Page created by April Sullivan


 03 Editorial


 05   What is AVETH?
 08   The AVETH Board
 10   Politics
 13   Events
 17   Special events
 19   Counseling
 21   Postdocs
 22   Communication
 23   Telejob
 25   Polyhack
 27   ALEA award

The Department Associations

 28   D-ARCH AAA          57 D-PHYS AMP
 30   D-BAUG ASB          59 D-USYS VMUSYS
 32   D-BIOL AMB          61 AsETH
 34   D-BSSE VMB
 36   D-CHAB PSA
 37   D-CHAB VAC
 43   D-HEST HAS
 45   D-INFK VMI
 49   D-MATH VMM
 51   D-MATL SAM
 55   D-MTEC ScSt@MTEC
   How would you describe the year        international attention. In our
2017 in one word? In German we            public appeal, we asked everyone
have the term “Weichenstellung”           to remind themselves of our
(engl. changing the tracks for a train)   community’s rules and ideals.
that is used to describe strategic and
political course-setting and in my           While we wait for the verdict of
opinion encompasses the general           this investigation, we continue to
situation for AVETH, the scientific       tackle the underlying problems
staff and ETH itself throughout the       to the best of our abilities. In two
past year.                                working groups, we will come up
                                          with solutions for issues concerning
   The school board unveiled their        employment,      supervision,    and
plan to massively expand ETH              misconduct—together with various
Zurich in the next years with the         units of the ETH administration.
initiative “ETH+”. We will have the
opportunity to participate in the idea    Last year we finalized the report of
contest and give feedback. AVETH the follow-up survey on employment
and its department associations conditions and launched a new
continue to engage in university survey on supervision of doctoral
politics, the university assembly, students. This will give us a basis to
various     commissions,                                  argue our needs
and working groups                                        and wishes for
across ETH. This is            "AVETH and its the future. A first
our way of shaping                                        improvement was
discussions and making department associations our intervention to
the voice of the scientific are not only working at combat fake part-
staff heard.                an abstract level, but also time    employment
                                                          of postdocs this
   AVETH       and      its on a very personal level." summer.
department associations
are not only working at an abstract       Integrating      new-comers       is
level, but also on a very personal an important task. Last year we
level. Our counselling team and introduced              AVETH       welcome
help desk are available to advise our bags in most departments to
members in challenging situations. raise        awareness      and     recruit
The importance of such a service new members. Connecting our
for our members was highlighted members with their peers is not only
last year by the incident (alleged important but also inspiring. Six of
supervision abuse by a Professor) our department associations came
at the Institute for Astronomy that together this year to organize the
gained a lot of national and even successful “Hönggergames” for
scientific staff and our business unit     In addition, there will be new
Telejob executed the first business      and interesting events waiting for
hackathon “PolyHACK” at ETH.             you. If you want to get involved,
                                         you can always drop by our regular
                                         meetings or contact anyone on the
So what is planned for 2018?             board directly.
   We will publish the results on
the satisfaction of doctoral student        I w is h yo u a g o o d
supervision, participate in the ETH      t im e at ETH. Jo in ing
working groups, contribute to ETH+       and     part i cipat ing     in
and continue to work on various          AVETH o r o n e of o u r
projects within AVETH - one of which     De part m e nt Asso ci at io ns
is the upcoming 50th anniversary of      w i ll w i t ho ut a do ubt
our association in 2019.                 e nhance yo u r exp er ie nce!

                           AVETH board 2017

  The Academic Association of Scientific Staff at the ETH Zurich
(AVETH) represents all doctoral students, research assistants, post-
docs and higher scientific staff excluding professors and lecturers.
AVETH counts more than 2000 members and is organized in 18
sub-associations in all departments at ETH.

   Our mission is to make ETH a             We share and contribute to the
better place to learn, teach and         constructive and inclusive spirit of
do research. The elected board           ETH Zurich. All in all, we try to make
of AVETH organizes the political         sure that the voice of the scientific
representation of the scientific staff   staff is heard at ETH Zurich.
at ETH, brings people together
by holding a variety of events and          We bring people together by
offers counseling and other services     regularly organizing events. Social
for AVETH’s members.                     events like our ski weekend or our
                                         pub-crawl bring people of different
What we do:                              departments and backgrounds to-
                                         gether. Excursions help to broaden
   Our activities revolve around three   the horizon and deepen the identi-
fundamental tasks: representing          fication of our international commu-
scientific staff, bringing people        nity with Switzerland and thus foster
together and providing support. We       the academic community at ETH.
represent the scientific staff at ETH
by taking part in the governance            Moreover we regularly organize
of ETH Zurich, by voicing our            career-related events that aim to
opinion, actively contributing to the    provide insights and advice for how
discussion leading up to important       to pursue academic and industrial
decisions and raising issues to          careers for doctoral students and
different stakeholders within ETH        post-doctorates. We support our
Zurich.    We also participate in        members by providing information
debates about strategic issues           at different levels. We publish the
and decision-making processes            popular “Survival Guide for Scientific
(“Mitwirkung”, i.e., joining the         Staff”, which provides practical
debate). This is accomplished mainly     information about ETH Zurich, and
via regular meetings with different      offers hints and tips about living in
school board members and through         Zurich.
various commissions.

We inform our members about             membership fee is 4 CHF/month.
important transformative changes        Half of this money goes directly to
at ETH (i.e. changes in the salary      the Department Associations (see
system for doctoral students). In       below). The other half enables us
addition our AVETH counseling           to organize various events and
team offers help to talk about your     networking activities. Although
problems and assist in potential        all scientific staff benefit from our
conflict within the ETH.                activities, only AVETH members can
                                        profit from reduced prices at most
We are also involved in other welfare   of our events.
related projects, like the Respect
campaign and the launch of the new
ALEA award, with which we honor         How are we organized:
outstanding team leaders once a
year together with ETH Equal! and          AVETH is an independent
Human Resources. Fundamental to         association (“Verein”), which is
our work is communicating to our        recognized by the school board
members via different means, be it      as the official representation of
this copy of the AVETH News, the        scientific staff at ETH Zurich. Like
bi-weekly newsletter or our social      many other associations, we have a
media pages.                            board to lead the operations of the

                                          The board is elected at one of our
Finances:                               two general assemblies each year.
                                        All AVETH members can attend
   If you belong to the scientific      and vote at the general assemblies.
staff at ETH Zurich, you can            Have a look at our bylaws, which
become a member of AVETH. Our           you can find online on our website,
if you want to know more about our          within ETH: the more people we
legal structure. Within the board,          represent, the more we can achieve
we have different subgroups that            at ETH.
are responsible for our various areas
of activity:
                                            Related organizations:
- Politics
- Events                                      AVETH is not only an organization
- Counseling                                spanning all departments; it also
- Post-Docs /Higher Scientific Staff        includes     sub-associations     for
- Communication                             every department. They form
                                            an important part of the AVETH
   A coordinator leads each sub-            family, represent scientific staff in
group and oversees the work in              their respective departments (e.g.,
this group. The president, the              in the department conference)
vice president and the treasurer            and organize department-specific
are responsible for the overall             events.
organization and for long-term
strategies of AVETH.                           Telejob     is    another      sub-
                                            organization of AVETH, which runs
  Our secretary Michèle probably            the graduate job portal “ETH get
has more years of AVETH experience          hired” together with the ETH Career
than the rest of the board put              Center. These are also a great way
together. She is responsible for            to get involved - see how to contact
administrative work and ensures             your Department Association or
we don’t reinvent the wheel.                Telejob in the next sections or online.
Once a month we have a board                The rest of this booklet will give you
meeting, where all current issues           more information about AVETH
are discussed.                              working groups, the Department
                                            Associations, and Telejob. There
  Ready to get involved? Just write         are so many ways to get involved in
us an email:                                AVETH!
interested@aveth.ethz.ch and we
will invite you to one of our board           If you are not yet a
meetings. This is a great opportunity       member, join the AVETH
to get to know us and join us in            family by registering either
making ETH Zurich a better place            online on our website or
for scientific staff. It’s very easy, you   using the form on the back
don’t need any requirements other           of this booklet.
than interest and motivation in what           Thank you!
we do! You can start with a small
activity and decide how much time
you can invest.Our memberships are
core to a successful representation
                    Coordination Team

Martin Roszkowski   Betty Friedrich-Grube   Fabian Brüning
    President           Vice President         Treasurer

Dehua Zhu                                      Roger Stark
 President                                      Treasurer
  Telejob                                        Telejob


    Nina Ripin          Iselin Medhaug      Anna Vagstad
    Counseling              PostDocs        Communication

       Luca                                      Neringa
    Isenmann                                    Mannerheim
     Politics                                     Events

Regular Board Members

 Tanja Eberhart      Deepak Kumar Ravi    Irena Kuzmanovska
   Counseling          Communication            Politics

 Romain Jacob           Sasha Cisar      Ian de Albuquerque
    Politics              Politics              Events

Diyora Salimova      Anastasia Sycheva     Roelinda Jongstra
    Events               Events                 Events


  One of AVETH’s main functions is the political representation of
doctoral students and higher scientific staff at different levels of
ETH. The Politics Team is the subgroup within AVETH that focuses
on ETH university politics.

   Monthly meetings are used as a
forum to discuss and work on vari-          Department level:
ous matters, such as statements on
new regulations at ETH and topics              • Under the AVETH umbrella,
that arise from the scientific staff        Department      Associations (DA)
through personal contacts and sur-          represent the scientific staff in
veys. As a basic principle, the Poli-       each ETH department. This gives
tics Team meetings are open to the          us the opportunity to be involved
entire scientific staff.                    in the departmental commissions
                                            (e.g. Department Conference) and
   Everyone is welcome to join the          further allows a great exchange
discussion and initiate new topics.         across all departments.
AVETH is involved in the political
decision process and the represen-
tation of the scientific staff at several   Swiss and European level:
                                              • Membership in ActionUni— the
                                            Swiss organization for scientific staff
ETH level:
                                              • EuroDoc—an organization for
  • ETH commissions (e.g. stra-             doctoral students across Europe
tegy, teaching, ASVZ, WOKO, Fo-
rum Nachwuchsförderung, etc.)
                                            We worked on the
  • University Assembly                     following projects in 2017:
  • Regular meetings with the Exe-
cutive Board (e.g. ETH rector, presi-          • The employment regulations of
dent, vice-presidents, etc.                 doctoral students at ETH has been
                                            a long-lasting topic of discussion
                                            in the past few years, starting with
                                            the new salary system introduced in
                                            2015. To fuel the discussion, AVETH

conducted a survey in fall 2016 to         how to improve the reputation and
monitor the changes induced by             attractiveness of ETH for future
this new system. In spring 2017, the       PhDs and postdoctoral researchers.
AVETH Politics Team worked hard            Additionally, we discussed the co-
to put together a clear, concise,          ming changes to the role of senior
and comprehensive survey report            scientists. After all this hard work,
(available online). It revealed for ins-   we finished the evening with pizza
tance that doctoral students at ETH        and some great wine.
evaluate spending more than 40%
of their working time on various
duties (not related to their doctoral         • The ETH proposed a change to
thesis research).                          the roles of senior scientists and at
                                           the end of summer sent out a first
   This survey is an important tool        proposal. This change was a major
to work towards fairer employment          topic at both the politics day and
conditions for everyone at ETH. If         several politics team meetings. We
you answered the survey, thanks a          have now sent the ETH administrati-
lot for contributing!                      on our comments and contributions
                                           on the future role of senior scien-
   • In fall 2017, AVETH launched
another survey focusing on the               • Other Statements: In addition
supervision of doctoral students at        to the previously mentioned topics,
ETH. Good supervision practices            we were asked to give our opinion
are essential for the success of           about several issues.
everyone, therefore it seemed very
interesting to gain more insight.
                                              The topics included: strategies
   What are the different cultures of      for equal opportunity and gender
supervision at ETH? Are supervision        balance, increase in study fees, stu-
tools (like the appraisal interview)       dent admission, and code of con-
used and appreciated? Most                 duct for the role of senior scientists.
importantly, are doctoral students         In the next year, we are planning
satisfied with the supervision they        to use the data from the surveys
receive? The survey analysis has           on the employment condition and
started and we plan to publish the         supervision of doctoral students to
report in early spring 2018. Stay          work on several key topics. AVETH
tuned!                                     will mainly continue to work with all
                                           involved organizations — including
                                           the human resource department,
Politics day:                              department heads, and ETH recto-
                                           rate — to improve the employment
  The politics team organized a            conditions of PhD students and
half-day event with a workshop on          postdoctoral researches.
Our focus will be the improvement
of the supervision of doctoral
students and to find a satisfying
solution to how scholarships that
pay less than the ETH level 1 salary
are to be handled.

  We believe that the hard data
form the surveys will enable us to
have a strong position in these di-

  If you are interested in
a certain topic or would
like to become involved,
join one of our monthly
meetings or contact the
Politics Team via e-mail:


  You can find all the
information and previously
mentioned survey results
on the AVETH website.

  The year 2017 saw many events organized by AVETH. Guided
tours, social events, and sports activities let our members get to
know each other in fun and active ways.

Ski weekend
   As has become a tradition,
in January 2017 we organized
our annual ski weekend. Ski
and snowboard fans joined
for a weekend of snow, food,
hot chocolate, and games.
ETH members from all de-
partments, skiers and boar-
ders, pros and beginners,
could all enjoy the beautiful
slopes of St. Moritz. After a
cold day on the slopes, we
relaxed with a warm sauna or                 Ski weekend 2017
a cup of hot chocolate.
                                      students and postdocs from various
Orientation event                     ETH institutes, and occasionally
                                      even UZH, to explore the city of
  As every year, AVETH was present    Zurich. We think that meeting in such
at several official ETH gatherings.   an informal setting allows unique
The orientation event was the per-    friendships and collaborations to
fect occasion to welcome newco-       develop.
mers to our big family and AVETH
was there to present itself to the    Don Giovanni opera
new arrivals.

Pub crawls                              Last spring, we visited Zurich’s
                                      beautiful Opera house and enjoyed
                                      Mozart’s Don Giovanni. The specta-
  The Pub Crawl is an event series    cular atmosphere and wonderful
that has a long tradition at AVETH.   music left us no chance but to fall in
During pub crawls, we gather PhD      love with opera!
focusTerra earthquake simulator          300 exhibits that present the history
                                         of timekeeping from 1400 BC to the
                                         present day. From sundials to water
   Is there a safe way to experience an
                                         and tower clocks, Renaissance
earthquake? Would you guess that
                                         automata, magnificent pendulum
the answer is YES? In 2017, AVETH
                                                        clocks,        pocket
organized a guided tour of
                                                        watches, and the
the Earth Science exhibition
                                                        prototype of the first
focusTerra that hosts an
                                                        quartz     wristwatch
earthquake simulator. The
                                                        were all presented
facility, weighing a massive
                                                        to us in the heart of
three tonnes, can simulate
the ground motion of
earthquakes up to an
intensity of Richter scale                              Zurich academica
8. The electrically driven                              BBQ
simulator is furnished with
tables and other movable
objects. Using real recorded                              In another tradition
seismic signals and with no                            — together with our
risk, visitors can experience                          sister    associations
the phenomenon of an Clock and watch                   at the University of
“earthquake”.                          museum         Zurich, VAUZ and UZH
                                                      Graduate       Campus
                                         — we met up for a yearly summer
Wine tasting                             BBQ at Campus Irchel. Over 200
                                         graduates came and enjoyed grilled
   Every year on the 1st of May is a     food, drinks and lovely scientific
special day for wine lovers! Not only    company. Even after all that grilling,
is it a public holiday in Switzerland,   we had ice cream to top it off. Not
but also most of the vineyards in the    even late-night rain could destroy
whole of German-speaking Switzer-        our moods!
land open their cellar doors for free
wine tasting. In 2017, the group
of wine lovers from AVETH visited
eight different wineries and tasted
at least 200 different wines.

Clock and watch museum

  This year AVETH visited one of the
world’s leading private collections
of clocks found at the Beyer Clock            Zurich academica BBQ
and Watch Museum. We saw over
Luzern's bunker

   This year, a group of
adventure seekers had
an amazing opportunity
to    experience      Mount
Sonnenberg, the former
largest civilian bunker in
the world located in the
heart of the city of Luzern!
This giant bunker was built
between 1970 and 1976 at                     Tram museum
a cost of 40 million Swiss
francs. If it ever had been            Tram museum
needed, two motorway tunnels
would have been sealed by four
350-ton gates, with room enough for       Could you imagine Zurich
20,000 beds and hundreds of toilet     city without trams? Because we
                                       definitely cannot! Trams have been
                                       a part of Zurich for more than 100
                                       years. For this reason, in 2017 we
                                       visited the unique and historic
                                       Zurich Tram Museum. We were able
                                       to see original vehicles from 1897 to
                                       1960, including engines, uniforms,
                                       ticket machines, a model layout of
                                       working trams, and a rolling Baby

         Luzern's bunker
                                       Waste-burning power plant
                                          In November, we visited Switzer-
cabins. One-third of the population    land’s most modern thermal power
of Luzern would have found shelter     station. We discovered how Zurich
inside Mount Sonnenberg. During a      Disposal and Recycling Services
two-hour guided tour, we visited the   (ERZ) uses the power of fire to con-
seven-floor subterranean building      vert our waste into clean thermal and
furnished with a control office, a     electrical energy. During the guided
radio studio, an emergency hospital,   tour, we followed the waste and
a kitchen, and even detention cells!   saw it being burned and converted
                                       into usable energy. Along with get-
                                       ting informed about the technology

behind it, we also obtained
valuable knowledge about
the treatment process of the

Game night
   Autumn is the perfect time
to learn new strategy games!
For the first time AVETH,
VAUZ, and UZH Graduate
Campus organized a joint
“Game Night” at Campus                    Freitag factory visit
Irchel. PhD students, post-
docs, and other scientific
staff enjoyed drinks, snacks, and ga-
mes like Saboteur, Codenames, and          You too can join our Events Team
Mafia.                                  in 2018 and become an active part
                                        of the AVETH board. For a lesser
Freitag factory visit                   commitment, you could help us
                                        organize a one-off event or realize
   In November, AVETH visited one       an event idea of your own for ETH
of the most recognizable Swiss bag      scientists.
brands “FREITAG”. It all started 20
years ago, when two brothers desi-
gned a functional bag using used          Just get in touch with us:
truck tarpaulins, discarded bicycle
inner tubes, and car seat belts. Du-
ring our visit, we got a unique op-       We are looking forward
portunity to see how old and dirty      to seeing you again next
materials can turn into a fashionable   year!
recycled bag that is an internatio-
nally recognized product.


  To increase the interaction across all of ETH, six Department Asso-
ciations, AMB, AMP, HAS, PSA, VAC & VAME joined forces in 2017
and invited the scientific staff from all ETH departments to join the

                               Logo and map

   The scientific staff association of   D-BIOL institutes were challenged
Biology (AMB) organized the first        in multiple disciplines until only one
“Höngger-AMB-Games” in 2014.             team remained. Now, teams from
There, the scientific staff from all     all ETH departments were invited to
                                         join the ultimate challenge on ETH’s
                                         Hönggerberg campus.

                                             Teams of up to 5-8 members
                                         competed against each other in
                                         twelve more or less physically
                                         demanding and fun disciplines
                                         spread out around the entire
                                         Hönggerberg campus. Balancing
                                         on slippery ground, staff with
                                         various backgrounds, from biologist
                                         to engineers, were challenged in
            Floor is lava                their pipetting skills, teamwork and
                                         time management skills in “slippery
Catapult                               Caterpillar

pipetting”. “Angry nerds” gave           success. We are looking forward to
staff a stress test and offered them a   welcome you to the next challenge
platform to work on their precision,     in 2018 with new games, more fun
understanding and processing             and less mercy! Prove that you have
under helpful advice from the            the guts to make it to the very end…
instructor. “Barter trade” forced
teamwork, logic, computing and             If you have any questions
sensitiveness under intense time         or are interested in helping
pressure. Luck was important to!         us with the organization
   		                                    of the next Hönggergames
   A scoring phase across all 12         please contact us:
games revealed the finalist team
& survivors of the Hönggergames.           hoenggergames@aveth.ethz.ch
They, along with all the fallen, were
then rewarded with a barbecue. The         The Hönggergames — no mercy
organizing committee would like to       crew 2017 (Representatives of AMB,
thank all the participants for making    AMP, HAS, PSA,VAC & VAME)
these Hönggergames a great

  For several years, AVETH has provided doctoral students and
scientific staff with help and support whenever needed. An official
group, the Counseling Team, was created within the AVETH board
to fulfill this mission.
    This helpdesk serves as a possible   and expertise before any bridges
first point of contact for people who    are burned.
have problems at ETH (whether
they concern the atmosphere at           There are several other points
work or general issues with life in    of contact at ETH to get help, and
Switzerland). Most importantly,        knowing which one to contact is
everything is treated confidentially!  not always obvious. Our counselors,
                                       who are themselves PhD students
   Working at a top research institute and postdocs, can advise you in
is a great opportunity for young complete confidentiality on which
researchers around the world. institution will be most relevant for
However, this pleasant experience you. There is also a brief explanation
can      turn    into                              on our website about
a nightmare if                                     the different centers of
personalities     do                               expertise. Furthermore,
not      work    well    "It is important that the counseling team
together leading you approach us early, focuses               on    creating
to issues with the                                 awareness within ETH to
supervisor or co- to allow us to assist you make sure our members
workers. Whenever with our experience and are informed of their
a problem appears, expertise before any rights. Such campaigns
we encourage you                                   are      important     to
to deal with it right bridges are burned. "        ensure that the AVETH
away. If you are not                               counseling service is
sure how, or if your attempts are not contacted before the situation
fruitful, please contact the AVETH escalates. It is sometimes difficult
counseling service.                    to realize if one is overworked or if
                                       real problems exist with colleagues
   We will help you to de-escalate or the supervisor(s). Here we try
the situation quickly and derive a to make you self-aware of your
strategy that will make sure your situation.
future is not compromised and your
problem is solved. It is important       A complementary approach to
that you approach us early, to allow institutional support is to build
us to assist you with our experience human support networks, so called
peer groups, which develop and              The Counseling Team is not only
exchange strategies for challenging       working on current problems, but
situations together. We will facilitate   wants to improve the work and life at
the formation of any peer-groups          ETH in the future. Therefore, if you
and lend you support with our vast        have any comments or suggestions,
network of contacts. Besides peer-        our door (and email) is always open!
groups, we are working on a buddy
system at ETH. Volunteers (buddies)          To contact the counseling team,
will be assigned to newly arriving        just visit the AVETH homepage or
scientists to help them integrate into    email:
ETH and provide a first contact point
and source of practical information          counseling@aveth.ethz.ch
for life at ETH and Zurich.

    If you are new at ETH and would
like to get in contact with a “buddy”
to get help and advice around ETH
or meet new people faster, just
contact us.

   The AVETH postdoc team addresses the needs of the postdocs
in terms of career, networking, and politics at ETH.

   Postdocs are in general at a          financially support your family—in
later stage of career planning and       addition to how to organize child-
personal life than doctoral students     care and about equal opportunities
and thus have specific needs and         for women and men to successfully
interests within ETH.                    work and study at ETH while having
                                         a family. The event closed with an
   Many postdocs and senior scien-       informal lunch where everyone had
tists come to ETH as a transition        the chance meet others in the same
to find a suitable academic or in-       situation and to share their expe-
dustry career, and some move to          riences.
Zurich with their families. As such,
postdocs and senior scientists may          On the networking side, the
feel the need to network with col-       postdoc team organized “Wine &
leagues at a similar stage of life for   Cheese” events, a postdoc and
career and family related matters.       senior scientist lunch, and a picnic
                                         at the Limmat. The idea of these
   In 2017, the AVETH Postdoc            networking events is to get to know
Team organized several successful        fellow postdocs and senior scientists
career and networking events. The        all over ETH. The “Wine & Cheese”
largest one was aimed at the Eng-        event took place twice, once at
lish-speaking postdocs and senior        Zentrum on 10. May and once at
scientists who are or are planning to    Hönggerberg on 5. December and
become parents in the near future,       were both well attended.
since the previous ETH organized
event on the topic had only been in         If you would like to participate in
German.                                  our activities, please join AVETH.
                                         If you have ideas for activities or if
   The event took place on the 30.       there are issues relevant to postdocs
May at ETH Hönggerberg and had           and senior scientific staff that you
95 registered participants. The fo-      would like to discuss, please contact
cus was on how to plan and orga-         us. And finally, if you want to join the
nize family life that is compatible      Postdoc Team, please contact us at:
with professional aspirations. It           postdocs@aveth.ethz.ch
consisted of a series of short talks
to inform about possibilities concer-      We look forward to seeing you in
ning part-time work, maternity and       our upcoming events in 2018!
paternity leave, and how ETH can
   The Communication Team is a sub-           In the past year, we’ve also
group under the AVETH umbrella              expanded the ‘AVETH Welcome
whose function is to disseminate in-        Pack’ program. This initiative was
formation about upcoming events,            launched in late 2016 in close
opportunities, and politics of inte-        partnership with a selection of
rest to scientific staff at ETH Zurich.     Department      Associations.    The
It acts as a direct communication link      concept is to personally welcome
between the elected board and the           incoming scientific staff with a
members of AVETH. There are three           warm smile, information about
main communication channels—the             AVETH and its subsidiaries, and
website, the biweekly newsletter,           a few small gifts. We hope that
and direct advertising platforms            this early communication will
(such as information monitors and           create an inclusive culture, provide
posters). In the coming year, we are        useful information about available
expanding our social media presen-          resources at ETH Zurich, and
ce; look for us on Facebook to stay         encourage involvement in AVETH,
current on events and happenings!           the Department Associations, and
                                            Telejob. Our biweekly newsletter is
   In   the      past       years,    the   only distributed to AVETH members,
Communication Team has launched             so we encourage you to become
a number of noteworthy initiatives.         a member now (see the ‘Become
In early 2016, a new and improved           an AVETH Member’ section in this
version of the AVETH website was            booklet). Due to the resounding
unveiled. With a clean new look,            success of the pilot phase, welcome
mobile functionality, and a user-           packs are now distributed to more
friendly interface, it is now easier than   and more incoming scientific staff
ever to stay informed. In addition to       and the program will be continuely
general information about AVETH,            expanded in 2018.
the website has up-to-date news
on events, politics team projects,             AVETH relies on a community of
counseling services, ways to get            members and volunteers. If you’d
involved, and more. There’s a digital       like to be involved, whether as a
version of the the AVETH Survival           contributing board member or as
Guide, which contains information           simple as passing along a helpful
on life as a grad student and a             idea, please contact us:
wealth of practical tips for living and        communication@aveth.ethz.ch
working in Zurich to help incoming
doctoral students and postdocs                 We’re always looking for ways to
with their transition. We encourage         improve our services. Best wishes in
you to check out our website (www.          2018 from the AVETH Communica-
aveth.ethz.ch).                             tion Team!
  Telejob is a tech-company-like
organization of AVETH mainly
run by postgraduate volunteers.
                                                  We help finding dream jobs   since 1989.

   We are best known for operating          The profit generated through
the biggest online job platform ETH-      ETH-gethired.ch      fuels    further
gethired.ch for Swiss graduates, as       activities of Telejob, helping
well as hosting financial and health      students during the transition phase
insurance seminars, Career Day, and       between graduation and starting
ETH’s largest hackathon PolyHACK.         their first jobs.

  We are financially independent             The main programs include career
through our revenue-generating            advice, soft-skills training, and
activities, which offers full autonomy    semi-monthly financial knowledge
for our team members. Telejob is          and health insurance seminars, for
a playground for entrepreneurial-         which we invite high-profile guests
minded postgraduate students to           to exchange their experience
experience the passion in running         and expertise with students. Our
their own business.                       flagship project Career Day also
                                          inspires other similar events at ETH,
   Founded in 1989 and being the          sponsored by Telejob and organized
first of its kind to advertise open job   by partner associations.
positions through telefax, Telejob
never changes its vision—’we help            With the rise of new technological
Swiss graduates find dream jobs’.         trends in digital recruitment, Telejob
Around 1995, we launched one              is also adapting. In October 2017,
of the first online job platforms in      the very first ETH-wide hackathon
Switzerland, which over the years         PolyHACK was introduced, which
has evolved into ETH-gethired.            now becomes a yearly event due to
ch, the largest digital recruiting        its success. (See the section about
service for university graduates in       PolyHACK for more information).
Switzerland, in partnership with the      Inspired by ideas generated during
ETH Career Center. Each year, job         the event and our cumulated
seekers contribute about 1.4 million      understanding of the current market,
page-views to over 3,000 hand-            Telejob has launched its next big
picked new positions from academia        project titled Moonshot, which aims
and industry, each tailored for ETH       to provide a personalized platform
graduates.                                for job seekers and companies.

None of these achievements                If you are interested
could have been possible without a        in     gathering     some
motivated team. We foster a culture       entrepreneurial experience
of entrepreneurship and education.        along with your daily
Members are encouraged to                 work, contact us through:
develop their own ideas and
projects, while Telejob provides the        www.telejob.ch
                                           and we would love to
  Twice a year, we spend a weekend        meet you.
together to simply reward ourselves.
Telejob is an ideal place to develop
and strengthen your personality
outside your daily routine and to
foster lifelong friendships with fellow
postgraduate colleagues from other

                            Telejob board 2017

  October 21–-22. During a              couch, brainstorm ideas with a
weekend in CAB StuZ2 and                strategy consultant from Synpulse,
                                        work on the code together with a
lasting over 24 hours, more than        software developer from ELCA, get
60 ETH students were challenged         inspired by the former Senior Vice
to find a solution for the “Future      President of XING, or simply play
                                        a round of table soccer with the
of Digital Recruitment”.                marketing leader of JobCloud.
                                           Work hard, play hard. The
   That was PolyHACK, a first-of-its-   PolyHACK 2017 offered a variety
kind ETH-wide business hackathon        of fun activities: building a tower
organized by Telejob.

   More than a dozen
in the recruitment sector,
strategy       consulting,
software development,
data analysis and design—joined         out of spaghetti and marshmallows,
the event to share their expertise      while listening to funky music,
with participants and guide them        free massage service, tasty food
individually throughout the whole       and smoothies, and even a light
event. High-profile referees such       show at midnight performed by a
as Prof. Sarah Springman (ETH           professional stuntman throwing a
Rector), Davide Villa (Lead Business    hologram of the PolyHACK logo
Development, JobCloud), Nalan           into the room!
Ayyildiz (Lead Employer Branding,
Ernst & Young), and Ferrucio               The results of the 14 teams were
Lagutaing (COO, ELCA), inspired         truly impressive, which gave the jury
the participants with exciting          of seven a tough time in choosing
keynote talks.                          the winners. The third prize—an
                                        assemble-yourself computer and
   A series of workshops were           many other cool gadgets by Open
offered by Telejob and partners to      Systems—went to team Pepe by
equip participants with essential       offering a game-like app where
tools and skills for “hacking—the       job seekers can “play” assessment
spirit of creative problem solving”.    challenges     provided    by     job
During the event, one could always      providers and “buy” themselves
visit the sponsor stands: to have a     interviews with the in-app currency
chat with a recruiting expert from      won through completing in the
Ernst & Young on a comfortable          challenges.
The second prize - a management      members. We are overwhelmed by
consulting workshop in Bratislava by   the event’s success and are thrilled
Synpulse - went to team WildDucks      to extend PolyHACK as an annual
by providing a virtual environment     signature event of ETH.
enhancing the personal contact
between jobseekers and employers         With that said, we invite
before they meet.                      you (if you feel driven
                                       to   gain    this  lifetime
   Finally, the grand prize of         experience in organizing
5000 CHF by JobCloud went to           a hackathon) to join our
team Jobroulette, with an app          PolyHACK family by visiting
circumventing the CV-screening         us at:
challenge where applicants can
present oneself in a live video feed     www.telejob.ch
allowing them to be matched with
interested companies.

  PolyHACK 2017 ended with
a roaring applause by the 100+
dedicated participants, sponsors,
mentors, jury members, and Telejob

                             Polyhack 2018

   Since 2007, AVETH and the Office      remarkable. He enables the
of Equal Opportunities (Equal!) have     reconciliation of work and family,
awarded every year the Golden            especially for his female doctoral
Tricycle to supervisors of ETH           students. Prof. Renner supports
Zurich who supported the balance         the diversity in his team with a
of work and family. After ten years,     high female proportion and an
it was time to update the award          international team. Moreover, he
and expand the focus. Therefore,         gives his employees the feeling that
AVETH together with Equal! and           they can achieve their goals even
Human Resources, created the Art         under rather difficult conditions, or
of Leadership (ALEA) award.              as written in the nomination: „We
                                         can do it“. Prof. Renato Renner is the
  In analogy to the six faces of         head of the Quantum Information
a dice, a number of criteria are         Theory group at D-PHYS and the
required for modern leadership.          first winner of the ALEA award.
The ALEA award recognizes
supervisors who support employee
commitment, diversity, and mutual
respect. In addition, they create
a working environment where
employee development and high
levels of flexibility play a key role.
The ALEA award aims to represent
that at ETH Zurich, top research and
exceptional commitment lead to the
greatest success when employees
are given a flexible and supportive
working environment.
                                                    ALEA Award
   In 2017, a total of 36 people
were nominated for the ALEA                 AVETH would like to thank the
award by their employees. The jury       employees for the impressive
was especially impressed by three        nominations. In addition, we
nominations: Michelle Grant, Marco       congratulate the finalists Michelle
Mazzotti, and Renato Renner. They        Grant and Marco Mazzotti, and of
are role models for a sound work         course this year’s winner Renato
life balance. Their motto: target        Renner. The portraits of the two
achievement instead of attendance        finalists and the winner have been
time. Out of these three ideal           uploaded on www.ethz.ch/alea.
leaderships, the nomination of
Prof. Renato Renner was notably
D-ARCH                                                         AAA
  The AAA is the Association of
Assistants at the Department of

  The     department’s     mix     of
practitioners,    teachers,      and
researchers builds the foundation
for an eclectic and interdisciplinary

   The    AAA      thus   represents      We have repeatedly advocated
more than 400 members with a              for expanding and introducing
variety of job profiles: practicing       platforms that specifically cater for
architects who are working as             clearer and more effective career
design instructors in our design          opportunities for the mid-level
studios; doctoral students who are        faculty.
both researching and contributing
to the many teaching tasks within            At the same time, our faculty is
the curriculum; full-time scientific      undergoing a sweeping generational
staff and senior researchers who          change, which means that our
work     on    long-term    research      delegates have been involved in
projects; lecturers who extend and        many appointment commissions,
support the Department’s teaching         trying to place the assistants’
spectrum; or the scientific staff and     interests within the discussions and
respective experts who work for the       selection processes.
many postgraduate programs (MAS)
that our Department offers.                 Furthermore, our colleagues from
                                          the Parity Group have been highly
  The AAA has a respectable op-           engaged in addressing the lack of
portunity to engage with depart-          diversity and gender parity at the
ment politics: being part of the          Department during the last three
Departementsausschuss (DA), the           years. As a crucial result of these
Departementskonferenz (DK), the           long-lasting efforts, the Department
Unterrichtskommission (UK), and the       has finally adopted a Gender Action
Berufungskommissionen, our dele-          Plan (GAP) this spring.
gates can officially place their voices
and votes for ongoing processes              A further milestone was achieved
and future directions.                    at the last DK of the year, when –
                                          in a joint effort with the students’
  We again had a busy political year.     association    ‘architektura’–  the
Department could be convinced to              With such crucial topics and
vote in favor of installing a ‘Diversity   partial successes in mind, we are
and Parity Commission’.                    looking forward to next year, where
                                           our agenda will not only be packed
    The new commission, consisting         with these ongoing tasks, but also
of two professors, two assistants          by our planned involvement in
and two students, has the mandate          clarifying particular issues regarding
to propose and introduce measures          the new doctoral regulations, or
to achieve the GAP goals on the            by introducing a series of events
one hand, and to monitor the               to improve our network within and
implementation and progress of the         outside the Department.
GAP objectives on the other hand.
As a first measure, a proposed               We   wish all   AVETH
initiative to request the Department,      members equally exciting
all chairs and all institutes that         tasks, and a successful
– beginning next semester – all            year.
invited guests for lecture series
and final review panels shall be             http://www.aaa.arch.ethz.ch/
composed according to gender
parity, successfully passed the DK
as well.

                AAA Board 2017: Sascha Delz, Berit Seidel

D-BAUG                                                           ASB
  The Association of Scientific
Staff at D-BAUG (ASB) is
the    official   representative
association of the scientific staff
(wissenschaftlicher Mittelbau) at
                                         plays a pivotal role in collecting
  It was founded in September            and consolidating the opinion of
2013 and it is now the voice of          the scientific staff and in officially
the scientific staff at both internal    conveying their opinion to the
and external platforms. It strives to    appropriate administrative levels.
serve as a hub for collective opinion
making on pertinent issues. The             The ASB General Assembly elects
ASB is a member of the Academic          the scientific staff representatives to
Association of Scientific Staff at ETH   the DK (Department Conference)
Zurich (AVETH).                          and the UK (Teaching Commission).
                                         The ASB provides pertinent
                                         information and serves as the point
What do we do?                           of contact for general questions
                                         regarding the scientific staff at
  The ASB undertakes several             D-BAUG.
important tasks. Primarily, it acts
as the official representative of          The ASB fosters exchange
the scientific staff at D-BAUG. It       among scientific staff at D-BAUG
                                           through a variety of social
                                             events and scientific activities
                                             — such as the yearly “Meet
                                             &     Share   Your    Research
                                             Day”. This event provides
                                             a platform for the scientific
                                             staff to present their research
                                             to their peers. Additionally,
                                             regularly organized lab tours

                                                ASB Meet & Share Your
                                                 Research Day 2017 at

Where to meet us next?
                                                 ASB holds regular board
                                              meetings, to which interested
                                              scientific staff is welcome
                                              to attend. At the beginning
                                              of the spring semester, we
                                              usually organize a “Start-of-
                                              Semester Apéro” as a friendly
                                              get-together. This is a nice
                                              opportunity for members
                                              to interact with colleagues
                                              among the scientific staff at
                                              D-BAUG, and of course to
 ASB board 2017/2018, Sasha, Max,
                                              make new friends! The exact
Sebastian, Natalia, Abhishek, Helge,
                                              date and time of the event
  Stefano, Charis, Marion, Joseph.
                                              will be communicated on our
                                              website and via our newsletter.

give the opportunity to discover           We are looking forward to seeing
one of the many interesting labs         you there! Further activities for 2018
at D-BAUG. ASB collaborates with         will be announced at a later date.
the department in various working
groups, including “Gender &                Please do not hesitate to
Diversity”, to help implement the        contact us at:
Gender Action Plan at D-BAUG.              asb@ethz.ch

                                           and go have a look at
How do I become a member? our website:
   All scientific staff (scientific         www.asb.ethz.ch.
assistants and staff, doctoral
students,      postdocs,     senior
assistants, and higher scientific
staff) at D-BAUG become regular
members of the ASB, if they are
member of AVETH. All members
are eligible to vote at the General

   If you would like to be involved
in a more active way in the activities
of the association, please feel free
to contact us anytime (contact data
D-BIOL 				                                                AMB

  At the Department of Biology,
the process of taking decisions is
embedded in a political landscape             Akademischer Mittelbau am
in which all members can raise
                                             Departement Biologie DBIOL
their voice. To strengthen its
representation at departmental
conferences, the scientific staff       series is an opportunity offered
(Mittelbau) has joined forces in        to doctoral students at D-BIOL
AMB. Delegates are send to the          to invite their favorite speakers.
department-, professor conference,      Beginning of 2017, AMB organized
teaching- and library commission. In    the first excursion to CERN where
addition, AMB representatives are       participants were able to receive
part of recruitment committees for      an impression about the exciting
new assistant professorships.           work of particle physics and to
                                        catch a glimpse of the famous CMS
                                        detector (Compact Muon Solenoid;
Scientific and career events            an experiment at the Large Hadron
                                        Collider (LHC particle detector)).
   Beyond its political task, AMB is
providing support and a platform           As in previous years, AMB and
for the organization of scientific      AMP organized interdepartmental
and career events. During the           lab tours, where participants gained
PostDoc Day 2017, postdoctoral          insights into the research topics
fellows from all life sciences          of biology and physics labs. The
joined to listen to interesting talks   event was followed by an apéro to
and to discuss about their own          discuss impressions and to foster
research. The D-BIOL PhD Lecture        interdepartmental communication.

       CERN Visit (left) and Summer Volleyball Tournament (right)
AMB Board 2017

   Another career event, the PostDoc    Future events
to PI transition, was organized as
round table discussion. Postdoctoral    - 2nd Excursion to CERN in Geneva
fellows who pursue an academic          at 27th of January 2018
career got inspired by successful       - Newcomer's Pizza event: 16th of
young group leaders and could ask       February
for advice.                             - Nuclear power plant visit
                                        -      Hoenggergames 2018, in
                                        collaboration with other DAs
Social events                           (participation from more department
                                        associations in the organization are
  At the departmental level, AMB        very welcome. Please contact us, if
promotes internal networking by         you are interested to join this event)
organizing social events, such as the   - Volleyball Tournament: 24th of
Hoenggergames, in cooperation           August
with AMP, HAS, PSA, VAME and
VAC, as well as the legendary AMB       …and many more
Happy Hour, the Summer Volleyball
Tournament & BBQ or the casual            If you want to join AMB
Newcomer's Pizza event.                 or if you have more ideas
                                        you would like to promote,
  To foster communication and           please contact us:
cooperation at D-BIOL, AMB
maintains the project “Lunchmates”,        amb@biol.ethz.ch
where people from various institutes
are randomly mixed in small groups        Or visit:
to go for lunch together.

D-BSSE                                                           VMB
   The VMB - also called Associa-
tion of Scientific Staff D-BSSE - is
the official voice of doctoral and
postdoctoral resear chers, as
                                                          Verein des Mittelbaus

well as of scientific assistants at                         Association of Scientific Staff

the Department of Biosystems
Science and Engineering (D-BS- leadership and helps establish a di-
SE).                                 alogue between management and
                                         research personnel.

What do we do?                             In addition to its political engage-
                                         ment, the Association of Scientific
   The Association of Scientific Staff   Staff organizes events to improve
acts as a link between employees         the scientific, social, and professio-
and department leadership and            nal atmosphere at the department.
strives to make D-BSSE not only a        Weekly intra-departmental semi-
place of academic excellence but         nars promote the interaction bet-
also an attractive work environment.     ween different groups and allow re-
With the help of the elected Mittel-     searchers to optimally benefit from
bau representatives, the association     each other’s expertise and our inter-
informs and advises department           disciplinary environment.

                                                  The association also orga-
                                               nizes sports events such as
                                               football and volleyball tour-
                                               naments, ski weekends, and
                                               beer brewing to invite people
                                               to know their colleagues.

                                                   On a more professional
                                                note, the scientific staff as-
                                                sociation organises ongoing
                                                series of seminars on em-
                                                ployment equality and finan-
                                                cial planning. Furthermore,
                                               the association subsidises
       Ski Weekend in Engelberg               German courses for its inter-
                                              national peers through the

voluntary contributions to AVETH,     Our future events
helping newcomers from all over
the world to hit the ground running     - Ski Weekend to Engelberg
when coming to Switzerland.             - End of Semester party
                                        - Summer football tournament
  If you wish to get in-                - Weekly intra-departmental scien-
volved in making D-BSSE               tific seminars
be a better and livelier
workplace, please get in
                                        - Beer brewing
contact with any of the                 … and many more!
VMB board members at the
following address:                     Check our website for more infor-

        VMB board members and Mittelbau representatives

D-CHAB                                                     PSA
  The Pharmaceutical Scientists’
Association (PSA) represents all
non-faculty academic staff of
the Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences (IPW).

   Membership is open to doctoral         PSA represents its members in
students, research assistants, post-   various decision-making bodies
docs and all other scientific em-      such as the Teaching Committee or
ployees of the institute. All AVETH    the Department Conference.
members of the institute are auto-        Thinking about your life after
matically members of the PSA. PSA      ETH? The Career Opportunity
was established in early 2006, when    committee of PSA is working hard
we became independent from the         to organize workshops, seminars
general D-CHAB association and         or information posts from various
became an official sub-organization    life science companies inside and
of AVETH.                              outside of Switzerland. Don’t know
                                       where to meet other people outside
                                       your lab? In an effort to promote
                                       exchange, PSA organizes events
                                       such as aperos, barbecues, and
                                       sports tournaments.

                                       Upcoming events 2018
                                         01 - PSA Skiing Day
                                         02 - Career Event, Bowling
                                         03 - Spring Break Party, Newbie
         PSA Board 2017                  05 - Career Symposium
                                         06 - PSA Beachvolley tournament
                                         07 - Bocce tournament
  What we do                             09 - Newbie Event, Soccer tour-
  • Representation of our members        10 - Halloween party
  • Career opportunity events            11 - Company visit
  • PSA social events
                                        TGIF every last Friday of the
D-CHAB 				                                                   VAC
  The VAC officially represents -
together with our sister associati-
on PSA- the scientific staff at the
Department of Chemistry and
Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB).

   Currently the VAC represents
more than 200 doctoral students          se contact with the head of the de-
and postdocs as well as senior scien-    partment, the administrative staff,
tists. Our board reflects the diversi-   the safety-and-environment group
ty of D-CHAB with representatives        (SGU), and the student organization
from four different institutes (orga-    (VCS).
nic, inorganic, physical chemistry,
chemical and bio-engineering).              In addition to our political en-
                                         gagement, we organize a wide va-
What we do                               riety of events. These range from
                                         scientific exchange through our
    The VAC is involved in the admi-     Open Labs to career events inclu-
nistrative decision process, which       ding our Career Beer series and or-
impacts all students and staff at the    ganization of a yearly two-day com-
D-CHAB. We represent the scien-          pany fair Chemtogether (with VCS).
tific staff in the departmental and
teaching commission and keep clo-          Moreover, we provide important
                                         D-CHAB community development
                                         opportunities for our members
                                         to meet and socialize. Both our
                                         traditional St. Patrick’s Day Party
                                         and the Burger Event (with PSA)
                                         are very popular. We also mainta-
                                         in close contact to the alumni of
                                         our department (VECS) by hosting
                                         each year VECS on the Grill (with
                                         VCS). On a more regular basis, our
                                         weekly lunch roulette Lunchmates
                                         matches up random groups of four
                                         to meet and enjoy lunch together
CV training as kick-off event to         every Thursday – thereby fostering
our two-day company fair Chem-           a diverse and social lunchtime com-
           together                      munity.
VAC welcomes new doctoral stu-           In case you would like to
dents and postdocs at D-CHAB by           join our board, help orga-
personally handing over AVETH             nizing an event or just get
Welcome Bags and inviting them to         to know us, feel free to
our biannual Newbie event. There,         contact us. We always en-
representatives of D-CHAB adminis-        joy getting in touch with
tration, HR, SGU, doctoral adminis-       new people!
tration and Infozentrum provide all
necessary information for a smooth           To find out about our upcoming
start at D-CHAB.                          events, visit our website and/or
                                          follow us on Facebook:
   We also aim to get more post-              www.facebook.com/VACETHZ
docs involved in our activities. As of
this year, we have a postdoc repre-
sentative on our board, who will or-      Upcoming events 2018
ganize e.g. regular Postdocs Lunch
meetings.                                   01 - VAC Skiing Day
                                            02 - Mulled Wine & Waffles
   All of VAC’s efforts are intended        03 - St. Patrick’s Day Party, New-
to help you getting in touch with         bie Event
people from other research groups           04 - Burger Event, Open Lab
and to create an enjoyable and              05 - D-CHAB Sommerfest
inspiring working atmosphere at             06/08 - VAC Lounge (every
D-CHAB. Our VAC lounge, particu-          other Friday), VAC Hike, Höngger-
larly during the summer, is a great       games
place to do exactly this. It is located     09 - Newbie Event
on top of the second finger of the          10 - VECS on the Grill
HCI building and offers a beautiful         11 - General Assembly, Chemto-
view over Zurich, where we offer          gether
beers and cider biweekly.                   12 - Open Lab

  Our lounge is also available for
rent, both for official and personal
events via mail:

   Beside the lounge, it is also pos-
sible to rent ten caquelons (for 6
people each) from VAC.

       VAC Board 2017

D-ERDW                                                   VAME
   The association of scientific
staff at the Department of Earth
Sciences (VAME) represents all
non-professorial scientific em-
ployees in D-ERDW, including
doctoral students, post-docs,
Oberassistants and senior scien-     The Help!desk can be confidenti-
tists.                           ally contacted at:

   VAME was officially founded in
2012 after a long period of unof-           The Welcome Committee is a
ficial representation of the scientific   self-organised group of volunteer
staff within the D-ERDW.                  PhDs and post-docs who greet
                                          new Mittelbau members within one
                                          week of their new employment in
VAME’s main goals are:                    D-ERDW.

                                            The aim of this committee is to
   (a) representing its members’ in-      provide newcomers with all the info
terests within the department             they need to start out straight away
                                          feeling knowledgeable regarding
   (b) contributing to a positive in-     what D-ERDW has to offer, what the
terpersonal and social environment        Mittelbau is and how scientific and
at D-ERDW.                                social events work.

   We do this through a variety of          Every first Monday of the month,
forums led by volunteers within the       the EqualiTea group meets in an in-
department.                               formal tea-break setting aimed at
                                          creating an open and comfortable
   2017 saw the founding of the           environment within the department
VAME Help!desk, an internal and           to converse, share experiences,
strictly confidential mediation ser-      address issues, seek suggestions
vice offered to both students and         and actively discuss matters of gen-
supervisors at D-ERDW, with the aim       der equality, work equality, and fa-
of providing support and helping to       mily-work management. Together
resolve conflicts at an early stage.      with D-USYS, volunteers in D-ERDW
                                          organize the series ETHics Dia-
                                          logues, an interactive discussion
You can also read