Page created by Raymond Carrillo
DOI: 10.5327/Z2176-947820151001


Marianna                                                                   ABSTRACT
Siegmund-Schultze                         The INNOVATE project, a comprehensive Brazilian-German research
Senior scientist at the Environmental     collaboration, addresses sustainable land management in the São Francisco
Assessment and Planning                   watershed and its Itaparica reservoir. The project studies management
Research Group, Technische                options, which promote sustainable ecosystem services and economic
Universität Berlin (Berlin Institute of   viability in climate change conditions. At basin scale, questions of water
Technology) – Germany.                    quantity and quality prevail, including resource allocation and governance.
                                          Local and regional studies investigate natural land processes and water
Johann Köppel                             resources in addition to their management post dam construction.
Full professor and head of the            Consortium researchers are confronted with a multitude of expectations,
Environmental Assessment                  ranging from knowledge production to interacting with stakeholders and
and Planning Research Group,              scientists of different disciplines and cultures. As an overview, we predicted
Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin     potential changes of studied ecosystem services under different conditions
Institute of Technology) – Germany.       within possible scenarios. Further integration of results is ongoing, as is the
                                          conversion of scientific results into guidance for stakeholders.
Maria do Carmo Sobral
                                          Keywords: inter- and transdisciplinary research; sustainable land
Full professor in Civil Engineering,
                                          management; São Francisco watershed; Itaparica reservoir; follow-up
Universidade Federal de
                                          stakeholder analysis; ecosystem services; scenarios.
Pernambuco – Recife (PE), Brazil.
Corresponding address:                                                          RESUMO
Marianna Siegmund-Schultze                O projeto científico INNOVATE, uma cooperação teuto-brasileira, investiga o
Technische Universität Berlin –           uso sustentável de recursos naturais nas escalas da bacia hidrográfica do Rio
Secr. EB 5 – Straße des 17.               São Francisco e ao redor do seu reservatório de Itaparica. O projeto estuda
Juni 145 – 10623 Berlin – Germany –       opções de manejo que sustentam tanto os serviços ecossistêmicos como o
E-mail:                                   bem-estar da população num cenário de mudanças climáticas. Na escala          da bacia estudam-se assuntos de vazão e qualidade de água, inclusive
                                          questões de alocação e governança da água. Na escala local, anos depois da
                                          construção da barragem, pesquisamos processos naturais da água e terra e
                                          sua gestão. Os pesquisadores enfrentam uma série de expectativas – gerar
                                          conhecimento, interagir com interessados e cientistas de outras disciplinas
                                          e culturas. Como uma síntese exemplar, são apresentadas as mudanças de
                                          serviços ecossistêmicos estudados sob diferentes condições de cenários
                                          possíveis. A integração dos resultados está atualmente em andamento, bem
                                          como a conversão de resultados em diretrizes úteis nas diferentes escalas.
                                          Palavras-chave: pesquisa inter e transdisciplinar; gestão sustentável; bacia
                                          hidrográfica do Rio São Francisco; reservatório de Itaparica; análise de
                                          atores; serviços ecossistêmicos; cenários.

                                             RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Siegmund-Schultze, M.; Köppel, J.; Sobral, M.C.

Access to enough water of adequate quality is cru-                  and climate change. Indicators used in the studies
cial for productive resource use in semiarid regions.               include biodiversity patterns, nutrient balances, car-
Climate change appears to make future water avail-                  bon dynamics, water use efficiency, trade-offs, water
ability increasingly unpredictable. Managing land and               availability, minimal flow, economic efficiency, stake-
water resources is often controversial: different users             holder endorsement, and institutional fit.
share the same or parts of the same environment and
they make decisions that affect the options of other                Interdisciplinary integration, inter-cultural openness,
users. Ecosystems cannot campaign for themselves;                   and understanding are fundamental to forming a large
they require conservation advocates. The concept                    project with 7 sub-projects and a total of 21 research
                                                                    modules, each with Brazilian and German researchers.
of ecosystem services is bridging the gap by provid-
                                                                    Part of this integration is structurally organized by mix-
ing a framework for identifying, assessing, valuing,
                                                                    ing the research modules. Joint planning and learning
and analyzing usage rules of nature’s life sustaining
                                                                    in project workshops and smaller meetings is comple-
goods and services. These ecosystem services are
                                                                    mented by cooperation in research activities. Research
now commonly sorted into three groups: habitat and
                                                                    is also transdisciplinary, connecting with stakeholders
regulatory services, provisioning services, and cultur-
                                                                    at different levels and from different sectors while fa-
al services. The Sustainable Land Management (SLM)
                                                                    cilitating exchange among these stakeholders in order
program, launched by the German Federal Ministry
                                                                    to reach meaningful results for society. Environmental
for Education and Research (BMBF) (EPPINK et al.,
                                                                    studies at the watershed scale typically require interdis-
2012) assesses interactions between land manage-
                                                                    ciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration as a range
ment, climate change, and ecosystem services to in-
                                                                    of knowledge and actors are at stake (REED et al., 2014).
form the decisions of local and global stakeholders on
land management (in its broader definition including                The transitional phase towards the uptake of innova-
soil, water, vegetation, fauna, and people) and foster              tions is challenging: drivers and barriers work against
transformation towards more sustainable resource                    each other (MUTOKO et al., 2014). The project aims
stewardship. INNOVATE is a large consortium of Bra-                 to identify major drivers and barriers in order to
zilian and German researchers, organized within the                 increase transparency and system understanding,
SLM program, committed to inter and transdisci-                     which enables informed decision-making. Main is-
plinary research, including the implementation of se-               sues at watershed scale are the safeguarding and
lected results. The core period of the project is Janu-             allocation of scarce water resources (Figure 1) in an
ary 2012 to December 2016.                                          integrated, participatory method, as outlined in the
                                                                    National Water Act (BRASIL, 1997). The São Francisco
 The overarching concept and title of the research                  watershed is a large watershed. The Itaparica reser-
project is “Interplay among multiple uses of wa-                    voir in the semi-arid Northeast region was selected
ter reservoirs via innovative coupling of aquatic and               as a nested case study. The central issues at the res-
terrestrial ecosystems.” Members study the current                  ervoir scale are unsolved interferences in land use
situation and model future scenarios. The underly-                  and water ecology following dam construction (Fig-
ing general question is “which existing management                  ure 2). The management of the basin and the major
options are promising and conducive for sustainable                 reservoirs, which are roughly 25 to 50-years old, is
land and water management in the study region?”                     regularly difficult. Despite frame conditions chang-
The study is multi-scale — the entire São Francisco                 ing, reservoir ecology and management will remain
watershed, the area around one of its artificial res-               topics of discussion since there are still more dams
ervoirs belonging to the Itaparica microregion includ-              planned in Brazil (WESTIN et al., 2014).
ing municipalities in the Pernambuco portion affected
by the Itaparica (actually called Luiz Gonzaga) dam,                Our overall problem statement and approach can be
down to single natural resource users and plots. The                summarized as a sectorial perspective on how a sole
transformation drivers are primarily hydropower gen-                focus on short-term benefits threatens the natural re-
eration, water usage, demographics, technology use,                 source basis - in this case, mainly water for diverse uses

                                              RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Balancing ecosystem services and societal demands in
                              a highly managed watershed: setup and progress of a comprehensive research project

             Electricity generation                                                                Commercial large scale
                                                                                       Irrigation Public schemes, smallholders
 Small-scale with boats
                            Fishing                                   Predominately                Small-scale private
  Small-scale with angles              Non-consumptive uses
             Ferries                                                 consumptive uses  Domestic   water supply
     Private boats Transportation                                                      Drinking  water for livestock
Commercial shipping                                                                    Water diversion
                                                         Demand for
                                                         fresh water
       Net cages
                     Aquaculture                                                 Evaporation
    Land-based                         Predominately
                                     non-consumptive,                   Losses Seepage
            Mining and industry
                                    often polluting uses
                   Note: Non-consumptive defined as no withdrawal or return flow being higher than consumptive use.
                               Consumptive use: no return flow or consumption higher than return flow.

                Figure 1 – The different, partly mutually exclusive water demands from the São Francisco River.

                          Land use cover                             Governance                      Reservoir ecology and use
                            Amending sandy soils
                                                                                                     Nutrient balance and dynamics
               Understanding carbon stocks
                                                                          Efficacy                         Role of greenhouse gases
         Inventorying current biodiversity
                                                                 Drivers and barriers                     Sediment quality and dynamics
   Land use and practices influence biodiversity
                                                               Cross-sectorial integration                 Macrophyte biodiversity
 Mobilizing long term benefits via tree growing
                                                              Cooperation across scales                  Role of hydrodynamics
  Optimal crop patterns in irrigated farms
                                                                                                     Compliance with rules
 Scope of livestock system for sustainable farming

  Figure 2 – Topics of large dam follow-up (INNOVATE project): The case of the Itaparica reservoir in the Brazilian Northeast.

and land suitable for farming. Addressing the concept                       Recommendations for action will be tailored for and
of ecosystem services in an interdisciplinary consor-                       with different stakeholder groups in an iterative pro-
tium reveals interlinkages and provides insights and                        cess. The following sections present snapshots of the
prerequisites for sustainable resource management.                          scientific work and its integration.

A number of large-scale studies analyzed the conditions                     pects and illustrate selected socioeconomic conditions.
of the São Francisco watershed, including the compre-                       In summary, critical structural causes determine water
hensive 10-year water resources management plan                             scarcity. Economic water scarcity can be rooted in a lack
(ANA et al., 2004), and the ecologic-economic mac-                          of infrastructure and exclusion in social criteria and po-
ro-zoning (MMA, 2011). Both emphasize technical as-                         litical processes (MOLLE et al., 2007). Therefore, conflict

                                                     RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Siegmund-Schultze, M.; Köppel, J.; Sobral, M.C.

mediation for water allocation is needed. Water man-                 costly and to some extent inefficient. Additionally, in-
agement is an increasingly political process (MOLLE,                 stalling compensation infrastructure in the form of ir-
2009). In the example of the São Francisco watershed,                rigation schemes for farmers was slow (WORLD BANK,
the regional development agency (CODEVASF; current                   1998). Compensation payments lasted at least until
name since 1974, an early predecessor was created by                 2011, when a further irrigation scheme had been es-
a law in 1949) follows the watershed development dis-                tablished (RODORFF et al., 2013). The livelihoods of
course, while the more recent discourse, introduced in               the local people widely rely on natural resources, such
Brazil by the Water Act 9433/97 (BRASIL, 1997), requires             as land for agriculture and water for fishing. These re-
decentralized and participatory management, steered                  sources were highly affected by the artificial lake con-
by a watershed committee. The committee for the São                  struction. People’s practices are not yet satisfactorily
Francisco watershed (CBHSF) was created in 2001 (AGB
                                                                     adapted and natural processes not sufficiently under-
PEIXE VIVO & CBHSF, 2011). To our knowledge, no com-
prehensive cooperation protocol has been established
between the committee and CODEVASF. CODEVASF’s                       INNOVATE researchers from different disciplines inves-
suggestion and current construction of water transfer                tigate related problems. Studies at the basin scale ad-
channels diverting water out of the original watershed               dress the current debate on water quantity and quality
have made this complex coexistence evident (AGB                      from technical, economic, and governance viewpoints.
PEIXE VIVO and CBHSF, 2011). The majority of commit-                 While technical and economic studies at the basin level
tee members were against the water diversion project.                mainly draw on existing datasets, the other researcher
However, the installation of new irrigation schemes, an
                                                                     groups predominantly collect primary data via surveys,
option after water diversion, is often welcomed by the
                                                                     key person interviews, and experiments. On the local
local population or farmers moving in from other re-
                                                                     level, six municipalities in Pernambuco located north
                                                                     of the Itaparica reservoir have been selected: Belém do
The São Francisco watershed roughly measures                         São Francisco, Itacuruba, Floresta, Petrolândia, Jatobá,
630,000 km2 (MANETA et al., 2009). Specifications on                 and Tacaratu, with one activity taking place in Delmiro
the length of the river vary between 2,700 km (BRA-                  Gouveia in Alagoas state. Figure 3 depicts the basin and
GA et al., 2012) and 3,200 km (CHESF, n.y.). The main                presents it by municipality where interviewing, survey-
river contains nine large hydropower plants (BRA-                    ing, and sampling is taking or took place, and where the
GA et al., 2012). There are three major artificial res-              experiments are located. The local scale study region is,
ervoirs: Três Marias (since 1961), Sobradinho (1979)                 on the one hand, characterized by major changes in land
and Itaparica (1988); total storage capacities are 19,               use and population dynamics in the last decades and,
34, and 10 billion m3, respectively (ANA et al., 2004),              on the other hand, by the typical inter-annual variation
and maximum surface area is 1,142, 4,214 (MANETA                     of rainfall and high potential evaporation rates due to
et al., 2009), and 834 km2 (AGAM TECNOLOGIA LTDA                     the semiarid environment. The predominant biome,
& CHESF, 2003), respectively. The watershed has been
                                                                     Caatinga (covering also roughly half of the basin), is a
divided into four administrative sub-regions. The cur-
                                                                     dry forest with a distinct and regionally varying flora and
rently used division and the four sub-regions them-
                                                                     fauna. Roughly half of the local study area has areno-
selves are described in Siegmund-Schultze et al.(2015).
                                                                     sols (areias quartzosas, south of Icó-Mandantes creek),
The construction of the Itaparica dam expelled                       while the other half alfisols, partly hydromorph (bruno
40,000 inhabitants (CERNEA, 1991). Resettlement was                  não cálcico, planossolo) (EMBRAPA-SOLOS, 2000).

                                         ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) cre-                  sioning, supporting, cultural, and regulating) are framed
ated an influential conceptual framework, which con-                 by direct and indirect drivers at different scales and un-
nects ecosystem services and biodiversity with human                 der different time horizons. Inherent to the systemic
well-being. The original four service categories (provi-             ecosystem services concept is analyzing the impact of or

                                               RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Balancing ecosystem services and societal demands in
                                                       a highly managed watershed: setup and progress of a comprehensive research project

                                                                   São Francisco River
                                                                   Major SF reservoirs
                                                                   Hydropower plants in SF river
                                                                     Diversion project under construction
                                                                Biomes of region                                     Study municipalities                      Agrovila, irrigation scheme
                                                                   Caatinga                                          Project experiments                       Plot area, irrigation scheme
                                                                                                                     Project data collection by municipality   Conservation area, irrigation scheme
                                                                   Mata Atlântica                                    Towns (municipality headquaters)          Itaparica reservoir
                                                                                                Indigenous areas
                                                                SF governance regions, shaped by municipalities
                                                                                                                                                               Diversion project under construction

                                                                     Baixo (lower)                  Recognized                                                 Hydropower plants
                                                                     Submédio (Lower-Middle)        Under study (triangular)                                   São Francisco River
                                                                     Médio (Middle)                 Contest by FUNAI                                           Tributaries
                                                                                                    Conservation areas                                         Channel: Canal do Sertão Alagoano
                                                                     Alto (upper)
                                                                     Border of the SF watershed     INCRA settlements                                          Major roads
  INNOVATE 2015 (QGIS) Sources: ANA Hydroweb, IBGE, INCRA, MMA, 0   100 200 300 400 km            0       10       20 km                                                              INNOVATE 2015 (QGIS) Sources: ANA Hydroweb, i3geo, MMA, IBGE, INCRA,
SOS GIS Brasil, CBHSF, INNOVATE Project data. Datum: Sirgas 2000.                                                                                                                   SOS GIS Brasil, INNOVATE Project data. Datum: Sirgas 2000 / UTM zone 245

                                                          Figure 3 – Location and characteristics of the São Francisco
                                                    watershed (left) and experimental sites of the INNOVATE project (right).

on ecosystem services groups, not simply individual ser-                                                                                Stakeholder analysis, in general, is executed in three
vices (FOLEY et al., 2005). Developing “the cascade” to                                                                                 steps – identifying stakeholders, categorizing them,
distinguish between processes, functions, service poten-                                                                                and exploring their relationships (REED et al., 2009).
tial, final services, benefits, and values was a milestone                                                                              Rodorff et al. (this issue) focus on the third step. Using
in the discourse connecting ecosystem services, biodi-                                                                                  constellation analysis, it goes beyond stakeholder anal-
versity, and well-being (HAINES-YOUNG & POTSCHIN,                                                                                       ysis since the analysis of actors is complemented by the
2010). The same authors suggested focusing on direct                                                                                    people’s major frame conditions and stakes of action
benefits, excluding the supporting services, to avoid a                                                                                 and concern – elements of the natural and technical
potential double counting of benefits. The final intention                                                                              environment and the institutions and rules in place. Ta-
of the ecosystem service concept is to advocate for nat-                                                                                ble 1 presents a selection of stakeholders (beneficiaries
ural, non-marketed services and goods by strengthening                                                                                  and offenders) at different scales and belonging to dif-
their case in decision-making. Daily et al. (2009) have                                                                                 ferent societal groups. The selection and classification
proposed a simple framework for integrating ecosystem                                                                                   changed slightly over the course of the project. Some
services into decision-making. First, ecosystem services                                                                                stakeholders are highly time-specific and, therefore,
                                                                                                                                        transitory. The international consultancy plays a role in
need to be specified, then valued differently, and, finally,
                                                                                                                                        the renewal of the catchment’s management plan; the
the governing institutions and the incentives necessary
                                                                                                                                        World Bank enters occasionally, depending on imple-
for decisions should be outlined to show which human
                                                                                                                                        mented development projects.
actions will affect ecosystems. Current management
practices either sustain or threaten the availability of and                                                                            The INNOVATE project mainly focuses on regulating
access to the benefits. Deriving multiple benefits from                                                                                 ecosystem services, biological pest control, provi-
one user is common, as is the more complicated situa-                                                                                   sion of fresh water, and reduction of greenhouse
tion of sustaining and threatening one or several services                                                                              gas (GHG) emissions (carbon stocks, methane emis-
at the same time.                                                                                                                       sions). The related benefits to people are: more

                                                                                               RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Siegmund-Schultze, M.; Köppel, J.; Sobral, M.C.

                  Table 1 – Overview of selected stakeholders, classified by societal type and administrative level.
                        Micro                             Meso                              Macro
                  Local, unicipality                Reservoir, regional               Watershed, national
                                                  Agricultural extension
                  Farmers, Fishers,
    Private                                       service1, Operation &             AGB Peixe Vivo, CEMIG                    Consultancy
                 Residents, Bloggers
                                                  maitenance1, Traders
              Associations2, Irrigation
                                                 CHESF4, CCR Submédio,
              district administration,
                                                  FETAPE, Pólo Sindical,
    Mixed     Cooperatives2, STR, CPP,                                                 CBHSF2, CHESF, MST, MAB OXFAM5, WOCAT
                                                 ASA, Território2, IRPAA,
              Recognized indigenous,
                                                     Priest (Church)
              Recognized quilombola3
                                                CODEVASF5, Secretaries,             CODEVASF, ANA, ONS,
                Secretaries, Mayors,            CPRH, INCRA, COMPESA,               ANEEL, IBAMA, INCRA,
                                                                                                                          World Bank,
                ADAGRO5, IPA5, IFPE5,            EMBRAPA, ITEP, APAC,                IBGE, FUNAI, MMA,
    Public                                                                                                              UNCCD, FAO, World
                 Schools, BNB5, BB5,             UNIVASF, UNEB, UFPE,               MI, MME, MDA, MAPA,
                                                                                                                       Commission on Dams
                      BNDES5                      UFRPE, UFMG, UFAL,                MPLOG, M transport,
                                                       UFBA, IFPE                        Senate, MCTI
 By CODEVASF contracted companies; 2with civil society; 3quilombola is a common designation given to refugee slaves into quilombos or
descendants of African slaves whose ancestors escaped from sugar cane farms and other properties during the period of slavery and formed little
villages named quilombos; 4local/regional offices or branches; 5mainly historically involved.
ADAGRO – Agricultural pest control and monitoring; AGB Peixe Vivo – executive agency of the watershed committee; ANA – national water agency;
ANEEL – electric energy agency; APAC – state water agency; ASA – network promoting sustainable development policies in the semiarid region;
BB/BNB/BNDES – banks; CBHSF – São Francisco watershed committee; CHESF – hydropower company; CEMIG – electricity company; COMPESA –
state sanitation company; CPP – church council for fishermen; CPRH – state environment agency; CCR Submédio – regional representation of
the watershed committee; CODEVASF – regional development agency; EMBRAPA – agricultural research corporation; FAO – food and agriculture
organization of the United Nations; FETAPE – rural workers’ federation; FUNAI – Indian foundation; IBAMA – environment and national resources
institute; IBGE – geography and statistics institute; IFPE – technical college of Pernambuco; INCRA –institute for colonization and agrarian reform;
IPA – state agricultural extension and research service; IRPAA – institute for adapted smallholder technologies; ITEP – state technology institute of
Pernambuco; MAB – movement of people affected by dams; MST – landless rural workers’ movement; MMA/MI/MME/MDA/MAPA/MPLOG/M
transport/MCTI – ministries; Pólo sindical – farmers’ union; Oxfam – NGO confederation to combat poverty and injustice; STR – farmers’ union;
Território – regional administrative unit; UNCCD – UN convention to combat desertification; UNIVASF/UNEB/UFPE/UFRPE/UFMG/UFAL/UFBA –
universities (including scientists and international partners); WOCAT – global network of soil and water experts.

predictable crop harvests and the subsequent pro-                              Many crops, especially when densely cultivated in
vision of crop by-products to livestock; the avail-                            a monoculture plot, require more protection from
ability of water for various purposes (e.g. drinking                           pests. This can be achieved by pesticides, which
water, irrigation water, water for aquaculture, and                            need energy for production and dispersal and can
bathing water, as well as water to dilute wastewa-                             potentially pollute water sources, or via biological
ter); and a contribution to climate regulation via                             pest control. Yet, high returns from crops may lead
carbon storage in soil and plants and restriction of                           to the intentional reduction of natural habitats —
further GHG emissions. The three services are in-                              where beneficial predators thrive — in order to
terlinked. Irrigation water enables crops to grow,                             increase land used for farming. The reduced habi-
albeit generally not along a linear relationship.                              tats may create a reduced capacity to store carbon,
Fresh water is being contested by various uses,                                since sequestration is generally higher and more
such as hydropower generation, domestic water                                  persistent in natural habitats than in crop plots.
supply, and irrigation under very diverse conditions.                          The final benefits, produce for consumption or sale

                                                         RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Balancing ecosystem services and societal demands in
                              a highly managed watershed: setup and progress of a comprehensive research project

and contribution to halting climate change, can                             ber of studies are underway to quantify and value
likely be increased only up to a point. The adequate                        the selected regulating services and goods and to
balancing of services and benefits is the ultimate                          reveal relevant pathways of information and deci-
goal of the research project. To achieve this, a num-                       sion-making (Table 2).

Using scenarios in scientific and practical fields is a                     ply scenarios that study single sectors. Maneta et al.
widespread and diverse practice. Some authors ap-                           (2009) analyzed the expansion potential for irrigation

         Table 2 – Ongoing studies of the INNOVATE project and preliminary results on selected ecosystem services.
                                                   Ongoing studies in the frame of the project
 service                                                                        Main rules and
                       Quantification                  Valuation                                                         Decisions
                                                                              Agricultural policy,
                 Land users know several                                       law on pesticides,              At national government
                key species; safeguarding                                    national and regional               level: which type of
                 habitats is important for                                    conservation laws,                agriculture to promote
 Biological                                           efficiency of
                  control; farmers often                                    law on environmental                and support and how.
 pest                                                 smallholder
                   rely on vast pesticide                                    crimes, development                 At local action scale:
 control                                              production
                 quantities though using                                      paradigm; farmers,                conserving habitats to
                the service could be more                                     extension services,              enhance service benefits
                  economically efficient.                                   local pesticide sellers,            and limit pesticide use.
                                                                            CODEVASF, EMBRAPA.
                                                                                                               At governmental level:
                  CH4 emissions measured                                   National law on climate
                                                                                                               Realize monitoring and
                    at different points in                                  change, national and
                                                                                                               control of conservation
                    the reservoir. Results                                  regional conservation
 Reduction                                                                                                         areas, promote
                 suggest less concern than                                       laws, law on
 of GHG                                                     …                                                 conservation measures.
                         anticipated.                                      environmental crimes;
 emissions                                                                                                      At local action level:
                   C stocks determined in                                     farmers, extension
                                                                                                                refrain from slashing
                soil and biomass, modeled                                    services, CODEVASF,
                                                                                                             vegetation, use alternative
                         within soil.                                             EMBRAPA.
                                                                                                               fuels and amend soils.
               Water quantity and quality                                                                            Realize governance
               in basin models affected by                                                                           adaptations in line-
               climate change; “green liver                                   National water law,                      organizations in
                                                    Cost efficiency
                system” to purify water by                                   CONAMA regulation,                     consonance with the
                                                     of sanitation
                 macrophytes; local water                                  national energy matrix,                        Water Law.
 Provision                                            measures;
                quality studies. During low                                law on basic sanitation;                 On local action level:
 of fresh                                              economic
                  water level crisis: water                                    local water users,                  reduce water spoilage,
 water                                               efficiency of
               quality can be critical, water                                sanitation agencies,                    improve water use
                                                      the “green
               quantities harshly reduced,                                    CBHSF, ANA, ONS,                       efficiency, prioritize
                                                    liver system”.
                 separation of man-made                                          CHESF, CEMIG.                       low water demand
                  from natural causes still                                                                         applications, improve
                         contested.                                                                                 wastewater disposal.
              Notes: Information derived from project seminars and project reports. Abbreviations: compare notes of Table 1.

                                                     RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Siegmund-Schultze, M.; Köppel, J.; Sobral, M.C.

in the upper and middle portion of the São Francisco                       Considering water as a scarce resource entails a paradigm
watershed, but also acknowledged the impact on fish-                       change from the previously promoted “culture of abun-
ery and hydropower. Companies, such as the electric                        dance”, which meant little awareness of the impacts on
power grid company ONS, have the mission to distrib-                       the life supporting system by human activities (ROMANO
ute the electricity supply nationwide, hence, their mod-                   & CADAVID GARCIA, 1999). Integrated natural resource
els focus on available resources, such as hydropower.                      management is increasingly framed as a nexus problem,
The National Water Act (BRASIL, 1997) prescribes the                       which involves systemic thinking and integrated solutions
principle of various water uses of equal importance,                       (HOFF, 2012). Interdependencies and competition among
which requires integrated planning of water resources                      sectors have been described as the major challenges in
when resources are scarce. The regional development                        nexus problems which call for a cross-sectorial approach
agency developed prospective mid-term scenarios for                        (KARLBERG et al., 2015). Managing the cross-sectorial
the period of 2009 until 2028, distinguishing three                        approach requires a common understanding of tools.
main scenarios and applying them to the four sub-re-                       A scenario discussion within the project revealed that the
gions of the watershed, assuming that these may not                        scientists involved had very different perceptions of what
develop in the same direction or pace (CODEVASF &                          a scenario entails. Therefore, the type of scenario had to
FUNDAÇÃO GETÚLIO VARGAS, 2011). Scenario one                               be made explicit first. While natural scientists tended to
has been called “the march” (A Marcha) and depicts                         prioritize exploratory models, which forecast trends in
a slow, though steady, development pathway. Scenario                       simulation runs, the social scientists considered primarily
two is “the flight of the hyacinth macaw” (O Vôo da Ar-                    back casting models, searching for best methods to reach
ara Azul), indicating an ambitious and innovative way                      or avoid vision in an anticipatory, strategic way. The group
forward. Scenario three is “the flight of the potoo” (O                    of project scientists explored both ways, finding that opti-
Vôo do Urutau), a nocturnal species with a painful cry,                    mization potentially plays a role in both, and offered a set
demonstrating that the situation may also worsen, put-                     of three major scenarios, which reflect both approach-
ting development at risk.                                                  es (Table 3).

                    Table 3 – Project scenarios used by INNOVATE in studying the São Francisco watershed.
                          Modeled frame                   Climate
 Scenario label                                                                               Case-specific storylines
                           conditions                    scenarios
                        Planned and started
                                                                            Development will continue approximately as it was
 Baseline             irrigation projects fully            No CC
                                                                                    during the years 2012 to 2015.
                                                                              Technical divide in irrigation techniques widens,
                     High population growth,
                                                                           focus on engineering solutions, more water diversion
                       little environmental            More humid
 A2(a)—Social                                                              projects pushed through, strong increase in cropping
                      awareness, increasing              Drier
 fragmentation                                                                  area and aquaculture, crops with high water
                     divide between rich and             No CC
                                                                            demand, strong overall increase of nitrogen surplus,
                            poor people.
                                                                               governance becomes even more fragmented.
                                                                            Increased irrigation efficiency, more conservation of
                     Globalization along with
                                                                             natural vegetation, accounting for ecological water
                      higher environmental
                                                       More humid            flow demand, some increase in cropping area and
 B1(a)—Global         awareness, leading to
                                                         Drier              aquaculture, crops with lower water demand, lower
 awareness           less population growth
                                                         No CC                  nitrogen surplus increase, effective monitoring
                     and a fairer, sustainable
                                                                               and control systems, policies are developed and
                        economic growth.
                                                                                         implemented across sectors.
        Note: The storyline entries are not fully corresponding with particular other row entries; they are meant as approximations.
                         According to SRES climate scenarios; UKMO HADCM3 used for modeling land use and crop mix.
                                                     No CC – no climate change modeled.

                                                     RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Balancing ecosystem services and societal demands in
                            a highly managed watershed: setup and progress of a comprehensive research project

Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) climate                      been discussed in which conditions worsen, but it was
scenarios have been used for simulating and down-                         not explicitly pursued. Nevertheless, the quantitative
scaling global changes in land use and crop mix for the                   runs of models will not necessarily always reflect the
São Francisco basin (MAgPIE). The next model (SWIM)                       assumed qualitative characteristics and may introduce
used the resulting information on land use and crop                       other projections and externalities in further analyses.
mix and simulated possible future surface-water quan-                     So far, the question addressed by using the scenarios is
tities within the watershed under climate change con-                     not how probable these scenarios are, but to demon-
ditions. The downscaling of land use scenarios and the                    strate different path dependencies, as well as opportu-
hydrological simulations are described in Koch et al.                     nities for action and limits to action. Quantitative mod-
(this issue). Again, results are being fed into following                 els will primarily produce results for a 20-year period
models at lower scales (compare for instance Silva &                      (up to the year 2035, forming the middle point of the
Moraes (this issue)). First results have been discussed                   years 2021 to 2050). Since climate change and run-off
with stakeholders leading to adjustments within mod-                      processes are generally slow, these will additionally be
eled scenarios. These top-down, interconnected and                        modelled until the end of the 21st century. Both scenar-
primarily exploratory model applications are based on                     io applications, forward and backward, can guide de-
quantitative data using a range of data sources, consist-                 cision-making. The project scenarios are widely com-
ing mainly of open access data sets. The storylines also                  patible with the earlier presented scenarios. Through
describe qualitative characteristics plausible for the                    their quantitative application, they are introducing the
São Francisco basin and align with the global scenar-                     effect of climate change, using diverse scenario predic-
io ideas. Likewise, scenarios serve to discuss or further                 tions. Societal or regional differences are not modelled
test experimental study results under different future                    by separately treating the basin’s sub-regions but by
conditions. In the beginning, a fourth scenario had                       model-inherent features, such as social fragmentation.

                          HOW THE SCENARIOS AFFECT
How the scenarios possibly shape the ecosystem ser-                       demand in water. This will ultimately negatively affect
vices and people’s wellbeing is explored in a qualitative,                the sectors that depend on these natural resources,
projective analysis (Table 4). The baseline scenario char-                widening the gap of social fragmentation even more.
acterizes the fate of ecosystem services under current                    Due to global awareness, the positive view of ecosystem
conditions: low or only slowly growing consideration of                   services conservation is prevailing; measures are under-
the studied ecosystem services. Under social fragmen-                     taken that reduce negative effects, though they cannot
tation they are even less valued, counteracting positive                  be stopped altogether. As long-term benefits are consid-
externalities, leading to increased loss of biodiversity,                 ered at expense of short-term benefits, compensatory
higher emissions, higher soil degradation, and higher                     measures might be needed to bridge the time gap.

INNOVATE’s mandate is not only to produce new                             results, the project developed a concept involving
knowledge but also to connect and cooperate with                          three elements:
stakeholders who can benefit from the scientif-
                                                                          1. a written guidance document,
ic results. Some of our research areas rely on the
interaction with stakeholders. We have held a se-                         2. face-to-face workshops with stakeholders, and
ries of workshops to undertake constellation anal-
                                                                          3. cooperation on-demand.
ysis (compare Rodorff et al. in this issue). Other
studies were based on resource user surveys. To                           The latter can involve both written and live elements.
support both the production of useful knowledge                           While the written document is in its infancy as data
and work towards the implementation of future                             analyses and interpretations are still ongoing, a num-

                                                   RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Siegmund-Schultze, M.; Köppel, J.; Sobral, M.C.

Table 4 – Provision and use of ecosystem services under different scenario conditions (conceptual overview, INNOVATE project).

 Ecosystem                                                            Scenario
 services               Baseline              A2 – Social fragmentation                           B1 – Global awareness
                    Little used and                                                          Becomes a large-scale, actively
 Biological pest                          Does not play any role; potential
                    no incentives to                                                      supported solution; increased research
 control                                   faunal populations decrease.
                           use.                                                               activities trigger new options.
                       Inefficient       Reflects biodiversity loss; pesticide                On average smaller yields need
                      smallholder         industry needs large amounts of                    compensatory measures such as
                        farming.                  water and energy.                            reducing post-harvest losses.
                                                                                             Adoption of measures to reduce
 Reduction of          Almost no          Not taken into account; emissions
                                                                                          emissions; at maximum a slow increase
 GHG emissions         awareness.                 increase greatly.
                                                                                                       of emissions.
                     Counteracting         Release of carbon and methane                    Conservation measures might be
                      unintended          deteriorates climate forecasts; soil             beneficial in the long term but in the
                      mitigation.         degradation and biodiversity loss.                short term, income might be lost.
                    Perceived unfair
                      allocation of
                                           Management favors large water                   Adaptive water management; more
                      scarce water
 Provision of                              users including additional water                 and better sanitation; restoration
                   resources; slowly
 fresh water                                diversion projects; pollution is                  projects contribute to water
                     growing public
                                                considered secondary.                               flow regulation.
                      awareness of
                   resource scarcity.
                                           Crop choice according to world
                     is considered                                                               Shift in crops enhances
                                            market prices – use of water-
                      contrary to                                                         agrobiodiversity; restoration projects
   Possible                               demanding crops worsens water
                      production.                                                           support biodiversity; wind power
   trade-offs                              use efficiency, as do precarious
                        Different                                                         and solar energy complement energy
                                          smallholder systems; commercial
                     development                                                             matrix, levelling out shortages.
                                            shipping may stop altogether.
                    paradigms exist.
                                                     GHG: Greenhouse gas.

ber of stakeholder workshops have already ocurred. At                 of water at the river basin scale. It covered benefits
the watershed scale, project members organized sever-                 and duties of public participation, how decision rules
al meetings with stakeholders at different hierarchical               affect water availability, which practical conclusions
scales and located in different areas of the watershed.               one can draw from hydrodynamic modelling, and
One series focused on data sets and missing data in                   the risk of phosphorous losses from soils and how
modeling and scenario analysis, with the intention                    to reduce them. At reservoir (local) scale, project
to find some of the missing data. It also served to                   members also held three series of meetings. Series
discuss scenario storylines with stakeholders. Anoth-                 one primarily addressed students in the municipali-
er series focused on already set up models and their                  ties of focus, while series two aimed to involve adult
initial results. The intention was to learn which data                stakeholders as well. Most of the project members
and results might be most useful for which stake-                     working at the local level had prepared short sum-
holders. A third series centered on the multiple uses                 maries to provide highlights of their studies in acces-

                                                RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Balancing ecosystem services and societal demands in
                          a highly managed watershed: setup and progress of a comprehensive research project

sible language, and they engaged with attendees on                      Which management options or questions can finally
these topics. A written summary is being prepared                       be addressed by the project results and are these of
for teachers to help them share the information lo-                     real interest to stakeholders today or in the future?
cally. A third set of four meetings addressed farmers,                  The tasks of a basin plan are according to the Water
with a focus on livestock keepers. Topics included                      Act (BRASIL, 1997):
civil society engagement and adaptation strategies
for farmers to better and more sustainably cope with                    1. diagnosis of current situation;
their natural and economic environment.                                 2. analysis of demographic dynamics, development
The third element, cooperation on demand, has two                          of productive activities, and land use changes;
lines at the watershed scale, which are both relat-                     3. future water supply and demand, including quan-
ed to the committee of the São Francisco watershed                         tity and quality aspects, and potential conflicts;
and its executive agency, the AGB Peixe Vivo. First,
we are cooperating with the appointed international                     4. targets for efficient water use, increasing quanti-
consulting group, which is renewing the basin plan.                        ty, and improving quality;
One meeting served to exchange data, documents,
                                                                        5. measures, programs and projects to address the
and concepts. Further exchange took place during
                                                                           previous targets;
seminars and a conference. Second, the project
has been asked to cooperate in the network of ba-                       6. priorities for assigning water use rights;
sin-related researchers to help consolidate access
to datasets and information on finished and ongo-                       7. directives and criteria for water pricing;
ing studies. On the local and regional scale, the gov-                  8. proposals for creating conservation areas to pro-
ernmental development agency of the São Francisco                          tect water resources.
basin (CODEVASF) in Petrolina, a regional agency,
asked the project to formulate development proj-                        The project addresses several of these targets, at
ects derived from the ongoing studies. This request                     least partly. Since the studies have been set up nei-
still needs to be broken into feasible tasks for re-                    ther to serve only the plan and the ongoing man-
spective project scientists. Another cooperation at-                    agement of the basin, nor the management at the
tempt combines a written document for discussion                        reservoir scale, some adaptation of the contents is
and comments with stakeholders by e-mail.                               necessary. This work is currently under way.

Exchange among scientists has revealed inspiring                        differences in definitions explicit, which led partici-
cases of contradictory results or conclusions. This                     pants to deeply reflect on statements and meanings.
clearly shows the value of a comprehensive project                      Some linguistic pitfalls are:
and its effective cooperative practice. The practice of
interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research does                   • Technical or field-specific language: some terms
however involve cultural challenges and change,                           are uncommon to almost all people unfamiliar
promoting debate about contradictions. This is com-                       with the respective discipline or even branch of
mon to scientific work, but not always feasible to                        discipline. Examples include “trophic upsurge” or
this extent. A diverse group of disciplines broadens                      “drawdown agriculture”.
the potential divergences and new insights. Finally,
                                                                        • Simple words: while some scientists use words
a complex synthesis is better than forced consensus,
                                                                          with their popular meaning in mind, others just
as it profits from an integrated view and is better
                                                                          make use of a very particular term. Thus, a “sig-
informed (DELGADO et al., 2009).
                                                                          nificant” difference can be understood as an
Vocabulary commonly causes confusion in interdis-                         apparently clear difference or a tested and ap-
ciplinary cooperation. We were required to make                           proved statistical difference.

                                                 RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Siegmund-Schultze, M.; Köppel, J.; Sobral, M.C.

• Graduated differences: a term might be popular                       sound value-laden. The nutrient “load” of a lake
  in one discipline, whereas in another the differ-                    is just the quantification of nutrients in limnol-
  entiation is not central to analysis. Examples are                   ogy, sometimes attributed to water pollution,
  “participation” (ranging from asking stakeholders                    while in soil or plant sciences it may sound neg-
  questions, to defining the degree of power and                       ative as especially “macro” nutrients are consid-
  control of people involved in knowledge genera-                      ered valuable and are often a scarce resource for
  tion). Another example is “grazing intensity” (dis-                  plant growth and soil fertility.
  tinguishing more roughly light from heavy graz-
  ing, or analyzing e.g. stocking rates, along with                Interacting with non-scientist partners, or those who
  inter-annual and species’ composition differenc-                 briefly attended school, similarly calls for a clear for-
  es).                                                             mulation and awareness of potential differences in
                                                                   vocabulary. Furthermore, openness to new terms
• Synonyms: words may be used interchangeable                      and different ways of reasoning and communicat-
  by some, while others attach clear, though maybe
                                                                   ing is important. In general, conclusions should be
  small, differences in their meanings. Such a word
                                                                   drawn with a clear context-connotation. Awareness
  group is for instance: management, regulation,
                                                                   of the various probable effects, relations, and po-
  and control.
                                                                   tential boundary problems is vital. These can result
• Tradition: terms might be used according to ma-                  from choices concerning or relationships with:
  jor disciplinary traditions without specification.
  Talking about “scenarios” revealed that some                     • Spatial location: biophysical, socioeconomic, po-
  were, per default, thinking in terms of forecast-                  litical or cultural differences;
  ing, while others had back casting in mind.                      • Sector: e.g. aquaculture, agriculture, energy,
• Geographical-cultural background: researchers                      transport, or sanitation;
  originating from a temperate region learned that                 • Jurisdictional scale: local, municipal, regional,
  a “forest” is not necessarily characterized by a
                                                                     state, national, international;
  green, dense, and high vegetation cover, but that
  Caatinga, with its small and sparse vegetation,                  • Temporal dynamics: sequence, speed of changes,
  is also a forest though a dry one. International                   length of period;
  classification of land cover may however classify
  Caatinga as a savanna or even open area, leading                 • Knowledge scale and type: historical, current and
  to the assumption that the area is unused, which                   future, local and scientific;
  is often a false conclusion.
                                                                   • Value system: the researchers’ or stakeholders’
• Neutrality: a term in one discipline can have a                    own discipline, previous research projects, so-
  neutral connotation, while in another it may                       cialization, and personal preferences and beliefs.

                                    FINAL CONSIDERATIONS
The multi-disciplinary project reflects the still far              How can people strategically and effectively deal
more complicated and complex existing governance                   with different aspirations and impacts? Possible ap-
challenges of the São Francisco watershed: differ-                 proaches, for instance, are river basin development
ent perspectives and separate interests are being                  planning and management (RBDPM), integrated wa-
pursued, cooperation activities have been arranged,                ter resource management (IWRM), or strategic en-
some members are temporary, and the overall in-                    vironmental assessment (SEA). An early RBDPM was
tegration is complicated. The sustainability para-                 attempted in the São Francisco watershed as early
digm draws attention to the dimensions of people,                  as 1948, with the founding of Comissão do Vale do
planet, and profit. Merely mentioning the complex                  São Francisco, and was promoted by international
interconnections and benchmarks is not enough.                     organizations (BARROW, 1998). Barrow concludes

                                             RBCIAMB | n.36 | jun 2015 | 3-18
Balancing ecosystem services and societal demands in
                          a highly managed watershed: setup and progress of a comprehensive research project

from a range of early national examples that RBD-                       the integrated management of the São Francisco wa-
PM showed poor results in achieving integrated area                     tershed. Testing multi-criteria decision-making and
development due to implementation and manage-                           identifying more clearly how to cope practically with
ment flaws. More specifically, he criticizes focusing                   integration seems useful for the future.
on single-purpose development in a too centralized
                                                                        At stake is a conflict-sensitive adaptation to climate
setting while neglecting communication, lacking
                                                                        change and governance challenges. The nexus of
adequate data and often leadership, and not being
                                                                        competing sectorial demands, along with the at-
sufficiently flexible and adaptive. McDonnell (2008)
                                                                        tempt to balance social, economic, and environmen-
similarly acknowledges poor results of implement-
                                                                        tal goals in a sustainability framework is regularly af-
ing IWRM, mentioning similar pitfalls as Barrow for                     fected by the issues of equity and unfavorable power
RBDPM, though she concludes that a major pitfall is                     relations (KUMI et al., 2014). The authors argue that
the purely techno-scientific approach of knowledge                      proposals for solutions will fail as long as the un-
production and decision-making. She argues that                         dermining incidents, such as corruption, are not ad-
the “networks and flows of power between the var-                       dressed. This is not only rather pessimistic, but also
ious actors/stakeholders involved with governance”                      out of the scope of our type of research, though it is
are often neglected and that the complex challeng-                      important to draw attention to the need for broad-
es of integrated management need a concerted co-                        er institutional and cultural change. A collaborative
operation of different disciplines and stakeholders.                    research project is not able to induce substantive
SEA is still voluntary in Brazil, though the Ministry                   changes in society, though small steps are being pur-
of Environment has recommended it for more than                         sued. Finally, a substantial contribution might be ca-
ten years for strategic decisions and there have been                   pacity building for both the young and experienced
recent attempts to institutionalize it in federal plans                 scientists involved. This is especially true for those
and programs (MALVESTIO & MONTAÑO, 2013).                               who took advantage of the additional offers and
Therefore, it appears appropriate to study the po-                      benefits and who contributed to resolving conflicts
tential of methods related to SEA and IWRM to guide                     inherent to the comprehensive consortia work.

We would like to acknowledge the commitment and                         Gerald Souza da Silva, Heinrich Hagel, Anne Biewald,
contributions of the numerous members of the IN-                        Maricela Rodriguez, Florian Selge, and Gérsica Silva.
NOVATE project during seminars, workshops, proj-                        The work was supported by the German Ministry of
ect conference, fieldwork sessions, and manifold                        Education and Research (BMBF; Sustainable Land
discussions. We would like to thank a few colleagues                    Management program) as the INNOVATE project un-
as representatives. The preparation of this paper                       der grant number 01LL0904A, and the grants of the
draws specifically on collaboration with Hagen Koch,                    Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Inno-
Márcia Alcoforado Moraes, Arne Cierjacks, Jarcilene                     vation (MCTI) as well as Brazil’s Council for Scientific
Almeida-Cortez, Roberto Azevedo, Volkmar Hart-                          and Technological Development (CNPq). Thanks to
je, Sarah Gottwald, Maike Guschal, Verena Rodorff,                      Kimberly Tatum for the English language revision.

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