Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022

Page created by Earl Simpson
Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022
Back to School
            Information Guide
            Junior School 2022

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Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022

Welcome from Head of Junior School...... 3

Junior School
  Commencement Details....................................4
  Student Admin Days............................................5
  Important Information........................................6
  Important Dates......................................................6
  Junior School Contact List................................6
  Library and Sports.................................................6
  After School Hours Care.....................................6

 Communication at TAS.......................................7
 Absence or late arrival.........................................8
 Term Dates 2022.....................................................9
 How to wear the uniform.................................10/12
 Student Behavioural Expectations...............13/14
Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022
Welcome from the Head of Junior School
Mr Ian Lloyd

Welcome to 2022!

We look forward to the year ahead with great excitement, knowing that our enrolments are very healthy, leading
to the development of 3 new Junior school classes. We welcome all our families new and returning this year to
Junior School and at the same time, our new teachers Mr Toby Armstrong (Kindergarten), Mr Craig Norrie (Year 4)
and Mrs Kirsty Brunsdon (Year 5).

Term 1 is always an exciting time of the year with both classroom and co-curricular activities keeping everyone
very busy. We hope that staying occupied will assist everyone to settle into a strong routine early and we look for-
ward to advertising the important dates and events very soon on the school calendar.

The TAS Junior School is very proud of our community and the approach we all take to nurture our young students
and we look forward to working with our parents and carers throughout the year. If you ever need assistance or
have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with our Reception and we will be more than happy to help.

Best wishes for the year ahead.

Mr Ian Lloyd
Head of Junior School.

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Junior School Commencement Details

                                                                  WEDNESDAY 2 FEBRUARY, 2022
                                                                  7:00am		          Family/Sibling photos will take place by
Junior School Students wear summer uniform                        		                prior appointment with MSP photographers

8.45am          Welcome to be held in the undercover area in      8:40am		          Junior School photos commence (as per
		              the Junior School. (Kindergarten to Year 5)       		                schedule attached on Page 5).

                                                                  School photos and class photos will be taken. Please ensure your
9.00am 		       Pre-Kindergarten children arrive and parents
                                                                  child is wearing the summer uniform on this day.
		              and carers go straight to the Pre-Kindergarten
		              classroom (via the Pre-Kindergarten Garden). ie
		              students will not attend the Assembly
		              on this first day.

9.15am		 Junior School Morning Tea (K-5) with parents
		       and carers in the undercover area adjacent in
		Junior School

9.30am		        Junior School Classes commence and parents
		              and carers depart

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Student Admin Days

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Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022
Junior School (PK-5) - Important Information

We welcome our new and returning families to TAS in 2022 and           JUNIOR SCHOOL CONTACT LIST
inform you of the start of term details. We are very pleased to have
such a large number of new enrolments and, as you will have            Head of Junior School
heard, it will be a very busy term.                                    Mr Ian Lloyd            		          6776 5817

                                                                       Junior School Administrative Assistant
Pre-Kindergarten - Year 2
                                                                       Ms Sandra Lasker                    6776 5817
We wish to remind parents of children in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2
that Learn to Swim lessons commence in the second week of Term
1, from Monday 7 February, 2022. Sports training also commences        Class Teachers
for all children in the second week. Please ensure you are prepared
with the appropriate gear. All information in relation to sport        Pre-Kindergarten 			                Mrs Tania Ball
will be posted in our weekly newsletter TAS Talks. If you have any     				Mrs Anne Trenerry
questions, please contact Junior School Reception on 6776 5817.
                                                                       				Ms Jacinta Coates
                                                                       Kindergarten 			                    Mrs Anna O’Connor
                                                                       				Mr Toby Armstrong
                                                                       Year 1 				                         Mrs Christine Wright
Monday 31 January           Pre-Kindergarten Information Evening
			                         for parents from 5.30pm - 6:30pm           Year 2 				                         Mrs Tania Hardin
			Pre-Kindergarten Classroom
                                                                       Year 3				                          Mrs Lana Hawskford

Tuesday 1 February Junior School Welcome in the Junior                 				Mrs Grania Fawcett
			                School covered area. All classes 		                 Year 4				                          Mr Craig Norrie
			commence from 9.30am.
                                                                       Year 5				Mrs Veronica Waters
Wednesday 2 February School photos - please ensure your 		             				Mrs Kirsty Brunsdon
			child is wearing summer uniform on
			this occasion.
                                                                       LIBRARY AND SPORTS
Tuesday 8 February          Parent Information Evenings
                                                                       Junior School students have library lessons in The Hub once a
			                         Years K, 2 & 4                             week at which time they may borrow and return books.
			                         6.00 - 7.00pm in classrooms

                                                                       After school sport training days vary. Students may wear sports
Thursday 10 February        Parent Information Evening
                                                                       uniform on the day when they have after school sport (this does
			                         (Years 1, 3 & 5)
                                                                       not apply to days when they have PE). The Junior School will
			                         6.00 - 7.00pm in classrooms
                                                                       advise sports training days at the commencement of Term 1.

Thursday 17 February        Junior School Swimming Carnival
                                                                       AFTER SCHOOL HOURS CARE
Thursday 7 April		          End of Term - Classes conclude             TAS Junior School offers Out of School Hours Care (After School
                                                                       Hours Care and Vacation Care) for our students and families.

                                                                       The program combines active games with structured and
                                                                       unstructured play, quiet time and a healthy snack. This time is led
                                                                       by our carer, Mrs Jacinta Major, a qualified and highly experienced
                                                                       provider. OSHC is located in the dedicated space at Junior School
                                                                       and all that is required is for interested parents, is to register
                                                                       their child by contacting Further details will be
                                                                       forwarded upon expression of interest.

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Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022
Communication at TAS / Lunches

TAS Talks
TAS Talks is the TAS weekly newsletter and published in digital format every Wednesday. This publication is essential reading for students
and parents as it outlines the school’s activities in the week ahead and reflects on the achievements of the week that has been. Parents
are automatically added to the email list.

Website & Student/Parent Portals
The site contains all the information a student or parent needs to know about the school in easy to use Student and Parent Portals that
can be found at the top of the home page.

The TAS website address is

Student Portal
It is strongly recommended that all students familiarise themselves with the school information available on the student portal.
Academic information, CANVAS, Moodle, webmail and links to co-curricular activities and school policies are all easy to access and read.
In addition Junior School students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 3 will be using Seesaw.

Students from Year 3 and above may use the School Dining Room for lunch. The cost is $6.30 per lunch which is inclusive of morning tea.
Morning tea is delivered to the Junior School, whilst lunch is supervised in the Dining Room.

There is a wide range of pre-made salads, bread, fresh seasonal fruit and a hot meal option each day.

There is no need to pre-book. Charges are applied to the school account on a user pays - per term basis.

A School canteen is located in the foyer of the TAS Swim Centre. Junior School students can preorder (tuckshop style) in the morning,
providing the correct cash with their order.

Due to COVID restrictions, the dining room will not be available for day students until further notice. When this situation
changes, you will be updated accordingly.

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Back to School Information Guide Junior School 2022
Absence or late arrival

Daily Absence
If your child is to be absent from school for any reason, including arriving late or leaving early, please advise the appropriate Administration
Assistant (see below), explaining the reason for absence by phone or email.

Sickness in excess of four school days requires a doctor’s certificate detailing the nature of sickness and duration of sickness and may be
requested at the discretion of the Heads of each area of the school.

Students who need to sign in or out during the school day must do so at the Junior School Reception area. This includes late arrival and
early departure to and from school.

Junior School:    Phone 6776 5817 or by email to

More information about absentees and extended leave can be found by visiting the school website.

Leave during academic time
Students are expected to attend school for the full period of the term. If, however, a family wishes to apply for leave for exceptional
circumstances, the Application for Exemption from School form ( found in the parent portal of the TAS website) MUST be completed by a
parent and permission sought from Head of Junior School, prior to the leave being taken (see contact information above).

Alternatively, if a family wishes to apply for leave for their child/children for the purpose of travel or holidays during term time exceeding
15 days, the Application for Extended Leave - Travel or Holiday form (found on the TAS website) MUST be completed by a parent and
permission sought respectively, as above.

If the leave is granted, an appropriate Certificate confirming permission will be issued.

Illness/Absence during the school day
Should a student become ill during school hours they are to go to the Junior School Reception where the parents will be contacted and
asked to collect them. If the student is injured or the parents are uncontactable, the student is taken to the TAS Medical Centre.

Leave from Sport
Students who are unable to attend sport must inform their coach or manager prior to the training session or game. Students must make
every effort to attend sport. Appointments and leave arrangements should be made outside of training and game times.

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Term Dates 2022

                                            2022 Term Dates
                       New Staff Induction                   Monday & Tuesday
                                                             24-25 January
      Term 1           Australia Day Holiday                 Wednesday 26 January                 10 weeks
                       Staff Day                             Thursday 27 January
                       Staff Day                             Friday 28 January
                       Staff Day / Boarders return           Monday 31 January
                       Classes resume                        Tuesday 1 February
                       Term ends–classes conclude            Thursday 7 April
                       Staff Day                             Friday 8 April

                                   Easter – Good Friday 15 April – Easter Monday 18 April

      Term 2           Anzac Day                             Monday 25 April                      9 Weeks
                       Staff Day / Boarders return           Tuesday 26 April

                       Classes commence                      Wednesday 27 April
                       Classes conclude                      Thursday 9 June
                       Staff Day                             Friday 10 June
                       Queen’s Birthday Long
                       Weekend (School closed)
                       Boarders Return                       Monday 13 June
                       Classes resume                        Tuesday 14 June
                       Term ends–classes conclude            Thursday 23 June
                       Staff Day                             Friday 24 June

      Term 3           Staff Day / Boarders return           Monday 18 July                       10 weeks
                       Classes commence                      Tuesday 19 July
                       Term ends–classes conclude            Thursday 22 September
                       Staff Day / Valedictory Day           Friday 23 September

                                              Labour Day Holiday – 3 October

      Term 4           Staff Day / Boarders return           Monday 10 October                    9 weeks
                       Classes resume                        Tuesday 11 October
                       Term ends – classes conclude Thursday 8 December
                       JS Speech Day                         Thursday 8 December
                       SS Speech Day                         Friday 9 December
                                                                                                                  VOB 2021

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How to wear the uniform - the School’s expectations

The School expects its students to wear their full school uniform correctly and with pride and sets high standards for students in public. It
is our expectation that uniform and shoes will be clean and in good repair.

Boys hair should be combed and of an acceptable length (not over the collar, ears or eyes), with no artificial colouring.

Girls hair should be of a natural colour, clean, well kept and drawn away from the face. Shoulder length hair must be tied back. Hair
ribbons are optional, but if worn, must be navy (Years PK-10).

•    Girls can wear small gold, silver or pearl stud earrings (approx 3mm in diameter) or sleepers. Earrings must only be located in the lobe
     of the ear and there is to be only one in each ear. However, girls may be asked to remove these during some sporting or co-curricular
     activities for health and safety reasons.
•    Watches can be worn.
•    No rings, wristbands or bracelets are to be worn, unless for medical purposes.
•    Necklaces are not to be worn, except for those that have religious significance. These should be discreetly tucked underneath the

Summer uniform
Junior School Boys are to wear khaki shorts and shirt, long khaki socks, pulled up at all times and black shoes. A school tie must be worn
by Years 3, 4 and 5. This is optional for Years 2 and below. A blazer must be worn by Year 5 students when required. For all younger years a
blazer is optional.

Girls are to wear school dress, short white socks (not ankle socks), black shoes and navy blazer Year 5 only. The navy girls jumper may be
worn with this dress depending on the weather.

Winter uniform
Pre-Kindergarten boys and girls wear navy tracksuits pants with a polo shirt and the school navy jumper.

Boys from Kindergarten upwards wear a grey shirt, grey socks, grey trousers, school jumper and black shoes A school tie must be worn
by Years 3, 4 and 5. (optional for Years 2 and below). or all formal occasions a white shirt is worn instead of the grey and a blazer must be
worn by Year 5 boys.

Girls in Kindergarten to Year 5 wear a grey dress, TAS long sleeved blouse, with grey stockings and navy blazer for Year 5. TAS grey trousers
are optional in place of the skirt worn with black or grey socks.

For formal occasions Junior School girls wear the appropriate uniform depending on the season.

For formal occasions in all terms, girls in Years K-5 wear a white long sleeved blouse and skirt with the school tie, black stockings and navy
blazer. Year 11 and 12 girls wear a navy skirt, the white formal blouse, school tie, black stockings and the striped senior blazer. The navy
school jumper may be worn at all times depending on the weather.

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How to wear the uniform - the School’s expectations cont...

Jumpers may be worn in addition to, but not instead of, blazers to and from school.

All students should all possess and use a TAS schoolbags for all purposes.

Hats and Caps
Only the TAS Chappell hat should be worn by students in the playground during recess and lunchtimes.

Sports/PE uniform - All Students
All students will have a TAS sport polo shirt which should be worn with TAS blue shorts. This uniform may be worn when representing
the school in any external competitions unless specialist sport uniform is required. TAS regulation swimwear must be worn during all
school aquatic activities.

House polo-shirt
For any inter-house sporting activities, including the athletics championships, swimming championships and inter-house
competitions, students will wear their House polo shirt with TAS blue shorts.

TAS tracksuit - All Students
All students will have a TAS tracksuit which may be worn at training, at matches and when travelling to and from matches.

Personal Property
All items brought to school should be clearly named. They remain the students’ responsibility and are brought at their own risk and are
not covered by any form of school insurance.

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Student Behavioural Expectations

Our foundations are based on ideals of mutual respect and responsibility and focused upon a culture of connectedness.

Responsibilities of the students
Each TAS student has the responsibility to be a courteous, caring and co-operative member of the school community by respecting the
rights of others.

Students must, therefore, endeavour to:
•       Accept responsibility for their own behaviour and modifying inappropriate behaviour accordingly
•       Learn to the best of their ability and allow others to learn unhindered
•       Co-operate with others and learn to discuss without being disagreeable
•       Be punctual to class and care for all school property and equipment
•       Know the school rules and the consequences of not working within those rules
•       Contribute to the maintenance and care of the school environment
•       Behave in a manner that brings no discredit to the school.

Examples of appropriate behaviour:
•      Courtesy to other students, staff, visitors to the school and to the public
•      Punctuality at all school activities
•      Correctly wearing the school’s uniform
•      Co-operating with and supporting other students
•      Helping to maintain the cleanliness of classrooms, buildings and the school grounds
•      Caring for plants, trees and gardens within the school grounds
•      Speaking politely to other students, staff and visitors
•      Being honest.

1. The Armidale School believes very strongly that all members of the school community (students, staff, parents) have the right to
a safe, supportive and caring environment free from intimidation of any kind.

2. The school will not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form. Students are encouraged to support other students and to report
instances of bullying, understanding that no action will be taken without the victim’s consent.

3. Bullying is the deliberate intention to harm someone who does not have the power to stop it. Bullying may involve actions
to hurt, threaten or frighten another person either physically or psychologically. Bullying causes hurt and distress, is repeated, and
involves an imbalance of power.

What to do to prevent bullying
If you are experiencing bullying behaviour, it is important to let an adult know. Please speak with an adult you trust. If you observe
someone being bullied, you have a responsibility to talk with an adult so this behaviour can be addressed.

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Student Behavioural Expectations

Action that may be taken by the school
The School will do all it can to prevent bullying in all its forms, however please keep in mind that we can only address behaviour we
are aware of, so please let an adult know so incidents of bullying can be responded to. There are procedures and processes in place
that will be used depending on the type of bullying that has occurred. This can include the following:•

•       Discussion with teacher or Head of Junior School
•       Discussion and counselling with Director of Pastoral Care
•       Discussion and counselling with School Counsellor or external counsellor
•       Notification to parents and discussion with Deputy Principal
•       Referral to the Principal
•       Withdrawal

If you have concerns about the way someone is being treated please speak with an adult or contact the School.

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Locked Bag 3003     T 61 2 6776 5800   E
Armidale NSW 2350                  acn 41 108 241 | cricos no 02285k
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