Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi

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Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
Automation and
		 the Future of Work
in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Alexander Gaus and Wade Hoxtell

Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
Automation and
		      the Future of Work
in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Alexander Gaus and Wade Hoxtell
Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi

This discussion paper was made possible through the generous financial support of the
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. In particular, we would like to thank Winfried Weck and Martina
Kaiser, both from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin, for their support during the writ-
ing of this paper. The authors would also like to acknowledge the expertise, knowledge,
and support from the following people during the research, writing, and review processes
of this discussion paper: Fisayo Alo, Nishani Chankar, Mirko Hohmann, Nico Landman,
Dr Jamal Msami, Benjamin Rosman, Sofia Schappert, Martin Sprott, Anna Wasserfall,
Dr Clara Weinhardt, and Sebastian Weise. Shazia Amin edited the paper. Any errors are
solely the responsibility of the authors.

Contact the authors:
Dr Alexander Gaus,                Global Public Policy Institute
Wade Hoxtell,                  Reinhardtstr. 7, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Contact the Konrad-­Adenauer-Stiftung:
Martina Kaiser,

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. 2019, Sankt Augustin and Berlin, Germany
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ISBN 978-3-95721-530-7
Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
Table of contents

1. Introduction                                                      5

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?                      9

  Automation in different sectors                                   11
  Status of the debate: The optimists vs. the skeptics              15

3. Analytical Framework: Factors Driving or Inhibiting Automation   23

  Social structure                                                  25
  The regulatory landscape                                          26
  Availability of infrastructure and capital                        28
  Economic viability of automation                                  29

4. Automation in Sub-Saharan Africa                                 35

  Social structure: Population growth and
  education levels at odds for automation uptake                    35
  Regulatory landscape: Competing effects from
  labor market regulation and industrial policies                   38
  Infrastructure and capital:
  Widely lacking and heavily constraining automation uptake         40
  Economic viability: Automation only viable for some               43

5. Outlook                                                          49

  Limited impact (for now) on those working in agriculture          50
  Limited impact on unskilled workers and informal employment       51
  Strong impact on high-wage manufacturing and services             52

6. Conclusion                                                       57

Author Profiles                                                     60

Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa
Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
1. Introduction

Many industrialized economies are being        The purpose of this discussion paper is
transformed by the increasing automa-          not to argue that either of these two per-
tion of work. Self-driving cars upend-         spectives is the correct one, nor is it to
ing the taxi and trucking industries will      downplay the potential significant ben­
be one of the most visible signs of these      efits of the fourth industrial revolution,
changes in the near future, but these          but rather to direct attention toward those
transformations will go beyond the trans-      particular factors that influence the uptake
portation sector. With ongoing and con-        of automation technologies. In doing so,
tinuous technological advancements, a          this paper calls into question the common
number of countries are entering “the          assumption that what may be possible
second machine age” or, as the World           technically will materialize inevitably in
Economic Forum (WEF) has labeled it, the       practice. There is a tendency in the current
“fourth industrial revolution.”1 Regardless    discourse on automation and the future
of monikers, an era characterized by a         of work to presuppose that impressive
rise of autonomous robots and self-learn-      advances in hardware and software mean
ing software is upon us. The direct or indi-   that widespread automation – and its con-
rect impact of these transformations on        sequences – are inevitable.
industrial societies, emerging economies,
and developing countries is already quite      Further, research findings on automa-
profound and will only expand over time.       tion rise to prominence when calculations
                                               on what percentage of labor in particular
Yet, predictions vary on what automa-          sectors could be replaced through auto-
tion will eventually mean for the future       mation are turned into striking headlines
of work. On the one hand, experts claim        in the popular media about jobs that will
that automation will lead to greater effi-     be replaced. The research on, and media
ciency and productivity, while also freeing    exposure of, the potential for job dis-
humans from unsafe or unpopular tasks.         placements due to automation are impor-
They point to the evidence of history          tant for drawing attention to the issues
where technological innovation has led         and presenting potential scenarios of the
to the creation of entirely new economic       future. However, these estimates are not
sectors and ultimately to new jobs. On the     particularly helpful for understanding the
other hand, some experts argue that the        phenomenon of automation or, more
application of rapidly advancing automa-       importantly, as guidance on how to react.
tion technology across numerous sec-           As such, a more critical look at the drivers
tors simultaneously will lead to unfavora-     and inhibitors underlying the automation
ble consequences, including widespread         revolution is needed. Just as technology in
unemployment, greater wealth inequality,       general is not deterministic of the future,
and social unrest.                             advancements in robots and algorithms
                                               are not the sole drivers of automation.

Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

    History shows that a range of factors            what extent these factors are driving or
    determine the uptake of new technolo-            inhibiting automation and the future of
    gies and innovations across countries and        work in Sub-Saharan Africa (Chapter 4).
    sectors, such as public sentiments toward        Using this approach, the paper concludes
    such innovations, availability of labor with     that wide-scale automation in most areas
    needed skills, the regulations and policies      of the region’s economies will be limited
    at play, the availability of necessary infra-    (Chapter 5). This is largely true because of
    structure and capital, as well as the eco-       the area’s large-scale informal economy,
    nomic viability of developing and imple-         and its lack of necessary digital infrastruc-
    menting these technologies.                      ture, available capital, and forward-looking
                                                     industrial policies. In addition, the low pay
    This discussion paper aims to contrib-           and total cost for hiring the majority of
    ute to a growing body of research on the         Sub-Saharan African workers will remain
    potential impact of automation on Sub-           cheaper than the total cost of implement-
    Saharan African economies, as well as to         ing automation technology. Further, given
    help frame future debates on the topic. In       the high percentage of workers currently
    this respect, the primary audience for this      making a living in the informal economy
    paper is the Sub-Saharan African policy          and particularly in small-scale farming –
    community, (international) development           sectors that are especially immune to
    practitioners, and researchers, rather           automation in pre-industrialized societies –
    than the experts in automation technolo-         the impact will be even more limited.
    gies. It is also important to note that the
    approach taken in this paper does have           Yet, Sub-Saharan Africa does have areas
    limitations: the paper takes a birds-eye         of economic activity where digital infra-
    view of developments in automation               structure is highly developed, where capi-
    technologies and of the factors that may,        tal is available, and where the economic
    or may not, lead to their implementa-            calculus favors automation. In Sub-Saha-
    tion in different contexts. In addition, it is   ran Africa’s high-wage and internation-
    beyond the scope of this paper to dive too       alized manufacturing sector and in its
    deeply into the economic, social, regula-        high-wage service economy, for example,
    tory, or infrastructural particularities of      increasing usage of automation tech-
    each country in the region. The analytical       nology is likely. In such a scenario, the
    framework is broadly defined and, conse-         expansion of automation technology will
    quently, the paper can only draw broad           strongly affect Sub-Saharan Africa’s grow-
    conclusions using specific country or sec-       ing middle class who are employed in the
    toral examples. Ultimately, the goal of this     formal economy. For them, hard times
    paper is to spark discussion and to inspire      are likely coming sooner rather than later.
    more rigorous research into these areas.

    Beyond an initial review of the basic tenets     1   Brynjolfsson, Erik; McAfee, Andrew (2015):
    of automation (Chapter 2) and the factors            The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and
                                                         Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies.
    influencing technological uptake (Chap-              (New York: W. W. Norton & Company).
    ter 3), this discussion paper analyzes to

Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
Automation and in Sub-Saharan Africa the Future of Work - GPPi
2. What is Automation
    and How Widespread Is It?

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning,   Rapid developments in automation have
predictive analytics, robots, cobots, and         come about through the convergence of
robotic process automation are all terms          technological advancements in the areas
that are often (mistakenly) used inter-           of computing power, cloud computing,
changeably when discussing automation.            and artificial intelligence on the software
Given the plethora of technical terms for         side, coupled with energy storage, sensor
automation – not to mention the spectrum          technology, actuators, and flexible object
of terms and concepts related to the fourth       handling on the hardware side (Figure 1).
industrial revolution – it is worth breaking      Each of these areas has seen significant
down what exactly is meant by automation          developments over the past years, and
                                                  combinations therein have sparked true
Automation is technology that assists             innovation in the automation industry.
humans, with limited guidance, in the
production, maintenance, or delivery of           Figure 1: Technological components
products or services, or autonomously             of the automation revolution
produces, maintains, or delivers those
products or services.1 This definition
encompasses a large number of applica-                              Computing
tions, from physical robots programmed                             power/cloud
to do manual tasks – for example, mov-
ing an object from point A to point B,
to software applications – for example,
cloud-based computer software capa-                   Artificial                    Sensor
                                                    int./machine                 technology
ble of complex cognitive tasks, such as
processing files, recognizing and analyz-
ing images, or translating a sentence into
multiple languages. There are many more
applications in between these with vary-
ing degrees of complexity, requiring more
or less dexterity and/or computer power.
The critical aspect of this definition is that
automation technology works without
continuous human guidance because it              First, advancements in computing hard-
is preprogrammed or because it is a self-         ware, in particular the growth of process-
learning system capable of making deci-           ing power, enable computers to conduct
sions without human interference.                 increasingly complex computational tasks.

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     In what has proved to be remarkable fore-     basic tenet of machine learning, a key
     sight, Gordon Moore predicted in 1965         factor for achieving higher degrees of
     that computer processing power would          artificial intelligence, is to use algorithms
     double every 18 months – a trend that         to enable programs to learn from data
     has roughly held true to the present day.     analysis, as opposed to direct instructions
     The result of this growing computational      from a programmer. As such, machine
     power has been an astounding integra-         learning enables programs to react to
     tion of computers, in particular smart-       non-standardized situations based on
     phones, into many aspects of our daily        previous experiences and to conduct self-
     lives. While Moore’s Law may be breaking      optimizing assessments of its own activi-
     down as space to store more transistors       ties.4 In this respect, a key future potential
     on a microchip runs out, technologies will    of machine learning is to give computers
     nevertheless advance – even if they do        the capability of performing tasks tradi-
     so more gradually. For example, we will       tionally perceived to require human intel-
     increasingly be able to leverage process-     ligence. Some of the better-known recent
     ing power more efficiently, and potentially   breakthroughs in AlphaGo or poker AIs,
     groundbreaking ideas such as “chiplets”       as well as advanced image or pattern rec-
     (the three-dimensionalization of chip engi-   ognition, point to the rapid developments
     neering) will open up even more possibili-    in machine learning.5
     ties for the replacement of human think-
     ing with machine processing.2                 Third, advancements in sensor technol-
                                                   ogy are giving robots much more accu-
     At the same time, the development of          rate “eyes,” “ears,” and “touch” capabili-
     more advanced fiber optics and mobile         ties. Autonomous systems, and robots in
     data transmission, such as 4G and now         particular, require sensing technology to
     5G technology, together with vast improve­    evaluate their environment and to han-
     ments in internet access and bandwidth,       dle objects precisely. Sensor technology
     have allowed greater connectivity as well     assessing light, distance, sound, contact,
     as the storage and sharing of information     pressure, proximity, and weight, as well
     across the globe through cloud comput-        as sensors to determine the position of
     ing. This has already had a considerable      a robot, are critical components. While
     impact, from how multinational compa-         such sensor technology exists already, we
     nies organize their human resources and       are seeing a new wave of developments,
     customer relations to how small non-          such as soft robotics sensing, increasing
     profits communicate and share financial       miniaturization, higher accuracy, better
     transactions with their tax advisers.3        energy efficiency, and substantially lower
                                                   costs.6 These continuous improvements
     Second, advances in artificial intelligence   open up numerous new opportunities for
     increasingly allow computers to conduct       autonomously operating systems to con-
     non-routine manual (through robots) and       duct a wider array of manual and cogni-
     cognitive (through software) tasks. The       tive tasks.7

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?

Finally, advances in robotics such as soft        agriculture. A variety of automated solu-
materials, improved actuators, flexible           tions already exists in these sectors. First,
object handling, and greater dexterity in         mining and oil and gas exploration are
non-routine environments are enabling             activities where humans have long sought
robots to effectively, and with increasing        the help of machines, but robotic tech-
efficiency, sort objects, package goods,          nologies will increasingly replace tradi-
or prepare materials for further work.            tional machine operators. In fact, this is
For example, a humanoid robot from the            already happening. The multinational
robotics company Boston Dynamics was              mining company Rio Tinto claims it has
recently shown jumping and running in             hauled ore and waste materials weigh-
fluid movements, while a small industrial         ing over one billion tons (as of January
robot designed by researchers from the            2018) using autonomous trucks operat-
University of California at Berkeley is able      ing in Australian mines – a number only
to autonomously detect, safely pick up,           set to increase as more trucks are put into
and handle random objects at around               operation.9 The South African company
half the speed of humans.8 The Berkeley           Randgold Resources has also begun using
researchers expect that their robots will         robotic loaders and automated material
soon exceed humans in these tasks.                handling systems in its Kibali gold mine in
                                                  the Democratic Republic of the Congo.10
                                                  Other existing applications include auto-
Automation in different sectors                   mated drill rigs that blast holes on a pre-
                                                  determined path without human control,
A closer look at current automation tech-         as well as mining equipment that uses
nology in different economic sectors              predictive maintenance systems to reduce
shows a stunning variety of applications          costs and interruptions to operations.
in a number of areas, including mining,
agriculture, manufacturing and warehous-          Market projections for automation in
ing, textiles, financial services, and health     the mining sector claim that automated
care, among many others. While auto-              systems such as those highlighted above
mation technologies will bring productiv-         will become increasingly common. One
ity gains, better services, and improved          market research report suggests that the
user experience, they are also likely to          prospect of increased productivity and
bring disruption to the labor market and          safety, in combination with lower costs,
change the demand for human workers in            may cause the mining automation market
these sectors.                                    to grow by almost 50 percent in the next
                                                  six years, reaching $3.29 billion by 2023.11
Automation in the primary sector                  Estimates of cost savings and efficiency
The primary sector of the economy cen­            gains are equally staggering. In April 2017,
ters on the extraction of raw materials,          McKinsey Global Institute suggested that
for example through mining, fishing, and          by 2035, data analytics and robotics could

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     produce between $290 and $390 billion in       ognition that can detect soil specifics and
     annual productivity savings for oil, natural   irrigation needs, weeds, ripeness of fruits
     gas, thermal coal, iron ore, and copper        and vegetables, or animal health. These
     producers across the globe.12                  systems can autonomously analyze a situa-
                                                    tion and react to their own unique circum-
     Extractive industries in particular will be    stances, minimizing human supervision.
     at the forefront of automation, given the      The incentives for automating agriculture
     ability of extractives companies to shoul-     are compelling, particularly efficiency gains
     der large up-front investments. More­          from higher crop yields and from reduced
     over, the industry’s relatively high wages     material and labor costs. Farming, particu-
     and overall employee costs (particularly       larly on a large, commercial scale, is poised
     for operations located in industrialized       to go beyond using a single machine, (e. g.,
     countries) and stringent safety regula-        an autonomous tractor) and connect dif-
     tions, as well as potential disruptions in     ferent farming technologies to achieve
     production from labor disputes, all pro-       largely autonomous farming operations
     vide incentives for automating tasks and       ranging from crop planting to harvesting.
     relying less on human labor.13 Impor-          The organization “Hands Free Hectare”
     tantly, the extractive industries are also     recently demonstrated in a trial that a fully
     not necessarily dependent on improve-          autonomous farming operation is possible,
     ments in national infrastructure (e. g.,       and a market research study from June
     high-speed internet connectivity), which       2018 estimates that the global agricul-
     are necessary for connecting autono-           tural tractor robots market alone will grow
     mous machines and running Internet of          from $185 million in 2017 to $3.2 billion by
     Things (IoT) applications. This is because     2024.14
     leading telecommunication equipment
     manufacturers already offer proprietary        Automation in the secondary
     solutions for building local communica-        sector
     tion systems, such as those needed for         The secondary sector – so-called blue-­
     greater mining automation.                     collar work – is where raw materials are
                                                    processed into more refined goods. It
     Second, numerous technological advance-        includes manufacturing and construction.
     ments in the agricultural sector have          In industrialized countries this sector’s
     increased productivity while decreasing        share of labor as a total of overall employ-
     the need for human labor, including driv-      ment is moderate, given the transition to
     erless and autonomous tractors, fruit and      service economies. Nevertheless, manu-
     vegetable picking systems, and drones          facturing is the backbone of many indus-
     for monitoring crops. However, most dis-       trialized or industrializing countries and
     ruptive for the agricultural sector is the     employs millions of workers.
     combination of self-learning autonomous
     robots doing manual work, (e. g., harvest-
     ing crops) with sensors and pattern rec-

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?

Manufacturing has many variations, from         claims that one “SEWBOT operator pro-
simple manipulation or assembly of raw          duces the same number of T-shirts as
materials to highly complex engineer-           17 manual sewers.”17 The disruptive
ing. While literally meaning “the crea-         potential of such technology is evident,
tion of something by hand,” the era of          particularly as sewing is the most com-
purely handmade products is long gone.          plex step in clothing manufacturing, and
For many decades, machines have sup-            accounts “for more than half the total
ported humans in the manufacturing pro-         labor time per garment.”18 The speed of
cess, and machines of varying complex-          disruption is also staggering: A World
ity enabled the three previous industrial       Bank report from 2016 on the future of
revolutions.15 Yet, these machines were         the garment industry in South Asia makes
largely limited to specific routine manual      no mention of automation, while a 2018
tasks, such as repeatedly bolting pieces        report from McKinsey estimates signifi-
together as they went by on an assembly         cant levels of automation in that sector
line. Now, the fourth industrial revolution     by 2025.19
is set to bring intelligent machines to the
manufacturing process that can increas-         Another key development of automation
ingly handle both routine and non-routine       in the secondary sector is smaller robots
tasks autonomously. The International           that can safely interact with humans.
Federation for Robotics points out that         These so-called cobots – short for col-
the demand for industrial robots has            laborative robots – are designed to work
accelerated considerably due to the ongo-       directly with humans. They are increas-
ing trend toward automation and contin-         ingly being integrated into work domains
ued innovative technical improvements in        formerly exclusive to humans, for exam-
industrial robots.16                            ple, in the non-routine handling of mate-
                                                rials. The key innovations in this respect
While the automotive and electronics            are smaller size and simplified “training”
industries have embraced automated              of the cobots coupled with advancements
solutions for many years, other sectors         in sensor technology, machine learning,
are steadily increasing the use of auto-        and greater capabilities in movement and
mated machinery and robots as well.             dexterity that make it possible to more
The labor-intensive garment and tex-            closely integrate cobots in the production
tiles industry – a critical sector for both     process alongside humans.
employment and exports among many
(particularly South Asian) developing           The automation revolution in manufac-
countries and emerging economies – is           turing also hinges on sensors and pre-
showing first signs of greater automation       dictive maintenance. By fitting machines
with semi- or full automation of the sew-       with sensors to collect real-time informa-
ing process. For example, the US-based          tion on their status and to then compare
company SoftWear Automation now                 this with data collected from the same
offers a fully automated SEWBOT and             machine operating in other locations, the

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     robots can detect and address potential       retailers, such as Walmart in the United
     malfunctions in advance, thus decreasing      States or Tesco in the United Kingdom,
     robot downtime and increasing produc-         are experimenting with self-checkout
     tivity, further making the case for auto-     services or even fully automated pay-
     mated technologies.20                         ment and cashier system – an unsurpris-
                                                   ing development, given that the largest
     Automation in the tertiary sector             operating costs in the retail industry are
     The tertiary sector, or services, includes    employees.22
     a wide number of industries, includ-
     ing logistics, financial services, health     Moreover, some companies are begin-
     care, education, retail, and research and     ning to establish fully cashier-less stores
     development. In most industrialized,          in the retail sector. For example, the
     high-income countries, the tertiary sector    Beijing-based retail company
     employs the majority of workers – collec-     opened China’s first fully automated
     tively about 74 percent of total employ-      store in December 2017 and has since
     ment. In comparison, the share is signifi-    increased coverage within and beyond
     cantly lower at 31 percent in Sub-Saharan     China.23 Amazon is moving in a similar
     Africa.21 In these areas of the economy,      direction with its Amazon Go stores in the
     the automation revolution is not only         United States and, in addition, is utiliz-
     about physical robots, but also about soft-   ing a mobile application together with
     ware that enables, for instance, robotic      facial recognition technology to manage
     process automation or customer service        purchases. While such automated retail
     through chatbots.                             trials show the potential of such technolo-
                                                   gies, many retailers still face high costs for
     There are abundant examples of how            automated systems. In Western countries,
     automation is transforming various areas      the pace of such changes is moderated
     of the tertiary sector, and a few cases       by legitimate privacy concerns, customer
     where impact is already quite large. The      uneasiness about using new technologies,
     retail and consumer packaged goods            or (expectations of) higher levels of theft
     industry is, for instance, undergoing rapid   when humans are absent.24 Yet, the cost
     changes due to automation. This is an         advantages are clear, and it is likely that
     industry close to consumers, where many       the retail sector will increasingly auto-
     manufactured products hit the shelves         mate. A market analysis projects that the
     and await purchase, either in brick-and-      global retail automation market will grow
     mortar stores or through online shop-         from $10.31 billion in 2017 to $18.76 bil-
     ping. In this area, firms are increasingly    lion by 2023 – an annual growth rate of
     introducing automated systems for ware-       around 10 percent.25
     housing and stockpiling goods, inventory
     checking, self-checkout, and automated        The logistics and transportation sector
     cashier systems. With regard to auto-         is another area where experts expect
     mating the payment process, many large        substantial levels of automation. The key

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?

developments in this regard are the push         The optimists have history on their side.
for autonomous vehicles operating in             After all, mechanization and automation
both structured (closed) and unstructured        in their historical iterations are nothing
(open) environments, as well as auto-            new. Century after century has brought
mated surveillance and the optimization          inventions such as windmills, looms, cars,
of logistics processes. DHL, a global logis-     and automated teller machines (ATMs)
tics company, pointed out that autono-           that led to the demise of jobs and entire
mous vehicles are particularly attractive        industries, but also created new profes-
for the logistics sector due to the limited      sions, products, industries, and services.
liability of transporting only goods and         The invention of the automobile, essen-
not humans.26 Such advantages have               tially a machine replacing human or
spurred increasing automation in some            animal-powered transportation, led to the
warehousing and port operations.27 Fur-          creation of the automotive industry, esti-
ther, car manufacturers such as BMW,             mated to employ around nine million peo-
Daimler, Tesla, or Volkswagen, as well as        ple across the world directly and around
technology companies such as Alibaba,            50 million people indirectly.31 Moreover,
Alphabet, Apple, Baidu, Uber, or Yandex          the continuous mechanization and indus-
are engaging in fierce competition over          trialization of agriculture has cut down
their future positions in the autonomous         farm labor dramatically. Yet the sector
vehicle market.28                                continuously increases its productivity
                                                 while different, sometimes entirely new
                                                 economic activities have absorbed those
Status of the debate: The                        affected. Further, although the invention
optimists vs. the skeptics                       of personal computers ended the careers
                                                 of typists, it helped create millions of jobs
The debate about the consequences of             in the service industries and opened up
automation for society and the future            vast new opportunities for work.
of work is largely polarized.29 One side
comprises the “techno-optimists” who             The optimists’ key argument is that while
embrace automation and point to the              individuals losing jobs because of new
advances it brings and will continue to          technologies may not necessarily find
bring.30 In their view, automation and           employment again, the overall effect
artificial intelligence will not only bring      on the labor market is net positive. For
new services, but also put an end to             instance, evidence from the United States
many unpleasant jobs – particularly those        and Germany shows that the much-
deemed dirty, dangerous, and dull – while        feared long-term technological unemploy-
new professions and types of work will           ment never happened on a broad level.32
emerge.                                          As David Autor argues, “automation has
                                                 not wiped out a majority of jobs over the
                                                 decades and centuries. Automation does
                                                 indeed substitute for labor – as typically

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     intended. However, automation also            circumstances – it remains challenging to
     complements labor, raises output in ways      develop even a “narrow AI” for a very lim-
     that lead to higher demand for labor,         ited use case, and it is costly to reprogram
     and interacts with adjustments in labor       (industrial) robots for different tasks.38 As
     supply.”33 Despite (or because of) a mas-     a leading robotics researcher explains, “It
     sive growth in automation in recent years,    is no secret today that the robot itself and
     unemployment in industrialized socie-         the associated hardware are not the cost
     ties is quite low. For example, Japan, the    drivers …, but [rather] the programming
     United States, and Germany, three of the      effort,” and that the “Hollywood-influ-
     most automated countries in the world,        enced expectations of intelligent, autono-
     currently have unemployment rates of          mous robots cannot be fulfilled in the
     roughly 2.3 percent, 3.7 percent, and         short- and medium-term in any way.”39
     4.9 percent, respectively.34 The optimists    As such, the optimists argue that neither
     point to such examples when arguing           hardware nor software developments
     that automation in the coming years           will allow for a rapid shift away from a
     and decades will bring more benefits          human-centered workforce to a fully
     than harm. The World Economic Forum           automated one. Rather, the introduction
     acknow­ledges job losses, but also pre-       of automation technology will be more an
     dicts greater job creation in the period up   incremental development than a sudden
     to 2022.35 According to another group of      event, providing societies and decision-
     researchers, the employment scenario for      makers time to adjust to changes.
     2030 will be one in which “many occupa-
     tions have bright or open-ended employ-       On the other hand, the “techno-skeptics”
     ment prospects.”36                            view the automation revolution as an
                                                   unprecedented transformation that will
     Other experts are less worried about          lead to massive unemployment, greater
     imminent and large-scale job losses           wealth inequality, and social disruption.40
     because they see technology not as            For them, robots and software will bring
     advanced as the hype suggests. The            “technological unemployment” that will
     usability of non-stationary robots, for       eventually make almost all human work
     instance, still hinges on energy supply,      unnecessary and, unless there is some
     and existing battery technology is not        form of social protection, society will fail.41
     miniaturized and advanced enough to           While it may not happen overnight, the
     provide enough energy for extensive           view is that ongoing advances in hard-
     usage.37 Further, developing custom-          ware and software will chip away at the
     ized software necessary to run autono-        breadth of human labor with increasing
     mous robots is far from easy. While many      speed.
     researchers and companies aim for a
     “strong AI” – namely an artificial intelli-   In this context, the skeptics present four
     gence capable of thinking like a human        main arguments: First, they point out
     and learning by itself irrespective of the    that existing technology is already at a

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?

level capable of displacing a high percent-     mating a sizable portion of occupations
age of jobs. Technological developments         across a number of professions.44 As tech-
have progressed far enough that jobs            nology advances, this share will grow.
and occupations previously thought to be
insulated from automation, namely non-          Second, the skeptics argue that this time
routine cognitive and manual tasks, are         the advancement in automation tech-
increasingly susceptible to automation as       nologies is not limited to a specific sector
well. Combining, for instance, light non-       or occupation. Instead of an invention
stationary robots with movable grippers         upending a single profession, as often
capable of a wide range of motion and           seen in the past, the newest technological
accuracy, together with sensor technol-         advancements in automation cut across
ogy and cloud-enabled pattern recog-            the entire economy and many areas of
nition and communication, allows for            work. Location sensors, for instance, can
more autonomous functioning of tech-            have many different applications, while
nology and, thus, completely different          entire robots, such as Boston Dynamics
uses than those of comparatively crude          “SpotMini” or software suites, are devel-
industrial robots introduced in previous        oped as platform technologies that allow
decades. While results are highly depend-       adaptation to different usages. The soft-
ent on methodology, researchers have            ware behind a self-driving car can, for
begun calculating the automation poten-         instance, be transferred to other types of
tial of jobs across countries and sectors.      vehicles and uses, such as autonomously
In a landmark study, Carl Benedikt Frey         operating trucking and warehouse vehi-
and Michael Osborne argue that around           cles. These technologies are also matur-
47 percent of total US employment is at         ing rapidly and seeing greater adoption
high risk of being automated over the           across sectors and countries.
next decade or two.42 A recent study by
the McKinsey Global Institute finds that        Third, the skeptics argue that advances
60 percent of occupations have at least         in technology are accelerating at a rate
30 percent of constituent work activi-          beyond the human ability to adapt to
ties that could be automated, and that,         the loss of occupations. The changes we
on a global level, between 75 million and       see are rapid and broad, not gradual and
375 million workers may need to switch          limited. The basis for this claim is found
occupational categories by 2030.43 While        in the many stories of recent technologi-
others calculate much lower figures of          cal progress around artificial intelligence
job displacement for the countries repre-       such as DeepStack, a poker software
sented by the Organisation for Economic         on par with professional poker players,
Co-operation and Development (OECD),            or AlphaGo, a software that has beaten
the conclusion of all studies that assess       one of the world’s leading players of
tasks and occupations and their suscep-         Go, a game so complex that brute-force
tibility to automation is similar: current      algorithms do not work. These advances
technology is already capable of auto-          demonstrate that forms of complex cog-

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     nition – a distinctively human feature –       will continue at an ever-increasing rate
     are no longer exclusively the domain of        and that the boundaries of what can be
     humans. While computers and robots             automated will constantly be pushed fur-
     have long been capable of simple cogni-        ther out. Even if we were to adopt perfect
     tive and manual routine tasks, software        policies now for hedging against the com-
     applications that are increasingly capable     ing risks of automation in a specific sector
     of handling complex cognitive and non-         or field, we would need to immediately
     routine tasks are ubiquitous, together         begin to readapt to new changes – and we
     with simultaneous advances in robotics.45      would need to do so at an ever-increasing
     The consequences for human labor may           speed.46 The basis for this claim lies in
     be profound.                                   the acceleration of technological develop-
                                                    ments and the expectation that certain
     Finally, and perhaps most critically, skep-    technologies, such as quantum comput-
     tics point out that the significant advances   ing or a strong AI, will represent tipping
     in automation across all sectors is not a      points in the field of automation that
     one-time revolution with a predetermined       open up entirely new applications.
     end date. Rather, they posit that change

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?

1    This definition is based partly on the German             11   Market and Markets, Mining Automation
     standard for automation: DIN V 19233.                          Market by Technique, Type (Equipment, Software,
                                                                    Communications System), Equipment (Autonomous
2    Simonite, Tom (2018): To Keep Pace with Moore’s
                                                                    Hauling/Mining Trucks, Autonomous Drilling
     Law, Chipmakers Turn to ‘Chiplets’,” WIRED,
                                                                    Rigs, Underground LHD Loaders, Tunneling
     November 16, 2018, accessed November 12,
                                                                    Equipment) and Region – Global Forecast to 2023
                                                                    (2018), accessed October 4, 2018, https://www.
3    Should plans for the provision of global broad­                mining-automation-market-257609431.html.
     band access from satellites in low-earth orbit,
                                                               12   McKinsey Global Institute (2017): “Beyond the
     as envisioned by SpaceX and others, come to
                                                                    Supercycle: How Technology Is Reshaping
     fruition, opportunities for digitalization and
                                                                    Resources. Executive Summary”, accessed August
     automation of services are set to increase even
                                                                    12, 2018,
4    Theobald, Oliver (2017): Machine Learning for                  and%20Resource%20Productivity/Our%20Insights/
     Absolute Beginners (Stanford, CA: Scatterplot Press).          How%20technology%20is%20reshaping%20
5    Gerrish, Sean (2018): How Smart Machines Think                 resources/MGI-Beyond-the-Supercycle-Executive-
     (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).                                    summary.ashx.
6    Wang, Hongbo; Totaro Massimo; Beccai,                     13   PricewaterhouseCoopers (2018): Mine 2018:
     “Toward Perceptive Soft Robots: Progress and                   Tempting Times, accessed November 14, 2018,
     Challenges,” Advanced Science 5, no. 9.              
7    Routine cognitive or manual tasks denote those            14   See,
     tasks whereby computers follow explicit rules;                 accessed October 15, 2018.
     that is, they are preprogrammed to accomplish a
     limited and well-defined set of cognitive activities      15   Stearns, Peter N. (2013): The Industrial Revolution
     or manual labor. Non-routine cognitive or manual               in World History (Boulder, CO: Westview Press).
     tasks, on the other hand, denote activities
                                                               16   International Federation for Robotics (2018),
     undertaken by a computer to accomplish more
                                                                    “Executive Summary World Robotics 2018
     abstract tasks such as solving problems or using
                                                                    Industrial Robots”, accessed November 14, 2018,
     physical flexibility and sensor technologies to
     accomplish manual tasks by adapting behavior
     to different environments or situations. See, for
     example: Autor, David (2013): The task approach           17   DevicePlus (2018), “SewBot Is Revolutionizing
     to Labor Markets: An Overview,” Journal for Labor              the Clothing Manufacturing Industry”,
     Market Research 46, no. 3.                                     accessed September 22, 2018, https://www.
8    Knight, Will (2018): Exclusive: This Is the Most
     Dexterous Robot Ever Created,” MIT Technology
     Review, March 26, 2018, accessed October                  18   McKinsey & Company (2018), “Is Apparel
     4, 2018, https://www.technologyreview.                         Manufacturing Coming Home? Nearshoring,
     com/s/610587/robots-get-closer-to-human-like-                  Automation, and Sustainability – Establishing a
     dexterity/.                                                    Demand-Focused Apparel Value Chain”, accessed
                                                                    October 15, 2018,
9    See
     one_billion_tonne_milestone.pdf, accessed January
     21, 2019.
10   See
                                                               19   World Bank (2016): “Stitches to Riches. Apparel
                                                                    Employment, Trade and Economic Development
                                                                    in South Asia” (Washington, DC: World Bank and
     mine-2018-04-24/rep_id:3650, accessed
     January 21, 2019.

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     20   For example, at the 2017 Hannover Messe, a            28   Engineers distinguish between five levels of
          representative from the company Bosch Rexroth              autonomous driving: level zero means no
          claimed that their new predictive maintenance              automation at all, and the driver is fully in
          tool OdiN (“Online Diagnostic Network”) could              charge; whereas level five is the opposite: the car
          identify problems with a 99 percent success rate,          drives without any human action or interference.
          compared to the 43 percent of a human expert               At this point, level three cars are commercially
          conducting regular checks. See: Deutsche Messe             available, and firms are racing to reach level four
          AG Hannover, „MDA zeigt Predictive Maintenance             within the next two to four years.
          Anwendungen Digitalisierung, Vernetzung und
                                                                29   For an overview of the historical roots of the
          Kommunikation der Instandhaltung” (2017),
                                                                     debate, see: Spencer, David A. (2018): “Fear and
          accessed September 22, 2018, https://www.
                                                                     Hope in an Age of Mass Automation: Debating

                                                                     the Future of Work.” New Technology, Work and
     21   World Bank (2018), “Employment in Industry (%              Employment 33, no. 1.
          of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)”,
                                                                30   It is not really clear who coined the term techno-
          accessed November 14, 2018, https://data.
                                                                     optimists. We give credit to Duncan Green

                                                                     because this is where we read the term first.
                                                                     See: Green, Duncan (2017): “20th Century
                                                                     Policies May Not Be Enough for 21st Century
     22   NCR (2012), “NCR to Install 10,000 Self-Checkout           Digital Disruption: From Poverty to Power”,
          Devices at More Than 1,200 Walmart Locations”,             accessed November 22, 2018, https://
          accessed November 14, 2018, https://www.ncr.     
          com/news/newsroom/news-releases/retail/ncr-                may-not-be-enough-for-21st-century-digital-
          to-install-10-000-self-checkout-devices-at-more-           disruption/.
          than-1-200-walmart-locations; Jamie Rigg (2015),
                                                                31   International Organization of Motor Vehicle
          “Tesco’s Self-Service Checkouts Are Getting A Lot
                                                                     Manufacturers (OICA) (No date), “Employment”,
          Less Irritating,” Engadget, July 30, 2015.
                                                                     accessed November 14, 2018, http://www.oica.
     23   JD (2018), “JD’s Unmanned Store Goes Global”,              net/category/economic-contributions/auto-jobs/.
          accessed January 11, 2018, https://jdcorporateblog.
                                                                32   Muro, Mark; Maxim, Robert; and Whiton, Jacob
                                                                     (2019): “Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
     24   Rene Chun (2018), “The Banana Trick and Other              How Machines Are Affecting People and Places”
          Acts of Self-Checkout Thievery,” The Atlantic,             (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution); Jens
          March 2018,                   Südekum (2018), “Robotik und ihr Beitrag zu
          magazine/archive/2018/03/stealing-from-self-               Wachstum und Wohlstand” (Berlin: Konrad-
          checkout/550940/.                                          Adenauer-Stiftung).

     25   Oristep Consulting (2018), Global Retail Auto­        33   Autor, David (2015): “Why Are There Still So Many
          mation Market – by Type, Component, Operator               Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Auto­
          Type, Implementation, End User, Region – Market            mation,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 29, no. 3.
          Size, Demand Forecasts, Company Profiles, Industry
                                                                34   See
          Trends and Updates (2017–2023).
                                                                     results/month/index.html (Japan); https://
     26   DHL Trend Research (2014), “Self-Driving Vehicles (USA);
          in Logistics. A DHL Perspective on Implications  
          and Use Cases for the Logistics Industry”,                 Statistik/Statistik-nach-Themen/Arbeitslose-und-
          accessed November 22, 2018, https://delivering-            gemeldetes-Stellenangebot/Arbeislose-und-
                   gemeldetes-Stellenangebot-Nav.html (Germany) –
          dhl_self_driving_vehicles.pdf.                             all accessed November 13, 2018.

     27   McKinsey & Company (2018), “The Future of             35   Based on a survey among companies
          Automated Ports”, accessed January 22, 2019,               representing 15 million workers. See World
                Economic Forum (2018), The Future of Jobs Report
          transport-and-logistics/our-insights/the-future-           2018 (Geneva: WEF).

2. What is Automation and How Widespread Is It?

36   Bakhshi, Hassan et al. (2017): The Future of Skills:          and%20demand%20for%20natural%20
     Employment in 2030 (London: Pearson and                       resources/MGI-Beyond-the-Supercycle-
     Nesta). Yet, one also needs to factor-in the aging            Executive-summary.ashx.
     societies that characterize Japan and Germany.
                                                              44   See, for instance: Arntz, Melanie et al. (2016):
37   Crowe, Steve (2018): “10 Biggest Challenges in                “The Risk of Automation for Jobs in OECD
     Robotics. The Robot Report”, accessed November                Countries: A Comparative Analysis” (Organisation
     17, 2018,                  for Economic Co-operation and Development
     biggest-challenges-in-robotics/. Also, an interview           [OECD] Social, Employment and Migration
     conducted by the authors.                                     Working Papers, no. 189, Paris).

38   Turck, Matt (2018), “Frontier AI: How Far Are            45   Frey and Osborne (2013).
     We from Artificial ‘General’ Intelligence, Really?”
                                                              46   Skipper, Clay (2018), “The Most Important
     Medium, April 18, 2018, accessed November 17,
                                                                   Survival Skill for the Next 50 Years Isn’t What
                                                                   You Think,” GQ, September 30, 2018, accessed
                                                                   November 17, 2018,
39   Automatica (no date): „Der Hype um Künstliche
     Intelligenz ist übertrieben”, accessed November
     17, 2018,

40   See, for instance: Kaplan, Jerry (2015): Humans
     Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in
     the Age of Artificial Intelligence (New Haven, CT:
     Yale University Press); Ford, Martin (2015): Rise
     of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a
     Jobless Future (New York: Basic Books; Blit, Joel;
     Amand, Samantha, and Wajda, Joanna (2018):,
     “Automation and the Future of Work: Scenarios
     and Policy Options,” (Waterloo, Ontario: Centre
     for International Governance Innovation).

41   John Maynard Keynes had already introduced
     the term technological unemployment in 1930
     in his famous essay “Economic Possibilities for
     Our Grandchildren.” Keynes, however, saw such
     unemployment as a transitory phenomenon and
     not as a final state for entire societies. The essay
     is available at
     econ116a/keynes1.pdf, accessed August 12, 2018.

42   Frey, Carl Benedikt; Osborne, Michael (2013): The
     Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs
     to Computerisation? (Oxford, UK: Oxford Martin
     School, University of Oxford).

43   McKinsey Global Institute (2017), “Beyond the
     Supercycle: How Technology Is Reshaping
     Resources, Executive Summary”, accessed
     August 12, 2018,

3. Analytical Framework:
		       Factors Driving or
Inhibiting Automation

While it is clear that advances in tech-       The first factor is social structure, which
nology have enabled various types of           refers here to demographic trends and
automation across different sectors, it is     educational quality, and societal atti-
nevertheless erroneous to assume that          tudes toward automation shaped primar-
technological advances alone are driving       ily through public discourse. The second
the automation revolution. The adoption        is the regulatory landscape, for exam-
of automation technology is not simply a       ple, minimum wage policies and worker
consequence of its availability, rather, a     protection rights, but also industrial
number of underlying factors either ena-       policies or laws that allow for the testing
ble or stall the use of automation techno­     and usage of certain technologies. The
logies. Based on existing research around      third factor is the availability and qual-
industrial innovation, this paper presents     ity of infrastructure and the availability of
four key factors driving or inhibiting auto-   finance for new technologies. Finally, the
mation that serve as a basis for assessing     fourth factor driving or inhibiting automa-
the implications of automation in Sub-         tion is the actual economic viability of uti-
Saharan Africa.                                lizing automation technologies (Figure 2).1

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     Figure 2: The drivers and inhibitors of automation

       Social               Regulatory          Infrastructure       Economic
       structure            landscape           and capital          viability

                                                    Quality of
         Demographic          Minimum                                   Total cost
                                                    digital infra-
         trends               wage                                      assessments

         Educational          Worker                Capital for
         quality              protection            R&D

                              Industrial                                Global
                              (innovation)                              economic
                              policies                                  trends


     Source: Authors.

     While these factors provide a useful basis     textualized factor that strongly affects a
     for analyzing likely pathways for the use      firm’s decision to automate. Nevertheless,
     of automation technologies, two caveats        this list of factors provides an adequate
     exist. First, these factors vary by country,   framework to draw broad conclusions
     sector, and even subsector, making it diffi-   on the likelihood, or the improbability,
     cult to make conclusive statements about       of automation occurring across Sub-Saha-
     the extent to which automation technolo-       ran Africa. In this respect, one of the key
     gies are, or may be, used. Second, the         aims of this discussion paper is to spark
     factors also do not have equal weight in       a wider discussion on this issue and to
     determining potential paths, and their         inspire further research. It is not to make
     respective influence can again vary by         definitive statements or calculate the like-
     country, sector, and subsector. In par-        lihood of automation for a country or a
     ticular, economic viability is a highly con-   sector.

3. Analytical Framework: Factors Driving or Inhibiting Automation

Social structure                              Another critical social factor is education
                                              policy. The OECD calls for educational poli-
The rate at which a particular society        cies that promote not only basic informa-
embraces automation is in part depend-        tion technology skills and programming,
ent upon its social structure, particularly   but also specialization in engineering and
its demography, educational policies,         machine-learning, while also leveraging
and societal attitudes toward techno­logy.    the latest research to evolve educational
First, demography is quite important for      systems to keep up with the advancement
the labor market. An aging society, for       of new technologies.4 While the intention
instance, can lead to labor shortages that    of such policies is to better position youth
make it difficult for firms to fill vacan-    to find careers in the economy of the
cies. On the other hand, a comparatively      future, they also help shape public atti-
young society with many job seekers may       tudes toward automation, namely to make
find it difficult to create enough entry-     more socially acceptable the increasing
level positions for those with limited        replacement of human workers with hard-
work experience and work-related skills.      ware and software. In short, educational
In both cases, automation technology          systems that are teaching specialized skills
offers a potential alternative. In Ger-       to stay ahead of an increasingly auto-
many and Japan – both aging societies         mated workforce are quite likely helping
with low population growth – researchers      to create the self-fulfilling prophecy of an
regularly express the notion of automa-       automation revolution.5
tion as a sensible way to fill the posi-
tions of soon-to-be-retired workers. One      Finally, societal attitudes are another
study estimates that, in the next decade,     important factor influencing uptake of,
automation and other efficiency meas-         or resistance to, automation technolo-
ures can fill an expected gap of roughly      gies. In Japan, a country with one of the
10 million workers in Germany without         highest ratios of robots per inhabitant,
increasing overall unemployment.2 The         there is a strong openness toward robots
International Monetary Fund (IMF) makes       and automation. Portrayed at times as
a similar argument in the case of Japan,      the “Land of Rising Robots,” such accept-
arguing that “with labor literally disap-     ance of robots “is founded on Japanese
pearing [in Japan] and dim prospects for      Animism, the idea of Rinri, and its rapid
relief through higher immigration, auto-      modernization.”6 In stark contrast, West-
mation and robotics can fill the labor gap    ern societies influenced by monotheistic
and result in higher output and greater       religions tend to advance the notion that
income rather than replacement of the         robots are objects detached from their
human workforce.”3 Such demographic           human creators and capable of turning
circumstances influence automation            against them. Popular Western references
uptake considerably.                          in this vein are HAL 9000 from the film
                                              2001: A Space Odyssey and the epony-
                                              mous character from The Terminator. Such

Automation and the Future of Work in Sub-Saharan Africa

     societal attitudes likely influence specific     able employment held by low-skilled
     views on automation as well. For example,        workers and increases the likelihood that
     in a survey conducted in the United States       low-skilled workers in automatable jobs
     by the Pew Research Center in 2017,              become non-employed or employed
     72 percent of respondents expressed              in worse jobs.”10 In other words, higher
     worry about “a future in which robots and        minimum wages lead to more automa-
     computers are capable of doing many              tion. Results of a study on minimum wage
     jobs that are currently done by humans.”7        effects in the United Kingdom corroborate
     In Europe, the numbers are roughly the           this finding by concluding higher minimum
     same, with 74 percent expecting that the         wages and expansion of those eligible for
     use of robots and artificial intelligence will   minimum wages are linked to replace-
     lead to a net loss in jobs.8                     ments by automation technology.11

                                                      Second, the extent of worker protection
     The regulatory landscape                         programs in a country also plays a role
                                                      in determining the likelihood that exist-
     Regulatory decisions by governments              ing jobs may be automated, at least in the
     greatly influence the uptake of automa-          short to medium terms.12 It is difficult for
     tion technologies in a country as a whole        companies to significantly cut jobs while
     or within specific sectors. The most criti-      pursuing automation in countries with
     cal fields of regulatory decisions with an       stronger worker protection policies, such
     impact on automation are minimum                 as the Nordic states, Germany, or South
     wage policies, worker protection pro-            Africa. In the United States, the National
     grams, and industrial (innovation) and           Labor Relations Board, responsible for
     taxation policies.9                              enforcing labor law, has already set pre­
                                                      cedents with regard to the impact of labor
     First, labor market policies strongly influ-     unions on automation and vice versa,
     ence the rate of adoption of automation          by ruling that automation is a matter for
     in a country or sector, particularly poli-       mandatory bargaining. This clearly makes
     cies governing minimum wage and worker           the case for automation more difficult.13
     protection programs. Minimum wage                The implication of such policies is that,
     effectively aims to shield employees from        while high levels of worker protection
     poverty by mandating a wage floor. While         in an industry or a country can prevent
     minimum wage prevents price competi-             job losses for those already employed,
     tion in a labor market with a high supply        they also act as a barrier for the creation
     of workers, it also increases unit produc-       of new jobs for human workers. Conse-
     tion costs and shifts cost-benefit calcula-      quently, worker protection regulations act
     tions of automating human labor. A recent        as an incentive to use automated labor
     study on the US labor market found that          and forgo future hiring to avoid the need
     “increasing the minimum wage signifi-            for compliance with worker protection
     cantly decreases the share of automat-           regulations.14

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