Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group

Page created by Edith Norris
Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group
              ISSUE 2                                                                                                                                                FIND
     Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022                                                                                                                                        OUT

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Davies joins Patriots

Patrick Henry High has new football
coach Page 4

Year in review

                                       The new Snapdragon Stadium is taking shape in Mission Valley. (Courtesy photo SDSU Athletics)

                                       Aztecs ready for stadium changes
                                                   By DAVE THOMAS                 What was once a large parcel          Sports Park in Carson, the San           Snapdragon Stadium, which
                                                                               of land that played home to the          Diego State University Aztecs will    initially went by the name Aztec
Looking back at nature’s year Page 8     If you have spent time recently       Chargers, Aztecs, Padres and             finally have a real place to call     Stadium, is set to take centerstage
                                       in Mission Valley or driven either      more has been taking on a dras-          home later this year. That is one     later this year at an estimated cost
                                       side of the I-8 freeway, you like-      tically new look.                        literally only yards from where       of $310 million.
   FOOD & DRINK                        ly have noticed change taking              After a few seasons of playing        they played football for decades
Microenterprise meals arrive           place.                                  “home” games at Dignity Health           and created many memories.                   SEE SDSU NEW STADIUM, Page 12

                                       Keeping Navajo Canyon healthy is a priority for many volunteers
                                         Navajo Canyon is bounded on
                                       the east by Del Cerro and on the
                                       west by Allied Gardens.
                                         The canyon encompasses near-
Cooking at home Page 12                ly 141 acres with an out-and-
                                       back 1.25 hiking trail miles from
                                       Mound Avenue to Adobe Falls
   CONTACT US                          Road. It was once designated for
 Editorial                             continuation of Navajo Road to
 (858) 270-3103 x130                   then Highway 80, but luckily it                       was decided that Waring Road
                                       was a more attractive route. The
 Advertising                           terrain was not then suitable for
 (951) 296-7794                        profitable development so the ar-                      ea was zoned to City Open Space
                                       and the canyon was saved to be                                                                Keeping the Navajo Canyon area healthy is a passion for these volunteers. The group met last month on a Saturday to
 San Diego Community Newspaper Group                                           spruce up the area. (Courtesy photos)
                                                  SEE NAVAJO CANYON, Page 7

Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group
2    Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
     Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                                                    

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Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group                NEWS                                                                                                                       Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
                                                                                                                              Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                3
Waiting for development of All People’s                                                                                                   Home Sellers:
                                                                                                                             How to Get the Price You Want and Need
Church on College Avenue continues                                                                                            San Diego - When you decide to sell your home, setting your
                                                                                                                            asking price is one of the most important decisions you will
           By DAVE THOMAS                                                                                                   ever make. Depending on how a buyer is made aware of your
                                                                                                                            home, price is often the first thing he or she sees, and many
                                                                                                                            homes are discarded by prospective buyers as not being in the
   If you thought everything was                                                                                            appropriate price range before they're even given a chance of
finalized with All People’s Church                                                                                          showing.
building its new facility on College
Avenue soon, the answer is no.                                                                                                Your asking price is often your home's "first impression",
                                                                                                                            and if you want to realize the most money you can for your
   The subject matter came up
                                                                                                                            home, it's imperative that you make a good first impression.
again at the January meeting of
the Navajo Community Planners                                                                                                 This is not as easy as it sounds, and pricing strategy should
Inc. (NCPI). Nothing of note was                                                                                            not be taken lightly. Pricing too high can be as costly to a
decided on the pending project.           What the All People’s Church on College Avenue will look like once built.         homeseller as pricing too low. Taking a look at what homes in
                                          (Rendering courtesy All People's Church)                                          your neighborhood have sold for is only a small part of the
   The planning group said last
                                                                                                                            process, and on it's own is not nearly enough to help you make
month it was waiting on an en-                                                                                              the best decision. A recently study, which compiles 10 years of
vironmental impact report (EIR).            “We understand that change               manner and asked clarifying ques-      industry research, has resulted in a new special report
In a NCPI meeting in November             can be difficult,” All People’s            tions or who have shared sugges-       entitled "Homesellers: How to Get the Price You Want (and
of 2021, there was a move to form         Church Pastor Robert Herber stat-          tions of how we can best enhance       Need)". This report will help you understand pricing strategy
an ad-hoc committee for review            ed in comments to Mission Times            or serve the community. We have        from three different angles. When taken together, this
of the church’s program environ-          Courier and College Times Courier.         really tried to listen and have made   information will help you price your home to not only sell, but
mental impact report (PEIR).              “Through this process we have at-          numerous adjustments to honor le-      sell for the price you want.
   With information being re-             tended almost two-dozen meetings           gitimate needs. Ultimately, we are       To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your
quested regarding the draft EIR           to present our updates and answer          honored to own land in the beau-       FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-270-1494 and
and a draft traffic report, the po-       questions. We have also hosted our         tiful Navajo Community, and look       enter 1016. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
tential building of the church is         own open-house for the adjacent            forward to joining the diverse faith   week. Get your free special report NOW to learn how to price
not going to happen soon. Once            residents, as well as offered to meet      communities of this area to serve      your home to your maximum financial advantage.
those two drafts are offered, all         with community leaders. We are             the residents.”
                                                                                                                                                  Dan Smith eXp Realty 01346593
the details regarding construction        very thankful for the residents
will be available. At that point, the     who have come to us in a gracious               SEE ALL PEOPLE'S CHURCH, Page 6
public has 45 days to respond to
the city. That would be on why
they back or oppose the planned
   According to information from
the All People’s Church website,
the proposed project would take                                                                                                Protect Your Car & Family
shape on a 5.6-acre vacant parcel
of land on College Avenue. APC                                                                                                  "A vehicle is stolen every 46 seconds and Less
acquired the land situated on I-8                                                                                                   Than Half are successfully recovered"
and College Avenue a little more
than four years ago. For those not                                                                                                Reduce the risk of loss due to theft with
familiar with the area, this would                                                                                                 LOWSTAR SMART VEHIICLE RECOVERY
be in the Del Cerro community.                                                                                                                GPS TRACKING
   The proposed project would                                                                                                ▶ Nationwide tracking.
include a 900-seat sanctuary,                                                                                                  Pinpoint accurate GPS location
a dozen classrooms set aside for
both Sunday school and church                                                                                                ▶ Easy to use phone app
programs, nearly 365 parking
spaces, a basketball gym for                                                                                                 ▶ 360 degree visuals.
youth and the community, a                                                                                                     Dynamic map clarity
room for prayer, and space set
aside outside towards fellowship                                                                                             ▶ Two-minute tracking.
and coffee.                                                                                                                    Simple reporting for gas and mileage
   According to the church, the
vast number of its activities take                                                                                           ▶ Three years of service included at no
place on weekends. That will re-                                                                                               additional cost
portedly avoid any major traffic
issues during the week.                                                                                                                    Locally Owned & Operated
   On its website, the church not-                                                                                                                888-292-0163
ed it was focused on engaging the                                                                                                      7171 Alvarado Rd. Ste 202 La Mesa
community in the approval pro-                                                                                                      
cess from start to finish.

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Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group
4        Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
         Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier              

            ST. THERESE ACADEMY Davies to lead football program at Patrick Henry High
            DEL CERRO | ALLIED GARDENS                                           By DAVE THOMAS             our school and community. That’s
                                                                                                            a non-negotiable for me. It’s ex-

                                                                        There is a new head football        pected that our football players
                                                                      coach ready to guide Patrick          at Patrick Henry are leaders and
                                                                      Henry High School this coming         quality people on and off the field.”
PRE-KTHRU 8THGRADE                                                    season.                                  Davies noted the team, and the
                                                                        Colby Davies was recently           leaders on it will set the goals for
               Thank You                                              named head coach of the program       the season.
                                                                      and will be walking the sidelines        “It’s their team not mine, so it’s
               for Voting Us                                          when the Patriots take to the field   important that their voices are
               Best Of!                                               in 2022.                              heard and we develop a plan to
                                                                        A three-sport athlete at            help guide them,” Davies stated. “I
                                                                      Steilacoom High School in             want to know their short and long       Colby Davies (Courtesy photo)
    Call today                                                        Washington State, Davies played       term goals, as well as their individ-
                                                                      his college football at both          ual and team goals. It’s our job as a     Pat r ick Hen r y lost t o
(619) 583-6270                                                        Western Washington University         coaching staff to help guide them       Birmingham 42-35 in the CIF
Preschool License #372005988                                          and Pacific Lutheran University.      and coach them in a way that helps      Division III-A regional champi-
6046 Camino Rico San Diego, CA 92120                                    Davies has a Bachelor of Science    them achieve their goals.”              onship bowl game.
                                                                      degree in kinesiology and a              For any kids thinking of com-          “We are very excited to welcome
                                                                      Master’s in teaching.                 ing out for the program, Davies         our new Football Head Coach,
                                                                        “After a year of coaching college   encourages them to give it a go.        Colby Davies, to Patrick Henry
                                                                      football at the Division I level, I      “We are going to play a very ex-     High,” Principal Michelle Irwin
                         55                                           knew I wanted to go back to a head
                                                                      high school position and teach-
                                                                                                            citing brand of football and have
                                                                                                            a lot of fun doing it,” Davies re-
                                                                                                                                                    commented. “Colby comes to us
                                                                                                                                                    with a wealth of knowledge about
                                                                      ing position,” Davies comment-        marked. “I look forward to helping      football but most importantly, the
                                                                      ed. “San Diego has always been a      build this team and becoming a          heart and soul to guide and men-
                                                                      place I’ve wanted to live and have    part of the Patrick Henry commu-        tor our student athletes.
                                                                      really enjoyed while visiting.”       nity and creating a high level of         “Colby will be a great addition
                                                                        For Davies, having played the       excitement with our program. We         to our athletic program,” Irwin
                                                                      sport in high school and col-         will place very high expectations       continued. “Colby has experi-
                                                                      lege should help him better re-       on ourselves but we will have           ence leading a high school football
                                                                      late to the young men he will be      a blast going through the pro-          program and coaching for a D-1
                                                                      coaching.                             cess and working to meet those          college, Portland State. I firmly
                                                                        “It allows me to have a pretty      expectations.”                          believe he can coach and men-
                                                                      good understanding of what our           Patrick Henry went 10-3 last         tor our student-athletes to play
                                                                      student-athletes goals are and        season, running off eight wins          in high school and college as he
                                                                      how to help them achieve those        straight after opening the early        has experience coaching in both
                                                                      goals,” Davies continued. “In our     portion of the season at 2-2.           arenas.”
                                                                      football program it will always          The Patriots captured the CIF
                                                                      be a point of emphasis to build       San Diego Section Division IV              —Reach editor Dave Thomas at
                                                                      strong leaders and role models in     championship.                 

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     Wildfire season typically occurs from May through       Follow Cox on Twitter for updates and info
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Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group                                                                         NEWS                                                                Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
                                                                                                                                Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                     5

Students posing with their robots (Photos by Peter Laohoo and Karen Miller)

Pair of Henry Cluster
teams compete in
                                                                                                                          BUY ONE
robotics event                                                                                                            TREATMENT, GET ONE FREE*
       By KAREN MILLER                                                                                                            * Must include 8+ treatments. Valid thru 02-28-22

  Recent ly, Pat r ick                                                             Let SDBotox help you achieve your New Year's resolution!
Henry High School was
host to the San Diego                                                              SDBotox Specializes in Minimally Invasive                          Professional, Safe, & Results-Driven,
FIRST Tech Challenge                                                               Cosmetic Procedures and Micro-Treatments                            Now With 5 San Diego Locations!
“Freight Frenzy” tourna-
ment for Turing League                                                             Call today for a f ree consultation! (844) 732-6869
(Meet #3).
  Two Henry Cluster                                                                     Little Italy         Pacific Beach         Mission Hills            Mission Valley                Poway
neighborhood FTC teams                                                               2308 Kettner blvd      1707 Grand Ave.     1851 San Diego Ave     1400 Camino De La Reina   12650 Sabre Springs Pkwy
competed: the Wizalos                                                                     Suite C               Suite A              Suite 100C               Suite 107                  Suite 201
(FTC 14129) and the                                                                 San Diego, CA 92101   San Diego, CA 92109   San Diego, CA 92110      San Diego, CA 92108        San Diego, CA 92128
Dapper RoboNoodles
(FTC 18365). Each of the                                                                                 
Turing League attending
teams played five match-
es and will take their cu-
mulative season scores A student directs his robot to gather blocks.
with them to the Turing
League finals held at Sage Creek Nearly 60 FTC teams compete
High School later this month— within the SDFTC region; hope-
and possibly advance from there. fully we will see the Wizalos and
                                 the Dapper RoboNoodles at the
                                 regional championships in March!
                                    Video of Turing Meet #3,
                                 which was livestreamed on the
                                 San Diego FTC Twitch chan-
                                 nel, is available at
                                    The Patribots (FRC 4738), the
                                 FIRST Robotics Challenge team at
                                 Patrick Henry High School, made
                                 arrangements to bring the Turing
                                 Meet #3 event to the school, made
                                 space in their workshop to store
                                 event materials, and provided
                                 services to participants. All this
                                 despite being in the middle of their
The goal of the competition is to
gather the most blocks.                                       SEE STEMM, Page 11

Student-made robots gathering the blocks and balls for the competition.
Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group
6                     OPINION / NEWS
              Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
              Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                                                                                                                             

In the US vs. Covid, Republicans                                                                                         that enact disease prevention
                                                                                                                         efforts, instead providing it on-
                                                                                                                         ly to districts that prohibit pub-

have sided with the virus                                                                                                lic health measures. Florida’s
                                                                                                                         Governor Ron DeSantis who has
                                                                                                                                                                           1621 Grand Ave. Suite C
                                                                                                                                                                            San Diego, CA 92109
                                                                                                                         threatened to fire school teach-                       (858) 270-3103
                                         the nation’s two major political         is now is no question that Covid       ers if they take steps to protect                    Fax (858) 713-0095
                                         tribes has chosen to brand itself        vaccines are stunningly effec-         their students from Covid, is so
                                                                                                                                                                         Twitter: @MssnTimesCourier
                                         as a nihilistic death cult.              tive, and that they save lives. In     cowardly he now refuses to even
                                            Originally, Republican oppo-          December 2021, unvaccinated            declare if he has received a vac-
            By SEAN QUINTAL              sition to public health mandates         Americans were 97 times more           cine booster or not. DeSantis cal-     EDITOR                          PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                Dave Thomas x130                MANAGER
                                         was frequently framed in eco-            likely to die of Covid than those      culates that he is politically safer                 Chris Baker x107
   August 2021: The rock singer          nomic terms; understandably,             who are vaccinated and boost-          in his tribe to distance himself                             
who called himself Meat Loaf de-         because lockdowns and restric-           ed. Further, through November          from, and to profess skepticism        CONTRIBUTING
                                                                                                                                                                EDITORS                         ADVERTISING
scribed to an interviewer his un-        tions on business took an un-            2021, the Commonwealth Fund            of, free life-saving medicine. In      Kendra Sitton x136              CONSULTANT
yielding opposition to public health     mistakable toll on the economy.          estimated Covid vaccines have          doing so, he contributes to the        Tom Melville x131               Heather Fine x118
mandate: “If I die, I die, but I’m not   But thereafter, mask-wearing be-         saved as many as 1.1 million           death of those very people whose       Dave Schwab x132                (951) 296-7794
going to be controlled.”                 came a sort of symbol for one’s          American lives, and have pre-          votes he so cynically covets.          CONTRIBUTORS
   January 20, 2022: Meat Loaf           political identity. Despite the          vented 10.3 million hospital-             Both Meat Loaf and Robert           Karen Austin (CTC only)         ACCOUNTING
dies. From Covid.                        incontrovertible fact that masks         izations. Yet tens of millions of      LaMay were celebrated on Fox           Ellen Bevier (CTC only)         Heather Humble x120
                                                                                                                                                                Wendy Hauffen         
   October 2021: Washington State        protect individuals and reduce           Americans refuse to take this          News, and other right wing me-         Shain Haug
Trooper Robert LaMay retires from        the spread of airborne disease,          simple action.                         dia, for their anti-mask, anti-vax     Sam Litvin                      BUSINESS
the force rather than agree to the       the GOP tribe began to assert               C on se quent ly, because           public proclamations. Each lent        Sean Quintall                   CONSULTANT
                                                                                                                                                                Sarah Ward                      David Mannis
Covid vaccine mandated for all           that masks were an infringement          Republican politicians have now        his voice to a movement that lit-      Patricia Simpson
public safety workers by the state’s     on freedom. Setting aside the fact       embraced opposition to life-sav-       erally asks its adherents to put                                       PUBLISHER
Governor, Jay Inslee. In dramatic,       that masks protect others, and           ing medicine as a marker of be-        their lives at risk to prove their     WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA              Julie Main
                                                                                                                                                                Dave Thomas                     (858) 270-3103 x106
self-promoting fashion, LaMay re-        that decent people are happy             longing to their tribe, they must      allegiance. Now both of those       
corded himself on video as he signed     to take reasonable steps to pro-         now face the reality that their cra-   voices are forever silent, prema-
off on his police radio for the last     tect others in their community,          ven political calculations are lit-    turely and tragically. And those
time. His parting words: “Jay Inslee     these same “freedom lovers,” do          erally killing their supporters. In    are but two of the hundreds of
can kiss my a**.”                        not seem to mind being required          January, US News conducted an          thousands American voices we
   January 28, 2022: Robert              to wear shirt and shoes into a           analysis of Covid data alongside       will never hear again, many be-
LaMay dies at age 51. From Covid.        restaurant, even though bare             voting results from the 2020 pres-     cause of a misplaced devotion to
   The above instances are trag-         feet, unlike infected breath, can-       idential race. These data reveal       some vague, group identity.
ic, not just because of the grief        not jeopardize the lives of others.      that the counties where Trump             All decent people offer sym-
and loss for those men’s families,          Then, with the advent of vac-         received the most votes by a large     pathy and comfort to those who
but because those deaths were            cines, opponents of public health        margin have a 52% higher death         have lost loved ones. The current
likely preventable. Both the             measures could no longer offer an        rate than in the counties where        version of the Republican Party,
singer and the state trooper are         economic argument, because it is         President Biden won by a large         however, ceased being decent
but two public examples of the           the vaccines that allow us to re-        margin. And the numbers cor-           long ago. Rather than act to            OPINIONS/LETTERS: Mission Times Courier
                                                                                                                                                                 encourages letters to the editor and guest
current state of political tribal-       turn to work and that make it pos-       relate: the larger Trump’s margin      protect Americans, they gro-            editorials. Please email submissions to
ism in this country. Most tribes         sible for our businesses to function     of victory in a county, the greater    tesquely exploit their support- and include your phone
have symbols or totems to mark           fully. The available data demon-         the disparity in the death rate.       ers for money and votes, even           number and address for verification. We
allegiance or membership. Often          strate that nearly half of this win-        To remain popular in their          as body after body of those same        reserve the right to edit letters for brevity and
members will swear an oath or            ter’s hospitalizations could have        death-cult tribe, Republican pol-      supporters are laid to rest. The        accuracy. Letters and guest editorials do not
                                                                                                                                                                 necessarily reflect the views of the publisher
allegiance, and perhaps wear             been prevented if the U.S. had           iticians now must resort to per-       Republican Party can call itself
                                                                                                                                                                 or staff.
some sort of uniform. Sometimes          vaccination rates similar to the         formative resistance to sensible       by many names, but please let
these are physical expressions,          leading European countries. So           public health measures. Arizona        us never allow it to shamelessly        SUBMISSIONS/NEWS TIPS: Send press releas-
like tattoos or adornments on            who’s ruining the economy now?           Governor Doug Ducey, whose             refer to itself again as “pro life.”    es, tips, photos or story ideas to
the body. In extreme cases,                 Once the free vaccines became         state is second only to Mississippi                                  
tribes can become ghoulish and           widely available, the cynical            in Covid deaths per 100K res-             —Sean Quintal writes on
                                                                                                                                                                 For breaking news and investigative story
demand sacrifice from their              “freedom” arguments took on              idents, refuses to give federal        behalf of the La Mesa Foothills         ideas contact the editor by phone or email.
members. Now, in 2022, one of            grave, existential import. There         public health money to schools         Democratic Club.
                                                                                                                                                                 DISTRIBUTION: Mission Times Courier is
                                                                                                                                                                 distributed free the second Friday of every

Krvaric, DeMaio slated to to speak at March 8 GOP event
                                                                                                                                                                 month. © 2022. All rights reserved.

                                            At our luncheon, we also heard        DeMaio, chairman of Reform             candidate forum in May, so keep
                                         from Perry Yee, founder of Active        California and host of the             an eye out for further details. We
                                         Valor. As a former Navy SEAL,            DeMaio Report on NewsRadio             will be hearing from candidates
                                         Perry created the organization           600 KOGO where he uses his             running for a variety of positions
           By WENDY HAUFFEN              to connect veterans with families        media platform to inform, en-          so that YOU can make an in-
                                         that lost a loved one in a service-re-   gage and inspire common-sense          formed decision about your vote.
   As expected, we hosted a full         lated death (Gold Star Families).        Californians to get involved in          Make your voice heard this
house at the February luncheon              Our next luncheon will fea-           the fight to take back their state     election season! We are tired of
for the Republican Women of              ture guest speaker Tony Krvaric.         from socialism. We will be hear-       hearing about hypocritical elect-
California - Navajo Canyon.              He will be sharing his thoughts          ing from DeMaio on the latest          ed officials who want to take
   We were joined by Christian           on the upcoming elections.               news from Reform California            guns away from you but contin-
Hartsock, a chief investigative             Krvaric is chairman emeritus          and what we can do to help. Join       ue to have paid bodyguards, and
reporter for Project Veritas, with       of the Republican Party of San           us on March 8 at the Legacy            who impose mask mandates on
well over 100 attendees. A riv-          Diego County, where he served for        Resort Hotel & Spa. Register at        us and our children but attend
eting and fascinating presenta-          14 years as volunteer chairman.               large sporting events without a
tion! Be sure to keep up to date         He is Croatian by blood, Swedish           As we gear up for 2022, we are       care in the world.
on the great work Project Veritas        by birth, American by Choice,            getting ready for a busy election
is doing to expose hypocrisy and         and embodies and understands             season. Republican Women of               —Wendy Hauffen writes on
lies in the media and in political       conservative Republican values.          California - Navajo Canyon is          behalf of the Republican Women of
campaigns.                                  We will also be joined by Carl        looking forward to holding a           California – Navajo Canyon.

All People's Church                      been resolved. A screen check              According to the church,               Editor's note: Mission Times                              LA JOLLA

                                         draft EIR is being reviewed by           the proposed project is await-         Courier reached out to Navajo
CONTINUED FROM Page 3                    City staff.                              ing an environmental review            Community Planners Inc. (NCPI)
                                            “After the entitlements are           prior to a vote from the Navajo        for comment on story but did not
  Herber added the project has           received and once all building           Community Planners Inc. (ad-           hear back.
been through several review cy-          permits are approved, construc-          visory vote), the San Diego
cles to date with the City of San        tion is anticipated to take about        Planning Commission and ulti-             —Reach editor Dave Thomas at
Diego and all project issues have        12 months,” Herber commented.            mately San Diego City Council.
Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group                                                      FEATURE                                                                               Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
                                                                                                                               Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                    7
Navajo Canyon
                                          Many people love palm trees
                                       and the signature look they bring
                                       to our city, but those in the can-
                                                                                CALL KEVIN TO SELL YOUR HOME! 619-203-7041
                                       yon, the Mexican Fan Palms and           Sell Your Home Fast & For More Money!                                                      What's My Home Worth?
part of the 200+ canyons that are      Canary Island Date Palms, are se-        Kevin Is Your #1 Choice For All Your Real Estate Needs!                                          Scan Me!
a reminder of San Diego as it was      rious competitors for water. They
250 years ago.                         do not fit into this fragile ecology.            SOLD!                               SOLD!             SOLD! W/MULTIPLE OFFERS        IN ESCROW W/MULTIPLE OFFERS

   Saved, but abused.                     In recognition of the value of
   Abused by adjacent development      the canyon in a natural state the
as a convenient dumping ground.        San Diego Canyonlands, a local
Saved, but without consideration of    nonprofit dedicated to restoring
the potential of an ecological trea-   the canyons, obtained a grant
sure. Due to the close proximity       of $600,000 from the San Diego                                                                           28423 Wimbleton Ln               1855 Diamond #333
                                                                                    8294 Echo Dell Rd             14873 Gable Ridge Rd
to large communities and urban         River Conservancy to remove the         $425,000 Represented Buyer     $1,195,000 Represented Buyer   $780,000 Represented Seller         Represented Seller
development, invasive species have     invasive palm trees. The grant
moved in, plants that have been        will also support habitat reha-                                                         Realtor
brought by humans from other re-       bilitation and trail maintenance.               
gions of the world and outcompete      The palm trees will be removed                  
the native flora.                      via helicopter, thereby avoiding
   In that last regard the major in-   damage to the delicate landscape
                                                                                                 BBR CalDRE #01885775 CalDRE #02098925
vasive species in Navajo Canyon        and not requiring to build a
are Mexican fan palms, Canary          road to haul out the trees, which
Island date palms, mustard, ice        would be greatly degrading to the                                    GREAT LOCATION IN DEL CERRO! $1,200,000
plant, fennel, and castor bean.        canyon ecology. As gratifying as
All of these plants outcompete the     this public investment is, it is on-
native plants for critical resourc-    ly a minor part of what must be
es such as space and water. These      done.
invasive plants have no natural           San Diego Canyonlands and
enemies. They grow and prolifer-       Friends of Navajo Canyon work in
ate unchecked, unchecked except        the canyon every third Saturday
by human hands.                        between 9 a.m. and Noon from
   The native flora and fauna are      either the trail head near Easton
in the coastal sage scrub plant and    Court or from Adobe Falls Road.                                                        6558 Crystalaire Drive
chaparral plant families. Many of      The most recent event last month                      2,714 sq. ft. 3 BR 3.5 BA, large laundry/craft room. Oversized corner lot.
these plants are rare and threat-      will give you an idea of the day’s                  Room for RV parking. Needs updating. Ready for a buyer to make it their own!
ened as their habitat continues        activities.
                                                                                 Call us and find out what your home will sell for. We would love to be your Real Estate Agents.
to decline. Restoration efforts are       Teams from Patrick Henry
needed to maintain the coastal         High School Environmental Club                         Linda Lee Harris                                              Joan Hay
prickly pear cactus populations        and Key Club, by far the largest                                  CRS, SRES                                          CRS, SRES
to provide nesting habitat for the     component of the person-power                         REALTOR®-Associate                                             Broker - Associate
cactus wren to name one of many.       at work that day, and folks from              Five Star Professional 2020-22                                         Five Star Professional 2011-2022
                                                                                                            DRE 01238752                                    DRE 00599034
The canyons are the final refuge       our local communities, over two                                                                            
for the native plants and wildlife                                                                                                                          619-994-2816
of San Diego.                                     SEE NAVAJO CANYON, Page 9
Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group
8                      MISSION TRAILS
            Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
            Mission Times Courier         

2021 iNaturalist observations from MTRP – year in review
         By PATRICIA SIMPSON           NURTURE EACH OTHER                   is a very special and enjoyable
                                         We all need a massage once         event.
   In 2021, nearly 900 iNatural-       in a while, or in this case a good
ist users visited Mission Trails       preen session. iNaturalist user      CHOOSE MEALS CAREFULLY
Regional Park and posted more          Millie Basden (milliebasden) cap-      MTRP photographer David
than 13,000 observations. Special      tured a tender moment between        Cooksy found a gorgeous
thanks to the roughly 1,200 peo-       two Common Ravens (https://          California Scrub-Jay (https://
ple who helped confirm identifi-
cations to catalog a total of 1,556    tions/101494336). While birds        tions/103389024) collecting
different species! Let’s take a look   preen themselves all the time        acorns near Kumeyaay Lake.
back and see what lessons can          to stay clean and keep up with       Scrub-jays are oak tree propa-
be learned and maybe this will         feather maintenance, the top of      gators. They collect acorns and
help us with a few New Year’s          their own head is an impossible      often place them under wet litter
resolutions.                           place to reach. Having a friend,                                            A Woodland Skipper could be the next prey of this Praying Mantis. (Photo
   In 2022, let’s:                     sibling, or mate preen that spot                  SEE INATURALIST, Page 9   courtesy of Craig Chaddock)

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Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group                                   MISSION TRAILS / FEATURE                                                                                                       Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                            Mission Times Courier                9
                                            your safety and the safety of oth-
                                            ers. I’m not sure how informed of
                                            danger this Woodland Skipper
                                                                                      snooze on the curvy trunk of a
                                                                                      willow tree.                                          Navajo Canyon
                                                                                                                                            CONTINUED FROM Page 7
                                                                                                                                                                                     of Kim Morris will also host
                                                                                                                                                                                     family-friendly events such
                                                                                                                                                                                     as bird watching and inter-
                                            (          VISIT NEW PLACES                                                                               pretive hikes to learn about
or into damp soil for later retrieval.      servations/96927309) was, but the            A Lewis's Woodpecker (https://                     dozen in all, assembled at the           native species in the canyon
Forgotten snacks often sprout into          Praying Mantis behind it was very                          Easton Court trailhead.                  and will continue its trash
tree saplings.                              much aware of a potential meal.           tions/103386102) decided to visit                        Kindra Hixon, outreach                removal efforts at Adobe Falls
   Other critters prefer large              Praying Mantises usually station          Mission Trails Regional Park for                      manager for San Diego                    Road and Alvarado Canyon
meals consumed less often. A tiny           themselves near a bloom and stand         Halloween and is still being seen                     Canyonlands, led them on                 Road.
Buttonhook Leaf-beetle Jumping              very still or sometimes move slight-      by many visitors, birders and                         a hike from Easton Court to                That was the long, slow
Spider (https://www.inaturalist.            ly as if they were a branch swayed        non-birders alike. The park is not                    the Mound Avenue trailhead               curve. Now for the fast break.
org/observations/90811366) can              by the wind. This allows them to be       a usual hangout for this San Diego                    where the trash receptacle is              The canyon is huge. It will
enjoy a meal 1.5 times its body size.       undetected until they can ambush          County winter visitor. The large                      located. She showed us the               take decades of hard work
It will be able to skip meals for 2 to      an unsuspecting prey. This butter-        woodpecker normally prefers the                       plants and the traces of the             to realize the goal of a natu-
3 days or up to a week after such a         fly was lucky and got away… this          east-county mountain wood-                            animals that make up the flo-            ral environment. And even
feast. Some snacks are just better          time.                                     lands. It seems this bird found                       ra and fauna. She laid out the           then it will take constant at-
avoided. This was a hard lesson to                                                    MTRP and the beautiful San Diego                      day’s work, the physically de-           tention to preserve what has
learn for a Striped Racer (https://         VALUE A GOOD NIGHT’S (OR                  River corridor a fine spot for the                    manding removal of invasive              been gained. Navajo Canyon                DAY’S) SLEEP                              holidays.                                             ice plant that was working its           must be thought of as a gen-
tions/101169120) who engaged                   If you are a Ruddy Duck (https://                                                            way down from adjacent resi-             erational endeavor. The hard
with a San Diego Alligator Lizard.              STAND TALL AND ENJOY THE                              dences, of castor bean plants,           work can only be done on our
The snake grabbed the lizard by the         tions/68944329), Lake Murray’s            VIEW                                                  of horehound bushes, and of              hands and knees with garden
neck, but then the prey did some-           waters are the perfect place to             Whether you’re a tall plant like                    other invasive species that, if          tools and trash bags.
thing unexpected. You may have              enjoy a nice morning nap. Diving          this Chaparral Yucca (https://                        left unchecked, will continue              Begin now by registering
heard of lizards dropping their tails       for your own food (seeds, roots,                          replacing the native plants.             with San Diego Canyonlands
as a defense mechanism, but did you         insects) can be a tiring exercise         tions/72987031) or a small fun-                          The results are best un-              at https://www.sdcanyon-
know that Alligator Lizards will bite       and it’s important to get some rest       gus known as a Milky Conecap                          derstood from the before and    and with Friends of
their own tail to avoid being swal-         between meals. Of course, if you          (                      after pictures of one of the             Navajo Canyon at http://www.
lowed by snakes? This Striped Racer         are a nocturnal mammal and pull           servations/86440460), you can                         areas they cleared. The crew   
eventually had to give up his meal          an all-night shift, it is important to    stand tall and enjoy the view from                    removed more than 300                    vajocanyon.html. Join the
and the lizard went free.                   find a comfortable and safe place to      wherever you stand. MTRP offers                       pounds of invasive material              team every third Saturday.
                                            sleep during the day. At Kumeyaay         walking and hiking opportunities                      that cleared the way for native          Navajo Canyon needs you.
BE AWARE OF YOUR                            Lake, a family of Common                  at all elevations and with all the                    plantings. You can see how
SURROUNDINGS                                Raccoons (https://www.inatural-           rain we got in December, there’s                      much more must be taken out.                Editor’s note: Article and
 It’s always a good idea to be                bound to be plenty of views to                           The Friends of Navajo                 photos courtesy of Shain Haug,
aware of your surroundings, for             was spotted getting a good day            admire.                                               Canyon under the guidance                Kindra Hixon and Kim Morris.

          The Mission of GADS as an inclusive group of local business representatives, is to gather
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Aztecs ready for stadium changes - San Diego Community Newspaper Group
10   Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
     Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier   NEWS                                                      

                                                            Friends of Del Cerro makes it
                                                            more fun to play basketball
                                                                        By JAY WILSON

                                                               Mark Allan, vice president of
                                                            the Friends of Del Cerro (FODC),
                                                            announced the new basketball
                                                            backboards for the recently re-
                                                            surfaced basketball court at the
                                                            Princess Del Cerro Park have been
                                                            installed. The new backboards
                                                            were purchased by the FODC at a
                                                            cost of $2,000 and include a new
                                                            basket and net. Through the ef-
                                                            fort of Kelly Wood, the city’s park
                                                            and recreation area manager for
                                                            this area, the City of San Diego re-
                                                            surfaced the basketball court and
                                                            installed the backboards.
                                                               After several postponements          The new backboards for the basket-
                                                            due to weather and schedul-             ball court at Princess Del Cerro have
                                                                                                    been installed. (Photo by Mark Allan)
                                                            ing conflicts, the long-awaited
                                                            tour of Adobe Falls was held on
                                                            Monday, Feb. 7. The tour, con-          complete in their final year. Senior
                                                            ducted by Adobe Falls authority,        students work in teams that are
                                                            included SDSU professor Dr. Eric        structured like an industrial de-
                                                            Frost, Dr. John Love, Professor of      sign team, with specific tasks
                                                            Biochemistry, SDSU Vice President       for each member based on their
                                                            of Business and Financial Affairs       major and experience. They work
                                                            and Chief Financial Officer             under the joint guidance of a fac-
                                                            Agnes Wong Nickerson, SDSU              ulty advisor and a mentor from
                                                            Associate Vice President, Real          the industry on real projects and
                                                            Estate, Planning & Development          problems that come directly from
                                                            Bob Schulz, SDSU Associate Vice         SDSU’s partners.
                                                            President Business Operations             At the end of the tour, every-
                                                            Eric Hansen and members of the          one agreed we should schedule a
                                                            FODC board of directors and Del         meeting within the next month
                                                            Cerro residents.                        to further discuss the potential
                                                               Jackie O’Connor, the president of    to SDSU in developing the area
                                                            the FODC commented, “We were            including agricultural and envi-
                                                            very pleased to have the four grad-     ronmental uses.
                                                            uate students from SDSU’s Public          The FODC’s Neighborhood
                                                            Administration and Criminal             Watch Committee recently met
                                                            Justice Department join us on the       and finished the plans to install
                                                            tour. The FODC was again select-        20 Neighborhood Watch signs
                                                            ed to participate in a Capstone         in neighborhoods surrounding
                                                            Project through SDSU. The grad-         Hearst Elementary School. The
                                                            uate students are collecting data       signs were also purchased by the
                                                            as part of the second phase of an       FODC.
                                                            assignment to evaluate solutions          For more information about the
                                                            for the safety of Del Cerro residents   FODC visit our website at friend-
                                                            specifically targeting the impact
                                                            of all the trespassing through city       Our Park and Recreation
                                                            of San Diego and private property       Centers in Allied Gardens and
                                                            as individuals continually trek to      San Carlos are hosting spring
                                                            Adobe Falls.”                           events on Saturday, April 2. The
                                                               A Capstone Project, like its         Allied Gardens event is from 10
                                                            namesake, represents the pinna-         a.m. to noon and is located at
                                                            cle achievement of a student’s ac-      5155 Greenbrier Ave. The recre-
                                                            ademic career. It is a two-semester     ation staff says “Please join us for
                                                            senior/Masters design project that      a morning filled with lots of fun
                                                            all SDSU students are required to       activities for kids of all ages! We
                                                                                                    will have basket decorating, bun-
                                                                                                    ny face craft, and each child may
                                                                                                    take home their very own bag of
                                                                                                    fun filled eggs! Join us for the fun.
                                                                                                    For more information, call (619)
                                                                                                      The San Carlos Recreation
                                                                                                    C e n t e r ’s e ve n t “ S p r i n g
                                                                                                    Celebration” will be from 4 p.m.
                                                                                                    to 7 p.m. and is located at 644
                                                                                                    Lake Badin. “As we continue to
                                                                                                    try and remain safe during the
                                                                                                    ongoing pandemic in place of our
                                                                                                    traditional egg hunt, we will have
                                                                                                    pre-filled candy bags to hand out
                                                                                                    (while supplies last). Join us for
                                                                                                    some fun spring carnival games,
                                                                                                    crafts, and a picture with the
                                                                                                    Spring Bunny. We hope to see
                                                                                                    you here!”

                                                                                                            SEE NEW BACKBOARDS, Page 15 POLITICS / NEWS / SENIORS                                                                                                                                         Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
                                                                                                                                                      Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                       11
Major Street Repairs STEMM                                                                           CONTINUED FROM Page 5
                                                                                                                                                   available at
                                                                                                                                                      Local FIRST LEGO League
                                                                                                                                                                                           Edge Invitational, a remote event
                                                                                                                                                                                           scheduled for May 13–15.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Finally…the San Carlos Branch

Coming to District 7                                                                                 own very hectic build season for
                                                                                                                                                   teams, Garage Engineers (FLL
                                                                                                                                                   50739) and Krazy LEGO Bots (FLL
                                                                                                                                                                                           Library Robotics Extravaganza is
                                                                                                                                                                                           also hoping to return later this
                                                                                                     the “Rapid React” challenge.                  34264) will be competing at the         spring!
 District 7 Dispatch                        As always, do not hesitate to                              They will be competing in the               Spring Showdown on April 30, as           This Extravaganza is an excel-
                                          reach out if there is anything my                          San Diego Regional tournament                 will the Pershing Middle School         lent opportunity to see our com-
                                          office can assist you with. You                            from March 18–20, 2022 at the                 teams, Robotic Panthers (FLL            munity’s robots in action, and
                                          can always reach us by phone                               Del Mar Fairgrounds. This is                  55271, 55272, 55273, 55275).            to meet our local FLL, FTC, and
                                          at 619-236-6677 or by email at                             expected to be a live, in-person              The theme is “Planes, Trains,           FRC teams. Past Extravaganza
   In August 2021, I joined my                                   event. The region is monitor-                 and Robot-Mobiles,” and fingers         attendees have included SDSU
colleagues in approving $293                                                                         ing the COVID-19 environment                  are crossed that this event will        teams, underwater teams, and
million in appropriations, in-               —Raul Campillo represents                               to determine whether specta-                  be a return to live matches! The        a SWAT team robot! It’s always
cluding roughly $40 million for           District 7 on the San Diego City                           tors will be allowed. Additional              Garage Engineers will also be           a fun morning; contact info@
the Mayor’s Sexy Streets initiative.      Council.                                                   information and updates are                   participating in the 2022 Western for more details.
The $40 million allocation will al-
low us to pave roughly 54 miles

                                                  Living                                                                                                                        Senior Living
of road for San Diegans over the
next two years, in addition to the
$146 million in road resurfacing
projects currently in progress.
   While we have patched and re-
paired dozens of damaged streets
                                                                                                                                                               Have a spare room in your home?
in District 7 during my first year
                                                                                                                                                                       Try HomeShare!
in office, I have advocated di-
rectly to Mayor Gloria and his                                                                                                                                                                 Get Started Today!
Administration for major, long-                What if rent was more than a transaction? What if it was a
                                              transformation? With ElderHelp’s HomeShare program, it is!
                                                                                                                                                                                                (619) 284-9281
term solutions to the structural de-                                                                                                                                              
ficiencies that continue to linger.              HomeShare facilitates a match between home providers
                                                       (those with a room to share), and home seekers
   I also submitted a memo-                                      (those looking for housing).
randum to the Department of                     All parties are vetted to create a match based on individual                                                 We've been matching housemates for nearly 30 years
Transportation listing priority              preferences. The match agreement can be rent or service based.
                                            If service based, a seeker provides services in exchange for either
streets in District 7 that are in need
                                                    a reduced rent or no rent. One person in each match
of serious repair. I am pleased to re-                               is over the age of 60.                                                                                                                           Lic # OG16501
port that the Mayor has promised                      Currently, we’re connecting residents in the cities of

that the following roads in District
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         20 Years
                                                       San Diego, Poway, and Vista with amazing results!                                                                                                                 Experience
7 will be prioritized for repair in the                89% of our clients feel their quality of life is better.
                                                                                                                                                                          We Provide Health Plan Solutions
coming year under this initiative:                           74% of our clients feel safer at home.
                                                                                                                                                                          • Medicare Supplements
   • C ol lege Avenue f rom                              94% of our clients believe they are more likely
                                                                     to remain independent.                                                                               • Medicare Advantage
Interstate 8 to Del Cerro Boulevard                             In short, lives are transformed.                                                   Renee Farrar           • Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
   • Navajo Road from Camino                                                                                                                                   Call or Email Renee today for a no obligation quote!
                                                               Learn more at                                                                        619-985-5002
Estrellado to Park Ridge Boulevard                                     or call (619) 284-9281.                                                              
   • Waring Road from Interstate
8 to Adobe Falls Road
   • Margerum Avenue from                  Make the Right Choice Senior Living
Navajo Road to Quiet Slope Drive           Established in early 2008, Jean Brooks (UCSD Graduate) and Todd Brooks (Air Force Veteran, US Air
                                           Force Academy Graduate) wanted to develop better Assisted Living Care Homes and Services for
   • Wandermere Drive from Park            seniors at fair & competitive rates. Right Choice Senior Living has Residential Care Homes located
Ridge Boulevard to Casselberry             in highly desirable neighborhoods close to UCSD, La Jolla, Pacific Beach, Clairemont (Mount Street
Way and Golfcrest Drive to Sunny           Area), La Mesa, Del Cerro. See us today before making your final choice. Make the Right Choice Today.
                                           We are excited to announce that Silverlight Homes of La Mesa will be joining the Right Choice Senior
Brae Drive                                 Living network of Assisted Living Care Home Communities.
   I will continue to advocate for         Beautiful La Mesa Neighborhood Close to ALL,Small Intimate Homelike setting,Reasonable Visitation &       Non-Medical In-Home Caregivers
slurry seal and asphalt overlay            Outings, Accommodations & Experienced Team since 2008 For photos, video tours please visit. https://
everywhere it is necessary in the
District.                                  For more info call (619) 246-2003 or go to the                           Choose from Hourly to 24-Hour & Live-in Care
                                           NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS! CALL NOW!

SIGNAGE TO INCREASE                                                                                                                                Services Include:                         Specialized Support:
STUDENT SAFETY                             Grand Opening New La Mesa Care Home
                                           We are excited to announce that Silverlight Homes of La Mesa will be
                                                                                                                           RIGHT                   • Personal Care                           • Alzheimer’s Care
   I know keeping our residents
up-to-date on what is happening
                                           joining the Right Choice Senior Living network of Assisted Living               CHOICE                  • Meal Assistance                         • Dementia Care
                                           Care Home Communities.
in the community is vital and I’m                                                                                  SENIOR LIVING                   • Light Housekeeping                      • Parkinson’s Care
                                           • Beautiful La Mesa Neighborhood Close to ALL                          Full Service Assisted Living
proud to share that we continue to         • Small Intimate Homelike setting • Experienced Team since 2008       Rates Starting at $165 a day.     • Reminders                               • Recovery Care
push safety for our residents, from        • Reasonable Visitation Accommodations                                 We are saving families
                                           • For photos, video tours please visit:      thousands of $ per month           • Household Management                    • Hospice - Palliative
students to those who ride bikes.                                                                    
   When it comes to our children,
                                                         Veteran Owned & Operated                                                                  • Memory Engagement
I believe that safety to and from
                                                         619-246-2003                     NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS CALL NOW                           • Transportation Service
school is vital. In September of                                                                                                                   • Companionship
2021, a traffic calming study was
requested for the intersection of                         All Heart Home Care
Eldrige Street and Forbes Avenue to
add a controlled crosswalk, school                    In-Home, Non-Medical Care
signage and all way stop sign. I
am happy to share that traffic en-         All Heart Home Care is Veteran Owned and licensed agency by the
gineers with the Transportation            state of California. All Heart provides quality senior home care assis-
Engineering Division (TED) have            tance to the Greater San Diego area. We base our senior home care
                                           services on family values, and we also exemplify principals of
recommended the installation of
                                           respect, integrity, and transparency. All Heart Home Care is a
“School Warning” signs along
Eldrige Street for both directions
                                           professional and compassionate home care agency above all; We
                                           respect our client’s dignity and their desire for independence. We                                            Multi-Award Winning Agency
of traffic. This will help remind mo-
                                           listen to our senior client’s desires then factor in their request for
torists of the school zone along this
                                           home care. Our agency only hires talented, experienced, and trust-
roadway segment.                           worthy caregivers as a result, seniors and adults live their lives
   Additionally, my staff has sub-         much happier in their own homes using our services. All Heart
mitted to have a traffic sign in-          Home Care has received the Top Home Care award from SeniorAdvi-
stalled with a “School Warning”   5 years in a row 2017-2021. We also received the La Mesa                                        Call us today and schedule your FREE In-Home Consultation
sign facing northbound and south-          Courier’s Best Of 2020 Gold winner for Home Care and the San
bound traffic on Street Division.          Diego Union Tribune’s Favorite In-Home Care award in 2019 and
We will continue to update the             voted Best in 2021.
community as we hear from TED.
12                   Feb. 11 – March 10, 2022
                     Mission Times Courier / College Times Courier                                                NEWS / FOOD & DRINK           

SDSU New Stadium
                                                                           State for more than $85 million.
                                                                           Before that summer was over,
                                                                           the school officially would end up
                                                                                                                    Microenterprise home kitchen operation
   Coming off an outstanding 12-2
                                                                           owning the land.
                                                                              According to Derek Grice, SDSU        initially passed for a two-year test period
season, including a 38-24 victory                                          executive associate athletic di-
in the Frisco Bowl over UTSA last                                          rector for Mission Valley develop-                             By ROBIN DOHRN-SIMPSON
December, SDSU’s win total was a                                           ment, everything is on schedule
school record.                                                             for the new stadium to open on                      San Diego County supervisors
   With football set to return to                                          time.                                            voted unanimously recently
Mission Valley this season (SDSU                                              “We’ve had to deal like many                  to approve an ordinance that
opens at home versus Arizona                                               others with the pandemic and                     will allow people to operate
on Sept. 3), Aztec students, staff,                                        supply chain issues,” Grice com-                 mini-restaurants out of their
alumni and others will be able to                                          mented. “We have an incredible                   house or condominium. Initially
enjoy seeing the Red and Black up                                          team and everyone has been                       this ordinance is for two years
close again. That is without hav-                                          pulling the right levers to stay on              before reassessment.
ing to hop in a vehicle, board a bus                                       track.”                                             This operation will allow resi-
or more options and battle traffic                                            Grice went on to say that the re-             dents to cook, serve, deliver and
to Carson.                                                                 sponse from coaches, athletes and                serve food to customers. They
   Playing home football games                                             others who will get to use the new               will also be able to store food in
since the fall of 1967 at what                                             stadium has been overwhelming-                   their homes. Participants must
was then known as San Diego                                                ly positive.                                     cook the food the same day
Stadium (later became Jack                                                    “We have a state-of-the-art                   served. This does not include               A wide variety of freshly-prepared meals make for great eating options.
Murphy Stadium), the Aztecs be-                                            stadium built for San Diego that                 caterers and cottage food oper-             (Photo by
came homeless starting with the                                            will embody our community,”                      ations. Home cooks will need to
2020 season. SDSU played both                                              Grice remarked. “This will give                  submit an application, earn a                 “This is a huge wine for             food for many immigrants who
the 2020 and 2021 campaigns in                                             us a true home field advantage                   Food Safety Manager certificate,            non-traditional entrepreneurs,         want their own familiar foods.
Carson.                                                                    and also help us on the road with                pass an initial inspection and              particularly immigrants, wom-          My biggest concern is sanitation.
   This became a necessity once                                            recruiting.”                                     undergo annual inspections.                 en, and people of color, who           In an industrial kitchen, our food
it was determined that SDCCU                                                  Grice noted that SDSU officials               Kitchens that use well-water al-            may have faced barriers when           storage and cleanliness are high-
Stadium (formerly San Diego                                                involved in the project did look at              so have to conduct private tests            looking to start their own busi-       ly regulated.”
Stadium, Jack Murphy Stadium                                               a lot of collegiate and pro stadiums             to ensure the safety of the water.          nesses,” Anderson continued.              According to Anderson, “The
and then Qualcomm Stadium)                                                 nationwide when seeing what                      All home kitchen operators can              “Restaurateurs can put their           San Diego County Department
was no longer suitable for play.                                           to integrate into Snapdragon                     serve as many as 30 in-person               food to the test before making         of Environmental Health and
The stadium became expendable                                              Stadium. “We’ve gotten good feed-                meals and 60 meals per week.                the exorbitant investment into         Quality will conduct regular in-
once the Los Angeles Chargers                                              back from other teams on what                    This can be eat-in, take-out or             a brick-and-mortar storefront.”        spections to confirm sanitation
(formerly San Diego Chargers for                                           we’re doing here,” Grice added.                  delivered meals.                              “I think this could be cool if       and refrigeration standards are
decades) moved north to play be-                                              Along with SDSU football and                     Supervisor Joel Anderson said,           utilized properly. I could host an     being met and ensure the health
ginning with the 2017 NFL sea-                                             several other Aztec teams play-                  “I am grateful to my Board col-             exclusive dinner in my backyard        and safety of customers. Under the
son. The Chargers temporarily                                              ing outdoors benefitting from the                leagues for supporting this or-             once or twice a month, or do a         MEHKO’s ordinance, food may be
played in Carson before settling                                           new venue, the stadium will see                  dinance because MEHKOs are a                fun cooking class and it would         stored in garages if properly stored
in the last several seasons with the                                       myriad of uses in 2022 and in the                win for chefs and for our com-              be legit,” Chef Jeff Rossman,          in a fridge or freezer. In addition,
Los Angeles Rams in Inglewood                                              years to come.                                   munities. I am eager to see how             past President of the California       meals must be prepared and sold
at SoFi Stadium. That is the same                                             Some CIF high school athletics                this new ordinance will enrich              Restaurant Association and             on the same day. They cannot be
stadium set to host the Super Bowl                                         and top concerts are among the                   San Diego County’s food diversi-            Restaurateur of the Year.              left in the fridge overnight.”
on Sunday, Feb. 13.                                                        plans for the stadium, according                 ty and offer our neighborhoods                Charles Heineke, of Charlie’s
   In early summer 2020, the city                                          to Grice.                                        greater options for nutritious              Classic Cooking, feels “In many            —Robin Dohrn-Simpson is a lo-
of San Diego signed off on selling                                                                                          and affordable freshly prepared             ways, it’s going to be good. Food      cal food and travel writer. Reach her
SDCCU Stadium to San Diego                                                       SEE SDSU NEW STADIUM, Page 15              meals.”                                     from your homeland, comfort            at

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