AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

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AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS
The bimonthly magazine for               activists – Januar y/Februar y 2018

                                                  Celebrating Usdaw’s finest
                                                  at the 13th Organising Awards

            ••• RECRUITMENT ••• HEALTH AND SAFETY ••• NEWS •••
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AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

General secretary John Hannett

Welcome to the first issue of Network for 2018 which
is packed full of news, updates and tips. This issue
gives you in-depth coverage of our prestigious annual
Organising Awards that recognise the fantastic work our
reps do on behalf of our members.
   I want to take this opportunity to personally thank
our army of reps who work tirelessly supporting their
colleagues through some very challenging times, for
engaging in a wide range of campaigns defending
workers’ rights and for helping us sign up 93,000 new
members last year.
   For those of our members affected by the collapse of
Palmer and Harvey the union will be seeking a Protective
Award over the absence of meaningful consultation. In
the meantime, we are providing advice and support to our
members and helping them find alternative employment.
   This edition of Network covers everything reps need to
know about the political fund and why it is so important
to have new members opting into the fund. It is absolutely
vital that Usdaw retains its political voice as the fund
allows us to to continue campaigning on issues that
matter to members. It is up to each and every one of us
to get the message across that politics affects all of us
and every aspect of our lives. There is no room for apathy
when the Government is systematically making it harder
for unions to fight for their members. I would urge all reps
to familiarise themselves with the article on the political
fund in preparation for the changes coming in March.

                                                               19                                                               24
   We will continue to make our voices and concerns
heard about the way the Government is negotiating
our exit from the European Union. Brexit could have a
profound impact on our members’ lives and we want to
make sure working people don’t end up paying the price
for the UK’s departure.                                                                    OTHER CONTRIBUTORS               ADVERTISING MANAGER
                                                                                           Jo Bird                          Jonathan Knight
   The past couple of years have shown that it is difficult
                                                                                           Tony Dale                        T: 01727 739 182
to predict what will happen next. But whatever happens                                     Adam Kaczmarek                   E: jonathan@centuryone
we will need to stay united. We cannot allow those with        Network is published        Chris Morris              
                                                               bimonthly and distributed   Doug Russell
their own agendas to sow divisions between us.                 to Usdaw activists.         Fran Shone                       PRINTED BY
                                                               Published by:               Michael Wheeler                  Buxton Press
                                                               USDAW                       and David Williams
                                                               188 Wilmslow Road,                                           For circulation enquiries
                                                               Manchester M14 6LJ          PHOTOGRAPHERS                    contact your divisional office.
                                                                                           Della Batchelor, Steve Bootle,
                                                               T: 0161 224 2804
                                                                                           Lee Boswell, Rezwan Javied,      Paper is sourced from
                                                               E: network                  SWNS, Andrew Wiard,              sustainable forests.
                                                               W:         ADVERTISING                      © Usdaw 2018
                                                                                           Century One Publishing           Reproduction in whole
                                                               HEAD OF MEDIA &             Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam
                                                                                                                            or part by any means
                                                               COMMUNICATIONS              Road, St Albans, AL3 4DG
                                                                                                                            without written permission
                                                               Mike Glover
                                                                                           T: 01727 893 894                 of the publisher is strictly
                                                               EDITOR                      F: 01727 893 895                 forbidden.
                                                               Saiqa Khushnood             E: enquiries@centuryone
                                                               REPORTER                              The publisher accepts no
                                                                                           W: www.centuryone                responsibility for errors,
                                                               Sarah Sherborne
                                                                                                     omissions or the
                                                               EDITORIAL ASSISTANT                                          consequences thereof.
                                                               Paula Barke

02 Network January/February 2018
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

  15                                         04 LATEST NEWS
                                             The lastest on Palmer and Harvey; applying for summer school; Tesco reps go
                                             the extra mile; and restructuring proposals from Tesco and Sainsbury’s.

                                             08 ORGANISING AWARDS
                                             Usdaw celebrates the oustanding reps and activists at the 13th annual
                                             Organising Awards ceremony in Manchester.

                                             12 POLITICAL FUND
                                             From March 2018 new members will have to opt-in to paying the political levy,
                                             this guide will help recuiters explain why the fund is so important to Usdaw.

                                             14 STAFF
                                             Welcoming a new team leader for Tesco Support at central office, new area
                                             organiser for Waltham Cross and an Usdaw stalwart retires after 37 years.

                                             15 REPS TIPS
                                             Organising and recruiting is a major part of being a rep. Network takes a look
                                             at what’s involved, answers your questions and offers advice and tips.

                                             19 ACTIVIST-IN-DEPTH
                                             Academy2 graduate and Tesco worker Martyn Hall, from the South Wales and
                                             Western division, talks recruitment, training and his plans for 2018.

                                             20 JOHN HANNETT Q&A
                                             Usdaw’s general secretary reflects on the last 12 months and looks ahead to
                                             how the union can face the upcoming challenges of 2018.

                   /UsdawUnion Watch
                     interviews with reps,
                                             23 EQUALITIES
                                             Looking ahead to Parents and Carers’ spotlight day in May which this year
                         officials and MPs   focuses on campaigning for a better deal for paternity leave and pay.

                      Browse the union’s
                         photo galleries.
                                             24 RESPECT WEEK

                                             Campaigning across the country, reps take a stand against abuse in the
                     All the latest photos   workplace during Usdaw’s annual Respect Week.
                            and videos on

                                  Follow                22 MEMBER SERVICES

                            on Facebook
                                                        28 HEALTH & SAFETY
                       @UsdawUnion If
                     you’re talking about               30 YOUR PICTURES
                     Network remember
                                                        31 E-CATALOGUE

                                                                            Network January/February 2018 03
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                  Follow us @UsdawUnion #Networkmag

Moral support from Weetabix                                                                                                                Skills delivered to Ocado reps
Weetabix was the latest                                                 progressive employers such
employer to sign up to the                                              as Weetabix have committed
Dying to Work Voluntary                                                 to support the Dying to Work
Charter.                                                                Charter.
The company joined MPs in                                                 “With this pledge Weetabix
Parliament to add their name                                            are formalising the support that
to a charter that seeks greater                                         they have always provided to
security for terminally ill workers                                     employees when confronted
where they cannot be dismissed                                          with such devastating news.
because of their condition.                                               “Hopefully Weetabix’s position
   Area organiser Ed Leach said:                                        will encourage other employers
“It is extremely welcome that                                           to take a similarly moral stance.”

                                                                                                                                           In January, elected members        preparing the claim through to
                                                                                                                                           of the Ocado Councils              negotiations.
                                                                                                                                           attended a two-day collective         The course also highlighted
                                                                                                                                           bargaining course, held at         to reps the company’s financial
                                                                                                                                           Wortley Hall in Sheffield.         situation by encouraging them
                                                                                                                                           The bespoke course, taught         to consider information such as
                                                                                                                                           by Usdaw training officer Mark     yearly turnover, forecasts, future
                                                                                                                                           Bibby, was based on the            plans and initiatives.
                                                                                                                                           National Collective Agreement         With the Ocado wage
                                                                                                                                           and was designed to equip reps     negotiations commencing in
                                                                                                                                           with the knowledge and skills      January reps will have the skills
                                                                                                                                           needed to actively participate     required to fully participate in
TUC Midlands regional secretary Lee Barron, campaign patron Jacci                                                                          in all stages of the collective    the negotiations and attempt to
Woodcock, Weetabix site convenor Simon Archer, group people & IT                                                                           bargaining process; from           secure the best possible deal for
director at Weetabix Stuart Branch and Usdaw area organiser Ed Leach                                                                       building constituent support and   members.

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                                                                                                                                           officials from the North           on the trade union act and
                 UP TO 4,000 USED CARS PRICE CHECKED DAILY,                                                                                Eastern division attended a        organising and mapping in the
                                                                                                                                           two-day organising seminar         workplace.
  HASSLE FREE, RISK FREE CAR PURCHASING FOR USDAW MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES                                                               in early January.                    Delegates also had the
                                                                                                                                           The event, held at the Majestic    chance to take part in a
                                                                CALL 0333 130 0290                                                         hotel in Harrogate, saw over       question and answer session
                                                                USDAWDRIVE.CO.UK                                                           100 reps from Morrisons,           with union officials surrounding
  Finance subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. Applicants must be 18 or over. Guarantee/indemnity may be required. We can
  introduce you to a limited number of carefully selected finance providers. We may receive a commission from them for the introduction.   Sainsbury’s and the Co-op,         the subject of health and safety.

04 Network January/February 2018
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS
Email the editor your views                                                                                  NEWS

Wholesaler folds                                                                                                  IN BRIEF...
                                                                                                                  Co-op and Deliveroo
Last November Palmer                                                                                              trial online delivery
& Harvey went into                                                                                                The Co-op has partnered
administration resulting in                                                                                       with Deliveroo to pilot
2,500 redundancies.                                                                                               home deliveries.
The announcement was a                                                                                            The store has started
complete shock to employees                                                                                       selling snacks,
and was an extremely                                                                                              confectionary, soft drinks,
distressing situation, especially                                                                                 beers, wines and spirits
in the run up to Christmas.                                                                                       through the online delivery
   Usdaw is experienced in                                                                                        platform as part of its drive
dealing with similar situations                                                                                   to ‘widen access to Co-op
and did everything it could to                                                                                    products’.
support members. The union
set up a dedicated section on                                                                                     ‘Fight to survive’ for
the website to update members                                                                                     retailers in 2018
on the changing situation in           local council to offer a fully          and signposting members            UK retailers face a ‘fight to
Palmer & Harvey.                       funded course in interview              to support agencies such as        survive’ next year as they
   Usdaw made every effort             techniques and CV writing.              the National Careers Service,      face into a ‘perfect storm’
to assist members in finding           Local companies such as                 Jobcentre Plus and Money           of operating headwinds
alternative employment and             Arriva, Morrisons Distribution          Advice Service.                    and lingering Brexit
worked with a number of local          and Tesco Distribution were                National officer Mark Todd      uncertainty, experts have
and national employers who             invited to talk to potential            said: “Unfortunately, it isn’t     warned.
were keen to take on Palmer &          new employees. These                    always possible to prevent         The KPMG/Ipsos Retail
Harvey staff. These vacancies,         events resulted in some                 redundancies, especially when      Think Tank cautioned that
as well as supporting events,          affected members finding new            a company suddenly goes            a swathe of ‘geopolitical
can be found on the Usdaw              employment.                             into administration like this.     and macroeconomic
website.                                  In addition, Usdaw teamed            However, what we can do is to      obstacles’ and ‘ongoing
   Lifelong learning project           up with Northwest Education             make sure our members receive      structural change’ within
workers, Lawrence Miller               and Training (NWEAT) and                the best advice and support        the industry will spark
and Julia Baldwin and area             held an event at its Warrington         to help them find alternative      an ‘inevitable’ number of
organiser Aron Vernon visited          office to provide information           work and receive any financial     casualties in 2018.
the company to see how Usdaw           and guidance on re-entering             compensation that they are
could help.                            the job market, including CV            entitled to.”                      Tesco
   In Kent Usdaw invited the           workshops, interview skills                                                restructure
                                                                                                                  Tesco have informed
                                                                                                                  Usdaw of their proposal
Breaking the silence around mental health                                                                         to reorganise management
                                                                                                                  structures across retail and
                                                                                                                  distribution, which could
                                                                                                                  result in a net loss of 800
                                                                                                                  roles as 1,700 staff are
                                                                                                                  put at risk of redundancy
                                                                                                                  with 900 new roles being
                                                                                                                  The union will be entering
                                                                                                                  into individual consultation
                                                                                                                  with the company on
                                                                                                                  behalf of Usdaw members
                                                                                                                  who are affected by these
                                                                                                                  Usdaw will be providing
                                                                                                                  members with the
                                                                                                                  support, advice and
                                                                                                                  representation they require
  Usdaw general secretary John Hannett and general secretary elect Paddy Lillis joined the the new North West
                                                                                                                  through this process.
  divsional equalities forum on the Time To Talk mental health campaign day in February.

                                                                                                      Network January/February 2018 05
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS
NEWS                                                                                        Email the editor your views

The union’s popular eight-day
residential training course is
taking place in September.
If you are looking to learn more
about the union, boost your
confidence and network with
other activists then don’t miss
this fantastic opportunity.

What is Summer School?
It is a one-week residential
training course that looks at
the role and function of trade
unions, organising in the
workplace, presentation skills                                                                                        Summer School1
and equality.                                                                                                           1- 8 September
The week is run in a supportive,       When and where does                What does it cost to attend                        2018
friendly and informal manner.          Summer School take place?          Summer School?
Delegates work in small groups         It takes place every year in       The union pays board and
and liaise closely with their tutor.   September and runs from            accommodation fees for                       How do I apply?
                                       Saturday to Saturday. Classes,     Summer School and members                    Applications must be made
Who can apply?                         activities, accommodation          who attend will be entitled                  via your branch by the end of
Summer School is open to all           and meals are undertaken at        to claim travelling fares and                March. Each divisional council
members but priority is given to       the impressive Wortley Hall        appropriate allowances.                      decides who will represent their
members who have undertaken            in Sheffield, an 18th century      Most employers will provide                  division. Nominations go before
training or who can demonstrate        workers’ stately home set          paid release for members                     the executive council in June
a degree of commitment to the          in 26 acres of gardens and         awarded a place at Summer                    and successful applicants will
union.                                 woodlands.                         School.                                      be contacted soon thereafter.

For more information about Summer School visit

 IN BRIEF...                           JD Williams staff shine on free ESOL course
  Sainsbury’s                          The union’s Lifelong Learning      excellent example of                         space of time we have seen
  restructure                          team worked with JD                coordination between Usdaw,                  members making huge strides
  Sainsbury’s is to reorganise         Williams and Burnley College       the company and the college to               thanks to the course and
  management and                       to arrange a free ESOL             get a real win for our members.              growing in confidence.
  supervisory structures in            (English for Speakers of              “ESOL is a course that sadly                “Many members are keen to
  their retail stores across the       Other Languages) course.           is not often funded by local                 use their new communication
  UK and in their Bromley-               Across the two days 39 staff     authorities and a                                  skills in the workplace
  by-Bow online fulfilment             members completed English          lot of work, from                                  and some are already
  centre.                              assessments and two ESOL           all three parties,                                 planning to put
  Usdaw will be entering               classes were formed and have       went into making                                   themselves forwards for
  into consultations with              been running since October.        this course                                        other
  the company on behalf of               Lifelong Learning project        available to staff                                 qualifications and
  Usdaw members affected               worker Jonathan Charnock           for free.                                          apprenticeships in the
  by these changes.                    said: “This has been an               “In a short                                     future.”

                                           gift vouchers
                                                                 at     WWW.USDAW.ORG.UK/WIN
                                                                 Sponsored by Usdaw Insurance. Closing date 6 March 2018. Terms apply.

06 Network January/February 2018
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

Last year, as part of its           team. He was involved in
transformation plans, Tesco         the process from the start
announced it would move             and continued to represent
operations from its Customer        members daily.
Engagement Centre in Cardiff           “The site closing so suddenly
to a new site in Dundee.            was a shock, particularly in the
   Despite efforts to reverse       run up to Christmas,” said Alun,
the decision, including it being    57. “Many of our members felt
raised by Labour MP Anna            like they’d been thrown on the
McMorrin in the House of            scrap heap.
Commons the company went               “The positions created at
ahead with its decision. This       Dundee were not a realistic
resulted in the proposed closure    alternative for most because
of the site in February 2018 and    you would have to uproot
put over 1,000 staff at risk of     your life and family. Instead,
redundancy.                         we focused on making sure
   Although Usdaw could not         members were treated fairly and
prevent the site from closing it    that we negotiated the best deal
made every effort to make sure      possible.
members were supported and             “We also worked hard to
represented through the difficult   put our members in a strong
and emotional consultation          position to apply for alternative
process. The team of reps on        work by holding a jobs fair.
site, who themselves were faced     A number of organisations
with the same uncertainties         attended including the Open          Plan of action                     all the one-to-one meetings has
about their future, gave 100 per    University, Cardiff University,      Vice branch secretary Paul         made it a really busy time.
cent to their members.              Money Advice Service,                Kane is one of the three union        “The whole thing has been
                                    Royal Navy Recruitment and           learning reps on site. He was      a big team effort. The reps
Reality bites                       Pensionwise. Shelter Cymru           also on the consultation team.     worked together to coordinate
Network caught up with some         also came along to advise those         “Once it became obvious         their approach and everyone
of the reps who supported           who were worried about paying        Tesco wouldn’t reverse their       pitched in, including the branch.
members through this                their rent/mortgage.                 decision we had to put our            “Although this has been a
challenging time.                      “Although it’s been a difficult   disappointment to one side and     really tough time for everyone
  Branch chair Alun Sharpe          time I know our members have         focus on trying to negotiate the   the members knew we were
was one of the four reps who        appreciated the support they         best deal for our members,”        fighting for them.”
formed part of the consultation     have received.”                      said Paul, 43.
                                                                            “We have had to push and        Fantastic reps
                                                                         argue for improvements and we      Divisional Officer Nick Ireland
                                                                         had a number successes. We         said: “I want to take this
                                                                         managed to get Career Wales        opportunity to thank all the reps
                                                                         to come in to see members          on site for their hard work and
                                                                         and we negotiated two hours in     commitment.
                                                                         work time to attend CV training       “Despite being under
                                                                         and interview skills classes.      the threat of redundancy
                                                                         Cardiff and Vale college ran       themselves the support they
                                                                         accredited training in Excel       gave to our members was
                                                                         courses. We also secured           second to none.
                                                                         Microsoft online specialist           “The closure of Tesco Cardiff
                                                                         courses which were paid for by     was a massive blow for our
                                                                         the TUC through Usdaw.             members and for Cardiff but the
                                                                            “I spent a lot of time giving   way our reps handled this has
                                                                         members informal careers           been truly humbling.
                                                                         advice, including guidance on         “I wish our members and reps
                                                                         what courses they could do         every success in the future and
                                                                         and where they can go for more     I hope they will continue to play
Paul Kane and Alun Sharpe
                                                                         information. This coupled with     an active role in the union.”

                                                                                             Network January/February 2018 07
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

It was time for activists             divisional young workers’
to take centre stage in               committee and is encouraging
January when Usdaw                    others to become active.
                                         “It’s really nice to be
held its 13th annual
                                      recognised for something I enjoy
organising awards.
                                      doing,” said the 23-year-old who
The glamorous event took place        was elected to be a rep a year
in Manchester and saw talented        ago. “I feel like members are
and committed reps from all           grateful for the work I do and
seven divisions invited to attend a   that makes me really happy.
celebration in their honour.             “Usdaw is my extended family,
   General secretary John             I’ve met many amazing people
Hannett, general secretary elect      and it’s where I can be myself.”
Paddy Lillis and Usdaw president
Jeff Broome played host and           Most Promising New Activist
presented national awards to 12       Marie McCallion
winners in nine categories.           Marie is highly regarded in her
   “It’s all about recognising the    store since she became a rep in
outstanding work that reps are        November 2015. She has recently
putting in on a daily basis,” said    recruited two new reps at her
John. “It’s a fantastic night and     Tesco store in Callington and is
one of the most high-profile          assisting with their development.
events in the union’s calendar.          Marie is always keen to help
   “Every year we have hundreds       others and volunteered at the
of nominations from the divisions     Calais migrant camps where she
which just goes to show how           worked in the kitchen preparing
many great activists are out there.   up to 2,600 meals a day.
   “I also want to say thank you         “Volunteering in Calais made
to the thousands of reps who          me realise the importance of
haven’t been nominated but            humanity, respecting those that
continue to work hard on behalf       have no rights, taking the time to
of the union. Usdaw would not         have a conversation and giving
be where it is without you.”          them food, clothing and shelter,”
                                      said the 25-year-old.                 conditions for members. He also        “The national award makes up
And the winners                          “Becoming a rep and                took on the role of rep following   for all the times I’ve really had to
are...                                volunteering to help others has       a series of redundancies.           fight for change. It’s fantastic!”
                                      made me realise that my passion          “Since retirement I’ve spent a
Most Promising New Activist           is to work for a non-profit           lot of time representing members    Equalities
Bonny Bennett                         organisation and help people.”        at various companies, so the        Kirsty Lowe
Dedicated young rep Bonny has                                               health and safety side of things    Political activist Kirsty is a
made a fantastic contribution         Health and Safety Rep                 has been put aside for now,” said   passionate campaigner for
since being elected rep at her        John Forbes                           the 65-year-old. “It’s given me a   equal rights and devotes her life
Tesco store in Liverpool. She is      Long serving rep John is now          wider perspective of what goes      to helping others. In 2014 she
always looking to get justice for     retired but is still very active in   on and broadened my horizons.       joined the Scottish divisional
her members.                          the union. While at Tesco, John          “Helping the members keeps       equalities forum and has since
   Bonny recently became              used his vast knowledge and           me motivated. There’s no better     educated them on the everyday
involved with the North West          experience to improve working         reward than justice.                issues facing disabled people.

08 Network January/February 2018
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

                                       Roll of Honour
                                       (Divisional letter in brackets and national winners in bold)

                                       MOST PROMISING NEW                     INDIVIDUAL
                                       ACTIVIST                               RECRUITMENT
                                       Marie McCallion (A)                    Elaine Arberry (A)
                                       William Underwood (C)                  Samantha Harvey (C)
                                       Darren Vickery (E)                     Adrian Clarke (E)
                                       Christina Distefano (F)                Janet Maria Haggis (F)
                                       Alan Harper (G)                        Ronald Johnston (G)
                                       Joanne Gale-Chambers (H)               Mike Adamson (H)
                                       Bonny Bennett (K)                      Christine Walker (K)

                                       HEALTH AND SAFETY REP                  INDIVIDUAL ORGANISING
                                       Damien Seager (A)                      Martyn Hall (A)
                                       John Forbes (C)                        Yaw Poku (C)
                                       Nik Lazic (E)                          Simon Archer (E)
                                       Peter Revill (F)                       Wendy Cottam (F)
                                       Raymond Humphries (G)                  Richie Venton (G)
                                       Stephen Little (H)                     Alan Humphries (H)
                                       Desmond Murphy (K)                     Julie Dunne (K)

                                       EQUALITIES                             OUTSTANDING
                                       David Barter (A)                       ACHIEVEMENT
                                       Jean Bridger (C)                       Anne Meacock (A)
                                       John Meakin (E)                        Linda Joyce Hall (C)
                                       Radomir Mazurek (F)                    Dean Wainwright (E)
                                       Kirsty Lowe (G)                        Sandra Davies (F)
                                       Julie Boucher (H)                      Ian Scott (G)
  Pictured standing l-r:               Christine Sherratt (K)                 Jonathan Lamb (H)
  Kevin Perryman, John Forbes,                                                Dave Randles (K)
  Robin Gledhill, Linda Joyce Hall,
  Nick Stanton, Bonny Bennett,         UNION LEARNING REP
  Samantha Harvey, Mike Adamson
                                       Helen Couppleditch (A)                 CAMPAIGNS
  and Simon Archer
  Seated: Anne Meacock,                Tesco Fenny Lock ULR Team (C)          Co-op Reps Bristol (A)
  Fliss Pryce-Page, Marie McCallion
                                       Fliss Pryce-Page (E)                   Tesco Bletchley Reps (C)
  and Kirsty Lowe.
                                       Sarah Woodhouse (F)                    CRL Reps Team (E)
                                       Karen Petrie (G)                       Michelle Suzanne Hargreaves (F)
    “I felt very nervous and           Tesco Dotcom                           Tesco Peel Centre Reps (G)
excited,” said Kirsty, 49, who         Crawley ULR Team (H)                   Shirley and Frank Dunaway (H)
works at Marks and Spencer in          Marie Warmby (K)                       Morrisons Reps K213 Branch (K)
Glasgow. “I really didn’t think I
was going to win because there
are so many great activists.
                                       TEAM RECRUITMENT AND ORGANISING
    “I’m not afraid of a fight and I   Tulip Westerleigh Reps Bristol (A)
don’t like to see people suffering.    Palmer & Harvey Rep Team Hemel Hempstead (C)
If I can help I will.                  Weetabix Reps Team (E)
    “Winning this award is a           Wincanton Sherburn-in-Elmet Reps (F)
massive confidence boost.
It means I can walk with my
                                       Muller Cambuslang Reps Team (G)
head held high and continue to         Martin Brower Reps Team (H)
campaign for what I believe in.”       JD Williams Logistics Reps Team (K)

                                                                           Network January/February 2018 09
AWARDING EXCELLENCE Celebrating Usdaw's finest at the 13th Organising Awards - RECRUITMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY NEWS

Awarding dedication
                                                                                 Union Learning Rep                     fought off a sustained Unite
                                                                                 Fliss Pryce-Page                       campaign to recruit drivers
                                                                                 Union rep Fliss only became            at their site and managed to
                                                                                 active in 2016 but that hasn’t         maintain an outstanding 94 per
                                                                                 stopped her steaming ahead to          cent membership density. They
                                                                                 bring learning to the Midlands.        now have over 600 members.
                                                                                    Working closely with Lincoln           The team were represented on
                                                                                 College Fliss established a            the night by rep Nick Stanton and
                                                                                 ‘Computing for the terrified’          site convenor Robin Gledhill.
                                                                                 course. She also set up a Polish          “We’re over the moon,” said
                                                                                 language course for beginners          Nick. “It’s a massive accolade.
                                                                                 to break down the language                “The award has given
                                                                                 barrier with the growing Polish        Sherburn the recognition and
STANDING (from left): Lukasz Szymanski, Michael French, David Barter,            community in Lincoln.                  respect it deserves. Hopefully it
Martyn Hall, Elaine Arberry and Mike Walker (deputy divisional officer).            “I’m overwhelmed,” said Fliss.      will encourage more members to
SEATED (from left): Kay Timbrell (divisional council chair), Marie McCallion,    “Winning the divisional award          join and we’ll be able to recruit
Damien Seager, Barbara Wilson (executive councillor), Nick Ireland (divisional
                                                                                 was great but this is fantastic.       more reps. I’m really proud of the
officer), Anne Meacock and Kevin Perryman.
                                                                                    “I’ve changed roles in Tesco        team, long may we continue.”
                                                                                 and I’m now in charge of training
                                                                                 in 32 Express stores which allows      Individual Recruitment
                                                                                 me to reach more members.              Mike Adamson
                                                                                    “I’ve always had a passion          Mike has made a big impact
                                                                                 for training and it’s great that I     within the union since he
                                                                                 can complement the corporate           became a rep in August 2016.
                                                                                 training with lifelong skills.”        The Co-op manager completed
                                                                                                                        Academy1 last year recruiting 722
                                                                                 Campaigns                              members and 50 reps.
                                                                                 Co-op Reps Bristol                        “Becoming active was the
                                                                                 Concerned by an increase in            best thing I’ve ever done,” said
                                                                                 violent attacks, reps Robert           the 53-year-old. “It feels like I’m
                                                                                 Beavis, Paul Wilson and Kevin          doing something worthwhile.
 EASTERN DIVISION                                                                Perryman launched their own               “I loved being on the Academy.
STANDING (from left): Marten Bolling, Samantha Harvey, John Forbes,              Freedom From Fear campaign             I was mainly recruiting and
Dave McCrossen (divisional officer), Simon Vincent (executive councillor),       visiting 50 Co-op stores in the        organising in Co-op stores, some
John Bond (divisional council chair) and William Underwood.                      Bristol area. Their efforts resulted   days covering up to 200 miles.
SEATED (from left): Linda Joyce Hall, Jean Bridger, Yaw Poku,                    in a change of store closing time,        “Although Academy finished
Paul Rickard and Gary Clark.
                                                                                 increased staff levels and liaison     in November I still keep in touch
                                                                                 with the local police.                 with the other organisers through
                                                                                    Kevin collected the award. “It      a WhatsApp group. They’ve all
                                                                                 was an honour to hear about the        been congratulating me tonight.
                                                                                 work other reps have been doing           “I’m overwhelmed to win. It’s
                                                                                 across the country.                    been a brilliant night and I’m
                                                                                    “We would like to thank             really glad that my wife could be
                                                                                 everyone who supported us              here to share it with me.”
                                                                                 through our campaign and
                                                                                 congratulate all the winners.          Individual Recruitment
                                                                                    “For us, the real reward comes      Samantha Harvey
                                                                                 from knowing that everyone can         East of England Co-op rep
                                                                                 work in a safe environment.”           Samantha is part of a team of
                                                                                                                        eight cluster reps covering 130
 MIDLANDS DIVISION                                                               Team Recruitment and                   stores in Suffolk.
STANDING (from left): Tom Stapleton, Adrian Clarke, Dean Wainwright,
                                                                                 Organising                                As well as recruiting lots of
Christian Wayne Bowers, John Meakin and Gavin Dadley (divisional officer).       Wincanton                              new members, her positive
SEATED (from left): Simon Archer, Lynda Burns, Fliss Pryce-Page, Darren          Sherburn-in-Elmet Reps                 attitude has led to several new
Vickery, Gareth Davies (deputy divisional officer) Kate MacLeod (divisional      This dedicated team of 14 reps         reps coming on board.
council chair) and Nik Lazic.

10 Network January/February 2018

 NORTH EASTERN DIVISION                                                               SCOTTISH DIVISION

STANDING (from left): Sandra Davies, Angela Partington (divisional council chair),   STANDING (from left): Tracy Gilbert (deputy divisional officer),
Joanne Thomas (divisional officer), Peter Revill, Cathy Godfrey (deputy divisional   Raymond Humphries, Jim Glavin, Stewart Forrest (divisional officer)
officer), Brian Loughead (executive councillor) and Janet Maria Haggis.               and Ian Scott.
SEATED (from left): Michelle Suzanne Hargreaves, Robin Gledhill, Nick                SEATED (from left): Alan Harper, Karen Petrie, Neil Rae, Kirsty Lowe
Stanton, Radomir Mazurek and Wendy Cottam. Inset: Sarah Woodhouse                    and Isabel Fyfe (divisional council chair).

   “It’s really lovely to be part of       to be committed to her role as
an event that recognises the hard          an activist. She was instrumental
work of reps,” said Samantha, 51,          in setting up her branch in Kings
who became a rep in 2007.                  Lynn, is on the divisional retired
   “I’m fortunate to have had the          members’ committee and active
opportunity to go out on stand-            in her local Labour party.
down and complete Summer                      “I still haven’t really processed
School 1 last year which were              winning,” said Linda, 66.
both amazing experiences.                     “When I retired I didn’t just
   “This year I’d like to become a         want to sit around doing nothing.
union learning rep. I’ve got more          I’m from a union family so it’s
stand-down planned and then                always been in my blood. I’m
hopefully Summer School 2.”                pleased that I can support the
                                           members and reps in my area                SOUTHERN DIVISION
Individual Organising                      and raise the profile of the union.
                                                                                     STANDING (from left): Jonathan Lamb, Les Hastings, Anthony Connelly,
Simon Archer                                  “I thank everyone for their            Michael Necchi-Ghiri, Stephen Little, Shirley Dunaway, Frank Dunaway and
The Weetabix site convenor                 support and encouragement.”               John Barstow (executive councillor).
demonstrated exceptional                                                             SEATED (from left): Joanne Gale-Chambers, Julie Boucher, Amy Murphy
leadership during a period of              Outstanding Achievement                   (executive councillor), Sue Merrell (divisional officer), Sue Prynn (deputy
                                                                                     divisional officer), Sujata Patel (divisional council chair) and Mike Adamson.
difficult industrial relations ending      Anne Meacock                              Inset: Alan Humphries.
in a ballot for industrial action.         With 20 years of union activism,
   Simon also took a leading role          Anne is well-known in Usdaw
in ensuring the company’s much             and Swansea. Along with a full
improved offer was accepted at a           diary of union activities, she
further ballot and even recruited          continues to represent Usdaw in
50 members in the process.                 the Welsh TUC and Labour Party.
   He continues to run the branch             She is a member of the
and oversee the development of             divisional council and a founder
over 30 reps on site.                      of the divisional equalities forum.
   “It’s a busy role, but I enjoy             “I felt very honoured to win,”
it,” said Simon, 50. “It keeps me          said the 69-year-old, who works
challenged. There’s a lot to learn         at Penlan Social Club.
and it’s important to stay up to              “I’m passionate about my work.
date with changes in policy.               I believe there’s a real need for
   “The awards night was very              unions. Workers should be treated
well organised. I was suprised to          fairly and be allowed to use their         NORTH WEST DIVISION
win, but delighted all the same.”          voice. I’m also a great believer in
                                           supporting our activists, they’re         STANDING (from left): Michelle Fury (divisional council chair), Tony Clare
                                                                                     (deputy divisional officer), Jane Jones (executive councillor), Julie Dunne,
Outstanding Achievement                    the lifeblood of the union.               Amanda Bailey-Coll (deputy divisional officer), Mike Aylward (divisional
Linda Joyce Hall                              “I want to thank my area               officer), Jan Jervis (executive councillor), Chris Winwood (executive
After working for Littlewoods and          organiser Peter Evans for his kind        councillor) and Desmond Murphy.
BHS for 39 years, Linda continues          words and support.”                       SEATED (from left): Dave Randles, Tanya Gillies, Bonny Bennett, Christine
                                                                                     Sherratt, Marie Warmby, Linda Wylie and Maureen Hurst.

                                                                                                             Network January/February 2018 11

Politics affects everyone. All         n The right to 28 days paid          the political fund. Crucially      members more vulnerable to
workers rely on employment               holiday                            these gains for members            violence, threats and abuse.
rights that were secured               n The right not to work              were all delivered by Labour in    Furthermore, in an attempt to
through trade unions running             excessive hours                    Government. However, now a         silence the political voice of
political campaigns to                 n The right to take a break in       Conservative Government is         trade unions the Tories have
improve workers lives and                the working day                    trying to undermine members’       introduced the Trade Union Act,
deliver for members.                   n Maternity and paternity            rights and incomes. Since the      which threatens to undermine
Usdaw needs the political fund           leave                              Conservatives got back into        Usdaw’s political fund.
because not all improvements           n The legal right to union           power there have been cuts in
for members can be delivered             representation                     tax credits and the introduction
through negotiation. Often,            n Statutory rights for workplace     of universal credit that leaves
government intervention is               reps including union learning      many working families
needed to improve important              reps                               thousands of pounds worse
workers’ rights like:                  n Increased compensation for         off. The Tories also illegally
n The National Minimum Wage              unfair dismissal                   introduced tribunal fees to
n Tax credits to support working         Usdaw campaigned for all           undermine justice for workers.
  families on lower incomes            of the above (and more) using        Cuts in police numbers leave

 What is changing
 From 1 March 2018 new                   Universal credit
 members will have to opt-in to          Trying to secure changes to a
 paying the political levy. This         scheme that currently leaves
 means Usdaw need reps to                a working family on average
 be making the case to new               £2,000 a year worse off.
 members about, not just the
 importance of joining Usdaw,            Freedom From Fear
 but also the need for retaining a       Countering the police cuts,
 political voice. The political fund     and introducing legislation that
 will allow Usdaw to continue            protects members from violence
 campaigning on issues that              threats and abuse.
 matter to members such as:
                                         Working time
 Better wages                            Defending rights from the EU
 Improving the National Minimum          that guarantee paid holidays,
 Wage, promoting the real Living         reasonable working hours and
 Wage and backing Labour’s               proper breaks.
 minimum £10 per hour promise.
                                         Usdaw has a political fund to
 Insecure work                           successfully run campaigns
 Seeking to defend workers from          and to do this members need
 exploitative zero-hours and             to pay the political levy.
 short-hours employment and
 securing contracts that match
 the hours they generally work.

 Tackling age-related pay
 Ensuring the full National Living
 Wage rate for all adult workers,
 removing the current cut off for
 those aged under 25.

12 Network January/February 2018

Q. What is the political fund?                Q. What if new members don’t tick                                                                                                         Q. Don’t we have a vote on the
Many trade unions operate a political         the box?                                                                                                                                  political fund anyway?
fund. The political fund enables Usdaw to     If new members are not asked to tick                                                                                                      Yes. Trade unions that politically
campaign and deliver on issues that are       the box on the membership form, forget                                                                                                    campaign have to ballot their members
important to members.                         to do so, or choose not to, they will not                                                                                                 every 10 years on whether to continue
                                              contribute towards Usdaw’s political                                                                                                      to have a political fund. The last ballot
Q. Why is this change happening?              fund. This means Usdaw is less able                                                                                                       held by Usdaw in 2013 saw 93 per cent
The Conservative Government is trying         to politically campaign on behalf of                                                                                                      vote in favour of keeping the political
to make it more difficult for trade unions    members to protect and improve their                                                                                                      fund. Despite this democratic decision
to run effective campaigns and speak          rights.                                                                                                                                   of Usdaw members, the Trade Union Act
out on behalf of their members against                                                                                                                                                  places additional burdens on the union in
government policies that are having a         Q. When will the new membership                                                                                                           another attempt to weaken our voice.
detrimental impact on their lives.            form be available?
                                              The new membership forms are available                                                                                                    Q. What support is available for
Q. What does this change mean for             from your local office. When you get a                                                                                                    Reps?
me as a rep?                                  supply of new forms then dispose of the                                                                                                   We will be sending briefings and materials
It means that the recruitment process         old ones, preferably in a recycling bin.                                                                                                  to reps in the run-up the changes coming
has changed. Reps will shortly need                                                                                                                                                     into force on 1 March, as we roll out
new membership forms for use during           Q. Isn’t it all just about the Labour                                                                                                     the new membership form. If you have
recruitment. New members will need to         Party?                                                                                                                                    any queries please contact the Politics
tick the box on the membership form to        It doesn’t matter who people voted                                                                                                        Section on 0161 249 2452
opt in to the political fund. To maintain a   for. What matters is having a voice in                                                                                                    or email
strong voice for members, all recruiters      Parliament. The political fund helps the
need to get as many new members as            union lobby politicians from all parties on
possible to tick the political fund box on    issues that matter to Usdaw members.
the new membership form.

Checklist for recruiters
                                                           Help USDAW campaign
                                                            for YOUR workplace
4 Read and familiarise yourself with the
                                                                  rights ...
  reps’ briefing
4 Dispose of all old membership forms,
                                                                           TU Act – Political Fund – Rep’s FAQs                                                                                     affects..
  preferably in a recycling bin
4 Get a good stock of the new
                                                                            What should I say when recruiting

                                                                            members are likely to be happy to
                                                                                                              a member?
                                                                            You shouldn’t need to use all the information
                                                                                                                            on this sheet when recruiting new
                                                                                                                                                                members. Many new
                                                                                                                                                                                                       all .
  membership forms from your local office
                                                                                                               join the Political Fund with just a ‘one-line’
                                                                            such as yourself have suggested using
                                                                            “Tick here to be part of Usdaw’s
                                                                                                                    lines like:
                                                                                                               Political Fund to help us campaign
                                                                                                                                                              explanation. Recruiters
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Improving workers’ lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                             – Winning for members
                                                                            contracts and parents and carers                                          on issues such as short hours
                                                                                                               rights in the workplace.”

4 Use the ‘Politics affects us all’ mini booklet with
                                                                           “Most members are in the political
                                                                                                                 fund – this helps Usdaw fight for
                                                                           level. Tick here to be part of it too.”                                    workers’ rights at a national

  people who need more info about the fund                                 If members then query why they should

                                                                           be better to deal with any in-depth
                                                                                                                    join, hopefully the information in this
                                                                           you address those queries. It is important                                        FAQs sheet should help
                                                                                                                      not to let such queries derail an induction
                                                                                                               questions on a one-to-one basis after               session, so it may
                                                                                                                                                       the induction session.

                                                                           What is Usdaw’s Political Fund?
                                                                                                                                     What has changed– why do we now

                                                                          Most trade unions have a political
                                                                                                              fund – that            have to opt in?
                                                                          is separate from industrial funds. It
                                                                                                                 is a legal          A new law called the Trade Union Act,
                                                                          requirement that our political work                                                                 brought
                                                                                                                is paid for

                                                                          out of this fund.                                          in by the Conservative Government,
                                                                                                                                     that new members (joining Usdaw
                                                                          Our Political Fund is used to lobby                                                            from
                                                                                                                                    1 March 2018) will now have to ‘opt
                                                                          The Government, no matter who is                                                                 in’.
                                                                                                              in                    The Tories have done this to make
                                                                          power, on behalf of the members.                                                               it more
                                                                                                                                    difficult for members to contribute

                                                                         Why does Usdaw need a                                      will make it harder for the Union to
                                                                                                                                                                         to the
                                                                                                                                    Union’s political fund. They hope that
                                                                                                                                                                             this               Scan the QR code above with your smartphone
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to be taken to the young workers website**
                                                                         political fund?                                            on the issues that affect members.

                                                                         Usdaw needs its political fund to deliver
                                                                         issues that matter to our members.
                                                                         l Living wage.
                                                                         l Parents and carer’s rights.                                POLITIsC us
                                                                         l Sunday trading.                                            affect ...                                          **to scan the code, download a QR reader
                                                                                                                                          all                                              app from your app store. A charge may

                                                                         l Equality in the workplace.
                                                                         l Freedom From Fear/Respect Week.                                                                                 be applied by your network provider.                              #YoungWorkers
                                                                         All these working rights – and many
                                                                                                              more –
                                                                         came about because of trade unions
                                                                        the government on behalf of workers.

                                                           ... Opt in to USDAW’S Political Fund
                                                                        Without the ability to work with politicians
                                                                        issues such as workers’ rights, housing,
                                                                        NHS and public services that our members
                                                                                                                     rely                                                                 Published by Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers
                                                                        on, the views and concerns of our
                                                                                                           members will
                                                                        be lost from the political debate.                                                                                188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 6LJ                                   October 2014
                                               Sept 2017   Published by Usdaw, 188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 6LJ                                    PF A6 Lft                         Leaflet 397
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *calls charged at local rate.

                                                                                                                                                                            Network January/February 2018 13

Latest appointments

 ANDREW EVERSON                                   TOM FOSTER                                        JURAJ ZILIK

One retirement, a promotion                       Tom Foster                                        at the Waltham Cross Office.
and new appointment...                            Former research assistant Tom is the new             Originally from Slovakia, Juraj came to
                                                  Tesco team leader at Usdaw’s central office.      England 12 years ago when he started work
Andrew Everson                                       Originally from Gateshead, Tom graduated       as an agency worker on the night shift at DHL
Usdaw’s deputy finance officer Andrew             with a degree in Psychology from the              in Charlton. He juggled work with studying
retired at the end of January after 37 years on   University of Manchester. He then went on         for two degrees, in two countries, at the same
the union’s staff.                                to work as a support administrator for the        time! Juraj studied international business
   The 55 year-old began working at Usdaw’s       Newborn Hearing Screening Programme.              management in Nottingham and was also
central office in Manchester in 1980 as junior       Tom joined the union’s staff as a temporary    regularly flying out to the Czech Republic to
audit clerk. A year later he was promoted to      clerical assistant in the education department    study economics finance.
senior audit clerk and then in 1989 promoted      in 2007 before moving into the Tesco support         He became a union rep when it was
to assistant supervisor in the stationery         team in 2010 as senior assistant. In 2013         announced that his warehouse would be
department. In 1995 he took on his final          he was promoted to research assistant and         closing and workers would be forced to
position in the records and benefits section.     has spent the last two years working in the       move to Dartford.
   Andrew was responsible for the                 union’s equalities section.                          “Our terms and conditions were under
management of the membership and                     “Working in the equalities team was            threat because we were moving out of the
associated databases. His role was to             a fantastic experience. I particularly            London zone,” said Juraj. “We didn’t have
supervise the records and benefits teams and      enjoyed working with our reps to increase         a rep so I made it my priority to speak up
ensure the details of over 430,000 members        involvement of under-represented groups           on behalf of the staff. I worked together
were accurately and securely maintained.          through events like the black members             with organisers in the Southern division and
   “In my earlier days at Usdaw there was         weekend and the LGBT get together.                eventually we were able to secure even better
only one phone for eight staff and you had to        “As research assistant in the Tesco team       terms and conditions and negotiate the first
stand up in the middle of the office to use it.   my role was to support the national officer       pay rise on shift premium rates in 20 years.
Lots has changed since then.                      in negotiations over improvements to the             “Following the move I recruited reps for the
   “In a bid to keep pace with technology and     Tesco partnership agreement. As team leader       new site and focussed on organising the staff.
streamline processes, I’m proud to have been      I will be responsible for maintaining and         In 2012 I became the branch secretary.
involved with the implementation of two new       developing the union’s relationship with             “In the past two years I’ve completed
membership systems in the past 25 years. The      Tesco and delivering an effective service to      Academy1 and 2, both Summer Schools
systems improved efficiency, accuracy and         members, reps and officials.                      and been on stand-down. The knowledge
enhanced communication with members.                 “I’m looking forward to the new challenges     and experience I’ve gained has been great
   “I’ve really enjoyed working for Usdaw and     involved in developing a small team of people     preparation for this role.
dedicating my career to an organisation I truly   and taking a key role in delivering the union’s      “I’ve also played an active role in the
believe in. I’ll miss my colleagues and friends   service to Tesco members.”                        divisional political committee and was
at Usdaw and the camaraderie of the teams.                                                          elected as a delegate in the local constituency
   “In my retirement I’d like to improve my       Juraj Zilik                                       Labour party.
fitness by doing more running, perhaps            Academy graduate Juraj took up his new area          “I’m a strong believer of fighting for justice
taking on some Great Runs, more cycling,          organiser role in the Eastern division at the     and speaking up for others. I feel like I’m in
swimming, yoga and looking after my family.       start of January.                                 a great position to do that now. I’m looking
I’m also looking into further education with         The 37-year-old, previously a warehouse        forward to working closely with our reps and
the Open University.”                             worker for DHL Logistics in Dartford, is based    supporting our members.”

14 Network January/February 2018

Usdaw has over 430,000               focusing on recruitment and           mapped reps can focus on areas
members and around                   organising. These are two very        of concern such as recruiting      Tips
10,000 reps in hundreds              important roles of the rep. This is   where there is low membership.     n You don’t have to do this
of workplaces across the             because having more members           Or, if staff have concerns about     alone. Talk to the other reps
country.                             and well organised workplaces         violence and abuse then reps         and members in your store
Reps are elected to speak and        will ensure that we have more         can hold awareness days using        and ask if they would like to
act on behalf of members and         influence with employers.             Usdaw campaign materials such        be involved.
can make a real difference to the                                          as Freedom from Fear.              n Check out the Usdaw
working lives of their colleagues.   Organising - Mapping                  Tip - Work as a team. Speak          website for information
  Whether it’s helping               your workplace                        to the other reps in your store/     on the latest campaigns or
someone change their hours, or       Mapping is a tool that provides       site and share the mapping out.      speak to your area organiser.
representing them in a meeting,      reps with the information they        More information on mapping is     n Think about inviting guest
reps are the vital link between      need to recruit members in            available in the reps’ handbook.     speakers like your local MP.
members, the union and               a systematic way. It involves                                            n You can start a conversation
employers.                           drawing a floor plan of the           Running a                            with your colleagues by
  Being a rep can be rewarding       workplace and identifying             campaign day                         using Usdaw’s surveys.
as well as challenging. That’s       members and non-members               Running a campaign day isn’t         Copies of the latest surveys
why, over the coming editions,       in different departments and          as daunting as it sounds, Usdaw      are available from the
Network will be providing reps       sections and then talking to          produces a whole range of            Usdaw website or from your
with all the information they        colleagues about their issues and     leaflets, posters, guidance and      local office.
need to carry out their role.        concerns.                             merchandise to help you run a
  In this edition we will be            Once the workplace is              successful campaign.

Reasons for
joining Usdaw
z Better pay and
z Help and support with
  problems at work such
  as attendance reviews,
  changing hours and
  wage errors
z Free legal cover
z Safer workplace
z Members offers and

   Membership for week ended
   13 January 2018
   South Wales and Western 50,512
   Eastern			64,016
   Midlands			57,052
   North Eastern		          59,630
   Scottish			44,232
   Southern			64,470
   North West		             93,107
   Total                   433,019

                                                                                                Network January/February 2018 15

                                                 Recruiting members: inductions
                                                 The strength of the union depends on      Your presentation should include your
                                                 its membership. The more members in       name, which department you work
I’m not sure if I can do everything.             Usdaw, the stronger the union’s voice     in, the benefits of being an Usdaw
Don’t worry. You’re not expected to do           when it comes to talking to employers     member, examples of success stories
everything. In most workplaces, you will         or lobbying MPs.                          and a reminder that the company
have a team of reps to work with.                   The best place to recruit is in        recommends new starters to join.
If there are no other reps at your store/site    inductions. You will need to check your      Completed membership forms need
contact your area organiser to see whether       agreement about what arrangements         to be returned to your local Usdaw
they can link you up with reps in your area.     apply around being informed of            office.
                                                 inductions and the time you will get to   Tip – if you are unsure of how to
What if I don’t know the answer to               attend.                                   conduct an induction then you could
something?                                          Before going into the induction make   think about shadowing a more
The first place to look is in your agreement,    sure you are prepared.                    experience rep.
company policies or staff handbook.
In order to help members, it is vital
                                                 How to respond to concerns raised about joining
reps familiarise themselves with these
documents.                                       I can’t afford to join                      If you had a serious problem or
If you still can’t find the answer you have      Union membership is your insurance        accident at work you would have to pay
a team of people you can turn to. You can        in the workplace. Not only will the       your own legal costs.
ask for help from one of the other reps          union represent you in a grievance or
in your store/site, your area organiser at       disciplinary, your union membership       I’m on a temporary contract.
your local Usdaw office or you can contact       also helps you if you have an accident    What’s the point?
the dedicated legal, pensions, health and        at work.                                  Unfortunately, the precarious nature of
safety, equalities and support teams at                                                    temporary contracts mean staff working
central office. Alternatively, you can go to     I can always join later                   on them are more likely to experience
the Usdaw website which has specialist           You can. But just like insurance Usdaw    problems at work and therefore would
areas for news, events, workers’ rights, legal   can only help you with problems that      benefit from union membership.
advice, health and safety, pensions, equality,   happen after you have joined. It would    Many temporary workers have their
campaigns and training and development           not cover you in a situation where you    contracts renewed and end up working                                 have joined the union only because        in the company for much longer than
                                                 you have been invited to a disciplinary   they anticipated.
My manager makes it difficult for me             meeting.
to take time off to carry out my union
duties. What should I do?                        Why should I join, I get all the             January’s membership week saw workplaces
Reps have a legal right to reasonable            benefits anyway?                             across the UK set up awareness days to riase
                                                                                              the profile of the union. Pictured top right:
paid time off to carry out their work.           You might get the same terms and
                                                                                              Tesco Distribution in Livingston; and bottom
This includes time off for meetings with         conditions but you would not get any         right: XPO Logistics in Warrington.
members and managers. If your manager            advice or representation.
refuses to follow the agreement then you
should raise this with your area organiser as
soon as possible.

16 Network January/February 2018

  Can I use the company email to carry
  out my union duties?
  As a rep, you have access to a union
  noticeboard, telephone, somewhere private
  to talk to members and lockable cabinet.
  Some companies allow the use of email but
  you will need to check your agreement.

  I read on Facebook that the company
  will be making changes in my store.
  Why hasn’t the union informed me of
  The union does not comment on
  unsubstantiated rumours and stories. If you
  have any questions or queries regarding your
  workplace then you need to check via the
  official channels such as your area organiser
  or the Usdaw website.

  What’s the best way of staying informed
  on union issues?
  n Emails - The union will primarily
    communicate with reps via emails.
    Therefore, it is important that you set up
    an email address and subscribe to enews
    through the Usdaw website. Please note
    you will not receive any Usdaw emails if
    you have unsubscribed.
  n Usdaw press releases – For the latest
    information and updates check out the
    news page on the Usdaw website
  n Arena/Network magazines - Arena is
    posted out to all members four times a
    year. The magazine will give you a good
    idea of what’s happening in the union
    and summary of some of the relevant
    issues. The union also produces Network
    magazine specifically for activists. Network
    is more in-depth and will give you updates
    and guidance to help you in your role.
    You can contact the magazine team at and

                                                                 The bimonth ly magazin
                                                                                        e for                           activists – Novemb er/Decem
                                                                                                                                                    ber 2017

                                                                                                                         HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPL
                                                                                                                             BLACK MEMBERS’ WEEKEND
                                                                                                                                   YOUNG WORKERS IN FOCUS
                                                               e – 080   0 055 633
                                                  im helplin
                                      ident cla
                           free acc
               Usdaw the

                                                                       R 2017
                                                                          T AND

                                                                   Member ings
              AT WORK                                               Make sav   nce
       RIGHTS RISTMAS                                               on insura
       THIS CH                                                                E ON
                DHAL         AI                                                  AL
        PATRICKLIKE                                                     UNIVE EDIT

                                      G FOR
                            AIGNIN NING                                                       RESPECT AT WORK
                      CAMPONG LEAR
                      LIFEL eps in action
                                                                                      Allied Workers
                                                                                e and     RECRUI     TMENT   ••• HEALTH AND SAFETY
                                                                     tributiv                                                                 ••• NEWS •••
                                                      of   Shop, Dis
                                          the Union
                               azine of
                                                                                                  Facebook YouTube Twitter
                                                                                                                           Flickr Instagram
                     The mag

 Network January/February 2018 17

                                               Promoting Usdaw’s services
Raising the profile of Usdaw                   and benefits
Raising the profile of Usdaw in your
workplace will help you recruit and
organise. There are a number of things you
can do to raise the profile of the union:      The union offers more than just
                                               representation. It also offers:
n Union Noticeboard
  This should be changed and updated
  regularly. You can get materials for the     z cash benefits in times of need
  noticeboard from your local office, the      z Legal Plus - free legal assistance
  stationery department at central office or
  from the Usdaw website where there are
                                                 for accidents
  new recommendations each month.              z a free will-writing service
  The noticeboard should also include up-      z free consultation with a solicitor
  to-date names and contact details of the
  reps in your workplace.
                                                 on any non-work-related problem                z member discounts and offers for
                                                 a range of activities from cinema
n Usdaw publications
  Usdaw produces lots of different leaflets,
                                                 tickets to gym membership
  posters and merchandise. You can
  order these from your local office or the    You can promote these services
  stationery department at central office
  and leave them out on canteen tables
                                               by holding a campaign day. You
  and in staff rooms.                          can invite solicitors to talk about
                                               the Legal Plus scheme or use the
                                               website to show your colleagues all
Your local office: 0800 030 80 30              the discounts on offer.
Central office: 0161 224 2804

18 Network January/February 2018
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