Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley

Page created by Bertha Manning
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley

Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel
pollen maturation in barley
Highlights                                                          Authors
d   Barley pollen autonomously produces high auxin levels to        Dhika Amanda, Felix P. Frey,
    control its maturation                                          Ulla Neumann, ..., Alisdair R. Fernie,
                                                                    Karin Ljung, Iván F. Acosta
d   The cereal-specific enzyme HvYUCCA4 synthesizes bioac-
    tive auxin in barley pollen                                     Correspondence
d   Auxin is required to enhance the expression of central carbon
    metabolism genes
                                                                    In brief
d   Increased flux of energy production pathways fuels pollen       As cereal pollen grains reach maturity,
    starch accumulation                                             they form large starch deposits that later
                                                                    nourish them on their way to fertilization.
                                                                    Amanda et al. show that barley pollen
                                                                    produces the hormone auxin to control
                                                                    starch accumulation by enhancing
                                                                    central carbon metabolism pathways that
                                                                    generate energy as ATP, a limiting factor
                                                                    in the synthesis of starch.

           Amanda et al., 2022, Current Biology 32, 1–14
           April 25, 2022 ª 2022 Elsevier Inc.
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


Auxin boosts energy generation pathways
to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Dhika Amanda,1 Felix P. Frey,1 Ulla Neumann,1 Marine Przybyl,1 Jan Simura,       2 Youjun Zhang,3,4 Zongliang Chen,5

Andrea Gallavotti,5,6 Alisdair R. Fernie,3,4 Karin Ljung,2 and Iván F. Acosta1,7,*
1Max   Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, 50829 Cologne, Germany
2Umeå Plant Science Centre, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 90183 Umeå,

3Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, 14476 Potsdam, Germany
4Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
5Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
6Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
7Lead contact



Pollen grains become increasingly independent of the mother plant as they reach maturity through poorly
understood developmental programs. We report that the hormone auxin is essential during barley pollen
maturation to boost the expression of genes encoding almost every step of heterotrophic energy production
pathways. Accordingly, auxin is necessary for the flux of sucrose and hexoses into glycolysis and to increase
the levels of pyruvate and two tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle metabolites (citrate and succinate). Moreover, bioac-
tive auxin is synthesized by the pollen-localized enzyme HvYUCCA4, supporting that pollen grains autono-
mously produce auxin to stimulate a specific cellular output, energy generation, that fuels maturation pro-
cesses such as starch accumulation. Our results demonstrate that auxin can shift central carbon
metabolism to drive plant cell development, which suggests a direct mechanism for auxin’s ability to promote
growth and differentiation.

INTRODUCTION                                                                   on the sporophyte, although it influences the expression of pol-
                                                                               len-specific transporters.8
The terminal stages of pollen development, termed maturation,                     The hormone auxin is also necessary for postmeiotic stamen
ensure that pollen grains released from anthers are well equipped              and pollen development in Arabidopsis. Loss of function in two
for successful fertilization with female gametophytes. Unicellular             auxin synthesis genes of the YUCCA (YUC) family, AtYUC2
haploid microspores, the product of male meiosis, acquire a lytic              and AtYUC6, blocks the progression of pollen mitosis.9,10
vacuole and undergo asymmetric mitosis to produce bicellular                   Interestingly, sporophytic microsporocytes, the progenitors of
pollen grains with a vegetative cell encasing a generative cell. In            pollen grains, are the apparent source of auxin for this
cereal crops, essential pollen maturation events include mitosis               process.9,10 The molecular targets regulated by auxin to allow
of the generative cell to produce two sperm cells and the accumu-              pollen mitosis are not known. Lack of two auxin response factors
lation of starch as energy reserve and of mRNA transcripts, both               (ARFs), ARF6 and ARF8, arrests late stamen development,
for later use during pollen germination and tube growth.1,2 Pollen             which prevents anther opening and filament elongation11 and
is strongly dependent on mother sporophytic tissues for re-                    results in nongerminating pollen.12 On the other hand, a
sources, most ostensibly sugars.3 However, the vegetative cell                 reduction in auxin synthesis or sensitivity is required to trigger
of maturing pollen should express its own machinery for energy                 anther opening and advance pollen maturation in tobacco and
generation, starch synthesis, germination, and pollen tube                     Arabidopsis.13–15 Maturing rice anthers accumulate high levels
growth. It is not known what signals activate the timely expression            of auxin16,17 and express auxin synthesis and signaling genes
of such machinery and whether those signals emanate from the                   specifically in pollen.16 However, the primary function of this
sporophyte or from pollen grains themselves. MIKC*-type                        auxin wave in cereal pollen maturation is unknown, and only
MADS transcription factors from rice and Arabidopsis are the                   the detrimental effects of uncontrolled auxin accumulation on
only described gametophyte-specific regulators required for                    rice stamen maturation have been described.17,18
maturation.4–6 However, it is unclear how the transcriptional pro-                Starch accumulation in cereal pollen occurs in amyloplasts
grams activated by these factors in rice pollen mediate starch                 that differentiate from proplastids.19,20 Starch synthesis genes
accumulation and other maturation processes. Similarly, the hor-               that are both specific and essential to cereal pollen have been
mone jasmonate is indispensable for Arabidopsis pollen matura-                 identified,21 but how maturing pollen controls starch production
tion,7 but transcriptomics data suggest that it acts predominantly             remains unknown. Both transcriptional and posttranslational

                                                                                   Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022 ª 2022 Elsevier Inc. 1
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


               A                           B                     C                                D                                              E


              Bowman msg38

            F                                                  W9.75          W9.75       G
                     W8.75       W9.25           W9.5        closed anther open anther                                       Bowman
                                                                                                              1,800          msg38
                                                                                          Pollen area (μm²)

                                                                                                              1,600                                  P=4.3E-21
                                                                                                              1,200 P=1.3E-13
                                                                                                                       *          *


                                                                                                                      8.75       9.25     9.35         9.5         9.75  9.75
                                                                                                                                                                 closed open
                                                                                                                                  Waddington stage               anther anther

            H            W8.75                     W9                     W9.25                                         W9.5                 I               W9.5

                                                         v                     v




Figure 1. Phenotypic characterization of msg38
(A) Grain filling in Bowman and empty spikelets in msg38 inflorescences. Scale bars, 1 cm.
(B) At stage W9.75, anther opening (arrow) occurs in Bowman but fails in msg38. Scale bars, 500 mm.
(C) Purple color with Alexander staining indicates viable pollen.
(D) Dark blue staining with potassium iodide reveals starch deposition only in mature Bowman pollen.
(E) Macallum’s staining shows yellow potassium salt crystals (arrowheads) only in Bowman pollen. Scale bars in (C–E), 25 mm.
(F) Light micrographs of pollen visualized without liquid medium. Scale bars, 20 mm.
                                                                                                                                                       (legend continued on next page)
2 Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


regulatory mechanisms of starch synthesis enzymes have been                      two sperm cells (Figure S3). Thus, MSG38 is not required for
described in other nonphotosynthetic tissues such as potato tu-                  barley pollen mitosis, but it is essential for vacuole dynamics
bers.22 Moreover, ATP availability is considered the major flux                  and starch and potassium buildup during maturation. These
determinant of starch synthesis in heterotrophic tissues,23 and                  processes likely enable pollen expansion and hydration, which
mitochondrial respiration and metabolism are believed to regu-                   in turn may increase the pressure on anther wall tissues to
late starch production.22 Accordingly, a high respiration rate                   facilitate anther opening.
dependent on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is asso-                       Homozygous msg38 mutants segregate with variable, reduced
ciated with enhanced starch buildup in lily pollen.24–26 Thus,                   frequencies in progenies of msg38/+ heterozygotes (16% ± 5%
regulating a metabolic shift to a state of high energy production                SD, c2 test p = 3.7E72; Table S2), indicating a gametophytic
may be a mechanism to control starch accumulation in hetero-                     defect. Accordingly, msg38/+ plants carry an excess of shrunken
trophic tissues.                                                                 pollen (9%) and a population of small pollen (15%) not present in
   To understand the mechanisms that regulate and execute                        Bowman (Figures 2A–2C). Reciprocal test crosses with msg38/+
pollen maturation processes, a thorough characterization of                      partially support a lower transmission efficiency of msg38 in
the factors involved is necessary. Here, our functional analysis                 pollen (Table S3). Furthermore, grain production in msg38/+
of the barley gene MALE STERILE GENETIC 38 (MSG38) shows                         plants is unaltered (Figure 2D), indicating that the msg38 mutation
that pollen grains autonomously produce auxin, which is                          does not affect the female gametophyte.
required for a metabolic transition that fuels starch production
and other processes of pollen maturation.                                        MSG38 encodes a YUCCA flavin monoxygenase involved
                                                                                 in auxin synthesis
RESULTS                                                                          We identified the MSG38 gene combining map-based
                                                                                 cloning (Figure 3A; Data S1A) and gene variant detection in
msg38 mutants are defective in pollen starch                                     transcriptomes of msg38 and Bowman stamens (Figure 3B).
accumulation                                                                     MSG38 encodes HvYUC4, a putative flavin monoxygenase of
To identify factors required for pollen maturation in temperate                  the YUCCA (YUC) family, whose members catalyze the direct
cereals, we use the barley collection of msg mutants,27 some of                  formation of the main bioactive auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
which have been introgressed into the reference cultivar                         from indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPyA32,33; Figures 3C, 3D, and S4;
Bowman.28 This includes msg38, which is fully sterile (Fig-                      Data S1B). CRISPR-Cas9 editing of HvYUC4 produced two
ure 1A) but without obvious defects in vegetative development                    new loss-of-function mutations, msg38-2 and msg38-3 (Fig-
(Figure S1A). According to our modified Waddington                               ure 3C), that fully recapitulate the original msg38 phenotype
(W) scale29 (Table S1), the morphology of msg38 anthers                          (Figures S5A and S5B; Tables S2 and S3). YUC proteins form
progresses normally during stamen maturation (Figure S1B).                       four phylogenetic clades (Figure S6). MSG38/HvYUC4 is part
However, at the stage of anther dehiscence (W9.75), anther                       of grass-specific subclade 2b and is a close paralog of
yellowing is incomplete and opening does not occur (Figure 1B),                  AtYUC2 and AtYUC6 in subclade 2a (Figure 3E). In contrast to
due to delayed or failed separation of specialized septum and                    MSG38/HvYUC4, these Arabidopsis proteins are redundantly
stomium cells (Figure S1C). msg38 pollen appears viable but                      required for early pollen development and multiple aspects
shrunken (Figures 1C and S1D) and shows no stain for starch                      of vegetative development.9,10 Five mutant alleles in HvYUC2,
and potassium (Figures 1D and 1E), an ion proposed to create                     the barley ortholog of AtYUC2/6, do not cause obvious vegeta-
an osmotic gradient to allow rapid pollen hydration.30,31 Indeed,                tive or reproductive defects, and yuc2-1 msg38-2 double mu-
when imaged without mounting medium, maturing Bowman                             tants are indistinguishable from msg38-2 single mutants
pollen appears dehydrated, but it expands progressively and                      (Figures S5C–S5E). Moreover, the stamen transcriptome shows
swells spontaneously during or after anther opening (Figures 1F                  very low levels of HvYUC2 (Data S1C). Thus, pollen development
and 1G). Instead, msg38 pollen stops expanding after stage                       in flowering plants may generally require clade 2 YUC proteins;
W9.25, fails to swell (Figures 1F and 1G), and is unable to                      however, the duplication that originated group 2b YUCs
germinate on fertile pistils (Figure S1E).                                       may have allowed both functional specialization in reproduc-
   Starch granules grow in Bowman amyloplasts from                               tive development and functional divergence toward pollen
around stage W9 until W9.5, whereas the large lytic vacuole                      maturation in grasses.
characteristic of young pollen is resorbed and replaced with                        To test if MSG38/HvYUC4 participates in auxin synthe-
multiple small vacuoles filled with electron-dense particles                     sis during barley stamen maturation, we performed auxin
(Figures 1H, 1I, and S2). In contrast, no or few starch granules                 metabolite profiling. msg38 stamens over accumulate IPyA and
are visible in the plastids of msg38 pollen, the lytic vacuole                   its precursor L-tryptophan (Trp) at maturation stages (Figure 3F).
persists, and the small vacuoles appear empty (Figures 1H, 1I,                   Instead, although IAA levels increase exponentially in Bowman
and S2). All other organelles seem normal (Figure S2A), and                      stamens from microspore stage (W8.25–W8.5) until pollen
the mutant pollen becomes tricellular with one vegetative and                    maturation (W9.25–W9.35), they remain low in msg38 (Figure 3F).

(G) Mean (± SD) pollen area; n = 30 pollen grains from 3 independent inflorescences for each data point. Significant differences (asterisks) between Bowman and
msg38 at each stage determined with t test.
(H) Gradual accumulation of starch granules (arrows) detected with PAS-fuchsin. Only Bowman pollen resorbs the lytic vacuole (v). Scale bars, 10 mm.
(I) Representative transmission electron micrographs of mature pollen with starch granules (arrows) and small vacuoles (arrowheads). Scale bars, 2 mm.
See also Figures S1–S3 and Table S1.

                                                                                                             Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022 3
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),

                                                                                                                               Figure 2. Pollen morphology and fertility of
     A                                      Bowman                                   B
                                                                                                             * P=4.96E-49      heterozygous msg38/+
                                                                                                                               (A) Pollen visualized with Alexander’s stain.
                                                                                                                               msg38/+ plants carry three pollen morphologies:
                                                                                                                               normal, small, and shrunken, whereas most
                                                                                                                               Bowman pollen is normal with a low frequency of
                                                                                                                               shrunken pollen. Scale bars, 50 mm.

                                                                           Pollen area (μm²)
                                                                                                                               (B) Area quantification in regular-shaped pollen
                                                                                                                               grains. Shrunken pollen not considered. Box plot
                                                                                                                               whiskers represent ±1.53 the interquartile range;
                                                                                                                               horizontal lines, medians; dots, individual mea-
                                           msg38 / +                                           1,500                           surements. The subpopulation of small pollen in
                                                                                                                               msg38/+ causes a significant difference (asterisk)
                                                                                                                               in the mean pollen size when compared with
                                                                                                                               Bowman, as determined with t test. n = 710
                                                                                                                               (Bowman) and 1,294 (msg38/+) pollen grains ob-
                                normal                                                         1,000
                                                             small                                                             tained from six independent inflorescences per
                                        shrunken                                                                      pollen   (C) Mean frequency (±SD) of pollen types in 6 in-
                                                                                                                               florescences per genotype. Significant differences
                                                                                                                               (asterisks) determined with t tests.
                                                                                                                               (D) Fertility (number of grains divided by the num-
                                                                                                       Bowman msg38 / +
                                                                                                                               ber of spikelets per inflorescence) under green-
 C                                                               D                                                             house conditions in three genotypes: Bowman
                100                                                      100
                           * P=1.5E-4                                                                                          and wild-type siblings in segregating populations
                90                          Bowman                                                                             (homozygous MSG38+/+ and heterozygous
                                            msg38 / +                                                                          msg38/+). No significant difference between the
                80                                                                                                             genotypes with one-way ANOVA test (p = 0.37).
                                                                               80                                              Number of inflorescences quantified per geno-
Frequency (%)

                                                                                                                               type = 59 (Bowman and MSG38+/+) and 68
                                                                 % fertility

                60                                                                                                             (msg38/+). Box plot features as in (A).
                                                                                                                               See also Tables S2 and S3.
                50                                                             60

                                                                                              In situ localization first detects MSG38/
                20                                                             40
                                                                                           HvYUC4 transcripts in W9 anthers, mainly
                                       *           P=0.019
                                                                                           in pollen grains and vascular tissues and
                                                                                           less strongly in the endothecium (Fig-
             normal     small      shrunken                      an        + /+        / + ure 4B). However, an MSG38-fluorescent
                                                               wm       38          38
                                                            Bo     MS
                                                                              m s g        protein fusion driven by a 3-kb MSG38/
                                                                                           HvYUC4 endogenous promoter localizes
                                                                                           exclusively in pollen, also from W9 on-
ox-IAA and three other IAA degradation products also follow this wards (Figure 4C), and restores the fertility of msg38-2 mutants
pattern (Figure 3F; Data S1D). Thus, MSG38/HvYUC4 catalyzes (Figure 4D). Thus, MSG38/HvYUC4 functions solely in pollen
the direct formation of IAA during barley stamen maturation. grains to catalyze local auxin production and drive pollen
Noticeably, oxIAA and oxIAA-Glc in Bowman stamens maturation. In this scenario, no auxin import from sporophytic
accumulate to 50–100 times higher levels than IAA, the highest tissues is required, in agreement with the gametophytic nature
of all detected auxin metabolites, indicating a rapid degradation of the msg38 mutation. We hypothesize that auxin exported
of the active hormone (Figure 3F; Data S1D).                        from wild-type pollen in msg38/+ heterozygotes is imported
                                                                    into mutant msg38 pollen, which can then develop normally
MSG38/HvYUC4 is a pollen-specific protein                           or with varied success, explaining the relatively high yet
MSG38/HvYUC4 transcripts are undetectable in vegetative reduced, variable transmission of msg38 from pollen
tissues and in inflorescences with meiotic stamens (W6–W7.5). (Tables S2 and S3). This contrasts with other knockout gameto-
They appear first in Bowman reproductive organs at W8, phytic mutations, where no or very few homozygous mutants
increase in stamens exponentially like IAA, peak around can be recovered.21
W9.25, and decline rapidly afterward (Figure 4A). Thus,
MSG38/HvYUC4 functions specifically in reproductive tissues MSG38/HvYUCCA4 is required to boost energy
within a limited time window. Although MSG38/HvYUC4 tran- metabolism during pollen maturation
scripts are also detected at W8 in msg38 mutant tissue, they The msg38 mutant defects mainly concern pollen grains after
only increase by one order of magnitude and are still detectable stage W9, coinciding with the beginning of starch formation.
at W9.5–W9.75 (Figure 4A), indicating that auxin exerts feedback Moreover, MSG38-fluorescent protein fusions are first found
regulation on a gene associated with its own synthesis.             only from stage W9, and we detected the highest levels of

4 Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


           A                                                                                                                                      msg38,Hpy188IIIB,MboII,XcmI
           Chr. 3 Hpy188IIIA                                       EcoRI                      AvaII                                ssr1              HphI Hinfl,TaqIB         DdelA DdelB                                                     TaqIA
                    cM                                  1.7                      0.7                                0.8                        0.6   0.2 0.3                                 1.3                  0.2             2.9
           # recombinants                                3                        9                                 14                          17    6    2                                  8                    1              13
           # chromosomes                                172                     1,304                              1,750                      2,828 3,440 636                                636                  455             455
           B 1H        |                                                                         |                                                     5H   |                                             ||                              |

                2H    ||||
                                                                                                                               ||    |||
                                                                                                                                      ||| |            6H   |                                                                     |||

                3H            ||||| ||
                                    ||||||||| |   || | | | || | |         ||    ||    |   |||||||||||||
                                                                                                   ||||||||||| |                                       7H                                                                     |

                4H    |                                                                                                                                UN       ||       |

                      0                100              200          300             400                 500          600            700                    0         100           200          300      400           500             600        700
                                                                          Megabases                                                                                                                Megabases
           C                                                                                                                         D                 O                            HO
                                                                                                                                                                OH                           O                   O                             O
                               msg38 (1-bp deletion)
                                                                                                                                                            NH2                                                     OH                             OH
                                 msg38-3 (1-bp insertion)                                                                                                                                O
                                                                                                                   200 bp                                                                                                                          O
                                                                                                                                                   NH                            NH                       NH                              NH
                                                                                                                                               L-Trp                         IPyA                      IAA                              ox-IAA
           msg38-2 (173-bp deletion)
                                                                                                                                                       TAA1,TARs                      YUCCAs                   conjugation/
           E                                                                                                                         F
                                                                    HvYUC1                                                                             Trp
                                                                                                                                                                                         *                IPyA
                                                       93                                                                                     3e+06
                                                              100                                                                                                                                30,000
                                    100                              OsYUC1                                                                                 Bowman
                                                            100                                                                                             msg38
                                                                                                                        Clade 1

                                                               100                                                                                                                               10,000
                 100                                                                 AtYUC1                                                   1e+06

                                       100                                SlYUC1 (FZY1)
                             100                        100
                                                                                                                                                                     *                            3,000
                                                  100                                                                                         3e+05
                                                              AtYUC4                                                                                                                                           P=0.04
                                                               100                                                                                                                                1,000
                                                   97                          OsYUC2
                                    100                             ZmYUC6
           69                                          100                                                                                                                                         300
                                                  93 100

                                                                                                                        Clade 2a














                                                         100                                                                                           IAA
                                                                                                                                                                                         *       1e+06    ox-IAA                               *
                             100        75                                AtYUC6                                                              10,000
                                                                    SlYUC2 (FZY2)                                                                                                                                                        P=0.0009
                                   99                                                                                                                                                            1e+05
                100                                           CcYUC6
                                                                  OsYUC4                                                                       1,000 P=0.005
                                                                                                                                                                     *                           1e+04

                                    100                       100
                                                                                                                        Clade 2b

                                                  99                            ZmYUC8                                                                                                           1e+03
                                                                    100                         ZmYUC10                                         100
                      100                                                       100
                                                                                             ZmYUC12                                                                                             1e+02
                                                                    70                    OsYUC5
                                                                                                                        Clade 2c

                                                       100                                HvYUC5



                                                                                                                                                                                                                            25 9
















                                                                                                     CcYUC5m                                                                        Waddington stage

Figure 3. MSG38 encodes a YUCCA flavin monoxygenase involved in auxin synthesis
(A) Genetic map of the msg38 locus in a 0.8 cM interval of barley chromosome 3. See marker information in Data S1A.
(B) Location of RNA-seq polymorphisms detected between Bowman and msg38 (red bars), with the msg38 gene variant indicated. See STAR Methods for how
this variant was identified as unique to msg38. Note that the majority of polymorphisms are part of chromosome 3, indicating that most other chromosomal
regions carry a Bowman background. Yellow, approximate location of pericentromeric regions.
(C) Structure of MSG38/HvYUC4 gene and location of the three msg38 mutant alleles (red). Boxes depict exons (coding regions in black, untranslated regions in
(D) Biosynthesis and degradation of bioactive IAA.
(E) Phylogeny of closest MSG38/HvYUC4 relatives. Monocot, black; eudicot, red. Numbers are node posterior probabilities. See Data S1B and S2 for protein
sequence information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (legend continued on next page)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022 5
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


bioactive auxin at stages W9.25 and W9.35. Thus, we compared                      flux of metabolic pathways are required during developmental
the transcriptomes of msg38 and Bowman stamens at W9.25                           progressions to support such varying demands.34 Hormones
and W9.35 to identify potential targets of auxin signaling that                   and transcriptional regulators that effect metabolic transitions
carry out pollen maturation (Figures 5A and 5B; Data S1C and                      in developing animal cells are well documented, particularly
S1E). Differentially expressed genes (DEGs, |fold change (FC)|                    for the switch to aerobic glycolysis that characterizes
R 1.5; FDR-adjusted p % 0.05) form six clusters (Figures 5C                       proliferating cells.35,36 In contrast, mechanisms of metabolic
and 5D; Data S1E). Most DEGs (64%) are downregulated in                           reprogramming during normal plant development are just
msg38 and fall in clusters 1 and 2. Cluster 1 contains genes                      emerging.37,38 Here, we show that the timely accumulation
more strongly expressed at W9.25 than W9.35 in Bowman,                            of auxin can shift central carbon metabolism to drive the
such as MSG38/HvYUC4, and is enriched for auxin-responsive                        development of a specific cell type. We propose that auxin
genes (Data S1F and S1G). More noticeably, it includes genes                      may also activate similar metabolic shifts in other processes
encoding almost every step of canonical heterotrophic ATP gen-                    requiring a high energy production state, such as that re-
eration: from sugar transport and degradation to ATP synthase                     ported for starch accumulation during barley grain develop-
activity (Figure 6A; Data S1F, S1H, and S1I). qRT-PCR confirmed                   ment.39 In fact, auxin is required for starch buildup in
coexpression of Hexokinase5 (glycolysis) and Cytochrome c                         maize kernels and pea seeds; however, this auxin require-
(oxidative phosphorylation) with MSG38/HvYUC4 (Figure 6B).                        ment was linked until now only to the activation of starch syn-
msg38 stamens show downregulation of only three starch syn-                       thesis genes40,41 and to an influence in sucrose import or
thesis genes, including AGP-L1, a subunit in the first committed                  utilization.40
step of the pathway22 (Figures 6A and 6B; Data S1I). Machine                         Our results also show that barley pollen autonomously pro-
learning predicts that, similar to auxin-responsive genes, most                   duce large amounts of auxin, whose primary function is to
energy and starch metabolism genes downregulated in msg38                         activate a gene expression program directly linked to concrete
carry putative upstream binding sites to ARFs, the transcriptional                cellular outputs such as energy production. We hypothesize
regulators effecting auxin responses (Figures 6C and 6D; Data                     that once pollen receives enough sucrose from the mother plant,
S1J). Metabolite profiling (Data S1K) shows that msg38 stamens                    auxin ensures the completion of pollen development into a
at W9.35 tend to over accumulate sucrose, glucose, and                            dehydrated structure that stores energy in the form of starch,
fructose (Figure 6E). Thus, auxin signaling is not required                       ready for its terminal functions, germination, tube growth, and
for photosynthate import into stamens but rather for both                         fertilization.
sucrose breakdown and normal flux through glycolysis. Accord-                        Our work provides mechanistic support to classical physio-
ingly, msg38 stamens contain lower levels of pyruvate, the                        logical experiments showing that auxin promotes mitochondrial
output of glycolysis, and of citrate and succinate, two important                 respiration as prerequisite for cell growth and division.42,43 We
metabolites of the TCA cycle (Figure 6E). Ultimately, mutant sta-                 hypothesize that shifting the flux of central carbon metabolism
mens contain 7 times less starch than Bowman’s (Figure 6F).                      may be a general function of auxin to allow cell growth or
Overall, the data support that auxin promotes starch synthesis                    differentiation. A similar hypothesis was raised before,44 but
in barley pollen mainly by boosting the expression of genes                       no mechanism was envisioned. Moreover, the pleiotropic
required for energy generation. We conclude that this boost                       effects of other auxin-deficient mutants prevented separating
shifts pollen metabolism to a high energy production state to                     a putative direct role of auxin in metabolism from its function
support the demand for ATP, the predominant factor driving                        in the development of basic structures such as leaf stomata
starch synthesis in heterotrophic tissues.23                                      and veins, which are themselves necessary for normal carbon
   An excess of genes encoding starch degradation enzymes,                        metabolism.44 We also propose that, in addition to the obvious
transporters, and cytoskeleton and signal transduction                            effect that energy and building block acquisition may have in
components are also downregulated in msg38 (Figure 6A; Data                       organ growth, differences in energy metabolism may potentiate
S1F, S1I, and S1L). These genes are typical of mature pollen tran-                the fate of differentiating cells. Thus, auxin may not simply
scriptomes and likely part of a transcript pool stored for use after              instruct cells to acquire a fate but may also actively modify their
pollen release,2 including homologs of known factors of pollen hy-                metabolism so that the specific bioenergetic demands of that
dration and tube growth (Data S1M). Several of these gene cate-                   fate are met.
gories are enriched in cluster 2, where transcripts reach higher                     The emerging mechanisms of metabolic reprogramming
levels at W9.35 than W9.25 in Bowman (Figures 5C and 5D;                          known in plants so far concern nutrient perception37,38 and
Data S1F), suggesting that auxin induces them in a second                         abiotic stress responses.45 For example, the kinases
gene expression wave, close to the completion of maturation.                      SNF1-RELATED (SnrK1) and TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR)
                                                                                  integrate energy status or sugar availability to dynamically
DISCUSSION                                                                        adjust plant metabolism via posttranslational modification of
                                                                                  primary metabolism enzymes46 or nuclear gene expression
As cells progress through development, their demand for                           factors.37 Responses to nutrients or abiotic stress often involve
energy and building blocks also changes. Thus, shifts in the                      activation of hormone signaling, presumably to optimize plastic

(F) Quantification of auxin-related metabolites in Bowman and msg38 inflorescences (W8) and stamens (all other stages). Small circles are individual mea-
surements; color lines connect means (color stars); black lines, ±1 SD. n = 4 except for Bowman W8.75–W9 (n = 3). Black asterisks indicate significant differences
between Bowman and msg38 at a given stage determined with one-tailed t tests. See Data S1D.
See also Figures S4–S6.

6 Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


        A                                                                                                                            D 100
                                                                                        *     *   P=4.1E-05

                                                                                                        *   P=0.037
       MSG38 relative expression



                                                                                                                                     % fertility


                                   0.01                                                                    msg38


                                                                               5        −9     25       35             5
                                                                8            8.              9.       9.             .7                                            homoz.    hemiz.             homoz.    hemiz.   hemiz.
                                                                         5−          75                           −9
                                                                       2           8.                         9.
                                                                                                                 5                                      GPF         MSG38-Citrine;      GPF      MSG38-Citrine; MSG38-Citrine;
                                                                               Waddington stage                                                                     msg38-2 Line 0               msg38-2 Line 2 msg38-2 Line 4

        B                                                            W8.5                                            W8.75                                    W9                       W9.25                  W9.35

        C                                                                          W8.75                                        W9                                     W9.35
                                      Golden Promise

                                                                               W8.75                                       W9                                 W9.25                   W9.35                 W9.5

Figure 4. Expression of MSG38/HvYUC4 during pollen maturation
(A) qRT-PCR of MSG38/HvYUC4 in pooled stamens and pistils (W8) and stamens (all other stages). Samples below dotted line, not detectable (ND). Data pooled
from two independent experiments: n = 4 for W9.35 and W9.5–9.75, except Bowman W9.5–9.75 (n = 3); for all other stages, n = 8, except msg38 W9.25 (n = 7).
Box plot whiskers represent ±1.53 the interquartile range; horizontal lines, medians; black triangles, means; small circles, individual measurements. Asterisks
indicate significant differences between Bowman and msg38 at a given stage determined with one-tailed t tests.
(B) MSG38/HvYUC4 RNA in situ hybridization in Bowman anthers. Arrows point to positive purple signals in pollen, vasculature, and endothecium.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       (legend continued on next page)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022 7
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


growth.47 Therefore, a function of auxin, and potentially other                      However, normal filament elongation in the msg38 mutant
hormones, in effecting metabolic transitions would also provide                      (Figure S1B) indicates that auxin from pollen is not necessary
a direct mechanism for controlling plant development in                              for this process in barley.
response to those external stimuli. Importantly, this would                             MSG38/HvYUC4 specifically catalyzes auxin synthesis in
also suggest that hormone signaling could directly adapt meta-                       maturing barley stamens without apparently participating in
bolism to the conditions imposed by stress or nutrient                               other plant processes. It is likely that its orthologs in YUC
availability.                                                                        subclade 2b, composed of grass-only members, perform the
   Sugar accumulation is a prerequisite of starch synthesis in                       same specific function. Thus, one can envision targeted
cereal pollen3, but according to our data, it occurs indepen-                        chemical inhibition of these YUCs to induce male sterility without
dently of auxin. Thus, it is possible that sugar import into                         affecting plant performance and, as such, represents a novel
pollen both precedes and triggers auxin synthesis to enable                          strategy for large-scale hybrid seed production in crop cereals.
the metabolic switch required for starch production. In this
scenario, SnrK1, TOR, or other sugar perception mechanism                            STAR+METHODS
could promote the expression of MSG38/HvYUC4 in response
to sugar levels. Accordingly, SnrK1 is necessary for starch                          Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
accumulation in barley pollen.48 On the other hand, it is also                       and include the following:
formally possible that auxin exerts its effect on energy
metabolism more indirectly via activation of SnRK1 or TOR                                d   KEY RESOURCES TABLE
signaling.                                                                               d   RESOURCE AVAILABILITY
   In Arabidopsis, auxin is necessary before the first micro-                                B Lead contact
spore mitosis,10 an earlier stage of pollen development that                                 B Materials availability
coincides with the initiation of a transient buildup of starch                               B Data and code availability
granules.49 This suggests the intriguing possibility that                                d   EXPERIMENTAL MODEL AND SUBJECT DETAILS
Arabidopsis pollen also uses auxin to promote starch                                         B Plant material
formation with a transcriptional program similar to barley but                               B Plant genotyping
with different timing.                                                                       B Growth conditions
   Several aspects of plant development rely on auxin                                    d   METHOD DETAILS
gradients generated cooperatively by local auxin synthesis                                   B Stamen and pistil imaging
and long-distance polar transport from buds or young                                         B Light microscopy
organs.50 Instead, early genetic and expression analyses in                                  B Anther histology
Arabidopsis already suggested that anthers themselves are                                    B Pollen viability assay with Alexander’s staining
the main source of auxin during stamen maturation.13,14 Later                                B Detection of pollen starch with light microscopy
work showed more specifically that young Arabidopsis pollen                                  B Detection of potassium salt crystals in pollen
grains rely on auxin produced by their progenitor sporophytic                                B Area of fresh pollen without mounting medium
microsporocytes.9,10 This and our findings with barley pollen                                B Scanning electron microscopy
suggest that in flowering plants the male gametophyte (or its                                B Pollen germination assay
immediate progenitor) autonomously produce auxin to drive                                    B Pollen nuclei visualization with DAPI staining
its own development. Still, other evidence suggests that auxin                               B Transmission electron microscopy
transport is also important for stamen maturation in Arabidop-                               B MSG38 gene identification
sis. First, translocation from anthers to filaments may promote                              B Phylogenetic analysis
filament elongation.14 Second, normal pollen maturation,                                     B Agrobacterium-mediated stable plant transformation
anther opening, and filament elongation require auxin                                        B Gene editing
transport from the tapetum to the middle layer51; such a                                     B Auxin metabolite profiling
gradient could potentially serve as a signaling attenuation                                  B RNA Extraction and qRT-PCR
mechanism. Our data show that MSG38/HvYUC4 in pollen is                                      B RNA in situ hybridization
responsible for the bulk of auxin synthesis in maturing barley                               B MSG38pro-MSG38-Citrine reporter lines
stamens. It remains to be determined if auxin translocation                                  B Transcriptome analysis
from barley pollen to the anther sac or other tissues                                        B Prediction of auxin response factor (ARF) binding sites
creates any gradients and if these have a biological function.                                  with a machine learning model

(C) MSG38g-Citrine fluorescent protein (yellow) in anthers of cultivar Golden Promise Fast (MSG38 +/+, upper) or of msg38-2 homozygous mutants (lower). Sam-
ples contrasted with propidium iodide (red). Arrows, pollen grains. Inset in lower panel shows fluorescence signal in pollen extracted from anthers at W9.5; at this
stage, the confocal microscope is not able to image into pollen grains inside anthers. Small yellow/orange dots are autofluorescent structures of unknown origin.
Scale bars in (B) and (C), 50 mm.
(D) Fertility (number of grains divided by the number of spikelets per inflorescence) in cultivar Golden Promise Fast (GPF) and three independent MSG38g-Citrine
fluorescent protein reporter lines introgressed into the msg38-2 mutant background. The fusion protein rescues the fertility of the otherwise fully sterile mutant.
Dots represent fertility of individual inflorescences. For each line, we scored a number of inflorescences (n) derived from a number of plants (m), as follows: GPF
(left, 48/10), line 0 (25/7), GPF (right, 50/5), line 2 (95/9), and line 4 (33/3). Homozygous or hemizygous refers to the apparent configuration of the transgenic re-
porter in plants from segregating populations. Box plots as in Figure 2A.

8 Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022
Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


 A                                                                                  B
                              PCA on all transcripts(more than 1 cpm)

                                                                                                                                                                         Bowman W9.35 R2
                         50                                                                                                                                              Bowman W9.35 R1
                                                                                              100                                                                        Bowman W9.35 R3
                                                                                                                                                                         Bowman W9.35 R4
                                                                                              50                                                                         Bowman W9.25 R1
         PC2 (27.32 %)

                                                                                                                                                                         Bowman W9.25 R2
                                                                                              0                                                                          Bowman W9.25 R3
                                                                                                                                                                         Bowman W9.25 R4
                                                                                                                                                                         msg38 W9.35 R3
                                                                                                                                                                         msg38 W9.35 R4
                                                                                                                                                                         msg38 W9.25 R3
                                Bowman W9.25
                                Bowman W9.35                                                                                                                             msg38 W9.35 R1
                                msg38 W9.25                                                                                                                              msg38 W9.25 R1
                                msg38 W9.35
                                                                                                                                                                         msg38 W9.35 R2
                          −80        −40          0          40         80                                                                                               msg38 W9.25 R2
                                           PC1 ( 28.05 % )                                                                                                               msg38 W9.25 R4

 C                                                                                  D          2    Cluster 1 (n = 1048)           Cluster 2 (n = 743)            Cluster 3 (n = 539)




                                                                             1                −1

                                                                             0.5                                msg38
                                                                                                    W9.25                  W9.35 W9.25                   W9.35   W9.25                  W9.35

                                 6                                           −0.5              2    Cluster 4 (n = 579)           Cluster 5 (n = 211)            Cluster 6 (n = 33)

                                 3                                           −1




                                     Bowman Bowman msg38          msg38                             W9.25                  W9.35 W9.25                   W9.35   W9.25                  W9.35
                                      W9.25 W9.35 W9.25           W9.35

Figure 5. Transcriptomic analysis of Bowman and msg38 stamens at stages W9.25 and W9.35
(A) Principal component analysis of normalized expression levels (counts per million, cpm) of all expressed genes.
(B) Heatmap of Euclidean distances between samples calculated from normalized cpm values of all expressed genes. In (A and B), we analyzed the data of all 16
biological replicates (4 per genotype and stage). As expected from the experiment design, replicates group by genotype and stage in both analyses. However, two
msg38 replicates (W9.25 R3 and W9.35 R2) appeared more distant from their expected groups. Thus, they were excluded from all differential expression analyses.
(C) Hierarchical clustering of DEGs. Scale: log2 mean-centered counts per million.
(D) Expression profiles of 3,153 differentially expressed genes grouped in six coexpression clusters identified with hierarchical clustering. Z scores are the mean-
centered and scaled transcript levels in cpm. Within each cluster, the Z scores of individual transcripts at W9.25 and W9.35 stages are connected by light-colored
thin lines, whereas the thicker dark-colored line connects the mean Z scores across all transcripts at both stages. Sixty four percent of DEGs are downregulated in
msg38, most forming clusters 1 and 2, whereas the majority of msg38 upregulated transcripts are part of clusters 3 and 4. The smaller clusters 5 and 6 contain
mainly transcripts downregulated in msg38.
See also Data S1C, S1E–S1I, S1L, and S1M.

              B Metabolite profiling and starch measurements                                                ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                                                            We thank E. Wendeler, S. Höhmann, I. Rouhara, C. Dawidson, and A. Oehl
                                                                                                            for excellent technical support; GRIN-USDA for maintaining the msg mutant
SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION                                                                                    collection and F. Salamini for first propagating it at our institute; R. Franzen
                                                                                                            for scanning electron microscopy; R. Lange and M. R. Herma for running
Supplemental information can be found online at                                  some R scripts; R. Schwacke for ARAMEMNON’s rice transporter list; the
cub.2022.02.073.                                                                                            Swedish Metabolomics Centre for access to instrumentation; G. W. van

                                                                                                                                         Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022 9
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),


  A                                W9.25          W9.35       B                                                                                * P=7.5E-06
       0 6 12


                                                                                           Cyt-C                        P=0.002                                                                   HXK5                        * P=0.008                                           AGP-L1                                 * P=0.009
                −2 −1 0 1 2

                                                              Relative expression
            degradation                                                             0.10

                                                                                    0.01                                                                                     0.10
              Pyruvate                                                                                                                       msg38

                TCA cycle                                                    0.001

                                                                                             8                 8    .5         −9       25         35               .   75                        8           8.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                5        −9     25     35                    75          8                        8.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5             −9      25        35            .7
                                                                                                     5−                    75         9.      9.               −9                                          5−         75      9.     9.                    9.                                  5−             75         9.     9.        −9
                                                                                                    2                    8.                                5                                              2         8.                           5−                                           2          8.                              5
             Electron                                                                            8.                                                     9.                                             8.                                      9.                                          8.                                         9.
       transport chain
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Waddington stage
          ATP synthase                                                                                                  C                                                                                                                                                                                                ARF
   Starch synthesis
                 Starch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Aux-IAA


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Auxin responsive genes


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TCA cycle
  E                             Bowman                      msg38
                                                                                                    −1.5 −0.5 0.5 1.5


       * P=0.01

       *P=0.04                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Transporter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Electron transport
      Fructose                                                                                                          HXK5

   *   P=0.053                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DUF828

      Pyruvate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -2 kb                                                       ATG
   *  P=1E-05
      Citrate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     D                               Receiver Operating
   * P=6E-05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      True positive rate


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      synthesis synthase
      glutarate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ATP                                       0.8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.2                         AUC=0.97
                                                                                                                                                          -2 kb                            AGP-L1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
           Malate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 False positive rate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Precision Recall Curve


                                       * P=2E-4                                                                               -2 kb                                          ATG                                                                                                            0.6
          msg38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.2             Precision=
                                                                                                                              0.85           0.9               0.95                        1
                              25      50     75       100         125                      150                                                                                                                                                                                                      0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
                              Starch content (μmol glucose/g FW)                                                                                                                                 -2 kb                               ATG                                                                       Recall

Figure 6. Auxin boosts energy metabolism in barley stamens
(A) log2 FC of DEGs involved in ATP and starch metabolism. Gray solid trace shows FC values for each gene relative to log2 FC = 0 (dotted gray lines).
(B) qRT-PCR of representative DEGs. Samples, box plots, and statistics as in Figure 4A.
(C) Significant scores (>0.85) of model-predicted ARF binding sites within 53-bp fragments (boxes) in 2-kb regions upstream of ATP/starch metabolism and
auxin-responsive genes downregulated in msg38. Genes tested in (B) are indicated in red.
(D) Machine learning bag-of-k-mer ZmARF35 model. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot indicates that the predictions of the ZmARF35 machine
learning model are 97% correct as measured by the area under the ROC curve (AUC). (F) The precision-recall curve shows that the precision of the model’s pre-
dictions is 95%.
(E) Log2 relative levels of sucrose, hexoses, pyruvate, and TCA cycle organic acids in five biological replicates of Bowman and msg38 stamens at stage W9.35.
Relative levels calculated from the ratio of normalized values of each replicate to the mean of normalized values of all five Bowman replicates. Asterisks indicate
significant differences between the mean of Bowman and msg38 values determined with one-tailed t test.
(F) Starch levels in the same samples of (E) are significantly lower in msg38 as determined with one-tailed t test. Box plot as in Figure 4A, except that medians are
vertical lines.
See also Data S1E–S1M.

Esse, A. Walla, X. Bi, J. Zhong, and M. von Korff for discussions and for                                                                                Vinnova (K.L.); the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, KAW (K.L.); the
sharing the Golden Promise Fast line, barley RNA-seq data, scripts, and                                                                                  Swedish Research Council VR (K.L.); the European Union’s Horizon 2020
GO annotations; and C. Gutjahr, P. Schulze-Lefert, and M. Tsiantis for com-                                                                              research and innovation programme (grants SGA-CSA 664621 and 739582
ments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Max Planck So-                                                                                   under FPA664620 to A.R.F.); and the National Science Foundation (grant
ciety (I.F.A. and A.R.F.); the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research,                                                                                IOS-1546873 to A.G.).

10 Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022
Please cite this article in press as: Amanda et al., Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley, Current Biology (2022),

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12 Current Biology 32, 1–14, April 25, 2022
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