to in- other Chinese technology companies in terms of its close- crease our understanding of the wide public opinion toward ness to China and the Chinese government, and how this Chinese technology companies both in the political sense difference could be quickly changed by the influence of gov- and commercial sense. We believe the findings of our study ernmental actions. can be of interest to those who attempt to understand public sentiment toward Chinese technology companies and could Conclusion provide useful insights into the reasons behind the public In this paper, we present a fine-grained study of the pub- sentiment. lic opinion toward Chinese technology companies on Reddit using computational methods. We employ a state-of-the-art Limitations & Future Work transformer model to classify our data into three categories: Our study has its limitations. For example, although our XL- positive, negative, and irrelevant. We found that the public Net classifier achieves acceptable results in classifying all generally shows more negative attitude than positive attitude three categories, we believe the performance of the classi- toward Chinese technology companies. Next, we use LDA to fier can still be improved especially in predicting negative model the latent topics among negative comments and pos- and positive comments. In the future, we intend to address itive comments, respectively. Positive comments are usually this issue by obtaining a larger and more balanced training associated with the companies’ consumer products, such as dataset. We also intend to conduct our analysis using Twit- smartphones and laptops. We also found that negative com- ter data. Although the discussion quality is higher on Red- ments have a more diverse topic distribution. Notable topics dit, Twitter, as a more popular platform, enables us to access include criticism toward the platform, dissatisfaction with broader-scale opinion toward our study subjects. companies’ products, concerns over companies’ ties to the Chinese government, data security and 5G construction, and general politics discussions. Broader Perspective & Ethics Statement By investigating most semantically similar words in the As the first work to characterize public opinion on Chinese comments to the names of three Chinese technology compa- technology companies, our study has the following broader nies over time, we have discovered the predominant themes, implications. First of all, we shed light into reasons behind and identified several real-world events that affect the pub- the public sentiment, especially behind public’s discontent lic’s characterization of these companies. We take the top toward these companies in a commercial sense, such as the 3 companies that have the largest volume of comments as discussions around the companies’ consumer products and our study cases: Huawei, Tencent, and Tiktok. We study economic investment. The finding of our study can provide the negative comments and positive comments separately. useful information to not only these companies and other For Huawei, we have found that negative comments are general Chinese companies that seek to expand their over- heavily focused on its role as a telecommunication device seas market, to assess their companies’ image in areas out- provider throughout our study period. The most dominant side China, but also companies that do business with Chi- concern/discontent about the company rests on its alleged nese companies. Second, our study also reveals a wide mis- threat of spying activities. Positive comments, on the other trust toward Chinese technology companies out of politi- hand, are mostly focused on its role of a smartphone man- cal and ideological concern, and identifies several dominant ufacturer. 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