Avian Communities of Alatish National Park, Ethiopia
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Hindawi International Journal of Zoology Volume 2022, Article ID 4108081, 16 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4108081 Research Article Avian Communities of Alatish National Park, Ethiopia Takele Tesfahun and Dessalegn Ejigu Department of Biology, College of Science, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia Correspondence should be addressed to Dessalegn Ejigu; dessalegn_ejigu@yahoo.com Received 3 November 2021; Revised 20 December 2021; Accepted 11 January 2022; Published 1 February 2022 Academic Editor: Joao Pedro Barreiros Copyright © 2022 Takele Tesfahun and Dessalegn Ejigu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Alatish National Park, which is located in the Amhara National Regional State at the border with the Republic of Sudan, is rich in its avian resources. To study the park’s avian communities, the study area was classified based on its vegetation structures into riverine woodland, wooded grassland, woodland, and bamboo woodland. Data were collected from July 2017 to April 2018 using line transect and point count methods. As a result, 132 species of birds belonging to 18 orders and 55 families were identified. The highest species diversities during the wet (H’ � 3.53) and dry (H’ � 3.55) seasons were recorded in the riverine woodland habitat. Species evenness was also the highest during the wet (E � 0.79) and dry (E � 0.77) seasons in the riverine woodland habitat. The bamboo woodland habitat harboured the lowest species diversity during the wet (H’ � 2.81) and dry (H’ � 2.45) seasons. More species similarity (SI � 0.90) was recorded between wooded grassland and bamboo woodland habitats during the dry season. Relative abundance of birds among the different species showed significant differences (F131, 1452 � 2.94, P < 0.05), and most birds in the area were identified as uncommon species. Forest fire, logging, and overgrazing by cattle have significantly contributed to habitat destruction in the park which might act as the cause for reduction in avian diversity. Therefore, appropriate conservation strategies should be designed and implemented to minimize avian habitat destruction due to various anthropogenic activities within the park. 1. Introduction the landscape, degree of disintegration, and vegetation characteristics of the habitat [5]. Environmental heterogeneity In Ethiopia, there are 881 avian species with 19 endemics, as in the form of spatial variation in the habitat and local climate well as 31 globally threatened and one introduced species [1]. can influence the distributions of species [6]. Although most avian species occur in Important Bird Areas Because they are relatively easy to identify, birds have (IBAs), these areas represent only 5% of the country’s total area received considerable attention of humans [7]. They are [2]. Amhara National Regional State has been designated as important for healthy functioning of the ecosystem. In- one of the IBAs of the country and comprises 75% of the sectivorous birds, for example, control agricultural insect Central Ethiopian Highland endemic bird areas [3]. The re- pests [8]. Birds can also act as bioindicators and serve in gion has different agroclimatic zones with scenic and bio- monitoring the environmental changes [9]. logically fascinating places. Some of the avian species that Birds can adapt to every environment that fits their re- occur in this region are threatened with extinction, while quirements for reproduction and survival [10]. Humans in- others such as Abyssinian longclaw (Macronyx flavicollis tervene in the natural habitats and greatly decrease the area of Rüppell, 1840), Harwood’s Francolin (Francolinus harwoodi naturally functioning ecosystems [11]. Diversity and extent of Blundell and Lovat, 1899), and Wattled ibis (Bostrychia car- natural habitats will continue to decline as human population unculata Rüppell, 1840) are in the IUCN Red Data Book [4]. increases and modify the landscape for development [12, 13]. Species composition in a given area is usually explained by Forest loss, invasive species, poorly planned infrastructure a number of variables that have been found to stress species development, environmental pollution, overexploitation, within a given landscape. These include the area of habitat human induced climate change, and poverty are some of the patch in which the species nests, the amount of habitat within causes of the decline of birds in the area [5].
2 International Journal of Zoology Effective management of human activities in wildlife information, actual field work was carried out from July 2017 protected areas is an important conservation issue as the to April 2018 comprising the wet and dry seasons. footprint of human influence continues to expand, and The study area was classified based on vegetation incidental impacts of human activities spread into more structure and composition. As a result, four habitat types areas [14, 15]. Birds have been mostly useful to assess effects riverine woodland, wooded grassland, woodland, and of habitat change because they are easy to observe, and their bamboo woodland were identified [20]. Data were collected populations decrease or increase when the landscape is using both line transect and point count methods [22]. Point modified by different factors [16]. Birds are indicators and sampling was used for habitats where bird detectability is useful models for studying variety of environmental changes limited [23]. Data were recorded by distributing points in the [10, 17]. The objective of this study is, therefore, to study given habitat on a random basis. Transect lines and point avian community composition in Alatish National Park, count stations were laid on randomly selected blocks. Ethiopia, to conserve the park’s avifauna in particular and Data were collected following [23, 24]. Sampling blocks the whole biodiversity resources in general. were established in each of the four vegetation types. The number of blocks was determined according to the size of 2. Materials and Methods the area and type of vegetation structure within the park. Based on topographic map and preliminary survey, 19 2.1. Description of the Study Area. Alatish National Park is blocks were identified. The blocks were 6 × 6 km area cov- located in the West Gondar Administrative Zone, about ering of 36 km2. Twenty-six transect lines and eighteen point 1048 km northwest of Addis Ababa and 311 km southwest of count stations were sampled at random. The length of each Gondar town. The Park is bordered in the west and transect line was determined by openness of the habitat [22]. northwest by the Republic of Sudan, in the east and The distance between the consecutive line transects was a northeast by Quara Woreda, and in the south, southwest, minimum of 0.6 km. Birds observed within 100 m on either and southeast by Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. The side of the transect line were recorded [23]. vegetation of the park is known to act as a “green guard” Point count method was undertaken from a fixed lo- against the desert expansion from Sudan and Sahel region cation within the sample unit of radius of 25 m and with a [18]. The geographic position of the park is within 11°48′ fixed time interval of 10 minutes [25]. The survey was – 12°26′N latitude, and 35°16′ – 35°46′E longitude (Figure 1). conducted along a series of point counting stations by Its topography is relatively flat with an altitude ranging from counting the number of birds detected [26, 27]. To avoid 354 to 835 m.a.s.l. There are two major rivers, Alatish River double counting, routes were spaced as adopted from [28]. and Hyma River, which are sources of water to the park’s In each block, nine-point count stations were identified, and wildlife and the local people. Moreover, seasonal streams are in each point count station, a minimum distance of also available throughout the park during the wet season. 150–200 m was maintained using Global Positioning System The climate of the park is characterized by two extremes to avoid double counting [22]. The point counting stations of wet and dry seasons. Effective rain starts in May and peaks and the width of the transects were set based on the birds’ in August. The mean monthly temperatures are between 8.9 detectability [29]. to 21.6°C minimum and 25.8 to 35.2°C maximum. The Along the randomly selected line transects and point count rainfall distribution is unimodal with heavy rainfall from stations, data on avian species diversity, relative abundance, June to September. The highest intensity of rainfall occurs in and habitat association were collected for five days per week, August which was recorded as 281.2 mm and the lowest was and thus a total of 30 days during the wet season and 30 days in February with a record of 0.57 mm [19]. during the dry season were used. The wet season data were The vegetation in Alatish National Park is similar to the collected during July-August 2017, and data for the dry season Sudanian and it is mostly undifferentiated Sudanian and were obtained during March-April 2018. Data collections were Ethiopian woodland type. The major tree species in the park conducted from 06 : 00 a.m. to 9 : 30 a.m. and from 03 : 00 p.m. consists of deciduous trees including Anogeissus leiocarpus, to 06 : 00 p.m. when birds were more active. The speed of Combretum spp., Boswellia papyrifera, Gardenia ternifolia, walking on the routes depends on the number of birds present Lannea fruticosa, Pterocarpus lucens, Lonchocarpus laxi- and rate of difficulties in recording them. As a result, speeds of florus, Piliostigma thonningii, Terminalia laxiflora, Acacia 2 km h−1 in open habitats and 1 km h−1 in dense habitats were spp., Stereospermum kunthianum, Sterculia setigera, and used [23]. For identification of bird species, morphological Balanites aegyptiaca [20]. The vegetation of the park is features such as plumage pattern, size, shape, and colour of classified into riverine woodland, wooded grassland, birds were used as important parameters [30]. Birds were woodland, and bamboo woodland [20, 21]. identified using binoculars as well as naked eyes. Photographs of birds were also taken to confirm the identification of some species and birds were identified to the species level based on 2.2. Methods. A preliminary survey to study avian commu- the field guides [31, 32]. nity in the park was carried out for five days from 20 to 25 June 2017. In this survey, topographical features and vegetation cover of the study area were assessed. Additional information 2.3. Data Analysis. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the about the study area was gathered from scouts of the park and effect of season and habitat on diversity and relative abun- the local people living around the park. Based on the available dance of birds. Data for the community structure of avian
International Journal of Zoology 3 35°0'0"E 35°10'0"E 35°20'0"E 35°30'0"E 35°40'0"E 35°50'0"E 36°0'0"E 36°10'0"E Ethiopia Amhara Zone 12°30'0"N Study Area Altash National Park 12°20'0"N N 12°10'0"N W E S 12°0'0"N 11°50'0"N 0 300 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 Data Source: EThio GIS Data, Altash National Park and GPS collected data Km Map Projection : UTM WGS 1984 Bamboo woodland Riverine woodland Wooded grassland Altash National Park Woodland Adjacent Boundary Figure 1: Location map of the study area. species were analyzed using Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index migrans Boddaert, 1783), cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis Lin- (H′) and Simpson′s Index of Diversity. Relative abundance of naeus, 1758), glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus Linnaeus, 1766), avian species was determined using encounter rates that give Levaillant’s cuckoo (Clamator levaillantii Swainson, 1829), scales of abundance as rare, uncommon, frequent, common, great white egret (Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758), and sacred and abundant. The abundance category was
4 International Journal of Zoology Table 1: List of avian species recorded during the wet and dry seasons and their distribution in different habitats within the park. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland Streptopelia African Columbiformes Columbidae roseogrisea ✓ ✓ collared dove Sundevall, 1857 Streptopelia African decipiens Columbiformes Columbidae mourning ✓ ✓ Hartlaub and dove Finsch, 1870 Turtur Black-billed Columbiformes Columbidae abyssinicus ✓ ✓ wood dove Sharpe, 1902 Blue-spotted Turtur afer Columbiformes Columbidae ✓ ✓ wood dove Linnaeus, 1766 Bruce’s green Treron waalia Columbiformes Columbidae ✓ ✓ pigeon Meyer, 1793 Streptopelia Laughing Columbiformes Columbidae senegalensis ✓ ✓ dove Linnaeus, 1766 Namaqua Oena capensis Columbiformes Columbidae ✓ ✓ dove Linnaeus, 1766 Streptopelia Red-eyed Columbiformes Columbidae semitorquata ✓ ✓ dove Rüppell, 1837 Streptopelia Ring-necked Columbiformes Columbidae capicola ✓ ✓ dove Sundevall, 1857 Speckled Columba guinea Columbiformes Columbidae ✓ ✓ pigeon Linnaeus, 1758 White- Columba Columbiformes Columbidae collared albitorques ✓ ✓ pigeon Rüppell, 1837 Coracias Abyssinian Coraciiformes Coraciidae abyssinicus ✓ ✓ roller Hermann, 1783 Blue- Merops Coraciiformes Meropidae breasted bee- variegatus ✓ ✓ eater Vieillot, 1817 Red-throated Merops bulocki Coraciiformes Meropidae ✓ ✓ bee-eater Vieillot,1817 White- Merops Coraciiformes Meropidae throated bee- bullockoides ✓ ✓ eater Smith, 1834 Merops pusillus Little bee- Coraciiformes Meropidae Statius Müller, ✓ ✓ eater 1776 Megaceryle Giant Coraciiformes Alcedinidae maxima Pallas, ✓ ✓ kingfisher 1769 Malachite Alcedo cristata Coraciiformes Alcedinidae ✓ ✓ kingfisher Pallas, 1764 Halcyon Woodland Coraciiformes Alcedinidae senegalensis ✓ ✓ kingfisher Linnaeus, 1766 Pied Ceryle rudis Coraciiformes Alcedinidae ✓ ✓ kingfisher Linnaeus, 1758 Alcedo Half-collared Coraciiformes Alcedinidae semitorquata ✓ ✓ kingfisher Swainson, 1823
International Journal of Zoology 5 Table 1: Continued. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland Halcyon Grey-headed Coraciiformes Alcedinidae leucocephala ✓ ✓ kingfisher Müller, 1776 Zosterops Abyssinian abyssinicus Passeriformes Zosteropidae ✓ ✓ white eye Guérin- Méneville, 1843 Crithagra Passeriformes Fringillidae African citril citrinelloides ✓ ✓ Rüppell, 1840 African Mirafra Passeriformes Alaudidae singing cantillans ✓ ✓ bushlark Blyth,1845 African Turdus pelios Passeriformes Turdidae ✓ ✓ thrush Bonaparte, 1850 Turdus Mountain Passeriformes Turdidae abyssinicus ✓ ✓ thrush Gmelin, 1789 Oenanthe Passeriformes Muscicapidae Familiar chat familiaris ✓ ✓ Wilkes, 1817 Oenanthe Brown-tailed Passeriformes Muscicapidae scotocerca ✓ ✓ chat Heuglin, 1869 Vidua Paradise Passeriformes Viduidae paradisaea ✓ ✓ whydah Linnaeus, 1758 Pin-tailed Vidua macroura Passeriformes Viduidae ✓ ✓ whydah Pallas, 1764 Village Vidua chalybeate Passeriformes Viduidae ✓ ✓ indigo bird Müller, 1776 Lagonosticta African rubricata Passeriformes Estrildidae ✓ ✓ firefinch Lichtenstein, 1823 Cut-throat Amadina fasciata Passeriformes Estrildidae ✓ ✓ finch Gmelin, 1789 Uraeginthus Red-cheeked Passeriformes Estrildidae bengalus ✓ ✓ cordon bleu Linnaeus, 1766 Lagonosticta Bar breasted Passeriformes Estrildidae rufopicta Fraster, ✓ ✓ firefinch 1843 Cinnyris Beautiful Passeriformes Nectariniidae pulchellus ✓ ✓ sunbird Linnaeus, 1758 Laniarius Black-headed erythrogaster Passeriformes Malaconotidae ✓ ✓ gonolek Cretzschmar, 1829 Laniarius Black-headed erythrogaster Passeriformes Malaconotidae ✓ ✓ gonolek Cretzschmar, 1829 Turdoides White- leucocephala Passeriformes Leiothricidae headed ✓ ✓ Cretzschmar, babbler 1827
6 International Journal of Zoology Table 1: Continued. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland Bush Petronia dentata Passeriformes Passeridae ✓ ✓ petronia Sundevall, 1850 Ploceus Village Passeriformes Ploceidae cucullatus weaver Müller, 1776 Ploceus Passeriformes Ploceidae Juba weaver dichrocephalus ✓ ✓ Salvadori, 1896 Ploceus Black-headed Passeriformes Ploceidae melanocephalus ✓ ✓ weaver Linnaeus, 1758 Ploceus Chestnut Passeriformes Ploceidae rubiginosus ✓ ✓ weaver Rüppell, 1840 Yellow- Euplectes afer Passeriformes Ploceidae crowned ✓ ✓ Gmelin, 1789 bishop Speke’s Ploceus spekei Passeriformes Ploceidae ✓ ✓ weaver Heuglin, 1861 Euplectes Northern red Passeriformes Ploceidae franciscanus ✓ ✓ bishop Isert, 1789 Rüppell’s Ploceus galbula Passeriformes Ploceidae ✓ ✓ weaver Rüppell, 1840 Ploceus luteolus Passeriformes Ploceidae Little weaver Lichtenstein, ✓ ✓ 1823 Euplectes Black-winged Passeriformes Ploceidae hordeaceus ✓ ✓ red bishop Linnaeus, 1758 Northern Passer griseus Passeriformes Passeridae grey-headed ✓ ✓ Vieillot, 1817 sparrow Phyllolais Buff-belled pulchella Passeriformes Cisticolidae ✓ ✓ warbler Cretzschmar, 1827 Pycnonotus Common barbatus Passeriformes Pycnonotidae ✓ ✓ bulbul Desfontaines, 1789 Corvus Fan-tailed Passeriformes Corvidae rhipidurus ✓ ✓ raven Hartert, 1918 Timetothylacus Passeriformes Motacillidae Golden pipit tenellus Cabanis, ✓ ✓ 1878 Mountain Motacilla clara Passeriformes Motacillidae ✓ ✓ wagtail Sharpe, 1908 Anthus trivialis Passeriformes Motacillidae Tree pipit ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1758 Motacilla alba Passeriformes Motacillidae Pied wagtail ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1758 Long-billed Anthus similis Passeriformes Motacillidae ✓ ✓ pipit Jerdon, 1840 Anthus Plain-backed Passeriformes Motacillidae leucophrys ✓ ✓ pipit Vieillot, 1818
International Journal of Zoology 7 Table 1: Continued. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland Motacilla cinerea Passeriformes Motacillidae Grey wagtail ✓ ✓ Tunstall, 1771 Bradypterus Little rush Passeriformes Locustellidae baboecala ✓ ✓ warbler Vieillot, 1817 Lanius nubicus Nubian Passeriformes Laniidae Lichtenstein, ✓ ✓ shrike 1823 Eastern Iduna pallida Passeriformes Acrocephalidae olivaceous Hemprich and ✓ ✓ warbler Ehrenberg, 1833 Cisticola ruficeps Red-pate Passeriformes Cisticolidae Cretzschmar, ✓ ✓ cisticola 1827 Lamprotornis Rüppel’s Passeriformes Sturnidae purpuroptera ✓ ✓ starling Rüppell, 1845 Square-tailed Dicrurus ludwigii Passeriformes Dicruridae ✓ ✓ drongo Smith, 1834 Dicrurus Fork-tailed Passeriformes Dicruridae adsimilis ✓ ✓ drongo Bechstein, 1794 Aquila African Accipitriformes Accipitridae spilogaster ✓ ✓ hawk-eagle Bonaparte, 1850 Haliaeetus African fish- Accipitriformes Accipitridae vocifer Daudin, ✓ ✓ eagle 1800 Milvus migrans Accipitriformes Accipitridae Black kite ✓ ✓ Boddaert, 1783 Aquila rapax Accipitriformes Accipitridae Tawny eagle ✓ ✓ Temminck, 1828 Elanus caeruleus Black-winged Accipitriformes Accipitridae Desfontaines, ✓ ✓ kite 1789 Circaetus Brown snake Accipitriformes Accipitridae cinereus Vieillot, ✓ ✓ eagle 1817 Butastur Grasshopper Accipitriformes Accipitridae rufipennis ✓ ✓ buzzard Sundevall, 1851 Necrosyrtes Hooded Accipitriformes Accipitridae monachus ✓ ✓ vulture Temminck, 1828 Torgos Lappet-faced Accipitriformes Accipitridae tracheliotos ✓ ✓ vulture Foster, 1791 Lophaetus Long-crested Accipitriformes Accipitridae occipitalis ✓ ✓ eagle Daudin, 1800 Polemaetus Accipitriformes Accipitridae Martial eagle bellicosus ✓ ✓ Daudin, 1800 Accipiter badius Accipitriformes Accipitridae Shikra ✓ ✓ Gmelin, 1788 Short-toed Circaetus gallicus Accipitriformes Accipitridae ✓ ✓ snake eagle Gmelin, 1788
8 International Journal of Zoology Table 1: Continued. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland White- Aegypius Accipitriformes Accipitridae headed occipitalis ✓ ✓ vulture Burchell, 1824 Kaupifalco Lizard Accipitriformes Accipitridae monogrammicus ✓ ✓ buzzard Temminck, 1824 Buteo rufinus Long-legged Accipitriformes Accipitridae Cretzschmar, ✓ ✓ buzzard 1829 Sagittarius Secretary Accipitriformes Sagittariidae serpentarius ✓ ✓ bird Miller, 1779 Podica African Gruiformes Heliornithidae senegalensis ✓ ✓ finfoot Vieillot, 1817 Black- Balearica Gruiformes Gruidae crowned pavonina ✓ ✓ crane Linnaeus, 1758 Microcarbo Long-tailed Suliformes Phalacrocoracidae africanus ✓ ✓ cormorant Gmelin, 1789 Bubulcus ibis Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Cattle egret ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1758 Egretta Yellow-billed Pelecaniformes Ardeidae intermedia ✓ ✓ egret Wagler, 1827 Ardea Black-headed Pelecaniformes Ardeidae melanocephala ✓ ✓ heron Vigors, 1826 Great white Ardea alba Pelecaniformes Ardeidae ✓ ✓ egret Linnaeus, 1758 Common Ardeola ralloides Pelecaniformes Ardeidae squacco ✓ ✓ Scopoli, 1769 heron Ardea cinerea Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Grey heron ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1758 Ardea goliath Goliath Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Cretzschmar, ✓ ✓ heron 1827 Plegadis Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae Glossy ibis falcinellus ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1766 Threskiornis African Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae aethiopicus ✓ ✓ sacred ibis Latham, 1790 Bostrychia Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae Hadada ibis hagedash ✓ ✓ Latham, 1790 Scopus umbretta Pelecaniformes Scopidae Hammer kop ✓ ✓ Gmelin, 1789 Ciconia ciconia Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae White stork ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1758 Woolly Ciconia episcopus Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae ✓ ✓ necked stork Boddaert, 1783 Ciconia nigra Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae Black stork ✓ ✓ Linnaeus, 1758
International Journal of Zoology 9 Table 1: Continued. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland Himantopus Black-winged Charadriiformes Recurvirostridae himantopus ✓ ✓ stilt Linnaeus, 1758 Charadrius Caspian Charadriiformes Charadriidae asiaticus Pallas, ✓ ✓ plover 1773 Three- Charadrius Charadriiformes Charadriidae banded tricollaris ✓ ✓ plover Vieillot, 1818 Charadrius Kentish Charadriiformes Charadriidae alexandrinus ✓ ✓ plover Linnaeus, 1758 Spur-winged Vanellus spinosus Charadriiformes Charadriidae ✓ ✓ lapwing Linnaeus, 1758 Turnix sylvaticus Common Charadriiformes Turnicidae Desfontaines, ✓ ✓ buttonquail 1789 Pluvianus Egyptian Charadriiformes Pluvianidae aegyptius ✓ ✓ plover Linnaeus, 1758 Burhinus Senegal Charadriiformes Burhinidae senegalensis ✓ ✓ thick-knee Swainson, 1837 Burhinus Eurasian Charadriiformes Burhinidae oedicnemus ✓ ✓ stone curlew Linnaeus, 1758 Burhinus Water thick- Charadriiformes Burhinidae vermiculatus ✓ ✓ knee Cabanis, 1868 Lybius Black-billed Piciformes Lybiidae guifsobalito ✓ ✓ barbet Hermann, 1783 Lesser Indicator minor Piciformes Indicatoridae ✓ ✓ honeyguide Stephens, 1815 Campethera Nubian Piciformes Picidae nubica Boddaert, ✓ ✓ woodpecker 1783 Pternistis Clapperton’s Galliformes Phasianidae clappertoni ✓ ✓ Francolin Vigors, 1826 Ammoperdix Sand Galliformes Phasianidae heyi Temminck, ✓ ✓ partridge 1825 Pternistis Scaly Galliformes Phasianidae squamatus ✓ ✓ Francolin Cassin, 1857 Numida Helmeted Galliformes Numididae meleagris ✓ ✓ guineafowl Linnaeus, 1758 Common Otus senegalensis Strigiformes Strigidae ✓ ✓ scops owl Swainson, 1837 Alopochen Egyptian Anseriformes Anatidae aegyptiaca ✓ ✓ goose Linnaeus, 1766 African Upupa africana Bucerotiformes Upupidae ✓ ✓ hoopoe Bechstein,1811
10 International Journal of Zoology Table 1: Continued. Habitat type Seasons Common Order Family Scientific name Riverine Wooded Bamboo name Woodland Wet Dry Both woodland grassland woodland Phoeniculus Green wood Bucerotiformes Phoeniculidae purpureus Miller, ✓ ✓ hoopoe 1784 Phoeniculus Violet wood damarensis Bucerotiformes Phoeniculidae ✓ ✓ hoopoe Ogilvie-Grant, 1901 Northern Tockus Bucerotiformes Bucerotidae red-billed erythrorhynchus ✓ ✓ hornbill Temminck, 1823 Clamator Levaillant’s Cuculiformes Cuculidae levaillantii ✓ ✓ cuckoo Swainson, 1829 Centropus Senegal Cuculiformes Cuculidae senegalensis ✓ ✓ coucal Linnaeus, 1766 Centropus Blue-headed Cuculiformes Cuculidae monachus ✓ ✓ coucal Rüppell, 1837 Crinifer White-belled Musophagiformes Musophagidae leucogaster ✓ ✓ go-away-bird Rüppell, 1842 Psittacula Rose-ringed Psittaciformes Psittaculidae krameri Scopoli, ✓ ✓ parakeet 1769 Speckled Colius striatus Coliformes Coliidae ✓ ✓ mousebird Gmelin, 1789 140 120 100 Species composition 80 60 40 20 0 Anseriformes Passeriformes Pelecaniformes Columbiformes Coraciformes Charadriformes Bucerotiformes Ciconiiformes Piciformes Gruiformes Galliformes Cuculiformes Coliformes Musophagiformes Psittaciformes Strigiformes Suliformes Total Accipitriformes Orders Number of Family Number of Species Figure 2: Avian species composition in Alatish National Park.
International Journal of Zoology 11 respectively, during the wet season. The species richness and while the lowest was in the bamboo woodland habitat. abundance were the highest in the riverine woodland During the dry season, the highest habitat association of habitat, and the lowest was in the bamboo woodland habitat birds was also recorded in the riverine woodland habitat, during the wet season. Species evenness was also the highest while the lowest was in the woodland habitat (Figure 3). in the riverine woodland habitat during the wet season (Table 2). 4. Discussion During the dry season, the highest avian species diversity was recorded in the riverine woodland habitat (H’ � 3.55), Most of the birds in Alatish National Park are uncommon while the lowest was in the woodland habitat (H’ � 2.45). A species. This result is similar to [33, 34] indicating that the riverine woodland habitat harboured the highest avian park is home to different groups of birds. Species diversity is species richness and abundance, while the lowest was in the an indication of habitat heterogeneity, and the numbers of woodland habitat during the dry season. During the same species and individuals in an area imply the importance of dry season, species evenness was also the highest in the the area in conservation [35]. During the wet season, most of riverine woodland habitat (Table 3). the birds are distributed throughout the park since an- During the whole study period, the highest species di- thropogenic disturbance such as fire is not the problem in versity and evenness were recorded in the riverine woodland the park. However, during the dry season, burning of the habitat, and the lowest were in wooded grassland habitat natural vegetation affects avian breeding sites and food; as a (Table 4). result, they leave the area and move to remote habitats where human disturbance is relatively less common. Scarcity of water and food is also an important factor for birds to change 3.3. Species Similarity. Wet season avian species similarity their previous habitat ranges during the dry season. As a result indicated that relatively the highest species similarity result, less species of birds were recorded during the dry was recorded between the riverine woodland and wooded season than during the wet season. grassland habitats, while the lowest was between woodland Some species occurring in the Alatish River during the wet and bamboo woodland habitats (Table 5). season were found in the Hyma River during the dry season. During the dry season, relatively the highest avian This is attributed to the availability of adequate food and water species similarity occurred between wooded grassland and in Hyma River habitats as the Alatish River dried up during the bamboo woodland habitats, and the lowest was between dry season. As a result, birds locally migrate from Alatish River riverine woodland and wooded grassland habitats and be- to Hyma River within the park. There are also some species of tween riverine woodland and woodland habitats (Table 6). birds that are observed in Alatish National Park only during the dry season. This might be associated with migration of 3.4. Relative Abundance. There was an association between birds where species from other continents such as Europe can relative abundance of birds and seasons. During the wet and travel to Africa to escape the bad weather during winter. dry seasons, individuals of 1,571 and 1,263 birds, respec- Higher plant composition in riverine woodland habitat tively, were recorded in the park. There was a significant of the park supports the maximum avian species. This is difference in abundance of birds among the difference because species richness and abundance are influenced by species (F131, 1452 � 2.94, P < 0.05). The most abundant bird local resource availability and vegetation composition in the species in the study area was Rüppell’s weaver (P. galbula), given habitat. As a result, species have a nonuniform dis- while the least abundance was for yellow-billed egret tribution in space, and this is also in line with the findings of (A. brachyrhyncha). other researchers [36]. Since the occurrence of different tree During the wet season, the riverine woodland habitat species provides different opportunities for foraging and had relatively the highest number of birds and the lowest was nesting, the riverine woodland habitat is suitable for dif- found in bamboo woodland habitat. During the dry season, ferent avian species. Moreover, the occurrence of different the riverine woodland habitat had also relatively the highest microhabitats in the riverine woodland habitat favours birds number of birds, while the lowest was found from woodland to use for nesting and sheltering which are safe to prevent habitat. According to Tukey’s HSD test at P � 0.05, means themselves from predators. followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different The riverine woodland habitat has the highest bird (Table 7). species diversity, richness, and evenness during the dry Relative abundance of birds in Alatish National Park season, and this result is also in line with [26, 33]. This is due during the wet season showed that 125 (47.2%) of the species to the occurrence of rich habitat diversity with both were uncommon, 69 (26%) frequent, 32 (12%) common, and structure and species composition of plants in this habitat. 39 (14.7%) abundant. During the dry season, 108 (44.0%) of Different tree species provide different opportunities for bird species were uncommon, 72 (29.4%) frequent, 43 foraging and providing microhabitats. Similarly, the avail- (17.5%) common, and 22 (9.0%) abundant (Table 8). ability of water and cover during the dry season in the riverine woodland habitat contributes to the occurrence of maximum avian species diversity. Thus, availability of water 3.5. Habitat Association. The highest habitat association of and food is the main ecological requirement to determine birds during the wet season was recorded in the riverine diversity and relative abundance of avian species in Alatish woodland habitat followed by wooded grassland habitat, National Park. As the number of vegetation layer increases,
12 International Journal of Zoology Table 2: Avian diversity during the wet season. Habitat types Species richness Abundance H′ H′ max H’/Hax D Riverine woodland 89 5574 3.53 4.49 0.79 0.99 Wooded grassland 80 4600 3.30 4.38 0.75 0.96 Woodland 55 3011 3.03 4.00 0.75 0.95 Bamboo woodland 41 2566 2.81 3.71 0.76 0.93 Table 3: Avian diversity during the dry season. Habitat types Species richness Abundance H′ H′ max H’/Hax D Riverine woodland 110 6895 3.55 4.70 0.77 0.97 Wooded grassland 56 1959 2.70 4.02 0.67 0.93 Woodland 39 1484 2.45 3.66 0.67 0.91 Bamboo woodland 40 2025 2.74 3.69 0.74 0.93 Table 4: Avian diversity during both the wet and dry seasons. Habitat types Species richness Abundance H′ H′ max H’/Hax D Riverine woodland 129 8516 3.14 4.85 0.64 0.96 Wooded grassland 57 2936 2.34 4.04 0.58 0.96 Woodland 59 2398 2.43 4.07 0.59 0.87 Bamboo woodland 53 3039 2.39 3.97 0.60 0.90 Table 5: Avian species similarity among the four habitat types during the wet season. Habitat types Wooded grassland Woodland Bamboo woodland Riverine woodland 0.57 0.54 0.47 Wooded grassland 0.50 0.46 Woodland 0.45 Bamboo woodland Table 6: Avian species similarity among the four habitat types during the dry season. Habitat types Wooded grassland Woodland Bamboo woodland Riverine woodland 0.67 0.67 0.70 Wooded grassland 0.89 0.90 Woodland 0.75 Table 7: Average number of birds counted at different habitats versus seasons. Seasons Habitat types Wet Dry Both wet and dry Riverine woodland 43.3 a 39.8 AB 43.2 a Wooded grassland 38.0 AB 14.2 DE 38.3 AB Woodland 22.2 CDE 10.1 E 13.3 DE Bamboo woodland 14.5 DE 31.1 ABC 25.4 BCD Table 8: Relative abundance of bird species during the wet and dry seasons. Abundance rank Habitat types Seasons Uncommon Frequent Common Abundant Wet 37 24 9 19 Riverine woodland dry 40 36 21 13 Wet 31 21 17 11 Wooded grassland dry 22 21 7 6 Wet 34 11 4 6 Woodland dry 20 5 11 3 Wet 23 13 2 3 Bamboo woodland dry 26 10 4 -
International Journal of Zoology 13 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Riverine Wooded Woodland Bambo woodland grassland woodland wet season dry season Figure 3: Avian species habitat association among the four habitat types. the number of available niches for species also increases, and The differences in species composition and abundance so does the diversity of the species [13, 37]. among the four habitat types could be described as a Small-sized birds, which belong to the order Passer- function of the role that vegetation structure and compo- iformes, are dominantly observed feeding, resting, and sition in a given habitat can play in shaping the structure and roosting on the grasses and bushy habitats of the park. Birds’ organization of avian communities, and this is also in line response to wooded grassland habitats of different heights with the findings of other researchers [39, 40]. The avail- differed by species diversity due to the different patterns of ability of different substrates for breeding, hiding, and habitat use. The availability of seed-bearing plants within the foraging and different food items might attract different grasslands and the occurrence of different invertebrate niche requiring bird species which result into higher species species in grassland and bushy habitats can attract small- richness. sized birds. In bamboo woodland habitat, the diversity and The wet season avian diversity result indicates relatively richness of birds during the wet season are relatively low. more species similarity between the riverine woodland and This might be because bamboo woodland habitats are wooded grassland habitats because these habitats are similar sparsely distributed in the landscape, with limited available in vegetation structure and composition. Aa a result, bird resources. Every habitat has a specific set of microenvi- habitat association in these two habitats is nearly the same. ronments which are suitable for species [15, 38]. Therefore, In contrast, the low avian species similarity is recorded habitat requirement of each species could determine its between woodland and bamboo woodland habitats. This is distribution in the park. probably due to the difference in feeding adaptation of avian As anthropogenic disturbance such as forest fire in the species in these slightly different habitats. Canopy closure park is not a common problem during the wet season, most supports more of habitat specialist avian species, while areas of avian species are distributed in different habitat types under anthropogenic influence harbour more of opportu- within the park. However, during the dry season, frequent nistic species [41]. Moreover, similarity of avian species incidence of forest fire by the nomads and the local people in composition between habitats indicates a tendency for the park’s natural habitat could affect the breeding ground, similar habitats to have similar species composition food, and cover of birds. Moreover, scarcity of water and [13, 26, 42]. food during the dry season could also lead birds to change The relative abundance of birds in the study area is their previous habitat ranges and become restricted to correlated to the availability of food, habitat condition, and habitats where their ecological requirements are easily breeding season of the species. The distinct seasonality of the available. Avian species such as Fork-tailed drongo rainfall and seasonal variation in the abundance of food (D. adsimilis), Green wood hoopoe (P. purpureus), little bee- resource result in seasonal changes in abundance of birds. eater (M. pusillus), and red-cheeked cordon bleu The number of uncommon species recorded in the bamboo (U. bengalus) are more common avian species along the woodland habitat is relatively high. These species which have Hyma River during the dry season. During the wet season, low number of individuals relative to the effort made during flowering plants are flourishing within the park and, as a the survey compared to others had grouped them in the result, food is plentiful for birds in almost all of the habitats. uncommon category. This result can be associated with the However, during the dry season, the deciduous trees have degradation of bamboo woodland habitat which is impor- defoliated and, in the absence of food, many species of birds tant for feeding, resting, and breeding. In the present study were restricted to riverine woodland habitat. area, habitat degradation is due to vegetation clearing,
14 International Journal of Zoology burning, and habitat modification. Such type of habitat Most of the avian species in Alatish National Park are disturbance and degradation would reduce the individual locally uncommon and frequent, and the occurrence of population of the species in many ways. The presence of a threatened, endemic, uncommon, and vulnerable avian large number of uncommon species in a certain area could species makes the park an area of conservation importance. be related to the breeding nature, large home range, and This revealed the need to give priority for conservation of niche of the species [43]. Moreover, the number of indi- birds in particular and the whole biological diversity in vidual birds varied independently within the area. A few general. As a result, different anthropogenic activities in- species abandon the specific area, decreasing in the numbers cluding deliberate forest fire, logging, and overgrazing by of both species and individuals, while others may have a nomadic cattle should be controlled or at least minimized. smaller number of avian species that may present as a few spread individuals throughout the year. Data Availability In Alatish National Park, association of birds with a certain type of plant species, flower bearing trees, bushes, All data used for this study are available from the corre- and grasses has been observed during the study period. sponding author upon request. The distribution and abundance of many avian species are determined by the composition of the vegetation that Conflicts of Interest comprises a major element of their habitats [44]. Some bird species were more assembled with a particular plant The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the species including fruiting trees, flowering trees, and publication of this paper. bushes [45]. On the shore of the rivers where Diospyros mespiliformis, Authors’ Contributions Anogeissus leiocarpus, and Ficus glumosa tress are dominant, African fish-eagle (H. vocifer) is assembled to these tree TT has organized the data and feed to software for analysis. species and such trees are used as its resting sites. As this TT and DE proposed the research idea and participated in avian species depends on fish, it needs such trees for resting data collection in the park, carried out analysis, interpre- and watching to dive in the water and capture its prey. Avian tation, and manuscript preparation, and read and approved species diversity of Alatish National Park relates to the the final manuscript. occurrence of different types of niches that exist within the park. Some of the habitats contain diverse niches, which Acknowledgments increases the diversity and abundance of avian species, since The authors would like to thank field assistants and scouts of some groups of birds feed on different invertebrates, some Alatish National Park for their prominent help during data on flowers, some on seeds, and some on parts of the plants collection time. The logistics support and hospitality given like leaves. The distribution, richness, and abundance of by the local people living around the park are highly ac- many avian species are determined by the pattern and knowledged. The authors also thank the National Meteo- composition of the habitat components comprising a major rological Service Agency, Bahir Dar Branch, for the element of their habitat [46]. provision of meteorological data. Trade, Industry and Market Development Bureau of Amhara National Regional 5. Conclusion State is acknowledged for the research fund provided to the first author. 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