Automatic Question Generation using Relative Pronouns and Adverbs
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Automatic Question Generation using Relative Pronouns and Adverbs Payal Khullar Konigari Rachna Mukul Hase Manish Shrivastava Language Technologies Research Centre International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana-500032 {payal.khullar@research., konigari.rachna@research. mukul.hase@student., m.shrivastava@} Abstract ate Intelligent tutoring systems that use computer- assisted instructional material or self-help prac- This paper presents a system that auto- tice exercises to aid learning as well as objec- matically generates multiple, natural lan- tively check learner’s aptitude and accomplish- guage questions using relative pronouns ments. Inevitably, the task of Automatic Question and relative adverbs from complex English Generation (QG) caught the attention of NLP re- sentences. Our system is syntax-based, searchers from across the globe. Automatic QG runs on dependency parse information of has been defined as ”the task of automatically gen- a single-sentence input, and achieves high erating questions from various inputs like raw text, accuracy in terms of syntactic correctness, database or semantic representation” (Rus et al., semantic adequacy, fluency and unique- 2008). Apart from its direct application in the ed- ness. One of the key advantages of our ucational domain, in general, the core NLP areas system, in comparison with other rule- like Question Answering, Dialogue Generation, based approaches, is that we nearly elim- Information Retrieval, Summarization, etc. also inate the chances of getting a wrong wh- benefit from large scale automatic Question Gen- word in the generated question, by fetch- eration. ing the requisite wh-word from the input sentence itself. Depending upon the input, 2 Related Work we generate both factoid and descriptive Previous work on Automatic QG has focused type questions. To the best of our infor- on generating questions using question tem- mation, the exploitation of wh-pronouns plates (Liu et al., 2012); (Mostow and Chen, and wh-adverbs to generate questions is 2009); (Sneiders, 2002), transformation rules novel in the Automatic Question Genera- based largely on case grammars (Finn, 1975), tion task. general-purpose, transformation rules (Heilman 1 Introduction and Smith, 2009), tree manipulation rules (Heil- man, 2011); (Ali et al., 2010); (Gates, 2008), dis- Asking questions from learners is said to facili- course cues (Agarwal et al., 2011), queries (Lin, tate interest and learning (Chi, 1994), to recognize 2008), various scopes (Mannem et al., 2010), de- problem learning areas (Tenenberg and Murphy, pendency parse information (Mazidi and Nielsen, 2005) to assess vocabulary (Brown et al., 2005) 2015), topic information (Chali and Hasan, 2015), and reading comprehension (Mitkov, 2006); (Ku- ontologies (Alsubait et al., 2015), etc. More recent nichika et al., 2004), to provide writing support approaches also apply neural methods (Subrama- (Liu et al., 2012), to support inquiry needs (Ali nian et al., 2017); (Zhou et al., 2017); (Yuan et al., et al., 2010), etc. Manual generation of questions 2017); (Du et al.), etc. to generate questions. from a text for creating practice exercises, tests, In the current paper, we fetch relative pronouns quizzes, etc. has consumed labor and time of aca- and relative adverbs from complex English sen- demicians and instructors since forever, and with tences and use dependency-based rules, grounded the invent of a large body of educational mate- in linguistic theory of relative clause syntactic rial available online, there is a growing need to structure, to generate multiple relevant questions. make this task scalable. Along with that, in the The work follows in the tradition of question recent times, there is an increased demand to cre- writing algorithm (Finn, 1975) and transformation 153 Proceedings of ACL 2018, Student Research Workshop, pages 153–158 Melbourne, Australia, July 15 - 20, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
rules based approach (Heilman and Smith, 2009). over other QG systems. However, while Finn’s work was based largely around case grammars (Fillmore, 1968), our sys- 4 System Description tem exploits dependency parse information using We split the complete QG task into the following the Spacy parser (Honnibal and Johnson, 2015), sub parts - the input natural language sentence is which provides us with a better internal structure first fed into the Spacy parser. Using the parse in- of complex sentences to work with. The general- formation, the system checks for the presence of purpose transformation rules in Heilman’s system one or more relative pronouns or adverbs in the do not work well on sentences with a highly com- sentence. Post that, it further checks for well- plex structure, as we show in the section on com- defined linguistic features in the sentence, such as parison and evaluation. Although no other state- tense and aspect type of the root and relative clause of-the art system focuses specifically on QG from verb, head-modifier relationship between different relative pronouns and relative adverbs, a more re- parts of the sentence, etc. to accordingly send cent Minimal Recursion semantics-based QG sys- the information to the rule sets. Depending upon tem (Yao et al., 2012) has a sub part that deals with which rule in the rule sets the information is sent sentences with a relative clause, but less compre- to, questions are generated. We define our rule sets hensively. We differ from their system in that, for in the next section. one, we do not decompose the complex sentence into simpler parts to generate questions. The rules 5 Rule Sets are defined for the dependencies between relative pronouns and relative adverbs and the rest of the For each of the nine relative pronouns and rela- sentence as a whole. Secondly, our system gener- tive adverbs in English (who, whom, whose, which, ates a different set and more number of questions that, where, when, why, how) that we took into per sentence than their system. consideration, we defined three sets of rules. Each of the three rule sets further contains a total of ten 3 Why Relative Clauses? rules, backed by linguistic principles. Each rela- tive pronoun or relative adverb in the sentence is In complex sentences, relative pronouns or rela- first checked for a set of requirements before get- tive adverbs perform the function of connecting ting fed into the rules. Depending upon the relative or introducing the relative clause that is embed- pronoun and relative adverb and the type of rela- ded inside the matrix clause. Examples of these in tive clause (restrictive or unrestrictive), questions English include who, whom, which, where, when, are generated. We present an example of one out how, why, etc. An interesting thing about both of the ten rules from each of the three rule sets in relative pronouns and relative adverbs is that they the next section. carry unique information on the syntactic relation- ship between specific parts of the sentence. For 5.1 Rule Set 1. example, consider the following sentence in En- We know that the relative pronoun (RP) modi- glish: fies the object of the root of the matrix sentence. I am giving fur balls to John who likes cats. Before feeding the sentence to the rule, we first In this sentence, the relative pronoun who mod- check the sentence for the tense and aspect of the ifies the object of the root verb give of the matrix root verb and also for the presence of modals and sentence. At the same time, it acts as the subject auxiliary verbs (aux). Based on this information, of the relative clause likes cats, which it links the we then accordingly perform do-insertion before matrix clause with. In this paper, we aim to ex- Noun Phrase (NP) or aux/modal inversion. For a actly exploit this structural relationship to generate sentence of the following form, with an optional questions, thereby adding to the pool of questions Preposition Phrase (PP) and RP who that precedes that can be generated from a given sentence. One a relative clause (RC), of the key benefits of using the information from NP (aux) Root NP (PP)+ {RC} relative pronouns and relative adverbs is that we The rule looks like this: are not likely to go wrong with the wh-word, as RP aux NP root NP Preposition? we fetch it from the relative clause itself to gen- Hence, for the example sentence introduced in erate the question. This gives our system an edge the previous section, we get the following question 154
using the first rule: relative pronouns and adverbs that we listed in the Who/Whom am I giving fur balls to? previous section. In representation of the rules, we follow the general linguistic convention which is to put round 6 Evaluation Criteria brackets on optional elements and ’+’ symbol for There is no standard way to evaluate the output multiple possible occurrences of a word or phrase. of a QG system. In the current paper, we go 5.2 Rule Set 2. with manual evaluation, where 4 independent hu- man evaluators, all non-native English speakers The next understanding about the relative pronoun but proficient in English, give scores to questions or adverb comes from the relative clause it intro- generated from the system. The scoring schema is duces or links the matrix sentence with. The rel- similar to one used by (Agarwal et al., 2011) albeit ative pronoun can sometimes act as the subject of with some modifications. To judge syntactic cor- the verb of relative clause. This forms the basis for rectness, the evaluators give a score of 3 when the rules in the second set. questions are syntactically well-formed and natu- After checking for dependency of the RP, which ral, 2 when they have a few syntactic errors and should be noun subject (n-subj) to the verb in the 1 when they are syntactically unacceptable. Sim- relative clause, we then check the tense and as- ilarly, for semantic correctness, the raters give a pect of the relative clause verb and the presence of score of 3 when the questions are semantically modals and auxiliary verbs. Based on this infor- correct, 2 when they have a weird meaning and mation, we then accordingly perform do-insertion 1 when they are semantically unacceptable. Un- or modal/auxiliary inversion. For a relative clause like (Agarwal et al., 2011), we test the fluency and of the following form, with the relative pronoun semantic relatedness separately. The former tells who, us how natural the question reads. A question with {matrix } RP (aux/modals)+ RC verb (NP) many embedded clauses and adjuncts is syntacti- (PP)+ cally acceptable, but disturbs the intended purpose The rule looks like this: of the question and, hence, should be avoided. RP do-insertion/aux/modal RC verb (NP) For example, a question like Who is that girl who (Preposition)? works at Google which has its main office in Amer- Taking the same example sentence, we get the fol- ica which is a big country? is syntactically and lowing question using the second rule: semantically fine, but isn’t as fluent as the ques- Who likes cats? tion Who is that girl who works at Google? which 5.3 Rule Set 3. is basically the same question but is more fluent. The evaluators give a score of 1 for questions that The relative pronoun modifies or gives more in- aren’t fluent and 2 to the ones that are. Lastly, eval- formation on the head of the noun phrase of the uators rate the questions for how unique they are. preceding sentence. This forms the basis to rules Adding this criteria is important because questions in the third set. Before feeding the sentence to this generated for academic purposes need to cover rule, we first check the tense of the relative clause different aspects of the sentence. This is why if verb along with its number agreement. We do this the generated questions are more or less alike, the because English auxiliaries and copula carry tense evaluators give them a low score on distribution or and number features and we need this information variety. For a well distributed output, the score is to insert their correct form. For a sentence of the 2 and for a less distributed one, it is 1. The evalua- following form: tors give a score of 0 when there is no output for a NP (aux/modals) Root NP RP (aux)+ RC given sentence. The scores obtained separately for verb (NP) (PP)+ syntactic correctness, semantic adequacy, fluency The rule looks like this: and distribution are used to compare the perfor- RP aux Head of NP? mance of the two systems. Taking the first example sentence, from the previ- ous sections, we get the following question using 7 Evaluation the fourth rule: Who is John? We take sentences from the Wikipedia corpus. Out In a similar fashion, we define rules for all other of a total of 25773127 sentences, 3889289 sen- 155
tences have one or more relative pronoun or rel- from the sentence itself, we nearly eliminate ative adverb in them. This means that sentences the possibility of generating a sentence with a with relative clauses form roughly 20% of the cor- wrong wh-word. From the example comparison pus. To conduct manual evaluation, we take 300 in Figure.2, we can see that the output of both sentences from the set of sentences with relative the systems is the same. However, our system clauses, and run ours and Heilman’s system on generates the correct wh-word for the generated them. We give the questions generated per sen- question. tence for both the systems to 4 independent human evaluators who rate the questions on syntactic cor- rectness, semantic adequacy, fluency and distribu- tion. 8 Results The results of our system and comparison with Heilman’s is given in Figure 1. The ratings pre- sented are average of ratings of all the evaluators. Figure 2: Wh-Word: Our system performs better than Heil- Our system gets 2.89/3.0 on syntactic correctness, man’s system at fetching the correct Wh-word for the given input. 2.9/3.0 on semantic adequacy, 1.85/2.0 in fluency and 1.8/2.0 in distribution. On the same met- By exploiting the unique structural relationships rics, Heilman’s system gets 2.56, 2.58, 1.3 and between relative pronouns and relative adverbs 1.1. The Cohen’s kappa coefficient or the inter with the rest of the sentence, we are able to cover evaluator agreement is 0.6, 0.7, 0.7 and 0.7 on different aspects of the same sentence. Also, by syntactic correctness, semantic adequacy, fluency eliminating unwanted dependencies, we ensure and distribution respectively, which indicate that the system generates fluent questions. See reliability. The overall rating of our system is 9.44 Figure 3 for a reference example. out of 10 in comparison of Heilman’s which is 7.54. Figure 1: Evaluation scores: Our system performs better than Heilman’s system on all of the given criteria; syntactic correctness, semantic adequacy, fluency and uniqueness. Figure 3: Fluency: As compared to Heilman’s system, our system generates more fluent questions for the given input. 9 Discussion Since Heilman’s system does not look deeper On all the four evaluation criteria that we used into the internal structural dependencies between for comparison, our system performs better than different parts of the sentence, it fails to generate Heilman’s state-of-the-art rule based system, reasonable questions for most cases of complex while generating questions from complex English sentences. Our system, on the other hand, exploits sentences. Let us take a look at some specific such dependencies and is, therefore, able to input example cases to analyze the results. First handle complex sentences better. See Figure 4 for of all, by fetching and modifying the wh-word 156
a reference example of this case. Lastly, there is a course cues. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on In- restriction put on the length of the input sentence novative Use of NLP for Building Educational Appli- cations, page 19. in Heilman’s system. Due to this, there is zero or no output at all for complex sentences that are Husam Ali, Yllias Chali, and Sadid A. Hasan. 2010. very long. Our system, however, works well on Automation of question generation from sentences. Proceedings of QG2010: The Third Workshop on such sentences also and gives reasonable output. Question Generation, pages 58–67. Tahani Alsubait, Bijan Parsia, and Ulrike Sattler. 2015. Ontology-based multiple choice question generation. KI - Knstliche Intelligenz, 30(2):183188. Jonathan C. Brown, Gwen A. Frishkoff, and Maxine Eskenazi. 2005. Automatic question generation for vo- cabulary assessment. Proceedings of the conference on Human Language Technology and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing - HLT 05. Yllias Chali and Sadid A. Hasan. 2015. Towards topic- to-question generation. Computational Linguistics, 41. M Chi. 1994. Eliciting self-explanations improves un- Figure 4: Complex Sentences: Our system is able to han- derstanding,. Cognitive Science, 18(3):439477. dle the given highly complex sentence better than Heilman’s system. Xinya Du, Junru Shao, and Claire Cardie. Learning to ask: Neural question generation for reading compre- hension. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of 10 Conclusion the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1. This paper presented a syntax, rule-based system Charles J. Fillmore. 1968. The case for case. Emmon that runs on dependency parse information from W. Bach and Robert T. Harms, editors, Universals in Linguistic Theory. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, page 188. the Spacy parser and exploits dependency relation- ship between relative pronouns and relative ad- Patrick J Finn. 1975. A question writing algorithm. verbs and the rest of the sentence in a novel way Journal of Reading Behavior, 7(4). to automatically generate multiple questions from Melinda D. Gates. 2008. Generating reading compre- complex English sentences. The system is sim- hension look back strategy questions from expository ple in design and can handle highly complex sen- texts. Masters thesis, Carnegie Mellon University. tences. The evaluation was done by 4 independent Michael Heilman. 2011. Automatic factual question human evaluators who rated questions generated generation from text. from our system and Heilman’s system on the ba- Michael Heilman and Noah A. Smith. 2009. Ques- sis of how syntactically correct, semantically ad- tion generation via overgenerating transformations and equate, fluent and well distributed or unique the ranking. questions were. Our system performed better than Matthew Honnibal and Mark Johnson. 2015. An im- Heilman’s system on all the aforesaid criterion. A proved non-monotonic transition system for depen- predictable limitation of our system is that it is dency parsing. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference only meant to generate questions for sentences that on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Process- contain at least one relative clause. Such sentences ing, pages 1373–1378, Lisbon, Portugal. Association for Computational Linguistics. form about 20% of the tested corpus. Hidenobu Kunichika, Tomoki Katayama, Tsukasa Hi- 11 Acknowledgments rashima, and Akira Takeuchi. 2004. Automated ques- tion generation methods for intelligent english learning We acknowledge the support of Google LLC for systems and its evaluation. Proc. of ICCE2001, page this research, in the form of an International Travel 11171124. Grant. Chin-Yew Lin. 2008. Automatic question generation from queries. References Ming Liu, Rafael Calvo, and Vasile Rus. 2012. G- asks: An intelligent automatic question generation sys- Manish Agarwal, Rakshit Shah, and Prashanth Man- tem for academic writing support. Dialogue & Dis- nem. 2011. Automatic question generation using dis- course, 3(2):101124. 157
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